GSI Questions Arranged As Per Topics

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Following are the questions taken from Geologists Examination from years

2000 to 2008 that have been assembled under seperate topic for ones convenience.
(Agniwesh Kumar, ONGC)

General Geology
Short Questions:
1. Island Arc. Evolution of primary island arc.
Pratts theory of isostacy, Plate boundary type, P & S Wave


2. Plate tectonic features. Theory, relation with young fold orogeny.

Geosyncline in orogeny, Seismic belts of the earth, continental & oceanic crusts (2001)
3. Continental crust tectonic features. Continental drift. Palaeomagnetism,
Seismic studies in knowing earth interior, Gravity & magnetic anomalies at MOR


4.Seismic belt of earth relation with plate. Meteorite.

Epeirogeny.Tectonic features of continental crust.


5. Continental drift. Geologic & geophysical evidence.

Orogeny belts controlling factors, deep sea trenches, isostasy
6. Himalayan tectonics, MOR, Mantle plume, Transform fault.
7. Isostasy, Moho disc.,Obduction, Pangea



Long & Short Questions:
1. Parameters used in morphotectonic analysis. Sattelite imageries, fossil water. Stalactite.(2000)
2.Geomorphological & geological features of extra-peninsular & peninsular India.(2001)
Hortons method of numbering stream order, Refraction seismic fan shooting for locating buried channel,
Geomorphic cycle & its significance. (2001)
3. Role of Geomorphology in env. Studies. Methods for stabilizing hill slopes to control landslides.
Determing ht of an object on an aerial photograph using relief displacement. GIS. Indian remote sensing
satellites. (2002)
4. Role of geomorphology in engineering construction & mineral exploration. Fluvial tract
geomorphology, use of topographic map, principle of aerial photography. (2003)

5. Slope is the lowest common denominator of which landscapes are made of. Evualuate. Show various
slope forms and discuss mechanism of slope formation. (2005)
Geologic uses of aerial photograph. R.S in landform & landuse mapping. Active & passive factors of rock
weathering. (2005)
6. Types of dunes & its origin. Photogrammetry. Digital image processing. Indian Space Missions. (2006)
7. What is delta? How they form? E.g of different type of delta. Stalactite & stalagmite, Terrain
evaluation, Infrared imagery. (2007).

Short questions:
1. Paleogene rocks in India. Explain any one. Tephrochronology, Gneissic complex of Rajasthan,
Marine paleozoic sequence confined to Himalayas. (2000)
2. Marine transgression. Permian transgression. Sequence stratigraphy, Unfossiliferous strata correlation,
KT boundary. (2001)
3. Tertiary stratigraphy of Rajasthan, Kutch, Pondicherry. Lower & upper age limit of Gondwana
Supergroup, Vindhyan Supergroup of area, Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. (2002)
4. Igneous activity episodes in India in space & time. Siwalik basins, Deccan Volcanics & equivalent, PT formation of India. (2003)
5. Facies concept in stratigraphy. Discuss in light of Cretaceous system. Cuddapah Supergroup, Lilang
system of Spiti, Radioisotopic application in measuring time. (2005)
6. Vindhyan Supergroups & significance. Closepet granite, banded gneissic complex, Structural
subduction of Paleozoic. (2006)
7. Jurassic succession in Kutch. Lameta bed, transgression & regression, Umaria Marine Bed.(2007)
8. Eparchean unconformity, Pleistocene glaciations, magnetostratigraphy, Principles of Radon dating
using Rb-Sr isotope. (2008)

Short questions:
1. Precambrian time life in India. Microevolution, Suture line in lamellibranchia, nummulite (2000)
2. Role of fossils in under Organic evolution, blind eye in trilobite, foraminifera in oil exploration, sivalik
vertebrate fauna. (2002)
3.Evolutionary trend of cephalopods. Siwaliks vertebrate fauna, time range of mollusks, lower gondwana,
flora. (2003)
4. Brachiopod morphology, coiling in gastropods, migration & evolution of equidae, Upper Gondwana
fossil remain. (2004)

5.Evolution & short essay on natural selection. Hard part morphology of Brachiopods, fossilization, age
of graptilite. (2006)
6.Evolution of elephant. Coral reef, goniatic suture, radiolarian. (2007)
7. Evolution of horses during Tertiary (30),
Dentition of mammals, foraminifera for exploration. Stromalites (3*10) (2008)

