Topcat: Data Mining For Topic Identification in A Text Corpus
Topcat: Data Mining For Topic Identification in A Text Corpus
Topcat: Data Mining For Topic Identification in A Text Corpus
Chris Clifton
The MITRE Corporation
Robert Cooley
University of Minnesota
Jason Rennie
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
March 15, 2000
TopCat (Topic Categories) is a technique for identifying topics that recur in articles
in a text corpus. Natural language processing techniques are used to identify key
entities in individual articles, allowing us to represent an article as a set of items.
This allows us to view the problem in a database/data mining context: Identifying
related groups of items. This paper presents a novel method for identifying related
items based on traditional data mining techniques. Frequent itemsets are generated
from the groups of items, followed by clusters formed with a hypergraph partitioning
scheme. We present an evaluation against a manually-categorized ground truth news
corpus showing this technique is eective in identifying topics in collections of news
1 Introduction
Data mining has emerged to address problems of understanding ever-growing volumes of
information, nding patterns within the data that are used to develop useful knowledge. In
particular, on-line textual data is growing rapidly, creating the need for automated analysis.
There has been some work in this area [1, 2, 3], focusing on tasks such as:
Association rules among items in text [4],
Rules from semi-structured documents [5], and
This work supported by the Community Management Stas Massive Digital Data Systems Program.
Work for this paper was performed while authors were at the MITRE Corporation.
Understanding use of language [6, 7].
In this paper the desired knowledge is major topics in a collection; data mining is used to
discover patterns that disclose those topics.
The basic problem is as follows: Given a collection of documents, what topics are fre-
quently discussed in the collection? The goal is to help a human understand the collection,
so a good solution must identify topics in some manner that is meaningful to a human. In
addition, we want results that can be used for further exploration. This gives a require-
ment that we be able to identify source texts relevant to a given topic. This is related to
document clustering [8], but the requirement for a topic identier brings it closer to rule
discovery mechanisms.
The way we apply data mining technology on this problem is to treat a document as a
collection of entities, allowing us to map this into a market basket problem. We use natural
language technology to extract named entities from a document. We then look for frequent
itemsets: groups of named entities that commonly occur together. Beginning with these
frequent itemsets, we then cluster named entities based on their document inter-relations.
This allows us to capture closely-related entities that may not actually occur in the same
document. The result is a rened set of clusters. Each cluster is represented as a set of
named entities and corresponds to an ongoing topic in the corpus. An example is:
ORGANIZATION Justice Department
PERSON Janet Reno
This is recognizable as the U.S. antitrust case against Microsoft. Although not as readable or
informative as a narrative description of the topic, it is a compact, human-understandable
representation. It also meets our nd the original documents criteria, as the topic can
used as a query to nd documents containing some or all of the extracted named entities
(see Section 3.4).
Much of this is based on existing commercial or research technology: natural language
processing for named entity extraction, association rule data mining, clustering of association
rules, and information retrieval techniques. The novelty of TopCat lies in how these disparate
technologies are combined. There are a few key developments that have wider application:
The frequent itemset ltering criteria (Section 3.2.1).
The hypergraph-based clustering mechanism, a more generalizable development of that
proposed in [9] (Section 3.3).
Use of information retrieval measures for clustering of associations (Section 3.5).
Although we only discuss identifying topics in text, these developments apply to any market
basket style data mining problem.
We will next give some background on where this problem originated. In Section 3 we
give details on the TopCat process. The process will be described start to nish, from issues
such as data preparation and cleansing, to the mapping from topics back to documents.
Section 4 describes an evaluation of TopCat on the Topic Detection and Tracking project
[10] corpus of news articles, including an analysis of how TopCat performs compared to a
manually-dened ground truth list of topics.
2 Problem Statement
The TopCat project started with a specic user need. A project called GeoNODE concerns
itself with organizing news in a geographic fashion. Given a sequence of news stories, GeoN-
ODE can produce a world map highlighting the locations that the stories discuss. In order
to do this reliably GeoNODE must identify ongoing topics, since not every story on a topic
explicitly mentions the geographical area in question. This directs us to exactly the problem
at hand: providing some sort of human-understandable organization to a set of documents.
Data mining experiments that we have conducted showed that using association rules can
produce concepts that are identiable as major news topics. This led us to develop a topic
identication mechanism based on data mining techniques.
There are related topic-based problems being addressed. The Topic Detection and Track-
ing (TDT) project [10] looks at two specic problems:
Topic Tracking: Mapping incoming documents to a predened set of topics, using a train-
ing set of documents already classied into topics.
Topic Detection: Recognizing if a new document falls into an existing topic, or belongs in
a new topic.
Our problem is similar to the Topic Detection (clustering) problem, with the following
We must generate a human-understandable label for a topic: a compact identier
that allows a person to quickly see what the topic is about.
Topic identication can be retrospective. We do not have a requirement to identify
each new document/topic as it arrives.
Even though our goals are slightly dierent, the test corpus developed for the TDT project (a
collection of news articles manually classied into topics) provides a basis for us to evaluate
Figure 1: GeoNODE screen shot showing identied topics at lower right.
our work. A full description of the corpus can be found in [10]. For this evaluation, we use
the topic detection criteria developed for TDT2 (described in Section 4). This requires that
we go beyond identifying topics, and also match documents to a topic.
For purposes of using the TDT evaluation criteria, we dene the problem as follows:
Document : word +
TopicID : word +
Data Source:
Corpus : {Document}
Goal: Produce the following functions
TopicList(Corpus) : {TopicID}
Topicmatch(TopicList(Corpus), Document Corpus) : Topicid TopicList(Corpus)
In Section 4, we discuss how TopCat performs against the TDT criteria.
One key item missing from the TDT2 evaluation criteria is that the TopicID must be
useful to a human. This is harder to evaluate, as not only is it subjective, but there are
many notions of useful. We later argue that the TopicID produced by TopCat is useful
to and understandable by a human.
