Mechanical Properties of Precast Reinforced Concrete Slab Tracks On Non-Ballasted Foundations

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Scientia Iranica A (2012) 19 (1), 2026

Sharif University of Technology

Scientia Iranica
Transactions A: Civil Engineering
Mechanical properties of precast reinforced concrete slab tracks on
non-ballasted foundations
M. Madhkhan
, M. Entezam
, M.E. Torki
Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, P.O. Box 8415683111, Iran
Civil group, Department of Engineering, Bou-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, P.O. Box 651744161, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, P.O. Box 1136511155, Iran
Received 3 January 2011; revised 27 September 2011; accepted 19 November 2011
Slab track;
Precast concrete;
Non-ballasted foundations;
Optimum slab width;
Full-size slabs;
FEM analysis.
Abstract This article deals with the mechanical properties of steel-reinforced concrete precast slab tracks
on non-ballasted elasto-plastic foundations. To work out the spanning behavior of slab tracks, a FEM
analysis was executed for discrete and continuous systems. At first, full-size slabs without foundation
including solid and hollow-core specimens (with 30% weight reduction) were tested under centric static
(monotonic) line loads, and loaddeflection curves were extracted. Then, FEM results for zero foundation
stiffness were verified with those of experiments, which were in good agreement. Original results include
the effects of several parameters on the cracking load, ultimate load, and energy absorption of slabs placed
on elasto-plastic foundations including the slab width, concrete tensile strength and load factor. Analyses
revealed that mechanical properties in hollow-core sections are not so different from those in solid ones,
and thus hollow-core sections are more efficient because of significant weight reduction.
2012 Sharif University of Technology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The application of non-ballasted railways, especially in
tunnels and bridges, has been extended widely because of
reducing the height of railways, reducing maintenance and
total costs, increasing the service life of the railway, facilitating
higher train velocities, and increasing the lateral strength of the
railway [1,2]. Non-ballasted track systems can be constructed
in two basic ways: in-situ and precast. For a long time, greater
attention has been directed towards precast systems for many
reasons including very high quality and rapidity of construction
and more trustworthiness of mix design [3].
The study of reinforced concrete slabs, either alone or placed
on elastic foundations, has received increasing research. Among

Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 311 3913851.