Structural Geology
Short questions:
1.Structural analysis. How will u carry out geometric analysis on macroscopic scale in a multiple folded
area? Types of strain ellipses & characteristics, Stage of deformation & stress-strain curve. (2000)
2.Fold vergence & fold facing? Explain how vergence of mesoscopic fold is useful in interrupting
direction of movement of fold nappe & orientation of thrust plane. ( 2001)
Significance of principal strain axes in slaty cleavage. Macroscopic analysis of mesoscopic planar fabric
data. (2001)
3. Causes & mechanism of faulting. Genetic classification of fault. (2002)
Foliation & lineation as observed in geological bodies. Time relationship between crystallization &
deformation. (2002)
4. Analysis of superposed folded region. Salt dome & its utilization. Wrench fault, decollement. (2003)
5. Mechanism of folding, Significance of angular unconformity, Criteria of identifying fault.(2005)
6. Geometric classification of fault-reverse, thrust, overthrust. Fold axes, mylonite, nappe. (2006)
7. Overthrust with diagram. Explain klippe & fenester. Antiformal syncline. Pitch & plunge of lineation.
Pi diagram.( 2007)

1.Geochemical cycle. (2002)
2. Principles & application of Geochemical prospecting in mineral exploration.
3.Define entropy & discuss its role in understanding reversible & irreversible reactions.(2001)
4.Law of thermodynamics & its applications in crystal chemistry. (2000)
5.Requirements & implements necessary in organising a geochemical exploration programme? What is
the outcome of a chemical exploration study? (2005)
6. Decide various stage of geochemical evolution of atmosphere & biosphere. Draw sketches.(2006)

7. What is geochemistry? Discuss composition of planets & meteorites. Highlight differences &
similairities in any.(2007)
Short Questions:
Geochemical field techniques. Fraunhofers line. Primary & secondary constituents of biosphere. Primary
process. (2002)
Significance & Composition of meteorites. Geochemical character of hydrosphere. Role of isotopic
systems in time related problem. (2003)
Geochemical association of elements. Usefulness of REE in petrogenic studies. Concentration of minor
elements in biogenic deposits. Isotope as petrogenic indicators. Chemical composition of mineralogy of
upper mantle. (2001)
Trace elements in granites & basalts. Geochemical evolution of biosphere.
Geochemical classification of elements. (2000)
Structure of earth. Members of solar system. Trace elements. Composition of meteorites. Composition of
earths core. ( 2005)
Composition of meteorites. Geochemical provenance discrimination diagrams. Geochemical field
techniques. Chemical composition of upper mantle. Geological use of radiogenic & stable isotopic data. (
Earth in relation to solar system. Geochemical prospecting. Geochemical cycle.(2007)

Metamorphic petrology
1. Dio-Ab-An system crystallization path & petrogenesis.(2000)
2. Igneous origin of granites versus granitisation, especially in light of experimental study on origin of
felsic magma & crystallization in system Qtz-Ortho-Ab.(2001)
3.Mineralogical & textural changes that occur in argillaceous rocks when subjected to progressive
regional metamorphism. Give Indian e.g.(2003)
4.What are different forms, textures & structures of ultrasonic igneous rocks ?(2005)
5. Crystallization condition of graphic granite. Difference between I & S type granite. (2008)
6. Discuss experimental study on origin of felsic magma under crystallization in system Qtz-Ortho-Ab.
Migmatite. ACF diagrams. Carbonatite. Metamorphism in relation to plate tectonics. Eclogites.(2006)
7. Discuss forms, textures & structures of basaltic rocks.(2007)
Eclogite. Carbonatite. Metamorphic agent. Alkaline rock. Sericitisation, granitization, fenitization.
Andesite line. Steinman trinity. Di-Ab-An crystallization. Palimpset textures.( 2007)
Short Questions:
Palimpset texture, metamorphism in relation to plate tectonics. Tectonic env. in terms of magma genesis.
Structure of metamorphic rocks. Petrogenesis of anorthosite. (2000)

Charnockite problem, Crystallisation & significance of Dio-An-Ab. Metamorphic differentiation. (2001)

