The Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland
Introduction Their study has been strongly focused on ELF field actions in
the pineal gland, relating to the effects on synthesis and secretion
The tiny pineal gland, long ignored by science, is gaining rapidly of the pineal hormone melatonin, and on a broad series of
in importance for our general health, especially regarding its regulatory functions mediated by this hormone. The theory that
immunological function and its power to slow down ageing. It EMF reduces the pineal gland’s productivity of melatonin is known
sits right in the centre of our head, is roughly the size of a pea as the “Melatonin Hypothesis”.
and weighs 50 to150mg. Its shape and structure resembles a “Melatonin plays a key role in controlling the 24-hour daily biological
pinecone, which caused scientists to name it the pineal gland. The rhythm. The disturbance of the normal diurnal melatonin rhythm is
gland starts shrinking from about age 25 onwards, slowly loosing associated with altered oestrogen receptor formation in the breast, a line
its effectiveness in providing hormones to the body, but has the of experimental evidence now under study on possible links between
potential to rejuvenate the immune system if kept healthy and ELF field exposure and human breast cancer . . . further, melatonin has
functioning. general properties as a free radical scavenger, with the possibility of a
preventative stress, recognised as a basic factor in a broad spectrum
of human degenerative disorders, including coronary artery disease,
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and ageing”.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) gives us an example for Breathwork enhances the flow of Chi
pineal gland malfunction. According to several authors “Evidence
indicates that CFS is associated with, if not directly caused by, a More and more sensitive people are looking for alternative
persistent, low–level impairment of the immune system.” (D. Maisch, therapies and find meditation as well as breathing practices,
B. Rapley, R.E. Rowland, J.Podd, EMFacts consultancy web page). generally known as ‘Breathwork’, to be helpful with healing,
Proper melatonin production by the pineal gland depends on especially in the case of CFS.
its regular exposure to total darkness as light inhibits melatonin The conscious connected breath is an ancient tool of
secretion. Life in the modern urban environment is therefore a big shamanism and the meditation practices of Eastern traditions. It
contributor in stressing the pineal gland, as light pollution causes was introduced to western society in the early 70’s by the efforts
the melatonin production to decrease, which contributes to CFS. of people like Dr. Stanislav Grof and Leonnard Orr – the founders
Many people with CFS also seem to have lost the connection of Holotropic Breathwork and Rebirthing.
to their higher self, their spiritual essence. That often correlates Integrative Breath Therapy and other methods using the
with one of the most disturbing symptoms in people suffering conscious connected breath for unblocking the biological
from CFS - depression and anxiety. According to Dr. Steven Hall’s and energy body “are very effective in opening our glandular
talk at the News Night Report, 22.01.2006, 50% of mentally ill ‘consciousness system’” (David McMillin, 1991, The Treatment of
people are not treated sufficiently in the UK. Chronic Fatigue Schizophrenia).
Syndrome (CFS) resembles a variety of symptoms, including Breathwork is still only known to a very limited part of the
depression and insomnia, and can be described as ‘vibratory flu’ population and should be considered more often for general
since no virus has yet been detected causing CFS. Conventional prevention of disease and the treatment of effective disorders
medicine is helplessly confronted with more and more patients as well as a method to re-energise CFS sufferers. This breathing
seeking relief from this debilitating suffering but cannot offer an practice can be learned easily with the initial support of a
allopathic solution. Breathwork practitioner and adopted quickly to a habit that
Apart from CFS, pineal gland malfunction relates to a variety enhances general wellbeing and health as well as boosting an
of several other serious health problems like postmenopausal individual’s energy level.
osteoporosis, immune related syndromes and cancerous
proliferation in women and men. All of them related either to Aimee Lange is trained in Holotropic Breathwork as well as in
the antioxidant function of melatonin or the surge of hormones Integrative Breath Therpay. She is currently a co-trainer for the Institute
caused by the missing regulator melatonin. Many of them can only for Integrative Breath Therapy and Transformational Healing (InBreath)
be treated rudimentarily and not be cured by modern medicine. which trains future Breathwork practitioners. Aimee’s intention is to
raise public awareness for holistic health at the subtle energy level
Supporting the pineal gland’s function and to teach love for Spirit and all living through recognising Oneness.
She supports and empowers people in detecting and healing negative
The public will have to be thoroughly educated regarding the beliefs about themselves and in finding their individual life purpose.