Bone Regeneration in Dentistry

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24 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2011; 8(3): 24-28

Bone regeneration in dentistry

Paolo Tonelli
Marco Duvina
Luigi Barbato
Eleonora Biondi
Niccol Nuti
Leila Brancato
Giovanna Delle Rose
Department of Public Health, Section of Dentistry,
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Address for correspondence:
Paolo Tonelli DMD/MD
Department of Public Health
Section of Dentistry
Viale Morgagni n 85
50134 Florence, Italy
Phone: +39 055 415598 /411798
Fax: +39 055 411798
The edentulism of the jaws and the periodontal disease re-
present conditions that frequently leads to disruption of the
alveolar bone. The loss of the tooth and of its bone of sup-
port lead to the creation of crestal defects or situation of
maxillary atrophy. The restoration of a functional condition
involves the use of endosseous implants who require ade-
quate bone volume, to deal with the masticatory load. In such
situations the bone need to be regenerated, taking advan-
tage of the biological principles of osteogenesis, osteoin-
duction and osteoconduction. Several techniques combine
these principles with different results, due to the condition
of the bone base on which we operate changes, the surgi-
cal technique that we use, and finally for the bone metabolic
conditions of the patient who can be in a state of systemic
osteopenia or osteoporosis; these can also affect the result
of jaw bone reconstruction.
KEY WORDS: osteoporosis; edentulism; guided bone regeneration.
The loss of the tooth causes the resorption of the alveolar bone (1).
As to stop the stimulus induced by the periodontal ligament, the ve-
stibular cortical bone is subjected to resorption and the marrow com-
ponent of the alveolous gradually disappeared (2-4). The conse-
quence is the change of the morphology of the alveolar ridge, whi-
ch, in limited form for number of teeth lost, configure the degree of
the alveolar defect and by extension, condition of more pronoun-
ced atrophy (5). The gradual disappearance of the alveolar process
involves the reduction of sagittal size and then vertical size of the
jaws, as described firstly by the classifications of Cawood and Howell
(6) and then by Misch and Judy (7) leading to a subversion of in-
termaxillary relations and functional abnormality which makes in-
competent the two dental arches.
Preserving as restoring a sufficient bone volume to support the pro-
sthetic load, and also the insertion of the dental implant as a sup-
port for prosthesis, requires the use of surgical protocols that ena-
ble the bone regeneration on the deficient sites, using the princi-
ples of osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction.
The jaw bone will respond to these protocols in a very subjective
way because of the bone site to be restored, of the operative pro-
tocol and the general bone conditions which are sometimes defi-
ciency because of osteopenia or osteoporosis.
The different conditions of decreased bone jaw can be corrected
with clinical protocols associating biological principles of bone re-
generation. However, the volume of regenerated bone has to sup-
port the masticatory forces transmitted by the implant, with different
results for each jaw and for patients different metabolic conditions.
These will be briefly considered.
Biological Principles
Osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction are the biolo-
gical principles that offer the possibility to regenerate lost bone vo-
The first one allows the use of autologous bone: osteoblastic cel-
ls and Haversian systems of the grafted bone fragment will be re-
placed by newly formed bone from the walls of the recipient bed (8).
The osteoinduction enables migrations and proliferation of connectival
undifferentiated cells in the site to be regenerated. This potential dif-
ferentiation is conditioned by the presence of growth factors (GF)
on the site (9).
The osteoconduction is the ability of a material to operate as a scaffold
to guide the tissue regeneration. The material will also partially be
replaced by newly formed cells (10).
Several techniques allow the application of these principles. The re-
sults change for quantity and quality and depending on the type of
principle that is used. In fact, within the jaw bone can be exploited:
the repair, guided repair and regeneration.
The repair is the formation in a bone defect of a part of connecti-
ve tissue formed by cells and fibroblasts, which in part will be re-
placed by osteoblasts that will deposit an osteoid matrix that will os-
sify (11). However, the volume of regenerated tissue will be lower
than expected (12) for the interference of non osteocompetent cel-
The guided repair uses the principle of resorption/substitution of a
osteointegrated biomaterial with new-bone. The result will depend
on the features of osteoconductive grafted material and provide a
tissue in which tracks of the same will long remain (13). The rege-
neration is limited to the implementation of undifferentiated connective
cells present in the site to be regenerated by appropriate clinical so-
lution which isolate the site (14), or to the bone formation obtained
from autologous vital material inserted into the defect.
