Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
1.1 Background of the Problem
English have four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Based on the concept and function, it was aimed to develop those four skills
and also the language components: vocabulary, structure, and pronunciation (in
speech) or spellings which support students mastering well. Such as in teaching
writing, it was very complicated when the teacher did not prepared any technique or
method (procedure/a good ways) in teaching process. Students might be bored if the
teacher only did the routine activity on learning writing that only focused on grammar
and structure without any variation.
Writing is one of the language skills which must be mastered by learners
besides listening, speaking, and reading. In mastering this skill, students often found
the problems dealing with language skills and language components above. Most
students or learners in Indonesia considered English as a difficult subject which
makes them frustrated especially in the writing text. At the level of Junior High
School, writing skills often caused serious problem for students if compared to
reading skills, speaking, and listening because writing ability is influenced by the
mastery of vocabulary, language structure and capabilities of students to created a
text acceptable.
Considering that English is a foreign language in Indonesia, an appropriate and
effective approached is needed to make learning English successful and joyful.
Horner, some teachers made the class became boredom. Here the researcher focused
the research on writing because it was one of four language skills that played a very
important role in learning.
To motivate and support the students in developed their writing skill, teachers
needed responsibility and creativity. Actually, there are some techniques that could be
used not only to gain students interest but also increase their writing ability without
forgetting its components. Example non example can be used to practice the students
in writing class. By using example non example, the teacher can deliver the purpose
of the lesson to the students easily. Example non example should be supported by
pictures or real object as media, so that it could be interest the students.
In School Based Curriculum (KTSP), it was clearly stated that one of objectives
of the English subject is developing the writing ability in English well. SMPN 2 Siak
Hulu is one of the schools that use School Based Curriculum (KTSP) as their
guidance in teaching and learning process. In this school, English subject has been
taught since the first year. Based on curriculum, English is a tool of communication
through oral and written form. In SMPN 2 Siak Hulu, the passing score for English
score is 75 and the basic competence stated in the syllabus of this school for second
year was the students would be able to understand the meaning of short functional
text and simple essay in genre descriptive and recount in daily life context to access
knowledge. In this research, the researcher focused only on descriptive text.
In reality, the students still did not know four language skills of English well,
especially on writing descriptive text. In this case, after the researcher interviewed
some students, they said the teacher only explained what the descriptive text is, then
too much focusing on grammar and continually talked about grammar until the
student bored without applying on writing the text for real. Here, the teachers only
made some sentences without applying that sentence onto paragraph. The teacher also
speaks too fast and full English. So, it was make students confused.
The researcher also interviewed English Teacher of Second Year Students of
SMPN 2 Siak Hulu who said that the problem of the students lies in how to organized
sentences to be a good paragraph. Often, they are easily satisfied with what they
wrote. They rarely revised their writing. So, they did not know that their components
of writing were wrong. They also have low participation while studying in the class.
The teacher concluded from the results of evaluations that he conducted, only about
40% of students who can passed 75 (the minimum criteria of achievement / KKM)
and only two or three students who really can mastered the material.
Based on the explanation, in teaching descriptive text, the teacher can used
media like a picture. Susanti in Cahyono (2009), also states that in writing descriptive
text for instance, teachers could utilized media like picture which the students could
see what to describe. Picture can also activate prior knowledge about the objects or
people shown in the picture. Finally, picture could stimulate and provide information
to be referred to conversation discussion and story telling.
Finally, based on the background of the problems and condition above, the
researcher was interesting to introduced example non example method for students at
the second year of SMPN 2 to solve the problems. The researcher chooses this
method for help them improved their writing skill of descriptive text. This method
also takes into a real object or some picture that relevant to the basic competence, so
the students could enjoy in learning process. Therefore, based on the explanation
before, the researcher was interesting in researched the problem entitled Improving
Students Writing Ability by Using Example non Example Method in Writing
Descriptive Text at the Second Year Students of Junior High School 2 Siak
1.2 Setting of The Problem
After the researcher observed at SMPN 2 Siak Hulu, the researcher found
some problem factors in writing text. The factors came from two parts, the teacher
and the students. Both of them influenced each other. However, those problems that
considered to be solved immediately.
Most of the teacher did not have much time to teach writing skill for the
students. They only explained what the descriptive text was, too much focused on
grammar and continually talked about grammar and the teacher also gave low
attention about how to write well and systematically. Besides, the teacher always
speaks too fast and full of English that could make students confused. The big
impacts that made students did not like to write was their perception writing is a
boring activity. This statement happened because the teachers never used the new
things for teaching writing. The new things here referred to new strategy.
On the other hand, some inhibited factors came from the students as the doers
of this writing activity, which could be mentioned as follows:
First, some of the students have low participation while studying in the class.
The most problem which make the students could not write descriptive text is they
did not focus on material. When the teacher explains the material, they often talked to
each other and playing around.
Second, in learning writing the students were not mastery English writing
style and new terms, it makes them became lazy to write and rarely checked their
written and the impact was they wouldnt have much time for practiced to write.
Third, often students easily satisfied with what they wrote. Students also did
not have knowledge in how to organized a sentence to be a good paragraph.
1.3 Limitation of The Problem
Based on the background above, the researcher needs to limit the problems of
this research. So, the researcher chooses a lack of students knowledge to organize a
sentence to be a good paragraph. In order to solve the problem, the researcher choose
Example non example Method to improve students ability in writing descriptive text.
According to Hamzah, (2005:113) Example non example method is one of an
effective strategy to improve students writing ability. By using this strategy the
students could focused and easily to understand the material.
1.4 The Research Questions
Based on the limitation of the problems above, the researcher formulated the
problems as follows:
1. To what extent can the application of example non example method improve
the writing ability of students in descriptive text?
2. What factors that influenced the improvement of students writing ability in
descriptive text?
1.5 Objective of the Research
The objective of this research as follow:
1. To know the extended of using example non example method improve the
writing ability of students in descriptive text
2. To know the factor caused the improvement of students writing ability.
1.6 Needs of the Study
The researcher hopes that the finding of this study will give some
contributions to:
1. The students of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu to overcome their problem in writing
descriptive text
2. The teachers of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu and other school to apply example non
example method in teaching writing
3. The other readers who want to get information about the application of
example non example method in classroom to increase their writing ability.
1.7 The Definition of Key Terms
In order to avoid the readers misinterpretation in reading the title of this
research, the definition of the terms must be appropriately given. The following terms
used in this paper as follows:
Improving : is making better (Hornby, 1987:427). In this
research, improving is defined as the result of
teaching writing treated example non example.
Example non Example method : Hamdani, (2011:94) says that example non
example is a study method that using some of an
example. The example, it can be a real object, cases,
or picture relevant to basic competence. After
looking the definition, the researcher concludes that
example non example is a method which is done by
using cases and real object around us and some
pictures. In this case, player will focus on picture
then describe it by own word.
Writing Ability : is the act of making up correct sentences and
transmitting them through the visual medium as
mark on paper (Widdowson 1978:62).
According to Hornby (1974:996), writing is the
sense of the verb write. Write is to make letters or
other symbols on surface, especially with a pen or
pencil on a paper.
According to Troyka (1987:3-4), writing is a
way of communicating a message to a reader for a
purpose. The purposes of writing are to express ones
self, to provide information for ones reader, to
persuade ones reader, and to create a literary work.
The term of ability is defined as skill or power.
Concisely, writing ability is the skill to express ideas,
thoughts, and feelings to other people in written
symbols to make other people or readers understand
the ideas conveyed.
Descriptive Text : According to Larson (1984:366) and Longacre
(1983:10) Descriptive Text is a text which lists the
characteristics of something. Here, means that let the
readers experience sensory details as they read.
Describe someone, something, or some place in
2.1 The Nature of Writing Ability
Writing is one of English components which must be mastered by the
learners. Thats why writing needs a good teaching method, so it can make students
successful in writing. Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer
to the reader. Similar to Donald Hall said on his book Writing Well that writing is
pretentious and wordy, but a message comes through. Writing also plays a very
crucial part in peoples daily life. It included in one of ways to communicate to
others. Almost of every aspect in our life is covered by writing. Most people think
that mastering writing is one of the most important aspects of learning a second or
foreign language, because the purpose of learning a language is to be able to
communicate by using that language.
Various definitions of writing have been given by many theories. Scholes and
Nancy R. Comley (1985) states that writing is a way thinking as well as a means of
communication. Writing is more than public communication; it is a way of thinking
as well as Fred D. White (1986) said.
Similarly, Trisha Phelps-Gunn and Diana Phelps-Terasaki (1982) say that
writing is a useful, effective, enjoyable, and above all necessary component of the
modern world. It provides the pleasure of sending a personal message to a friend.
They also say that writing is the most complex language mode, being four times
removed from inner language and adds the component of written expression to be
earlier abilities. It can be oral interaction where the participants need to negotiate the
meaning contained in ideas, feeling, and mind. In term it was to say what, to whom
and about what.
From definition and opinions above, it could be conclude that writing is the
way of thinking or sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the
part of language or language skills and it also means communication. Writing is also
a skill to share someone idea, information, suggestion and feeling to another people
by considering culture and social.
The successful writing of people could be characterized by writing a lot,
participation was even, motivation was high, and language was one of an acceptable
levels. There were some basic stages of writing process:
a. Prewriting
The activities to helping you generate the ideas for your writing assignments.
Here, someone will chooses the topic and narrowed them, then generated ideas by
b. Planning (outlining)
Here, someone must organize the ideas that generated by brainstorming into an
c. Writing and revising draft
It means that the time to write the main topic in story until have produced a final
copy to hand in.
2.1.1 Teaching Writing
According to Morley (2007:28), writing is a form of knowledge creation, as it
was in science and other forms of knowledge. In the class, teachers teach students to
make them to be able in discovering and applying this knowledge creation. Generally,
teachers start to teach writing from explaining the writing materials and the methods
of writing then giving so many kinds of exercises to the students and evaluating them
in the examination day. All of activities above are called teaching writing.
Harmer (2004:41-42) summarizes at least five tasks of the teachers have to
perform before, during, and after student writing. The task as follow:
1. Demonstrating
Students need to be aware of writing conventions and genre constraints in
specific types of writing; teachers have to be able to draw these features to
their attention. In whatever way students are made aware of layout issues
of the language used to perform certain written functions, for example, the
important issue is that they are made aware of these things that these
things are drawn to their attention.
2. Motivating and provoking
Students often find themselves lost for words, especially in creative
writing tasks. This is where the teacher can help, provoking the students
into having ideas, enthusing them with the value of the task, and
persuading them what fun it can be. It helps, for example, if teachers go
into class with prepared suggestions so that when students get stuck they
can immediately get help rather than having, themselves, to think of ideas
on the spot. Time spent preparing amusing and engaging ways of getting
students involved in a particular writing task will not be wasted. Students
can be asked to exchange virtual e-mails or discuss ideas before the
writing activity starts. Sometimes teachers can give them the words they
need to start a writing task as a way of getting them going.
3. Supporting
Students need a lot of help and reassurance once they get going, both with
ideas and the means to carry them out. Teachers need to be extremely
supportive when students are writing in class, always available (except
during exam writing of course), and prepared to help students overcome
4. Responding
Teachers react to the content and constructing of a piece supportively and
often (but not always) make suggestions for its improvement. When
teachers respond to a students work at various draft stages, they will not
be grading the work or judging it as a finished product. Teachers will,
instead, be telling the student how well it is going so far. Teachers might
also make comments about their use of language and suggest ways of
improving it.
5. Evaluating
When evaluating students writing for test purposes, teachers can indicate
where they wrote well and where they made mistakes, and teachers may
award grades; but although test-marking is different from responding. We
can still use it not just to grade students but also as a learning opportunity.
When teachers hand back marked scripts, they can get their students to
look at the errors and try to put them right.
The goal of teaching should improve students communicative skills. It means
that students could express themselves and learn how to follow social and culture rule
appropriate in each communicative circumstance. Learners are expected to be able to
produce the language they were learned.
According to Burnkart, the goal of teaching writing skills is to communicate
efficiency. Learners should be able to make themselves understood, using their
current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message
due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary and to observe the social and
cultural rules that apply in each communication situation.
From definition above, it could be concluded that in teaching writing, teacher
should have ability to guide students in order to increase students writing ability.
2.1.2 The Purpose of Writing
As one of the four skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing, writing also
can be used for a variety of purposes. According to Harmer (2004:31-34), divides it
into two purposes. The first one is writing-for-learning, that role where students write
predominantly to augment their learning of the grammar and vocabulary of the
language. The second one is writing-for-writing, where students directed to learn
and write in various genres using different registers.
In conclusion to the discussion above, written language was used to get students
knowing their environment, expressing their thinking. In the case of information,
written language was used to communicate with others who are removed in time and
space. In this paper, the students write a descriptive text to describe about animals or
other based on the given topic in their books.
2.1.3 The Components of Writing
Writing components is the combination of all kind of elements that will build a
good writing. Someone who wants to write must consider components of writing like
Harris (1986: 91-93) says as the following:
1. Grammar (Language Usage)
The most important one is the grammar or language use. The using of
grammar must correct and appropriate to the context of language.
2. Vocabulary
While writing, writers have to observe the word choice and terms that
used in each sentence. Each word also must be arranged as well as
possible to avoid wordiness and ambiguity.
3. Mechanics
The element of good writing counts only when its wrong. Fair or not, the
reader will notice the spelling (including technical terms and proper
names), punctuation (comma placement or the other punctuation
placement), subject/verb agreement, appropriate verb tense, etc.
4. Fluency (Style and Easy Communication)
The control of language that is appropriate to the purpose, audience, and
context of the writing. Sentence fluency involves using a variety of
sentence styles to establish effective relationships between and among
ideas, causes, and/or statements appropriate to the task.
5. Form (Organization)
Organization is the progression, relatedness, and completeness of ideas.
The writer establishes for the reader a well-organized composition, which
exhibits a constancy of purpose through the development of elements
forming an effective beginning, middle, and end. The response
demonstrates a clear progression of related ideas and/or events and is
unified and complete.
Kane (1988:13-18) explains the writing components like the grammar, usage,
and mechanics explicitly. The grammar that is used means, the writer must write the
deep meaning of a word or sentence. The usage designates rules of a less basic and
binding sort, concerning how we should use the language in certain situations. In
composition, mechanics refers to the appearance of words, to how they are spelled or
arranged on paper.
From those are points of views, it can be clearly seen that a good composition
covers some components of writing such as grammar (language use), vocabulary,
fluency, form (organization), and mechanics. It is expected that the students must be
able to use all of them in their writing in order to generate a good composition.
2.2 The Nature of Text
Text can be used for both written and spoken language. It usually refers to a
stretch, an extract or complete piece of writing or speech. Texts generally adhere to
broad conventions and rules which determine the language and structure used in
particular text types. Cornbleet and Carter (The Language of Speech and Writing
(2001, p 3)). Hartono (2005:4) states that text was a unit of meaning which is
coherend and appropriate for its context. There are twelve kinds of the texts, they are
narrative, descriptive, procedure, recount, review, report, exposition hortatory,
disscusion, explanation, anecdote, exposition analitycal, news item.
Moreover, each text type has certain typical features. Pearson (1978) in Hesty
(2009:9) devides these features into three areas:
1. The first feature was the purpose of text type or what we call by social function
of the text. In other words, why we write or speak this kind of the text. For
instance, narrative text amuse or entertain the readers, or procedure text in order
to give instructions on how to do something through a series of actions or steps
and descriptive text in order to describe the characteristics of a person, a thing or
a particular place.
2. The second feature we need to look understand and identify was a text type
concerns organizational structure of the text type or in order words, the generic
structure of the text. In descriptive text, generally, there are two part structure.
The first is the identification of the story. That is mention the name, occupation,
profession and career. The second part is description of the story. That is tells
about the physical features, the way he/she dresses and his/her personality.
3. The third feature of the text concerns their language features or Lexical
grammatical features. By the language features, we mean such things as
grammar, vocabulary, and connectors that we use. For instance, in descriptive
text we often use adjectives and compound adjectives, the linking verbs/relating
verbs, simple present tense, degree of comparisons and the attributives has and
2.3 The Nature of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is one of kinds of text that must be learned in Junior High
School students. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe what kind of person or
an object, describe good shape, its properties, number, etc. Based on Competency
Based Curriculum (2004) that descriptive text is a text which purpose is to describe a
particular person, some place or thing in specific.
According to Larson (1984:366) and Longacre (1983:10) Descriptive Text is a
text which lists the characteristics of something. Here means that let the readers
experience sensory details as they read. Describe someone, something, or some place
in specific. Descriptive text has the generic structure. According Hartono (2005:5)
Generic structures is the distinctive beginning middle end structure of a genre. It
can say that generic structure is part that the writer has in writing a story. The generic
structure as follows; Identification that contain of thing will be describe and the
description that contain the explanation of thing or person with a few of its nature.
Descriptive text also have some language feature. Based on KTSP 2004, the
language feature of narrative text are:
1. Descriptive text using the Simple Present Tense, for example: go, eat, fly, etc.
2. Descriptive using some adjectives to describe the nature (portrait), numbering
and classifying, for example: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.
3. Descriptive text using verbs relating to provide information about the subject,
for example: my mum is really cool, it has very thick fur, etc.
4. Descriptive text using Thinking verbs (verb think, like believe, think, etc) and
feeling verbs (verbs flavoring, like feel) to reveal the authors personal views
about the subject, for example: police believe the suspect is aimed, I think it is
a clever animal, etc.
5. Descriptive text also using adverbs to provide additional information about
the behavior or trait (adjective) are describe, for example: it is extremely high,
it definitely runs past, etc.
Example of Descriptive Text
This is the example of descriptive text to show you the structures and language
features of a descriptive text.
Title : My Mother
Identification : Every people certainly have a mother. That is because
the people are born from her. The existence of her
among us is definitely important. Thats why, I love her
so much. I owe great debt to what she has been doing to
me until right now.
Description : My mothers name is Khodijah. She is 49 years old.
She is short but not too short. She is fat. She has got
short white straight hair. She also has brown skinned.
My mother is beautiful. Her hand is so soft and it hand
that has taught me to be kind person.
My mother never stop to support me. She always tells
me not to give up so easily. She always gives me some
solutions when I got some problems. The importance of
her is she always does everything for her children. That
is why I always try to do the best for her.
2.4 The Nature of Example non Example
The example non example method is a method that uses an example like a
picture as teaching media. According to D. Buehl (1996), Examples non
Examples is a tactic that can be used to teach defined concepts. The tactic
involves providing learners with instances that include both Example and Non-
Examples of the defined concepts being taught according to the appropriate
A defined concept is a concept that is known primarily by its definition rather
than by physical characteristics. By stating the definition alone, the learners may
not fully comprehend the defined concept. Understanding why Examples are in
fact Examples and why Non-Examples are not Examples clears up confusion and
leads to deeper understanding of the concept being taught.
According to Diah Widyatun (2012),this method has a purpose to help the
students analyze the picture to become a simple description about what is in the
picture. It also aims to encourage students to think critically by solving the
problems contained in the picture.
According to Rizka Apriliana (2012:6) Example non example is a learning
method that used the media or non media as an example. Example of commonly
used and simple might be the case in newspapers or other media such as
television, can be more simple or more of the issues emerging in a society that
would still fit with the weight of the material to be provided.
It is one of techniques that can be used in teaching and learning process,
especially in writing English. Using some pictures as a media in teaching and
learning process have a purpose to make a student can analyze and describe the
picture or that object about what happened in that situation. This method can be
used in the classroom by focus on psychology aspect and student level of
development on :
1. Written and oral language skills
2. Mild analytical skills
3. Ability to interact with other students.
Tennyson and Pork (Slavin, 2002) suggests that if the teacher will present an
example of a concept then there are three things that should be considered are:
1. Sort the example from easy to difficult
2. Select the examples that differ from each other
3. Compare between the examples and not examples
In order to enhance students understanding in using Example non example
method the students need to follow steps. There are steps of example non example
according to Agus Suprijono (2009:125), the steps are as follows:
1. Teacher prepare the picture in accordance with the purpose of learning
2. Teacher put a picture on the board or presented on OHP
3. Teacher gives instructions and provide opportunities for students to observe
/ analyze images. Let the students see the picture that is presented in order to
understand detailed pictures. In addition, the teacher also give a brief
description of the pictures being observed by the students.
