Coxeter Quaternions and Reflections AMM 1946

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Quaternions and Reflections

Author(s): H. S. M. Coxeter
Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Mar., 1946), pp. 136-146
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 21/09/2010 01:01
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H. S. M. COXETER, University

1. Introduction.It is just a hundred years since Cayley began to use quaternions for the discussion of rotations. He was followed by Boole, Donkin,
Clifford,Buchheim,Klein, Hurwitz, Hathaway, Stringham,and Study. Apparently none of these men thoughtof consideringfirstthe simpler operation of
and deducing a rotation as the product of two reflections.This proreflection
cedure will be described in ??3 and 5, and its consequences developed in the
later sections.
Every quaterniona =ao+a1i+aZj+a3k determinesa point P. = (ao, a,, a2, a3)
in euclidean 4-space, and a hyperplaneaoxo+a1xl+a2x2+a3x3 =0. The reflection
in that hyperplaneis found to be the transformationx---axa/Na. This leads
easily to the classical expression
x - axb

(Na = Nb = 1)

forthe generaldisplacementpreservingthe origin.Cayley obtained this elegant

expressionby "brute force"as early as 1855. It became somewhat more natural
in the hands of Klein and Hurwitz, fortyyears later. The treatmentin ?7 will
possibly serve to clarifyit still further.
We begin with a fewalgebraic lemmas, mostlydue to Hamilton.
2. Elementary propertiesof quaternions. A quaternionis a hyper-complex
number a =ao+a1i+a2j+a3k,
where ao, al, a2, a3 are real numbers ("scalars"),
and multiplicationis definedby the rules





which implyjk = =i-kj, ki=j =-ik, ij=k =-Ji. Thus quaternions forman
associative but non-commutativealgebra.
It is often convenient to split a quaternion into its "scalar" and "vector"


a = Sa + Va,


Va = ari + a2j + a3k.


We definealso the cozjugatequaterniont

d = Sa-






and the norm

Na = da


a 2+




* This paperis an amplification

of an invitedaddressdeliveredat the annualmeetingof the
ofAmericain Chicagoon November24, 1945.
vol. 1, London,1899,pp. 177,193.By hisspecial
t W. R. Hamilton,ElementsofQuaternions,
p. 186,Sxy meansS(xy), not (Sx)y; similarlyforVxyand Nxy.
to Hamilton'sKa.
t Klein'ssymbola seemspreferable




Va= 2(a-a).
In termsof a and d, we have Sa=2(a+d),
=f, etc.,we easily verifythat
and i=-k
Since = -1-I

whence Nab =aab = baab = b(Na)b = NaNb. If Na = 1, we call a a unit quaternion. To every non-vanishingquaterniona therecorrespondsa unit quaternion*


A quaternionp is said to be pure if Sp=O. Then P= -p and p2 -Np. Thus a

pure unit quaternion is a square root of -1.
The point P. = (X1, X2, X3) in ordinaryspace may be representedby the pure
quaternionx =x1i+x2j+x3k. This representationresemblesthe Argand diagram
in the plane, in that the distance PXP, is given by pxpP2 = N(y -x). Since







XI j+





we see that -Sxy and Vxy are the ordinary 'scalar product" and 'vector
product" of the two vectorsPoPe,and PoP11.If x and y are pure unit quaternions,
then Px and P, lie on the unit sphere around the origin Po, and we have
Z PxPoPv=O, where
=+ yx).
Thus the condition forP. and P, to lie in perpendiculardirectionsfromPo is
xy + yx = 0.
LEMMA 2.1.

ay =yy.

a we can find a unit quaterniony such that

For any quaternion

Proof.Take any pure quaternionp forwhichPoP, is perpendicularto PoPva.t

(Va)p + p(Va) = 0.
But since the scalar Sa commuteswith p,


By addition,

- p=



The desired unit quaternion is y = Up.