Both the use of natural language processing and term clustering have been studied exten-
sively in the Information Retrieval (IR) domain, usually with the goal of increasing precision
and recall [11, 12, 13]. Natural language processing has been used to automatically generate
concept thesauri, generate document summaries, handle natural language queries, and per-
form feature space reduction for vector space models, as discussed in [14]. Term clustering
has also been used for automatic thesaurus generation, as well as document clustering [15].
However, these techniques have had little use in attempts to understand a collection, as
opposed to individual documents.
Referee 1: On related work, pg. 4, there is a brief discussion of how NLP
and term clustering have been used in the past, and then a comment that the
techniques have had little use in attempts to understand a collections... Exactly
what has been done, and what has not. Whos work is closest to this and how to
they relate to your fundamental research goals? It would also be helpful to have
a very clear statement of the research contributions of this work; this would help
delineate the related work.
3 Process
TopCat follows a multi-stage process, rst identifying key concepts within a document, then
grouping these to nd topics, and nally mapping the topics back to documents and using
the mapping to nd higher-level groupings. Figure 2 gives an overview of this process.
We identify key concepts within a document by using natural language techniques to extract
named people, places, and organizations. This gives us a structure that can be mapped into a
market basket style mining problem.
We then generate frequent itemsets, or groups of named
entities that commonly appear together. Further clustering is done using a hypergraph
splitting technique to identify groups of frequent itemsets that contain considerable overlap,
even though not all of the items may appear together often enough to qualify as a frequent
The generated topics, a set of named entities, can be used as a query to nd documents
related to the topic (Section 3.4). Using this, we can identify topics that frequently occur
in the same document to perform a further clustering step (identifying not only topics, but
also topic/subtopic relationships).
We will use the following cluster, capturing professional tennis stories, as an example
throughout this section.
PERSON Andre Agassi
PERSON Martina Hingis
PERSON Mary Pierce
PERSON Pete Sampras
PERSON Venus Williams
PERSON Marcelo Rios
PERSON Anna Kournikova
This is a typical cluster (in terms of size, support, etc.) and allows us to illustrate many of
the details of the TopCat process. It comes from merging two subsidiary clusters (described
in Section 3.5), formed from clustering seven frequent itemsets (Section 3.3).
3.1 Data Preparation
TopCat starts by identifying named entities in each article (using the Alembic[16] system).
Alembic identies people, locations, and organizations mentioned in the text based on lin-
guistic cues, and identies the type of entity (person, location, or organization) as well as
Treating a document as a basket of words did not work well, as shown in Section 3.1. Named entities
stand alone, but raw words need sequence to be meaningful.
Figure 2: TopCat Process
the name.
This serves several purposes. First, it shrinks the data set for further process-
ing. It also gives structure to the data, allowing us to treat documents as a set of typed
and named entities. This gives us a natural database schema for documents that maps into
the traditional market basket data mining problem. Third, and perhaps most important, it
means that from the start we are working with data that is rich in meaning, improving our
chances of getting human understandable results. We eliminate frequently occurring terms
(those occurring in over 10% of the articles, such as United States), as these are used across
too many topics to be useful in discriminating between topics.
Note that the use of named entities, as opposed to full text, is debatable. It has been
shown that careful feature selection can slightly improve results in text categorization, while
poor feature selection can have a large negative impact [17]. This leaves the question, are
named entities a good form of feature selection?
We tested this on our dataset using Support Vector Machines as classiers [18]. Using
the TDT2 training/development sets as our training and test sets (stemmed using the Porter
stemming algorithm [19], and ltered for a list of common stopwords), we obtained a precision
of 95% for full text categorization, versus 82% for named entity based categorization (the
recall was nearly identical, at 87% and 86% respectively): Full text was better than named
entities. Details of this test are given in [20].
However, for the problem of topic identication, the use of full text is not nearly as clear
cut. We tested TopCat with full text, and found two problems. The rst was with scalability
(the stemmed/ltered full text corpus contained almost 5 million unique word-document
pairs vs. 385,420 named entity/document pairs). On our prototype, we were unable to
generate frequent itemsets at the low levels of support we used with named entities (at 5%
support it took nine hours on full text, and found only a single two-itemset.) We tried a
smaller test set (one week of data), and the TopCat process took approximately one hour
at 2% support. Using named entities from the same data took only two minutes at 0.5%
More critical is the dierence in the quality of the results. Using 2% support and full-
text generated 91 topics, many of which were nonsensical such as (tip, true) and (chat, signal,
insid) or non-topic relationships such as (husband, wife). The named entities, even at lower
support, generated only 33 topics for the week, and none were nonsensical (although some,
such as (Brussels, Belgium), were not topics). Even the best full-text clusters were not that
good; Table 1 shows the Asian Economic Crisis cluster from the full-text and named-entity
versions. We feel the named entity version is just as recognizable, and contains more useful
Although not tested specically on the TDT2 corpus, Alembic and other top Named Entity tagging
systems typically achieve 90-95% precision and recall.
Table 1: Asian Economic Crisis Topic: Full Text vs. Named Entities from One Week of
Full Text Named Entity
analyst LOCATION Asia
asia LOCATION Japan
thailand PERSON Suharto
korea LOCATION China
invest ORGANIZATION International Monetary Fund
growth LOCATION Thailand
indonesia LOCATION Singapore
currenc LOCATION Hong Kong
investor LOCATION Indonesia
stock LOCATION Malaysia
asian LOCATION South Korea
3.1.1 Coreference
One diculty with named entities is that multiple names may be used for a single entity.
This gives us a high correlation between dierent variants of a name (e.g., Rios and Marcelo
Rios) that add no useful information. We want to combine such references before we proceed.
There are two issues involved:
1. How do we identify multiple references to the same entity within a document (as shown
above); and
2. How do we ensure that the same name is used to refer to an entity between documents?
We have tried two approaches. The rst is to nd association rules between items where the
predicted item is a substring of the predictor. This works well for person names, where the
short name is uncommon, but is less eective with organization names.
