Analysis of Gold

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Trace Analysis of Gold by Atomic

Absorption a Review
Julie Rowland
Application Note
Atomic Absorption
Wide variations in the gold content of mineral and ore samples demand the develop-
ment of both flame and furnace techniques to cover the required analytical range.
Various methods have been published for the extraction of gold as a gold (III) com-
plex from geochemical samples. It is generally concluded that an acid extraction,
with aqua regia, is not a quantitative method since the gold recovery is only about
9095% Some methods are still used analytically, however, by treating standards in
the same manner as the samples.
A variety of techniques have been used for separation and analysis. These include
ion exchange, solvent extraction and chromatography. Precipitation techniques and
fire assay methods are also commonly used. Many of these methods do not
exclusively extract the gold, hence various interferences have been reported.
Organic solvent techniques have been reported and used successfully. These
organic extractions also have the extra benefit of concentrating the final solution
because the level of gold in the mineral sample is extremely low.
This paper reviews some analytical techniques which have been described for gold
at a rate of 1 mL/min and the eluent collected. After evapora-
tion the residue was dissolved in aqua regia ready for injec-
tion into a furnace for atomization. The instrument conditions
were: dry 110 C ash 1000 C, and atomize at 2250 C.
Detection limits using this method were as low as 0.2 ng/mL
for gold in 1 g of rock sample.
Using other methods with the furnace atomic absorption
technique, detection limits of 5.0 ng/mL have been obtained
from a 10 L sample volume [5]. The investigation included
the effects of different parameters used, such as the ramp
rate, the dry, ash and atomize temperatures and the different
wavelengths available for gold analysis. The type of graphite
tube used, either Massmann or West and Williams were com-
pared. Interference effects from noble and other metals were
also examined.
Detection limits using this method were as low as 0.2 ng/mL
for gold in 1 g of rock sample with a 50 L injection volume.
The reproducibility of the results was shown to be about
1.6 %RSD. The shape of the absorption peak with respect to
peak heights and peak areas was also examined. Where the
possibility of interference from other elements arose, peak
area was the mode of choice because the interferent either
enhanced or depressed the peak height but the peak area
signal remained stable. All of these factors were then com-
pared with the corresponding flame technique for precision,
accuracy and sensitivity.
Kontas [7] found that complexing the gold with mercury
proved to be a simple and rapid way to determine the level of
gold in geochemical samples. Hydrochloric and nitric acids
were added to the sample and allowed to stand overnight.
After centrifuging the sample, SnCl
and Hg(NO
added causing the formation of a mercury-gold complex. This
precipitate was collected and dissolved in water and hydro-
gen peroxide before running through the furnace atomizer. A
typical absorbance of 0.08 was obtained for 1.0 ng of gold.
The traditional method for the analysis of the noble metals is
by fire-assay techniques followed by atomic absorption mea-
surement [8,9]. Potassium (or sodium) cyanide is used to
quantitatively complex the gold and, in addition, provide a
high concentration of readily ionized atoms to reduce the pos-
sibility of ionization of gold. Prior to the addition of the
cyanide salt the sample was dissolved in nitric acid followed
by aqua regia. The solution was heated to dryness to remove
all traces of acid. Note that the cyanide solution must not be
added to acids. Measurements of as little as 0.08 g/mL of
gold have been made with a precision of approximately
1 %RSD by flame AA.
Acid Digestion Techniques
A simple technique has been described by Jon C. Van Loon
[1] for the determination of gold in silver assay beads. Nitric
acid was used for the dissolution, followed by small volumes
of hydrochloric acid. The solution contained a final concentra-
tion of 1% added lanthanum which eliminated a variety of
Elliott and Stever [2] compared methods from two different
laboratories. Laboratory A digested 30 g of ore with H
plus concentrated HCl.
The digested sample was filtered and analyzed by atomic
absorption. Laboratory B treated two 4 g samples with aqua
regia; one sample was spiked with a gold standard and both
samples were analyzed by the method of standard additions.
The authors used both of the above methods for their dissolu-
tion and compared the two procedures both with background
correction, and without. The technique used for dissolution by
Laboratory A was shown not to be as quantitative as the
other method. Background correction was shown to reduce
signal due to molecular absorbance and scattering, thereby
improving the precision of the method.
Aluminium and calcium were the two principle interferents
observed in the technique. Potassium, sodium, magnesium
and iron interfered also, but to a lesser extent. The hotter
temperature of the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame considerably
reduced these interference effects.