E-mail address: (M. Madhkhan).
those available, is the work done by Falkner and Teutsch, who
tested concrete slabs on foundations made of rubber and cork,
by applying monotonic loads to the center point [4]. They
found satisfactory agreement between the loaddeflection
curves obtained from experiment and those from finite-
element analysis. Charles et al. analyzedslab tracks by modeling
them as concrete slabs on elastic foundations using ABAQUS
finite-element models [5]. They could finally figure out the
effect of foundation stiffness, distance between fasteners and
slab width on the maximum deflection and maximum stress
developed in the slab. Considering the mechanical properties
of slab tracks, Esveld suggested placing reinforcement at the
top and bottom of the section, in order to undergo maximum
tension [6]. The use of Expanded Poly-Styrene (EPS) under slab
tracks in high-velocity railways was proposed by the same
researcher, in order to reduce the dead weight of the system
and, finally, to minimize the cost of stabilizing the foundation
soil [7]. Zwarthoed et al. used 1% reinforcement to design slab
tracks [8]. They deduced that this reinforcement percentage
is sufficient to resist the applicable loads for foundations
with stabilized and improved (high-quality) soil. A number
of parametric studies on the mechanical properties of slab
tracks on non-ballasted foundations have been worked out
in the Iranian Ministry of Routes and Traffic [9]. The results
expressed that the foundation stiffness (known as Foundation
Modulus) has the most significant effect on all parameters
including internal forces, stresses and displacements. It was
1026-3098 2012 Sharif University of Technology. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Peer review under responsibility of Sharif
University of Technology.
M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026 21
also gathered that the properties as the moment of inertia of
the rails do not markedly influence those parameters, but lead
to more homogeneous distribution of loads on the slab. The
design criteria for the vertical vibration of ballast-less slab track
systems were assessed by Steenbergen et al. [10]. They used
the classic beam-on-elastic-foundation model to evaluate the
vibrations induced on the system by high-speed trains, and
demonstratedthat for highfrequencies, increasing slabstiffness
is the best way to control vertical vibrations, while for low
frequencies, improving the sub-system soil is preferable [10].
Wanming et al. predicted the ground-induced vibrations of
slab tracks by using an interactive train-track-ground model.
They deduced that the interaction between the rail and the
wheel caused by track irregularities is significantly effective
on ground acceleration and less effective on its displacement.
For frequencies above 40 Hz, ground vibrations induced in
ballast-less systems were foundto be muchhigher thanthose in
ballasted tracks [11]. A 3D multi-body finite boundary element
was used by Galvn et al. to study the vibration in ballast-
less slab tracks due to High-Speed Trains (HST). They studied
three types of load: quasi-static excitations (forces generatedby
moving loads), parametric excitations due to discrete supports
of the rails, and those due to wheel and rail roughness and
track unevenness. They also showed how effective a floating
track would be to strictly reduce vibration in surface tracks [12].
An analytical model was developed for predicting the ground
vibration caused by moving trams on slab tracks by Real
et al. This model was developed, based on the wave equation,
and was solved in the frequency domain by means of the
Fourier transformation. Effects of harmonic and static loads and
vibrations, due to loads distributed by different axles, were
taken into account in this research [13].
To the best of the authors knowledge, work on the me-
chanical properties of reinforced concrete slab tracks on non-
ballasted foundations is meager. In the present work, attention
is focused onthe case of using steel reinforcement inslab tracks.
2. Research methodology
At first, solid and hollow-core full-scale precast slab tracks
were made to extract loaddeflection curves. The second stage
of the article contains parametric studies including the effects
of different factors on the mechanical properties of precast
slab tracks, such as cracking and ultimate loads, and energy
absorption. This stage was aimed at evaluating the efficiency of
hollow-core slab tracks to find out the extent to which weight
reduction (by almost 30%) changes the mechanical properties,
and whether the design becomes more economic in hollow-
core sections. Since it is not convenient to make real models for
slab tracks on elastic foundations at the laboratory, FEMmodels
were made for this purpose based on the models defined
by Barros and Figueiras [14]. To ensure the accuracy of FEM
analyses, results corresponding to zero foundation stiffness
were compared to those obtained from experiments, and were
in very good concurrence. Finally, the real behavior of slab
tracks on elastic foundations, before and after cracking, was
studiedby applying monotonic loads inFEMmodels. The results
can be used as a benchmark.
3. Spanning behavior
In order to distinguish the practical loading scheme on slab
tracks, as well as avoid superfluous calculations, the spanning
behavior of slabtracks must be evaluatedat first. Tothis end, the
Figure 1: The loads applied to the system considering the dynamic effect.
Figure 2: (a) Longitudinal, and (b) lateral moment distribution of moments in
a slab track with k
= 50 MN/m
and 2.5 m width.
distribution and magnitudes of positive and negative moments
along and across the slab, and positions of the beginning and
