Road Safety

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The key takeaways from the document are traffic signals, rules of the road, emergency vehicle situations and road safety precautions.

When driving at night you should never overdrive your headlights, dim bright lights of oncoming traffic, avoid glare by lowering dashboard lights, use road lines as guides and pull over if you need to stop.

If your vehicle catches fire, pull over safely, turn off the engine and call the fire department. Do not try to fight the fire yourself.

Traffic Police Hand Signals

To stop vehicles
To start one sided To stop vehicles
approaching from
vehicles. coming from front.

To stop vehicles
To stop vehicles
approaching To start vehicle
simultaneously from approaching from left.
from front and
right and left.
To start vehicles To start one sided
To change sign.
coming from right. vehicles.

Home > Learn Traffic Rules > Traffic Light

Traffic Light Signals


Stop well before the stop line, and don't crowd the intersection. This not only
obstructs a clear view of the intersection for other road users, but also make
the zebra crossing unsafe for the pedestrians. You are allowed to turn left at
the red signal unless there is a sign specifically forbidding you to do so.
When turning, yield the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles from other


The Amber light gives time to vehicles to clear the road when the signal is
changing from green to red. If caught in the Amber signal in the middle of a
large road crossing do not press your accelerator in panic but do continue
with care.


If first in line, do not go tearing off at the green signal but pause to see
whether vehicles from other directions have cleared the road.
Sometimes you are allowed to turn left or right too, unless separate signs
exist for each direction. if turning, yield the right of way to pedestrians and
vehicles from other directions.

Proceed with caution in the direction indicated by the

arrows. Remember that you must yield to all pedestrians
and vehicles already in the intersection.


You must come to a complete You should slow down and
stop, yield to all other traffic proceed with caution.
and to pedestrians. Proceed
only when the way is clear.

are here : Home > Learn Traffic Rules > Road Signs > Mandatory Signs

Mandatory Signs Cautionary Signs Informatory Signs

Mandatory Signs

Straight Vehicles
One way signs-vehicles prohibited All vehicles
Prohibitedor no prohibited in both
in one direction prohibited
entry direction

Bullock carts and

Trucks Cycles Bullock carts
Horns prohibited hand
prohibited prohibited direction
carts direction

Hand carts Pedestrians Right turn Left turn

Tongas direction
direction prohibited prohibited prohibited
U- turn Overtaking No stopping or
No Parking Speed limit
prohibited prohibited standing

Width limit Height limit Length limit Load limit Axle load limit

Compulsory bus Restriction ends Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory

stop sign cycle track sound horn keep left

Compulsory turn Compulsory turn Compulsory ahead Compulsory
ahead or turn
left right ahead or turn left ahead

Stop Give way

Bare roads will lead to total vehicular
confusion. Markings are painted on the
road to direct, guide and regulate the
road user.
Road markings include all lines patters,
words and colours applied on or attached to
the road surface or kerb, for the said purpose

Traffic paints are commonly used for road

markings. Other materials such as,
road studs, cat's eyes and
thermoplastic strips also find their
application in road markings. These
markings promote road safety and
ensure smooth flow of traffic.
Sometimes, road markings are used to
supplement the message of road signs
and other devices.

White is generally used for carriageway

(road) markings except those indicating
restrictions for which yellow markings
are used. White or yellow together with
black are used for kerb and object

Centre line :
Centre line marking for a two lane road
On undivided two-way roads, the centre line
separates the opposing streams of traffic and
facilitates their movements. The centre line
can be a single broken line, a single
continous solid line (barrier line), a double
solid line or a combination of solid line and
broken line. Single and double solid lines,
whether white or yellow, must not be crossed
or even straddled. On a road with two centre
lines, of which one is solid and the other
broken, the solid line has significance only it it
is on the left side of the combination as
viewed by the driver. In such a case, the
driver must be careful not to cross or straddle
the centre line.
Lane line : Lane line and broken centre

Centre barrier lines :

Centre barrier line marking for a four lane

Centre barrier line marking for a six lane road

Double white/yellow lines

Double Continuous lines are used where
visibility is restricted in both directions.
Neither stream of traffic is allowed to cross
the lines.

Combination of solid and broken lines

1. If the line on your side is broken, you

may cross or straddle it.
OverTake - but only if it is safe to do

2. If the line on your side is continious

you must not cross or straddle it.
Stop Line
A stop line is a single solid transverse line
painted before the intersecting edge of the
road junction/ intersection.This line indicates
where you are required to stop when directed
by traffic officer, traffic light of stop sign.
Where a pedestrian crossing is provided, the
stop line is marked before the pedestrian
Give way Line
The give way line is usually a double dotted
line marked transversely at junctions. These
lines are generally supplemented by a
reverse triangle give way sign painted on the
road surface before the dotted lines or by a
road sign installed beside the marking. Give
way to traffic on the main approaching road.
Border or edge lines
These are continuous lines at the edge of the
carriageway and mark the limits of the main
carriageway upto which a driver can safely
Parking prohibited lines
A solid continuous yellow line painted on the
kerb or edge of the carriageway along with a
"No-parking" sign indicates the extent of no-
parking area.