* Hamilton,op. cit.,p. 137.
t If an explicitformulais desired,we may writep = V(Va)q, whereq is any purequaternion
(otherthanthe scalarmultiplesof Va). In fact,if p=Vaj, wherea=Va, then2p=ag-qa, and
2(ap + pa) = a(a - qa) + (aq - ga)a = a2q - qa2 = 0,
couldhave beenavoided.
a2 beingscalar.Thus ourappeal to geometry





LEMMA 2.2. Let a and b be twoquaternionshavingthesame normand thesame

scalar part.* Then we can finda unit quaterniony such thatay =yb.

Proof. If b = d, this is covered by Lemma 2.1; so let us assume b#ad. Since

Sa=Sb, we have
a-7b = b-a,

)b = a(b -)b,
Nb) = (ab


Thus ac-cb, where c=ab-Nb=ab-Na=a(b-a).

take y = Uc.

Since bzA, c0;

so we can

LEMMA 2.3. Any quaternionis expressibleas a power of a pure quaternion.f

Proof.Since Npt = (Np) t, it will be sufficientto prove this fora unit quaternion, a. Since (Sa)2 - (Va)2 = Na =1, such a quaternion may be expressed as

cos a + p sin a,

where cos a= Sa and p is a pure unit quaternion. Since Va = p sin a, we have

p = UVa. Since p2 -1, de Moivre's Theorem shows that
an = cos na + p sin na
forany real numbern. In particular,awr2a =p, so a =p2ot/'. Thus



UVa and cos 'tr = Sa (so that we may suppose 0? t<2).

3. Reflectionsand rotationsin three dimensions. We have seen that P. and

P,, lie in perpendiculardirections from the origin PO if the pure quaternions
x and y satisfythe relation
xy + yx = 0.
If Ny = 1, so that y2 -1, this condition may be expressed as
x = yxy.

Since yxy= yy = -yxy, yxy is pure for any position of P,. Thus the linear
x-->yxy(where Ny = 1) representsa collineationwhich leaves invariant every point P. in the plane throughPo perpendicularto PoPV,i.e., the
ylXl +

Y2X2 +

y3X3 =


Moreover, it reversesthe vector POP,,:

y -+y3=


* Two such quaternions satisfythe same "rank equation" x2- 2mx+n = 0, where m = Sa = Sb

and n= Na = Nb. For a generaldiscussionof the equationay= yb,see ArthurCayley,On the

quaternionequationqQ-Qq'=0, Messengerof Mathematics,
vol. 14, 1885,pp. 108-112.
t Hamilton,p. 399.




in the plane of
But the only collineationhaving these propertiesis the reflection
invariant points. Hence


bythetrans3.1. The reflection

in theplaneEY,yx=O is represented
(Ny = 1).

x -yxy

The product of two such reflections,x-*yxyand x--zxz (with Ny = Nz =1),

is the transformation



Accordingly,this is a rotation,in the plane PoP11Pz, through twice the angle

P,PoP2. In other words, it is a rotation throughq5about the line PoPvv,zwhere
Cos 2q =

- Syz.

By Lemma 2.1, any unit quaternion a may be expressed as -zy, where

ay =yd=z. (Here z, like y, is a pure unit quaternion; for,
Since =-yz,


= O,

and Nz = NaNy = 1.)

this shows that the transformation

x --+



is a rotation throughq$about PoPva, where cos 5= Sa.

In the notation of the proofof Lemma 2.3, we have a =cos ao+p sin a, where
PoPp is the unit vector along the axis of rotation,and a = + 24. The sign is a
matter of convention. Taking the plus, we find that the rotation through 'w
about the x3-axisPOPktransformsPi into Pi:
1 + k 1-k


(i + j)(1-k)

(The opposite convention would have given i- >-j.)

