News Letter - Term3.dunedin
News Letter - Term3.dunedin
News Letter - Term3.dunedin
Full Licence
I would like to take this opportunity
to share with you this great news
that An- Nur childcare centre is now
fully licensed by the Ministry of
Education. Alhamdulillah.
Thanks to Allah
An-Nur child care centre is running smoothly,
AlhamdulilAllah, all praise goes to Allah. Thank
you for all the parents who are sending their
children to An-Nur and showing lots of support
and cooperation. We believe our children are
our future. Providing the education and care
they deserve are our main goals. This task is
not an easy one for any of us, but together
parents and teachers we can do it. We trust
Allah subhanaho wa ta ala and know that He
helps those who help themselves.
Our Programme
MashaAllah our children are learning
well, we provide learning experiences for
our children according to their age and
ability. We deliver high standard of
education for our childrens benefit
specially our school readiness program.
Theme of the term
Our theme for this term is Develop Social
Skills. The children are learning their
social skills throughout all curriculum
areas of our program. We are focusing on
skill facilitating interaction and
communication with others. Skills such as
Friendliness, leadership, good
communications skills, the ability to listen,
not interrupting, politeness, sharing, etc.
This is also connected to our last terms
theme which was Literacy.
Learning Stories
AlhamdulilAllah, our website program
Blog is ready now and we have
uploaded all our childrens learning
stories for the last few months. Please
check online for your childs learning
stories regularly, see the progress and
exciting activities they are doing at An-
Nur. We love to have some feed back
Please ask staff about password.
Summer Coming
As we can see the weather is getting so
beautiful, but there is a warning that the sun
might be too hot sometimes. Please make
sure that your children arrive at the centre
wearing appropriate clothing and bring a
sunhat and enough spare clothing. Often we
do have water play or messy play or they
might have an accident. It would be really
helpful if you label all your childrens clothes
and hat. Sunscreen lotion need to be applied
before playing utside.
Te Whariki
For those of you who are not familiar with this
term, Te Whariki is the New Zealand Early
childhood curriculum. All childcare centre and
kindergartens follow Te Whariki. We follow the
strands of Te Whariki and make reference t them
sometimes in our childrens learning stories. If
any of you is interested to know more about Te
Whariki, please contact teacher Rosy or teacher
Healthy Heart Award
We are still continuing with healthy heart
program. I would like to remind you that
please remember to fill up childrens lunch
boxes with healthy food. We should all try
to make a habit to eat healthy food.
Eid-ul Adha Celebration
At the moment our children are excited
about Eid-ul-Adha and busy doing lots of
activities related to Hajj, specially they
are practicing Talbeah (Taowaf) around
Kaba. We are planning to invite parents
and whanau and community to celebrate
Eid-ul-Adha, when our children will be
able to perform in front of the parents.
Open Day and Fundraising
We are an Open Day /fund raising
event. We are also thinking of
combining the Eid celebrations on the
same day (The second day of Eid Al-
Adha, possibly Sunday 5
We will keep you posted and informed
about details once finalised.
Our Routines
Routines provide both a predictable structure
that guides behavior and an emotional climate
that supports early development . Every day our
day start with Montessori activities, then we have
our Islamic mat time where children learn Quran,
Arabic, doas, nasheed, etc. Morning tea time
follows, after which our children practice writing
and coloring. Around 11a.m. we go outside to
play. Before lunch time we have another mat time
where we discuss variety of things, read stories
etc. Lunch time we talk about healthy eating. Also
we often we do baking, PE, art and craft
activities, water play, messy play etc.
Montessori Activities
In our classroom we have a shelf with
Montessori practical life activities with
a focus on key developmental stages in
children. We encourage our children to
be involved in these activities so that
they can learn life skills, self discipline,
cooperation, concentration and all the
skills they need to be independent and
responsible, which are essential for life.
Special Occasion
Last month we celebrated Hanis
graduation party. We are so happy
that one of our child graduated
from An-Nur to go to a Primary
school. We wish Hani all the success
and pray that Allah keep her guided.
Best wishes An-Nur Teachers and