This lesson teaches 3rd grade students about determining the area of rectangles when part of the space is covered. Students will build on prior knowledge of area measurement using manipulatives and grids. They will work in groups to match incomplete arrays to complete arrays, determine if areas are correct for partial arrays, and find total areas when parts of grids are covered by rugs. An exit ticket assesses understanding of calculating total area when part of a grid is obscured. The lesson aims to help students understand that covering part of a rectangle does not change its total area.
This lesson teaches 3rd grade students about determining the area of rectangles when part of the space is covered. Students will build on prior knowledge of area measurement using manipulatives and grids. They will work in groups to match incomplete arrays to complete arrays, determine if areas are correct for partial arrays, and find total areas when parts of grids are covered by rugs. An exit ticket assesses understanding of calculating total area when part of a grid is obscured. The lesson aims to help students understand that covering part of a rectangle does not change its total area.
This lesson teaches 3rd grade students about determining the area of rectangles when part of the space is covered. Students will build on prior knowledge of area measurement using manipulatives and grids. They will work in groups to match incomplete arrays to complete arrays, determine if areas are correct for partial arrays, and find total areas when parts of grids are covered by rugs. An exit ticket assesses understanding of calculating total area when part of a grid is obscured. The lesson aims to help students understand that covering part of a rectangle does not change its total area.
This lesson teaches 3rd grade students about determining the area of rectangles when part of the space is covered. Students will build on prior knowledge of area measurement using manipulatives and grids. They will work in groups to match incomplete arrays to complete arrays, determine if areas are correct for partial arrays, and find total areas when parts of grids are covered by rugs. An exit ticket assesses understanding of calculating total area when part of a grid is obscured. The lesson aims to help students understand that covering part of a rectangle does not change its total area.
Grade/Content Mathematics: Concepts of Area Measurement
Area Grade 3 Lesson Title What if part of the rectangle is covered up? Standards Math (Common Core) Common Core CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.5a or GLE/GSE A square with side length 1 unit, called a unit square, is said to (state level) have one square unit of area, and can be used to measure area. AND CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.6 National Measure area by counting unit squares. Standards (in CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.7a all areas Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by except Math tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by and ELA-use multiplying the side lengths. Common Core CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.7b for those) Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with wholenumber side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.C.7d Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems. Context of the Students have already been using manipulatives to determine the Lesson areas of different shapes. They have analyzed how shapes with different appearances can have the same amount of a manipulative fill them and created different shapes with a set type and number of manipulatives and began transferring their knowledge of area from manipulatives to grids. The students have been connecting the number of units in an object to the length of the side of a figure. In the previous lesson, the students formed their own rectangles and connecting it to the use of arrays that they used in earlier lessons on multiplication. Now that the students have had the opportunity to use manipulatives to discover area, they will begin transferring that knowledge over to paper and using grids to further develop their understanding of area. This lesson should take approximately 60 minutes, however it could take more or less time depending on how students seem to
Opportunities to Learn
Instructional Procedures
understand the lesson.
This lesson is based off of the Engage NY curriculum (which is used by the school that I am working in). The students will begin by using their math notebooks to solve a problem related to what they did in the previous lesson. A sheet with a problem building on what they learned in yesterdays lesson will be glued into their notebook prior to the lesson.* The students will be building on the knowledge that they have gained through the earlier lessons on area. Since we will be building on and furthering their knowledge by asking the students to work with the early knowledge that theyve been building on, but still gradual enough that they are able to do a lot of the work themselves with some guidance. For the students who are a little bit more ahead, this lesson will allow them to begin to recognize that the number of units on each side is directly linked to the length of the side.* Students will be doing work as a whole group, individually, and in small groups. This allows the students to work through problems alone and with one another to help each other when a group member is struggling. In addition, while walking around, I will be able to point out and assist students further.* For this lesson, I will be creating a sheet where the problems build on one another. The students will use their whiteboards to start off the lesson, and then we will move onto a worksheet, and finish with an exit ticket. I will need copies of the worksheet, exit ticket and a half sheet of each centimeter and inch grid paper (photocopied onto the same page for comparison purposes). For my own use, I will use the SmartBoard and/or the Elmo projector in the room to work through the problems in sequence with the students.* Students will be able to: Draw rows and columns to determine the area of a rectangle, given an incomplete array. Determine the area of a rectangle, even if some of the space is covered over. Opening (10-15% of lesson): To activate students prior knowledge, I will have a problem similar to what was done in the previous days lesson glued into their notebook. v Gabi makes a rectangle with 16 square-centimeter tiles. There are 4 equal rows of tiles. How many tiles are in each row? Use words,
pictures, and numbers to support your answer.
Can Gabi arrange all of her 16 square-centimeter tiles into 6 equal rows? Explain your answer. As the students solve the problem and I will be walking around to make sure that they are on the right track, especially with the second part. Today we will work on similar problems, but some of the tiles will be completely covered. Engagement (60-70% of lesson): For this lesson we will be working in math groups. There will be four centers: v Center 1: Matching incomplete arrays to their complete arrays and writing a multiplication sentences. (Partner Work; students will be provided with a folder with 6 incomplete arrays and their complete matches, they will draw the complete array in their math notebooks and write the multiplication sentence to explain the area) v Center 2: Explain whether or not an incomplete array has a certain area. Students will need to state if the area is correct or not and if wrong, state the correct answer. (Individual; students will be provided with a worksheet with three problems, this will be the first problem that has two incomplete arrays for the students to determine if the area is correct or incorrect) v Center 3: Students will need to state the area of the entire grid with a rug covering a portion of the grid. (Individual; students will be provided with a worksheet with three problems, this will be the second problem that has one array with a rug covering over a portion of the grid) v Center 4: Determine the area of a portion of a rectangle. (Group work with teacher; this can a two-step problem so students may need extra guidance to determine the area of the blank rectangle, otherwise it is a one-step problem but students will need to determine the side lengths) Closure (20-25% of lesson): At the end of the lesson we will regroup and talk about whether or not the size of the squares changes the area of a rectangle. We will also discuss how to determine the area of a rectangle if a piece of it is covered over. To conclude, the students will complete an exit ticket to
determine their complete understanding of the lesson. The exit
ticket will be submitted at the end of the lesson and returned to them by the start of the next lesson. Throughout the lesson, I will be asking the students questions and walking around the room to assure that they understand the lesson. At the end of the lesson, students will be presented with an exit ticket that will be graded to determine their understanding of the major points of the lesson. The exit ticket will have one question: v The tiled floor in Mickeys diner has a rug on it as shown. How many square tiles are on the floor, including the tiles under the rug? Underneath the question, a grid will be provided that shows a rug covering over a part of the grid. This will be graded on a check system and given back to the students by the beginning of the next days lesson. v A P- will indicate that a student has no knowledge of what he/she is being asked to do. The student will either have nothing written or will have something written that shows no understanding of the lesson. v A P will indicate that a student appears to understand what they have learned. The student will have two of the three pieces of the questions on the exit ticket correct. v A P+ will indicate that a student has complete knowledge of what he/she is being asked to do. The student will have all questions answered fully and prove that they understand the lesson.