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The document discusses concepts related to earnings per share (EPS) calculations including basic EPS, diluted EPS, weighted average shares, convertible securities, and treasury stock method.

The document covers topics such as basic EPS vs diluted EPS, treatment of preferred dividends, complex vs simple capital structures, if-converted method, and computational questions related to EPS.

Key terms discussed include basic EPS, diluted EPS, weighted average shares, convertible securities, treasury stock method, complex capital structure, and antidilutive securities.

Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14

ed. 197
Earnings Per Share
Theory/Definitiona Q!e"tion"
1 Companies required to supply EPS disclosures
2 Treatment o noncumulati!e preerred di!idends not declared
" The earnings per share computation reported on the income statement
4 Treatment o di!idends on cumulati!e, noncon!erti#le preerred stock
$ %tems considered &hen computing diluted EPS
' Treatment o a stock di!idend issued in mid year
( )iluted EPS is #ased on assumptions a#out uture transactions
* Treatment o con!erti#le securities under diluted EPS
+ True,alse statements regarding EPS
1- )ilution o options and &arrants under treasury stock method
11 .eporting earnings per share inormation
12 /sing the i0con!erted method &ith diluted EPS
1" 1ssumptions o i0con!erted method o EPS computation
14 /se o the treasury stock method &hen computing diluti!e EPS
1$ Computing EPS or a company ha!ing dierent issues o con!erti#le
securities and,or stock options and &arrants
1' 2eighted0a!erage num#er o shares 3midyear e!ents4
1( EPS igures are reported on the income statement
1* Purpose o reporting diluted earnings per share
1+ Treatment o interest e5pense on diluti!e con!erti#le de#t
2- Computing diluted EPS or a company &ith a comple5 capital structure
21 Current 611P or companies &ith comple5 capital structures
22 Current and ormer 611P or earnings per share
2" /.S. 611P !s. international standards
24 Basic EPS and 1PB 7pinion 8o. 1$
2$ Stock options, &arrants and rights and EPS calculation
2' %ncremental EPS or multiple potential diluti!e securities
2( Presentation o EPS or discontinued operations, e5traordinary items,
and cumulati!e eect o accounting change
19# Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
Co$%!tationa Q!e"tion"
2* Computation o &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares
2+ Computation o #asic EPS
"- Computation o #asic EPS
"1 Computation o #asic EPS
"2 Computation o #asic EPS
"" Computation o &eighted0a!erage shares or diluted EPS
"4 Computation o diluted EPS
"$ Computation o diluted EPS
"' Computation o &eighted0a!erage shares or diluted EPS
"( Computation o diluted loss per share
"* Computation o shares used or #asic and diluti!e EPS
"+ Computation o &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares or EPS
4- Computation o diluted EPS
41 Computation o diluted EPS
42 Computation o diluted EPS
4" Eect o treasury stock method and &arrants on num#er o shares used
44 Computation o diluted EPS
4$ Computation o #asic EPS
4' Computation o &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares or diluted EPS
4( Computation o diluted EPS
4* Computation o shares to compute diluted EPS
4+ Eect o stock rights on EPS calculation
$- Eect o stock rights on EPS calculation
$1 Eect o stock rights on EPS calculation
1 Computation o &eighted0a!erage shares and comparati!e EPS
2 Computation o #asic EPS &ith e5traordinary items
" Computation o diluti!e EPS
4 Computation o #asic, diluti!e EPS
$ Computation o #asic, diluti!e EPS
' Computation o &eighted0a!erage shares
( Computation o simple, diluti!e EPS
* Computation o simple, diluti!e EPS
+ Computation o #asic, diluti!e EPS,loss PS
1- Computation o simple, diluti!e EPS
11 EPS or comple5 capital structure
12 E5clusion o nonpu#lic companies rom EPS reporting
1" EPS and stock price ma5imi9ation
14 %nterpreting the price,earnings ratio
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. 199
c 1. Earnings per share disclosures are required only or
:72 a. companies &ith comple5 capital structures.
#. companies that change their capital structures during the reporting
c. pu#lic companies.
d. pri!ate companies.
c 2. %n computing the earnings per share o common stock, noncumulati!e
:7" preerred di!idends not declared should #e
a. deducted rom the net income or the year.
#. added to the net income or the year.
c. ignored.
d. deducted rom the net income or the year, net o ta5.
a ". 2hich earnings per share computation should #e reported on the ace o
:7* income statement;
Basic EPS )iluted EPS
a. <es <es
#. <es 8o
c. 8o <es
d. 8o 8o
# 4. 2hen computing earnings per share on common stock, di!idends on
:7" cumulati!e, noncon!erti#le preerred stock should #e
a. deducted rom net income only i the di!idends &ere declared or paid in
the current period.
#. deducted rom net income regardless o &hether the di!idends &ere not
paid or declared in the period.
c. deducted rom net income only i net income is greater than the
d. ignored.
c $. %n calculating diluted earnings per share, &hich o the ollo&ing should not
:7$ considered;
a. The &eighted a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding
#. The amount o di!idends declared on cumulati!e preerred shares
c. The amount o cash di!idends declared on common shares
d. The num#er o common shares resulting rom the assumed con!ersion
o de#entures outstanding
'(( Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
c '. 2hat is the correct treatment o a stock di!idend issued in mid year &hen
:7" computing the &eighted0a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding or
earnings per share purposes;
a. The stock di!idend should #e &eighted #y the length o time that the
additional num#er o shares are outstanding during the period.
#. The stock di!idend should #e included in the &eighted0a!erage
num#er o common shares outstanding only i the additional shares
result in a decrease o " percent or more in earnings per share.
c. The stock di!idend should #e &eighted as i the additional shares &ere
issued at the #eginning o the year.
d. The stock di!idend should #e ignored since no additional capital &as
a (. The EPS computation that is or&ard0looking and #ased on assumptions
:72 uture transactions is
a. diluted EPS.
#. #asic EPS.
c. continuing operations EPS.
d. e5traordinary EPS.
a *. 2hen computing diluted earnings per share, stock options are
:74 a. recogni9ed only i they are diluti!e.
#. recogni9ed only i they are antidiluti!e.
c. recogni9ed only i they &ere e5ercised.
d. ignored.
# +. 7 the ollo&ing, select the incorrect statement concerning earnings per
:7' a. )uring periods &hen all income is paid out as di!idends, earnings per
share and di!idends per share under a simple capital structure &ould #e
#. /nder a simple capital structure, no ad=ustment to shares outstanding is
necessary or a stock split on the last day o the iscal period.
c. )uring a period, changes in stock issued or reacquired #y a company
may aect earnings per share.
d. )uring a loss period, the amount o loss attri#uted to each share o
common stock should #e computed.

Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '(1
c 1-. %n applying the treasury stock method o computing diluted earnings per
:74 &hen is it appropriate to use the a!erage market price o common stock
during the year as the assumed repurchase price;
a. 1l&ays
#. 8e!er
c. 2hen the a!erage market price is higher than the e5ercise price
d. 2hen the a!erage market price is lo&er than the e5ercise price
d 11. Earnings per share inormation should #e reported or all o the ollo&ing
:7* e5cept
a. continuing operations.
#. e5traordinary gain.
c. net income.
d. cash lo&s rom operating acti!ities.
# 12. 2hen using the i0con!erted method to compute diluted earnings per share,
:7$ con!erti#le securities should #e
a. included only i antidiluti!e.
#. included only i diluti!e.
c. included &hether diluti!e or not.
d. not included.
a 1". The i0con!erted method o computing EPS data assumes con!ersion o
:7$ con!erti#le securities at the
a. #eginning o the earliest period reported 3or at time o issuance, i later4.
#. #eginning o the earliest period reported 3regardless o time o
c. middle o the earliest period reported 3regardless o time o issuance4.
d. ending o the earliest period reported 3regardless o time o issuance4.
a 14. 2hen computing diluti!e EPS, the treasury stock method can #e used or
:74 o the ollo&ing e5cept
a. con!erti#le preerred stock.
#. stock &arrants.
c. stock options.
d. stock rights.
'(' Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
a 1$. >or a company ha!ing se!eral dierent issues o con!erti#le securities
:7( stock options and &arrants, the >1SB requires selection o the com#ination
o securities producing
a. the lo&est possi#le earnings per share.
#. the highest possi#le earnings per share.
c. the earnings per share igure mid&ay #et&een the lo&est possi#le and
the highest possi#le earnings per share.
d. any earnings per share igure #et&een the lo&est possi#le and the
highest possi#le earnings per share.
a 1'. >or purposes o computing the &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares
:7" outstanding during the year, a midyear e!ent that must #e treated as
occurring at the #eginning o the year is the
a. declaration and issuance o a stock di!idend.
#. purchase o treasury stock.
c. sale o additional common stock.
d. issuance o stock &arrants.
c 1(. 2here in the inancial statements should #asic and comple5 EPS igures
:7* income rom continuing operations #e reported;
a. %n the accompanying notes
#. %n management?s discussion and analysis
c. 7n the income statement
d. 7n the statement o cash lo&s
d 1*. The main purpose o reporting diluted earnings per share is to
:72 a. pro!ide a comparison igure or de#t holders.
#. indicate earnings shareholders &ill recei!e in uture periods.
c. distinguish #et&een companies &ith a comple5 capital structure and
companies &ith a simple capital structure.
d. sho& the ma5imum possi#le dilution o earnings.
# 1+. %n determining earnings per share, interest e5pense, net o applica#le
:7$ ta5es, on con!erti#le de#t &hich is diluti!e should #e
a. ignored or diluted earnings per share.
#. added #ack to net income or diluted earnings per share.
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '()
c. deducted rom net income or diluted earnings per share.
d. none o the a#o!e.
d 2-. 2hen computing diluted EPS or a company &ith a comple5 capital
:72 &hat is the denominator in the computation;
a. 8um#er o common shares outstanding at year0end
#. 2eighted0a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding
c. 2eighted0a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding plus all other
potentially antidiluti!e securities
d. 2eighted0a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding plus all other
potentially diluti!e securities
# 21. /nder current 611P, a company &ith a comple5 capital structure and
:71 earnings per share dilution must present
a. primary and ully diluted earnings per share.
#. #asic and diluted earnings per share.
c. #asic and primary earnings per share.
d. #asic earnings per share and cash lo& per share.
c 22. /nder current 611P, common stock equi!alents
:71 a. are considered in calculating #asic earnings per share.
#. are considered in calculating primary earnings per share.
c. are not considered in calculating #asic earnings per share.
d. are not considered in calculating ully diluted earnings per share.
c 2". Current /.S. 611P or earnings per share
:71 a. are not consistent &ith the standards or earnings per share
promulgated #y the 1ccounting Standards Board o the /nited @ingdom.
#. are not consistent &ith the standards or earnings per share
promulgated #y the %nternational 1ccounting Standards Committee
c. are consistent #oth &ith the /.@. and the %nternational 1ccounting
Standards Committee standards or earnings per share.
d. are unique and are not consistent &ith the standards promulgated #y
the /.@. 1ccounting Standards Board, the %nternational 1ccounting
Standards Committee, or any other standard setting #ody in the &orld.
'(* Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
d 24. /nder 1ccounting Principles Board 7pinion 8o. 1$, the historical or #asic
:71 earnings per share igure or companies &ith comple5 capital structures
a. al&ays reported as part o primary earnings per share, #ut not ully
diluted earnings per share.
#. al&ays reported as part o ully diluted earnings per share, #ut not
primary earnings per share.
c. al&ays disclosed as a separate amount in addition to primary and ully
diluted earnings per share.
d. ne!er disclosed either in primary or ully diluted earnings per share.
c 2$. %n calculating earning per share, stock options &arrants, and rights are
:7( a. al&ays diluti!e.
#. ne!er diluti!e.
c. diluti!e i the e5ercise price is less than the a!erage market price o the
common stock.
d. diluti!e i the e5ercise price is more than the a!erage market price o the
common stock.
# 2'. >or companies &ith a comple5 capital structure, a con!erti#le security is
:7( potentially diluti!e i
a. its incremental EPS is greater than #asic EPS ater considering any
stock options, rights, and &arrants.
#. its incremental EPS is less than #asic EPS ater considering any stock
options, rights, and &arrants.
c. its incremental EPS is equal to #asic EPS ater considering any stock
options, rights, and &arrants.
d. its incremental EPS is less than 1.-- ater considering any stock
options, rights, and &arrants.
c 2(. 1n entity that reports a discontinued operation, an e5traordinary item, or a
:7* cumulati!e eect o an accounting change shall present #asic and diluted
earnings per share amounts or those line items
a. only on the ace o the income statement.