Andesite line. Carbonatites. Fenitisation. Eclogites. Steinman trinity. (2003)
Metamorphic agents. Regional metamorphism. Alkaline rocks. Sericitisation. Granitisation. (2005)
AFM diagram. Gibb phase rule. Find variance of ky-silli assemblage in suitable system. Two chemical
reactions for thermometer & geobarometry in a metapelite having garnet+ biotite+ silli+ plagioclase+
quartz. (2008)
Petrology of anorthosite. Regional metamorphism. Structure of metamorphic rocks. Metasomatism.
Magmatic differentation. (2007)
Thin sections of 3 basaltic rocks show
(A)Phenocrysts of Ca rich plagioclase in Di matrix.
(B) Phenocrysts of Di rich in Ca rich plagioclase matrix.
(C) Coexisting phenocryst of both Ca rich plagioclase & Di.
On basis of phase diagram in Di-An system, describe initial melt composition & Temperature along with
crystallization behavior of above rocks. (2008)

1. Amphiboles.
2. Tectosilicates & members of feldspar.
3. Nesosilicates. Notes on Olivine. (2002)
4. Phyllosilicates- features of mica & chlorite. (2003)
5. Structural classification of silicates.(2005)
6.Tectosilicates. Main characteristics of various feldspars formed during progressive crystallization of
basaltic magma.(2006)
7. Crystalllisation pattern in 3 component system Di-An-Ab & its significance in understanding evolution
of rocks. (2007)
Short Questions :
Interfacial angle measurement of crystal. Origin of gliding twins. Birefringence. Dispersion. Optical &
chemical properties of olivine. (2000)
Pseudomorphism in minerals. Polymorphism of SiO2. Absorbtion & pleiochroism in minerals. Twin laws
of crystals. Piezoelectricity. (2001)
Inclusion on crystal. Optical sign of minerals.. Stereographic projection. Crystal system axes. Common
tetragonal form. (2002)
Imperfections in crystals. Exsolution. Tetragonal system. U stage, its parts & principles. Measurement &
significance of extinction angle. (2003)

Biaxial minerals.Rock forming minerals. Monoclinic system. Twinning of crystal. Sulphide minerals.
Birefringence. Twin laws of crystal. Crystal imperfection. Minerals of carbonate group. Piezoelectricity.
Nesosilicate. Sulphide group of minerals.Crystallographic system & extinction angle. Twinned crystals.
Pleiochroism of coloured minerals. ( 2007)

Short Questions :
1. Carbon sediments. Paleocurrent analysis. Hydraulics of channel flows. Mechanical analysis of
sediments. Sequence Stratigraphy (2000)
2. Texture of a terrigenous clastic rock is largely a reflection of depositional processes. Expand the
above statement to give grain size scale for sedimentary rocks.
Classification of common sandstone. Deltaic env. Origin of marine phosphorite. Mechanical analysis of
sediments. Goldich sequence of relative stability of minerals in weathering. (2001)
3. Account of sedimentary processes & associated structures.
O-conglomerates. Flysch facies. Sequence Stratigraphy. Tillites. Volcanoclastic sediments. (2002)
4. Application of heavy mineral study in determining provenance of rocks.
Sequence Stratigraphy. Turbidite sequence. Mineralogic maturity of sediments. Cyclic sediments.
Diagenesis of carbonates. (2003)
5.Role of grain size in sedimentary formations for delineating the nature of provenance.
Sedimentary facies. Biogenic sedimentary structures. Cementing materials. Cyclic sediments. Framework
matrix. (2005)
6. Interprete sedimentary env. of a depositional basin through facies models.
Log normal distribution of grainsize. Paleocurrent analysis. CCD. Origin of greywacke. Sequence
Stratigraphy (2006)
7. Discuss relation between tectonics & sedimentation with Indian e.g.
Provenance of sediments. Methods of measuring grain size. Primary sedimentary structures. Deltaic env.
fabric analysis of pebbles. (2007)

Economic Geology
1. Mineralization of I & S type of granitoid rocks with e.g. (2001)
2. Controls of mineralization. Magma related mineralization through geological time. (2003)

