10U/101/26 Set No: (1) : I To Be Filled Up by The Candidate by Blue! Black Ball-Point Pen) Roll No

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The document provides instructions to candidates regarding conducting the examination in an orderly and fair manner. Candidates are instructed to carefully check the question booklet for completeness and report any issues to the invigilator. Several guidelines are provided for correctly filling the answer sheet such as writing details in blue/black pen and darkening only one circle per question.

Candidates are instructed not to bring any loose paper inside the examination hall except their admit card. They are told to fill their roll number and other details on the question booklet and answer sheet in the specified fields. Changes to these entries need to be verified by the invigilator.

The answer sheet guidelines include darkening only one circle per question as the correct answer, with one mark being deducted for incorrect answers. Candidates are advised to leave questions unattempted if they do not wish to answer them.


Set No: (1) Question Booklet No ...................... .

I To be filled up by the candidate by blue! black ball-point pen)
Roll No.
Roll No. (Write the digits in words) ................................................................ ' ............................. .
Serial No. of Answer SheeL ........................... .
Day and Date ................................................. .
(Signature of Invigllator)
(Use only blue/black baH-point ptln in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet)
1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet. check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contail"ls
all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing in case of faulty Question Booklet bring
it to the notice of the Superintendent/lnvigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet.
2. Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination'Hall except the Admit Card without its
3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It should not be foldlKi or mutllatsd. A second Answsr Sh96t shall not
be provIded. Only the Answsr Sh86t will be e'l8luatlKi.
4.. Write your Rolf Number and StJrIaI NumbtN' of the AnsW8I' ShtHIt by p9fJ in the space provided above.
5. On the front page of thtl AnswtH' Sh86t, write by pen your Roll NumbtN'ln the space provided at thtl top,
and by dark81fing ths eircl_lIt the bottom. Also, whsrtJIftH" appllcabltl, write the Ouestlon Booklet Numbsr
and tile Set Number in appropriate plactJS.
6. No overwriting is allowed in the entries of Roll No., Question Booklet No. and Set No, (if any) on OMR sheet
and Roll No. and OMR sheet No. on the Question Booklet.
7. Any changes in the aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be taken as unfair means.
8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For BaCh question, you are to record
the comlct option on the Answer ShHt by darkfHIlng the approprIate circle In the correspondIng row
of the Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guldBllnes given on the first page of the Answer Sheet.
9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet If you darken more than one
circle or darken a circle partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect
10. Note that the answsr ones filled In Ink cannot be changsd. If you do not wish to attempt a question leave
all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awarded zero marks).
11. For rough work, use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet.
12. Deposit both the QU88tlon BtIokIBt and thBAnswer Sheet at the end of the Test.
13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test.
14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means. h:l/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University
may determine and impose on him/her.
r f.'IW ~ ~ ~ """"" -')1!" "" '1'(
Total No. of Printed Pages : 41
nme : 2! hours 1
[Full Marks : 450
[ 'f'TPii: 450
Instructions : This paper consists of Objective Type Questions and is divided
into Five Sections:
(i) Sections I, II, III and N are compulsory. In addition, a candidate is
required to answer questions on EITHER English Language
OR Hindi Language (Section V).
(111 There are in all 180 questions. Attempt as many questions as you
can. Each question carries 3 (THREE) marks. One mark will be
deducted for each incorrect answer. Zero mark will be awarded for
each unattempted question.
(iii) Each question is followed by FOUR alternative answers (1), (2), (3)
and (4). Only one of these answers is correct. Select the correct answer
and record it against the question by darkening the appropriate circle
in the OMR Answer-sheet by Blue/Black ball point Pen.
(iv) If more than one alternative answers seem to be approximate to the
corrc'ct answer. choose the closest onc.
f.IW: "" w-r-'N "Ilr;;",,,,,l,, w-if 'R 3lT'Ilfur % om qfq &Ui\ it %:
(i) ,.".. I, II, III :afu: N ~ ~ 1 ~ 3lf1\f\m ~ <it 3ilhf\ 'IT'lT 'IT fu;t
'IT'lT (_ V) iii w-if iii "'" ~ 1
(Ji 1 ~ 180 w-r ~ 1 ~ w-if iii "'" '<iT !Il'I 'lit 1 ~ w-r 3 (<ir.f)
aion '<iT % 1 ~ ~ "'" iii Wl: l('n ~ lifilGT "fWTT 1 ~ ~ w-r
ijiT 5mli<!; lip! ;Wrr 1
(iii) ~ w-r iii '<R ~ , @ i , "'" (I), (2), (3) <!,'i (4) ~ I ,.m I ~ l('n "'"
B1it %1 B1it "'" q;f ' om:m OMR ""'-3f\i1ij\, it ~ q;f q;R/m
'!R'I ~ 'WIll mr 'liT<iT "" 1
(ivj 'l'fu: ~ ~ , @ i , "'" B1it "'" iii f.tq;z wfur;IT <it f.j"'ldl1 B1it "'" 1
I I ) (Tum Q,-erj

(Economics and Money Banking)
( Q,<i fW iffWr)
1. 'Economics is the study of Man's actions in ordinary business of life.'
Who gave this definition?
(I) Adam Smith
(3) A.C.Pigou
(2) Marshall
(4) J.B.Say
,"@IRU[ ""'HiI" if ",""1,, floom'fiT 3W!'R "" 'lfOO'IT

(I) <Wf (2) l!T1II<f
(3) '(0 IDo <fill (4)
2. Who is the author of this book-'Nature and Significance of Economic
Science' ?
(I) Robbins (2) Thomas (3) Jevons (4) J.K.Mehta
'Nature and Significance of Economic Science' 3@'fi '" "lit.!
(I) (2) _ (3) (4) 'to ,"0 ittmT
3. A commodity that is not wanted cannot have-
(I) Cost (2) Value (3) Utility
'('l> 'RI!, 311"''''''01 'fiT"" '!tIT;it 'il'fi(ff
(I) <:'WRf (2) 'W'f (3) 3Q"Widl
( 2 )
(4) Demand
(4) lWT
( ComiJJUcd)
4. What does the slope of an indifference curve represent?
( I) Elasticity of demand of a good.
(2) Ratio of the prices of two goods.
(3) Provision of Consumer Equilibrium.
(4) Marginal Rate of substitution between two goods.
3<;1<Ji, "'" it ;jR if<IT !l'!Z mar
( 2 ) <it <lit >iilmit """ 3':J'l"f
(4) <it it ofrq <lit <fmRr '"
IOU/I01l26 (I)
5. The situation in which total revenue equals total cost is known as-
(I) Monopolistic Competition (2) Equilibrium Level of Output
(3) Break-even Point (4) Perfect Competition
B'Ii<'f = B'Ii<'f <.'f11T<r it '!TIl
(I) !lRl",fliill (2) """ IDRI R
(3) (4) 'f'f!lRl",flidl
6. The rate of inflation in India during the year 2009 was-
(I) Less than 10%
(3) Less than 15%
(2) More than 10%
(4) More than 15%
'ffiif if 2009 q1f it <lit '" >iT-
(I) (2)
(3) (4)
7. All Public Sector banks in India must have a government shareholding of
at lcast-
'ffi'f if lnit I"" Hili i.tr it if m'IiR <lit <m "'" tif.rr
(I) 51% (2) 26% (3) 33% (4) 100%
( J )
IOU!I01l26 (I)
8. When Reserve Bank of India wants to increase the money supply, rcpo
rate is-
(1) Reduced (2) Increased
(3) Kept constant (4) Nothing is required
"I'! m am; <lit (q'r (repo) ,,-
(1) (2)
(3) fwn&t;;mft I (4) 'Ii\{ m I
9. The theme of the 11'" Five Year Plan is-
(I) Inclusive Growth
(3) Education for All
''11(6,;1 q""off'l "liT '!?
(2) Poverty Alleviation
(4) Employmentfor All
(1) 3H,f.lftd (2)
(3) (4)
10. Agriculture and allied sectors contribute nearly this percentage of the
GDP in India-
'1lf it :rr<!R (:;flo tlo <!to) "liT lffiroo .pif q