#. only in the notes to the inancial statements.
c. either on the ace o the income statement or in the notes to the
inancial statements.
d. only i management chooses to do so as these amounts are note
required to #e disclosed either in the inancial statements or the notes
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '(+
c 2*. 7n )ecem#er "1, 2--2, Superior, %nc. had '--,--- shares o common
:7" issued and outstanding. Superior issued a 1- percent stock di!idend on
Auly 1, 2--". 7n 7cto#er 1, 2--", Superior reacquired 4*,--- shares o its
common stock and recorded the purchase using the cost method o
accounting or treasury stock. 2hat num#er o shares should #e used in
computing #asic earnings per share or the year ended )ecem#er "1,
a. '12,---
#. '1*,---
c. '4*,---
d. ''-,---
d 2+. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, the Burdock Company had 1$-,--- shares o
:7" stock issued and outstanding. 7n 1pril 1, 2--", an additional "-,---
shares o common stock &ere issued. BurdockCs net income or the year
ended )ecem#er "1, 2--", &as D$1(,$--. )uring 2--", Burdock declared
and paid D"--,--- in cash di!idends on its noncon!erti#le preerred stock.
The #asic earnings per common share, rounded to the nearest penny, or
the year ended )ecem#er "1, 2--", should #e
a. D".--.
#. D2.--.
c. D1.4$.
d. D1.2'.
d "-. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--" and 2--", :apham Corp. had 2--,--- shares o
:7" common stock and 2-,--- shares o $ percent, D1-- par !alue cumulati!e
preerred stock outstanding. 8o di!idends &ere declared on either the
preerred or common stock in 2--" or 2--2. 8et income or 2--" &as
D1,---,---. >or 2--", #asic earnings per common share amounted to
a. D$.--.
#. D4.($.
c. D4.$-.
d. D4.--.
c "1. The Thomas CompanyCs net income or the year ended )ecem#er "1 &as
:7" D"-,---. )uring the year, Thomas declared and paid D",--- in cash
di!idends on preerred stock and D$,2$- in cash di!idends on common
stock. 1t )ecem#er "1, "',--- shares o common stock &ere outstanding,
'(, Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
"-,--- o &hich had #een issued and outstanding throughout the year and
',--- o &hich &ere issued on Auly 1. There &ere no other common stock
transactions during the year, and there is no potential dilution o earnings
per share. 2hat should #e the year?s #asic earnings per common share o
Thomas, rounded to the nearest penny;
a. D-.''
#. D-.($
c. D-.*2
d. D-.+1
# "2. Bay 1rea Supplies had '-,--- shares o common stock outstanding at
:7" 1. 7n Bay 1, Bay 1reas Supplies issued "1,$-- shares o common stock.
7utstanding all year &ere "-,--- shares o noncon!erti#le preerred stock
on &hich a di!idend o D4 per share &as paid in )ecem#er. 8et income or
the year &as D2+-,1--. Bay 1rea Supplies should report #asic earnings
per share or the year o
a. D1.*'.
#. D2.1-.
c. D2.*4.
d. D".1(.
d "". :andro!er, %nc. had 1$-,--- shares o common stock issued and
:74 at )ecem#er "1, 2--2. 7n Auly 1, 2--", an additional 2$,--- shares o
common stock &ere issued or cash. :andro!er also had une5ercised stock
options to purchase 2-,--- shares o common stock at D1$ per share
outstanding at the #eginning and end o 2--". The market price o
:andro!erCs common stock &as D2- throughout 2--". 2hat num#er o
shares should #e used in computing diluted earnings per share or the year
ended )ecem#er "1, 2--";
a. 1*2,$--
#. 1*-,---
c. 1((,$--
d. 1'(,$--
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '(7
# "4. 6lendale Enterprises had 2--,--- shares o common stock issued and
:74 outstanding at )ecem#er "1, 2--2. 7n Auly 1, 2--", 6lendale issued a 1-
percent stock di!idend. /ne5ercised stock options to purchase 4-,---
shares o common stock 3ad=usted or the 2--" stock di!idend4 at D2- per
share &ere outstanding at the #eginning and end o 2--". The market
price o 6lendaleCs common stock 3&hich &as not aected #y the stock
di!idend4 &as D2$ per share during 2--". 8et income or the year ended
)ecem#er "1, 2--", &as D1,1--,---. 2hat should #e 6lendaleCs 2--"
diluted earnings per common share, rounded to the nearest penny;
a. D4.2"
#. D4.*2
c. D$.--
d. D$.-$
# "$. 7n Aanuary 2, 2--2, 2orley Co. issued at par D$-,--- o 4 percent #onds
:7$ con!erti#le, in total, into $,--- shares o 2orleyCs common stock. 8o
#onds &ere con!erted during 2--2. Throughout 2--2 2orley had $,---
shares o common stock outstanding. 2orleyCs 2--2 net income &as
D$,---. 2orleyCs income ta5 rate is 4- percent. 8o potentially diluti!e
securities other than the con!erti#le #onds &ere outstanding during 2--2.
2orleyCs diluted earnings per share or 2--2 &ould #e
a. D-.$*.
#. D-.'2.
c. D-.(-.
d. D1.1'.
'(# Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
d "'. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, )ayplanner %nc. had 2$-,--- shares o common
:7$ outstanding. 7n 7cto#er 1, 2--", an additional '-,--- shares o common
stock &ere issued or cash. )ayplanner also had 2,---,--- o * percent
con!erti#le #onds outstanding at )ecem#er "1, 2--", &hich are con!erti#le
into $-,--- shares o common stock. The #onds are diluti!e in the 2--"
earnings per share computation. 8o #onds &ere issued or con!erted into
common stock during 2--". 2hat is the num#er o shares that should #e
used in computing diluted earnings per share or the year ended )ecem#er
"1, 2--";
a. 2'$,---
#. "--,---
c. "1-,---
d. "1$,---
# "(. The AEB Corporation had 2--,--- shares o common stock and 1-,---
:7' o cumulati!e, D' preerred stock outstanding during 2--". The preerred
stock is con!erti#le at the rate o three shares o common per share o
preerred. >or 2--", the company had a D'-,--- net loss rom operations
and declared no di!idends. AEB should report 2--" diluted loss per share
o 3rounded to the nearest cent4
a. D3-."-4.
#. D3-.$24.
c. D3-.$*4.
d. D3-.'-4.
c "*. Facor %ncorporated has 2,$--,--- shares o common stock outstanding on
:7$ )ecem#er "1, 2--2. 1n additional $--,--- shares o common stock &ere
issued 1pril 1, 2--", and 2$-,--- more on Auly 1, 2--". 7n 7cto#er 1,
2--", Facor issued $,---, D1,--- ace !alue, ( percent con!erti#le #onds.
Each #ond is con!erti#le into 4- shares o common stock. 8o #onds &ere
con!erted into common stock in 2--". 2hat is the num#er o shares to #e
used in computing #asic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share,
a. 2,*($,--- and 2,+2$,---
#. 2,*($,--- and ",-($,---
c. ",---,--- and ",-$-,---
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '(9
d. ",---,--- and ",2--,---
# "+. Shoemaker Company had 1,--- common shares issued and outstanding at
:7" Aanuary 1. )uring the year, Shoemaker also had the common stock
transactions listed #elo&.
