Video Denoising Using Sparse and Redundant Representations: (Ijartet) Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014

Video Denoising Using Sparse and Redundant

B.Anandhaprabakaran1, S.David2
1, 2

Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, 2Sri Eashwar Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract: The quality of video sequences is often reduced by noise, usually assumed white and Gaussian, being
superimposed on the sequence. When denoising image sequences, rather than a single image, the temporal dimension can
be used for gaining in better denoising performance, as well as in the algorithms' speed. Such correlations are further
strengthened with a motion compensation process, for which a Fourier domain noise-robust cross correlation algorithm is
proposed for motion estimation. This algorithm relies on sparse and redundant representations of small patches in the
images. Three different extensions are offered, and all are tested and found to lead to substantial benefits both in denoising
quality and algorithm complexity, compared to running the single image algorithm sequentially.
Keywords: Cross Correlation (CC), Motion estimation, K-SVD, OMP, Sparse representations, Video denoising.
VIDEO SIGNALS are often contaminated by noise
during acquisition and transmission. Removing/reducing
noise in video signals (or video denoising) is highly
desirable, as it can enhance perceived image quality,
increase compression effectiveness, facilitate transmission
bandwidth reduction, and improve the accuracy of the
possible subsequent processes such as feature extraction,
object detection, motion tracking and pattern classification.
Video denoising algorithms may be roughly classified based
on two different criteria: whether they are implemented in
the spatial domain or transform domain and whether motion
information is directly incorporated. The high degree of
correlation between adjacent frames is a blessing in
disguise for signal restoration. On the one hand, since
additional information is available from nearby frames, a
better estimate of the original signal is expected. On the
other hand, the process is complicated by the presence of
motion between frames. Motion estimation itself is a
complex problem and it is further complicated by the
presence of noise.One suggested approach that utilizes the
temporal redundancy is motion estimation [4]. The estimated
trajectories are used to filter along the temporal dimension,
either in the wavelet domain [5] or the signal domain [4].
Spatial filtering may also be used, with stronger emphasis in
areas in which the motion estimation is not as reliable. A

similar approach described in [6] detects for each pixel

weather it has undergone motion or not. Spatial filtering is
applied to each image, and for each pixel with no motion
detected, the results of the spatial filtering are recursively
averaged with results from previous frames.
A different approach to video denoising is treating
the image sequence as a 3-D volume, and applying various
transforms to this volume in order to attenuate the noise.
Such transforms can be a Fourier-wavelet transform, an
adaptive wavelet transform [7], or a combination of 2-D and
3-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform [8].
A third approach towards video denoising employs
spatiotemporal adaptive average filtering for each pixel. The
method described in [9] uses averaging of pixels in the
neighborhood of the processed pixel, both in the current
frame and the previous one. The weights in this averaging
are determined according to the similarity of 3 3 patches
around the two pixels matched. The method in [10] extends
this approach by considering a full 3-D neighborhood
around the processed pixel (which could be as large as the
entire sequence), with the weights being computed using
larger patches and, thus, producing more accurate weights.
The current state-of-the-art reported in [11] also finds
similar patches in the neighborhood of each pixel; however,
instead of a weighted averaging of the centers of these

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014

patches, noise attenuation is performed in the transform




In this paper, we explore a method that utilizes

sparse and redundant representations for image sequence
denoising, [1] In the single image setting, the K-SVD
algorithm, is used to train a sparsifying dictionary for the
corrupted image, forcing each patch in the image to have a
sparse representation describing its content. Put in a
maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) framework, the
developed algorithm in [1] leads to a simple algorithm with
state-of-the-art performance for the single image denoising

A method of denoising images based on sparse and

redundant representations is developed and reported in [1]
and [2]. In this section, we provide a brief description of this
algorithm, as it serves as the foundation for the video
denoising we develop in Section III.

In this paper, a video denoising method based on a

spatiotemporal model of motion compensated frames is
proposed. By considering 3-D (spatio-temporal) patches, a
propagation of the dictionary over time, and averaging that
is done on motion compensated neighboring patches both in
space and time. As the dictionary of adjacent frames
(belonging to the same scene) is expected to be nearly
identical, the number of required iterations per frame can be
significantly reduced It is also important to be aware that
video signals are more than simple 3-D extensions of 2-D
static image signals, where the major distinction is the
capability of representing motion information [12]. If the
motion between frames is properly compensated, then the
temporal correlations between the patches can be enhanced.
Effective motion compensation relies on reliable motion
estimation. we opt to use global motion estimation methods
based on cross correlation (CC) [13]-[15]. The challenge
here is that the motion information must be estimated from
noisy video signals rather than the noise free original
signals. To address this issue, another important aspect of
our paper was the and incorporation of a novel noise-robust
motion estimation algorithm, which has not been carefully
examined in previous video denoising algorithms. All of
these modifications lead to substantial benefits both in
complexity and denoising performance.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section
II, we describe the principles of sparse and redundant
representations and their deployment to single image
denoising. Section III discusses the generalization to video,
discussing various options of using the temporal dimension
with their expected benefits and drawbacks. Details on the
motion estimation algorithm will be given in Section IV.
Each proposed extension is experimentally validated in
section V. A performance comparison of other methods and
the one introduced in this paper is given. Section VI
summarizes and concludes the paper.