The second approach makes use of natural language techniques that work within a doc-
ument. We use coreference information generated by Alembic to generate groups of names
within a document (solving problem 1 above). Problem 2 is more dicult. Some choices
clearly will not work (Marcelo Rios is referred to as Marcelo only once in our corpus). How-
ever, choosing the most common version doesnt work either (he is referred to as Marcelo
Rios 82 times, and Rios 264; but there are 73 references to Rios that refer to someone else).
Therefore we use the globally most common version of the name where most groups con-
taining that name contain at least one other name within the current group. Although not
perfect (e.g., three documents referencing Marcelo Rios only as Rios are missed), this does
give a global identier for an entity that is both reasonably global and reasonably unique.
In many cases, this is better than such obvious techniques as using a full name. For
example, Serena Williams is referred to simply as Serena in many articles; the above technique
captures this in choosing a global identier. More sophisticated techniques could be used
(such as a manually-prepared catalog of global names), but we nd this sucient for our
purposes (in fact, the dierence between the above two approaches with respect to the TDT2
evaluation criteria is small).
Although the natural language technique is our primary approach, we also use the asso-
ciation rule based approach with a minimum support of 0.05% and a minimum condence
of 50%. This only results in six additional translations, but as they are relatively frequent
it does aect results. Most are straightforward (e.g., sports team full names versus short
names, such as New York Rangers vs. Rangers); these are frequently abbreviated in short
articles, and thus are missed by the natural-language single document technique. The
only questionable one was a translation of Korea to South Korea; a sample of the documents
aected showed this to be appropriate.
3.1.2 Data Cleansing
In addition to identifying the named entities within each document, several data cleaning
algorithms were applied prior to the knowledge discovery phase in order to increase the
quality of the results. The data cleaning techniques used by the TopCat system, shown in
Figure 3, can be broadly classied into two categories, generic and domain specic. The
generic data cleaning techniques are mostly taken from the Information Retrieval domain,
and include case normalization and a stop algorithm. Since words traditionally found in a
stop list, such as articles of speech and prepositions, have already been removed due to named
entity identication, TopCat uses a simple stop algorithm. The stop algorithm takes a user
supplied upper bound for the percentage of documents that contain any given term (referred
to as document frequency), and removes all terms that have a document frequency greater
than the upper bound. Frequently occurring terms, such as United States, are generally
used across too many subjects to be useful in discriminating between topics; removing these
improved our results. The notion of the document frequency being inversely proportional
to the usefulness or information gain of the term is the basis for Saltons popular TFIDF
(term frequency/inverse document frequency) term weighting scheme [21] that is used in
many Information Retrieval applications.
Figure 3: TopCat Data Cleaning
The domain specic data cleaning steps used by TopCat for the TDT test corpus are
removal of duplicate stories (an artifact of pulling stories o of a newswire, where errors
cause the entire story to be retransmitted) and removal of what will be referred to as compos-
ite stories. A composite story is a multi-topic story that contains brief descriptions or recaps
of stories reported on elsewhere. In the print media domain, composite stories often appear
on the rst page of a section, with brief descriptions of stories contained within the section,
or stories that have occurred across the previous week. If these stories are not ltered out be-
fore the knowledge discovery phase, terms and stories are associated with each other simply
because the events are reported in the same section of the newspaper, or occur over the same
time period. A composite story is dierent from a simple multi-topic story, as the topics
covered in a composite story are generally covered elsewhere in the paper. The heuristic
TopCat uses for identifying composite stories is to look for re-occurring identical headlines.
Any headline that occurs on at least a monthly basis (e.g., BULLETIN) is assumed to be a
composite story and is ltered out.
3.2 Frequent Itemsets
The foundation of the topic identication process is frequent itemsets. In our case, a frequent
itemset is a group of named entities that occur together in multiple articles. What this
really gives us is correlated items, rather than any notion of a topic. However, we found that
correlated named entities frequently occurred within a recognizable topic.
Discovery of frequent itemsets is a well-understood data mining problem, arising in the
market basket association rule problem [22]. A document can be viewed as a market basket
of named entities; existing research in this area applies directly to our problem. We perform
the search directly in a relational database using query ocks[23] technology, allowing us
to incorporate the ltering criteria described below into the search while relying on the
database query processor for many algorithmic issues. One problem with frequent itemsets
is that the items must co-occur frequently, causing us to ignore topics that occur in only a
few articles. To deal with this, we use a low support threshold of 0.05% (25 occurrences in
the TDT corpus). Since we are working with multiple sources, any topic of importance is
mentioned multiple times; this level of support captures all topics of any ongoing signicance.
However, this gives too many frequent itemsets (6028 2-itemsets in the TDT corpus). We
need additional ltering criteria to get just the important itemsets.
3.2.1 Filtering of Frequent Itemsets
The traditional market basket association rule lters are:
support the number (or percent) of baskets that must contain the given rule; and
condence the percent of time that the rule is true (given the antecedent, the consequent
We have already discussed problems with support. Condence overemphasizes common
items as consequents and rare items as antecedents (e.g., Key West = United States).
The consequent in such cases rarely adds much meaning to a topic identier.
We use interest[25], a measure of correlation strength (specically, the ratio of the prob-
ability of a frequent itemset occurring in a document to the multiple of the independent
probabilities of occurrence of the individual items) as an additional lter. This emphasizes
relatively rare items that generally occur together, and de-emphasizes common items. We
select all frequent itemsets where either the support or interest are at least one standard
deviation above the average, or where both support and interest are above average (note
that this is computed independently for 2-itemsets, 3-itemsets, etc.) For 2-itemsets, this
brings us from 6028 to 1033. This is still dependent on the choice of a minimum support;
computing this eciently without a xed minimum support is an interesting problem.