propagation of cracks were investigated. To do so, the width,
length and thickness of slabs were considered as 2.5, 1.2 m,
and 215 mm, respectively. The 2.5 mwidth was obtained as the
optimum width, for which the absolute amounts of maximum
positive andnegative moments are equal. The distance between
fasteners was taken 600 mm [5,14,15]. The Shell element with
6 degrees of freedomat each node was used to model the slabs;
A 3D Beam element was used to model the rails, and springs
with nonlinear behavior were used for modeling the fasteners.
The loads consisted of dead and live loads, considering the
impact induced by moving trains, lateral loads on curves, and
longitudinal forces caused by the braking and acceleration
of trains, all calculated or taken in accordance with the UIC
code [16]. To calculate the dead load, the volumetric mass of
concrete was considered 2400 kg/m
. The loads, due to the
braking and acceleration of trains, are equivalent to 1/7 times
the weight of the train. Also, the lateral load applied on the
railway was obtained as 38.3 kN [13].
Considering the impact influence, the most critical loading
pattern, according to Ref. [17], is shown in Figure 1. In
the models, the elasticity modulus and Poisson ratio were
taken as 20 GPa and 0.17 for concrete, and 200 GPa and
0.3 for steel rails, respectively. The stiffness of fasteners was
considered to be 40 kN/mm, and the distance between them
was taken as 600 mm. The foundation modulus was taken to
be 50 MN/m
[5]. The maximum moments and deflections
occur under concentrated wheel loads. Figure 2 demonstrates
longitudinal and lateral moments under the loading pattern
22 M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026
(a) Initial cracking on the middle of the upper face. (b) Development of tensile cracks and lateral cracking initiation
under the load points.
(c) Further development of lateral cracks. (d) Further development of lateral cracks in zone C.
Figure 3: Stages of cracking in discrete systems.
of Figure 1. It can be obviously seen that lateral moments are
greater than longitudinal moments. Further analyses proved
that the spanning behavior remains one-way in inelastic zones,
i.e., after cracking initiation. The cracking pattern in discrete
and continuous systems is shown in Figures 3 and 4. Therefore,
both discrete and continuous systems have one-way spanning
behavior, and thus slab tracks can be precast instead of made in
situ. For design purposes, minimum reinforcement is required
for the longitudinal direction, and reinforcement should be
calculated only for lateral moments.
M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026 23
Figure 4: Stages of cracking in continuous systems.
Figure 5: The setup of the bending test with centric load.
4. Experimental procedure
In order to study the mechanical properties of reinforced
concrete slabs, 22 cylindrical specimens with 150 mmdiameter
and 300 mmheight were made for compressive strength, and 2
precast slabs with 21.20.215 mdimensions were produced
in the Deesman Prefabrication Factory in Isfahan for final loading
tests. One of the slab tracks was solid and the other was hollow-
core with 30% weight reduction. The thickness in all models
was considered to be 215 mm, which is almost equal to the
200 mm thickness put forward in [9]. The steel reinforcement
was designed according to ACI318-99 [18]. All specimens were
cured for two days in a steam tunnel with 60 C temperature.
4.1. Compressive strength
The average cylindrical compressive strength of all speci-
mens was 50.8 MPa, with a standard deviation of 0.8 MPa.
Figure 7: Details of solid and hollow-core cross sections.
4.2. Load vs. deflection curves
As stated in Section 3, slab tracks have one-way spanning
behavior. On the other hand, slab tracks with 1.5 m width are
devoid of negative moment. Thus, 1.5 m is the critical amount
of slab width (this is why experimental specimens had 1.5 m
width). Using displacement control, the slabs were put under
monotonic load until fracture, according to the idea put forward
by Moeen and Nemgeer stated in UIC [16]. The bending test
setup is shown in Figure 5, and the fractured specimen is shown
in Figure 6. Also, the details of solid and hollow-core slab cross
sections are shown in Figure 7.
The required reinforcement for the slabs was calculated
using the moment obtained from FEM analysis. Thus, for the
slab with 1.2 m width and 215 mm thickness, 912 was
used as the bottom reinforcement, according to ACI318-99.
Since the positive moment is small, we can use the minimum
reinforcement set forth in ACI, i.e 512 at the top. Figure 8
shows the loaddeflectioncurves for slab tracks reinforcedwith
steel bars. The values of cracking and ultimate loads for the
solid specimen were P
= 106 kN, P
= 246.75 kN, and
those for the hollow-core specimen were P
= 71.6 kN, P
239.25 kN. It can be obviously seen that the solid specimen has
a greater ultimate load, more ductility and energy absorption.
However, the elastic zones in the two types of specimen are
coincident up to a large extent, i.e. up to 3 mmdeflection. Using
the load combination put forward in AASHTO [19], the factored
load applied on the fasteners will be obtained as 157 kN, which
is much lower than the load corresponding to the 30 mm
deflection. Therefore, the same design may be used for hollow-
core sections.
5. Theoretical modeling
At first, the material properties are explained as follows:
Figure 6: Reinforced slabs after fracture.
24 M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026
Figure 8: Loaddeflection curves of slabs reinforced with steel bars.
Figure 9: The tensile stressstrain model used in the analyses for plain
5.1. Concrete
5.1.1. Compressive stressstrain curve
To define the stressstress pattern of concrete, Eq. (1) was
used [14]:

1 +(/
, (1)
where is the stress, is the strain, E
is the concrete Youngs
modulus, and
is the strain corresponding to maximumstress.
According to Timoshenkos relation, we can use Eq. (2) for


= 2f

. (2)
To make sure of the correctness of the stressstrain model, we
consider f

as the average compressive strength of all reinforced
cylindrical 150 300 mm specimens, i.e. 58 MPa. With this
will be approximately 0.003 [21].
5.1.2. Tensile stressstrain curve
Since the models proposed by Barros and Figueiras are
similar to the models defined in the present research, the
simplified tensile stressstrain relation shown in Figure 9
was used, except that the cracking stress was used based on
experimental outcomes instead of that proposed by Barros and
Figueiras [14]. As seen in Figure 9, plain concrete is supposed to
damage immediately after initial cracking.
Figure 10: Tensile stressstrain curve for steel bars.
Figure 11: The schematic model of discrete systems on foundation.
5.2. Steel bars
The tensile stressstrain curve for steel bars is shown in
Figure 10. The corresponding element in the models was the
Link element.
5.3. Slab track foundation
The schematic model of the slab on foundation is shown in
Figure 11. The concrete slabs were modeled using the Solid
element to extract the loaddeflection curves, and both Solid
and Shell elements (with 6 degrees of freedom at each node)
to obtain the cracking moments and elastic moments under
service loads. The foundations were modeled using the Combin
element. The dimensions of FEM slab tracks were identical to
those of experimental specimens.
The foundation considered by Barros and Figueiras was cork,
whose mechanical behavior is shown in Figure 12 [14]. The
same model was used for the foundations in this research. In
Figure 12, P and a are the forces and displacements of the
foundation, respectively.
6. Results and discussion
The loaddeflection curve for the slab reinforced with steel
bars is shown in Figures 13 and 14 for solid and hollow-core
sections, respectively. The effect of k
on the loaddeflection of
solid and hollow-core slabs with 2.5 m width reinforced with
steel bars is shown in Figures 1518. The following results can
be drawn.
M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026 25
Figure 12: Mechanical behavior of the foundation.
Figure 13: Comparison of FEMand experimental loaddeflection curves of the
reinforced solid slab.
Figure 14: Comparison of FEMand experimental loaddeflection curves of the
reinforced hollow-core slab.
6.1. Loaddeflection curves for slabs without foundation
Figures 13 and 14 show that the mean values of the
cracking load for solid and hollow-core sections obtained
from the experiment were 106 and 71.6 kN, respectively. The
corresponding values from FEM analysis were 108 and 73 kN,
Figure 16: Effect of k
on the loaddeflection of solid slabs reinforced with steel
bars with 2.5 m width.
Figure 17: Effect of k
on the loaddeflection of hollow-core slabs reinforced
with steel bars with 2.5 m width.
Figure 18: Comparison between the energy absorption of reinforced solid and
hollow-core specimens for zero foundation stiffness.
respectively. Thus, the agreement between the two results is
satisfactory and the defined models are quite realistic.
Figure 15: The models relating to the effect of k
on the loaddeflection curve. (a) Dimensions used in the model; and (b) deflection considered in the curves.
26 M. Madhkhan et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 19 (2012) 2026
6.2. Loaddeflection curves for slabs on foundation
As seen in Figure 15b, the loads are applied on four points.
The dimensions used in the models concerning the effect of
are shown in Figure 15a. The slab width was considered
as 2.5 m, since previous analyses proved that the optimum
width, for which the positive and negative moments are almost
equal, is 2.5 m. = 0 signifies the contraflection point
where the moment is zero. The deflection considered in the
curves is the (average) difference between the deflection(s)
of contraflection point(s) with that of the center point. The
loaddeflection curves for slabs reinforced with steel bars are
shown in Figures 16 and 17. These two figures express that
increasing k
will cause both the cracking and ultimate load to
increase, but decreases the ductility, i.e. the area beneath the
loaddeflection curve. Also, the cracking load, ultimate load,
and ductility of solid slabs are greater than those of hollow-core
slabs. However, the elastic zones in the two types of specimen
are to a large extent coincident. For instance, as shown in
Figure 18, the elastic zones for k
= 0 are coincident up to
30 mm. The case in Figure 18 is the critical case for design
purposes, since the deflection decreases with k
. On the other
hand, using the load combination put forward in AASHTO [19],
the factored load applied on the fasteners will be obtained as
157 kN, which is much smaller than the load corresponding to
the 30 mm deflection. Thus, this deflection never occurs under
typical loads exerted on slab tracks by trains. Therefore, both
types of slab track suffice for design purposes [8,17,19]. In this
case, hollow-core sections are more cost-effective, since their
weight is around two thirds the weight of the solid section.
7. Conclusions
In the present article, the mechanical properties of slab
tracks reinforced with steel bars were evaluated. At first,
the true spanning behavior of slab tracks under the applied
loads was distinguished by working out the finite-element
analysis of discrete and continuous slab tracks; it was figured
out that slab tracks have a one-way spanning behavior. To
assure the real behavior of FEM models, full-size precast
slabs were made and tested under monotonic line loads
to assess the mechanical properties of specimens without
foundation, and were compared with FEM results for zero
foundation stiffness. In the main FEManalyses, realistic models
were made to study the effects of several parameters on
the cracking and ultimate loads of solid and hollow-core
specimens. To extract the loaddeflection curves, monotonic
loads were applied to the models until fracture. It was observed
from the analyses that solid specimens have higher cracking
and ultimate load capacities and higher energy absorption.
However, loaddeflection curves were coincident up to the
linear limit in which the maximum deflection is 3 mm, which
is much larger than the deflection induced by loads exerted by
trains. Thus, the use of hollow-core slabs is more efficacious,
because they weigh about 30% less than solid slabs.
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Morteza Madhkhan is Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil
Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), in Iran from where he
received his B.S. degree. He received his M.S. degree from Sharif University
of Technology, Iran, and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Lille, France.
His research interests include high-strength and high-performance concrete,
roller compacted concrete (RCC), fiber reinforced concrete, optimum design of
structures and seismic design of precast concrete structures.
Majid Entezam is an M.S. degree graduate in Civil Engineering. He received his
B.S. and M.S. degrees from Bou-Ali Sina University, in Iran, and performed his
experiments at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. His research interests
include fiber-reinforced and high-performance concrete.
Mohammad Ebrahim Torki Harchegani is a M.S. degree graduate of Civil
Engineering. He received his B.S. degree from Isfahan University of Technology,
Iran, and his M.S. degree fromSharif University of Technology, Iran. His research
interests include functionally gradedmaterials, prestressedconcrete structures,
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavements and high performance concrete.

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