Aquifer Vulnerability Antamina Mine

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David Evans, Ground Water International, Lima, Peru.

Henri Letient, Compaia Minera Antamina, Lima, Peru

Tom Aley, Ozark Underground Laboratories, Protem, MO., USA

Antamina is a large open-pit copper and zinc
mine located within the Central Andes of Northern
Peru at an altitude of 4300 masl. The facilities are
situated within the headwaters of several watersheds,
within the Amazon basin. Nearby villages rely
heavily on springs and streams for drinking and
irrigation water. The principle source of baseflow
during the dry season is from Cretaceous karstic
limestone aquifers.
Antamina will produce nearly 1.4 billion tonnes
of waste rock over its mine life. Finding suitable
sites for storing large volumes of waste rock is often
a challenging task especially in karstic, alpine
terrain. Detailed hydrogeological investigations are
essential for delineating the karstic hydrogeologic
watersheds associated with the proposed waste
facilities, which are often very different than
topographic (hydrologic) watersheds. Contamination
vulnerability mapping at Antamina consisted of
geological and karst mapping, geophysical surveys,
geochemical testing, dye-tracer studies, drilling and
aquifer testing. Detailed mapping followed by dye-
tracer studies proved to be the most cost-effective
methods for characterizing the karst aquifer systems.
The results were used to optimize waste rock
management at the site to minimize potential
impacts on groundwater resources.

The Antamina copper-zinc mine is located
approximately 270 km due north of Lima within the
Central Andes of Northern Peru, at an altitude of
4300 masl. The mine is situated on the eastern side
of the Cordillera Blanca within the upper catchment
of the Maraon River - a tributary of the Amazon
River (see Figure 1). The Andean belt is a complex
orogenic system containing several cordilleras,
plateaus, basins and valleys. Approximately 10%
percent of the surface area of the Peruvian Andes is
covered by karstic limestones of Cretaceous age.
These uplifted carbonate terrains are host to many
polymetallic ore deposits occurring as porphyry,
skarn, and replacement-type deposits. The waste
facilities associated with these mines are often
located within the same karstic terrains, potentially
putting local (and possibly regional) karstic aquifers
at risk of contamination. Local communities rely
heavily on seeps, springs and rivers associated with
these karstic aquifers for drinking water and
irrigation water. Protecting the water resources in
the areas of waste facilities has become one of the
main priorities and challenges of the environmental
department at Antamina.

Figure 1. Location Map

The contamination vulnerability of these
aquifers needs to be assessed well in advance of
mine development. The degree of risk with respect
to development of mine waste facilities depends on
the permeability and depth of the surface soils, the
frequency of karst openings, the surface roughness,
and the density and depth of penetration of the karst
features. Less important is the distance from the
proposed waste facility to the sensitive receptors
(e.g. springs) since the high ground water velocities
in karst reduces the potential for contaminant
The main objectives of the studies undertaken at
Antamina were to develop conceptual
hydrogeological models for the proposed waste rock
disposal areas in the Vallecito and Tucush Valleys,
characterize the current ground water and
seep/spring quality, and develop sound water quality
monitoring programs related to waste disposal area
development. This information was then used to
modify the final configuration of the dumps to
minimize potential impacts on water resources.

Study Approach
Defining the recharge and discharge areas
related to the proposed waste storage facilities was
key to recommending acceptable waste areas,
disposal procedures and water quality monitoring
Most of the water transport in karst is through
highly localized and hydraulically-integrated
conduits in the bedrock. Although drilling and
monitoring well installation programs are the most
commonly used investigation approach for
characterizing hydrogeologic regimes and
conducting ground water monitoring, the possibility
of intersecting the main flow conduits within the
karst system with drill holes is often very low.
Seldom are ground water monitoring wells
successful as a stand-alone system for monitoring
ground water quality of waste facilities developed in
karstic terrains.
Often the most cost-effective and reliable source
of ground water quality information within karstic
terrain are springs which have hydraulic connection
to the facility being assessed. In many cases, karst
springs provide a composite sample of the water
moving through the karst aquifer. Dye tracing
approaches are more conducive to mapping the
ground water flows and determining which springs
and monitoring wells have hydraulic connection
with the waste facilities.
A heavy focus was therefore placed on field
mapping of karstic features (recharge areas) and
springs/streams (discharge areas) followed by dye-
tracing studies. Field mapping methods included
geologic mapping (stratigraphic and structural), air
photo and satellite image interpretation, fracture
trace analysis, geochemical characterization, soil
types and thickness mapping, karst surface mapping
and spring mapping.
Information derived from the field mapping was
used to develop conceptual hydrogeological models
for the waste sites and surrounding areas which
included the following elements:

1. Recharge and discharge areas within the valleys
with proposed waste rock disposal facilities;
2. Aquifer extent (hydrogeologic watersheds);
3. Lithologic units and faults which may act as
flow boundaries or pathways;
4. Karst features that may act as flow paths; and
5. The potential for inter-basin hydraulic

Mining and Mine Waste at Antamina
Antamina is a structurally-controlled
polymetallic skarn orebody formed from successive
intrusive phases of quartz-monzonite porphyry into
Cretaceous aged limestones. Extensive hydrothermal
alteration produced copper orebodies at the
limestone contact, with zinc, lead and bismuth
occurring in any rock type but typically at the green
garnet contacts with limestone, marble and hornfels.
Molybdenum is present in the intrusive core and
silver is found in any of the skarn lithologies.
A total of 26.4 million Tonnes (Mt) of ore was
processed in 2003, at average grades of 1.19%
copper and 1.86% zinc, with 112.3 Mt of material
being moved. Therefore, approximately 85 Mt of
waste rock were produced in one year alone. Over
the course of the mine life, an estimated 1.37 billion
tonnes of waste rock is expected to be produced.
Three main waste dump areas have been designated
around the open pit mine. The East Dump, presently
the only active dump, will be receiving up to 690 Mt
of random waste (i.e. both reactive and non-
reactive waste). The Tucush dump, presently being
developed, will receive about 590 Mt of non-
reactive waste. The balance (about 90 Mt) will go to
a smaller dump within the Vallecito Valley (see
Figure 2). In addition, about 170 Mt of low grade
ore will be temporarily stockpiled within the
Antamina valley for future processing at the end of
the mine life.
The Tucush, Vallecito and Antamina
Valleys are partially underlain by karstic limestone
of the J umasha Formation (see Figure 2). The final
areas of the Tucush and Vallecito dumps were
originally designed to be 270 ha and 50 ha,
respectively. The height of the dumps above the
valley floors were expected to be approximately
200 m for Vallecito and 300 m for Tucush.

Physical Setting
The area has a typical Andean climate with two
distinct seasons. The winter season, from April to
October, is dry and cold. Most of the rainfall occurs
during the warmer summer season, lasting from
November through March. Elevation plays an
important role in the climate and precipitation
depths, producing several distinct microclimates
within close proximity to the mine. Annual
precipitation values for the mine and surrounding
area range from about 1200 to 1500 mm.

Topography and Drainage
The topography in the area is characterized by
steep, sharp limestone ridges and peaks, with peak
altitudes ranging from 4,700 to 4,900 masl. The
dominant ridge and valley trend is northwest (e.g.
Vallecito and Tucush Valleys), reflecting the
regional structural and tectonic fabric, with shorter
structurally controlled northeast trending valleys
such as the Antamina, Callapo, and Ayash Valleys.
The Tucush Valley is a 4.5 km long V-shaped
valley located approximately 500 m northeast of the
mine (see Figure 2). The valley has a depth of 400
to 600 m below the enclosing ridges. The catchment
area of the valley is approximately 800 ha, however,
only the southwest portion of the valley (covering
440 ha) contributes to surface water flow. The
remaining 360 ha, situated on the northeast side of
the valley, is underlain by karstic limestone, which
diverts percolated water from the Tucush watershed
laterally to the Ayash watershed. Waste rock
disposal within the valley began in mid 2004.
The Vallecito Valley is a 1.3 km long U-shaped
glacial valley located approximately 2 km southwest
of the mine. Vallecito is a hanging valley - the
product of different rates of glacial erosion between
the main valley (Antamina) and the Vallecito
Valley. The surface water catchment area of
Vallecito (as defined by topography) is
approximately 150 ha; however, only 66 ha (44 % of
the watershed) is estimated to contribute to surface
water flow due to low runoff coefficients within the
karstic terrain. Surface water drainage is directed
mainly to the Antamina Valley. The east wall of the
Vallecito Valley showing the rough karstic surface is
shown in Photo 1.

