Numerical Renaissance

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Numerical Renaissance

simulation, optimization, & control

by Thomas Bewley
22. State estimation &
adaptive observation

18. Classical
17. Signals
& systems

6. Statistical models

20. Linear

19. Linear

9. Integration

8. Differentiation

5. Spectral methods

10. ODEs

16. Derivative-based

21. State-space &

model-predictive control

11. PDEs

12. High-performance

15. Derivative-free
14. Linear programming

13. Case study:

turbulence simulation

7. Data
4. Linear algebra: characterizing A
3. Iterative solution of Ax = b and f(x) = 0
2. Direct solution of Ax = b
1. Notation and definitions
A. Programming
B. Mathematics

Figure 1: Organization of subjects presented in this book. The primary dependencies of each subject are those
which support it in this stack, thereby helping the reader to develop a targeted initial plan for digesting any
given subject without reading the entire book.

Numerical Renaissance: simulation, optimization, & control,

by Thomas R. Bewley, published by Renaissance Press.
First edition (hardbound, English language), 2014. ISBN # 978-0-9818359-0-7.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008938554

Developed at the UCSD Flow Control & Coordinated Robotics Labs.

Online at:

Published by Renaissance Press.

Online at:

This book is licensed by Thomas R. Bewley under the Creative Commons

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License,
available online at:

All numerical codes included in the Numerical Renaissance Codebase, including all
codes listed in this book, are copyright (C) 2014 by Thomas R. Bewley, and are available online at: The Numerical Renaissance
Codebase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify any and all codes included therein under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Numerical Renaissance Codebase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without
even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public
License for more details, available online at:
Front cover: The full butterfly graph of the forward and inverse FFT (for N = 8), a cornerstone of many
modern numerical simulation codes (see Figure 5.3).


Part I. Fundamentals

Notation and definitions

Direct solution of linear equations
Iterative solution methods
Linear algebra
Spectral methods, fast transforms, and the Dirac delta
Statistical representations
Data manipulation: sorting, interpolation, & compression


Part II. Simulation




Integration of functions
Ordinary differential equations
Partial differential equations
High performance computing
A case study in the simulation of turbulence

Part III. Optimization


14 Linear programming
15 Derivative-free minimization
16 Derivative-based minimization


Part IV. Control




Signals & systems: transform-based methods

Classical control design
Linear Circuits
Linear systems: state-space methods
State-space & model-predictive control design
State estimation & adaptive observation


A Programming: a brief introduction

B Assorted mathematical foundations




The zeitgeist of science and engineering in the twenty-first century is the integration of disciplinesthat is,
the bridging of the gaps between the formerly fragmented and distinct scientific disciplines, and the grappling
with the many remaining grand challenge problems that lie at their intersection. There is thus an emerging
need for educational institutions to distill and relate these scientific disciplines for the new generation of
scientists who will ultimately accomplish their seamless integration. Towards this end I have written this text,
which aims to provide a systematic, integrated, succinct introduction of efficient techniques for solving a
wide range of practical problems on modern digital computers. The texts unique treatment spans a number
of essential subjects typically covered in several separate graduate-level and undergraduate-level textbooks
and courses, as summarized in the dependency plot on page i.
Though succinct, the individual chapters of this text form suitable focused texts for introductory courses in
several of these subjects, highlighting many of the key elements and outstanding algorithms of each of them.
Significant care has been exercised to ensure that the entire presentation is both self contained, requiring no
advanced concepts developed outside this text, and clearly organized, with a minimum of forward references1
used2 . At a higher level, by integrating the development of this range of subjects into a single common
framework, it is my hope that the inherent relationships between these subjects may be better identified by
the reader, and repetition minimized. In short, the dispositions of the subjects covered are presented in a
manner for the reader to savor and appreciate over a period of time, not consume and forget in a single
semester, and emphasize the many affinities between the several subjects that he or she is digesting.
The methods presented in this text are broadly used in many areas of science and engineering today, in
academia, industry, and government, and are beginning to see significant applications in other fields as well,
such as economics, finance, business, and politics. The focus of this text is on the streamlined development
and presentation of the core elements of these methods and the central assumptions upon which they are
based, while providing just enough analysis to facilitate a critical understanding of their efficiency, stability,
and accuracy, and just enough examples to spur the reader to begin to apply them to his or her own applications
of interest. Numerical Renaissance is not intended to be a cookbook illustrating how to brew numerical
results from canned routines; while it describes and includes several efficient and well seasoned numerical
algorithms, it generally encourages and helps the reader to develop substantial judgement to blend these
ingredients together appropriately to suit his or her own particular appetite.
Part I of the text develops the fundamental tools upon which the rest of the text is based, addressing

direct & iterative solution of linear (both full & sparse) and nonlinear systems of equations;
the fundamental matrix decompositions: LU/PLU/Cholesky, QR, Schur, Eigen, Jordan, and the SVD;
solution of the data fitting, representation, interpolation, sorting, and compression problems;
spectral methods, the FFT, and the Dirac delta;
statistical methods and random processes.

Part II focuses on approximating differentiation and integration numerically, thus presenting the core

1 Reasoning,
2 Apologies

Circular: see explanation of Circular Reasoning in footnote on Page S-47.

for our feeble attempts at humor interspersed throughout, which are included in an attempt to keep you on your toes. . .

algorithms for the efficient, stable, and accurate simulation of systems governed by ODEs and PDEs via finite
difference and spectral methods. An introduction to how modern computers actually work is provided, along
with some guidelines on how to use them effectively. Part II concludes with a case study which demonstrates
how the numerical methods developed earlier may be extended to study a delicate physical phenomenon of
importance in many science and engineering applications: turbulent flow. This provides both an appropriate
capstone to the preceding chapters as well as a valuable springboard for the efficient numerical simulation of
other complex PDE systems, and should be accessible to people from a broad range of backgrounds (that is,
prior study of graduate-level fluid mechanics is not required).
Parts III and IV then extend this material to introduce what can be done once an accurate simulation tool
to represent the system of interest has been developed: namely,

identify the uncertain parameters in a system,

estimate the current state of a system, and forecast its future evolution,
optimize various parameters affecting the dynamics of a system, and, ultimately,
control a system to achieve a desired objective by coordinating3 actuators inputs with sensor measurements (usually for either the stabilization of a desired state or the tracking of a desired trajectory, but
sometimes, less aggressively, simply for weakening, invigorating, or otherwise tuning of the chaotic
motions of the system in order to alter its statistics in a favorable fashion).

This text does not intend to be all-inclusive of the broad range of subjects covered by its four parts. Rather,
it intends to provide a solid, integrated foundation of a deliberate selection of essential material upon which
more comprehensive graduate-level and undergraduate-level courses may build in each of these now fairly
mature subject areas. Such courses should highlight additional examples of the instructors choosing, many
of which are readily available and thus substantial space for which has not been allotted in this volume. Some
of the definitive texts in each constituent subject area are mentioned at the end of each chapter, and should
ultimately be used to supplement this text for more in-depth discussions of each. Also, this text does not
provide a detailed historical record of the development of the various algorithms it discusses. Several existing
texts (including those mentioned at the end of each chapter, to which the reader is referred) do this far better
than space allows for here. The perspective of the book is a practical one, focusing on what can be accomplished numerically and how, not simply on what can be proven theoretically, as the development of effective
numerical methods inevitably involves a delicate blend elegant analysis and well-motivated heuristics.
I am indebted to innumerable sources for the material presented in this text. In addition to various algorithms developed in our Flow Control & Coordinated Robotics Labs at UCSD, the text builds on notes I
have accumulated over the years from public lectures and private conversations with hundreds of individual scientists, as well as from a broad range of textbooks and research papers by my friends and colleagues
working in related fields, some of which are cited at the end of each chapter; my apologies in advance for all
such references which, for reasons of brevity, I have failed to acknowledge. I am especially beholden to the
many who have provided corrections, comments, and suggestions on draft codes and draft copies of sections
of this text, including Paul Belitz, Peter Blossey, Patricia Cathalifaud, Daniele Cavaglieri, Andrew Cavender,
Laura Cervino, Joe Cessna, Chris Colburn, Flavio Giannetti, Anish Karandikar, John Kim, Sharon Liu, Paolo
Luchini, Haoxiang Luo, Fulvio Martinelli, Scott Miller, Nick Morozovsky, Bob Moser, Mauricio de Oliveira,
Saam Ostovari, Costas Pozrikidis, Bartosz Protas, Chris Schmidt-Wetekam, John Taylor, David Zhang, and
my many students over the years at UC San Diego in the courses mentioned previously. I would also like
to give particular thanks to my BS/MS adviser, Prof. Anthony Leonard, and my PhD advisers, Profs. Parviz
Moin, William Reynolds, and Roger Temam, for their advice and encouragement.
3 The two dots over the second vowel (like in nave and no
el) is called a diaeresis, which may be placed over a vowel to indicate that it
is sounded in a separate syllable in situations that might otherwise be ambiguous. For example, adding co to operative gives a word
which might easily be mispronounced if some form of diacritical mark isnt used. One could suggest using a hyphen, but then adding
a second prefix (as is often done in scientific writing) becomes problematic: both nonco-operative and non-co-operative are downright
silly, but noncooperative works fine. This text, like the New Yorker, thus adopts a style that makes extensive use of diaereses.


How to use this text. A distinctive feature of this text is the degree to which it is designed to interconnect
the various subjects it presents. As a reader or an instructor, you might well be tempted to skip forward in the
text and read about a particular subject of interest without first reading the prerequisite material (see page i)
upon which it is built. The reader is encouraged to give in to this temptation; a nonsequential exploration of
this text motivates well a later sequential read in the organized order of presentation intended. For example,
at UCSD, I use this text heavily in the following twelve one-quarter courses:
Undergraduate courses
Introductory Numerical Methods
Aerospace Dynamics & Control
Signals & Systems
Classical Control Design
Linear Circuits
Embedded Control & Robotics


Graduate courses
Numerical Linear Algebra
Num. Methods for ODEs & PDEs
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Linear Systems
Linear Control & MPC
Flow Control & Forecasting


The list above indicates chapters covered completely by each course, as well as chapters introduced only
partially (in parentheses), and chapters reviewed and extended from prerequisite courses [in brackets].
Keywords are highlighted in boldface, and are generally defined via context; a quick web search on such
keywords pulls up ample additional information. The available pdf is searchable, so an index is not provided.
Rather than using pseudocode, numerical algorithms are presented in the text directly in Matlab syntax
(see Appendix A), which may be executed in Matlab, Octave, or LabVIEWs Mathscript module. Matlab,
Octave, and LabVIEW all have a large number of prepackaged numerical algorithms included in convenient
toolboxes, many of which are based on calls to free software libraries like LAPACK. Presenting the algorithms in this text in executable Matlab syntax is done to facilitate easy experimentation with the essential
ingredients of several key numerical algorithms directly on your own computer. This is not a text about how
to apply the built-in toolboxes of Matlab, Octave, or LabVIEW to any specific class of problems; several existing texts accomplish this task quite adequately. Rather, this is a text about how the algorithms at the heart of
these toolboxes actually work. In order to understand the algorithms developed herein at a fundamental level,
the reader is asked to avoid all such advanced built-in numerical routines in this study, instead building up the
core components of many of them from scratch (that is, based solely on for loops, if statements, function
calls, and floating-point operations on vectors and matrices.
As illustrated by the multigrid algorithm provided in 11 (for comparison purposes, in Matlab, Fortran, and C), as well as the turbulence simulation code of 13 (in Fortran), transferring such algorithms to
low-level, compiler-based languages such as Fortran and C, which are typically much more efficient than
interpreted languages like Matlab (especially with memory/cache usage and parallelization), is a natural
and straightforward step towards the efficient use of modern computers, from laptops to massively-parallel
supercomputers, to solve a wide range of problems in science and engineering, as well as a host of other
disciplines that may be studied with scientific methods. It is my pleasure to assist you in this exciting journey.
Thomas Bewley
La Jolla, California

In loving memory of Morticia and Pareese, sunpups extraordinaire,

and in immeasurable appreciation of Checkers and Morena,
and the renaissance in life which they bring.



Part I


Notation and definitions

Direct solution of linear equations


Iterative solution methods


Linear algebra


Spectral methods, fast transforms, and the Dirac delta


Statistical representations


Data manipulation: sorting, interpolation, & compression


A review of the two appendices is generally the best starting point for this text. After this review, the
Fundamentals section consists of seven chapters. In 1, we cover some basic linear algebraic concepts and
set the precise mathematical notation to be used in the remainder of the text. Be advised that later chapters
leverage heavily the material summarized in 1, so a careful read is advised.
In 2, we then examine the direct solution of systems of linear equations. The idea of combining algebraic
equations, ultimately reducing them to a single equation in a single unknown, then successively solving and
substituting the results so obtained back into the other equations, is a familiar process that most students see
in high school if not before. The process, described in 2, of systematizing this idea as a maximally efficient
computer algorithm in various special cases, then implementing, debugging, and testing this algorithm in
executable code, incorporates an introduction to the art of computer programming (as Donald Knuth so
eloquently frames it), as much as it constitutes a study of the Gaussian elimination algorithm itself.
Some problems (including a few in 4) are too difficult to solve directly; we thus take a brief interlude in
3 to discuss some iterative solution methods for linear and nonlinear equations.
In 4, we pick up where we left off in 2. The constructions of the inverse and the echelon form, encountered when studying Gaussian elimination in 2, introduce the four fundamental subspaces defined by a
matrix. However, 2 leaves open a number of important questions, including how orthogonal bases for these
four fundamental subspaces may be constructed, how an optimal inverse mapping may be developed when
the matrix inverse itself does not exist, and how certain matrix norms (defined in 1) may be computed. Such
questions may be addressed by developing several fundamental matrix decompositions, the study of which
forms the core of 4. We also identify and establish about fifty frequently useful facts (theorems, propositions, lemmata, . . . ) in 4. The material presented in 4 is by far the most difficult and most important of the
material presented in Part I of the text.
We conclude Part I with three relatively short chapters on
spectral methods and the elegant fast Fourier transform algorithm in 5, which are presented alongside the development of the curious but useful Dirac delta,
a practical discussion of statistical representations in 6, which are encountered in various data interpolation and state estimation strategies discussed later in the text, and
a survey of some important related topics in data manipulation in 7.

Chapter 1

Notation and definitions


Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.1 Matrix/vector multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.2 Matrix/matrix multiplication . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.3 The identity matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.4 The inverse of a square matrix . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.5 Permutation matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.6 Diagonal groupings of matrix elements . . . . . .
1.2.7 Sparse matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.8 Block matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.9 The Householder reflector matrix . . . . . . . . .
1.2.10 The Givens rotation matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2.11 The fast Givens transformation matrix . . . . . .
1.3 Vector spaces, norms, independence, and orthogonality
1.3.1 Vector norms and related concepts . . . . . . . . .
1.3.2 Matrix norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.3 Signal norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



















1.1 Vectors
A vector is defined as an ordered collection of elements (numbers or algebraic expressions):


c = . .









The number of elements of a vector is called its order. All vectors in the present text are assumed to be
arranged in columns (and thus may also be referred to as column vectors) unless indicated otherwise (which
is rare). Vectors are represented with lower-case letters and are denoted in print (as in this text) with boldface
(c), whereas they are often denoted in writing (i.e., on the blackboard) with an arrow above the letter (~c ). The
ith element of the vector c is referred to (in index notation) as ci . When several vectors are being considered,
they will often be distinguished by their superscript1 e.g., c j for j = 1, 2, 3, . . . Note also that, for convenience,
some chapters will enumerate the elements of vectors and matrices from zero rather than from one.
Numerical methods have generally been developed for the analysis of physical systems. The elements
of the vectors and matrices that arise in the numerical approximation of such systems are thus usually, but
not always, real. Two important analysis tools will motivate us to consider complex representations even
though our interest is derived from physical systems. The first such tool is the analysis of eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, as introduced in 4.3. The second such tool is the spectral (Fourier) representation of physical
systems, as introduced in 5. Both tools necessitate the use of complex arithmetic, as reviewed briefly in
Appendix B, even when considering physical systems.
Thus, for the purpose of generality, the elements of all vectors and matrices in this text are assumed to
be complex unless indicated otherwise. In order to better visualize the algorithms developed herein, thereby
obtaining a more geometric, intuitive understanding, it is generally advisable to simply ignore the complex
components of these algorithms upon first read, wherever possible, restricting your attention at first to real
systems. The complex components of the algorithms usually (but not always, as discussed, e.g., in 1.2.9)
follow in a straightforward manner.
Two vectors of the same order are added by adding their individual elements. Likewise, in order to multiply a vector with a scalar, operations are performed on each element. Thus,

c1 + d 1
c2 + d2

c + d = . and c = . .
cn + d n
Vector addition (as well as many other operations yet to be presented) is defined only if the corresponding
vectors are of a compatible order such that the corresponding definitions make sense; e.g., if c and d are of
different orders, c + d is undefined.

1.2 Matrices
A matrix is defined as a two-dimensional ordered array of elements:

a1 j
a11 a12 . . . a1n

a2 j
a21 a22 . . . a2n

A= .
.. = a1 a2 . . . an = .. , a = .. , a , vec(A) = .. ,

am j
am1 am2 . . . amn

and A j = a j1 a j2 . . . a jn . The matrix shown above has m rows and n columns; the order of this matrix
is thus said to be m n. Matrices are represented with uppercase letters, with their elements represented with
1 Note:

many vector calculus and dynamics texts use superscripts and subscripts to distinguish between:
contravariant vector components, which transform the opposite way as the corresponding reference axes upon a change of
coordinates (rotation/dilation), and which describe physical vector quantities such as velocities and forces, and
covariant vector components, which transform the same way as the corresponding reference axes upon a change of coordinates,
and which describe dual vector quantities such as adjoints and gradients (see 21).
The present text enumerates vectors in a more elementary fashion, and does not use superscripts and subscripts to indicate this distinction.

lowercase letters; the element of the matrix A in the ith row and the jth column is referred to as ai j . Note
that, though it is commonly distinguished with a different notation, a vector is just a special case of a matrix
with a single column. A matrix with a single row is sometimes called a row vector. The (column) vector in
the jth column of A is often referred to as a j ; the row vector in the jth row of A is occasionally referred
to as A j . The notation vec(A) is sometimes useful to align all elements of A in vector form. When several
matrices are being considered, they will be distinguished by a subscript (e.g., Ak ); the notation Ak is reserved
exclusively for the kth power of a matrix. In many cases, the order of a matrix may be determined by context.
When ambiguity might otherwise arise, the order of a matrix is denoted in its subscript, e.g., Amn . A square
matrix is one for which m = n; we refer to a matrix with m > n as tall, and a matrix with m < n as fat.
The transpose of a matrix A, denoted AT , is found by replacing the rows by the columns. If B = AT , we
may write in index notation that bi j = a ji (for all i and j). A symmetric matrix is a real matrix for which
A = AT ; a skew-symmetric matrix is a real matrix for which A = AT .
The conjugate transpose (a.k.a. Hermitian transpose or adjoint) of a matrix A is denoted in this text
as AH . If B = AH , we may write in index notation
(denoting with the overbar the complex conjugate) that
bi j = a ji (for all i and j). For example, defining i = 1 (see Appendix A),

1 3i 3
A = 1 + 3i 0

AH =
The conjugate transpose is often (but not always!) the appropriate operation to use (rather than the transpose)
for matrices that are (or might be) complex. A Hermitian (a.k.a. self-adjoint) matrix is a matrix for which
A = AH ; a skew-Hermitian (a.k.a. skew-adjoint) matrix is a matrix for which A = AH . To recap:

symmetric: A = AT
Hermitian: A = AH

skew-symmetric: A = AT skew-Hermitian: A = AH

Two matrices of the same order are added by adding their elements. Thus, if C = A+ B, then ci j = ai j + bi j .
Submatrices (a.k.a. minors) of the matrix A = Amn are created by removing (or retaining) some number
of rows and columns from A, and are denoted

ai1 j1 ai1 j2 . . . ai1 jb
ai2 j1 ai2 j2 . . . ai2 j

A(i, j) = .
.. where i = .. and j = .. ,
aia j1

aia j2



aia jb


where ik {1, 2, . . . m} and jk {1, 2, . . ., n} with i1 < i2 < . . . < ia and j1 < j2 < . . . < jb . Contiguous blocks
may be denoted with the Matlab colon notation; that is, A(a:b, c:d) = A(i, j), where i = a a + 1 . . . b
and j = c c + 1 . . . d . A principle submatrix of A is formed by retaining the same rows as columns
of the original matrix. The kth leading principle submatrix of Ann is given by A(1 : k, 1 : k), whereas the
kth trailing principle submatrix of Ann is given by A(n k + 1 : n, n k + 1 : n).

1.2.1 Matrix/vector multiplication

The product Ax = b (more precisely, Amn xn1 = bm1 ) is defined in index notation, for each valid value of
the subscript i, as:

index notation: bi =

ai j x j .



In summation notation (a.k.a. Einstein notation), any term in an equation with lower-case Roman letters
(i, j, k, . . .) as indices (subscripts or superscripts) repeated exactly twice implies summation over all values of
that index, without explicitly writing the summation sign. In summation notation, matrix/vector multiplication
is thus written simply as
summation notation: bi = ai j x j .
Summation notation is often convenient for manipulation of involved algebraic equations involving vectors
and matrices, but is rarely used when outlining the individual steps of a numerical code; when summation
notation is implied is usually obvious by context. To explicitly suppress summation notation in the present
text, Greek indices ( , , . . .) may be used. Thus, the term s does not imply summation over . Also,
if a summation sign appears somewhere in an equation, then summation signs will be inserted everywhere
summation is applied (that is, summation notation is suppressed for the entire equation).
As defined above, the first few elements of the vector b are given by:
b1 = a11 x1 + a12 x2 + . . . + a1n xn ,
b2 = a21 x1 + a22 x2 + . . . + a2n xn ,
etc. The vector b may therefore be written:

b2 a21

.. = .. x1 + .. x2 + . . . + .. xn
. .

b = a 1 x1 + a 2 x2 + . . . + a n xn .

Thus, the vector b is a linear combination of the columns of A with the elements of x as weights; this is called
the column-wise interpretation of matrix/vector multiplication. Alternatively, the element bi is seen to be
the scalar formed by taking the product of the row vector in row i of A with the column vector x:

11 a12 . . . a1p

a21 a22 . . . a2p x2

. = .
.. ... ;
.. .

am2 . . . amp
| {z } | m1
} | {z }

this is called the row-wise interpretation of matrix/vector multiplication. These two interpretations of
matrix/vector multiplication are associated with two different orderings of the loops defining the computations
necessary to compute Ax. In Matlab syntax,
Column-wise approach
for j=1:n
for i=1:m

Row-wise approach
for i=1:m
for j=1:n

[Note that Matlab syntax refers to the elements of A as A(i,j), though the (fairly standard) convention used
in this text is to use lowercase letters for the elements of matrices.] Both approaches can be written in a more
compact form in Matlab syntax:

Column-wise approach
Row-wise approach
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
If m = n and all the elements are nonzero (that is, if the matrix A is full), the number of additions, subtractions,
multiplications, and divisions [referred to as flops2 ] required in either case is 2n2 . For brevity, most of this
text (except 5) does not distinguish the difference in computational cost between real flops and complex
flops, as precise flops counts are useful primarily as a comparative measure.
In modern computers, memory is typically accessed (loaded or returned) to/from the main memory and
to/from the various levels of higher-speed cache memory as contiguous finite-size vectors of data (that is,
memory is not accessed just one element at a time). If A is a large, full matrix, then, depending on the ordering
of the storage of the elements of A in the computer memory, one of the above approaches will be significantly
faster to compute than the other, because the elements involved in successive calculations (many of which
can actually be performed simultaneously, that is, in parallel) will more often be adjacent to each other in
memory (referred to as unit stride calculations), and therefore can be retrieved from the main memory more
efficiently. There are many subtle considerations involved in order to use

the main memory and the various levels of high-speed cache memory,
the presence of two or more floating-point units (FPUs) on a central processing unit (CPU) core,
the presence of two or more CPU cores in the computer, and, sometimes,
the presence of multiple independent computers on an interconnected network

as efficiently as possible to perform the necessary flops in a given numerical algorithm. Fortunately, a good
self-optimizing compiler (such as those available for C and Fortran) can often analyze loops like those shown
above and restructure them as necessary in order to use a single CPU core fairly efficiently. However, in order
to use the entire computing system effectively, the programmer often needs to be aware of several additional
considerations; such high-performance computing (HPC) issues are discussed further in 12.
It is important to recognize the amount of work a good compiler can do to make something as simple
as matrix/vector multiplication maximally efficient, and the very significant effect this can have on the execution time of a numerical code. In this regard, not all compilers are created equal (far from it, in factit
is definitely worthwhile to shop around when selecting a compiler). Further, simple data structures (e.g.,
statically-allocated arrays whose type, size, and layout in the main memory are known at compile time) are
easier for a good compiler to optimize effectively than more flexible and complicated data structures. Thus,
even as relatively high-level languages like Matlab and Python (which are generally interpreted at runtime)
continue to grow in both complexity and popularity, lower-level languages such as Fortran and C (which must
be compiled before executing), programmed with simple data structures, will continue to play a vital role in
the efficient numerical solution of large-scale problems.

1.2.2 Matrix/matrix multiplication

The product Amp X pn = Bmn is defined in summation notation, for the {i, j}th element of the matrix B, as
bi j = aik xk j .
As the index k appears twice in the term on the right-hand side (rhs), summation is implied over the index k.
Note the following important facts which follow from this definition:
2 The abbreviation flops means either floating point operations, when measuring the complexity of a computer algorithm, or floating
point operations per second, when measuring the speed of a computer. Which definition is implied is usually clear by context; the
former definition is used for the remainder of this text.

Fact 1.1 In general, AB 6= BA, that is, matrix multiplication usually does not commute.
Fact 1.2 The transpose of a product equals the product of the transposes in reverse order: (AB)H = BH AH .
Fact 1.3 The product of two Hermitian matrices is, in general, not Hermitian.
Defining C = AT , D = BT , and ei j = aki b jk , note that, since aki = cik and b jk = dk j , it follows that ei j = cik dk j ,
and thus E = CD = AT BT (note in particular that, in general, E 6= AB).
As defined above, the matrix product B = AX may be written:

x11 x12 . . . x1n 
a2p x21 x22 . . . x2n
a21 a22
p a2k

B = . . . . . .
= .. xk1 xk2 . . . xkn

.. ..


x p1 x p2 . . . x pn


= . x11




x1n + . x21


x p2






x2n + . . . + . x p1

. . . x pn .

Thus, the matrix B is a linear combination of the products of the column vectors of A and the corresponding
row vectors of X; this is called the column-wise interpretation of matrix/matrix multiplication. Alternatively, the element bi j is seen to be the scalar formed by taking the product of the row vector in row i of A
with the column vector in column j of X:

a11 a12 . . . a1p
x11 x12 . . . x1n
b11 b12 . . . b1n


x21 x22 . . . x2n
a21 a22 . . . a2p
21 b22 . . . b2n

= .
.. ...

x p1 x p2 . . . x pn
bm1 bm2 . . . bmn
am2 . . . amp
} | m1

this is called the row-wise interpretation of matrix/matrix multiplication. These two interpretations of matrix/matrix multiplication are associated with two different orderings of the loops defining the computations
necessary to compute AX. In Matlab syntax3 ,
Row-wise approach
for j=1:n
for i=1:m
for k=1:p

Column-wise approach
for k=1:p
for j=1:n
for i=1:m

3 Note that, by using the temporary variables x and b in these algorithms, the number of array references in the innermost loop is
reduced. Using temporary variables in such a manner can often significantly accelerate the execution of a numerical code.

If m = n = p and both matrices are full, the number of flops required is 2n3 . Thus, for large n, relative to other
problems addressed in this text, the multiplication of full matrices is expensive and thus should be avoided
wherever possible. The art of designing efficient numerical methods involves, among other things, using a
variety of clever tricks to avoid such expensive calculations in the algorithms developed.
Note that there are primarily two ways to store matrices in the computer memory: column-major format
(storing in the computer memory all elements of the first column, followed by all elements of the second
column, etc.the default in Matlab and Fortran) and row-major format (storing all elements of the first
row, followed by all elements of the second row, etc.the default in C). In Matlab and Fortran, the columnwise approach shown above is unit stride on the inner loop for both A and B (that is, it steps through the first
index of both A and B one at a time), and references just a single element of X (which we may alert to the
compiler by use of the temporary variable x). Thus, this configuration uses cache efficiently and will therefore
execute quickly. In C, neither of the above orderings of the calculations is unit stride on the innermost loop
in all three matrices (stepping through the second index of the matrices one at a time rather than the first),
thereby rendering both forms less than maximally efficient in terms of accessing cache, which can result in a
significant increase in execution time. This situation is easily circumvented by rearranging the data structure
such that the transpose of these matrices is actually what is stored in memory, in which case the column-wise
approach to matrix/matrix multiplication is again unit stride.
Each step of the outer loop (for k) in the column-wise approach is often referred to as an outer-product
update, whereas each step of the intermediate loop (for i) in the row-wise approach is often referred to as
an inner-product calculation. Note that both names are used somewhat loosely in this context, because the
actual definitions of inner and outer products (to be presented in 1.3) involve (for complex systems) complex
conjugation. Another common operation in numerical algorithms is called a gaxpy (generalized Ax plus y)
calculation, which can be performed using the approaches discussed in 1.2.1. As mentioned previously,
good compilers go to great lengths to restructure matrix storage and command execution orders so that such
basic linear algebra operations, for various problem sizes, are handled with maximum efficiency on a given
CPU with a given size hierarchy of high-speed caches. To ensure your numerical codes use the most highly
optimized routines possible for such basic operations, your codes (in Fortran or C) can call a set of routines
called the basic linear algebra subroutines (blas), which are provided, in a standardized format, with every
modern CPU/operating-system combination as well as with many high-performance compilers.
The element-wise product of two matrices or vectors, known as the Hadamard product (a.k.a. Schur
product), is denoted X = A B and defined such that, in index notation, x = a b .
Another matrix product which is occasionally encountered is the Kronecker product:

a11 B . . . a1n B

.. .
A B = ...
am1 B


amn B

1.2.3 The identity matrix

The identity matrix is a square matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros off the diagonal.



1 2

= e e . . . en Ix = x, IA = AI = A.


In the notation used for I at the left, in which there are several blank spots in the matrix, all blank elements
are assumed to be zero. Note that a matrix or a vector is not changed when multiplied by I. For historical
reasons, the naming convention used for the columns and elements of the identity matrix is different than that

used for other matrices (as described in 1.2). Specifically, the columns of the identity matrix are referred to
as the Cartesian unit vectors and denoted by ei , and the elements of the identity matrix are referred to as the
Kronecker delta and denoted by i j :
1 if i = j
i j =
0 otherwise.

1.2.4 The inverse of a square matrix

If A is square and BA = I, we may refer to B as the inverse of A, denoted B = A1 . Note, however, that for a
given square matrix A, an inverse does not necessarily exist. When it does (a simple test for which is given in
4.2.1), A is said to be nonsingular or invertible; When it does not, A is said to be singular or noninvertible.
Premultiplying the equation Ax = b by A1 (if it exists) results in

x = A1 b.
A1 Ax = b

Computation of the inverse of a square matrix (an algorithm for which is illustrated in 2.1) thus leads to one
method for determining x given a (nonsingular) A and b; however, for large n, this method is computationally
quite expensive as the order of the problem is increased, and thus approaches based on the direct or iterative
methods discussed in 2 and 3 are preferred. Note that, since linear algebra (4) is, in general, noncommutative (e.g., AB 6= BA), one always has to be careful when multiplying an equation by a matrix to multiply out
all terms consistently (either from the left, as illustrated above, or from the right). Never divide by a matrix
or vector, as doing so is nonsense. Instead, work with equations in matrix form by, e.g., premultiplying (or
postmultiplying, as appropriate) the entire equation by an inverse, as illustrated above.
Fact 1.4 The left and right inverses of a square matrix, if they exist, are identical.
Proof: Assume AB = I and CA = I. Then C[AB = I] [CA]B = C B = C.

Fact 1.5 The inverse of a square matrix, if it exists, is unique.

Proof: Assume AX = I and AY = I. By Fact 1.4, YA = I. Thus, Y [AX = I] [YA]X = Y X = Y .

Fact 1.6 (AH )1 = (A1 )H , AH .

Proof: Assuming (AH B) = I, it follows that (AH B)H = BH A = I. By the first relation, B = (AH )1 . By the
second, BH = A1 B = (A1 )H .

The following useful facts are easily verified by multiplying the original square matrices by the formulae
given for their inverse.
Fact 1.7 The inverse of a product equals the product of the inverses in reverse order: (AB)1 = B1 A1 .

d b
a b
Fact 1.8 If A =
and A is nonsingular, then A =
c d
bc ad c a
Fact 1.9 (The Matrix Inversion Lemma, part 1) If A, C, and (A + BCD) are nonsingular, then
(A + BCD)1 = A1 A1 B(C1 + DA1B)1 DA1 .


Note that the Matrix Inversion Lemma is extended in 4.2.1. Note also that discussion of the (nonunique)
left inverses of tall matrices and right inverses of fat matrices is deferred to the footnote in 4.7.1.
A complex square matrix A with orthonormal columns is called a unitary matrix and satisfies the condition A1 = AH ; by Fact 1.4, a unitary matrix must also have orthonormal rows. A real square matrix A with
orthonormal columns is commonly called an orthogonal matrix and satisfies the condition A1 = AT . Since
(AB)H = BH AH , it follows from Fact 1.7 that, if A and B are unitary, (AB) is also unitary. To recap:

orthogonal: A1 = AT unitary: A1 = AH

1.2.5 Permutation matrices

An identity matrix with some of its rows (or, some of its columns) reordered is called a permutation matrix,
often denoted P. As easily verified,
the product PT A reorders the rows of A, whereas
the product AP reorders the columns of A.

The columns of P are orthonormal, and thus PT P = I (that is, P1 = PT ).

In the special case that P is formed via the reordering of just two rows (or columns) of I, it follows that
PT = P and thus PP = I (that is, P1 = P). Note that a matrix such as P in this case, satisfying Ak = I for k 2,
is said to be a unipotent matrix of degree k; a unipotent matrix of degree 2 is also said to be involutory.
A matrix A is said to be reducible if a permutation matrix P exists such that

P AP =
0 D
where B and D are square. A matrix that is not reducible is said to be irreducible.
A permutation matrix may be used to separate the odd and even components of the vector or matrix that
it multiplies. In the (usual) case that matrix elements are enumerated from one, the matrix that accomplishes
this reordering is referred to as the odd-even permutation matrix Poe , and is given by the odd columns of
the identity matrix followed by the even columns of the identity matrix. In this case, Poe
x reorders the vector
x to put all of the odd components of x first, followed by the even components of x. For n = 8, the odd-even
permutation matrix may be written

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
, xo .
Poe =
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

In the (occasional) case that matrix elements are enumerated from zero, the matrix that accomplishes this
reordering is referred to as the even-odd permutation matrix Peo (and, for n = 8, looks identical to the value
T x reorders the vector x to put the even components of x first (that is,
of Poe shown above). In this case, Peo
starting from zero), followed by the odd components of x (starting from one).


1.2.6 Diagonal groupings of matrix elements

The main diagonal of an m n matrix A is the collection of elements along the line from a11 to a pp, where
p = min(m, n). The first subdiagonal is the collection of elements along the diagonal immediately below
the main diagonal, the second subdiagonal is immediately below the first subdiagonal, etc.; the first superdiagonal is immediately above the main diagonal, the second superdiagonal is immediately above the first
superdiagonal, etc. The antidiagonals of a matrix are collections of elements along lines perpendicular to the
main diagonal. A matrix whose elements are constant along each of its diagonals is called Toeplitz; a matrix
whose elements are constant along each of its antidiagonals is called Hankel. An n n matrix is called circulant if the jth superdiagonal and (n j)th subdiagonal (for all j) naturally group into vectors of length
n, which we will call extended diagonals. Circulant matrices commonly arise in the spatial discretization
of periodic systems, in which the first few and last few lines of the matrix relate the state of the discretized
system at its two ends. A typical example is given by the matrix C below with c = d = 0. If the elements
along each extended diagonal of a circulant matrix are constant, the matrix is said to be circulant Toeplitz.


















H =







1.2.7 Sparse matrices

A sparse matrix has many elements that are known to be zero (in contrast with a full matrix, with no known
sparsity structure). Typical examples are shown below, denoting by the nonzero elements.

T =




, B =




unit lower triangular

U =


upper bidiagonal


upper triangular




arrow (sparse but not banded)

, T0 =


upper Hessenberg

A banded matrix is a special type of sparse matrix with nonzero elements only near the main diagonal. Such
matrices arise in, e.g., the discretization of differential equations. As we will show, the tighter (more narrow)
the band of nonzero elements, the easier it is to solve the problem Ax = b. A diagonal matrix has nonzero
elements only on the main diagonal; a tridiagonal matrix (see Algorithm 1.1) has nonzero elements only
on the main diagonal, the first subdiagonal, and the first superdiagonal; a pentadiagonal matrix has nonzero
elements only on the main diagonal, the first two subdiagonals, and the first two superdiagonals.

Algorithm 1.1: Construction of a (sparse) tridiagonal matrix from three vectors.

f u n c t i o n [A] = T r i D i a g ( a , b , c )
% C o n s t r u c t a t r i d i a g o n a l o r t r i d i a g o n a l c i r c u l a n t m a t r i x from t h e v e c t o r s { a , b , c } .
n= l e n g t h ( b ) ; A= d i a g ( a ( 2 : n ) , 1)+ d i a g ( b , 0 ) + d i a g ( c ( 1 : n 1 ) , 1 ) ; A( 1 , n ) = a ( 1 ) ; A( n , 1 ) = c ( n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n T r i D i a g

A square diagonal matrix is denoted diag(d) or diag(d1 , d2 , . . . , dn ), where d is the vector of diagonal
elements; similarly, a square tridiagonal matrix is denoted tridiag(a, b, c), where a, b, and c are vectors of the
extended subdiagonal, diagonal, and extended superdiagonal elements.
An upper bidiagonal matrix has nonzero elements only on the main diagonal and first superdiagonal;
an upper tridiagonal matrix has nonzero elements only on the main diagonal and first two superdiagonals.
An arrow matrix is a banded matrix with additional nonzero elements in the row(s) at the bottom and the
column(s) on the right. An upper triangular matrix has nonzero elements only on the main diagonal and the
superdiagonals. A strictly upper triangular matrix has nonzero elements only on the superdiagonals. A unit
upper triangular matrix is an upper triangular matrix with 1s on the main diagonal. An upper Hessenberg
matrix has nonzero elements only on the main diagonal, the superdiagonals, and the first subdiagonal. Lower
bidiagonal, triangular, and Hessenberg forms may be defined as the transpose of their upper counterparts.
The natural combinations of the above names are also common. For instance, the form of Z given earlier
is a tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix if only a, b, and f are nonzero. The form of C given earlier is often called
a tridiagonal circulant matrix if only a, b, and e contain nonzero elements (even though, strictly speaking,
such a matrix is not tridiagonal); such a matrix may further be distinguished as a tridiagonal circulant
Toeplitz matrix if the elements are constant along each of the extended diagonals.
The following facts may now be verified by inspection:
Fact 1.10 The product of upper triangular matrices is upper triangular. The product of unit upper triangular
matrices is unit upper triangular. The product of an upper Hessenberg and an upper triangular matrix is
upper Hessenberg. Analogous statements hold for the corresponding lower and block forms (see 1.2.8).
Fact 1.11 If is diagonal, then the product S scales the columns of S by the elements on the main diagonal
of , whereas the product B scales the rows of B by the diagonal elements of .
Note that the inverse of a sparse matrix (banded or otherwise) is, in general, full. That is, the process of
taking the inverse destroys the sparsity structure upon which efficient numerical methods may be based. For
example, as easily verified (by multiplying A by the formula given for its inverse),

2 1
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 1
4 8 6 4 2


1 2 1
A = 6 3 6 9 6 3 .

2 4 6 8 4
1 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
1 2

A strictly upper triangular (or strictly lower triangular) matrix Ann satisfies Ak = 0 where k = n; such a
matrix is said to be a nilpotent matrix of degree k. Note that a nilpotent matrix need not be strictly upper or
lower triangular; an example of a full 3 3 nilpotent matrix of degree 2 is

4 2 6
A = 10 5 15 .


1.2.8 Block matrices

A block (a.k.a. partitioned) matrix has elements that naturally group into smaller submatrices, and is distinguished in this text with square brackets (instead of round brackets). Block versions of the sparse matrice
forms described in 1.2.7 are common. In particular, block banded matrices often arise when discretizing systems of partial differential equations in more than one direction. For example, we will see that the following
block tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix M arises when discretizing the Laplacian operator in two dimensions on a
uniform grid using a second-order central finite-difference approximation of the second derivatives:


M = . . .




4 1
1 4

with B = . . . . . .






block tridiagonal Toeplitz


4 1
1 4




A = C = I.


tridiagonal Toeplitz

Working with block matrices is similar to working with regular matrices, noting that each operation performed
on the blocks must be consistent with the rules described previously. Note in particular that:
the block sizes must match appropriately so that the operations performed are well defined,
matrix multiplication is noncommutative, so operations must be performed in a consistent order, and
matrix division is not defined (thus, instead, premultiply or postmultiply by the inverse).





A B + A12 B21
= 11 11
A21 B11 + A22 B21

A11 B12 + A12B22
A21 B12 + A22B22

A n n companion matrix is a matrix in a simple block form with an (n 1) (n 1) identity matrix

and a single row or column of nonzero coefficients. This type of matrix comes in the following four forms:







.. ,

top companion form

} |




1 an1
} |

right companion form


an1 1
1 a1
0 ...
} |


bottom companion form

left companion form


As easily verified by multiplication (try it!), the inverses of these four matrices (which exist iff a0 6= 0, and
are also in companion form) are, respectively,






, an1
1 a























y = H T (2, w)x



y = GT (i, k; )x


Figure 1.1: The result y given by multiplying a real vector x by (a) a real Householder reflector matrix,
y = H T (2, w)x [see 1.2.9], and (b) a real Givens rotation matrix, y = GT (i, k; )x [see 1.2.10].

1.2.9 The Householder reflector matrix

The Householder reflector matrix4 H = H( , w) is an important elementary building block for certain
numerical algorithms to come. It is defined as
H = I wwH

with selected and w scaled such that | |2 kwk2 = + = 2( ).


The Householder reflector matrix so defined is unitary:

H H H = (I wwH )(I wwH ) = I ( + )wwH + (| |2 kwk2 )wwH = I.


For real systems, a simple and logical scaling is = 2 and kwk = 1. With this scaling, H happens to
be symmetric, and thus H = H T = H 1 , and thus H is involutory. Geometrically, the effect of multiplying
a real matrix H so defined times any real vector x is to subtract from x twice the projection of x onto the
vector w, thereby reflecting x across the line (for n = 2), plane (for n = 3), or hyperplane (for n > 3) denoted
by span{w} , as illustrated in Figure 1.1a. Multiplying the result by H again reflects the vector back to its
original location. Note that, in the real case, assuming kxk 6= 0 and defining
a 0,
x + e1

= 2, w =
x + e1 , where = Sign(x1 )kxk with Sign(a) = 1 a < 0,
and taking e1 as the first Cartesian unit vector (see 1.2.3), it follows that
H T x = x 2 wwT x = x x + e1

 2 x T x + 2 x1


2 = x x + e = e .
x + e1

Geometrically (see Figure 1.1a), this amounts to selecting a vector w of unit length such that, when x is
reflected through the (hyper-)plane normal to w, the reflected vector aligns with the positive or negative
Cartesian unit vector, e1 . The careful choice of the sign of in (1.9a) is made in order to maximize the
length of the vector x + e1 upon which H is constructed; if the opposite choice is made, this calculation can
sometimes lead to the subtraction of two vectors that are almost equal, thereby leading to an inaccurate result
if finite-precision arithmetic is used (which is always the case in a numerical calculation!).
4 An

expression like H = H( ,w) indicates that, in this case, H has a functional dependence on { ,w}.


Algorithm 1.2: Computation of a Householder reflection onto the e1 direction.


f u n c t i o n [ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e ( x )
% Compute t h e p a r a m e t e r s { s i g , w} o f a H o u s e h o l d e r r e f l e c t i o n m a t r i x d e s i g n e d t o r e f l e c t
% the vector x to ( ; 0 ; 0 ; . . . ; 0 ) .
i f r e a l ( x ( 1 ) ) < 0 , s =1; e l s e , s = 1 ; end , nu= s norm ( x ) ;
% (1.8b)
i f nu ==0 , s i g = 0 ; w= 0 ; e l s e , s i g =( x ( 1 ) + nu ) / nu ; w=[ x ( 1 ) + nu ; x ( 2 : end ) ] / ( x ( 1 ) + nu ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n R e f l e c t C o m p u t e

Algorithm 1.3: Application of a Householder reflection to a set of vectors.

View f u n c t i o n [X] = R e f l e c t (X, s i g , w, i , k , p , q , which )
Test % Apply a H o u s e h o l d e r r e f l e c t i o n H( s i g , w) , embedded i n rows i : k and co lu m n s i : k o f an

% i d e n t i y m a t r i x , t o t h e m a t r i x X , w i t h { s i g , w} a s g i v e n by R e f l e c t C o m p u t e .m
% Use which = L t o p r e m u l t i p l y by HH, R t o p o s t m u l t i p l y by H, B t o do b o t h .
% Note : t h e e l e m e n t s o u t s i d e t h e r a n g e p : q i n t h e co lu m n s o f X ( i f p r e m u l t i p l y i n g ) and / o r
% t h e rows o f X ( i f p o s t m u l t i p l y i n g ) a r e assumed t o be z e r o , and t h u s l e f t u n t o u c h e d .
i f o r ( which == L , which == B )
X( i : k , p : q ) =X( i : k , p : q ) ( c o n j ( s i g ) w) ( w X( i : k , p : q ) ) ; % ( 1 . 1 0 a )
end , i f o r ( which == R , which == B )
X( p : q , i : k ) =X( p : q , i : k ) (X( p : q , i : k ) w) ( s i g w ) ;
% (1.10 b)
end % f u n c t i o n R e f l e c t

If , w, and x are complex, the situation is a bit more involved. In this case, it turns out that H is not
Hermitian; fortunately, we dont need it to be. The Householder reflector is useful in numerical methods
primarily because, as noted above, and w can be selected such that H is unitary and H transforms (or
reflects) an arbitrary vector x into a vector aligned in the direction of e1 . To accomplish this in complex
systems, one definition that may be used (among severalsee Lehoucq 1996 for a comparison with other
definitions), assuming kxk 6= 0, is
a 0,
x1 +
x + e1
, w=
, where = Sign((x1 ))kxk with Sign(a) =

x1 +
1 a < 0.
With this definition, if x is real, then is real and somewhere in the range 1 2; that is, the definition
of and w for complex systems, as given in (1.9b), does not necessarily reduce to the simple and logical
scaling of and w for real systems, as given in (1.9a). However, H is still unitary [by (1.8)], and the product
H H x gives the following, which is sufficient for this matrix to be useful in the algorithms to come:
H H x = x wwH x = x

(x1 + ) (x + e1 ) (x + e1 )H x
= . . . = e1 .
(x1 + ) (x1 + )


Note that the product H H X, where H = H( , w) is a Householder reflector matrix, may be written as
H H X = (I wwH )X = X ( w)(wH X).


Calculating w and wH X separately, then multiplying and subtracting from X, is much less expensive than
calculating H then multiplying H H times X, as illustrated in Algorithms 1.2-1.3 (see also Exercise 1.5).
XH = X(I wwH ) = X (Xw)( wH ).


1.2.10 The Givens rotation matrix

The Givens rotation matrix G = G(i, k; c, s) is another important elementary building block for certain numerical algorithms to come. It may be defined as the n n matrix built from the identity matrix with only
four elements changed such that gii = c, gkk = c, gik = s, and gki = s, where |c|2 + |s|2 = 1. For example, if
n = 5, i = 1, and k = 3, then G is defined (again, denoting with the overbar the complex conjugate) as



G = s
, G = s


Note that the Givens rotation matrix is unitary, and thus GH = G1 .

Note that the product Y = GH X, where G = G(i, k; c, s) is a Givens rotation matrix, is simple to compute:
denoting by Xi the ith row of the matrix X, the ith and kth rows of X are transformed by GH according to
Yi = cXi sXk ,

Yk = sXi + cXk ,


with the remaining rows unchanged (i.e., Y j = X j for j

/ {i, k}), as illustrated in Algorithms 1.4-1.5 (see also
Exercise 1.6). Similarly, denoting by xi the ith column of X, Z = XG may be computed according to
zi = cxi sxk ,

zk = sxi + cxk ,


with the remaining columns unchanged (i.e., z j = x j for j

/ {i, k}).
In real systems, c = cos( ) and s = sin( ) for some angle , and the Givens rotation matrix is denoted
G(i, k; ). Geometrically, the effect of multiplying GT (i, k; ) times any real vector x is to rotate x counterclockwise through an angle in the plane span{ei , ek }, as illustrated in Figure 1.1b. Multiplying the result by
G(i, k; ) = GT (i, k; ) rotates the vector back to its original location.
For any i and k and any corresponding (and possibly complex) xi and xk , we may define the Givens
rotation matrix G(i, k; c, s) with c and s and a convenient storage variable selected such that

if |xk | = 0
c = = 1, s = 0, (no rotation)

= xk /xi , d = 1 + | |2, c = 1/ d, s = / d, = 1/s
if |xi | |xk | 6= 0

= xi /xk , d = 1 + | | , s = 1/ d, c = / d, = c

By construction, |c|2 + |s|2 = 1. The above formulae defining the parameters of the Givens rotation matrix G
avoid the (potentially expensive) computation of the trigonometric functions associated with in the real case.
With this definition of G, as easily verified, the product y = GH x results in yk = 0. Geometrically (see Figure
1.1b), this amounts (in the real case) to selecting an angle such that, when x is rotated counterclockwise by
the angle in the plane span{ei , ek }, the component of the rotated vector y in the direction ek vanishes.
The storage variable defined in (1.14) provides a convenient means to store the information necessary
to reconstruct c and s using a single number (real or complex, depending on
the fact that
A), leveraging

> 0. In the
|c|2 + |s|2 = 1. In the second line of (1.14), note that cis real with

third line of (1.14), note that s is real with 1 s > 1/ 2 and 1/ 2 > |c| 0. Thus, given , we can recover
c and s as follows:

c = 1,
s = 0 (no rotation) if | |2 = 1

s = 1/ , c = 1 1/| |2
if | |2 > 1

c = ,
s = 1 | |

Algorithm 1.4: Computation of a Givens rotation onto the e1 direction.


f u n c t i o n [ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( f , g )
% Compute t h e p a r a m e t e r s { c , s } o f a G iv en s r o t a t i o n m a t r i x d e s i g n e d t o r o t a t e
% the vector ( f ; g ) to ( ; 0 ) .
g s = r e a l ( g ) 2 + imag ( g ) 2 ;
i f g s ==0 , c = 1 ; s = 0 ; e l s e , f s = r e a l ( f ) 2 + imag ( f ) 2 ;
i f f s >=gs , c = 1 / s q r t ( 1 + g s / f s ) ; s=c g / f ;
else ,
s = 1 / s q r t ( 1 + f s / g s ) ; c=s f / g ; end
end % f u n c t i o n R o tateC o m p u te

Algorithm 1.5: Application of a Givens rotation to a set of vectors.

View f u n c t i o n [X] = R o t a t e (X, c , s , i , k , p , q , which )
Test % Apply a G iv en s r o t a t i o n G( c , s ) , embedded i n e l e m e n t s ( i , i ) ( i , k ) ( k , i ) and ( k , k )

% o f an i d e n t i y m a t r i x , t o t h e m a t r i x X , w i t h { c , s } a s g i v e n by R o tateC o m p u t e .
% Use which = L t o p r e m u l t i p l y by GH, R t o p o s t m u l t i p l y by G, B t o do b o t h .
% Note : t h e e l e m e n t s o u t s i d e t h e r a n g e p : q i n t h e co lu m n s o f X ( i f p r e m u l t i p l y i n g ) and / o r
% t h e rows o f X ( i f p o s t m u l t i p l y i n g ) a r e assumed t o be z e r o , and t h u s l e f t u n t o u c h e d .
i f o r ( which == L , which == B )
X ( [ i k ] , p : q ) = [ c o n j ( c ) X( i , p : q) c o n j ( s ) X( k , p : q ) ; s X( i , p : q ) + c X( k , p : q ) ] ;
end , i f o r ( which == R , which == B )
X( p : q , [ i k ] ) = [ c X( p : q , i ) s X( p : q , k ) , c o n j ( s ) X( p : q , i ) + c o n j ( c ) X( p : q , k ) ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n R o t a t e

1.2.11 The fast Givens transformation matrix

The fact that c and s may be selected in the definition of an n n Givens rotation matrix G(i, k; c, s)
such that the product y = GH x results in yk = 0 renders it useful in certain numerical algorithms to come
(in particular, see 4.4.2). Recall that, by its definition [see (1.12)], the Givens rotation matrix is unitary. If
we now relax this condition, we may define a related transformation matrix that is even faster to apply to
a vector or set of vectors, as it has even fewer entries that are neither 0 or 1. The resulting matrix, called a
fast Givens transformation matrix due to its structural similarity to the Givens rotation matrix discussed in
1.2.10, comes in two types. The first type, F(1; i, k; , ), is built from the identity matrix with only four
elements changed such that fii = , fkk = , fik = 1, and fki = 1. The second type, F(2; i, k; , ), is built
from the identity matrix with only two elements changed such that fki = and fik = . For example, if n = 5,
i = 1, and k = 3, then the n n matrices F(1; i, k; , ) and F(2; i, k; , ) are defined [cf. (1.12)] as




F(1; i, k; , ) = 1

, F(2; i, k; , ) =

Fast Givens transformation matrices are not unitary. As in (1.13), the products Y = F H X and Z = XF are
simple to compute; in fact, as two of the four nontrivial elements of the Givens rotation matrix are set to 1
in the fast Givens transformation matrix, each of the expressions corresponding to (1.13) requires 33% fewer
flops to compute.
Note: this section amounts essentially to a subtle refinement of the Givens rotation matrix and may, like other sections of this text
marked with a dagger ( ), be skipped on first read.


