This document provides an overview of an online recruitment system project. It describes the existing manual recruitment system and its drawbacks like redundancy, inconsistency, and inefficiency. The proposed online system aims to overcome these issues by maintaining a normalized database, allowing graduates to register and apply for jobs online, and giving administrators insights into the recruitment process through automated reports. A feasibility study is also outlined to analyze the technical, economic, and physical viability of the new proposed system.
This document provides an overview of an online recruitment system project. It describes the existing manual recruitment system and its drawbacks like redundancy, inconsistency, and inefficiency. The proposed online system aims to overcome these issues by maintaining a normalized database, allowing graduates to register and apply for jobs online, and giving administrators insights into the recruitment process through automated reports. A feasibility study is also outlined to analyze the technical, economic, and physical viability of the new proposed system.
This document provides an overview of an online recruitment system project. It describes the existing manual recruitment system and its drawbacks like redundancy, inconsistency, and inefficiency. The proposed online system aims to overcome these issues by maintaining a normalized database, allowing graduates to register and apply for jobs online, and giving administrators insights into the recruitment process through automated reports. A feasibility study is also outlined to analyze the technical, economic, and physical viability of the new proposed system.
This document provides an overview of an online recruitment system project. It describes the existing manual recruitment system and its drawbacks like redundancy, inconsistency, and inefficiency. The proposed online system aims to overcome these issues by maintaining a normalized database, allowing graduates to register and apply for jobs online, and giving administrators insights into the recruitment process through automated reports. A feasibility study is also outlined to analyze the technical, economic, and physical viability of the new proposed system.
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Online Recruitment System
Abstract: Project Details:
The project entitled Online Recruitment System is assigned by the organization. The aim is to provide services to both the Employer and the Graduate by recruiting Graduates according to the employer specications. The main !o" o# the project goes as #ollo"s. The three main users involved in this system are $. Graduate %. Employer &. 'dministrator Graduate is the one "ho is loo(ing #or a job in the same organization "ho can be either a #resher or an e)perienced. Employer is a resource o# the organization "ho species the re*uirements. +rom each department only one authorized person acts as an employer. 'dministrator is also a resource o# the organization #rom ,R department. ,e-she acts as a mediator bet"een the employer and the graduate. Graduate gives the complete details about his-her .ersonal/ Educational and S(ills "hich can be updated accordingly until a valid period o# three months. 0henever there is a vacancy/ the employer comes into play by speci#ying the re*uirements "hich are vie"ed by the registered graduate. 'dministrator is responsible to intimate the eligible students #or that particular post through e1mail and also updates the employee database according to the instructions given by the employer a#ter the complete process o# intervie". Existing System:
The company recruits graduates by maintaining manual records "hich involves many loop holes. Drawbacks: $. Redundancy2 3anual records tend to contain data "hich are redundant. This is because 4ormalization #ollo"ed is consistent data base is missing #eature in manual records. %. 5nconsistency2 6ecause o# redundant data/ there is no consistency in the data. &. Time 7onsuming2 3aintaining each students and employees data "ith much number o# elds is a tedious process and ta(es more time to retrieve bac(. 8. 5mproper 9alidation2 There are many cases "here validation is to be per#ormed bet"een the e)isting data and yet to be entered data. 'lso/ a graduate "ho appears #or the intervie" and #ails to succeed should not be reconsidered until a period o# & months. :. Tedious2 'n organization data base goes through many numbers o# updates each day "hich is hard to maintain in registers. ;. 