and Moods
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions,
and can never pretend to any other office than to serve
and obey them.
David Hume
5 Discuss the impact emotional labor
has on employees.
6 Discuss the case for and the case
against emotional intelligence.
7 Apply concepts on emotions and
moods to OB issues.
1 Differentiate emotions from moods.
2 Discuss the different aspects of
3 Identify the sources of emotions and
4 Describe external constraints on
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on the grounds of his flagship hotel and
casino, The Mirage. At the same time,
while Wynn was in charge of the
Mirage, it was high on Fortunes
list of Americas Most Admired
Interestingly, in contrast
to Wynns volatile person-
ality, his new hotel is
meant to appeal to peo-
ples desire for calm-
ness. Gone are the
exotic public displays,
such as volcanoes
and caged tigers, that
graced his earlier
hotels. He even says
that hed get rid of the
casinos if he could. No
casinos in a Las Vegas
hotel? Could Steve Wynn
be bluffing?
teve Wynn, the famous hotel
mogul, is an emotional person.
He is known for his infectious
enthusiasm, as well as his temper. He once
shot off his index finger in his office. And
when describing his new $2.7 billion hotel,
which he named after himself, he broke
into a song from a musical. When have you
ever seen a CEO do that? Wynns also given
to making outlandish statements. He said
of his new hotel, This building is more
complex than any other structure in the
history of the world. He also once com-
mented, smiling, that Las Vegas is sort of
like how God would do it if he had money.
Many regard Wynn as the most power-
ful man in Nevada, largely because he can
both inspire and scare people. One politi-
cian stated, Steve Wynns control over
politicians is all-encompassing. Its over-
whelming. Either you work for him or he
tries to get you out of office.
Those who know Wynn say his temper
can erupt as fiercely as the volcano he put
Emotions Can Be Powerful
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260 PART TWO The Individual
ts probably safe to assume that most of us are not as given to emotional
extremes as Steve Wynn. If we were, could we be as successful as he in our
professions? Given the obvious role that emotions play in our work and
everyday lives, it might surprise you to learn that, until recently, the field of OB
has given the topic of emotions little or no attention.
How could this be? We
can offer two possible explanations.
The first is the myth of rationality.
Since the late nineteenth century and the
rise of scientific management, the protocol of the work world has been to keep
a damper on emotions. A well-run organization was one that didnt allow
employees to express frustration, fear, anger, love, hate, joy, grief, and similar
feelings. The prevailing thought was that such emotions were the antithesis of
rationality. Even though researchers and managers knew that emotions were an
inseparable part of everyday life, they tried to create organizations that were
emotion-free. That, of course, wasnt possible.
The second explanation was the belief that emotions of any kind are dis-
When researchers considered emotions, they looked at strong, nega-
tive emotionsespecially angerthat interfered with an employees ability to
work effectively. They rarely viewed emotions as constructive or able to
enhance performance.
Certainly some emotions, particularly when exhibited at the wrong time,
can reduce employee performance. But this doesnt change the fact that
employees bring their emotional sides with them to work every day and that no
study of OB could be comprehensive without considering the role of emotions
in workplace behavior.
What Are Emotions and Moods?
Although we dont want to obsess over definitions, before we can proceed with
our analysis, we need to clarify three terms that are closely intertwined: affect,
emotions, and moods.
Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people
experience. Its an umbrella concept that encompasses both emotions and
Emotions are intense feelings that are directed at someone or some-
Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that
often (though not always) lack a contextual stimulus.
Most experts believe that emotions are more fleeting than moods.
example, if someone is rude to you, youll feel angry. That intense feeling of
anger probably comes and goes fairly quickly, maybe even in a matter of sec-
onds. When youre in a bad mood, though, you can feel bad for several hours.
Emotions are reactions to a person (seeing a friend at work may make you feel
glad) or event (dealing with a rude client may make you feel angry). You show
your emotions when youre happy about something, angry at someone, afraid of
Moods, in contrast, arent usually directed at a person or event. But
emotions can turn into moods when you lose focus on the event or object that
started the feeling. And, by the same token, good or bad moods can make you
more emotional in response to an event. So when a colleague criticizes how you
spoke to a client, you might become angry at him. That is, you show emotion
(anger) toward a specific object (your colleague). But as the specific emotion dis-
sipates, you might just feel generally dispirited. You cant attribute this feeling to
any single event; youre just not your normal self. You might then overreact to
other events. This affect state describes a mood. Exhibit 8-1 shows the relation-
ships among affect, emotions, and mood.
First, as the exhibit shows, affect is a broad term that encompasses emotions
and moods. Second, there are differences between emotions and moods. Some
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 261
of these differencesthat emotions are more likely to be caused by a specific
event, and emotions are more fleeting than moodswe just discussed. Other
differences are subtler. For example, unlike moods, emotions tend to be more
clearly revealed with facial expressions (anger, disgust). Also, some researchers
speculate that emotions may be more action-orientedthey may lead us to
some immediate actionwhile moods may be more cognitive, meaning they
may cause us to think or brood for a while.
Finally, the exhibit shows that emotions and moods can mutually influence
each other. For example, an emotion, if its strong and deep enough, can turn
into a mood: Getting your dream job may generate the emotion of joy, but it
also can put you in a good mood for several days. Similarly, if youre in a good
or bad mood, it might make you experience a more intense positive or negative
emotion than would otherwise be the case. For example, if youre in a bad
mood, you might blow up in response to a coworkers comment when nor-
mally it would have just generated a mild reaction. Because emotions and
moods can mutually influence each other, there will be many points throughout
the chapter where emotions and moods will be closely connected.
Although affect, emotions, and moods are separable in theory, in practice
the distinction isnt always crystal clear. In fact, in some areas, researchers have
studied mostly moods, and in other areas, mainly emotions. So, when we review
the OB topics on emotions and moods, you may see more information on emo-
tions in one area and moods in another. This is simply the state of the research.
Also, the terminology can be confusing. For example, the two main mood
dimensions are positive affect and negative affect, yet we have defined affect
more broadly than mood. So, although the topic can be fairly dense in places,
hang in there. The material is interestingand applicable to OB.
Caused by specific event
Very brief in duration (seconds
or minutes)
Specific and numerous in nature
(many specific emotions such as
anger, fear, sadness, happiness,
disgust, surprise)
Usually accompanied by distinct
facial expressions
Action-oriented in nature
Cause is often general and unclear
Last longer than emotions (hours
or days)
More general (two main dimensions
positive affect and negative affect
that are comprised of multiple specific
Generally not indicated by distinct
Cognitive in nature
Defined as a broad range of feelings that people experience.
Affect can be experienced in the form of emotions or moods.
Exhibit 8-1 Affect, Emotions, and Moods
affect A broad range of feelings that
people experience.
moods Feelings that tend to be less
intense than emotions and that lack a
contextual stimulus.
emotions Intense feelings that are
directed at someone or something.
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262 PART TWO The Individual
A Basic Set of Emotions
How many emotions are there? In what ways do they vary? There are dozens of
emotions. They include anger, contempt, enthusiasm, envy, fear, frustration,
disappointment, embarrassment, disgust, happiness, hate, hope, jealousy, joy,
love, pride, surprise, and sadness. There have been numerous research efforts
to limit and define the dozens of emotions into a fundamental or basic set of
But some researchers argue that it makes no sense to think of basic
emotions because even emotions we rarely experience, such as shock, can have
a powerful effect on us.
Other researchers, even philosophers, argue that
there are universal emotions common to all of us. Ren Descartes, often called
the founder of modern philosophy, identified six simple and primitive pas-
sionswonder, love, hatred, desire, joy, and sadnessand argued that all the
others are composed of some of these six or are species of them.
philosophers (Hume, Hobbes, Spinoza) identified categories of emotions.
Though these philosophers were helpful, the burden to provide conclusive evi-
dence for the existence of a basic set of emotions still rests with contemporary
In contemporary research, psychologists have tried to identify basic emotions
by studying facial expressions.
One problem with this approach is that some
emotions are too complex to be easily represented on our faces. Take love, for
example. Many think of love as the most universal of all emotions,
yet its not
easy to express a loving emotion with ones face only. Also, cultures have norms
that govern emotional expression, so how we experience an emotion isnt always
the same as how we show it. And many companies today offer anger-management
programs to teach people to contain or even hide their inner feelings.
Its unlikely psychologists or philosophers will ever completely agree on a set
of basic emotions, or even whether it makes sense to think of basic emotions.
Still, enough researchers have agreed on six essentially universal emotions
anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprisewith most other emo-
tions subsumed under one of these six categories.
Some researchers even plot
these six emotions along a continuum: happinesssurprisefearsadness
The closer any two emotions are to each other on this contin-
uum, the more likely it is that people will confuse them. For instance, we some-
times mistake happiness for surprise, but rarely do we confuse happiness and
disgust. In addition, as well see later on, cultural factors can also influence
Some Aspects of Emotions
There are some other fundamental aspects of emotions that we need to consider.
These aspects include the biology of emotions, the intensity of emotions, their
frequency and duration, the relationship between rationality and emotions, and
the functions of emotions. Lets deal with each of these aspects in turn.
The Biology of Emotions All emotions originate in the brains limbic system,
which is about the size of a walnut and near our brain stem.
People tend to be
happiest (report more positive than negative emotions) when their limbic sys-
tem is relatively inactive. When the limbic system heats up, negative emotions
such as anger and guilt dominate over positive ones such as joy and happiness.
Overall, the limbic system provides a lens through which you interpret events.
When its active, you see things in a negative light. When its inactive, you inter-
pret information more positively.
Not everyones limbic system is the same. Moderately depressed people have
more active limbic systems, particularly when they encounter negative informa-
And women tend to have more active limbic systems than men, which,
Joanna Hayes expressed the emotion
of joy after winning the gold medal
in the womens 100m hurdle during
track and field competition at the
2004 Summer Olympic Games in
Athens, Greece. Joy is one of the
dozens of basic emotions that
originate in our brains limbic system
to help us interpret events. As a
positive emotion, joy expresses a
favorable evaluation or feeling.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 263
some argue, explains why women are more susceptible to depression than men
and are more likely to emotionally bond with children.
Of course, as always,
these are average differenceswomen are more likely to be depressed than
men, but naturally that doesnt mean that all depressed people are women, or
that men are incapable of bonding with their kids.
Intensity People give different responses to identical emotion-provoking
stimuli. In some cases, personality is responsible for the difference. Other
times, its a result of the job requirements.
People vary in their inherent ability to express emotional intensity. You may
know people who almost never show their feelings. They rarely get angry. They
never show rage. In contrast, you probably also know people who seem to be on
an emotional roller coaster. When theyre happy, theyre ecstatic. When theyre
sad, theyre deeply depressed. Well explore the impact personality has on an
individuals emotions in more detail later on in the chapter.