Surficial Geology
The non-karstic valley slopes are largely
covered by low-permeability clayey residual soils
formed from decomposition of the limestone and/or
clayey colluvial soils formed from hillside erosion.
The bases of the valleys are also lined with low-
permeability glaciolacustrine, glacial till and
residual clay soils with thickness up to 30 m.
Although most of the proposed waste dumps were
underlain by low-permeability soils, minimizing
vertical percolation to the underlying limestone
aquifers, approximately 16 % of the originally
proposed Vallecito dump (43 ha) was underlain
largely by bare karstic limestone. Approximately
22% of the original Tucush dump design (11 ha)
was underlain by karstic limestone.

Bedrock Geology
The Cretaceous sedimentary sequence within
the Antamina area is comprised of two main units:

1) A lower sequence made up primarily of clastic
sediments (sandstones, quartzites, shales and
minor carbonates). The lower clastic
formations, including the Chimu, Santa,
Carhuaz, and Farrat, together constitute the
Goyllarisquizga Group. Karst is moderately
developed within the Santa Formation.
2) An upper sequence consisting of a mainly
calcareous facies (limestones, marls, sandstones
and calcareous shales). Formations which
comprise this facies include the Pariahuanca,
Pariatambo, J umasha and Celendin Formations.
All bedding is inclined at an average dip of
about 70
. Karst is more developed in the Middle
Member of the J umasha Formation compared to
other members of the J umasha or other limestone
formations in the area. The Middle Member of the
J umasha is the most representative of the formation
consisting of a medium- to thickly-bedded sequence
of light grey limestones (weathered surface). The
thickness of the Middle Member ranges from about
800 to 1000 m within the Antamina area.

Figure 2. Site Map

Figure 3. Geologic Section between Vallecito Valley and Tucush Valley


Photo 1. East Side of Vallecito Valley showing Karstic Jumasha Formation

The formations between the J umasha and the
Santa (Pariahuanca-Chulec-Pariatambo, Farrat and
Carhuaz) appear to be a barriers to lateral movement
of water from the J umasha Formation. Similarly,
the Upper J umasha and Celendn Formation are
expected to be hydraulic barriers. An interpreted
geologic section between the Vallecito and Ayash
Valleys is shown in Figure 3.
The Celendin Formation forms the west wall
and the floor of the Tucush Valley and the east
contact with the J umasha Formation west of the
open pit. The Celendin formation is a clayey unit
consisting mainly of nodular grey marls and marly
limestones interbedded with well-stratified
calcareous mudstones and siltstones and thinly-
bedded limestones. The formation is much less
resistant than the adjacent J umasha Formation and
forms rounded hills covered with residual soils. The
thickness of the formation ranges from
approximately 200 to 500 m in the area.

Karst Features
The word karst refers to a type of terrain
formed on carbonate rock where ground water has
solutionally enlarged openings to form a subsurface
drainage system. Karst features in the Vallecito and
Tucush Valleys include small-scale surficial
dissolution features (karren), and larger scale
features such as dolines (sinkholes), karst shafts and
swallow holes.
The upper reaches of the ridges have limited
soil cover and a high density of karstic features.
Runoff is expected to be low on the karst ridges and
percolation high. The uppermost layer of the karstic
limestone, which is extremely well-drained due to a
high density of interconnected open fissures, is
termed epikarst. The epikarst layer within karstic
terrains is normally between 3 to 10 m thick but it
may be considerably deeper in alpine terrains such
as that found at Antamina. This layer is dry for most
of the year, but participates significantly in the
subsurface transport of stormwater immediately
following a precipitation event. The epikarst layer is
largely responsible for the rapid flashy spring
flows during and after high rainfalls at Antamina.
Sinkholes were identified through air photo
interpretation and later mapped in detail in the field.
The surface diameter of the sinkholes range from 5
to 25 m and are commonly filled with clayey soils.
Deep dissolution features surround the perimeter of
the sinkholes, and drain the stormwater overflow
from the sinkhole after significant rain events.
Over 50 significant karstic shafts were
identified within the J umasha Formation on the east
side of the Vallecito Valley and within the J umasha
which continues south of the Antamina Valley.
Similar numbers of karst shafts were found within
the Middle Member of the J umasha Formation in the
Tucush Valley. The shaft openings range in
diameter from 0.5 5 m with depths ranging of 5 m
to over 100 m. The shafts commonly occur at the
intersection of bedding plane faults and major
fractures or minor faults striking roughly
perpendicular to the bedding. The deeper shafts are
believed to be well connected to the water table and
responsible for funnelling water from the epikarst
layer to spring discharge areas.
Conduit and cave development appear be more
concentrated within the following settings:
1. Along bedding planes of dissolution-prone units
(particularly cleaner limestones of the Middle
J umasha Formation);
2. Zones of fracture concentration;
3. Bedding plane faults and cross-cutting faults;
4. Syncline and anticline axes;
5. Contacts between non-carbonate and carbonate
bedrock units; and
6. Ground-water discharge points (major river
valleys such as Rio Mosna).

