Surface Preparation and Painting
Surface Preparation and Painting
Surface Preparation and Painting
Unless otherwise specified by the Customer / Painting Manufacturer, no
surface preparation or application of top coating shall take place under
the following conditions.
Air temperature is below 10C
Surface temperature is below 5C
Surface temperature is 3C or less than the Dew Point
Relative humidity is 85% or above
Wet or Damp atmosphere
Wet Surfaces
Rain, mist or fog is present
Wind speed above 25 kmph
Atmosphere contaminated by dirt, dust, oil, product or any
Mill scale, rust, rust scale and foreign matter shall be removed
fully to ensure that a clean and dry surface is obtained. Unless
otherwise specified, surface preparation shall be done as per Customer
Specification / Approved Drawing.
The minimum acceptable standard in case of manual or hand
tool cleaning shall be St. 2 or equivalent, in case of mechanical or
power tool cleaning it shall be St. 3 or equivalent.
All other contaminates, oil, grease etc. shall be removed by use
of an aromatic solvent, prior to surface cleaning.
If painting is to be carried out during the rainy days in case of
exigency of projects schedule, it shall be carried out with prior
permission of Customer.
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3.1.5 Irrespective of the method of surface preparation, the first coat of primer
must be applied by airless spray / as recommended Intergard 251- Grey
(KGA-905) + Intergard 251 (KGA-905)on dry surface. This should be done
immediately and in any case within 4 hours of cleaning of surface.
However, at times of unfavourable weather conditions, the Customer
shall have the liberty to control the time period, at his sole discretion
and/or to insist on re-cleaning, as may be required, before primer
application is taken up. In general, during unfavourable weather
conditions, blasting and painting shall be avoided as far as practicable.
3.1.6 Surface preparation by Air Blast Cleaning with abrasives.
The surfaces shall be blast cleaned using one of the abrasives
like copper slag, Al2O3 particles at pressure of 7Kg/cm2 at a appropriate
distance and angle depending of nozzles size maintaining constant
velocity and pressure. The Quality of abrasives shall be free from
contaminants and impurities and shall meet the requirements of SSPC
(Abrasive Specification No.1 Mineral and Slag Abrasives).
Compressed air shall be free from moisture and oil. Nozzles orifice may
vary from 3/16 to . On completion of blasting operation, the blasted
surface shall be clean and free from any scale or rust and must show a
grey white metallic luster. Primer / first coat of paint shall be applied
within 4 hours of surface preparation. Blast cleaning shall not be done
outdoors in bad weather without adequate protection or when there is
dew on the metal, which is to be cleaned. Surface profile shall be
uniform to provide good key to the paint adhesion.
3.1.8 Surface Preparation by Mechanical or Power Tool Cleaning
Power tool cleaning shall be done by mechanical striking tools,
chipping hammers, grinding wheels or rotating steel wire brushes. On
completion of cleaning, the detached rust mill scale etc. Shall be
removed by clean rags and thoroughly dried with compressed air jet
before application of paint.
3.2 Coating Procedure and Application
The Paint Containers will be rolled to and fro on a level ground for a
couple of times prior to opening. If on opening any sedimentation is
observed, the contents will be rejected of further investigation to
establish the quality. All paints will be stirred up thoroughly using agitator
prior to and during the application.
Primer or first coat of paint will be applied within 4 hours of surface
preparation and as per Manufacturers recommendation.
Irrespective of the method of surface preparation, the first coat of
primer / paint will be applied by using the method as specified in
Customer specification on dry surface.
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Application of paint using air gun will not be carried out under the
following conditions.
a) When the ambient temperature is below 50 C.
b) When the ambient temperature is above 400 C.
c) During adverse weather condition of rain, fog, dust, storm and when
humidity exceeds 85%.
Primer / paint will be applied in uniform thickness.
Painting works will be done on daytime only.
The remaining paint in the open container will not be used if signs
of polarization are noticed.
DFT will be checked using calibrated Elcometer after each coat of
primer / paint as per Customer Spec.
Each Coat must be dried for the time recommended by the Paint
Manufacturer for application succeeding Coat.
3.3 Drying of coated surfaces
No coat shall be applied until the preceding coat has dried. The
material shall be considered dry for re-coating when another coat can
be applied without the development of any film irregularities such as
lifting or loss of adhesion of undercoats. Drying time of the applied
coat should not exceed maximum specified for it as a first coat; if it
exceeds the paint material has possibly deteriorated or mixing is faulty.
No paint shall be force dried under conditions which will cause
checking, wrinkling, blistering formation of pores, or detrimentally
affect the conditions of the paint.
Paint shall be protected from rain, condensation, contamination,
snow and freezing until dry to the fullest extent practicable.
Where paint has been damaged in handling and in
transportation, the repair of damaged coating of pre-erection /
fabrication and shop primer shall be done as given in Customer
4.0 Inspection, Testing and Acceptance
4.1 FQE shall check the surface preparation as per Customer Specification /
approved Drawing / FQP by using Testex Tape (or) Roughness Comparator
(or) Surface Profile Gauge before applying the Primer.
4.2 All the prepared surfaces shall be inspected and cleared by FQE as per
approved FQP before applying the Primer.
4.3 During the painting works, the surface temperature, relative air humidity,
air temperature shall be measured and recovered at least 3 times a day.
4.4 Each coat shall be examined for signs of runs, roughness, patches, sags,
pinholes etc and if such short comings occur, the coats shall be repaired
and permitted to dry before the next coat is applied.
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4.5 Field Quality Engineer shall inspect each coat for defects and check Dry
Film Thickness (DFT) to ensure compliance to the specified requirements,
before taking up application of subsequent coat.
Individual DFT measured value shall be more than 80% of the
nominal dry film thickness.
The individual DFT measured values between 80 to 100% of the
nominal DFT, are acceptable, provided the overall average (mean) is
equal to or greater than the nominal DFT.
Proper masks will be used during grit blasting and painting to prevent
inhaling of sand particles and injurious chemicals. The paint
recommended for spraying by the manufacturer only will be used for
spray painting.
5.2 During grit blasting all hose connections will be checked for adequacy
of the clamps and for proper tightness.
5.3 Use of thinners will be avoided unless it is necessary for proper
5.4 Coated pipes will be handled with belt slings only.
Surface Preparation & Painting reports shall be made by FQE and
signature of Customer shall be obtained.
Utility Services
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