We also use interest to choose between contained and containing itemsets (i.e., any
3-itemset contains three 2-itemsets with the required support.) We dont need to keep the
2-itemsets independently; however, a strong 2-itemset is better than a weak 3-itemset. An
n1-itemset is used only if it has greater interest than the corresponding n-itemset, and an
n-itemset is used only if it has greater interest than at least one of its contained n1-itemsets.
This brings us to 416 (instead of 1033) 2-itemsets.
The diculty with using frequent itemsets for topic identication is that they tend to be
over-specic. For example, the tennis player frequent itemsets consist of the following:
The problems with traditional data mining measures for use with text corpuses have been noted elsewhere
as well, see [24] for another approach.
Type1 Value1 Type2 Value2 Support Interest
PERSON Andre Agassi PERSON Marcelo Rios .00063 261
PERSON Andre Agassi PERSON Pete Sampras .00100 190
PERSON Anna Kournikova PERSON Martina Hingis .00070 283
PERSON Marcelo Rios PERSON Pete Sampras .00076 265
PERSON Martina Hingis PERSON Mary Pierce .00057 227
PERSON Martina Hingis PERSON Serena .00054 228
PERSON Martina Hingis PERSON Venus Williams .00063 183
These capture individual matches of signicance, but not the topic of championship tennis
as a whole. There are also some rules containing these players that are ltered out due to
low support and/or interest; these are locations of matches and home countries of players
(interesting, perhaps, but again relevant to specic matches rather than championship
tennis as a whole.)
3.3 Clustering
We experimented with dierent frequent itemset ltering techniques, but were always faced
with an unacceptable tradeo between the number of itemsets and our ability to capture
a reasonable breadth of topics. Further investigation showed that some named entities
we should group as a topic would not show up as a frequent itemset under any measure;
no article contained all of the entities. Therefore, we chose to perform clustering of the
named entities in addition to the discovery of frequent itemsets. Clustering based on the
partitioning of a frequent itemset hypergraph was chosen for two reasons. First, the method
easily handles the large number of dimensions associated with the text domain. Second, the
method takes advantage of the computational eort already performed by the generation of
frequent itemsets. The hypergraph clustering method of [9] takes a set of association rules
and declares the items in the rules to be vertices, and the rules themselves to be hyperedges.
Since association rules have a directionality associated with each rule, the algorithm combines
all rules with the same set of items, and uses an average of the condence of the individual
rules as the weight for a hyperedge. Clusters can be quickly found by using a hypergraph
partitioning algorithm such as hMETIS [26].
We adapted the hypergraph clustering algorithm described in [9] in several ways to t
our particular domain. Because TopCat discovers frequent itemsets instead of association
rules, the rules do not have any directionality and therefore do not need to be combined
prior to being used in a hypergraph. The interest of each itemset was used for the weight of
each edge. Since interest tends to increase dramatically as the number of items in a frequent
itemset increases, the log of the interest was used in the clustering algorithm to prevent the
larger itemsets from completely dominating the process.
Upon investigation, we found that the stopping criteria presented in [9] only works for
domains that form very highly connected hypergraphs. Their algorithm continues to recur-
sively partition a hypergraph until the weight of the edges cut compared to the weight of
the edges left in either partition falls below a set ratio (referred to as tness). This criteria
has two fundamental problems:
it will never divide a loosely connected hypergraph into the appropriate number of
clusters, as it stops as soon as if nds a partition that meets the tness criteria; and
it always performs at least one partition (even if the entire hypergraph should be left
together.) It can inappropriately partition a group of items that should be left together.
If the initial hypergraph is a group of items that logically belong to a single cluster,
the algorithm will go ahead and partition the items anyway.
To solve these problems and to allow items to appear in multiple clusters, we modied
the algorithm as follows:
hMETIS looks to split the hypergraph into two relatively equal parts while minimizing
the weight of the edges cut. It will allow the number of vertices in each split to be
unequal up to a given unbalance factor, as long as this results in a lower cut weight.
Our algorithm allows hMETIS to use as high an unbalance factor as necessary, with the
restriction that the smallest partition size possible is 2 vertices. (A cluster of one item
is not particularly meaningful.) The algorithm automatically adjusts the unbalance
factor based on the size of the hypergraph to allow for the maximum unbalance. This
prevents a bad split from being made simply to preserve equal partition sizes.
A user-dened cuto parameter is used which represents the maximum allowable cut-
weight ratio (the weight of the cut edges divided by the weight of the uncut edges in a
given partition). The cut-weight ratio is dened as follows. Let P be a partition with
a set of m edges e, and c the set of n edges cut in the previous split of the hypergraph:
cutweight(P) =
A hyperedge remains in a partition if 2 or more vertices from the original edge are
in the partition. For example, a cut-weight ratio of 0.5 means that the weight of the
cut edges is half of the weight of the remaining edges. The algorithm assumes that
natural clusters will be highly connected by edges. Therefore, a low cut-weight ratio
indicates that hMETIS made what should be a natural split between the vertices in
the hypergraph. A high cut-weight ratio indicates that the hypergraph was a natural
cluster of items and should not have been split.
Figure 4: Hypergraph of Tennis Player Frequent Itemsets
Once the stopping criteria has been reached for all of the partitions of a hypergraph,
vertices can be added back in to clusters depending on the user-dened minimum-
overlap parameter. Up to this point in the algorithm, a given vertex can only be a
member of one cluster. Often, there are vertices that could logically belong to several
clusters. For each partial edge that is left in a cluster, if the percentage of vertices from
the original edge that are still in the cluster exceed the minimum-overlap percentage,
the removed vertices are added back in. Overlap for an edge is calculated as follows,
where v is the set of vertices:
overlap(e, P) =
|{v P} {v e}|
|{v e}|
For example, if the minimum-overlap is set to 50%, and 3 of the original 4 vertices of
an edge end up in the same cluster, the 4th vertex is added back in since the overlap
for the edge is calculated to be 0.75. Once this is done, a check is made to remove any
clusters that are a pure subset of another cluster (this often occurs with small clusters
whose vertices are from an edge that is also part of a larger cluster).