3ore ,R2 5n order to maintain the in#ormation o# all the employees and students "ho applied #or di<erent jobs a special group o# employees should be hired/ "hich ultimately tends to the "aste o# resources. Problem Solution: The e)isting system should be replaced "ith a totally automated online recruitment system "hich enables easy and !e)ible manipulations o# various activities. The rst step o# system analysis involves the identication o# need. The lists o# re*uirements that are identied are2 Registered graduates should be eligible to apply #or one or many available jobs only i# the given job re*uirements match "ith their s(ill sets. =nregistered graduates cannot interactive and user #riendly site is re*uired #or all graduates/ employers and administrator. 4e" graduates cannot access the system #unctionality until they are registered. +rom each department administrator assigns a single employee as an employer. The employer is responsible to post the job re*uirements along "ith the selected student in#ormation a#ter the complete recruitment process. The administrator is the mediator bet"een the graduate and the employer. 4ormalized database should be maintained "hich yields in consistent results. Generating reports at regular intervals "hich are help#ul in decision ma(ing. The product developed shall be named as ONLNE RE!R"#$EN# S%S#E$ Analysis: Existing System: The company recruits graduates by maintaining manual records "hich involves many loop holes. Drawbacks: $& Redundancy2 3anual records tend to contain data "hich are redundant. This is because 4ormalization #ollo"ed is consistent data base is missing #eature in manual records. %. 5nconsistency2 6ecause o# redundant data/ there is no consistency in the data. &. Time 7onsuming2 3aintaining each students and employees data "ith much number o# elds is a tedious process and ta(es more time to retrieve bac(. 8. 5mproper 9alidation2 There are many cases "here validation is to be per#ormed bet"een the e)isting data and yet to be entered data. 'lso/ a graduate "ho appears #or the intervie" and #ails to succeed should not be reconsidered until a period o# & months. :. Tedious2 'n organization data base goes through many numbers o# updates each day "hich is hard to maintain in registers. ;. 3ore ,R2 5n order to maintain the in#ormation o# all the employees and students "ho applied #or di<erent jobs a special group o# employees should be hired/ "hich ultimately tends to the "aste o# resources. Pro'ose( System: The developed system overcomes all the above listed dra"bac(s. 'll the Graduates/ Employer and 'dministrator in#ormation is maintained in normalized database instead o# manual records. This #eature helps in maintaining database "hich is consistent/ not redundant and easily maintainable. This system helps in restricting any graduate to register itsel# multiple times. The three main users are $. Graduate %. Employer &. 'dministrator Graduate is the one "ho is loo(ing #or a job in the same organization "ho can be a #resher or an e)perienced. '#ter entering all the details/ the graduate can vie" a page containing all the vacancies available. Graduate can no" apply to one or any number o# jobs "hose intervie" details are later intimated by the 'dministrator. Employer is a resource o# the organization #rom ,R department. ,e-she acts as a mediator bet"een the employer and the graduate. The graduate gives the complete details about his-her .ersonal/ Educational and S(ills "hich can be updated accordingly until a valid period o# si) months. 0henever there is a vacancy the employer comes into play by speci#ying the re*uirements to the administrator. 'dministrator generates report to vie" the systems usage by the graduates and the employers in the recruitment process in a periodical base. The report species the number o# applied and selected graduates #or all the designations "ith the details in brie#. )easibility stu(y:
0henever "e design a ne" system/ normally the management "ill as( #or a #easibility report o# the ne" system. The management "ants to (no" the technicalities and cost involved in creation o# ne" system. 1 Technical #easibility 1 Economic #easibility 1 .hysical #easibility Technical #easibility2 Technical #easibility involves study to establish the technical capability o# the system being created to accomplish all re*uirements to the user. The system should be capable o# handling the proposed volume o# data and provide users and operating environment to increase their e>ciency. +or e)ample/ system should be capable o# handling the proposed volume o# data and provide users.
Economic #easibility2 Economic #easibility involves study to establish the cost benet analysis. 3oney spent on the system must be recorded in the #orm o# benet #rom the system. The benets are o# t"o types2 Tangible benets2 - Saving man labor to do tedious tas(s saves time. 5ntangible benets2 - 5mproves the *uality o# organization. .hysical #easibility2 5t involves study to establish the time responses o# the ne" system being created. +or e.g./ i# the ne" system ta(es more than one day to prepare crucial nance statement #or the management/ "herever it "as re*uired in an hour/ the system #ails to provide the same.