Jobs make different demands on our emotions. For instance, air traffic con-
trollers, surgeons, and trial judges are expected to be calm and controlled, even
in stressful situations. Conversely, the effectiveness of television evangelists,
public-address announcers at sporting events, and lawyers can depend on their
ability to alter their emotional intensity as the need arises.
Frequency and Duration Sean Wolfson is basically a quiet and reserved per-
son. He loves his job as a financial planner. He doesnt enjoy, however, having to
give speeches to increase his visibility and to promote his programs. But he still
has to give speeches occasionally. If I had to speak to large audiences every day,
Id quit this business, he says. I think this works for me because I can fake
excitement and enthusiasm for an hour, a couple of times a month.
Whether an employee can successfully meet the emotional demands of a given
job depends not only on what emotions need to be displayed and their intensity
but also on how frequently and for how long they need to make the effort.
Do Emotions Make Us Irrational? How often have you heard someone say,
Oh, youre just being emotional? You might have been offended. The famous
astronomer Carl Sagan once wrote, Where we have strong emotions, were
liable to fool ourselves. These observations suggest that rationality and emo-
tion are in conflict with one another and that if you exhibit emotion, you are
likely to act irrationally. One team of authors argue that displaying emotions
like sadness, to the point of crying, is so toxic to a career that we should leave
the room rather than allow others to witness our emotional display.
author Lois Frankel advises that women should avoid being emotional at work
because it will undermine how others rate their competence.
These perspec-
tives suggest that the demonstration or even experience of emotions is likely to
make us seem weak, brittle, or irrational. However, the research disagrees and is
increasingly showing that emotions are actually critical to rational thinking.
In fact, there has been evidence of such a link for a long time.
Take the example of Phineas Gage. Gage was a railroad worker in Vermont.
One September day in 1848, while setting an explosive charge at work, a 37
iron bar flew into Gages lower left jaw and out through the top of his skull.
Remarkably, Gage survived his injury. He was still able to read and speak, and
he performed well above average on cognitive ability tests. However, it became
clear that Gage had lost his ability to experience emotion. He was emotionless
at even the saddest misfortunes or happiest occasions. Gages inability to
express emotion eventually took away his ability to reason. He started making
irrational choices about his life, often behaving erratically and against his self-
interests. Despite being an intelligent man whose intellectual abilities were
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By studying the skull of Phineas
Gage, shown here, and other brain
injuries, researchers discovered an
important link between emotions
and rational thinking. They found
that losing the ability to emote led
to the loss of the ability to reason.
From this discovery, researchers
learned that our emotions provide
us with valuable information that
helps our thinking process.
264 PART TWO The Individual
unharmed by the accident, Gage drifted from job to job, eventually taking up
with a circus. In commenting on Gages condition, one expert noted, Reason
may not be as pure as most of us think it is or wish it were . . . emotions and feel-
ings may not be intruders in the bastion of reason at all: they may be enmeshed
in its networks, for worse and for better.
The example of Phineas Gage and many other brain injury studies, show us
that emotions are critical to rational thinking. We must have the ability to expe-
rience emotions to be rational. Why? Because our emotions provide important
information about how we understand the world around us. Although we might
think of a computer as intellectually superior, a human so void of emotion
would be unable to function. Think about a manager making a decision to fire
an employee. Would you really want the manager to make the decision without
regarding either his or the employees emotions? The key to good decision
making is to employ both thinking and feeling in ones decisions.
What Functions Do Emotions Serve? Why do we have emotions? What role
do they serve? We just discussed one functionthat we need them to think
rationally. Charles Darwin, however, took a broader approach. In The Expression
of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Darwin argued that emotions developed
over time to help humans solve problems. Emotions are useful, he said, because
they motivate people to engage in actions important for survivalactions such
as foraging for food, seeking shelter, choosing mates, guarding against preda-
tors, and predicting others behaviors. For example, disgust (an emotion) moti-
vates us to avoid dangerous or harmful things (such as rotten foods).
Excitement (also an emotion) motivates us to take on situations in which we
require energy and initiative (for example, tackling a new career).
Drawing fromDarwin are researchers who focus on evolutionary psychology.
This field of study says we must experience emotionswhether they are positive
or negativebecause they serve a purpose.
For example, you would probably
consider jealousy to be a negative emotion. Evolutionary psychologists would
argue that it exists in people because it has a useful purpose. Mates may feel jeal-
ousy to increase the chance that their genes, rather than a rivals genes, are
passed on to the next generation.
Although we tend to think of anger as being
bad, it actually can help us protect our rights when we feel theyre being vio-
lated. For example, a person showing anger when shes double-crossed by a col-
league is serving a warning for others not to repeat the same behavior. Consider
another example. Rena Weeks was a secretary at a prominent law firm. Her boss
wouldnt stop touching and grabbing her. His treatment made her angry. So she
did more than quitshe sued, and won a multimillion-dollar case.
Its not that
anger is always good. But as with all other emotions, it exists because it serves a
useful purpose. Positive emotions also serve a purpose. For example, a service
employee who feels empathy for a customer may provide better customer service.
But some researchers are not firm believers of evolutionary psychology.
Why? Think about fear (an emotion). Its just as easy to think of the harmful
effects of fear as it is the beneficial effects. For example, running in fear from a
predator increases the likelihood of survival. But what benefit does freezing in
fear serve? Evolutionary psychology provides an interesting perspective on the
functions of emotions, but its hard to know whether or not this perspective is
valid all the time.
Mood as Positive and Negative Affect
One way to classify emotions is by whether they are positive or negative.
Positive emotionslike joy and gratitudeexpress a favorable evaluation or
feeling. Negative emotionslike anger or guiltexpress the opposite. Keep in
mind that emotions cant be neutral. Being neutral is being nonemotional.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 265
When we group emotions into positive and negative categories, they
become mood states because we are now looking at them more generally
instead of isolating one particular emotion. See Exhibit 8-2. In this exhibit,
excited is a specific emotion that is a pure marker of high positive affect, while
boredom is a pure marker of low positive affect. Similarly, nervous is a pure
marker of high negative affect, while relaxed is a pure marker of low negative
affect. Finally, some emotionslike contentment (a mixture of high positive
affect and low negative affect) or sadness (a mixture of low positive affect and
high negative affect)are in between. Youll notice that this model does not
include all emotions. There are two reasons why. First, we can fit other emo-
tions like enthusiasm or depression into the model, but were short on space.
Second, some emotions, like surprise, dont fit well because theyre not as
clearly positive or negative.
So, we can think of positive affect as a mood dimension consisting of posi-
tive emotions such as excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness at the high
end, and boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness at the low end. Negative affect
is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high
end, and relaxation, tranquility, and poise at the low end. (Note that positive
and negative affect are moods. Were using these labels, rather than positive and
negative mood, because thats how researchers label them.)
Positive affect and negative affect play out at work (and beyond work, of
course) in that they color our perceptions, and these perceptions can become
their own reality. For example, one flight attendant posted an anonymous
blog on the Web that said: I work in a pressurized aluminum tube and the
evolutionary psychology An area of
inquiry that argues that we must
experience the emotions that we do
because they serve a purpose.
negative affect A mood dimension
consisting of nervousness, stress, and
anxiety at the high end, and relaxation,
tranquility, and poise at the low end.
positive affect A mood dimension
consisting of specific positive emotions
like excitement, self-assurance, and
cheerfulness at the high end, and
boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness at
the low end.
High Negative
Low Negative
High Positive
Low Positive
Tense Alert
Calm Fatigued
Exhibit 8-2 The Structure of Mood
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266 PART TWO The Individual
environment outside my office cannot sustain human life. That being said,
the human life inside is not worth sustaining sometimes . . . in fact, the pas-
sengers can be jerks, and idiots. I am often treated with no respect, nobody lis-
tens to me . . . until I threaten to kick them off the plane . . .
Clearly, if a
flight attendant is in a bad mood, its going to influence his perceptions of
passengers, which will influence his behavior in turn.
Importantly, negative emotions are more likely to translate into negative
moods. People think about events that created strong negative emotions five
times as long as they do about events that created strong positive ones.
we should expect people to recall negative experiences more readily than
positive ones. Perhaps one of the reasons is that, for most of us, theyre also
more unusual. Indeed research shows that there is a positivity offset, mean-
ing that at zero input (when nothing in particular is going on), most individ-
uals experience a mildly positive mood.
So for most people, positive moods
are somewhat more common than negative moods. The positivity offset also
appears to operate at work. For example, one study of customer service rep-
resentatives in a British call center (probably a job where its pretty hard to
feel positive) revealed that people reported experiencing positive moods 58
percent of the time.
Sources of Emotions and Moods
Have you ever said to yourself, I got up on the wrong side of the bed today?
Have you ever snapped at a coworker or family member for no particular rea-
son? If you have, it probably makes you wonder where emotions and moods
come from. Here, we pick up the discussion of moods again because, even
though emotions are thought to be more influenced by events than moods,
ironically, researchers have conducted more studies on the sources of moods
than on the sources of particular emotions. So, now well turn to the main
sources of moods, though a lot of these sources also affect emotions.
Personality Do you scream at the TV when your team is losing a big game
while your friend seems like she could care less that her team has no chance of
winning? Consider another situation. Noel and Jose are coworkers. Noel has a
tendency to get angry when a colleague criticizes her ideas during a brain-
storming session. Jose, however, is quite calm and relaxed, viewing such criti-
cism as an opportunity for improvement. What explains these different reac-
tions? Personality predisposes people to experience certain moods and
emotions. For example, some people feel guilt and anger more readily than
others do. Others may feel calm and relaxed no matter the situation. In other
words, moods and emotions have a trait component to themmost people
have built-in tendencies to experience certain moods and emotions more fre-
quently than others do. Consider Texas Tech basketball coach Bobby Knight.
He is infamous for his tirades against players, officials, fans, and the media.
Clearly, he is easily moved to experience anger. But take Microsoft CEO Bill
Gates, who is known for his relatively distant, unemotional, analytical nature.
He rarely displays anger.
So Bobby Knight and Bill Gates have tendencies to experience a particular
mood or emotion. But, as we mentioned earlier, some people are predisposed
to experience any emotion more intensely. Such people are high on affect
intensity, or individual differences in the strength with which individuals expe-
rience their emotions.
While most people might feel slightly sad at one
movie or be mildly amused at another, someone high on affect intensity would
cry like a baby at a sad movie and laugh uncontrollably at a comedy. We might
describe such people as emotional or intense. So, emotions differ in their
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 267
intensity, but people also differ in how predisposed they are to experience emo-
tions intensely. If a person gets really mad at a coworker, he would be experi-
encing an emotion intensely. But if that person gets mad, or excited, really eas-
ily, then he would be high on the personality trait of affect intensity.
Also, positive events are more likely to affect the positive mood and positive
emotions of extraverts, and negative events are more likely to influence the neg-
ative mood and negative emotions of those scoring low on emotional stability.
To illustrate, lets say there are two friends who work togetherPaul and Alex.
