Ideas To Implementation
Ideas To Implementation
Ideas To Implementation
4 Ideas-Implementation
Electric Fields Revisited
Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field Revisited
The Investigation of Cathode Rays
Measurement of q/m for Cathode Rays
The Cathode Ray Tube
Applications of Cathode Rays - CRO, TV & Electron Microscope
Maxwell's Waves Discovered
Discovery of Photoelectric Effect
Planck and Black Body Radiation
Einstein and The Photoelectric Effect
The de Broglie Model of the Atom
Classical Mechanics Versus Quantum Mechanics
Band Theory of Solids - Conductors, Semiconductors & Insulators
Doping of Semiconductors
Silicon versus Germanium
Solid State versus Thermionic Devices
Use of Photoelectric Effect in Photocells
The Effect of Light on Semiconductors in Solar Cells
Differences Between Photocells and Solar Cells
X-Ray Diffraction
Structure of Metals - including causes of electrical resistance
BCS Theory of Superconductors
Advantages & Limitations of Superconductors
Worksheets on the From Ideas To Implementation Topic
Useful Links
By the beginning of the twentieth century, many of the pieces of the physics puzzle seemed to be
falling into place. The wave model of light had successfully explained interference and diffraction, and
wavelengths at the extremes of the visible spectrum had been estimated. The invention of a pump
that could evacuate tubes to 10
of an atmosphere allowed the investigation of cathode rays. X-rays
would soon be confirmed as electromagnetic radiation and patterns in the Periodic Table appeared to
be nearly complete. The nature of cathode rays was resolved and the measurement of the charge on
the electron was soon to follow. There were some experimental observations still unexplained but to
many scientists the understanding of the world of the atom seemed almost complete. This belief was
about to be challenged seriously.
The exploration of the atom was well and truly inward bound by this time and as access to greater
amounts of energy became available, physics moved further into the study of sub-atomic
particles. Careful observation, analysis, imagination and creativity throughout the early part of the
twentieth century developed a more complete picture of the nature of electromagnetic radiation and
matter. The journey taken into the world of the atom has not remained isolated in laboratories. The
phenomena discovered by physicists have been translated with increasing speed into technologies,
such as computers, to which society has ever-increasing access. These technologies have often
assisted physicists in their search for further knowledge and understanding of natural phenomena at
the sub-atomic level.
This module increases students understanding of the history, nature and practice of Physics and the
applications and uses of Physics, the implications of Physics for society and the environment and the
current issues, research and developments in Physics.
Recall from the Electrical Energy in the Home topic from the Preliminary Course, the nature
of the electric field around single point charges and around positive and negative charges in
proximity to one another.
Remember that the magnitude of the electric field strength at a particular point in space is defined
as the force per unit charge at that point.
where E = electric field strength, q = size of the charge and F = force experienced by q at the point
in question. The SI units of electric field strength are NC
The direction of the electric field at any point is defined as the direction in which apositive test
charge would move if placed in the field at that point.
Clearly, since the electric field is strongest where the field lines are closest together, the
strength of the field around isolated charges decreases with increasing distance from the
Recall also, that two oppositely charged parallel metallic plates separated by a distance, d,
can be used to produce an electric field as shown below:
Note that the strength of the field is uniform between the plates but non-uniform towards the
The magnitude, E, of the electric field between the plates can be shown to be:
where V is the potential difference between the plates.
Moving Charges In A Magnetic Field
Recall from the Motors & Generators topic that a moving electric charge carries with it an
associated magnetic field. Thus, an electric charge moving through a magnetic field
experiences a force, due to the interaction of the two magnetic fields present. The size of this force
is given by:
F = q v B
where q = size of charge, v = velocity of charge perpendicular to the field and B = magnetic flux
density vector.
If the charge enters the field at an angle to the field direction, instead of perpendicular to it, we must
use the component of v that is at right angles to the field direction. Thus the formula becomes:
F = q v B sin
The direction of the force on a charge in a magnetic field may be determined by usingFlemings Left
Hand Rule. Hold the thumb, first finger and second finger of the LEFT hand mutually at right
angles. Point the first finger in the direction of the magnetic field. Point the second finger in the
direction of conventional current flow (ie in the direction of flow of positive charge). The thumb then
points in the direction of the force on the charged particle.
In 1855 the German inventor and glassblower Heinrich Geissler, invented a vacuum pump that could
remove enough gas from a glass tube to reduce the pressure to 0.01% of normal air pressure at sea
level. (normal air pressure at sea level = 1 atmosphere = 760 mm of Hg = 101 325 N/m
This provided his friend, Julius Plucker, with the apparatus to experiment with electrical
current through gases at low pressure. Plucker sealed electrodes into a glass tube and then
evacuated the tube to very low pressure. When Plucker applied very high voltage to the electrodes,
current flowed through the tube and he noticed that the glass tube itself glowed with a pale green
glow, mainly in the vicinity of the anode (positive terminal). He concluded that rays of some form
were emanating from the cathode (negative electrode) and that these rays caused the glass to
glow. These rays were eventually named cathode rays, as they appeared to come from the cathode
(negative electrode) of the tube. Plucker also showed that the rays were deflected by an
external magnetic field.
When we repeat Pluckers investigations in the laboratory, we find that if air is in the tube and the air
pressure is reduced to a few centimetres of mercury, then electrical discharge occurs. Flickering
red streamers are observed. If the pressure is further reduced the discharge beams become
steady and a pink glow fills the tube. On further reducing the pressure, the anode glows,
Faradays dark spaces are observed and the glow becomes striated.
The following diagram shows a cathode ray tube with the various glows and dark spaces labelled. The
voltage applied between the cathode and anode is a high voltage and is usually supplied by an
induction coil. The diagram is not to scale.
By 1875, William Crookes had designed new tubes for studying the glow produced when an electric
current passes through an evacuated tube. When he used a bent tube, the most intense green glow
appeared on the part of the tube opposite the cathode. This suggested that the green glow was
caused by something that came out of the cathode and then travelled down the tube until it hit the
glass. Eugen Goldstein suggested the name cathode rays.
Crookes also did other ingenious experiments with gas tubes. He placed a metallic Maltese cross in
the path of the rays from the cathode. This produced a sharp shadow of the cross on the glass at the
end of the tube. Crookes concluded that cathode rays travelled in straight lines and could not
penetrate metal. See this Maltese Cross tube or this Maltese Cross tube.