Leachate Production from Waste Rock

Potential environmental issues from developing
mine waste facilities in any type of terrain include:
1) mobilization of heavy metals due to acid
generation from possible sulphides; and 2) increased
nitrate, hardness, and sulphate concentrations in the
ground water. The amount of percolation into the
waste rock pile is dependent on precipitation and
evaporation rates, the slope of the waste rock pile
surface and grain size, which largely determines the
hydraulic conductivity of the material.
The grain size distributions of ore and waste
rock at Antamina are highly variable, depending
mainly on rock type. The non-reactive rock,
consisting mainly of limestone, marble and hornfels,
is typically coarse and blocky and highly permeable,
while the reactive rock, consisting mainly of
intrusive and skarns, is highly friable, resulting in a
fine-grained mass and lower permeabilities.
Based on the current concepts for waste rock
disposal, the rock currently destined to the Tucush
Valley is coarse, blocky limestone with low sulphur
content. Infiltration into this type of waste rock is
expected to be high possibly as much as 70% of
the annual precipitation depths, or approximately
1050 mm/year. Based on this assumption, leachate
generation from the Tucush dump is expected to be
in the order of 90 L/sec (annual average). Seepage
rates in to the foundations are expected to be in the
order of 22 35 L/sec; however, seepage losses can
be significantly reduced by keeping the waste rock
off the karst and by using underdrains at the base of
the valley.

Environmental Issues Related to Mine
Waste Disposal Areas in Karstic Terrain

Ground water flow in karst aquifers is typically
more rapid than in fractured rock or granular
aquifers. Velocities of hundreds of meters per day
are common in karstic aquifers with well developed
conduit systems. Fractured rock or granular aquifers
commonly fall within the centimeters to meters per
day velocity range. Seepage from mine waste
facilities can therefore travel great distances within
short periods of time. The rapid travel times and
conduit flow reduce the potential for reduction of
contaminant concentrations through filtration,
adsorption or other processes. Due to the
complexity of karstic aquifers, once seepage from
waste facilities migrates to a karstic system it is
extremely difficult (and commonly impossible) to
recover by means of pump-back systems. The end
result is a reduction in water quality at the spring
discharge areas.
The main hydrogeological issue related to the
Antamina waste disposal areas is off-site migration
of seepage via karstic limestone which underlies the
Antamina stockpiles and forms the east walls of both
the Vallecito and Tucush Valleys. Ground water
from both karstic limestone ridges discharges at
crosscutting valleys. Determining which of these
valleys were hydraulically connected to the waste
facilities was critical for the dump design and
ground water monitoring programs. Preliminary
studies indicated that drainage from the existing ore
stockpile in the Antamina Valley, and the proposed
waste dumps in Vallecito and Tucush, could
discharge into any one of the adjacent valleys
(Itasca, 2004).
The potential for more regional ground water
movement was also identified. The Rio
Mosna/Puchca (located approximately 14 km to the
northwest) has a very large surface water catchment
area and a much lower drainage level compared to
smaller valleys local to the mine. At an elevation of
2700 masl, the Rio Puchca has a regional hydraulic
influence on the aquifers in the area. Detailed
hydrogeologic mapping and tracer studies were
carried out to asses whether or not the Rio
Puchca/Mosna could have a hydraulic influence on
the aquifers at the Antamina mine.

Dye-Tracer Tests
Five separate tracer tests were conducted to
identify discharge zones related to the karstic
aquifers underlying the proposed waste dumps:
3 within the Tucush-Ayash Valley area and 2 within
the Vallecito-Antamina Valley area. Deep karst
shafts, identified by mapping, were typically chosen
as the introduction points for the tracer dye since
these were considered to have the best potential for
passing rapidly through the unsaturated layer to the
water table. Two additional dye introduction points
were used: an 8-inch diameter pumping well which
intersected a highly transmissive fracture zone at the
toe of the proposed Tucush dump, and a swallow
hole within the Ayash Valley, located about 2 km
southeast of the proposed dump in Tucush. The dye
introduction points are shown on Figure 2. Three
separate dyes were used in the studies:
1. Fluorescein (also commonly called uranine) is
Acid Yellow 73, Color Index Number 45350;
2. Eosine (sometimes spelled eosin) is Acid Red
87, Color Index Number 45380; and
3. Rhodamine WT is Acid Red 388; it has no
assigned Color Index Number.
Tracer monitoring was performed using
activated charcoal samplers. These samplers adsorb
and retain the tracer dyes used in the investigation,
and thus serve as continuous samplers. The charcoal
samplers were collected at weekly to monthly
intervals, depending on the remoteness of the
sampling stations. This qualitative approach to dye-
tracing gives a yes or no answer as to whether or not
the dye travels to a certain location. However, as a
general rule, Aley (2002) has found that activated
charcoal samplers left in place with moving water
will typically yield dye concentrations under
laboratory analysis about 400 times greater than the
mean dye concentrations present in the water.
Sampling with activated carbon samplers can be
done rather inexpensively and is best suited for
remote, rugged locations where equipment cannot be
easily moved. Analysis of the carbon samplers was
performed by Ozark Underground Laboratories in
Protem, Mo., USA.

Trace in Karst Shaft East Side of Vallecito Valley
Four kg of Fluorescein dye mixture containing
75% dye and 25% deluent was mixed with 40 L of
water and introduced into a ~100m deep karst shaft
located on the east wall of the Vallecito Valley,
approximately 400 m north of the Antamina Valley
(see Figure 2). Normally a large volume of water is
added to flush the dye through the unsaturated zone
to the water table, however, this was done due to the
remoteness of the shaft. In cases like this, rainfall
events are needed to flush the dye from the walls
and base of the shaft to the water table.
Fluorescein was detected within the first month
after dye introduction in the stream at Qda. Callapo
(a NE-SW crosscutting valley situated 4 km north of
the introduction site). The charcoal sampler had a
cumulative concentration of 250 ppb. This was
surprising since the presumed flow direction in the
limestone aquifer at Vallecito prior to the tracer test
was in the opposite direction toward the Antamina
Valley only 400m away from the karst shaft (see
Figure 2). Most of the fluorescein dye was flushed
through within the first week, however, residual dye
was still observed 10 weeks after the dye was
introduced. No fluorescein was detected in the
Antamina Valley, indicating a north flow direction
in the karst from the Vallecito Valley.
On this basis, it was considered likely that if
waste rock was placed over the J umasha Formation
within the Vallecito Valley, there would be
uncontrolled migration of contaminants to the
Callapo Valley.

Trace in Karst Shafts Upper Chipta Valley (south
of the Antamina Valley)
Four kilograms of liquid Rhodamine WT tracer
dye mixture containing 20% dye and 80% deluent
was introduced into two sub-vertical karst shafts
situated approximately 1 km south of the Antamina
Valley (see Figure 2). The purpose of this tracer test
was to determine the potential for ground water
movement from the Antamina Valley stockpiles
south toward the J uproc Valley. The shafts were 50
m apart along the same bedding plane and open to
approximately 10 m. It remains unknown if these
shafts extend deeper or if they terminate within the
epikarst layer. Due to access difficulties, only
40 litres of water were introduced to flush the tracer
dye deeper into the ground water system. The tracer
test was monitored using activated charcoal
Within the first month, Rhodamine WT was
detected in the Chipta spring (situated approximately
500 m southwest of the introduction points) at a
cumulative concentration of 3090 ppb. Rhodamine
dye was not detected in the Antamina Valley
(upstream of Chipta Valley confluence) or within
the J uproc Valley (i.e. the valley to the south which
crosscuts the karstic limestone).
The spring at Chipta is at a higher elevation
than the Antamina Valley, suggesting higher
hydraulic heads in the limestone to the south
compared to the heads within the Antamina Valley.
Based on this, and the water levels obtained from
piezometers, a ground water flow component south
of the Antamina Valley into the J umasha limestone
aquifer appeared unlikely.

Trace in Karst Shaft East Side of Tucush Valley
Approximately 1.4 kg of Fluorescein dye was
introduced into a large sub-vertical karst shaft on the
east side of the Tucush Valley and flushed with
~34,000 liters of water (see Photo 2). The
Fluorescein was detected at one bedrock monitoring
well located at the base of the Tucush Valley and
within the Ayash stream. The location of the karst
shaft introduction and detection points are shown in
Figure 2. The fact that the dye travelled to the base
of the Tucush Valley supports the idea of structural
controls (e.g. either low or high permeability faults)
directing the flow laterally from the karst aquifer.
The tracer test showed that ground water flow
from the proposed waste dump was southeast toward
the Ayash Valley rather than west toward the
Callapo Valley (or further yet toward Rio

Photo 2. Introduction of Fluorescein to Karst
Shaft in Tucush Valley

Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model of Karst

Karst Recharge
The mine is located between two steeply
dipping, northwest trending limestone ridges which
act as both geographic and hydrologic boundaries
around the mine. Over the last several million years,
dissolution along fractures and bedding planes
changed the carbonate aquifers from diffuse-flow
systems (with water moving as laminar flow through
narrow fractures) to conduit-flow aquifers with
water moving primarily as turbulent flow through
well-developed conduit systems. Conduit
development within the J umasha Formation is
expected to be deeper than 100 m, based on depth
soundings of karst shafts.
The epikarst layer at Antamina appears to range
in thickness from 2m to >10m (depending on the
solubility and fracture density of the limestone).
The epikarst layer allows rapid infiltration and short-
term storage of large quantities of recharge. Below
the epikarst layer, solutional features are less
frequent and water movement is confined to highly
localized features such as karst shafts. Some of the
infiltrated water is directed along the base of the
epikarst to topographically controlled discharge
zones; however, most of the infiltrated water is
funnelled downward through these highly
localized karstic pipes and shafts to the water table.
Conduit, and potentially cave, development is
expected at the water table where much of the
ground water movement in the karst takes place.
The orientation of conduits in the vadose zone
appear to be controlled by the dip of the strata
(which varies between 60 to 80 degrees), and by
sub-vertical fractures and faults oriented roughly
perpendicular to the bedding. The predominant
direction of percolated water into the vadose zone
should generally be downwards along these

Ground Water Movement in Karstic Aquifers
Ground water movement in the karst phreatic
zone in the J umasha Formation is expected to be
principally parallel to the formation strike. The
J umasha is expected to behave like a hydraulic sink
with ground water movement toward the karst from
djacent, lower permeability sedimentary formations
(see Figure 3). Anisotropy in karstic aquifer is
created due to: 1) bedding plane fractures, 2)
bedding plane faults (creating additional fracturing
and clayey gauge), 3) the Vallecito and Tucush
regional faults, and 4) adjacent sedimentary rocks
which create low permeability hydraulic boundaries.
The water table surface is likely to be highly
variable due to extreme variations in hydraulic
conductivity normally found throughout karstic
limestone aquifers, and hydraulic
compartmentalization caused by faulting. The
hydraulic conductivity of an unfractured (massive)
limestone could be less than 10
m/sec and a
fractured limestone as high as 10
m/sec. Turbulent
flow occurs in karstic limestone when permeabilities
exceed 10
m/sec - typically when fractures become
wider than a few millimetres. Ground water moves
from these zones of less fractured and massive
limestone to the main conduits. Hydraulic
mounding is expected between the karst shafts and
other major conduits connecting the surface to the
water table.
Ground water movement parallel to the strike of
the formations can be interrupted due to localized
crosscutting transversal faults within the Callapo,
Yanacancha, Callapo and Ayash Valleys (see Figure
4C). Fault displacement, resulting in fault gauge,
brecciation and fracturing likely creates hydraulic
compartmentalization and redirection of the water
within the aquifer to ground water discharge areas.
The tracer test within the east wall of the Tucush
Valley supports the idea that water can be directed
along these crosscutting structures (perpendicular to
the strike and main flow direction of the limestone).
Similarly, the transverse fault in the Callapo Valley
appears to be restricting ground water movement
past the Callapo Valley within the karstic
limestone. These concepts are represented in the
hydrogeologic sections shown in Figure 4.