Paul scores high on extraversion and emotional stability. Alex scores low on
both. One day at work, Paul and Alex learn theyre going to earn a commission
for a sale their work group made. Later the same day, their boss stops by and
yells at them for no apparent reason. In this situation, youd expect Pauls posi-
tive affect to increase more than Alexs because Paul is more extraverted and
attends more to the good news of the day. Conversely, youd expect Alexs neg-
ative affect to increase more than Pauls because Alex scores lower on emo-
tional stability and therefore tends to dwell on the negative event that day.
Day of the Week and Time of the Day Most people are at work or school
Monday through Friday. For most of us, that means the weekend is a time of
relaxation and leisure. Does that suggest that people are in their best moods on
the weekends? Well, actually, yes. As Exhibit 8-3 shows, people tend to be in
positivity offset Tendency of most
individuals to experience a mildly positive
mood at zero input (when nothing in
particular is going on).
affect intensity Individual differences in
the strength with which individuals
experience their emotions.
Negative moods are highest on Sundays and
Mondays and fall throughout the week
Positive moods are highest
at the end of the week
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Day of the week
Positive affect Negative affect
Exhibit 8-3 Our Moods Are Affected by the Day of the Week
Source: D. Watson, Mood and Temperament, New York, Guilford Publications, 2000.
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268 PART TWO The Individual
their worst moods (highest negative affect and lowest positive affect) early in
the week and in their best moods (highest positive affect and lowest negative
affect) late in the week.
What about time of the day? When are you usually in your best mood? Your
worst? We often think that people differ, depending on whether they are
morning or evening people. However, the vast majority of us follow a similar
pattern. People are generally in lower spirits early in the morning. During the
course of the day, our moods tend to improve and then decline in the evening.
Exhibit 8-4 shows this pattern. Interestingly, regardless of what time people go
to bed at night or get up in the morning, levels of positive affect tend to peak
around the halfway point between waking and sleeping. Negative affect, how-
ever, shows little fluctuation throughout the day.
What does this mean for organizational behavior? Asking someone for a
favor, or conveying bad news, is probably not a good idea on Monday morning.
Our workplace interactions will probably be more positive from mid-morning
onward, and also later in the week.
It does seem that people who describe themselves as morning people are
more alert early in the morning.
However, these morning people experience
only slightly better moods (more positive affect) in the morning compared to
those who describe themselves as evening people (and vice-versa).
Weather When do you think you would be in a better mood? When its 70
degrees and sunny or when its a gloomy, cold, rainy day? Many people believe
their mood is tied to the weather. However, evidence suggests that weather has
9:00 AM Noon 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Midnight
Positive mood peaks during
the middle part of the day
Negative moods show very
little variation over the day
Time of day
Positive affect Negative affect
Exhibit 8-4 Our Moods Are Affected by the Time of the Day
Source: D. Watson, Mood and Temperament, New York, Guilford Publications, 2000.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 269
little effect on mood. One expert concluded, Contrary to the prevailing cul-
tural view, these data indicate that people do not report a better mood on
bright and sunny days (or, conversely, a worse mood on dark and rainy days).
Illusory correlation explains why people tend to think that nice weather improves
their mood. Illusory correlation occurs when people associate two events but in
reality there is no connection.
For example, over time, there has been a positive correlation between the
length of womens skirts and the Standard and Poors 500 stock market price.
When the length goes up in the fashion world, so does the S&P 500. Does this
mean that if we could convince women to shorten their skirts, it would cause a
stock market boom? Of course not. There are all sorts of correlations that arent
causal (another examplethe salaries of Presbyterian ministers in
Massachusetts and the price of rum in Havana). People often associate things as
causal when in fact theres no true relationship. That appears to be the case
with weather and moods.
Stress As you might imagine, stress affects emotions and moods. For exam-
ple, students have higher levels of fear before an exam, but their fear dissi-
pates once the exam is over.
At work, stressful daily events (a nasty email,
an impending deadline, the loss of a big sale, being reprimanded by your
boss, and so on) negatively affect employees moods. Also, the effects of
stress build over time. As the authors of one study note, a constant diet of
even low-level stressful events has the potential to cause workers to experi-
ence gradually increasing levels of strain over time.
Such mounting levels
of stress and strain at work can worsen our moods, and we experience more
negative emotions. Consider the following entry from a workers blog: im
in a bit of a blah mood today . . . physically, i feel funky, though and the
weather out combined with the amount of personal and work i need to get
done are getting to me. Although sometimes we thrive on stress, for most of
us, like this blogger, stress begins to take its toll on our mood.
Social Activities Do you tend to be happiest when you are at a barbeque with
friends or out to dinner to celebrate a family members birthday? For most peo-
ple, social activities increase positive mood and have little effect on negative
mood. But do people in positive moods seek out social interactions, or do social
interactions cause people to be in good moods? It seems that both are true.
And, does the type of social activity matter? Indeed it does. Research suggests
that physical (skiing or hiking with friends), informal (going to a party), or
Epicurean (eating with others) activities are more strongly associated with
increases in positive mood than formal (attending a meeting) or sedentary
(watching TV with friends) events.
Social interactions even have long-term health benefits. One study of
longevity found that being in the company of others (as opposed to social isola-
tion) was one of the best predictors of how long someone livesmore impor-
tant than gender, or even blood pressure or cholesterol levels.
One of the rea-
sons for this is positive affect. A study of nuns 7595 years old showed that the
degree to which the nuns experienced positive moods in their 20s predicted
how long they lived six decades later.
illusory correlation The tendency of
people to associate two events when in
reality there is no connection.
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To keep employees in shape and in
touch with coworkers, Ford Motor
Company provides fitness centers
and fitness challenges for
employees. Ford believes that
exercise increases positive moods,
resulting in happier, healthier, and
more productive employees. The
company also sponsors recreational
clubs for activities such as bowling,
racquetball, skiing, and softball that
allow employees to get a good
physical workout while interacting
socially with other employees.
Shown here is an employee with
Fords fitness director at an assembly
plant in Hazelwood, Missouri.
270 PART TWO The Individual
Sleep According to a recent poll, people are getting less and less sleep. On
average, Americans sleep less than seven hours per weekday nightbelow
the eight-hour recommendation. And the number of people who actually
sleep eight or more hours a night has steadily decreased over the past few
years to about one in four. Roughly 75 percent of those polled reported hav-
ing at least one symptom of a sleep problem a few nights a week or more
within the past year.
As you might imagine, sleep quality affects mood. Undergraduates and
adult workers who are sleep-deprived report greater feelings of fatigue,
anger, and hostility.
One of the reasons why less sleep, or poor sleep qual-
ity, puts people in a bad mood is because it impairs decision making and
makes it difficult to control emotions.
A recent study suggests that poor
sleep the previous night also impairs peoples job satisfaction the next day,
mostly because people feel fatigued, irritable, and less alert.
Exercise You often hear that people should exercise to improve their mood.
But does sweat therapy really work? It appears so. Research consistently shows
that exercise enhances peoples positive mood.
It appears that the therapeutic
effects of exercise are strongest for those who are depressed. Although the
effects of exercise on moods are consistent, they are not terribly strong. So,
exercise may help put you in a better mood, but dont expect miracles.
Age Do you think that young people experience more extreme, positive emo-
tions (so-called youthful exuberance) than older people do? If you answered
yes, you were wrong. One study of people aged 18 to 94 years revealed negative
emotions seem to occur less as people get older. Periods of highly positive
moods lasted longer for older individuals and bad moods faded more quickly.
The study implies that emotional experience tends to improve with age so that
as we get older, we experience fewer negative emotions.
Gender The common belief is that women are more in touch with their feel-
ings than men arethat they react more emotionally and are better able to
read emotions in others. Is there any truth to these assumptions?
The evidence does confirm differences between men and women when it
comes to emotional reactions and the ability to read others. In contrasting
hen good things hapen to you, do you immediately call a
friend or run over to your coworkers office to share the joy?
If this isnt your style, you might reconsider. A study shows
that those who sought out others when good things happened to them
were consistently happier than those who did not share their good
news. Additionally, this capitalizing effect held irrespective of the
events themselves, meaning that if two people both had positive things
happen to them, the happier person would be the one who shared the
good news. The study ruled out alternative explanations for these find-
ings. For example, personality did not play a role, given that the results
were not due to high levels of extraversion in the studys participants.
Peoples responses to an individuals good news are also impor-
tant. Only when others reacted with genuine enthusiasm (as opposed
to indifference or feigned happiness) did sharing make people hap-
pier. So happiness is not just the result of sharing joy, rather, it is also
a result of sharing good news with the right people.
But how does capitalizing on positive events affect an individuals
job satisfaction? Sharing news about a promotion, a new hire, or a
closed salecontributed to positive moods at work and satisfaction
with ones work. Again, the type of response matteredthat is,
employees were happiest when they shared positive events with oth-
ers who were truly happy for them.
Does Sharing Good News Affect Our Mood?
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 271
the genders, women show greater emotional expression than men;
experience emotions more intensely; and they display more frequent expres-
sions of both positive and negative emotions, except anger.
In contrast to
men, women also report more comfort in expressing emotions. Finally,
women are better at reading nonverbal and paralinguistic cues than are
What explains these differences? Researchers have suggested three possible
explanations. One explanation is the different ways men and women have been
Men are taught to be tough and brave. Showing emotion is incon-
sistent with this image. Women, in contrast, are socialized to be nurturing. This
may account for the perception that women are generally warmer and friend-
lier than men. For instance, women are expected to express more positive emo-
tions on the job (shown by smiling) than men, and they do.
A second expla-
nation is that women may have more innate ability to read others and present
their emotions than do men.
Third, women may have a greater need for
social approval and, so, a higher propensity to show positive emotions, such as
External Constraints on Emotions
An emotion that is acceptable on the athletic playing field may be totally unac-
ceptable when exhibited at the workplace. Similarly, whats appropriate in one
country is often inappropriate in another. These two factors play a role in deter-
mining what emotions well display. Every organization defines boundaries that
identify which emotions are acceptable and the degree to which employees may
express them. Cultures set boundaries, too. In this section, we look at organiza-
tional and cultural influences on emotions.
Organizational Influences If you cant smile and appear happy, youre
unlikely to have much of a career working at a Disney amusement park. And
a manual produced by McDonalds states that its counter personnel must
display traits such as sincerity, enthusiasm, confidence, and a sense of
There is no single emotional set that all organizations worldwide
When it comes to expressing
positive emotions, Southwest
Airlines imposes few external
constraints on employee behavior. It
encourages employees to be
passionate about their work and
gives them freedom in expressing
their passion. Southwests emotional
set of appropriate behaviors
among employees includes caring,
nurturing, and fun loving.
Displaying these emotions on the
job delight Southwests passengers,
as the flight attendant shown here
readies to embrace a tiny traveler.
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272 PART TWO The Individual
seek in their employees. However, in the United States, the evidence indi-
cates that theres a bias against negative and intense emotions. Expressions
of negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger tend to be unacceptable
except under fairly specific conditions.