Crookes also used a magnet near the tube to produce a horizontal magnetic field for the rays to pass
through. The path of the rays was made visible by placing a fluorescent screen lengthways down the
tube and arranging a small aperture near the cathode to collimate the rays into a thin beam. He
observed that the rays were deflected by the magnetic field as if they were negatively
charged particles.
Using a tube containing a paddle wheel supported by glass rails, Crookes showed that the cathode rays
possessed energy and momentum. The rays striking the paddle wheel moved it along the rails. See
these Old Tubes.
These and many other experiments led Crookes to conclude that cathode rays:
were always the same regardless of which metal was used as the cathode;
always travelled in straight lines perpendicular to the surface emitting them;
are deflected by a magnetic field as if they were negatively charged particles.
cause glass to fluoresce;
carry energy and momentum; and
produce some chemical reactions similar to the reactions produced by light some
silver salts change colour when struck by cathode rays.
Note that Crookes also believed that cathode rays could be deflected by an electric field but never
succeeded in demonstrating this experimentally.
Some of the properties above suggested to Physicists that cathode rays were a wave similar
to light. For instance, they produced fluorescence, they travelled in straight lines, they
produced similar chemical reactions to those produced by light and they were not deflected
by electric fields. Yet cathode rays were deflected by a magnetic field as if they were
negatively charged particles. This apparently inconsistent behaviour of cathode rays led to
much controversy over whether the rays were a stream of negatively charged particles or a
form of EM wave like light.
By the end of the 19
Century, the argument in favour of cathode rays being charged particles had
become much stronger. By then, it had been shown by Eugen Goldstein that the rays could be
deflected by electric fields and by Jean Perrin that the charge on the rays was negative. The final
piece of evidence was provided by Joseph John Thomson in a brilliant experiment conducted
in 1897.
J.J Thomson subjected beams of cathode rays to deflection by known electric and magnetic fields set
at right angles to each other (crossed fields) in order to measure the charge to mass ratio of the
cathode rays. See this diagram of Thomson's tube or this one Thomson's tube or these photos &
diagrams Thomson's tubes.
The tube used by J.J. Thomson contained a cold cathode that produced cathode rays by using a strong
electric field in the vicinity of the cathode to cause gas discharge. The cathode rays so formed were
accelerated towards the anode by the potential difference between the anode and cathode. At the
anode, some of the cathode rays were collimated into a thin beam by passing through a slit and then
travelled with constant velocity to produce a bright spot on the phosphorescent screen. An electric
field could be applied between the metallic plates and a magnetic field at right angles to the electric
field was produced by two Helmholtz induction coils sitting on either side of the tube.
The experimental procedure was to set E and B to zero and note the position on the screen where the
undeflected beam of cathode rays struck. Then a known magnetic field was applied and the position of
the deflected beam noted. Finally, an electric field E (=V/d)was applied and its value adjusted until
the deflection of the beam returned to zero.
for the particles curving in the B field: mv
/R = qvB
which can be re-arranged to give: q/m = v/BR (equation 1).
Note that q/m, the charge to mass ratio of the cathode rays, is the value we are after.
The value of B was known from the arrangement of the Helmholtz coils. R, the radius of curvature of
the particles in the magnetic field, was found geometrically from the displacement of the beam spot on
the screen. To determine v, the velocity of the particles, Thomson applied the E and B fields
simultaneously and adjusted the E field value until the deflection of the beam returned to zero. This
meant that the magnetic force (qvB) on the particles was exactly balanced by the electric
force (qE) on the particles:
qE = qvB
So we have that: v = E/B (equation 2)
The value of E was known from the arrangements of the charged plates (E = V/d, whereV = voltage
between plates & d = distance between plates).
So combining equations 1 & 2 we have:
and all of the quantities on the RHS are known. Thomson determined q/m for cathode rays as 1.76 x
C/kg regardless of the material used for the cathode. This determination effectively confirmed
the particulate nature of cathode rays.
In other experiments, Thomson showed that the charge on the cathode ray particles was the same size
as the charge on the hydrogen ion. This combined with the fact that theq/m ratio for cathode rays
was 1800 times larger than that for the hydrogen ion (determined in electrolysis experiments) meant
that the mass of the cathode ray particles had to be 1800 times smaller than that of the hydrogen
ion. On the basis of all these results, Thomson suggested that the cathode ray particle was a
fundamental constituent of the atom. Although he originally referred to the particles
ascorpuscles, the name electron slowly became accepted as the official name.
(As an aside, it is an interesting historical point that Sir Joseph John Thomson was awarded the 1906
Nobel Prize in Physics for proving that the electron is a particle and his son, Sir George Paget Thomson
was awarded the 1937 Nobel Prize for Physics for showing that the electron is a wave.)
The cathode ray tube (CRT) consists of three main components:
fluorescent screen
electron gun
deflection system
The Fluorescent Screen:
The end of the CRT is coated on the inside surface with some fluorescent material such as zinc sulfide
(ZnS). When an electron strikes the end of the tube, the material fluoresces, that is gives off
light. This enables a spot of light to appear wherever an electron (from the electron gun)
strikes the end of the tube. Phosphorescent material can be used in place of the fluorescent
The Electron Gun:
This produces a narrow beam of electrons. It consists of a filament enclosed in a
cylindrical cathode electrode, a ring-shaped electrode called the grid and two cylindrical anode
electrodes. The filament is heated by passing electric current through it. Electrons are then
produced by thermionic emission from the heated filament. These electrons are accelerated towards
the anodes by the electric field set up between the cathode and anodes. The dual anode system
helps to focus the electron beam. The grid is placed between the cathode and anodes and is made
negative with respect to the cathode. This enables the intensity of the electron beam to be controlled
the more negative the grid, the fewer electrons are emitted from the electron gun and the less the
brightness of the spot on the end of the tube.
The Deflection System:
This allows the electron beam to be deflected from the straight-line trajectory with which it
leaves the electron gun. The deflection system consists of two sets of parallel plates, one set in the
horizontal plane, and the other in the vertical plane. When potential differences are applied between
each set of plates, electric fields are set up between the plates. The electrons in the beam then
experience forces vertically while passing between the horizontal plates and horizontally while passing
between the vertical plates. Thus, applying appropriate voltages to the deflection plates can
control the position of the spot on the end of the screen.
A good diagram & some explanatory notes are at the following link. Just page down a little
for the diagram when you get there.
Since CRTs allow the manipulation of a stream of charged particles they are very useful for
a number of applications. We will now examine some of these.
The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope:
The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to measure potential differences that change too
rapidly with time to be measured using a simple voltmeter. Since many physical and biological effects
can be converted into an electrical signal, the CRO has become an extremely useful tool in physics,
electronics, biology, medicine and many other fields.