Algorithm 1.6: Computation of a fast Givens transform onto the e1 direction.

f u n c t i o n [ a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g , dnew ] = F a s t G i v e n s C o m p u t e ( f , g , d i , dk )
% Compute t h e p a r a m e t e r s { a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g } o f a F a s t G iv en s t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i x
% designed to transform the vector ( f ; g ) to ( ; 0 ) .
i f g ==0 , d o n o t h i n g = 1 ; e l s e
% see sentence before (1 . 16 )
a= f / g ; b=a dk / d i ; gamma=( r e a l ( a ) r e a l ( b ) + imag ( a ) imag ( b ) ) ; d o n o t h i n g = 0 ;
i f gamma<=1, dnew =(1+gamma ) [ dk d i ] ; e l s e dnew = ( 1 + 1 / gamma ) [ d i dk ] ; a = 1 / a ; b = 1 / b ; end
end % f u n c t i o n F a s t G i v e n s C o m p u t e


Algorithm 1.7: Application of a fast Givens transform to a set of vectors.

f u n c t i o n [X] = F a s t G i v e n s ( X, a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g , i , k , p , q , which )
% Apply a f a s t G iv en s t r a n s f o r m a t i o n F ( gamma ; a , b ) , embedded i n e l e m e n t s ( i , k ) and ( k , i ) o f
% an i d e n t i y m a t r i x , t o t h e m a t r i x X, w i t h {gamma ; a , b } a s g i v e n by F a s t G i v e n s C o m p u t e .m
% Use which = L t o p r e m u l t i p l y by F H, R t o p o s t m u l t i p l y by F , B t o do b o t h .
% Note : t h e e l e m e n t s o u t s i d e t h e r a n g e p : q i n t h e co lu m n s o f X ( i f p r e m u l t i p l y i n g ) and / o r
% t h e rows o f X ( i f p o s t m u l t i p l y i n g ) a r e assumed t o be z e r o , and t h u s l e f t u n t o u c h e d .
i f d o n o t h i n g , i f o r ( which == L , which == B )
i f gamma<=1
X ( [ i k ] , p : q ) = [ c o n j ( b ) X( i , p : q ) +X( k , p : q ) ; X( i , p : q ) + a X( k , p : q ) ] ; % ( 1 . 1 2 a ) , m o d i f i e d
X ( [ i k ] , p : q ) = [ X( i , p : q ) + c o n j ( b ) X( k , p : q ) ; a X( i , p : q ) +X( k , p : q ) ] ; % ( 1 . 1 2 a ) , m o d i f i e d
end , i f o r ( which == R , which == B )
i f gamma<=1
X( p : q , [ i k ] ) = [ b X( p : q , i ) +X( p : q , k ) , X( p : q , i ) + c o n j ( a ) X( p : q , k ) ] ; % ( 1 . 1 2 b ) , m o d i f i e d
X( p : q , [ i k ] ) = [ X( p : q , i ) + b X( p : q , k ) , c o n j ( a ) X( p : q , i ) +X( p : q , k ) ] ; % ( 1 . 1 2 b ) , m o d i f i e d
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n F a s t G i v e n s

For any i and k, any corresponding xi and xk 6= 0, and any real di > 0 and dk > 0, we may define the fast
Givens transformation matrix F(type; i, k; , ) by taking = xi /xk , = dk /di , = > 0, and
type = 1, dinew = (1 + )dk , dknew = (1 + )di
if 1,
type = 2, di = (1 + )di , dk = (1 + )dk , ,
If xk = 0, we simply take F = I. Note that the above formulae defining the fast Givens transformation matrix
F(type; i, k; , ) avoid the (potentially expensive) computation of a square root, as required by (1.14). With
this definition of F, as easily verified, the product y = F H x results in yk = 0. Also, as easily verified, if D is
a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements d j , then the product F H DF = Dnew is cheap to compute, as Dnew
new and d new defined as in
itself is just a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements d new
j , with the elements di
/ {i, k}). These properties render the
(1.17) and the remaining elements of D unchanged (i.e., d j = d j for j
fast Givens transformation matrix useful in certain numerical algorithms to come (in particular, see 4.4.2).
Efficient implementation of these formulae is given in Algorithms 1.6-1.7.



Example 1.1 Robot path following.


1.3 Vector spaces, norms, independence, and orthogonality

Regardless of its order (be it a scalar, a column vector, a row vector, or an m n matrix), a matrix with all
zero elements, known as the zero matrix or zero vector, is denoted 0 in this text. The empty set (a set with
no elements) is denoted 0.
/ In contrast, a vector with all elements unity, known as one vector, is denoted 1.
A vector space V is defined as a set of complex (or real) vectors v of the same order such that any linear
combination of any two vectors in V is itself also in V, that is,
c1 v1 + c2v2 V for any v1 , v2 V and any c1 , c2 F,
where F is the set of all complex (or real, depending on V) numbers. Thus, a vector space V always contains
the zero element. The vector space of all complex vectors of order n is denoted Cn , the vector space of all
real vectors of order n is denoted Rn , and the vector space containing only the zero element is denoted {0}.
A subspace is a subset of a vector space (denoted, e.g., X V) which itself is also a vector space.
The inner product of two vectors is defined in this work as the scalar

(u, v) = uH v = ui vi = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + . . . + un vn .

Two vectors are said to be orthogonal if5 their inner product equals zero. The outer product of two vectors
u and v is the matrix uvH .
A norm of some quantity e, denoted kek, is a real measure that satisfies the following four properties:
triangle inequality:

kek 0,
e = 0 kek = 0,
k ek = | | kek for any complex scalar ,
ke1 + e2 k ke1 k + ke2k.

A semi-norm is defined the same way, except with the second property relaxed to: e = 0 kek = 0.
We consider norms of the following types of quantities in this work:

vectors [see 1.3.1],

matrices [see 1.3.2],
signals, i.e., scalars or vectors that are either continuous or discrete functions of time [see 1.3.3], and
linear systems, i.e., linear relationships between input signals and output signals6 [see 20.2.2].

5 In mathematical definitions, the word if is commonly used as a matter of convenience, though, strictly speaking, the phrase if
and only if is implied. The phrase if and only if (commonly abbreviated as iff and written symbolically as ) is generally reserved
for biconditionals, that is, statements/facts/theorems/lemmas requiring mathematical proof.
6 Which signal is taken as the input and which is taken as the output is, of course, a matter of perspective, and needs to be
defined in the description of the corresponding physical problem. Also, as discussed in 17, such input/output relationships are specified
in continuous time (CT) via forced differential equations, the impulse response e(t) of such forced differential equations, or the
Laplace transform of such impulse responses, known as the transfer function E(s) of the CT system (see 17.3.3). Such relationships
are specified in discrete time (DT) via forced difference equations, the impulse response ek of such forced difference equations, or
the Z transform of such impulse responses, known as the transfer function E(z) of the DT system (17.4.3). Note that, for any t, s, k,
or z, respectively, these quantities are simply scalars, vectors, or matrices.





Figure 1.2: Contours of kxk p = 1 for p = 1, 2, and .

1.3.1 Vector norms and related concepts

The vector p-norm, denoted kvk p, is a norm of a vector defined, for 1 p , by

|v1 | + |v2 | + . . . + |vn |,

kvk1 = p
kvk p = (|v1 | p + |v2 | p + . . . + |vn | p )1/p
kvk2 = |v1 |2 + |v2 |2 + . . . + |vn |2 = (v, v),

kvk = max1in |vi |.


The most common vector p-norms are the vector 1-norm, a.k.a. the Manhattan norm (as it measures distance assuming movement is confined to a cartesian grid of streets), the vector 2-norm, a.k.a. the Euclidean norm or the vector length, and the vector -norm, a.k.a. the max norm; the geometric interpretation
of these three cases is illustrated in Figure 1.2. The vector 2-norm is used the most in this text, and is therefore
often denoted kvk = kvk2. We will also have
p occasion to use the weighted inner product, (u, v)Q = u Qv,
and the weighted vector 2-norm, kvkQ = (v, v)Q (for some positive definite Q, as defined in 4.4.4).
The angle between two real vectors, (u, v), may be defined using the inner product such that
cos (u, v) =

(u, v)
kuk kvk


1 cos (u, v) 1.


Note in particular7 the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality |(u, v)| kuk kvk, and its generalization, Holders
inequality |(u, v)| kuk p kvkq where 1/p + 1/q = 1. The projection of u on the vector v is defined by
uv = (u, v) v/kvk2 = kuk cos(u, v) v/kvk; its length is kuv k = kuk | cos(u, v)|.
Figure 1.2 also indicates a geometric relationship between the vector p norms, from which it follows that

kxk1 / n kxk2 kxk1 n kxk2

kxk2 / n kxk kxk2 n kxk

kxk1 /n kxk kxk1 n kxk ;

these three norms are thus said to be equivalent. Remarkably, all norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces
are equivalent; however, as the order, n, of the problem increases, these bounds become increasingly loose.
A set of vectors {x1, x2 , . . . , xr } is called linearly independent if none of the vectors in the set may be
formed by linear combination of the others (equivalently, if c1 x1 + c2 x2 + . . . + cr xr = 0 c = 0). Such a
set is called orthogonal if (xi , x j ) = 0 for i 6= j, and such a set is called orthonormal if (xi , x j ) = i j . A set of
7 The

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality follows immediately by squaring both sides of the triangle inequality ku + vk kuk + kvk.


vectors {x1 , x2 , . . . , xr } is said to span a vector space V if every v V can be expressed as a linear combination
of the vectors in the set; that is, in summation notation, v = ci xi for any v V for some ci F where, again, F
is the set of all complex (or real, depending on V) numbers; in such a case, we write V = span{x1 , x2 , . . . , xr }.
A linearly independent set of r vectors that spans a vector space V is referred to as a basis; in this case,
no set containing fewer than r vectors also spans V, and it is said that the dimension of V is r. If the r
vectors of a basis are all mutually orthogonal, the basis is called an orthogonal basis [an example in Rn is
{e1 , e2 , . . . , en }]. The dimension of the vector space with only the zero element, {0}, is defined as zero.


A positive linear combination of a set of vectors in a real vector space is a linear combination with
nonnegative coefficients. A set of vectors in a real vector space is called positively linearly independent
if none of the vectors in the set may be formed by positive linear combination of the others. A set of vectors {x1 , x2 , . . . , xr } is said to positively span a real vector space V if every v V can be expressed as a
positive linear combination of the vectors in the set. A positively linearly independent set of r vectors that
positively spans a real vector space V is referred to as a positive basis; in this case, no subset of these vectors
containing fewer than r vectors also positively spans V. A positive basis in Rn has between n + 1 and 2n
vectors in the basis. A positive basis in Rn with n + 1 vectors is called a minimum positive basis [an examT
ple is {e1 , e2 , . . . , en , f}, where f = 1 1 . . . 1 ]. A positive basis in Rn with 2n vectors is called a
maximum positive basis [an example is {e1 , e2 , . . . , en , e1 , e2 , . . . , en }].
Let X and Y be subspaces of a vector space V. We say that X and Y span V, and write V = X + Y, if every
v V can be expressed as a sum v = x + y for some x X and y Y. If, in addition, (x, y) = 0 for all x X
and all y Y, we say that X is the orthogonal complement of Y in V. This is denoted X = Y (and, thus,
Y = X ). In such a situation, the decomposition v = x + y is unique for all v V.

1.3.2 Matrix norms

A matrix norm is a norm of a (possibly, complex) matrix A [i.e., a real measure of A which satisfies the four
properties outlined in 1.3] which additionally satisfies the submultiplicative property kABk kAkkBk.
The induced p-norm of some (possibly nonsquare) matrix A, denoted kAkip, is defined by:
kAkip , max

kAxk p
= max kAxk p,
kxk p
kxk p =1


where kxk p denotes the vector p-norm defined in 1.3. The induced p-norm kAkip is an upper bound on the
amount the matrix A can amplify the vector p-norm of the vector x when determining the vector b = Ax:
b = Ax

kbk p = kAxk p kAkip kxk p.


The most common induced p-norms are the induced 1-norm kAki1 , the induced 2-norm kAki2 [a.k.a. the
spectral radius (A)], and the induced -norm kAki . Among these measures of a matrix, the induced
2-norm is used most frequently in this text, and is therefore often denoted by kAk = kAki2. By (1.18), the last
formula in (1.20), and straightforward geometric arguments (see Figure 1.1), it follows that
the induced 1-norm is given by the maximum column sum [i.e., kAki1 = max j (m
i=1 |ai j |)], and
the induced -norm is given by the maximum row sum [i.e., kAki = maxi (nj=1 |ai j |)];

these formulae are straightforward to calculate. An efficient method for determining the induced 2-norm is deferred to Fact 4.38. Note also that, when characterizing the combined effect of several matrix multiplications,
the following fact, effectively extending the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to matrices, is often useful.
Fact 1.12 The induced p-norm is a matrix norm, thus satisfying kABkip kAkipkBkip.
Proof : Defining y = Bx, we have
kABkip = max

kAyk p kyk p
kAyk p
kBxk p
kABxk p
= max

= kAkipkBkip .
kxk p
kxk p
x6=0 kyk p
y6=0 kyk p
x6=0 kxk p

Another common matrix measure is the Frobenius norm, defined by the following equivalent formulae

kAkF =

|ai j |2 = |(ei )H Ae j |2 = (e j )H AH IAe j =

i=1 j=1

j=1 i=1

trace(AH A) =

trace(AAH ).




Note that the Frobenius norm is straightforward to calculate using the first form given above.
Fact 1.13 The Frobenius norm is also a matrix norm, thus satisfying kABkF kAkF kBkF .
Proof : Note first that
kAk2F =



(e j )H AH Ae j = kAe j k2,

where kAe j k denotes the 2-norm of the vector (Ae j ). Note also that
kABk2F =

|(ei )H AB e j |2 =

j=1 i=1

|(AH ei , Be j )|2 ,

j=1 i=1

where (x, y) denotes the inner product of x and y. By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
|(AH ei , Be j )|2 kAH ei k2 kBe j k2 .



kAH ei k2kBe j k2 = kAH ei k2 kBe j k2 = kAH k2F kBk2F = kAk2F kBk2F .

j=1 i=1

Note that not all norms of matrices are matrix norms. A common example is the max norm applied to a
matrix, kAkM , maxi, j |ai j |. This norm satisfies the four required properties of norms, as reviewed in 1.3;
however, taking

1 1
1 1
it is easily seen that kABkM 6 kAkM kBkM ; that is, this norm does not satisfy the submultiplicative property.

1.3.3 Signal norms

In the remainder of this text, we make use of the following norms of continuous-time (CT) signals e(t):

1-norm (the integral of the absolute value of the CT signal)

ke(t)k1 =
ke( )k1 d ,

2-norm (the square root of the total energy of the CT signal) ke(t)k2 = ke( )k22 d ,
1 RT
rms-norm (the square root of the mean energy of the CT signal) ke(t)k2rms = limT 2T
T ke( )k2 d ,
-norm (the peak of the absolute value of the CT signal)
ke(t)k = max ke( )k ;

1-norm (the integral of the absolute value of the DT signal)

kek k1 = = ke k1 ,
2-norm (the square root of the total energy of the DT signal) kek k22 = = ke k22 ,
rms-norm (the square root of the mean energy of the DT signal) kek k2rms = limN 2N
N=N ke k22 ,
-norm (the peak of the absolute value of the DT signal)
kek k = max ke k .

likewise, we make use of the following norms of discrete-time (DT) signals ek :

Note the slight abuse of notation8 used here: on the RHS of the = sign in all eight of these definitions, the
norms indicated are to be interpreted as vector norms, as defined in 1.3.1. In both CT and DT, signals with
a finite 2-norm have a zero rms-norm, and signals with a finite rms-norm have an infinite 2-norm. Note also
that ke(t)krms and kek krms are actually semi-norms, not norms.
8 An abuse of notation is a mathematical expression that is not precisely correct or strictly unambiguous notationally but, once
properly explained, clearly and compactly expresses the mathematical concept being stated.


Algorithm 1.8: Code for assembling a Hankel matrix from its top row and right column.
f u n c t i o n R= H an k el ( to p , r i g h t )
% B u i l d an nxn H an k el m a t r i x w i t h t h e s p e c i f i e d t o p row and r i g h t column .
n= l e n g t h ( t o p ) ; f o r row = 1 : n ; R ( row , : ) = [ t o p ( row : n ) r i g h t ( 2 : row ) ] ; end
end % f u n c t i o n H an k el


1 2
Exercise 1.1 Let A = 3 4 and B =
5 6

5 4
. Calculate AB and BA, by hand and with Matlab/Octave.
2 1

Exercise 1.2 A simple code to build a Hankel matrix from its top row and right column is given in Algorithm
1.8. Write similar codes to build a Toeplitz matrix from its top row and left column, and two additional codes
to build circulant Hankel and circulant Toeplitz matrices from their top rows only.
Exercise 1.3 Consider a matrix A that satisfies A2 = A (and is thus said to be idempotent). (a) Show that
B = I A is also idempotent. (b) Show that, if A is also invertible, then A = I.
Exercise 1.4 Verify the correctness of (1.10).
Exercise 1.5 (a) Compute the Householder reflector matrix H(2, w) in order to reflect an arbitrary vector
x R3 through the plane normal to w = 0 1 0 . Compute H T x, where x = 3 6 2 . Discuss.
(b) Determine the vector w and the corresponding Householder reflector matrix H(2, w) in order to reflect
the vector x = 3 6 2 to a direction parallel to e1 . Compute H T x to confirm that the reflector matrix so
constructed has the desired effect. Discuss.
Exercise 1.6 (a) Compute the (real) Givens rotation matrix G(1, 2, /2) in order to rotate an arbitrary vector
x R3 by /2 radians counterclockwise in the x1 x2 plane. Compute GT x, where x = 3 4 1 . Discuss.
(b) Determine the angle and the corresponding Givens rotation matrix G(1, 2, ) in order to rotate the vector
x = 3 4 1 in the x1 x2 plane such that the resulting vector is zero in its x2 component. Compute GT x
to confirm that the rotation matrix so constructed has the desired effect. Discuss.

Lehoucq, RB (1996) The Computation of Elementary Unitary Matrices, ACM Trans. Math. Software 22,




Chapter 2

Direct solution of linear equations


An introduction to the direct solution of Ax = b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


Gaussian elimination for square nonsingular systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


Gaussian elimination without pivoting and the LU decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting and the PLU decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting and the PLUQT decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Diagonal dominance: justification for Gaussian elimination without pivoting . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Exploiting structured sparsity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Condition number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Singular and nonsquare systems, echelon form, and rank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Any set of linear algebraic equations may be represented in the standard form Ax = b. For example:
2u + 3v 4w = 0

2w = 7
u + v + w = 12


3 4
0 2 v = 7 .
1 1
} | {z } | {z }

Given an A and b, one often needs to solve such a system for x. In fact, efficient algorithms for the solution of
problems in this class, for various different sparsity structures of A, form an important cornerstone for many
efficient numerical methods. Thus, this chapter devotes substantial attention to this problem.

2.1 An introduction to the direct solution of Ax = b

If A is square and diagonal, the solution may be found by inspection. For example,

2 0 0
x1 = 5/2
0 3 0 x2 = 6

x2 = 2

0 0 4
x3 = 7/4.

If A is square and upper triangular, the problem (working from the bottom row up) is also easy. For example,

x3 = 1
3 4 5
8x3 = 8
0 6 7 x2 = 19

6x2 + 7x3 = 19
x2 = 2

0 0 8
3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 = 1 x1 = 4.

The procedure illustrated above is known as back substitution. Note that square, lower triangular systems
are just as easy to solve, applying an analogous algorithm working from the top row down (this is sometimes
called forward substitution). The elements on the main diagonal of a triangular system, referred to as the
pivots, must be nonzero for such algorithms to succeed in determining a unique solution x. If the ith pivot is
zero, then the matrix is singular or noninvertible, and the system either has

zero solutions (if, when solving the system via back substitution and reaching the ith row, one reaches
an equation like 0 = 1, which cannot be made true for any value of xi ), or
infinitely many solutions (if, when solving the system via back substitution and reaching the ith row,
one reaches the equation 0 = 0, in which case the corresponding element xi can take any value).
An effective method for treating such singular systems is deferred to 2.6.
To solve a square, full, nonsingular matrix problem Ax = b, we simply reduce the linear system to an
equivalent triangular system, from which the solution may readily be found by the back substitution procedure
illustrated above. For example, consider the following system:

0 4 1
1 1
1 x2 = 6 .
2 2 1
Interpreting this matrix equation as a collection of rows, each representing a separate equation, we can perform row exchanges and add linear combinations of some of the rows to others and still have the same linear
system represented. For example:

1 1
0 4 1 x2 = 5.
1. Exchange first two rows:
2 2 1

1 1
0 4 1 x2 = 5 .
2. Multiply first row by 2 and subtract from last row:
0 4 1

1 1 1
0 4 1 x2 = 5 .
3. Add second row to third:
0 0 2

The matrix on the LHS is now an upper triangular matrix, which we will call U. Reducing the problem Ax = b
to an equivalent problem Ux = y in this manner is called Gaussian elimination. Once we have reduced the
problem to a triangular system of this form, the solution may be calculated directly using back substitution,
as shown previously. Alternatively (and equivalently), we can continue by scaling and recombining the rows
until the matrix becomes the identity; this is referred to as the Gauss-Jordan process:

4. Divide last row by -2, then add result to second row:

5. Divide second row by 4:

6. Subtract second and third rows from first row:





0 x2 = 8.
0 x2 = 2.

0 x2 = 2 x = 2.

The letters x1 , x2 , and x3 clutter this process, so we may devise a shorthand augmented matrix in which we
can conduct the same series of operations without the extraneous symbols:

1 0 0 1
1 1 1 6
0 4 1 5
1 1
1 6 . . . 0 4 1 5 . . . 0 1 0 2 .
0 0 1 3
0 0 2 6
2 2 1 1
} |{z}
} | {z }
} |{z}

Throughout the entire procedure illustrated above, the determination of what operations to perform on each
row were based on the matrix A, not the vector b. Thus, we may easily carry along several RHS vectors bi
and solve the several problems Axi = bi simultaneously, as illustrated in the following subsection.

Computation of the inverse

The computation of the inverse of a square matrix A may be accomplished using the Gaussian elimination
process illustrated above, with the several RHS vectors taken to be the Cartesian unit vectors. In the case of a
3 3 matrix A, we solve the problems Ax1 = e1 , Ax2 = e2 , and Ax3 = e3 simultaneously, as illustrated by the
following example (written here as the full Gauss Jordan process in augmented matrix notation):

0 0
1 0 2 1 0 0
1 0 2 1 0 0
1 0 2 1
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 2 1 1 1


1 1
1 0 2 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1

0 0 1 2
0 0 1 21
12 21
{z 2 }

We have thus determined an X such that AX = I X = A1 . Following such a procedure, it is seen that

Fact 2.1 The inverse of a unit lower triangular matrix is unit lower triangular. The inverse of a lower triangular matrix T is lower triangular, with the diagonal elements of T 1 being the inverse of the diagonal
elements of T . Analogous statements hold for the corresponding upper and block forms.

2.2 Gaussian elimination for square nonsingular systems

Gaussian elimination may easily be automated, using the following augmented matrix notation:

a11 a12 . . . a1n b1

a21 a22 a2n b2

(A | b) = .
.. .. .
. .
an1 an2 ann bn

2.2.1 Gaussian elimination without pivoting and the LU decomposition

We begin our study of Gaussian elimination by presenting a simple implementation that does not perform
any row exchanges. In 2.2.4 and, we will identify important classes of matrices that frequently
arise in numerical algorithms for which such an approach is guaranteed to work. In general, however, note
that this routine will fail on problems that encounter a zero pivot if no row exchanges are performed, such as
the system illustrated in (2.1). Note that the Gaussian elimination part of the problem (that is, reducing the
system to an upper triangular form) is referred to as the forward sweep in the following description.
Forward sweep, step 1. Eliminate the elements below a11 (the first pivot) in the first column:
Let m21 = a21/a11 . Multiply the first row by m21 and add to the second row.
Let m31 = a31/a11 . Multiply the first row by m31 and add to the third row.
... etc. The modified augmented matrix soon has the form

a11 a12 a1n b1

a22 a2n b2
.. ..
. .
an2 ann bn


where all elements except those in the first row have been changed; that is, the operation is performed in
place in the computer memory.
Forward sweep, step 2. Repeat step 1 for the reduced augmented matrix [highlighted by the box in (2.2)].
The pivot for the second column is a22 .
... etc. After n 1 steps, the modified augmented matrix takes the form

a11 a12 a1n b1

0 a22 a2n b2

.. .. .
. .
0 ann bn

Note that at each stage we need to divide by the pivot (the diagonal element above the column of subdiagonal
elements being set to zero at that step), so it is pivotal that the pivot be nonzero. If it is not, the present
algorithm breaks down, and the algorithm described in 2.2.2 must be used instead.
Back substitution. The process of back substitution is straightforward. Simply scale bn to determine xn (and
store the result in bn ):
bn bn /ann ;
then, working from i = n 1 back to i = 1, subtract from bi the contributions from xi+1 to xn , which have
already been determined (and stored in bi+1 to bn ), and scale to determine xi (and store the result in bi ):

bi bi


aik bk /aii .


Once finished, the vector b contains the solution x of the original system Ax = b. Generalization of this
algorithm to account for multiple RHS vectors assembled into the matrix B is straightforward (see 2.1).
Efficient implementation of the above procedure is given in Algorithm 2.1. Note that the computations in
this algorithm are performed in place using the existing A and B matrices only.

Operation count. The leading-order computational cost of an algorithm [written (cnd ) flops for specified
values of c and d] is determined by finding an expression for the total number of flops required to complete
the algorithm as a function of the order of the system, n, and retaining the term of this expression with the
highest power of n, as this term dominates when n is large. Note that some texts only report the exponent of the
leading-order computational cost [denoted O(nd )]; it is often useful, however, to know when one algorithm
is more expensive than another by an overall multiplicative constant (e.g., c) for a given large value of n.
We now calculate the leading-order computational cost of the Gaussian elimination algorithm1 to solve
the problem Ax = b. The operations required for the forward sweep may be summarized as follows:
divisions multiplications additions
To eliminate a21 :
To eliminate the entire first column:
(n 1)
n(n 1)
n(n 1)
To eliminate a32 :
(n 1)
(n 1)
To eliminate the entire second column: (n 2)
(n 1)(n 2)
(n 1)(n 2)
... etc. Thus, summing over all of the n 1 columns over which the elimination is performed and applying
the identities (B.63) and (B.64),
The total number of divisions is n1
k=1 (n k) = n(n 1)/2.
The total number of multiplications is n1
k=1 (n k + 1)(n k) = (n n)/3.
The total number of additions is k=1 (n k + 1)(n k) = (n n)/3.

The leading-order computational cost for the forward sweep is thus ( 32 n3 ) flops.
The operation count for the back substitution process is straightforward:
The total number of divisions is n.
The total number of multiplications is n1
k=1 (n k) = n(n 1)/2.
The total number of additions is k=1 (n k) = n(n 1)/2.

The leading-order computational cost for the back substitution is thus (n2 ) flops (much cheaper than the
forward sweep!); the leading-order computational cost of the entire algorithm is therefore ( 32 n3 ) flops.
The LU decomposition. We now show that the forward sweep of the algorithm for Gaussian elimination
without pivoting, as described above, inherently constructs the LU decomposition of A. Through several
row operations, the matrix A is transformed by the Gaussian elimination procedure into an upper triangular
form, which we call U. Furthermore, each row operation (which is simply the multiplication of one row by a
number and adding the result to another row) may also be denoted by the premultiplication of A by a simple
transformation matrix Mi j . It turns out that the transformation matrix which does the job at each step is simply
an identity matrix with the (i, j)th component replaced by mi j . For example, if we define


M21 =




M1 = m31




= I + m1 (e1 )T


with m = m31 ,

then M21 A means simply to multiply the first row of A by m21 and add it to the second row, which is exactly
the first row operation performed in the process of Gaussian elimination without pivoting; the first n 1
such row operations in this algorithm are given simply by M1 A, called a Gauss transformation. The entire
1 Note that a careful implementation of the algorithm described above needs, for example, only n multiplications and n additions
during the step that eliminates a21 . This is because we know (by construction of m21 ) that m21 a11 + a21 = 0, so this multiplication and
addition dont actually need to be performed when multiplying the first row by m21 and adding to the second row. A careful programmer
should always be on the lookout to exploit such opportunities for improved efficiency.


Algorithm 2.1: Gaussian elimination without pivoting.


f u n c t i o n [ B , A] = Gauss (A, B , n )
% S o l v e AX=B f o r X u s i n g G a u s s i a n e l i m i n a t i o n w i t h o u t p i v o t i n g . The m a t r i x B i s r e p l a c e d
% by t h e s o l u t i o n X on e x i t , and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) t h e m a t r i x A i s r e p l a c e d by t h e m i j and U .
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
% L o o p in g t h r o u g h e a c h column j<n , compute t h e m i j = a i j / a j j f o r j +1<= i <=n .
% F o r e f f i c i e n c y , s t o r e t h e s e m i j i n t h e column o f A below t h e p i v o t , where t h e a i j
% u s e d t o s i t . T h i s i s done w i t h o u t d i s r u p t i n g t h e r e s t o f t h e a l g o r i t h m , a s t h e s e a i j
% a r e s e t t o z e r o by c o n s t r u c t i o n d u r i n g t h i s i t e r a t i o n and n o t r e f e r e n c e d l a t e r .
A( j + 1 : n , j )
= A( j + 1 : n , j ) / A( j , j ) ;
% Add t h e m i j , f o r j +1<= i <=n , t i m e s t h e u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r p a r t o f t h e j t h row o f t h e
% au g m en ted m a t r i x t o t h e rows j + 1 : n ( below t h e p i v o t ) i n t h e au g m en ted m a t r i x .
A( j + 1 : n , j + 1 : n ) = A( j + 1 : n , j + 1 : n ) + A( j + 1 : n , j ) A( j , j + 1 : n ) ;
% ( Outer p r o d u ct update )
B( j +1: n , : )
= B( j +1: n , : )
+ A( j + 1 : n , j ) B ( j , : ) ;
for i = n : 1:1 ,
B ( i , : ) = ( B ( i , : ) A( i , i + 1 : n ) B ( i + 1 : n , : ) ) / A( i , i ) ;
% ( Inner product update )
end % f u n c t i o n Gauss

forward sweep involves the premultiplication of A by n 1 such Gauss transformation matrices,


Mn1 M2 M1 A = U, where Mk = I + mk (ek )T with mk = . .


Note that




M11 = m31



and, in general, Mk1 = I mk (ek )T . As easily verified [via premultiplication by M = Mn1 M2 M1 , where
Mk is defined in (2.4)], we may write



m31 m32 1
1 1
M = M1 M2 Mn1 =





Defining L = M 1 and noting that MA = U, it follows that A = LU, where U is upper triangular and L is unit
lower triangular. We thus see that both L and U may be determined from the matrix that has replaced A after
the forward sweep of the Gaussian elimination algorithm without pivoting. This algorithm thus demonstrates
a curious conservation of information property: the information necessary to describe the LU decomposition
of A takes precisely the same number of real or complex numbers as it takes to describe A itself. The following
simple code segment, included in the test code provided with Algorithms 2.1 and 2.2, extracts L and U from
the modified value of A returned by Algorithm 2.1:

Algorithm 2.2: Gaussian elimination without pivoting, leveraging a previously-computed LU decomposition.

f u n c t i o n [B ] = GaussLU ( Amod , B , n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n u s e s t h e LU d e c o m p o s i t i o n r e t u r n e d ( i n t h e m o d i f i e d A m a t r i x ) by a p r i o r
% c a l l t o Gauss .m t o s o l v e t h e s y s t e m AX=B u s i n g f o r w a r d and b ack s u b s t i t u t i o n .
for j = 2: n ,
B ( j , : ) = B ( j , : ) + Amod( j , 1 : j 1) B ( 1 : j 1 , : ) ;
for i = n : 1:1 ,
B ( i , : ) = ( B ( i , : ) Amod ( i , i + 1 : n ) B ( i + 1 : n , : ) ) / Amod( i , i ) ; % BACK SUBSTITUTION
end % f u n c t i o n GaussLU

L=eye(n); for i=2:n, for j=1:i-1, L(i,j)=-A(i,j); end, end

U=zeros(n); for i=1:n, for j=i:n, U(i,j)= A(i,j); end, end
As mentioned at the beginning of 2.2.1, the Gaussian elimination algorithm without pivoting will fail if
it encounters a zero pivot. This is consistent with the fact that a matrix A does not necessarily have an LU
decomposition. Consider, for example, the attempt to construct the following LU decomposition:

b c
0 1
1 0
0 d
ab ac + d
1 0
a 1
| {z }
| {z } | {z }

For the equality in question to hold, 0 = b and 1 = ab must be satisfied simultaneously, which is impossible.
Further, a matrix A may have infinitely many LU decompositions. For example, the following LU decomposition is valid for any a:

1 0
0 0 ? 0 0
a 1
0 1
0 1
| {z } | {z } | {z }

Leveraging the LU decomposition to solve Ax = b. Once we have determined the LU decomposition of A

[e.g., after we run the full Gaussian elimination procedure once, which costs ( 32 n3 ) flops], we can solve a
system with a new RHS b with a much less expensive algorithm by splitting the problem into two parts:
Ly = b
L(Ux) = b.
| {z }
Ux = y

As L is (unit lower) triangular, Ly = b can be solved for y in (n2 ) flops via forward substitution. As U
is (upper) triangular, once y is found, Ux = y can be solved for x in (n2 ) flops via back substitution.
Substituting Ux = y into Ly = b and noting that A = LU, we see that the value of x determined by this
two-step process is identical to the value of x determined by solving Ax = b using Gaussian elimination, but
at a significantly reduced computational cost [ (2n2 ) flops instead of ( 32 n3 ) flops]. Thus, if a numerical
algorithm produces several problems of the form Ax = b in turn, for several vectors b but with A remaining
fixed, it is quite beneficial to reuse the LU decomposition of A rather than repeatedly running the Gaussian
elimination routine from scratchfor n = 1000, the LU-based approach is faster by a factor of over 300.
Note that the nontrivial components of L and U are collected in the modified A matrix returned by the
Gaussian elimination algorithm. As illustrated in Algorithm 2.2, the code that solves the two back substitution
problems in (2.6) may, in order to be efficient with memory, reference these elements directly in the modified
A matrix, avoiding the unnecessary construction of separate, sparse L and U matrices.


Algorithm 2.3: Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, and a convenient code for computing the inverse.
View f u n c t i o n [ B , A, p ] = GaussPP (A, B , n )
Test % T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s AX=B f o r X u s i n g G a u s s i a n e l i m i n a t i o n w i t h p a r t i a l p i v o t i n g .
% The m a t r i x B i s r e p l a c e d by t h e s o l u t i o n X on e x i t , and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) t h e m a t r i x A
% i s r e p l a c e d by m i j and U on e x i t , w i t h t h e v e c t o r o f p i v o t s r e t u r n e d i n p .
p =[1: n ] ;
% i n i t i a l i z e permutation vector
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
[ amax , imax ] =max ( abs (A( j : n , j ) ) ) ;
% F i n d t h e l a r g e s t e l e m e n t i n t h e column .
i f amax > abs (A( j , j ) )
% I f n e c e s s a r y , e x c h a n g e t h e rows o f A a l o n g
A ( [ j j 1+imax ] , : ) = A ( [ j 1+imax j ] , : ) ;
% w i t h t h e rows o f t h e p r e v i o u s l y d e t e r m i n e d
B ( [ j j 1+imax ] , : ) = B ( [ j 1+imax j ] , : ) ;
% m ij ( s tored in the subdiagonal elements
p ( [ j j 1+imax ] ) =p ( [ j 1+imax j ] ) ;
% o f A) , t h e rows o f t h e RHS m a t r i x B , and
% t h e rows o f t h e p e r m u t a t i o n v e c t o r p .

View f u n c t i o n [A] = I n v (A)

Test % Compute t h e i n v e r s e o f a n o n s i n g u l a r m a t r i x .
n= l e n g t h (A ) ; [A] = GaussPP ( A, ey e ( n ) , n ) ;
% end f u n c t i o n I n v

2.2.2 Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting and the PLU decomposition
As you test Algorithm 2.1 on several matrices created with Matlabs random-number generator, you might be
lulled into a false sense of security that pivoting isnt very important. However, a random-number generator
rarely (if ever) produces a matrix with a zero pivot, which often appear in practice (that is, unless the system
is diagonally dominant, as discussed in 2.2.4, or Hermitian positive definite or Hermitian negative definite, as discussed in Beware that just because a routine works well on several randomly-generated
matrices does not mean it will work well in general. For example, testing Algorithm 2.1 on a randomlygenerated matrix with a11 set to zero (try it!) illustrates how this routine can easily fail.
Thus, the approach described in 2.2.1 is not always adequate, and the fix, as introduced in 2.1, is to
exchange rows when necessary to ensure a nonzero pivot for each column. To maximize accuracy of the
algorithm when using finite-precision arithmetic, we may in fact exchange rows before each Gauss transformation in order to maximize the magnitude of each pivot. This approach generally reduces the magnitude of
the updates to the rows during each Gauss transformation, thereby reducing round-off error.
The result, Algorithm 2.3, is a straightforward modification of Algorithm 2.1. Before the kth Gauss
transformation, it checks the magnitudes of the lower triangular elements in the pivot column, |akk | through
|ank |, and exchanges rows (if necessary) in order to maximize the magnitude of the pivot. It then performs a
Gauss transformation for that column as before, proceeds to the next column, and repeats. Such a procedure is
referred to as partial pivoting, and ensures success of the Gaussian elimination algorithm if A is nonsingular.
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting only requires a modest number of additional flops in order to
calculate the magnitudes of the lower triangular elements in each pivot column, and thus has the same leadingorder computational cost as Gaussian elimination without pivoting. However, the comparisons themselves (to
find the maximum) and the subsequent row exchanges in memory can significantly slow the execution of the
numerical code, and thus an algorithm that avoids pivoting (like Algorithm 2.1), if it can be justified (see,
e.g., 2.2.4 and, is often preferred for reasons of efficiency.
The PLU decomposition2 . Each row exchange in the partial pivoting algorithm described above may be
represented in matrix form via premultiplication by a (symmetric) permutation matrix PkT . For example,
2 Some authors and numerical codes, including those in the built-in Matlab toolboxes, choose to define this decomposition as A =
PT LU (that is, as PA = LU). The notational convention used in this text, A = PLU (that is, PT A = LU), was chosen in order to be
consistent with the several other matrix decompositions presented in 4.


Algorithm 2.4: Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, leveraging a PLU decomposition.
f u n c t i o n [C ] = GaussPLU ( Amod , B , p , n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n u s e s t h e PLU d e c o m p o s i t i o n r e t u r n e d ( i n t h e m o d i f i e d A and p ) by a p r i o r
% c a l l t o GaussPP t o s o l v e t h e s y s t e m AX=B u s i n g f o r w a r d / b ack s u b s t i t u t i o n .
f o r j = 1 : n , C ( j , : ) = B ( p ( j ) , : ) ; end , [ C ] = GaussLU ( Amod , C , n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n GaussPLU

if the kth and jth rows are to be exchanged before the kth Gauss transformation, then PkT is defined as
the permutation matrix formed by exchanging the kth and jth columns of the identity matrix. [As the Pk
matrices are involutory (see 1.2.5), we refer to PkT as Pk in the discussion that follows.] This row exchange is
followed immediately by premultiplication by a Gauss transformation matrix Mk , which, as discussed above,
has the effect of adding the correct multiple of the kth row to the rows below the kth in order to eliminate
the lower-triangular elements in the column below the pivot. The sequence of operations applied may thus
be represented in matrix notation in a straightforward manner. By appropriate definition of modified Gauss
transformation matrices Mk, j for j > k, all of the n 1 permutation matrices Pk may then be shifted to the
right in order to group them into overall M and P matrices, as follows:
Mn1 Pn1 Mn2 Pn2 M3 P3 M2 P2 M1 P1 A = U,
| {z }

where P2 M1 = M1,2 P2

M1,2 = P2 M1 P2

M1,2 P2

Mn1 Pn1 Mn2 Pn2 M3 P3 M2 M1,2 P2 P1 A = U,

| {z }

where P3 M2 = M2,3 P3

M2,3 = P3 M2 P3

M2,3 P3

Mn1 Pn1 Mn2 Pn2 M3 M2,3 P3 M1,2 P2 P1 A = U,

| {z }

where P3 M1,2 = M1,3 P3

M1,3 = P3 M1,2 P3

M1,3 P3

Mn1 Pn1 Mn2 Pn2 M3 M2,3 M1,3 P3 P2 P1 A = U,


Thus, if we take Mk,k = Mk and define Mk, j = Pj Mk, j1 Pj for j > k, we ultimately arrive at
Mn1 Mn2,n1 M3,n1 M2,n1 M1,n1 Pn1 Pn2 P3 P2 P1 A = U


where L = M 1 .


The matrix PT that results from this procedure is itself just an (asymmetric) permutation matrix that may
be constructed by starting from the identity matrix and applying, in order, all of the row exchanges that are
also applied to A. Remarkably, as may be verified by its recursive definition, the matrix Mk,n1 (for any k) may
also be constructed in a simple fashion, simply by applying all of the subsequent row exchanges (that is, those
preceding the k + 1th to nth Gauss transformations) to the vector mk used to build the Gauss transformation
matrix Mk . Note that L = M 1 may then be computed by the simple formula given in (2.5) and, as it is a
permutation matrix, P1 = PT . We may thus write MPT A = U as PT A = LU or A = PLU.
Leveraging the PLU decomposition to solve Ax = b. Since Ax = b and A = PLU, we may write L(Ux) =
PT b = c. Thus, the solution procedure leveraging a PLU decomposition is analogous to the algorithm leveraging an unpivoted LU decomposition: first, calculate c = PT b and solve Ly = c for y, then solve Ux = y
for x. The leading-order computational cost is the same as without the permutation, (2n2 ) flops; the only
modification required is a reordering of the b vector by premultiplying it by the matrix PT .
We dont need the entire permutation matrix P to reorder the b vector appropriately. The information we
need may be extracted from a permutation vector, p, that may be determined by initializing pk = k, then
applying, in order, all of the row exchanges that are also applied to A. The permutation vector so constructed
contains, as its kth element, the row of the nonzero entry in the kth column of P (that is, pk is the column of
the nonzero entry in the kth row of PT ). Based on this permutation vector, the necessary reordering of the b
vector that is equivalent to calculating c = PTb is easy to obtain using p, as shown in Algorithm 2.4.


Example 2.1 Static forces in a pretensioned three-story structure


= m g/2


= m g/2

p3 p5 (d4 d5) = m g/2

p4 p6 (d3 d6) = m g/2

p1 p3 (d2 d3) = m g/2


p2 p4 (d1 d4) = m g/2

p3 d
f3 = 0

+ f3 = 0

(d + d ) f = 0




p1 d1 d2 p2

(d2 + d3) f1 = 0

(d1 + d4) + f1 = 0

Figure 2.1: (a) A simple three-story building, and (b) the equations governing the static equilibrium of this
structure, where = sin /4 = cos /4, m = 1000 kg (the mass of each floor), and g = 9.8 m/sec2 .

A typical application of Gaussian elimination is to compute the static forces in a structure, such as the
pillars pi , diagonals di , and floors fi of the simple three-story building illustrated in Figure 2.1a. We will set
a nominal pretension load of 1000 N in the diagonals {d1 , d3 , d5 }. Setting the net vertical (positive up) and
horizontal (positive right) forces to zero at the pins at each end of floors f3 , f2 , and f1 then results in 12
equations, which may be solved for the 9 unknown compressive forces {p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 , f1 , f2 , f3 } and
the 3 unknown tension forces {d2 , d4 , d6 }, as listed in Figure 2.1b.
The 12 linear equations listed in Figure 2.1b may be written in matrix form as

m g/2

p2 m g/2 + d5

p3 m g/2 d5



p4 m g/2 + d3


p5 m g/2 d3


p6 = m g/2 + d1




f 3 d5



d4 d3


} | {z } |

Solving (for Matlab code, see here) gives:

p1 = p2 = 15407 N, p3 = p4 = 10507 N, p5 = p6 = 5607 N,

f1 = f2 = 1414 N, f3 = 707 N,


d2 = d4 = d6 = 1000 N;
as expected, the nominal forces in this case are seen to be symmetric from left to right. The dynamics of this
structure are considered in Example 17.9 and Exercise 17.9.

Algorithm 2.5: Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting.

f u n c t i o n [X, A, p , q ] = GaussCP (A, B , n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s AX=B f o r X u s i n g G a u s s i a n e l i m i n a t i o n w i t h c o m p l e t e p i v o t i n g .
% The s o l u t i o n X i s r e t u r n e d on e x i t , and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) t h e m a t r i x A
% i s r e p l a c e d by m i j and U on e x i t , w i t h t h e v e c t o r s o f p i v o t s r e t u r n e d i n p and q .
p =[1: n ] ; q =[1: n ] ;
% i n i t i a l i z e permutation vectors
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
[ t r e a l , t i n t ] =max ( abs (A( j : n , j : n ) ) ) ;
% F i n d t h e l a r g e s t e l e m e n t i n A( j : n , j : n )
[ amax , jmax ] =max ( t r e a l ) ; imax = t i n t ( jmax ) ; a c u r r e n t = abs (A( j , j ) ) ;
i f imax > j & amax > a c u r r e n t
% Exchange t h e rows o f A a l o n g w i t h t h e
A ( [ j j 1+imax ] , : ) = A ( [ j 1+imax j ] , : ) ;
% rows o f t h e p r e v i o u s l y d e t e r m i n e d m i j
B ( [ j j 1+imax ] , : ) = B ( [ j 1+imax j ] , : ) ;
% ( s t o r e d i n t h e l o w e r t r i a n g l e o f A) ,
p ( [ j j 1+imax ] ) =p ( [ j 1+imax j ] ) ;
% t h e rows o f t h e RHS m a t r i x B , and
% t h e rows o f t h e p e r m u t a t i o n v e c t o r p .
i f jmax > j & amax > a c u r r e n t
A ( : , [ j j 1+jmax ] ) =A ( : , [ j 1+jmax j ] ) ;
% Then , e x c h a n g e t h e co lu m n s o f A and
q ( [ j j 1+jmax ] ) =q ( [ j 1+jmax j ] ) ;
% t h e rows o f t h e p e r m u t a t i o n v e c t o r q .
% ...
f o r j = 1 : n , X( q ( j ) , : ) = B ( j , : ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n GaussCP


Algorithm 2.6: Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting, leveraging a PLUQT decomposition.
f u n c t i o n [B ] = GaussPLUQT ( Amod , B , p , q , n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n u s e s t h e PLUQ T d e c o m p o s i t i o n r e t u r n e d ( i n t h e m o d i f i e d A , p , and q ) by a
% p r i o r c a l l t o GaussCP t o s o l v e t h e s y s t e m AX=B u s i n g f o r w a r d / b ack s u b s t i t u t i o n .
f o r j = 1 : n , C ( j , : ) = B ( p ( j ) , : ) ; end , [ C] = GaussLU ( Amod , C , n ) ;
f o r j = 1 : n , B ( q ( j ) , : ) = C ( j , : ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n GaussPLUQT

2.2.3 Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting and the PLUQT decomposition
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is a very effective algorithm. Recall that partial pivoting involves
exchanging the top row of the reduced augmented matrix [illustrated by the box in (2.2)] with any of the rows
below it in order to maximize the magnitude of the pivot (the element in the upper-left corner of the reduced
augmented matrix). Partial pivoting can sometimes improve the numerical accuracy of the Gaussian elimination algorithm when using finite-precision arithmetic even if pivoting is not required to prevent division by
zero, as pivoting tends to reduce the occurrence of the subtraction of two numbers that are almost identical in
the Gaussian elimination procedure, thereby reducing the error introduced by the use of finite-precision arithmetic. This idea of reordering the problem to improve numerical accuracy may be extended by exchanging
the columns, in addition to the rows, in order to maximize each pivot. This is known as complete pivoting.
The PLUQT decomposition. Each column exchange in the complete pivoting algorithm described above may
be represented in matrix form via postmultiplication by a permutation matrix Qk . For example, if the kth and
jth columns are to be exchanged before the kth Gauss transformation, then Qk is defined as the symmetric
permutation matrix formed by exchanging the kth and jth columns of the identity matrix. The process of
Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting is then easily represented in matrix form as
Mn1 Pn1 M2 P2 M1 P1 AQ1 Q2 Qn1 = U.
As with the PLU decomposition, the permutation matrices may be shifted to the right using the modified
Gauss transformation matrices Mk, j introduced previously, thereby leading to a result that may be written in


matrix form as MPT AQ = U, and thus PT AQ = LU or A = PLUQT , where L = M 1 and Q = Q1 Q2 Qn1 .

Implementation in numerical code is again straightforward (see Algorithm 2.5).
Leveraging the PLUQT decomposition to solve Ax = b. Since Ax = b and A = PLUQT , we may write
LU(QT x) = PTb. Thus, the solution procedure leveraging a PLUQT decomposition is analogous to the algorithm leveraging a PLU decomposition, as discussed previously: first, calculate c = PT b and solve Ly = c for
y, then solve Uz = y for z; the desired answer is then given by a simple reordering of the result, as QT x = z.
The leading-order computational expense is the same as without both permutations, (2n2 ) flops.
As with P, we dont need the entire permutation matrix Q in order to reorder the z vector appropriately.
In fact, the information we need may be extracted from a permutation vector, denoted q, initialized as qk = k
then permuted in the same manner (and order) as the permutations that are also applied to the columns of
A. The permutation vector so constructed contains, as its kth element, the row of the nonzero entry in kth
column of Q. Based on this permutation vector, the necessary reordering of the z vector that is equivalent to
solving QT x = z for x (i.e., calculating x = Qz) is easy to obtain using q, as shown in Algorithm 2.6.
Note that Algorithm 2.5 suffers from the considerable computational expense involved with identifying
the element of an (n j + 1) (n j + 1) matrix with the maximum absolute value during the determination
of the jth pivot. Except for particularly poorly scaled problems, complete pivoting does not usually improve
the solution that much beyond that obtained with partial pivoting. In practice, Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is found to be quite adequate for most problems typically encountered (except certain contrived
test cases that might be labelled as pathological). Thus, the computational expense involved with complete
pivoting is rarely justified in large-scale systems.
Pivoting summary. Though several algebraic manipulations of sparse matrices were performed in order to
derive both the partial pivoting algorithm (2.2.2) and the complete pivoting algorithm (2.2.3), their ultimate
implementation in numerical code (see Algorithms 2.3 and 2.5) are only minor modifications of the Gauss.m
code developed in 2.2.1. This is typical in the derivation of efficient numerical methods in general: though
the derivation and analysis of such methods is sometimes algebraically involved, various tricks may usually
be identified in order to simplify the resulting algorithms and minimize their computational expense (in terms
of both flops and memory usage) when implemented in numerical code.

2.2.4 Diagonal dominance: justification for Gaussian elimination without pivoting

A diagonally dominant matrix is defined as a square matrix A for which the magnitude of each diagonal
element is greater than or equal to the sum of the magnitude of the other elements on that row, that is,

|aii |

|ai j |

for i = 1, 2, . . . , n.



A strictly diagonally dominant matrix is defined by the same relation with a strict inequality sign (>).
Fact 2.2 If AT is diagonally dominant, then Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (Algorithm 2.3) applied to the matrix Ann results in no row exchanges, thereby determining A = LU. This decomposition may
thus be determined using Gaussian elimination without pivoting (Algorithm 2.1). Further, if AT is strictly
diagonally dominant, then A is nonsingular with nonzero diagonal elements.
Proof (by induction3): The statement holds trivially for the case of order n = 1. Assume it holds for the case
of order n 1, and now consider the case of order n. Partition the matrix A into blocks such that
3 This proof uses mathematical induction, a procedure which proceeds as follows: we first establish that the statement holds for a
base case (in this problem, of order n = 1). Next, we assume the statement holds for a case of order n 1, then establish that it follows
directly that the statement must also hold for a case of order n, thereby establishing that the statement holds for all orders n 1.




where C = C(n1)(n1). As AT is assumed to be diagonally dominant, it follows that



| |

|vi |


and |c j j | |w j | + |ci j |.


i6= j

Thus, | | |vi | for all i, and therefore the first step of the Gaussian elimination algorithm with partial pivoting
will, in fact, not pivot. If = 0, then vi = 0 for all i, and the problem reduces immediately to the case of order
n 1 (assumed true via the induction hypothesis); if 6= 0, then applying the first Gauss transformation of
the Gaussian elimination algorithm to A results in





where B = C



We now determine whether or not BT is diagonally dominant. For any j, we have




|w j | n1

|w j |

|bi j | = |ci j viw j / | |ci j | + | | |vi | (|c j j | |w j |) + | | (| | |v j |) c j j

i6= j

i6= j

i6= j

i6= j

w j v j
= |b j j |.

Thus, BT is diagonally dominant. It follows by the induction hypothesis that all subsequent steps of the
Gaussian elimination algorithm with partial pivoting will not pivot either, and that an LU decomposition of B
may be constructed such that B = L1U1 . By (2.10), we conclude that

0 wT
0 wT
= LU.
v/ L1 0 U1
v/ I 0 L1U1
| {z }

If A is strictly diagonally dominant, then strict inequalities apply in (2.9), and thus 6= 0; by the induction
hypothesis, it follows that all of the diagonal elements of U are nonzero, and thus A is nonsingular. If A is
strictly diagonally dominant, it follows trivially that the diagonal elements of A are nonzero.

2.3 Exploiting structured sparsity

We now consider the problem of solving Ax = g for x when A is sparse, tightly banded, and diagonally dominant (so row exchanges are not required). The algorithm to be presented is exactly the Gaussian elimination
algorithm without pivoting, as presented in 2.2, capitalizing as much as possible on the sparsity structure of
A to eliminate unnecessary calculations. We will demonstrate this idea for tridiagonal A, in which case the
algorithm is referred to as the Thomas algorithm. This algorithm, which costs (8n) flops [or, (5n) flops
if the LU decomposition is used], is remarkably efficient. Straightforward generalizations of this idea produce similarly efficient simplifications of Gaussian elimination without pivoting for other sparsity patterns,
including: pentadiagonal (Exercise 2.3), tridiagonal circulant (Algorithm 2.10), arrow (Exercise 2.4), and n
coupled tridiagonal systems (Exercise 2.6).

The following notation is used for the augmented matrix in this problem:

b 1 c1
0 g1
a 2 b 2 c2


a3 b3

(A | g) =
.. .


an1 bn1 cn1 gn1

bn gn

Forward sweep, step 1. Eliminate the element below b1 (the first pivot) in the first column:
Let m2 = a2 /b1 . Multiply the first row by m2 and add to the second row.
Forward sweep, step 2. Repeat step 1 for the new (smaller) augmented matrix, as in the original Gaussian
elimination procedure. The pivot for the second column is b2 .
... etc. After n 1 steps, the modified augmented matrix takes the form

b 1 c1
0 g1
0 b 2 c2



.. ,

.. ..


0 bn1 cn1 gn1

bn gn

where all of the elements of b and g have changed except those in the first row.
Back substitution. The process of back substitution is again straightforward. As before, initiate the back
substitution with:
gn gn /bn ;
then, working from i = n 1 back to i = 1, subtract from gi the contribution from xi+1 , which has already
been determined (and stored in gi+1 ), and scale to determine xi :

gi gi ci gi+1 /bi .

Once finished, the vector g contains the solution x of the original system Ax = g.

Efficient implementation of this procedure, generalized to multiple RHS vectors assembled in G, is given
in Algorithm 2.7.
Operation count. We now calculate the total flops required by the Thomas algorithm to solve the problem
Ax = b in the case of tridiagonal A, being careful to perform floating point operations only where necessary.
The operations required for the forward sweep may be summarized as follows:
To eliminate a2 :
To eliminate entire subdiagonal:

(n 1)

2(n 1)

2(n 1)

The leading-order computational cost for the forward sweep is thus (5n) flops. For the back substitution:
The total number of divisions is n.
The total number of multiplications is n 1.
The total number of additions is n 1.