(1) 65% (2) 22% (3) 35% (4) 4m;
11. The term 'Green Revolution' was given by-
(I) Dr. Norman Bortaug (2) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
(3) Dr. William Gande (4) Sada Shiv Rao
"liT lIT"': '"'" >RT WIT 'T'iT-
(I) Sfo m ,",,,,,i" (2) Sfo 1('[0 l,<fi"'IiH
(3) Sfo fllRi'l4
( 4 ) (CoJJ/lilUed)
12. Which one of the following is not correct
(3) Third Five Year
(4) Fourth Five Year
(I) !WI """Iff.
(2) """Iff.
(3) q<fr1!"""Iff.
(4) """Iff.
13. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(1) Good money drives bad money out of circulation.
(2) Bad money drives good money out of circulation.
(3) Good and bad money cannot circulate together.
(4) Cannot say.
(4) J ".(111ft CilT I
14. Which Government fIrst introduced economic reforms in India?
(1) Narsimha Rao Government (2) Indira Gandhi Government
(3) Rajiv Gandhi Government (4) Janata Party Government
11m! if W'IiK 't ll'I !WI 'lit <ffi1L ?
(1) uq W'IiK (2) 00r l1i>.lt W'IiK
(3) l1i>.lt W'IiK (4) "R(IT ,,<1 W'IiK
( 5 ) (TumOverj
15. The Report of Vijay Kelkar Committee relates to-
(I) Trade Reforms
(3) Disinvestment
(2) Centre-State Financial Relations
(4), Tax Reforms
(I) '"IT'!R \l'IR
16. What was the Food grains production in India during the year 2008-09?
(1) 230 million tonnes approxi.
(2) 250 million tonnes approxi.
(3) 260 million tonnes approxi.
(4) 280 million tonnes approxi.
'lWf if qof 2008-09 if = "" 'I'lT 'If?
(I) <'I'T'PT 2 3 0 fit 0 c.r
( 2 ) <'I'T'PT 2 5 0 fit 0 c.r
(3) <'I'T'PT 260 fito c.r
( 4) <'I'T'PT 2 80 fit 0 c.r
17. The Integrated Rural Development Programmc (IRDP) was lirst
launched in India in-
'lWf if <%1ijid !Wflur Rl<I;rn ifil''''" (IRDP) w qof iIW'f f<\;'!T 'l'!!-
(I) 1969 (2) 1978 (3) 1975 (4) 1977
18. The highest production of petroleum in India comes from-
(I) Assam (2) Gujarat (3) Mumbai High (4) Tamil Nadu
"" 'lWf if.-;IT it smr;<tor
(1) 3ffi1TI1" (2) (3)
( 6 )
(4) dfii<"HI!j
19. The duration of the Eleventh Five Year Plan is-
"'R,J1 "",,<If<> <ihRr <lit
(I) 2005-2010 (2) 2006-2011 (3) 2007-2012 (4) 2008-2013
20. The term 'Paper Gold' refers to-
(l) Paper Currency
(3) SpeCIal Drawing Rights
(2) Gold of highest purity
(4) Yellow shining paper
(2) '!?f 'll'6,(l1',;[ ffl
(4) tftffi" 4 'h<;R 1WTOf
21. The main objective of L\1F loan to India is-
( I) to improve technology
(2) to improve agriculture
(3) to increase industrial output
(4) to meet balance of payment problem
'Imf ,f.t !Jl'T <f.t'f (lMF) '" 'ffUf 'hf !J'&'I
(I) <1'h:ft i1 1!"R
( 2 ) 'fI'r 1!"R
( 3) 3ft <ii fii "'. it ijl?:
( 4) 'J'T""H <lit \!lWIT ,f.t "" 'hBT
22. \Vhich of the following States tops the list of sugar producing Slales 111
(I) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Tamil Nadu
(2) Maharashtra
(4) Ultar Pradesh
f.\"Iif4i<1 it it ffi >:IT U"'< 'Imf it 'fiIT JiG I,," M <lit it SIWl" 00'l" 'R

(3) <1(iii'Hl (4)
( 7 I (Tumn'cr)
23. The Gross National Product (GNP) is measured by the following three
well known methods except-
(I) Product Method (2) Expenditure Method
(3) Value added Method (4) Income Method
Ili!o tft
) f.i,.,if,,;" if f'lfu<it
Tf1'!T 'i\T(ff
24. In which year the Reserve Bank of India was established?
'ffi1ft>.r m <lit OO'RT m, 'I'f st oft ?
(I) 1935 (2) 1948 (3) 1950 (4) 1952
25. UTI Bank has now changed its name to-
(I) Excel Bank (2) Trade Bank
(3) AXIS bank (4) United Bank
'{o ito 311{o <or 'l1'I "'" 'l6 lJ'IT
(I) (2)
(3) (4)
26. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) came inlo effect in the year-
"ll'lTnwo.r (WTO) W <j1f ""<\lift,, f'lI-
(I) 1990 (2) 1993 (3) 1995 (4) 1998
27. Service Tax was introduced in India for the 11rst time in the year-
'ffi([ if itm "" V<f = W 'I'f <1l'l f'l;lrr lJ'IT-
(I) 1990-91 (2) 1991-92 (3) 1994-95 (4) 2000-01
, , ,
28. The first stage of the evolution of Money was-
(I) Commodity money (2) Metallic money
(3) Paper money (4) Credit money
oIit !l>m 3ffl>IT ott-
29. The most important merit of the Gold Standard is-
(I) Elasticity (2) Price Stability
(3) Full Public Conlidence (4) Portability
"" Iif'ffi """'T'\
(I) ctI "'!iii 1 (2 ) 'l?"
(3) (4) "1''<1(0"",,,,",
30. How many commercial banks- were nationalised by the Govt. of India on
15 April 1980?
15 1980 'lit, >imr am ffif.t 'IlfJIFill'h Iii!if "" (I?1"'h(
I 'l'lT
(1) 14 (2) 10 (3) 6 (4) 5
( 9 J
(Tum Oh:r)