The CRO uses a CRT to produce a graph of how an input signal voltage varies with time. The
electrodes in the CRT's electron gun produce a narrow beam of electrons, which produces a bright spot
on the CRO's fluorescent screen. The screen has a centimetre grid painted on it. When the potential
difference across the horizontal & vertical deflection plates is zero, the spot on the screen is at the
origin of the set of axes. A sawtooth voltage from within the electronics of the CRO is applied across
the horizontal deflection plates. This causes the spot to move horizontally, at a constant speed, from
left to right across the screen as viewed by the user. The sawtooth voltage automatically switches the
spot off when it reaches the right side of the screen and moves it back to the left side of the screen to
repeat its motion. The time base control on the CRO enables the speed with which the spot moves
horizontally to be accurately controlled.
The voltage signal to be measured is applied to the vertical deflection plates. So, as the spot is
scanned across the screen horizontally, the vertical position of the spot changes in response to the
input signal voltage. The vertical grid scale on the CRO is calibrated to represent the voltage of the
applied signal. A varying potential difference across the vertical deflection plates can be synchronised
with the time base on the horizontal deflection plates, to produce an apparently motionless picture on
the screen.
Click here for a photograph of a cathode ray oscilloscope.
An explanation of what an oscilloscope is and what it is used for can be found at:,,sid9_gci214508,00.html
To produce television images in Australia, the image formed by the optical lens system of the camera
is scanned electronically as a sequence of 625 vertically displaced horizontal lines. This is
called raster scanning. The varying light value along each line is converted into a fluctuating
electrical signal. The voltage drops to a negative value at the start of each new line to indicate the
start of the line scan. The whole scan is repeated 25 times every second, which is fast enough to trick
the brain of the viewer into thinking she is seeing continuous motion without noticeable flicker.
In television receivers, a CRT called a picture tube translates the television signal back into
the picture we see on the screen. The electrodes in the electron gun produce a beam of electrons,
which produces a bright spot on the fluorescent television screen. Magnetic fields are used to deflect
the electron beam in this CRT, since the magnetic fields allow for a wider-angle beam than would be
possible with electric fields from charged plates. Two pairs of magnetic field coils lie on either side of
the neck of the picture tube. One pair of coils provides a magnetic field to produce horizontal
deflection. The other pair produces deflection in the vertical direction.
Both the horizontal and vertical deflection plates are supplied with a continuously increasing time base
voltage. The horizontal time base moves the spot from left to right across the screen, while the
vertical time base moves the spot down the screen at a much slower rate. At the end of each line of
the image, the horizontal deflection plates force the spot to fly back to the start of the next
line. Thus, the electron beam zigzags down the screen from the top left corner to the bottom right and
then repeats its motion.
The brightness of the image on the screen is controlled by the signal voltages applied to the grid in the
electron gun of the picture tube. In black and white TV the brightness of the spot on the screen
determines whether that pixel is white, grey or black. In colour TV there are three electron guns, each
one able to activate only one of the primary colours (red, green or blue) on the screen. The coloured
image is the result of the combination of coloured pixels of various intensities.
See the "How TV Works" page:
and follow the links from there to get the full story.
The Electron Microscope:
This section of notes is no longer required by the Syllabus but has been left here as a matter
of interest.
The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons rather than light to study objects too small for
conventional light microscopes. First constructed by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska around 1930, the
instrument now consists typically of an evacuated column of magnetic lenses with an electron
gun at the top and a fluorescent screen or photographic plate at the bottom. It can thus be
thought of as a kind of cathode ray tube.
The various magnetic lenses (basically electromagnets) allow the operator to see details almost at the
atomic level (0.2 nm resolution) at up to a million times magnification and to obtain diffraction
patterns from very small areas. In the transmission electron microscope (TEM), electrons are
transmitted through the sample and form an image on the fluorescent screen or photographic
plate. In the scanning electron microscope (SEM), the beam is focussed to a point and scanned over
the surface of the sample. Detectors collect the backscattered and secondary electrons coming from
the surface and convert them into a signal that in turn is used to produce an image of the sample.
NOTE: For diagrams & information on both TEMs & SEMs see the links below.
Transmission Electron microscope
Scanning Electron microscope
In 1865 James Clerk Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that an
accelerated charge would produce a non-uniformly changing electric field that would in turn produce a
changing magnetic field. By Faradays Law, this non-uniformly changing magnetic field would in turn
produce a changing electric field and so on. He showed mathematically that such fields would
propagate through space as a wave motion with a speed of 3 x 10
m/s. This speed agreed so closely
with values of the speed of light measured by Fizeau in 1849 and Foucault in 1862 that Maxwell
became convinced that light was a form of electromagnetic wave.
Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, achieved the first experimental demonstration of electromagnetic
waves in 1887. Hertz used an induction coil to produce oscillating electric sparks between two brass
balls connected to two brass plates. The brass plates acted as an aerial system. He used a small loop
of wire with a tiny gap in it as the receiver. See diagram below.
As sparks jumped across the gap between the balls, sparks were also observed jumping the
gap in the receiver. Hertz reasoned that the spark discharge oscillating backwards and forwards
between the brass balls set up changing electric and magnetic fields that propagated as an
electromagnetic wave, as postulated by Maxwell. When these waves arrived at the receiver, the
changing electric field component caused charges in the loop to oscillate, thus producing the spark
across the gap in the receiver.
Hertz carried out a thorough investigation of these waves and showed that they did indeed
possess properties similar to light reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction and
polarisation. By setting up an experiment in which he allowed the waves to reflect from a
metal sheet and interfere with themselves to produce standing waves, Hertz was able to
determine their wavelength. He calculated the frequency of oscillation of the sparks in his
transmitter from knowledge of the parameters of the circuit. Then using
v = f
he calculated the speed of the waves as 3 x 10
m/s, as predicted by Maxwell. Thus, Hertzs
experiment confirmed Maxwells prediction of EM waves and provided strong experimental
support for the idea that light was a form of transverse EM wave.
The waves produced by Hertz eventually became known as radio waves and his research led to the
development of radio communications. As Hertz suspected it was indeedoscillating charges that
produced the EM waves. Today we know that radio waves are produced when an oscillating voltage
applied to an antenna causes free electrons to oscillate along that antenna. This generates an EM
wave that spreads out from the transmitter at 3 x 10
m/s. When the EM wave strikes a receiving
antenna it forces charges in the antenna to oscillate at the frequency of the wave. This oscillating
electrical signal is then converted into an audio-frequency signal by diodes in appropriately tuned
electronic circuits.