We sum up in

3.2.* The rotationthroughq5 about the line with directioncosines

is represented
by thetransformation
x->axd, where

(Pl, P2, p3)

cos 21 +

(pli + p2j + p3k) sin 2q.

is anotherrotation,
Since the product of two rotations,x-*axd and x--*bxb,
viz., x->baxba, we can immediatelydeduce
THEOREM 3.3. All therotationsaboutlines through
theoriginin ordinaryspace
to thegroup of all unit quaternions.
forma group,homomorphic

Since the rotation throughq is indistinguishablefromthe rotation through

q+27r about the same axis, there are two quaternions, ?a, for each rotation.
* ArthurCayley,On certainresultsrelatingto quaterniohs,PhilosophicalMagazine (3),
ibid.,vol. 33, 1848,p. 279.W. F. Donkin,
vol. 26, 1845,p. 142.GeorgeBoole,Noteson quaternions,
On thegeometrical
theoryofrotation,ibid. (4), vol. 1, 1851,p. 189,




Alternatively,we may say that the group of rotations is isomorphicto the

group of all "homogeneousquaternions," in accordance with the formula

x - ax4/Na, or x -+ axa-1.
(A homogeneous quaternion is the class of all scalar multiples of an ordinary
quaternion.) To make this an isomorphismrather than an anti-isomorphism,
we must agree to multiplygroup elements fromrightto left.
Combiningx->axd with the inversionx- -x, we obtain the transformation
x --axCa


of angle 4 or as a rotatorywhich may be regardedeitheras a rotatory-inversion

of angle +ir.
4. The general displacement. Two orthogonal trihedraat the same origin
can be broughtinto coincidence by the successive application of the following
reflections:one to interchangethe two xl-axes, another to interchangethe two
x2-axes(withoutdisturbingthe xi-axis), and a third (if necessary) to reversethe
x3-axis.Thus the general orthogonaltransformationin three dimensionsis the
product of at most three reflections-an even or odd number according as the
transformationpreservesor reversessense. In particular,any displacement(or
"movement") leaving the originfixedmust be the productof only two reflections
t.e.,a rotation.(This is a famousresult,due to Euler.) Thus the group considered
in Theorem 3.3 is the group of all such displacements, and is a subgroup of
index 2 in the group of all orthogonaltransformations.The latter contains also
x-->-axJ, which are products of three reflections.
the rotatory-reflections
Similarly in four dimensions, the general orthogonal transformation(i.e.,
with a fixedorigin) is a productof at most fourrefleccongruenttransformation
tions (in hyperplanes).Thus the general displacement (leaving the originfixed)
is the product of two or fourreflections.But the product of two reflectionsis a
rotation (about the common plane of the two hyperplanes,throughtwice the
angle between them). Hence a displacement is either a single rotation or the
product of two rotations about distinct planes.. If any point besides the origin
is invariant, the displacement can only be a single rotation; for it operates
essentially in the 3-space perpendicularto the line of invariant points. In the
general case of a double rotation,where only the originis fixed,it is well known
(though far fromobvious) that the axial planes of the two rotations may be
chosen to be completelyorthogonal.This wa's firstproved by Goursat in 1889.
We shall obtain a new proofin ?9.
5. Reflections and rotations in four dimensions. A point P. in euclidean
4-space has fourCartesian coordinates (xO,Xl, X2, X3)which may be interpreted*
as the constituentsof a quaternion
X = Xo + X1i + x2j + x3k.
* A. S. Hathaway,Quaternions
as numbers
MathematicalSociety,vol. 4, 1897,pp. 54-57.




The distance PXPVis given by

= N(Y-X).
+ (Y1-X1)
+ (Y2 - X2) + (Y3-X3)
If x and y are unit quaternions, then P. and P, lie on the unit hypersphere
around the originPo, and we have Z PPOP,P =0, where

PZPy= (yo -


cos 0 = XOyo
+ xlyl + x2y2+ x3y3= Sx9 = 2(xY + yx).
Thus the condition for P. and Pv to lie in perpendiculardirectionsfromPo is
xy + yx = 0.
If Ny = 1, this condition may be expressedas

x = - yxy.
Thus the linear transformationx-* - yxy (where Ny =1) representsa collineation which leaves invariant every point P. in the hyperplane throughPo perpendicular to PoPS, i.e., the hyperplane
Y2X2 +

ylXl +


Y3X3 =


But it reversesthe vector PoP,:


yyy =-y.



in thehyperplane
5.1. The reflection
>y,x, =0 is represented


(Ny= 1).


The product of *two such reflections,x->-yxy

Ny = Nz 1), is the transformation
z yxy z =

and x-?-zxz



Accordingly,this is a rotation, in the plane PoP,P5, throughtwice the angle

PvPoPx. In other words, it is a rotation about the completelyorthogonalplane

E Y'x=
throughangle p,where cos

Sy2 = Szy = Syz. This proves

angleq5(abouta plane) is
5.2. Thegeneralrotation

whereNa=Nb= 1 and Sa=Sb=cos




Conversely, the transformationx->axb (where Na = Nb =1) is a rotation

wheneverSa = Sb; forthen,by Lemma 2.2, we can findunit quaternionsy and z
such that ay= yb =z, enabling us to write

a= zy,

b = yz.




6. Cliffordtranslations.The productof the two rotationsx-*axa and x->axa

is the so-called lefttranslation*

-+ a2xI

while the product of x-+axa and x-*jxa is the righttranslation



Clearly, left translationsx-?ax forma group, so do right translationsx->xb,

and any lefttranslationcommuteswith any righttranslation.Every lefttranslation has a unique expressionx->ax (Na = 1); for,the equation ax = bx would
imply a=b. Similarly every right translation has a unique expression x->xb.
THEOREM 6.1. The group of left (or right) translationsis isomorphicto the
groupof unit quaternions.
(In the case of righttranslations,we can make this a true isomorphism,and
not merelyan anti-isomorphism,by lettingthe quaternion b correspondto the
translationx->xb, so that the productab correspondsto x-*xab =xbd.)
Comparing this with Theorem 3.3, we see that the group of left (or right)
translationsis homomorphicto the group of rotations about a fixedorigin in
ordinaryspace, with two Cliffordtranslationsforeach rotation.
A Cliffordtranslation (i.e., a left or right translation) has the remarkable
propertyof turningevery vector through the same angle. For, if Nx=1, so
that also Nax =1, the left translationx-*ax transformsP. into Pa,, and
cos ZPLPoP., = Sax? = Sa,
which is the same forall vectors POP.. Similarly,x-*xb transformsP. into P b,
and cos Z P,,POPA= Sxxb= Sb.
Can a left translationbe also a righttranslation?This would make ax =xb
forevery x. The case x=1 gives a=b. Now take x to be the y of Lemma 2.1.
= O,
Va= O,
ya= ay=yd,
and so, since Na = 1, a = ? 1. Thus the only lefttranslationsthat are also right
translationst are the identityx-*x and the inversionx-+-x.
Instead of dcerivingTheorem 5.1 fromthe condition for LZPPoPv to be a
rightangle, we might have observed that x-*ax (where Na = 1) must be some
kind of congruenttransformation(since Nax = Nx), and that this transforms
the special reflectionx-+-x into the general reflection
x -a4x


* FelixKlein,Vorlesungen
Berlin,1928,p. 240.
t WilliamThrelfalland HerbertSeifert,TopologischeUntersuchung
der DiskontinuitItsRaumes,Mathematische
des dreidimensionalen
Annalen,vol. 104,1931,p. 10.




7. The groupof displacements. The product of a lefttranslationand a right

translationis, of course, x->axb (where Na = Nb =1). The product of two disdisplacementsof this formis another of the same form.In particular,as we saw
in Theorem 5.2, a rotationis of this form (with the special relation Sa = Sb).
But t'hegeneraldisplacementwith a fixedoriginis the productof two rotations.

7.1.* The generaldisplacementpreservingtheoriginis

x -axb


Of course,axb is the same as (- a)x(- b). With this exception,each displacement has a unique expressionx->axb. For, the equation axb =a'xb' would imply
a'Ilax -xb'b-l foreveryx, whence a'-'a =b'b-1 = ? 1. In otherwords,every displacement (with a fixedorigin) is the product of a left translationand a right
translationin just two ways. Thus the direct product of the groups of all left
translationsand of all righttranslationsis homomorphicto the groupof all fourdimensionaldisplacementspreservingthe origin(with two elementsof the direct
product foreach displacement), and this in turn is homomorphicto the direct
square of the group of all three-dimensionaldisplacementspreservingthe origin
Xwithtwo displacementsforeach element of the direct square).
8. The general orthogonaltransformationin four dimensions. The general
"opposite" or "sense-reversing"transformationleaving the origin invariant is
the product of an odd number of reflections.Hence, in four dimensions,it is
eithera single reflectionor a product of three. But in the latter case the three
reflectinghyperplanesintersectin a line of invariant points, and every hyperplane perpendicular to this line is invariant; so this scarcely differsfrom a
in ordinaryspace. As such, it has an axis and a special reflectingplane. Its product with the special reflectionx-x- - is a displacement
itself must be x- >-axb, or, after changing
x->axb; so the rotatory-reflection
the sign of a,
x -> axb.
Since a a+-b b =a+b, the line of invariant points is
- (a - b), the axis is POPa_b.
We sum up our conclusion in