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Operative protocols
Several techniques allow restoring lost alveolar bone with forma-
tion of stable bone matrix (Table 1).
Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR): it allows, through the use of re-
sorbable or non-resorbable membrane, the filling of a defect through
the guided growth of only osteogenetics strains and preventing the
invasion of non-osteogenetics tissues which are competitive with
the bone itself (15, 16). Among the devices used to isolate the de-
fect, in addition to the membranes, we have also the grids that al-
low you to keep the space needed for bone formation avoiding the
collapse of soft tissue (17). The widespread use of resorbable mem-
branes free of mechanical consistency has meant that these defects
will be filled from osseointegrative biomaterials used as support (18).
Use of growth factors (GF): this are glycoproteins with autocrine and
paracrine function that grafted in the site, recruit and multiply the
osteocompetent cellular strains. For the clinical use the platelet-rich
plasma (PRP) (19, 20) and the platelet rich fibrin (PRF) (21) are used
as autologous materials obtained from the patients blood by cen-
trifugation (22); we can use also bone morphogenetics proteins
(BMPs) obtained by genetic engineering (OP-1). All these factors
may be included alone or together with a biocompatible material ac-
ting as support (23), so that their action is prolonged for a few days.
We can distinguish between the graft materials: autologous graft
(autograft), homologous graft (allograft), heterologous graft (xeno-
graft) and alloplastic graft.
The autologous bone is the gold standard because it contains the
three properties. Depending on the size of the defect is used to har-
vest intraoral or extraoral. The grafted material maintains the cha-
racteristics of embryological site of origin: bone density, which ma-
tures on the site reflects that principle (24).
The allograft is provided by the tissue banks in various formulations
as sticks, granules or paste. This is an osteoconductive material that
provides mechanical properties even in large defects (25).
The heterologous material, that has bovine or equine origin, is a non-
stoichiometric apatite less resorbable, which does not resist to the
traction forces and to the masticatory load (26, 27).
The alloplastic are osteointegrative materials with a different degree
of resorption; they have biomechanical properties; they are partially
replaced in bone remodeling based on their size and porosity (28).
The surgical procedures for the grafting materials are: the fixation
of graft of sticks or bone particulate rigidly to the atrophic base or
the filling of defects with bone particles. For defects of the superior
alveolar process we can use the mini or large maxillary sinus lift with
the crestal or lateral surgical approachor and for the sagittal defi-
ciency of the site we can use the distraction osteogenesis.
The aim of the bone regeneration is to insert the titanium implant
in its context. This alloplastic insert, whose rough and porous sur-
face (29) allows osteointegration with the bone tissue (30, 31) and
it will provide the prosthetic support solution for the clinical case.
The bone metabolism and the atrophy of the jaws
These protocols should take into consideration the patients osseous
metabolic condition. In fact, there are systematic conditions of osteo-
penia and osteoporosis which may also be reflected in the maxil-
lary area (32). These diseases can be linked to regressive states
(post-menopausal, senile) or secondary to osteomalacia, hyper-
parathyroidism, disendocrinopatie, metabolic disorders (33).
These clinical disorders include preservation of bone mass but in
the marrow and in the cortical component we can note a less pro-
duction of the osteoid matrix, a slow mineralization of the same, a
trend accelerated remodeling with fracture of the trabeculae of less
caliber (34).
The diagnosis of these conditions is not easy with the radiological
diagnostic equipment as intraoral-radiograph and panoramic ra-
diograph, even if you can get more information with Computer To-
mography (CT). While the biochemical investigation is useful both
in the initial assessment of patients undergoing these treatment pro-
grams, both in advanced stages of investigation for more complex
There are several tests that, in case of suspected osteoporosis, you
can make in the first phase or, when the information obtained from
these initial biochemical investigations are not conclusive, in the se-
cond phase (Table 2) (35).