Applications of the production of EM waves by oscillating electric charges in radio
antennae started with the demonstration of wireless telegraphy by Sir Oliver Lodge in
1894. Marconi accomplished the first trans-Atlantic transmission in 1901. The invention of the triode
valve amplifier in 1906 enabled radio transmission of speech and music over long distances. The
invention of the transistor in 1948 eventually resulted in further improvements in radio transmission
and reception and decrease in size of transmitters and receivers. Today, radio communications
networks, citizen-band radio, mobile phone networks and television image transmission are
examples of applications of EM wave production. (This information in this last paragraph is
no longer required by the Syllabus.)
While conducting his initial experiments, Hertz often placed the receiver in a darkened box to make it
easier to see the tiny sparks in the gap. He noticed that the sparks across the gap in the receiver were
distinctly weaker when the receiver was in the box. After much effort Hertz discovered that the
sparks jumping the gap in the receiver were more vigorous when the receiver was exposed
to the ultraviolet light coming from the sparks in the gap of the transmitter. Although this
was a most amazing discovery, Hertz did not further investigate the phenomenon but confined his
research to the production and study of EM waves. What Hertz had discovered in fact was the
photoelectric effect. We will examine this effect shortly.
As we saw in the Cosmic Engine topic physicists use black body cavity radiators to approximate perfect
absorbers and emitters of radiation. A black body by definition is a body whose surfaces absorb all
the thermal radiation incident upon them and allow none to be reflected. All black bodies at the
same temperature emit thermal radiation with the same spectrum, independent of their
composition. The intensities of the colours in the spectrum depend only on the temperature.
The energy density of black body radiation inside a cavity radiator at various temperatures as a
function of wavelength is shown on the Cosmic Engine page. Note that the intensity versus
wavelength plot for the radiation emitted from the hole connecting the cavity to the outside has the
same shape. The radiation inside a cavity whose walls are at temperature T has the same
character as the radiation emitted by the surface of a blackbody at temperature T.
The shape of these energy density curves was determined experimentally as early as
1899. Theoretical physicists, however, could not satisfactorily explain the shape of these
curves using classical electromagnetic theory. In fact, two physicists, Rayleigh and Jeans derived
an equation for black body radiation that suggested that at low wavelengths (high frequencies) the
energy density approaches infinity. Historically, the grossly unrealistic prediction at high (ultraviolet)
frequencies became known as the ultraviolet catastrophe.
Clearly, a new approach was needed. This came in 1900 when a German physicist, Max Planck,
suggested a revolutionary idea. Planck suggested that radiation was emitted or absorbed by a
black body in discrete quanta (packets of energy) rather than continuously, as suggested by
classical physics. This daring hypothesis led to the successful explanation of the shape of the energy
density curves for black body radiation. With time and the contributions of many physicists,
Plancks hypothesis led to the development of a whole new branch of Physics called
Quantum Physics.
Mathematically, Planck expressed the quantization of energy emitted from a black body as:
E = n h
where E = the energy of the radiation emitted, h = a constant, now called Plancks constant with a
value of 6.626 x 10
Js, = the frequency of the radiation emitted and n = 0, 1, 2, 3, .. to
represent the different multiples of allowed energy coming from the black body at a particular
temperature. Conversely, the energy inside a black body cavity is quantized, the allowed energy
states are called quantum states and the integern is called the quantum number.
(As an aside, the formula that Planck obtained for the energy density in the black body
spectrum is:
Cute, eh? This can be expressed in terms of by using c = . This is how the plots of
energy density shown above were drawn.)
As mentioned previously, Hertz stumbled across a curious effect of light when conducting his EM wave
experiments. Sparks jumping the gap in his receiver were more vigorous when the receiver was
exposed to ultraviolet light. Because both light and electricity were involved in this phenomenon, it
was called the photoelectric effect.
In 1900, Philipp Lenard showed that the photoelectric effect is actually the emission of electrons from
the surface of material when the material is illuminated by light of high frequency. In a series of
experiments Lenard found that:
The number of electrons released (the photocurrent) is proportional to the light intensity.
The emission of photoelectrons was virtually instantaneous (if it occurred).
Emission was frequency dependent. There is a certain threshold frequency below which no
photoelectrons were emitted.
As the intensity of the light increased, the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons
remained constant. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons was found to depend on
the frequency of the light used and the type of surface.
The last three of these experimental results could not be explained by the classical wave
theory of electromagnetism. Classical theory for instance predicted that electrons in a surface
absorbing low intensity radiation of any frequency should accumulate energy for several seconds and
then have sufficient energy to be ejected. Electrons absorbing higher intensity radiation should be
ejected more quickly. Experimental results showed, however, that emission was almost immediate for
all frequencies above the threshold frequency and was independent of intensity.
Inspired by the work of Planck, Albert Einstein proposed the radical idea that light energy is
transmitted in discrete packets of energy rather than as a spreading wave. The amount of
energy in each packet is a quantum and represents the smallest quantity of light energy of a
particular frequency. Einstein gave the name photon to a quantum of radiant energy and
expressed the energy, E, of this photon as:
E = h f
where h = Plancks constant = 6.626 x 10
Js & f = the frequency of the radiation emitted. This
model of light is referred to as the particle model.
Einstein used his particle model of light to explain the photoelectric effect in the following way: Light
striking a surface consists of photons. Each photon carries an energy hf into the surface. Each
photon gives up all its energy to a single electron. Part of that energy is used in causing the
electron to pass through the metal surface. The rest of the energy (hf - ) is given to the electron
as kinetic energy. This is the kinetic energy the electron will have outside the surface if it does not
suffer any internal collisions on the way out. In other words, (hf - ) is the maximum kinetic
energy, K
, of the photoelectron.
This explanation is summarised in Einsteins photoelectric equation:
(hf - ) = K
where is called the work function for the surface and is the minimum energy required to remove an
electron from the surface. Thus, = hf
where f
is the threshold frequency below which no
photoelectrons are emitted. So, the equation above becomes:
h (f - f
) = K
Robert Millikan, an American physicist, experimentally verified Einsteins explanation of the
photoelectric effect in 1916. Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on this
Today, we view light as having a dual character. Light behaves like a wave under some
circumstances and like a particle, or photon, under others. When we consider the propagation
of light or its interaction with other EM radiation we usually find it convenient to consider light as a
wave motion. When we deal with the interaction of light with matter we usually find it convenient to
think of light as a stream of particles.