4. Through group discussion 2-3 students, the discussion of the analysis of the
images recorded on paper. The paper are used would be better if provided by
the teacher.
5. Each group is given the opportunity to read the results of the discussion
6. Start the comment / discussion of students, teachers begin to explain the
material to the purpose to be achieved
7. Conclusion.
From the explanation above, we can see that the process is quite easy. And the
technique is one of the good strategies that should be considered by teacher to
applying in teaching learning process. What is not easy to direct attention deliberately
in one direction after another when your prejudices have already decided for you
what you should feel about an idea.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
This conceptual framework was designed to make researcher easier to know
about this research process. We can see about the problem (lack of writing ability)
that consists of five aspects (content, form, grammar, style, and mechanics) with their
Expected Result (The
improving students
writing ability in
descriptive text)
specific information. Then, we can see the problem solving using Example non
Example method are used in teaching writing descriptive text in the classroom.
Below is the framework of this research:
Problem solving The Example non Example method
Example Non Example
Observing Acting
Figure 1. Conceptual framework of using Example non Example Method in teaching
writing Descriptive Text
In order to clarify the theories used in this research, the researcher would like
to explain briefly about the framework of this research.
Based on the method this research, the teacher must follow procedure in
action research before the students practice example non example method. The first
Students low
ability in writing a
descriptive text
procedure was plan. The teacher plans all of things that will be needed in learning and
teaching process such as lesson plan, syllabus, and etc. The second procedure was
acting or action. The teacher implements of the lesson plan. Then, the third procedure
was observation. The collaborator observes of the teaching and learning process by
using document as observation material. And the last procedure was reflection. In this
procedure, the researcher and the collaborator analyzes, explains, and draws
conclusion about that she has done.
The results will be anticipated in this process was improving students writing
ability in descriptive text after doing action research and Example Non Example
2.6 Review of The Related Findings
Rizka Apriliana in 2013. This action research was purposed to study about
improvement on the ability of the second year students of MTs Wahid Hasyim
Badegan in writing descriptive text by performing the example non example method.
This study also aimed to encouraging students to learn critical thinking by solving
problems contained in the examples by presented a picture. To know how the
example non example method able to improve students writing ability and how the
result after used the example non example method.
Based on the result of this research concludes that the use of example non
example method can improve the students ability in writing descriptive text. It was
seen from the improvement of students score from cycle I to a cycle II. The total of
the first observation checklist is 47, 22% in cycle I up to 80, 55% in cycle II. This
method used to attract and encourage the students to improve their ability to construct
their understanding in writing English. Besides, this strategy also gives any
contribution to the general public in increasing knowledge.
3.1 The Research Design
In this thesis, the researcher conducted this research in form of action
research. Refers to Donato (2003:1-2) stated that action research was any systematic
inquiry conducted by teacher researchers to gather information about the ways that
particular school operates, how the teachers teach, and how well their students learn.
The information was gathered with the goals of gaining insight, developing reflective
practice, effecting positive changes in the school environment and on educational
practices in general, and improving student outcomes. Additionally, Azhar (2006:2)
stated the purpose of action research was also to improve students ability or as a
solution of problems in teaching learning process.
The original concept of action research introduced by Lewin in Kusumah
(2011:27) divided the action research cycle into planning, acting, observing, and
reflecting. Action research was often conducted to discover a plan for innovation or
intervention and collaborative. Then, Mills (2003: 14) developed the following
framework for action research:
1. Describe the problem and area of focus.
2. Define the factors involved in your area of focus (e.g., the curriculum,
school setting, student outcomes, and instructional strategies).
3. Develop research questions.
4. Describe the intervention or innovation to be implemented.
5. Develop a timeline for implementation.
6. Describe the membership of the action research group.
7. Develop a list of resources to implement the plan.
8. Describe the data to be collected.
9. Develop a data collection and analysis plan.
10. Select appropriate tools of inquiry.
11. Carry out the plan (implementation, data collection, data analysis).
12. Report the results.
Watts in Ferrance (1985:118) concluded that action research is a process in
which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and
carefully, using the techniques of research. It was based on the following
1. Teachers and principals work best on problems they have identified for
2. Teachers and principals become more effective when encouraged to
examine and assess their own work and then consider ways of working
3. Teachers and principals help each other by working collaboratively
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
4. Working with colleagues helps teachers and principals in their
professional development
In this paper, the researcher conducted two cycles, and every cycle consists of
three meetings. The research design could be illustrated as follow:
4.Reflection 1. Planning
3. Observation 2. Action
4. Reflection 1. Revised Plan
3. Observation 2. Action
Expected Result
Figure 2. Research Design of Using Example non Example method in Teaching Writing
Descriptive Text (David Marpaung, 2012)
3.2 The Location and Participants of the Research
3.2.1 The Location of the Research
This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in the academic year
2013/2014, at the last semester during June until July 2014.
3.2.2 The Participants
The participants of this research were the second year students SMPN 2
Siak Hulu. There were five classes in this level, class VIII 1, VIII 2, VIII 3, VIII 4
and VIII 5. Each classe consists of 20-25 students. The researcher was conducted the
result of class VIII.2 because this class had the lowest minimum criteria of
achievement (KKM) in the mastery of English. Most of students in this class also had
trouble in learning English especially in writing subject.
3.3 Instrument
The instrument that was used in this classroom action research aimed to
know students ability in writing descriptive text. There were some instruments that
used in this classroom action research such as a set of complete test, observation
sheets, interview and field note.
1. Test
Test was used to the collect data about students score in composing texts.
The test was consists of descriptive text. Here the blue print of those tests could be
seen as follow:
Table 1
Blue Print of the Test
No Indicators Topic Subtopic
1. 1. Students are able to identify the
general structure of descriptive text.
2. Students are able to know the
language feature used in descriptive
3. Students are able to write
descriptive text by making the
Identification and description by
using example non example
2. Lesson plan
Lesson plan was a description of teachers instruction for each lesson in each
meeting. It was designed to guide teacher and students during the process of teaching
learning activity. The lesson plan succeeded systematic teaching based on the
curriculum. There were two cycles would be applied in this research, and each cycle
consist of two meetings.
3. Observation Sheet
In this research, the observation sheet was divided into two parts; teachers
observation and students observation sheets.
1. Teachers Observation Sheet
Teachers observation sheet was a sheet aimed to observe teacher activity
during teaching and learning process.
2. Students Observation Sheet
The researcher observes the students activities during the lesson in class.
4. Interview
The other instrumentation that used by the researcher was interview. The
function of interview was as a cross to knowing knowledge of students. Interview
consists of some questions about which related to material writing ability in
descriptive text. The purposed of those questions were: (1) to increase the students
knowledge in writing text. (2) To create atmosphere of class become active. (3) To
give occasion for students to express their opinion.
5. Field Note
The function of field note was as a cross check data. Field note consists of
important data from the researcher. Some aspects of teaching and learning that
recorded such as interaction between teacher and students, interaction between
student and students, all research activities, comments and suggestions from the
3.4 Procedure of The Research
3.4.1 Plan
The first thing to do in conducting action research was the planning. Planning
means the all of the activities which are going to be conducted in action research must
be planned in order to help the researcher in conducting the study. Actually, there are
many things that prepared and planned well by the researcher, such as lesson plan,
teaching materials, and etc. According to Stringer (2008:5), action research also
provides a useful tool for day to day planning in classroom, such as lesson planning,
formulation of teaching strategies/methods, and student assessment, or more
extensive tasks, such as syllabus, planning, curriculum construction, and evaluation.
The researcher planned to use Example non Example method to improve the
students writing ability of descriptive text. The subject of this research was the
second grade because the researcher found the students difficulties of writing the
text. Before the researcher applied the method, the researcher made steps that should
be done, they were as follows:
a. Lesson Plans were the steps and activities that the researcher did in the
classroom. And lesson plan must be prepared before teaching in the classroom.
b. Media used to increase students motivation and interest in a process of teaching
and learning. In this research, the researcher used some of pictures as the media
in teaching learning activity.
c. Tests were one of the instruments to measure students ability. In this research,
teacher prepared the test to know the students writing ability in descriptive text.
Teacher gave the students a test to know students ability in writing descriptive
text before and after doing an action by using example non example method.
d. The observation Sheet was used to see the process of teaching learning in the
classroom. Both teacher and students should be observed in this research. For the
students, it is used to see students involvement and achievement in the process
of teaching learning process by using example non example method, whether
they could follow the steps and active in the teaching learning activities or not.
3.4.2 Action
Action was the implementation of the lesson plans which have been arranged
by the researcher. On the other word, action was guided by planning. All of the
activities which are going to be done by the researcher in teaching and learning
process were based on the lesson plans that have been prepared, and other materials
that could help the teacher in teaching and learning process.
3.4.3 Observation
Observation was important for subsequent reflection and action. There were
two kinds of observation sheets that used in this research. They were students
observation sheet and teachers observation sheet.
Observation was used to document the effects of the action which had been
done by the researcher. It must be done carefully in order to find the truth information
about the students behavior or action.
Stringer (2008:7) states that action research was different from another type of
action research experimental research. In this research, the researcher will notes the
frequency of specific types of behavior, and acts or events using a highly structure
observation scheduled. It means that observation in action research was not as simple
as observation in another type of research because there were many thing which are
going to be observed such as the students behavior, activities, responses, and etc, the
observation must be flexible and open the record unexpected action of the
participants or students.
In observation, the researcher was helped by a collaborator whose job was to
observe the teaching and learning process in classroom. He also made a field note
about something that he found while teaching and learning process. It was hoped that
the researcher could make an improvement when teaching at the next cycle. So that
the researcher could teach well and reached the goal.