With regard to maxillary osteoporosis most of the authors agree that
the skeletal osteoporosis and the maxillary osteoporosis are often
associated (36) but we dont exclude situations where there are ge-
neral conditions of osteoporosis, osteopenia, that dont involve the
bone level of the jaws impact and on the contrary. Taguchi (76) no-
tes the correlation between mandibular bone resorption and de-
creased vertebral bone density; Drage (77) by analyzing densito-
metry vertebrae, femurs and maxillary and comparing them, find only
correlation between the mandible and the femur or vertebrae.
Currently Oral Surgeon is in possession of numerous instruments
which, using basic biological principles, allow adequate jaw bone
volume rehabilitation to insert an osseointegrated implant, able to
support a prosthetic restoration.
In literature, regenerative protocols techniques are associated with
a high number of complications (37).
Using a GBR technique, the main complication is flap dehiscen-
ce with infection of the membrane and the grafted material. Jensen
(38) records the need to second surgery to obtain sufficient bone
volume in a percentage of cases ranging between 4.1% and 32%.
The use of resorbable membranes and techniques of horizontal re-
generation have got fewer complications (39).
In autologous bone grafts the main complication of the receiving site
is always the flap dehiscence associated with graft infection (40),
but in these cases we also have to consider the donor site com-
plications. Grafts more associated to post-operative problems are
those from iliac crest and chin, while the less ones are those from
mandibular ramus and calvaria crest. Although calvaria graft pro-
vides an optimal bone quantity and quality, it is difficult to be accepted
by patients (41, 42).
Surgeon who intends to approach to these regeneration techniques,
certainly must know the implant survival rates in regenerated bone.
Several systematic reviews show with GBR technique, used in ver-
tical and/or horizontal augmentations, an implant survival rate of >
90% (43-47). These studies, however, do not consider numerous
technical variables: it is then necessary to design new studies to as-
sess factors related to the site and the individuality of the patient
in considering the effectiveness and predictability of the GBR (75).
For autologous bone grafts, the implant survival rate varies
between 76% and 100% (46) with worse results for iliac crest bone
compared to calvaria bone or intra-oral grafts (48).
However, given the multitude of techniques and materials existing,
based on our current state of knowledge and on data from the li-
terature, we could assess that there is not scientific evidence to in-
dicate which technique is better (37, 38).
In choosing, clinician and patient must weigh the pros and cons ba-
sed on what are biological and economic costs, and priority
should be given to less invasive techniques, with fewer complica-
tions and reduced treatment time (48).
Failing to reach firm conclusions, regardless of the technique used
to obtain predictable results, it is essential to respect some well esta-
blished principles. Among these are fundamental: stability of the graf-
ted material, primary closure of the flap, the angiogenesis to ensure
the supply of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells (49).
All the regeneration techniques are affected by the bone area in whi-
ch are carried out, ensuring that clinical outcome will be different
by jaws area. In fact, blood supply of the grafted material is influenced
Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2011; 8(3): 24-28 25
Bone regeneration in dentistry
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by site-specific location of the overall bone marrow, which is more
sensitive to regeneration because is more vascularised than the cor-
tical one, less disposed to metabolic exchange.
Misch and Zarb (50) have classified jaw bone density by dividing
cortical and medullary quote in different portions of mandibular and
maxillary bones. Therefore, bone type D1 (cortical thick) is found
in symphysis region; bone type D2 (thick cortical bone and thick me-
dullary bone) in mandibular ramus; bone type D3 (thin and porous
cortical bone and thin medullary bone) across the maxillary arch;
bone type D4 (thin and large trabeculae) in the tuber maxillae.
The possibility of integration of a graft material in addition to the den-
sity parameter depends on the morphology of the residual ridge. This
morphology from a clinical point of view influences the depth of the
vestibule, the tension of the flap and thus the stability of the mate-
rial after the suture (51). The severe reabsorbed edentulous man-
dibular ridge has got all these characteristics in the negative, in con-
trast to the maxillary areas.
