Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Administration
Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Philippines
Republic Act No. 9711, an act strengthening and rationalizing the regulatory capacity of
the Bureau of Food and Drugs by establishing adequate testing laboratories and field
offices, upgrading its equipment, augmenting its human resources complement, giving
authority to retain its income, renaming it the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
amending certain sections of Republic Act No. 3720, was signed by President on August
18, 2009.
General Functions
Develops plans policies, programs and strategies for regulating processed foods,
drugs and other related products
Formulates rules, regulations and standards for licensing and accreditation of
processed foods, drugs and other related products
Conducts licensing and accreditation of processed foods, drugs and other related
Provides technical, consultative and advisory services to and develops capability of
filed offices on licensing and enforcement of laws, rules and regulations pertaining to
processed foods, drugs and other related products.
Monitors, evaluates and ensures compliance of manufacturers, distributors,
advertisers and retailers of processed foods, drugs and other related products to health
rules and regulations and standards of quality.
Advises the Secretary and Undersecretary of Health on matters pertaining to
regulation of processed foods, drugs and other related products.
Regulation Division I
Specific Functions
Conducts inspection and issues licenses for the operation of establishments involved
in the importation, exportation, distribution and retailing of processed foods, drugs,
medical devices, in vitro reagents, cosmetics and household hazardous substance
Monitors and ensures quality of processed foods, drugs and other related products
through collection of samples from outlets and ports of entry.
Enforces seizure, confiscation and condemnation orders covering products violating
food and drug laws, regulations and standards.
Provides technical consultative and advisory services and develops capability of field
offices on licensing and enforcement of regulations including monitoring if adverse
drug reactions.
Develops the technical capability of Food and Drugs regulation Officers assigned at
field offices.
Regulation Division II
Specific Functions
Conducts inspection and issues licenses for the operation of establishments involved
in the manufacture and re-packing of processed foods, drugs, medical devices, in
vitro diagnostic reagents, cosmetics and household hazardous substances.
Monitors and ensures compliance of manufacturers with requirements of Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
Enforces seizure, confiscation and condemnation orders covering products violating
food and drug laws, regulations and standards.
Develops the technical capability of Food and Drug Regulation Officers assigned at
field offices.
Formulates standards and guidelines for the registration of processed foods, drugs,
cosmetics, medical devices, in vitro diagnostic reagents and household hazardous
Evaluates and processes application and issues certificates of product registration and
certificates of product listing.
Provides assistance in the monitoring of products violating food and drug laws,
regulations andstandards.
Administrative Division
Specific Functions
Legal Division
Specific Functions
Provides legal advice in the enforcement of food and drug laws and regulation.
Conducts administrative proceedings and quasi-judicial hearings on cases related to
food and drug laws and regulations.
Prepares recommendations, resolutions and other administrative issuances pertaining
to regulation of processed foods, drugs, and other related products.
Conducts investigation of consumer complaints on products regulated by the Bureau.
Monitors product advertisements and promotions to check compliance with existing
guidelines on medical and nutritional claims.