3.4.4 Reflection
Reflecting was the last activity in the data collecting technique. Reflections
based on the observation whether the research was success or not by the researcher.
Conclusion was about the action that the researcher should be analyzed, synthesized,
interpreted, explained, and drawn.
Then, if the researcher still found the problem in teaching writing a
descriptive text by using Example non Example method, the researcher moved to the
next cycle in order to gain better improvement on students writing ability in
descriptive text.
3.5 Technique of Collecting Data
1. Quantitative Data
In this research, the data was collected by distributing the test to the students
of participants. The test conducted to find the ability of students writing ability
before teaching by using Example non Example method. After giving a test, the
treatment that should be done was by using Example non Example method.
During the treatment, the improvement of students` writing ability could be
seen. Then, the final test was conducted to find out the effect of using Example non
Example method in teaching writing descriptive text at the second year students of
SMPN 2 Siak Hulu.
The researcher used Browns scoring system to score the students writing
ability. The scoring system that used as follows:
Table 2
The Scoring system of writing
No The aspect of writing to be evaluated The score range
1 Content 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
2 Organization 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
3 Grammar 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
4 Vocabulary 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
5 Mechanics 4 : 3 : 2 : 1
2. Qualitative data
The researcher choosed observation in the process of collecting the
quantitative data and it has been done by collaborator. The collaborator observed the
teaching and learning activities in the classroom and the observation sheets used to
obtain any important information about teaching and learning process.
3.6 The Data Analysis Technique
The data that was analyzed based on the classification whether it was
quantitative or qualitative data.
3.6.1 Quantitative Data
The researcher used the aspect of writing by Brown in this research. The
writing aspects could be seen below:
Table 3
The Aspects of Writing
The aspect of writing
to be evaluated
Score Description Weighting
1 Content
The topic is not clear and the details are not
relating to the topic.
3 x
The topic is complete and clear but the details
are not relating to the topic.
The topic is complete and clear but the details
are almost relating to the topic.
The topic is complete and clear and the details
are relating to the topic.
2. Organization
Identification is not complete and descriptions
are arranged with misuse connections.
2 x
Identification is not complete and description
are arranged with few misuse connections.
Identification is almost complete and
descriptions are arranged with almost proper
Identification is complete and descriptions are
arranged with proper connections.
3. Grammar
Frequent grammatical or agreement
Numerous grammatical or agreement
Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies but
not affect on meaning.
Very few grammatical or agreement
4. Vocabulary
Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, are
not understandable.
1,5 x
Limited range confusing words and word form.
Few misuse of vocabularies, word forms, but
not change the meaning.
Effective choice of words and word forms.
5. Mechanics
It is dominated by errors of spelling,
punctuation, and capitalization.
1,5 x
It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization.
It has occasional errors of spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization.
It uses correct of spelling, punctuation, and
Adapted from H. Douglas Brown (2007)
The writing score rubric was constructed based on the table above. Each of
students got their score based on that aspect of writing in their writing test. To get
objective scores, the researcher asked the collaborator to join the scoring of the
students work, he is Agustiarman S.Pd.
The rating of score arranged among l up to 5 as the following table:
Table 4
Score Rubric of Descriptive Text
No. Name
Score (P)
To analyze the quantitative data, the following formulas were used:
1. To know the total score of students writing, the following formulas were
used as follows:
S = 3C + 2O + 2G + 1, 5 V + 1, 5 M
S: Tota1 score
C: Content
O: Organization
G: Students ability in grammar
V: Vocabulary
M: Students ability in mechanics
Adapted from Brown retrieved from
2. To know the students score in writing a descriptive text, the following
formulas that used by (Wayan and Sumartana, 1983: 76) as follows:
P = X 100
Notation: P= Individual score
X = Correct answer
N = Number of item
3. After computing the individual score of the students, the level of students
ability in writing a descriptive text before and after using Example non
Example method. It was classified percentage grading based on the following
Table 5
The Classification of Students Ability Level in Writing a Descriptive Text
No. Score Classification
1. 81-100 Excellent
2. 61-80 Good
3. 41-60 Mediocre
4. 21-40 Poor
5. 0-20 Very Poor
4. To know the mean score of the students ability in writing a descriptive text,
the following formulas used by (Hatch and Farhady 1982:55):
x = x
X = Mean
X = Total of correct answer
N = Number of students
3.6.2 Qualitative Data
The qualitative data was gathered through the observation sheets of the
students and the teacher. The researcher presented it in chapter four. The observation
sheets that used as the followings:
Table 6
Students Observation Sheets
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning 1. Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
2. Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
3. Forming and sitting in a group.
4. Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
5. Discussing and giving any improvement about
the topic that given.
6. Looking at the teachers sentences and then write
down like teachers sentences
7. Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting 1. Making own example based on the topic and method
2. Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic
and the non example in groups.
3. Editing
1. Read friends works
2. Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding
in writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
1. Involving in class discussion to talk about their
written work with the teacher.
2. Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Table 7
Teachers Observation Sheets
No. Observation Points Remark
1. Pre-teaching
1. Prepare lesson plan
2. Greeting
3. Check Attendance
4. Give Motivation
2. Whilst-teaching
1. Explain about the topic
2. Explain about the example non example
3. Preparing the media
4. Preparing students into a group
5. Apply the Example and no example
a. Example
b. Non Example
6. Giving the comments and explanations
about the students written work in order
to improve their understanding in writing a
good descriptive text.
3. Post-teaching
1.Conducting a short whole class
2. Involving in class discussion to talk about
their written works
3. Rewriting their final work based on their
improvement comments and class discussion.
3.6.3 Interview
The other instrumentation that should be used by the researcher was
interview. The function of interview was as a cross to knowing knowledge of
students. Interview consists of some questions about that related to material writing
ability in descriptive text. The purposes of these questionss were: (1) to increase the
students knowledge in writing text. (2) To create atmosphere of class become active.
(3) To give occasion for students to express their opinion.
In this research, the researcher gave some questions to the students, but these
questions were not written form. Therefore, the technique to analyze this
instrumentation with used a record. This record was be taken by collaborator. After
the teaching learning finished, the researcher looked the situation in the classroom
with this recording.
Here were some questions that were asked by the researcher in teaching
learning process.
Table 8
The Teachers interview list
No Example of the Questions
1 What do you think about the materials Descriptive text?
What do you think about the media that was used in identifying role of
example non example method in teaching writing Descriptive text?
What do you think about the classroom activities done by the teacher in the
What do you think about the teacher behavior during the teaching and
learning process in controlling the learner to writing text?
5 Does this strategy give you the easier way to writing a text?
3.6.4 Field Note
To support the result of observation, the researcher also obtained the data by
having field note. The collaborator monitored and wrote the students behavior and
made note about it. The goal of this instrumentation was to obtain the data of teaching
and learning process in implementing Example non Example method.
The researcher analyzed the data from sheets and field notes to know the
factors which could increase the students ability in writing descriptive text during
teaching and learning process. The researcher also gained the data by computing the
result of the students task in order to know the students achievement after teaching
applying Example non Example method.
Here is the form of the field note which used by the researcher in this research:
Table 9
Field Notes
No. Meeting 1 Notes
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
The researcher analyzed the data based on the observation sheets and field
notes in order to know the teaching and learning process. The researcher also
analyzed the data based on the observation sheets and field notes in order to know
what factors which increased the students ability in writing the text during teaching
and learning process. The data collected based on the checklist items on the sheet
would be analyzed by computing the improvement of the students, which was the
students activities and behavior in teaching and learning process. The researcher also
analyzed the data by computing the improvement of the students ability on the
students task after teaching writing by applying Example non example method. The
result of the data represented on chapter four
In this chapter, the researcher described the result of the research, finding and
the discussion of this class action research. These were made in order to answer the
formulation of the research; To what extent can the Application of Example non
Example Method improve the writing ability of students in Descriptive text of the
second year students at SMP N 2 Siak Hulu? and what factors caused the
improvement of students writing ability?. Both of these question were answered
based the data gotten from the writing test, observation sheets, field notes and
4.1 The Findings
This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Siak Hulu, class VIII.2, which had
20 students. The purpose of this study was to find out whether Example non Example
method can improve writing ability of the second year students. During collecting the
data, the researcher tested writing test to the students individually both before and
after implemented Example non Example method. In this research, the researcher
composed three meetings in each cycle, with 2 x 45 minutes or 90 minutes for each
In order to know the students base score, the researcher gave pre-test. It was
given to know the students writing ability before Example non Example taught to the
students. The students asked to write a paragraph of descriptive text based to the
knowledge they had. After that, the researcher gave Example non Example method to
the students to be applied in writing descriptive text in test 2.
4.1.1 The Result of Test 1 (Base Score)
Before implementing Example non Example method, the researcher gave the
students such kind of small test or base test. The data analysis assessed by raters.
After the score from the raters were collected, the researcher accumulated the score to
obtain the writing ability level of the students. The data was computed and shown in
the following table:
Table 10. The Result of Students Base Score
Indicator of Writing
Score Level
Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics
1 6 2 4 1.5 1.5 37.5 Poor
2 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
3 6 6 6 4.5 4.5 67.5 Good
4 6 4 2 1.5 1.5 37.5 Poor
5 6 2 2 3 1.5 36.2 Poor
6 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
7 6 2 2 3 1.5 36.2 Poor
8 6 4 4 3 3 50 Mediocre
9 6 6 6 3 3 60 Mediocre
10 6 4 4 4.5 1.5 50 Mediocre
11 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
12 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
13 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
14 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
15 6 2 2 1.5 1.5 32.5 Poor
16 6 2 4 3 3 45 Mediocre
17 6 4 2 1.5 1.5 37.5 Poor
18 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
19 2 3 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
20 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 25 Poor
Total 110 69 68 52.5 46.5 864.9
Average 5.5 3.45 3.4 2.62 2.32 43.24
From table 10, it could be seen that the total score of the students was 864.9
and the mean score was 43.24. It could be concluded that the ability of the second
year students of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in writing descriptive text while they had the
base-test was at mediocre level.