1pril 1 %ssued "-- pre!iously unissued shares
Bay 1 Split the stock 20or01
Aune "- Purchased 1-- shares or the treasury
Auly "- )istri#uted a 2- percent stock di!idend
)ecem#er "1 Split the stock "0or01
6i!en this inormation, &hat is the &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares that
Shoemaker should use or earnings per share purposes;
a. 2,**-
#. *,'4-
c. *,*2-
d. +,(2-
c 4-. )uring its iscal year, .ichardsC )istri#uting had net income o D1--,--- 3no
:7$ e5traordinary items4 and $-,--- shares o common stock and 1-,---
shares o preerred stock outstanding. .ichards declared and paid
di!idends o D.$- per share to common and D'.-- per share to preerred.
The preerred stock is con!erti#le into common stock on a share0or0share
#asis. >or the year, .ichards )istri#uting should report diluted earnings
3loss4 per share o
a. D3-.*-4.
#. D1.--.
c. D1.'(.
d. D2.'(.
c 41. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, the .o#erts Company had (--,--- shares o
'1( Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
:7$ stock outstanding. 7n Septem#er 1, 2--", an additional "--,--- shares o
common stock &ere issued. %n addition, .o#erts had D2-,---,--- o *
percent con!erti#le #onds outstanding at )ecem#er "1, 2--2, &hich are
con!erti#le into 4--,--- shares o common stock. 8o #onds &ere
con!erted into common stock in 2--". The net income or the year ended
)ecem#er "1, 2--", &as D',---,---. 1ssuming the income ta5 rate &as
4- percent, &hat should #e the diluted earnings per share or the year
ended )ecem#er "1, 2--";
a. D$.--
#. D$.$"
c. D$.*-
d. D*."-
c 42. The 2--" net income o 1t&ater %nc. &as D2--,--- and 1--,--- shares o
:74 common stock &ere outstanding during the entire year. %n addition, there
&ere outstanding options to purchase 1-,--- shares o common stock at
D1- per share. These options &ere granted in 2--- and none had #een
e5ercised #y )ecem#er "1, 2--". Barket prices o 1t&aterCs common stock
during 2--" &ere
Aanuary 1.................................................... D2- per share
)ecem#er "1.............................................. D4- per share
1!erage Price............................................. D2$ per share
The amount that should #e sho&n as 1t&aterCs diluted earnings per share
or 2--" 3rounded to the nearest cent4 is
a. D2.--.
#. D1.+$.
c. D1.*+.
d. D1.*'.
d 4". 2arrants e5ercisa#le at D2- each to o#tain 2-,--- shares o common stock
:74 &ere outstanding during a period &hen the a!erage and year0end market
price o the common stock &as D2$. 1pplication o the treasury stock
method or the assumed e5ercise o these &arrants in computing diluted
earnings per share &ill increase the &eighted0a!erage num#er o
outstanding common shares #y
a. 2-,---.
#. 1',''(.
c. 1',---.
d. 4,---.
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '11
# 44. The ollo&ing inormation relates to the capital structure o Betcal Corp.G
:7' 12,"1,-2
7utstanding sharesG
Common stock.............................................. 1*-,--- 1*-,---
Preerred stock, con!erti#le into '-,---
shares o common......................................... '-,--- '-,---
1-H con!erti#le #onds, con!erti#le into
4-,--- shares o common............................ D2,---,--- D2,---,---
)uring 2--" Betcal paid D+-,--- in di!idends on the preerred stock.
BetcalCs net income or 2--" &as D1,+'-,--- and the income ta5 rate &as
4- percent. >or the year ended )ecem#er "1, 2--", the diluted earnings
per share is
a. D(.2+.
#. D(.4".
c. D*.1(.
d. D*.2+.
a 4$. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, :eton, %nc. had '--,--- shares o common stock
:7$ outstanding. 7n 1pril 1, 2--", an additional 1*-,--- shares o common
stock &ere issued or cash. :eton also had D$,---,--- o *H con!erti#le
#onds outstanding at )ecem#er "1, 2--", &hich are con!erti#le into
1$-,--- shares o common stock. The #onds are diluti!e in the 2--" EPS
computation. 8o #onds &ere issued or con!erted into common stock
during 2--". 2hat is the num#er o shares that should #e used in
computing #asic earnings per share or 2--";
a. ("$,---
#. (*-,---
c. **$,---
d. +1-,---
'1' Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
c 4'. 1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, :eton, %nc. had '--,--- shares o common stock
:7$ outstanding. 7n 1pril 1, 2---, an additional 1*-,--- shares o common
stock &ere issued or cash. :eton also had D$,---,--- o *H con!erti#le
#onds outstanding at )ecem#er "1, 2--", &hich are con!erti#le into
1$-,--- shares o common stock. The #onds are diluti!e in the 2--- EPS
computation. 8o #onds &ere issued or con!erted into common stock
during 2--". 2hat is the num#er o shares that should #e used in
computing diluted earnings per share or 2--";
a. ("$,---
#. (*-,---
c. **$,---
d. +1-,---
# 4(. )atatec, %nc., had 4--,--- shares o D2- par common stock and 4-,---
:7$ o D1-- par, 'H cumulati!e, con!erti#le preerred stock outstanding or the
entire year ended )ecem#er "1, 2--". Each share o the preerred stock is
con!erti#le into $ shares o common stock. )atatecCs net income or 2--"
&as D1,'*-,---. >or the year ended )ecem#er "1, 2--", the diluted
earnings per share is
a. D2.4-.
#. D2.*-.
c. D".'-.
d. D4.2-.
# 4*. 7n )ecem#er "1, 2--1, >eterik Company had (,--- shares o common
:7$ issued and outstanding. 7n 1pril 1, 2--2, an additional 1,--- shares o
common stock &ere issued and on Auly 1, $-- more shares &ere issued.
7n 7cto#er 1, 2--2, >eterik issued 1-, D1,--- maturity !alue, *H
con!erti#le #onds. Each #ond is con!erti#le into 4- shares o common
stock. 8o #onds &ere con!erted into common stock in 2--2. 1ssuming
there are no antidiluti!e securities, &hat is the num#er o shares >eterik
should use to compute diluted earnings per share or the year ended
)ecem#er "1, 2--2;
a. (,+$-
#. *,1--
c. *,1$-
d. *,4--
Test Bank, Intermediate Accounting, 14
ed. '1)
The ollo&ing inormation relates to questions 4+0$1G
Aames Corporation currently has stock rights outstanding or 2,--- common
shares. The e5ercise price o these shares is D2-. The options &ere
issued in Aanuary o 2---. The a!erage market price o the related
common stock during the year 2--- &as D2$. The a!erage market price o
the related common stock during 2--1 &as D21 and during 2--2 &as D1+.
The company?s iscal year ends on )ecem#er "1 o each year.
d 4+. Io& should these stock rights #e treated in earnings per share calculations
:7( or the year ending )ecem#er "1, 2---;
a. The stock options are antidiluti!e and should not #e included either in
#asic and diluted earnings per share.
#. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included #oth in #asic and
diluted earnings per share.
c. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included #oth in #asic and
diluted earnings per share in the amount o 4-- shares.
d. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included only in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 4-- shares.
# $-. Io& should these stock rights #e treated in the earnings per share
:7( or the year ending )ecem#er "1, 2--2;
a. The stock options are antidiluti!e and should not #e included either in
#asic or diluted earnings per share.
#. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o +$ shares.
c. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 2,--- shares.
d. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 4-- shares.
a $1. Io& should these stock rights #e treated in the earnings per share
:7( or the year ending )ecem#er "1, 2--";
a. The stock options are antidiluti!e and should not #e included &ith in
#asic or diluted earnings per share.
#. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 1-$ shares.
c. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 2,--- shares.
'1* Chapter 1+ Earnings Per Share
d. The stock options are diluti!e and should #e included in diluted
earnings per share in the amount o 4-- shares.
Problem 1
7n )ecem#er "1, 2--1, Aamest Tra!el %nc. had 4$-,--- shares o no0par common
stock issued and outstanding. 1ll shares &ere sold or D(.$-. 7n Aune "-, 2--2,
the irm issued an additional 1"$,--- shares or D( per share. The 2--2 income
&as D"1+,2--. 7n Septem#er 1, 2--", a 1$ percent stock di!idend &as issued to
all common shareholders. 7n 7cto#er 1, 2--", '-,--- shares &ere reacquired as
treasury shares. 8et income in 2--" &as D2(*,-'".
314 Compute the &eighted0a!erage num#er o common shares outstanding or
2--2 and 2--" that should #e sho&n on comparati!e statements at the end o
324 Compute the #asic earnings per share in 2--2 and 2--" to #e reported on
comparati!e statements at the end o 2--".
Solution 1
314 2--2G 4$-,--- 5 12,12 5 1.1$ J $1(,$--
1"$,--- 5 ',12 5 1.1$ J ((,'2$
$+$,12$ shares

2--"G $*$,--- 5 12,12 5 1.1$ J '(2,($-
3'-,---4 5 ",12 J 31$,---4
324 2--2G 3D"1+,2-- , $+$,12$4 J D.$4 3rounded4
2--"G 3D2(*,-'" , '$(,($-4 J D.42 3rounded4
Problem 2
The income statement o Bicro Computers, %nc. sho&ed the ollo&ing inormation
on )ecem#er "1, 2--".
%ncome #eore income ta5..................................................... D1,4(2,---
%ncome ta5 e5pense............................................................... 441,'--
%ncome rom continuing operations....................................... D1,-"-,4--
E5traordinary loss 3net o ta5 sa!ings4.................................. 31--,---4
8et income............................................................................. D +"-,4--
Compute earnings per share igures or common stock under the assumption that
Bicro Computer %nc. has
314 "2-,--- shares o D24 par !alue common stock outstanding.
324 +,'-- shares o D1--, par *H cumulati!e preerred stock, and 24-,--- shares
o no0par common stock. )i!idends are not in arrears.
8oteG 1ssumption 314 is independent o 324.
Solution 2
314 EPS00continuing operations D".22 K
EPS00e5traordinary items 3."14KK
EPS D2.+1 3rounded4
KD1,-"-,4--,"2-,--- J D".22
KKD31--,---4,"2-,--- J D3."14
324 EPS00continuing operations D".+(K
EPS00e5traordinary items 3.424KK
EPS D".$$
KLD1,-"-,4-- 0 3D*.-- 5 +,'--4M , 24-,--- J 3D1,-"-,4-- 0 D(',*--4 , 24-,--- J D".+(
KK31--,---4 , 24-,--- J D3.424
Problem 3
)uring 2--", the Ellis Corporation had "(-,--- shares o D2- par common stock
outstanding. 7n Aanuary 1, 2--", 2,---, * percent #onds &ere issued &ith a
maturity !alue o D1,--- each. To enhance the #ond sale, the company oered a
con!ersion o $- shares o common stock or each #ond at the option o the
purchaser. 8et income or 2--" &as D4'4,---. The income ta5 rate &as "-
percent. Compute the diluted earnings per share o common stock.
Solution 3
)iluted EPS J 3D4'4,--- N D1'-,--- 0 D4*,---4 , 3"(-,--- N 1--,---4
J D$(',--- , 4(-,---
J D1.2" 3rounded4
Problem 4
)uring 2--", 2right Corp. had outstanding 12$,--- shares o common stock and
(,$-- shares o noncumulati!e, * percent, D$- par preerred stock. Each preerred
share is con!erti#le into * shares o common stock. %n 2--", net income &as
314 Compute #asic and diluted earnings per share or 2--" assuming no di!idends
&ere declared or paid.
324 Compute #asic and diluted earnings per share or 2--" assuming di!idends
&ere declared and paid on the preerred stock.
Solution 4
314 BEPS J 3D2"1,$-- , 12$,---4 J D1.*$ 3rounded4
)EPS J D2"1,$-- , L12$,--- N 3* 5 (,$--4M
J D2"1,$-- , 1*$,---
J D1.2$ 3rounded4
324 BEPS J 3D2"1,$-- 0 "-,---4 , 12$,--- J D1.'1 3rounded4
)EPS J D2"1,$-- , 312$,--- N '-,---4
J D2"1,$-- , 1*$,---
J D1.2$ 3rounded4
Problem 5
7n )ecem#er "1, 2--", Basters %nc. had outstanding 1*-,--- shares o common
stock. 8et income or 2--" &as D2*$,---. 7utstanding options 3granted Auly 1,
2--"4 to purchase 1$,--- shares o common stock at D2- per share had not #een
e5ercised #y )ecem#er "1, 2--". )uring 2--", market prices or the common
stock &ereG
Auly 1, 2--"...................................................................... D1* per share
)ecem#er "1, 2--".......................................................... D"2 per share
1!erage market................................................................ D2$ per share
314 Compute the #asic earnings per common share in 2--".
324 Compute the diluted earnings per common share in 2--".
Solution 5
314 BEPS J D2*$,--- , 1*-,---
J D1.$* 3rounded4
324 )EPS J D2*$,--- , L1*-,--- N O 31$,--- 0 12,---K4M
J D2*$,--- , 1*1,$--
J D1.$( 3rounded4
K D"--,---,D2$ J 12,--- shares
Problem 6
)ata Controls %nc. had 2$-,--- shares o common stock outstanding at the end o
2--1. )uring 2--2 and 2--", the ollo&ing transactions took place.
2--2 Barch 1 Sold 24,--- shares
Auly 24 %ssued a 2- percent stock di!idend
7cto#er 1 Sold 1',--- shares
)ecem#er 1 Purchased 1$,--- shares to #e held in treasury
2--" Aune 1 "0or01 stock split
Septem#er 1 Sold '-,--- shares
)ata Controls %nc. has a simple capital structure.
Compute the &eighted a!erage num#er o shares or 2--2 and 2--" to #e used in
the earnings per share computation or comparati!e inancial statements at the end
o 2--".
Solution 6
2--2 Aanuary 1 2$-,--- 5 12,12 5 1.2- 5 " J +--,---
Barch 1 24,--- 5 1-,12 5 1.2- 5 " J (2,---
7cto#er 1 1',--- 5 ",12 5 " J 12,---
)ecem#er 1 31$,---4 5 1,12 5 " J 3",($-4
2--" Aanuary 1 "2+,*--K 5 12,12 5 " J +*+,4--
Septem#er 1 '-,--- 5 4,12 J 2-,---
K2--2 Aanuary 1 2$-,---
Barch 1 %ssuance 24,---
Auly 24 2-H stock di!idend $4,*--
7cto#er 1 %ssuance 1',---
)ecem#er 1 Treasury stock 31$,---4
Problem 7
The ollo&ing is a partial #alance sheet or 1nderson Corp. or the year ended
)ecem#er "1, 2--2.
+ percent Con!erti#le Bonds 3issued at par4................................... D1,*--,---
Common Stock, 1*-,--- shares issued and outstanding, D$- par. D+,---,---
3a4 Each D1,--- con!erti#le #ond can #e con!erted into *- shares o
common stock.
3#4 7n Septem#er 1, 2--", one0third o the con!erti#le de#t &as con!erted
into common stock.
3c4 1nderson reported net income o D1,$$-,--- in 2--". The income ta5
rate &as "- percent.
3d4 8o other stock transactions took place during 2--".
314 Compute #asic earnings per share or 2--".
324 Compute diluted earnings per share or 2--".
Solution 7
314 BEPS J D1,$$-,--- , L1*-,--- N 34,12 5 4*,---4M
J D1,$$-,--- , 1+',---
J D(.+1 3rounded4
Con!ersion 3'-- #onds 5 *-4 J 4*,--- shares
324 )EPS J D1,$$-,--- N 3D144,--- 5 -.(4 , 1+',--- N 12*,---
J D1,'$-,*-- , "24,---
J D$.1-
%nterest 1!oided
D1,2--,--- 5 +H 5 12,12 J D1-*,---
D '--,--- 5 +H 5 *,12 J "',---
Equi!alent Shares
1,2-- #onds 5 12,12 5 *- J +',---
'-- #onds 5 *- 5 *,12 J "2,---
Problem 8
The Stanley Corp. pro!ides the ollo&ing data or 2--".
Transactions in common stockG
Aanuary 1, 2--", #eginning #alance............................... "--,--- shares
1pril 1, 2--", issuance.................................................... 1--,--- shares
*H D1-- par noncon!erti#le cumulati!e preerred stock....... D1--,---
%ssued at par
'H D1-- par con!erti#le cumulati!e preerred stock............. D2--,---
%ssued at D1-$
Con!erti#le into 2-,--- shares
Stock options.......................................................................... '-,--- shares
7ption price...................................................................... D2$
1!erage market................................................................ D"$
<ear0end market............................................................... D4-
The net income or 2--" is D2,"--,---. The companyCs ta5 rate is "- percent. 8o
con!ersions or options &ere e5ercised during 2--".
314 Compute #asic earnings per share.
324 Compute diluted earnings per share.
Solution 8
314 BEPS J 3D2,"--,--- 0 D*,--- 0 D12,---4 , L"--,--- N +,12 31--,---4M
J D2,2*-,--- , "($,---
J D'.-*
324 )EPS J 3D2,"--,--- 0 D*,---4 , 3"($,--- N 2-,--- N '-,--- 0 42,*$(4
J D2,2+2,--- , 412,14"
J D$.$'
7ptions J '-,--- 5 D2$ J D1,$--,---
D1,$--,---,D"$ J 42,*$(
Problem 9
1t )ecem#er "1, 2--2, .ollins %nc. had 4--,--- shares o common stock
outstanding. The company also had 4-,--- shares o D( con!erti#le preerred
stock. Each share is con!erti#le into 4 shares o common stock. 3)i!idends &ere
declared and paid.4
Transactions during 2--"G
Auly 1, 2--" Sold 2--,--- shares
Auly *, 2--" )eclared 1--H stock di!idend
Septem#er 1, 2--" Sold 12-,--- shares
7cto#er 1, 2--" Purchased '-,--- shares to #e held in treasury
.ollins %nc. reported a loss o D'(-,--- or 2--".
314 Compute #asic earnings 3loss4 per share.
324 Compute diluted earnings 3loss4 per share.
Solution 9
2eighted0a!erage computationG
Aanuary 1, 2--" 4--,--- 5 12,12 5 2 J *--,---
Auly 1, 2--" 2--,--- 5 ',12 5 2 J 2--,---
Septem#er 1, 2--" 12-,--- 5 4,12 J 4-,---
7cto#er 1, 2--" 3'-,---4 5 ",12 J 31$,---4
314 BEPS J LD3'(-,---4 0 D2*-,---M , 1,-2$,---
J 3D+$-,---4 , 1,-2$,---
J D3.+"4
324 )EPS J D3'(-,---4 , 31,-2$,--- N 1'-,---4
J D3'(-,---4 , 1,1*$,---
J D3.$(4 K
KThe con!erti#le preerred stock is antidiluti!e. .ollins &ould report a loss per
common share o D.+" or 2---.
Problem 10
)uring all o 2--2, )a&son Banuacturing Company had +$-,--- shares o
common stock outstanding. 7n Aune "-, 2--2, the company issued 1-,--- (
percent con!erti#le #onds at par. The maturity !alue o each #ond is D1,---. Each
#ond is con!erti#le into 2- shares o common stock. 8one &ere con!erted during
)a&son also had '-,--- stock &arrants outstanding or all o 2--2. The option
price is D1- per share. The market price o the common stock &as D4- on
)ecem#er "1, 2--2, and the a!erage market price or 2--2 &as D"-.
