A thermo-optic tunable filter based on a silicon double ring resonator is designed and fabricated for use in an external cavity tunable laser. The double ring resonator has a footprint of 700 μm×400 μm and a tuning range of 16 nm. By applying current to microheaters placed on top of the rings, the resonant wavelengths of the rings can be shifted via the thermo-optic effect in silicon. Simulation shows the tuning efficiency is 0.56 nm/mW due to the Vernier effect produced by the double rings. The device is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer using electron beam lithography and dry etching. It will be integrated into an external cavity tunable laser for
A thermo-optic tunable filter based on a silicon double ring resonator is designed and fabricated for use in an external cavity tunable laser. The double ring resonator has a footprint of 700 μm×400 μm and a tuning range of 16 nm. By applying current to microheaters placed on top of the rings, the resonant wavelengths of the rings can be shifted via the thermo-optic effect in silicon. Simulation shows the tuning efficiency is 0.56 nm/mW due to the Vernier effect produced by the double rings. The device is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer using electron beam lithography and dry etching. It will be integrated into an external cavity tunable laser for
A thermo-optic tunable filter based on a silicon double ring resonator is designed and fabricated for use in an external cavity tunable laser. The double ring resonator has a footprint of 700 μm×400 μm and a tuning range of 16 nm. By applying current to microheaters placed on top of the rings, the resonant wavelengths of the rings can be shifted via the thermo-optic effect in silicon. Simulation shows the tuning efficiency is 0.56 nm/mW due to the Vernier effect produced by the double rings. The device is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer using electron beam lithography and dry etching. It will be integrated into an external cavity tunable laser for
A thermo-optic tunable filter based on a silicon double ring resonator is designed and fabricated for use in an external cavity tunable laser. The double ring resonator has a footprint of 700 μm×400 μm and a tuning range of 16 nm. By applying current to microheaters placed on top of the rings, the resonant wavelengths of the rings can be shifted via the thermo-optic effect in silicon. Simulation shows the tuning efficiency is 0.56 nm/mW due to the Vernier effect produced by the double rings. The device is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator wafer using electron beam lithography and dry etching. It will be integrated into an external cavity tunable laser for
822 PIERS Proceedings, Guangzhou, China, August 2528, 2014
Thermally-tuned Silicon Double Ring Resonator for External Cavity
Tunable Laser Lei Ding, Xianxin Jiang, Chang Yang, and Jian-Jun He State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation Centre for Integrated Optoelectronics, Department of Optical Engineering Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China Abstract We designed and fabricated a thermo-optic tunable lter based on silicon double ring resonator for external cavity laser. The footprint of the device is 700 m400 m. The tuning range is about 16 nm and the tuning eciency of the device is estimated to be about 0.56 nm/mW, owing to the Vernier eect. 1. INTRODUCTION Silicon photonics has been considered a promising technology for 21st century [1]. To date, silicon photonic devices can be wafer scale produced on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform, which are compatible with standard complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology [16]. SOI materials system has the inherent high-index contrast between the Si-SiO 2 (n = 2.03) with strong light connement in the Si core [1, 2]. The high n permits to sharp bends and small sizes, thus, allowing the miniaturization of passive optical devices and leading to high-density photonic integrated circuits. The SOI optical devices oer the potential for integration with CMOS electronics in order to achieve monolithically integrated optoelectronic systems [3]. For the past decade, many research groups have demonstrated many silicon devices to process optical signals, such as coupling systems from optical bers to optical waveguides, tunable lters and high-speed modulators [4]. These devices have been mainly focused on two major physical eects, namely, electro-optic and thermo-optic eects [5]. The electro-optic eect has the advantage of low-loss and low-power with relatively fast response time, but it required large drive voltages and tuning range is small. On the other hand, the thermo-optic eect is inherently lossless, which can be utilized to eciently tune devices with negligible insertion loss. In addition, silicon has a relatively high thermo-optic coecient (1.8610 4 /K) [6], which allows for wavelength tuning and switching with relatively low power. The only shortcoming of these devices is slow response time [7]. Heating of photonic devices for the utilization of the thermo-optic eect has been widely used with integration of micro-heater close to the silicon device, which can reduce the optical absorption by the metal [5]. In this paper, we present a thermally-tuned silicon double ring resonator (DRR) based on Vernier eect for hybridly integrated external cavity tunable laser. It contains cascaded double rings on SOI with micro-heaters on the top, as schematically depicted in Figure 1. The Vernier eect is an eective approach to realizing a wide tuning range. This paper is organized as follows. In the second section, the thermal tuning of the device is mathematically analyzed. In the Section 3, the fabrication of the device is discussed. In the Section 4, the external cavity tunable laser employing the double-ring lter is presented. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in Section 5. 