For instance, one such condition
might be a high-status member of a group conveying impatience with a low-
status member.
Moreover, expressions of intense emotion, whether nega-
tive or positive, tend to be unacceptable because management regards them
as undermining routine task performance.
Again, there are instances when
such expressions are acceptablefor example, a brief grieving over the sud-
den death of a companys CEO or the celebration of a record year of profits.
But for the most part, the climate in well-managed American organizations is
one that strives to be emotion-free.
Cultural Influences Does the degree to which people experience emotions vary
across cultures? Do peoples interpretations of emotions vary across cultures?
Finally, do the norms for the expression of emotions differ across cultures? Lets
tackle each of these questions.
Does the degree to which people experience emotions vary across cultures? Yes. In
China, for example, people report that they experience fewer positive and neg-
ative emotions than those in other cultures, and whatever emotions they do
experience are less intense than what other cultures report. Compared to
Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese are more like Americans in their experience of
emotions: On average Taiwanese report more positive and fewer negative emo-
tions than their Chinese counterparts.
In general, people in most cultures
appear to experience certain positive and negative emotions, but the frequency
of their experience and their intensity does vary to some degree.
Do peoples interpretations of emotions vary across cultures? In general, people from
all over the world interpret negative and positive emotions the same way. We all
view negative emotions, such as hate, terror, and rage, as dangerous and destruc-
tive. And we all desire positive emotionssuch as joy, love, and happiness.
However, some cultures value certain emotions more than others. For example,
Americans value enthusiasm while Chinese consider negative emotions to be
In expanding their stores to other
countries, Wal-Mart has learned
that cultural norms govern
emotional expression. The Chinese
people, for example, are
accustomed to vendors hawking
their goods in street markets. When
Wal-Mart employees in China shout
out special prices for products,
customers view the emotional
expressions in a positive way as
showing excitement and
enthusiasm. But these expressions
would not be acceptable in
countries like Sweden where people
place a low value on assertiveness.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 273
Emotional Recognition: Universal
or Culture-Specific?
stand emotions based on others expressions believed that all
individuals, regardless of their culture, could recognize the same emotion. So, for exam-
ple, a frown would be recognized as indicating the emotion of sadness, no matter where
one was from. However, more recent research suggests that this universal approach to
the study of emotions is incorrect because there are subtle differences in the degree to
which we can tell what emotions people from different cultures are feeling based on
their facial expressions.
One study examined how quickly and accurately we can read the facial expressions of
people of different cultural backgrounds. Although individuals were at first faster at rec-
ognizing the emotional expression of others from their own culture, when living in a dif-
ferent culture, the speed and accuracy at which they recognized others emotions
increased as they became more familiar with the culture. For example, as Chinese resid-
ing in the United States adapted to their surroundings they were able to recognize the
emotions of U.S. citizens more quickly. In fact, foreigners are sometimes better at recog-
nizing emotions among the citizens in their non-native country than are those citizens
Interestingly, these effects begin to occur relatively quickly. For example, Chinese stu-
dents living in the United States for an average of 2.4 years were better at recognizing the
facial expressions of U.S. citizens than the facial expressions of Chinese citizens. Why is
this the case? According to the authors of the study, it could be that they, limited in speak-
ing the language, rely more on nonverbal communication. What is the upshot for OB?
When conducting business in a foreign country, the ability to correctly recognize others
emotions can facilitate interactions and lead to less miscommunication. Otherwise, a
slight smile that is intended to communicate disinterest may be mistaken for happiness.
Based on H. A. Elfenbein and N. Ambady, When Familiarity Breeds Accuracy: Cultural Exposure and Facial Emotion
Recognition, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, August 2003, pp. 276290.
more useful and constructive than do Americans. In general, pride is seen as a
positive emotion in Western, individualistic cultures such as the United States,
but Eastern cultures such as China and Japan tend to view pride as undesirable.
Do the norms for the expression of emotions differ across cultures? Absolutely. For
example, Muslims see smiling as a sign of sexual attraction, so women have
learned not to smile at men.
And research has shown that in collectivist coun-
tries people are more likely to believe that emotional displays have something
to do with their own relationship with the person expressing the emotion, while
people in individualistic cultures do not think that anothers emotional expres-
sions are directed at them.
For example, in Venezuela (a highly collectivistic culture), someone seeing
an angry expression on a friends face would think that the friend is mad at her,
but in America (a very individualistic culture), a person would generally not
attribute an angry friends expression to something she had done. Such norms
play a role in emotional labor, which well learn about in the next section.
In general, its easier for people to accurately recognize emotions within their
own culture than in those of other cultures. For example, a Chinese busi-
nessperson is more likely to accurately label the emotions underlying the facial
expressions of a fellow Chinese colleague than those of an American colleague.
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274 PART TWO The Individual
Emotional Labor
If you ever had a job working in retail sales or waiting on tables in a restaurant,
you know the importance of projecting a friendly demeanor and a smile. Even
though there were days when you didnt feel cheerful, you knew management
expected you to be upbeat when dealing with customers. So you faked it, and in
so doing, you expressed emotional labor.
Every employee expends physical and mental labor when they put their bod-
ies and cognitive capabilities, respectively, into their job. But jobs also require
emotional labor. Emotional labor is an employees expression of organization-
ally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work.
The concept of emotional labor emerged from studies of service jobs. Think
about it. Airlines expect their flight attendants, for instance, to be cheerful, we
expect funeral directors to be sad, and doctors to be emotionally neutral. But
really, emotional labor is relevant to almost every job. Your managers expect
you, for example, to be courteous, not hostile, in interactions with coworkers.
The true challenge is when employees have to project one emotion while simul-
taneously feeling another.
This disparity is emotional dissonance, and it can
take a heavy toll on employees. Left untreated, bottled-up feelings of frustra-
tion, anger, and resentment can eventually lead to emotional exhaustion and
Its from the increasing importance of emotional labor as a key com-
ponent of effective job performance that an understanding of emotion has
gained heightened relevance within the field of OB.
Felt Versus Displayed Emotions
Emotional labor creates dilemmas for employees. There are people with whom
you have to work that you just plain dont like. Maybe you consider their per-
sonality abrasive. Maybe you know theyve said negative things about you
behind your back. Regardless, your job requires you to interact with these peo-
ple on a regular basis. So youre forced to feign friendliness.
It can help you, on the job especially, if you separate emotions into felt or
Felt emotions are an individuals actual emotions. In contrast,
displayed emotions are those that the organization requires workers to show
and considers appropriate in a given job. Theyre not innate; theyre learned.
The ritual look of delight on the face of the first runner-up as the new Miss
America is announced is a product of the display rule that losers should mask
their sadness with an expression of joy for the winner.
Similarly, most of us
know that were expected to act sad at funerals regardless of whether we con-
sider the persons death to be a loss and to pretend to be happy at weddings
even if we dont feel like celebrating.
Interestingly, some cultures lack words for standard American emotional
terms such as anxiety, depression, and guilt. Tahitians, as a case in point, dont
have a word directly equivalent to sadness. When Tahitians are sad, their peers
attribute their state to a physical illness.
Our discussion illustrates the need to
consider cultural factors as influencing what managers consider emotionally
Whats acceptable in one culture may seem extremely unusual
or even dysfunctional in another. Managers need to know the emotional norms
in each culture they do business in so they dont send unintended signals or
misread the reactions of locals. For example, an American manager in Japan
should know that while Americans tend to view smiling positively, Japanese are
apt to attribute frequent smiling to a lack of intelligence.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 275
Effective managers have learned to be serious when giving an employee a
negative performance evaluation and to hide their anger when theyve been
passed over for promotion. And the salesperson who hasnt learned to smile
and appear friendly, regardless of his true feelings at the moment, isnt typically
going to last long on most sales jobs. How we experience an emotion isnt always
the same as how we show it.
The key point here is that felt and displayed emotions are often different.
Many people have problems working with others because they navely assume that
the emotions they see others display is what those others actually feel. This is par-
ticularly true in organizations, where role demands and situations often require
people to exhibit emotional behaviors that mask their true feelings. In addition,
jobs today increasingly require employees to interact with customers. And cus-
tomers arent always easy to deal with. They often complain, behave rudely, and
make unrealistic demands. In such instances, an employees felt emotions may
need to be disguised. Employees who arent able to project a friendly and helpful
demeanor in such situations are likely to alienate customers and are unlikely to be
effective in their jobs.
Yet another point is that displaying fake emotions requires us to suppress
the emotions we really feel (not showing anger toward a customer, for exam-
ple). In other words, the individual has to act to keep her job. Surface acting
is hiding ones inner feelings and forging emotional expressions in response to
display rules. For example, when a worker smiles at a customer even when he
doesnt feel like it, he is surface acting. Deep acting is trying to modify ones
true inner feelings based on display rules. A health-care provider trying to gen-
uinely feel more empathy for her patients is deep acting.
Surface acting deals
with ones displayed emotions, and deep acting deals with ones felt emotions.
Research shows that surface acting is more stressful to employees because it
entails feigning ones true emotions.
As weve noted, emotional norms vary across cultures. Cultural norms in the
United States dictate that employees in service organizations should smile and
act friendly when interacting with customers.
But this norm doesnt apply
worldwide. In Israel, customers see smiling supermarket cashiers as inexperi-
enced, so managers encourage cashiers to look somber.
Employees in France
are likely to experience a minimal degree of emotional dissonance because
they make little effort to hide their true feelings. French retail clerks are infa-
mous for being surly toward customers. (A report from the French government
itself confirmed this).
And Wal-Mart has found that its emphasis on employee
friendliness, which has won them a loyal following among U.S. shoppers, does-
nt work in Germany. Accustomed to a culture where the customer traditionally
comes last, serious German shoppers have been turned off by Wal-Marts
friendly greeters and helpful personnel.
And what about gender differences? Do you think society expects women
to display different emotions than men, even in the same job? This is a diffi-
cult question to answer, but there is some evidence that upper management
does expect men and women to display different emotions even in the same
emotional labor A situation in which an
employee expresses organizationally
desired emotions during interpersonal
transactions at work.
emotional dissonance Inconsistencies
between the emotions we feel and the
emotions we project.
surface acting Hiding ones inner
feelings and forging emotional
expressions in response to display rules.
deep acting Trying to modify ones true
inner feelings based on display rules.
felt emotions An individuals actual
displayed emotions Emotions that are
organizationally required and considered
appropriate in a given job.
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276 PART TWO The Individual
job. In professional and managerial jobs, for example, women report having
to suppress negative feelings and display more positive feelings than men to
conform to what they say their bosses and colleagues expect.
Are Emotionally Demanding Jobs Rewarded with Better Pay?