On some occasions we need to consider the wavelength and frequency properties of light, on others we
need to consider the energy or momentum aspects. The energy is related to the frequency, the
frequency is related to the speed of light.
c = f and E = h f
Clearly, these equations can be rearranged as needed.
Note also that the Syllabus requires you to summarize the use of the photoelectric effect in
both photocells and solar cells. We will look at this a little later, after we have dealt with
thermionic and solid state devices.
This brief section on the de Broglie model of the atom is no longer required by the From
Ideas To Implementation Syllabus but is useful background to the Band Theory of Solids and
so has been left in this topic.
Most physics students at senior high school level picture the atom as consisting of electrons in
planetary-like orbits around a tiny central nucleus that contains protons and neutrons. Roughly
speaking, this is the model of the atom as described by Niels Bohr. One of the assumptions Bohr
made in creating his model was that electrons could rotate in what he called stationary
states around the nucleus without losing energy. This assumption was necessary to explain why the
electrons undergoing circular motion around the nucleus did not radiate energy as predicted by
Maxwells Theory of Electromagnetism. Exactly how thestationary states enabled the electrons to
orbit without losing energy was not explained.
In 1924, Louis de Broglie, a French physicist, explained how this could be so. He suggested that
the wave-particle dualism that applies to EM radiation also applies to electrons and other atomic
particles. In other words, electrons can be thought of as either particles or waves.
De Broglie reasoned that the electrons in an atom existed as matter waves in standing wave
orbits around the nucleus. No energy would be lost from such an orbit. De Broglie showed
mathematically that for such orbits to exist the angular momentum of the electron could only have
certain values. We say that the angular momentum of the electron is quantized. In other
words, there are only certain discrete energy levels that an electron can occupy within the
This section is non-examinable but may be of interest to you.
Ever wondered what the basic difference is between classical physics and quantum
mechanics? Well, take a detour for a minute and investigate the paradox of Schrodinger's
Cat. This link takes you to the Brainteasers page of this site & to the description of the
Schrodinger's Cat paradox that resides there. After reading the paradox, follow the links to
the discussion of the paradox and then, if you are still interested, to a description of the
domain of quantum mechanics itself. Use the back button of your browser to get back
here. Go to Schrodinger's Cat.
The de Broglie model of the atom was the stimulus for further research that eventually led to the wave
and matrix formulations of Quantum Mechanics, proposed by Erwin Schrodinger and Werner
Heisenberg respectively in 1925. According to modern quantum theory, only certain discrete
energy levels or energy states are permissible in a given atom and an electron must therefore
absorb or emit discrete amounts of energy, orquanta, in passing from one level to another. A normal
atom at absolute zero temperature has an electron occupying every one of the lower energy levels,
starting outward from the nucleus and continuing until all electrons have been placed.
Quantum theory shows that when two atoms are brought close enough together to interact, each of
the allowed electron energy levels within the atoms splits into two distinct but closely spaced
energy levels as the atoms combine to form the two-atom system. In a six-atom system, each
allowed electron energy level is split into a set of six separate but closely spaced energy
levels. Clearly then, as we pack more and more atoms closely together each set of split energy levels
contains more and more levels spread over the same energy range allowed at that particular radius
from the nuclei. So, in acrystalline solid, such as a metal or a diamond, where billions upon billions*
of atoms are packed closely together, the energy levels within each set become so closely spaced in
energy that they form a practically continuous energy band. (*6.023 x 10
atoms /mole of
substance, to be precise.)
In solids, the bands of permissible energy levels are called the allowed bands. These may either be
filled with electrons or empty depending on whether they correspond to filled or empty energy levels in
the isolated atoms. The energy bands between these allowed bands are called forbidden
bands. These bands correspond to the gaps between electron energy levels within the isolated
atoms. The highest energy band that is occupied by electrons is the valence band. A higher energy
band called the conduction band lies above the valence band. See the diagram below.
Energy band theory can be used to describe the difference between conductors, insulators
and semiconductors. If an electric field is applied to a solid, electrons in the valence and conduction
bands can be accelerated by the field and gain energy. However, this can only happen if the electrons
can move from their own energy level within the band to an unoccupied level of higher energy.
Metallic solids are composed of atoms that have some weakly bound valence electrons. As these
atoms come together to form the crystal lattice, some of the weakly bound electrons are freed from
their atoms by the energy released in binding. In good conductors such as copper, aluminium and
silver, all the atoms are fully ionised, one electron becoming detached from each nucleus in the
lattice. These delocalised valence electrons are shared between all the atoms in the lattice
and are free to move from atom to atom.
In conductors such as metallic solids the valence band is only partially filled and the valence
and conduction bands overlap as shown in diagram (a) below. Thus, valence electrons are
free to move in both the valence and conduction bands.Hence conductors have low electrical
resistance and allow current to flow when a potential difference is applied across them.
In insulators the valence band is completely filled and the energy gap between it and the
conduction band is very large as shown in diagram (c) below. Thus, electrons cannot move
under the influence of an applied potential difference. Insulators therefore have very high
electrical resistance and do not conduct electric current. Note that if an appropriately large
amount of energy was supplied to electrons in the valence band to enable them to reach the
conduction band, conduction would then occur. This is what happens when an insulator breaks
down. Also note that in reality some electrons in insulators are free to move but their numbers are
extremely small compared with those of metallic conductors.
In semiconductors there is a small forbidden gap between the valence band and the
conduction band as shown in diagram (b) above. At absolute zero the valence band is completely
full with electrons and the material acts as an insulator. As the temperature increases some electrons
gain sufficient thermal energy to escape from the valence band and cross the forbidden gap into the
conduction band. Once sufficient electrons have crossed the gap conduction of electric current
becomes possible andconductivity increases with temperature. Semiconductors have
electrical resistances between those of conductors and insulators.
At room temperature the valence band of a semiconductor is almost completely full. Very few
electrons have gained enough thermal energy to move to the conduction band. When an electron
does move from the valence band to the conduction band it leaves behind a vacancy or
hole. Since this hole represents the absence of an electron from the valence band, it can be
treated as a positive charge. A nearby electron can move into the hole, creating a new hole at the
position from which it moved. In a sense the hole has moved within the valence band. Thus,
both electrons and holes are responsible for carrying current in a semiconductor.
In a semiconductor, under the influence of an external electric field, holes move within the valence
band in the direction of the electric field, while electrons move within the conduction band
in the opposite direction. See the diagram below.