For our domain, we found that the results were fairly insensitive to the cuto criteria.
Cut-weight ratios from 0.3 to 0.8 produced similar clusters, with the higher ratios partitioning
the data into a few more clusters than the lower ratios. The hypergraphs that are created
from the tennis player frequent itemsets are shown in Figure 4. Note that in this example,
each hypergraph becomes a single cluster. Cuts are performed before the stopping criteria
is reached. For example in the mens cluster, the Agassi/Sampras and Agassi/Rios links
are cut. However, they are added back in the nal step. The end result is the clusters below.
Figure 5: Hypergraph of New York Yankees Baseball Frequent Itemsets
PERSON Andre Agassi
PERSON Marcelo Rios
PERSON Pete Sampras
PERSON Anna Kournikova
PERSON Martina Hingis
PERSON Mary Pierce
PERSON Venus Williams
The TDT data produced one huge hypergraph containing half the clusters. Most of the
rest are independent hypergraphs that become single clusters. Although the large hypergraph
demonstrates the utility of this method, it is too large to use as an example. One that does
not become a single cluster is shown in Figure 5. Here, the link between Joe Torre and George
Steinbrenner (shown dashed) is cut. Even though this is not the weakest link, the attempt
to balance the graphs causes this link to be cut, rather than producing a singleton set by
cutting a weaker link. This is a sensible distinction. For those that dont follow U.S. baseball,
George Steinbrenner is the owner of the New York Yankees, and Joe Torre is the manager.
Darryl Strawberry and David Cone are star players. Tampa, Florida is where the Yankees
train in the spring. During the January to April time frame, the players and manager were
in Tampa training, but George Steinbrenner had to deal with repairs to a crumbling Yankee
Stadium back in New York thus the end result does reect what is really happening.
3.4 Mapping to Documents
The preceding process gives us reasonable topics. However, to evaluate this with respect to
the TDT2 instrumented corpus, we must map the identied topics back to a set of documents.
We could trace back to the source data, using the fact that frequent itemsets can be tracked
directly to a set of documents. However, this had two problems:
1. a document can be responsible for multiple frequent itemsets, we need to identify a
single topic for each document; and
2. a document may relate to a topic, but not contain the all the entities of any of the
frequent itemsets.
We instead use the fact that the topic itself, a set of named entities, looks much like
a boolean query. We use the TFIDF metric
to generate a distance measure between a
document and a topic, then choose the closest topic for each document. This is a exible
measure; if desired, we can use cutos (a document isnt close to any topic), or allow multiple
Note that this is all done within the database; we never need to refer back to the full
3.5 Combining Clusters based on Document Mapping
Although the clustered topics appeared reasonable, we were over-segmenting with respect
to the TDT ground truth criteria. For example, we separated mens and womens tennis;
the TDT human-dened topics had this as a single topic.
We found that the topic-to-document mapping provided a means to deal with this. Many
documents were close to multiple topics. In some cases, this overlap was common and
repeated; many documents referenced both topics (the tennis example was one of these).
We used this to merge topics, giving a nal tennis topic of:
PERSON Andre Agassi
PERSON Martina Hingis
PERSON Mary Pierce
PERSON Pete Sampras
PERSON Venus Williams
PERSON Marcelo Rios
PERSON Anna Kournikova
The TFIDF weight between a document i and topic t is calculated as follows:[21]
where tf
is the term frequency (number of occurrences) of term k in i, N is the size of the corpus, and n
is the number of documents with term k.
There are two types of merge. In the rst (marriage), the majority of documents similar
to either topic are similar to both. In the second (parent/child), the documents similar to
the child are also similar to the parent, but the reverse does not necessarily hold. (The tennis
clusters were a marriage merge.)
The calculation of these values is actually a bit more complex, as it also takes into account
negative relationships (two marriage topics are not only close to the same documents, but
also far away from the same documents.)
3.5.1 Marriage Relationship Calculation
The marriage similarity between clusters a and b is dened as:
Based on experiments on the TDT2 training set, we chose a cuto of 30 (Marriage
for merging clusters. This value can be adjusted depending on user requirements. Note
that this is not a transitive measure; this could pose a problem where clusters a and b are
marriages, b and c are marriages, but a and c are not. However, since merging clusters is
done by taking a union of the named entities in the two, and there is no requirement that the
topic identiers partition the set of entities, it is not a practical issue (we end up with two
topics instead of the original three). We do merge into a single cluster where such transitivity
3.5.2 Parent/Child Relationship Calculation
The parent child relationship is calculated as follows:
We calculate the parent/child relationship after the marriage clusters have been merged. In
this case, we used a cuto of 0.3 (this was a reasonably easy choice; the highest similarity
was 0.4, and the closest to 0.3 were 0.27 and 0.35 a natural break.) Merging the groups is
again accomplished through a union of the named entities.
Note that there is nothing document-specic about these methods. The same approach
could be applied to any market basket problem.
4 Experimental Results
The TDT2 evaluation criteria is based on the probability of failing to retrieve a document
that belongs with the topic, and the probability of erroneously matching a document to the
topic. These are combined to a single number C
as follows [27]:
= C
+ C
(1 P
|R H(R)|/
|H(R) R|/
|S R|
R is the set of stories in a reference target topic.
H is the set of stories associated with a TopCat-produced topic.
(the a priori probability of a story being on some given topic) = 0.02.
(the cost of a miss) = 1.
(the cost of a false alarm) = 1.
The mapping H(R) between TopCat-identied topics and reference topics is dened to be the
mapping that minimizes C
for that topic (as specied by the TDT2 evaluation process):
H(R) = argmin
(R, H)}
(R, H) = C
(R, H) P
+ C
(R, H) (1 P
(R, H) = N
(R, H)/|R|
(R, H) = N
(R, H)/|S R|
(R, H) is the number of stories in R that are not in H.