{Accounting and Business Organisation}
( <1&iiih'l '!'i "'"IIIfi1iih Wro.r)
31. Luco Pacioli, who gave origin to Modern Accounting got published his
book on principles of Double Entry System
'lIB",,", 8", j"", <it """' R>u, :t !rl'Ifu !l"l1W 'R W
q1f <lit olt-
(I) 1944 (2) 1864 (3) 1494 (4) 1649
32. Book keeping is a system of recording these transaction of
11) Economic (2) Business (3) Monetary (4) Financial
31 Q'<1, '" '" for '" <lit '% qirtH-
(I) (2) (3) (4)
33. Journal is a book
(I) FinaiEntry
(3) Original Entry
(3) W!rl'lfu
(2) Final Accounts
(4) Ledger Accounts
34. Revenue is considered as being earned
(1) Cash is received (2) Salc is elfected
(3) Production is done (4) None of the above.
31W dOl" 1lRt ;;mit 0I0f-
(I) u., 5ITII iI<ft I
( 3 ) Tn<;.nj\(1T I
( 2 ) fu;m fiI;lrr ;;mIT I
( 10 I (COllfillucd)
lOU!lOl!26 (1)
35. The proprietor withdrew cash Rs. 1000 for his personal use, the account
to be debited-
(1) Capital Account (2) Drawings Account
(3) Loan Alc offhe proprietor (4) Trade Expenses Alc
"""BI.'I 1000 .0 <lit ufu f.\;;f\ 3<!<Wr ft f.iO>I<"fi, 'r;nmrr R<o>fftd (;nit)
(1) 'i"f\ &1iIT (2)
(3) ,","BI.' OffiWJf&1ilT
( 4 ) '"' I q I f(o> '"'" &1iIT
36. An example'of personal account is-
{l} Machinery Account (2) Purchases Account
(3) Prepaid Expenses Account (4) Stock Account
<fiT 3c:J'!5{OI t:-
(3) '"'" &1iIT
37. Trial Balance is a-
(1) Ledger Account
(3) List of Debtors
(2) SR &1iIT
(2) Statement
(4) List of Creditors
38. The main objective of providing depreciation is-
(1) to reduce the profit of the business.
(2) to increase the expenses of the business.
(3) to reduce tax burdcn.
(4) to calculate true profit.
( II ) (Tum Over)
(1) "" "\11 'I it <:1m 'iii <m 'R-lT I
(2) "" "\11 'I it <>I<it 'iii I
(3) 'Ii{ it 'iii <m 'R-lT I
(4) "'f<! fii'li <:1m >lit 'f'IRT 'R-lT I
39. Under Diminishing Balance Method, depreciation is calculated 00-
(I) Original cost
(3) Scrap value
(2) Written down value
(4) Last value of the asset
jiil!]11(f m q;<ffir it 3R11fo, i>ffi >lit 'f'IRT '" 'IT >lit "Il(it
(I) '@" iffi'rff (2 ) 31 q8 ful d 'E'"
(3) 'E'" (4) wqfu- 'liT3n"m 'E'"
4 O. Under Hire Purchase System, the ownership of property remains with-
(I) Buyer (2) Owner
(3) Guarantor (4) None of the above
mm '"" q;<ffir it 3R11fo, wqfu- 'IT ""Iii '" '"'" 'lW T
(I) (2)
(3) (4)
41. Assets are held in the business for the purpose 01'-
( I) Earning revenue (2) Resale
(3) Conversion into cash (4) Appreciation in the value
,,""\11'1 it \1,qRl'lj '" * it fW! 00
(I) 3l1'< mR- (2)
(3) u..ifq\'(",," (4) 'E"'it'lfu
( 12 ) ( COlJtinue,
42. Heavy advertising to launch a new product is a-
(1) Capital Expenditure (2) Revenue Expenditure
(3) Deferred Revenue Expenditure(4) None of the above.
3C'IlG 'Ii\ '110m: if if; Ii fi\;ln" 1fl<T m(t .mrr
(I) Ol!'< (2) 3lJ'I1Tif Ol!'<
(3) 3lJ'I1Tif0l!'< (4) <i\t;;tf,
43. Non-trading institutions prepare-
(1) Profit & Loss Account (2) Manufacturing Account
(3) Income & Expenditure Alc (4) AU the above.
itt 1 fl.", i\>m: 'WIt
(I) \'IN t$t@T<!T
(3) 3lI<[ -Ol!'< @T<!T
44. Receipt and Payment Account Is-
(1) A Nominal Account (2) A Real Account
(3) A Personal Account (4) A Statement
!lTfir li W"fR @T<!T
( 3 ) "" fffi. 1 i1 @T<!T
( 2 ) 11 fll '" @T<!T
(4) fll,,(olq.
45. Accounting Standards Board was set up in India in the
1lWf if .;".;"'" !l>m;;itt >fit w q,f olt-
(I) 1964 (2) 1975 (3) 1977 (4) 1980
46. Business consists of mainly those activities which deal with-
(I) Production only (2) Exchange of goods only
(3) Provision of services (4) Above all.
if; a:Blit ""%<:'1lq amt
(I) i\;q<;1 (2) i\;q<;1 "'ll* if,[ filf.h,,,
(3) if,[ !IT'l'lR (4) Blit ,
( 13 ) (Tum Over)
47. Which one of the following is not a tonn of business organisation ..,
(1) Sole Proprietorship (2) Partnership
(3) Charitable Trust (4) Ioint Stock Company
f.l ... i Rhd ih't 'Ii\;r .. '''''. Wro.r 'lIT l!!'l' lI11i"l" ;r;ff ?
(1) t('Rf "'I1'IR (2 ) " 1
(3) 'IllM?R (4)
48. Which one of the following is not correct in respect of Sole Proprietorship?
(1) One man ownership (2) Limited liability
(3) Personal control (4) Total risk
f.l ... i Rhd if it q<[[ t('Rf "'I1'IR il; if mt ;r;ff ?
(1) t('Rf \1 fII", (2) Blfir<r
(3) .. fft;"d (4)
49. Which form of business organisation requires minimum legal formalities
for its establishment?
(1) Sole Proprietorship
(3) Public Corporation
(2) Partnership
(4) Public Limited Company
f.l ... iRhd if it .. "" 1'1 Wro.r Rh\i lI11i"l" if :nm il; fWt, "F'f'l
<tt ffift
(1) t('Rf "'I1'IR ( 2 ) " 1
( 3 ) " 1 *' f.l.,; f.\1]lr ( 4 ) " 1 *' f.l.,; Blfir<r !l'i=
50. The minimum number of partners required in a business firm is-
l!!'l' .. q;!f if <tt "F'f'l <i1E'lT
(1) 10 (2) 5 (3) 3 (4) 2
51. The upper limit of number of partners in the banking business may bc-
l!!'l' 'ffim .. ,," I. if" <tt <i1E'lT <tt WIT ;it
(1) 5 (2) 10 (3) 15 (4) 20
( 14 I (Culllillucd)
52. The Indian Partnership Act was came into force from the year-
'" i'ff;j" !I'I1[q,ft"" 1l"* m-
(1) 1932 (2) 1940 (3) 1948 (4) 1956
53. If any partner has given a loan to the ilrm besides his share of capital,
he will be allowed interest at the rate of-
<@: f'!;B\ 3l'ffi '" '" 31<'1T<IT vi' 'liT <!iW 'It''T <it Jil
'" G< ;j" "'IToT !I<;R
(1) 5% (2) 6% (3) 7% (4) 10%
54. In a private company, the minimum number of members must be-
l('!' R-m if, <fit it<ft
(1) I (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 10
55. Historically the idea of joint stock company was first developed in-
(1) USA (2) India (3) Italy (4) UK
,-",<;j", 'liT f'r<m: W' Rl",flId s* m-
(1) "-0 !To {(o (2) 1lRd" (3) (4) "-0,"0
56. Memorandum of Association is also known as-
(I) Document of the Company (2) Agreement of the Company
(3) Contract of the Company (4) Charter ofthc Company
'IT'fG <lim f.J'l'f '" 'fT'f ;j" 1ft 'lRT "lTd!
(I) iIil'f.ft 'liT (2) iIil'f.ft 'liT q d [
( 15 1
57, Which company is not required to file a prospectus?
(1) Public Company (2) Private Company
(3) Public & Private Co. both (4) None of the above.
'!i't !HWf ."',.,.'"
(1) <J1<f .. R", (2) f.ioft
(3) (4)
58, The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India was
established on-
(1) January 5, 1955
(3) October 15,1960
(2) AprilS, 1956
(4) December 10, 1961
t!(i filR<i)ll f.rm tt w fuiW '!i't
(1) 1955 (2) 1956