In a pure semiconductor the number of holes in the valence band is exactly equal to the number of
electrons in the conduction band. Despite the duplication in the number of charge carriers, the
conduction of a piece of pure silicon (semiconductor) is very low compared with copper, since so few
charge carriers are actually available. When conduction happens in a pure semiconductor, the
material is called an intrinsic semiconductor.
The introduction of small amounts of certain impurities into germanium or silicon can
markedly increase their conductivity. The process is known as doping. When conduction
occurs in a doped semiconductor, the material is called an extrinsic semiconductor.
Both germanium and silicon atoms have four electrons in their valence shell. When these atoms
combine with others of their species, each atom shares one valence electron with each of its four
neighbours. The introduction of atoms that have five electrons in their valence shell means that where
such atoms replace the germanium or silicon in the crystal lattice, there is a surplus electron that is
not used for bonding. This surplus electron thus becomes available for
conduction. Semiconductors doped in this way contain more electrons than holes and are
called n-type semiconductors, since conduction takes place mainly by electrons negative
charges. Group V elements from the Periodic Table, such as phosphorus (P), arsenic (As) and
antimony (Sb) are used to dope germanium or silicon and produce n-type material. The pentavalent
element used is called a donor atom because it donates an electron.
Where an atom that has only three electrons in its valence shell replaces a germanium or silicon atom
in the crystal lattice, there is a shortage of one electron to complete the bonding. Effectively a hole
has been added to the lattice. This hole thus becomes available for
conduction. Semiconductors doped in this way contain more holes than electrons and are
called p-type semiconductors, since conduction takes place mainly by holes positive
charges. Group III elements from the Periodic Table, such as boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga)
and indium (In) are used to dope germanium or silicon and produce p-type material. The trivalent
element used is called an acceptor atombecause it accepts an electron.
The fact that we can control the number and type of charge carriers in semiconductor
material by adding impurity atoms makes semiconductors extremely useful in
electronics. The other exciting feature of semiconductors is that when a crystal is produced
consisting of p-type and n-type material in contact, the resultingp-n junction has the following useful
Current can flow in one direction only. The p-n junction can therefore be used as a
semiconductor diode, an extremely useful electronic device.
Exposure to light produces electron-hole pairs that migrate to opposite sides of the
junction. The resulting potential difference across the junction is proportional to the intensity of
the light. This has obvious applications in solar cells.
Historically, semiconductors were discovered in the 1930s. Semiconductor crystals were used
as rectifiers in radio and radar receivers. These rectifiers took the high frequency alternating signal of
the radio wave and extracted the low frequencies necessary for the headphones. In 1942-43, during
World War II, Seymour Benzer, a graduate student at Purdue University accidentally discovered that a
crystal of germanium (Ge) could withstand higher voltage than any rectifier that was then in
use. Benzer went on to discover that mixing trace elements of tin into the germanium could produce
rectifiers that were ten times more resistant to damage than was standard at the time. Germanium
became the experimental physicists choice of material for research into semiconductor properties and
The production of semiconductor devices requires semiconductor material with almost
perfect crystalline structure. Due to the interest in germanium at that time, techniques for
its purification were developed and improved throughout the 1940s. Although silicon (Si)
was also known to be a semiconductor at that time, techniques for its purification were not
developed until the 1950s. For this reason germanium was the first semiconductor material
used to produce semiconductor devices. Most notably germanium was used to produce the
first transistors in 1948.
Today, silicon is the most commonly used semiconductor material in the world. Other semiconductors
used for particular applications include germanium, selenium, gallium arsenide, zinc selenide, lead
telluride and indium antimonide. Silicon is the preferred material for manufacturing solid-state
devices such as transistors, integrated circuits, solid-state memories and so on because:
It is more abundant than germanium, being the second most abundant element in the
earths crust;
It continues working as a semiconductor at higher temperatures than does
germanium. When they are heated up, germanium transistors produce too many free
It develops a glassy, insulating oxide layer when heated to high temperatures in an
oxygen-rich atmosphere. This is part of the manufacturing process of integrated
This last section in blue (on why silicon is the preferred semiconductor material for
transistors) is no longer examinable.
When a metal or carbon filament is heated to high temperatures electrons are emitted from the
filament. This process is called thermionic emission. Thermionic devicesconsist of an evacuated
tube (vacuum tube) containing a cathode and at least one other electrode.
Vacuum tubes called diode valves are the simplest thermionic device, containing a cathode and
only one other electrode. In the simplest diode valve, thermionic emission from the cathode
releases electrons that are then attracted to the anode, producing a flow of current through the
tube. If an alternating potential difference is applied across a diode a current only occurs when the
potential difference is such that the anode is positive with respect to the cathode. The diode is said
to rectify alternating current.
Triode valves contain three electrodes, a cathode, an anode and a control grid that lies between
them. Because the grid is between the cathode and anode, all electrons have to pass through it in
their paths to the anode. Small changes in the potential difference between the grid and the cathode
produce changes in the current between the cathode and the anode that would have required much
larger changes in the anode-cathode potential difference. The triode therefore amplifies small
potential differences. In a radio receiver for instance, the signal voltage applied to the grid of the
triode valve modulates the tube current passing from the cathode to the anode. A small change in the
signal voltage produces a much larger change in the tube current and hence in the circuitry connected
to the anode.
Prior to 1948 vacuum tubes were the state of the art amplifiers used in radio equipment to increase
signal voltages to levels that could drive loudspeakers. Triodes and more complex vacuum tubes such
as tetrodes (4 electrodes) and pentodes (5 electrodes) were widely used in amplifying circuits even
up until the 1960s.
A solid-state device is an electronic component or device that is composed chiefly or exclusively of
solid materials, usually semiconducting, and that depends for its operation on the movement of charge
carriers within it. The development of simple solid-state devices such as semiconductor diodes in
the 1930s eventually led to the development of thepoint contact transistor by Walter
Brattain and John Bardeen in 1948. In the same year William Shockley proposed the idea of
the junction (sandwich) transistor and by 1950 had turned the idea into reality.
Shockleys transistor turned out to be the more useful of the two. It consisted of asandwich
structure in which two n-type semiconductor layers were separated by a p-type
semiconductor layer, as shown below.
The two n-type layers are known as the emitter and collector. The p-type layer is called
the base. Transistors can be connected in a number of different ways in circuits. In a typical
connection small variations in the base current result in much larger changes in the collector current
for a constant potential difference between the collector and emitter. In other words, the transistor
can be used as an amplifier.
From the 1960s onwards solid-state devices such as transistors, and later integrated
circuits and microprocessors, replaced thermionic devices for the following reasons:
Thermionic devices are much bigger physically than solid-state devices and therefore equipment
built from them is unnecessarily large.