Since a a-b b

8.1. Everyorthogonaltransformation
in four dimensionsis either
x -axb

or x-> axb.

9. The general displacement expressed as a double rotation. By Theorem

5.2, the general half-turnis
x -> pxq,
* ArthurCayley,Recherchesulterieures
gauches,Journalfurdie reine
sur les determinants
vol. 50, 1855,p. 312.
und angewandteMathematik,




where p and q are pure unit quaternions. This is the half-turnabout the plane
containingall points P. forwhich x =pxq, or
px + xq = 0.*
Since p - q and 1+pq are particular solutions of this equation for x, we may
describethe plane as PoPp_sP1+p.A rotationthrought7rabout the same plane is,
of course, x-*ptxqt. Replacing q by -q (= =q1), we deduce that x?ptxq-t
is a rotation through thrabout the completely orthogonal plane PoPp+Pl-p,.
(The fact that these two planes are completelyorthogonalis most easily verified
by observing that the product of the half-turnsx-*pxq and x- pxq-1 is the
inversionx->p2x= -x.)
about the respectiveplanes
Thus the productof rotationsthroughtr and uwx
PoPprqPi?pqis x+pt+uxqt-u. Setting tr-=a+13, ur==a-f, and observing that

cos a + P sina


(see the proofof Lemma 2.3), we deduce that the product of rotations through
angles a?/3 about planes POPP,P1?ip is
x -*

(cos a + p sin a))x(cos ,B+ q sin p).

In other words,

x->axbis thedoublerotation
9.1.1 Thegeneraldisplacement
aboutplanesPoPpi,Pi?pq, where
cos a = Sa,

cos P = Sb,

p = UVa,

q = UVb.

10. Lines in elliptic space. The above considerationscan be translated into

termsof ellipticgeometryby identifyingpairs of antipodal points on the hypersphere. Now all scalar multiplesof a quaternion x representthe same point P.,

The transformation
whosecoordinates(xO, X1l X2, x3) are homogeneous.
x -*

- yxy

is the reflectionin the polar plane of Pv, and this is the same as the inversion
in P, itself. We now say that the group of all displacements is precisely the
direct product of the groups of left and rightdisplacements; accordingly,it is
isomorphicto the direct square of the group of displacements preservingthe
origin. Instead of Theorem 9.1, we say that the general displacement x->axb
is the product of rotations through angles a? + about the respective lines
PpT-P,?,,, where

cosa = Sa,

cos, = Sb,

p = UVa,

q = UVb.

* IrvingStringham,
Transofplanesin parabolicspace of fourdimensions,
On thegeometry
actionsof theAmericanMathematicalSociety,vol. 2, 1901,p. 194.
de 1'espace,
et les divisionsr6guliRres
t tdouard Goursat,Sur les substitutions
de l'gcole NormaleSup6rieure(3), vol. 6, 1889,p. 36.





The line P,P,P1+,, which is the axis of the half-turnx-*pxq, is conveniently

denotedby {p, q},* or equally well by { -p, -q}. Thus any two pure unit
a line {p, q}. The absolute polar line is { -p, q} or
{P, -q}.

Two lines {p, q} and {p', q'} have,in general,twocommonperpendicular

ofthefourlines { ?p, q} and { ?p', q'}. These
lines,whichare thetransversals

are preservedby eitherof the half-turnsx-+pxq, x--p'xq', and so also by their

x -* p'pxqq'.