Dissolution using aqua regia is perhaps the most common
method used in analyzing gold [3]. In most procedures the
gold is brought into solution using the hydrochloric and nitric
acid mixture at some stage during the analysis.
Various analytical methods have been reported with furnace
atomization techniques, [4,5,6,7] since many mineral and ore
samples contain insufficient gold for the less sensitive flame
Anion exchange resins [6] have allowed gold to be quantita-
tively separated from silicate ore samples. This method also
minimizes many interferences from the matrix. With silicate
rock samples it is desirable to remove silicon because of its
known interference on all noble elements. Concentrated
nitric, perchloric and hydrochloric acids, in equal volumes,
were added to the finely powdered rock followed by hydroflu-
oric acid to remove the silicon as SiF
The sample was taken
to dryness and redissolved in hydrochloric acid (0.5 M) to be
passed through an anion exchanger at a rate of 1 mL/min.
Ammonia solution (2 M) was also passed through the column
Chromatographic separation has greatly reduced the interfer-
ence from other elements in a typical ore sample [10].
Digestion of the sample, with aqua regia, on a hot plate took
place followed by the addition of hydrochloric acid. The solu-
tion was filtered and passed through a column of Amberlite
XAD-7 in hydrochloric acid. Base metals likely to cause inter-
ference were removed by rinsing the column initially with
hydrochloric acid. Acetone and hydrochloric acid were mixed
and passed through the column at a rate of 2 mL/minute to
elute the gold.
The sensitivity of the method was 0.1 g Au/mL with a
precision of 1 %RSD.
Solvent Extraction Techniques
When organic solvents are aspirated through an atomic
absorption instrument or injected into a furnace for atom-
ization, a few important points must be observed.
Flammable solvents are a potential hazard if treated care-
lessly and all relevant safety practices must be followed
[11]. Containers for storage of samples and standards must
be kept tightly closed at all times to prevent evaporation. It
is good analytical procedure to prepare all solutions just
prior to analysis.
If flame AA is to be used the analyst should be aware that the
organic solvent will change the air:fuel ratio in the flame.
Thus the composition and temperature of the flame will be
affected. Always use an adjustable nebulizer to reduce
sample uptake and adjust the fuel conditions accordingly.
When analyzing an organic sample always ensure that the
composition of the standards and samples is comparable. If
the solutions contain a different solvent composition, the air-
acetylene flame could be affected by the differing viscosities
and surface tensions which result in different flows through
the capillary. If chromium is to be analyzed, for example, the
flame stoichiometry is critical for the best sensitivity. Hence
any change in the solvent content could change the stoi-
chiometry of the flame. This could result in poor sensitivity, a
loss of precision, or a combination of both.
When using furnace atomization, conditions for both drying
and ashing must be carefully established since variations
from optimum conditions can have a marked effect on
sensitivity, accuracy and precision.
Solvent extraction methods for the determination of gold in
ores have long been recognized. Methyl isobutyl ketone
(MIBK), di-isobutyl ketone (DIBK) and toluene are the sol-
vents of choice. Other solvents are used but these three are
the more common solvents for gold extraction. Dibutyl sul-
phide (DBS) and other alkyl sulphides have been used in con-
junction with toluene for gold separations [12,13,14]. Xylene
or octane can be substituted for toluene.
Either flame or carbon rod techniques are feasible [12]
depending on the level of gold in the sample. In that study a
25 g sample was mixed with NH
and heated, both over a
Bunsen burner and in a muffle furnace. To stabilize the gold
complex, sodium chloride and hydrochloric acid were added
and left to stand. Nitric acid addition followed. The solution
was allowed to evaporate to wet salts over a water bath fol-
lowed by redissolution into hydrochloric acid. The undissolved
residue was separated while hot using a centrifuge. For
extraction into the organic solvent a solution of 0.2 M DBS in
toluene was prepared. A volume of 5 mL was used to extract
the gold followed by measurement by AAS. When 25 g of ore
sample is extracted into 5 mL of organic solvent it is possible
to determine 20 ng/mL Au by flame techniques, 1 ng/mL by
furnace techniques.
Torgov and Khlebnikova [14] used a method where the
extractant was a 0.1 M solution of petroleum sulphides
(b.p. 212-265 C; sulphide sulphur content 14.4%) in
toluene. In practice, extraction is carried out for an
organic:aqueous phase volume ratio of 1:20 to 1:30 obtaining
a 9899% extraction. Detection limits for this extraction pro-
cedure, based on a sample weighing of 10 g, are 20 ng/mL for
flame and approximately 5 ng/mL for the furnace. In the case
of the flame technique a 5 mL extract volume was used.
