Engineering Modeling Unconventional Emergency Artificial Society
Engineering Modeling Unconventional Emergency Artificial Society
Engineering Modeling Unconventional Emergency Artificial Society
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Lots of engineering modeling methods have been designed to investigate and analyze complex systems, such as artificial life,
cellular automata and artificial society. Artificial society is a bottom-up modeling method which is a new paradigm of simulating
human society from bottom up. A great amount of work has used the artificial society method. However, how to engineering
modeling artificial society with unconventional emergency is still worth to research. In this paper, we take into account the
particularity of unconventional emergency management to research artificial society modeling with the viewpoint of software
engineering. Then, we propose an unconventional emergency management-oriented artificial society model, including agent
model, environment agent model and emergency model. Furthermore, agents in the artificial society adopt the self-adaptive
approach binding mechanism, including role binding and emergency model binding. Then, the proposed model is illustrated by
an example of H1N1.
1. Introduce
As the rapid development of transportation, telecommunications and other industries have brought many benefits
to people's lives and social development, dissemination of information has became faster, interactions among people
have became more and more frequent, interactive areas are becoming more and more widely, and so forth. At the
beginning of this paper, let us look at a set of data about China:
In China, the total length of transportation was about 1.245 million km in 1980, and in 2006 approximately
reached 5.8187 million km, that increased 2.44-fold. Especially, in recent years China high-speed railway is
developing rapidly. Currently, high-speed railway operation mileage of China is longest in the world, and the
speed of China high-speed railway is also fastest in the world;
At the same time, the quantity of mobile phone users of China is more than 900 million, and China has become
the country with the largest mobile phone users in the world.
It also has brought some bad aspects: the speed and the scale of emergencies spreading in the society are
increasing, the frequency of occurrence of emergencies is also rising, and the local conventional emergencies may
evolve into large-scale unconventional emergencies. For example, H1N1 was outbreak in Mexico in 2009.
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Moreover, it continued to spread around the world, and eventually led to global impact.
Unconventional emergency is an emergency that has not adequate precursor, with significant features of the
complexity, potential hazards of secondary derivatives and the devastating, and is difficult to be dealt with the
conventional management approaches [1]. And unconventional emergency is the challenge and priority of the
current research of emergency management. In order to study the evolution and development of unconventional
emergencies in the society, researchers usually use some new methods, such as artificial life, cellular automata,
artificial society and so on [2]. In this paper, we focus on artificial society. The idea of artificial society method
proceeds as follow: firstly, through establishing the individual reality model (agent) in the society, agents must run
to comply with some rules in the system; Then, emergencies bring effect on the artificial society, and we observe the
emergence of agents behavior and properties in macro-scale to study the evolution of emergencies and the
appropriate emergency management. Therefore, the large-scale (tens of millions of agents) artificial society
modeling is one of the key technology in the domain of emergency management.
Artificial society establishes the complex virtual society which is similar to the complex real society with multiagents technology. In the recent, there are some multi-agent modeling and simulation platforms, including
Swarm(Santa Fe Institute), Repast(North and Macal), MASON(GMU) and Anylogic(XJTechnology) [8][9]which
are used for building large-scale multi-agent systems. Besides agents model, artificial society should establish the
social relations model. However, Swarm and MASON cant specify the social network of agents, and the model of
Repast and Anylogic is java model (so the work efficiency is limited). We make use of the idea of Model Drive
Architecture (MDA), and establish the artificial society model (agents, environment agents, social relations and so
forth) by graphical approach. Then, use the toolkit to transform the artificial society model to simulation model.
Lastly, experimenters deploy simulation models on the computing servers to experiment. For this, we propose an
artificial society model to build the artificial societies. In this paper, we introduce some knowledge of emergency
management and artificial society. And we aim at studying artificial society engineering modeling. Then, we
propose the artificial society model, including the formation of model elements, binding mechanisms and so forth.