(R, H) is the number of stories in H that are not in R.
|X| is the number of stories in the set X of stories.
S is the set of stories to be scored in the evaluation corpus being processed.
Using the TDT2 evaluation data (May and June 1998), the C
score was 0.0062 us-
ing named entities alone, with improvements up to 0.0053 when a selection of keywords
in the categories DISASTERS, TRIALS, VIOLENCE, and US POLITICS were added (as de-
scribed in Section 5. This was comparable to the results from the TDT2 topic detection
participants[28], which ranged from 0.0040 to 0.0129, although they are not directly com-
parable (as the TDT2 topic detection is on-line, rather than retrospective). Of note is the
low false alarm probability we achieved (0.002); further improvement here would be dicult.
The primary impediment to a better overall score is the miss probability of 0.17.
Although the use of keywords did provide some improvement in the scores on the evalua-
tion set, it was not signicant. Only two topics that mapped to evaluation topics contained
keywords; one of these (mapping California primaries to the Unabomber case) was a mis-
take. The other added the terms earthquake and quake to the topic matching the Afghan
Earthquake topic. However, some topics (corresponding to topics not part of the TDT2
list) did include interesting keywords, such as suit to the Microsoft anti-trust case.
The primary reason for the high miss probability is the dierence in specicity between
the human-dened topics and the TopCat-discovered topics. (Only three topics were missed
entirely; containing one, three, and ve documents.) Many TDT2-dened topics matched
multiple TopCat topics. Since the TDT2 evaluation process only allows a single system-
dened topic to be mapped to the human-dened topic, over half the TopCat-discovered
topics were not used (and any document associated with those topics was counted as a
miss in the scoring). TopCat often identied separate topics, such as (for the conict with
Iraq) Madeleine Albright/Iraq/Middle East/State, in addition to the best topic (lowest C
score) shown at the top of Table 3. The TFIDF-based topic merging of Section 3.5 addressed
this to some extent, substantially improving results in the training set. (Interestingly, the
topic merging didnt have a signicant eect on the evaluation set.) Although various TopCat
parameters could be changed to merge these, many similar topics that the ground truth
set considers separate (such as the world ice skating championships and the winter Olympics)
would be merged as well.
The miss probability is a minor issue for our problem. Our goal is to identify important
topics, and to give a user the means to follow up on that topic. The low false alarm probability
means that a story selected for follow-up will give good information on the topic. For the
purpose of understanding general topics and trends in a corpus, it is more important to get
all topics and a few good articles for each topic than to get all articles for a topic.
5 Keywords
Named entities can be very powerful identiers for allowing a human to identify a topic or
event. However, they are not all-encompassing. Named entities can capture questions like
Who? and Where?, but require that we use our background knowledge and inference
capabilities to answer questions such as What? When? and Why? Other words
in documents can answer these questions, but, as has been mentioned before, data mining
techniques have diculty dealing with the unrestricted set of information found in a large
document collection. Named entities are one manageable subset. Another possibility is to
have a human generate a small set of keywords that are related to the sorts of documents
in our corpus. Since we value eciency, we ask for a small set of keywords that can be
quickly generated. An expansive keyword set might require signicant human eort. This
set of keywords provides us with another manageable subset of information. However, this
keyword set is likely to be limited; even though the words may adequately describe the topic
of interest, numerous other words are likely to be used to refer to the same idea. This leads
us to the problem of automatically expanding the keyword list to better represent the full
list of words that might be used to describe the topic.
WordNet [29] is a tool that can help us make use of these keywords without overburdening
the data mining system or asking the human to provide an expansive list of keywords.
WordNet is a semantic network developed by George Miller at Princeton University that
has mapped out a signicant portion of the English language in a hierarchical lexicon. It
includes linkages that we are all familiar with, such as synonyms and antonyms, along with
more powerful, yet lesser known relations, such as hypernyms and hyponyms. A hypernym is
a word that is more general than another word. Similarly, a hyponym is a word that is more
specic. For example, we can say that vehicle is a hypernym of automobile and that couch
is a hyponym of furniture. By exploiting these relations, we can expand a set of keywords
to include related words that were not part of the original keyword set. WordNet has
been continually honed and improved during the 14 years of its existence and now includes
relations for over 100,000 word forms. The hyper/hyponym noun hierarchy is the most
developed portion of WordNet and will be the portion that we rely upon for our expansion
Although no such collection could possibly be complete, WordNet holds an expansive
amount of knowledge about the human language. Given a term such as politician, it can
tell us that a politician is a type of leader and that Democrats and Republicans are types of
politicians. It might be dicult to locate a document on U.S. politics using simply the query
politician. Words such as Democrat, Republican and leader can allow us to match more related
documents (increase recall) without much damaging the specicity (decrease precision) In
the next few paragraphs, we describe how WordNet is used for the keyword expansion task
and provide some experimental evidence that WordNet is a viable resource for expanding a
set of keywords to better represent the corresponding topic.
While WordNet is a great repository of knowledge, it is not a panacea for the keyword
expansion problem. The knowledge that it stores was constructed by humans without any
underlying mathematical model. Thus, some of the symmetry that one might expect, such
as equal semantic distance between links, do not hold. Since we know that WordNet is a
valuable resource, we have spent time determining which of its aspects are most useful for the
task of keyword expansion. As a result of this work, we have developed the following three
heuristics for controlling the aspects of WordNet that should be used in keyword expansion:
1. A word, sense pair given by a WordNet relation should be added to the expanded
keyword list only if the sense is the most common one for that word.
2. A hypernym relation should be used only if the hypernym is at depth 5 or below.
3. A hyponym relation should be used only if there are no more than 15 hyponyms for
the corresponding keyword.
We nd the basis for our rst heuristic in the word sense disambiguation (WSD) literature.
This literature is often closely tied to WordNet because it is the only large scale, well-known,
publicly available lexicon that describes interconnections between individual senses of words.
