Just A Moment: We Live in A World of Time Constraints
Just A Moment: We Live in A World of Time Constraints
Just A Moment: We Live in A World of Time Constraints
Kyle Bolton 993-3520
Bill Tankersley 993-8977
Chad Landman 652-4252
Hector Cruz 993-0009
Talitha Liggett 359-3597
Wayne Cozart 359-5467
Glenn Hardison 359-5997
David Jent 359-5217
Don Ledford 359-3310
Lee Morrison 359-2142
Steve Allen 359-4616
Kenneth Bailey 993-2159
Grover Collins 359-5386
Matt Ervin 637-1830
Greg Hardison 703-4231
Joel Hargrove 652-7143
Robert Hopkins 364-3927
Gary Lancaster 359-5215
Kelly Lane 359-5986
Joe Liggett 359-4929
Ray Wakefeld 359-2328
Cliford Whitaker 637-3507
Britt Wiles 359-7702
Mike Wiles 359-4165
Will Wilson 293-6814
If you are visiting with us, you are our honored guest!
Please fll out a blue visitors card located on the pew in front of you and drop it in
with the collection so we can have a record of your visit.
ORDER OF WORSHIP October 19, 2014
9:00 AM Service 6:00 PM Service
Welcome/Ann Will Wilson Wayne Cozart
Song Leader Bill Tankersley Bill Tankersley
Preacher Kyle Bolton Kyle Bolton
Reading Chris McNutt Kenneth Cole
Scripture 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 James 1:16-17
Prayer Aaron Wiles Lee Morrison
Sermon Just a Moment Hold to Gods Unchanging Hand
Closing Prayer Kevin Stacey Glenn Hardison
Unless the LORD builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain.
PSALM 127.1
Item for the Childrens Home for October: Baked Beans
Oct. 19 Area Wide at Chapel Hill. Bus leaves at 4:30.
Oct. 21 Road Trip to the Yellow Deli in Pulaski, bus will leave at 10:30.
Oct. 24 26 Gospel Meeting at Hickory Heights church of Christ.
Oct. 27 Secret Friends Revealing dinner. Bring a gift for your friend, and
a dish. We will meet at 6:30.
Oct. 29 Trunk or Treat in the parking lot after service.
Bring lots of candy!
Oct. 26 Family First Sunday with Mark Posey. Worship at 9:00.
All adult Bible Classes in auditorium at 10:15, lunch at 11:00 and
evening worship at 12:30. Plan to attend, bring a couple of
dishes for lunch and be sure and invite your friends and family.
Just a Moment
2 Corinthians 4.16-18
We live in a world of time constraints.
Can we even imagine being divorced from the
concept of time?
The world of a child amplifies the present, and diminishes both the future and the past.
This kind of life removes grudges (past) and worries (future).
Is childhood kind of like the Garden of Eden?
Today, life is often measured in increments or moments in time.
Everyone has a certain number of days to live but, we do not know how many.
God is eternal.
Consider the unique testimony of Jesus. (John 8.58)
This is an unusual use of tense He does not say, I was.
God is right now in the days of Abraham and through the end of time.
He does not live a series of sequential moments .
His existence cannot be measured by time .
We cannot comprehend eternity .
God teaches us. (Ecclesiastes 3.11)
He tucks within us a hunch that we are made for forever .
Life is just a moment. (2 Corinthians 4.16-18)
All our troubles are light afflictions to be endured for just a moment.
The brevity of life grants us power to abide,
not an excuse to bail out.
Eternal glory far outweighs everything else!
What about us?