2. Introduction of emergency management and artificial society
In order to solve the problem of complex social systems and the complexity of urban transport system, in 2004
[3]firstly proposed the social computing approach which consist of artificial societies for modeling, Computations
experiments for analysis, Computations experiments for analysis and Parallel execution for control, referred as ACP.
It is a new idea to solve issues of complex systems engineering modeling, analysis, calculation, control and
management, mainly including three steps. Firstly, establish the corresponding virtual complex system with the
method of artificial society engineering modeling. Then, design the computational experiments plan on the basis of
artificial society model with the method of computational experiments. Lastly, synchronously deduce the virtual
system and the physical system of the complex system, complementing each other, and manage the macro-scale
behaviours between them. Estimate the status of the evolution of the virtual system to adjust management
mechanisms and control methods in actual system. Thus, the study of artificial society engineering modeling is very
necessary, as its the foundation of the ACP method.
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other areas with dense population. So we can see the event is an unconventional emergency, with the characteristics
of suddenness, no foreboding, complexity and affecting widely.
3. Artificial society model
Artificial society model needs to establish the agent population, and needs some statistics to describe the
population agent as a whole, so we need a statistical model. We can use groups to characterize the social relations
and collective psychology of agents. To support multi-resolution model and simulation, we need environment agent
models. At the same time, in order to describe the emergencies, we need emergency models. Thus, artificial society
model of unconventional emergencies management-oriented contains Agent model, environment agent model and
emergency model, shown in Fig2. Compared to the general Multi-Agent System (MAS), the number of Agent in this
model is enormous (city-scale artificial society). Therefore, agents behaviour and rules need to be as simple as
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Execution process defines the specific content of the action. Execution results show the state of agent after execution
or the state of other elements to be changed. Agent description is the description of the behavior, which can be
described in natural language or other forms.
3.1.3 Role set
Role set defines the categories of roles in the artificial society. Role ID is the identity to distinguish each role.
Role name is the name of the role which specifies the occupation or function of an agent. A set of attributes will be
used to describe the properties of the different roles. For example, for the student role, there may be properties
named colleges, departments, grades and so forth. However, for a teacher role, there may be properties named
college, department, subject and so on. Roles can also be divided in different granularities based on the need of
simulation. For example, according to different grades, the student role can be divided into freshman role,
sophomore student role and so on. All these will be considered while modeling. Schedule defines a regular trip of
the role, which shows the possible actions of the role in each time period. In a period of time, a role may own
multiple choices of actions.
3.1.4 Group model
There are many differences between artificial society and the general Multi-Agent system (MAS), and one of
them is that in the artificial society agents own their social relations. Group model is used to describe a kind of
social relations between different agents, such as the dormitory relations, etc. Member table of the group describes
the group members. When the group composition relates to roles such as the relationship between teachers and
students, the model need to give out the related roles and the scale of the related roles. When the group composition
does not relate to roles such as friendship, the model will only give out the member size or scale. As the description
of the structure and organization of social relations of agents in the artificial society, the group will have the
frequency of activities, and in the group agents will have collective activities schedule together. And the activities
schedule will be described with time and activities. Interaction between agents will exist in the group. However, not
all of agents will interact with other agents in the group, and not every minute all agents will take part in the group.
Thus, the size or scale of the members to participate the group interaction is given by the scale of the interaction.
When taking part in group, the interaction probability is used to describe the possibility of agent interaction. For
some special groups, such as unconventional emergency committee, some group decision will be made for the
development of the emergency situation, thus affecting the development of the emergency in the artificial society.
At the same time, to describe the artificial society group psychology, such as the group psychology in public safety
incident, the group psychology could be specified by the group's action sequences, which will show the behavior of
the group. For example, in Xinjiang "7.5" incident, insurgents constituted a group to the produce violence
psychology through discussions, thus effecting on the society stability.
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The stochastic interaction model is used to describe the interaction between agents which happens outside the
groups. This interaction may be contact with the space and events, such as the spread of virus, or the interaction
between the two agents with social connection in some space. These interactions are stochastic, so we use the
probability of the stochastic interaction to describe the possibility of the interaction between agents.