Nissan (52) uses to rehabilitate posterior mandibular areas the bloc
grafts fixed with mini screws and protected by a membrane and
shows a grafting success rate of 79.3%. Sbordone (53) shows a re-
sorption of onlay iliac bone graft in block of 42% if placed in the an-
terior maxillae and 59% when placed in the posterior areas of lower
jaw. Calvaria bone graft, instead, is less affected by remodeling phe-
nomena. Smolka et al. (54) reported at one year a graft volume re-
duction of 19.2%.
Keith (55), in dealing with 82 defects, gets a failure rate of 71% with
dehiscence and infections in the posterior lower jaw using homo-
logous bone grafts in block. Things seem to go better in the maxil-
la: Ferri (56) using onlay autologous grafts reports an implant suc-
cess rate of 97%, and he does not report phenomena of site in-
fection, but complain as a major problem the graft resorption.
It could be concluded that the maxillary sites are more receptive to
regenerative therapy especially when consider grafting material in
block rather than in particulates, that could be explained by the lower
blood supply of the atrophic mandibular edentulous ridge (57).
The porous bone while allowing a greater blood supply, promotes
the regeneration techniques because it ensures a better trophism
of the grafted material; at the same time being less dense it has got
the worst mechanical properties and it suffers more the loads tran-
smitted by prosthetic implant (58).
The guarantee of sufficient bone quantity and of a high bone den-
sity is a prerequisite to the biomechanical stability and implant os-
seointegration to maintain over time (59, 60).
A key role in maintaining bone grafted volume is played, however,
by the implant: its active surface is the basis of the metabolic ex-
change processes with bone cells and growth factors that ensure
the functioning of the bone / implant / prosthesis system.
Particularly important is the correct timing of implant surgery: in fact,
drilling regenerated bone after bone grafting, to place the implant,
will promote the disposal of Growth Factors behind the surface that
will be in contact with the insert with a larger proportion of Bone Im-
plant Contact (BIC) (61).
26 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2011; 8(3): 24-28
P. Tonelli et al.
Table 1 - Type of maxillary and mandibular defect and the bone regeneration technique.
Table 2 - Different type of test to investigate osteoporosis in initial clinical phase and in the second phase.
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It is essential, in case we graft a biomaterial, including long waiting
times until could be generated a part of mature vital bone. The type
of biomaterial used affects the maturation of the regenerated tissue:
in the case of autologous bone chips 3-4 months are sufficient for
a 30% vital bone mineralization; in the case of alloplastic material
and of homologous bone particles are needed even more times
Waiting time, however, is indicative and may vary from subject to
subject, and in different sites in the same subject especially in the
presence of osteopenia or osteoporosis, situations in which the bone
metabolism is altered and the formation of vital material will be de-
These diseases are not absolute contraindications for the regene-
ration techniques (63) and the subsequent implant therapy (64), even
if they reported a higher percentage of failures and complications.
Naturally, modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis should be remo-
ved, patient lifestyle should be changed and secondary forms of this
disease should be treated (63).
Currently, a point of particular attention is the possibility, through sy-
stemic and / or local interventions, to promote the mineralization of
regenerated bone by recruiting Vitamin D and Calcium in adequa-
te doses, as expressed by Cooper in 1998 (65).
There are also studies on animal model showing that the admini-
stration of Bisphosphonates such as strontium ranelate, improves
implant stability (66-68, 70). Let us note however that Bispho-
sphonates have been associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw (69)
and before undertaking any therapy, surgical risks should be ca-
refully assessed.
On the same animal model has been shown that treatment with cal-
citonin (71) or simvastatin (73) increases the amount of newly for-
med bone in defects treated with e-PTFE membranes, although sta-
tins according to the mode of administration and dosage, the effects
can be void or against (74). Furthermore, Hormone Replacing The-
rapy seems to prevent the influence that estrogen deficiency exerts
on bone healing in rats without ovary (72). But these are prelimi-
nary results in animal models that need further investigation in or-
der to begin testing on humans in vivo.
Regenerative therapy of atrophic edentulous maxilla is configured
as a real social problem because of the importance of implant-pro-
sthetic therapy. Lack to assess the metabolic conditions of the pa-
tient and its individual parameters is certainly a source of failures.
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28 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2011; 8(3): 24-28
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