Algorithm 2.7: The Thomas algorithm.

f u n c t i o n [G, a , b , c ] = Thomas ( a , b , c , G, n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s AX=G f o r X u s i n g t h e Thomas a l g o r i t h m , where A = t r i d i a g ( a , b , c ) .
% The s o l u t i o n X i s r e t u r n e d on e x i t , and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) , t h e t h r e e d i a g o n a l s o f A a r e
% r e p l a c e d by t h e m i j and U .
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
a ( j +1 )
= a ( j +1 ) / b ( j ) ;
% T h i s co d e i s j u s t a s i m p l i f i e d v e r s i o n o f
b ( j +1 )
= b ( j +1 )
+ a ( j +1 ) c ( j ) ;
% Gauss .m ( u s i n g a d i f f e r e n t n o t a t i o n f o r t h e
G( j + 1 , : ) = G( j + 1 , : ) + a ( j +1 ) G( j , : ) ;
% m a t r i x and RHS v e c t o r ) , t o which t h e r e a d e r
% i s r e f e r r e d f o r e x p l a n a t o r y comments .
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) / b ( n ) ;
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 ,
G( i , : ) = ( G( i , : ) c ( i ) G( i + 1 , : ) ) / b ( i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n Thomas


Algorithm 2.8: The Thomas algorithm, leveraging an LU decomposition.

f u n c t i o n [G] = ThomasLU ( a , b , c , G, n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n u s e s t h e LU d e c o m p o s i t i o n r e t u r n e d [ i n t h e m o d i f i e d ( a , b , c ) v e c t o r s ] by a
% p r i o r c a l l t o Thomas .m t o s o l v e t h e s y s t e m AX=G u s i n g f o r w a r d / b ack s u b s t i t u t i o n .
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
G( j + 1 , : ) = G( j + 1 , : ) + a ( j +1 ) G( j , : ) ;
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) / b ( n ) ;
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 ,
G( i , : ) = ( G( i , : ) c ( i ) G( i + 1 , : ) ) / b ( i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n ThomasLU


Algorithm 2.9: Thomas for tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices (cf. Algorithm 2.7).
f u n c t i o n [G] = ThomasTT ( a , b , c , G, n )
% S o l v e s t h e s y s t e m AX=G f o r X u s i n g
% T o e p l i t z , and d i a g o n a l l y d o m in an t ,
% d i a g o n a l , and s u p e r d i a g o n a l o f A .
bt (1)= b ;
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
m = a / bt ( j ) ;
b t ( j +1 ) = b + m c ;
G( j + 1 , : ) = G( j + 1 , : ) + m G( j , : ) ;
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) / b t ( n ) ;
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 ,
G( i , : ) = ( G( i , : ) c G( i + 1 , : )
end % f u n c t i o n ThomasTT

t h e Thomas a l g o r i t h m , a s s u m i n g A i s t r i d i a g o n a l ,
w i t h ( a , b , c ) t h e s c a l a r s on t h e s u b d i a g o n a l , main
On e x i t , t h e m a t r i x G i s r e p l a c e d by t h e s o l u t i o n X .

A t e m p o r a r y v e c t o r b t ( o f l e n g t h n ) i s c r e a t e d by
t h i s a l g o r i t h m , b u t i t doesn t s t o r e enough t o
l a t e r r e c o n s t r u c t t h e LU d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f A .

) / bt ( i ) ;

The leading-order computational cost for the back substitution is thus (3n) flops. The leading-order computational cost of the entire algorithm is (8n) flopsmuch less expensive than full Gaussian elimination.
Leveraging the LU decomposition to solve Ax = g for tridiagonal A. As in the Gaussian elimination procedure from which it was derived, the forward sweep of the Thomas algorithm inherently constructs an LU
decomposition of the tridiagonal matrix A. Note that L and U inherit the banded structure of A; specifically,
L is unit lower bidiagonal and U is upper bidiagonal.
Once we have the LU decomposition of A, we can solve a system with a new RHS Ax = g with a two-step


Algorithm 2.10: Reduced Gaussian elimination for circulant matrices.


f u n c t i o n [G, a , b , c , d , e ] = C i r c u l a n t ( a , b , c , G, n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s t h e t r i d i a g o n a l c i r c u l a n t s y s t e m AX=G f o r X . On e x i t , t h e m a t r i x G
% i s r e p l a c e d by t h e s o l u t i o n X and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) , { a , b , c , d , e } c o n t a i n t h e m i j and U .
d(1) = a (1);
e (1) = c(n );
% I n i t i a l i z e d and e v e c t o r s
f o r j = 1 : n 2 ,
a ( j +1 )
= a ( j +1 ) / b ( j ) ;
b ( j +1 )
= b ( j +1 )
+ a ( j +1 ) c ( j ) ;
d ( j +1 )
= a ( j +1 ) d ( j ) ;
G( j + 1 , : ) = G( j + 1 , : ) + a ( j +1 ) G( j , : ) ;
e( j )
= e( j ) / b( j );
e ( j +1 )
= e( j ) c( j );
= b(n) + e( j ) d( j );
G( n , : )
= G( n , : ) + e ( j ) G( j , : ) ;
d ( n 1) = d ( n 1) + c ( n 1 ) ;
% F i x d and e v e c t o r s i n t h e i r n1 co m p o n en ts .
e ( n 1) = e ( n 1) + a ( n ) ;
= e ( n 1) / b ( n 1 ) ;
% Now h a n d l e j =n1 c a s e o f t h e l o o p s e p e r a t e l y ,
= b ( n ) + a ( n ) d ( n 1);
% a s v a r i a b l e s h av e d i f f e r e n t names i n t h e c o r n e r .
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) + a ( n ) G( n 1 , : ) ;
G( n , : )
= G( n , : ) / b ( n ) ;
G( n 1 , : ) = ( G( n 1 , : ) d ( n 1) G( n , : ) ) / b ( n 1 ) ;
f o r i = n 2: 1:1 ,
G( i , : ) = ( G( i , : ) c ( i ) G( i + 1 , : ) d ( i ) G( n , : ) ) / b ( i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C i r c u l a n t

Algorithm 2.11: Reduced Gaussian elimination for circulant matrices, leveraging an LU decomposition.

f u n c t i o n [G] = C i r c u l a n t L U ( a , b , c , d , e , G, n )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n u s e s t h e LU d e c o m p o s i t i o n r e t u r n e d [ i n t h e ( a , b , c , d , e ) v e c t o r s ] by a
% p r i o r c a l l t o C i r c u l a n t .m t o s o l v e t h e s y s t e m AX=G u s i n g f o r w a r d / b ack s u b s t i t u t i o n .
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
G( j + 1 , : ) = G( j + 1 , : ) + a ( j +1 ) G( j , : ) ;
G( n , : )
= G( n , : ) + e ( j ) G( j , : ) ;
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) e ( n 1) G( n 1 , : ) ;
G( n , : ) = G( n , : ) / b ( n ) ;
G( n 1 , : ) = ( G( n 1 , : ) d ( n 1) G( n , : ) ) / b ( n 1 ) ;
f o r i = n 2: 1:1 ,
G( i , : ) = ( G( i , : ) c ( i ) G( i + 1 , : ) d ( i ) G( n , : ) ) / b ( i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C i r c u l a n t L U

procedure as before. The cost of efficiently solving Ly = g for the vector y is (2n) flops (similar to the
cost of the back substitution in the Thomas algorithm, but noting that the divisions are not required because
the diagonal elements are unity). The cost of efficiently solving Ux = y for the vector x is (3n) flops
(the same as the cost of back substitution in the Thomas algorithm). Thus, solving Ax = g by leveraging the
LU decomposition of A costs (5n) flops, whereas solving it by the Thomas algorithm costs (8n) flops.
Efficient implementation of this procedure is given in Algorithm 2.8.
Thomas for tridiagonal Toeplitz. As shown in Algorithm 2.9, if A is tridiagonal Toeplitz, and one does not
aspire to later reconstruct the LU decomposition of A, then one can rewrite the Thomas algorithm using just
a single vector for the main diagonal of A. Reducing storage requirements in this manner can often decrease
execution time significantly by fitting the algorithm into a (smaller) higher speed cache on the CPU.





Figure 2.2: The essential steps of the parallel Thomas algorithm.

Reducing Gaussian elimination for matrices with other sparsity patterns. The idea of exploiting banded
sparsity in order to streamline the full Gaussian elimination algorithm extends easily to other banded matrices
(for the pentadiagonal case, see Exercise 2.3). This idea can also be extended to matrices of arrow structure.
Note in particular Algorithm 2.10, in which a tridiagonal circulant matrix essentially fills out into an arrow
matrix as it is solved with a specialized form of reduced Gaussian elimination. This algorithm requires
(17n) flops, and enough information may be saved such that the LU decomposition may be reconstructed and
used, as illustrated in Algorithm 2.11, thus reducing the leading-order computational cost to (9n) flops.

2.4 Parallelization
As discussed further in 12, modern computers achieve their speed by parallelization (that is, by the simultaneous calculation of many of the floating-point operations in the algorithm). Each step of the Thomas
algorithm depends upon the result of the previous step, and thus the algorithm as described thus far does not

readily parallelize4 . However, with some additional ingenuity (and flops), a parallel version of the Thomas
algorithm may indeed be crafted. The essential steps of the parallel Thomas algorithm5 (Wang 1981) are
indicated in Figure 2.2. Starting from a tridiagonal matrix (see Figure 2.2a) of length n (in the example illustrated, n = 20), the problem is split into p blocks of length m = n/p and distributed on p processors (in the
example illustrated, p = 4 and m = 5). As the p p block matrix so created is not quite block diagonal, these
p problems are coupled; however, this coupling can be accounted for fairly inexpensively, as shown below.
In a typical application of this algorithm, n is huge, and p is the number of processors available to do the
computational work. Also, n is not necessarily an integer multiple of p, so some care is needed to account for
the fact that some processors need to do more computations than others.
On each processor, a Thomas-like forward sweep is first performed in order to zero out the first subdiagonal in each diagonal block (see Figure 2.2b). These forward sweeps are done in parallel on the p processors;
on p 1 of the processors, an extra column fills up during these forward sweeps. A back sweep, analogous
to the forward sweep, is also introduced to zero out elements in the first superdiagonal of each block, from
the element above the (m 1)th diagonal element back to the element above the second diagonal element in
each block (see Figure 2.2c). These back sweeps are also done in parallel on the p processors; on all of the
processors, an extra column also fills up during these back sweeps. Finally, on the last p 1 of the processors, each back sweep is extended one extra step into the corresponding preceding block (see Figure 2.2d).
The mth equation on each processor (see arrows in Figure 2.2d) is now be lumped together into a single,
tridiagonal, fairly small (that is, p p) problem and solved (on the master processor) with the ordinary
Thomas algorithm. Once the mth variable in each block is determined in this fashion, the remaining variables in each block are determined via straightforward back substitution. The leading-order computational cost
of this algorithm is (17n) [about twice that of the standard Thomas algorithm].
An implementation of the parallel Thomas algorithm described above is given in Algorithm 2.12; as
opposed to most other codes presented in this text [which are based solely on for loops, if statements,
function calls, and floating-point operations on vectors and matrices], Algorithm 2.12 makes use of a few
of the advanced parallel programming features of Matlab. Unfortunately, the parallel performance of this
implementation (using the 2011a release of Matlab) is poor, and the parallelized code is actually significantly
slower than the standard (serial) Thomas algorithm, even when using four processors and large values of n.
This is apparently due to the fact that, as of 2011, parallelization is a fairly new addition to Matlab; it is
hoped that the performance and flexibility of the parallel Matlab tools will improve significantly in the near
future. In contrast, the parallel capabilities of lower-level languages like Fortran and C [as discussed further in
12-13] are much more mature and can provide a significant speedup using the algorithm described above.
Another strategy for parallel solution of tridiagonal systems is cyclic reduction (see Exercise 4.5).

2.5 Condition number

Let Ax = b for nonsingular A and consider a small perturbation to the RHS. The perturbed system is written
A(x + x) = (b + b)

A x = b.

We now determine a bound on the change x in the solution x that results from a change b to b, using the
induced p-norms defined in 1.3.2. Applying (1.21) to the equations b = Ax and x = A1 b gives
kbk p kAkip kxk p kxk p kbk p /kAkip


k xk p kA1 kip k bk p .

4 In many problems, one encounters several different tridiagonal systems A x = g that may all be worked on simultaneously,

thereby easily achieving the desired load balancing (that is, the distribution of tasks over several processors) of a well-parallelized code.
A problem of this sort is sometimes said to be embarassingly parallel.
5 Note that, as opposed to the Thomas and circulant algorithms described previously, the parallel Thomas algorithm is not simply
Gaussian elimination exploiting structured sparsity, as there are a couple of additional clever steps involved.


Algorithm 2.12: The parallel Thomas algorithm.

function [ g ] = ThomasParallel ( a , b , c , g , n , p )
% T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s AX=g f o r X u s i n g t h e p a r a l l e l Thomas a l g o r i t h m on p p r o e s s o r s .
a= d i s t r i b u t e d ( a ) ; b= d i s t r i b u t e d ( b ) ; c= d i s t r i b u t e d ( c ) ; g= d i s t r i b u t e d ( g ) ; % Move d a t a t o l a b s
aa = g e t L o c a l P a r t ( a ) ; bb = g e t L o c a l P a r t ( b ) ; cc = g e t L o c a l P a r t ( c ) ; gg = g e t L o c a l P a r t ( g ) ;
jm= l e n g t h ( aa ) ;
f o r j = 1 : jm1
= aa ( j + 1 ) / bb ( j ) ;
bb ( j +1 ) = bb ( j +1 ) + m u l t cc ( j ) ;
gg ( j +1 ) = gg ( j +1 ) + m u l t gg ( j ) ;
i f l a b i n d e x >1, aa ( j +1 ) = m u l t aa ( j ) ; e l s e , aa ( j +1 ) = 0 ; end
f o r j =jm 1: 1:2
= cc ( j 1 ) / bb ( j ) ;
aa ( j 1) = aa ( j 1) + m u l t aa ( j ) ;
cc ( j 1) =
m u l t cc ( j ) ;
gg ( j 1) = gg ( j 1) + m u l t gg ( j ) ;
a f i r s t = aa ( 1 ) ; b f i r s t =bb ( 1 ) ; c f i r s t = cc ( 1 ) ; g f i r s t =gg ( 1 ) ; % Make s e l e c t d a t a a v a i l a b l e
a l a s t = aa ( jm ) ; b l a s t =bb ( jm ) ; c l a s t = cc ( jm ) ; g l a s t =gg ( jm ) ; % t o t h e c l i e n t
end %
% Now s e t up and s o l v e t h e t r i d i a g o n a l p r o b lem t h a t r e l a t e s t h e p l a b s .
% Note : t h e n o t a t i o n a l a s t { k } d e n o t e s d a t a t h a t i s a c t u a l l y s t i l l r e s i d e n t on t h e l a b s ,
% w h e r e a s t h e n o t a t i o n a a a ( k ) s e t s up a r e g u l a r v e c t o r on t h e c l i e n t , t o be u s e d by Thomas .
for k =2: p
% One e x t r a s t e p o f t h e l a s t p1 b ack w ar d s w eep s .
= c l a s t {k 1}/ b f i r s t {k } ;
a a a ( k 1 ,1)= a l a s t {k 1};
bbb ( k 1 ,1)= b l a s t {k1} + m u l t a f i r s t { k } ;
c c c ( k 1 ,1)=
mult c f i r s t {k };
ggg ( k 1 ,1)= g l a s t {k1} + m u l t g f i r s t { k } ;
a a a ( p , 1 ) = a l a s t { p } ; bbb ( p , 1 ) = b l a s t { p } ; c c c ( p , 1 ) = 0 ; ggg ( p , 1 ) = g l a s t { p } ;
ggg =Thomas ( aaa , bbb , ccc , ggg , p ) ;
gg ( jm ) = ggg ( l a b i n d e x ) ;
f o r j = jm 1: 1:1
i f l a b i n d e x >1, gg ( j ) = ( gg ( j ) aa ( j ) ggg ( l a b i n d e x 1) cc ( j ) gg ( jm ) ) / bb ( j ) ;
else ,
gg ( j ) = ( gg ( j )
cc ( j ) gg ( jm ) ) / bb ( j ) ; end
end %
g = [ ] ; f o r k = 1 : p , g =[ g ; gg {k } ] ; end
end % f u n c t i o n T h o m a s P a r a l l e l

% A ccu m u late r e s u l t t o r e t u r n from f u n c t i o n .

Dividing the inequality on the right by the inequality in the center (and noting that, if a b and c d, then
a/c b/d), we see that the relative change in the p-norm of the vector x is bounded by a constant p times
the relative change in the p-norm of vector b, that is,
k bk p
k xk p
kxk p
kbk p
where p (A) = kAkip kA1kip is called the p-norm condition number of the matrix A. The 2-norm condition
number is used most often in this text, and is thus sometimes referred to simply as the condition number,


(A) = 2 (A); an efficient method of computing the 2-norm condition number is deferred to Fact 4.40.
Now, let Ax = b and consider a small perturbation to the matrix A itself, and perform a similar analysis.
The perturbed system may be written as
(A A)(x + x) = b

A x = A (x + x).

Applying (1.21) to the equations x = (A1 ) [ A (x + x)] and [ A (x + x)] = ( A)(x + x) in turn gives
k Akip
k xk p
. p
kxk p

k xk p kA1kip k A (x+ x)k p kA1kip k Akip kx+ xk p kA1kip k Akip kxk p,

Thus, we see that the relative change in the p-norm of the vector x is bounded by p times the relative change
in the induced p-norm of the matrix A.
If the condition number is small [say, . O(104 )], then the matrix is referred to as well conditioned,
meaning that small errors in either A or b (or, in their numerical representations using finite-precision arithmetic) will result in appropriately bounded errors in the resulting value of x. However, if the condition number is
large [say, O(104 )], then the matrix is poorly conditioned, and the accuracy of the solution x computed
for the problem Ax = b is a matter of significant concern.

2.6 Singular and nonsquare systems, echelon form, and rank

Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting may easily be extended to singular and nonsquare systems by
carrying the process of upper triangularization as far as possible at each step. For example,



2 2
4 1 3
1 3

3 b1
5 b2
5 b3
10 b4
} | {z }


1 3
0 6


6 b2 + b3/2 b1/2
0 b4 b3 b2


The procedure of Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting is applied in an almost identical manner as
for nonsingular systems, with the following exception: if at some intermediate step of the procedure the
first column of the reduced augmented matrix [illustrated by the box in (2.2)] is the zero vector, then that
column is skipped, the zero column in question is eliminated from the reduced augmented matrix, and the
algorithm searches for a nonzero pivot (of maximum magnitude) in the next column to the right. Eventually,
the procedure builds what is called an echelon matrix U, which looks something like an upper triangular
matrix, but with additional zero elements preceding the nonzero elements on certain rows, as illustrated
above. The first nonzero element in each row of the echelon matrix is called the pivot. The number of such
nonzero pivots of the echelon matrix U is called the rank of the corresponding matrix A, denoted r = rank(A).
Note that the Gauss-Jordan elimination procedure may also be extended to singular and nonsquare systems. In the example shown above, this may be done to further reduce the echelon form to

1 2 0 0 2.5
0 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 1 1 .

0 0 0 0 0

The procedure of Gauss-Jordan elimination is also applied in an almost identical manner as for nonsingular
systems. The algorithm works from the rth row of the echelon matrix back up, scaling the rows such that

the pivots are unity and adding linear combinations of the lower rows to the upper rows in order to zero the
elements in the columns above the pivots. For a square nonsingular A, this procedure reduces A all the way to
the identity matrix I; for singular and nonsquare systems, it reduces A to a reduced echelon matrix R, which
looks something like an identity matrix with some extra columns added that extend it to an echelon form, as
illustrated above. In the remainder of this section, for computational efficiency, we work primarily with the
echelon matrix U as illustrated in (2.12), not the reduced echelon matrix R illustrated above.
Interpreting the echelon matrix. Recall that, in the case of nonsingular square systems, there exists a unique
solution x to the problem Ax = b, which may always be found with the procedure of Gaussian elimination
with partial pivoting. In the case of singular or nonsquare systems, it thus comes as no surprise that the
natural extension of this procedure determines both necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of
solution(s) to Ax = b, as well as a complete parameterization of these solutions, if any exist.
Existence of solutions to Ax = b. As illustrated in (2.12), assuming A = Amn , the last m r 0 rows of
the echelon matrix U are zero. Define y as the vector containing the last m r elements of y. It is seen by
inspection that it is possible to find a solution to the problem Ux = y iff y = 0. As the problem Ux = y is
completely equivalent to the original problem Ax = b, this condition is also necessary and sufficient for the
existence of solution(s) to the original problem Ax = b. In the example given above, solutions to Ax = b exist
iff b4 b3 b2 = 0.
Parameterization of all solutions to Ax = b. All solutions to the system Ux = y (and, therefore, to Ax = b)
may now be identified. Denote the r columns of U with the pivots as the pivot columns, u1 to ur , and the
corresponding components of x as the fixed variables x1 to xr . Denote the remaining n r 0 columns of
U as the nonpivot columns, u1 to unr , and the corresponding components of x as the free variables x1
to xnr . In the solution of Ux = y, if any such solutions exist (i.e., if y = 0), the vector of free variables, x,
may be selected arbitrarily. Note that the matrix U = U mr (i.e., the matrix with the pivot columns of U as
columns) is upper triangular with the (nonzero) pivots as diagonal components. To ensure Ux = y is satisfied,
the vector of fixed variables, x, may then be determined as the unique solution to the problem Ux = y Ux.
This problem may be solved efficiently using back substitution, working from the rth row of U back up, as
the rows below the rth are satisfied trivially when y = 0. To summarize,
Fact 2.3 Upon reducing the system Ax = b to echelon form Ux = y, denote the matrix of pivot columns of U
as U, the matrix of nonpivot columns of U as U, the corresponding fixed and free components of x as x and
x, respectively, and the vector containing the last m r elements of y as y. Then:
At least one solution to Ax = b exists iff y = 0.
All solutions x to Ax = b, if any exist, are given by taking x arbitrarily and solving Ux = y Ux for x.

The row exchanges and Gauss transformations performed by the extension of Gaussian elimination with
partial pivoting to singular and nonsquare systems (as described above and implemented in Algorithm 2.13)
may again be written in matrix form as MPT A = U or A = PLU, where L = Lmm = M 1 is unit lower
triangular, P = Pmm is a permutation matrix, and U = Umn is an echelon matrix. All three of these matrices
may be determined by straightforward extension of Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting (see Algorithm
2.13). As this algorithm constructs a PLU decomposition of any potentially singular or nonsquare A, with U
in echelon form, the problem Ax = b may thus always be written in matrix form as Ux = L1 PT b = y.
Characterizing the column space and the row space. Any vector b that may be formed by a linear combination of the columns of A (that is, any vector b in the column space of A) may be written in the form Ax = b
for some x. As noted above, one solution of this problem is given by taking x = 0, then solving
Ux = y


Algorithm 2.13: Extension of Gaussian elimination to singular and nonsquare systems.


f u n c t i o n [A, p , r , v ] = G a u s s E c h e l o n (A)
% T h i s f u n c t i o n co m p u tes t h e PLU d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f a s i n g u l a r o r n o n s q u a r e m a t r i x A, where
% P i s a p e r m u t a t i o n m a t r i x , L i s u n i t l o w e r t r i a n g u l a r , and U i s i n e c h e l o n form , u s i n g
% an e x t e n s i o n o f G a u s s i a n e l i m i n a t i o n w i t h p a r t i a l p i v o t i n g . The m a t r i x A i s r e p l a c e d by
% t h e m i j and U on e x i t , p i s t h e p e r m u t a t i o n v e c t o r , r i s t h e r an k , and v i s a v e c t o r
% c o n t a i n i n g t h e column o f e a c h p i v o t .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; p = [ 1 :m] ;
r =0; v = [ ] ;
% I n i t i a l i z e r a n k = 0 , no p i v o t s
for j = 1: n ,
[ amax , imax ] =max ( abs (A( r + 1 :m, j ) ) ) ;
% F i n d t h e max e l e m e n t i n l e f t column
i f amax > 0
% I f i t i s n o n zer o , i n c r e m e n t t h e r an k ,
r = r +1; v ( r )= j ;
% s t o r e t h i s p i v o t l o c a t i o n , and ,
i f r<m
% i f n o t i n t h e v e r y l a s t row , t h e n
i f amax > abs (A( r , j ) )
% e x c h a n g e rows i f n e c e s s a r y . . .
A ( [ r r 1+imax ] , : ) = A ( [ r 1+imax r ] , : ) ;
p ( [ r r 1+imax ] ) =p ( [ r 1+imax r ] ) ;
% t h e n p e r f o r m t h e Gauss t r a n s f o r m a t i o n .
A( r + 1 :m, j )
= A( r + 1 :m, j ) / A( r , j ) ;
A( r + 1 :m, j + 1 : n ) = A( r + 1 :m, j + 1 : n ) + A( r + 1 :m, j ) A( r , j + 1 : n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n G a u s s E c h e l o n

for x. Following this approach, y is seen to be a linear combination of the columns of U (that is, the pivot
columns of U). Multiplying (2.13) by PL and noting that PLy = b, it is seen that
PLUx = PLy

Ax = b where A = PLU.


As U is the matrix containing the pivot columns of U, A contains the corresponding columns of A. Thus,
any vector b in the column space of A may be formed by linear combination of the columns of A. Note also
that, as U is upper triangular with nonzero diagonal elements, (2.13) [or, equivalently, (2.14)] has a unique
solution x, given by back substitution applied to (2.13). Thus the columns of A must be linearly independent.
Similarly, any row vector cT that may be formed by linear combination of the rows of A (that is, any row
vector cT in the row space of A) may be written in the form zT A = cT , or AT z = c, for some z. Defining
w = LT PT z and noting that A = PLU, we may thus write U T w = c, or wT U = cT . Thus, any row vector cT
in the row space of A may be formed by linear combination of the nonzero rows of U. Note also that the r
nonzero rows of U are linearly independent (that is, due to their echelon form, it is clear by inspection that
none of the rows can be formed as a linear combination of the others). To summarize,
Fact 2.4 The columns of A corresponding to the pivot columns of U form a basis for the column space of A,
whereas the nonzero rows of U form a basis for the row space of A.
Note that, by a similar argument, the nonzero rows of R also form a (somewhat simpler) basis for the row
space of A. The following statements follow directly:
Fact 2.5 The number of linearly independent columns of A (the column rank of A) is identical to the number
of linearly independent rows of A (the row rank of A). Put another way, column rank = row rank = rank.
Fact 2.6 If C = AB, then the columns of C are linear combinations of the columns of A, and the rows of C
are linear combinations of the rows of B. Thus, by Fact 2.5, rank(AB) min(rank(A), rank(B)).
Fact 2.7 If r = m (that is, if A = Amn has full row rank), there are no rows with all zeros in U, and at least
one solution to Ax = b exists.

Fact 2.8 If r = n (that is, if A = Amn has full column rank), then there are no free variables in the system,
and the solution to Ax = b, if it exists, is unique.
Fact 2.9 rank(Amn ) min{m, n}. If equality holds, A is said to be full rank, otherwise, it is rank deficient.
Note also that:

A square matrix that has full rank is nonsingular/invertible, whereas

a square matrix that is rank deficient is singular/noninvertible.
If A is a fat matrix with full row rank (that is, r = m), then at least one solution exists to Ax = b, whereas
if A is a tall matrix with full column rank (that is, r = n), then, if a solution to Ax = b exists, it is unique.

2.7 Chapter summary

As seen in 1.2.4, the unique solution to a nonsingular system Ax = b is given by x = A1 b, where A1
is the inverse matrix. More generally, we will show in 4.7 that the best solution to the system Ax = b
in the inconsistent and/or overdetermined case is given by x = A+ b, where A+ is an appropriately defined
pseudonverse matrix. Coupling these observations with the fact that there are stable, prepackaged numerical
algorithms available in most computer languages to calculate both A1 (see 2.1) and A+ (see 4.7) might
lead one to the false impression that the problem of solving Ax = b requires no further of our attention. In
fact, this impression couldnt be further from the truth. The calculation of A1 and A+ when the order of
the system is large is extraordinarily expensive and destroys the sparsity structure of A. Thus, all hopes of
solving Ax = b efficiently are lost if we use A1 or A+ , and techniques to determine x which do not require
the computation of A1 or A+ are essential.
The efficient direct method for determining the solution to the problem Ax = b (for square, nonsingular
A) was illustrated by example in 2.1. We then took a careful look at how to automate and accelerate this
algorithm, leveraging any exploitable (e.g., banded) sparsity structure that A might possess and, when several
problems of the form Ax = b (for fixed A but different b) are to be encountered in succession, the LU, PLU,
or PLUQT decomposition of A that emerges from the first execution of the Gaussian elimination procedure.
We saw that partial pivoting (exchanging rows) often improves the accuracy of the Gaussian elimination
algorithm and is sometimes required to make it actually work; complete pivoting may also be applied, but
its extra computational expense is rarely justified. For the important class of diagonally dominant matrices,
which appear often in the framing of numerical problems, pivoting is unnecessary.
Most of the systems we will encounter in our numerical algorithms will be sparse. When the equations and
unknowns of the system may be enumerated in such a manner that the nonzero elements lie only near the main
diagonal, resulting in a tightly banded matrix, the Gaussian elimination procedure may be streamlined and
made quite efficient. For example, diagonally dominant tridiagonal systems may be solved via the Thomas
algorithm. For most large sparse systems that are not banded (arrow and circulant matrices being notable
exceptions), iterative solution methods are generally more efficient than direct methods; a few such methods
will be developed in 3.2.
With the important exception of calculating eigenvectors (see 4.3), it is usually preferable to ensure, by
construction, that the system Ax = b that you are setting out to solve is nonsingular before attempting to solve
it numerically. Thus, methods for the efficient solution of nonsingular problems have been the primary focus
of attention in this chapter. However, as seen in 2.6, it is easy to generalize the procedure of Gaussian elimination algorithm with partial pivoting to singular and nonsquare systems. This leads to the transformation
of the matrix A to a matrix U in echelon form (instead of to a matrix in upper triangular form with nonzero
elements on the main diagonal). This procedure reveals


the necessary and sufficient conditions on b such that a solution to Ax = b exists,

a parameterization of all solutions to the problem Ax = b (if any exist),
the rank of A (that is, the number of independent columns, and rows, of A),
a basis for the column space of A (that is, all vectors that may be formed by linear combination of the
columns of A), and
a basis for the row space of A (that is, all row vectors that may be formed by linear combination of the
rows of A).

In the framing and analysis of efficient numerical methods (e.g., in the derivation of the PLU decomposition in
2.2.2), many important intermediate steps involve the nontrivial manipulation of matrices, several of which
are sparse. Note that this is true even though efficient numerical implementations of these methods only use
the nontrivial components of these matrices in a maximally compact representation. In order to derive more
advanced numerical algorithms, it is essential to have a solid understanding of how the matrices at the heart
of such algorithms may be characterized and decomposed. This is the subject of 4.

Exercise 2.1 Determine the leading-order computational cost of each of the following operations (avoiding,
as much as possible, writing out the detailed algorithms). Assume all matrices are n n and diagonally
dominant, and that it does not cost anything to fill one matrix element with the contents of another (thus, e.g.,
addition of a full matrix to a diagonal matrix costs n flops). Recall that nk=1 k (n2 /2) and nk=1 k2 (n3 /3).
(a) Computing MC, where M and C are full.
(b) Computing MC, where M is full and C is diagonal.
(c) Computing Ax, where A is full.
(d) Computing Ax, where A is diagonal.
(e) Solving Ax = b for x, where A is tridiagonal.
(f) Solving Ax = b for x, where A is full.
(g) Solving BM = A for M, where B is tridiagonal and A is diagonal. Show your work.
(h) Solving BM = A for M, where B is full and A is diagonal. Show your work.
Exercise 2.2 Generalizing slightly the first few lines of Algorithm 2.2, note that, if L is lower triangular,
LX = B may be solved via forward substitution as follows:
for j = 1:n
B(j,:) = (B(j,:) - L(j,1:j-1) * B(1:j-1,:))/L(j,j);
Initializing with B = I, as in 2.1, thus provides an algorithm to compute the inverse of L. In this special
case with B = I, this algorithm may be streamlined such that the computation may be done in place in the
lower-triangular part of the L matrix (that is, without creating a separate B matrix). Write this streamlined
algorithm as a Matlab function InvertL.m, as well as a test script InvertLTest.m, in a style similar to the
other codes presented in this chapter. Run this algorithm on a randomly-generated lower triangular matrix L;
does Fact 2.1 hold in your numerical experiment?
Exercise 2.3 (a) Following closely the code Thomas.m in Algorithm 2.7, and its derivation in 2.3, write
a streamlined Matlab function Penta.m, and test script PentaTest.m, implementing and testing a reduced
form of Gaussian elimination to solve Ax = b for diagonally-dominant pentadiagonal matrices A. As with
the implementation of the Thomas algorithm, all computations should be performed in place, and the vectors
returned should contain the nontrivial elements of the LU decomposition of A. What is the leading-order
computational cost of this algorithm?

(b) Following closely the code ThomasLU.m in Algorithm 2.8, write a streamlined Matlab function PentaLU.m
to solve Ax = b for diagonally-dominant pentadiagonal matrices A, leveraging the previously-determined LU
decomposition of A as returned by Penta.m. Extend the PentaTest.m script to verify the correctness of your
PentaLU.m code. What is the leading-order computational cost of this algorithm?
Exercise 2.4 (a) Following closely the code Thomas.m in Algorithm 2.7, and its derivation in 2.3, write a
streamlined Matlab function Arrow.m, and test script ArrowTest.m, implementing a reduced form of Gaussian elimination to solve Ax = b for diagonally-dominant arrow matrices A that are nonzero only on their
main diagonal, last column, and last row. As with the implementation of the Thomas algorithm, all computations should be performed in place, and the vectors returned should contain the nontrivial elements of the LU
decomposition of A. What is the leading-order computational cost of this algorithm?
(b) Following closely the code ThomasLU.m in Algorithm 2.8, write a streamlined Matlab function ArrowLU.m
to solve Ax = b for diagonally-dominant arrow matrices A that are nonzero only on their main diagonal, last
column, and last row, leveraging a previously-determined LU decomposition of A as returned by Arrow.m.
Extend the ArrowTest.m script to verify the correctness of your ArrowLU.m code. What is the leading-order
computational cost of this algorithm?
Exercise 2.5 Following closely the Thomas algorithm derived in 2.3, consider now an algorithm that leverages block triangular structure to solve, with maximum efficiency, a diagonally-dominant (nm) (nm)
system of the form

B1 C1
x 2 f2
A2 B2 C2

x 3 f3

A3 B3

.. = .. ,

. .


Am1 Bm1 Cm1 xm1 fm1


where the blocks Ai , Bi , and Ci are n n, the blocks Ai and Ci are diagonal, the blocks Bi are tridiagonal, and
the vectors xi and fi each have n components. [Note that this type of matrix arises in the second-order finitedifference approximation of a partial differential equation, such as that encountered in 1.2.8.] The resulting
block Thomas algorithm follows the same essential steps as the now-familiar Thomas algorithm, with each
step along the way now involving one of the matrix operations mentioned in Exercise 2.1.
(a) Keeping track of which blocks are diagonal, tridiagonal, and full, record carefully the number of matrix
operations of each type, as summarized in Exercise 2.1, and compute the leading-order computational cost
of the entire algorithm. Given a choice of having m = 10 and n = 1000, or m = 1000 and n = 10, which is
cheaper? By what factor is one choice cheaper than the other?
(b) Write a streamlined Matlab function BlockThomas.m, and test script BlockThomasTest.m, that implements and tests this algorithm. Write BlockThomas.m in a manner that the LU decomposition of A may be
recovered from the (modified) blocks returned by the block Thomas algorithm.
(c) Keeping track of which blocks are diagonal, tridiagonal, and full, compute the leading-order computational cost of the block Thomas algorithm when leveraging the LU decomposition of A, which may be recovered
from the (modified) blocks returned by a previous call to the block Thomas algorithm.
(d) Write a streamlined Matlab function BlockThomasLU.m to solve a system of this form while leveraging the LU decomposition of A, which may be recovered from the (modified) blocks returned by a previous call to BlockThomasTest.m. Extend the BlockThomasTest.m script to verify the correctness of your
BlockThomasLU.m code.


Exercise 2.6 Write a streamlined Matlab function NLeggedThomas.m to efficiently solve n simultaneous
matrix equations of the form

b 1 c1
1(i) (i)
a 2 b 2
2 g1

. ..

.. = . for i = 1, 2, . . . , n,


a p1 b p1 c p1


together with a single scalar equation of the form





(n) = e.
x p

In total, this represents pn + 1 equations in the pn + 1 unknowns {x(1), x(2) , . . . , x(n) , y}, where each of the x(i)
are of dimension p 1. Note that the (fat) tridiagonal matrices A(i) are each of dimension p (p + 1), and
that both y and e are scalars. This system might represent, for example, the discretization of the heat equation
along n thin rods all joined at a common central point, with the temperature along each rod discretized on p
points (excluding the common central point y). Assume that n is small (say, between 2 and 20) and p is large
[O(100) or more].
An efficient code may be written to solve this problem by first performing n forward sweeps to reduce
each of the matrix equations defined above to upper bidiagonal form. Then, assemble the last line of each
of these modified matrix problems together with the scalar equation given above to construct a new matrix
equation with n + 1 equations and n + 1 unknowns; this problem is easily solved using Gauss.m, thereby
determining the values of y and of x p through x p . Once these values are determined, it is straightforward
to back substitute [from the (p 1)th row back to the first] in each of the (now, upper bidiagonal) matrix
equations in order to determine the remaining unknowns.
Write a test script NLeggedThomasTest.m which demonstrates that your solver works, defining the va(i) (i) (i) (i)
riables setting up the problem, {ak , bk , ck , gk , di , e}, both (a) randomly, and (b) in a manner which models
the equilibrium temperature distribution in a collection of thin rods joined at one end, as described above,
with random Dirichlet boundary conditions applied to the free ends of the rods. Describe how this solver may
be parallelized efficiently on a system with n processors. [Extra credit: using Algorithm 2.12 as an example,
implement this algorithm in parallel on n processors, and test its efficiency.] Also, describe in detail how this
solver may be used to parallelize a regular tridiagonal set of equations (as studied in 2.3) on a two-processor
computer. For a two-processor system, why would this approach be superior to Algorithm 2.12?

Fox, L (1964) An introduction to numerical linear algebra, Oxford.
Stewart, G (1998) Matrix Algorithms, Volume I: Basic Decompositions, SIAM.
Wang, HH (1981) A Parallel Method for Tridiagonal Equations. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 7, 170-183.

Chapter 3

Iterative solution methods


Nonlinear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 The Newton-Raphson method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scalar case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quadratic convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multivariable casesystems of nonlinear equations .
3.1.2 Bracketing approaches for scalar root finding . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 High-dimensional linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Splitting methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gauss-Seidel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Successive overrelaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red/Black Gauss-Seidel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Multigrid: a preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 Framing Ax = b as a quadratic minimization problem: a preview
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















Nonlinear equations and high-dimensional linear equations without exploitable sparsity structure are often
not solvable directly, and thus numerical approximation via iterative solution methods are often required. The
fundamental idea of all such iterative methods is to start from one or more initial guess(es) for the solution
and then to seek successive refinements of this guess until a desired tolerance of the solution is reached.

3.1 Nonlinear equations

Consider first the nonlinear equation f (x) = 0; the problem considered here is to find the value(s) of x for
which f (x) is zero. Geometrically, we seek the crossing point(s) where the function f (x) crosses the x-axis.
Unfortunately, there are no systematic methods for nonlinear equations to determine how many such crossing
points exist, so such searches are always something of a matter of trial and error.


f (x)



Figure 3.1: Geometrical interpretation of the Newton-Raphson method.

3.1.1 The Newton-Raphson method Scalar case
Suppose an initial guess of the solution is x = x(0) . Consider the Taylor series expansion of f (x) about x(0) :
f (x) = f (x(0) ) + (x x(0)) f (x(0) ) + . . .


To proceed in a tractable fashion, consider the truncation of this expansion after the first two terms on the
RHS, take f (x) = 0 in this approximation, and solve for x, denoting the result x(1) :
x(1) = x(0)

f (x(0) )
f (x(0) )

Successive iterates are obtained in an analogous fashion:

x(k+1) = x(k)

f (x(k) )
f (x(k) )

for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .


Geometrically, as illustrated in Figure 3.1, the function f at point x(0) is approximated by a tangent line given
by the truncation of the Taylor series expansion (3.1), and the intersection of this line with the x-axis gives
the refined value x(1) . At the next iteration, the function at x(1) is approximated by a tangent line whose
intersection with the x-axis gives x(2) , etc. Quadratic convergence
We now show that, once the iterative Newton-Raphson method approaches an exact solution xopt , it converges
quadratically. Let x(k) denote the iterate at the kth iteration. Consider the truncated Taylor series expansion
f (xopt ) = 0 f (x(k) ) + (xopt x(k) ) f (x(k) ) +

(xopt x(k) )2 (k)

f (x ).

If f (x(k) ) 6= 0, dividing by f (x(k) ) gives

x(k) xopt

f (x(k) ) (xopt x(k) )2 f (x(k) )

f (x(k) )
f (x(k) )

Combining this with the Newton-Raphson formula (3.2) leads to

x(k+1) xopt

(x(k) xopt )2 f (x(k) )

f (x(k) )

Defining the error at iteration k as (k) = x(k) xopt , the error at the iteration k + 1 is thus given by

f (x(k) )  2

(k+1) (k) (k) ;
2 f (x )


that is, convergence is quadratic. Convergence is guaranteed only if the initial guess is fairly close to the
exact root; otherwise, the neglected higher-order terms in (3.1) dominate, and divergence is likely. Multivariable casesystems of nonlinear equations

A system of n nonlinear equations in n unknowns is written
fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = 0


i = 1, 2, . . . , n,

or, more compactly, as f(x) = 0. Generalization of the Newton-Raphson method to such systems is achieved
via a multi-dimensional Taylor-series expansion, written here for the kth iteration:

(k) f i
(k) (k)
(k) f i
fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) + (x1 x1 )
(k) +(x2 x2 )

x1 x=x
x2 x=x(k)

(k) f i
(k) (k)
= fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) + (x j x j )

x j x=x(k)

where, again, superscripts denote iteration number [that is, the components of the vector x(k) are xi for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n]. As in the scalar case, consider the truncation of this expansion after the linear terms, take
f(x) = 0 in this approximation, and solve for x, denoting the result x(k+1) . This results in the linear system of

n h
n h
fi i
= fi (x(k) ) for i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
x j x=x(k) x j x j = fi (x(k) ) ai j h j

The above system constitutes n linear equations for the n components of h(k+1) , (x(k+1) x(k) ), which is
the desired update to x(k) . In matrix notation, we have
h f i
A(k) h(k+1) = f(x(k) ) where ai j =
x j x=x(k)
Note that the elements of A(k) , called the Jacobian matrix of f(x), are evaluated at x = x(k) . After solving the
above system of linear equations for h(k+1) using Gaussian elimination, the next estimate for x is given by
x(k+1) = x(k) + h(k+1) ,


and the process repeated. Efficient implementation of the Newton-Raphson method described above is given
in Algorithms 3.1-3.2. Note in particular the use of function handles to pass problem-specific function names
to the main code, and a handy verbose flag to activate or suppress progress reporting to the screen.
Example 3.1 Newton-Raphson applied to a nonlinear system of equations
Typical results when applying the Newton-Raphson approach to solve a nonlinear system of equations

f1 f1


x1 + 3 cosx2 1

f(x) =
A(k) =
f2 f2
x2 + 2 sinx1 2
2 cos x1
x1 x2 x=x(k)

are shown in Table 3.1. A good (lucky?) choice of initial conditions converges rapidly to one of possibly
many solutions to f(x) = 0. A poor choice will not converge smoothly, and may not converge at all.

Algorithm 3.1: The Newton-Raphson method (3.4).


f u n c t i o n [ x ] = NewtonRaphson ( x , n , Compute f , Compute A , t o l , v e r b o s e )

% T h i s f u n c t i o n s o l v e s f ( x ) =0 u s i n g t h e Newton Raphson method g i v e n an i n i t i a l g u e s s f o r
% x , where t h e f u n c t i o n f ( x ) and i t s J a c o b i a n a r e d e f i n e d i n C o m p u te f and Compute A .
% Take v e r b o s e =1 f o r p r i n t i n g p r o g r e s s r e p o r t s t o s c r e e n , o r v e r b o s e =0 t o s u p p r e s s .
i f nargin <5, t o l =1 e 10; end , r e s i d u a l =2 t o l ;
i f nargin <6, v e r b o s e = 1 ; end , i f v e r b o s e , d i s p ( C o n v er g en c e : ) , end
w h i l e ( r e s i d u a l >t o l )
f = C o m p u te f ( x ) ; A=Compute A ( x ) ;
r e s i d u a l =norm ( f ) ; x=x+GaussPP (A, f , n ) ;
i f v e r b o s e , d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( %20.13 f , x ( 1 : n ) , r e s i d u a l ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n NewtonRaphson

Algorithm 3.2: The Newton-Raphson method tested on the system of Example 3.1.

f u n c t i o n N ew to n R ap h s o n T es t
% Note t h e u s e o f f u n c t i o n h a n d l e s t o p a s s t h e names o f t h e problem s p e c i f i c f u n c t i o n s
% E x a m p l e 3 1 C o m p u t e f & E x am p le 3 1 C o m p u te A i n t o t h e g e n e r a l NewtonRaphson co d e .
d i s p ( Now t e s t i n g NewtonRaphson on t h e f u n c t i o n i n Example 3 . 2 . )
x=NewtonRaphson ( [ 0 ; 1 ] , 2 , @Example 3 1 Compute f , @Example 3 1 Compute A ) % smooth
x=NewtonRaphson ( [ 0 ; 1 ] , 2 , @Example 3 1 Compute f , @Example 3 1 Compute A ) % e r r a t i c
end % f u n c t i o n N ew to n R ap h s o n T es t
function [ f ] = Example 3 1 Compute f ( x )
f =[ x ( 1 ) x ( 1 ) + 3 c o s ( x ( 2 ) ) 1 ; x ( 2 ) + 2 s i n ( x ( 1 ) ) 2 ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n E x a m p l e 3 1 C o m p u t e f
f u n c t i o n [A] = E x am p le 3 1 C o m p u te A ( x )
A=[ 2 x ( 1 ) , 3 s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) ; 2 c o s ( x ( 1 ) ) , 1 ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n E x am p le 3 1 C o m p u te A


A good initial guess


residual = kfk


A poor initial guess



Table 3.1: Convergence of the iterative Newton-Raphson method when applied to the system of Example 3.1.


3.1.2 Bracketing approaches for scalar root finding

It was shown in the previous section that the Newton-Raphson technique is efficient for finding the solution
of both scalar nonlinear equations, f (x) = 0, and multivariable nonlinear systems of equations, f(x) = 0,
when good initial guesses are available. Unfortunately, good initial guesses are not always available. When
they are not, it is desirable to seek the roots of such equations by simpler means which, though somewhat
pedestrian, guarantee success. The techniques we present in this section, though they do not achieve quadratic
convergence, are guaranteed to converge to a solution of a scalar nonlinear equation so long as:
the function is continuous and bounded, and
an initial bracketing pair of the minimum can be identified.

They also have the added benefit that they are based on function evaluations alone (i.e., you dont need to
write a function to compute the Jacobian), which makes them simple to implement. Unfortunately, these
techniques are based on a bracketing principle which does not extend readily to multi-dimensional functions.
Bracketing a root
Our first task is to find a pair of values for x which bracket the minimum, i.e., we want to find an x1 and
an x2 (with x2 > x1 ) such that f (x1 ) and f (x2 ) have opposite signs. This may often be done by hand with a
minor amount of trial and error. At times, however, it is convenient to have an automatic procedure to find
such a bracketing pair. For example, for functions which have opposite sign for sufficiently large and small
arguments, a simple approach is to start with an initial guess for the bracket and then geometrically increase
the distance between these points until a bracketing pair is found. This may be implemented with Algorithm
3.3 (or simple variants thereof).
Refining the bracketbisection
Once a bracketing pair is found, the task that remains is simply to refine this bracket until a desired degree
of precision is obtained. The most straightforward approach, as implemented in Algorithm 3.4, is to chop the
interval in half repeatedly, keeping after each chop those two values of x that bracket the root. The convergence
of such an algorithm is linear; at each iteration, the bounds on the solution are reduced by a factor of 2.
Refining the bracketfalse position
A technique that is sometimes faster to converge than the bisection technique, and (unlike the NewtonRaphson method) still retains the safety of maintaining and refining a bracketing pair, is to compute each
new point by what may be thought of as a numerical approximation of the Newton-Raphson formula (3.2)
such that
f (x1 )
x = x1
f / x
where the quantity f / x is a simple difference approximation to the slope of the function f
f (x2 ) f (x1 )
x2 x1
Efficient implementation of this algorithm is given in Algorithm 3.5. This approach sometimes stalls, so it is
useful to put in an ad hoc check to keep the progress moving: specifically, the fall-back scheme implemented
in Algorithm 3.5 is to revert to a bisection step if the update that would otherwise be performed by the false
position technique is deemed to be too small.


Algorithm 3.3: A simple code to bracket a root of a function.


f u n c t i o n [ x1 , x2 ] = F i n d R o o t B r a c k e t ( x1 , x2 , Compute f , p )
% Assuming t h e s c a l a r f u n c t i o n d e f i n e d i n C o m p u te f i s smooth , bounded , and h a s o p p o s i t e
% s i g n s f o r s u f f i c i e n t l y l a r g e and s m a l l ar g u m en ts , f i n d x1 and x2 t h a t b r a c k e t a r o o t .
w h i l e C o m p u te f ( x1 , 0 , p ) C o m p u te f ( x2 , 0 , p ) >=0 , i n t =x2x1 ; x1=x1 0.5 i n t ; x2=x2 + 0 . 5 i n t ; end
end % f u n c t i o n F i n d R o o t B r a c k e t

Algorithm 3.4: The bisection approach to refining the bracket of a root of a function.
View f u n c t i o n [ x , e v a l s ] = B i s e c t i o n ( x1 , x2 , Compute f , t o l , v e r b o s e , p )
Test % T h i s f u n c t i o n r e f i n e s t h e b r a c k e t o f a r o o t w i t h t h e b i s e c t i o n a l g o r i t h m .
f 1 = C o m p u te f ( x1 , v e r b o s e , p ) ; f 2 = C o m p u te f ( x2 , v e r b o s e , p ) ; e v a l s = 2 ;
w h i l e x2x1>t o l
x = ( x2 + x1 ) / 2 ; f = C o m p u te f ( x , v e r b o s e , p ) ; e v a l s = e v a l s + 1 ;
i f f 1 f <0, x2 =x ; f 2 = f ;
else ,
x1 =x ; f 1 = f ; end
x =( x2+x1 ) / 2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n B i s e c t i o n

Algorithm 3.5: The false position approach to refining the bracket of a root of a function.
View f u n c t i o n [ x , e v a l s ] = F a l s e P o s i t i o n ( x1 , x2 , Compute f , t o l , v e r b o s e , p )
Test % T h i s f u n c t i o n r e f i n e s t h e b r a c k e t o f a r o o t w i t h t h e f a l s e p o s i t i o n a l g o r i t h m .

f 1 = C o m p u te f ( x1 , 1 , p ) ; f 2 = C o m p u te f ( x2 , 1 , p ) ; e v a l s = 2 ;
w h i l e x2x1>t o l
i f v e r b o s e , p l o t ( [ x1 x2 ] , [ f 1 f 2 ] , r ) ; end
i n t e r v a l =x2x1 ; f p r i m e =( f2 f 1 ) / i n t e r v a l ; x=x1 f 1 / f p r i m e ;
% Ad hoc ch eck :
r e s e t t o b i s e c t i o n t e c h n i q u e i f u p d a t e by f a l s e p o s i t i o n i s t o o s m a l l .
tol1 = interval /8;
i f ( ( xx1 ) < t o l 1 | ( x2x ) < t o l 1 ) , x = ( x1+x2 ) / 2 ; end
% Now p e r f o r m t h e f u n c t i o n e v a l u a t i o n and u p d a t e t h e b r a c k e t .
f = C o m p u te f ( x , 1 , p ) ; e v a l s = e v a l s + 1 ;
i f f 1 f < 0 , x2=x ; f 2 = f ;
else ,
x1=x ; f 1 = f ; end
x =( x2+x1 ) / 2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n F a l s e P o s i t i o n

Algorithm 3.6: A simple function for testing Algorithms 3.3 through 3.5.

function [ f ] = Example 3 2 Compute f ( x , verbose , p )

f =PolyVal ( p , x ) ;
i f v e r b o s e , p l o t ( [ x x ] , [ 0 , f ] , b , x , f , bx ) , pause ( 0 . 2 ) , end
end % f u n c t i o n E x a m p l e 3 2 C o m p u t e f

Example 3.2 Root bracket finding, bisection, and false position applied to a scalar nonlinear equation
The simple root bracket finding algorithm described above to determine an initial bracket, in addition the
bisection and false position algorithms to refine this bracket, are applied to the scalar nonlinear equation
f (x) = x3 + x2 20x + 50
in the test codes provided with Algorithms 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 which, in turn, evaluate the above function by
calling Algorithm 3.6. Under the assumptions stated (that is, that an initial bracketing pair can be found,
and that the function under consideration is continuous and bounded), convergence of these algorithms is
guaranteed1, as they simply refine the bracket of the root at each iteration. It is seen that the false position
1 That

is, assuming that the fall-back scheme mentioned previously is implemented in the false position method.


















Figure 3.2: Convergence of (a) the bisection method, and (b) the false-position method on the system considered in Example 3.2. Convergence to a tolerance of x2 x1 = 106 is achieved in 26 function evaluations
using the bisection method, and in 28 function evaluations using the false-position method.
approach, though it initially seems like a creative and useful idea, doesnt turn out to be worth the effort in this
example; the bisection approach actually converges to the desired tolerance in this example using a smaller
number of function evaluations (and significantly simpler logic).

Framing root finding as a nonquadratic minimization problem

The Newton-Raphson method is an effective technique to find the root (when one exists) of a nonlinear
system of equations f(x) = 0 when a sufficiently-accurate initial guess is available. When such a guess is not
available, an alternative technique is to examine the square of the norm of the vector f:
J(x) = kf(x)k2 = [f(x)]T f(x).
Note that this quantity is never negative, so any point x for which f(x) = 0 minimizes J(x). Thus, seeking
a minimum of this J(x) with respect to x might result in an x such that f(x) = 0. However, there are quite
likely many minimum points of J(x) (at which the gradient of J is zero), only some of which (if any!) will
correspond to f(x) = 0. Root finding in systems of nonlinear equations is very difficultthough this method
has significant drawbacks, variants of this method are really about the best one can do when one does not
have a good initial guess for the solution. Two efficient techniques to solve this problem are the nonquadratic
conjugate gradient algorithm and the BFGS algorithm, both of which are deferred to 16.

Framing nonquadratic minimization problem as a root finding problem

If the original problem is a minimization problem rather than a root finding problem, straightforward application of the Newton-Raphson method may be used to find a minimum simply by looking for a root of the
gradient of J, as discussed further in 16.