You may wonder how well the labor market rewards jobs that are emotionally
demanding. You might think, for example, that the job of funeral director,
which may include mortician duties and arranging funerals with grieving fami-
lies, should pay well. But it seems that jobs that are emotionally demanding
(jobs that are taxing or require an employee to put on a good face) may be
rewarded less well than jobs that are cognitively demanding (ones that require
a lot of thinking and that demand a complex set of skills).
A recent study examined this issue across a wide range of jobs.
authors of the study found that the relationship between cognitive demands
and pay was quite strong, while the relationship between emotional demands
and pay was not. They did find that emotional demands matter, but only
when jobs already were cognitively demandingjobs such as lawyers and
nurses. But, for instance, child-care workers and waiters (jobs with high emo-
tional demands but relatively low cognitive demands), receive little compen-
sation for emotional demands.
Exhibit 8-5 shows the relationship between cognitive and emotional
demands and pay. For jobs that are cognitively demanding, increasing emo-
tional demands lead to better pay. However, for jobs that are not cognitively
demanding, increasing emotional demands lead to worse pay. The model does-
nt seem to depict a fair state of affairs. After all, why should emotional
demands be rewarded in only cognitively complex jobs? One explanation may
be that its hard to find qualified people who are willing and able to work in
such jobs.
Registered nurses
Bill collectors
Child-care workers
Refuse handlers
Data-entry keyers
Emotional labor demands
Low cognitive demand High cognitive demand
Exhibit 8-5 Relationship of Pay to Cognitive and Emotional Demands of Jobs
Source: Based on: T. M. Glomb, J. D. Kammeyer-Mueller, and M. Rotundo, Emotional Labor Demands and Compensating Wage
Differentials, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 89(4), Aug 2004, pp. 700714.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 277
Affective Events Theory
As we have seen, emotions and moods are an important part of our lives, espe-
cially our work lives. But how do our emotions and moods influence our job
performance and satisfaction? A model called affective events theory (AET) has
increased our understanding of the links.
AET demonstrates that employees
react emotionally to things that happen to them at work and that this reaction
influences their job performance and satisfaction.
Exhibit 8-6 summarizes AET. The theory begins by recognizing that emo-
tions are a response to an event in the work environment. The work environ-
ment includes everything surrounding the jobthe variety of tasks and degree
of autonomy, job demands, and requirements for expressing emotional labor.
This environment creates work events that can be hassles, uplifts, or both.
Examples of hassles are colleagues who refuse to carry their share of work, con-
flicting directions by different managers, and excessive time pressures.
Examples of uplifting events include meeting a goal, getting support from a col-
league, and receiving recognition for an accomplishment.
These work events trigger positive or negative emotional reactions. But
employees personalities and moods predisposes them to respond with greater
or lesser intensity to the event. For instance, people who score low on emo-
tional stability are more likely to react strongly to negative events. And their
mood introduces the reality that their general affect cycle creates fluctuations.
So a persons emotional response to a given event can change depending on
mood. Finally, emotions influence a number of performance and satisfaction
variables such as organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commit-
ment, level of effort, intentions to quit, and workplace deviance.
affective events theory A model which
suggests that workplace events cause
emotional reactions on the part of
employees, which then influence
workplace attitudes and behaviors.
Characteristics of
the job
Job demands
Requirements for
emotional labor
Work Environment
Work Events
Daily hassles
Daily uplifts
Emotional Reactions
Job Satisfaction
Job Performance
Personal Dispositions
Exhibit 8-6 Affective Events Theory
Source: Based on N. M. Ashkanasy and C. S. Daus, Emotion in the Workplace: The New Challenge for Managers, Academy of
Management Executive, February 2002, p. 77.
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278 PART TWO The Individual
In addition, tests of the theory suggest that (1) an emotional episode is actu-
ally a series of emotional experiences precipitated by a single event. It contains
elements of both emotions and mood cycles. (2) Current emotions influence
job satisfaction at any given time, along with the history of emotions surround-
ing the event. (3) Because moods and emotions fluctuate over time, their effect
on performance also fluctuates. (4) Emotion-driven behaviors are typically
short in duration and of high variability. (5) Because emotions, even positive
ones, tend to be incompatible with behaviors required to do a job, they typically
have a negative influence on job performance.
An example might help better explain AET.
You work as an aeronautical
engineer for Boeing. Because of the downturn in the demand for commercial
jets, youve just learned that the company is considering laying off 10,000
employees. This layoff could include you. This event is likely to make you feel
negative emotions, especially fear that you might lose your job and primary
source of income. And because youre prone to worry a lot and obsess about
problems, this event increases your feelings of insecurity.
It also puts into place a series of smaller events that create an episode: You
talk with your boss and he assures you that your job is safe; you hear rumors that
your department is high on the list to be eliminated; you run into a former col-
league who was laid off six months ago and still hasnt found work. These
events, in turn, create emotional ups and downs. One day youre feeling more
upbeat and that youll survive the cuts. The next day, you might be depressed
and anxious. These emotional swings take your attention away from your work
and lower your job performance and satisfaction. Finally, your response is mag-
nified because this is the fourth largest layoff that Boeing has initiated in the
last three years.
In summary, AET offers two important messages.
First, emotions provide
valuable insights into understanding employee behavior. The model demonstrates
how workplace hassles and uplifts influence employee performance and satisfac-
tion. Second, employees and managers shouldnt ignore emotions and the events
that cause them, even when they appear to be minor, because they accumulate.
Emotional Intelligence
Diane Marshall is an office manager. Her awareness of her own and others
emotions is almost nil. Shes moody and unable to generate much enthusiasm
or interest in her employees. She doesnt understand why employees get upset
with her. She often overreacts to problems and chooses the most ineffectual
responses to emotional situations.
Diane Marshall is someone with low emo-
tional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) is ones ability to detect and to
manage emotional cues and information.
People who know their own emotions and are good at reading others emo-
tions may be more effective in their jobs. That, in essence, is the theme under-
lying recent EI research.
EI is composed of five dimensions:
Self-awarenessbeing aware of what youre feeling
Self-managementthe ability to manage your own emotions and impulses
Self-motivationthe ability to persist in the face of setbacks and failures
Empathythe ability to sense how others are feeling
Social skillsthe ability to handle the emotions of others
Several studies suggest that EI plays an important role in job performance.
One study looked at the characteristics of Lucent Technologies engineers who
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 279
Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, is a
leader with high emotional
intelligence. Since eBay founder
Pierre Omidyar selected Whitman to
transform his startup into a global
enterprise, she has emerged as a
star performer in a job that
demands interacting socially with
employees, customers, and political
leaders throughout the world.
Whitman is described as self-
confident yet humble, trustworthy,
culturally sensitive, and expert at
building teams and leading change.
Shown here, Whitman welcomes
Gloria Arroyo, president of the
Philippine Islands where eBay has an
auction site, to eBay headquarters.
were rated as stars by their peers. The researchers concluded that stars were bet-
ter at relating to others. That is, it was EI, not IQ, that characterized high per-
formers. Another illuminating study looked at the successes and failures of 11
American presidentsfrom Franklin Roosevelt to Bill Clinton. They were eval-
uated on six qualitiescommunication, organization, political skill, vision, cog-
nitive style, and emotional intelligence. It was found that the key quality that
differentiated the successful (like Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Reagan) from the
unsuccessful (like Johnson, Carter, and Nixon) was emotional intelligence.
The Case for EI
EI has been a controversial concept in OB. It has its supporters and detractors.
In the upcoming sections, well review the arguments for, and against, the via-
bility of EI in OB.
Intuitive Appeal Theres a lot of intuitive appeal to the EI concept. Most
everyone would agree that it is good to possess street smarts and social intelli-
gence. Those people who can detect emotions in others, control their own
emotions, and handle social interactions well will have a powerful leg up in the
business world, so the thinking goes. As just one example, partners in a multi-
national consulting firm who scored above the median on an EI measure deliv-
ered $1.2 million more in business than did the other partners.
EI Predicts Criteria That Matter Evidence is mounting that suggests a high
level of EI means a person will perform well on the job. One study found that EI
predicted the performance of employees in a cigarette factory in China.
emotional intelligence The ability to
detect and to manage emotional cues and
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280 PART TWO The Individual
Another study found that being able to recognize emotions in others facial
expressions and to emotionally eavesdrop (pick up subtle signals about peo-
ples emotions) predicted peer ratings of how valuable these people were to
their organization.
Finally, a review of 59 studies indicated that, overall, EI
correlated moderately with job performance.
EI Is Biologically Based One study has shown that people with damage to the
part of the brain that governs emotional processing (lesions in an area of the pre-
frontal cortex) score significantly lower on EI tests. Even though these brain-dam-
aged people scored no lower on standard measures of intelligence than people
without the same brain damage, they were still impaired in normal decision mak-
ing. Specifically, when people were playing a card game in which there is a reward
(money) for picking certain types of cards and a punishment (a loss of money)
for picking other types of cards, the participants with no brain damage learned to
succeed in the game, while the performance of the brain-damaged group wors-
ened over time. This study suggests that EI is neurologically based in a way thats
unrelated to standard measures of intelligence, and that people who suffer neu-
rological damage score lower on EI and make poorer decisions than people who
are healthier in this regard.
The Case against EI
For all its supporters, EI has just as many critics.
EI Is Too Vague a Concept To many researchers, its not clear what EI is. Is it
a form of intelligence? Most of us wouldnt think that being self-aware or self-
motivated or having empathy is a matter of intellect. So, is EI a misnomer?
Moreover, many times different researchers focus on different skills, making it
difficult to get a definition of EI. One researcher may study self-discipline.
Another may study empathy. Another may look at self-awareness. As one
reviewer noted, The concept of EI has now become so broad and the compo-
nents so variegated that . . . it is no longer even an intelligible concept.
EI Cant Be Measured Many critics have raised questions about measuring EI.
Because EI is a form of intelligence, for instance, then there must be right and
wrong answers about it on tests, they argue. Some tests do have right and wrong
answers, although the validity of some of the questions on these measures is
questionable. For example, one measure asks you to associate particular feel-
ings with specific colors, as if purple always makes us feel cool not warm. Other
measures are self-reported, meaning there is no right or wrong answer. For
example, an EI test question might ask you to respond to the statement, Im
good atreading other people. In general, the measures of EI are diverse, and
researchers have not subjected them to as much rigorous study as they have
measures of personality and general intelligence.
The Validity of EI Is Suspect Some critics argue that because EI is so closely
related to intelligence and personality, once you control for these factors, EI
has nothing unique to offer. There is some foundation to this argument. EI
appears to be highly correlated with measures of personality, especially emo-
tional stability.
But there hasnt been enough research on whether EI adds
insight beyond measures of personality and general intelligence in predict-
ing job performance. Still, among consulting firms and in the popular press,
EI is wildly popular. For example, one companys promotional materials for
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 281
an EI measure claimed, EI accounts for more than 85 percent of star per-
formance in top leaders.
To say the least, its hard to validate this state-
ment with the research literature.
Whatever your view of EI, one things for sure: The concept is here to stay.