)a&son reported a net income o D",'$-,--- or 2--2. 1ssume the company had
a 4- percent income ta5 rate.
314 Compute the #asic earnings per share.
324 Compute diluted earnings per share.
Solution 10
314 BEPS J D",'$-,--- , +$-,---
J D".*4 3rounded4
324 )EPS J 3D",'$-,--- N "$-,--- 0 14-,---4 , L+$-,--- N ',12 32--,---4 N
3'-,--- 0 2-,---4M
J D",*'-,--- , 1,-+-,---
J D".$4 3rounded4
3D1-,---,--- 5 .-( 5 .'-4 , 31-,--- 5 2-4 J D2.1-
D2.1- P D".*4
%ncremental shares J 1-,--- 5 2- J 2--,---
%nterest a!oided J D1-,---,--- 5 (H 5 ',12 J D"$-,---
Ta5 sa!ings on interest J D"$-,--- 5 -.4- J D14-,---
Stock options00diluti!e
Proceeds D1- 5 '-,--- J D'--,---
D'--,--- , D"- J 2-,--- shares
%ncremental shares J '-,--- 0 2-,--- J 4-,---
Problem 11
1t )ecem#er 21, 2--2, EB) Company had $--,--- shares o common stock
outstanding. EB) sold $-,--- shares on 7cto#er 1, 2--". 8et income or 2--"
&as D2,41(,*($Q the income ta5 rate &as "-H. %n addition, EB) had the ollo&ing
de#t and equity securities on its #ooks on )ecem#er "1, 2--2G
3a4 1*,--- shares o D1-- par, 12H cumulati!e preerred stock.
3#4 2*,--- shares o D1-- par, 1-H cumulati!e preerred stock, par D1--, sold at
11-. Each share o preerred stock is con!erti#le into 2 shares o common
3c4 D2,---,--- ace !alue o +H #onds sold at par.
3d4 D",---,--- ace !alue o (H con!erti#le #onds sold to yield *H. /namorti9ed
#ond discount is D1--,--- at )ecem#er "1, 2--2. Each D1,--- #ond is
con!erti#le into 2- shares o common stock.
7ptions to purchase 1-,--- shares o common stock &ere issued Bay 1, 2--".
E5ercise price is D"- per shareQ market !alue at date o option &as D2+Q a!erage
market !alue Bay 1 to )ecem#er "1, 2--", &as D4-.
Compute the earnings per share amounts or the year ended )ecem#er "1, 2--".
Solution 11
1. Computation o #asic earnings per shareG
8et income.................................................................. D2,41(,*($
:essG )i!idends on cumulati!e preerred stockG
1*,--- 5 D1-- 5 .12............................................D21',---
2*,--- 5 D1-- 5 .1-............................................ 2*-,---
8et income identiied &ith common stock..........................
2eighted a!erage num#er o sharesG
Aan. 1 to 7ct. 1 3$--,--- 5 R4....................................
7ct. 1 to )ec. "1 3$$-,--- 5 S4.................................
Basic earnings per share....................................................
2. Computation o diluted earnings per shareG
Test or dilution o con!erti#le securitiesG
8et %ncome 8um#er o
%mpact Shares EPS
(H Con!erti#le #onds.......................... D1'*,---
'-,--- D2.*-
1-H Con!erti#le preerred stock.......... 2*-,--- $',--- $.--

D",---,--- 5 .-* 5 .(- J D1'*,---Q eecti!e interest is amount charged to
interest e5pense, not interest paid.
Since only the con!erti#le #onds are less than the #asic earnings per share o
D".($, only the con!erti#le #onds are potentially diluti!e.
8et 8um#er o Part o 2eighted
)escription %ncome Shares <ear 1!erage EPS
Basic earnings per share D1,+21,*($ $12,$-- D".($
Bay 1, 2--", options as
i e5ercised Bay 1, 2--"G
8um#er o shares
assumed issuedG 1-,---
8um#er o treasury
shares 31-,--- 5
D"-4 D4- 3(,$--4 2,$-- *,12 1,''(
D1,+21,*($ $14,1'( D".(4
(H con!erti#le
#onds 1'*,--- '-,---
)iluted earnings
per share D2,-*+,*($ $(4,1'( D".'4
Problem 12
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, TEarnings Per Share,U
requires that earnings per share igures #e presented only #y companies &ith
pu#licly held common stock or potential common stock.
:ist arguments or and against the e5clusion o nonpu#lic companies rom the
requirement o reporting earnings per share.
Solution 12
Perhaps the ma=or argument or not requiring earnings per share or nonpu#lic
enterprises relates to the issue o standards o!erload. 1uthoritati!e accounting
pronouncements ha!e increased #oth in quantity and comple5ity. Banagers o
small companies #elie!e that the cost o complying &ith comple5 standards
e5ceeds the !alue o the #eneits deri!ed rom the inormation disclosed under
these standards. Small irms ha!ing limited resources cannot aord the enormous
cost o complying &ith comple5 and costly standards that require inormation o
questiona#le !alue.
1 ma=or argument or requiring earnings per share inormation e!en or nonpu#lic
companies is the act that many enterprises e5empted rom the requirement are
neither small nor closely held. Bany nonpu#lic enterprises are large and comple5
entities &hose inancial reports are &idely distri#uted. Such enterprises may #e in
direct competition &ith enterprises &hose securities are traded in pu#lic markets.
Suspension o the requirement or reporting earnings per share or some
enterprises in an industry, #ut not or others, is not sustaina#le solely on the #asis
o dierences in orm o o&nership. 1rguments regarding the cost and #eneits o
pronouncements are pro#lematical #ecause costs o applying a standard may #e
identiied, #ut !aluing the #eneits deri!ed is diicult. The increasing comple5ity o
#usiness transactions suggests that the statement reader should #e pro!ided &ith
as much inormation as possi#le in order to make an inormed decision a#out the
inancial condition o the enterprise and the integrity and ste&ardship o
management. % the standards relating to earnings per share and other matters are
comple5, it is only #ecause the standards are relecting the comple5ity o the
Problem 13
<ou are an independent CP1 and ha!e =ust acquired a ne& client, 1. )unn
Banuacturing Company. The president o the company recently read an article
ad!ising a irm?s management team to seek to ma5imi9e the long0run !alue o the
irm?s stock. The article mentioned proit ma5imi9ation, earnings per share, and the
role o these t&o actors in stock price ma5imi9ation. The president &ants your
ad!ice on ho& the choice o in!entory cost lo& methods 3e.g., >%>7 !s. :%>74
relates to proit ma5imi9ation, earnings per share, and stock price ma5imi9ation.