3. Magma concentration. Differentiate segregation & injection. (2002)

4. Hydrothermal mineral deposits, its physiochemical env.
Differentiate replacement & cavity filling. (2005)
5.Magma related mineralization globally correlated with geologic time. (2000)
6. What are the phase present in fluid inclusions in ore minerals assemblages?What are the changes
occurring in fluid inclusions? Tell about data generated in FI study. (2006)
7. Geology & mineralization of Karnataka Greenstone Belt & economic importance of minerals.(2007)
Short questions:
1. Submarine volcanism & related mineralization.(2003, 07)
Geological significance of fluid inclusion.(2001, 07)
2. Diagram of porphyry Cu deposite model, major stages & processes involoved.
Cause of ore deposition from hydrothermal solution. BIF & many ore occur together in some sedimentary
sequences, but found in separate stati. Horizons. Causes?
Chromites associated with UM rocks, but reverse is always not true. Causes with eg. Of reverse.
Fastest & slowest ore formimg process. (2006) 30 marks
3. Late magmatic deposits. Fisssure vein deposits. Metamorphosed mineral deposits. Geologocal
thermometry. Mineralization associated with submarine volcanism. (2003, 07)
4. Stratiform & stratabound ore deposits. Metamorphic & metamorphosed mineral deposits. Fluid
inclusion studies in ore deposits. Mineralization associated with komatiites & peridodites. Mineralization
caused by submarine volcanism. (2003, 07)
5. Skarn deposits. Asbestos formation through metamorphic agencies. Ores associated with ophiolite belt.
Mode of occurrence of ilmenite & magnetite in anorthosite. Stratiform ore body. (2002)
6. Porphyry type base metal deposits. (2000, 05). Exo & Endo skarn & related mineralization. Placer
deposits of Tin & gold. Nickeliferous deposits. Effects of metamorphism on ore deposits.(2000)
7. Porphyry deposits.(2000, 05) FI studies. (2001, 07, 05) Deposits formed by metamorphism.
Stratabound ore deposits. Mineralization associated with mafic rocks. ---- (2005)

Environmental Geology (Env)

1. Give effects of opencast & underground mining on environment with Indian e.g.
GW contamination by nitrates from formed areas. Metallic toxicants. Potable water with pollutants. Slope
control & stabilization methods. Fly ash deposite. (2000)
2. Why are dams constructed across a river valley? Discuss merits & demerits of any of the following:

Bhakra Nangal Dam, Nagayan Sagar Dam, Srisailam Dam.

Type of natural hazards. Toxic substance in urban env. Causes & remedy of landslides. (2001)
3. Give natural hazards with case studies.
Env. legislation of Indian Govt. Soil conservation methods. Incidence endemic fluorosis in India &
correlation to FI bearing minerals & rocks. Defluoridation. (2002)
4. Flood hazard w.r.t. causes & their control management. Give role of El-Nino & La-Nina in influencing
monsoon in India.
Env. impact of urbanization. Arsenic problem of GW in W.Bengal. Causes of soil degradation & remedial
measures. (2003)
5. Natural hazards. What do you suggest for prevention & precautionary measures to be taken in tackling
those hazards? (2005)
Soil degradation. Land subsidence. GW contaminants. (2005)
6.Short & long term measures to mitigate flood hazards. What is the role of El-Nino & La-Nina in
influencing monsoon in India?
Env. impact assessment due to urbanization source of arsenic in GW of Bengal delta plains. Earthquack
predictions. Industrial & radioactive waste disposal. Salinity of Oceans. (2006)
7. Earthquack are potential natural hazards. Why? Can they be prevented? Discuss various precautions to
minimize them. (2007)
Landslide as natural hazard. Impact of urbanization on env. Application of fertilizers in light of env.
Excess of withdrawal of GW & its impact on env. Disposal & storage of radioactive waste from nuclear
power plants. (2007)

Coal Geology
1. Industrial application in determining coal quality. (2000)
2. Assam oilfield.
3.Coal formation, mode of occurrence of Gondwana coal & Tertiary coal in India. Microscopic
constituent of coal. (2002)
4. Radioactive minerals. Mode of occurrence & distribution. (2003)
5.Stratigraphy, source & reservoir rocks of Gujarat & Bombay High Oil & Gas field. Their Economic
6. Coking & Non-coking coal with e.g. Process of coalification of Org. matter. Recent discoveries of
lignite deposits in India. (2006)
7. Tertiary coals of Tamilnadu. What is their difference with Gondwana coal ? (2007)
Short questions:

Diagenesis of organic matter. Entrapment of natural hydrocarbon. Offshore petroliferous basin in India.
Measurement of radioactivity. Nuclear waste & its disposal. (2000)
Microscopic constituent of coal. Son Mahanadi coalfields. Exploration of atomic minerals in India.
Offshore oil & gas production. Reservoir rocks in Cambay Basin. (2001)
Primary & secondary migration of petroleum. offshore Mahanadi Basin. Digboi Oilfield of Assam.
Radioactive method of mineral prospecting. Well logging techniques for petroleum expl. (2002)
Tertiary coal deposits. Bokaro coalfield. Structural traps for hydrocarbon. Offshore petroliferous east
coast of India. Instrumental techniques fot measurement of radioactivity.(2003)
Lignite deposits of India. Coalfields of MP, Assam Oilfields. Electric & radioactive well logging. Nuclear
Waste Disposal. (2003)
Migration & trapping of petroleum. Sp. Combustion of coal seam. Oil & Gas in KG basin. Maceral in
coal. Well logging techniques for petroleum expl. (2006)
Offshore & onshore petroliferous basins of india. Describe by sketches the geology & mode of
occurrence of any one of them. (2007)

Indian Ore Deposits

1. What is Indias status in strategic, critical & essential mineral production.(2000)
2.What are rare earths? Give mode of occurrence, distribution & economic position in India.(2001)
3.What are raw materials for fertilizer & ceramic industry? Give their distribution along with geology &
mode of occurrence in India. (2002)
4. Refractory minerals, their mode of occurrence, distribution & economic position in India.(2003)
5.Placer mineral deposits in India, their mode of occurrence, distribution & economic position in
6.Mn deposits in India , their mode of occurrence, distribution & economic position in India.(2006)
7.Geology & mode of occurrence of Pb-Zn of Zawar belt & of Mica belt in Bihar. (2007)
Short Questions:
1. Phosphorite deposits of India. Abrasive & minerals in glass industry. Gemstone occurrence.Refractory
minerals. Building uses in projects. (2000)
2. Bauxite deposits. Fertilizers minerals. Marine mineral resources. Asbestos & baryte of Andhra. Cement
industry & raw materials. (2001)
3. Orissa chromite deposits. Kerela beach deposits. Mineral policy of India. Indias status in production of
iron ore. Channging pattern of mineral consumption. (2002)
4. Pb-Zn deposits of Rajasthan. Mn deposits of Central India. Minerals used in fertilizer industry in India.
National Mineral Policy. Building stones of India. (2003)

5. Indias phosphorite deposits. Malanjkhand Cu deposits. Minerals used in glass & ceramic industry in
India. Mineral concession rules. Strategic minerals in India. (2005)
6. World non-metallic minerals deposits in India.
Gold deposits in Dharwarian cratons. Minor & major minerals under MMRD act. Means of minerals
conservation. (2006)

Geophysical & geochemical exploration

1. Geophysical prospecting methods for mineral exploration (2000).
2. Remote sensing for oil, gas & water residual exploration. (2001)
3. Gravity & magnetic primary corrections for such survey. Application in various mineral deposits.
4. Sampling of minerals deposits with e.g. (2003)
5. Geologic methods of surface & subsurface exploration of mineral deposits & borehole correlation.
6. Exploratory mining & its objectives. E.g. of metallic & non-metallic deposits in India where
exploratory mining has been carried. (2006)
7. Remote sensing in ore body. Satellite & aerial photogeological data for GW exploration. (2007)
Short Questions:
1. Sampling methods for gold. Remote sensing methods for mineral exploration. Geochemical anomalies
related to mineral exploration. Gossan. Biogeochemical survey techniques. Drilling techniques & drilling
muds. (2000)
2. Airborne geophysical methods. Bore hole logging. Geochemical dispersion & anomalies. Geoelectrical
& resistivity methods in water resource. (2001)
3.Channel sampling of ores. Advantages & disadvantages of diamond drilling. Geochemical mobility of
elements. Opencast mining of coal. Borehole logging. (2002)
4. Seismic methods of prospecting. Mineralogic guides for mineral exploration. Airborne methods of
prospecting. Geological investigation in exploratory mining. Geochemical dispersion. (2008)
5. Electric method. Borehole correlation. Geobotanical survey. Remote sensing methods. Borehole
sampling. (2005)
6. Geology & mode of occurrencein Raniganj coalfield. Two geophysical exploration methods for oil &
gas deposits.(2007)

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