3.2 High-dimensional linear equations

We now turn our attention to the sparse n n linear problem Ax = b, where n is so large that Gaussian
elimination, a direct solution method which completes in a finite number [ ( 32 n3 )] of flops, is numerically
intractable, and the unknowns in the problem can not be ordered in such a manner that A has a sparsity
structure that can be leveraged by a reduced form of Gaussian elimination. In such cases, it is often necessary
to use an iterative solution method to approximate the solution to Ax = b.

3.2.1 Splitting methods

In the first class of schemes we consider, called splitting methods, the matrix A is first split into two parts
such that A = M + N. Rewriting Ax = b as Mx = Nx + b and taking the LHS implicitly (that is, at the new
step) and the RHS explicitly (that is, at the old step), the following iterative algorithm is proposed:
Mx(k+1) = Nx(k) + b.


This sequence will converge to the true solution x as k if the error e(k) = x(k) x converges to zero.
Subtracting Mx = Nx + b from (3.6), defining P = M 1 N, and noting (1.21), it follows that2
Me(k+1) = Ne(k)

e(k) = Pk e(0) 0


kPki2 < 1 (that is, if P is convergent).


It will also be useful in this chapter to think of the iteration in (3.6) in terms of a correction v(k) = x(k+1) x(k)
based on the defect
d(k) = Ax(k) b.

Subtracting Mx(k) from both sides of (3.6) yields

Mv(k) = d(k) .


x(k+1) = x(k) + v(k) .


Rearranging the above definition for the correction v(k) allows us to identify our new iterate as

The task at hand is thus to select the splitting A = M + N such that (3.6) [or, equivalently, (3.8)] converges
to the desired tolerance in a relatively small number of iterations k (that is, that kPki2 is as small as possible)
while the matrix M is such that (3.6) [or, equivalently, (3.8b)] is relatively easy to solve (e.g., by selecting
M to be diagonal or triangular). Various choices for this splitting are discussed below, based on the simple
partitioning of A defined (in 3.2 only) such that A = L + D + U, where L is strictly lower triangular, D is
diagonal, and U is strictly upper triangular. Jacobi
The Jacobi method takes MJ = D and NJ = L + U, resulting in x(k+1) = D1 [(L + U)x(k) + b]; note that D
in this case is diagonal, so D1 is trivial to compute. If A is diagonally dominant, then it can be shown (see
Exercise 4.6a-b) that kPJ ki2 < 1 where PJ = MJ1 NJ , and thus convergence is guaranteed. However, for the
typical high-dimensional linear equations of interest for splitting methods, convergence of the Jacobi method
is unacceptably slow (as compared with the methods described below) for it to be of practical use.
To interpret this method in terms of the eigenvalues i [as introduced in 4.3] and corresponding eigenvectors si of P, expand e(0) in
terms of the eigenvectors of P such that e0 = 1 s1 + 2 s2 + ... + n sn . It follows that e(k) = 1 1k s1 + 2 2k s2 + ... + n nk sn . For large
k, the error is eventually dominated by the component(s) corresponding to the eigenvalue(s) of P of largest magnitude, the magnitude
of which is referred to as the induced 2-norm (see 1.3.2) or spectral radius of P, that is, kPki2 = (P). If kPki2 < 1, the iteration
(3.6) will thus eventually converge to the desired solution. Note that, to apply a splitting method, we dont actually need to solve any
eigenvalue problems, or for that matter even to compute P = M1 N. We only consider these quantities here for the purpose of analysis
of the method. Note also that this explanation assumes that P has a complete set of eigenvectors; however, this assumption is easily
relaxed, following a Schur-based convergence analysis akin to that illustrated in 4.4.5.

60 Gauss-Seidel
The Gauss-Seidel method takes MGS = D + L and NGS = U, resulting in (D + L)x(k+1) = Ux(k) + b, which
may be solved at each iteration by back substitution (see 2.1). [Note that, alternatively, the Gauss-Seidel
method may be defined by taking MGS = D +U and NGS = L, or by alternating between these two definitions
at even and odd iteration steps.] Again, if A is diagonally dominant, then it can be shown (see Exercise
4.6c) that kPGS ki2 < 1 where PGS = MGS
NGS , and thus convergence is guaranteed. Heuristically, since
we are effectively including more of the problem into the implicit part (that is, into MGS ), convergence
is generally a bit faster following the Gauss-Seidel approach than following the Jacobi approach. For the
important example considered in Example 3.3 below, it turns out that kPJki2 < 1 and kPGS ki2 = kPJ k2i2 , and
thus kPGS ki2 is indeed a bit smaller in the Gauss-Seidel approach. Convergence of the plain Gauss-Seidel
method described here is still, in general, unacceptably slow for it to be of practical use as is; nonetheless,
when implemented properly (for example, in the red/black fashion described in and coupled with
the multigrid acceleration technique introduced in 3.2.2 (and described in detail in 11.4.1), the GaussSeidel approach forms the foundation for some the most efficient techniques available for solving large linear
systems derived from elliptic PDEs. Successive overrelaxation
The successive overrelaxation (SOR) method is an iterative method based on the Gauss-Seidel approach,
with MSOR = D + L and NSOR = U, initially written in the form (3.8) with (3.8c) replaced by
x(k+1) = x(k) + v(k)


for some relaxation parameter (0, 2); note that = 1 reduces the SOR method to the standard GaussSeidel method. The motivation for the SOR method is that the correction v(k) as calculated by the GaussSeidel method is often aligned in a fairly good direction for an update to x(k) , but is not scaled optimally to
maximize the rate of convergence of the iterative scheme; a factor of 6= 1 can thus sometimes accelerate
convergence significantly. Unfortunately, the optimal value for for any given problem is usually not known
a priori, and numerically tractable methods to estimate it are generally fairly involved. Applying MSOR =
D + L and NSOR = U to (3.8c), with (3.8a) and (3.8b), leads to
x(k+1) = x(k) (D+L)1 [(U +D+L)x(k) b]

(D+L)x(k+1) = [(1 )D+(1 )L U]x(k) + b.

Note that many implementations of the SOR method swing the (1 )Lx(k) term to the LHS and apply it
implicitly, resulting in a system which is still lower triangular:
(D + L)x(k+1) = [(1 )D U]x(k) + b.
This form is not equivalent to (3.8c), though it is found in practice to be similarly effective. Unfortunately, convergence of this approach is usually unacceptably slow, as compared with the multigrid technique
introduced in 3.2.2 (and described in detail in 11.4.1), for it to be of much practical use. Red/Black Gauss-Seidel
An important class of matrices, called checkerboard matrices (a.k.a. red/black matrices), have a special sparsity structure such that ai j = 0 when i + j = even and i 6= j. If A is checkerboard, then a suitable
reordering of the problem Ax = b, leveraging the odd-even permutation matrix Poe introduced in 1.2.5,
renders it particularly attractive for the application of Gauss-Seidel iterations. For example, if A is 6 6 and

checkerboard, then













and Poe =


T , the problem Ax = b is seen to be equivalent to

Via premultiplication by Poe

Do Fe xo
APoe (Poe
x) = Poe
= o ,
Fo De xe
| {z } |{z} | {z }




where xo denotes the vector containing the odd elements of x and xe denotes the vector containing the even
elements of x (ditto for b), and Do and De are diagonal. In our 6 6 example,

a12 a14 a16




a55 a52 a54 a56

, Poe
, Poe
APoe =

a21 a23 a25 a22


a41 a43 a45
a61 a63 a65
Application of the Gauss-Seidel method to this permuted checkerboard system, taking

0 Fe
and NGS =
MGS = o
0 0
Fo De

leads to an iteration method that can be written as the repeated application of two distinct substeps that are
symmetric in the even and odd variables:

Do x o


= Fe xe + bo

Substep 1: Do xo = Fe xe + bo ,


= be

Substep 2: De xe = Fo xo + be .


De x e
+ Foxo

It is thus seen that the Gauss-Seidel method applied to this reordering of the checkerboard system, referred
to as red/black Gauss-Seidel, does not have any preferred directions3 (that is, the defect d(k) [see (3.8a)]
is uniformly distributed over the domain). It turns out that the equation Ax = b is solved exactly on the odd
gridpoints after the first substep of each iteration, and on the even gridpoints after the second substep of each
iteration. Also, though the method applied is in fact a Gauss-Seidel scheme (that is, not a Jacobi scheme),
the matrix on the LHS at each substep is in fact diagonal. Thus, unlike the Gauss-Seidel method applied to
general systems (as discussed in, this realization is immediately parallelizable, as during each of
its two substeps the calculations are decoupled and may be performed in any order. Note finally that, though
the system was considered in a reordered form in our conceptualization of this scheme, the system does not
actually need to be reordered to apply the two step procedure (3.10) that implements it.
Algorithms of this level of complexity must generally be implemented on a case-by-case bases in order
to be coded with maximum efficiency. Thus, rather than present a code which implements the red/black
Gauss-Seidel method for arbitrary A matrices of checkerboard structure, we now consider a representative
example problem, and present a code which efficiently implements the red/black Gauss-Seidel method for
this illustrative example.
3 This is in contrast with the Gauss-Seidel method for general systems as introduced in, which must be swept from either top
to bottom or bottom to top, and thus error accumulates more at one end of the domain than the other.


Algorithm 3.7: Red/black Gauss-Seidel smoothing applied to the 2D Poisson problem of Example 3.3.
f u n c t i o n PoissonRBGSTes t
% Apply 50 s t e p s o f r e d / b l a c k GaussS e i d e l s m o o t h i n g w i t h a ( c h e c k e r b o a r d ) A m a t r i x
% from a SOFD a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f t h e 2D P o i s s o n e q u a t i o n on a s q u a r e g r i d ( Example 3 . 3 ) .
% The s e t o f p o i n t s u p d a t e d f i r s t , which we l a b e l a s r e d , i n c l u d e s t h e c o r n e r s .
d i s p ( Now a p p l y i n g 50 s t e p s o f r e d / b l a c k GaussS e i d e l s m o o t h i n g t o a c h e c k e r b o a r d s y s t e m . )
n =3 2 ; L = 1 ; h=L / n ; z = [ 2 : 2 : n ] h ; b= z e r o s ( n + 1 ) ; x= z e r o s ( n + 1 ) ; b ( 2 : n , 2 : n ) = randn ( n 1 ) ; c l o s e a l l
f o r i =1 :5 0
[ x ] = PoissonRBGSsmooth ( x , b , n , h ) ;
r =( x ( 2 : 2 : n , 3 : 2 : n +1)+ x ( 2 : 2 : n , 1 : 2 : n 1)+x ( 3 : 2 : n + 1 , 2 : 2 : n ) + x ( 1 : 2 : n 1 , 2 : 2 : n ) . . .
4x ( 2 : 2 : n , 2 : 2 : n ) ) / h2b ( 2 : 2 : n , 2 : 2 : n ) ;
s u r f ( z , z , r ) ; pause ;
end , d i s p ( )
end % f u n c t i o n PoissonRBGSTes t
f u n c t i o n [ x ] = PoissonRBGSsmooth ( x , b , n , h )
% Apply one s t e p o f RBGS s m o o t h i n g b a s e d on t h e SOFD a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f t h e 2D P o i s s o n eqn .
b1 =b 0 . 2 5 h 2 ;
f o r r b = 0 : 1 , f o r i = 2 : n , m=2+mod ( i + rb , 2 ) ;
x ( i ,m: 2 : n ) = ( x ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 : n +1)+ x ( i , m 1 :2 : n 1)+x ( i +1 ,m: 2 : n ) + x ( i 1 ,m: 2 : n ) ) 0 . 2 5 b1 ( i ,m: 2 : n ) ;
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n PoissonRBGSSmooth

Example 3.3 Red/black Gauss-Seidel applied to the 2D Poisson equation

We now consider the behavior of the red/black Gauss-Seidel method applied to solve (iteratively) a simple
2D Poisson equation
2 2
+ 2 =b
on a unit square [discretized with a second-order finite difference method (8.1) on an n n grid, where
n = 32, with 0,0 corresponding to the function value at the lower-left corner of the domain, and n,n corresponding to the function value at the upper-right corner of the domain] with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary
conditions and random forcing b, leading to the discretized equation at the {i, j}th gridpoint

i+1, j 2i, j + i1, j i, j+1 2i, j + i, j1

= bi j .
Taking x = y =



, h, the LHS operator may be summarized with the convenient finite difference stencil

A SOFD = 2 1

1 0
4 1 .

1 0

When this problem is assembled in matrix form Ax = b, as illustrated in (1.6), it turns out that A is a special
case of a checkerboard matrix, and thus the red/black Gauss-Seidel algorithm described above may be applied.
Efficient implementation of red/black Gauss-Seidel method applied to the 2D Poisson equations is given
in Algorithm 3.7. As shown in Figure 3.3, convergence of the red/black Gauss-Seidel method on this problem
is generally quite fast on the components of the solution which vary quickly across the grid, while convergence is slow on the components of the solution which vary slowly across the grid (that is, the red/black
Gauss-Seidel method may be recognized as an effective smoother of the defect d(k) ), though it is quite inefficient at reducing the overall magnitude of the defect. The multigrid method previewed in the following
section is motivated by this observation.



































Figure 3.3: Defect [see (3.8a)] on half of the red gridpoints after application of (left) zero, (middle) one,
and (right) ten applications of the red/black Gauss-Seidel method; note the rapid smoothing of the defect, in
addition to the gradual reduction of its peak magnitude.

3.2.2 Multigrid: a preview

Though they are relatively easy to apply, none of the simple splitting techniques presented in 3.2.1, on
their own, are particularly efficient at solving systems of the form Ax = b when the dimension of A is large.
As seen by example in Figure 3.3, when applied to a numerical discretization of the Poisson equation, the
red/black Gauss-Seidel method is generally best thought of as an unbiased and numerically efficient smoother
of the defect d at the highest spatial frequencies represented on the numerical grid. Leveraging this smoothing
behavior in a clever way, the multigrid method is now one of the fastest methods available for solving systems
of the form Ax = b derived from the discretization of PDEs like the Poisson equation on simple domains. The
key steps of the multigrid algorithm are as follows:
1. Apply one or two iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to the original problem in the form
(3.6) [discretized on a fine grid] to smooth the error.
2. Restrict (that is, approximate) the defect of the result on a grid coarsened by a factor of 2 in each
direction, and apply one or two more iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to the problem
of determining the correction v from the defect d in the form (3.8) [discretized on the coarse grid].
Continue this restrict/smooth/restrict/smooth process until the grid is so coarse that the correction problem can be solved directly, and solve it.
3. Prolongate (that is, interpolate) the correction v to the previous (finer) grid, update the problem being
solved there, and apply one or two more iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother.
Continue this prolongate/smooth/prolongate/smooth process until returned to the original (finest) level.
4. Repeat from step 2 until convergence.
The full presentation of the multigrid method is deferred to 11.4.1, after further characterization (in 11.1)
of the elliptic class of partial differential equations, such as the 2D Poisson equation (3.11a), which it is
designed to solve.

3.2.3 Framing Ax = b as a quadratic minimization problem: a preview

An alternative approach to solving high-dimensional linear equations derived from PDE systems, which obviates the need to define coarsened discretizations (which is difficult in complex geometries), is to pose and
solve a corresponding minimization problem. With this approach, a suitable cost function J(x) is defined
such that, once (approximately) minimized via an iterative technique (in a potentially high-dimensional space
x), the desired problem Ax = b is (approximately) solved. In the case that A is such that xT Ax > 0 for all x

(that is, in the case that A is positive definite, as defined in, we can accomplish this by defining
J(x) =

1 T
x Ax bT x = xi ai j x j bi xi .

Requiring that A be positive definite ensures that J for |x| in all directions, and thus that a minimum
point indeed exists. Differentiating J with respect to an arbitrary component of x, we find that

ik ai j x j + xi ai j jk bi ik = ak j x j bk .

The unique minimum of J(x) is characterized by

= ak j x j bk = 0 or J = Ax b = 0.
Thus, solution of large linear systems of the form Ax = b may be found by minimization of a quadratic
function J(x). Efficient techniques to solve problems of this type are presented in 16.

Exercise 3.1 Plot the Chebyshev polynomial T9 (x) = 256x9 576x7 + 432x5 120x3 + 9x for x [1, 1]
(this function will be studied in greater detail in 5.13). Then, using the Newton-Raphson, bisection, and
false position methods described in 3.1, find all real values of x [1, 1], to eight digits of precision (!),
such that f (x) = 0. For each method, plot the convergence to each root (that is, plot the error of the best
estimate of the root thus far) as a function of iteration. Discuss.
Exercise 3.2 A new technique is proposed to both accelerate the rate of convergence and increase the domain
of convergence of the Newton-Raphson algorithm (3.2) for solving nonlinear equations. The new technique
is based on the first three terms of the Taylor-series expansion for f (xk+1 ) near xk , which may be written
fk+1 = fk + (xk+1 xk ) fk +

(xk+1 xk )2
fk + . . . ,

where fk , f (xk ), etc. Neglecting the terms cubic and higher in (xk+1 xk ), setting fk+1 = 0, and solving the
resulting quadratic equation for xk+1 , assuming that fk 6= 0, gives
u 2

fk u
xk+1 = xk t k 2 2 .

To ensure that the algorithm converges (that is, to ensure that the update to xk is small when fk is small), the
positive root needs to be taken in this expression, resulting in
u 2

fk u
xk+1 = xk + t k 2 2

fk fk
= xk 1 1 2 2 .
( fk )

Note that, unlike the Newton-Raphson algorithm, an algorithm based on (3.12a) may be well behaved even
when fk 0; that is, this algorithm will generally be successful when the nonlinear function is dominated by

a locally quadratic character, rather than the locally linear character necessary for the Newton-Raphson
convergence to be well behaved. Thus, we might expect this new algorithm to have a significantly improved
domain of convergence as compared with the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
(a) Unfortunately, both (3.12a) and (3.12b) take the difference of two numbers which are almost equal when
fk is small (that is, as convergence is approached), thus resulting in a significant loss of accuracy on a machine
with finite-precision arithmetic. To correct for this, noting the expansion (B.81) and retaining the first three
terms on the RHS, develop an expression for xk+1 which does not exhibit such a problem when fk is small.
Compare this modified update formula to the Newton-Raphson update formula (3.2). Discuss.
(b) Write an iterative code to apply the new algorithm to determine numerically a root of a scalar equation
f (x) = 0. Defining = 2 fk fk /( fk )2 , use the update formula (3.12a) when | | > 0.01 [as (3.12a) does not
divide by fk ], and use the update formula determined in part (a) when | | 0.01. Test this code on the function
T9 (x) given in Exercise 3.1, and compare the domain of convergence to the root near x = 0.85, as well as the
rate of convergence to this root as convergence is approached, with the standard Newton-Raphson method
(Algorithm 3.1) applied to the same problem. Quantify the domain of convergence by establishing how large
the region is around the root in question that converges reliably
to the root near x = 0.85. Quantify the rate

of convergence by plotting both the log of the error (k) = x(k) xopt as a function of k as well as the log
of the residual | fk | as a function of k. Recall from (3.3) that the rate of convergence of the Newton Raphson
method, for sufficiently small (k) , is predicted to be quadratic; is this evident in your error plots? Discuss.

Press, WH, Teukolsky, SA, Vetterling, WT, & Flannery, BP (2007). Numerical Recipes, the Art of Scientific
Computing. Cambridge.


Chapter 4

Linear algebra






The four fundamental subspaces of a matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The determinant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.1 Some important properties of the determinant, and their consequences . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Computing the determinant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.1 Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of small matrices . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Eigenmode analysis of an oscillating string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.3 Eigenmode analysis of surface waves in a shallow rectangular pool . . . . . . . .
Fundamental matrix decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.1 The Hessenberg decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.2 The QR decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.3 Characterizing the Schur decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.4 Characterizing the eigen decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hermitian positive definite and Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.5 Computing the eigen and Schur decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.6 The Jordan decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.7 The singular value decomposition (SVD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4.8 Decompositions related to Gaussian elimination: LDM H , LDLH , and Cholesky . .
Efficient solution of some important matrix equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.1 Solving the DLE and CALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solving the Sylvester equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.2 Solving the DRE and CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.3 Solving the LDE and DALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.4 Solving the RDE and DARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5.5 Reordering the Schur decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6.1 Identities involving the derivative of the trace of a product . . . . . . . . . . . . .











4.6.2 Computing the sensitivity of an eigenvalue to matrix perturbations

4.6.3 Rewriting the characteristic polynomial using the trace . . . . . .
4.7 The Moore-Penrose pseudonverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7.1 Inconsistent and/or underdetermined systems . . . . . . . . . . . The QR approach to inconsistent systems . . . . . . . .
4.7.2 The least-squares solution to the data fitting problem . . . . . . .
4.8 Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



















To recap, 1 reviewed the notation to be used throughout this text to frame efficient numerical methods
for solving a variety of practical problems. Using this notation, 2 presented several algorithms for the efficient direct solution of linear equations of the form Ax = b for the unknown vector x. For both linear and
nonlinear equations which are too difficult to solve directly, 3 introduced a selection of iterative algorithms
for approximating the solution; we will resort to such iterative algorithms in many of the problems to come.
We now focus on several additional concepts and algorithms that clarify the linear algebra describing how
the matrices at the heart of more involved problems may be characterized and decomposed.

4.1 The four fundamental subspaces of a matrix

An appropriate starting point for this chapter is to describe the transformation y = Ax related to an m n
matrix A in terms of the four fundamental subspaces of the domain X and the codomain Y, as introduced
in 2.6, defined precisely below, summarized in Figures 4.1-4.3, and illustrated by example in Table 4.1.
The column space of A (a.k.a. the image or, sometimes, the range of the corresponding linear transformation) is the subspace of all complex (or real) vectors y of order m (that is, all y Y) such that
y = Ax for at least one value of x (that is, it is the set of all vectors y spanned by the columns of A). It
is denoted C = im(A) = span{a1 , a2 , . . . , an }, and has dimension r.
The row space of A is the subspace of all complex (or real) vectors x of order n (that is, all x X) such
that xH = yH A for at least one value of y. In other words, it is the set of all x such that x = AH y for at
least one value of y. It is thus denoted R = im(AH ), and has dimension r.
The nullspace of A (a.k.a. the kernel of the corresponding linear transformation) is the subspace of all
x X such that Ax = 0. The nullspace is the orthogonal complement of the row space. It is denoted
N = ker(A) = R , and has dimension n r.
The left nullspace of A is the subspace of all y Y such that yH A = 0, and is the orthogonal complement of the column space. In other words, it is the set of all y such that AH y = 0. It is thus denoted
L = ker(AH ) = C , and has dimension m r.

If a square matrix A is nonsingular, then r = rank(A) = m = n (see Fact 2.5), and thus the dimension of both
the nullspace and the left nullspace of A, as depicted in Figure 4.1, are zero (that is, they both contain only
the zero element). In this case, the mapping between X and Y in Figure 4.1 is one-to-one. That is, given any
y Y, one can uniquely determine the corresponding x X such that y = Ax. This mapping is given by the
inverse such that, for any x X, A1 y = A1 (Ax) = x.
If a matrix A is singular or nonsquare, then the mapping between X and Y in Figure 4.1 is not one-toone. If r < n, then the component xN of a vector x lying in the nullspace of A is mapped to zero by the
transformation Ax. If r < m, then the component yL of a vector y lying in the left nullspace of A may not be
reached by the transformation y = Ax for any x. The best mapping possible from y back to x under such
conditions is given by the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse A+ (see Figure 4.3 and 4.7); the singular value
decomposition developed in 4.4.7 renders the computation and analysis of A+ straightforward.

4.2 The determinant

There are several measures with which the properties of a matrix may be quantified. Perhaps the most fundamental of these measures is the determinant, denoted |A|. The determinant of a square matrix A may be
defined iteratively as follows:

1 1 case: The determinant of a 1 1 matrix A = a11 is just
|A| = a11 .
a11 a12
is |A| = a11 a22 a12 a21 .
2 2 case: The determinant of a 2 2 matrix A =
a21 a22
n n case: The determinant of an n n matrix is defined as a function of the determinant of several
(n 1) (n 1) matrices as follows: the determinant of A is a linear combination of the elements of
row (for any such that 1 n) and their corresponding cofactors A :

|A| = a 1 A 1 + a 2 A 2 + + a n A n =

(1) + a |M |


for some [1, 2, . . . n], (4.1a)

where the cofactor A is defined as the determinant of M with alternating sign: A = (1) + |M |,
where the minor M is the matrix formed by deleting row and column of the matrix A. Alternatively, the determinant of an n n matrix may be defined as a linear combination of the elements of
column (for any such that 1 n) and their corresponding cofactors:

|A| = a1 A1 + a2 A2 + + an An =

(1) + a |M |


for some [1, 2, . . . n]. (4.1b)

4.2.1 Some important properties of the determinant, and their consequences

The determinant has five important properties that may, with some effort, be verified by its definition:
Property 1 Adding a multiple of one row (or block row) of a matrix to another row (or block row) leaves the
determinant unchanged. In particular,

A B D1 C 0
a b a
b a db c 0


C D = 0 D C A1 B =
c d 0 d c b = c

provided that each of the operations performed is valid (that is, in the examples shown above, when a 6= 0,
d 6= 0, A is nonsingular, or D is nonsingular, respectively).
Property 2 Exchanging two rows of the matrix flips the sign of the determinant, e.g.,

a b

= c d .

c d
a b

Property 3a If A is (upper or lower) triangular (or diagonal), then |A| is the product a11 a22 ann of the
elements on the main diagonal. In particular, the determinant of the identity matrix is |I| = 1.
Property 3b If A is (upper or lower) block triangular (or block diagonal), then |A| is the product of the
determinants of the blocks on the main diagonal.
Property 4a If |A| 6= 0, then the rows of A are linearly independent, and A is nonsingular / invertible / full
rank (i.e., Ax = b has a unique solution x).
Property 4b If |A| = 0, then the rows of A are linearly dependent, and A is singular / non-invertible / rank
deficient (i.e., Ax = b either has an infinite number of solutions or zero solutions, depending on b).
Property 5 |AB| = |A| |B|. In particular, |AB| = 0 iff |A| = 0 or |B| = 0, and |A1 | = 1/|A|.

y Y = Cm (or Rm )

x X = Cn (or Rn )

yCco lumn
C = spa
im ce,

AxR = yC

R ws
= pa
im ce
(A H ,



= yC

ce ) =
pa (A
lls ker
nu =

Ax N

L = null
ker spac
(A H e,

x = xR + xN



Figure 4.1: Cartoon depicting the four fundamental subspaces of the matrix A, adapted from Strang (1988).
co l


AxR = yC




AH yC =
A Hy =


) = x R 6=

p ac



y = yC + yL

yL = 0







Figure 4.2: As in Figure 4.1, illustrating the mapping due to AH .



co forward: AxR = yC
inverse: A+ yC = A+ (AxR ) = xR




co l

p ac


A +yL =

Ax N









Figure 4.3: As in Figure 4.1, illustrating the forward and inverse mapping due to A and A+ (see 4.7). If A is
nonsingular (i.e., if r = m = n), then the nullspace and left nullspace are given by {0}, and thus A+ = A1 .


column space
C = im(A)

1 2
3 4

1 0
0 1
0 0

1 0
1 2


left nullspace
L = ker(AH )

row space
R = im(AH )




0 , 1






1 2
0 0


1 3
2 6





N = ker(A)

A is . . .


square (m = n),
invertible /
nonsingular /
full rank
(r = m, r = n)



tall (m > n),

full (column) rank
(r = n)

0 , 2





1 , 0



fat (m < n),

full (row) rank
(r = m)

Ax = b is . . .
(as N = L = {0})
1 solution

(since L 6= {0})
1 sol. if b C,
otherwise none

(since N 6= {0})

fat (m < n),
rank deficient
(r < m, r < n)

square (m = n),
noninvertible /
singular /
rank deficient
(r < m, r < n)

(since N 6= {0})

and potentially
(since L 6= {0})
sol. if b C,
otherwise none

(since N 6= {0})

and potentially
(since L 6= {0})
sol. if b C,
otherwise none

Table 4.1: Five examples indicating simple (but nonorthogonal) bases of the column space, row space, nullspace, and left nullspace of some
representative matrices A, applicable names for these matrices, and descriptions of the corresponding systems of linear equations Ax = b.

Taking Properties 4a and 4b together, it is seen that |A| = 0 iff A is singular. Properties 1 and 3 establish
(by taking A = Imm and D = Inn ) that |I CB| = |I BC|. Properties 1 and 3 also establish the following.

If |M| 6= 0 and |A| 6= 0, then |D C A1 B| 6= 0.
Fact 4.1 Let M =
. Then:
If |M| 6= 0 and |D| 6= 0, then |A B D1 C| 6= 0.
This fact allows us to establish a block form of the Matrix Inversion Lemma (again, easily verified simply by
multiplying the original matrix by the formulae given for its inverse).


6= 0. Then:
Fact 4.2 (The Matrix Inversion Lemma, part 2) Let A =
and assume that |A|
a) If |A| 6= 0, then define a Schur complement of A as G = D CA1B. By Fact 4.1, |G| 6= 0, and thus

1  1
A + A1BG1CA1 A1 BG1

A =
b) If |D| 6= 0, define the other Schur complement of A as H = A BD1C. By Fact 4.1, |H| 6= 0, and thus


H 1
H 1 BD1

A =
D1CH 1 D1 + D1CH 1 BD1
c) If both |A| 6= 0 and |D| 6= 0, then by (a) and (b) above and the uniqueness of the matrix inverse (Fact 1.5),
using both Schur complements G = D CA1B and H = A BD1C, we may write

H 1
H 1 BD1

A =
Parts (a) and (b) of Fact 4.2 demonstrate how a given matrix inverse (A1 or D1 , respectively) may be
updated via a computationally inexpensive algorithm when a (block) row and column are appended to the
original matrix (A or D). It follows from part (c) of Fact 4.2 that

H 1
H 1 BD1 bo
A B xo

C D xe

BD1 bo

D CA1B xe
this relation forms the basis for the cyclic reduction algorithm for the parallel solution of checkerboard
systems described in Exercise 4.5.
Note also that, if 6= , we may write
a 1 A 1 + a 2 A 2 + + a n A n = 0.


The above expression is valid because, as easily verified, it expresses the determinant of a new matrix B which
is identical to matrix A except in row 6= , which has its former elements replaced by a copy of row ;
note that this modification to row leaves the cofactors A j unchanged for all j, but (by Property 4b above)
makes the determinant of the new matrix zero. We may thus assemble (4.1a) (for all ) together with (4.3)
(for all { , } such that 6= ) in the following convenient matrix form

a11 a12 . . . a1n
A11 A21 . . . An1

a21 a22 . . . a2n A12 A22 . . . An2





an1 an2 . . . ann
A1n A2n . . . Ann



Note that the {i, j} element of the cofactor matrix Acof is the cofactor A ji ; in other words, the cofactors of A
are assembled into the cofactor matrix Acof in a transposed fashion. The following fact follows immediately:
Fact 4.3 (Cramers rule) A1 = Acof /|A|.
Fact 4.3 is an extraordinarily expensive formula for the inverse when A is large; it is thus used only once (in
20.1.5) in the remainder of this entire text. Note that Fact 1.8 is a special case of Fact 4.3 for n = 2.

4.2.2 Computing the determinant

For a large matrix A, the determinant is most easily computed by performing the row operations mentioned in
Properties 1 and 2 of 4.2.1 to reduce A to an upper triangular matrix U. In fact, this is the heart of Gaussian
elimination procedure, described in 2. Taking Properties 1, 2, and 3 together, it follows that
|A| = (1)r |U| = (1)r u11 u22 unn ,
where r is the number of row exchanges performed during Gaussian elimination, and the u are the elements
on the main diagonal of the upper-triangular matrix U that results from the Gaussian elimination procedure.

4.3 An introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Consider the equation
As = s.


For most values of , the only solution of this problem is the trivial solution s = 0. However, for certain
special values of , this equation admits other nontrivial solutions s 6= 0. These special values of are
called the eigenvalues, and the corresponding vectors s are called the right eigenvectors, or more commonly
simply as the eigenvectors. For these special values of , premultiplying s by the matrix A is equivalent to
simply scaling s by the factor . Such a situation has the important physical interpretation as a natural mode
of a system when A represents the system matrix for a given dynamic system, as discussed further in 4.3.2.
Note also that those vectors r that satisfy the equation rH A = rH (equivalently, AH r = H r) are referred
to as the left eigenvectors; note that the alternative definition qT A = qT (equivalently, AT q = T q) of the
left eigenvector is sometimes more convenient both algebraically and computationally, so which definition is
being used must always be specified when considering complex systems.

4.3.1 Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of small matrices

The most direct way to determine for which it is possible to solve the equation As = s for s 6= 0 is to
rewrite this equation as
( I A)s = 0.

If ( I A) is a nonsingular matrix, then this equation has a unique solution, and since the RHS is zero, that
solution must be s = 0. However, for those values of for which ( I A) is singular, this equation admits
other solutions with s 6= 0. The values of for which ( I A) is singular are the eigenvalues of the matrix
A, and the corresponding vectors s are the eigenvectors. Making use of Property 4 of the determinant (see
4.2.1), we see that the eigenvalues must therefore be exactly those values of for which
| I A| = 0

p( ) , n + an1 n1 + . . . + a1 + a0 = 0.


The determinant on the LHS of the first equation in (4.5a), when multiplied out, is seen to be a polynomial in
of degree n, and is known as the characteristic polynomial of A and is usually denoted p( ); the equation
p( ) = 0 is referred to as the characteristic equation of A.

Fact 4.4 (The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) Any nth-order polynomial of the form (4.5a) has exactly n complex roots, 1 through n , and may thus be written in the form
( 1 )( 2) ( n) = 0.


Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is given in Appendix B. Note that the roots 1 through n are
not necessarily distinct (that is, they are not necessarily all different); the number of times a particular eigenvalue is repeated is referred to as its multiplicity (a.k.a. algebraic multiplicity; cf. geometric multiplicity as
defined in footnote 21 on page 108). An eigenvalue with multiplicity 1 is referred to as a simple eigenvalue.
The set of all eigenvalues of the matrix A is denoted (A). To calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
of a small matrix by hand, simply calculate the roots of its characteristic polynomial. Once the eigenvalues
are known, the corresponding eigenvectors s may be found by determining a nontrivial solution to the singular
system of equations ( I A)s = 0. Efficient techniques to solve a singular system of this sort are discussed
in 2.6. Note that the eigenvectors s are defined only to within a multiplicative constant, which cannot be
specified uniquely because ( I A) is singular. In other words, if s is an eigenvector corresponding to a
particular eigenvalue , then cs is also an eigenvector for any complex scalar c. It follows that


a b
Fact 4.5 If A = A22 =
, then = 12 (a + d) 4bc + (a d)2 .
c d

If b 6= 0, the eigenvectors are s =
; if c 6= 0, the eigenvectors are s =
and s2 =
If b = c = 0, the eigenvalues are + = a and = d and the eigenvectors are s1 =
If 4bc + (a d)2 = 0 and either b 6= 0 or c 6= 0, or both, then there is only a single eigenvector (and a single
corresponding eigenvalue with multiplicity two); otherwise, there are two linearly independent eigenvectors
[that is, the angle between the eigenvectors is nonzero; see (1.19)].
If A = A22 is Hermitian, then a and d are real and b = c, and thus the eigenvalues of A are real.
If A = A22 is real, then the eigenvalues, if they are complex, are a complex conjugate pair, and the eigenvectors are orthogonal to each other (that is, s+ s = 0).
In general, for a matrix Ann with n > 4, it is impossible to compute the roots of the characteristic polynomial, and thus determine the eigenvalues of A, with a finite sequence of calculations (see Facts 4.8 and 4.9).
However, any of several efficient iterative algorithms (akin to those introduced in 3) may be used for approximating eigenvalues and eigenvectors numerically. An introduction to such iterative techniques is presented
in 4.4, along with the matrix decompositions upon which these techniques are based. Note that robust and
efficient eigenvalue solvers have already been developed in most computer languages used today for scientific computing. For the purpose of many typical applications, these prepackaged black box algorithms may
often be called effectively without knowing exactly how they work. In order to use such algorithms reliably,
however, it is valuable to understand the fundamental algorithms upon which they are built.


4.3.2 Eigenmode analysis of an oscillating string

To demonstrate the significance of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for characterizing physical systems, as discussed further in later chapters, it is enlightening to diverge for a bit from the present line of development and
discuss two physical problems motivating eigenvalue/eigenvector analyses. Consider first the time evolution
of a taut string which has just been struck or plucked. Neglecting damping, the deflection of the string, f (x,t),
obeys the linear partial differential equation (PDE) known as the 1D wave equation:
2 f
2 f
where c is the speed of wave propogation in the string, subject to
boundary conditions (BCs):
f = 0 at x = 0 and x = L,

and initial conditions (ICs):
= b(x) at t = 0.
f = a(x) and



For a gently plucked guitar string, b(x) 0 and a(x) describes the initial displacement of the string. For an
impulsively struck piano string, a(x) 0 and b(x) describes the initial velocity of the string.
We will solve this system using the separation of variables (SOV) approach. With this approach, an
assumed separable (that is, decoupled) form is imposed on the individual modes of the solution (this is often
called the SOV ansatz). We then attempt to construct a general solution to the full system (4.6) built from
such modes. We thus first seek modes, f m , which satisfy the PDE (4.6a) and the BCs (4.6b) of the separable
f m (x,t) = X(x) T (t).
[Note that X = X(x) and T = T (t) in this section are simply scalar functions of their arguments, not matrices.]
If we can find enough nontrivial (that is, nonzero) solutions of (4.6a) which fit this form, we will be able to
reconstruct a solution which also satisfies the ICs (4.6c) as a superposition of these modes. Inserting (4.7)
into (4.6a) and assuming c =constant, we identify two associated ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
XT = c2 X T

= c2
, 2

T = 2 T,
X = kx 2 X,

where = ckx , and where the constant (and, thus, kx ) must be independent of both x and t due to the
middle form above combined with the facts that X = X(x) and T = T (t). The two ODEs at right are solved
T = A cos( t) + B sin( t),
X = C cos(kx x) + D sin(kx x).


Due to the BCs at x = 0, it follows that C = 0. Due to the BCs at x = L, it follows for most kx that D = 0
as well, and thus f m (x,t) = 0 for all {x,t}. However, for certain values of kx (specifically, for kx i L = i for
integer values of i), X satisfies the homogeneous BCs at x = L even for nonzero values of D. These special
values of kx i are the eigenvalues of the PDE system in SOV form1 Defining (for convenience) the combined
1 The problem of determining the admissible values k , and corresponding functions X (x), such that each nontrivial function X (x)
satisfies both the ODE X = kx 2 X and homogeneous BCs at both x = 0 and x = L is a special case of the general problem of determining
the eigenvalues i , and corresponding eigenfunctions ui (x), of the homogeneous Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem
c1 u(a) + c2 u (a) = 0,
p(x) + q(x) + r(x) u(x) = 0 with
c3 u(b) + c4 u (b) = 0,

where p(x) > 0, p (x), q(x), and r(x) > 0 are continuous on x (a,b), and {c1 ,c2 ,c3 ,c4 } are constants. Another example of a problem
of this class, related to Bessel functions, is given in (11.36); see Amrein et al. (2005) for further discussion.


constants as = AD and b s = BD and forming a linear superposition of the nontrivial modes fim [each of
which satisfying the SOV Ansatz (4.7) for each value of kx i and corresponding value of i ] in an attempt to
additionally satisfy the ICs (4.6c), we now write

b si
f = fi = ai cos(it) + sin(it) sin(kx i x).
The coefficients asi and b si are now determined by enforcing the ICs:

(x,t = 0) = b(x) = b si sin(kx i x).

f (x,t = 0) = a(x) = asi sin(kx i x),



Noting the orthogonality of the sine and cosine functions2 , we multiply both of the above equations by
sin(kx p x) = sin(p x/L) and integrate over the domain x [0, L], which results in:

2 L

s L
a(x) sin(kx p x)dx = a p

a p =
a(x) sin(kx p x)dx

L 0
for p = 1, 2, 3, . . .


b(x) sin(kx p x)dx

b sp =
b(x) sin(kx p x)dx = b sp
L 0
Thus, the asp and b sp may be calculated directly. As discussed further in 5.11.1, these representations are
referred to as the infinite sine transforms of a(x) and b(x) on the interval x [0, L].
An analytic solution of the PDE (4.6a) satisfying both the BCs (4.6b) and the ICs (4.6c) may thus be
constructed as a linear combination of separable modes, as shown in (4.9), the coefficients of which may
easily be determined, as shown in (4.10b).
Now consider the PDE3 in (4.6a) in the case in which c is a function of x. We can no longer represent the
mode shapes in x analytically with sines and cosines. In this case, we can still seek decoupled modes of the
form f = X(x)T (t), but in general we must now determine the X(x) numerically. The ODE for X(x) is
X =


X =0

for x (0, L), with


at x = 0 and x = L.


Consider now the values of X at N + 1 discrete locations (a.k.a. gridpoints) located at x = x j = j x for
j = 0 . . . N, where x = L/N. Note that, at these gridpoints, derivatives may be approximated as follows:

X j+1 X j1
X j+1 2X j + X j1
X j+1 X j X j X j1
2 X

/x =

x x j
2 x
x2 x j
where we denote X j , X(x j ). By the BCs (4.11b), X0 = XN = 0. The ODE (4.11a) at each of the N 1 grid
points on the interior may be approximated by the relation
2 This

X j+1 2X j + X j1
= 2 X j .

orthogonality principle states that, for i, k integers,




3 Note:


i x


k x

dx =

i = k 6= 0


i x



k x

dx = 0,


i x


k x

dx = L/2

i = k 6= 0

this is not the PDE governing waves in a nonuniform bar; treatment of this physical problem is considered in Exercise 4.4.


Algorithm 4.1: Compute and animate the leading natural modes of vibration of a string.
function WireTest
% T h i s f u n c t i o n computes , p l o t s , & a n i m a t e s t h e l e a d i n g modes o f v i b r a t i o n o f a w i r e .
d i s p ( Now co m p u tin g , p l o t i n g , & a n i m a t i n g t h e l e a d i n g modes o f v i b r a t i o n o f a w i r e . )
c l e a r ; c l o s e a l l ; c = 1 ; L = 1 ; n =1 2 8 ; n u m p l o t s = 3 ; % I n i t i a l i z e t h e s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s
D eltaX =L / n ; X= [ 0 : D eltaX : L ] ;
% S e t up g r i d and t h e A m a t r i x
A=( c 2 / D eltaX 2 ) ( d i a g ( o n e s ( n 2 ,1) , 1) 2 d i a g ( o n e s ( n 1 , 1 ) , 0 ) + d i a g ( o n e s ( n 2 , 1 ) , 1 ) ) ;
[ lam , S ] = E ig (A ) ;
[ s c r a t c h , i n d e x ] = M er g eS o r t ( abs ( lam ) , 0 , n 1 ) ; S=S ( : , i n d e x ) ; lam =lam ( i n d e x ) ;
o m e g a e x a c t = [ 1 : n u m p l o t s ] p i c / L , n , o m e g a n u m e r i c a l = s q r t (lam ( 1 : n u m p l o t s ) )
f o r m= 1 : n u m p lo ts , d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( T h i s i s a p l o t o f mode %d ,m) )
amp= 1 /max ( abs ( S ( : ,m ) ) ) ; c l f ; p l o t (X, amp [ 0 S ( : , m) 0 ] , ) , a x i s ( [ 0 1 1 1 ] ) , pause
end , WireAnimate ( lam , S , X, n , D eltaX ) , d i s p ( )
end % f u n c t i o n W i r e T e s t
f u n c t i o n WireAnimate ( Ds , Vs , X, n , D eltaX )
omega= s q r t (Ds ) ; maxframes =4 0 0 ; tmax = 8 ; p = 2 ; a = 0 . 9 5 / max ( abs ( Vs ( : , p ) ) ) ; c l f ;
d i s p ( T h i s i s t h e m o tio n o f a s i n g l e mode . )
f o r t = 0 : tmax / maxframes : tmax
p l o t (X, a [ 0 Vs ( : , p ) 0 ] s i n ( omega ( p ) t ) , L i n e w i d t h , 2 ) ;
a x i s ( [ 0 1 1 1 ] ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 2 ) ;
end ; pause ; p = 2 ; a = 0 . 5 / max ( abs ( Vs ( : , p ) ) ) ; q = 3 ; b = 0 . 5 / max ( abs ( Vs ( : , q ) ) ) ;
d i s p ( T h i s i s t h e m o tio n o f a l i n e a r c o m b i n a t i o n o f two modes . )
f o r t = 0 : tmax / maxframes : tmax
p l o t (X, a [ 0 Vs ( : , p ) 0 ] s i n ( omega ( p ) t ) + b [ 0 Vs ( : , q ) 0 ] s i n ( omega ( q ) t ) , L i n e w i d t h , 2 ) ;
a x i s ( [ 0 1 1 1 ] ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 2 ) ;
end ; pause ; imax =round ( n / 3 ) ; fmax = 0 . 9 5 ;
f o r i = 0 : imax ; c ( i +1)= fmax i / imax ; end , f o r i =imax + 1 : n ; c ( i +1)= fmax ( ni ) / ( nimax ) ; end
d i s p ( T h i s i s t h e m o tio n o f a c o m b i n a t i o n o f modes t h a t add , i n i t i a l l y , t o a t r i a n g u l a r )
disp ( d e f l e c t i o n of the wire with zero velocity , cor r es pongind to a pluck of the wire . )
f o r k = 1 : n1
f =[ 0 Vs ( : , k ) 0 ] [ 0 Vs ( : , k ) 0 ] D eltaX ; c h a t ( k ) = ( 1 / f ) ( [ 0 Vs ( : , k ) 0 ] c ) D eltaX ;
f o r t = 0 : tmax / maxframes : tmax
s h a p e = 0 . ; f o r k = 1 : n 1; s h a p e = s h a p e + c h a t ( k ) [ 0 Vs ( : , k ) 0 ] c o s ( omega ( k ) t ) ; end
p l o t (X, s h ap e , L i n e w i d t h , 2 ) ; a x i s ( [ 0 1 1 1 ] ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 2 ) ;
end ;
end % f u n c t i o n WireAnimate

Thus, the discretization of the ODE (4.11a) and BCs (4.11b) may be assembled in matrix form as












or, more simply, as

As = s,


where , 2 . This is exactly the matrix eigenvalue problem discussed at the beginning of this section,
and can be solved numerically for the eigenvalues i and the corresponding mode shapes si , as illustrated (for
the case with constant c) in the code WireTest.m, given in Algorithm 4.1. Note that, for constant c and a
sufficiently large number of gridpoints, the first several eigenvalues returned by WireTest.m closely match
the analytic solution i = i c/L, and the first several eigenvectors si are of the same shape as the analytic

mode shapes Xi (x) = sin(i x/c). Note that this numerical code is easily modified to handle the situation in
which c varies with x, though this case cannot be solved analytically.
Thus, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors that satisfy (4.12) may be used to approximate the i and Xi (x) of
the SOV modes satisfying the PDE (4.6a) and the BCs (4.6b) even in the case that the eigenvalues of the PDE
system cannot be determined analytically. The equation for Ti (t) is the same as before; its solution is given
by (4.8a). Forming a superposition of the nontrivial modes f i in this spatially discretized setting in an attempt
to additionally satisfy the ICs (4.6c), we express [cf. (4.9)]
b si
f = f = ai cos(it) + sin(it) si .
Enforcing the ICs at the grid points, denoting ai = a(xi ) and bi = b(xi ), we have [cf. (4.10a)]

f(t = 0) = a = Sa s,
(t = 0) = b = Sb s where S = s1 s2 . . . sN


Assuming S is invertible, we may calculate the appropriate values of a s and b s directly [cf. (4.10b)]
a s = S1 a,

b s = S1b.


As discussed further in 5.11, a s and b s are referred to as the discrete sine transforms4 of a and b.
Thus, a numerical approximation of the solution of the PDE (4.6a) satisfying both the BCs (4.6b) and the
ICs (4.6c) may be constructed as a linear combination of separable modes, as shown in (4.13), the coefficients
of which may easily be determined, as shown in (4.14).
The eigenvalue problem formulated above is implemented in Algorithm 4.1. Note that the function
WireTest.m calls a built-in auxiliary function WireAnimate.m, which is isolated as a subfunction for clarity,
as it is ancillary to the purpose of the main function Wire.m.

4.3.3 Eigenmode analysis of surface waves in a shallow rectangular pool

The analysis considered in 4.3.2 extends directly to multidimensional systems. To illustrate, consider the
evolution of a low-amplitude wave in a shallow pool which is Lx = 5m wide Ly = 10m long b = 1m
deep. Neglecting surface tension and viscosity, the height of the water, h(x, y,t), obeys the 2D wave equation:
2 h
x2 y2

bg is the speed of wave propogation in the system, subject to

= 0 at x = 0 and x = Lx

boundary conditions (BCs):

= 0 at y = 0 and y = Ly ,

and initial conditions (ICs):
h = a(x, y) and
= b(x, y) at t = 0.

where g = 9.8m/s2 and c =




4 As S and S1 are full, it appears at first glance that the transformations from a to a
s and from a s back to a in (4.14) involve full
matrix/vector multiplication, and thus each requires 2N 2 real flops if a is real. We will see in 5.11.1 that we can in fact explot the
several symmetries within S via a remarkable algorithm called the fast fourier transform (FFT; see 5.4.1) to solve this problem in
only 5M log2 M real flops, where M = N/2. If N = 256, the latter algorithm is almost 30 times cheaper than the former. (!)


[The waves on a rectangular membrane may be analyzed in an analogous manner, simply by replacing the
homogeneous Neumann
p BCs given above with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs (that is, h = 0 on the boundaries), by taking c = T / where T is the tension per unit length (in N/m) of the membrane and is the
density per unit area (in kg/m2 ) of the membrane, and by retaining the sine expansions in x and y instead of
the cosine expansions in the derivation below.]
Inspired by (4.7), we seek the eigenmodes of the solution, f m , which separate into the form
f m (x, y,t) = X(x)Y (y) T (t).


Following the analysis given previously, we identify three associated ODEs

 X Y 
, 2 ,
= c2

1 T Y
= 2

, kx2 ,
c T

1 T X
= 2

, ky2 ,
c T

from which it follows that the constants , kx , and ky , are independent of x, y, and t, and are related such that
2 = c2 (kx2 + ky2 ). It follows that
T (t) = A cos( t) + B sin( t),

X(x) = C cos(kx x) + D sin(kx x),

Y (y) = E cos(ky y) + F sin(ky y).

Applying the BCs at x = 0 and y = 0 for all t implies that D = 0 and F = 0; applying the BCs at x = Lx and
y = Ly for all t implies that, for most values of kx and ky , the coefficients C and E must equal zero as well, and
thus the mode f m is trivial (that is, zero). However, for certain values of kx and ky (specifically, for kx i Lx = i
for i = 0, 1, 2, . . . and kyj Ly = j for j = 0, 1, 2, . . .), X(x) and Y (y) satisfy the homogeneous Neumann BCs at
x = Lx and y = Ly even for nonzero values of C and E. Defining
ac = ACE and b c = BCE and assembling
a superposition of these nontrivial modes, defining i j = c


f = fimj = acij cos(i j t) +

i=0 j=0

i=0 j=0

b cij

i j

kx2i + ky2j , we may write


sin(i j t) cos(kx i x) cos(kyj y),


where the coefficients acij and b cij are determined by enforcing the ICs:

f (x, y, 0) = a(x, y) =

acij cos(kx i x) cos(kyj y),

i=0 j=0

(x, y, 0) = b(x, y) = b cij cos(kx i x) cos(kyj y).
i=0 j=0

Noting the orthogonality of the sine and cosine functions mentioned previously results in
Z Lx Z Ly

a(x, y) cos(kx p x) cos(kyq x) dx dy

Lx Ly 0 0
Z Lx Z Ly

b cpq =
b(x, y) cos(kx p x) cos(kyq x) dx dy
Lx Ly 0 0

acpq =

for p = 0, 1, 2, . . . and q = 0, 1, 2, . . . (4.17b)

An analytic solution of the PDE (4.15a) satisfying both the BCs (4.15b) and the ICs (4.15c) may thus be
constructed as a linear combination of separable modes, as shown in (4.17a), the coefficients of which may
easily be determined, as shown in (4.17b).
The problem of the simulation of wave evolution in a shallow pool is considered further in 11.3.3 (see
in particular Figure 11.6), where we extend our analysis to handle both variable depth of the pool and finite
amplitude of the waves (and the associated nonlinear interactions). In the limiting case that the depth is
constant and the waves are small in amplitude, the analytic solution given above may be used to quantify the
accuracy of this more involved numerical simulation.

4.4 Fundamental matrix decompositions

This section presents a variety of useful ways to decompose or factor a given matrix A as the product of other
matrices with special properties. The resulting decompositions (a.k.a. factorizations) form the foundation
for many powerful and efficient numerical tools that are useful for a variety of tasks, including

solving Ax = b in the case of square, nonsingular A,

solving Ax = b in the inconsistent and/or underdetermined case,
computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
understanding linear dynamic systems, and
solving linear feedback control problems.

Five of the decompositions we will consider,

the Hessenberg decomposition A = V T0V H where V is unitary and T0 is upper Hessenberg (4.4.1),
the Schur decomposition A = UTU H where U is unitary and T is upper triangular (4.4.3),
T , for real A, where U is real and orthogonal and T is real and
the real Schur decomposition A = U TU
block upper triangular with 1 1 and 2 2 blocks on the main diagonal (4.4.3),
the eigen decomposition A = SS1 where is diagonal (4.4.4), and
the Jordan decomposition A = MJM 1 where J is in so-called Jordan form (4.4.6),

are referred to as similarity transformations. Such decompositions play a particularly important role in the
analysis of a variety of problems in numerical linear algebra because of the following two facts.
Fact 4.6 If A = CBC1 for some C (that is, if A and B are similar), then A and B have the same eigenvalues,
and if s is an eigenvector of A, then C1 s is an eigenvector of B.
Proof : Follows immediately from:

As = s

CBC1 s = s

B(C1 s) = (C1 s).

Fact 4.7 If A = CBCH for some unitary C (that is, if A and B are unitarily similar or congruent) and A is
Hermitian (or symmetric), then B is also Hermitian (or symmetric).
Proof : Follows immediately from: B = CH AC = CH AH C = (CH AC)H = BH .

The subsections that follow are intended to be read sequentially: the Hessenberg decomposition forms a
valuable preparatory step for applying the QR method (based on repeated QR decompositions) to compute
the useful Schur decomposition (or the related real Schur decomposition), from which the immensely
useful eigen decomposition may readily be determined (if it exists). The Jordan decomposition represents
the matrix that is, in a sense, as close as you can get to a diagonalization of A via a similarity transformation
when an eigen decomposition does not exist; unfortunately, as we will show, it is numerically ill-behaved.
Rather, the final decomposition we introduce,
the singular value decomposition A = UV H where U and V are unitary and is diagonal (4.4.7),

though it is not a similarity transformations (as, in general, U 6= V ), is the most useful generalization of the
eigen decomposition that may be used even if an eigen decomposition of A does not exist or, indeed, even
if A is nonsquare; it is shown in 4.7 that the singular value decomposition leads directly to an efficient
construction of the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse A+ , as introduced in Figure 4.3. We also review the
decompositions related to Gaussian elimination, as introduced in 2, as they may be understood a bit more
deeply once the properties of positive definite and positive semidefinite matrices are established (in
Recalling the caution at the beginning of 4 related to its difficulty and importance, it is no exaggeration
to say that 4.4 is the most difficult and important section of 4. Definitive references on this material include
Wilkenson (1965) and Golub & Van Loan (1996), which significantly extend the present discussion.