Besides, the classification of the level of students ability in writing
descriptive text was computed statistically. It could be shown in the following table:
Table 11. The Level of Students Base Score
Score Level Frequency (F) Percentages
81-100 Excellent 0 0%
61-80 Good 4 20%
41-60 Mediocre 4 20%
21-40 Poor 12 60%
0-20 Very Poor 0 0%
From table 10, it could be seen according to the result of the rater that there
was no one student got excellent level, 4 students got good level, 4 students got
mediocre level, there is no one student got very poor level, and 12 students were in
poor level. Based on the data above also concluded that the average class in base test
was 43, 24.
In addition, only 3 students who passed KKM (75). It means only 15% of
students who passed the KKM and 85% of it should get improvements.
The writer also presented the data of the students ability from average score
according to five aspects of writing as the following chart:
Chart 1. The Students Ability in Each Aspects of Writing in Base Score
Based on the chart above, the average score of the students for aspects
content was 5,5, aspect organization was 3.45, aspect grammar was 3.4, aspect
vocabulary was 2.62, and aspect mechanic was 2.32. The lowest aspects were
vocabulary and mechanic. It means the comprehension of the students about
vocabulary and mechanics still low.
4.1.2 The Discussion of Cycle 1
After giving first test, the writer then started the cycle 1 and applied Example
non Example Method in order to improve students writing ability of class VIII.2
SMPN 2 Siak Hulu. The writer then conducted some observation, which regarded
about teaching and learning process in the classroom. The writer observed by
Agustiarman, S.Pd, as an English teacher of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu. Cycle 1 consisted of
3 meetings where the writer conducted 3 lesson plans for this cycle.
Aspect of Writing
In Cycle 1, the writer developed planning, acting, observation and reflection
steps, and explained as the following: Planning
At the beginning, the writer identified the curriculum that used in SMPN 2
Siak Hulu to applicant students regarding writing descriptive text by using Example
Non Example Method. Then, the writer arranged the lesson plan, the students
worksheets, students observation sheets, teacher observation sheets, the material, and
teaching learning media that writer needed to apply Example Non Example Method. Action
After prepared the instruments that needed during the teaching learning
process, the writer began to introduce Example Non Example Method to the students.
The students were given the sense that this new strategy aimed to overcome their
difficulties in writing. Then the writer explained Example Non Example Method
slowly to the students because they never had been introduced this strategy before.
The writer also gave guidance to the students in order easy for them to write.
First, the writer explained the definition of this new writing strategy and all
components in it. Step by step the students taught about this writing strategy from
how to analyze the picture easily by determineing the picture in a few keywords.
Then, leads the students to fill each word by explore their idea to be a simple
sentence, how to write handwriting, and how to collaborate the supporting detail.
After giving the guidance, the writer noticed that the students quickly learned
to practice this new writing strategy. Nevertheless, not all of the students seriously
pay attention while their asked to work in group, some of them still could not
concentrate to do the discussion. In the end of the Action, the writer found that there
was an increasing of motivation from the students, however there were a number of
students who still gave low involvement in the discussion. Observation
In conducting the research by using Example Non Example Method to
increase students ability in writing descriptive text, the writer found some
improvement of their activity in applying it. It was shown by the number of students
who followed the activity in every meeting of teaching and learning process. Beside
that, there were some students who make situation in the class still not running well. The Result of Test on Cycle 1
After students had been taught through Example non Example Method, the
test was given to the students to know their ability in writing descriptive text. The test
instrument which was used at the end of this cycle was similar with test instrument
which was used in Test 1 (Base test). Then, the students score was computed which is
shown in the following table:
Table 12. The Result of Students Test on Cycle 1
Students Indicator of Writing Score Level
Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics
1 6 6 4 4.5 3 58.7 Mediocre
2 3 4 4 3 1.5 38.7 Poor
3 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
4 6 6 6 3 3 60 Mediocre
5 6 4 6 3 3 55 Poor
6 3 4 4 3 1.5 38.7 Poor
7 6 4 4 3 3 50 Mediocre
8 6 6 4 4.5 4.5 62.5 Good
9 6 6 6 3 4.5 63.7 Good
10 6 6 6 3 3 60 Mediocre
11 12 6 6 4.5 4.5 82.5 Excellent
12 12 6 6 4.5 4.5 82.5 Excellent
13 3 2 4 3 1.5 33.7 Poor
14 12 6 6 4.5 3 78.7 Good
15 3 2 4 3 1.5 33.7 Poor
16 6 6 6 3 4.5 63.7 Good
17 6 6 6 3 4.5 63.7 Good
18 6 4 4 3 1.5 46.2 Mediocre
19 6 4 4 3 1.5 46.2 Mediocre
20 3 4 4 3 1.5 38.7 Poor
Total 126 98 100 69 60 1131.9
Average 6.3 4.9 5.0 3.45 3.0 56.59
Based on table 12, it could be seen that the total score of the class was 1131, 9
and the mean score was 56, 59. So, the ability in writing a descriptive text of the
second year students of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in Test Cycle l was at mediocre level.
After the test was given to the students, then the level classification of
students ability in writing a descriptive text was computed statistically. It could be
seen in the following table:
Table 13. The Level of Students Ability on Cycle 1
Score Level Frequency (F) Percentages
81-100 Excellent 2 10%
61-80 Good 5 25%
41-60 Mediocre 8 40%
21-40 Poor 5 25%
0-20 Very Poor 0 0%
Based on the data above, it could be seen that there were 2 students or 10%
who got excellent level, 5 students or 25% got good level, 8 students or 40% got
mediocre level, 5 students or 25% got poor level and no one student got very poor
From the data above also concluded that the average class in test cycle 1 was
56, 59. As the final result at the end of test cycle 1, 16 students were still under 75
(the minimum criteria of achievement/KKM). It means only 20% of students who
passed the KKM and 80% of it should get more improvements.
The writer also displayed the data of the students ability from average score
according to five aspects of writing as the following chart:
Chart 2. The Students Ability in Each Aspects of Writing in Test Cycle 1
From the chart above, the average score of the students for aspect content was
6,3, aspect organization was 4,9, aspect grammar was 5,0, aspect vocabulary was
Aspect of Writing
3,45, and for the last aspect mechanic was 3,0. It can be defined that the lowest
writing aspects were still vocabulary and mechanic. It means the comprehension of
the students about vocabulary and mechanics still low, even though it had been
increased from the result in test1. Reflection
The writer noticed that the teaching learning process in cycle 1 was not
running really well and most of students had not shown a good improvement yet.
The students were still confused and did not know how to organize their paragraph
well. They even did not know the correct writing of each word. The number of class
participation in discussing was still not good. It was not satisfying yet for the writer
because it had not reach 75 or the Minimum Criteria of Achievement (KKM).
In the other hand, the observer noticed that the writer still too much focusing
in applying this writing strategy to the students. The writer too fast explained the
Example Non Example Method without giving a good attention to the students who
had low interaction to the class process. The writer determined to do better in
encouraging students to get involved in class discussions and write well.
So, the second cycle was decided to conduct and planning had been arranged.
The result of the reflection was formulated as the following:
a. The writer used Example non Example Method for this cycle but she
reminded the students to be more serious involve in class discussion than
b. The writer guided and helps students in writing their work.
c. The teacher also guided and gave special attention to the students who
find difficulties during the teaching learning process.
4.1.3 The Discussion of Cycle 2
After conducting cycle 1 and giving the test 1, the writer continued this
research to cycle 2. In cycle 2, the writer still applied Example Non Example Method
to class VIII.2 SMPN 2 Siak Hulu. The writer gave new spirit and motivation to the
whole students how to work in a small group and big group. In addition, the writer
also gave more intense to the student who found obstacles in teaching learning
In this cycle, the writer used three meetings with 2x45 minutes for each
meeting. During the implementation of cycle 2, the writer still developed planning,
acting, observation and reflection as the steps of teaching learning activities, and the
explanation of it could be seen as the following: Planning
As the first activities in cycle 2, the writer re-evaluated the problems in cycle
1. Then, the writer arranged the lesson plan, the students worksheets, students
observation sheets, teacher observation sheets, the material lesson, and teaching
learning media that writer needed to apply Example Non Example Method. The
writer also figured out some new tactics to make them so excited in implementing
this writing strategy. Action
Since Example non Example Method had been common to the students at the
previous meeting the writer only focused to fix the students problems in writing. The
writer who was acted as the teacher, this time prefers to build students motivation to
learn seriously but more fun. In the fact, since students writing still low the writer
gave a special attention to the students who find difficulties. The writer gave a
guidance to the students from analyzed the picture until organized the sentence
become a paragraph. Then, the writer helped them to explore their idea.
So, at the end of the teaching learning process, the students enjoyed the group
work and the class discussion. Finally, they knew that Example Non Example
Method already ease them to write and practiced it every time they want to. Observation
While conducting cycle 2, the writer began Example Non Example Method
with four steps that had been executed in cycle 1. The writer was so satisfied with
what she found as in the final result of cycle 2. All of the students now had been
improved after applying this writing strategy. The Result of Test on Cycle 2
After re-conducting Example non Example Method, the writer found a
significant improvement from previous cycle to the cycle. Students had been through
the test in order to make sure their ability in writing descriptive text. The test
instrument which was used at the end of this cycle was similar with test instrument
which was used in base-test and test cycle 1.