59, It is the simplest and oldest type of organisation-
(1) Line Organisation (2) Stall Organisation
(3) Line & Staff Organisarion (4) None of the above.
'lIT <Ji'I'i\ m,nr'lT 1,,1,"4 !lR"'!
(1) \lm (2) "''''' >.:irro.f
(3) \lm a>rr "',;" >.:irro.f (4) if if <m 1
60. Which one of the following is not an advantage of Advertising?
(I) Creates Monopoly (2) Increases Sales
(3) Leads in reduction in prices (4) Creates employment
R ... ji<f;" if if..t.r 'lIT <'11'1
(1) '!i't """ ( 2 ) flrsI;q iiI<;Tffi
(3) <fi\mt 'RR if (4) i\wm: <rR' <mT %
( 16 ) (ColllJiwcdl

( G. K. and Current Affairs)
( 1.fI'IR{ '"" )
IOU/IOli26 (I)
61. On 26,h January 2010, India has celebrated its - Republic Day.
(I) 58'" (2) 61'" (3) 62'" (4) 75'"
26 2010 'lit 'If1f:r 31'HT --'1'lRBr lRT<!T 1
(I) 58 <IT (2) 61 <IT (3) 62 <IT (4) 75 <IT
62. The contribution of agriculture in Indian economy is
(I) Constant (2) Decreasing
(3) Increasing (4) None of the above.
"''''''u if "" aimR --I
(I) fi'R (2) 'R: (tIT
(3) (4) .if it q;jf;w 1
63. fnflation
(1) Rise in general price index
(2) Rise in money supply
(3) Rise in budget deficit
(4) Rises in prices of consumer goods
(I) lJTIlT"T <tlm! <L"",j", if'lfu
( 2 ) !Jl'T 'jf,f if 'lfu
( 3) 'f'IZ 'li1: if 'lfu
( 4) 3tI'ffiI;r 'R1!* <lit ;fimif if 'lfu
( 17 1
64. The country with the highest population density is-
(I) Bangladesh (2) India (3) China (4) Singapore
.. "<i""
(I) (2) 'ffi{f (3) <tR (4)
65. Surajgarh Fort is located in which State?
(I) Uttar Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Rajasthan (4) Haryana
\ll"" U'i'rit
(I) (2)
(3) (4) "Rill'"
66. Ms. Chanda Kochhar is associated with which bank?
(I) Citi Bank (2) Punjab National Bank
(3) HDFC Bank (4) ICICI Bank
\j'-lt "i'f'iIT fiIi<! i't ?
(I) (2)
(3) <>:'fo tto '('00 lifto (4) anfo lifto anfc lifto anfo
67. The Ad Line' 'Life's Good" is associated with which company?
(I) Samsung (2) Philips (3) LG (4) Godrej
"Life's Good" "Hiii>< fiIi<! i't
(I) W!WT (2) fihlf1'1< (3) (4)
68. Naushad who died recently was a famous-
(I) Politician (2) Social Worker
(3) Sports Personality (4) Music Director
;f'rmq, 5I<f it WH S*, !1,'!i lffiR:: - ;( I
(I) (I .. (2)
( 3 ) fui", 141 ( 4) <i>tRT f.lWI;
( 18 ) ( ColllJiwe
69. Competition Act 2002 was passed by the Parliament to replace the
(I) MRTP Act
(3) Banking Regulation Act
(2) POTA
(4) FERA
2002, HRf<1R.d
(I) l(llo 0111:0 ito <ft"o (2) qw
(3) (4) ;W
70. Which of !'he following States falls under 'High Poverty Group'?
(I) West Bengal (2) Gujarat (3) Kerala (4) Karnataka
HRiflhd if if 'Ii\;[ ID U"'I '_ rr(\-./t WW' if 3lTlIT ?
(I) t@llr (2}:JWRf (3) i\;m (4) 'IHk""
71. The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on which of !'he
following days?
(I) 5'h August
(J) 5'"June
(2) 5'h July
(4) l5'"June
HRiflhd fui>m if if flhB- i!fu 'I'f lfIT'IT ;;mrr
(l) 5 3l1Tfd" (2) 5
(3) 5 (4) 15
72. Farmers in India certainly get subsidy on which of the following
ties of agricultural use?
(I) Tractors (2) Seeds
(3) Chemical Fertiliser (4) Above all.
3'I<iM ;;fit f.iRif"", if flhB- 'R 1lf(d if flhw.if '!it "'" if B R1

(I) (2)
(3) (lBI'IH'" (4) .ll'ftl
( 19 I (Tum Over)
73. The 34th National Games were held in-
(I) Kerala (2) Assam (3) Sikkim (4) Iharkhand
34 <if $ lI6T "1I'ilfolil
(I) (2) 3ffi!TIl ( 3 ) fufifill (4) $I1&1
74. Who has become the tirst cricketer to score 30,000 runs in International
(I) Sunil Gavaskar
(3) Sachin Tendulkar
(2) S.Iaysurya
(4) Rahul Dravid
",,,,d\il. flf;iR: if 3 a ,000 8" iiRf.I" q]W !I"lll flf;iR: n.<'1I41 qit;r m '1'lT ?
(I) 'ifl\<'1"' I ",_ ( 2 ) l!,<f