4.4.1 The Hessenberg decomposition

Every n n matrix A has a Hessenberg decomposition A = V T0V H , where V is unitary and T0 is upper
Hessenberg. The Hessenberg decomposition, which is a unitary similarity transformation (see Fact 4.7), is
useful primarily as a preparatory step in the computation of the Schur and eigen decompositions of a square
matrix A. Recall from 1.2.7 that a Hessenberg form T0 is an upper triangular matrix with extra nonzero
elements populating its first subdiagonal. The Hessenberg decomposition is useful because it introduces many
zero elements while preserving the eigenvalues (Fact 4.6) and, if it exists, the Hermitian structure of the
matrix A (Fact 4.7). Thus, if A happens to be Hermitian, then T0 is both Hessenberg and Hermitianthat
is, T0 is tridiagonal! Further, the Hessenberg decomposition can be completed with a finite sequence of
calculations, as described below. Note that, by presenting this construction, we also effectively establish that
the Hessenberg decomposition itself exists. As the Hessenberg decomposition reduces a general square matrix
A to Hessenberg form while preserving its eigenvalues, and it reduces a Hermitian matrix A to a tridiagonal
form, this decomposition makes the problem of determining eigenvalues significantly easier.
The algorithm to construct a Hessenberg decomposition of an n n matrix A is comprised of n 2
steps, each of which is based on an appropriately configured Householder reflector matrix (as described
in 1.2.9), embedded within an appropriately-sized identity matrix, to introduce zeros into the transformed
matrix. Specifically, at the first step, define


x1 = . , {1 , w1 , 1 } according to (1.9b) and H(1 , w1 ) according to (1.7),

V1 =
0 H(1 , w1 )(n1)(n1)





= 0


H H (1 , w1 )x1



. . .

. . .
. . .


Thus, via a unitary similarity transformation, we have reduced the first column of A to upper Hessenberg
form. Referring to the elements of the transformed matrix as ai j (that is, performing this transformation in
place in the computer memory), we proceed by working next on the second column: define


x2 = . , {2 , w2 , 2 } according to (1.9b) and H(2 , w2 ) according to (1.7),

V2 =


H(2 , w2 )(n2)(n2)


V2H (V1H AV1 )V2 = 0






. . .

. . .
. . .


We continue this way for n 2 steps, after which the transformed matrix, which we denote by T0 , is in
Hessenberg form; efficient implementation is given in Algorithm 4.2. The sequence of operations that are
performed in the process may be summarized in matrix notation as
T0 = V H AV

A = V T0V H ,

where V = V1V2 . . .Vn2 .

Algorithm 4.2: Computation of the Hessenberg decomposition.


f u n c t i o n [A, V] = H e s s e n b e r g (A)
% P r e and p o s t m u l t i p l y an nxn m a t r i x A by a s e q u e n c e o f H o u s e h o l d e r r e f l e c t i o n s t o r e d u c e
% i t t o u p p e r H e s s e n b e r g form T 0 , t h u s co m p u tin g t h e u n i t a r y s i m i l a r i t y t r a n s f o r m a t i o n
% A=V T 0 VH .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ;
i f nargout >1, V= ey e ( n , n ) ; end
f o r i = 1 : n2
[ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e (A( i + 1 : n , i ) ) ; A= R e f l e c t ( A, s i g , w, i +1 , n , 1 , n , B ) ;
i f nargout >1, V= R e f l e c t (V, s i g , w , i +1 , n , 1 , n , R ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n H e s s e n b e r g

In the algorithm above, we never actually even need to compute the matrices Vi . In order to compute both T0
and, if required, V , it is sufficient to compute the k and wk , noting (1.11).
Significantly, this is the best we can do in terms of introducing zeros into A exactly5 via a similarity
transformation using a finite sequence of simple reflections and rotations. The difficulty that prevents us from
taking this approach any further is that any transformation matrix, such as the Householder, Givens, and fast
Givens matrices introduced in 1, must be applied from both the left and the right when building a similarity
transformation. Thus, if two or more rows are combined via premultiplication by some convenient transformation matrix, then the corresponding columns must immediately also be combined in the subsequent
postmultiplication by the conjugate transpose of that transformation matrix. Therefore, if we attempt, e.g., to
apply a series of premultiplications by Givens rotation matricies in order to zero out the first subdiagonal of
a Hessenberg matrix T0 in order to reduce it to a triangular form via a similarity transformation, the required
postmultiplications by the conjugate transpose of these rotation matrices immediately destroys certain subdiagonal zeros which we have worked so hard to create. This is true no matter how much rotation we apply
at each step or what sequence these steps are applied (see Exercise 4.8). Thus,
Fact 4.8 In general, the Schur and eigen decompositions must be computed iteratively.
This statement, which makes concrete the fundamental difficulty of the problem of determining eigenvalues,
is in fact quite deep, and follows as a direct consequence of the following classical result:
Fact 4.9 (The Abel-Ruffini Theorem) A polynomial equation of order higher than four is incapable of general algebraic solution by radicals (that is, in terms of a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, and root extractions).
Note, of course, that there are some polynomial equations of order higher than four that in fact are solvable by
radicals (x5 x4 x + 1 = 0 is an example, with roots {1, 1, 1, i, i}). However, there are other polynomial
equations of order higher than four that are not solvable by radicals (x5 x + 1 = 0 is an example). For a
description of Abels proof of Fact 4.9, the reader is referred to Pesic (2004). The criterion that ultimately
distinguishes between those polynomial equations that can be solved by radicals and those that cannot is
made precise by Galois theory (see, e.g., Postnikov 2004).
The connection between the Abel-Ruffini Theorem and Fact 4.8 may be seen immediately by, for example,
considering the eigenvalues of the following matrix in top companion form (see 1.2.8):

an1 . . . a1 a0

+ . . . + a1 + a0 = 0.
.. , | I A| = 0 p( ) = + an1


5 That

is, assuming infinite-precision arithmetic.


Algorithm 4.3: Code to convert the polynomial root finding problem into an equivalent eigenvalue problem.
f u n c t i o n x = R o o ts ( a )
% Compute t h e r o o t s o f a p o l y n o m i a l a ( 1 ) x n+a ( 2 ) x ( n 1 ) + . . . + a ( n +1)=0 w i t h | a ( 1 ) | > 0 .
n= s i z e ( a , 2 ) ; A=[ a ( 2 : n ) / a ( 1 ) ; ey e ( n 2 ,n 1 ) ] ; x= E ig (A ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n R o o ts

It follows that any polynomial equation p( ) = 0 is the characteristic equation of a matrix A in companion
form, thus allowing one to convert the problem of finding the roots of a polynomial into the problem of
computing the eigenvalues of A, as illustrated in Algorithm 4.3. This relation also establishes that, if there are
some polynomial equations that are not solvable via a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications,
divisions, and root extractions, then there are some eigenvalue problems that are not solvable via a finite
sequence of such operations as well.
In the following section, we thus step back from eigenvalue-preserving similarity transformations for
a moment, and investigate how to triangularize a matrix when (only) premultiplying by a finite sequence
of unitary transformation matrices, which we assemble into a unitary matrix Q, thereby constructing the
decomposition A = QR. It is then shown how the resulting QR decomposition algorithms may be used as the
core of efficient iterative algorithms for determining the Schur and eigen decompositions.

4.4.2 The QR decomposition

Every m n matrix A has a QR decomposition A = QR, where Q = Qmm is unitary and R = Rmn is upper
triangular. The QR decomposition is a tool of fundamental importance in linear algebra. We thus present five
different algorithms to construct various forms of this decomposition in the subsections that follow. Note that,
by presenting these constructions, we also establish that the QR decomposition itself exists.
Further, if r = rank(A) = n (which is often the case when using the QR decomposition), or r < n but
column pivoting (via a permutation matrix ) is applied to ensure the QR decomposition is ordered correctly
(such that, e.g., |rii | decreases with i), then the QR decomposition can be partitioned such that:
i R 
Amn nn = Qmm Rmn = Q mr Qm(mr)
= Q mr R rn ,
where R is upper triangular (and possibly fat), Q is an orthogonal basis for the column space of A, Q is an
orthogonal basis for the left nullspace of A (see 4.1), and is a permutation matrix. We thus refer to
a complete form, Amn = Qmm Rmn (taking = I), as a QR decomposition of A,
a pivoted complete form, Amn nn = Qmm Rmn with a permutation matrix selected so that |rii |
decreases with i [thus revealing the block partitioning of (4.18)], as a pivoted QR decomposition of A,
a reduced form, Amn = Q mr R rn (with6 = I), as a QR decomposition of A, and
a pivoted reduced form, Amn nn = Q mr R rn , as a pivoted QR decomposition of A.

Beware that other texts are not as strict notationally, so you sometimes need to look carefully to see whether
the pivoted or nonpivoted and the complete or reduced form of this decomposition is being used. Note also
that a QL decomposition may also be developed via procedures similar to those outlined below, where Q is
unitary and L is lower triangular.

6 In the important special case in which r = rank(A) = n, all n elements on the main diagonal of R are nonzero; in this special case,
we may always determine a QR decomposition of A without pivoting



Algorithm 4.4: Compute a QR decomposition of a matrix A of full column rank via Classical Gram-Schmidt.
View f u n c t i o n [A, R ] = QRcgs (A, s )
Test % Compute a r e d u c e d QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=QR o f an mxn m a t r i x A v i a C l a s s i c a l GramS ch m id t .
% Pivoting

i s NOT i m p l e m e n t e d ; r e d u n d a n t co lu m n s o f A a r e s i m p l y s e t t o z e r o .

[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; R= ey e ( n , n ) ; i f n a rg in ==1 , s = 0 ; end

for i =s +1: n
R ( 1 : i 1 , i ) =A ( : , 1 : i 1) A ( : , i ) ;
A ( : , i ) =A ( : , i )A ( : , 1 : i 1)R ( 1 : i 1 , i ) ;
R ( i , i ) = norm (A ( : , i ) ) ; i f R ( i , i )>1e 9 , A ( : , i ) =A ( : , i ) / R ( i , i ) ; e l s e , A ( : , i ) = z e r o s (m, 1 ) ; end
% Note : Q i s r e t u r n e d i n t h e m o d i f i e d A .
end % f u n c t i o n QRcgs

The first two algorithms presented below (Classical Gram-Schmidt and Modified Gram-Schmidt) only
determine (reduced) QR decompositions, whereas the last three algorithms presented (those based on Householder reflections, Givens rotations, and fast Givens transforms) determine (complete) QR decompositions.
When column pivoting is applied [if necessary; that is, if rank(A) < n], the latter three algorithms thus reveal
both Q and Q. As mentioned above, Q is an orthogonal basis of the column space of A, and Q is an orthogonal
basis of the left nullspace of A.
Determining the QR decomposition via Classical Gram-Schmidt
Perhaps the simplest method to determine an orthonormal basis of the space spanned by a set of n linearly
independent vectors ai (for i = 1, . . . n) of order m [that is, in this subsection (only), we assume the special case
that r = rank(A) = n, which implies that m n] is known as Classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization,
or simply as Gram-Schmidt. This method (see Algorithm 4.4) is initialized by taking the first vector of this
orthonormal basis, q1 , as the first vector of the original set, a1 , scaled to be of unit norm, i.e.,
q1 = a1 /r11

where r11 = ka1 k.

Thereafter (for i = 2, 3, . . . , n), qi is taken as the original vector ai minus its projections in the directions of
the previously-computed orthonormal basis vectors (qk for k = 1, . . . , i 1) and scaled to be of unit norm,

k H i

(q ) a
Combining, ai = rki qk .
q = z /rii where z = a rki q with rki = kz k

k > i.
Multiplying the equation above for qi from the left by (q j )H for values of j ranging from 1 to i, it is easily
verified that (q j , qi ) = ji . The combined expression at right is easily recognized as simply

r11 r12 . . . r1n
r22 . . . r2n

a1 a2 . . . an = q1 q2 . . . qn

.. ,


that is, as A = QR, where A is the original matrix (with the n linearly independent vectors ak as columns), Q
is an m n unitary matrix (with the n orthonormal vectors qi as columns), and R is an n n upper triangular
matrix. Note that the Classical Gram Schmidt procedure builds up the matrix R one column at a time; that is,
for each i, the rki are selected so that qi is orthogonal to the previously-computed qk (for k = 1, . . . , i 1).


Algorithm 4.5: Compute a pivoted QR decomposition of any matrix A via Modified Gram-Schmidt.
f u n c t i o n [A, R , pi , r ] = QRmgs (A, s )
% Compute an o r d e r e d c o m p l e t e QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n A P i =QR , and r an k , o f ANY mxn m a t r i x A v i a
% M o d i f i e d GramS ch m id t (Q i s r e t u r n e d i n t h e m o d i f i e d A ) .
P i v o t i n g i s im p lem en ted , b u t
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; R= z e r o s ( n , n ) ;
p i = [ 1 : n ] ; t o l =1 e 8; i f n a rg in ==1 , s = 0 ; end
for i =1: n
c l e a r L ; f o r j = i : n , L ( j ) = norm (A ( : , j ) ) ; end ; [ LL , k ] =max ( L ) ;
% Pivoting
i f LL>L ( i ) & i>s , R ( : , [ i k ] ) = R ( : , [ k i ] ) ; A ( : , [ i k ] ) =A ( : , [ k i ] ) ; p i ( [ i k ] ) = p i ( [ k i ] ) ; end
R ( i , i ) =LL ;
A ( : , i ) =A ( : , i ) / R ( i , i ) ;
% M o d i f i e d GramS ch m id t
R ( i , i + 1 : n ) =A ( : , i ) A ( : , i + 1 : n ) ; A ( : , i + 1 : n ) =A ( : , i + 1 : n ) (A ( : , i ) ) ( R ( i , i + 1 : n ) ) ;
r =n ; f o r i = 1 : n , i f abs (R ( i , i )) < t o l , r = i 1; break , end , end , A=A ( : , 1 : r ) ; R=R ( 1 : r , : ) ;
i f r<m, A ( : , r + 1 :m) = randn (m, mr ) ; R ( r + 1 :m, : ) = z e r o s (mr , n ) ; A=QRcgs (A , r ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n QRmgs

Determining the pivoted QR decomposition via Modified Gram-Schmidt

The Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm is simply a reordering of the Classical Gram Schmidt algorithm that
is better behaved numerically in terms of the orthogonality of the resulting columns of Q. In constrast with the
Classical Gram-Schmidt procedure, the Modified Gram-Schmidt procedure builds up the matrix R one row at
a time; that is, for each i, the rik are selected so that qi is orthogonal to the columns of the matrix from which
the yet-to-be-determined qk (for k = i + 1, . . ., n) will be determined. This is done by subtracting off from the
remaining columns of A the appropriate projections on qi as soon as qi is determined. By so doing, future
projections may be calculated more accurately, as they are based on shorter vectors (the modified columns of
A) that already have several other projections subtracted off, thereby reducing round-off error. Note that, in
this subsection and the three that follow, we relax the assumption made previously that r = rank(A) = n.
The resulting procedure, at step i, may be described as follows: assume we are constructing A = QR
(where Q is unitary and R is upper triangular) and we have already determined the first i 1 columns of Q
and the first i 1 rows of R (and therefore, since R is upper triangular, the first i 1 columns of R). Writing
A QR = 0 in index notation as ai j ni =1 qii ri j = 0 and moving the component of this sum corresponding
to all yet-to-be-determined columns of Q and rows of R at step i to the RHS, we define Ai as the modified A
matrix comprised of the following elements:


[Ai ]st , ast

qsi rit = qsi rit .

i =1

i =i

Noting that the first i 1 columns of the matrix Ai are zero, we name the ith column of the Ai matrix zi . As
in the Classical Gram-Schmidt procedure, we now scale zi appropriately to determine qi , taking
zi /rii if rii > 0,
q =
where rii = kzi k.
We then subtract off from Ai the projections of the remaining columns of Ai on qi , taking

Ai+1 = Ai qi 01(i1) ri,i+1 ri,i+2 . . . rin , where rik = (qi )H ak for k > i,

where ak refers to the kth column of Ai . Note that the first i columns of the matrix Ai+1 are zero. We then
increment i and go to the next step. Though no more expensive than Classical Gram Schmidt, as exactly
the same number of projections, vector subtractions, and normalizations are performed (that is, if pivoting


Algorithm 4.6: Compute a (full) QR decomposition of a general matrix A via Householder reflections.

f u n c t i o n [A, Q, pi , r ] = QRHouseholder (A)

% Compute a ( f u l l ) QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=QR o f ANY mxn m a t r i x A u s i n g a s e q u e n c e o f
% Householder r e f l e c t i o n s (R i s r e t u r n e d in t h e m odified A ) .
I F p i and r a r e
% r e q u e s t e d , t h e n p i v o t i n g i s i m p l e m e n t e d and t h e d e c o m p o s i t i o n i s o r d e r e d , A P i =QR .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; p i = [ 1 : n ] ; t o l =1 e 8; Q= ey e (m,m) ;
f o r i = 1 : min ( n , m1)
i f nargout >2, f o r j = i : n , l e n g t h ( j ) = norm (A( i : end , j ) ) ; end ; [ amax , imax ] =max ( l e n g t h ) ;
i f amax>l e n g t h ( i ) , A ( : , [ i imax ] ) =A ( : , [ imax i ] ) ;
p i ( [ i imax ] ) = p i ( [ imax i ] ) ; end
c l e a r l e n g t h , end
[ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e (A( i :m, i ) ) ; A= R e f l e c t (A , s i g , w, i , m, i , n , L ) ;
Q= R e f l e c t ( Q, s i g , w, i , m, 1 ,m, R ) ;
i f nargout >2, r =min (m, n ) ; f o r i = 1 : r , i f abs (A( i , i )) < t o l , r = i 1; break , end , end , end
end % f u n c t i o n QRHouseholder

isnt applied), the Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm is usually a bit more accurate in terms of the resulting
orthogonality of the columns of Q.
The procedure of column pivoting developed in 2.2.3 (to determine the A = PLUQT decomposition) is
incorporated in Algorithm 4.5 in an almost identical fashion: before each step i, the columns of the modified
A matrix are swapped to move the column with the largest norm into the ith column, keeping track of this
column swap in the permutation matrix (or, to reduce storage, in a permutation vector ). This ensures that
|rii | decreases with i, and thus that a partitioning of the form (4.18) exists even if rank(A) < n.
Determining the pivoted QR decomposition via Householder reflections
An approach for determining the (complete) QR decomposition which is better than modified Gram-Schmidt
in terms of the orthogonality of the resulting columns of Q, but is about twice as expensive, is to use a
sequence of Householder reflections in a manner very similar to that used to compute the Hessenberg decomposition in 4.4.1.
The determination of the QR decomposition of the matrix A via this approach is comprised of p =
min(n, m 1) steps. The kth step of this procedure may be described as follows: assume that the first k 1
columns of A have already been transformed to upper triangular form, that is,

R (k1)(k1)
(Qk1 Qk2 . . . Q1 )A =
where the Qi are unitary and R (k1)(k1) is upper triangular (as its notation implies, R (k1)(k1) turns out
to be the upper-left corner of R nn ). Referring to the elements of the transformed matrix as ai j (performing
the transformation in place in the computer memory), the kth step focuses on reducing the kth column to
upper triangular form. Define


xk = . , {k , wk , k } according to (1.9b) and H(k , wk ) according to (1.7),



Qk = (k1)(k1)

H(k , wk )(mk+1)(mk+1)

k Qk1 . . . Q1 )A =

R kk



After p = min(n, m 1) steps, defining Q = Q1 Q2 Q p and thus Q1 = QHp QH
2 Q1 , we have Q A = R
and thus A = QR, where Q = Qmm is unitary and R = Rmn is upper triangular. As in 4.4.1, the individual


Qi need never be computed. In order to compute both Q and R, it is sufficient to compute the k and wk ,
noting (1.11), as implemented in Algorithm 4.6. Note that column pivoting is applied to this algorithm in the
same manner as implemented in Algorithm 4.5. By so doing, one may easily distinguish the columns of Q
from the columns of Q in the pivoted QR decomposition [of the form given in (4.18)] even when rank(A) < n.
Determining the QR decomposition via Givens rotations
The QR decomposition may also be built up from several, appropriately configured Givens rotation matrices
G, as defined in 1.2.10. The determination of the QR decomposition of the matrix A via a series of such
Givens rotations simply steps through every subdiagonal element of A, multiplying (if necessary) the entire
matrix A by the appropriate Givens rotation matrix such that the transformed matrix is zero in that element,
with the ordering of the loops arranged in such a manner that the subdiagonal elements of A that have already
been transformed to zero by this procedure stay that way.
As an example, assume that we start with an n n matrix A in upper Hessenberg form:

x x x x x
x x x x x

0 x x x x ,
0 0 x x x
0 0 0 x x
where the xs denote the nonzero elements. We define the first rotation G1 to put a zero in a2,1 :

0 x x x x ,

0 0 x x x
0 0 0 x x

where the s denote the nonzero elements that have been modified. We continue in this manner, working
on each nonzero subdiagonal element in turn, until the transformed matrix reaches upper triangular form, at
which point we have QH A = R, and thus A = QR, where Q = G1 G2 Gn1 . This procedure is implemented
in Algorithm 4.7 for Hessenberg matrices and Algorithm 4.8 for tridiagonal matrices.
As in the Householder approach described previously, the individual Gi need never be calculated; initializing Q = I and noting the simple algorithmn to compute GH X in (1.13), both Q and R can be determined
efficiently by working in place in the computer memory on Q and A, applying the Givens rotations directly
from the {i, k; c, s} parameters defining each one. At the end of the procedure, A is replaced by R. Further, it
is important to note that, in most algorithms that use the QR decomposition, we do not even need the matrix
Q = G1 G2 G p explicitly; we only need to be able to apply Q to vectors or matrices (that is, collections
of vectors). Thus, for efficiency, we may store the information defining each rotation matrix that combine to
make up Q instead of storing Q itself. This may be done by storing the c and s associated with each rotation
or, more compactly, by storing [from which the c and s associated with each rotation may be recomputed, as
seen in (1.15)] into the element of the transformed matrix that has just been set to zero. The resulting matrix
A then contains R in its upper triangular part and the various values of in each of its transformed subdiagonal elements. Noting that Q = G1 G2 Gn1 , the product XQ for some matrix X may later be computed
leveraging (1.15) and (1.13b). Thus, as with the LU decomposition presented in 2.2.1, this algorithm also
demonstrates the conservation of information property evident in many efficient numerical algorithms; that
is, the information necessary to describe the QR decomposition of A following the minimum storage version
of this algorithm (Exercise 4.7) takes precisely the same number of elements as it takes to describe A itself.
The primary advantage of the Givens rotations approach to computing the QR decomposition is that it can
take advantage of any subdiagonal zeros that A already possesses by reducing the number of Givens rotations

Algorithm 4.7: Compute a QR decomposition of an upper Hessenberg matrix A via Givens rotations.

f u n c t i o n [A, Q] = Q R G iv en s H es s en b er g (A)
% Compute a QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=QR by a p p l y i n g a s e q u e n c e o f min ( n , m1) G iv en s r o t a t i o n s
% t o an mxn u p p e r H e s s e n b e r g m a t r i x A t o r e d u c e i t t o u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r form .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; Q= ey e (m,m) ;
% Note : R i s r e t u r n e d i n t h e m o d i f i e d A .
f o r i = 1 : min ( n , m1)
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te (A( i , i ) ,A( i +1 , i ) ) ; [A] = R o t a t e ( A, c , s , i , i +1 , i , n , L ) ;
[Q] = R o t a t e (Q , c , s , i , i + 1 , 1 ,m, R ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n Q R G iv en s H es s en b er g

Algorithm 4.8: Compute a QR decomposition of a tridiagonal matrix A via Givens rotations.

View f u n c t i o n [ b , c , a , cc , s s ] = Q R G i v e n s T r i d i a g ( a , b , c )
Test % Compute a QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f a s q u a r e t r i d i a g o n a l m a t r i x A= t r i d i a g ( a , b , c ) by

% a p p l y i n g a s e q u e n c e o f n1 G iv en s r o t a t i o n s d i r e c t l y t o t h e t r i d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t s .
% The r e s u l t r e t u r n e d i s t h e t h r e e n o n z e r o d i a g o n a l s [ b , c , a ] o f t h e u p p e r t r i d i a g o n a l
% m a t r i x R , and t h e n1 v a l u e s o f c and s f o r e a c h o f t h e n1 r o t a t i o n s p er f o r m ed , which
% i s more e f f i c i e n t i n t h i s c a s e t h a n r e t u r n i n g Q i t s e l f ( which i s u p p e r H e s s e n b e r g ) .
n= s i z e ( b ) ; f o r i = 1 : n 1 , [ cc ( i ) , s s ( i ) ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( b ( i ) , a ( i + 1 ) ) ; i f cc ( i ) = 1
b ( i ) = c o n j ( cc ( i ) ) b ( i ) c o n j ( s s ( i ) ) a ( i + 1 ) ;
% Eqn ( 1 . 1 2 a ) , row i
temp = c o n j ( cc ( i ) ) c ( i ) c o n j ( s s ( i ) ) b ( i + 1 ) ;
a( i ) =
c o n j ( s s ( i ) ) c ( i + 1 ) ;
b ( i +1)=
s s ( i ) c ( i ) + cc ( i ) b ( i + 1 ) ;
% Eqn ( 1 . 1 2 a ) , row k= i +1
c ( i +1)=
cc ( i ) c ( i + 1 ) ;
c ( i ) = temp ;
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n Q R G i v e n s T r i d i a g

required to transform A to an upper triangular form. In particular, if A is either Hessenberg (as in the above
example, and implemented in Algorithm 4.7) or tridiagonal (as implemented in Algorithm 4.8), only n 1
Givens rotations need to be performed to compute the QR decomposition of A using this approach.
Determining the QR decomposition via fast Givens transforms
The previous section demonstrated how to build a QR decomposition of A via a series of p (unitary) Givens
rotations (GHp GH
2 G1 )A = Q A = R. The approach is particularly attractive because, unlike a Householderbased approach, it is significantly accelerated if there are already some zeros in the strictly lower-triangular
part of A. Leveraging the following two facts, we now illustrate how to do the same thing via a series of p
(nonunitary) fast Givens transforms, which, as discussed in 1.2.11, require 33% fewer flops to apply than
Givens rotations due to their simpler structure.

Fact 4.10 If Q A = R is upper triangular and Q Q = D is diagonal and nonsingular, then Q = QD1/2 and
R = D1/2 R form a QR decomposition of A (that is, Q is unitary, R is upper triangular, and A = QR).
Proof : If R is upper triangular, R = D1/2 R is upper triangular by inspection. To see that Q = QD1/2 is
unitary, note that
QH Q = (QD1/2 )H (QD1/2 ) = D1/2 DD1/2 = I.
Finally, to see that A = QR, note that

QH A = D1/2 Q A = D1/2 R = R.

Fact 4.11 Initializing Q0 = I and D0 = I and defining Q j and D j via a series of fast Givens transforms

Q j = F1 F2 Fj and D j = FjH D j1 Fj , it follows that Q j Q j = D j is diagonal.


Algorithm 4.9: Compute a QR decomposition of an upper Hessenberg matrix A via fast Givens transforms.
f u n c t i o n [A, Q] = Q R F a s t G i v e n s H e s s e n b e r g (A)
% Compute a QR d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=QR by a p p l y i n g a s e q u e n c e o f min ( n , m1) f a s t G iv en s
% t r a n s f o r m s t o an mxn u p p e r H e s s e n b e r g m a t r i x A t o r e d u c e i t t o u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r form .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; Q= ey e (m,m) ; d= o n e s (m, 1 ) ;
f o r i = 1 : min ( n , m1)
[ a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g , d ( [ i i + 1 ] ) ] = F a s t G i v e n s C o m p u t e (A( i , i ) ,A( i +1 , i ) , d ( i ) , d ( i + 1 ) ) ;
[A] = F a s t G i v e n s ( A, a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g , i , i +1 , i , n , L ) ;
[Q] = F a s t G i v e n s ( Q, a , b , gamma , d o n o t h i n g , i , i + 1 , 1 ,m, R ) ;
f o r i = 1 :m,
d t = 1 / s q r t ( d ( i ) ) ; Q ( : , i ) =Q ( : , i ) d t ; A( i , : ) = A( i , : ) d t ; end
end % f u n c t i o n Q R F a s t G i v e n s H e s s e n b e r g

Proof (by induction): The base case j = 0 is clearly true. Assuming Q j Q j = D j is diagonal, it follows that

Q j+1 Q j+1 = (Q j Fj+1 )H (Q j Fj+1 ) = Fj+1
D j Fj+1 = D j+1 .

Noting the definition of F (see the last paragraph of 1.2.11), Fj+1
j j+1 = D j+1 is diagonal.
Fact 4.11 establishes a simple iterative procedure which we may use to construct a nonunitary matrix Qk
via a series of k fast Givens transforms, F1 through Fk , such that Qk A = Rk is upper triangular, where Qk =
F1 F2 Fk and Qk Qk = Dk is diagonal. Note (see 1.2.11) that the iterative procedure to determine Dk is
and Rk = Dk R form a QR
computationally inexpensive. By Fact 4.10, it thus follows that Q = Qk Dk
decomposition of A, as implemented for Hessenberg A in Algorithm 4.9.

4.4.3 Characterizing the Schur decomposition

Every n n matrix A has a Schur decomposition A = UTU H , where T is upper triangular and U is unitary
with columns uk , sometimes referred to as Schur vectors. Proof of this important statement builds up from
two preliminary facts that are easy to verify:

L pp C pq
, then (T ) = (L) (S). Further,
the eigenvalues of a triangular matrix appear on its main diagonal, and the eigenvalues of a block triangular
matrix, with square blocks on the main diagonal, are given by the union of the eigenvalues of the blocks on
the main diagonal.

Fact 4.12 If an n n matrix T may be partitioned as T =

Proof : If is an eigenvalue of T , then by Property 3b of the determinant, | I T | = | I L| | I S| = 0,

where | I L| is a polynomial whose p roots are the eigenvalues of L, and | I S| is a polynomial whose
q roots are the eigenvalues of S. Thus, the p + q = n roots of T are given by the union of the roots of L and
the roots of S. The statements about triangular and block triangular matrices follow via repeated application
of this result.

Fact 4.13 If
AX = XB,


where A = Ann , B = B pp, and X = Xnp with rank(X) = p and 1 p < n, then there exists a unitary Q
such that

C pq
QH AQ = pp
where (L) = (B) and q = n p.



Proof : By the constructions given in 4.4.2, we know a QR decomposition of X exists, which may be written

R pp
Xnp = Qnn
where Q is unitary and R is triangular; note also that, as rank(X) = p, it follows that rank(R) = p as well.
Substituting this decomposition into (4.19) and multiplying by QH , we have
L pp C pq R
Dqp Sqq 0
As R is nonsingular, the first block row of this equation may be written R1 LR = B, and thus, by Fact 4.6,
(L) = (B). The second block row of this equation gives DR = 0; as R is nonsingular, the unique solution
of this equation is D = 0, thus establishing the existence of the decomposition (4.20).

Fact 4.14 (The Schur Decomposition Theorem) Every square matrix A = Ann has a Schur decomposition
A = UTU H , where U is unitary and T is upper triangular. Further, the matrix T in the Schur decomposition
has the eigenvalues of A listed (in any desired order) on its main diagonal.
Proof (by induction): Note first that the theorem holds (trivially) for the base case of order n = 1. Assume the
theorem holds for order n 1. Now consider the case of order n: for any desired eigenvalue of A = Ann ,
we can write As = s with s 6= 0, as established in 4.3.1. By Fact 4.13 (with B = and X = s), there exists
a unitary Qn such that

0 S
where S = S(n1)(n1). By the induction hypothesis, a Schur decomposition exists for S, which we denote
H , where U
S = Un1 Tn1Un1
n1 is unitary and Tn1 is upper triangular. Thus, we may write



, T A = UTU H ,
0 Tn1
0 Un1
0 Un1
0 Un1
where U is unitary and T is upper triangular. By Property 3a of the determinant, as T is a triangular matrix,
the equation | I T | = 0 gives simply ( t11 )( t22 ) ( tnn ) = 0, where t11 to tnn are the diagonal
elements of T . As T and A share the same eigenvalues (Fact 4.6), it follows that the eigenvalues of A are listed
on the main diagonal of T . Note further that any desired eigenvalue may be selected to be in the upper-left
corner of T (and of Tn1 , etc.); thus, once the eigenvalues of A are known, the above relations may be used
to construct a Schur decomposition with the eigenvalues appearing on the main diagonal of T in any desired

As noted in Fact 4.8, the Schur decomposition cannot, in general, be computed exactly with a finite sequence of calculations, as could the closely-related Hessenberg decomposition discussed in 4.4.1. A family
of efficient iterative algorithms to determine the Schur decomposition is presented in 4.4.5.
Note that the first column of the equation AU = UT is Au1 = 1 u1 , and thus the first Schur vector is, in
fact, an eigenvector of A corresponding to 1 (that is, u1 = s1 ).
Finally, note that, if A is Hermitian, then T is triangular and, by Fact 4.7, T is also Hermitianthat is, T
is diagonal. In this case, we denote T by and U by S, and the Schur decomposition reduces to the eigen
decomposition, as described in 4.4.4, with a unitary eigenvector matrix S.


Consequences of the existence of the Schur decomposition

The existence of the Schur decomposition allows us to prove some important results, such as the following.
Fact 4.15 (The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem) Any square matrix A satisfies its own characteristic equation.
Proof : By the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Fact 4.4), the characteristic equation of A may be written

n + an1 n1 + . . . + a1 + a0 0 = ( 1)( 2) ( n ) = 0.
Replacing in this equation with the matrix A itself, and inserting I where appropriate, consider the quantity
An + an1An1 + . . . + a1A + a0I = (A 1I)(A 2I) (A nI) = C.


By the Schur decomposition theorem, we know that A = UTU H , that is, A is unitarily similar to an upper
triangular matrix T with the eigenvalues of A on its main diagonal. Thus (4.21) may be written
(UTU H 1UU H )(UTU H 2UU H ) (UTU H nUU H ) = C

U(T 1I)U H U(T 2I)U H U(T nI)U H = C

(T 1 I)(T 2 I) (T nI) = U H CU.

The upper triangular matrix factor (T i I) has a zero on its ith diagonal element. Noting this fact and
multiplying the upper triangular matrix factors together one by one, it is easily verified that the first column
of (T 1 I) is zero, then that the first two columns of (T 1 I)(T 2 I) are zero, etc. Thus, U H CU = 0
C = 0, and therefore, by (4.21), A satisfies its own characteristic equation.

Fact 4.16 The eigenvalues of A1 are the reciprocal of the eigenvalues of A.
Proof : By Fact 4.14, A = UTU H where T is triangular. By Fact 1.7, it follows that A1 = UT 1U H where,
by Fact 2.1, the diagonal elements of T 1 are the reciprocal of the diagonal elements of T . Thus, by the Schur
decomposition theorem, the eigenvalues of A1 are the reciprocal of the eigenvalues of A.

Fact 4.17 The determinant of A is equal to the product of its eigenvalues: |A| = 1 2 n . In particular,
|A| = 0 iff i = 0 for at least one value of i.
Proof : By Fact 4.14, A = UTU H with U H = U 1 and T upper triangular with the eigenvalues of A listed
on its main diagonal. By Properties 3 and 5 of the determinant (see 4.2.1), it follows that |A| = |UTU H | =
|U| |T | |U H | = |T | = 1 2 n .

Fact 4.18 The eigenvalues of a real matrix A come in complex conjugate pairs. That is, if (A), then
(A) with the same multiplicity.
Proof : By Fact 4.14, A = UTU H with T upper triangular and the eigenvalues of A listed on its main diagonal.
Since A is real, it follows that A = A = (U)T (U)H . Since T is also triangular, the eigenvalues of A are listed
on its main diagonal.

The real Schur decomposition
Complex arithmetic is significantly more expensive than real arithmetic. If a real n n matrix A is known to
have real eigenvalues (e.g., as established in Fact 4.20 for symmetric matrices), then the matrices forming its
Schur decomposition A = UTU H happen to be real, and may be computed using real arithmetic.

Unfortunately (from a computational perspective), the Schur decomposition of a general real matrix is
complex. For such matrices, it is often desirable to compute a convenient eigenvalue-revealing form without
resorting to complex arithmetic. This may be accomplished by computing the real Schur decomposition
T , where U and T are real and T is in block upper triangular form with 1 1 and 2 2 blocks
A = U TU
(with complex conjugate eigenvalues) on the main diagonal, referred to as a real Schur form. Essentially,
the real Schur decomposition is as close as you can get to a Schur decomposition of a general real matrix
without resorting to complex arithmetic. By Facts 4.6 and Fact 4.12, the eigenvalues of A are the union of the
eigenvalues of the blocks on the main diagonal of T . By Fact 4.5, the eigenvalues of the 2 2 blocks are easy
to compute. In particular, if the 2 2 blocks on the main diagonal are rotated into the 2 2 standard form


then = i . Most of the algorithms that follow which leverage the Schur decomposition may in fact
be written to leverage the real Schur decomposition in the case that the matrices setting up the problem are
real, thereby avoiding complex arithmetic for most of the computation.

4.4.4 Characterizing the eigen decomposition

If Ann has n linearly independent eigenvectors {s1 , s2 , . . . sn }, then any vector x of order n may be uniquely
decomposed in terms of contributions parallel to each eigenvector such that



where S = s1 s2 . . . sn , =
x = S = 1 s1 + 2 s2 + . . . + nsn ,

The columns of S are, for convenience, often scaled to have unit norm. The several relations As = s for
= 1, 2, . . . , n may be assembled in matrix form as

As1 As2 . . . Asn = 1 s1 2 s2 . . . n sn AS = S.
If the columns of S are linearly independent, then S is invertible, and we may write the result as
A = SS1

= S1 AS,

where, as illustrated above, is diagonal; this is known as the eigen (a.k.a. spectral) decomposition of A.
An eigen decomposition of a matrix A, though expensive to calculate if the matrix is large, is very revealing. As just one example, an eigen decomposition completely decouples a linear system of ODEs into its
independent modes, as will be shown in ??. As with the Schur decomposition described in 4.4.3, the eigen
decomposition cannot, in general, be computed exactly with a finite sequence of calculations; some efficient
iterative algorithms to compute the eigen decomposition are thus presented in 4.4.5.
Note that an eigen decomposition of A = Ann exists if and only if A has n linearly independent eigenvectors, in which case A is said to be nondefective. This is often, but not always, the case. For instance, A is
guaranteed to have n linearly independent eigenvectors if A has n distinct eigenvalues, if A is Hermitian, or if
A is skew Hermitian, as established below. On the other hand, 4.4.7 presents an example [(4.38) with = 0]
that does not have n linearly independent eigenvectors; such a matrix is said to be defective.

Fact 4.19 The set of eigenvectors {s1 , . . . , sk } corresponding to distinct eigenvalues {1 , . . . k } is linearly
Proof (by induction): We first prove the statement is true for the set {s1 , s2 }: Take y = c1 s1 + c2 s2 = 0.
Multiplying this equation by A and subtracting the result from 2 times this equation gives

2 [c1 s1 + c2 s2 ] A[c1s1 + c2 s2 ] = 0

c1 (2 1)s1 = 0

c1 = 0

c2 = 0.

Thus, the set {s1 , s2 } is linearly independent. Now, assuming the statement is true for the set {s1 , . . . , sk1 },
we prove it must also be true for {s1 , . . . , sk }: Take y = c1 s1 + . . . + ck sk = 0. Multiplying this equation by A
and subtracting the result from k times this equation gives

k [c1 s1 + . . . + ck sk ] A[c1s1 + . . . + ck sk ] = 0

c1 (k 1 )s1 + . . . + ck1 (k k1)sk1 = 0

c1 = c2 = . . . = ck1 = 0

Thus, the set {s1 , . . . , sk } is linearly independent.

ck = 0.

Fact 4.20 If the matrix A is Hermitian (in the real case, symmetric), then its eigenvalues are all real and its
eigenvectors may be chosen to be orthonormal. Thus, A may be written as a linear combination of rank one
factors such that
A = SSH = 1 s1 (s1 )H + 2s2 (s2 )H + . . . + N sN (sN )H .
Proof : By the Schur decomposition theorem, there exists a unitary matrix U and an upper triangular matrix
T such that U H AU = T . If A = AH , then (U H AU)H = U H AU, and thus T H = T , and therefore T must be
diagonal and its elements must be real. Identifying T = and U = S, we may write SH AS = , where the
diagonal elements of are the (real) eigenvalues and the columns of S are the (orthonormal) eigenvectors. 
Fact 4.21 If the matrix A is skew-Hermitian (in the real case, skew-symmetric), then its eigenvalues are all
imaginary and its eigenvectors may be chosen to be orthonormal.
Proof : The proof follows as in the proof of Fact 4.20, where we now find that T = T H , and thus the
eigenvalues must be imaginary.

Fact 4.22 For any matrix A, the matrix B = AH A is Hermitian with real, non-negative eigenvalues and eigenvectors which may be chosen to be orthonormal.
Proof : It follows by its definition that B = BH and thus, by Fact 4.20, that its eigenvalues are real and its
eigenvectors may be chosen to be orthonormal. Suppose x is an eigenvector of (AH A), and thus kxk2 > 0.
Then xH [(AH A)x = x] (xH x) = (xH AH )(Ax) = kAxk2 0. Since xH x > 0, it follows that 0. 
Fact 4.23 The eigenvalues of a matrix A vary continuously as the elements of A are varied.
Proof : Follows as an immediate consequence of Fact B.5 applied to the characteristic polynomial of A, the
coefficients of which are linear combinations of various products of the elements of A.

Fact 4.24 (The Gershgorin Circle Theorem) Define the Gershgorin discs of Ann , denoted here G(a , R )
for = 1, . . . , n, as the n closed disks in the complex plane centered at a with radius R = i6= |a i |. Then:
(a) Every eigenvalue of A lies within at least one Gershgorin disc. (b) Denote by E the union of k Gershgorin
discs, and by F the union of the other n k Gershgorin discs; if E is disjoint from F, then E contains exactly
k of the eigenvalues of A, and F contains n k of the eigenvalues of A.

Proof : (a) Take as an eigenvalue of A and s as a corresponding eigenvector (that is, As = s with s 6= 0).
Define = arg max |s | (that is, select as the index of the element of s that is largest in magnitude). Then:

a j s j = s

a j s j = s a s


| a | =

| j6= a j s j |
|s j |
|a j |

|a j | = R .
|s |
|s | j6

(b) Take D as a diagonal matrix with d = a for = 1, . . . , n, and define B(t) = (1 t)D + tA. By Fact
4.12, the eigenvalues of B(0) = D are thus simply the diagonal elements of A. Note that, for small t, the
Gershgorin discs of B(t) are correspondingly small disks centered at each diagonal element of A. By part (a),
the eigenvalues of B(t) lie within the union of all of its Gershgorin discs. As t is increased smoothly from
zero to one (that is, as B(t) is converted smoothly from D into A), the eigenvalues of B(t) vary continuously
(by Fact 4.23); thus, as t is increased, the eigenvalues of B(t) can only move from one Gershgorin disk into
another if two Gershgorin disks intersect.

Fact 4.25 If A = SS1 is an eigen decomposition of A, then the columns of (S1 )H are the left eigenvectors
of A. Further, if the eigenvectors of A are orthonormal, the left and right eigenvectors are identical.
Proof : Follows immediately from S1 [A = SS1] S1 A = S1 AH (S1 )H = (S1 )H H , noting
the definition of a left eigenvector, and the fact that (SH )H = S.

Fact 4.26 (The Rayleigh-Ritz Theorem) For Hermitian B with maximum and minimum (real) eigenvalues
given by max and min , respectively,
max xH B x = max

xH x=1


xH B x
= max
xH x


min xH B x = min

xH x=1


xH B x
= min ,
xH x

Proof : The fact that the max of the unnormalized expression over all x of unit norm is equal to the max of the
normalized expression over all x 6= 0 follows immediately by straightforward scaling arguments. To see their
relation to max , decompose x = ni=1 i si where i and si denote the (real) eigenvalues and (orthonormal)
eigenvectors of B (see Fact 4.20). Then Bx = nk=1 k k sk and

H  n
max xH B x = max i si
k k sk = max |i |2 i = max.
xH x=1

H =1



H =1 i=1

An analogous proof follows for the statement of the minimum.

The final step in the equation shown above is easily understood algebraically. The sum may be interpreted
as a linear combination of the several eigenvalues i of B, each with a non-negative coefficient ci = |i |2 0,
where the sum of these coefficients ci is unity. To maximize this sum, the coefficient corresponding to max
must be one and the other coefficients zero, whereas to minimize the sum, the coefficient corresponding to
min should be one and the other coefficients zero. Hermitian positive definite and Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices
A Hermitian matrix A with all positive eigenvalues is said to be Hermitian positive definite7 , which is
commonly denoted with the abbreviated notation A > 0. A Hermitian matrix A with non-negative eigenvalues is said to be Hermitian positive semidefinite, and is commonly denoted A 0. Hermitian negative
definite and Hermitian negative semidefinite matrices are defined in an analogous fashion. A Hermitian
matrix which might have both positive and negative eigenvalues is said to be indefinite. Note that the names
symmetric positive definite, etc., are commonly used in the special case of real matrices.
7 The shortened name positive definite is sometimes used synonymously with Hermitian positive definite in the complex case and
symmetric positive definite in the real case. However, a matrix with all positive eigenvalues is not necessarily Hermitian or symmetric,
and non-Hermitian / non-symmetric positive definite matrices, though rare, are occasionally encountered. Thus, this text will avoid the
use of this shortened name.


Fact 4.27 If A 0, then xH Ax 0 for all x. If A > 0, then xH Ax > 0 for all x 6= 0.
Proof : As A is Hermitian, its eigenvector matrix S is unitary and eigenvalues i are real (Fact 4.20). Thus, for
any x, we may write x = S (where 6= 0 if x 6= 0). It follows that
xH Ax = H SH AS = H SH S = H = 1 |1 |2 + 2 |2 |2 + . . . + n|n |2 .
For the case with A 0, as all i 0, it follows that xH Ax 0.
For the case with A > 0 with kxk > 0, since 6= 0 and all i > 0, it follows that xH Ax > 0.

Fact 4.28 If A 0, then xH BH ABx 0 for all x and thus BH AB 0. If A > 0 and |B| 6= 0, then xH BH ABx > 0
for all x and thus BH AB > 0.
Proof : The case with A 0 follows as in the proof of Fact 4.27, taking Bx = S . The case with A > 0 follows

directly from the case with A 0 together with Property 5 of the determinant and Facts 4.17 and 4.27.

Geometrically, as seen in the proof of Fact 4.27, the matrix A > 0 defines a family of concentric ellipsoids
with J = xH Ax = H = constant, where x = S . The axes of these ellipsoids (in the space of x) are given
by the eigenvectors
sk , whereas the extent of these ellipsoids in the direction of each of these eigenvectors is
given by J/k . It follows easily that

Fact 4.29 If A > 0 and B > 0, then (A + B) > 0 with xH (A + B)x > xH Ax for any x 6= 0.
If A 0 and B 0, then (A + B) 0 with xH (A + B)x xH Ax for any x.

Selecting x to be zero in some elements and arbitrary in the other elements (denoted z1 through zk ), it
follows directly from Fact 4.27 that, for any principle submatrix B of a Hermitian positive definite matrix A,
we may write zH Bz > 0 for z 6= 0, and thus
Fact 4.30 Any principle submatrix of a Hermitian positive definite matrix, including its leading and trailing
principle submatrices as well as its individual diagonal elements, is itself Hermitian positive definite.
Note that the first Gauss transformation M1 A of the Gaussian elimination procedure (see 2.2.1) applied
to a Hermitian positive definite matrix A may be written in the form


0 1
1 =
A= 1
v1 /1 I
v 1 B1
0 B1 v 1 v H
1 /1
where, by Fact 4.30, 1 > 0 and B1 > 0. That is, the Gaussian elimination procedure without pivoting, when
applied to a Hermitian positive definite matrix, will not encounter a zero pivot during the first Gauss transfor
mation. Defining 1 = 1 , this relation may be further decomposed as

1 vH
0 1

= G1 AG1 G1 =
v 1 / 1 I 0 B1 v 1 v H
v1 /1 I
1 /1
H where A > 0, and thus A > 0 by
The above decomposition may be written in the form8 A = G 1
1 A G1
Fact 4.28. Since A > 0, A has all positive eigenvalues; thus, since A has a block diagonal decomposition, it
follows that A1 = B1 v1vH
1 /1 , which is Hermitian, also has all positive eigenvalues, and therefore A1 > 0.
Noting that (4.23) represents the first step of Gaussian elimination without pivoting, and that the matrix
A1 = B1 v 1 v H
1 /1 may be decomposed in an identical fashion (representing the second step of Gaussian
elimination without pivoting), we conclude the following:
Fact 4.31 The Gaussian elimination procedure without pivoting, when applied to a Hermitian positive definite matrix, will not encounter a zero pivot.
8 Note

that G 1 G H
1 6= I, and thus this is not a similarity transformation (that is, the eigenvalues of A and A are different).












Figure 4.4: (left) The symmetric root property: if Z is Hamiltonian, then for every eigenvalue in the LHP,
there is a corresponding eigenvalue in the RHP. (right) The reciprocal root property: if M is symplectic, then
for every eigenvalue inside the unit circle, there is a corresponding eigenvalue outside the unit circle. Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices
Partition Z and M and define the symplectic identity J = J2n2n such that

0 I
M11 M12

Z = 11
M21 M22
I 0
Z21 Z22

J 1 = J = J T .

The following facts follow immediately from Facts 4.6, 4.16, and 4.2:
Fact 4.32 (The Symmetric Root Property) If J 1 ZJ = Z H (that is, if Z is Hamiltonian), then for each
eigenvalue = R + i I (Z) there is a corresponding eigenvalue = R + i I (Z) with the same
H , Z = Z H , and Z = Z H .
multiplicity. Further, if Z is Hamiltonian, then Z22 = Z11
Fact 4.33 (The Reciprocal Root Property) If J 1 MJ = M H (that is, if M is symplectic), then for each
eigenvalue = Rei (M) there is a corresponding eigenvalue 1/ = (1/R)ei (M) with the same
multiplicity. Further, if M is symplectic, then M11 = M22
+ M12 M22
M21 and M22 = M11
+ M21 M11
M12 .
The symmetric root property implies that any Hamiltonian Z has as many eigenvalues in the LHP as it
has in the RHP, whereas the reciprocal root property implies that any symplectic M has as many eigenvalues
inside the unit circle as it has outside the unit circle, as illustrated in Figure 4.4.
Matrices with Hamiltonian structure, which by Fact 4.32 satisfy the Symmetric Root Property (Figure
4.4a), are encountered when solving the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE) at the heart
of both the control and estimation of infinite-horizon continuous-time linear-time-invariant (LTI) systems in
state-space form [see (21.13), (21.29), and (22.13)], as discussed in 4.5.2.
Matrices with symplectic structure, which by Fact 4.33 satisfy the Reciprocal Root Property (Figure 4.4b),
are encountered when solving the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE) at the heart of both
the control and estimation of infinite-horizon discrete-time linear-time-invariant (LTI) systems in state-space
form [see (21.43), (21.56), and (22.24)], as discussed in 4.5.4.


4.4.5 Computing the eigen and Schur decompositions

Power methods
The simplest iterative technique available to determine the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of a matrix A is the power method. This method initializes x(0) 6= 0 arbitrarily and repeatedly calculates
x(k+1) = Ax(k) .


For problems in which A is known to have a complete set of linearly independent eigenvectors (e.g., if A is
Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, or the eigenvalues of A are distinct; see Facts 4.20, 4.21, and 4.19), we may write
x(0) = S , where S is the matrix of eigenvectors of A and is a vector of coefficients; it thus follows from
the relation AS = S that
x(k) = Ak x(0) = Ak S = Sk = 1 1k s1 + 2 2k s2 + . . . + nnk sn .
If |1 | > |2 | and 1 6= 0, assuming that the remaining eigenvalues are ordered such that |2 | |3 | |4 |
. . ., the magnitude of the term in the direction of s1 eventually dominates the magnitude of the other terms, and
thus x(k) is, eventually, approximately aligned with s1 . The rate of convergence is ultimately dominated by
the factor by which the first term grows faster than the second, that is, by |1 |/|2|. If this factor is relatively
small (e.g., if |1 |/|2 | = 1.1), convergence of the algorithm is relatively slow.
For problems in which A might not have a complete set of linearly independent eigenvectors, the conclusion is the same (again, so long as |1 | > | j | for j 2), but the analysis is slightly more involved. We know
by the Schur decomposition theorem that the decomposition A = UTU H always exists, where U is unitary, T
is triangular, and the eigenvalues of A appear on the main diagonal of T in any desired order. For the sake of
analysis, we again select the ordering |1 | > |2 | |3 | . . . It follows immediately that

1 c1,2
2 /1 . . .

.. y(k)
H (k)
= Ax = UTU x
= Ty =

n1 /1 cn1,n
n /1
where y(k) = U H x(k) /1k . We now examine the convergence of the components of y(k) as k is increased:

n (k1)
yn =
yn 0
since < 1,

n1 (k1)
yn1 + cn1,nyn
< 1 and yn 0,
yn1 =

2 (k1)
+ c2,3y3
+ . . . + c2,n yn
0 since < 1 and y j 0 for j = 3, . . . , n,
y2 =


y1 = y1


+ c1,2y2


+ . . . + c1,n yn


since y j 0 for j = 2, . . . , n.

in 1, we use the symbol here (and elsewhere in the text) to indicate that a thorough understanding of this particular section is
not necessary upon first read in order to follow the flow of the remainder of the presentation. The facts highlighted in the other sections
of 4 are perhaps more immediately useful than the somewhat involved algorithms presented in 4.4.5. However, an overview of this
section is in fact useful even from the get-go, in order to get an idea of how eigenvalues are actually determined. Be sure to come back
later for a more careful read!


Thus, y(k) Ce1 as k , and therefore x(k) /1k Cu1 as k . In other words, unless C = 0 (it usually
is not; for more discussion on this point, see Footnote 13 on page 100), x(k) eventually converges towards the
direction of the first Schur vector of A (that is, the eigenvector of A corresponding to 1 ).
The inverse power method is similar to the power method, but instead of marching the iterative equation
x(k+1) = Ax(k) , it marches the equation
x(k+1) = A1 x(k)

or, equivalently, Ax(k+1) = x(k) .


The latter form may be solved efficiently using the Gaussian elimination techniques discussed in 2. Following a similar analysis as for the power method, noting that the eigenvalues of A1 are the reciprocal of
the eigenvalues of A (Fact 4.16), in the case of the inverse power method the magnitude of the term in the
direction of sn eventually dominates the magnitude of the other terms, and thus x(k) is, for sufficiently large
k, approximately aligned with sn . The rate of convergence is ultimately dominated by the factor by which
the nth term grows faster than the (n 1)th, that is, by |n1 |/|n|. If this factor is relatively small (e.g.,
|n1 |/|n | = 1.1), convergence of the algorithm is relatively slow.
Finally, the shifted inverse power method enormously accelerates this procedure. With this method, if
at the kth iteration an approximation k of the eigenvalue j is available, we march the equation
x(k+1) = (A k I)1 x(k)

or, equivalently, (A k I)x(k+1) = x(k) .