Thus they are the two axes of this double rotation. Any point on eitheraxis

firstin { p, q} and thenin {p', q'}; altogetherit willbe transwillbe reflected

lated along that axis throughtwice the distance between the lines. Hence the

thelines {p, q} and {p', q' }, measuredalongtheircommon



Jo ?







cosf8 =-Sqq';

and the common perpendicularsthemselvesare the lines


? UVpp',UVqq'1.
It followsfrom(3) thatthe conditionfor {p, q} and {p', q'} to intersect
Spp' = Sqq',

and then the angle between them, being half the angle of the rotation (2), is

the conditionfor {p, q } and {p', q' } to be perpenarc cos (C+Spp'). Similarly,

dicular (i.e., forone to intersectthe polar of the other) is


Spp'+ Sqq'= 0.

Thus the condition forthem to intersectat rightangles is


SpP' = Sqq' = 0.

The common perpendicularlines (4) cease to be determinateif Vpp' or Vqq'

vanishes, i.e., if eitherp'= +porq'= +q. Lines {p, q} and {p, q'} are saidto
of common perpendiculars
be leftparallel. They have an infinity,


{UVpp', UVqq'},

where p' may range over all unit pure quaternions (except +p). To verify
* This notationwas usedby A. S. Hathaway,Quaternion
of a
MathematicalSociety,vol. 3, 1902,p. 53. It is closelyassociatedwiththe representation
line in ellipticspace by an orderedpair of pointson a sphere;see Eduard Study,Beitriigezur
vol. 29, 1907,pp. 121-124.
AmericanJournalof Mathematics,
t Here we are using (1) witha= -p'p, b= -qq'. Plus signswouldhave giventhe suppleto use the signthat makes
mentarydistances,whichare equallyvalid; but it seemspreferable
a and 63smallwhenp' and g' are nearlyequal to p and q.



this we merely have to observe that the line (8), which intersects {p, q } at
right angles, also intersects {p, q'} at right angles. The distance between
these left parallel lines, measured along any of the common perpendiculars,is
2arc cos (-Sqq').
Similarly,rightparallel lines {p, q } and {p', q } are distant 2 arc cos (- Spp')
along any of an infinityof common perpendiculars(8), only now it is q' that
can vary. Thus the common perpendicular lines of right parallels are left
parallel, and vice versa.
By the remarkat the beginningof ?9, the condition for the line {p, q } to
contain the point P. is


Regarding this as an equation to be solved forq or p, we see that we can draw

througha givenpoint P. just one leftand one rightparallel to a givenline {p, q

and {- xqx-1,q}.


Thus the set of all left (or right) parallels to a given line is an elliptic congruence: thereis just one memberof the set throughevery point of space.
If {p, q } contains P,,, its polar line lies in the polar plane of P. Replacing
q by - q, we deduce that the condition for the line {p, q} to lie in the plane

= Ois

py= yq.


Instead of insistingthat the p and q of the symbol {p, q } shall be unit pure
quaternions,we could just as well allow them to be any two pure quaternions
of equal norm.Then {p, q } is the same line as {Xp, Xq} forany non-zeroscalarX;
i.e., the two pure quaternions are "homogeneouscoordinates" for the line. Instead of (3) we must now write
cos a =-Spp'/v'}Npp,

cos 3


but instead of (4) we findthat the commonperpendicularsto {p, q } and {p', q'}
are simply { ?Vpp', Vqq'}, or
{Vpp', Vqq'} and { Vp'p, Vqq'}.
Formulas (5), (6), (7), (9), (10) remain valid, but (8) takes the simpler form
{ Vpp', Vqq' } .
To expressthe line PaPb in the form {p, q } we have to findpure quaternions
p and q satisfying
pa + aq = pb + bq = 0.
We may take p=ab -b4 and q=aZb-Da, or, halving these, p=Vab and q=VcVb.
Thus theline PaPb is {Vab, Vab }.
Similarly, the line of intersection of planes ,x = 0 and Eb,x, = 0 is
{Vab, Vba}.
* Hathaway,QuaternionSpace, p. 52.

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