The following table showed the students score in the end of cycle 2 after
implemented Example non Example Method:
Table 14. The Result of Students Test on Cycle 2
Indicator of Writing
Score Level
Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics
1 12 6 6 6 4.5 86.2 Excellent
2 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
3 12 8 8 6 4.5 96.2 Excellent
4 12 8 6 6 4.5 91.2 Excellent
5 9 8 6 4.5 4.5 80 Good
6 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
7 9 8 6 4.5 3 76.2 Good
8 12 8 6 4.5 4.5 87.5 Excellent
9 12 8 6 6 4.5 91.2 Excellent
10 12 8 6 4.5 4.5 87.5 Excellent
11 12 8 8 6 4.5 96.2 Excellent
12 12 8 8 6 4.5 96.2 Excellent
13 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
14 12 8 8 6 4.5 96.2 Excellent
15 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
16 12 8 6 6 4.5 91.2 Excellent
17 12 8 6 4.5 4.5 87.5 Excellent
18 9 6 6 4.5 4.5 75 Good
19 9 8 6 4.5 3 76.2 Good
20 9 6 6 6 4.5 78.7 Good
Total 213 146 128 103.5 87 1693.2
Average 10.65 7.3 6.4 5.17 4.35 84.66
Based on table 15, it could be seen that the total score of the class was
increased from 1131, 9 in test cycle 1 to be 1693, 2 in test cycle 2. And the mean
score also raised up from 56, 59 in cycle 1 to 84, 66 in cycle 2. So, the second year
students score of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in writing a descriptive text in cycle 2 was at
excellent level. In additional, after cycle 2 was conducted, the data also showed that
no more students who were under the 75 (the minimum criteria of achievement /
KKM). It means 100% of students had passed the KKM.
Then the classification of the level of students ability in writing a descriptive
text can be seen as in the following table:
Table 15. The Level of Students Ability on Cycle 1
Score Level Frequency (F) Percentages
81-100 Excellent 11 55%
61-80 Good 9 45%
41-60 Mediocre 0 0%
21-40 Poor 0 0%
0-20 Very Poor 0 0%
From the table and chart above, it could be seen that 11 students or 55% got
excellent level, 9 students or 45% got good level, and no one students was got
mediocre, poor and very poor level.
The writer also displayed the data of the students ability from average score
according to five aspects of writing as the following chart:
Chart 3. The Students Ability in Each Aspects of Writing in Test Cycle 2
From the data above, the students ability assessed the average score of the
students for aspect content was 10.65, aspect organization was 7.3, aspect grammar
was 6.4, aspect vocabulary was 5.17, and for the last aspect mechanic was 4.35.
According to the previous cycle, all the aspects now raised in cycle 2,
especially for vocabulary and mechanics. It means the comprehension of the students
about the aspects had been improved well. Reflection
Finally, the students achievement in writing descriptive text by using
Example non Example Method was improved successfully. The observer noticed that
the writer had repaired her weakness in cycle 1. The observer also evaluated that the
writer had already given a good performance to the students who had low capability
in writing by guided them with good encouraging and tried hard to make them
attracted and involved to learn together. It can be proven from the increasing score of
students participation from test1, test 2 and test 3.
Aspect of Writing
4.2 The Discussion
4.2.1 The Extended of Using Example non Example Method Improve Students
Ability in Writing Descriptive Text
In this discussion the writer analyzed the result of students writing
improvement. The data analysis consists of the data compilation from base score, test
cycle 1 and test cycle 2. Referring the writing test was given in cycle I and II, it could
be seen that used of Example non Example method could improve the students
writing ability in descriptive text. For the beginning, the writer described students
improvement in each aspect of writing as shown by the following table and chart:
Table 16. Improvement of Students Ability in Each Aspect of Writing
Aspects of Writing Base Score Cycle 1 Cycle 2
Mechanic 2.32 3.0 4.35
Vocabulary 2.62 3.45 5.17
Grammar 3.4 5.0 6.4
Organization 3.45 4.9 7.3
Content 5.5 6.3 10.65
Chart 4. Improvement of Students Ability in Each Aspect of Writing
Finally, the classification of the level of students ability in writing a descriptive
text from base score, cycle 1until cycle 2 can be seen as following data:
Table 17. The Improvement of Students Writing Ability in Each Cycle
Score Level of Ability
Base Score
Cycle1 (%) Cycle 2 (%)
81 100 Excellent 0 10 55
61 80 Good 20 25 45
41 60 Mediocre 20 40 0
21 40 Poor 60 25 0
0 20 Very Poor 0 0 0
Chart 5. Improvement of Students Writing Ability in Each Cycle
Base Score
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Excellent Good Mediocre Poor Very Poor
Base Score
Cycle 1
Cycle 2
Based on the table and chart above, displayed that there was an increasing in
improvement of students writing ability after implementing Example non Example
Method. The base score of the students in writing a descriptive text were dominated
by poor level of ability, in the test cycle 1 were dominated by mediocre level of
ability, and in the third test (cycle 2) most all of students were in excellent level of
ability (with the mean score 84,66).
4.2.2 The Factor That Influence the Improvement of Students Writing Ability
in Descriptive Text
Based on the result of the test on each cycle, the finding shown that there were
some improvement happened to the students writing ability in descriptive text at the
second year students of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu. It was not only cause of the Example non
Example method, but also there were some factors that influenced the improvement
of the second year students at SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in writing descriptive text, such us:
Motivation, material, media and the atmosphere (classroom management) of the
research time. Motivation
Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal.
Motivation like intelligence cannot be directly observed. Instead, motivation can only
inferred by nothing a persons behavior. In this research time, the success came from
the good motivation given by the researcher. Before the student did their test, the
researcher gave the students warming up first or ice breaking to attract their
interesting to learn by giving Shake-shake song and dance. After the students did
their warming up the researcher gave some good advices and promised to give some
presents for the students who got top ten on their test and finally, the students always
enjoyed their English class and got more motivation to do the best on their test. Material
In this research, the researcher used descriptive text in teaching writing on
Example non Example Method. These materials considered interesting and can
address the students level of difficulty, in the line with the theme and relevant with
curriculum. By having interesting materials, the students had willingness to share
their ideas or opinion regard to the text. Media
In this case, the successes of the students also derived from the media used by
the researcher. When this research happened, the researcher always showed the media
on each cycle to support the teaching learning process. In first cycle, the researcher
brought a cartoon which wrote by some picture in diagram and the worksheet then
stuck it on the white board so the students can saw the picture and worksheet
together. In the next cycle, refers to the second cycle the researcher brought the other
picture as an example of Example non Example worksheet which had been filled by
researcher and copied as much as the total of group, but each group got different
picture. By showing the media, the students easier to understood the materials. Atmosphere (Classroom Management)
Classroom management is a term used by the teachers to describe the process
of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by
students. The time also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. Classroom
management is needed for all teachers to do, by managing the classroom well the
atmosphere of the classroom will be good also. This thing also did by the researcher
when this research going on. The researcher able to managed the class well though 20
of the students had different characters. This classroom management could be success
because the researcher had already made the students enjoy for attend the English
class by giving some motivation and showed different media on each cycle. It meant
that each of the factors that influence the improvement of the second year students on
writing descriptive text had relation each other.
4.2.3 Trustworthiness
After conducting the research by applying Example non Example Method to
the class VIII.2 students of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu, the writer found some strengths and
weaknesses. The strengths were listed as follow:
1. This writing strategy helps students to construct and build their own
ideas become a simple text. They were also helped to explore their
words into a systematical schema as well as knowledge works.
2. The students were more active while studying with Example non Example
Method because they were free and fun to express their ideas that related to
the main topic.
3. This writing strategy helps students to compose descriptive text to be
well-organized and it also had solved their big problem in writing
While the weakness at the first meeting, the students did not follow and
ignored the class discussion. Then, they also got difficulty to express their ideas to be
well-constructed because of lacking of grammar, vocabulary and writing mechanic.
The use of Example non Example Method only supports with a simple text. Actually,
the teacher had to control each process of Example non Example Method because the
students sometimes tent to indifferent and uncontrolled. The teacher had to be able to
provide good teaching performance through the strategy that used and the ways of
teacher to teach which is packed as attractive as possible so that students are more
motivated to write.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the data analysis of the base test, cycle 1, and cycle 2 in the previous
chapter, the writer concludes that using Example non Example method successfully
improved the students ability of class VIII.2 of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu in writing a
descriptive text. It was proven by the increased in average scores of the students from
43,24 in base score, to 56,59 in the cycle 1 and up again to 84,66 in the cycle 2. This
improvement happened because this writing strategy was so appropriate to be
implemented to the class.
The improvement happened because of some factors such as the motivation
that always given by the writer in every meeting to the students, students attention
that which were increasing meeting by meeting, good cooperation between the writer
with the students and between students with each other. The other factor like the
suitability of the application in order to solve the problem of the students also has
given positive impact for them. Moreover, this writing strategy also helps to improve
the students interest and motivation in writing, especially in writing descriptive text.
So, the key factors that determine the success of this strategy lie in the execution and
the implementation of this strategy that had made the students day by day
increasingly interested in learning to write.
Thus, using Example non Example method in teaching writing is effective to
improve students ability in writing a descriptive text.
a. Implication
This research implies the activities in teaching learning by using Example non
Example method. It can be considered to used in teaching learning process because
from the result of the research, the teacher fount that there was significant
improvement of students writing ability at class VIII.2 of SMP Negeri 2 Siak Hulu.
b. Suggestion
Related to the conclusion, here the suggestion can be given as follows:
1. The researcher as the teacher at SMPN 2 Siak Hulu need to continue the teaching
by using Example non Example method since it has been proved that it can
improve the students writing ability.
2. The teacher should be more active in using media and implementing the writing
strategy that used in teaching and learning process. The teacher also should be
able to create an interesting classroom situation for the students during teaching
learning process.
3. Other teachers who have the same problem in term of the students participation
in learning activities are suggested to apply the Example non Example method in
their teaching and learning process.
4. Other researchers may use Example non Example method for the written skill or
productive skill. Example non Example Method is one of the alternative strategies
since the result can improved the students writing ability.
Finally, the writer hopes that all findings, conclusion and suggestion in this
research will have valuable contribution to the reader.
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APPENDIX 1 : Lesson Plan
Cycle 1
Level of Education : SMP
Name of School : SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/1
Language Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Cycle/Meeting : 1/1
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
Learning objective
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to write a short functional
text in form of descriptive.
1. Indicator
Writing a short functional text in form of descriptive by using Example non
Example method. Students able to identify the general structure and language future
used in descriptive text.
