Course Outline - 2004: FREN2020 Intermediate French B
Course Outline - 2004: FREN2020 Intermediate French B
Course Outline - 2004: FREN2020 Intermediate French B
Dr Jeanne Rolin-Ianziti
Times of classes, rooms and groups
You can chose to enroll in one of the two following groups:
Group A:
Mon 10-12
Thu 10-12
Group B:
Tu 6-8 p.m.
Th 6-8 p.m.
General organization of the course: For the first two hours of the week, we will work
with the textbook Reflets 1; during the two last hours of the week we will work with
other documents (hand-outs to work on pronunciation; the videotape: Le Calendrier
des Franais).
II. Objectives
The main objective of the course is to develop oral skills (listening and speaking)
through activities developed out of Reflets 1 (for the first two hours of the week) and
based on other documents (in particular the videotape Le Calendrier des Franais).
You may expect to do some reading as a springboard to oral activities. But this is not
the main purpose of the course. If you wish to do more reading and writing, you
should enroll in the companion subject FREN2310 (Reading and Writing in French).
At the end of the course, students may expect to have achieved some ability to cope
with most everyday conversations in a French context, as well as to have developed
the very basic skills needed to understand and report information in French.
III. Content
The content of the course includes items discussed and practiced in the episodes 17,
18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Reflets 1. The main items are:
Talking about the past (review of past tenses: pass compos and imparfait)
Time expressions (depuis combien de temps/ a fait combien de temps?)
Making comparisons (comparatives, superlatives)
Saying what you are going to do or what you will do (future tense)
Brief introduction to the subjunctive (if we have time)
Most of the speaking activities will be based on documents with a strong cultural
content. The main theme of our speaking will be le calendrier des Franais or the
main monthly events recurring in French peoples lives and talked about in the media,
such as Christmas and le tour de France.
The videotapes and audiocassettes are available for consultation in the High Use
section at the Social Sciences and Humanities library
The audio material is available on computers in self access in the Arts Learning
Center; if you have the appropriate equipment, you can get the material on your
home computer;
Audio material lending service: The service will be continued this semester under
the following rules: 1) please go to the counter of the School office (Gordon
Greenwood 320, third level) for a CD or a Tape including the pisodes of Reflets
1 covered this semester (17 to 22); the person in charge of the lending service is
Carmen McNaught; 2) the loan is only for this semester; so please make sure you
bring the tape/CD back at the end of the semester; 3) Students who did not return
cassettes last semester, will NOT be allowed to borrow FREN 2020 materials
before the FREN2010 cassette is returned,
3. To prepare for oral activities, you will have to watch the videotape Le calendrier
des Franais, available for self access in the Arts Learning Centre. Listening
exercises based on the video will be distributed in class.
4. For independent extra work to practice written forms
Capelle, Guy et Nolle Gidon, Reflets 1, Cahier dexercices, Hachette 1999.
The key to the exercises is available from Jeanne on request.
5. For autonomous work, the following texts are recommended and are available at
the bookshop: (some are the same as in FH 2010)
Bescherelle: Les conjugaisons (the English version)
Grgoire, M et Thivenaz, O. Grammaire Progressive du Franais, CLE
International, 1995. The Corrigs of the exercises are also available.
Collins-Robert French Concise Dictionary, French-English, English-French (in case
you really need an English-French, French-English dictionary).
Hawkins, Roger and Richard Towell, French Grammar and Usage, Second edition,
Oxford University Press, 2001. (Jeanne is investigating the usefulness of this
grammar book in English. The book is not yet in the bookstore).
VI. Assessment
1. Attendance, preparation and participation in 5 oral activities 25%
based on the videotape Le Calendrier des Franais
(5% x 5 activities;2% for attendance/participation, 3% for preparation)
2. Test (listening, grammar)
based on Reflets 1pisodes and activities carried out in class (such as the ones based
on the video Le calendrier des Franais
3. Two oral interviews IN WEEKS 3 and 13
(interview 1 = 20%; interview 2 = 30%
Jeanne will ask you questions on Reflets 1 story and on information discussed in class
during the speaking activities (especially the ones based on Le calendrier des Franais
and other written documents distributed in class)
Note: you will have to prepare listening exercises based on Le Calendrier in the Arts
Learning Centre. Those exercises count for 25% of the final grade (see under n. 2).
However, doing the exercises will help you answering questions on the oral interview
and on the listening test.
VII. Cut off points
We will use the following cut off lines to convert marks into final grades:
100 to 88:
87 to 75:
74 to 65:
64 to 54:
53 to 43
below 42
Homework for week 12:. Prepare oral activity based on Le Calendrier des Franais:
NOVEMBRE, DECEMBRE (exercises will be distributed in class)
Week 12(18/10)1. Introduce Episode 22
2. Discuss prepared oral activity based on Le Calendrier des Franais:
Homework for week 13: listen back with the audio cassette to Episode 22, prepare
exercises p 184, 2 and 4 and p 187, 3; review all Episodes (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22) for
oral exam
Week 13 (25/10)1. Work on Episode 22 with vocabulary list and grammar exercises
pp 185-186
2. Oral Interview 2 (second session of the week)
Examination period: Test (listening and grammar) (50 minutes long; base on
Starting 8/11
17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 and Le calendrier des Franais)