Ithaca College Math Day Competition MARCH 31, 2008
Ithaca College Math Day Competition MARCH 31, 2008
Ithaca College Math Day Competition MARCH 31, 2008
1/. 1 number is chosen at random #rom =1,!,3,>,1((?. "hat-s the probabilit' that the
integer chosen is a multiple o# ! but not a multiple o# 3%
12. &wo #err' boats start at the same instant #rom opposite sides o# a river, traveling
across the water on routes at right angles to the shores. @ach travels at a constant speed,
but one is #aster than the other. &he' pass at a point 2!( 'ards #rom the nearest shore.
Aoth boats remain at the docks #or e$actl' 1( minutes be#ore starting back. 0n return
trips the' meet *(( 'ards #rom the other shore. )ow wide is the river%
1760 #ards
1,. 1 semicircle o# diameter 1 sits at the top o# a semicircle o# diameter ! as shown.
8etermine the area o# the shaded region B the area inside the smaller which
lies outside o# the larger
!* *