2. Teaching Materials
1) Short functional texts in form of descriptive that related to the topic of the
lesson that is
Animals; Pets. For example: Tell us about a cat!
Grely is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace,
performing a dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the
delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for
he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat.
He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His
familiarity with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic brands of cat food
in favor of only the most expensive brands.
Gregory is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending
some and repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be
petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does not
do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me
because he is jealous of my friends.
After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to
him in front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but
endearing, habits.
2). Language features of Descriptive Text
a. Social Function : To describe a particular thing, person, animals,
or place
b. Generic Structure : Identification, description
c. Lexico Grammatical : Simple Present Tense, use adjective, focus on
specific participants, use attributive
Teaching Method
Example non Example Method
Teaching Steps
1) Opening / Set Induction ( + 5 minutes)
1. The teacher prepares everything that will be needed (everything that
related to the lesson).
2. The teacher greets the students.
3. The teacher checks the attendant list.
2) Whilst teaching (+ 70 minutes)
1. Pre-Teaching ( + 50 minutes)
1. The teacher explain about Example non example method
2. Teachers prepare the picture in accordance with the purpose of
3. Teachers put a picture on the board or presented on OHP
4. Teacher gives instructions and provides opportunities for students to
observe / analyze images
5. Through group discussion 2-3 students, the discussion of the analysis
of the images recorded on paper
6. Each group is given the opportunity to read the results of the
discussion then choose the best sample of a descriptive text
2. Intervention Teaching ( + 20 minutes)
1) The teacher then asks students to look back their writing and
answer some questions in order to see how they might be improved.
2) The teacher and students then discussing and clearing up about
descriptive construction
3) After that, the teacher asks students to rewrite their final version
works based on their friend improvements and class discussion.
3) Closing/ Post-Teaching ( + 5 minutes)
1) The teacher hands in all drafts of descriptive text that the students
have written.
2) The teacher gives conclusion about the lesson that the students have
learnt today.
3) The teacher motivates the students to study much harder because
English is important and will be examined in National Examination
by giving suggestions, for example to do more practice in writing at
home or listening to the Radio that is used English such as BBC and
VOA, etc.
4) The teacher greets the students and dismisses the class.
Learning Resources
1. Example of descriptive text that related with the topic from internet.
2. Book entitled Competence Based English: Developing Competencies in
3. Book entitled Lets Talk. Grade VIII for Junior High School./ Bachtiar
Bima M./ Pakar Raya./ page 50 s.d 72
The relevant picture
1) Evaluation Guidance
1. Every aspect of writing to be evaluated (see in the following table),
the highest score = 4
2. Sum of The Highest Score x Weighting = 40
The highest grade = 100. The formula that is used can be seen as the
Students Score
1. To know the total score of students writing, the following formulas that will
be used as follows:
S = 3C + 2O + 2G + 1,5 V + 1,5 M
S : Tota1 score
C : Content
O : Organization
G : Students ability in grammar
V : Vocabulary
M : Students ability in mechanics
Adapted from Brown (2007)
2. To know the students score in writing a descriptive text, the following
formulas that will be used as follows:
P = _S_ x 100
P : Students score
S : Total score
N : Total score of items
(Wayan and Sumartana, 1983: 76)
Pangkalan Baru, August 2014
English Teacher The Researcher
Agustiarman S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Acknowledged By,
The Headmaster of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Yeri Endriyeni, M.Pd
NIP. 19690321199702002
Cycle 1
Level of Education : SMP
Name of School : SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/1
Language Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Cycle/Meeting : 1/2
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
Learning objective
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to write a short functional
text in form of descriptive.
1. Indicator
Writing a short functional text in form of descriptive by using Example non
Example method. Students able to identify the general structure and language future
used in descriptive text.
2. Teaching Materials
1. Short functional texts in form of descriptive that related to the topic of the
lesson that is
Person; Entertainer. For example: Tell us about a Choi Siwon!
Choi Siwon
Choi Siwon is a singer. He is a singer from the biggest group from South
Korea, namely Super Junior. He is very famous because he is the visual group from
that group.
Choi Siwon has a talented skill. Not only as a singer, he also known as an
actor and super model. He has tall body and handsome face for that. Not only
handsome, she has pure white skin that make him more mature. Now, Siwon had
been releasing new album together with his group. That albums as their comeback
after two years.
2). Language features of Descriptive Text
a. Social Function : To describe a particular thing, person, animals,
or place
b. Generic Structure : Identification, description
c. Lexico Grammatical : Simple Present Tense, use adjective, focus on
specific participants, use attributive
Teaching Method
Example non Example Method
Teaching Steps
1.Opening / Set Induction ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher prepares everything that will be needed (everything that
related to the lesson).
- The teacher greets the students.
- The teacher checks the attendant list.
2.Whilst teaching (+ 70 minutes)
Pre-Teaching ( + 50 minutes)
- The teacher divides students in groups, give the students a picture each
group and asks them to write the keyword based on the picture.
- The teacher writes sentences on the media and then asks students to write
their own similar to the teachers sentence.
- After that, the students ask to discuss about freewriting (a type of writing
where students freed to write or keep writing what they want to write).
- The teacher explains Example non Example method; the procedure and
the benefits by showing example chart on the whiteboard.
- The teacher asks students to create their own diagram about their picture
and start to write the first draft of a descriptive text.
- After that, the teacher asks students to share their work in order to edit
what they just wrote.
- The teacher asks three or more of students to read their works and then
choose the best sample of a descriptive text.
Intervention Teaching ( + 20 minutes)
- The teacher then asks students to look back their writing and answer some
questions in order to see how they might be improved.
- The teacher and students then discussing and clearing up about descriptive
- After that, the teacher asks students to rewrite their final version works
based on their friend improvements and class discussion.
2. Closing/ Post-Teaching ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher hands in all drafts of descriptive text that the students have
- The teacher gives conclusion about the lesson that the students have learnt
- The teacher motivates the students to study much harder because English
is important and will be examined in National Examination by giving
suggestions, for example to do more practice in writing at home or
listening to the Radio that is used English such as BBC and VOA, etc.
- The teacher greets the students and dismisses the class.
Learning Resources
- Example of descriptive text that related with the topic from internet..
- Book entitled Lets Talk. Grade VIII for Junior High School./ Bachtiar Bima
M./ Pakar Raya./ page 50 s.d 72
The relevant picture of Choi Siwon
1.Evaluation Guidance
- Every aspect of writing to be evaluated (see in the following table),
the highest score = 4
- Sum of The Highest Score x Weighting = 40
The highest grade = 100. The formula that is used can be seen as the
Students Score
To know the total score of students writing, the following formulas that will be
used as follows:
S = 3C + 2O + 2G + 1,5 V + 1,5 M
S : Tota1 score
C : Content
O : Organization
G : Students ability in grammar
V : Vocabulary
M : Students ability in mechanics
Adapted from Brown (2007)
To know the students score in writing a descriptive text, the following formulas
that will be used as follows:
P = _S_ x 100
P : Students score
S : Total score
N : Total score of items
(Wayan and Sumartana, 1983: 76)
Pangkalan Baru, August 2014
English Teacher The Researcher
Agustiarman S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Acknowledged By,
The Headmaster of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Yeri Endriyeni, M.Pd
NIP. 19690321199702002
Cycle 2
Level of Education : SMP
Name of School : SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/1
Language Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Cycle/Meeting : 2/1
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
Learning objective
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to write a short functional
text in form of descriptive.
1. Indicator
Writing a short functional text in form of descriptive by using Example non
Example method. Students able to identify the general structure and language future
used in descriptive text.
2. Teaching Materials
1. Short functional texts in form of descriptive that related to the topic of the
lesson that is
Animals; Pets. For example: Tell us about a cat!
Cat is a small and sweet animal. Its one of tame animal. Cat have many
species. There are Persian cat, angora cat, safari cat, domestic cat and many others.
My cat is a domestic cat. Its from Indonesia. His name is Belang, because he
have two color on his body. That color are black and white. Belang has a black color
on the head. He also has a little black color in one of his arm. It has a beautiful eyes.
Belang is a funny pet. He always plays with me. Its likes playing and rolled
in the grass. Its my cat, a sweet and funny cat.
2). Language features of Descriptive Text
a. Social Function : To describe a particular thing, person, animals,
or place
b. Generic Structure : Identification, description
c. Lexico Grammatical : Simple Present Tense, use adjective, focus on
specific participants, use attributive
Teaching Method
Example non Example Method
Teaching Steps
Opening / Set Induction ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher prepares everything that will be needed (everything that
related to the lesson).
- The teacher greets the students.
- The teacher checks the attendant list.
Whilst teaching (+ 70 minutes)
Pre-Teaching ( + 50 minutes)
1. The teacher explain about Example non example method
2. Teachers prepare the picture in accordance with the purpose of
3. Teachers put a picture on the board or presented on OHP
4. Teacher gives instructions and provides opportunities for students to
observe / analyze images
5. Through group discussion 2-3 students, the discussion of the analysis
of the images recorded on paper
6. Each group is given the opportunity to read the results of the
discussion then choose the best sample of a descriptive text
Intervention Teaching ( + 20 minutes)
- The teacher then asks students to look back their writing and answer
some questions in order to see how they might be improved.
- The teacher and students then discussing and clearing up about
descriptive construction
- After that, the teacher asks students to rewrite their final version works
based on their friend improvements and class discussion.
Closing/ Post-Teaching ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher hands in all drafts of descriptive text that the students have
- The teacher gives conclusion about the lesson that the students have
learnt today.
- The teacher motivates the students to study much harder because
English is important and will be examined in National Examination by
giving suggestions, for example to do more practice in writing at home
or listening to the Radio that is used English such as BBC and VOA, etc.
- The teacher greets the students and dismisses the class.
Learning Resources
- Example of descriptive text that related with the topic from internet.