Yellow box junctions or keep clear

These are yellow crossed diagonal lines
within the box. The vehicles should cross it
only if they have a clear space available
ahead of the yellow box. In this marked area
vehicles must not stop even briefly.
Pedestrian Crossings
These are alternate black and white stripes
painted parallel to the road generally known
as zebra crossing. Pedestrians must cross
only at the point where these lines are
provided and when the signal is in their
favour at controlled crossings.You must stop
and give way to pedestrians at these
crossings. Pedestrian crossings are marked
to facilitate and give the right of way to

Courtesy by IRTE
You are here : Home > FAQ's >Driving Tips

Driving Tips
1. Qualities of a good driver
2. What is highway hypnosis?
3. What is 2 seconds rule?
4. Can 2-second rule be reflected in numbers?
5. What should be the speed of driving?
6. How to drive during fog?
7. Precautions during rain
8. What is hydroplane?
9. Driving in high winds
10. Precautions during winter in Hills
11. What to do in case of Equipment Failure?
12. Precautions during night driving
13. What if a fire breaks out in car?
14. Precautions during water accidents
15. Use of a cellular phone during driving
16. What if electricity falls on your vehicle?
17. What is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

1. Qualities of a good driver

Ans : A driver must concentrate on the road and drive defensively .

1. CONCENTRATION : Operating a vehicle safely demands that the driver concentrate

on driving. The person should be rested, calm and not under the influence of alcohol
or other drugs.
2. DEFENSIVE DRIVING : Plan ahead for the unexpected. Always be prepared to react
to the other driver. Do not expect the other driver to do what you think he or she
should do. Do not think you know what he or she is going to do. If you cannot avoid a
crash, remain calm and try to choose the least dangerous situation. For example,
running into a ditch is less dangerous than a head-on collision. Also, your chances of
survival are greater if your vehicle is in good mechanical condition.
2. What is highway hypnosis?
Ans : One of the greatest hazards of roadway driving is drowsiness or "highway hypnosis."
Lack of sleep or fatigue impact the ability to safely drive the vehicle. When taking a long
trip, avoid drowsiness by stopping frequently to drink coffee, exercise or nap. Exercise
your eyes by reading road signs or shifting the focus of your eyes to different parts of
the road. Make sure the driver is properly rested.

3. What is 2 seconds rule?

Ans : Following a vehicle too closely is called "tail-gating." Use the 2-second rule to determine
a safe following distance. Select a fixed object on the road ahead such as a sign, tree
or overpass. When the vehicle ahead of you passes the object, count "one-thousand-
one, one-thousand-two." You should not reach the object before you count to one-
thousand-two. If you do, you are following too closely. Most rear end collisions are
caused by the vehicle in back following too closely.
The two-second rule also applies to the speed when one is on a good road and during good
weather conditions. If the road and/or weather conditions are not good, increase your
distance to a four or five-second count. If you are being tail-gated, move to another lane
or slowly pull off the road and allow the vehicle to pass.

4. Can 2-second rule be reflected in numbers?

Two-Second Rule
Approximate Feet
Vehicle 2 Second Rule
Vehicle Speed
Will Travel in 1 Distance
25 m.p.h. 37 ft. 74 ft. back
35 m.p.h. 52 ft. 104 ft.back
45 m.p.h. 66 ft. 132 ft. back
55 m.p.h. 81 ft. 162 ft.back
5. What should be the speed of driving?
Ans : A driver should use common sense when driving. Driving too fast or too slowly may
create a dangerous situation . Regardless of the posted speed limit, weather and traffic
conditions may make it necessary to drive more slowly. Your speed should be adjusted
for the conditions and match the flow of traffic, as long as it does not surpass the
maximum posted speed.

6. How to drive during fog?

Ans : It is the best not to drive in fog. Otherwise, you ought to take the following precautions:

1. Slow down. If you see headlights or tail-lights, slow down even more. A driver may be
driving in the center of the road or may be stopped or barely moving.
2. Drive with your headlights set on dim, or use fog lights.
3. Do not overdrive your headlights. Stay within the limits of your vision. You may have
to stop suddenly. If the fog is too dense, pull off the road and stop. Do not drive at 5 or
10 Km per hour.
4. Use your turn signal long before you turn and brake early when you approach a stop
to warn other drivers.
7. Precautions during rain
Ans : When rain begins to fall lightly, water, dust, oil and leaves cause the road to become
slippery. When this happens, increase your following distance. Take special care on
curves and turns and while braking. Your headlights must be ON when operating your
wipers. Parking lights should not be used because it creates illusion.

8. What is hydroplane?
Ans : When rain begins to fall heavily, your tyres may "hydroplane." This means the tyres are
riding on a layer of water and not on the road. Avoid hydroplaning by slowing down. If
you skid while hydroplaning, try to regain control of the vehicle. Otherwise, release the
accelerator and ride out the skid.

