Job Application Form - Marketing and Communications Manager: Application For The Position Of: Name
Job Application Form - Marketing and Communications Manager: Application For The Position Of: Name
Job Application Form - Marketing and Communications Manager: Application For The Position Of: Name
(Please fll up the form completely and email to mentioning the position in the subject feld)
Application for the
position of:
organization name
address Present
!ddress Latest job title
"mail Total years of
!re you
currently or
former %%&
sta'( )f yes
please *rite
*hen and in
+o you ,no*
anyone *or,ing in
%%&: )f yes- please
*rite his.her
name- designation
and location.
Employment Record starting !ith your present post"
Copy the table and paste at the end to !rite more employment record"
#rgani$ation Job title
%tart &ate End date
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#rgani$ation Job title
%tart &ate End date
#rgani$ation Job title
%tart &ate End date
Name of the
'ear of passing &egrees(&iplo
mas obtained
Main course of
)ost *uali+cations training(courses(leaning acti,ities
Name of the
training facility
and country
-ype &ate of attend Certi+cates or
BBC Media Action Job Application Form Page 2 of 4
Application .uestions each ans!ers not more than /01
.23: 4ith reference to the 5ob description6 please use this section
to fully demonstrate the e7tent to !hich your skills6 abilities and
e7perience meet the speci+c re*uirements of the role8
.2/: 4hat is your understanding of beha,ior change
communications 9CC": 4hat role 9CC can play to promote 99C
%anglap in 9angladesh:
) certify that the information ) ha0e pro0ided in the present document is true-
complete and correct to the best of my ,no*ledge. ) understand that any
misrepresentation or material omission made in this document may lead to the
termination of my appointment or to dismissal. ) understand this also applies to
any other information or document re1uested by the organization for the purpose
of my recruitment to and employment *ith %%& $edia !ction.
&ate: %ignature:
BBC Media Action Job Application Form Page 3 of 4
!pplications for employment at %%& $edia !ction must include a completed job
application form. %y submitting this form- the applicant authorizes %%& $edia
!ction to 0erify and 0alidate all information pro0ided in the form.
2ou may be re1uested to pro0ide documentary e0idence of the statements you
ha0e made abo0e. Please do not- ho*e0er- send any documentary e0idence until
you ha0e been as,ed to do so. )f degrees.certifcates are in foreign language
other than "nglish and %engali- you may be re1uired to pro0ide o3cial "nglish
translation at time of re1uest.
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