Bioprocess Technology To Produce Bioethanol From Cassava by Co-Culture
Bioprocess Technology To Produce Bioethanol From Cassava by Co-Culture
Bioprocess Technology To Produce Bioethanol From Cassava by Co-Culture
Cassava (Manihot utilisima) is one of raw material to produce bioethanol that
contain starch and fiber. This study aimed at increasing the yield of ethanol
concentration from cassava by making bioprocess alternative through coculturing T.
viride, A. niger and S. cerevisiae. The experiments were performed in bacth system with
two alternatives production process, that is separate hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) and
simultaneous saccarification fermentation (SSF).The control process was using
enzyme hydrolisate and the addition of monoculture S. cerevisiae. Result of this
research, with coculturing T. viride, A. niger and S. cerevisiae in the fermentation
process of the enzyme hydrolisate and SSF for 4 days, ethanol concentration increased
from 5.36 ± 0.63 % (w/v) in the control to 7.41 ± 1.79 % (w/v) or an increase of
38.29 % compared to that of monoculture S. cerevisiae, while gradually addition of
coculture in the fermentation process was only able to increase the ethanol
concentration of 5.36 ± 0.63 % (w/v) in the control to 6.38 ± 0.83 % (w/v) or increasing
19.057 % compared to that of monoculture S. cerevisiae.
Considerable attention has been given to the production of ethanol from various
sugary substrates such as mollases, starchy material like corn, sweet potato, cassava and
cellulolytic materials, because of increasing demand for ethanol which is considered to
be an alternative energy source. Cassava has potential of becoming a useful energy crop.
Cassava has high carbohydrate content about 32-35 % (wb), able growth on marginal
land area and arrange harvesting time.
Casssava usually as a bioethanol material only use starch component, whereas,
cassava not only starch content but also cellulosic content that it has potential material
as a sugar sources. Most production process concerned with the conversion of starchy
materials into ethanol have three steps, liquification of starch, enzymatic
saccharification and fermentation of sugar to etanol. Utilization of comercial enzyme is
an expensive process for the production of alchohol from starchy material.
Cellulases are a group of hydrolytic enzymes capable of degrading cellulose to
the smaller glucose units. These enzymes are produced by fungi and bacteria.
Trichoderma viride is a filamentous soil fungus known to be an effective produce
cellulolytic enzyme. It produces cellulase by secreting an enzyme system capable to
degrade crystalline cellulose which consists of several cellobiohydrolases,
endoglucanases and ß-glucosidases. Aspergillus niger is able to produce glucoamylase
that it is useful to degrade starch become glucose.
Starch fraction in cassava is widely used in bioethanol produce. Most often, the
enzymatic hydrolysis of starch carried out with the enzyme α-amilase and
amiloglucosidase, whereas, the fiber fraction that contain cellulose and hemicellulose is
unable to hydrolyzed by amylolytic enzyme. Cellulose is glucose homopolymer and
hemicellulose contain heteropolymer such as glucose, galactose, arabinose and xylose
(Mohamed and Duarteb 2003).
Enzymatic hydrolysis with mono-culture S.cerevisiae was conducted in this
research and compared with separate hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous
saccharification fermentation (SSF) process with co-culture T. viride, A. niger and S.
cerevisiae. The substrate was pretreated and then subsequently hydrolyzed. More
recent applications integrated the saccharification and fermentation steps to improve
production economics. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation combined the
cellulase enzymes and fermenting microbes in one vessel. This enabled a one-step
process of sugar production and fermentation into ethanol. The disadvantage, however,
was that the cellulase enzyme and fermentation organism had to operate under the same
conditions, decreasing the sugar and ethanol yields.
The aimed of this research was to increasing the yield of ethanol concentration
from cassava by making bioprocess alternative through coculturing T. viride, A. niger
and S. cerevisiae.
Raw material
Fresh cassava was collected from Sukabumi, West Java. It was sun dried and
milled to uniform size (40 mesh). S. cerevisiae, A. niger and T. viride was collected
from microbiology laboratorium PAU IPB. Cassava flour was analysed to determine
chemical compotition before it is used to fermentation process. Analysed that is
moisture, fat, proteine, carbohydrate and crude fiber contents.
Ethanol actual
Fermentation effisiensi = x 100 %
Ethanol teoritic
So - S
Substrate effisiensi (ds/s) = x 100 %
Table 1 Condition of hydrolyze and fermentation process on SHF, SSF dan control.
Treatment Liquification Saccharification Fermentation
SSF Material α -amilase T. viride, S..cerevisiae A.niger
Concentration 1 ml/kg 1 : 1 :1 (10 % respectively)
Temperature 90 oC 28-30 oC
pH 4,8 5,0
Time 1h 96 h
SHF Material α -amilase T. viride, A.niger S.cerevisiae
Concentration 1 ml/kg 1 : 1 (10 % respectively) 10 %
Temperature 90 oC 28-30 oC 28-30 oC
pH 4,8 5,0 5,0
Time 1h 48 h 96 jam
Control Material α-amilase AMG S.cerevisiae
Concentration 1 ml/kg 1,2/kg , 10 % 10 %
Temperature 90 oC 50 oC 28-30 oC
pH 4,8 4,8 5,0
Time 1h 48 h 96 jam
Analitical methods
Total sugars was assays by the phenol-sulfuric acid method. The ph of substrate
assays by pH-meter. Ethanol concentration was analysed by gas chromatography (GC)
Ethanol production
6,00 400
Total sugar
4,00 300
2,00 100
0,00 0
0 6 12 18 24 36 48 72 96
Time (hour)
pH Total sugar
Figure 1. Pattern channge of total sugar concentration and pH during SSF process.
6,00 400
Total sugar
4,00 300
0,00 0
0 6 12 18 24 36 48 72 96
Time (hour)
pH Total sugar
Figure 2. Pattern channge of total sugar concentration and pH during SHF process.
6,00 500
Total sugar
2,00 200
0,00 0
0 6 12 18 24 36 48 72 96
Time (hour)
pH Total sugar
Figure 3. Pattern channge of total sugar concentration and pH during control process.
SSF SHF Control
Table 2 Fermentation parameters of ethanol production from cassava for each treatment
Glucose consume Substrate effisiensi Fermnetation Yield
(g/L) (%) effisiensi (%) (% v/b)
SSF 315,48 92,71 46,05 32.764
SHF 303,71 90,45 41,18 28.209
Control 349,59 92,75 30,05 20.051
* Control was used mono-culture S. cerevisiae
The maximum ethanol yield obtained at SSF process was 32.76 % (w/v),
corresponding 46.05 % of theoretical yield. The SSF process gave more ethanol than
SHF and control process. It might have been due to the substrate was converted directly
by amylolytic fungus A. niger dan cellulolytic fungus T. viride to glucose, and
simultaneously fermented by S. cerevisiae to ethanol. The result of effisiensi substrate,
fermentation and yield during production process for each treatment process represented
at Table 2. Nurdyastuti (2005) reported that the conversion of casssava starch to
ethanol was given about 16,67 % yield. Ethanol production by co-culture amylolytic
yeast and S. cerevisiae in starch substrate was produced ethanol concentration 6.0 %
(w/v), corresponding 93 % of theoritical yield. Suresh et al. (1998) was reported that
SSF can be conducted efficiently by using a co-culture of amilolytic A. niger and a non-
amylolytic sugar fermenter S. cerevisiae.
The culture T. viride, A. niger and S. cerevisiae in SSF process able to increase
ethanol concentration 38.292 %, whereas, the SHF process was only able to increase the
ethanol concentration 19.057 % compared to that of monoculture S. cerevisiae.
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