(3) (4)
75. Which city will be hosting the 20 12 Olympics'
(I) Paris (2) Berlin (3) London (4) Madrid
20 12 on <'1 fA< '" oIit i\",.,;j) f1rn l!W it IDU oIit ;;n1(Tft ?
(I) ilfur (2) 'Iffi";r ( 3 ) """" (4) Il'ff
76. In Indian Mythology, which sage brought the River Ganga to earth from
(I) Vishwamitra (2) Bhagirath (3) Agastya (4) DUTvasa
fiW<i!> if, f1rn!BT 't m il" 'j'>lt 'R ri>Tr ;r{t <!i\ ffi'!T 7
(I) (2) >wfu:>r (3) (4)
77. Which Vitamin is found abundantly in citrus fruits?
(I) A (2) D (3) C (4) D
q;ffi if qit;r ill RI ,., fll" .!ld I. iI il" 'l1'!T 7
(I) '( (2) .rt (3) lilt (4) tt
( 20 ) (Continued)
78. The backbone has-
(I) 33 bones (2) 30 bones (3) 22 bones
(I) 33 (2) (3)
79. Who is the President of World Bank?
(I) Robert Zoellick
(3) Raul Castro
fuq 'fiT 3lUIPJ <liR ?
(1) U'Iz.iTai\fW!;
(2) Pascal Lamy
(4) None of these.
80. Which is the leading natural gas producing country?
(4) 32 bones
(I) Canada (2) USA (3) Russia (4) Iran
<liR l\.,- 3iG1G'"
(I) (2) 'to l!,<fo 0 (3)
81. The first nuclear test was conducted in the year-
'ffi"ff if !f'f'T tffiaJur '" 'I'! flmr 'l'<T >11-
(I) 1973 (2) 1974 (3) 1975
(4) w.r
(4) 1976
82. Which State grows nearly 30 per cent of World Opium?
(I) Madhya Pradesh (2) West Bengal
(3) Gujarat (4) Bihar
<liR <IT U"'! fuq if 'fiT wmrT 30 "h!T ?
(I) (2)
(3) (4) fon5R
( 21 I (Tum Over)
83. A 'Light Year' is a unit of-
(I) Time (2) Distance (3) Velocity (4) Energy
(I) l1'!'I ( 2 ) 'ill (3) (4)
84. A person in normal health requires per day-
(I) 1000-1800 calories (2) 2500-3000 calories
(3) 3000-4000 calories (4) 4000-5000 calories
\l,'f> '"Ifu; lWII"I_ if!lfilf<.;r At ",,,,, .,dl infi
(I) (2)
(3) 3000-4000 (4) 4000-5000
85. The Fourth estate is-
(I) Press (2) Property (3) Metals (4) Tax

(I) (2) (3) "'l! (4) iii{
86. Which of the following is a type of tax levied by the government on
goods and services?
(I) PAN (2) NET (3) SAT (4) VAT
if it '!it.! m iIi{!Ri!iR llTU 3itt iiqr3iT 'R ('ITT1'I[;;mIT % ?
(I) q, (2) (3) it< (4)
87. Who was the tirst Indian Gold Medal Winner in the Beijing Olympic
Games 2008?
(I) Vikram Rathore (2) Avneet Kour Sidhu
(3) Deepali Deshpandey (4) Abhinav Bindra
",I<'1IA1., 2008 if '!it.! !Wf 'lR$! l<I"f fifirnT 'IT 7
(I) <Ii1< (2) 31<FItr qft,:
{3} (4) 3li'Rqf.r;w
( 22 ) ( CVn/liJUed I
88. Who is the India born scientist recently awarded 2009 Nobel Prize in
(1) Dr. N. R. Dhar (2) Dr. H. Khurana
(3) Dr. V. Rarnakrishnan (4) Dr. Jayant Narlikar
"'" if \WR if 2009 'iii '1ffif if <it JlTl[
(1) Sfo ,,"0 3lKo m:
(3) Sfo i5\lt(l4'l'OIHQ
(2) Sfo ",,"0
89. Who has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize?
(I) Dr. Manmohan Singh (2) Mr. Barack Obama
(3) Mrs. Sonia Gandhi (4) Mr. Nelson Mandela
2009 'iii Wit
(1) Sf 0 I".n ,;q ffi6 ( 2 ) fir 0 iro<f; m.w
(3) (4) flro
90. Who is the Union Finance Minister in India?
(I) Mr. Pranab Mukerjee (2) Mr. P. Chidumbaram
(3) Mr. Kamal Nath (4) Mr. Yashwant Sinha
'1ffif if ffir >i:ft 'It.r ?
(2) 'lit <!to HGlkI<'1
(4) 'lit fu0r
( 23 ) (Tum Over)

( lIfoTrr)
91. Which one of the following numbers can fill m both the blank

(I) 36 (2) 24 (3) 72 (4) 54
92. In how many years a certain sum doubles itself at 4% per annum simple
(I) 5 years
(3) 20years
(2) 10years
(4) 25 years
<r<if if l('I> urn 4% qOO, __ 'R it ?
(I) 5'l'f (2) 10'l'f
(3) 20'l'f (4) 25 'l'f
93. A bought 5 pencils for Rs. 4 and sells 4 pencils for Rs. 5. The gain percent
in the transaction is-
'" 5 4 >;0 if &tti{t <I'll 4 5 "0 if 'R ;{t I W if ('[1"11" 'fiT

(I) 25% (2) 20% (4) 40%
94. The average age of a man and his son is 22 years. The ratio of their ages
is 19: 3 respectively. What is the man's age?
l('I> 3""'1 <I'll ii!'iit <lit 22 'l'f I 3'!'fit 'fiT 19: 3
I 3""f <lit 'fllT ?
(1) 44 years ('l'f)
(3) 30 years ('l'f)
(2) 38 years ('l'f)
(4) 26 years ('l'f)
( 24 ) ( COIJliiwed)
lOUilO1l26 (1)
95. A car covers a distance of 816 kms. in 720 minutes. What is the speed
of the car in kms.!hr. ?
\('Ii <m 8 16 f'I;
<tT '1!t 72 0 flIf.R; if W <mit I <m <tT '!fu lIfu f'I; 0 llt 0 / W

