The Joint Properties of Brass Plates by Friction Stir Welding
The Joint Properties of Brass Plates by Friction Stir Welding
The Joint Properties of Brass Plates by Friction Stir Welding
& Design
Materials and Design 27 (2006) 719726
Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Pamukkale University, 20020 Camlik, Denizli, Turkey
Received 20 January 2005; accepted 5 May 2005
Available online 6 July 2005
Brass materials widely used as engineering materials in industry because of their high strength, high corrosion resistance, high
electrical and thermal conductivity. They are easily shaped and they possess nice appearance. However, it is dicult to fusion welding of brasses. The main problem of these alloys in fusion welding is the evaporation of the zinc during the welding process. After the
welding, the weld metal becomes porous. Moreover, since the amount of the zinc in the alloy is reduced due to evaporation, the brass
material loses its physical and chemical properties which it normally possesses. Not being solved these problems good enough in
fusion welding of brass materials, it had been directed investigators to apply new methods. It seems that friction stir welding which
is one of the new method developed nowadays, will solve these problems. So, it needs experimental investigations in this subject.
Even though there are so many researches in the literature about friction stir welding in aluminum and its alloys, researches about
copper and its alloys especially brass are limited. In this research, it was pointed out friction stir welding capability especially brass
plates which are 3 mm in thickness. For this reason, experiment conditions were determined and friction stir welding procedures
were applied to brass plates in dierent rotation and welding speeds. Obtained welded joints subjected about physical virtual,
mechanical tests and microstructure investigations and the results had been evaluated.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Welded joint; Brass; Friction stir welding; Rotation speed; Welding speed
1. Introduction
Friction stir welding is a relatively new technique
developed by The Welding Institute (TWI) for the joining of aluminum alloys [1]. Friction stir welding (FSW)
is a relatively new joining process that is presently
attracting considerable interest. The process is solidstate in nature and relies on the localized forging of
the weld zone to produce the joint. In this welding process, a rotating welding tool is driven into the material at
the interface of, for example, two adjoining plates, and
then translated along the interface. Friction stir welding
oers ease of handling, precise external process control
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and zinc (419/907 C). In addition, the melting temperature of zinc oxide occurs as a result of zinc evaporation
is 1970 C. For this reason, during welding it is possible
for zinc and copper to evaporate from the work piece.
Zinc with the lower boiling temperature evaporates
more than copper [23].
To overcome prevent zinc and copper evaporation,
the FSW which is one of the solid-state welding techniques is applied to the joining of brass. In this present
study, we explored the friction stir welding of brass
plates which 3-mm thickness. This study especially characterized and compared of microstructures and mechanical properties, and the correspondence between the
mechanical properties and microstructures changes in
a wide range of the welding conditions for 70%Cu
30%Zn alloy.
This is clear and environment protective process because of not having negative subjects such as arc formation could be caused industrial accident, radiation,
releasing of toxic gas or harmful laser beam for human
being eyes. Since there is no arc formation which can
cause industrial accidents, radiation, toxic gas releasing
and harmful laser beam for human eyes, it is a clean and
environment friendly process. Besides, in this method
cracks and porosite formation do not occur, because it
is a solid-state welding method with low total heat input.
In this method, the lost of the strength in welding zone is
lower level than all welding methods of Cu-alloys because of low heat input.
There are three factors that determine joint characteristics obtained by friction stir welding used denite pin
surface geometry. These are pins rotation speed, pins
welding speed and pins depth of sinking. Pins rotation
speed and pins welding speed can be controlled easily.
But, pins depth of sinking is so critical factor and dicult to be controlled. The depth of sinking must be constant along welding process. But, that is not possible to
provide especially in joint process of long plates unless
surfaces are smooth. Therefore, preparation of surface
before welding is so critical and must be paid attention
to this case.
2. Experimental procedure
Friction stir welds were produced in CuZn30 alloy (materials number CW505L) plates of 3-mm
thickness. Tables 1 and 2 show the chemical composition and mechanical properties of this material,
Table 1
Chemical composition of the brass (CuZn30 (CW508L) (EN 1652))
Table 2
Mechanical properties of base materials (CuZn30)
Elongation (%)
E (kN/mm2)
CuZn30 (CW508L)
Unchanged yellowish colour of brass and smooth formation of joint are both important parameters in welding of brass materials. For this reason, welded joints had
been inspected according to ANSI/AWS B1.11-88
(guide for the visual inspection of welds).
First defect detected on welded joints is lower weld
surface quality. This defect occurs because of unstable
pins action caused by improper contact to surface and
improper sank of sinker to plate during weld line. Second defect is unstirred zone near bottom because of
insucient sinking depth of sinker tip. Third defect is
porosite formation look like tunnel. It was determined
Table 3
Friction stir welding parameters for the square groove butt welding
Screw properties
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
M5 1.5
right-hand thread
right-hand thread
right-hand thread
left-hand thread
right-hand thread
right-hand thread
right-hand thread
Fig. 3. The appearance of upper surface and root side of welding beads of brass plates produced with friction stir welding.
It seems that weld joints mechanical properties improve and its appearance gets better if welding speed is
being raised in 2050 rpm. Weld joints breakages occur
either in stirred welding zone or heat aected zone. It
has been determined that welded joints tensile properties
are satisfactory even though not comparable with base
materials. The best weld joint appearance has been obtained in the welding speed of 112 mm/min and
2050 rpm rotation speed. However, it has not occurred
expected joint with higher welding speed.
min has not provided sucient contact in weld joint because of over speed of welding (Fig. 3).
To determine mechanical properties of obtained weld
joints, it has been performed tensile tests according to
EN 895 by preparing three test specimens. Their details
are given in Fig. 4. Average tensile strength and yield
strength are given in Fig. 5 matched with strength properties of base metal.
Half of
Fig. 9. SEM microstructures and chemical composition of: (a) stirred welding zone; (b) heat aected zone; (c) base metal (welding conditions:
2050 rpm and 112 mm/min).
Fig. 10. The chemical analysis results of the welding bead by FSW, 2050 rpm and 112 mm/min.
4. Conclusion
To clarify the feasibility of FSW process to CuZn30,
the characteristic of structures, mechanical properties
and microstructures of friction stir welds were investigated in dierent welding test conditions. The main conclusions are summarized as follows:
1. Especially in welding of at brass plates, friction stir
welding gives good results for some points according
to fusion welding.
2. Evaporation of zinc and copper which makes welding
more dicult disappears in friction stir welding
because of not reaching to melting point of metal
during welding.
3. The formation of pore in microstructure of welding
zone disappears. However, some pores have been
observed in zones where stirring had not been done
4. Since there was no evaporation, colour of brass material did not change.
5. It is not recommended additional metal that used
when needed and shielding gas which has to be used
in fusion welding.
6. The mechanical properties of obtained weld joints
can reach to base metal strength level if suitable welding parameters are determined. Fractures usually
occur either in heat aected zone or in weld joint,
however, fractures had occurred on base material
under conditions of 2050 rpm and 112 mm/min.
7. Geometry of stirrer tip screw must be compatible
with stirrer tip direction of rotation. If there is
right-hand thread screw, stirrer tip should be rotated
clockwise, if there is left-hand thread screw stirrer tip
should be rotated unclockwise. Otherwise the metal
that softened like paste can not be stirred.
8. Surface of base plate should be at. Root joint of
softened weld metal is occurred straight in this
The author thank Mr. Volkan Kovan for his assistance, I also emphasize my deepest appreciation to Prof.
Dr. Joahim Hammer for valuable help and his quidence,
and Cagdas Makine Kalip San. Denizli.
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