Vacuum tubes require a warm up period before they become operational, whereas solid-state
devices do not.
Vacuum tubes are fragile and can suffer a decrease in operational effectiveness due to leaking
(air in) and burning and pitting of the electrodes.
Vacuum tubes consume much more electrical energy than solid-state devices and produce much
more heat energy.
Vacuum tubes operate more slowly than solid-state devices.
Modern day transistors are usually either bipolar junction transistors or field-effect transistors
(FETs). They are used worldwide in a huge range of electronics applications computers, medical
equipment, telecommunications, industrial equipment, household devices such as stereos and so on.
Syllabus point 9.4.2 Column 3 Dot Point 3 requires students to gather, process and present
information to summarize the use of the photoelectric effect in photocells.
In essence the summary of the use of the photoelectric effect in photocells should contain
information similar to the following.
Photocells consist of a cathode and anode in an evacuated glass tube. The photoelectric effect is used
in photocells to free electrons from the cathode, thus enabling a current of electrons to flow from the
cathode to the anode. The cathode is usually coated with a photosensitive compound that emits
electrons when light falls upon it.
If a photon of light with frequency above the threshold frequency for the photosensitive compound
strikes an atom of the compound it will be absorbed and will cause the atom to emit an electron. This
electron leaves the cathode and moves towards the positive potential of the anode. In this same way
a continuous beam of light shining on the cathode produces sufficient electrons via the photoelectric
effect to enable a continuous current of electrons to flow between the cathode and anode. The size of
this photocurrent is proportional to the intensity of the light incident on the cathode.
Syllabus point 9.4.3 Column 3 Dot Point 4 requires students to gather, process and present
information to summarize the effect of light on semiconductors in solar cells.
In essence the summary of the effect of light on semiconductors in solar cells should contain
information similar to that in the following example.
Solar cells are photovoltaic devices composed of semiconductor material such as silicon. Usually a p-n
junction is used. This is a junction formed between a piece of n-type silicon and a piece of p-type
silicon. An electric field is set up at the junction and this forms a potential barrier that forces any free
electrons in the silicon to move to the n-type silicon and any holes to move to the p-type silicon. Light
shining on the semiconductor materialfrees electrons from the valence band to the conduction band of
the semiconductor material, thus producing electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor. A photon of light
with energy greater than the band gap energy between the valence and conduction bands but less
than the work function energy for the semiconductor strikes an electron and is absorbed. This gives
the electron sufficient energy to jump the forbidden energy gap from the valence to the conduction
Once the electron is free it is forced by the barrier potential to move to the n-type material, while the
hole left behind is forced to move to the p-type material. If an external circuit is supplied, the electron
will move out of the n-type material, around the external circuit through a load and back into the p-
type material to recombine with the hole. Clearly, as many electrons undergo the same process, an
electric current has been produced by the solar cell. The size of the current produced is proportional to
the light intensity incident on the solar cell. Overall, light energy has been transformed into electrical
By way of general information, solar cells are actually one type of photocell. The few basic differences
that exist between the two can be stated as follows:
photocells are often thermionic whereas solar cells are always solid state;
photocells are usually used as detectors or switches whereas solar cells are usually used for
practical power generation;
thermionic photocells use the photoelectric effect directly to knock electrons out of a metal
surface (the cathode) whereas solar cells being photovoltaic devices use light energy to free
electrons from the valence band to the conduction band of the semiconductor material but not
to kick them out of that semiconductor material;
thermionic photocells require an external potential difference to be applied between the anode
and cathode to attract the photoelectrons released from the cathode to the anode, whereas
solar cells do not require an external potential difference to be applied in order for them to
produce a current.
Crystalline solids consist of a regular, three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a periodic pattern
called a crystal lattice. The internal structure of such solids can be determined using a technique
called X-ray diffraction. As you will recall from the Preliminary Course, diffraction is the name given
to the phenomenon in which a wave spreads out as it passes through a small aperture or around an
obstacle. Diffraction patterns are most intense when the size of the aperture or obstacle is comparable
to the size of the wavelength of the wave. Since the wavelength of X-rays is of the order of 10
and since the interatomic spacing in solids is of the same order, X-rays produce strong diffraction
patterns from crystals. (Note that both neutrons and electrons can be used in place of X-rays.)
The British physicists William and Lawrence Bragg (father & son) applied X-ray diffraction to the
study of crystals from about 1912 onwards. A beam of X-rays with a wide range of wavelengths
was collimated and directed onto the single crystal specimen under study. A flat film behind
the specimen received the diffracted beams. The diffraction pattern consisted of a series of
spots of light that indicated the symmetry of the crystal.
William Bragg presented a simple explanation of the diffracted beams from a crystal. He suggested
that the X-ray waves incident on parallel planes of atoms in the crystal are reflected, with
each plane reflecting only a very small fraction of the radiation. The diffracted beams are
formed when the reflections from parallel planes of atoms interfere constructively, as in the
diagram below.
Bragg derived the following formula, now called the Bragg Law, which enables the determination of
the interatomic spacing, d, of the atoms in the specimen or the wavelength, , of the X-rays
(depending on what is known):
where = the angle of reflection at which constructive interference occurs and n = the order of
diffraction (n = 1, 2 , 3, .. corresponding to occasions when the path difference between the two
reflected rays in the diagram is an integral number, n, of wavelengths, allowing constructive
interference to occur).
The Braggs contribution to our understanding of crystal structure has had a lasting
beneficial impact in many areas of science and engineering. They were pioneers in a field which
has allowed us to greatly increase our knowledge and understanding of materials and which has
assisted tremendously in the development of new materials. The Braggs received the 1915 Nobel Prize
for Physics in recognition of their important contribution to science.
Metals possess a crystal lattice structure. As mentioned previously, metals are composed of
atoms that have some weakly bound valence electrons. As these atoms come together to form the
crystal lattice, some of the weakly bound electrons are freed from their atoms by the energy released
in binding. In very good conductors such as copper, aluminium and silver, all the atoms are fully
ionised, one electron becoming detached from each nucleus in the lattice. These delocalised
valence electrons are free to move from atom to atom and are thus shared by all atoms in
the lattice. In this sense, they behave like a gas, an electron gas. Thus, there are many valence
electrons available for conduction in metallic solids. Conduction in metals can be considered as a
free movement of electrons, relatively unimpeded by the crystal lattice.