A noisy image Y results from noise v superimposed

on an original image X . We assume the noise to be white,
zero mean
Gaussian noise, with a known standard deviation
Y=X+V where V ~(0,2I)
The basic assumption of the denoising method
developed in [1] and [2] is that each image patch (of a fixed
size) can be represented as a linear combination of a small
subset of patches (atoms), taken from a fixed dictionary.
Using this assumption, the denoising task can be described
as an energy minimization procedure. The following
functional describes a combination of three penalties to be

The first term demands a proximity between the
measured image, Y, and its denoised (and unknown) version
X. The second term demands that each patch from the
reconstructed image (denoted by RijX) can be represented up
to a bounded error by a dictionary D, with coefficients ij .
The third part demands that the number of coefficients
required to represent any patch is small. The values ij are
patch-specific weights. Minimizing this functional with
respect to its unknowns yields the denoising algorithm.
The choice of D is of high importance to the
performance of the algorithm. In [1] it is shown that training
can be done by minimizing (2) with respect toD as well (in
addition to X and ij). The proposed algorithm in [1] is an
iterative block-coordinate relaxation method, that fixes all
the unknowns apart from the one to be updated, and
alternates between the following update stages.
1) Update of the sparse representations {ij} : Assuming that
D and X are fixed, we solve a set of problems of the form

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014



per each location [i,j]. This means that we seek for each
patch in the image the sparsest vector to describe it using
atoms from D. In [1], the orthogonal matching pursuit
(OMP) algorithm is used for this task .
2) Update the dictionary D: In this stage, we assume that X
is fixed, and we update one atom at a time in D, while also
updating the coefficients in {ij}ij that use it. This is done
via a rank-one approximation of a residual matrix, as
described in [16].
3) Update the estimated image X : After several rounds of
updates of {ij}ij and D ,the final output image is computed
by fixing these unknowns and minimizing (2) with respect to
X . This leads to the quadratic problem

Defined for t=1,2,..,T.

The temporal repetitiveness of the video sequence can be
further used to improve the algorithm. As consecutive
images Xt and Xt-1 are similar, their corresponding
dictionaries are also expected to be similar. This temporal
coherence can help speed-up the algorithm. Fewer training
iterations are necessary if the initialization for the dictionary
Dt is the one trained for the previous image. The number of
training iterations should not be constant, but rather depend
on the noise level. It appears that the less noisy the sequence,
the more training iterations are needed for each image. In
higher noise levels, adding more iterations hardly results in
any denoising improvement.

Only patches centered in the current image are used

for training the dictionary and cleaning the image. A
compromise between temporal locality and exploiting the
temporal redundancy is again called for. This compromise is
achieved by using motion compensated patches of the image
which is solved by a simple weighting of the represented
currently denoised, both in training and cleaning.
patches with overlaps, and the original image Y .
Introducing this into the penalty term in (5) leads to the
The improved results obtained by training a dictionary based
modified version
on the noisy image itself stem from the dictionary adapting
to the content of the actual image to be denoised. An added
benefit is that the K-SVD algorithm has noise averaging
built into it, by taking a large set of noisy patches and
creating a small, relatively clean representative set.
In this section, we describe, step by step, the
proposed extensions to handling image sequences. Training
a single dictionary for the entire sequence is problematic;
The scene is expected to change rapidly, and objects that
appear in one frame might not be there five or ten frames
later. This either means that the dictionary will suit some
images more than others, or that it would suit all of the
images but only moderately so. Obtaining state-of-the-art
denoising results requires better adaptation. An alternative
approach could be proposed by defining a locally temporal
penalty term, that on one hand allows the dictionary to adapt
to the scene, and on the other hand, exploits the benefits of
the temporal redundancy.