9. Driving in high winds?

Ans : Wind can be a difficult problem for all drivers. Wind is especially difficult for drivers of
trucks and other heavy vehicles. In high winds, you should reduce your speed. Heavy
rain often accompanies high winds. You should be alert to wet or slippery areas and
plan for those conditions.

10. Precautions during winter in Hills

Ans : Winter is the most difficult driving season due to many reasons, including ice and snow
at Hill Stations, lower temperatures and fewer daylight hours. During these condiotions
you should:

1. Drive slower and increase your following distance. Road conditions may vary
depending upon the sun, shade or road surface.
2. Remove all snow and ice from your vehicle. Clear all windows, and do not start driving
until your windshield is defrosted and clear. Be sure you have non-freezing windshield
washer liquid and that your headlights and tail-lights are visible.
3. Be sure your vehicle is maintained properly. Lights, brakes, windshield wipers,
defrosters, radiator and other parts should be in good working order.
4. Use snow tyres and/or chains (where allowed). Snow tyres give you extra traction,
and chains increase safety on snow or icepacked roads. Neither tyres nor chains
allow you to drive on bad roads at normal speeds.
5. Start slowly. Gentle braking, in slow, steady strokes, helps you find out how much
traction you have. Begin braking early when you come to an intersection or a stop.
6. Approach bridges, shaded spots, overpasses and turns slowly. They may remain icy
after the rest of the road is clear and dry.
7. Plan your winter driving. Carry a blanket, food and other survival equipment, such as
a shovel, in your vehicle in case you become stranded. If you become stranded,
remain in your vehicle. Run your engine only for brief times, and open your window to
prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure your vehicle tailpipe is free of snow
and debris.

11. What to do in case of Equipment Failure?

Ans : Crashes often happen when equipment fails. Your most important aid is remaining
calm. Equipment failures may include:
1. BLOWOUTS: A thumping sound may be a warning of a blowout. If this happens,
ease your foot off the accelerator and keep a firm grasp on the steering wheel. Do not
brake suddenly. Pull safely off the road and check your tyres.
2. LOSS OF A WHEEL: React as you would with a blowout. Ease off the accelerator
and pull off the road.
3. STEERING FAILURE: If you suddenly have no control of the steering wheel, ease
your foot off the accelerator. Turn on your emergency flashers and allow your vehicle
to come to a slow stop. Brake very gently to prevent your vehicle from spinning.
4. BRAKE FAILURE: If your brake pedal suddenly sinks to the floor, pump it to build
pressure. If that does not work, use your emergency or parking brake. To slow down,
shift your vehicle into a lower gear.
5. HEADLIGHT FAILURE: If your headlights fail suddenly, try your emergency flashers,
parking lights and / or turn signals. Pull off the road. If your lights begin to dim, drive to
a service station or pull off the road and seek help.
6. STUCK Acceleraor: If the accelerator becomes stuck, hook your toe under it to free
it. If it does not become free, shift your vehicle into neutral and brake gently to slow
down. If you have power steering or a locking steering wheel, do not turn off the
ignition, you will lose either your power steering or your ability to steer.
7. BLOCKED VISION: If for any reason your vision becomes blocked, roll down the side
window to see. Turn on your emergency flashers and then pull your vehicle off the

12. Precautions during night driving

Ans : Night driving is difficult because things may appear differently than in daylight. Also,
glare from lights may interfere with vision. Courtesy and common sense should be used
when driving at night. Remember:

1. Never overdrive your headlights. Always keep them clean and aimed properly. Use
them at dusk and dawn. Bright lights must be dimmed 500 ft. before meeting an
oncoming vehicle or 300 ft. before passing a vehicle.
2. If street lights cause a lot of glare, dim your dashboard lights and use your sun visor.
Avoid using any other light inside your vehicle.
3. Roadway signs are more difficult to see at night.
4. Use edge lines and center lines of the roadway as guides.
5. Do not stop on the roadway. If you must stop, carry and use a red warning light.

13. What if a fire breaks out in car?

Ans : If smoke appears, pull off the road. Turn off the engine, move away from the vehicle and
call the fire department. Vehicle fires can be very dangerous. Do not fight the fire

14. Precautions during water accidents

Ans : If your vehicle runs off the roadway into water but does not sink right away, try to
escape through a window. Because of differences in water pressure, you may not be
able to open your car door. If your vehicle does sink, move to the back seat area where
an air pocket usually forms. Take a deep breath and exit from a rear window.
15. Use of cellular phone during driving?
Ans : Use of cellular phone is prohibited. If it is important, stop the car and then talk.

16. What if an electricity falls on your vehicle?

Ans : If power lines fall on your vehicle, the danger of electrical shock exists. You should
remain in your vehicle until help arrives. However, if fire is imminent, you must jump

17. What is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

Ans : Carbon Monoxide is a deadly poison. Symptoms of its poisoning are weariness,
yawning, dizziness, nausea, headache and ringing in the ears. You can prevent it by
regularly checking the exhaust system. Lleave the windows partially open when starting
the engine. Never run the engine in your garage.

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