Experiment 5: Oxidation Reduction: Metals
Experiment 5: Oxidation Reduction: Metals
Experiment 5: Oxidation Reduction: Metals
First things first. In this experiment, it's important to know [or memorize if necessary] the
reactivity series and this helpful little something.
A + B{+} -> A{+} + B
Reducing property: A > B
A + B{-} -> A{-} + B
Oxidizing property: A > B
Also, these are important.
I2 (org) is pink
Cu{2+} + Zn -> Cu + Zn{2+}
Reducing property: Zn > Cu
In this first reaction, it can be observed that the solid will turn from silver to black and the
liquid will turn into a lighter shade of blue.
Fe{2+} + Zn -> Fe + Zn{2+}
Reducing property: Zn > Fe
In this one, it can be observed that the solid will turn rust-colored and the liquid will turn into
a light shade of yellow.
2H{+} + Zn -> H2 + Zn{2+}
Reducing property: Zn > H2
2H{+} + Fe -> Fe{2+} + H2
Reducing property: Fe > H2
It can be observed here that during the reaction, bubbles form.
Zn{2+} + Cu -> No reaction
Fe{2+} + Cu -> No reaction
2H{+} + Cu -> No reaction
Reducing property: Cu is least
Cl2 + 2Br{-} -> 2Cl{-} + Br2
Oxidizing property: Cl2 > Br2
Aqueous layer: colorless
Organic layer: yellow
Cl2 + 2I{-} -> 2Cl{-} + I2
Oxidizing property: Cl2 > I2
Aqueous layer: colorless
Organic layer: pink
Br2 + Cl{-} -> No reaction
Oxidizing property: Cl2 > Br2
Aqueous layer: colorless
Organic layer: yellow
Br2 + 2I{-} -> 2Br{-} + I2
Oxidizing property: Br2 > I2
Aqueous layer: yellow
Organic layer: pink
I2 + 2Cl{-} -> No reaction
Oxidizing property: Cl2 > I2
Aqueous layer: colorless
Organic layer: pink
I2 + 2Br{-} -> No reaction
Oxidizing property: Br2 > I2
Aqueous layer: yellow
Organic layer: pink
CONCLUSION: Cl2 > Br2 > I2
Mn{2+} is colorless
Basic: 2OH{-} + 2MnO4{-} + SO3{2-} -> SO4{2-} + 2MnO4{2-} + H2O
Experiment 8: Calorimetry
So for this one, there's not much to remember [especially during the long exam] except for
these equations:
Yeah... that's probably that. If in case your professor asks why the test tube has to be dry,
that's because if the test tube is wet with the distilled water you used to wash it, the water
will take part in the reaction, your observed change in temperature will go down and your
computed heat capacity of the calorimeter will go up. In other words, your computations will
go wrong.
NVR means No Visible Reaction. This, however, does not imply "No Reaction"
:D means Not Significant. Again, this does not imply "No Reaction"
If it's colored blue, it's not done.
In the Unknown Analysis itself, it's not necessary to do all the confirmatory tests. My lab
instructor told us that we could just get the intersection of some tests. These two
confirmatory tests, however, might be needed.
Again, doing all the confirmatory tests during the unknown analysis itself isn't
necessary. However, the identity of some compounds may appear in the long exam.
BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH -> Ba(CH3COO)2 + H2O + CO2. Bubbles will form here
and the precipitate will dissolve.
Fe(NO)(H2O)5. This is the identity of the brown ring in the confirmatory test of
"Enjoy the unknown analysis. Celebrate life :) :) :)"
Sorry for my being lazy at the moment. The signs in the first table indicate miscibility or
solubility, whatever it is that is being talked about. The T is actually change in temperature
and the V is actually the change in volume in the second table.
Always remember that the experiment deals with inter-molecular forces of attraction (IMFA),
and all those results are explained through the IMFA.
Once again, I am lazy at the moment, so if you have questions, feel free to comment and I
promise I will try [but I can't assure you] to answer.
This is difficult to explain... Seriously. So just imagine a scale thing. If the system is in
equilibrium, the scale is balanced. When you add something to side, the system will
respond in a way that the equilibrium will shift to the other side to balance itself.
Experiments 13 and 16
There are only three things to remember when it comes to the long exam:
1. pH = -log [H+]
2. pOH = -log [OH-]
3. pH + pOH = 14
I'm not sure if acid-base reactions occur such that the weaker acid is formed. Clarifications
are welcome :))