Defined for t=1,2,..,T.
(i.e., the patches are taken from three frames).
To gauge the possible speed-up and improvement
achieved by temporally adaptive and propagated dictionary,
we test the required number of iterations to obtain similar
results to the non propagation alternative. Several options for
the number of training iterations that follow the dictionary
propagation are compared to the non propagation (using 15
training iterations per image) option. Dictionary is trained
after propagating the dictionary (from image #10), using 4
training iterations for each image. This comparison shows

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014

that propagation of the dictionary leads to a cleaner version normalized in the frequency domain to have unit energy
with clearer and sharper texture atoms. These benefits are across all frequencies. The phase correlation function is
attributed to the memory induced by the propagation. given by
Indeed, when handling longer sequences, we expect this
memory feature of our algorithm to further benefit in
denoising performance.
At high noise levels, the redundancy factor (the
ratio between the number of atoms in the dictionary to the
size of an atom) should be smaller. At high noise levels,
To have a close look, let us assume that F2(v) is
obtaining a clean dictionary requires averaging of a large simply a shifted version of F1(v), i.e., F2(v) =F1(vv).
number of patches for each atom. This is why only a Based on the shifting property of the Fourier transform, we
relatively small number of atoms is used. At low noise have F2() = F1() exp{jTv} and Y() = |F1()|2
levels, many details in the image need to be represented by exp{jTv}, and thus
the dictionary. Noise averaging takes a more minor role in
this case. This calls for a large number of atoms, so they can
represent the wealth of details in the image.
One of the challenges in the implementation of the
above algorithm is to estimate motion in the presence of
noise. Here, we propose a simple but reliable noise-robust
CC method[3] for global motion estimation at integer pixel
precision. The limitation of using global motion estimation
is that it cannot account for rotation, zooming and local
motion. Let F1(v) and F2(v) represent two image frames,
where v is a spatial integer index vector for the underlying 2D rectangular image lattice. A classical approach to
estimating a global motion vector between the two frames is
the cross correlation method which is based on the
observation that when F2(v) is a shifted version of F1(v), the
position of the peak in the CC function between F1(v) and
F2(u) corresponds to the motion vector. Despite the
simplicity of the idea, the computation of the CC function is
often costly. An equivalent but more efficient approach is to
use the Fourier transform method: Let F() = F {f (v)}
represents the 2-D Fourier transform of an image frame,
where F denotes the Fourier transform operator. Then, the
CC function can be computed as

Which creates an impulse at the true motion vector

position and is zero everywhere else. Both CC and PC
methods were designed with the assumption that there is no
noise in the images. With the presence of noise, their
performance degrades. Our noise-robust cross correlation
(NRCC) function is defined as

Where |N() |2 is the noise power spectrum (in the
case of white noise, |N() |2 is a constant). To better
understand this, it is useful to formulate the three approaches
(PC, CC, and NRCC) using a unified framework.
particular, each method can be viewed a specific weighting
scheme in the Fourier domain

where the differences lie in the definition of the weighting
function W()

The estimated motion vector is given by


The PC method assigns uniform weights to all

frequencies, the CC method assigns the weights based on the
An interesting variation of this approach is the total signal power (which is the sum of signal and noise
phase correlation (PC) method where the Fourier spectrum is power), while the NRCC method assigns the weights

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 1, Issue 3, November 2014

proportional to the signal power only (by removing the noise

In this paper
an image sequence denoising
power part). It converges to the CC method when the images algorithm based on sparse and redundant representations is
are noise-free.
estimation/motion compensation is effective in enhancing
the correlations and thus, improving the performance of the
The simulation results of the paper have been denoising process. Three extensions were used: the use of
discussed here. All video sequences are in YUV 4:2:0 spatio-temporal (3-D) atoms, dictionary propagation coupled
format, but only the denoising results of the luma channel with fewer training iterations, and an extended patch-set for
are reported here for algorithm validation. Two objective dictionary training and image cleaning. The experimental
criteria, namely the PSNR and the SSIM, were employed to results show the effectiveness of this method.
provide quantitative quality evaluations of the denoising
PSNR is defined as

here L is the dynamic range of the image (for 8 bits/pixel
images, L = 255) and MSE is the mean squared error
between the original and distorted images.
SSIM is first calculated within local windows using

here x and y are the image patches extracted from the local
window from the original and distorted images, respectively.
x, x2, and xy are the mean, variance, and cross-correlation
computed within the local window, respectively. The overall
SSIM score of a video frame is computed as the average
local SSIM scores.
Besides the running time of this method can fill the
requirements of the real time processing. To testify the
advantage of our method, the comparison between present
and K_SVD method is shown in Fig. 1.


Fig.1 Denoising results of Frame 10 in Salesman sequence corrupted

with noise standard deviation = 20. (a1)(a4) Image frames in the
original, noisy, and K_SVD[1],Proposed one denoised sequences.














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