(I) 64 kms.!hr. (f'I;o llto /<i)
(3) 68 kms.!hr. (f'I;o llto /<i)
(2) 62 kms.!hr. (f'I;o llto /<i)
(4) 70 kms.!hr. (f'I;o llto /<i)
96. 48% of a number is 1248. What is the number?
\('Ii 'liT 48% 1248 ""
(I) 2850 (2) 2700 (3) 2450 (4) 2600
97. If the cost of 14 kgs. of rice is Rs. 504, what is the cost of 98 kgs. of
>rn: 14 fiRit <tT ;fimr 504 .0 98 fiRit <tT ;fimr _ 7
(I) Rs. ('0) 3158 (2) Rs. ('0) 3758
(3) Rs. ('0) 3358 (4) Rs. ('0) 3528
98. 5% of 5% of Rs. 100 is-
100 .0 if; 5% 'liT 5%
(I) Re. ('0) 0.25
(3) Rs. ('0) 10
(2) Re. ('0) 0.50
(4) Rs. ('0) 25
99. The average age of 10 students in the class is 20 years, if a new student
is also included then the new average age of all the students increases
by I year. The age of the new student is-
10 ooif <tT 'f>1dT if 3i1mr 20 O'f >rn: \('Ii lID" q,'f M ;;mIT hI
<l'1\ ooif <tT 3i1mr I O'f "" ..m I lID" <tT
(I) 21 years (O'f)
(2) Cannot be determined
(3) 31 years (O'f)
(4) None of these (,.mi/<!i\{'lti')
t 25 ) (Tum Over)
100. 60% goods are sold at 5% loss, while rest are sold at 10% profit. If there
is a total profit ofRs. 100 then the worth of goods sold is-
60% 5% mf.r <n: if;ft 'I'M' 10% ('[N <n: if;ft "111ft I
Iii'Rf ('[N 100 lio <it if;ft 'T{ 'liT 'If'!
(I) Rs. (liO) 5000 (2) Rs. (li
) 6000
(3) Rs. (<'0) 10,000 (4) Rs.(<'o) 15,000
101. P has only 25 paise coins and 50 paise coins in her pocket. n'in all
she has 40 coins totalling Rs. 12.75, how many coins of 25 paise docs
she have?
<It 'I; qrn 25 /ffi <r<rr 50 /ffi 'I; fmf; if I 'f 40 fmf;
12.75 lio 25
(I) 26 (2) 29 (3) 30 (4) 31
102. The age of the father 5 years ago was 5 times the age of his son. At
present the father's age is 3 times that of his son, what is the present
age of his father?
5 qtf !'raT ;,fit wf.t 1'1 ;,fit i\ 'li<r :Ft ,ft I if !'raT ;,fit
wf.t 1'1 ;,fit i\ !'raT;,fit 'l'!T ?
(I) 33 years (qtf) (2) 30 years (qtf)
(3) 45 years (qtf) (4) 50 years (qtf)
103. A train 100 metres long passes a bridge at the rate of 72 km.lhr. in
25 seconds, what is the length of the bridge?
100 {('!' 3" <it 72 f<f;o>iTo/qo ;,fit %t i\ 25
if w: W 3" ;,fit 'l'!T ?
(I) 170m(>iTo) (2) 400m(>iT
(3) 600m (>iTo) (4) 1000m (mo)
104. Solve 9936 -c 92 -c 9
(1) 12 (2) 21 (3) 7 (4) 19
( 26 ) (Continued)
IOU!IOI!26 (I)
105. Select the correct answer 15 x 15 x 15 ?
(I) 4545 (2) 3545 (3) 3375 (4) 3030
106. Krishna has some hens and some cows. If the total number of animal
heads are 59 and the total number of feets are 190, how many cows
Krishna have?
'f"'IT if; _ ::!" Wf'!i a>IT ::!" 'Tl'f I B'lt if; fW ofit 59
a>IT ofit I 90 <it 'f"'IT if; _ 'Tl'f ?
(I) 36 (2) 32 (3) 23 (4) 46
107. Vanita bought a watch with 24% discount on the selling price. If the watch
cost her Rs. 779, what is the original selling price of the watch?
'Ifurr 't ll.'I' <m 'If'! 'R 24% 3!'l6R 'R I <m ofit oIi\mr '* 779
\,0 <m "" '@' 'If'! I
(l) Rs. (\,0) 1000
(3) Rs. (\'0) 1040
(2) Rs. (\,0) 950
(4) Rs. (\,0) 1025
108. The cost of 3 chairs and 10 tables is Rs. 9856. What is the cost of 6
chairs and 20 tables?
3 10 9856 6 20
(I) Rs. (\,0) 17227 (2) Rs. (\'0) 18712
(3) Rs. (\,0) 19172 (4) Rs. (\,0) 20312
109. The annual depreciation of a motor car is Rs. 2000. Using straight line
depreciation method. The scrap value of the car at the end of 5 years
is Rs. 1000. What is the original cost of the car?
;,m ofit >m1 WI q?fu "" 3'!'Wr on>: ll.'I' <im 'fiR 'R 2000 \,0 'ITiif<!;
;,m "< 141Gld itm I 5 q,f if; iiIT<: 'fiR "" 'If'! 1000 \,0 I '!K ofit '@'
<;W]d' 'f<IT ?
(I) Rs. (\,0) 10,000 (2) Rs. (\,0) 5,000
(3) Rs. (\,0) 11 ,000 (4) Rs. (\,0) 12,000
( 27 ) (TllmOIW)
110. The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as percent equals to-
5 : 4 'lit lffima" if .wn- "fT1( <it i;f(l"OR iFrr-
(I) 125% (2) 80% (3) 40% (4) 60%
111. At a certain rate of simple interest, a certain sum doubles itself in 10
years. It will treble itself in-
l('I> m-<ffilJT "'!p;f " 'R, l('I> uftT I 0 q,f if m it "ffift I
q,f if m it "ITI!,'i\-
(I) I 5 years (q,f)
(3) 25 years (q,f)
(2) 20 years (q,f)
(4) 30 years (q,f)
112. The dillerenee of two numbers is 623. If greater number be 932. then
the other number is-
<it "" 3MR 623 I 932 <it
(1)299 (2)309 (3)311 (4)329
113. Whieh one of the following numbers is divisible by II ?
f.j",jf'l;cl if\'\ qij;r m II i! <lit "iT
(I) 1242523 (2) 1254523 (3) 1524523 (4) 1542523
114. A man gave 50% of his sum of money to his son and 30% to his daughter,
50% of the remaining to a trust, still he has Rs. 5,000 with him. Find
his total sum.
l('I> 01Ifu; 'f 3Nft ufu "" 50% 3l'f.t 3' 'lit cl'1IT 30% 3Nft 3'fi 'lit Rit,
liN ufu "" 50% l('I> '{R 'lit Rit, "IT<; 3Bif; _ 5.000 <' I ufu

(l) Rs. (<'0) 30,000
(3) Rs. (<'0) 50.000
(2) Rs. (<'0) 35,000
(4) Rs. (<'0) 55,000
( 28 ) t Continueil)
115. Two amollnts have ratio of 7: 5. If the first one of worth Rs. 42, the
other one will be-
ufu>i\ 'fiT 3l:J'lTif 7: 5 I l!R: 'IOffi urn 'fiT '!?l" 4 2 aT urn 'fiT '!?l"
(I) 30 (2) 40 (3) 75 (4) 60
116. A person spends 80% of his monthly salary. If his savings is Rs. 5,000,
what is his monthly salary?
Q!I> "'lfu; aN.t mii'r<I; if<H 'fiT 80% llI'f WIT I l!R: :ro<Iit iif<I<f 5,000 0
aT 3WliT mii'r<I; if<H 'flIT ?
(I) Rs. ('0) 30,000
(3) Rs. ('0) 22,000
(2) Rs. ('0) 25,000
(4) Rs. ('0) 20,000
117. The cost price of 6 chairs is equal to selling price of 4 tables. What is
the percentage of profit?
6 <lit 4 IWlit '!?l" 'Rl'R I <'IN 'fiT 'flIT !lfuTa ?
(I) 100% (2) 75% (3) 50% (4) 25%
118. Find the value of-