Now that you know more about emotional intelligence, do you think you are
a good judge of people? Do you think you can determine what makes someone
tick? Check out the Self-Assessment feature determine your EI.
In the Self-Assessment Library (available on CD, online, and in print), take assessment I.E.1
(Whats My Emotional Intelligence Score?) and answer the following questions.
1. How did you score relative to your classmates?
2. Did your score surprise you? Why or why not?
3. What might you do to improve your ability to read others emotions?
OB Applications of Emotions and Moods
We conclude our discussion of emotions and moods by considering their spe-
cific application to OB. In this section, we assess how an understanding of
emotions and moods can improve our ability to explain and predict the
selection process in organizations, decision making, creativity, motivation,
leadership, interpersonal conflict, negotiation, customer service, job atti-
tudes, and deviant workplace behaviors. We also look at how managers can
influence our moods.
One implication from the evidence to date on EI is that employers should
consider it a factor in hiring employees, especially in jobs that demand a
high degree of social interaction. In fact, more and more employers are start-
ing to use EI measures to hire people. A study of U.S. Air Force recruiters
showed that top-performing recruiters exhibited high levels of EI. Using
these findings, the Air Force revamped its selection criteria. A follow-up
investigation found that future hires who had high EI scores were 2.6 times
more successful than those who didnt. By using EI in selection, the Air Force
was able to cut turnover rates among new recruiters in one year by more than
90 percent and save nearly $3 million in hiring and training costs. At
LOreal, salespersons selected on EI scores outsold those hired using the
companys old selection procedure. On an annual basis, salespeople selected
on the basis of emotional competence sold $91,370 more than other sales-
people did, for a net revenue increase of $2,558,360.
Decision Making
As you saw in Chapter 5, traditional approaches to the study of decision mak-
ing in organizations have emphasized rationality. They have downplayed, or
even ignored, the role of sadness, anxiety, fear, frustration, happiness, envy,
and similar emotions. Yet its naive to assume that feelings dont influence our
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282 PART TWO The Individual
Given the same objective data, we should expect that people may
make different choices when theyre angry and stressed out than when theyre
calm and collected.
OB researchers continue to debate the role of negative emotions and
moods in decision making. One well-cited article suggested that depressed
people (those who chronically experience bad moods or negative emotions
such as sadness) make more accurate judgments than nondepressed
This suggestion led some researchers to argue that the saying
sadder but wiser is true. However, more recent evidence has suggested that
people who are depressed make poorer decisions than happy people. Why?
Because depressed people are slower at processing information and tend to
weigh all possible options rather than the most likely ones.
Although it
would seem that weighing all possible options is a good thing, the problem is
that depressed people search for the perfect solution when rarely is any solu-
tion perfect.
Positive people, in contrast, know when a solution is good enough. Indeed,
positive emotions seem to help decision making. Positive emotions can increase
problem-solving skills and help us understand and analyze new information.
For example, someone in a positive mood may be better able to infer that a sub-
ordinates performance problems were due to some nonwork problems.
People in good moods or those experiencing positive emotions are more likely
to use heuristics, or rules of thumb,
to help them make good decisions
quickly. Sometimes, however, these heuristics can be wrong and can lead to
stereotyping. So people need to make sure that their positive moods dont
cause them to rely on dangerous stereotypes, like women are less dedicated,
Muslims are violent people, and so on.
People use their heart as well as their head when making decisions.
Therefore, failure to incorporate emotions and moods into the study of decision
making will result in an incomplete, and often inaccurate, view of the process.
People who are in good moods are more creative than people in bad moods,
say some researchers.
They produce more ideas, others think their ideas
are original, and they tend to identify more creative options to problems.
It seems that people who are experiencing positive moods or emotions are
more flexible and open in their thinking, which may explain why theyre
more creative.
Supervisors should actively try to keep employees happy
because this will create more good moods (employees like their leaders to
encourage them and provide positive feedback on a job well done), which in
turn leads people to be more creative.
Some researchers, however, do not believe that a positive mood makes peo-
ple more creative. They argue that when people are in positive moods, they may
relax (if Im in a good mood, things must be going OK, and I must not need to
think of new ideas) and not engage in the critical thinking necessary for some
forms of creativity.
However, this view is controversial.
Until there are
more studies on the subject, we can safely conclude that for many tasks, positive
moods increase our creativity.
As we saw in Chapter 6, motivation theories propose that individuals are moti-
vated to the extent that their behavior is expected to lead to desired outcomes
. . . the employee essentially trades effort for pay, security, promotions, and so
But as the Affective Events Theory demonstrated, people arent cold,
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 283
unfeeling machines. Their perceptions and calculations of work events are
filled with emotional content that significantly influences how much effort they
exert. Moreover, when you see people who are highly motivated in their jobs,
theyre emotionally committed. People who are engaged in their work become
physically, cognitively, and emotionally immersed in the experience of activity,
in the pursuit of a goal.
Are all people emotionally engaged in their work? No. But many are. So if
we focus only on those who are not, we wont be able to explain behaviors such
as the biologist who forgets to have dinner and works late into the night, lost in
the thrill of her work.
Two studies have highlighted the importance of moods and emotions on
motivation. The first study had two groups of people solve a number of word puz-
zles. One group saw a funny video clip, which was intended to put the group in a
good mood before having to solve the puzzles. The other group was not shown
the clip and just started working on solving the word puzzles right away. The
results? The positive-mood group reported higher expectations of being able to
solve the puzzles, worked harder at them, and solved more puzzles as a result.
The second study found that giving people feedbackwhether real or
fakeabout their performance influenced their mood, which then influenced
their motivation.
So, a cycle can exist in which positive moods cause people
to be more creative, which leads to positive feedback from those observing their
work. This positive feedback then further reinforces their positive mood, which
may then make them perform even better, and so on.
Both of these studies highlight the effects of mood and emotions on motiva-
tion and suggest that organizations that promote positive moods at work are
likely to have a more motivated workforce.
The ability to lead others is a fundamental quality that organizations look for
in employees.
When Carlos Ghosn took over as
president and CEO of the nearly
bankrupt Nissan Motor Corporation,
he used emotionally charged
speeches in presenting his plan to
revive the company. In
communicating his vision of
returning Nissan to profitability,
Ghosn convinced managers and
employees to accept the changes of
reducing the number of Nissan
suppliers, eliminating 20,000 jobs,
closing five plants, meeting new
performance goals, adding new car
models, and entering new markets.
Under Ghosns leadership, Nissan
achieved a dramatic turnaround to
profitability and revenue growth.
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284 PART TWO The Individual
Effective leaders rely on emotional appeals to help convey their messages.
In fact, the expression of emotions in speeches is often the critical element that
makes us accept or reject a leaders message. When leaders feel excited, enthu-
siastic, and active, they may be more likely to energize their subordinates and
convey a sense of efficacy, competence, optimism, and enjoyment.
Politicians, as a case in point, have learned to show enthusiasm when talking
about their chances of winning an election, even when polls suggest otherwise.
Corporate executives know that emotional content is critical if employees
are to buy into their vision of their companys future and accept change. When
higher-ups offer new visions, especially when the visions contain distant or
vague goals, it is often difficult for employees to accept those visions and the
changes theyll bring. So when effective leaders want to implement significant
changes, they rely on the evocation, framing, and mobilization of emotions.
By arousing emotions and linking them to an appealing vision, leaders
increase the likelihood that managers and employees alike will accept change.
Interpersonal Conflict
Few issues are more intertwined with emotions than the topic of interpersonal
conflict. Whenever conflicts arise between coworkers, you can be fairly certain
that emotions are surfacing. A managers success in trying to resolve conflicts,
in fact, is often largely attributable to an ability to identify the emotional ele-
ments in the conflict and to get the parties to work through their emotions. The
manager who ignores the emotional elements in conflicts, focusing singularly
on rational and task-focused concerns, is unlikely to resolve those conflicts.
Negotiation is an emotional process; however, we often say a skilled negotiator
has a poker face. The founder of Britains Poker Channel, Crispin Nieboer,
stated, It is a game of bluff and there is fantastic human emotion and tension,
seeing who can bluff the longest.
Several studies have shown that negotia-
tors who feign anger have an advantage over their opponent. Why? Because
when a negotiator shows anger, the opponent concludes that the negotiator has
conceded all that she can, and so the opponent gives in.
Displaying a negative emotion (such as anger) can be effective, but feeling
bad about your performance appears to impair future negotiations.
Negotiators who do poorly experience negative emotions, develop negative
perceptions of their counterpart, and are less willing to share information or be
cooperative in future negotiations.
Interestingly, then, while moods and
emotions have their benefits at work, in negotiation, unless were putting up a
false front (feigning anger), it seems that emotions may impair negotiator per-
formance. In fact, one 2005 study found that people who suffered damage to
the emotional centers of their brains (damage to the same part of the brain as
Phineas Gage) may be the best negotiators, because theyre not likely to over-
correct when faced with negative outcomes.
Consider another example.
When Northwest Airlines faced a strike from the mechanics union, the com-
pany coolly prepared for the strike by hiring replacement workers in advance,
and when the union struck, hired replacement workers and calmly asked for
even more concessions.
Customer Service
A workers emotional state influences customer service, which influences levels
of repeat business and levels of customer satisfaction.
Providing quality cus-
tomer service makes demands on employees because it often puts them in a
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 285
state of emotional dissonance. Over time, this state can lead to job burnout,
declines in job performance, and lower job satisfaction.
In addition, employees emotions may also transfer to the customer. Studies
indicate a matching effect between employee and customer emotions, an effect
that OB practitioners call emotional contagion, the catching of emotions
How does emotional contagion work? The primary explanation
is that when someone experiences positive emotions and laughs and smiles at
you, you begin to copy that persons behavior. So when employees express pos-
itive emotions, customers tend to respond positively. Emotional contagion is
important because when customers catch the positive moods or emotions of
employees, they shop longer.
But what about negative emotions and moods?
Are they contagious too? Absolutely. When an employee is cranky or nasty,
these negative emotions tend to have negative effects on customers.
Job Attitudes
Ever hear the advice Never take your work home with you, meaning that peo-
ple should forget about their work once they go home? As it turns out, thats
easier said than done. Several studies have shown that people who had a good
day at work tend to be in a better mood at home that evening. And people who
had a bad day tend to be in a bad mood once theyre at home.
Evidence also
suggests that people who have a stressful day at work have trouble relaxing once
they get off work.
Even though people do emotionally take their work home with them, by the
next day, the effect is usually gone.
So, though it may be hard or even unnatural
to never take your work home with you, it doesnt appear that, for most people,
a negative mood resulting froma bad day at work carries over to the next day.
Deviant Workplace Behaviors
Negative emotions also can lead to a number of deviant workplace behaviors.
Anyone who has spent much time in an organization realizes that people
often behave in ways that violate established norms and that threaten the orga-
nization, its members, or both. As we saw in Chapter 1, these actions are called
workplace deviant behaviors.