The eigenvalues of (A k I) are just shifts of the eigenvalues of A [specifically, they are given by (i k )
for i = 1, . . . , n], and the eigenvectors of (A k I) are the same as the eigenvectors of A. Thus, the factor of
convergence of shifted inverse power method at each step is given by |i k |/| j k |, where i is the next
closest eigenvalue to k (that is i is the eigenvalue which minimizes |i k | for all i 6= j). If k is a good
approximation of j , then this factor is large, and convergence of the scheme to s j is quite rapid. In fact9,10 ,
if 0 is an accurate approximation of an eigenvalue j obtained by some other method (e.g., via computation of a Schur decomposition A = UTU H using the QR method, as developed below), convergence
of the shifted inverse power method to the eigenvector s j is obtained in just one or two steps.
Thus, the primary difficulty lies with the computation of the eigenvalues; once they are obtained, determination of the eigenvectors via the shifted inverse power method is relatively easy (see Algorithm 4.10).
Note that x(k) in (4.25), (4.26), and (4.27) may be normalized at each step in any desired or convenient
manner without altering its rate convergence towards the direction of the desired eigenvector. To clarify the
analysis that follows, we will thus normalize x(k) to be of unit norm at each iteration [(x(k) )H x(k) = 1].
Finally, if an accurate approximation of the eigenvalue n is not available, the remaining question to be
addressed is, at each step k of the shifted inverse power method, how should we select the approximation k
to the eigenvalue n ? Inspired by Fact 4.26, one good choice turns out to be the Rayleigh quotient shift k =
(x(k) )H Ax(k) . The reason this is an appropriate choice is that, as x(k) aligns closer and closer to the direction of
the eigenvector sn , the expression Ax(k) approaches n x(k) , and thus k = (x(k) )H Ax(k) n (x(k) )H x(k) = n ;
that is, k approaches the eigenvalue n .
9 In such a problem, a consistently good choice for x(0) is given by solving Uw = e for w, then taking x(0) = w/kwk, where U is found
via Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting applied to the matrix (A 0 I) such that P(A 0 I) = LU, and e = 1 1 ... 1 .
While other (perhaps, simpler) choices are often just as good, the reason that this choice is consistently good is that it is generally found
not to be deficient in its component in the s j direction. For further discussion, see Wilkinson (1965).
10 Note also that, if is an accurate approximation of an eigenvalue of the matrix A, then the shifted inverse power method solves a
problem that is nearly singular. However, k is only an approximation of j , and finite-precision arithmetic is used in the computations;
thus, it is in fact found that the shifted inverse power method rarely fails in practice. In those isolated pathological examples in which it
might fail, the techniques of 2.6 (see in particular the second bullet point of Fact 2.3) could be used instead, thereby determining the
eigenvector s j from the exact value of the eigenvalue j .


Algorithm 4.10: Computation of the eigenvectors and Schur vectors using the shifted inverse power method.
f u n c t i o n [ S , T ] = S h i f t e d I n v e r s e P o w e r (A, mu )
% Apply two s t e p s o f t h e s h i f t e d i n v e r s e power method ( p e r e i g e n v a l u e mu k ) t o d e t e r m i n e
% ( i f c a l l e d w i t h n a r g o u t =1 ) t h e e i g e n v e c t o r s S ( : , k ) , OR ( i f c a l l e d w i t h n a r g o u t =2 )
% t h e S ch u r v e c t o r s U ( : , k ) and u p p er t r i a n g u l a r T o f t h e S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=UTU .
n= s i z e (A , 1 ) ;
f o r k = 1 : l e n g t h ( mu ) ;
B=Amu ( k ) ey e ( n ) ;
% Compute B=PLU ( s e e GaussPP .m)
f o r j = 1 : n 1 ,
% Loop t h r o u g h e a c h column j<n
[ amax , imax ] =max ( abs ( B ( j : n , j ) ) ) ;
% I f n e c e s s a r y , e x c h a n g e t h e rows o f B .
i f amax>abs (B ( j , j ) ) ; B ( [ j j 1+imax ] , : ) = B ( [ j 1+imax j ] , : ) ; end
B( j +1: n , j )
= B( j +1: n , j ) / B( j , j ) ;
% Compute m i j .
B( j +1: n , j +1: n ) = B( j +1: n , j +1: n ) + B( j +1: n , j ) B( j , j +1: n ) ;
% Outer p r o d u ct update .
i f B ( n , n ) ==0 ,
% E i g e n v a l u e e x a c t ! S o l v e Bs =0 e x a c t l y f o r a s o l u t i o n .
S(n , k )=1;
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 ,
S ( i , k ) = B ( i , i + 1 : n ) S ( i + 1 : n , k ) / B ( i , i ) ; end % B a c k s u b s t i t u t i o n .
% E i g e n v a l u e a p p r o x i m a t e . Apply S h i f t e d I n v e r s e Power method .
S ( : , k )= ones ( n , 1 ) ;
% I n i t i a l i z e ( s e e f o o t n o t e 8 ) . ( no n eed t o a p p l y P t o e ! )
S ( n , k ) = S ( n , k ) / B ( n , n ) ; % S o l v e Ux=e ( s e e GaussPP .m)
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 ,
S ( i , k ) = ( S ( i , k)B ( i , i + 1 : n ) S ( i + 1 : n , k ) ) / B ( i , i ) ; end
f o r s t e p s =1 :2
% Then a p p l y two s t e p s o f t h e s h i f t e d i n v e r s e power method .
f o r j = 1 : n 1 , S ( j + 1 : n , k ) = S ( j + 1 : n , k ) + B ( j + 1 : n , j ) S ( j , k ) ; end
S ( n , k ) = S ( n , k ) / B( n , n ) ;
f o r i = n 1: 1:1 , S ( i , k ) = ( S ( i , k)B ( i , i + 1 : n ) S ( i + 1 : n , k ) ) / B ( i , i ) ; end
i f nargout >1; S ( : , k ) = S ( : , k)S ( : , 1 : k 1)S ( : , 1 : k 1) S ( : , k ) ; end ; % O r t h o g o n a l i z e .
S ( : , k ) = S ( : , k ) / norm ( S ( : , k ) ) ;
% Note ab o v e t h a t t h e S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n may be d e r i v e d
% from t h i s method s i m p l y by o r t h o g o n a l i z a t i o n o f t h e S
i f nargout >1; T=S AS ; end ;
% m a t r i x and r e c o m p u t a t i o n o f T .
end % f u n c t i o n S h i f t e d I n v e r s e P o w e r

By using this expression for k , the shifted inverse power method converges quickly. Putting it all together,
starting from an arbitrary initial vector x(0) of unit norm, the shifted inverse power method with Rayleigh
quotient shifts is written quite simply as follows:

k = (x(k) )H Ax(k)
(A k I)w = x(k)



= w/kwk.

The block power method and its equivalence to the unshifted QR method
Starting from some vector x(0) and assuming |1 | > | j | for j 2, the power method x(k+1) = Ax(k) presented
above converges to the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue of A with maximum amplitude.
Instead of iterating on a single vector, we now extend the power method by iterating on a set of vectors
{u1 , u2 , . . . , un }(k) , lined up as columns in a matrix Uk . This extended method scales each vector in the set
by A, assembling the resulting vectors in the columns of a matrix Z, then orthogonalizes the resulting set
of vectors (using, e.g., Modified Gram Schmidt in Algorithm 4.5), and repeats. Exactly as in the power
method, the first vector (u1 )(k) of this extended method converges to the eigenvector s1 corresponding to the
eigenvalue 1 of A with maximum amplitude; this eigenvector is in fact the same as the first Schur vector u1
of A. By a similar argument to that given in the second paragraph of 4.4.5, assuming now that |2 | > |3 |,
the next vector in the set (u2 )(k) , which is constrained at each iteration to be orthogonal to the first vector


in the set (u1 )(k) , converges to the second Schur vector u2 of A, corresponding to the eigenvalue of A with
the second largest amplitude, etc.11 We now consider the case in which we work with n vectors, which, for
simplicity, we initialize as the Cartesian unit vectors. Subject to only mild assumptions12,13 (specifically, that
|1 | > |2 | > |3 | > . . . and also that the initialization chosen for each column does not happen to be lacking
in the necessary components in each of the corresponding Schur vector directions), this method converges to
a Schur decomposition of A. In equations, this method, called the block power method, is defined by
U0 = I,
Z = AUk1 ,
Z = Uk Rk

(that is, determine a QR decomposition of Z).


Following the insightful analysis of Trefethen & Bau (1997), we consider this method together with the
supplemental matrices
Tk = UkH AUk ,
Rek = Rk Rk1 R1 .

Fact 4.34 The Uk and Rek defined by (4.29) form a QR decomposition of the kth power of A, that is,
Ak = Uk Rek ,



and the matrix Tk defined by (4.29) is unitarily similar to A via the transformation matrix Uk , that is,
A = Uk TkUkH .


Proof : First note that (4.30b) is identical to (4.29d), so (4.30b) is verified immediately. Note also that (4.29)
implies that A0 = U0 = Re0 = I and T0 = A, and thus (4.30a) is verified immediately for the base case k = 0.
Now, assuming (4.30a) is true for the case k 1, it follows directly from the relations in (4.29) that it must
also be true for the case k:
Ak = AAk1 = AUk1 Rek1 = Z Rek1 = Uk Rk Rek1 = Uk Rek ,

thereby proving Fact 4.34 by induction.

Now consider the unshifted QR method defined by
T0 = A,
Tk1 = Qk Rk

(that is, determine a QR decomposition of Tk1 ),

Tk = Rk Qk ,


which we analyze here together with the supplemental matrices

Uk = Q1 Q2 Qk
Rek = Rk Rk1 R1 .


11 In the notation of the discussion in the second paragraph of 4.4.5, defining y(k) in this case as y(k) = U H x(k) / k , it is found that
y(k) Ce2 as k , and therefore x(k) /2k Cu2 as k .
12 The first assumption on the strict separation of the magnitudes of the eigenvalues is in fact somewhat restrictive (especially in the
case of real matrices with eigenvalues in complex conjugate pairs), and will thus be relaxed when shifting is applied in later sections.
Note that, in fact, repeated eigenvalues i = i+1 = ... = i+m present no obstacle to this method, as the method will simply converge
to m orthogonal vectors spanned by {ui ,ui+1 ,... ,ui+m }; in this setting, any such m vectors will work.
13 The second assumption is generally not as strict as it may first appear, as numerical errors usually work in our favor as the algorithm
proceeds to introduce small components in these directions even if they are initially lacking. Convergence of this method, once the
acceleration techniques presented later in this section are applied, is so rapid that such initialization of the necessary components via
small numerical errors is, in fact, entirely adequate.


Fact 4.35 The Uk , Rek , and Tk defined by (4.31) also satisfy the relations given in (4.30a) and (4.30b).

Proof : First note that (4.31) implies that A0 = U0 = Re0 = I and T0 = A, and thus (4.30a) and (4.30b) are
verified immediately for the case k = 0. Now, assuming (4.30a) and (4.30b) are true for the case k 1, it
follows directly from the relations in (4.31) that they must also be true for the case k:


Ak = AAk1 = AUk1 Rek1 = Uk1 Tk1 Rek1 = Uk1 Qk Rk Rek1 = Uk Rek

Tk1 = Uk1

k [Qk Rk = Uk1 AUk1 ]Qk

Rk Qk = Tk = UkH AUk ,

thereby proving Fact 4.35 by induction.

Together, Facts 4.34 and 4.35 establish that the two iteration schemes (4.29) and (4.31) are


Accelerating the QR method: preliminary comments

As shown above, the block power method (4.29a)-(4.29c) ultimately converges to a Schur decomposition of
A; thus, the unshifted QR method (4.31a)-(4.31c), which is equivalent (as established in Facts 4.34 and 4.35),
converges in an identical manner. Both methods, though elegant in their simplicity, are very slow to converge.
However, leveraging various facts established above, we are now in an exceptional position to accelerate
tremendously the QR method in particular via the following four steps:
(i) Note first that, before starting the QR iterations to approximate the Schur decomposition A = UTU H ,
thereby determining (in the diagonal elements of T ) the eigenvalues of A, we actually dont have to start
this iteration from scratch (that is, with the full matrix A), as indicated in (4.31a). Indeed, we have already
identified an efficient technique to introduce many zeros into A by reducing it all the way to Hessenberg
form T0 via a unitary similarity tranformation in a finite number of steps (see 4.4.1). By Fact 4.6, the T0
so computed has the same eigenvalues as A. Thus, the Hessenberg form T0 provided by Algorithm 4.2 is
the preferred starting point for the QR method. Further, as easily verified, if Tk1 is upper Hessenberg, then,
calculating its QR decomposition Tk1 = Qk Rk via Algorithm 4.7 or 4.9, Qk is also upper Hessenberg. As Rk
is upper triangular by construction, the product Tk = Rk Qk is also upper Hessenenberg (Fact 1.10). Thus, the
upper Hessenberg structure of Tk may be leveraged at each step k, both when computing the decomposition
Tk1 = Qk Rk and when calculating the product Tk = Rk Qk . It is thus seen that the role of the QR iterations is
simply to diminish the elements in the first subdiagonal of the upper Hessenberg matrix Tk to (nearly) zero,
thereby reducing it (iteratively) towards an eigenvalue-revealing Schur form.
(ii) The second step in the refinement of the unshifted QR method (4.31) is to note that the shifting idea discussed previously may be applied to accelerate the convergence of one of the Schur vectors being calculated
(typically, the last in the set). Note that, in the case of the unshifted QR method, we may write
Tk1 = (Qk Rk )Qk QH
k = Qk (Rk Qk )Qk = Qk Tk Qk .

Thus, Tk is unitarily similar to Tk1 . In a similar fashion, if we consider the shifted QR method defined by
T0 = Hessenberg form derived from a unitary similarity decomposition of A via Algorithm 4.2,


(Tk1 k I) = Qk Rk
Tk = Rk Qk + k I,


[that is, determine a QR decomposition of (Tk1 k I)],

14 That is, the block power method (4.29a)-(4.29c) determines a U (an orthogonalization of the columns of the kth power of A), from
which the corresponding Tk may be extracted according to Tk = UkH AUk , whereas the unshifted QR method (4.31a)-(4.31c) determines
an essentially equivalent value of Tk directly.


then it follows similarly that

Tk1 = (Qk Rk + k I)Qk QH
k = Qk (Rk Qk + k I)Qk = Qk Tk Qk .


Thus, even when such shifts are applied, Tk is unitarily similar to Tk1 . It follows in turn that Tk is unitarily
similar to the original matrix A. If good shifts k are selected (a topic that is deferred to the following
three subsections), then the convergence of one of the eigenvalues [on the main diagonal of Tk ] and the
corresponding Schur vector [which may be reconstructed via (4.31d), if desired] is immensely accelerated,
as explained in the case of the shifted inverse power method above15.
(iii) The third step in the refinement of the QR method is to apply Fact 4.12 regarding the eigenvalues of
a block upper triangular matrix. When one or more of the elements in the first subdiagonal of the upper
Hessenberg matrix Tk is reduced to (nearly) zero, then Tk may be partitioned in block upper triangular form,
and the eigenvalues of the upper Hessenberg blocks on the main diagonal of Tk may be determined separately;
the eigenvalues of Tk are then given by the union of the eigenvalues of these upper Hessenberg blocks. This
process of splitting the eigenvalue computation into smaller subproblems is referred to as deflation.
To achieve deflation efficiently in all of the cases we will consider, avoiding recursion and its associated
overhead, consider a 3 3 block upper triangular partitioning of T at each iteration. Denote by T11 , T22 , and
T33 the three square blocks on the main diagonal in this partitioning. Select T33 to be as large as possible
while being upper triangular; that is, T33 contains all eigenvalues already determined in the lower-right corner
on the main diagonal of T . Then, select T22 to be as large as possible while still being unreduced (that is,
with no zero elements on its subdiagonal); T11 contains the remaining elements in the upper-left corner of T .
Then, simply apply a shifted QR iteration to T22 , and repeat the entire process until T22 is empty.
(iv) Finally, note that, to save computational effort, we do not bother accumulating the transformation matrices
Uk that complete the (nearly) triangularizing unitary similarity transformation A = Uk TkUkH , as the computations to determine this transformation matrix during the iteration are relatively expensive. Once Tk converges
to an essentially triangular form (and, thus, the i are determined), computing the corresponding eigenvectors
(that is, the columns of S) via the shifted inverse power method discussed previously is straightforward. If it
is the corresponding Schur vectors (that is, the columns of U) that are desired, a straightfoward modification
of the shifted inverse power method discussed previously may be used, subtracting off the components of xk
at each iteration k in the directions of each the previously computed Schur vectors (see Algorithm 4.10).
To summarize, to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix A:

Start by taking the Hessenberg decomposition using Algorithm 4.2.

Identify the unreduced block T22 on the main diagonal of a block upper triangular partitioning of T .
Apply the shifted QR method to T22 , and repeat from step (b) until T22 is empty.
Compute the Schur vectors or eigenvectors, as necessary, using Algorithm 4.10.

To clarify the details of the acceleration of the QR algorithm, we isolate below three special cases:
general (non-Hermitian complex) matrices,
Hermitian (complex) and symmetric (real) matrices, and
non-symmetric real matrices.

15 Recall

that the convergence of the QR method is identical to the convergence of the corresponding block power method.


Algorithm 4.11: Compute the eigenvalues of a general (non-Hermitian complex) matrix A.

f u n c t i o n [ lam ] = E i g G e n e r a l (A)
% Computes t h e e i g e n v a l u e s o f a g e n e r a l complex m a t r i x A . A f t e r an
% i n i t i a l H e s s e n b e r g d e c o m p o s i t i o n , s e v e r a l e x p l i c i t l y s h i f t e d QR s t e p s a r e t a k e n .
A= H e s s e n b e r g (A ) ; n= s i z e ( A , 1 ) ; q=n ; t o l =1 e 12;
w h i l e q>1
% Note : d i a g o n a l o f T 22 b l o c k e x t e n d s from {p , p } t o {q , q } e l e m e n t s o f T .
f o r i = 1 : n 1; i f abs (A( i +1 , i )) < t o l ( abs (A( i , i ) ) + abs (A( i +1 , i + 1 ) ) ) ; A( i +1 , i ) = 0 ; end ; end
q = 1 ; f o r i =n 1: 1:1; i f A( i +1 , i ) = 0 , q= i + 1 ; break , end , end , i f q ==1 , c o n t i n u e , end
p = 1 ; f o r i =q 1: 1:1; i f A( i +1 , i ) ==0 , p= i + 1 ; break , end , end
d= o n e s ( n , 1 ) ; mu=A( q , q ) ;
% I n i t i a l i z e d and compute s h i f t ( lo w er r i g h t c o r n e r ) .
f o r i =p : q ; A( i , i ) =A( i , i )mu ; end % S h i f t A .
f o r i =p : q1
% Apply same a l g o r i t h m a s i n Q R F a s t G i v e n s H e s s e n b e r g .
[ a ( i ) , b ( i ) , gamma ( i ) , dn ( i ) , d ( [ i i + 1 ] ) ] = F a s t G i v e n s C o m p u t e (A( i , i ) ,A( i +1 , i ) , d ( i ) , d ( i + 1 ) ) ;
[A] = F a s t G i v e n s (A , a ( i ) , b ( i ) , gamma ( i ) , dn ( i ) , i , i +1 , i , q , L ) ;
f o r i =p : q1
% Apply t h e p o s t m u l t i p l i c a t i o n s d i r e c t l y t o A ( t h u s co m p u tin g RQ ) .
[A] = F a s t G i v e n s (A , a ( i ) , b ( i ) , gamma ( i ) , dn ( i ) , i , i +1 , p , q , R ) ;
f o r i =p : q , d t = 1 / s q r t ( d ( i ) ) ; A( i , max ( i 1 , 1 ) : end ) =A( i , max ( i 1 , 1 ) : end ) d t ;
% Scale A.
A ( 1 : min ( i +1 , n ) , i ) =A ( 1 : min ( i +1 , n ) , i ) d t ; A( i , i ) =A( i , i ) +mu ; end % U n s h i f t A .
end , lam = d i a g (A ) ;
% E x t r a c t e i g e n v a l u e s from main d i a g o n a l o f r e s u l t .
end % f u n c t i o n E i g G e n e r a l

Accelerating the QR method: the general (non-Hermitian complex) case

In this case, we may follow the QR method with the four acceleration steps enumerated above without further
embellishment, as illustrated in Algorithm 4.11. At each iteration k, we may shift simply by the lower-right
element of Tk , which is usually the first eigenvalue to converge.
Following the analysis of Golub & van Loan (1996), if at one step of the shifted QR method the matrix
Tk1 has the form

x x x x x
x x x x x

Tk1 =
0 x x x x ,
0 0 x x x
0 0 0 k
where x denotes nonzero entries, 1, and the subsequent shift is denoted k , then it follows from (4.32b)(4.32c) (see Exercise 4.9) that

x x x x
x x x x

Tk =

0 0 x x
0 0 0 k+1

where 2 ; that is, convergence of the shifted QR method is quadratic.



Algorithm 4.12: Compute the eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix A.


f u n c t i o n [ lam ] = E i g H e r m i t i a n (A)
% Compute t h e e i g e n v a l u e s o f a H e r m i t i a n ( or , i f r e a l , s y m m e t r i c ) m a t r i x A .
% L e v e r a g i n g t h e f a c t t h a t H e s s e n b e r g r e t u r n s a t r i d i a g o n a l m a t r i x , t h e QR a l g o r i t h m
% w i t h W ilk en s o n s h i f t s i s a p p l i e d t o t h e t r i d i a g o n a l m a t r i x T= t r i d i a g [ a , b , c ] a t e a c h s t e p .
A= H e s s e n b e r g (A ) ; n= s i z e ( A , 1 ) ; q=n ; t o l =1 e 13;
% Note : we move t h e 3 n o n z e r o d i a g o n a l s t o
a = [ 0 ; d i a g ( A, 1 ) ] ; b= d i a g (A ) ; c =[ d i a g ( A , 1 ) ; 0 ] ; % v e c t o r s t o s p e e e d t h e memory a c c e s s .
w h i l e q>1
% Note : d i a g o n a l o f T 22 b l o c k e x t e n d s from {p , p } t o {q , q } e l e m e n t s o f T .
f o r i = 1 : n 1; i f abs ( a ( i +1)) < t o l ( abs ( b ( i ) ) + abs ( b ( i + 1 ) ) ) ; a ( i + 1 ) = 0 ; end ; end
q = 1 ; f o r i =n 1: 1:1; i f a ( i + 1 ) = 0 , q= i + 1 ; break , end , end , i f q ==1 , c o n t i n u e , end
p = 1 ; f o r i =q 1: 1:1; i f a ( i +1 ) ==0 , p= i + 1 ; break , end , end
t =( b ( n1)b ( n ) ) / 2 . ; mu=b ( n ) + t s i g n ( t ) s q r t ( abs ( t ) 2 + abs ( a ( n ) ) 2 ) ;
% W ilk en s o n s h i f t
b=bmu ; [ b , c , a , cc , s s ] = Q R G i v e n s T r i d i a g ( a , b , c ) ;
% S h i f t and c a l c u l a t e QR u s i n g G iv en s
% Now c a l c u l a t e RQ, g i v e n t h e n1 v a l u e s o f [ cc , s s ] c o m p r i s i n g e a c h r o t a t i o n
% ( r a t h e r t h a n Q i t s e l f ) and t h e n o n z e r o d i a g o n a l s [ b , c , a ] o f t h e ( u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r ) R .
f o r i = 1 : n 1; i f cc ( i ) = 0
i f i >1, c ( i 1)= cc ( i ) c ( i 1) s s ( i )
a ( i 1 ) ; end
% Eqn ( 1 . 1 2 b ) , column i
cc ( i ) b ( i ) s s ( i )
c ( i ) ;
c( i )
= c o n j ( s s ( i ) ) b ( i ) + c o n j ( cc ( i ) ) c ( i ) ;
% Eqn ( 1 . 1 2 b ) , column k= i +1
b ( i +1 ) =
c o n j ( cc ( i ) ) b ( i + 1 ) ; b ( i ) = temp ;
end , end , a ( 2 : n ) = c o n j ( c ( 1 : n 1 ) ) ; b=b+mu ;
% Unshift A
end , lam = E i g S o r t ( r e a l ( b ) ) ;
% S o r t , and remove any e r r o r i n t h e i m a g i n a r y p a r t s .
end % f u n c t i o n E i g H e r m i t i a n

Accelerating the QR method: the Hermitian/symmetric case

We now consider the case in which A is Hermitian (or, if it happens to be real, symmetric). Note first that, in
this case, A has real eigenvalues. The first step of (4.32) is to compute the Hessenberg decomposition of A.
Note that, since the Hessenberg form T0 is unitarily similar to A (see Fact 4.7), T0 is also Hermitian. Thus, as
T0 is both Hessenberg and Hermitian, it must be tridiagonal.
Further, as easily verified, if Tk1 is tridiagonal then, calculating its shifted QR decomposition (Tk1
k I) = Qk Rk via Algorithm 4.9, it turns out that Rk is upper tridiagonal. By Fact 1.10, Tk is upper Hessenberg.
Additionally, since Tk is unitarily similar to the Hermitian matrix T0 [see (4.30b)], Tk in this case is also
Hermitian. Thus, as Tk is both Hessenberg and Hermitian, it is also tridiagonal. Thus, the tridiagonal structure
of Tk may be leveraged at each step k, both when computing the decomposition (Tk1 k I) = Qk Rk and
when calculating Tk = Rk Qk + k I. Again, the role of the QR iterations is simply to diminish the elements in
the subdiagonal of the Hermitian tridiagonal matrix Tk to (nearly) zero, thereby reducing it to an eigenvaluerevealing diagonal form.
We could again shift by the lower-right element of T at each step. A better choice for the shift is given
by the eigenvalue of the 2 2 submatrix in the lower-right corner of T which is closest to the element in its
lower-right corner. In the present notation, this 2 2 submatrix is denoted

Tk1 (n 1 : n, n 1 : n) = n1
and the corresponding eigenvalue in question, known as the Wilkenson shift, is given by
k = bn + t sgn(t) |t|2 + |an |2 where t = (bn1 bn)/2.
Implementation is given in Algorithm 4.12.



Accelerating the QR method: the non-symmetric real case

The non-symmetric real case is more delicate. In this case, any complex eigenvalues come in complex conjugate pairs (Fact 4.18). We may again begin by computing the Hessenberg decomposition, which is real
because the initial matrix A is real. Neither of the approaches described above, however, is suitable:
The approach of shifting each QR iteration by the element in the lower-right corner of T , as done in the
general (non-Hermitian complex) case above, is not a good idea, because all elements during the QR
iterations are real following this approach, though some of the eigenvalues we seek come in complex
conjugate pairs. Thus, the (real) element in the lower-right corner of T at any given step will be exactly
equidistant from the two complex eigenvalues, and shifting by it will not distinguish one eigenvector
from the other. Stated another way, returning to the original description of the power method at the
beginning of 4.4.5, we do not get the necessary separation of the absolute value of the eigenvalues in
the shifted problem in order to ensure convergence of the corresponding Schur vectors when we use a
real shift when the eigenvalues come in complex conjugate pairs.
The approach of shifting each QR iteration by one of the eigenvalues of the 22 submatrix in the lowerright corner of T would in fact work. However, this approach unnecessarily converts a real problem into
a significantly more expensive complex one. Furthermore, round-off errors accumulate following this
approach such that the eigenvalues do not wind up being exact complex conjugates of each other.
An alternative approach is thus preferred. Instead of aiming to use a shifted QR method to iterate towards
a complex upper triangular form, we instead use a double-shift method to iterate towards an eigenvaluerevealing block upper triangular form with 1 1 and 2 2 real blocks on the main diagonal, known as
the real Schur form (see 4.4.3). At each step, we will take two shifted QR steps, one based each of the
eigenvalues of the 2 2 submatrix in the lower-right corner of A. The challenge is to figure out a way to do
this while keeping all arithmetic real. To accomplish this, we appeal to the following.
Fact 4.36 (The Implicit Q Theorem) Consider two unitary similarity transformations of Tnn such that
T = UGU H = V HV H , where both G and H are upper Hessenberg and G is unreduced (that is, it has
no zeros in its subdiagonal). If v1 = u1 (that is, if the first columns of V and U are equal), then it follows that
vi = ui and hi,i1 = Gi,i1 (stated loosely, the two decompositions are essentially equivalent).
Proof : Define a unitary W = V H U and note that HW = W G. It follows that, for 2 i n,
Hwi1 =


w j g j,i1 + wi gi,i1


wi = Hwi1 w j g j,i1 /gi,i1 .

Since v1 = u1 and U and V are unitary, it follows from W = V H U that w1 = e1 (that is, the first column of
W is the first Cartesian unit vector). It thus follows from the above equation that W is upper triangular; since
it is also unitary, it follows that W = diag(1, 1, 1, . . .). Since wi = V H ui and gi,i1 = (wi )H Hwi1 , it also
follows that vi = ui and gi,i1 = hi,i1 .

Leveraging the Implicit Q Theorem, we can now develop a method based on real arithmetic to perform
two shifted QR steps based on the shifts a1 and a2 [given by the eigenvalues of T (n 1 : n, n 1 : n), which
are either real or a complex conjugate pair]. Noting (4.32), these two shifted QR steps may be written
(T a1 I) = Q1 R1 ;

T1 = R1 Q1 + a1 I;

(T1 a2 I) = Q2 R2 ;

T2 = R2 Q2 + a2 I.


Pre- and post-multiplying the third relation by Q1 and R1 respectively, it is straightforward to show that
(Q1 Q2 )(R2 R1 ) = (T a1I)(T a2I) = T 2 (a1 + a2)T + (a1 a2 )I , M
(see Exercise 4.10). Note that t , a1 + a2 is real16 and d , a1 a2 is real17 ; thus, M is real.
16 By

17 By

Fact 4.5, t is the sum of the eigenvalues of Tk1 (n 1 : n,n 1 : n). This statement is generalized in Fact 4.44.
Fact 4.17, d = |Tk1 (n 1 : n,n 1 : n)| is the product of the eigenvalues of Tk1 (n 1 : n,n 1 : n).



Algorithm 4.13: Compute the eigenvalues of a real nonsymmetric matrix A.


f u n c t i o n [ lam ] = E i g R e a l (A)
% Compute t h e e i g e n v a l u e s o f a n o n s y m m e t r i c r e a l m a t r i x A . A f t e r an i n i t i a l H e s s e n b e r g
% d e c o m p o s i t i o n , s e v e r a l d o u b l e i m p l i c i t l y s h i f t e d QR s t e p s a r e t a k e n , b u i l d i n g up a s much
% o f t h e r e a l S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n a s n e c e s s a r y i n o r d e r t o d e t e r m i n e t h e e i g e n v a l u e s .
% ( T h a t i s , f o r e f f i c i e n c y , we do n o t b u i l d t h e f u l l r e a l S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n , b u t r a t h e r
% work j u s t on T 22 a t e a c h i t e r a t i o n ) .
A= H e s s e n b e r g (A ) ; n= s i z e ( A , 1 ) ; q=n ; t o l =1 e 12;
w h i l e q>1
% Note : d i a g o n a l o f T 22 b l o c k e x t e n d s from {p , p } t o {q , q } e l e m e n t s o f T .
f o r i = 1 : n 1; i f abs (A( i +1 , i )) < t o l ( abs (A( i , i ) ) + abs (A( i +1 , i + 1 ) ) ) ; A( i +1 , i ) = 0 ; end ; end
q = 1 ; f o r i =n 1: 1:1; i f A( i +1 , i ) = 0 , q= i + 1 ; break , end , end , i f q ==1 , c o n t i n u e , end
p = 1 ; f o r i =q 1: 1:1; i f A( i +1 , i ) ==0 , p= i + 1 ; break , end , end
i f qp ==1 , a =(A( p , p ) +A( q , q ) ) / 2 ; b= s q r t ( 4 A( p , q ) A( q , p ) + ( A( p , p)A( q , q ) ) 2 ) / 2 ;
A( p , p ) = a+b ; A( q , q ) = ab ; A( q , p ) = 0 ; % P u t e i g e n v a l u e s o f A( q : p , q : p ) on d i a g o n a l .
c o n t i n u e , end
t =A( q 1 ,q 1)+A( q , q ) ;
% T r a c e o f A( q 1:q , q 1: q )
d=A( q 1 ,q 1)A( q , q ) A( q 1 ,q ) A( q , q 1 ) ;
% D e t e r m i n a n t o f A( q 1:q , q 1: q )
x ( 1 , 1 ) =A( p , p ) A( p , p ) + A( p , p +1 ) A( p +1 , p ) t A( p , p ) + d ; % Compute f i r s t column o f M.
x ( 2 , 1 ) =A( p +1 , p ) (A( p , p ) +A( p +1 , p+1) t ) ;
x ( 3 , 1 ) =A( p +1 , p ) A( p +2 , p + 1 ) ;
[ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e ( x ) ;
% Compute V 0
A= R e f l e c t ( A, s i g , w, p , p +2 , p , q , L ) ;
% Compute V 0 H T
A= R e f l e c t ( A, s i g , w, p , p +2 , p , min ( p +3 , q ) , R ) ;
% Compute V 0 H T V 0
f o r k=p : q 2; km=min ( k +3 , q ) ; kn=min ( k +4 , q ) ;
% T r a n s f o r m t h e r e s t o f T 22
[ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e (A( k + 1 :km , k ) ) ;
% v i a I m p l i c i t Q, r e t u r n i n g i t t o
A= R e f l e c t (A, s i g , w, k +1 ,km , k , q , L ) ;
% u p p e r H e s s e n b e r g form .
A= R e f l e c t (A, s i g , w, k +1 ,km , p , min ( k +4 , q ) , R ) ;
end , lam = E i g S o r t ( d i a g (A ) ) ;
% E x t r a c t e i g e n v a l u e s from main d i a g o n a l o f r e s u l t and s o r t .
end % f u n c t i o n E i g R e a l

Recall from (4.33) that the shifted QR method boils down to Tk = QH

k Tk1 Qk ; that is, the upper Hessenberg
matrix Tk is found simply by pre-multiplying Tk1 by a unitary matrix QH
k and post-multiplying the result by
Qk , where Qk itself is found by orthogonalization of the columns of a shifted version of Tk1 . The idea now
is similar, but instead of transforming with a single Qk , we will effectively pre-multiply by U H , (QH
2 Q1 )
and postmultiply by U , (Q1 Q2 ), which is why this method is said to be based on a double shift.
Unfortunately, computation of M = T 2 (a1 + a2 )T + (a1 a2 )I requires the computation of T 2 , which
is prohibitively expensive for large matrices. Thus, we cannot simply compute M, orthogonalize its columns
(denoting the resulting matrix U), then compute U H TU. Appealing to the Implicit Q Theorem, however,
we may instead build up a new unitary matrix V (from a series of appropriately-constructed Householder
transformation matrices embedded within identity matrices) to form a new unitary similarity transformation
V H TV = H. This new unitary similarity transformation will be essentially equivalent to the similarity
transformation U H TU = G discussed above so long as the first column of U, denoted u1 , matches the first
column of V , denoted v1 , and the rest of the transformation V is constructed such that H is upper Hessenberg
(as is G). Thus, we perform here a double implicitly shifted QR iteration, achieving essentially the same
effect as two shifted QR iterations but without ever explicitly performing the shifts (T a1 I) or (T1 a2 I)
[cf. Algorithms 4.11 and 4.12]. In addition to being substantially less computationally intensive in the present
(non-symmetric real) case, for matrices whose eigenvalues span a large range of magnitudes, such an implicit
shifting approach leads to a significant improvement in overall accuracy. [Thus, see also Exercise 4.11 for
application of this idea to the Hermitian/symmetric case discussed previously.]

To proceed in the present (non-symmetric real) case, it is noted that m1 = x y z 0 . . . 0 where
x = t11
+ t12t21 tt11 + d,

y = t21 (t11 + t22 t),


z = t21t32 .

We will construct V via a series of Householder transformation matrices, V = V0V1 Vn2 , where

Vk = diag[Ikk , H33
, I(nk3)(nk3)];

for example, V1 =





Note that all of the Vk matrices are e1 in the first column except V0 ; thus, V and V0 have identical first
columns. Therefore, all we need to do is to determine H33
as the upper-left block of the first Householder
transformation matrix in the QR decomposition of M (see Algorithm 4.6); that is, we construct H33
, from
which V0 is formed, by designing a Householder reflection matrix which rotates the first three components of
m1 into the direction e1 . We then construct the remaining Vk to return the matrix H to upper Hessenberg form
in the construction V H TV = H, effectively chasing out the nonzero elements introduced into the second and
third subdiagonals of the transformed matrix by V0 . Graphically, this process may be illustrated as follows,
denoting by those elements changed by the most recent pre- and post-multiplications:
x x x

V0H TV0 =


V2H V1H V0H TV0V1V2 = 0











V TV = 0


V1H V0H TV0V1 = 0


V3H V2H V1H V0H TV0V1V2V3 = 0









where V = V0V1 Vn2. Implementation is relatively straightforward, as shown in Algorithm 4.13.

To conclude this section on the numerical computation of matrix eigenvalues, two convenient wrapper
routines, Eig.m and Schur.m, are given in Algorithms 4.14 and 4.15.

Algorithm 4.14: Convenient wrapper routine for computing the eigen decomposition.
f u n c t i o n [ lam , S ] = E ig ( S , t y p e )
i f n a rg in ==1 , t y p e = r ; end , s w i t c h t y p e ( 1 )
c a s e g , lam = E i g G e n e r a l ( S ) ; c a s e h , lam = E i g H e r m i t i a n ( S ) ; c a s e r , lam = E i g R e a l ( S ) ;
end , i f n a rg o u t ==2 , [ S ] = S h i f t e d I n v e r s e P o w e r ( S , lam ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n E ig


Algorithm 4.15: Convenient wrapper routine for computing the Schur decomposition.
f u n c t i o n [U, T] = S ch u r (U, t y p e )
i f n a rg in ==1 , t y p e = r ; end , s w i t c h t y p e ( 1 )
c a s e g , lam = E i g G e n e r a l (U ) ; c a s e h , lam = E i g H e r m i t i a n (U ) ; c a s e r , lam = E i g R e a l (U ) ;
end ; [U , T] = S h i f t e d I n v e r s e P o w e r ( U, lam ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n S ch u r



4.4.6 The Jordan decomposition

As discussed in 4.4.4, a square matrix with a complete set of eigenvectors is similar to a diagonal matrix; to
be precise, A = SS1, where S is a matrix with the eigenvectors of A as columns, and is a diagonal matrix
with the corresponding eigenvalues of A on the main diagonal. The Jordan decomposition A = MJM 1 represents, in a way, the closest one can get to a diagonalizing similarity transformation when the square matrix
A does not have a complete set of eigenvectors (that is, when the matrix A is defective). The columns of the
transformation matrix M involved in this decomposition include all of the linearly independent eigenvectors
of A together with an appropriate number of so-called generalized eigenvectors, as defined below.
To illustrate, consider an n n matrix A with p distinct eigenvalues18 1 , . . . , p found, e.g., with the QR
method discussed previously, where the eigenvalue i is assumed to have multiplicity19 (a.k.a. algebraic
multiplicity) mi . The Jordan decomposition may be built as follows20 :
1) Initialize the index i = 1.
2) Calculate the number of linearly independent eigenvectors21, vi = n rank(A iI), corresponding to
i , then solve22 (A iI)si j = 0 for the vi independent eigenvectors si j for j = 1, . . . , vi .
3) Calculate the number of necessary generalized eigenvectors23, wi = mi vi , corresponding to i .
4) Initialize gi, j,0 = si j for j = 1, . . . , vi . Also, keep track of the number of generalized eigenvectors already
determined that are related to the (i j)th eigenvector si j by initializing pi j = 0, for j = 1, . . . , vi .
5) Initialize the index j = 1.
6) Initialize the index k = 1.
7) If wi (pi1 + pi2 + . . . + pivi ) = 0, we have all the generalized eigenvectors related to i . Go to step 9.
8) If gi, j,(k1) im(A i I), then solve (A i I)gi, j,k = gi, j,(k1) for the generalized eigenvector gi, j,k ,
increment k and pi j , and repeat from step 7, else increment j and repeat from step 6.
9) If i < p, increment i and repeat from step 2 until finished.
The resulting transformation matrix M is then given by

M = M 11 M 12 . . . M 1v1 M 21 M 22 . . . M 2v2

. . . . . . M p1

M p2

. . . M pv p

where M i j contains the eigenvector si j and all the generalized eigenvectors gi, j,k associated with it,

M i j = si j gi j1 gi j2 . . . gi j pi j ,



and the corresponding block diagonal Jordan form J is given by

J = diag[J 11 , J 12 , . . . , J 1v1 , J 21 , J 22 , . . . , J 2v2 , . . . . . . , J p1 , J p2 , . . . , J pv p ],

where the Jordan block

18 Note

Ji j

is a (pi j + 1) (pi j + 1) upper bidiagonal Toeplitz matrix of the form

1 1


Ji j =

1 1



that the n eigenvalues i of the matrix A satisfy the characteristic polynomial |A i I| = 0, as described previously.
also that, by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Fact 4.4), m1 + m2 + ... m p = n.
20 Proof that this algorithm succeeds in producing exactly the w additional linearly independent vectors needed for each i is given in
Horn & Johnson 1985.
21 Note that v is the dimension of the nullspace of (A I), and is referred to as the geometric multiplicity of .
22 The eigenvectors si j may be determined by parameterizing all solutions to (A I)si j = 0 using the techniques described in 2.6.
23 If the algebraic multiplicity m is greater than the geometric multiplicity v of a given eigenvalue , then w = m v generalized
eigenvectors will be required.
19 Note


Multiplying out AM = MJ, applying the definitions in (4.37), and examining each column of the resulting
equation, we arrive at two types of relations, Asi j = i si j and Agi, j,k = i gi, j,k + gi, j,(k1) where gi, j,0 = si j ,
which is consistent with the algorithm above defining the eigenvectors si j and generalized eigenvectors gi, j,k .
Note that, if the matrix A happens to have n linearly independent eigenvectors, then the Jordan blocks are all
1 1, and the Jordan decomposition reduces immediately to the eigen decomposition24.
A matrix is called nonderogatory if it has only one Jordan block associated with each eigenvalue [that
is, if vi = n rank(A i I) = 1 for every eigenvalue i of A]; otherwise, it is called derogatory.
For the purpose of the numerical solution of large-scale problems in science, engineering, and elsewhere, computing the Jordan decomposition is usually a bad idea; the role of this decomposition is thus deemphasized in this text. The central problem with this decomposition is that, by its definition, the Jordan
form does not depend smoothly on A. For example, consider a 2 2 matrix A with eigenvalues 1 and 1 +
such that

s =
, s =
0 1 +

For = 0, the matrix A is already in Jordan form, and the linear independence of the two eigenvectors is lost.
In this case, the Jordan decomposition is simply A = MJM 1 with

1 1
and M = I.
0 1
However, for an arbitrarily small change of , the Jordan decomposition A = MJM 1 sudddenly switches to
the eigen decomposition such that

1 1
and M = S =
0 1 +
Because of this ill-posedness (that is, a lack of smooth dependence on the data in the problem formulation) in
the definition of the Jordan decomposition, the Schur decomposition and/or the singular value decomposition
is usually be preferred over the Jordan decomposition for most large-scale numerical computations in cases
for which A is, or might be, nearly defective.
Defective matrices appear often in the study of dynamic systems. Despite the ill-posedness of the definition of the Jorden decomposition problem, as described above, deriving such matrices in Jordan form (or
transforming them into Jordan form) is often instructive for the purpose of analysis. For example, consider
the equation for the simple 2D rotation of a rigid body:



0 1
J 2 = . Defining x =
0 0
d /dt
In the first-order (a.k.a. state-space) form shown at right, the system matrix in the governing equation is
already in Jordan form (in this case, with 1 = 0). The behavior of such dynamic systems is discussed further
in ?? and 20.2.

24 That

is, J i j = i and Mi j = si j , and thus J = and M = S.


4.4.7 The singular value decomposition (SVD)

As mentioned in 4.4.6, if the set of eigenvectors s of a given matrix A are not linearly independent, then
they cannot be arranged into a nonsingular matrix S, and the matrix A is called defective. However, it is a
remarkable fact that every m n matrix A has a singular value decomposition (SVD) given by A = UV H ,
where U = Umm and V = Vnn are unitary (UU H = U H U = Imm and VV H = V H V = Inn) and = mn
is diagonal with real, non-negative elements i on the main diagonal, arranged in descending order. The i
are referred to as the singular values of A, and the columns of U and V are, respectively, the left and right
singular vectors of A. The number of nonzero singular values, denoted by r, is the rank of the matrix A; in
fact, numerically, computing the SVD is the most reliable method available to compute the rank of a matrix.
The maximum singular value of A, 1 , is often denoted max (A), whereas the minimum singular value of
A is often denoted min (A). Note that, if A is Hermitian positive semidefinite, then the SVD reduces to the
eigen decomposition with U = V = S and the i = i .
As with the QR decomposition when m > n, the SVD has both complete and reduced forms. Taking r as
the number of nonzero singular values of A (i.e., the rank of A), we may write the SVD in block matrix form:

 rr 0 

V nr V n(nr) = U mr rr (V nr )H .
Amn = Umm mn Vnn
= U mr U m(mr)
Note in particular that U H U = Irr and V H V = Irr , though UU H 6= Imm and VV H 6= Inn . The SVD is a
useful generalization of the eigen decomposition introduced in 4.4.4 that is appropriate for defective and
nonsquare matrices. Noting that U and V are unitary and applying Fact 2.6 to the block matrix form of the
SVD given above, it is seen that

the columns ui of the matrix U form an orthogonal basis of the column space of A,
the columns ui of the matrix U form an orthogonal basis of the left nullspace of A,
the columns vi of the matrix V form an orthogonal basis of the row space of A, and
the columns vi of the matrix V form an orthogonal basis of the nullspace of A.

Note that, since A = UV H , it follows that (AH A) = V (H )V H and (AAH ) = U(H )U H . Recall from Fact
4.20 that an eigen decomposition of a Hermitian matrix [such as (AH A) or (AAH )] always exists, and from
4.4.5 that there is a very efficient numerical algorithm for computing the eigen decomposition of Hermitian
matrices (see Algorithm 4.12). Thus, this algorithm may be leveraged to find the singular value decomposition
of any m n matrix A in a straightforward manner, as shown below. Note that the constructions given below
also establish the existence of the SVD itself. Note also the following:
Fact 4.37 rank(A) = rank(AAH ) = rank(AH A). Further, the nonzero eigenvalues of (AAH ) and (AH A) are
the square of the nonzero singular values of A.
Proof : As noted previously, (AAH ) = U(H )U H and (AH A) = V (H )V H . Note that both (H ) and (H )
are diagonal, and thus these equations are in fact SVDs of (AAH ) and (AH A). Note also that the nonzero
elements on the diagonals of (H ) and (H ) [that is, the nonzero singular values of (AAH ) and (AH A)] are
identical and equal to the square of the nonzero singular values of A.

Fact 4.38 The induced 2-norm is given by the maximum singular value [i.e., kAki2 = max (A)].
Proof : Square both sides of the first formula in (1.20) and take p = 2, then apply Facts 4.26 and 4.37:
kAk2i2 = max

xH (AH A) x
= max
= max (AH A) = max (AAH ) = max
xH x


Fact 4.39 The singular values of A1 , if it exists (that is, if r = m = n), are the reciprocal of the singular
values of A.
Proof : If A = UV H is an SVD of A, then (by Fact 1.7) A1 = V H 1U 1 , which itself is just an SVD of
A1 . The singular values of A1 (that is, the diagonal elements of 1 ) are thus the reciprocal of the singular
values of A (that is, the diagonal elements of ).

Fact 4.40 The 2-norm condition number (see 2.5) is given by (A) = kAki2 kA1 ki2 = max (A)/min (A).
Thus, (A) 1 and (A) as the matrix A approaches a singular matrix [that is, as min (A) 0].

Proof : Follows directly from Facts 4.38 and 4.39.

The SVD is also useful for determining the most energetic modes present in a large dataset, as discussed
in 7.6.1.
Note that the SVD is not unique; for example, if A = Ua a VaH is an SVD, then A = Ub b VbH is also an
SVD, where Ub = Ua and Vb = Va .
There are three natural constructions of the SVD, as presented below. Numerically, the third construction
is far superior to the other two, as it doesnt involve multiplying A times itself, which leads to a squaring of the
condition number and thus a sometimes significant loss of accuracy when using finite-precision arithmetic.
However, the other two constructions are useful to be aware of from the perspective of understanding the
SVD itself; we thus present all three constructions here.
(i) Construction of the SVD from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of (AH A)
The SVD may be constructed as follows:
Step 1: Determine the eigenvalues of the n n matrix AH A. By Fact 4.22, AH A is Hermitian and its
eigenvalues are real and non-negative. Let i denote these eigenvalues arranged in descending order.
Determine the number
r of these eigenvalues that are nonzero. Call the square root of each of these

eigenvalues i = i , noting that 1 2 . . . r > 0, and place these nonzero i (in order) in the
first r elements on the main diagonal of , setting the other elements of to zero.
Step 2: Determine the eigenvectors vi of the matrix AH A, and arrange them in columns in the same
order as their corresponding eigenvalues in to form the n n matrix V . By Fact 4.22, V is unitary.

Step 3: Select ui = (1/i )Avi for i = 1, 2, . . . r, and define U as the

 with these vectors as columns. By construction, we have AV = U 0 , and thus A = U 0 V H . We have therefore constructed most of the singular value decomposition. All that remains is to find U, which may be found
simply by taking the (complete) QR decomposition of U and setting U = Q in this decomposition.
Note that the ui given by the above algorithm work out simply to be the orthogonal eigenvectors of AAH ,
ordered appropriately such that the desired decomposition of A is satisfied by construction.
(ii) Construction of the SVD from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of (AAH )
An alternative construction of the SVD may be written by taking the eigenvalues of the matrix AAH in Step 1
of construction (i) above, defining the columns of U as the corresponding eigenvectors of this matrix in Step
2, and then defining the r columns of V as vi = (1/i )AH ui , and determining the remaining columns of V via
the QR decomposition of V in Step 3.
If A is rectangular, the dimensions of the square matrices AH A and AAH are different, and a choice between
construction (i) and construction (ii) is sometimes made based on which works with the smaller of these two
matrices during Steps 1 and 2. However, as mentioned previously, construction (iii) presented below is the
numerically preferred algorithm for constructing the SVD.


(iii) Construction of the SVD from a bidiagonalization of A directly

Following the same line of reasoning as in 4.4.1, but now pre- and post-multiplying by different Householder
reflector matrices, it is entirely straightforward to construct a bidiagonalization A = UB0V H where U and V
are unitary and B0 is upper bidiagonal. Indicated graphically,

U1H A =


U2H U1H AV1V2 =





U1H AV1 =


U3H U2H U1H AV1V2 =






U2H U1H AV1 =



B0 = U H AV




x ,

where U = U1U2 Un and V = V1V2 Vn2. Implementation is straightforward (see Algorithm 4.16).
Starting from this bidiagonalization, we now consider the application of the shifted QR method to the tridiagonal Hermitian matrix Tk = BH
k Bk . At each step of this iterative method, we may apply a Wilkenson shift
based on the lower-right corner of Tk , as done in Algorithm 4.12. However, instead of explicitly shifting the
matrix Tk at each step, we will apply an implicitly shifted QR iteration, as done in non-symmetric real case
discussed previously and illustrated in Algorithm 4.13 (see also Exercise 4.11). Further, instead of working
on Tk , we will apply the rotations comprising Vk that we would have applied to Tk (via both pre- and postmultiplication, applied using the implicitly shifted QR method) directly to the factor Bk (via postmultiplication,
again using the implicitly shifted QR method), while applying compensating unitary rotations Uk to the factor
Bk (via premultiplication) in order to keep it upper bidiagonal at each step. That is,
Tk+1 = VkH TkVk = VkH BH
k BkVk = Vk Bk UkUk BkVk = Bk+1 Bk+1

where Bk+1 = UkH BkVk .

Note that Bk+1 is upper bidiagonal (by construction), and thus Tk+1 is tridiagonal.
As discussed in detail in the second paragraph of point (iii) on page 102, B may at each step be partitioned
into a block upper triangular form with diagonal blocks B11 , B22 , and B33 , where B22 is unreduced. The
algorithm described above is thus applied25 to the B22 submatrix, not to all of B.
Two more clean up items must be addressed. The first is that, if there is a zero in the lower-right element
of B22 , the entire last column of B22 may be zeroed by postmultiplication by an appropriate sequence of
Givens rotation matrices. Indicated graphically:

























Second, if there is a zero in any other of the diagonal elements of B22 , that entire row of B22 may be zeroed
by premultiplication by an appropriate sequence of Givens rotation matrices. Indicated graphically:






Implementation of all of the steps described above is given in Algorithm 4.17.



25 In order to apply the Implicit Q Theorem (Fact 4.36), the submatrix of T to which the theorem is being applied must be unreduced
(that is, nonzero in its lower subdiagonal); if it isnt, the proof of this theorem breaks down, and in fact the algorithm implementing it
fails. Thus, this partitioning step is essential to the success of the algorithm.


