Cebex FCC422 For Grouting
Cebex FCC422 For Grouting
Cebex FCC422 For Grouting
constructive solutions
Cebex FCC422 is used as a cementitious grout additive
where a low water/cement raio and a medium expansion is
Applications include bed grouting, non-shrink infilling and
jointing, joint filling between pre-cast concrete units, grouting
of voids in structural members, grouting of pipe joint and
normal repair work where shrinkage must be avoided.
Non-shrink properly ensures retention of original volume.
Easy flow facilitates ease of placement.
Reduced water/cement ratio ensures low permeability
and long term performance in service.
High compressive strength in the range of 40N/mm2 after
28 days, when using good OPC.
Facilitates the production of a cohesive grout.
Application instructions
5kg of Cebex FCC422 to be added for each bag of ordinary
portland cement (50kg) at water cement ratio of between 0.40
and 0.44. The additive is compatible to all types of Ordinary
Portland Cement but not to high alumina cement.
The following are typical values obtained with Cebex FCC422
added as described and with the cubes cured under restraint.
Size of the cube moulds used was 70.6mm x70.6mm
Cement (OPC) : Sand ( Zone 3 ) = 50kg : 50 kg
Water Cement ratio : 0.42
Cebex FCC422 : 5 kg or 10% by weight of cement.
Technical Support
Fosroc offers a comprehesive range of high performance,
high quality concrete repair and construction products. In
addition, Fosroc offers technical support service to specifiers,
end-users and contractors, as well as on-site technical
assistance in locations all over the country.
Specification clauses
Compressive Strength
in N/mm2
Always mix cement and fine sand (zone 3) in the ratio of 1:1
by wt. Fresh OPC should be used for best results.
For best results we recommend mechanical mixing. A free
fall concrete mixer can be used for large volume mixing (50kg
cement and above). For smaller volume, a drilling machine
fitted with a paddle can be used.
If hand mixing becomes inevitable, a large fabricated tray can
be used for mixing to prevent debris contaminating the grout
and to avoid loss of grout flowing out of control.
To ensure uniform dispersion of the additive, cement, sand,
Cebex FCC422 should be mixed thoroughly in dry condition
and then with precisely measured quantity of water. Water to
cement ratio can be 0.4 to 0.44, depending on the type of
cement, sand and workability required.
Cebex FCC422
Cebex FCC422
(b)Cement, sand should be added to the mixer. Then Cebex
FCC422 should be added slowly and mixed for 5 minutes
after all the additive is added.
Cebex FCC422 is supplied in 5 kg bags.
Shelf life
6 months if kept in a dry store in its original packing.
Hand Mixing
Thorough mixing of cement, sand and Cebex FCC422 in dry
condition must be done prior to the addition of water.
Surfaces to come in contact with the grout should be cleaned
free from dust, debris, oil and other foreign material.
Additional information
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of products specially
designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged
reinforced concrete. This includes repair mortars, fluid microconcretes, chemical resistant epoxy mortars in addition to
comprehensive package of protective coatings. In addition,
a wide range of complementary products are available. This
includes joint sealants, waterproofing membranes, grouts
and anchors and specialised flooring materials.Separate
datasheets are available on these products.
On completion of grouting operation, exposed areas which
are not to be cut back should be thoroughly cured by means
of water ponding or wet hessian for minimum of 15 days.
Our membrane curing compound, Concure WB ( see
separate datasheet for details ) can also be used effectively.
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject
to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst
Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification or information it may
give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where
or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation
or information given by it.
++91 80-22240018/120
++91 80-22233474
Regional Offices
208/209, Persepolis
Sector 17, Vashi
Navi Mumbai 400 703
Ph:022-2789 6412/14
Fax: 022 - 2789 6413