(3)2+ (5)2
(I) 40 (2) 45
119. Find the value of
7.5 x 1.5
(3) SO (4) 55
(I) 3.50 (2) 2.50 (3) 2.25 (4) 2.00
120. What should come in place of the question mark ( ?) in the following
R"1ii'!;d i'[ m ( ? ) f'ffi 'R 'flIT
5 10 20 40 (?) 160
(I) 80 (2) 100 (3) 120
( 29 )
(4) 320
(Tum O.er)
(English Language)
[For the Candidates Opting for English Language 1
Instructions : for Q. 121130
Please read the passage given below carefully and then answer the
questions based on it. Do notgo beyond the passage to answer questions :
In a remarkably succinct, ten-page article published in 1979, Paul
Krugman proposed a new trade model that changed the way economists
view the international exchange of goods. At the heart of the model lay
two concepts that reflected the general twentieth century trend towards
having more: the increased production of goods, leading to economics of
scale, and increased diversity of products, leading to greater choice for
consumers. Krugman's model better retlected the new pattern ofinternatio-
nal trade that had developed in a world where less certainly wasn '( morc.
His model sought to explain the situation in which countries that are similar
benetit by producing and trading in similar goods. Thus, cars arc manufac-
tured in France, Germany and Italy, with each country benefiting from the
economies of scale delivered by mass production, and the citizens of each
country benefiting from the increased choice that arises from having a global
motor industry. Previous trade models had emphasized the importance of
the differences between countries, with international trade being based on
the production of different materials in each country to fulfil unmet needs
in others. Krugman's development of a rigorous framework for describing
the real world situation formed the basis for an explosion of subsequent
analysis. The 1979 paper in the lournal of International Economics
( 30 (Gml!;weJ)
also sowed the seeds of an analysis of the forces driving increased
urbanization. In his core-periphery modeJ, which he developed properly
in a 1991 publication, Krugman describes the opposing pressures that act
on populations: those that serve to pull them into the core (urban) centres
and those that work to push them out into the peripheral (agricultural) areas.
For example, one such factor is the cost of transport, and the generally
decreasing transport costs seen in the twentieth century have served to pull
production, and populations, into urban centres. Once again. Krugman's
formulation of a robust model provided the apparatus that allowed a
thorough exploration of the factors driving the global distribution of
production facilities, and of the urbanization that is such a prevalent
feature of the modern world.
Paul Krugman won the 2008 Nobel Prize for Economics.
121. What did Krugmann do in his 1979 article?
(I) he proposed a new kind of economics
(2) he proposed a new trade model
(3) he proposed a new system of exchange
(4) he proposed a new international economics
122. What was the general twentieth century trend?
( 1) havlng less
(J) havlIlg enough
(2) having more
(4) having diversity
123. What did Krugmann's model seek to explain?
(I) countries that arc similar benefit by producing and trading in similar
goods countries benefit by trading in different goods
(2) ditlerent countries should trade only in diffen.:nt goods
(3) ditlerent countries trading in similar goods would be losers
(4) None
( 31 ) (Tum Over)
124. What did the previous trade model emphasize?
(I) importance of differences between countries
(2) similarities between different countries
(3) different cultures of different countries
(4) different products of different countries
125. What did Krugmann's rigorous frame-work describe?
(I) the real situation of different models
(2) the real world situation in trade
(3) the real condition of the motor car indl!stry
(4) the real difference between countries
126. What happened once Krugmann's model became popular?
(I) it increased the production of different materials
(2) it became the basis of several subsequent analysis
(3) citizens of different countries went into production
(4) economics of scale delivered by mass production
127. What did the 1979 paper say about urbanization?
(1) that it had decreased
(3) that it had stood still
(2) that it had increased
(4) that it was useless
128. What were the core and periphery areas according to Krugmann ?
(I) urban and agriculture (2) urban and lactory
(3) urban and mass production( 4) rural and agricultural
129. Why did the population shift to the urban centers?
( I) because agriculture prospered
(2) because the cost of transport decreased
(3) because urban areas were more luxurious
(4) because it was cheaper to live in the urban areas
( J2 ) I Cumill,
130. What did Krugmann predict in advance for the global economy?
(1) global prosperity
(2) global economic crisis
(3) global rise in production
(4) rise in consumption during the r i ~ i s
131. Identify the phrasal verb:
If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to
drop by the house.
(1) next month
(3) please try
132. Identify the phrasal verb:
(2) drop by
(4) by the house
The speech was so boring that several people III the audience
nodded off before it was finished.
II) so boring
(3) nodded otf
J 33. Identify the phrasal verb:
(2) several people
(4) it was finished
My plane will arrive around 5: 00 PM. I should he able to check
into the hotel by 6: 00 or 6: 30.
( I) arrive around
(3) check into
134. Identify the phrasal verb:
(2) be able
(4) hotel by
Bill had never used a computer until he took this class, but he caught
on very quickly and is now onc of the best students.
(I) never used
(3) caughton
(2) he took this
14) best students
( 33 I (Tum Q'rrj
135. Identify the phrasal verb:
Jack and his girlfriend were very angry with each other, but last
night they finally made up.
(l) his girlfriend
(3) last night
(2) very angry
(4) madeup
136. Identify the word that is not a synonym: donate
(l) bequeath (2) bestow (3) dole
137. Identity the odd word:
(l) hideous (2) repulsive (3) ugly
138. Identify the phrasal verb:
(4) grab
(4) ravishing
Yes, I know we disagree on lots of things, Susan, but we can iron
them out.
(l) lots of things
(3) we can Iron
139. Identity the phrasal verb:
(2) we disagree
(4) iron them out
I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we eat out?
(l) too tired
(3) eat out
140. Identify the phrasal verb:
(2) eook tonight
(4) why don't
The boss was very upset when you didn't show up for the meeting.
(l) very upset (2) show up
(3) for the meeting (4) boss was very
34 ) (ColI/illued)
141. Identify the phrasal verb:
Was something wrong with Jill? She took off without s>Lying
(I) was something
(3) took otI
142. Identity the phrasal verb:
(2) something wrong
(4) without saying goodbye
I really should wash the dishes, but I don't fccllike it. May be I'll
get around to them tomorrow morning.
(I) wash the dishes
(3) get around to
143. Identify the correct sentence:
(2) feel like
(4) may be
( I) Life is rainbow which also includes black.
(2) Life is a rainbow which also includes black.
(3) Life is a rainbow which also include black.
(4) Life is a rainbow what also includes black.
144. Identify the corrcct'scntencc:
(1) The crueIest lies arc often told silence.
(2) The cruelest lies arc often told in silence.
(3) The cruclcstlics often told in silence.
{4} The cruelest lies are often told of silence.
145. Identify the correct sentence:
(I) If you file your wastepaper basket for fifty years you have public
( ] ~ ) t Tum O\N)
lOU!lOl/26 (1)
(2) If you file your wastepaper basket for fifty years you have a public
(3) If you tile your wastepaper basket tltiy years you have a public
(4) If you file wastepaper basket for fifty years you have a public
146. Identify the correct sentence:
(I) Who ever should lie usefully should lies seldom.
(2) Who ever should lie usefully should lie seldom.
(3) Who ewr should lies usefully should lie seldom.
(4) Who ever should a lie usefully should lie seldom.
147. Identify the correct sentence:
(1) A man who has not passed through the inferno his passions has
never over come it.
(2) A man who not passed through inferno of his passions has never
over come them.
(3) A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has
never over come them.
(4) A man who has not passed through inferno his passions have never
over come them.
Fill in the blanks:
148. The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his
--fall: freedom and slavery arc mental states. l'v1ahatma Gandhi
(1) letters (2) gutters (3) garters (4) fetters
( JI'i J (Continued 1
IOU/I01l26 (1)
149. It is often better ~ in chains than to be free. FanzKalka
(l) to sec (2) to be (3) to do (4) no be
150. Liberty is precious-so precious that ~ be rationed. V I Lenin
(1) in must
(3) fOfmust
(2) it must
(4) of must
( 37 ) {Tum Over)