An extract volume of 23 mL provided sufficient sample
volume for the graphite furnace technique. The sample is fur-
ther concentrated when using a smaller extract volume.
Comparison of the developed methods for assay indicates
that no systematic error exists.
Menshikov et al [13] dissolved the ore sample in aqua regia.
After heating, hydrochloric acid was used to redissolve the
salts. The extraction medium was 0.2 M DBS in toluene. This
method gave a sensitivity of 1 ng/mL.
Galanova et al [15] also used DBS in toluene. They found that if
the ore contained approximately 20-30% iron the concentration
of the DBS had to be increased from a 0.2 M solution to 0.4 M
solution. To reduce the effect of the DBS on the flame, the
extract was diluted 1:1 with alcohol. Gold can be extracted
quantitatively from both hydrochloric acid and aqua regia, with
the extraction efficiency being about 100%. The behaviour of
some 23 elements was investigated during the extraction of
gold using the DBS techniques [16]. Silver was the only
element extracted to any appreciable extent (about 10%).
As well as using toluene as the basis for analysis by DBS,
Parkes and Murray-Smith [17] have used DIBK with a few
modifications to increase sensitivity and throughput of sam-
ples. The detection limit obtained was 0.012 g/g. The sam-
ples were first roasted at 600 C to remove any sulphur, fol-
lowed by hydrochloric and nitric acid attack to dissolve the
gold, palladium and any other metals. Then they were treated
with the organic solvent and aspirated into an air-acetylene
The extraction of the gold (III) from a chloride medium into
DIBK containing either trioctyl methyl ammonium chloride or
trioctylamine was quantitative up to a pH of 4 [18]. The same
method of extraction from an aqueous cyanide solution was
quantitative up to a pH of 10. The range of the method is from
0.01 to 50 g/mL. This technique has been applied to ore
samples successfully and found to be free of interferences.
Figure 1 shows a series of standards and samples of gold in
DIBK. A Varian CRA-90 was used for the analysis with the
conditions as shown in Table 1.
The use of MIBK as the organic solvent has been found to be
successful when analyzing copper ores or geochemical
samples where the copper level is relatively high [19,20,21].
The general procedure was to heat the sample, either over a
hotplate or by roasting, depending on the nature of the
sample. The residue was then taken up in hydrochloric acid
and heated. After a series of acid digestions the sample solu-
tion was transferred to a separating funnel for the gold to be
extracted into MIBK followed by filtration through a phase
separating paper. The sample was then aspirated into a very
lean air-acetylene flame. There was no apparent interference
from copper, iron or nickel. The range measured was from
0.1 to 40 g/mL.
Hildon and Sullys method [20] was also based on dissolution
of the sample in acid followed by extraction into MIBK. After
the addition of hydrochloric and nitric acid, the sample was
baked in order to decompose any nitrates. The solution was
redissolved with water and hydrochloric acid, keeping the acid
concentration at about 10% v/v. Then, a 2.5 g/L tellurium
solution in 10% hydrochloric acid was added, followed by
20% w/v hydrazine dihydrochloride solution. This mixture was
brought to the boil to coagulate the precipitate. After a series
of evaporation steps with hydrochloric acid and aqua regia,
the sample solution was extracted into 5 mL of MIBK to be
analyzed by AAS. The range of the analysis was from
2 ng/mL up to 25 g/mL. A precision of 5 %RSD was
A simple technique was used to extract gold from platiniferous
Figure 1.
Table 1.
The sample was dissolved in a hydrochloric/nitric acid mix-
ture. After a series of evaporation steps the final solution
was made up to 6 M hydrochloric acid. MIBK was then added
to extract the gold, back-washing to ensure quantitative
results. This MIBK extract was then run through a lean
air-acetylene flame.
When it is necessary to measure parts-per-billion levels, it is
essential to use graphite furnace techniques. Bratzel et al
[22] used an Agilent M-61 carbon rod atomizer for their analy-
sis of gold in geological and metallurgical samples. The
sample References was leached with a series of aqua regia
additions, boiling to dryness after each addition. A third
aliquot was then added and heated to near boiling and cooled
slowly. Gold was extracted as a chloro complex into MIBK.
The sample was then injected into the CRA for analysis. The
furnace conditions were determined experimentally to obtain
a detection limit of 6 x 10
g (or 0.6 pg) of gold.