2. THERMAL-TUNING DESIGN In our design, we used the thermo-optic eect in silicon, which has a relatively high thermo-optic coecient, causing a large shift of the resonant wavelength. A change of the eective index n e results in a shift of the resonant wavelength = n e /n g [8]. Here, n e , n g are the eective refractive index and the group index, respectively. The height and width of the waveguide are designed to be 250 nm and 500 nm, respectively, which was chosen for TE single-mode operation at wavelength = 1550 nm. For one ring resonator, the variation of eective refractive index of about 0.02 is achieved when the temperature changes by 100 K, corresponding to a wavelength shift in the order of 8.4 nm, which is shown in Figure 2. To achieve thermo-optic eect, we used micro-heater. The structure of the micro-heater is shown before in Figure 1. Here, the micro-heater is placed on top of the waveguide and is separated from the waveguide by a SiO 2 upper-cladding layer, which can reduce the optical loss. The micro-heater Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2528, 2014 823 Figure 1: Schematic demonstration of the device. Figure 2: Variation of eective refractive index and resonant wavelength shift when the temperature changes. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3: (a) Temperature distribution at the cross-section of the waveguide when an electrical current of 6 mA is applied on the micro-heater. (b) Temperature variation of the waveguide when applying current in the micro-heater. (c) The resonant wavelength shift when dierent currents are applied on the micro-heaters. has shape, which conducts most of the heat along with the ring waveguide and connes the heat to reduce thermal crosstalk. Heat transport in the device is numerically simulated based on the heat-transport equation, as follows [5]: (kT) + c T t = q s (1) Here, k, c and are the thermal conductivity, heat capacity and density of the material, respectively; q s and T are the density of the heat power generation and the temperature, respectively. Using the nite-element method, the temperature distribution in the waveguide is calculated with applying 6 mA current as shown in Figure 3(a). When applying dierent current in the micro-heaters, a temperature variation is induced in the waveguide as shown in Figure 3(b). The free spectral ranges (FSRs) of the two racetrack ring resonators are designed to be 400 GHz and 500 GHz, respectively. In Figure 3(c), the black line is the transmission spectrum under room temperature when no electrical current is applied. The FSR of the double-ring lter is 16 nm. When 6 mA current is applied in the micro-heaters of the two resonators simultaneously, the resonant wavelength shifts by 2.4 nm, as shown by the blue line. When 6 mA current is applied in the micro-heater of the larger resonator alone, the resonant wavelength shift is 12 nm, as shown in the red line. The wavelength tuning is amplied ve times by the Vernier eect. The tuning range is limited by the FSR, which is about 16 nm. The resistance of micro-heaters of the double rings are 500 , 590 , respectively. When 6 mA is applied on each of the two micro-heaters, the total power consumption is about 39.2 mW and the tuning range is the same as the case with one ring resonator. The tuning eciency in this case is about 0.06 nm/mW. With 6 mA is applied on the larger ring alone, the total power consumption is only 21.3 mW and the tuning eciency increases to about 0.56 nm/mW, owing to the Vernier 824 PIERS Proceedings, Guangzhou, China, August 2528, 2014 eect. 3. FABRICATION The device in this work was fabricated on SOI wafer with a 250 nm silicon top layer and a 3 m buried oxide (BOX) layer. The fabrication process comprises three steps with three dierent pho- tolithographic mask layers: a waveguide layer and two metal layers. The waveguide layer was fabricated by means of electron-beam lithography using ma-N 2405 photoresist to pattern the sam- ples on the SiO 2 mask, followed by dry etching of SiO 2 and Si. Figure 4(a) shows the cross-section of the etched waveguide. The total height includes the waveguide height and the thickness of the SiO 2 mask. The ring structure and the coupler section are shown in Figure 4(b). After etching and photoresist cleaning, a one-micron-thick layer of silicon dioxide is deposited as an upper-cladding layer by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). (a) (b) Figure 4: SEM images of (a) the waveguide cross-section and (b) the ring structure and the coupler section. The metal was deposited in two steps using contact photolithography. The rst step was pho- tolithography of the micro-heaters and 100 nm Nichrome metal deposition, followed by lift-o. The second step consisted of photolithography of contact pads and Ti/Pt/Au (20 nm/20 nm/400 nm) deposition, followed by second lift-o. Table 1 shows the design parameters used in the fabrication of the device. The footprint of the device is 700 m400 m. Table 1: Designed parameters for the fabricated device. Waveguide cross-section Coupling regions Radii Micro-heaters Contact pads Width Height 500 nm 250 nm Gap Coupling length 300 nm 16 m R 1 2 R 17.5 m 23.2 m Material Thickness Width Nichrome 100 nm 3 m Material Thickness Width Ti/Pt/Au 20 nm/20 nm/400 nm 150 m 4. EXTERNAL CAVITY LASER Using this double ring resonator as a wavelength-tunable lter, a III-V/SOI external cavity tunable laser with narrow emission linewidth is designed, which is schematically shown in Figure 5. The laser consists of an InP based gain chip, the DRR and a free-space transmission section. The latter uses graded-index lenses to couple the gain chip with the DRR, constructing a long external cavity. The double ring resonator is used for laser mode selection. And the laser emits from the front facet of the gain chip. The fabrication of the device is currently in progress and the results will be reported later. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2528, 2014 825 Figure 5: Schematic diagram of external cavity tunable laser. 5. CONCLUSION In this work, numerical simulation of heat transport in micro-heater is presented for the study of thermal tuning of the silicon double ring resonator. The tuning eciency of the device is estimated to be about 0.56 nm/mW, owing to the Vernier eect. The fabrication process of the device is discussed, and a design concept of external cavity tunable laser is presented. REFERENCES 1. 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