3.2. Environment agent model
Environment agent model is mainly to describe some environment entity, such as classroom and library. The
environment agent model has its own function and actions, such as that it can either calculate the density of
population, or provide resource to the agent. The environment agent model is a necessary part of the artificial
society. Environment agent has a geographical scope, described by the height and the environment agent boundary
point set about longitude and latitude. The environment agent's resources is limited, therefore the environment agent
has a upper limit of population. Environment agent has his own activities, such as the library opens from 8:00am to
10:00pm. There is a affiliation between environment agents. For example, a didactical building has 50 classrooms,
classrooms belong to the didactical building, and didactical building contains an environment agent set (50
classrooms). With the dynamic evolution of the artificial society, agents activities are also dynamically changing in
the environment, and the environment agent records all active agents in the current environment with the population
agents set. So the environment agent can easily calculate the population density, spread of the disease, etc. Driving
by the unconventional emergency, environment agents will have some emergence behavior in the artificial society.
For example, calculation emergence, population emergence (agents may gather in the environment agent), etc.
3.3. Emergency model
Facing the artificial society model of the unconventional emergency management, emergency model is an
important component of artificial society model. Emergency will affect different agents behaviour, so different
emergencies will produce different behaviour. We use the emergency action set to describe the actions triggered by
the emergency, such as the H1N1 virus model can cause the action"self-test temperature". In artificial society, for
different roles the emergency effect is different. Emergencies mainly affect the agents activities schedule: hang
agents role activity schedule and make the emergency activities schedule as the agent activities schedule.
Emergencies conducing to changes of activities schedule is taking into account different roles, and the impact is
likely to be the same, so we use the role set to record these kinds of roles(with the same impact).
3.4. Self-adaptive mechanism binding mechanism
Agents need some self-adaptive methods and mechanisms. We use the self-adaptive mechanism - binding
mechanism in artificial model, including role binding [7] and emergency model binding mechanism. Role binding is
mainly used to simplify the functions, and agents behavior, properties and activities schedule related to roles should
be located in roles. If an agent plays a role, it will obtain all the properties, behavior and activities schedule of the
role at the same time. And agents can exit or enter a role to adapt to environmental change by dynamic role binding.
Emergency binding is mainly in response to emergencies, similar to the role binding, and agents will obtain
properties, actions and activities schedule of the emergency model. Then, the activities schedule of roles played by
the agent will be suspended to adapt to the impact of emergencies.
3.4.1 Role binding mechanism
Role is an abstract representation of agents behavior and function. Role binding mechanism is that give the role
to the agent and the agent has the properties, behavior and activities schedule of the role, etc. In artificial society, we
could bind multiple roles to an agent. And according to the simulation needs, one or more roles can be dynamically
bound to an agent. With the advance of a continuous evolution, the agent will enter one or more new roles and go
out of some roles. For example, after graduation some students will exit form the student role and may enter into the
teacher role.
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4. Case Study
Unconventional emergencies - H1N1 outbreak mentioned in section 2.3, we focus on a university campus to
establish its artificial society model. Firstly, give the statistical model of agent model, including the total population:
10,000 people, male and female sex ratio: 1:1, and the proportion of roles is shown in Table 1 and the age
distribution is shown in Table 2.
Table1. The proportion of roles
Service personnel
Medical personnel
Security guard
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Then, give roles set in artificial society, including student, teacher, service personnel, medical personnel and
security guard. We take the student role as an example to describe the student role. The student roles properties set
is including college, department, class, dormitory and son on, where its activities schedule can be shown in Table
Table3. Activities schedule of the student role
Time slice
Actions (%)
Action set includes Dinner, Exercise, Work and so forth. The probability of stochastic interaction is 0.05. For
artificial society of the campus, there are many groups, such as friends group, student union group and dormitory
group, etc. For example, student union group contains group constraints (participants must be students and the
university has only one student group), group composition (200 people scale), frequency of weekly activities, and
activities schedule (every Monday evening from seven to nine), interaction probability of 0.7, and Action sequences
can express the collective psychology student group.