Many of these deviant behaviors can be traced
to negative emotions.
For instance, envy is an emotion that occurs when you resent someone for
having something that you dont have but that you strongly desiresuch as a
better work assignment, larger office, or higher salary.
It can lead to mali-
cious deviant behaviors. An envious employee, for example, could then act hos-
tilely by backstabbing another employee, negatively distorting others successes,
and positively distorting his own accomplishments.
Evidence suggests that
people who feel negative emotions, particularly those who feel angry or hostile,
are more likely than people who dont feel negative emotions to engage in
deviant behavior at work.
How Managers Can Influence Moods
In general, you can improve peoples moods by showing thema funny video clip,
giving them a small bag of candy, or even having them taste a pleasant
But what can companies do to improve their employees moods?
emotional contagion The process by
which peoples emotions are caused by
the emotions of others.
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286 PART TWO The Individual
Workplace Grief Costs U.S.
Employers Billions
American workers mourn the deaths of
2.4 million loved ones each year. In 2002,
Don Lee was one of them. A drunk driver
killed his 20-year-old daughter. He
returned to work 2 days after her funeral,
but it was hard for him to concentrate. I
put in my full eight-hour day, he says,
but for six months, I didnt do more
than four hours of work each day.
Workplace grief has been estimated
to cost U.S. businesses over $75 billion
a year in reduced productivity and
increased errors and accidents. For
instance, mourning the death of a loved
one costs nearly $38 billion; divorce and
marital woes cost $11 billion; family
crises cost $9 billion; and death of an
acquaintance costs $7 billion.
Most organizations offer paid bereave-
ment leaves. But these leaves are usually
for four days or fewer. And as Don Lees
experience illustrated, this is rarely
enough. It often takes workers months
before theyre back to their pre-grief-
stricken level of productivity.
Some companies take active steps
to help deal with this problem. For
instance, Hallmark Cards created
a program called Compassionate
Connections. Its a support network of
employees who have faced a personal
crisis and offer their time to help men-
tor others with similar experiences.
Eighty-five employees have volunteered
to help others with personal crises
including Alzheimers, childhood ill-
nesses, AIDS, infertility, and house fires.
Source: Based on J. Zalow, Moving On: Putting a Price Tag on GriefNew Index Aims to Calculate the Annual Cost of Despair, The Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2002, p. D1.
Managers can use humor and give their employees small tokens of appreciation
for work well done. Also, research indicates that when leaders are in good moods,
group members are more positive, and as a result the members cooperate
Finally, selecting positive team members can have a contagion effect as posi-
tive moods transmit from team member to team member. One study of profes-
sional cricket teams (cricket is a sport played in countries such as Great Britain
and India thats a little like baseball) found that players happy moods affected
the moods of their team members and also positively influenced their perfor-
It makes sense, then, for managers to select team members who are
predisposed to experience positive moods.
Summary and Implications for Managers
Emotions and moods are similar in that both are affective in nature. But theyre
also differentmoods are more general and less contextual than emotions.
And, events do matter. The time of day and day of the week, stressful events,
social activities, and sleep patterns are all factors that influence emotions and
Can managers control their colleagues and employees emotions and
moods? Certainly there are limits, practically and ethically. Emotions and
moods are a natural part of an individuals makeup. Where managers err is if
they ignore their coworkers emotions and assess others behavior as if it were
completely rational. As one consultant aptly put it, You cant divorce emotions
from the workplace because you cant divorce emotions from people.
Managers who understand the role of emotions and moods will significantly
improve their ability to explain and predict their coworkers behavior.
Do emotions and moods affect job performance? Yes. They can hinder per-
formance, especially negative emotions. Thats probably why organizations, for
the most part, try to extract emotions out of the workplace. But emotions and
moods can also enhance performance. How? Two ways.
First, emotions and
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 287
moods can increase arousal levels, and motivate employees to work better.
Second, emotional labor recognizes that certain feelings can be part of a jobs
requirements. So, for instance, the ability to effectively manage emotions in
leadership, sales, and customer service positions may be critical to success in
those positions. At the same time, organizations that shun the display of positive
emotions, or encourage employees to suppress negative emotions, may find
that both take a toll on their workforces.
What differentiates functional from dysfunctional emotions and moods at
work? Although there is no precise answer to this, some analysts have suggested
that the critical moderating variable is the complexity of the individuals task.
The more complex a task, the less emotional a worker can be before interfering
with performance. While a minimal level of emotional arousal is probably nec-
essary for good performance, high levels interfere with the ability to function,
especially if the job requires calculative and detailed cognitive processes. Given
that the trend is toward jobs becoming more complex, you can see why organi-
zations are likely to become more concerned with the role of emotionsespe-
cially intense onesin the workplace.
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rganizations today realize that good customer ser-
vice means good business. After all, who wants to
end a shopping trip at the grocery store with a surly
checker? Research clearly shows that organizations that
provide good customer service have higher profits.
integral part of customer service training is to set forth dis-
play rules to teach employees to interact with customers in a
friendly, helpful, professional way.
As one Starbucks manager says, What makes Starbucks
different is our passion for what we do. Were trying to provide
a great experience for people, with a great product. Thats
what we all care about.
Starbucks may have good coffee,
but a big part of the companys growth has been the customer
experience. For instance, the cashiers are friendly and will get
to know you by name if you are a repeat customer.
Asking employees to act friendly is good for them, too.
Forced smiles can actually make people feel better.
if someone feels that being asked to smile is bad for him, he
doesnt belong in the service industry in the first place.
rganizations have no business trying to regulate the
emotions of their employees. Companies should not
be the thought police and force employees to feel
and act in ways that serve only organizational needs. Service
employees should be professional and courteous, yes, but
many companies expect them to take abuse and refrain from
defending themselves. Thats wrong. As the philosopher
Jean Paul Sartre wrote, we have a responsibility to be
authentictrue to ourselvesand within reasonable limits
organizations have no right to ask us to be otherwise.
Service industries have no business teaching their
employees to be smiling punching bags. Most customers
might even prefer that employees be themselves. Employees
shouldnt be openly nasty or hostile, of course, but who
appreciates a fake smile? Think about trying on an outfit in a
store and the clerk automatically says that looks absolutely
wonderful when you know it doesnt and you sense the
clerk is lying. Most customers would rather talk with a real
person than someone enslaved to an organizations display
rules. Furthermore, if an employee doesnt feel like slapping
on an artificial smile, then its only going to create disso-
nance between her and her employer.
Finally, research shows that forcing display rules on
employees takes a heavy emotional toll.
Its unnatural to
expect someone to smile all the time or to passively take abuse
from customers, clients, or fellow employees. Organizations
can improve their employees psychological health by encour-
aging them to be themselves, within reasonable limits.
The Costs and Benefits of Organizational Display Rules
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 289
Questions for Review
1. What are the differences and similarities between
emotions and moods?
2. How does the time of the day, the day of the week,
and the weather influence peoples moods?
3. Are there differences in the degree to which men
and women show emotions in the workplace? What
types of workplace situations might bring to light
these different emotional reactions?
4. Are there cultural differences in the degree to which
people experience emotions? What about in the
expression of emotions?
5. What is emotional labor, and why is it important to
understanding OB?
6. If you were a manager at a busy clothing store, how
would you balance increasing positive customer
experiences with preventing the loss of good
employees who might be worn down by nasty or
hostile customers?
7. Explain Affective Events Theory. What are its implica-
tions for managing emotions?
8. What is emotional intelligence and why is it
9. As a manager, what steps would you take to
improve your employees moods? Explain your
Questions for Critical Thinking
1. In your opinionand drawing from the arguments
in the chapterare there core or fundamental emo-
tions that everyone experiences? If so, what are they?
2. What has research shown on the relationship between
emotions and rational thinking? Do these findings sur-
prise you? Why or why not?
3. Do emotions and moods matter in explaining behav-
ior in organizations? How so?
4. What, if anything, can managers do to manage their
employees emotions? Are their ethical implications
in any of these actions? If so, what are they?
5. Give some examples of situations in which the
overt expression of emotions might enhance job
Team Exercise
Earlier in the chapter we discussed how people determine
emotions fromfacial expressions. There has been research
on whether people can tell whether someone is lying based
on facial expression. Lets see who is good at catching liars.
Split up into teams, and follow these instructions:
1. Randomly choose someone to be the team organizer.
Have this person write down on a piece of paper T
for truth and L for lie. If there are, say, six people
in the group (other than the organizer), then three
people will get a slip with a T and three a slip with
an L. Its important that all team members keep
whats on their paper a secret.
2. Each team member needs to come up with a true or
false statement depending on whether he or she
holds a T or an L slip. Try not to make the statement
so outrageous that no one would believe it (for exam-
ple, I have flown to the moon).
3. The organizer will have each member make his state-
ment. Group members should then examine the per-
son making the statement closely to try to determine
whether he is telling the truth or lying. Once each
person has made his statement, the organizer will ask
for a vote and record the tallies.
4. Each person should now indicate whether the state-
ment was the truth or a lie.
5. How good was your group at catching the liars? Were
some people good liars? What did you look for to
determine if someone was lying?
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290 PART TWO The Individual
A researcher doing a case study on emotions in organiza-
tions interviewed Laura, a 22-year-old customer service rep-
resentative in Australia. Below is a summary of the interview
(with some paraphrasing of the interviewer questions):
Interviewer: How would you describe your workplace?
Laura: Very cold, unproductive, [a] very, umm, cold
environment, atmosphere.
Interviewer: What kinds of emotions are prevalent in
your organization?
Laura: Anger, hatred towards other people, other staff
Interviewer: So it seems that managers keep employees
in line using fear tactics?
Laura: Yeah. [The General Managers] favorite saying is,
Nobodys indispensable. So, its like, I cant do
that because Ill get sacked!
Interviewer: \How do you survive in this situation?
Laura: You have to cater your emotions to the sort of situ-
ation, the specific situation . . . because its just
such a hostile environment, this is sort of the only
way you can survive.
Interviewer: Are there emotions you have to hide?
Sources: Cupid in the Cubicle, Says New Vault Survey, Vault, Inc. (www.vault.com); S. Shellenbarger, The Nasty Downside of Office
Romances, The Wall Street Journal (www.wsj.com) (2005); J. Amber, Office Romance (www.yourpurelife.com).
Case Incident 1
Ethical Dilemma
A large percentage of married individuals first met in the
workplace. A 2005 survey revealed that 58 percent of all
employees have been in an office romance. Given the
amount of time people spend at work, this isnt terribly
surprising. Yet office romances pose sensitive ethical issues
for organizations and employees. What rights and respon-
sibilities do organizations have to regulate the romantic
lives of their employees?
Take the case of former General Electric CEO Jack
Welch and Suzy Wetlaufer. The two met while Wetlaufer
was interviewing Welch for a Harvard Business Review
article, and Welch was still married. Once their relation-
ship was out in the open, some accused Wetlaufer of
being unethical for refusing to disclose the relationship
while working on the article. She eventually left the
journal. Others accused Welch of letting his personal
life get in the way of the interest of GE and its share-
holders. Some even blamed the scandal for a drop in
GE stock.