Algorithm 4.16: Compute a bidiagonalization of an m n matrix (cf. Algorithm 4.2).

f u n c t i o n [A, U, V] = B i d i a g o n a l i z a t i o n (A, m, n )
% P r e and p o s t m u l t i p l y an mxn m a t r i x A by a s e q u e n c e o f H o u s e h o l d e r r e f l e c t i o n s
% t o r e d u c e i t t o u p p e r b i d i a g o n a l form B , t h u s co m p u tin g t h e d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=U B VH .
V= ey e ( n , n ) ; U= ey e (m,m ) ;
f o r i = 1 : min (m, n )
i f i <m, [ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e (A( i :m, i ) ) ;
A= R e f l e c t (A, s i g , w , i , m, i , n , L ) ; U= R e f l e c t (U, s i g , w , i , m, 1 , m, R ) ; end
i f i <n , [ s i g , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e (A( i , i + 1 : n ) ) ;
A= R e f l e c t (A, s i g , w , i +1 , n , i , m, R ) ; V= R e f l e c t (V, s i g , w , i +1 , n , 2 , n , R ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B i d i a g o n a l i z a t i o n


Algorithm 4.17: Compute the reduced SVD A = U mr rr (V nr )H .

f u n c t i o n [U, S , V, r ] = SVD( A, t y p e )
% Compute t h e r a n k and r e d u c e d ( by d e f a u l t ) o r c o m p l e t e ( i f t y p e = c o m p l e t e ) SVD o f A .
[m, n ] = s i z e (A ) ; i f m<n , [ V, S , U, r ] =SVD(A ) ; e l s e
t o l =1 e 15; p = 1 ; q=n ; [A, U, V] = B i d i a g o n a l i z a t i o n (A, m, n ) ;
w h i l e q>1
% Note : d i a g o n a l o f B 22 b l o c k e x t e n d s from {p , p } t o {q , q } e l e m e n t s .
i f abs (A( q , q )) < t o l ;
% I f n e c e s s a r y , z e r o o u t l a s t column . . .
f o r i =q 1: 1:1;
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( c o n j (A( i , i ) ) , c o n j (A( i , q ) ) ) ;
[A] = R o t a t e (A, c , s , i , q , max ( i 1 , 1 ) , i , R ) ; [V] = R o t a t e (V, c , s , i , q , 1 , n , R ) ;
f o r k=q 1: 1:p , i f abs (A( k , k )) < t o l , A( k , k ) = 0 ;
% . . . o r z e r o o u t an i n t e r m e d i a t e row .
f o r j =k + 1 : q ,
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te (A( j , j ) ,A( k , j ) ) ;
[A] = R o t a t e (A, c , s , j , k , j , min ( j +1 , q ) , L ) ; [U] = R o t a t e (U, c , s , j , k , 1 ,m, R ) ;
end , end ,
% Compute p and q
f o r i = 1 : n 1; i f abs (A( i , i +1)) < t o l ( abs (A( i , i ) ) + abs (A( i +1 , i + 1 ) ) ) ; A( i , i + 1 ) = 0 ; end ; end
q = 1 ; f o r i =n 1: 1:1; i f A( i , i + 1 ) = 0 , q= i + 1 ; break , end , end , i f q ==1 , c o n t i n u e , end
p = 1 ; f o r i =q 1: 1:1; i f A( i , i +1 ) ==0 , p= i + 1 ; break , end , end
dp =A( p , p ) ; dm=A( q 1 ,q 1 ) ; dq =A( q , q ) ; f p =A( p , p + 1 ) ; fm=A( q 1 ,q ) ;
% W ilk en s o n s h i f t o f
bq = r e a l ( dq ) 2 + imag ( dq ) 2 + r e a l ( fm ) 2 + imag ( fm ) 2 ; aq =(dm ) c o n j ( fm ) ; % T=B { 2 2 } H B { 2 2 } .
i f q >2, f l =A( q 2 ,q 1 ) ; bm= r e a l ( dm ) 2 + imag ( dm ) 2 + r e a l ( f l ) 2 + imag ( f l ) 2 ;
else ,
bm= r e a l ( dm ) 2 + imag ( dm ) 2 ; end
t = r e a l ( bmbq ) / 2 . ; mu=bq+ t s i g n ( t ) s q r t ( t t + c o n j ( aq ) aq ) ;
% S e t up f i r s t r o t a t i o n
f = r e a l ( dp ) 2 + imag ( dp )2 mu ; g=dp c o n j ( f p ) ;
% using t h i s s h i f t .
f o r i =p : q1
% Then a p p l y i m p l i c i t Q t o r e t u r n t h e
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( f , g ) ;
% B 22 m a t r i x t o u p p e r b i d i a g o n a l form .
[A] = R o t a t e (A, c , s , i , i +1 ,max ( p , i 1) , i +1 , R ) ; [V] = R o t a t e ( V, c , s , i , i + 1 , 1 , n , R ) ;
f =A( i , i ) ; g=A( i +1 , i ) ;
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( f , g ) ;
[A] = R o t a t e (A, c , s , i , i +1 , i , min ( i +2 , q ) , L ) ;
[U] = R o t a t e ( U, c , s , i , i + 1 , 1 ,m, R ) ;
i f i<q 1 , f = c o n j (A( i , i + 1 ) ) ; g= c o n j (A( i , i + 2 ) ) ; end
s = d i a g (A ) ; [ s c r a t c h , i n d e x ] = s o r t ( abs ( s ) ) ; j = s q r t ( 1 ) ;
i f i s r e a l ( s ) , f o r i = 1 : n , i f s ( i ) <0 , V ( : , i )=V ( : , i ) ; end , end
% R o t a t e t o make s ( i ) >0.
else ,
f o r i = 1 : n , U ( : , i ) =U ( : , i ) exp ( j a t a n 2 ( imag ( s ( i ) ) , r e a l ( s ( i ) ) ) ) ; end , end
s = abs ( s ) ; f o r r =n : 1 : 1 , i f s ( i n d e x ( r )) >1 e 7 , break , end , end
% Compute r a n k .
i f i s r e a l (A ) , U= r e a l (U ) ; V= r e a l (V ) ; end
i f ( n a rg in ==2 & t y p e == c o m p l e t e ) , S= d i a g ( s ) ;
e l s e , S= d i a g ( s ( i n d e x ( 1 : r ) ) ) ; U=U ( : , i n d e x ( 1 : r ) ) ; V=V ( : , i n d e x ( 1 : r ) ) ; end % A r r a n g e S , U, V .
end % f u n c t i o n SVD



4.4.8 Decompositions related to Gaussian elimination: LDM H , LDLH , and Cholesky

In the course of solving Ax = b via Gaussian elimination in 2.2, a few useful matrix decompositions were
already encountered. In 2.2.1, we presented a step-by-step procedure to construct an LU decomposition,
A = LU, where L is unit lower triangular and U is upper triangular, assuming that A is nonsingular and
row swaps are not required in the Gaussian elimination procedure. If row swaps were required (2.2.2), we
accounted for them with the permutaion matrix P such that A = PLU. If column swaps were also incorporated
(2.2.3), we accounted for them with the permutation matrix Q such that A = PLUQT .
We now discuss a few different ways to reexpress such decompositions, assuming A is nonsingular and
focusing for the remainder of this section (for simplicity) on the case with P = Q = I.
Starting from the LU decomposition A = LU (if it exists; see, for example, Facts 2.2 & 4.31) of a
square nonsingular matrix A, and defining D = diag(u11 , u22 , . . . , unn ), noting that D is nonsingular with
D1 = diag(u1
11 , u22 , . . . , unn ), we may write A = LDM where M = D U is unit upper triangular.
Fact 4.41 If A is nonsingular and its LU decomposition exists (with L unit lower triangular and U upper
triangular), then the LU decomposition is unique.
Proof : If A is nonsingular, then |A| 6= 0, and thus, by Property 5 of the determinant, |L| 6= 0 and |U| 6= 0, so
L and U are nonsingular as well. Assume L1U1 and L2U2 are two LU decompositions of A. Then L1U1 =
L2U2 L1
2 L1 = U2U1 . As L2 L1 is unit lower triangular and U2U1 is upper triangular and these two
expressions are equal, they must equal the identity matrix. Thus L2 = L1 and U2 = U1 .

Fact 4.42 If A is nonsingular and Hermitian and A = LDM H where L and M are unit lower triangular and
D is diagonal, then L = M (that is, A = LDLH ) and D is real.
Proof : If A is Hermitian (AH = A) and decomposed such that A = LDM H , it follows that MDH LH = LDM H .
Note that both MDH LH and LDM H are LDM H decompositions of A. Thus, by the uniqueness of the LDM H
decomposition [which follows directly from the uniqueness of the LU decomposition (Fact 4.41) from which
the LDM H decomposition is derived], M = L and DH = D (that is, D is real).

If A > 0, then by Facts 4.42 and 4.30 we may write A = LDLH where D is diagonal with positive diagonal
1/2 1/2
elements. Thus, given an LU decomposition of A, defining D1/2 = diag(u11 , u22 , . . . , unn ) and G = LD1/2 ,
we obtain the Cholesky decomposition A = GG , where G is lower triangular. Alternatively, given a QR
decomposition of B, BH B = (QR)H QR = RH R, and thus the Cholesky decomposition of A = (BH B) is given
by A = GGH with G = RH .
Direct determination of the Cholesky decomposition
If A > 0, rather than performing Gaussian elimination on A and then backing out G = LD1/2 afterwards, or
determining the QR decomposition of B [where A = (BH B)] and then taking G = RH , we may instead leverage
the Hermitian positive definite structure of A to determine the Cholesky decomposition directly.
Consider again the decomposition of the Hermitian positive definite matrix A given by (4.24)


0 1
1 vH
1 =
1 /1 = G
1 A 1 G H
A= 1
v 1 / 1 I 0 B1 v 1 v H
v 1 B1
1 /1

recalling that 1 > 0, B1 > 0, 1 = 1 , and A2 = B1 v1vH

1 /1 > 0.
Since A2 > 0, the above decomposition may be used to reduce A2 in a similar fashion, that is, A2 =

G 2 A 2 G H
2 , where A2 = diag[1, A3 ]. This process may be repeated, ultimately providing the decomposition

I(k1)(k1) 0
A = G1 G2 Gn GH

and G = G1 G2 Gn .
2 1
G k
As they are each built from identity matrices with one column changed, the product of the Gi matrices
collapses into a single matrix, as implemented in Algorithm 4.18, costing only (n3 /3) flops.

Algorithm 4.18: Compute the full Cholesky decomposition A = GGH of some A > 0.
f u n c t i o n [A] = C h o l e s k y ( A, n )
% Compute t h e f u l l C h o l e s k y d e c o m p o s i t i o n A=GGH o f some A>0.
for i =1: n
A( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) =A( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n)A( i + 1 : n , i ) A( i + 1 : n , i ) . / A( i , i ) ;
A( i , i ) = s q r t (A( i , i ) ) ; A( i + 1 : n , i ) =A( i + 1 : n , i ) / A( i , i ) ; A( i , i + 1 : n ) = 0 ;
end % f u n c t i o n C h o l e s k y


Algorithm 4.19: Approximate the Cholesky decomposition while maintaining the sparsity of A in G.
f u n c t i o n [A] = C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e (A, n )
% Compute t h e i n c o m p l e t e C h o l e s k y d e c o m p o s i t i o n GGH o f some A>0.
for i =1: n
f o r j = i + 1 : n , f o r k= i + 1 : n ,
i f (A( j , k ) = 0 ) A( j , k ) =A( j , k)A( j , i ) A( k , i ) . / A( i , i ) ; end ;
end ; end ;
A( i , i ) = s q r t (A( i , i ) ) ;
f o r j = i + 1 : n , i f (A( j , i ) = 0 ) A( j , i ) =A( j , i ) / A( i , i ) ; end ; end ;
A( i , i + 1 : n ) = 0 ;
end % f u n c t i o n C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e

Algorithm 4.20: Test the Incomplete Cholesky code on a sparse matrix given by the identity matrix minus a
second-order-accurate finite-difference discretization of the 2D Laplacian, as given in (1.6).
% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e T e s t > C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e T e s t </a>
d i s p ( Now t e s t i n g C h o l e s k y & C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e on a s p a r s e A>0. )
n = 5 ; m= 5 ; c = . 0 1 ; A= z e r o s (mn ,m n ) ; C=c d i a g ( o n e s ( n , 1 ) , 0 ) ;
B=(1+4 c ) d i a g ( o n e s ( n , 1 ) , 0 ) c d i a g ( o n e s ( n 1 ,1) , 1) c d i a g ( o n e s ( n 1 , 1 ) , 1 ) ;
f o r i = 0 :m1 , A( i n + 1 : ( i +1 ) n , i n + 1 : ( i +1 ) n ) =B ; end
f o r i = 0 :m2 , j = i + 1 ; k= i + 2 ; A( i n + 1 : j n , j n + 1 : k n ) =C ; A( j n + 1 : k n , i n + 1 : j n ) =C ; end
A ( 1 : n , ( m1) n + 1 :m n ) =C ; A ( ( m1)n + 1 :mn , 1 : n ) =C ; n=n m;
format + ; A
G f u l l = C h o l e s k y ( A, n )
% Gfull l o s e s the s p a r s i t y s t r u c t u r e of A.
Ginc = C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e (A, n ) % Ginc r e t a i n s t h e s p a r s i t y s t r u c t u r e o f A .
Gdiag = d i a g ( s q r t ( d i a g (A ) ) )
% Gdiag i s j u s t t h e s q u a r e r o o t o f t h e d i a g o n a l o f A .
format s h o r t ;
normA = norm (A) ,
d i s p ( T h i s i s a m eas u r e o f A . )
e r r o r G f u l l = norm ( G f u l l G f u l l A) , d i s p ( T h i s i s n e a r z e r o , i n d i c a t i n g C h o l e s k y .m works . )
e r r o r G d i a g = norm ( Gdiag Gdiag A) , d i s p ( Gdiag i s a z e r o t h o r d e r a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f G f u l l . )
e r r o r G i n c = norm ( Ginc Ginc A) ,
d i s p ( Ginc i s a much b e t t e r a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f G f u l l . )
disp ( )
% end s c r i p t C h o l e s k y I n c o m p l e t e T e s t

Approximating the Cholesky decomposition of sparse matrices

In general, the Cholesky factor G does not retain the sparsity structure of the original matrix A. However, if A
is diagonally dominant, it is found, following Algorithm 4.18, that those elements of G corresponding to the
zero elements of A are often nearly zero. As a heuristic, we may thus construct an approximate Cholesky
decomposition of A by essentially the same algorithm, but touching only the nonzero elements of A and
thereby retaining the sparsity structure of A, as implemented in Algorithm 4.19. As illustrated by the test
script provided in Algorithm 4.20, this approach often gives a good approximation of the Cholesky factor
of A without much computational effort. Note that any large scale implementation of this algorithm should,
of course, loop through only the nonzero elements of A, as stored in vectors instead of a sparse matrix, thus
skipping the time consuming if statements present in the sample code given in Algorithm 4.19.



4.5 Efficient solution of some important matrix equations

We now consider the solution of the unknown, X, in the (as in, forward-marching) controllability
and (as in, forward-marching) observability forms of the differential Lyapunov equation (DLE)
= AX + XAH + Q,

= AH X + XA + Q,

and their steady-state solutions satisfying the continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equation (CALE)
0 = AX + XAH + Q,

0 = AH X + XA + Q,

the generalization of the CALE known as the Sylvester equation

0 = AX XB C,
and the (as in 21.1.2, backward-marching) control and (as in 21.1.4, forward-marching) estimation forms
of the differential Riccati equation (DRE)

= AX + XAH XSX + Q

= AH X + XA XSX + Q,

and their steady-state solutions satisfying the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE)
0 = AH X + XA XSX + Q,

0 = AX + XAH XSX + Q.

We similarly consider the solution of the unknown, X, in the (as in ??, forward-marching) reachability and
(as in ??, forward-marching) observability forms of the Lyapunov difference equation (LDE)
Xk+1 = FXk F H + Q,

Xk+1 = F H Xk F + Q,

and their steady-state solutions satisfying the discrete-time algebraic Lyapunov equation (DALE)
X = FXF H + Q,

X = F H XF + Q,

the generalization of the DALE known as the Stein equation

X = AH XB + C,
and the (as in 21.2.2, backward-marching) control and (as in 21.2.4, forward-marching) estimation forms
of the Riccati difference equation (RDE)
Xk1 = F H Xk (I + SXk )1 F + Q,

Xk+1 = F(I + SXk )1 Xk F H + Q,

and their steady-state solutions satisfying the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE)
X = F H X(I + SX)1F + Q,

X = F(I + SX)1XF H + Q.

The DLE, CALE, DRE, and CARE arise in the analysis, control, & estimation of continuous-time systems,
whereas the LDE, DALE, RDE, and DARE arise in the analysis, control, & estimation of discrete-time
systems. The DLE, DRE, LDE, and RDE may be solved simply by marching (applying, for the DLE and DRE,
the appropriate time-marching techniques from 10), whereas all of the other equations above may be solved
by clever application of the Schur decomposition, thus illustrating the power of this representation. Some
of these algorithms require the eigenvalues on the main diagonal of T in the relevant Schur decomposition
to be ordered in a particular way; this section thus concludes with an algorithm (based, in fact, on repeated
computations of small Sylvester equations) to reorder the Schur decomposition in any desired fashion.

Algorithm 4.21: Solve the CALE, AX + XAH + Q = 0.

f u n c t i o n X=CALE(A, Q)
% Compute t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s A X + X A + Q = 0 f o r f u l l A and H e r m i t i a n Q .
n= l e n g t h (A ) ; [U, T] = S ch u r ( A ) ; A0=T ; Q0=U QU ; X0=CALEtri ( A0 , Q0 , n ) ; X=UX0U ;
end % f u n c t i o n CALE
f u n c t i o n X=CALEtri (A , Q, n )
% Compute t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s A X + X A + Q = 0 f o r lo w er t r i a n g u l a r A and H e r m i t i a n Q .
for i =1: n
X( i , i )
= Q( i , i ) / (A( i , i ) +A( i , i ) ) ;
X( i + 1 : n , i ) = GaussPP (A( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) +A( i , i ) ey e ( ni ) , Q( i + 1 : n , i )X( i , i ) A( i + 1 : n , i ) , ni ) ;
X( i , i + 1 : n ) = X( i + 1 : n , i ) ;
Q( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) = Q( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) + A( i + 1 : n , i ) X( i + 1 : n , i ) + X( i + 1 : n , i ) A( i + 1 : n , i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n CALEtri

4.5.1 Solving the DLE and CALE

As developed in, the controllability form of the differential Lyapunov equation (DLE) is
= AX + XAH + Q


for given A, Q 0, and X(0) 0. Solutions X(t) of this equation are Hermitian for all t, and may easily
be marched forward in time using the techniques discussed in 10. The observability form of the DLE is
analogous, and may be marched forward in time in a similar fashion. The steady-state solution of (4.40), with
dX/dt = 0, satisfies the continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equation (CALE)
0 = AX + XAH + Q.


The solution of the CALE may be found by marching (4.40) forward in time to steady state, or determined diH
rectly by performing the Schur decomposition AH = UAH
0 U for upper-triangular on A0 (that is, A = UA0U
for lower-triangular A0 ), defining Q0 = U QU and X0 = U XU, and substituting into (4.41), resulting in
0 = A0 X0 + X0AH
0 + Q0 ,


where A0 is lower triangular and Q0 is Hermitian. Partitioning A0 , X0 , and Q0 according to

x xH
1 , Q = q1 q1 ,
, X0 = 1
A0 = 1
q1 Q 1
x1 X1
a 1 A1
it follows immediately from (4.42) that
x1 = q1 /(a1 + a1 ),
(A1 + a1 I)x1 = q1 x1 a1 ,

0 = A1 X1 + X1 AH
1 + Q1 ,


where Q1 = Q 1 + a1 xH
1 + x1 a1 .


After x1 is determined from (4.43a) and x1 is determined (using Gaussian elimination) from (4.43b), the
remaining problem to be solved for X1 , (4.43c), is identical to (4.42) but of order (n 1) (n 1). Thus, the
process of partitioning Ak , Xk , and Qk and solving for the element and vector in the first column of Xk may be
repeated on progressively smaller matrices, ultimately building the entire Hermitian matrix X0 , from which
it follows that X = UX0U H . Efficient implementation of these equations is provided in Algorithm 4.21. The
observability form of the CALE may be solved with the same code, called appropriately.



Algorithm 4.22: Solve the Sylvester equation AX XB = gC.

f u n c t i o n X= S y l v e s t e r (A, B , C , g , m, n )
% Compute t h e X=X ( mxn ) t h a t s a t i s f i e s A X X B = g C , where A=A (mxm) , B=B ( nxn ) , and
% C=C ( mxn ) a r e f u l l and g i s a s c a l e r w i t h 0 < g <= 1 .
[U, A0] = S ch u r (A ) ; [ V, B0 ] = S ch u r (B ) ; C0=U CV; X0= S y l v e s t e r T r i ( A0 , B0 , C0 , g , m, n ) ; X=UX0V ;
end % f u n c t i o n S y l v e s t e r
f u n c t i o n X= S y l v e s t e r T r i ( A, B , C , g , m, n )
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% Compute t h e X=X ( mxn ) t h a t s a t i s f i e s A X X B = g C , where A=A (mxm) and B=B ( nxn ) a r e
% u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r , g i s a s c a l e r w i t h 0 < g <= 1 , and C=C ( mxn ) i s f u l l .
f o r b=m: 1:max ( 1 ,mn + 1 ) ;
s =mb + 1 ;
% b= i n i t i a l l y b i g in d ex , s = i n i t i a l l y s m a l l i n d e x
X( b , s )
= gC ( b , s ) / (A( b , b)B ( s , s ) ) ;
X ( 1 : b 1 , s )
= (A ( 1 : b 1 , 1 : b1)B ( s , s ) ey e ( b 1 ,b 1)) \ ( g C ( 1 : b 1 , s )A ( 1 : b 1 , b ) X( b , s ) ) ;
X( b , s + 1 : n )
= ( g C ( b , s + 1 : n ) +X( b , s ) B ( s , s + 1 : n ) ) / (A( b , b ) ey e ( ns , ns )B ( s + 1 : n , s + 1 : n ) ) ;
C ( 1 : b 1 , s + 1 : n ) = C ( 1 : b 1 , s + 1 : n ) + (X ( 1 : b 1 , s ) B ( s , s + 1 : n)A ( 1 : b 1 ,b ) X( b , s + 1 : n ) ) / g ;
end % f u n c t i o n S y l v e s t e r T r i Solving the Sylvester equation

The CALE is a special case of the Sylvester equation


for the unknown Xmn given Amm , Bnn and Cmn . As we now show, similar techniques to those seen in the
previous section may be used to solve this more general form. We begin by performing the Schur decompositions A = UA0U H and B = V B0V H and defining C0 = U H CV and X0 = U H XV , thereby transforming (4.44)
to the form
A0 X0 X0B0 = C0 .
where A0 and B0 are upper triangular. Partitioning A0 , X0 , B0 , and C0 according to

b1 bH
x1 X1
A1 a 1
, C0 = 1
, B0 =
, X0 =
A0 =
x1 y H
0 a1


it follows immediately from (4.45) that

x1 = c1 /(a1 b1),


(A1 b1 I)x1 = c1 x1 a1 ,

1 (a1 I B1 )


A1 X1 X1B1 = C1 ,

+ x1 bH
where C1 = C1 + x1 bH
1 a1 y1 .


After x1 is determined from (4.46a) and x1 and y1 are determined (using Gaussian elimination) from (4.46b)
and (4.46c), the remaining problem to be solved for X1 , (4.46d), is identical to (4.45) but of order (n 1)
(n 1). Thus, the process of partitioning Ak , Xk , Bk , and Ck and solving for the element and vectors in the first
column and last row of Xk may be repeated on progressively smaller matrices, ultimately building the entire
Hermitian matrix X0 , from which it follows that X = UX0V H . Efficient implementation of these equations is
provided in Algorithm 4.22 where, for later convenience, we have scaled all components of C by a scalar g.


4.5.2 Solving the DRE and CARE

As developed in 21.1.2, the block system arising from the continuous-time optimal control problem may be
written in the form

= Hz where H = H2n2n =
where S 0, Q 0, and H is Hamiltonian (see Figure 4.4a and Fact 4.32). Assuming r = Xx for some
X = X(t) (which we will seek to determine) and inserting this assumed form of the solution into the above to
eliminate r, combining rows to eliminate dx/dt, factoring out x to the right, and requiring that the resulting
equation holds for all x0 , it follows that X obeys the control form of the differential Riccati equation (DRE)

= AH X + XA XSX + Q.


Starting from Hermitian terminal conditions, solutions X(t) of this equation are Hermitian for all t, and may
easily be marched backward in time using the techniques discussed in 10. The estimation form of the DRE
is analogous, and may be marched forward in time in a similar fashion.
It is easily verified that H is Hamiltonian (see and thus satisfies the symmetric root property
(Fact 4.32); that is, for every eigenvalue of H in the LHP, there is a corresponding eigenvalue of H in the
RHP. [We assume that H has no eigenvalues on the imaginary axis.] In other words, the vector space Z that
z belongs to can be divided into two subspaces, a stable subspace Zs and an unstable subspace Zu . For any
z Zs , z(t) decays exponentially as t .
We now seek to find an appropriate relation r = Xx that restricts the evolution of z in (4.47) to the stable
subspace z Zs . In terms of the DRE (4.48), we seek the (finite) constant value of X that (4.48) marches to
as t , thereby satisfying the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE)
0 = AH X + XA XSX + Q.


The solution of the CARE may be found by marching (4.48) backward in time to steady state, or determined
directly via eigen or Schur decomposition of H, as discussed in the following two subsections.
Approach based on eigen decomposition
Assume first that an eigen decomposition of H is available such that


H = SS1 where S = 11
= s1 s2 . . . sn

and s = i ,

where the eigenvalues of H on the main diagonal of diagonal matrix are enumerated such that the LHP
eigenvalues appear first, followed by the RHP eigenvalues. Defining y = S1 z, it follows from (4.47) that
dy/dt = y. The stable solution of y are thus spanned by the first n columns of (that is, they are nonzero
only in the first n elements of y). Since z = Sy, it follows that the stable solutions of z are spanned by the
first n columns of S. To achieve stability of z via the relation r = Xx for each of these directions, denoted si
and decomposed as shown above, we must have ri = Xxi for i = 1 . . . n. Assembling these equations in matrix
form, we have

r1 r2 . . . rn = X x1 x2 . . . xn S21 = XS11.
Unfortunately, an eigen decomposition of H is not always available, and even when it is, it turns out that
S11 will be nearly singular when H is nearly defective. Thus, in general, solution of the CARE via eigen
decomposition is not recommended in practice; the method described in the followed section is preferred.

Algorithm 4.23: Solve the CARE, AH X + XA XSX + Q = 0.

View f u n c t i o n X=CARE (A, S , Q)

Test % T h i s f u n c t i o n f i n d s t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s A X + X A X S X + Q = 0 , w i t h Q >= 0 , S >= 0 .
% D e f i n i n g S=B R{ 1} B , we a l s o assume (A, B ) i s s t a b i l i z a b l e and (A, Q) i s d e t e c t a b l e .
n= s i z e (A , 1 ) ; [U, T] = S ch u r ( [ A S ; Q A ] ) ;
[U, T] = R e o r d e r S c h u r (U , T , l h p ) ; X=GaussPP (U ( 1 : n , 1 : n ) ,U( n +1 :2 n , 1 : n ) , n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n CARE

Approach based on Schur decomposition

Now assume that a Schur decomposition of H is available such that


H = UTU H where U = 11
= u1 u2 . . . un

and ui =



where the eigenvalues of H on the main diagonal of the upper triangular matrix T are enumerated such that the
LHP eigenvalues appear first, followed by the RHP eigenvalues. Defining y = U H z, it follows from (4.47) that
dy/dt = T y. Again, the stable solution of y are spanned by the first n columns of T (that is, they are nonzero
only in the first n elements of y). Since z = Uy, it follows that the stable solutions of z are spanned by the
first n columns of U. To achieve stability of z via the relation r = Xx for each of these directions, denoted ui
and decomposed as shown above, we must have ri = Xxi for i = 1 . . . n. Assembling these equations in matrix
form, we have

r1 r2 . . . rn = X x1 x2 . . . xn U21 = XU11 X = U21U 1 .

In order for the last relation to be solvable for the unknown X, we must assume that U11 is nonsingular. To
summarize, the CARE (4.49) is solvable via the above approach under the following two assumptions:
the matrix H [see (4.47)] has no eigenvalues on the imaginary axis, and
the upper-left factor U11 [see (4.50a)] in the ordered Schur decomposition of H is nonsingular.

Precise conditions under which these two assumptions are guaranteed to be satisfied are discussed in 21.
As opposed to the eigen decomposition, the Schur decomposition is guaranteed to exist (Fact 4.14), and
reliable algorithms to compute it are well developed (see 4.4.5). Thus, the Schur decomposition approach
discussed here is the preferred approach for solving the CARE, as implemented in Algorithm 4.23.
The estimation form of the CARE may be solved with the same code, called appropriately.
The Chandrasekhar method for approximate solution of K and L
As derived in 21.1.2 and 21.1.4, the control and estimation forms of the DRE are used to determine the state
feedback control matrix K and the output injection matrix L as follows:

= AH X(t) + X(t)A X(t)BQ1
u B X(t) + Qx
= AP(t) + P(t)AH P(t)CH Q1
2 CP(t) + Q1


X(T ) = QT , K(t) = Q1
u BX(t), (4.51a)


P(0) = P0 , L(t) = P(t)CH Q1

2 , (4.51b)

where X = Xnn , P = Pnn, K = Kmu n , and L = Lnmy , where n is the state dimension, mu is the control dimension, and my is the measurement dimension. If n mu and n my , which is typical in highdimensional systems (that is, when n 1), then solving Riccati equations for the n n matrices X and P in

order to compute the mu n matrix K and the n my matrix L is inefficient, as this approach computes enormous n n Riccati matrices only to take narrow slices of these matrices to determine the desired feedback
matrices K and L. Chandrasekhars method (Kailath 1973) addresses this inefficiency in a clever way.
To be specific, consider the DRE for the estimator, as given in (4.51b) [the DRE for the feedback control
problem in (4.51a) may be addressed in a similar fashion, as considered in Exercise 4.12]. Chandrasekhars
method solves an evolution equation for a low-dimensional factored form of dP(t)/dt and another evolution
equation for L(t). To this end, define
= Y1Y1H Y2Y2H = Y HY ,

Y = Y1

Y2 ,




where the number of columns of Y1 and Y2 are the number of positive and negative eigenvalues of (dP/dt),
respectively, retained in the approximation. Differentiating (4.51b) with respect to time and inserting dP/dt =
Y HY , assuming {A, B,C, Q1 , Q2 } are LTI, it is easily verified that the following set of equations are equivalent to (4.51b), but much cheaper to compute if the factors Y1 and Y2 are low rank:
= Y (t)HY H (t)CH Q2 1 , L(0) = P(0)CH Q2 1 ,
dY (t)
= [A + L(t)C]Y (t) ,
Y (0)HY (0) =
dt t=0

where dP/dt|t=0 is determined from the original DRE (4.51b) evaluated at t = 0, and Y (0) is determined by
its factorization. Note that Chandrasekhars method may be used either to approximate the (time-accurate)
solution of the original DRE (4.51b), or simply marched to steady state to obtain the solution of the corresponding continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation.

4.5.3 Solving the LDE and DALE

As developed in ??, the reachability form of the Lyapunov difference equation (LDE) is
Xk+1 = FXk F H + Q


for given F, Q 0, and X0 0. Solutions Xk of this equation are Hermitian for all k, and may easily be
marched forward in k. The observability form of the LDE is analogous, and may be marched forward in k in
a similar fashion. The steady-state solution of (4.52), with Xk+1 = Xk , satisfies the discrete-time algebraic
Lyapunov equation (DALE)
X = FXF H + Q
The solution of the DALE may be found by marching (4.52) forward in k to steady state, or determined
directly, following an analogous procedure as that in 4.5.1, by performing a Schur decomposition F H =
UF0H U H , for upper-triangular on F0H (that is, F = UF0U H for lower-triangular F0 ), defining Q0 = U H QU and
X0 = U H XU, and substituting into (4.53), leading to
X0 = F0 X0 F0H + Q0


where F0 is lower triangular and Q0 is Hermitian. Partitioning F0 , X0 , and Q0 according to

F0 = 1


X0 = 1

1 ,

Q0 = 1

1 ,
Q 1

Algorithm 4.24: Solve the DALE, X = FXF H + Q.

View f u n c t i o n X=DALE( F , Q)
Test % Compute t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s X = F X F H + Q f o r f u l l F and H e r m i t i a n Q .

n= l e n g t h ( F ) ; [U, T] = S ch u r ( F ) ; F0=T ; Q0=U QU ; X0=DALEtri ( F0 , Q0 , n ) ; X=UX0U ;

end % f u n c t i o n DALE
f u n c t i o n X=DALEtri ( F , Q, n )
% Compute t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s X = F H X F + Q f o r lo w er t r i a n g u l a r F and H e r m i t i a n Q .
f o r i = 1 : n , f =F ( i , i ) ;
X( i , i )
= Q( i , i ) / (1 f f ) ;
X( i + 1 : n , i ) = GaussPP ( ey e ( ni ) f F ( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) , Q( i + 1 : n , i ) + f X( i , i ) F ( i + 1 : n , i ) , ni ) ;
X( i , i + 1 : n ) = X( i + 1 : n , i ) ;
Q( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) = Q( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) + X( i , i ) F ( i + 1 : n , i ) F ( i + 1 : n , i ) + . . .
+ F ( i + 1 : n , i ) (X( i , i + 1 : n ) F ( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) ) + ( F ( i + 1 : n , i + 1 : n ) X( i + 1 : n , i ) ) F ( i + 1 : n , i ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n DALEtri

it follows immediately from (4.54) that

x1 = q1 /(1 f1 f 1 ),


(I f1 F1 )x1 = q1 + f1 x1 f1 ,
X1 =

F1 X1 F1H

+ Q1


where Q1 =

Q 1 + x1 f1 fH

+ f1(xH
1 F1 ) + (F1 x1 )f1 .


After x1 is determined from (4.55a) and x1 is determined (using Gaussian elimination) from (4.55b), the
remaining problem to be solved for X1 , (4.55c), is identical to (4.54) but of order (n 1) (n 1). Thus, the
process of partitioning Fk , Xk , and Qk and solving for the element and vector in the first column of Xk may be
repeated on progressively smaller matrices, ultimately building the entire Hermitian matrix X0 , from which
we may determine X = UX0U H . Efficient implementation of these equations is provided in Algorithm 4.24.
The observability form of the DALE may be solved with the same code, called appropriately.
Extension of the above approach to the Stein equation X = AH XB + C is similar to the extension from
the CALE to the Sylvester equation (see, and is addressed in Exercise 4.14.

4.5.4 Solving the RDE and DARE

As developed in 21.2.2, the block system arising from the discrete-time optimal control problem may be
written in the form


zk+1 = M zk
F 1 S
, (4.56)
, M=
, M =
QF 1 F H + QF 1 S
zk1 = M 1 zk
where S 0, Q 0, and M is symplectic (see Figure 4.4b and Fact 4.33). Assuming rk = Xk xk and inserting
this assumed form of the solution into the second form at left above to eliminate r, combining rows to
eliminate xk1 , factoring out xk to the right of the entire equation, noting that the resulting equation holds
for all xk , and simplifying algebraically (see Exercise 4.15), it follows that Xk obeys a Riccati difference
equation (RDE) that may be written
Xk1 = F H Xk (I + SXk )1 F + Q.


Under the assumption that X is invertible, noting that XY 1 = (Y X 1 )1 , the RDE (4.57a) may be written in
the form
Xk1 = F H (Xk1 + S)1F + Q.

Under the assumption that S = GR1 GH for some G and some R > 0, but not assuming that X is invertible,
noting the matrix inversion lemma (Fact 1.9), the RDE (4.57a) may be written in the form
Xk1 = F H Xk F F H Xk G(R + GH Xk G)1 GH Xk F + Q.


Starting from Hermitian terminal conditions, solutions Xk of this RDE (in any of the above three forms)
are Hermitian for all k [a fact particularly easy to see in (4.57b) and (4.57c)], and may easily be marched
backward in k (see Algorithm 4.25). The estimation forms of the RDE are analogous (see Exercise 4.15), and
may be marched forward in k in a similar fashion.
It is easily verified that M is symplectic (see and thus satisfies the reciprocal root property (Fact
4.33); that is, for every eigenvalue of M inside the unit circle, there is a corresponding eigenvalue of M outside
the unit circle. [We assume that M has no eigenvalues on the unit circle.] In other words, the vector space Z
that z belongs to can be divided into two subspaces, a stable subspace Zs and an unstable subspace Zu . For
any z Zs , zk decays exponentially as k .
We now seek to find an appropriate relation rk = X xk that restricts the evolution of zk in (4.56) to the
stable subspace z Zs . In terms of the RDE (4.57), we seek the (finite) constant-in-k value of X that (4.57a)
marches to as k , thereby satisfying the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE)
X = F H X(I + SX)1F + Q.


The solution of the DARE may be found by marching one of the three forms of (4.57) backward in k to steady
state, or determined directly via Schur decomposition of M: first decompose

where U =
where the eigenvalues of M on the main diagonal of the upper triangular matrix T are enumerated such that
those eigenvalues inside the unit circle appear first, followed by those eigenvalues outside the unit circle.
Following the same line of reasoning as in 4.5.2, the resulting expression for X is given by
U21 = XU11

X = U21U11


as implemented in Algorithm 4.26.

The doubling algorithm for solution of the DARE
Starting at k = 0 without loss of generality (WLOG), the second form at left in (4.56), over 1 timestep, is
written z1 = M 1 z0 . Over 2 time steps, we may write z2 = M 2 z0 , and over n = 2 time steps, we may
write zn = M n z0 where, as easily verified, M k M k = M 2k may be written as follows:

Fk1 Sk
Fk1 Sk

Q2k F2k
F2k + Q2k F2k
Qk Fk1 Fk + Qk Fk1 Sk
Qk Fk1 Fk + Qk Fk1 Sk
where F1 = F, S1 = S, Q1 = Q, and
F2k = Fk (I + Sk Qk )1 Fk ,

Q2k = Qk + FkH (I + Qk Sk )1 Qk Fk ,

S2k = Sk + Fk Sk (I + Qk Sk )1 FkH . (4.60b)

As described previously, the (constant-in-k) solution of the DARE is simply the matrix X that, if used
to relate the r and x components of zk such that rk = Xxk , restricts the evolution of zk to the space spanned
by the n stable eigenvectors of M, thus leading to a stable forward-in-k march of the evolution equation in
(4.56). If n linearly-independent z spanning this subspace may be found, then the corresponding X may be

Algorithm 4.25: March the RDE (4.57) a given number of timesteps.


f u n c t i o n X=RDE(X, F , S , Q, n , s t e p s )
% March t h e RDE X {k1} = F X k ( I + S X k ){ 1} F + Q a g i v e n number o f s t e p s .
f o r i t e r = 1 : s t e p s ; X=F X GaussPP ( ey e ( n ) + SX, F , n ) +Q; end
end % f u n c t i o n RDE

Algorithm 4.26: Solve the DARE (4.58) via the Schur-based algorithm.
View f u n c t i o n X=DARE( F , S , Q, n )
Test % F i n d s t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s X = F X ( I + S X){ 1} F + Q, w i t h Q>=0, S>=0, and | F|<>0.
% T h i s co d e u s e s an a p p r o a c h b a s e d on an o r d e r e d S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n .
E= i n v ( F ) ; [ U, T] = S ch u r ( [ F+SEQ SE ; EQ E ] ) ; [U, T] = R e o r d e r S c h u r (U, T , u n i t d i s k ) ;
X=GaussPP (U ( 1 : n , 1 : n ) ,U( n +1 :2 n , 1 : n ) , n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n DARE

Algorithm 4.27: Solve the DARE (4.58) via the doubling algorithm, marching (4.60b) to steady state.

f u n c t i o n Q=DAREdoubling ( F , S , Q, n , s t e p s )
% F i n d s t h e X t h a t s a t i s f i e s X = F X ( I + S X){ 1} F + Q, w i t h Q>=0, S>=0.
% T h i s co d e u s e s an e l e g a n t and e f f i c i e n t a p p r o a c h known a s t h e d o u b l i n g a l g o r i t h m .
for i t e r =1: s t e p s
E= i n v ( ey e ( n ) +QS ) ; Fnew=FE F ; Qnew=Q+F EQF ; S=S+FSEF ; F=Fnew ; Q=Qnew ;
end % f u n c t i o n DAREdoubling

determined simply by partitioning these z into their x and r components, combining these relations into a
single matrix form, then solving for X, as done in (4.59b).
An alternative method of determining n linearly-independent vectors which span the space spanned by
the n stable eigenvectors of M, which bypasses the Schur or eigen decomposition of M, is now described. We
simply initialize several convenient, linearly-independent z0 (that is, several x0 and r0 ) vectors combined into
a single matrix form,
where U0 = I, V0 = 0,
Z0 = 0
then march all of these vectors backward in k using a matrix form of (4.56), Zk1 = M 1 Zk . During this
backward-in-k march, the solution components in the directions of the unstable eigenvectors of M 1 (that is,
the stable eigenvectors of M) grow exponentially, while the the solution components in the directions of the
stable eigenvectors of M 1 (that is, the unstable eigenvectors of M) decay exponentially toward zero. After
marching a sufficient number of steps n such that the latter are negligible, the desired X may be determined
simply by taking X = Vn Un
. Noting further by (4.60a) that, for n = 2 , we may write

Fn1 Sn
Qn Fn1 Fn + Qn Fn1 Sn V0
It follows that Un = Fn1 and Vn = Qn Fn1 , and thus
X = Vn Un
= Qn


for sufficiently large n (see Algorithm 4.27). Since n = 2 grows rapidly with , only a few iterations of
(4.60b) are required to reach convergence. [Note, e.g., that = 10 steps of this algorithm are equivalent to
n = 2 = 1024 steps of Algorithm 4.25!] Convergence of this elegant doubling algorithm is so rapid that it
is often preferred over the Schur-based approach described previously for rapid solution of the DARE.

4.5.5 Reordering the Schur decomposition

The algorithms to solve the CALE [in 4.5.1] and DALE [in 4.5.3] were built on any Schur decomposition
of the matrix Ann , whereas the algorithms to solve the CARE [in 4.5.2] and DARE [in 4.5.4] were built on
appropriately ordered Schur decompositions of, respectively, a 2n 2n Hamiltonian matrix H [see (4.47)] and
2n 2n symplectic matrix M [see (4.56)], where the stable eigenvalues of these ordered Schur decompositions
appear in the first n elements on the main diagonal of T , followed by the unstable eigenvalues in the last n
elements on the main diagonal of T . (Recall that, for the CARE, the stable eigenvalues are in the LHP, whereas
for the DARE, the stable eigenvalues are within the unit disk.) Of course, a general Schur decomposition
algorithm (for example, one based on the QR method described in 4.4.5) will, in general, not return the
elements of T in these desired orderings.
The key building block of an efficient algorithm to accomplish the desired reordering of a Schur decomposition is the computation of a unitary matrix Q such that

Q = 11 12 ,
Q H 11
0 T22
0 T22
where T11 is n1 n1 and T22 is n2 n2 and the matrices T11 , T22 , T11 , and T22 are upper triangular, with
(T11 ) = (T22 ) and (T22 ) = (T11 ). Note that the form on the right is unitarily similar to the form on the
left, though the eigenvalues of the blocks on the main diagonal have been swapped. To build this transformation, consider the identity


I X/g
I X T11 0
T11 T12
0 gI
0 T22 0 I/g
0 T22
for some g between zero and one26 , where X is the solution of the Sylvester equation
g T12 = T11 X XT22,
which may be solved using Algorithm 4.22. Now consider the (complete) QR decomposition


, R = 11 , QH Q = I,
= QR where Q = 11
Q21 Q22



and R11 is upper triangular. This decomposition may be solved efficiently using the methods described in
4.4.2. It follows from (4.63b) that R1
11 = Q21 /g and Q12 = Q12 Q11 R11 Q22 /g. Now multiplying (4.62)
from the left by Q and from the right by Q and applying the relations in (4.63a) and (4.63b), it may be
shown that this value for Q almost accomplishes the swap sought in (4.61), with


R11 T22 R1

H T11 T12
H ,
0 T22
0 B
12 T11 Q12
Note that the block T11 of the matrix so generated is the product of upper triangular matrices, and is thus itself
upper triangular. However, the block B of the matrix generated by this process is not yet upper triangular.
Performing a Schur decomposition of this block, B = V T22V H , finally leads us to the desired form

I 0
where Q = Q
with B = V T22V H .
Q H 11
Q = 11 12
0 T22
0 V
0 T22
26 Note that g is introduced to scale the transformation well for large n when several swaps need to be performed, thereby keeping the
norms of the blocks from getting large as several swaps are performed in succession. Any of a number of heuristic strategies for selecting
g work adequately; for small n, g = 1 is sufficient.


Algorithm 4.28: Reorder the Schur decomposition, putting the stable eigenspace first.

f u n c t i o n [U, T] = R e o r d e r S c h u r (U, T , type , e )

% T h i s f u n c t i o n r e o r d e r s a S ch u r d e c o m p o s i t i o n s u c h t h a t t h e s t a b l e e i g e n v a l u e s a p p e a r
% i n t h e f i r s t n co lu m n s and t h e u n s t a b l e e i g e n v a l u e s a p p e a r i n t h e l a s t n co lu m n s .
n= l e n g t h (U ) ; g = 1 ; p1=n ; p2=n ; p3=n ; % i n i t i a l i z e n , g , and 3 p l a c e h o l d e r s
switch type ( 1 )
case l
% t y p e = lh p f o r c o n t i n u o u s t i m e s y s t e m s ( f i r s t LHP modes , t h e n RHP)
w h i l e p1>0 % ( s t a r t from b o tto m r i g h t and work t o w a r d s u p p e r l e f t )
w h i l e p3>=1 & r e a l ( T ( p3 , p3 ) ) > 0 ; p3=p3 1; end ; p2 =p3 ; i f p3 ==1 , break , end
w h i l e p2>=1 & r e a l ( T ( p2 , p2 ) ) < 0 ; p2=p2 1; end ; p1 =p2 ; i f p2 ==0 , break , end
w h i l e p1>=1 & r e a l ( T ( p1 , p1 ) ) > 0 ; p1=p1 1; end ; [U, T] = BlockSwap (U, T , p1 , p2 , p3 , g ) ;
case u
% t y p e = u n i t d i s k f o r d i s c r e t e t i m e s y s t e m s ( i n s i d e , t h e n o u t s i d e u n i t d i s k )
w h i l e p1>0
w h i l e p3>=1 & abs ( T ( p3 , p3 ) ) > 1 ;
p3=p3 1; end ; p2 =p3 ; i f p3 ==1 , break , end
w h i l e p2>=1 & abs ( T ( p2 , p2 ) ) < 1 ;
p2=p2 1; end ; p1 =p2 ; i f p2 ==0 , break , end
w h i l e p1>=1 & abs ( T ( p1 , p1 ) ) > 1 ;
p1=p1 1; end ; [U, T] = BlockSwap (U, T , p1 , p2 , p3 , g ) ;
case a
% t y p e = a b s o l u t e , t o o r d e r by t h e a b s o l u t e v a l u e o f t h e r e a l p a r t
f o r i =n 1: 1:1 , a= i + 1 ; b=n ;
% ( s e e I n s e r t i o n S o r t .m f o r d e t a i l s )
w h i l e a<b 1; c=a+ f l o o r ( ( ba ) / 2 ) ;
i f abs ( r e a l ( T ( c , c ) ) + e)< abs ( r e a l ( T ( i , i ) ) + e ) , a=c + 1 ; e l s e , b=c 1; end , end
w h i l e a<=b ;
i f abs ( r e a l ( T ( i , i ) ) + e)< abs ( r e a l ( T ( b , b ) ) + e ) , b=b 1; e l s e , a=a + 2 ; end , end
i f b>i , [U, T] = BlockSwap (U, T , i 1 , i , b , g ) ; end % I n s e r t r e c o r d i a t t h e c o r r e c t p o i n t .
end % f u n c t i o n R e o r d e r S c h u r
f u n c t i o n [U, T] = BlockSwap ( U, T , p1 , p2 , p3 , g )
T11=T ( p1 + 1 : p2 , p1 + 1 : p2 ) ; T12=T ( p1 + 1 : p2 , p2 + 1 : p3 ) ; T22=T ( p2 + 1 : p3 , p2 + 1 : p3 ) ; m=p2p1 ; p=p3p2 ;
X= S y l v e s t e r ( T11 , T22 , T12 , g , m, p ) ;
[ R , Q] = QRHouseholder ([ X; g ey e ( s i z e (X , 2 ) , s i z e ( X , 2 ) ) ] ) ;
i f m>1
% make new T22 u p p e r t r i a n g u l a r
Q11=Q ( 1 : m, 1 : p ) ; Q12=Q ( 1 : m, p + 1 : p+m ) ; Q22=Q(m+ 1 :m+p , p + 1 : p+m ) ; R11=R ( 1 : p , 1 : p ) ;
[V, temp ] = S ch u r ( Q12 T11 ( Q12Q11R11 Q22 / g ) ) ; Q ( : , p + 1 : p+m) =Q ( : , p + 1 : p+m) V;
% Q=Q [ e y e ( pxp ) 0 ; 0 V (mxm ) ]
T ( : , p1 + 1 : p3 ) =T ( : , p1 + 1 : p3 ) Q ; T ( p1 + 1 : p3 , : ) = Q T ( p1 + 1 : p3 , : ) ; % P= d i a g [ ey e ( p1 ) , Q, ey e ( np3 ) ]
U ( : , p1 + 1 : p3 ) =U ( : , p1 + 1 : p3 ) Q ;
% T=P TP and U=UP
end % f u n c t i o n BlockSwap

To better understand this result, note that if T12 = 0, the procedure described above leads to X = 0 and R11 = I,
and thus the resulting Q which accomplishes the reordering is simply the permutation matrix

0 I

I 0
The Q defined by the relations given in (4.63) may now be used to swap any two adjacent blocks of a
Schur decomposition A = UTU H . For example, partitioning T and defining P, T and U such that

T00 T01 T02 T03

Q 11 Q 12
T11 T12 T13
, P =
, T = PH T P, U = UP,
T =

T22 T23
Q 21 Q 22

it follows that A = U T U H , where T is upper triangular with the eigenvalues of the T11 and T22 blocks swapped
from those in T11 and T22 . Applying such swaps in succession in a block insertion sort fashion (7.1.2), allows
us to reorder a Schur decomposition in any desired fashion, as implemented in Algorithm 4.28.

4.6 The trace

The trace of a square matrix is the sum of its diagonal elements, and is defined using summation notation as
trace(A) = a j j = (e j )T Ae j .
Based on this definition, is easy to verify that the trace obeys the following:
Fact 4.43 trace(A) = trace(AT ); trace(AB) = ai j b ji = trace(BA) = trace(BT AT ) = trace(AT BT );
trace(ABC) = ai j b jk cki = trace(CAB) = trace(BCA) = trace(CT BT AT ) = trace(AT CT BT ) = trace(BT AT CT ).
By the Schur decomposition theorem (Fact 4.14), A may be decomposed such that A = UTU H , and thus
Fact 4.44 trace(A) = trace(UTU H ) = trace(U H UT ) = trace(T ) = 1 + 2 + . . . + n .
Similarly, trace(Ak ) = trace[(UTU H )k ] = trace[UT kU H ] = trace(U H UT k ) = trace(T k ) = 1k + 2k + . . . + nk .
As discussed further in 6.1, a covariance matrix P is defined as the expected value of the outer product of two vectors. In particular, denoting E [] as the expectation operator indicating the average over a
large number of statistical samples of the quantity in brackets, if we define P = E (xxH ), then it is easy to
verify (noting that both the expectation and the trace are linear operators) that trace(P) = trace(E (xxH )) =
E (trace(xxH )) = E (trace(xH x)) = E (|x1 |2 + |x2|2 + . . . + |xn |2 ); that is, trace(P) is the expected 2-norm, or
energy, of the vector x. Thus, the trace of a covariance matrix is a measure of particular significance.

4.6.1 Identities involving the derivative of the trace of a product

Defining the derivative of a scalar J(X) with respect to the matrix X as

. . . xJ

. ,

. . . xJnn

it follows that the derivative of the trace with respect to a constituent matrix X is easily computed using
summation notation. For example,

ai j x jk bki
= ai j bki jl km = ail bmi
x ji a jk xki
= a jk xki jl im + x ji a jk kl im = alk xkm + a jl x jm

= AT BT ,
trace(X T AX)
= (A + AT )X. (4.64b)

Several alternative forms of the above two identities may be derived by applying Fact 4.43 and setting either
A or B equal to I. The derivative of the trace of other matrix expressions is computed in an analogous fashion.

4.6.2 Computing the sensitivity of an eigenvalue to matrix perturbations

Let A s = s and rTA = rT (that is, akl sl = sk and rk akl = rl ) define the right and left eigenvectors s
and r corresponding to a distinct eigenvalue of the matrix A. The sensitivity of the eigenvalue to an
infinitesimal perturbation of the ai j component of the matrix A is given in summation notation as follows:


sk i
sl + akl
sk +
rk ik jl sl + akl
sk +

akl sl = sk
ai j
ai j
ai j
ai j
ai j
ai j
ai j
ai j
ri s j + (rk akl )


rk sk + ( rl )
ai j
ai j
ai j


ri s j

ai j
rk sk

r sT
= T .
r s


Given a structured perturbation of the matrix A of the form A( ) = B + C + 2 D + . . ., we may write

ri s j
ai j
ci j
ai j
rk sk

rTC s
= T .
r s


4.6.3 Rewriting the characteristic polynomial using the trace

Combining Fact 4.44 with Fact 4.17, we see that the determinant of A is equal to the product of its eigenvalues, whereas the trace of A is equal to the sum of its eigenvalues. Thus, multiplying out the characteristic
polynomial (4.5) of a matrix A, we may write
( 1)( 2) ( n ) = n trace(A) n1 + . . . + (1)k ank nk + . . . + (1)n |A| = 0.


It is easily verified that each coefficient in this polynomial, ank for k = 1, . . . , n, is given by the sum of the
products of all sets of k eigenvalues of the matrix A. For example, in the n = 3 case, we have

3 (1 + 2 + 3 ) 2 + (1 2 + 13 + 2 3 ) 12 3 = 0,
and in the n = 4 case, we have

4 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) 3 +(1 2 + 13 + 1 4 + 23 + 2 4 + 34 ) 2
(1 2 3 + 1 2 4 + 1 3 4 + 2 3 4 ) + 1 2 3 4 = 0.
We now state and prove an intermediate fact that will help us establish a useful formula for the other
coefficients of the characteristic polynomial based on the trace.
Fact 4.45 If pn (z) = zn + an1zn1 + . . . + a1 z + a0 for n 2, then
pn (z) pn ( )
= zn1 + ( + an1)zn2 + ( 2 + an1 + an2)zn1 + . . . + ( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1).
Proof (by induction): The base case n = 2 follows immediately from
p2 (z) p2 ( ) = (z2 + a1 z + a0) ( 2 + a1 + a0) = (z )[z + ( + a1 )].
Assume the theorem holds for order n 1. Now consider the case of order n, and apply the inductive hypothesis to the underbraced term:
pn (z) pn( ) = (zn + an1zn1 + . . . + a1z + a0 ) ( n + an1 n1 + . . . + a1 + a0 )
= z(zn1 + an1zn2 + . . . + a1) ( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1 )

= z[(zn1 + an1zn2 + . . . + a1) ( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1)] + (z )( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1 )

=pn1 (z)pn1 ( )


= z[(z )(z

+ ( + an1)zn3 + . . . + ( n2 + an1 n3 + . . . + a2 ))] + (z )( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1 )

= (z )[zn1 + ( + an1)zn2 + . . . + ( n2 + an1 n3 + . . . + a2)z + ( n1 + an1 n2 + . . . + a1)].


With this fact established, we may now state and prove the following useful result:
Fact 4.46 If p(z) = zn + an1zn1 + . . . + a1 z + a0 = (z 1 )(z 2) (z n ) is the characteristic polynomial of Ann , denoting Tk = trace(Ak ) = 1k + 2k + . . . + nk , we may write
Tk + an1Tk1 + . . . + ank+1T1 + ank k = 0

for k = 1, 2, . . . , n.

Proof : First note that

d p(z)
= nzn1 + (n 1)an1zn2 + (n 2)an2zn3 + . . . + a1
p(z) p(k )

z k

p (z) =

[zn1 + (k + an1)zn2 + (k2 + an1k + an2)zn3 + . . . + (kn1 + an1kn2 + . . . + a1)]


= nzn1 + (T1 + an1n)zn2 + (T2 + an1T1 + an2n)zn3 + . . . + (Tn1 + an1Tn2 + . . . + a2 T1 + a1n).

Equating coefficients of like powers of z between the first line and the last, we obtain
0 = T1 + an1

(n 1)an1 = T1 + an1n

(n 2)an2 = T2 + an1T1 + an2n


0 = T2 + an1T1 + an22
0 = Tn1 + an1Tn2 + . . . + a2 T1 + a1 (n 1).

a1 = Tn1 + an1Tn2 + . . . + a2 T1 + a1n

Since each k satisfies p(k ) = 0, we may also write

p(k ) = Tn + an1Tn1 + . . . + a1T1 + a0(n) = 0.