5t should be clearly establish that the ne" system re*uirements in the #orm o# time responses "ould be completely met "ith. 5t may call #or increase in cost. 5# the re*uired cost is sacriced then the purpose o# the ne" system may not be achieved even i# it "as #ound to be technically #easible. Sco'e o* t+e Project: The proposed system "ill a<ect or inter#ace "ith the activities o# graduate/ employer and administrator. The system "or(s and #ullls all the #unctionalities as per the proposed system. 5t "ill provide reduced response time against the *ueries made by di<erent users. The administrator "ill have a clear vie" o# number o# vacancies #or a particular job/ number o# candidates applied and number o# candidates selected. 'll possible #eatures such as verication/ validation/ security/ user #riendliness etc have been considered. The di<erent types o# modules present in this project are .roposed System2 $. =ser 5nter#ace - ?ogin - Register - 7hange pass"ord - Edit prole - 'pply #or jobs %. Online e)am - @eployment o# *uestion paper - 'utomatic uploading - Evaluation o# ans"er sheets &. 7hec( status - employer - graduate 8. 9erication 1 9oter id 1 .assport no 1 @riving license no 1 Graduation registration no :. 'dministration 1 7reate employer 1 @elete employer ;. Generate report 1 Generates the no o# graduates registered 1 Generates the no o# graduates selected So*tware Re,uirements:
.rogramming language 1 .4ET A'S..4ET &.:/ 7B.4ETC 0eb server 1 55S @atabase 1 Oracle Di 0eb technologies 1 ,T3?/ Eava script Operating system 1 0indo"s F./ DG/ %HHH -ar(ware Re,uirements:
.rocessor 1 5ntel .entium 555 or 59 3emory 1 % G6 R'3 or greater Design: 5n the present use case diagram "e have three actors. The actors are Graduate/ 'dministrator and Employer. The use cases are user inter#ace/ online e)am/ and chec( status/ mailing and generating reports. USER INTERFACE REGISTER EDIT PROFILE LOGIN APPLYING FOR JOBS <<extend>> <<include>> <<extend>> <<extend>> USER INTERFACE In the user interface module we have sub modules like register, login, edit profile and apply for jobs. Registering is mandatory for the user. The user can edit his profile by going to edit profile. During registering the graduate would be given a uniue id which he has to use as his further proceedings. CHEC STATUS INTER!IE" RESULTS STATUS UPDATION CHEC STATUS 7hec( status is used by the graduate to see his status "hether he is selected or not. 5t is also used by the employer to see "hether he is eligible #or the post. 5t is used by the administrator to change the status o# both the graduate and the administrator. ONLINE E#A$ %UESTION PAPE"R DEPLOY$ENT AUTO$ATIC UPLOADING E!ALUATION <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> ONLINE E#A$ @uring the online e)am the student goes to the prometric center and "rites the e)am. There initial validation "ill be done. A,is photoC +irst the deployment o# the *uestion paper "ill be done at the main server o# the prometric center. The uploading o# the ans"er sheet "ill be done to the main server. The ans"er sheet "ill be loaded in the database and "ill be evaluated. Reports "ill be generated by the administrator. ,e "ill generate both "ee(ly and monthly reports. ,e "ill be preparing the reports based on the number o# people applied and the number o# people "ho got selected. GENERATING REPORTS "EELY REPORTS $ONTHLY REPORTS <<include>> <<include>> GENERATING REPORTS 5n the class diagram "e have three classes that is the graduate/ administrator and the employer. Acti.ity (iagram: 5n the user inter#ace register the user has to give all his mandatory elds then only he "ill get the #orm i# not he "ill not be given #orm. '#ter entering all the details he has to submit his #orm ,is entire details "ill be stored in the database server. 