Welch and Wetlaufer didnt even work for the same
company. What about when two people work together in
the same work unit? For example, Tasha, an account
executive at a Chicago advertising firm, started dating
Kevin, one of her account supervisors. Their innocent
banter turned into going out for drinks, and then din-
ner, and soon they were dating. Kevin and Tashas bosses
were in-house competitors. The problem: Sometimes in
meetings Kevin would make it seem that Tasha and
Kevin were on the same side of important issues even
when they werent. In response, Tashas boss began to
isolate her from key projects. Tasha broke up with Kevin,
who then tried to have her fired. Tasha said, I remem-
ber times when I would be there all night photocopying
hundreds of pages of my work to show that [Kevins]
allegations [of her incompetence] were unfounded. It
was just embarrassing because it became a question of
my professional judgment.
These examples show that while workplace romances
are personal matters, its hard to keep them out of the
political complexities of organizational life.
1. Do you think organizations should have policies gov-
erning workplace romances? What would such poli-
cies stipulate?
2. Do you think romantic relationships would distract
two employees from performing their jobs? Why or
why not?
3. Is it ever appropriate for a supervisor to romantically
pursue a subordinate under his or her supervision?
Why or why not?
4. Some companies like Nike and Southwest Airlines
openly try to recruit couples. Do you think this is a
good idea? How would you feel working in a depart-
ment with a couple?
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 291
Source: J. Perrone and M. H. Vickers, Emotions as Strategic Game in a Hostile Workplace: An Exemplar Case, Employee Responsibilities
and Rights Journal 16, no. 3 (2004), pp. 16778.
Case Incident 2
Telephone customer-service representatives have a tough
time these days. With automated telephone systems that
create a labyrinth for customers, result in long hold times,
and make it difficult for them to speak to an actual human
being, a customers frustration often settles in before the
representative has had time to say hello. Says Donna
Earl, an owner of a customer-service consulting firm in
San Francisco, By the time you get to the person you
need to talk to, youre mad.
Erin Calabrese knows all too well just how mad cus-
tomers can get. A customer-service representative at a
financial services company, she still vividly recalls one of
her worst experienceswith a customer named Jane. Jane
called Calabrese over some charges on her credit card and
began ranting and raving. Your #%#% company, who
do you think you are? yelled Jane. Though Calabrese tried
to console the irate customer by offering a refund, Jane
only called Calabrese an idiot. The heated conversation
continued for almost 10 minutes before Calabrese, shak-
ing, handed the phone to her supervisor and left her desk.
Sometimes customers can be downright racist. One
customer-service representative finally quit her job at a
New Jersey company because she constantly heard racial
remarks from customers after, she contends, they heard
her Spanish accent. By the time you leave, your head is
spinning with all the complaints, she said.
Unfortunately, these employees have little choice but
to take the abuse. Many companies require customer-
service employees to keep positive emotions at all times
to maintain satisfied customers. But the result could be
an emotional nightmare that doesnt necessarily end
once the calls stop. Calabrese stated that she would fre-
quently take her negative emotions home. The day after
she received the abusive call from Jane, Calabrese went
home and started a fight with her roommate. It was an
all-out battle, recalls Calabrese, I just blew up. The
Laura: Managers dont like you to show your emotions . . .
They dont like to show that there is anything
wrong or anything emotional in the working
Interviewer: Why do you go along?
Laura: I feel I have to put on an act because . . . to show
your true emotions, especially towards my managers
[Laura names two of her senior managers], it
would be hatred sometimes. So, you just cant
afford to do that because its your job and you need
the money.
Interviewer: Do you ever rebel against this system?
Laura: You sort of put on a happy face just so you can
annoy [the managers]. I find that they dont like
people being happy, so you just annoy them by
being happy. So, yeah. It just makes you laugh.
You just put it on just because you know it
annoys [management]. Its pretty vindictive and
manipulative but you just need to do that.
Interviewer: Do you ever find that this gets to you?
Laura: I did care in the beginning and I think it just got
me into more trouble. So now I just tell myself, I
dont care. If you tell yourself something for
long enough, eventually you believe it. Yeah, so
now I just go Oh well.
Interviewer: Do you intend to keep working here?
Laura: Its a means to an end now. So every time I go [to
work] and every week I just go, Well, one week
down, one week less until I go away. But if I
knew that I didnt have this goal, I dont know if
I could handle it, or if I would even be there now.
Interviewer: Is there an upside to working here?
Laura: Im so much better at telling people off now than I
ever used to be. I can put people in place in about
three sentences. Like, instead of, before I would walk
away from it. But now I just stand there and fight .
. . I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
1. Do you think Laura is justified in her responses to
her organizations culture? Why or why not?
2. Do you think Lauras strategic use and display of
emotions serve to protect her?
3. Assuming Lauras description is accurate, how would
you react to the organizations culture?
4. Research shows that acts of coworkers (37 percent)
and management (22 percent) cause more negative
emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7
What can Lauras company do to change
its emotional climate?
ROBBMC08.QXD.0132431521 12/15/05 12:26 PM Page 291
292 PART TWO The Individual
1. Based on J. Stein, Wynns Big Bet, Time, May 9, 2005, pp.
2. See, for instance, C. D. Fisher and N. M. Ashkanasy, The
Emerging Role of Emotions in Work Life: An Introduction,
Journal of Organizational Behavior, Special Issue 2000, pp.
12329; N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. J. Hartel, and W. J. Zerbe
(eds.), Emotions in the Workplace: Research, Theory, and Practice
(Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2000); N. M. Ashkanasy and
C. S. Daus, Emotion in the Workplace: The New Challenge
for Managers, Academy of Management Executive, February
2002, pp. 7686; and N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. J. Hartel, and
C. S. Daus, Diversity and Emotion: The New Frontiers in
Organizational Behavior Research, Journal of Management
28, no. 3 (2002), pp. 30738.
3. See, for example, L. L. Putnam and D. K. Mumby,
Organizations, Emotion and the Myth of Rationality, in
S. Fineman (ed.), Emotion in Organizations (Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage, 1993), pp. 3657; and J. Martin, K. Knopoff, and
C. Beckman, An Alternative to Bureaucratic Impersonality
and Emotional Labor: Bounded Emotionality at the Body
Shop, Administrative Science Quarterly, June 1998, pp. 42969.
4. B. E. Ashforth and R. H. Humphrey, Emotion in the
Workplace: A Reappraisal, Human Relations, February 1995,
pp. 97125.
5. J. M. George, Trait and State Affect, in K. R. Murphy (ed.),
Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations (San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996), p. 145.
6. See N. H. Frijda, Moods, Emotion Episodes and Emotions,
in M. Lewis and J. M. Haviland (eds.), Handbook of Emotions
(New York: Guilford Press, 1993), pp. 381403.
7. H. M. Weiss and R. Cropanzano, Affective Events Theory:
A Theoretical Discussion of the Structure, Causes and
Consequences of Affective Experiences at Work, in B. M.
Staw and L. L. Cummings (eds.), Research in Organiza-
tional Behavior, vol. 18 (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1996),
pp. 1719.
8. See P. Ekman and R. J. Davidson (eds.), The Nature of
Emotions: Fundamental Questions (Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press, 1994).
9. Frijda, Moods, Emotion Episodes and Emotions, p. 381.
10. See Ekman and Davidson (eds.), The Nature of Emotions:
Fundamental Question.
11. See, for example, P. Shaver, J. Schwartz, D. Kirson, and
C. OConnor, Emotion Knowledge: Further Exploration of a
Prototype Approach, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
June 1987, pp. 106186; P. Ekman, An Argument for Basic
Emotions, Cognition and Emotion, May/July 1992, pp. 169200;
C. E. Izard, Basic Emotions, Relations among Emotions, and
former customer-service representative who worked in
New Jersey also recalls the effects of the abusive calls on
her family. My children would say, Mom, stop talking
about your work. Youre home. My husband would say
the same thing, she said.
Emma Parsons, who quit her job as a customer-service
representative for the travel industry, was frustrated by the
inability to do anything about abusive customers and the
mood theyd put her in. Sometimes youd finish a call and
youd want to smash somebodys face. I had no escape, no
way of releasing. She said that if she did retaliate toward
an abusive customer, her boss would punish her.
Some companies train their representatives to defuse
a customers anger and to avoid taking abuse personally,
but the effort isnt enough. Liz Aherarn of Radclyffe
Group, a consulting firm in Lincoln Park, New Jersey,
says customer-service employees who work the phones
are absent more frequently, are more prone to illness,
and are more likely to make stress-related disability
claims than other employees. Thus, it is apparent that in
the world of customer service, particularly when interac-
tions take place over the phone, emotions can run high,
and the effects can be damaging. Although the adage
the customer comes first has been heard by many,
companies should empower employees to decide when
it is appropriate to put the customer second. Otherwise,
employees are forced to deal with abusive customers, the
effects of which can be detrimental to both the individ-
ual and the company.
1. Froman emotional labor perspective, how does dealing
with an abusive customer lead to stress and burnout?
2. If you were a recruiter for a customer-service call cen-
ter, what personality types would you prefer to hire
and why? In other words, what individual differences
are likely to affect whether an employee can handle
customer abuse on a day-to-day basis?
3. Emotional intelligence is ones ability to detect and to
manage emotional cues and information. How might
emotional intelligence play a role in responding to
abusive customers? What facets of emotional intelli-
gence might employees possess who are able to han-
dle abusive customers?
4. What steps should companies take to ensure that their
employees are not the victims of customer abuse?
Should companies allow a certain degree of abuse if
that abuse results in satisfied customers and perhaps
greater profit? What are the ethical implications of this?
Source: Based on S. Shellenbarger, Domino Effect: The Unintended Results of Telling Off Customer-Service Staff, The Wall Street
Journal, February 5, 2004, p. D.1.
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CHAPTER 8 Emotions and Moods 293
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31. A. Ben-Zeev, The Subtlety of Emotions (Cambridge, MA: MIT
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32. Flight Attendant War Stories. . . . Stewardess (http://www.
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35. D. Holman, Call Centres, in D. Holman, T. D. Wall,
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90. H. M. Weiss, and R. Cropanzano, An Affective Events
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Emotions in the Workplace (Westport, CT: QuorumBooks, 2000),
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Work, Motivation and Emotion, March 2002, pp. 330.
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and Emotion: The New Frontiers in Organizational Behavior
Research, Journal of Management 28, no. 3 (2002), p. 324.
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Riggio, S. E. Murphy, and F. J. Pirozzolo (eds.), Multiple
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2002), p. 70.
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125. George, Trait and State Affect, 162.
126. Ashforth and Humphrey, Emotion in the Workplace, p. 116.
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138. T. A. Judge and R. Ilies, Affect and Job Satisfaction: A Study
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