Then, establish environmental agent model, and we take classroom-A as an example. Location_ID of A
classroom is defined as 007, and its subordinate environment agent ID is 001 (Teaching Building B). Its
geographical range is expressed as {0, 4, {(121.12223, 27.13124), , (121.12225, 27.13128}} (height 1, height 2,
and a boundary points set of its latitude and longitude). Define carrying maximum as 200 people. And classroom A
is able to record the dynamic agents in the environment, and to calculate the population density of the environment
and the spread probability of disease, etc.
Finally, establish the emergency modelH1N1 model, and emergency ID is 001. Actions set of emergency
contains Self-test temperature, Medical care, Self-Isolation and so on. The response of different roles for H1N1 is
different. For example, if students and doctors are infected with the H1N1, their activities schedule will be different.
Students may continue their activities, and doctors may be self-isolation. In addition, give the additional properties
of H1N1. After affected by H1N1, agent should dynamically load these properties, including immunity, vaccination
conditions, symptoms, duration of symptoms, diagnostic methods used, the spread probability and so forth.
As a result, we have established an artificial society model. When an agent is infected with H1N1, the agent
should bind H1N1 model and suspend the activities schedule of the role played by the agent to make the activities
schedule of H1N1 model work. So agents obtain self-adaptive capacity.
5. Related work
Currently, successful international similar project is the BioWar project of United States [10] [11] [12]. BioWar
is a scalable city-scale simulation platform, and it could simultaneously simulate the impact of unknown infectious
diseases, natural disasters and bio-terrorist attacks (more events) to urban population. Biowar establishes the
artificial society through the establishment of agent population model, agent activities model, environment model
and disease model. For Biowar, there is no concept of the role, and the social relations are specified by relationship
set of the agent. Meanwhile, in Biowar the environment is just the time, weather and climate, and holiday cycle (not
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including environmental entities, such as the classroom). Paper [13] used multi-agent technology to study the
Epidemic News Spread Characteristics without the concept of roles. So agent's behaviour will not be different of
roles. Paper [14] used multi-agent to study dynamics of contagious disease spread, and mainly studied disease
spread model. For agent model in the artificial society, there is no concept of roles. Therefore, agents response to
disease has no difference. Meanwhile, there are no environment entities (without multi-resolution model), and
agents are given only the GIS where agents locate.
This proposed artificial society model gives a more complete artificial society model, including the agent model,
emergency model and environment agent model. Furthermore, we use the concept of roles that the different roles
response to emergencies is different. In a sense environmental agent model and agent model is isomorphic. So it can
support multi-resolution model and simulation. At the same time, we use the concept of group to describe social
relations between agents in the artificial society and the group psychology.
6. Conclusion and future work
In recent years, as the contact between international societies becomes increasingly close, the impact of
emergencies has become increasingly widespread. Lots of countries are studying on the emergency management,
using the method or idea of artificial society to model and simulate. In this paper, we take into account
unconventional emergency management to research artificial society engineering modeling, giving a general model
of artificial society, including agent model, environment agent model and emergency model to support multiresolution model, and we propose agents self-adaptive mechanism - binding mechanism. And the model could
describe unconventional emergency management -oriented artificial society completely. The next work contains: (1)
Abstract the artificial society model and propose the artificial society meta-model for unconventional emergency
management. (2) At the same time, study the artificial society modeling language and model mechanism. (3) With
the idea of MDA, research the automatic transforming method from artificial society model to simulation model and
develop the toolkit. (4) Propose a development methodology of artificial society for the unconventional emergency
management. (5) Lastly, use artificial society model, methodology, modeling language and toolkit for the
engineering of artificial society (tens of millions of agents) in case of emergencies such as H1N1, SARS and public
safety emergency.
7. Copyright
All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement before the article can be published. This transfer
agreement enables Elsevier to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the authors'
proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article,
including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature and
translations. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for
which copyright exists.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from National Nature and Science Foundation of
China under Grant Nos. 9102403, and 61070034, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University.
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