This Kingdom 祂的國度/約書亞
This Kingdom 祂的國度/約書亞
This Kingdom 祂的國度/約書亞
Em7/A D A/C#
And this Kingdom will know no end
Bm F#m/A
And it's Glory shall know no bounds
祂的榮耀 無法 測度
G A/G D/F#
For the majesty and power
君王的大能和尊 貴
E7/G# Asus4 A
Of this Kingdom's King has come.____
祂的國度 已來到
Bm A/C# D
And this Kingdoms reign
And this Kingdoms rule
Bm(2) F#m/A G D/F#
And this kingdoms power and authority
祂的國度滿有權柄 和能力
G D/A Bm Em7 Asus4 A C Gm/D
Je-sus, God's righteousness revealed.
耶穌 神公義 的彰顯
Verse 2:
D A/C# Bm(2)
Jesus, the expression of God's love
耶穌 神慈愛的表明
F#m G D/F#
The grace of God, the word of God
神的恩典 神的話 語
Em7 Asus4 A
Revealed to us_____
向 我 彰 顯
Bm7 A G
Jesus, God's holiness displayed
耶穌 神完全的聖潔
Em7 D/F# G
Now glorified, now justified
今得榮耀 今已稱義
A G/A F#m/A >>>To Chorus
His Kingdom comes________
祂國降 臨