Many WSD papers, such as [30], [31] and [32] use WordNet and the Brown corpus [33] (the
document base used to construct WordNet) as a foundation for their evaluations. One
observation that has been made in the WSD literature is that words are used to mean their
most common sense about 80% of the time. Since it would not be realistic to expect our
document corpus to be sense disambiguated, we do not want to expand our keyword set
with words that are likely to retrieve irrelevant documents. For example, WordNet gives the
sixth sense of force as a synonym for violence. Since force is more commonly used to refer
to a powerful eect or inuence, we would not want to expand violence with a word such
as force. Since we cannot expect that the search corpus could be fully disambiguated, this
heuristic limits the degree to which we add misleading words to the keyword set.
The WordNet hyper/hyponym relations form a set of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). In
order to gain some understanding of the structure, we assign these designated root words a
depth of 1. We then dene the depth of any word to be one plus the depth of its shallowest
hypernym. Using this denition, a word such as as clothing a depth of 5. After conducting
informal keyword expansion experiments, we determined that larger semantic leaps are most
commonly found near in shallower regions of each DAG. We performed hyper/hyponym
expansions on the topic statement for 20 TREC queries and qualitatively evaluated each
expansion word for relevance. As low as depth 4 we found fairly misleading hypernyms,
such as clothing @ covering. Hence, we decided to only allow hypernym expansion for
words below depth 5 (hypernyms below depth 4). It should be noted that the WordNet
hyper/hyponym hierarchy is quite expansive and runs many levels deep. Of the 35 hypernyms
that we considered for inclusion in the expanded keyword set, 23 were at or below depth 5.
Table 2: Performance with Keywords
Data Used Story weighted Topic weighted
CDET Miss False CDET Miss False
Named entities only .0062 .19 .0025 .0089 .32 .0025
Base keywords .0056 .20 .0016 .0088 .36 .0017
Expanded keywords .0053 .20 .0014 .0076 .31 .0014
Just as hypernym relations can provide us with words that can misrepresent the given
topic, so too can hyponym relations. To reduce the possibilities of adding such a word to
our expanded keyword list, we restrict the set of hypernym relations that we are willing
to consider. When a word has a small handful of hyponyms, it is likely that those words
are closely related to the topic at hand. However, when the word has a large number
of hyponyms, it is more likely that some of those words are misleading. Clothing has 29
hyponyms and is a perfect example of where this problem strikes. Many are words that
would be useful for further expanding a topic related to clothing, but some may signicantly
alter the topic at hand. One such misleading hyponym of clothing is G-string. An altavista
search on G-string leads us to lingerie, porn and music, hardly what one would think of
given a topic of clothing. In order to restrict such occurrences, we decide to not expand the
hyponym relations of words that have more than 15 hyponyms. This heuristic will help our
expansion from blowing out of proportion.
These heuristics give us a set of rules that should give us a fairly robust. For example,
given the keyword set president, U.S., WordNet keyword expansion yields President of the
United States, President, Chief Executive, head of state, chief of state, United States, United
States of America, America, US, USA, U.S.A., North American country, North American nation,
obviously a signicant improvement in breadth without the sacrice in precision that one
might nd in other keyword expansion techniques.
In order to evaluate this keyword expansion technique, we have run experiments on the
TDT data according to standard evaluation metrics. Table 2 lists the results from such
experiments using the named entities only, using the keywords and named entities (base
keywords) and using the expanded keywords and named entities (expanded keywords).
As one can see, using a short list of keywords and our heuristic keyword expansion technique
both improve the overall CDET score. Most impressive are the topic weighted results,
where the additional expansion words reduce the CDET score by 14%
. Hence keyword
expansion does improve, indicating that keyword expansion can expand our topic coverage
without drawing in irrelevant or tangential ideas.
Lower CDET scores are better
Figure 6: Types of Relationships
6 Constructing Hierachies of Topics
The relationships described in Section 3.5 were developed to further coalesce the generated
topics. However, a more important use is to construct hierarchies. Although work has been
done in classifying documents into hierarchies [34], construction of the hierarchies has been
a manual process.
These relationships capture two dierent types of overlap between topics. The marriage
relationship occurs when there is a high degree of overlap between the documents. The par-
ent/child relationship happens when one topic is a subset of another. A graphic description
of the types of relationships is given in Figure 6.
We had 47 pairs with similarity greater than 30 for the marriage relationship in the TDT
data. Most consisted of two topics, however one each contained three, ve, and six topics;
reducing the total number of topics by 36. The largest of these merges the various weather
forecasters (originally individual topics) into the single group showin in Table 3.
The two examples with highest similarity are:
Topic Topic Similarity
LOCATION United Arab Emirates PERSON Abdullah
ORGANIZATION Mets PERSON Bernard Gilkey 204
PERSON Valentine PERSON Carlos Baerga
The Parent/Child relationship gave 16 pairs with a similarity greater than 0.3 in the
TDT data. These are divided into 7 hierarchies. The highest similarity three groups are
shown below (note that the India/Pakistan topic has two children):
Parent Child Similarity
ORGANIZATION Congress PERSON Dick Gephardt 0.55
ORGANIZATION White House PERSON Newt Gingrich
PERSON Newt Gingrich
LOCATION Islamabad ORGANIZATION Congress Party
LOCATION New Delhi LOCATION Islamabad 0.42
LOCATION Pakistan PERSON Nawaz Sharif
A display developed for the GeoNODE project capturing Parent/Child relationships is shown
in Figure 7. This is taken from a collection of broadcast news, covering a longer period than
the TDT data. Moving the mouse over a node shows the mnemonic for that topic, allowing a
user to browse the relationships. The node size captures the number of documents associated
with the topic.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
We nd that the identied topics are not only reasonable in terms of the TDT2 dened
accuracy, but also are understandable identiers for the subject. For example, the most
important three topics (based on the support of the frequent itemsets used in generating the
topics) are apparent from Table 3. The rst (Iraqi arms inspections) also gives information
on who is involved (although knowing that Richard Butler was head of the arms inspection
team, Bill Richardson is the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and Saddam Hussein is the leader
of Iraq may require looking at the documents; this shows the usefulness of being able to
access documents based on the topic identier.) The third is also reasonably understandable:
Events in and around Yugoslavia. The second is an amusing proof of the rst half of the
adage Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.