Karst Discharge
The karstic J umasha aquifer discharges at
topographic lows (valleys) which crosscut the
J umasha Formation. There are four local valleys
which crosscut the two karstic aquifers which
underlie the proposed waste dumps. They are:

Ayash Valley located approximately 2 km
southeast of the proposed Tucush waste dump at an
elevation of approximately 3800 m. This is the main
discharge zone for the Tucush Valley. Karst aquifer
discharge is primarily to the base of the alluvial
aquifer beneath the Ayash River. There is also one
spring called Ishpac which discharges
approximately 10 m above the base of the valley
floor (see Photo 3). This spring flows almost
continuous year round with average flow rates
between 10 to 20 L/sec. Higher flow rates have
been observed shortly after heavy rainfall events.
The tracer studies showed that this spring, which is
important for the community of Ayash, was not
hydraulically connected with the karst shaft near the
proposed Tucush dump.
Antamina Valley located at an elevation of
approximately 4000 m (immediately south of the
Vallecito Valley) and approximately 80 m below the
floor of the Vallecito Valley. Some ground water
flow from the epikarst flows to the Antamina Valley
from the north and south sides of the valley. Very
little spring discharge occurs within this valley
suggesting that it is not a significant discharge area
from the phreatic zone of the karst aquifer. Tracer
testing in the karst shaft at Vallecito also supports
this interpretation.
Callapo Valley - located approximately 4 km
northwest of the Vallecito Valley. The west contact
of the J umasha Formation intersects the base of the
valley at an elevation of approximately 3950 m. The
karst shaft tracer test within the east wall of the
Vallecito Valley showed hydraulic connection
between the Vallecito Valley and Callapo. The
Callapo stream is fed by springs which discharge to
the alluvial aquifer. Baseflows of the Callapo
stream increase by an estimated 100 L/sec crossing
the karstic limestone. Higher spring discharges
likely occur during rainfall events and peak wet
season periods.

Photo 3: Ishpac Spring in Ayash Valley

Juproc Valley - located approximately 3 km south
of the Antamina Valley. The west contact of the
J umasha Formation intersects the base of the valley
at an elevation of approximately 4025 m. This
valley is fed by karstic springs at several locations,
however, there is little evidence to suggest hydraulic
connection with any of the proposed or existing
waste facilities.

Regional Ground Water Flow
Three possible concepts of regional drainage
within the karstic J umasha aquifer between the
Antamina Valley and the Puchca/Mosna River is
shown in Figure 4. The section has been drawn
along the contact between the Lower and Middle
Members of the J umasha Formation paralleling the
main thrust fault which runs through the Vallecito
Valley. If karst development extended as deep as
500 m, there would be some potential for regional
ground water movement from Vallecito to Rio
Puchca (refer to scenario A in Figure 4). However,
extreme karst development such as this is
Figure 4. Regional Ground Water Flow Concepts

uncommon and there is no evidence in the area to
support it. The karst layer probably conforms to the
local topography with karst development extending
as deep as 200-300 m (refer to flow scenario B in
Figure 4). Faulting within the valleys further
reduces the potential for regional flow to occur
along the J umasha aquifer. Therefore, the current
concept for flow along the J umasha Formation
between the Antamina Valley and the Puchca/Mosna
River is shown in flow schematic C in Figure4.

Hydrogeologic Investigation of the
Antamina Valley Ore Stockpiles
The limestone walls of the Antamina Valley do
not have caves or defined springs implying that the
valley is not a regional discharge zone and that there
is a low potential for lateral seepage from the
existing ore stockpile. However, several distinct
northeast-trending bedding plane faults exist within
both karstic limestone ridges which border the
valley. Deep erosional features have formed along
the trace of these faults within the Antamina Valley
(see Photo 4). Although karst development is not
apparent within the walls of the Antamina Valley,
several deep karstic shafts can be found associated
with these faults along the limestone ridges at higher
Seepage losses from the low-grade ore
stockpiles through these bedding plane faults into
underlying and adjacent karstic limestone was
identified as a possible contaminant loss
mechanism. A drilling program was designed to
assess the permeability of these bedding plane faults,
the piezometric levels in the limestone relative to the
ore stockpiles, and the potential for karst
development within the faults adjacent to the
stockpiles. Four test holes were drilled into the
north and south walls of the Antamina Valley
targeting the most prominent bedding plane faults
identified through mapping (see Figure 5). The core
samples showed brecciation within all of the faults,
however, in all cases, the breccias were healed
with calcite infilling. Packer-based permeability
testing showed low hydraulic conductivity values for
the fault zone (in the range of 10
to 10
Although open fractures related to these faults were
not present, the calcite-filled breccia appears to be
more prone to dissolution compared to the
surrounding limestone (based on the propensity for
karst development along these faults).
The piezometric levels measured on the south
side of the Antamina Valley suggested conditions
were favourable for hydraulic containment in this
area. Multi-level piezometers installed on south of
the ore stockpiles showed artesian conditions,
indicating high phreatic levels in the karstic
J umasha. This suggests that the Antamina Valley is
a discharge zone for ground water originating south
of the Antamina Valley. The tracer test in the karst
shaft with detection in the Chipta Spring supported
the concept that the south side of the Antamina
Valley is a ground water discharge zone rather than
a recharge zone to the karstic aquifer.
The piezometric levels measured in the north
wall of the Antamina Valley suggest this area is not
as favourable for hydraulic containment. The multi-
level piezometer indicates a strong downward
hydraulic gradient between the shallow/upper
fractured bedrock zone of the north valley wall and
the deeper bedrock (refer to Figures 6 and 7). No
karstic features were intersected by the drill hole and
the fractures encountered had low permeability. In
most cases, a low permeability rock should produce
poorly drained conditions with elevated hydraulic
heads, however, this does not appear to be the case.
The low piezometric levels suggest that karstic
conduits may be draining the surrounding fractured
limestone, resulting in low hydraulic heads.
Although the piezometric information supports
the concept that the J umasha Formation is acting as
a drain with a northward component of flow, low-
permeability valley floor cover and a low density of
karstic features underlying and adjacent to the
stockpile appear to be restricting flow.