Amyl acetate was used in a method developed by Haddon
and Pantony [25]. Samples, with a mesh size of 150 m,
were suspended in dilute hydrochloric acid, and shaken for
up to three hours with amyl acetate containing a small pro-
portion of bromine. The addition of bromine forms bromo-
aurate complexes which are then extracted quantitatively
into the amyl acetate. The authors discussed the choice of
organic solvents, the efficiency, effect of shaking and many
other variables which produce the overall accuracy of the
Many of the articles available on gold analysis mention the
possible interferences that can be expected for each method
[23,24,26]. The mutual interferences between the noble
metals themselves has caused concern to analysts. This has
necessitated the development of gold-specific separation
methods. Others have investigated different ways of over-
coming these problems [22]. When flame analysis is used the
interferences have been either removed or greatly reduced by
using the dithizonates of these metals instead of the chlo-
rides. The gold is taken up in aqua regia, expelling the excess
of nitric acid by evaporations with hydrochloric acid.
Extractions were made with a 0.015% w/v solution of
dithizone in MIBK.
Agilent has recently introduced a new graphite furnace, the
GTA-95. It has been determined that, by using argon as the
inert gas and 2400 C atomization temperature, the character-
istic concentration is 4 pg. When using a 20 L volume of
aqueous solution the analytical working range is from
240 ng/mL of gold.
In summary, many techniques are available for gold analysis.
Before a method is chosen, the analyst must decide the length
of time he has available for the analysis, the type of sample
that is to be analyzed, and the expected concentration of the
gold complexes in the geochemical sample.
The use of solvent extraction techniques and also furnace
atomic absorption methods have permitted the measurement
of very low levels of gold by atomic absorption.
Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or
for incidental or consequential damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Information, descriptions, and specifications in this
publication are subject to change without notice.
Agilent Technologies, Inc., 1982
Printed in the USA
November 1, 2010
1. Jon C. Van Loon, Analytical Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy Selected Methods, Academic Press,
New York, (1980) 141, IBSN No. 0-12-714050-6.
2. E. V. Elliot and K. R. Stever, At. Absorpt. Newsletter, 12, 60
3. R. Guerra, Atomic Spectroscopy, 1, 58 (1980).
4. B. J. Fryer and R. Kerrich, At. Absorpt. Newsletter, 17, 4
5. B. D. Guerin, Journal of the South African Chemical
Institute, XXV, 230 (1972).
6. F. Bea Barreda, C. Polo Polo and L. Polo Diez, Anal. Chim.
Acta. 94, 283-287 (1977).
7. E. Kontas, Atomic Spectroscopy, 2, 59 (1981).
8. E. Adriaenssens and F. Verbeek, At. Absorpt. Newsletter,
13, 41 (1974).
9. S. Kallmann and E. W. Hobart, Talanta. 17, 845-850 (1970).
10. S. Sukiman, Anal. Chim. Acta, 84, 419-422 (1976).
11. T. McKenzie, Safety Practices using Organic Solvents in
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Varian
Instruments at Work No. AA-6.
12. I. Rubeska, J. Koreckova and D. Weiss, At. Absorpt.
Newsletter, 16, p.1 (1977).
13. V. I. Menshikov, A. A. Khlebnikova, V. D. Tsykhanskii and
V. D. Malykh, Z. Anal. Khim., 32, 954-959 (1977).
14. V. G. Torgov and A. A. Khlebnikova, Z. Anal. Khim., 32,
960-964 (1977).
15. A. P. Galanova, V. A. Pronin, G.A. Vail, I.G. Yudelevich and
E. N. Gilbert, Z. Lab, 38, 646 (1972).
16. I. G. Yudelevich, G. A. Vail, V. G. Torgov and T. M. Korda,
Z. Anal. Khim., 25, 890 (1970).
17. A. Parkes and R. Murray-Smith, At Absorpt. Newsletter,
18, 57 (1979).
18. Groenewald, Anal. Chem., 41, 1012 (1969).
19. B. Strong and R. Murray-Smith, Talanta, 21, 1253 (1974).
20. A. Hildon and G. R. Sully, Anal. Chim. Acta, 54, 245
21. A. Diamantatos, Anal. Chim. Acta, 131, 53 (1981).
22. M. P. Bratzel, Jr., C. L., Chakrabarti, R. E. Sturgeon, M.W.
McIntyre & Haig Agemian, Anal. Chem., 44, 372 (1972).
23. N. R. Das and S. N. Bhattacharyya, Talanta, 23, 535
24. V. Eckelmans, E. Graauwmans and S. De Jaegere,
Talanta, 21, 715 (1974).
25. M. J. Haddon and D.A. Pantony, Analyst, 105, 371
26. F. E. Beamish and J.C. Van Loon, Minerals Sci. Engng.,
4, 3 (1972).
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