Life is just a moment or mere vapor. (James 4.14)
Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46.10)
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Oct. 19 Roy Holt
Jacob Landman - 3
Oct. 20 Lilli Giles - 2
Billy Mac Sanders
William Tankersley
Marie Williams
Oct. 21 Mike Collins
Oct. 22 Bailey Allen
Mary Louise Osborne
Oct. 23 Miranda Morton
Oct. 24 Laura Giles
Jewel Haislip
Oct. 25 Pat Jent
Remember in Prayer
Ruth Orr, Jack Miller, Morris Mitchell, Neil & Thelma
Holt, Elizabeth Foster, Patsy Spence, Alfred Wakefeld,
Betty Lasater, Jessie Lou Duncan, Ross Beckham, Shirley
McCollum, Joe Liggett
Leslie McKee (niece of Nancy McBee), Emma Lancaster
(mother of BJ Holt) John Roger Roberts, Jr. (grandson of
Mary Ann Roberts), Cora Braden (mother of April
Wilson), Lyla Kate Johnson (granddaughter of Amy
Fuller), James R. Liggett (brother of Joe), Brian Crafton
(brother of Shannon Ledford), Kurt Massey (nephew of
Ruth Orr), Norma Aldridge (sister of Don Ledford), Billy
Willis (husband of Alice Willis), Mary Matheney-Smith
(close friend of Ralphine Derryberry), Joy Daughrity
(mother of Vickie Ezell), Joann Frame (sister of Frances
Burgett), Keith Green (son of Patsy Derryberry), Bud
Haislip (friend of the Morrisons), Sherwin Clift, (son of
the late Margaret Clift), James Jordan, Mike McCollum,
(son of Shirley McCollum), Larry Sharp, (brother in law
of Grover Collins), Hunter Moss, Becky Tedford, (sister
of Pat Jent),
Carlee Barron, Theola Blue, Elizabeth Escue, Sadie
Graves, Virginia Leonard, Tina Montgomery, Margaret
Morton, Ailene Ray, Gayle Reynolds, Alice Willis, Reba
Harwell, Ruby Cathey,
Joetta Bigham, Nona McBride, Mary Neil Vaughn, Elise
Murphy, Ed Lee, Mary Davis, Laquita Weaver, Elmer
Cooke, Betty Ray
Ethel Short, George & Dorothy Phillips, Jane Wiley,
Mai Cavender, David Hardison
Elizabeth Hardison, Betty Carter, Mabel Payne, Alfred
and Lillian Wakefeld, Lucy Tate, John Hargrove
Pat Blackmore, Frances Lamb
Brittany Wilson Leyba, Nate Leyba, Donnie Allen,
Amanda Whitaker Brown, Chris Allen, Mark Allen,
Edwin Lee, Adam Thomas, Logan Tate
Colonet, Mexico; City of Children (Ensenada, Mexico);
World Bible School; Ghana preachers; Zambia jail
ministry; Eastern European Ministry; Inner City Ministry;
AGAPE; Freed-Hardeman University; Heritage Christian;
Fishers of Men; Tennessee Childrens Home; World
Christian Broadcasting
Neely Hopkins and Kaity Ragsdale
came forward on Sunday night asking
for our prayers. Please remember
Neely & Kaity in your prayers.
Our mini-library in Room 13 has
some of the new memorial books
Also check your bookshelves at home
and see if you have any books that
need to be returned to our
Our love and sympathy are extend-
ed to the family of Mr. Billy Davis.
Billy was an employee at the
church for many years and will be
missed very much.
Also to the family of Mr. Milo
Sutherland. His service was on Friday.
October 12, 2014
AM 360*
Hispanic 30
PM 151
Bible Class 284
Summit 3
Wed. Nite 197
Contribution $9,948.60
*includes Hispanic count
Parents Luncheon
November 16
We would like to invite all our youth parents (4th grade
and up) to a special Parents Luncheon on Sunday,
November 16 at 11:30 in the Annex. We will be talk-
ing about the future vision for the youth group here at
Church Street and enjoy the fellowship of other
parents. We would love to hear ideas and solutions to
anything going on in the youth ministry here at Church
Well have food provided, so no need to bring
anything. Well pray and eat at about 11:30.
Mark your calendars and come help us improve the
youth group here at Church Street.
Well see you on November 16th!
Help Wanted!
If you can read and write English,
you have the opportunity to assist in
teaching/helping in the ESL Program
(Spanish Ministry).
No Spanish required!
Just your time and a friendly
Contact Hector Cruz 993-0009
Enjoy some shots from our Fall Break!
We had a great time with Game Night
on Monday, WoW on Wednesday, help-
ing load chairs for Fall Festival, and
heading to Pump It Up on Thursday.
Area Wide at Chapel Hill
Oct 19, Bus leaves at 4:30
Oct 29 after church
Parents Luncheon
November 16, 11:30
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