Figure 5. Drilling Investigation Antamina Valley

Figure 6. Hydrogeologic Section and Piezometric Level North Side of Antamina Valley

Figure 7: Water Levels from Piezometers installed in North Wall of Antamina Valley

Photo 4. North View of Antamina Valley
showing deep Gulley Formed along a Bedding
Plane Fault

There are no apparent water quality impacts in
the Callapo River due to ground water discharge
from the karstic limestone aquifer indicating that
seepage losses from the stockpiles via karst is
minimal. To confirm this, event-based sampling of
the Callapo River is necessary during base flow
conditions as well as during and after rain events.
Routine sampling (e.g. monthly or quarterly) is not
recommended for karst terrain. Rainfall event-based
sampling strategy is recommended since flushing of
contaminants and leachate mobilization is more
likely to occur during and after heavy precipitation.

Characterizing Karstic Hydrogeologic Watersheds
Antamina is a good example of how karstic
hydrogeologic watersheds can be very different
compared to topographic watersheds. Defining the
boundaries of karstic hydrogeologic watersheds can
be very challenging, often requiring extensive field
programs. Drilling, piezometers installations and
water level monitoring are commonly used to help
define the ground water flow regime, however, these
programs are very costly and often do not
adequately characterize the flow regimes of karst
aquifers. The phreatic surface can be extremely
variable in karst, due to high permeability contrasts
within the carbonate aquifer, and faulting generally
adds more complexity to the flow system. Flow
within a karst aquifer will be toward the deepest and
best developed karstic conduits. Finding the
conduits responsible for draining a karstic aquifer
can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack
even with sophisticated geophysical programs and
other techniques. Care must be taken when
interpreting piezometric levels collected from
piezometers which do not intersect these conduits,
but lie within massive to fractured limestone.
Because of the problems associated with drilling in
complex terrains, dye-tracer studies have proved to
be very cost-effective in helping define the ground
water flow regime surrounding the waste rock
dumps and stockpiles at Antamina.

Implications for Waste Dump Designs
The original concept of the waste rock disposal
facilities had approximately 30% of the Vallecito
dump overlying karstic limestone and approximately
16% of the Tucush dump overlying karst features.
Low grade ores, which produce poor quality
drainage, were also originally planned to be
stockpiled within the Vallecito valley. Following
the hydrogeological characterization of the
Antamina and Vallecito valleys, the configurations
of the waste rock and stockpiles were changed,
reducing the potential for uncontrolled seepage
losses and environmental impact to water

1. Aley, Thomas. 2002. The Ozark Underground
Laboratorys groundwater tracing handbook.
Available from Ozark Underground Laboratory,
Protem, MO, USA 65733. 35p.
2. Aley, T. 1997. Groundwater tracing in the
epikarst. Proceedings of Conference: 'The
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Karst
Terranes. Eds: Barry F. Beck and J . Brad
Stephenson. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. pp. 207-
3. Itasca. 2003. Antamina Mine, Tucush Valley
Hydrogeology Study.
4. Ground Water International - Itasca. 2004.
Antamina Mine, Quebradas Vallecito and
Antamina Hydrogeology Study.

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