Mala in Se and Mala Prohibita
Mala in Se and Mala Prohibita
Mala in Se and Mala Prohibita
In crimes punished under the Revised Penal Code, the moral trait of the
offender is considered. This is why liability would only arise when there is dolo or
culpa in the commission of the punishable act.
In crimes punished under special laws, the moral trait of the offender is not
considered; it is enough that the prohibited act was voluntarily done.
In crimes punished under the Revised Penal Code, good faith or lack of
criminal intent is a valid defense; unless the crime is the result of culpa
In crimes punished under special laws, good faith is not a defense
As to degree of participation
In crimes punished under the Revised Penal Code, when there is more than
one offender, the degree of participation of each in the commission of the crime is
taken into account in imposing the penalty; thus, offenders are classified as
principal, accomplice and accessory.
In crimes punished under special laws, the degree of participation of the
offenders is not considered. All who perpetrated the prohibited act are penalized to
the same extent. There is no principal or accomplice or accessory to consider.
Questions & Answers
Three hijackers accosted the pilot of an airplane. They compelled the pilot
to change destination, but before the same could be accomplished, the military
was alerted. What was the crime committed?
Grave coercion. There is no such thing as attempted hijacking. Under special
laws, the penalty is not imposed unless the act is consummated. Crimes
committed against the provisions of a special law are penalized only when the
pernicious effects, which such law seeks to prevent, arise.
A mayor awarded a concession to his daughter. She was also the highest
bidder. The award was even endorsed by the municipal council as the most
advantageous to the municipality. The losing bidder challenged the validity of the
contract, but the trial court sustained its validity.
The case goes to the
Sandiganbayan and the mayor gets convicted for violation of Republic Act No.
3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act). He appeals alleging his defenses
raised in the Sandiganbayan that he did not profit from the transaction, that the
contract was advantageous to the municipality, and that he did not act with intent
to gain. Rule.
Judgment affirmed. The contention of the mayor that he did not profit anything
from the transaction, that the contract was advantageous to the municipality, and
that he did not act with intent to gain, is not a defense. The crime involved is
malum prohibitum.
In the case of People v. Sunico, an election registrar was prosecuted for having
failed to include in the voters register the name of a certain voter. There is a
provision in the election law which proscribes any person from preventing or
disenfranchising a voter from casting his vote. In trial, the election registrar
raised as good faith as a defense. The trial court convicted him saying that good
faith is not a defense in violation of special laws. On appeal, it was held by the
Supreme Court that disenfranchising a voter from casting his vote is not wrong
because there is a provision of law declaring it as a crime, but because with or
without a law, that act is wrong. In other words, it is malum in se. Consequently,
good faith is a defense. Since the prosecution failed to prove that the accused
acted with malice, he was acquitted.
Test to determine if violation of special law is malum prohibitum or
malum in se
Analyze the violation: Is it wrong because there is a law prohibiting it or
punishing it as such? If you remove the law, will the act still be wrong?
If the wording of the law punishing the crime uses the word wilfully, then
malice must be proven. Where malice is a factor, good faith is a defense.
In violation of special law, the act constituting the crime is a prohibited act.
Therefore culpa is not a basis of liability, unless the special law punishes an
When given a problem, take note if the crime is a violation of the Revised
Penal Code or a special law.
Crimes mala in se are felonious acts committed by dolo or culpa as defined in the
Revised Penal Code. Lack of criminal intent is a valid defense, except when the
crime results from criminal negligence. On the other hand, crimes mala
prohibita are those considered wrong only because they are prohibited by
statute. They constitute violations of mere rules of convenience designed
to secure a more orderly regulation of the affairs of society.
In "mala in se", the acts constituting the crimes are inherently evil, bad
or wrong, and hence involves the moral traits of the offender; while in
"mala prohibita", the acts constituting the crimes are not inherently bad,
evil or wrong but prohibited and made punishable only for public good. And
because the moral trait of the offender is involved in "mala in se".
Modifying circumstances, the offender's extent of participation in the crime,
and the degree of accomplishment of the crime are taken into account in
imposing the penalty: these are not so in "mala prohibita" where criminal
liability arises only when the acts are consummated.
4. May an act be malum in se and be, at the same time, malum prohibitum?
Yes, an act may be malum in se and malum prohibitum at the same time. In
People v. Sunico, et aL. (CA 50 OG 5880) it was held that the omission or
failure of election inspectors and poll clerks to include a voter's name in the list
of voters is wrong per se because it disenfranchises a voter of his right
to vote. In this regard it is considered as malum in se. Since it is punished under
a special law (Sec. 101 and 103, Revised Election Code), it is considered malum
5. May an act be malum in se and be, at the same time, malum prohibitum?
Yes, an act may be malum in se and malum prohibitum at the same time. In
People v. Sunico, et aL. (CA 50 OG 5880) it was held that the omission or
failure of election inspectors and poll clerks to include a voter's name in the list
of voters is wrong per se because it disenfranchises a voter of his right
to vote. In this regard it is considered as malum in se. Since it is punished under
a special law (Sec. 101 and 103, Revised Election Code), it is considered malum
Mr. Carlos Gabisi, a customs guard, and Mr. Rico Yto, a private Individual,
to the office of Mr. Diether Ocuarto, a customs broker, and
criminal intent
intent to perpetrate the act
negligence, lack of foresight, lack of skill
ignorance of the law
mistake of fact
Crimes mala prohibita are: