Art. Ackermann Ulkins Gulder
Art. Ackermann Ulkins Gulder
Art. Ackermann Ulkins Gulder
Vadim I. Utkin
Jurgen Ackermann
1. Introduction
Road traffic has steadily increased during the last decades. Especially metropolitan areas suffer from growing traffic congestions not only during rush
hours. Numerous strategies to improve automotive mass transit have been
under consideration for several years. Some progress has been made by enhancing public transport systems and promoting car pooling (high occupancy
lanes). However, such approaches cannot considerably reduce road traffic
since they restrict the flexibility and mobility of the individual.
Varaiya argues that measures assisting the driver, for example by advanced
route and road informations systems, cannot significantly ameliorate road
traffic and full automation of highway traffic is indispensable for increasing
highway throughput and driving safety [I]. A recent comprehensive systems
study of design, development and deployment of fully automated highway
systems was presented by Bender [Z].A suitable system architecture for an
Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System (IVHS) is the subject of on-going research
e.g. at Ohio State University [3] and in the Californian PATH project [4].
There are a number of well-defined control subtasks which can be addressed a
priori. The two major control tasks for highway automation are longitudinal
control (spacing between cars) and lateral vehicle control (lane keeping).
There are several approaches to lateral vehicle control. Complete autonomy
of the vehicle can be achieved through an intelligent vision system [5] with online generation of the desired path. A perception system replicating a human
driver can sense the upcoming road geometry and, in addition, objects in
front of the vehicle. This would open the possibility of a common sensing
device for lateral and longitudinal vehicle control. Enabling the vehicle t o
see e.g. the lane edge stripping under varying weather and road conditions,
however, challenges present limits of real-time vision systems. The alternative
is an indirect sensing approach with a reference for lateral control built into
the road surface. A more detailed discussion on direct and indirect sensing
can be found e.g. in [6].
lateral displacement from the reference path. The variable under control is
the input of an integrating steering actuator, the actual steering angle also
being unknown. Stability and robustness of the proposed control algorithm
under parametric uncertainty is proved using Lyapunov stability theory.
In Section 4, the automatic steering system is improved by additional feedback
of the vehicle yaw rate measured by a gyroscope. A cascaded controller is
designed and its performance is illustrated in numerical studies of typical
driving maneuvers in Section 5. Special emphasis is placed on eliminating
chattering caused by unmodelled dynamics via observers.
Both controllers enable direct inclusion of specifications l i e actuator constraints and ride quality requirements into the design procedure. The crucial
issue of implementation with a digital computer is discussed in detail. The
discrete control algorithms are implementable both for continuous and for
discrete reference systems without modification. It is concluded that satisfactory performance under uncertainty conditions is achievable without preview
information of the road curvature.
2. Dynamic Model
with constraints l6fl
The design procedure is based on sliding mode control. The basic idea is to
force the dynamic system to restrict its motion to a manifold called the "sliding manifold" s(2) = 0. This is achieved by directing the system trajectories
towards this manifold "from both sides" using two different controls U+ and
U-, as shown in Figure 3.
The main benefits of sliding mode control are its invariance property and the
ability to decouple high dimensional problems into sub-tasks of lower dimensionality. The interested reader is referred to [l6]for a tutorial introduction
and to [17] for a more detailed discussion of sliding mode control.
x = f ( x ,.+)
7s(x) = 0
x = f(z,U-)
s i ( d ) = Y"
+ ~ I Y '+by,
where d = wt. The goal of control is to restrict the motion of (6) to the
manifold sl(d) = 0 in (7). In this case, the tracking behavior of the vehicle is
entirely determined by the gains ko and kl. To establish stability of s1 = 0,
we examine the Lyapunov function candidate Vl(d) = $5:. Differentiation of
Vl(d) along the system trajectories yields
V;(d) =
( f i ( P , ~ , A $ , 6 f , p + . f , p ~ =+f )c ~ u ft )
Combining ( l ) , (2), (4),and (5) yields the extended state space model. As
outlined in the introduction, there exist continuous and discrete reference
systems. For a continuous reference guidelime, it is appropriate to adjust
the sampling interval AT of a discrete controller depending on the vehicle
velocity. Obviously, fast motion requires a higher sampling rate than slow
motion. Sampling data is collected with regard to covered distance rather
than with regard to elapsed time, i.e. Ad = VAT. This method coincides
with the discrete reference method using uniformly spaced markers. The
following control development thus is valid both for a continuous guidelime
and for a discrete reference system. To facilitate the design procedure, the
motion equations are rewritten in terms of d = wt instead of time 1. For
convenience, we will denote "distance" derivatives with "primes". However,
differentiation is understood with respect to d instead o f t in the sequel. The
overall model is
= -ugsign(sl)
Vl(4 I -FiK(d)~.
D e h e a positive definite function Vo(d) with
Vd E
Consequently, Vz(d)
0 after finite distance &, which implies si = 0
in (7) Vd 1 do, and convergenceof y to zero as specified by ko and kl.
lo ++I
ro 1 0 0 1
r o i
0 0 1 0
0 0
0 0 0 0
+ +
measurement noise. This undesired effect is caused by the control being constant during the sampling interval and eual to either -U, or +U,,, which results
in overshoot, see Figure 4.