Drift Velocity in Metals - Not Examinable:
In the absence of an electric field, thermal energy causes electrons in a metal to
moverandomly throughout the crystal lattice at speeds of up to 10
m/s. When an electric field is
applied across a metallic conductor, the electrons experience a net force in a direction opposite to the
applied field direction. This results in a net drift of electrons towards the high potential end of the
field. This drift motion is superimposed on the random motion of the electron and produces a net drift
velocity of around 10
m/s. The net drift of electrons in one particular direction constitutes a
current. The size, I, of this current can be shown to be:
where n = electron density (number of electrons per unit volume of conductor), e = charge on the
electron, v = drift velocity of electrons, and A = cross-sectional area of the conductor.
Causes of Electrical Resistance:
Electrons can move freely through a regular crystalline lattice, but any disruptions in the regularity of
the lattice will obstruct their flow and cause resistance. There are two main sources of this electrical
resistance. The first is imperfections in the crystal lattice, such as those caused by impurity
atoms or by vacancies, where an atom is missing from a site in the lattice. Each time an electron
collides with an imperfection, it loses kinetic energy. This energy is added to the vibrational
energy of the lattice, which, in turn, is measured as a rise in temperature of the conductor.
Secondly, every atom in a lattice vibrates. The thermal energy emitted or absorbed by these lattice
vibrations is quantized and the quanta are called phonons. Every lattice contains rapidly
moving phonons. When electrons collide with phonons, they are scattered and lose kinetic
energy, which is again added to the vibrational energy of the lattice and produces a rise in
the temperature of the conductor.
Note that collisions between electrons and phonons account for most of the electrical resistance of a
conductor. The higher the temperature of the conductor, the more energetic the vibrations of ions in
the lattice and the more phonons there are present in the lattice. So, as the temperature rises so
too does the electrical resistance of the metallic conductor.
Hence, the electrical resistance of a metallic conductor should decrease to a low but non-zero value as
the temperature decreases towards absolute zero. We would still expect a residual resistance even
near absolute zero due to crystal lattice imperfections. The fact is, however, the electrical
resistance of some metals disappears completely at sufficiently low temperatures.
In 1911, the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes found that the electrical resistance of solid
mercury drops to an immeasurably small value when cooled to a temperature of 4.15 K (-269
C). This
phenomenon in which a conductor loses all of its electrical resistance at a certain critical
temperature T
, is called superconductivity. Mercury goes from a normal state to a
superconducting state as the temperature drops below 4.15 K. Many other elements, and many
compounds and alloys have since been found to exhibit similar behaviour. Up until 1986 the highest
value of T
discovered was about 23 K. In 1986, Georg Bednorz and Alex Muller discovered certain
ceramic materials that became superconducting at 30 K and since then other ceramics have been
produced with T
values as high as 134 K. These new ceramic materials are known as high
temperature superconductors.
The German physicists Walther Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld discovered another exciting
property of superconductors in 1933. They found that when a superconducting material is cooled
below its critical temperature in the presence of an applied magnetic field, it expels all magnetic flux
from its interior. If the field is applied after the material has been cooled below T
the magnetic
flux is excluded from the superconductor.
This effect is now called the Meissner Effect and lends itself to a startling demonstration of
superconductivity. A magnet can be made to float above a piece of superconducting material, as
shown in the diagram below. Supercurrents induced by the magnet flow through the superconductor
and produce a magnetic field that exactly cancels out the magnets own field.
In 1957, John Bardeen, Leon Cooper and John Schrieffer of the USA proposed a detailed quantum
mechanical theory, now known as BCS Theory, to explain superconductivity. The predictions of this
theory are in excellent agreement with experimental results for low temperature
superconductors. Some adjustments or perhaps even a new theory are necessary in order to fully
explain high temperature superconductivity.
BCS Theory suggests that superconductors have zero electrical resistance below their
critical temperatures because at such temperatures the electrons pass unimpeded through
the crystal lattice and therefore lose no energy. The theory states that the supercurrent in a
superconductor is carried by many millions of bound electron pairs, called Cooper
pairs. These pairs form when one electron passing between adjacent positive ions in the lattice
attracts the ions, causing them to move slightly inwards and to create a region of increased positive
charge density. Due to the elastic properties of the lattice, this region of increased positive charge
density propagates through the lattice as a wave. A second electron passing through the lattice is
attracted into this moving region of increased positive charge density and is effectively swept along by
the lattice wave created by the first electron. Thus, by pairing off two by two, the electrons pass more
smoothly through the lattice. See diagram below.
Cooper pairs continually form, break and re-form. Since random lattice vibrations break up Cooper
pairs, the temperature needs to be low enough to keep such vibrations to a minimum.
Note that the description of BCS Theory given above has been greatly over-simplified. A more detailed
description is way beyond the scope of this course.
Electricity Generation, Storage and Transmission
The electrical resistance of transmission lines typically results in power losses of up to 5 %. If power
lines could be made superconducting, the present transmission losses could be
reduced. Superconducting generators could be used to produce electrical power more efficiently than
conventional generators. Since current can flow indefinitely in superconductors, superconductor coils
could be used to store electricity produced in periods of low demand for use in periods of peak
demand. Many research laboratories around the world are working in this area.
Magnetic Field Generation
Due to their lack of resistance, superconductors have been used to make electromagnets that generate
large magnetic fields with no energy loss. Superconducting magnets are used in Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) machines to produce 3-D images of the internal structure of the human body. They are
used in other nuclear magnetic resonance instruments to study the structure of materials and in the
construction of powerful particle accelerators. Superconducting magnets are also used in magnetic
levitation (Maglev) trains and in experimental nuclear fusion reactors in which the hot plasma is
confined by magnetic fields.
Electronic Devices
Using the quantum effects of superconductivity, devices have been developed that measure
electric current, voltage, and magnetic field with unprecedented sensitivity. SQUIDs
(Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) are used to measure magnetic fields that are
less than a billionth of the earths magnetic field strength. These devices have applications in
medicine, materials science, geology and other fields.
SQUIDs are built using Josephson junctions, superconducting electronic switches. Such switches
can switch current off or on very quickly within a picosecond (10
s). They can thus be used
instead of transistors in computers to produce machines that operate many times faster than present
day machines and that are much smaller, since no space needs to left inside such machines for heat
dissipation purposes.
Limitations of superconductors include:
Metallic superconductors still require temperatures close to absolute zero for their
operation. This requires the use of liquid helium as the coolant. This is very expensive and
wasteful of helium, which is a non-renewable resource.
High temperature ceramic superconductors are difficult to produce, brittle, difficult to make into
wires for electricity transmission and are chemically unstable in certain environments.