5n the administrative inter#ace login the administrator has to give his e1mail id and pass"ord to access his details. +rom here he can interact "ith the graduate and the employer ,e can select employer in each and every department. Edit &'()ile ente' t*e +',du,te id ,nd &,--.d Edit &'()ile YES U&d,te &'()ile Ple,-e ente' t*e id c(''ectl/ NO i- 0,lid Edit prole is used by the graduate to change his prole. ,e can change his prole i# in the mean time he completes any certication courses. +or this he has to give his emailed and pass"ord or his registration number to access his account. Ente' t*e +',du,te id ,nd &,--.d Inc(''ect id Get 1(2 de,t,il- A&3&l/ )(' 1(2 Eli+i2ilit/ c*ec4 /(u ,'e inelli+i2le St('e in DB det,il- A&&l/in+ )(' 1(2 /e- n( /e- n( The graduate can apply #or one or many no o# jobs. 6ut he has to rst satis#y the eligibility chec(. @epending upon the eligibility he "ill be given the #orm. 5# he meets the companyIs re*uirements he "ill be notied in his homepage. De&l(/ t*e 5ue-ti(n &,&e' t( t*e l(c,l -e'0e' Get t*e ti6e -et 2/ t*e ,d6ini-t',t(' Get t*e ti6e )'(6 inte'net -e'0e' I) 2(t* ti6e- ,'e -,6e NO YES ONLINE E#A$
5# the time set by the administrator and the time set the internet server becomes same then the deployment o# the *uestion paper "ill be done This "ill be done in the main server. Then #rom here it "ill be trans#ormed to all the clients Ai.e. all the systems.C Se,uence (iagrams: 7&e'-(n,ldet,il- )('6 7&e'-(n,l det,il- -e'0let 7+',d det,il- t,2le educ,ti(n,l 8 'e)e'ence )('6 97Ente' D,t, 8 C*ec4 )('6 :7Su26it ;7$(untd2 8 -et5ue'/ <7&'(ce-- d2 =7Acce&t 'e-ult- >7S*(. )('6 PERSONAL DETAILS ENTRY +irst the user has to give his details in the educational details entry #orm/ there the sel# chec(ing "ill be done and it "ill be submitted to the personal details servlet. +rom there the user can mount the database and set the *uery in the grad details table "here the processing "ill be done in the database. Then the educational and re#erence #orm "ill be sho". 7educ,ti(n,l8'e )e'ence )('6 7educ,ti(n,l -e'0let 7+',du,te t,2le 7+',d tec* -4ill- )('6 7+',d 'e) t,2le EDUCATIONAL 8 REFERENCE DETAILS ENTRY 97Ente' det,il- 8 C*ec4 )('6 :7-u26it ;7$(unt d28-et 5ue'/ <7P'(ce-- d2 =7Acce&t 'e-ult >7Set 5ue'/ ?7P'(ce-- d2 @7Acce&t 'e-ult A7S*(. )('6 5n the educational and re#erence #orm he has to give his details "here sel# chec(ing "ill be done. Then he "ill submit his #orm to the educational servlet. ,e can mount the database and set the *uery. Then the #orm "ill be sho"ed to him. 7+',d ex&e'ience )('6 7ex&e'ience -e'0let 7+',d ex&e'ience t,2le 97Ente' det,il- 8 c*ec4 )('6 :7Su26it ;7$(unt d2 8 -et 5ue'/ <7P'(ce-- d2 =7Acce&t !,lue- >7Di-&l,/ Uni5ue id E#PERIENCE DETAILS ENTRY 5n the e)perience details entry #orm the graduate has to give the entire details in the graduate e)perience #orm "here sel# chec(ing "ill be done and the #orm "ill be done to the e)perience servlet. Then he can mount the database and set the *uery in the graduate e)perience table and he "ill be given the uni*ue id. 7l(+in )('6 7l(+in -e'0let 7+',d l(+in t,2le 7+',d (&ti(n- )('6 97Gi0e u-e' id 8 &.d :7Su26it ;7$(unt d2 <7Set 5ue'/ =7C*ec4 d2 >7Acce&t 'e-ult- ?7Di-&l,/ 6e--,+e @7S*(. )('6 6i-6,tc* GRADUATE LOGIN 5n the graduate login #orm the graduate has to give his user id and pass"ord then his details "ill be submitted to login servlet. There he can mount the database and set the *uery "here the sel# chec(ing "ill be done and the graduate details #orm "ill be sho"n. 7.e2 ,&&lic,ti(n 7c*,n+e &.d 7+',d det,il- 97Gi0e exi-tin+ 8 ne. &.d .it* c(n)i'6,ti(n :7Su26it ;7P(-t 5ue'/ <7!e'i)/ 8 U&d,te d2 =7Send 'e-ult- >7Di-&l,/ 'e-ult- Ne. &.d c(n)i'6,ti(n CHANGE PASS"ORD 5n the change pass"d module the user has to give his email id and pass"d then he has to submit to the change pass"d object. Then he can set the *uery in the graddetails #orm "here the verication "ill be done and the results "ill be displayed by giving the conrmation to the ne" pass"d. 7c*ec4 -t,tu- )('6 7-t,tu- -e'0let 7,&&lied +',d 97C*ec4 St,tu- :7$(unt d2 ;7Set 5ue'/ <7P'(ce-- 5ue'/ =7Acce&t !,lue- >7Di-&l,/ -t,tu- CHEC STATUS 5n the chec( status #orm the graduate and the employer interact "ith it. This is used by the graduate and the employer to see the status. ,e "ill be seeing his status in the status servlet. ,e can mount the database and set the *uery in the applied graduate object "here the *uery "ill be processed and the result "ill be sho"n in the chec( status #orm. 7,&&l/ -e'0let 7e6& 'e5ui'e6ent- 7+',d det,il- 7,&&lied +',d 7+',d (&ti(n- &,+e 97A&&l/ :7$(unt d2 ;7-et 5ue'/ <7P'(ce-- 5ue'/ =7Acce&t det,il- >7-et 5ue'/ ?7P'(ce-- 5ue'/ @7Acce&t !,lue- A7F,ilu'e n(tice 9B7In-e't 0,lue- 997U&d,te d2 9:7Acce&t 'e-ult- 9;7Di-&l,/ -ucce--)ull/ ,&&lied n(tice APPLY FOR A!AILABLE JOBS
5n the se*uence o# the apply #or available jobs the graduate has to give his entire details in the grad options page and he has to mount the database in the apply servlet and set the *uery in the emp re*uirement table. There he can insert the values processing o# the database "ill be done and the result "ill be displayed to grad details page 7l(+in 7e6&l(/e' l(+in 7e6& l(+in 7e6&l(/e' (&ti(n- )('6 97Gi0e id 8 &.d :7Su26it ;7$(unt d2 <7Set 5ue'/ =7!,lid,te d2 >7Acce&t 0,lue- ?7S*(. t*e -,6e )('6 @7 Di-&l,/ )('6 in0,lid 0,lid E$PLOYER LOGIN +irst the employer has to login into companyIs "ebsite. Then he has to login in the employer login #orm. Then he can mount the database and set the *uery .9alidation "ill be done at the emp login. 5# it is correct the #orm "ill be displayed. 7e6&l(/e' (&ti(n- )('6 7&(-t 'e5 7e6& 'e5 7e6& -4ill- 97ente' 'e5ui'e6ent- 8 c*ec4 )('6 :7Su26it ;7$(unt d2 <7 Set 5ue'/ =7U&d,te d2 >7Acce&t 0,lue- ?7Set 5ue'/ @7U&d,te d2 A7Acce&t 0,lue- 9B7Di-&l,/ 'e-ult POST RE%UIRE$ENTS 5n the post re*uirements se*uence diagram the employer has to give his entire details "here the sel# validation "ill be done. Then the #orm "ill be submitted to the post re*uirements object "here he can set the *uery in the employee s(ills #orm. Then the result "ill be sho"ed to employer options #orm. 7+ene',te 'e&('t )('6 7+ene',te 'e&('t 7,&&lied+',d 7e6&-elect 97+ene',te'e&('t :76(unt d2 ;7-et 5ue'/ <7&'(ce-- DB =7,cce&t 0,lue- >7-et 5ue'/ ?7&'(ce-- DB @7,cce&t 0,lue- A7di-&l,/ 'e-ult GENERATING REPORT Generating the report "ill be done by the administrator .+rom the generate report #orm he has to mount the database and set the *uery in the applied grad object. There he can set the *uery in the emp select "here the processing "ill be done and the report "ill be sho"n in the generate report #orm.