Chinese business Phrases / Phrasal Verbs Used in business ask a quesion ti wenti Ti Wen Ti break a contract weiyue Wei Yue bring about daili Dai Lai be able to tell kandech"li Kan De Chu Lai be on schedule #nshi An Shi be $ade a sca!egoat beiheigu% Bei Hei Guo be res!onsible &or &
Chinese business Phrases / Phrasal Verbs Used in business ask a quesion ti wenti Ti Wen Ti break a contract weiyue Wei Yue bring about daili Dai Lai be able to tell kandech"li Kan De Chu Lai be on schedule #nshi An Shi be $ade a sca!egoat beiheigu% Bei Hei Guo be res!onsible &or &
Chinese business Phrases / Phrasal Verbs Used in business ask a quesion ti wenti Ti Wen Ti break a contract weiyue Wei Yue bring about daili Dai Lai be able to tell kandech"li Kan De Chu Lai be on schedule #nshi An Shi be $ade a sca!egoat beiheigu% Bei Hei Guo be res!onsible &or &
Chinese business Phrases / Phrasal Verbs Used in business ask a quesion ti wenti Ti Wen Ti break a contract weiyue Wei Yue bring about daili Dai Lai be able to tell kandech"li Kan De Chu Lai be on schedule #nshi An Shi be $ade a sca!egoat beiheigu% Bei Hei Guo be res!onsible &or &
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This document discusses common business phrases and terms used in Chinese related to conducting business, trade, and shipping. Key phrases cover topics like making suggestions, negotiating contracts, marketing products, and international business practices.
Page 1 discusses phrases for asking questions, breaking contracts, predicting outcomes, and being responsible. Page 2 discusses phrases for getting promotions, giving up, bankruptcy, and leaving jobs.
Page 4 discusses terms for foreign trade, imports, exports, products, deposits, and insurance. Page 5 discusses terms for profits, business cards, quantities, qualities, and domestic vs international trade.
Business Chinese Phrases
Chinese Phrases/Phrasal Verbs
Used in business ask a quesion t wnt break a contract wiyu bring about dili be able to !redict liodedo be able to tell kndch"li be on schedule #nsh be $ade a sca!egoat bihigu% be res!onsible &or &'( be returned tu)huli be !articular about *i+ng*i" be in co$!liance with &,h be hiring (h#orn be hard to acce!t nny-*ish.u be occu!ied with $ng(he ! be unable to say &or certain shu%b'(h/n "#$ be thri&ty and econo$ical *iyu % begin to discuss k#ish-t+ol'n &'() break down g'(hng *+ break the law &n&+ ,- carry out *)n0ng ./ cause trouble r1sh) 01 co$!ete with *)ng(hng 23 dis!atch goods &or deli2ery &#hu. 45 distinguish clearly &nq3ng 67 draw u! (h)d)ng 89 declare ta0es boshu) :; entertain guests (h#odikrn <= &all through chu3 le >in&or$al? @ A &ocus on (hu#n03n BC &ound a co$!any *inl)y)*i#g%ngs3 DEFGHI &ill in tin0i1 JK &ind ti$e ch%u sh*in LM get along 0i#ngch/ NO 4a5 get e2enP4b5 calculate sun(hng QR the bill get stock *)nhu. .5 get !ro$oted shng(h ST get in2ol2ed in *u+nr' UV gi2e u! &ngq) WX go on discussing *)0't+ol'n YZ() go bankru!t !.ch+n [\ go all out !3n*)n ]^ go back on one6s word &+nhu- _` guess $istakenly c#icu. ab hand o2er to *i#og1i cd hand o&& one6s work y*i#o ec ha2e no way to co$!are with $i&+b- f-g ha2e a tendency to q3ng0ingy, hij ha2e a change o& heart g+ibin(h/y) klmn ha2e no way w,&+ o- handle business bnsh) p1 hold a $eeting k#ihu) &q inquire about ch0,n rs issue salary &#g%ng(3 4tu kiss ass4lick u! to5 !#i$+!) vwx lay o&& e$!loyees ciyun yz launder $oney 0-qin {| let !ass &nggu. W} lea2e one6s *ob l(h ~T lose out ch3ku3 lose $oney ku3qin7 ku3b1n |P $ake one think o& rng $8urn 0i+ngq- $ake a suggestion ty)*ian n $ake $oney (hngqin | $ake a $ess o& (u.dy3t#h,tu F $ake a $istake &ncu. ,b $ake a contribution g.ng0in $eet with $is&ortune lu.nn not be able to &igure out g+obud8ng # not be u! &or discussion $i+ntn cannot be considered b)ngb'sun #Q o2ercharge sb9 yo*igu.g#o } !ay in ad2ance y'&' !ut in order !ili !lace an order 0id#n !lace i$!ortance on (h'( !ass o2er to b+:9tu3g1i d rise in !rice (h+ng*i rei$burse4a!!ly &or5 bo0i#o : re!ort back hu)bo : to be scolded angrily bi:ch.u$ sell like cra(y $i&ng le >A? send o&&4a good5 &#hu. 45 send o&&4a work$ate5 b#ng:*in0ng / s!end a lot o& thought hu# 03nsi C- s!eed u! *i#kui stri2e &or (hngq/ 3 suddenly occur t"&# 4 suggest ideas ch" (h/y) mn switch *obs tioco take care o&4handle5 b+i!ng trans!ort by air k%ngy'n trans!ort to y'ndo take seriously d#nghush) 1 take action / take an o!!ortunity (hu#(h'*3hu) q talk nonsense 0i#shu% " treat !oorly ku3di < work4&or so$eone5 d+g%ng t Basic Business Chinese Vocabulary &or ;oing <nternational =rade