The clustering methods of TopCat are not limited to topics in text, any market bas-
ket style problem is amenable to the same approach. For example, we could use the hy-
pergraph clustering and relationship clustering on mail-order purchase data. This extends
association rules to higher-level related purchase groups. Association rules provide a few
highly-specic actionable items, but are not as useful for high-level understanding of general
patterns. The methods presented here can be used to give an overview of patterns and trends
of related purchases, to use (for example) in assembling a targeted specialty catalog.
Figure 7: Display of Relationships found in Broadcast News
Table 3: Top 3 Topics for January through June 1998
ORGANIZATION Security Council
PERSON Saddam Hussein
PERSON Richard Butler
PERSON Bill Richardson
LOCATION Anchorage
LOCATION Caribbean
LOCATION Great Lakes
LOCATION New England
LOCATION Northeast
LOCATION Northwest
LOCATION Ohio Valley
LOCATION Pacic Northwest
LOCATION Southeast
PERSON Byron Miranda
PERSON Karen Mcginnis
PERSON Meteorologist Dave Hennen
PERSON Valerie Voss
LOCATION Macedonia
LOCATION Yugoslavia
PERSON Slobodan Milosevic
PERSON Ibrahim Rugova
ORGANIZATION Kosovo Liberation Army
7.1 Computation Requirements
Our implementation of TopCat is designed to test the concepts, and not performance. We
have used research software designed for exibility, not performance. In particular, all but
the named entity tagging and hypergraph clustering are implemented in SQL and run on
a transaction-oriented commercial database. Thus these times should be viewed as extreme
upper bounds on the computational requirements. However, for those interested, we give
some ideas of the times required (all times an a Sun Ultra1/140):
Named Entity Tagging Alembic tagged the entire 144MB TDT2 corpus in under 21
hours. However, the machine was heavily used during some of this time, so this num-
ber is high. A gure of 128KB/minute would be more appropriate. However, Alembic
is a research tool for applying machine learning techniques to identifying concepts in
data, and is not optimized for performance. Commercial named entity tagging software
exists that would do better.
Coreference mapping The coreference mapping procedure described six hours 49 minutes.
As this is not a central feature of this work, and others are working on better ways
of doing cross-document coreferencing, we have not worried about the expense of this
Frequent itemset computation Computing frequent itemsets to 76 minutes. However,
this could easily be improved using highly optimized commercial data mining tools
(TDT2 has 1.5 million named entities and 65000 documents an easy task for com-
mercial market basket association rule tools).
Hypergraph clustering The hypergraph clustering step took just under 5 minutes on the
TDT2 data.
TFIDF-based cluster merge The TFIDF-based merging of clusters took 67 minutes. Al-
though we found this necessary to get reasonable results on the TDT2 training data,
we nd that the results obtained without this step are meaningful to humans, even if
they are more specic than the human breakdowns of topics in the TDT2 testbed (this
was validated on the TDT2 evaluation set.) This step would be primarily of interest
for developing the topic hierarchies in Section 6.
Although the total process is computationally expensive, the most expensive parts are data
preparation: Named entity tagging and cross-document coreference computation. These
need only be done once per document. The actual topic identication process is done more
frequently: it is often interesting to manually dene a subset of the corpus (e.g., a specic
range of dates), then identifying topics within that subset; or identifying new topics and
changes to existing topics as new articles are loaded. In addition, the most expensive part
of the topic identication, computing frequent itemsets, can be signicantly improved by
raising the support threshold if the goal is to identify only the 5-10 most important topics
in a corpus, this is eective. A practical application of TopCat would involve continuously
loading/tagging data as a background process. Given this, topic identication while not
truly interactive could easily be fast enough to be done on demand whenever a corpus
subset of interest is identied.
7.2 Future Work
One key problem we face is the continuity of topics over time. There are two issues here:
Performance: Can we incrementally update the topics without looking at all the old
data? The data mining community is addressing this for association rules (for two
examples, see [35] and [36]); this should apply directly to TopCat.
New knowledge: How do we alert the user when something interesting has changed?
We nd the latter issue to be the greater challenge. There are two types of changes: New
topics, and new information added to a topic. For frequent itemsets, this is feasible. One
approach would be to identify when a new frequent itemset is a result of documents that
contributed to an old frequent itemset, with some new documents giving support to a change
(new information added to the itemset), or a result of documents that did not previously sup-
port an itemset (a new itemset). However, carrying this through the hypergraph partitioning
/ clustering is a dicult problem.
Another issue is the type of information to use. We have shown that using all words is
not appropriate, but extracting more information should help. As information extraction
technology advances, we will be able to make use of information other than named entities
and user-provided keywords. For example, the Alembic project is working on extracting
events. How to best make use of this information is an open question. For example, grouping
events into types (as we did with keywords) may or may not be appropriate.
We have talked about how we map documents into the market basket model using named
entities. However, what the named entity processing really gives us is a typed market basket
(e.g., LOCATION or PERSON as types.) We have made little use of the types, but their
presence could be benecial. Another possibility is to use generalizations (e.g., a geographic
thesaurus equating Prague and Brno with the Czech Republic) in the mining process[37].
As the extracted information becomes richer, these issues will increase in importance. Fur-
ther work on expanded models for data mining could have signicant impact on data mining
of text.
We would like to thank Marc Vilain, David Day, and other members of the MITRE Alembic
team for their work in Information Extraction. We would also like to that Robert Hyland
and others of the GeoNODE project for making use of TopCat, and providing the displays
shown in Figures 1 and 7.
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