Solution 13
The o#=ecti!e o a irm is not to ma5imi9e earnings per share or the accounting
deinition o proit. The correct o#=ecti!e is to ma5imi9e shareholder &ealth, &hich
is the price per share that is equi!alent to the discounted cash lo&s o the irm.
Ba5imi9ing earnings per share may actually result in a reduction in cash lo&s. >or
e5ample, earnings per share during a period o rising prices &ould #e higher or a
irm that adopts >%>7 in!entory accounting rather than :%>7. >%>7 matches older,
lo&er costs against current re!enues, resulting in a higher net income and higher
earnings per share. :%>7 &ould produce lo&er net income and earnings per share
#ecause more recent, higher costs are matched against current re!enues.
8e!ertheless, >%>7 is the &rong choice in a period o rising prices #ecause it
minimi9es cash lo& #y ma5imi9ing ta5es. :%>7 should #e chosen #ecause it
pro!ides higher cash lo&s as a result o reducing income and thus reducing ta5es.
Since shareholders are concerned a#out discounted cash lo&, they &ill assign a
higher !alue to the shares o a company that uses :%>7 accounting.
Problem 14
The price0earnings ratio requently is used #y analysts and in!estors or e!aluating
stock prices #ecause it relates the earnings o the #usiness to the current market
o the stock. The ratio is computed #y di!iding the market price per share #y the
earnings per share #eore e5traordinary items.
E5plain ho& the price0earnings ratio should #e interpreted, including any pro#lems
associated &ith the interpretation o the ratio.
Solution 14
1 stock selling at a high price0earnings ratio generally is regarded a!ora#ly #y
analysts. 1 high ratio sho&s that in!estors #elie!e that the irm has good gro&th
opportunities and that the irm?s earnings are relati!ely sae. The lo&er risk o the
earnings lo&ers the discount rate used in discounting uture earnings to the
present thus raising the present !alue o these discounted uture cash lo&s and
raising the stock price as a result. 8onetheless, a irm could ha!e a high price0
earnings ratio, not #ecause stock price is high, #ut #ecause earnings are lo&.
1 ma=or pro#lem &ith the price0earnings ratios is the use o earnings per share in
the denominator. Earnings per share relect the some&hat ar#itrary choices o
accounting principles used to determine earnings. 1 irm?s reported earnings could
#e changed su#stantially #y the adoption o more conser!ati!e or less conser!ati!e
accounting procedures. 1n additional pro#lem &ith the price0earnings ratio is that
only at the end o the iscal year are the numerator and denominator measured as
o the same date. The price0earnings ratio oten is computed during the year using
the earnings per share amount rom the most recent inancial statements or #y
using a mo!ing quarterly a!erage.
T > 1. 2hen the market price o stock options, &arrants, and rights is higher than
the current option price, e5ercise might occurQ thereore, there is potential
dilution rom these securities and they &ould #e included in the computation
o diluted earnings per share.
T > 2. %n order to compute diluted earnings per share &hen con!erti#le de#t e5ists,
ad=ustments must #e made #oth to net income 3numerator4 and to the num#er
o shares o common stock outstanding 3denominator4.
T > ". 2hen a company has only common stock outstanding, #ut there are
con!erti#le securities, stock options, &arrants, or other rights outstanding, it
is ne!er classiied as a company &ith a simple capital structure.
T > 4. The term Tcomple5 capital structureU descri#es a company &ith outstanding
stock options, &arrants, con!erti#le securities, etc., &hich are materially
T > $. 2hen earnings per share are diluted as a result o the inclusion o
outstanding options and &arrants, the a!erage market price o the common
stock at the end o the period is used in computing the num#er o shares
assumed to #e reacquired.
T > '. 8oncon!erti#le preerred stock is e5cluded rom consideration in the
determination o #asic earnings per share during periods &here di!idends on
preerred stock are declared.
T > (. .etroacti!e treatment o common stock di!idends and splits is required or all
periodsC earnings per share data presented in the inancial statements.
T > *. % preerred stock di!idends are cumulati!e, the ull amount o the annual
di!idends should #e deducted rom net income in the determination o #asic
earnings per share, &hether or not the di!idends ha!e #een declared.
T > +. 1ny security &hose e5ercise or con!ersion &ould increase earnings per
share or reduce loss per share are reerred to as antidiluti!e securities.
T > 1-. 2hen a con!erti#le #ond is included in the determination o diluted earnings
per share, net income is ad=usted #y adding #ack the interest e5pense, and
num#er o shares o common stock outstanding is increased #y the num#er
o shares that &ould ha!e #een issued upon con!ersion.
1. %ncremental shares
B. )iluti!e securities
C. Treasury stock method
). Basic earnings per share
E. Simple capital structure
>. %0con!erted method
I. Primary earning per share
%. Con!erti#le securities
A. Comple5 capital structure
@. )iluted earnings
6. 1ntidiluti!e security
Select the term that #est its each o the ollo&ing deinitions and descriptions. %ndicate
your ans&er #y placing the appropriate letter in the space pro!ided
VVVV 1. Securities &hose assumed e5ercise or con!ersion results in a reduction in
earnings per share or an increase in loss per share.
VVVV 2. Securities, such as #onds and preerred stock, &hose terms permit the holder
to change the in!estment into the common stock.
VVVV ". /sed to ad=ust the earnings per share computation to consider the impact o
the possi#le con!ersion o con!erti#le securities.
VVVV 4. 1 company ha!ing only common or common and preerred stock.
VVVV $. 1 company &ith potential earnings per share dilution.
VVVV '. The num#er o shares issued upon e5ercising an option or &arrant less the
assumed num#er o shares reacquired ater applying the treasury stock
method o stock reacquisition.
VVVV (. Securities &hose assumed con!ersion or e5ercise results in an increase in
earnings per share or a decrease in a loss per share.
VVVV *. The amount o earnings attri#uta#le to each share o common stock
outstanding, including common stock equi!alents. This amount is no longer
reported under >1SB Statement 8o. 12*.
VVVV +. 1 method o recogni9ing the use o proceeds that &ould #e o#tained upon
e5ercise o options and &arrants in computing earnings per share.
VVVV 1-. 8et income di!ided #y &eighted0a!erage num#er o shares outstanding.
Wui9 1
1. T
2. T
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4. T
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(. T
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+. T
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Wui9 B
1. B
2. %
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4. E
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*. I
+. C
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