(Hindi Language)
[For the Candidates Opting for Hindi Language 1
[ 'Il'IT -t <m'\ if; 1
15 1. fm" <liT <"ffi 'ltf %
(1) Q;'"''l;ft
(2) miIm (3)
152. 3lWK 'lit 'f ;m;U <illt 'lit 'f q;[I! ,
<;rn "'" IJ1( ". if; <;R!T UI! II

(2) (3)
(1) lJR'Ii fm" ( 2 ) lnf (3) 3lQti\
1 54. 'litffiT '!iI'TG <liT ffim, If 'litffiT <liT , '

(1) Q;iift;IB
i\m 'i\\ ;iRit 'f "" mfu II'
-it fi'mii; <rn rr{ >It ?
(1) '!llIi
(2) tl",B'I<;Ild
(2) i\fl<01,l(o':J1T
( 4) 'Il"ffi
I 38 )
( 4) (J"IIJ'l1IT
(4) q;mft
156. 3l1!"ffi'! if; w.r :;tffiFI; ;r ?
(I) Ull ( 2 ) f.r1ur ii!l;I (3) 'f"'T (4) fuq
157. m. ,", I '!ifu 'f#
(1) ",.,i""!Il!TG (2] <R"FiG (3) <i<r ( 4 ) f.'mffi"
158. qf,m h'l1G'!i 'lIT 'lfl!
(I) 'J"lR'f-
(3) \riR(= (4) 'lfIl'R m
159. 'lIT '10m 34'4'11
(I) (2) Wl
(3) """,id, (4) ao 'lIT <llO
160. 'lIT 34'4 'iii
(I)(1iR" (2) f.nfuT
(3) "',.,"''''' (4) Ii' ""iii'
(1) !Il!TG (2) (3) (4) ww.r
(I) (2) ( 3) 'h"'!R'!> (4) 'll'!T-M
quf '!\T' it f<i;;p,,,,if 'lIT 4N ?
(I) (2) +'! (3) (4)
164. <fit
(1)"( (2)
(3) "
(4) OJ:
( 39 ) (Tum Ol'crj
'!j<l: 'lIT ""'"
(I) '1ft (2) ,tR (3) '!fu: (4) '1ft
'!j<l: 'lIT ""'"
(I)!!W (2) Wlf (3) (4)
(I) (2)
(3) (4) 3'f+
168. 'f.\$!' 'lIT '!j<l: \ffir -
(I) f.t: + if;[ (2) fu{ + if;[
(3) if;[ (4) if;[
''I'tm<r' if@1ffi 'lIT
(I) (2)
(3) [[ (4)
':fj",.,,,,,,,' if 'lIT o;q
(I) (2) (3) [[ (4)
(I) <Ill (2) (3) (4)
L72. 'ITG<:1" 'lIT
(I) 'R (2) (3) (4) :fRG
173. ''l'"' 'lIT
(I) 'lW (2) lffi" (3) (4) 0RI1<:1
( 40 ) ( COlltiJlUe
174. ''ill<' 'liT 'iTOG t-
(l) m-.r (2) troOI'1 (3) 'IF!! (4) lR'f'[
175. 'o.r o.r tiR!' 'liT wf
( 1) 'I:'Il,.-R- WRl (2 ) 'IG'I1'! tiR!
(3) "'" ;$I li!Tffi tiR!
(4) w.rtiR!
176. u;rr UII' it fonl! <lit
(2) (3) (4)
177. .w: 'iTOG 'liT
(1) (2)
(3) .. "",,4\ (4)
178. Consumer 'liT '1fi[.lt<lt
(1) !l'i'Imr (2) a4<ilm' ( 3 ) d'l'itmr (4)
179. ilI>il"o, 'iTOG 'liT

(2) ;rr(t (3) f<mR'! (4) tir.rr
180. It<lt li; fonl! >m'f 'lit II\!IT >m'f' <n6I '1'IT ?
(1) "1,1<\",,<'1
( 2 ) ,., fit; "" <'1
( 41 ) 8--16,000
('" it "'"' ,..".,. "" "'" '"' -"" it <ir.if "",..., ;f/Fft - '1U1'It E17M - r:cn-ic it.r If ;It fmiI)
1. !PH flff.r it 10 flm: i'fi tt <if fi'fi !PH"" it lI'fi 31'tt <m !PH wzr ;r,ff
t qJit "IH "" 'fifd-mtW1i cit !PH"" '"
!lTlf "" <if t
2. 'fIt&,,,,q.( i( fA .. , .., $ giffl-q;r it JTfiIfIm. 'IT m<r <m ,.ft 'WI' .. !'nnwr it , RTii t
3. _ -"" 3'I'T If "'" PI',,;iT 11'1# 3iIr " ifr 0#1 'IJ1f' :m I
q;r ifr 'I!"';'n. fi1;w ,
4. 3l'HT "'!iihlliq; i/WT q;r f6'riq; Jl2T11 JmW7r-'[lf '" it.r ir f.mffur <"IF! "" fu@t
5. it Jl2T11 '[If '" it.r ir :nq-;rr OI:J'h,liq; f.mfmr,."" '" fiinfi i/WT;fIit mt oft",.,.
'"' ffl .,.r-.,.r "',4'1Qq; it em f{f'r-SMq;, o;r f6'riq; i/WT flo q;r 'fTW :ffircr FNI'if '" fiinfi ,
6. 3i\ "-"0 _0 "" "" "'iiM j .. !PH " k (1lR <m ;it) "'" ""
3i'l"'lfj .. "0 31'tt 3i\0 "-"0 _0 "" '" !If<rfum i'i "f(M"" '" ;r,ff t
7. .Rim", i( <m,.ft 'fifd-mtW1i IDU JI'!1filt<r;ir.rr 3'P1'IT "" """ WR q;r
!I'Wr 'IHT ,
8. !PH i( !PH i'fi 'W .. 3W w-r 'ltt JTritq;- f{f'r it Jq;fiiilq; it fFrit JTT<T<it
-q;r i/ft Iifil; it ""* mt ,,-it '!'if oft it Jl2T11 '[If '" mt ,,-it f.tfflf it
3qmf it.r ir ",.,- '""" ,
9 . i'fi 3W i'fi fui) ,..., """ tt cit 'lTi1J <it t """ it 31flrq; Tii cit 'lTi1J """ <R 3N'IT """
cit ""I?f '18 <R "" 3W 'RIO 'IHT t
1 0 . "'"" II'" '"' p.nifr iJW 3ifi1;rr '1<Mr :m "fT "'"'" f I 1lR O!l'f flI;llt !PH q;r
"'"" f. <it <ifu; i'fi mlf.r 'ltt lI'fi Tii cit &FIt t Qj't ffit <R '!E'l
1 1 "" m i'fi fui) '" - i'fi i'fi 'ffi11 "'" :;ifulr &FIt 'f!! q;r !I'Wr <it t
12. 'fIt1\fT i'fi 3<RRI f{f'r-SMq;, l?'I' 'fIt1\fT "'" i\ """ "" t
I 3. 'fIt1\fT Bl!11! ;iH it m'r 'fIt1\fT "'" it O!W: "IH '" ;r,ff tWf\ ,
I 4. <If;( 'Iitt :m<!>ff if m.ro '"' !>lim amrr t <it "" flo flo", aru f.tmfur s
>lIT! <#it ""j\ ;WIT ! Mt ,

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