- Book entitled Competence Based English: Developing Competencies in
- Book entitled Lets Talk. Grade VIII for Junior High School./ Bachtiar Bima
M./ Pakar Raya./ page 50 s.d 72
The relevant picture
Evaluation Guidance
Every aspect of writing to be evaluated (see in the following table), the highest
score = 4
Sum of The Highest Score x Weighting = 40
The highest grade = 100. The formula that is used can be seen as the following:
Students Score
To know the total score of students writing, the following formulas that will be
used as follows:
S = 3C + 2O + 2G + 1,5 V + 1,5 M
S : Tota1 score
C : Content
O : Organization
G : Students ability in grammar
V : Vocabulary
M : Students ability in mechanics
Adapted from Brown (2007)
To know the students score in writing a descriptive text, the following
formulas that will be used as follows:
P = _S_ x 100
P : Students score
S : Total score
N : Total score of items
(Wayan and Sumartana, 1983: 76)
Pangkalan Baru, August 2014
English Teacher The Researcher
Agustiarman S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Acknowledged By,
The Headmaster of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Yeri Endriyeni, M.Pd
NIP. 19690321199702002
Cycle 2
Level of Education : SMP
Name of School : SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/1
Language Skill : Writing
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes
Cycle/Meeting : 2/2
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Writing : Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam essay pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
Learning objective
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to write a short functional
text in form of descriptive.
Writing a short functional text in form of descriptive by using Example non
Example method. Students able to identify the general structure and language future
used in descriptive text.
2.Teaching Materials
1). Short functional texts in form of descriptive that related to the topic of the
lesson that is
Person; Entertainer. For example: Tell us about Agnes Monica!
Agnes Monica
Agnes Monica is a singer. She is very famous person. Not only in Indonesia
but also in International. She is energetic and powerful singer from Indonesia.
Agnes has full name is Agnes Monika Sukma. People known her as Agnes
Monika and International as Agnez Mo. Agnes have many album. Her album is since
young until now.
When she was young, she playing in many films. Beside that, she is also a
presenter. Now Agnes Monica continue producing many albums. She become very
famous after debut in International. It is Agnes Monica, a beautiful girl with energetic
and powerful voice.
2). Language features of Descriptive Text
a. Social Function : To describe a particular thing, person, animals,
or place
b. Generic Structure : Identification, description
c. Lexico Grammatical : Simple Present Tense, use adjective, focus on
specific participants, use attributive
Teaching Method
Example non Example Method
Teaching Steps
1.Opening / Set Induction ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher prepares everything that will be needed (everything that
related to the lesson).
- The teacher greets the students.
- The teacher checks the attendant list.
2.Whilst teaching (+ 70 minutes)
Pre-Teaching ( + 50 minutes)
- The teacher divides students in groups, give the students a picture each
group and asks them to write the keyword based on the picture.
- The teacher writes sentences on the media and then asks students to write
their own similar to the teachers sentence.
- After that, the students ask to discuss about freewriting (a type of writing
where students freed to write or keep writing what they want to write).
- The teacher explains Example non Example method; the procedure and
the benefits by showing example chart on the whiteboard.
- The teacher asks students to create their own diagram about their picture
and start to write the first draft of a descriptive text.
- After that, the teacher asks students to share their work in order to edit
what they just wrote.
- The teacher asks three or more of students to read their works and then
choose the best sample of a descriptive text.
Intervention Teaching ( + 20 minutes)
- The teacher then asks students to look back their writing and answer some
questions in order to see how they might be improved.
- The teacher and students then discussing and clearing up about descriptive
- After that, the teacher asks students to rewrite their final version works
based on their friend improvements and class discussion.
3.Closing/ Post-Teaching ( + 5 minutes)
- The teacher hands in all drafts of descriptive text that the students have
- The teacher gives conclusion about the lesson that the students have learnt
- The teacher motivates the students to study much harder because English
is important and will be examined in National Examination by giving
suggestions, for example to do more practice in writing at home or
listening to the Radio that is used English such as BBC and VOA, etc.
- The teacher greets the students and dismisses the class.
Learning Resources
- Example of descriptive text that related with the topic from internet..
- Book entitled Lets Talk. Grade VIII for Junior High School./ Bachtiar Bima
M./ Pakar Raya./ page 50 s.d 72
The relevant picture of Choi Siwon
1.Evaluation Guidance
- Every aspect of writing to be evaluated (see in the following table),
the highest score = 4
- Sum of The Highest Score x Weighting = 40
The highest grade = 100. The formula that is used can be seen as the
Students Score
To know the total score of students writing, the following formulas that will be
used as follows:
S = 3C + 2O + 2G + 1,5 V + 1,5 M
S : Tota1 score
C : Content
O : Organization
G : Students ability in grammar
V : Vocabulary
M : Students ability in mechanics
Adapted from Brown (2007)
To know the students score in writing a descriptive text, the following formulas
that will be used as follows:
P = _S_ x 100
P : Students score
S : Total score
N : Total score of items
(Wayan and Sumartana, 1983: 76)
Pangkalan Baru, August 2014
English Teacher The Researcher
Agustiarman S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Acknowledged By,
The Headmaster of SMPN 2 Siak Hulu
Yeri Endriyeni, M.Pd
NIP. 19690321199702002
APPENDIX 2 : Evaluation Instrument
Test Cycle 1
Name :
Class :
1. Write a descriptive text based on the topic that you like more! (minimal two
2. Choose one topic that you like!
3. Look at picture to help you describe the topic!
4. You have 30 minutes to do this test.
Topic : 1. Animal
2. Person
Sub Topic : Pets (Dog or Cat)
Entertainer (Luna Maya, Olga Syahputra or Choi Siwon)
Test Cycle 2
Evaluation Instrument
Name :
Class :
1. Write a descriptive text based on the topic that you like more! (minimal two
2. Choose one topic that you like!
3. Look at the picture to help yo describe the topic!
4. You have 30 minutes to do this test.
Topic : 1. Animal
2. Person
Sub Topic : Pets (Dog or cat)
Entertainer (Nikita Willy, Super Junior or Agnes Monika)
Evaluation Instrument Cycle 1
.... .... .
.... .... .
.... .... .
.... .... .
.... .... .
Evaluation Instrument Cycle 2
.... .... .
.... .... .
.... .... .
.... .... . .... .... .
APPENDIX 3: The Result of Students Observation Sheet
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting : 1
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator the Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting : 2
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing
Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting : 3
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing
Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting : 1
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing
Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting : 2
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing
Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting : 3
No Observation Points Yes
1. Planning Listen and pay attention to the teachers explanation.
Listening to the teachers explanation about the roles.
Forming and sitting in a group.
Listening to the teachers explanation about their
activities in groups.
Discussing and giving any improvement about the
topic that given.
Looking at the teachers sentences and then write down
like teachers sentences
Listen to teachers explanation and looking at the
Example non Example method
2. Drafting Making own example based on the topic and method
Writing a descriptive text based on the given topic and
the non example in groups.
3. Editing
Read friends works
Asking for comments and explanations about their
written work in order to improve their understanding in
writing a good descriptive text.
4. Final
Involving in class discussion to talk about their written
work with the teacher.
Rewriting their work based on their improvement
comments and class discussion.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
APPENDIX 4 : The Result of Teacher Observation Sheet
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
No. Observation Points Remark
1. Pre-teaching
1. Prepare lesson plan
2. Greeting
3. Check Attendance
4. Give Motivation
The teacher has been conducting
pre-teaching activities well.
2. Whilist-teaching
1. Explain about the topic
2. Explain about the example non example
3. Preparing the media
4. Preparing students into a group
5. Apply the Example and no example
a. Example
b. Non Example
The teacher explained her material
Even preparing the media well to
She can apply the strategy one by
one to the students and didnt
forget gave an explanation about
students writing.
6. Giving the comments and explanations
about the students written work in order
to improve their understanding in writing a
good descriptive text.
3. Post-teaching
1.Conducting a short whole class
2. Involving in class discussion to talk about
their written works
3. Rewriting their final work based on their
improvement comments and class discussion.
The teacher could conducting the
post teaching correctly.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
No. Observation Points Remark
1. Pre-teaching
1. Prepare lesson plan
2. Greeting
3. Check Attendance
4. Give Motivation
The teacher has been conducting
all pre-teaching activities
2. Whilist-teaching
1. Explain about the topic
2. Explain about the example non example
7. Preparing the media
8. Preparing students into a group
9. Apply the Example and no example
a. Example
b. Non Example
10. Giving the comments and explanations
The teacher explained her material
very clearly.
Always preparing the media well
to students.
The teacher can apply the strategy
one by one to the students.
Didnt forget gave an explanation
about students writing.
Helped her students to improve
their understanding in writing
Descriptive text.
about the students written work in order
to improve their understanding in writing a
good descriptive text.
3. Post-teaching
1.Conducting a short whole class
2. Involving in class discussion to talk about
their written works
3. Rewriting their final work based on their
improvement comments and class discussion.
The teacher could conducted the
post teaching well.
Collaborator The Researcher
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd Wari Hidayati
NIP. 195808161983032012 NPM. 106311054
APPENDIX 5 : Field Note
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting 1
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting 2
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 1
Meeting 3
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting 1
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting 2
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
Class : VIII.2
Cycle : 2
Meeting 3
Class Situation
Class Mastery
English Teacher Class VIII.2
Agustiarman, S.Pd
NIP. 195808161983032012
APPENDIX 6 : The Interview Result of Students
No. Teacher Question Students answer
1 What do you think about the materials
Descriptive text?
Army : The materials are good and
Savanna : The materials are simple
so I can enjoy the topic
2 What do you think about the media that
was used in identifying role of Example
non Example method in teaching
writing Descriptive text?
Salmi : The media support teaching
and learning activity
Widya : Its a simple media and the
media helpful us in writing
3 What do you think about the classroom
activities done by the teacher in the
Army : Attractive. I didnt felt
Aji : Nice, active, we can share
4 What do you think about the teacher
behavior during the teaching and
learning process in controlling the
learner to writing text?
Reza : The teacher help us if we
faced problem in teaching learning
Savanna : The teacher guides
clearly. It is very helpful. The
teacher also to be patient while
5 Does this strategy give you the easier
way to writing a text?
Widya : Yes, it does. Its simple
way to write.
Riko : Yes, its easier than I know