.. ._
where hats denote estimates (constant for parameters like cs and d s ) and
bars denote estimation errors, e.g. g = y - 8. The gains 0 << el1 <<
< e13 << e14 determine the desired observer poles, and should be chosen
a t least one order of magnitude faster than the dynamics of fz(.) for good
observation. The observation error decays according to
.... ,,._
. . .
= -[KI B~a,,l-[Ki(A~b,,i(n)
+ LIB(n)l,
The estimates for I,y, y replace the true values in (7) and (9)
K1 =
= Kli,
= -uOsign(&),
[ ko
1 0
and provide sliding mode within the observer system (17) with the actual
states z in (16) being close to the estimate i in (17)as determined by the
dynamics of the observer error (18).
= @+A@+$.
-E (h()+ by))
where 0 << e21 <( e22 are the observer gains and @ = y - Q is the exponentially
stable observation error. The observer poles should be at least one order of
magnitude faster than the dynamics of f3. As outlined previously, observer
(25) introduces advantageous ( K h a n - ) noise filtering into the system.
Large deviations 8, lead to high Td, undesirable from a point of view of passenger comfort. Utilization of a saturation function,
The functions f;(.), i = 1 , 2...5 are not needed explicitly in the control
development. Thus the above controllers are independent of the model
as long as the f; are bounded, allowing all car parameters in (6) to be
uncertain. However, bounds on uncertain parameters are vital for the
stability analysis. Design based on a nonlinear model instead of (6)
would lead to similar results since the controller only depends on the
triple-integrator structure of the plant (6).
where X limits the feedback of 6 and the ratio determines the gain at the
origin p = 0, allows direct inclusion of ride quality considerations.
To obtain satisfactory behavior of the overall system, the actual input U! has
to be designed to provide the desired yaw rate. The control objective is to
drive the error e, = 7 - Td to zero. The sliding manifold is defined as
SZ = ke, +e:,
where gain k > 0 determines the rate of decay of e, once the motion has
been restricted to s2 = 0. Approach to the manifold s2 = 0 and subsequent
stability is established using the Lyapunow function candidate h ( d ) = $3;.
Differentiation along (27) yields
uf = -uosign(sz)
It was stated in [20] that high-gain feedback is not suitable for lateral
motion control of a vehicle. At first sight, sliding mode control implements infinitely high gains, a t least in the continuous-time versions of
the control algorithms. However, sliding mode control is only used to
restrict the motion of the plant to the respective sliding manifold despite
system uncertainty. Thereafter the plant behavior is entirely determined by the parameters K1 in (19), and K2 and X/E in (31), allowing
incorporation of ride quality considerations into the design procedure.
klUf+[; IF=
0 1 0
0 0 0, I
+ B o b * r U f + L3P1
and gs = (aiiazi + aizazz)h + (oizazi + a & ) b . 6 =
where Ci = T, C2 = T',
fs(.) is assumed to be slow compared to the observer dynamics determined
by 0 << &s << e32 << t a l . Similarly to before, ideal sliding mode occurs in the
observer-loop system and guarantees chattering-free motion.
4.2. Discrete-Time Cascaded Control Design
Using the equivalent control method for discrete systems, the continuoustime cascaded controller designed in the previous section takes the following
discrete-time form:
In this section, we simulate the car 280 SEL of Daimler-Benz [15,21]in various
typical driving maneuvers. A discrete marker reference system is used, but
similar results can be obtained for a continuous reference.
Driving through a 60" curve with linear curvature transition to and f"
the curve radius Ref=
Lane change with nominal lateral acceleration of 0.29.
Cd(n) =
5. Numerical Studies
&(n) =
We require the displacement from the guideline not to exceed 0.2m during
transient and 0.05 m in steady state, and the lateral acceleration not to exceed
during curve riding by more than f O . l g 1201.
the nominal value a =
Controller to determine
desired yaw rate
and Ad = 0.6 [m] = 2 [ft]. Gaussian noise contents of U, = 0.002 [rads-) for
the yaw rate measurement and uv = (0.002 [m]+O.Ollpl) for the displacement
measurement were assumed. Satisfactory performance is achieved, including
small lateral acceleration. Additional studies, not shown here, for guste of
sidewind, missing markers, and sudden change of road conditions (change of
p ) resulted in no significant tracking errors. The critical effect turned out to
be measurement noise.
6. Conclusions
This paper introduced two nonlinear control algorithms for automatic steering
of cars, an important control subtask of Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems.
Computer implementation and discretization of the control algorithms was
discussed in detail. Direct inclusion of ride quality considerations into the
control design was possible. Despite a high degree of system uncertainty, minimal efforts in state measurement and no road curvature preview, satisfactory
performance was achieved by utilizing sliding mode control methodology and
robust state observation.
xlO-3 R e f m c e Curvature
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Lateral Acceleration in P