Note that we may easily rewrite the n relations of Fact 4.46 as

an1 = T1
= trace(A)
an2 = (T2 + an1T1 )
= trace(A2 + an1A)
= trace(A3 + an1A2 + an2A)
an3 = (T3 + an1T2 + an2T1 )
a1 =
(Tn1 + an1Tn2 + . . . + a2T1 ) =
trace(An1 + an1An2 + . . . + a2 A)
= trace(An + an1An1 + . . . + a1A)
a0 = (Tn + an1Tn1 + . . . + a1 T1 )
This formula will be particularly useful when developing the resolvent algorithm (20.35).



4.7 The Moore-Penrose pseudonverse

The Moore-Penrose pseudonverse is a useful generalization of the matrix inverse discussed in 1.2.4 that is
appropriate for singular and nonsquare matrices. It is established as follows:
Fact 4.47 Given any m n matrix A, the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse A+ = V 1U H is the unique n m
matrix such that
AA+ A = A,

A+ AA+ = A+ ,

AA+ = (AA+ )H ,

A+ A = (A+ A)H ,


where A = UV H is a reduced SVD of A.

Proof : It is trivial to verify that A+ = V 1U H satisfies the four Moore-Penrose conditions given in (4.69):
AA+ A = UV H V 1U H UV H = U1 V H = A
A+ AA+ = V 1U H UV H V 1U H = V 1 1U H = A+
AA+ = UV H V 1U H = UU H = (UU H )H = (AA+ )H
A+ A = V 1U H UV H = VV H = (VV H )H = (A+ A)H .
To show that this value of A+ is unique, consider two matrices B and C that both satisfy the conditions on A+
given in (4.69):
ABA = A,

BAB = B,

AB = (AB)H ,

BA = (BA)H ,

ACA = A,

CAC = C,

AC = (AC)H ,

CA = (CA)H .

It follows that AB = BH AH = BH AH CH AH = ABCH AH = ABAC = AC, and, similarly, that BA = CA. We thus
conclude that B = BAB = BAC = CAC = C.

Note that, if A is a (square) invertible matrix, then A+ = A1 , and if (AH A) is invertible, then A+ =
as may be verified by substitution into (4.69).
If A is either singular (that is, square with determinant equal zero) or nonsquare, then the dimension of
either the nullspace and/or the left nullspace of A, as depicted in Figure 4.1, is nonzero. In this case, the
mapping between X and Y in Figure 4.1 is not one-to-one. If the dimension of the left nullspace is nonzero,
then for some y Y, there is no corresponding x X such that y = Ax. If the dimension of the nullspace is
nonzero, then for some y Y, there are multiple x X such that y = Ax. However, the mapping between the
row space and the column space is still one-to-one. Two distinguishing characteristics of the Moore-Penrose
pseudonverse A+ are:
(AH A)1 AH ,

The Moore-Penrose pseudonverse A+ maps the column space back to the row space in such a way
that, if xR is in the row space, then xR gets mapped back to itself when operated on first by A and then
by A+ , that is,
A+ (AxR ) = [V 1U H ][UV H ]xR = VV H xR = v j (v j , xR ) = xR ,
as xR is in the row space of A, for which the v j form an orthogonal basis.
If yL is in the left nullspace (that is, the subspace of Y that cannot be reached by the operation Ax for
any x), then the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse simply maps yL back to zero; that is,
A+ yL = V 1U H yL = 0,
as yL is in the left nullspace of A, to which the u j (that is, the columns of U) are all orthogonal.
Thus, if y = Ax where A is possibly singular or nonsquare, the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse does the best
job possible, in a particular well-defined sense (discussed further below), at mapping a given value of y back
to the corresponding x via the mapping x = A+ y, as illustrated graphically in Figure 4.3.

4.7.1 Inconsistent and/or underdetermined systems

Given A and b, the best solution {x, } to the problem
Ax = b +


with m equations and n unknowns (that is, best in a least-squares sense, minimizing the length of the error
vector ) in the inconsistent case (with two or more equations which are impossible to satisfy simultaneously
for any x when = 0) and/or the underdetermined case (with fewer independent equations than unknowns)
may be found directly using the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse. In order to ensure that is as small as possible
[in the inconsistent case, a solution x to (4.70) is not possible with = 0], we seek the value of x such that
is at least orthogonal to all vectors that may be reached by the operation Ax for any x. That is, we want to
be in the left nullspace, N (AH ), from which it follows that
A+ = 0.


This may be enforced by taking A = A (Ax b) = 0, from which we deduce that

AH Ax = AH b.


(AH A)

is invertible, the solution is seen immediately to



x = (AH A)1 AH b = A+ b.


however, B = (AH A)

In the underdetermined case,

will not be invertible. In this case, there are several vectors
x that satisfy (4.72); following a similar least-squares mindest, we may seek the smallest one. That is, we
want x to be in the row space of B (and, therefore, in the row space of A). We may ensure this by selecting an
x such that
A+ Ax = x.
Premultiplying (4.70) by A+ and applying (4.74) and (4.71), we again recover the answer x = A+ b, where
A+ must now be determined from the reduced SVD of A; that is, A+ = V 1U H (Fact 4.47). The QR approach to inconsistent systems
If (AH A) is invertible (that is, if A = Amn has rank n), there is a more economical way of finding the leastsquares solution than by using A+ or by applying Gaussian elimination to (4.72). Starting from (4.72) and
performing the (reduced) decomposition A = QR described in 4.4.2 (noting that R also has rank n) we have

Rx = QH b.


Thus, if A = Amn has rank n and is inconsistent (with m > n), and we perform the decomposition A = QR, we
may satisfy Ax = b as well as possible by solving (4.75) instead of calculating x = A+ b. Recall that computing
the QR decomposition is much less expensive than computing the SVD upon which the pseudonverse is
based. Further, as R is triangular, the efficient backsubstitution technique (introduced in 2.1 and described
in detail in 2.2.1) may be used to solve (4.75).
A significant benefit of the QR approach to this problem, over that given in (4.73), is that the QR approach
effectively solves (4.72) without ever performing the product AH A, thereby avoiding the loss of information
caused by performing this product on a machine with finite-precision arithmetic.
27 In the case that m n = r and thus (AH A) is invertible, B = A+ = (AH A)1 AH may also be referred to as a left inverse of the
(square or tall) matrix A = Amn , as BA = I. Alternatively, in the case that n m = r and thus (AAH ) is invertible, C = AH (AAH )1 may
be referred to as a right inverse of the (square or fat) matrix A = Amn , as AC = I. Note that the left inverse of tall matrices and the
right inverse of fat matrices, when they exist, are not unique. In particular, any column vector in the nullspace of a fat matrix A (which
necessarily has dimension greater than zero) may be added to any column of a right inverse C without changing the fact that AC = I.
Similarly, any row vector in the left nullspace of the tall matrix A (which necessarily has dimension greater than zero) may be added to
any row of a left inverse B without changing the fact that BA = I.











Figure 4.5: The data fitting problem [cf. the interpolation problem in Figure 7.11]: tune a small number of
adjustable parameters to pass a smooth curve (
) as close as possible to the (perhaps, numerous) available
datapoints ().

4.7.2 The least-squares solution to the data fitting problem

The problem of data fitting may be described as the problem of adjusting a relatively small number, n,
of undetermined coefficients in a relatively large number, m, of realizations of an equation in order to fit a
proposed mathematical model to the available experimental data as accurately as possible. If the model is
linear in these undetermined coefficients, such a problem may be written in the form (4.70), where x is the
vector of undetermined coefficients, A and b are related to the data taken, and is a vector containing the
(unknown) measurement errors; the least squares solution to this problem then gives one fit of the model
to the data by minimizing the cost function J = kAx bk2 = k k2 . For example, if an nth-order polynomial
model y = a0 + a1 x + . . . + an xn is proposed to fit a set of (m + 1) datapoints {x j , y j } for j = 0, 1, . . . , m, as
illustrated with n = 2 in Figure 4.5, then the problem can be written in the form

1 x0 . . . xn0
1 x1 . . . xn a1 y1

.. .. . .
. . = . + Ax = b + .
. .
. .. .. ..
1 xm . . . xnm
If a sufficient amount of data is taken in such an experiment [that is, if (m + 1) > (n + 1), where (m + 1) is
the number of datapoints and (n + 1) is the number of coefficients in the model being adjusted], then A is tall
[often, m n] and, if the experiments are well chosen, rank(A) = (n + 1). That is, the system is inconsistent
but not underdetermined, in which case the coefficients that minimize J, thereby reconciling the data with the
model with the smallest additional term , may be determined uniquely according to (4.73). If the number
of coefficients to be determined is large, the most efficient way to solve this problem is the QR approach
described in

Weighted least squares

If some measurements are expected to be disrupted by more or less measurement error than others, or if
the error of some measurements is expected to be correlated with the error of other measurements, we may
account for this knowledge in the formulation of the data fitting problem, which we now denote Ax = b + ,
by weighting the norm used in the cost function to be minimized such that J = kAx bk2Q = k k2Q = H Q ,

where Q = W 1 and W is the covariance matrix describing (that is, modeling) the expected statistics of
measurement errors such that W = E [ H ], where, again, E [] denotes the expectation operator indicating the
average over a large number of statitical samples of the quantity in brackets. In the case that W is diagonal,
the weighted cost function takes the simple form J = mj=1 | j |2 /E [| j |2 ], thereby reflecting the fact that such
a formulation effectively normalizes the significance of each available measurement in the calculation by
the inverse of the error expected in the measurement.
The weighted least squares problem may be solved in a straightforward manner simply by defining A =
Q1/2 A, b = Q1/2 b, and = Q1/2 , and determining x according to the unweighted least-squares algorithm
described previously.

4.8 Chapter summary

Linear algebra forms the foundation upon which efficient methods may be built to solve many important
classes of problems numerically. At first blush, the subject seems like it must certainly be quite simple and
dull, as all it amounts to is the organization of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of blocks of
numbers. Indeed, in a very real sense, thats all that linear algebra really is. However, upon further inspection,
it is seen that this seemingly simple subject is in fact quite deep. The facts that

not all systems of equations have any solutions at all,

those that do might have multiple solutions,
any solutions sought using a computer must be calculated using finite-precision arithmetic, and
that arithmetic can sometimes take an unacceptably long time to complete,

are all facets of the explanation of why a deep understanding of linear algebra is both difficult and important to obtain. In particular, we find there are several natural ways to decompose a matrix into the product
of other matrices with special structure (Hessenberg, tridiagonal, triangular, diagonal, unitary, etc.). These
decompositions may in fact be put to very good use by numerical algorithms that use such matrices. The
most important of these decompositions are the LU/PLU/Cholesky, Hessenberg, QR, Schur, real Schur, eigen, Jordan, and singular value decompositions, all of which the reader should become familiar with before
proceeding. Various useful measures of matrices have also been presented, including the determinant, trace,
matrix norms, and condition number. A wide variety of useful facts have also been noted along the way, each
of which is used later in this text.
With this foundation set, we have seen that linear algebra can be used right away for a wide variety practical problems, including determining the modes of oscillation of a dynamic system and efficiently solving
the problem Ax = b (even if this system is inconsistent and/or underdetermined).
The present chapter summarizes several topics and results from linear algebra which are used heavily in
the remainder of this study. The reader will likely need to review this dense chapter multiple times in order
to digest it completely; rest assured that this effort will not be in vain.
We conclude this chapter by remarking that the subject of numerical linear algebra is a rich and fascinating
subject that may (indeed, should) be studied at a deeper level than the present succinct review of this subject
can possibly achieve. Of particular interest is the analysis and quantification of both the rate of convergence
and the accumulation of numerical errors by various schemes that have been proposed to solve the several
linear-algebraic problems laid out in this chapter, and how these schemes may be implemented efficiently in
modern parallel computer systems with cache-based memory architectures. It is hoped that the introduction
provided here will help you to set your compass as you navigate your way through the vast and creative
literature on this subject.



222 B
222 A
















Figure 4.6: Cantilevered trusses attached at a vertical wall at {xA , yA } = {0, 0} and {xB , yB } = {0, 1}, designed
to support a weight at {xG , yG } = {3, 1}. All structural members are assumed to be joined by frictionless pins
and are assumed to be confined to a 2D plane (these idealizations simplify the computations). SI units are
used throughout (forces in Newtons, distances in meters, etc.).

Problems 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 consider the static loading, displacement under load, and dynamic modes of vibration of a simple cantilevered truss designed to support a weight a fixed distance from a vertical wall, as
illustrated in Figure 4.6. Choose one of the four configurations illustrated for all three of these questions
(indicate clearly which one you are considering if turning this in for a class!).
Exercise 4.1 Static loading of the structure
We first determine the forces f in the truss when W = 1000 N, assuming the displacement of each node is
negligible and the mass of each member is negligible. We begin by writing the equations for static equilibrium
of the loaded system. Note that the nodes C, D, E, F, and G are free to move in both the horizontal (x) and
vertical (y) directions. At equilibrium, the sum of the forces in both the x and y directions at each of these
nodes must be exactly zero. Define positive forces fi > 0 as members under compression and negative forces
fi < 0 as members under tension. Also, define the 10 angles i as the angles each rod makes from horizontal
[e.g., noting (B.1), 9 = atan2(yG yE , xG xE )]. The equations of static equilibrium are:
Forcesx = . . . = 0,
Forcesx = . . . = 0,
forces at node F :
forces at node C :
Forcesy = . . . = 0,

Forcesx = f9 cos(9 ) + f10 cos(10 ) = 0,
Forcesx = . . . = 0,
forces at node G :
forces at node D :
Forcesy = f9 sin(9 ) + f10 sin(10 ) = W.
Forcesy = . . . = 0,
Forcesx = . . . = 0,
forces at node E :
Forcesy = . . . = 0,


There are 10 unknowns in this system, { f1 , . . . , f10 }. The system is statically determinant, meaning that
the forces in the members may be determined by the conditions of static equilibrium. Assume that the nominal
configuration of the structure is: {xC , yC } = {1, 0}, {xD , yD } = {1, 1}, {xE , yE } = {2, 0}, {xF , yF } = {2, 1}.
(a) Defining a geometry vector g = [xC yC xD yD xE yE xF yF ]T , write a function [f]=TrussForces(g)
which sets up the system of 10 equations listed above (in the order given) as Af = b, then solves this system
for the member forces using one of the Gaussian elimination routines of 2. Is pivoting required to solve
this system? For g = [1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1]T and W = 1000, what are the forces in each member? Compute the
condition number of A. Do you trust this numerical result? Which members are under tension, and which are
under compression? Physically, does this result make sense?
The members in the truss which bear tensile forces when the load is applied will be built with cables
with negligible mass. The members which bear compressive forces will be built with I beams, with size (and
mass) selected appropriately to bear the required load without failing, subject to an appropriate safety factor.
Exercise 4.2 Displacement of the structure under load
The displacements of the nodes from the nominal design, x, due to both the applied load W and the acceleration due to gravity, are now computed. The displacements are assumed to be small, so the configuration
of the structure is close to nominal (this assumption will be verified a posteriori). Note that Exercise 4.1
identified which members are I beams (with mass) and which members are tendons (with negligible mass)
in the structure considered. The weight of the structure itself is modeled with a lumped mass approximation,
accounting for half of the mass of each I beam as a point mass at each end of the beam. Stock beams are
initially chosen with a mass per unit length of = 5 kg/m (this could be optimized once the nominal forces
under load are calculated), and the acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.81 m/s2 . Assume that the mass per unit
length of a member is i = 5 kg/m if the member i is under compression ( fi > 0) in the loaded structure, and
i = 0 kg/m if the member i is under tension ( fi < 0) in the loaded structure.
The vector x is referred to as the configuration of the system. Together, x and dx/dt are referred to as the
state of the system. When combined with the equation of motion, as derived in the following section, initial
conditions on the state completely specify how the system will evolve in time. The potential energy PE of
the system, due both to the applied external forces and the weight of the structure itself, the deformation
energy DE of the system, due to the compression or extension of the (elastic) members, and the kinetic
energy KE of the system, due to the motion of the members, are functions of x and dx/dt. Our first task is
to represent these energies in matrix form. Note that, when the (unmodeled) damping in the system causes
the loaded structure to approach a static equilibrium, the total energy T E = PE + DE + KE of the system is
minimum and the kinetic energy KE = 0.
A configuration vector x containing the displacements of the nodes with respect to their nominal positions, a mass vector m containing the lumped masses associated with the elements of x, and a load vector z
describing the forces associated with the elements of x may now be defined such that28

m2 a

1 l1 + 2l2 + 4l4 + 5l5

m4 a
1 l1 + 2l2 + 4l4 + 5l5

1 3 l3 + 4l4 + 6l6 + 7l7



2 3 l3 + 4l4 + 6l6 + 7l7

m6 a


m8 a


m10 a + W
28 Note

that the mass vector shown is for Configuration I; the mass vectors for the other three configurations are slightly different.


where, for example, xC and yC denote (respectively) the horizontal and vertical displacements of node C from
their nominal (unloaded) positions, and i is the mass per unit length of member i. Note that m0 = 0.1 kg is
the mass of the hardware at each joint. Based on these definitions, the potential energy due to displacements
of the nodes (accounting both for the weight of the structure and for the applied external loads) may be
expressed in matrix form as
PE = zT x.
Note that upward (positive yi ) displacements of the nodes result in increases of the potential energy.
The elastic deformation energy due to small deformations of the structure is

ci di2 = dTC d,

DE =

where C = diag(c), ci is the spring constant of member i, and di is the difference in length of member i from
its nominal length i . For the present analysis, assume that ci = 107/i kg/s2 . Taking the leading terms only
(that is, assuming small deformations), we have
d1 = (xC xA ) cos(1 ) + (yC yA) sin(1 ),


Applying the definition of x given above, we may write this system of equations in matrix form as
d = D x,
where D is a 10 10 matrix with at most 4 nonzero entries per row. The deformation energy of the entire
structure is
DE = dTC d = xTDTCD x = xTK x,
where K = DTCD is a symmetric 10 10 stiffness matrix. Note that K is positive definite since (in this
problem) for any nonzero set of displacements x, DE is positive.
The total energy of the truss at equilibrium may now be written
T E = PE + DE + KE = zT xe + xTe K xe + 0.
(a) Minimizing the above expression for T E at equilibrium with respect to xe , show (using index notation)
that equilibrium is achieved at
z + K xe = 0.
Note that this equation may be solved for xe once K and z are computed. The forces in the members of the
perturbed structure at equilibrium are then given by fe = C de = CD xe .
(b) Write a function [K]=TrussK(g) to compute K and a function [xe,fe]=TrussLoading(g,z) to compute the displacements xe and the structural forces fe at equilibrium due to the applied external loads z. For
g = [1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1]T , W = 1000, and the loads due to the weight of the structure (as discussed above),
what are xe and fe ? Plot the shape of the displacement of the perturbed structure in Matlab, magnifying the
perturbation enough in the plot so the shape of the perturbation may easily be seen (indicate how much such
magnification is used). Is the small perturbation assumption mentioned previously valid?


Exercise 4.3 Vibration modes of the structure.

We now examine the modes of vibration of the structure. As the vibration problem is dynamic, we must
now include the kinetic energy KE in the computation of the total energy. The kinetic energy of the entire
structure may be expressed in matrix form as
1 dx T dx
KE =
M ,
2 dt
where M = diag(m). The potential and deformation energies, PE and DE, have the same form as in the
previous section. The total energy of the structure in oscillation (neglecting damping) is:
1 dx T dx
M .
T E = PE + DE + KE = zT x + xT Kx +
2 dt
(a) Setting the time derivative of the above expression for the total energy T E equal to zero for arbitrary
dx/dt, show (using index notation) that
M 2 + Kx = z.
This is referred to as the equation of motion of our idealized, undamped system. The dynamics of the
response do not depend on the steady-state deformation of the structure, which satisfy Kxe = ze , due to the
applied loading z. Thus, subtracting this equation from that given above, and defining x (t) = x(t) xe, we
now focus on the dynamic modes x (t) which satisfy the homogeneous equation
d 2 x (t)
+ Kx (t) = 0.
dt 2
We can obtain useful information by extracting the frequencies and shapes of the normal modes of vibration
in this idealization. Following the SOV approach, we seek modes of this second-order differential equation
of the following form:
x(t) = y ei t ,

where is the (temporal) frequency of vibration mode , and s is the corresponding natural mode of
vibration of the structure. This leads to a problem of the form
Ky = 2 My ,


which is a generalized eigenvalue problem for the eigenvalues 2 and the corresponding eigenvectors y ;
note that K and M are symmetric.
(b) Since the matrix M is nonsingular, one could simply multiply (4.77) from the left by M 1 to convert this
problem into a regular eigenvalue problem; however, this would destroy the symmetry of the matrices involved, leading to a more difficult eigenvalue problem to solve. Instead, define an intermediate vector s such
that s = T y. How should T be selected such that this definition transforms (4.77) into a regular eigenvalue
problem of the form Ay = y where A is symmetric? What is the corresponding equation for A? Is it positive
definite? What can you say about the eigenvalues and the corresponding (that is, are they real, imaginary, positive, . . . )? Noting (4.76), does x (t) oscillate in time? If so, do these oscillations decay or grow in
(c) For g = [1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1]T , find the natural modes of vibration of the structure y = T 1 s and the
corresponding frequencies of vibration . Plot (in Matlab) the structure deformed into the five modes with
the lowest frequencies. (These modes are usually the ones that are the least damped in the actual structure,
and are thus generally the most significant in practice.) Discuss.

Exercise 4.4 The PDE governing a longitudinal wave in a 100 cm long aluminum bar is given by

2 f
A x
where the density = 2.7 g/cm3 , Youngs modulus E = 6.9 1011 dyne/cm2, and the bar is assumed to be
fixed at both ends. Consider three cases: (a) the area of the bar A = 1 cm2 is constant; (b) the area of the bar
varies linearly, from A = 2 cm2 at one end to A = 0 at the other end; and (c) the area of the bar, shaped like a
right circular cone, varies quadratically, from A = 3 cm2 at one end to A = 0 at the other end. Calculate the
first five mode shapes, and the corresponding frequencies of oscillation, in all five cases.
Exercise 4.5 Cyclic reduction.
(a) Recalling the checkerboard matrix illustrated in (3.9a), the rearrangement of this matrix illustrated in
(3.9b), and leveraging, m times, the relation given in (4.2b), write a (serial) recursive code for solution of the
problem Ax = b for tridiagonal A (without pivoting), via solution of 2m smaller problems.
(b) Using the parallel Matlab coding constructs illustrated in Algorithm 2.12, rewrite the code written in part
(a) so that it actually runs in parallel on 2m threads on your machine. Time its execution while running in
an appropriate number of threads; does parallelizing this code actually give you a decrease in run time for
execution of the algorithm on large problems on your machine? Discuss.
(c) Rewrite the (serial) code developed in part (a) to solve directly, via 4m smaller problems, the 2D Poisson
problem set up in Example 3.3, in which A has the block tridiagonal Toeplitz structure illustrated in (1.6).
(d) Rewrite the code written in part (c) so that it actually runs in parallel on 4m threads on your machine.
Again, time its execution while running in an appropriate number of threads for your machine, and discuss.
Exercise 4.6 Convergence of the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods (see 3.2.1).
(a) Writing (2.8) for the elements of the matrix ( A) rather than the elements of A, establish that, if A is
strictly diagonally dominant and | | 1, then B , D + L + U is strictly diagonally dominant (and, thus,
nonsingular) as well.
(b) If A is strictly diagonally dominant, note that the diagonal elements of M , D are nonzero as a consequence of Fact 2.2. Consider now the characteristic polynomial of P , D1 (L + U) and, leveraging part
(a), establish that | I P| 6= 0 if | | 1. This implies that all eigenvalues of P satisfy | | 1 and thus, by
Fact 4.38, that kPki2 = max (P) < 1 as well, thereby proving that the Jacobi method is convergent [see (3.7)]
if A is strictly diagonally dominant.
(c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) taking B , (D + L) +U and C , D + L and P , (D + L)1U, thereby proving
that the Gauss-Seidel method is convergent if A is strictly diagonally dominant.
Exercise 4.7 Following closely the code QRGivensHessenberg.m in Algorithm 4.7, and the description
on the top of page 88, write a streamlined Matlab function [A]=QRGivensMinStorage(A), and test script
QRGivensMinStorageTest.m, implementing a minimum storage variant of the Givens-based QR algorithm
for full (not Hessenberg) matrices (hint: you have to order the rotations carefully!) and demonstrating that
the information necessary to describe the entire resulting QR decomposition of A (that is, both Q and R) is
efficiently contained in the modified value of the A matrix returned by this algorithm.
Exercise 4.8 The goal in this project is to better understand why, in general, solvers for the algebraic eigenvalue problem must be iterative.
(a) Consider first a 2 2 matrix A together with a Givens rotation matrix G such that

c s
c s
a11 a12
, G=
G =
, A=
s c
a21 a22
s c

For simplicity, we will restrict our attention to real symmetric A; in this case, s and c are real and
c2 + s2 = 1.


Performing the product B = GH AG by hand, compute b21 in terms of the components of A and G. Taking
b21 = 0, together with (4.78), you now have two simple nonlinear equations for the two unknowns c and s.
Rearranging (4.78) to express s in terms of c, and inserting this expression into your formula for b21 gives
a single equation for the unknown c. Set b21 = 0 and solve this equation, thereby determining precisely
a rotation that makes GH AG diagonal. [Hint: note that there will be a couple of different cases to check,
because the roots of a quadratic will be involved. However, one of these roots for c, and the corresponding s,
should ultimately give a rotation G that will make b21 = 0.] Implement in code, and test on various randomlygenerated real symmetric 2 2 matrices A.
(b) Now, based on the above method of calculating c and s to rotate a 2 2 matrix into a diagonal form,
attempt to build a direct approach to compute all of the eigenvalues of an n n real symmetric matrix A in
a finite number of steps for any n (!). Start, of course, by taking a Hessenberg decomposition of the matrix
A in order to reduce it to a tridiagonal form (in a finite number of steps). Then, attempt to compute just
n 1 additional Givens rotations, using the results of part (A) appropriately embedded into identity matrices,
in order to drive the entire first subdiagonal to zero. Such an idea might at first seem plausible, but clearly
flies in the face of the Abel-Ruffini theorem. Find the flaw in this proposed idea, and clearly describe why it
doesnt work.
Exercise 4.9 Show that (4.34b) follows from (4.34a) with 2 , thus establishing that convergence of the
shifted QR method is quadratic.
Exercise 4.10 Verify (4.36b).
Exercise 4.11 Noting the Implicit Q Theorem (Fact 4.36) and the development of the implicitly shifted QR
iteration applied in Algorithm 4.13, modify Algorithm 4.12 to apply implicitly shifted QR iterations rather
than explicit shifts. Apply as many techniques as possible to make this algorithm maximally efficient, and
discuss each of them. Test your code on a wide variety of singular and nonsingular matrices to make sure it
works. The resulting code will in fact be superior to Algorithm 4.12 for the Hermitian eigenvalue problem.
Exercise 4.12 Develop Chandrasekhars method for the feedback control problem in (4.51a), in a manner
analogous to Chandrasekhars method for the estimation problem (4.51b), as developed in the text.
Exercise 4.13 Leveraging Algorithm 2.10 and the discussion in 4.2.2, write an efficient code to calculate
the determinant of a large Circulant matrix.
Exercise 4.14 Extending Algorithm 4.24, write an efficient code to solve the Stein equation X = AH XB +C.
Exercise 4.15 Verify algebraically all three of the forms given in (4.57).
Exercise 4.16 Recalling (1.20), Fact 1.12, and Fact 4.40, derive an expression providing a bound on the
2-norm condition number of both AH A and AAH .
Exercise 4.17 Consider a complete SVD A = UV H of (for convenience) a square matrix A, and the eigen

0 AH
A S = S A = SS
where A =
A 0
(a) Is the matrix A Hermitian? What can you say about its eigenvalues i and eigenvectors si ?

(b) Determine S and in terms of U, , and V .

Hint: assume S and may be written in the form S =

and =

, and determine {B,C, D}.

(c) Based on this formula, describe (in detail) a fourth construction of the SVD of A which is an alternative
to the three constructions presented in 4.4.7.
(d) Is the eigen decomposition of A given above also an SVD of A ? Why or why not? If it is not, describe
how the SVD of A may easily be constructed given the information presented thus far in this problem.
(e) Compute the 2-norm condition number of A . Noting your answer to Exercise 4.16 above, discuss why the
new method suggested in (c) might be superior to the SVD constructions based on the eigen decompositions
of (AAH ) and (AH A).
Exercise 4.18 Calculate (by hand) the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse of:

0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 .
0 0 0 0

Exercise 4.19 Is a nilpotent matrix always singular? What property of the determinint establishes this fact
most directly? Explain.

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Golub, GH, & Van Loan, CF (1996) Matrix Computations. Johns Hopkins.
Higham, NJ (2002) Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms. SIAM.
Horn, RA, & Johnson, CR (1990) Matrix Analysis. Cambridge.
Lancaster, P, & Tismenetsky, M (1985) The Theory of Matrices. Academic Press.
Pesic, P (2004) Abels proof: an essay on the sources and meaning of mathematical unsolvability. MIT Press.
Postnikov, MM (2004) Foundations of Galois Theory. Dover.
Press, WH, Teukolsky, SA, Vetterling, WT, & Flannery, BP (2007). Numerical Recipes, the Art of Scientific
Computing. Cambridge.
Stoer, J, & Bulirsch, R (1980) Introduction to Numerical Analysis. Springer-Verlag.
Strang, G (2006) Linear Algebra and its Applications. Brooks/Cole.
Trefethen, LN, & Bau, D (1997) Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM.
Wilkenson, JH (1965) The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem. Oxford.
Kailath, T (1973) Some New Algorithms for Recursive Estimation in Constant Linear Systems, IEEE Trans.
Information Theory, 19, 750-760.


Chapter 5

Spectral methods, fast transforms, and

the Dirac delta






The orthogonality of sines, cosines, and complex exponentials . . . . . . . . . . . .

Infinite Fourier series: continuous functions on bounded domains . . . . . . . . .
5.2.1 Differentiation using Fourier representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.2 The Dirac delta on a bounded domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2.3 The completeness of the infinite Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Infinite Fourier integral: continous functions on infinite domains . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.1 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3.2 The infinite Fourier integral expansion of a Gaussian function . . . . . . . . .
5.3.3 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain approximated as a Gaussian distribution
5.3.4 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain approximated as a gamma distribution .
Finite Fourier series: discrete functions on bounded domains . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.1 The fast Fourier transform (FFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.2 Properties of the coefficients of a finite Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4.3 Approximating differentiation using a finite Fourier series . . . . . . . . . . .
Special properties of the Fourier expansions of real functions . . . . . . . . . . . .
Convolution sums and nonlinear products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aliasing due to nonlinear products and the 2/3 dealiasing rule . . . . . . . . . . .
Two-point correlations and Parsevals theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fourier expansions of nonsmooth functions: Gibbs phenomenon . . . . . . . . . .
5.9.1 Sobolev spaces and the quantification of smoothness . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fourier series in multiple dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sine series and cosine series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.11.1 The fast sine transform (FST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.11.2 The fast cosine transform (FCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Extending finite Fourier series to stretched grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chebyshev representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













5.14 Fourier-Bessel representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

In many problems (see, e.g., 4.3.2), it is convenient to represent a function of a physical coordinate
(space or time, denoted below as x) as a linear combination of an infinite number of smooth basis functions
bn (x) or b(k, x) that each satisfy simple boundary conditions, e.g.,
u(x) = vn bn (x)


u(x) =


v(k) b(k, x) dk.

As we will show, expansions of the form (5.1a) are appropriate for functions defined on bounded domains1.
{e.g., x [L/2, L/2]}, whereas expansions of the form (5.1b) are appropriate for functions defined on
semi-infinite {e.g., x [0, )} or infinite {e.g., x (, )} domains. It is often said that u(x) represents
the function in physical space, whereas the coefficients vn or v(k) represent the function in transform space.
We are guaranteed that an expansion of such a form exists [stated precisely, for any u(x) in an appropriate
Hilbert space H, corresponding vn or v(k) may be found such that (5.1a) or (5.1b) is satisfied] if the basis
functions are complete [that is, if the functions bn (x) or b(k, x) form a basis for H]. This statement is analogous to the corresponding, perhaps more obvious statement in the finite-dimensional setting (see 1.3), and
is established for the expansions of interest in the present work in 5.2.2.
Expansions of this form are especially convenient when the basis functions may be differentiated exactly,
as the derivative of any linear combination u(x) of these basis functions may then be determined immediately
by taking, e.g., the derivative of (5.1a):
u (x) = vn bn (x),

u (x) = vn bn (x),



Further, expansions with orthogonal basis functions are particularly convenient; such basis functions satisfy
the orthogonality property
hbn (x), bm (x)i = nm
for an appropriately-defined continuous inner product h, i. Using such a basis, the coefficients vn in, e.g., the
expansion (5.1a) are particularly easy to determine from u(x): taking the inner product of (5.1a) with bm (x)
and applying (5.3), it is seen immediately that
u(x) = vn bn (x) , bm (x)
vm = hu(x), bm (x)i.

In order to make calculations based on such expansions numerically feasible, we ultimately restrict our
attention to a finite-dimensional approximation of u(x) evaluated at a suitable number of gridpoints x j (appropriately distributed over the domain of interest), and an identical number of terms in the expansion,

u(x j ) , u j =

vn bn (x j )

for j = 1 . . . N.



Note that, even though we must truncate the series (5.1a) to handle it computationally, we may still leverage
(5.2) to calculate derivatives when necessary.
To make such transform methods practical, an efficient algorithm to convert between the discretization of
the function (u j for j = 1 . . . N) and the coefficients of the expansion (vn for n = 1 . . . N) is necessary. If the
1 The

notation x [a,b) means x is considered between point a on the left and point b on the right, including a but not including b.


basis is in some way derived from complex exponential functions, such an algorithm is provided by the fast
Fourier transform (FFT), as presented in 5.4.1. This chapter focuses on expansions that can, once discretized, be determined using this remarkable algorithm, commonly referred to as spectral methods. This chapter
also weaves in the development of the Dirac delta, which is a very useful tool in engineering mathematics,
especially in the derivation of numerical methods [see, e.g., the verification of the inverse Laplace transform
formula (17.47b)]. The Dirac delta is a delicate and often misused construct; by presenting it in parallel with
the Fourier transform, we hope to emphasize its interpretation in terms of its spectral decomposition.
Two additional transform techniques presented later in the text, the Laplace transform (17.3) and the
Z transform (17.4), build on the theory of the Fourier transform and prove useful in the understanding of
continuous-time linear systems and discrete-time linear systems.
As introduced above, spectral methods refer to expansions based in some way or another on complex
exponential functions, leveraging (in the numerical setting) the FFT to transform between physical space and
transform space. There are several variants of such transforms, which are described in detail in this chapter.

5.1 The orthogonality of sines, cosines, and complex exponentials

Complex exponential functions eikx = cos(kx) + i sin(kx) with i = 1 (see Appendix A) and with appropriate choices for the wavenumber k form the foundation for spectral methods. Such functions obey two
important orthogonality properties. In the spatially-continuous setting, for m, n integers and kn = 2 n/L,
1 if n = m
1 L/2 ikn x ikm x
e e
dx =
L L/2
0 otherwise.
In the spatially-discrete setting, for m, n integers between N/2 and N/2, kn = 2 n/L, and x j = j(L/N) for
j = 0, . . . , N 1,
1 N1 ikn x j ikm x j
1 if n = m
e e
N j=0
0 otherwise.
For sine functions, in the spatially-continuous setting with m, n integers and kn = 2 n/L,
1/2 if n = m 6= 0
1 L/2
sin(kn x) sin(km x) dx =
L L/2


In the spatially-discrete setting, for m, n integers between N/2 and N/2, kn = 2 n/L, and x j = jL/(2N) for
j = 1, . . . , N 1,
1/2 if n = m 6= 0
1 N1
sin(kn x j ) sin(km x j ) = 0 otherwise.
N j=1
For cosine functions, in the spatially-continuous setting with m, n integers and kn = 2 n/L,

if n = m = 0
Z L/2
cos(kn x) cos(km x) dx = 1/2 if n = m 6= 0

L L/2



In the spatially-discrete setting, for m, n integers between N/2 and N/2, kn = 2 n/L, and x j = jL/(2N) for
j = 0, . . . , N,
cm /2 if n = m
2 if j = 0 or j = N
1 N 1
cos(kn x j ) cos(km x j ) =
with c j ,

N j=0 c j
1 otherwise.

5.2 Infinite Fourier series: continuous functions on bounded domains

If u(x) is a smooth, continuous, possibly complex function that is periodic on the interval [L/2, L/2] [that
is, if u(L/2) = u(L/2)], we may express u(x) as an infinite Fourier series expansion of the form (5.1a)
with complex exponentials as basis functions (with the wavenumbers kn selected such that each basis function
bn (x) itself satisfies the same periodic boundary conditions that u(x) satisfies) such that

u(x) =

un eikn x


kn =


2 n


where the un are referred to as Fourier series coefficients. When the continuous function u(x) is referenced
outside the range x [L/2, L/2), a periodic extension of this function is assumed: u(x + mL) = u(x) for
x [L/2, L/2) and all integers m. Multiplying the above expression by (1/L)eikm x and integrating over the
interval (L/2, L/2), assuming u is sufficiently smooth (specifically, that the magnitude of its Fourier series
coefficients eventually decay exponentially with |n|) such that Fubinis theorem2 applies, then applying (5.5a),
we find that

Z L/2 h

u(x) =


un eikn x eikm x dx

um =


Z L/2


u(x)eikm x dx.


We will refer to a truncated Fourier series approximation uM (x) of the function u(x) as the continuous
function given by the series expansion in (5.8a) with all Fourier coefficients outside m [M, M] set to zero;
that is,

uM (x) =

um eikm x .



5.2.1 Differentiation using Fourier representations

If we take f j = du
dx x=x j and g j =
in (5.8a), it follows that

dx2 x=x j

and expand u j , f j , and g j with an infinite Fourier series as defined

= [ikn un ]eikn x j = [ fn ]eikn x j j fn = ikn un ,

dx x=x j n=

d u
= [kn2 un ]eikn x j = [gn ]eikn x j j gn = kn2 un .
gj = 2
dx x=x j n=

fj =


Thus, the exact derivative of an expression represented as an infinite Fourier series is straightforward to
determine: the first derivative is obtained by multiplying the Fourier coefficients of the original expansion by
ikn , the second derivative is obtained by multiplying the Fourier coefficients by kn2 , etc.

2 Fubinis


states that, if A B | f (x,y)|dydx is finite for any bounded or unbounded domains A and B, then

A f (x,y) dx dy that is, you can swap the order of integration. Note that, defining the dependence of
the function f in x and/or y as piecewise constant, one or both of the integrals may be converted to sums and the same result applies. At
every point in this chapter that we swap the order of integration and/or summation, we do so assuming the quantity being integrated or
summed satisfies the necessary relation (usually, because it is sufficiently smooth) such that this theorem may be applied.











Figure 5.1: The function M (x) for L = 2 (plotted on x [1, 1] for clarity of detail), taking M = 10 and
M = 30 (dashed) and M = 60 (dot-dashed), and the envelope containing these oscillations (solid). Note that
it is not correct to say that M (x) 0 as M for x 6= 0. However, it is true that, for any > 0, one can
find a sufficiently large M such that any point x is within an neighborhood of a zero of the function M (x);
that is, as M is made large, the zeros of M (x) become dense.

5.2.2 The Dirac delta on a bounded domain

Consider now the periodic function on the domain x [L/2, L/2] defined by3

M (x) ,

1 ikm x
1 sin[(M + 1/2)(2 x/L)]
= =
sin( x/L)


as illustrated in Figure 5.1. Note that


1/L for M m M


that is, the function M (x) is defined in terms of a truncated Fourier series expansion, with all of its nonzero
Fourier coefficients equal. Note also the following
Fact 5.1 For any u(x) such that u (x) exists and is bounded on x [a, b],
Proof : Integrating by parts and taking the absolute value, it follows that


u(x) sin(Mx) dx 0.

Z b

3 The

ib 1 Z b
u(x) sin(Mx) dx = u(x) cos(Mx) +
u (x) cos(Mx) dx,
M a

Z b

u(x) sin(Mx) dx
2 max |u(x)| + |b a| max |u (x)| 0.

M x[a,b]

form on the right follows after a minor amount of algebra and applying the identities (B.53) and (B.50); see Exercise 5.1.


As an easy corollary, it follows similarly that

established, it is easy to confirm that

M (x)

Z L/2

M (x) dx = 1 for any L and M,


M (x)dx = 0 for a b > 0,


Z b

M a


Z L/2

M L/2

u(x ) M (x x ) dx ,

Z L/2



u(x) sin[(M + )(x + ) + ] dx 0. With this fact


satisfies the following three properties4

u(x ) (x x ) dx = u(x) for sufficiently smooth5 u(x). (5.12c)

That is,
(a) for any L and M, M (x) is a function of unit area on [L/2, L/2],
(b) as M , the integral of M (x) over any interval that does not contain the origin approaches 0, and
(c) as M , the integral of M (x x ) multiplied by a smooth5 function u(x ) approaches u(x).
The often misused construct (x), called the Dirac delta, is defined in (5.12c) on the finite domain =
[L/2, L/2] by considering the M limit of the action of the approximating function M (x) under the
integral sign. As developed according to this construction, note that you can only actually plot the approximating function M (x) for some M, as illustrated in Figure 5.1; you can not plot the construct (x) itself,
as M (x) does not converge to a normal function as M . That is, the Dirac delta is not a function, and
thus should never be referred to as such (though many authors make this mistake). Stated precisely, the Dirac
delta is referred to as a distribution6 or generalized function; it is a construct that only makes sense when
used inside an integral over its argument, as illustrated by its definition in (5.12c). This definition of the Dirac
delta is generalized in 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 and discussed further in 5.9.1.

5.2.3 The completeness of the infinite Fourier series

The property of the completeness of the complex exponentials, which allows us to perform the expansion
(5.8a) for any sufficiently smooth5 u(x), may be confirmed by substituting (5.8b) into the RHS of a truncated
version of (5.8a), applying Fubinis theorem, and seeing that u(x) is indeed recovered as the number of terms
in the expansion is increased to infinity:



h1 Z



u(x )eikm x dx eikm x = lim


M L/2

= lim

Z L/2

M L/2

u(x )

1 ikm (xx ) i
m=M L


u(x ) (x x ) dx = u(x),

thereby establishing the completeness of the infinite Fourier series expansion for the (sufficiently smooth)
functions of interest in the present work.

4 Property (5.12a) is easily verified by inserting the sum in (5.11a) into the LHS of (5.12a) and integrating, and property (5.12b)
follows directly from Fact 5.1. Property (5.12c) then follows by noting that, due to (5.12b), the entire contribution to the integral in
(5.12c) must come from the vicinity of x x = 0, where the integrand is scaled by u(x).
5 That is, for any u(x) such that u (x) exists and is bounded on the interval under consideration.
6 A distribution such as (x) is defined precisely on a compact domain in terms of its mapping from any test function u C ()

R L/2
[that is, any smooth function u(x) defined on ] into R; in particular, the Dirac delta (x) is defined here such that L/2 u(x) (x) dx =
u(0) for all test functions u C ([L/2,L/2]). The alternative definition/description given in this text, in terms of the approximating
functions M (x) as M is increased, help to provide further intuition concerning the properties of the Dirac delta.


5.3 Infinite Fourier integral: continous functions on infinite domains

Next, we consider the limit of the infinite Fourier series (5.8) as L . To pass to this limit more easily, we
rearrange the coefficients of (5.8a) and multiply (5.8b) by L/(2 ), resulting in
Lun i ikn x h 2 i
2 n
u(x) =
with kn =

h Lu i
1 L/2
u(x)eikm x dx.
2 L/2

Defining a continuous Fourier integral coefficient function u(k)

such that u(k
= kn ) = Lun /2 , and defining
k = kn kn1 = 2 /L, we may rewrite (5.14a) as

n )eikn x k

u(x) =

with kn =


2 n

Interpreting the above expression as a rectangular-rule approximation of an integral over k and taking the
limit as L (and thus k 0), the sum converts to an integral, and we obtain [cf. (5.8)]
u(x) =




for x (, ),

u(x)eikx dx

for k (, ).


This is best referred to as the infinite Fourier integral expansion, to distinguish it from the finite Fourier
integral expansion developed in Exercise 5.2. However, since the latter is relatively uncommon, the above
expansion is commonly (though a bit ambiguously) referred to simply as the Fourier integral expansion.

5.3.1 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain

We now apply the same sequence of operations described in 5.3 to the approximating function M (x) (defined on the interval x [L/2, L/2] in 5.2.2) to create a new approximating function K on x (, ) with
Fourier integral coefficient function K (k = km ) = LmM /(2 ) = 1/(2 ) for M m M with km = 2 m/L.
In particular, taking the limit that L and M in such a way that K = 2 M/L remains constant results
in a function K (x) on the domain x (, ) given by

K (x) ,

K (k) =

1 ikx
e dk

1/(2 ) for K k K,



that is, the new approximating function K (x) is defined in terms of its infinite Fourier integral expansion,
with its Fourier integral coefficient function constant over the specified range. As in the bounded case, it is
easy to verify that K (x) satisfies the following properties:


K (x) dx = 1 for any K,

Z b

K a



K (x)dx = 0 for a b > 0,

u(x ) K (x x ) dx ,


u(x ) (x x ) dx = u(x) for sufficiently smooth u(x).



That is,
(a) for any K, K (x) is a function of unit area,
(b) as K , the integral of K (x) over any interval that does not contain the origin approaches 0, and
(c) as K , the integral of K (x x ) multiplied by a smooth function u(x ) approaches u(x).
As in the case of the finite domain considered in 5.2.2, the construct (x) on the infinite domain = (, )
may be defined as shown in (5.17c) by considering the K limit of the action of the approximating function
K (x) under the integral sign. Again, (x) is not a function, and only makes sense when kept inside an integral
over its argument.
As K is made large in (5.16b), it is seen that the spectral content of K (x x ) (or a superposition of
many such functions) is equal over a broad range of frequencies; this is akin to the fact that white light
has an approximately uniform
R spectral content over the visible spectrum. Thus, a random signal w(x) =
x c(x ) K (x x ) or w(x) = c(x ) K (x x ) dx created as a superposition of many functions K (x x )
with random coefficients c(x ) is often referred to as white noise. Note that, mathematically, white noise is
something of an idealization in continuous time, as the functions K (x x ) upon which it is based must take
K as large but finite in order for the result to be a bounded function.

5.3.2 The infinite Fourier integral expansion of a Gaussian function

We now consider the infinite Fourier integral expansion of the Gaussian function
2 /(2 2 )

u(x) = Cex

for x (, ).


Taking d/dx of this equation, then computing its infinite Fourier integral expansion as in (5.15b), we may
manipulate this expression as follows:
1 nd 
u(x) = Cex /(2 ) eikx dx
2 dx
Z n
i i d
2 o
i d h 1
C 2 e 2 2 eikx dx = 2
x u(x)eikx dx = 2
u(x)eikx dx = 2 u(k)

dk 2
Z kh d
2 2

2 k2 i

dk u(k

= e k /2 .





By (5.18a) and (5.15b)7 , u(0)

R y2
C R x2 /(2 2 )
dx = C2
e dy = C / 2 ,
2 e
2 2
= e k /2

and thus

for k (, ).


Note that 2 is in the denominator of the exponent in (5.18a), but the numerator of the exponent in (5.18b).
To summarize,
Fact 5.2 The Fourier transform of a Gaussian function u(x) is itself a Gaussian function u(k).

Moreover, the
narrower the width of u(x), the broader the width of u(k).

7 Note

that the integral of a Gaussian, s =

s2 =


ex dx

ey dy =

x2 dx,

may be determined as follows:

2 +y2 )


dx dy =

Z 2 Z


er r dr d = 2

h er2 i

= ,


5.3.3 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain approximated as a Gaussian distribution

2 /(2 2 )

It is easy to verify that the function (x) , 12 ex



(x) dx = 1 for any > 0,


Z b


0 a


satisfies the following three properties [cf. (5.17)]:

(x)dx = 0 for a b > 0,

u(x ) (x x ) dx ,

u(x ) (x x ) dx = u(x) for sufficiently smooth u(x).


That is,
(a) for any , (x) is a function of unit area,
(b) as 0, the integral of (x) over any interval that does not contain the origin approaches 0, and
(c) as 0, the integral of (x x ) multiplied by a smooth function u(x ) approaches u(x).
As an alternative to (5.17), the construct (x) on the infinite domain = (, ) may instead be defined as
in (5.19), by considering the 0 limit of the action of the approximating function (x) under the integral
sign. For small , the approximating function (x) is a tall, narrow Gaussian bump of unit area that is
symmetric around the origin; we thus refer to (x), for small but finite , as a continuous two-sided unit
impulse. Again, (x) is not a function, and only makes sense when kept inside an integral over its argument,
as (x) does not converge to a regular function as 0. By (5.18b),
2 2
(k) = e k /2 /(2 );


note in particular that, as the width of (x) narrows as is reduced, the width of (k) broadens, approaching (k) = 1/(2 ) over an increasingly broad range of frequencies [cf. (5.16b)].

5.3.4 The Dirac delta on an infinite domain approximated as a gamma distribution

Noting (B.69a), it is also easy to verify that the function ,m (x) , h1 (x) m xm1 e x /(m), for > 0 and
any integer m 0, satisfies the same three properties:


,m (x) dx = 1 for any > 0,


Z b


0 a


,m (x)dx = 0 for a b > 0,

u(x ) ,m (x x ) dx ,

u(x ) (x x ) dx = u(x) for sufficiently smooth u(x).


That is,
(a) for any > 0 (and any integer m 0), ,m (x) is a function of unit area,
(b) as , the integral of ,m (x) over any interval that does not contain the origin approaches 0, and
(c) as , the integral of ,m (x x ) multiplied by a smooth function u(x ) approaches u(x).
As alternative to (5.17) and (5.19), (x) on the infinite domain = (, ) may instead be defined as in
(5.21), by considering the limit of the action of the approximating function ,m (x) under the integral
sign for any integer m 0. For large and any integer m 0, the approximating function ,m (x) is a tall,
narrow bump of unit area that is zero to the left of origin and infinitely differentiable to the right of the
origin; further, for m > 0, the function and its first m 1 derivatives are continuous at the origin. We thus
refer to ,m (x), for any integer m 0 and for large but finite , as a continuous one-sided unit impulse.

Again, (x) is not a function, and only makes sense when kept inside an integral over its argument, as ,m (x)
does not converge to a regular function as . It is straightforward to verify for any integer m > 0 that
,m (k) =
2 ( + ik)m


note in particular that, as the width of ,m (x) narrows as is increased, the width of ,m (k) broadens,
approaching ,m (k) = 1/(2 ) over an increasingly broad range of frequencies [cf. (5.16b) and (5.20)].
The key point is this: the integral properties in (5.17) and (5.19) and (5.21) which define the Dirac delta
are identical, though the approximating functions K and and ,m look quite different. It is its integral
properties that define the Dirac delta, and, in this regard, the three constructions are equivalent.

5.4 Finite Fourier series: discrete functions on bounded domains

As mentioned in the introduction, in order to make the Fourier series expansion numerically feasible, the
logical thing to do is to discretize the continuous periodic function u(x) considered in (5.8) on a finite number
of gridpoints, which we will space equally over the domain8 x [0, L) such that x j = jL/N for j = 0 . . . N 1.
Note that, in the remainder of this chapter, for convenience, all vectors and matrices will be indexed from 0.
As with the continuous function u(x) expanded by the infinite Fourier series in 5.2, this discrete function
u j = u(x j ) is also assumed to be periodic (that is, u0 = uN ); when the discrete function u j is referenced outside
the range j [0, N 1], a periodic extension of this function is assumed: u j+mN = u j for j [0, . . . , N 1] and
all integers m. We may express this discrete function as a finite Fourier series (a.k.a. discrete Fourier series)
with N complex coefficients9 times mutually orthogonal complex exponential functions such that [cf. (5.8a)]


uj =

uneikn x j = un ei2 jn/N


ikm x j

Multiplying the above expression by (1/N)e

this case (5.5b), we find that [cf. (5.8b)]
1 N1 h
u j = un eikn x eikm x

N j=0


kn =

2 n


and summing over the values j = 0, . . . , N 1, applying in

um =

1 N1 ikm x j
1 N1 i2 jm/N
u je

u je
N j=0
N j=0


The determination of the Fourier coefficients um from the function values u j , which may be found using
the relation given in (5.23b), is referred to as taking the Fourier transform (that is, it is said that u is the
Fourier transform of u). Conversely, the determination of the function values u j from the Fourier coefficients
un , which may be found using the relation given in (5.23a), is referred to as taking the inverse Fourier
The vector u is referred to as a
transform (that is, it is said that u is the inverse Fourier transform of u).
physical space representation, whereas the vector u is referred to as a Fourier space representation. Note
that the formula to compute the Fourier transform [that is, the equation to determine the um given the u j , as
given in (5.23b)] is almost exactly the same as the formula to compute the inverse Fourier transform [that is,
the equation to determine the u j given the um , as given in (5.23a)]. Thus,
Fact 5.3 The same numerical code can be used for both the forward and inverse Fourier transform; to calculate a forward Fourier transform using a code that calculates an inverse Fourier transform, simply replace
the Fourier coefficients un in the function call with the function values un , replace i by i in the algorithm,
and scale the result by 1/N.
8 For convenience, we have shifted the domain over which we consider u(x) to x [0,L); due to its assumed periodicity, this is
equivalent to considering it over x [L/2,L/2).
9 Note the conservation of information in the representation of N complex function values u in terms of N complex coefficients u
in the finite Fourier series. The special case of real functions u j is considered in 5.5.


Note that the finite Fourier series relationships given in (5.23) may be written in matrix form for any
positive integer N as10

u = Gu


f jn = eikn x j = wN where wN = ei2 /N ,

1 mj
with gm j = eikm x j = wN .

u = F u with



The matrices F and G are often referred to as discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrices. Note that, by the
definitions in (5.24) and (5.5b), GF = FG = I; that is, G = F 1 = F H /N. Note also that we often denote w,
F, and G with the subscript N to indicate the size of the transform we imply. In matrix form, applying the
facts that wNN = 1, wN = 1, and wN = i (see Appendix B) and writing w = w8 , we may write FN in the
cases N = 2, N = 4, and N = 8 as

1 1
1 w w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7

1 w2 w4 w6 1 w2 w4 w6
1 1

1 i
1 w3 w6 w w4 w7 w2 w5
1 1
1 i

F2 =
, F4 =
, F8 =
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 w4 1 w4 1 w4

1 w
1 w5 w2 w7 w4 w w6 w3
1 i 1 i

1 w6 w4 w2 1 w6 w4 w2
1 w7 w6 w5 w4 w3 w2 w

Stating (5.24) in words, one technique to convert the vector of physical space function values, u, to the vector
is simply to premultiply the vector u by the matrix G; to convert back to physical
of Fourier coefficients, u,
space, premultiply u by F. Each of these (full) matrix/vector products costs N 2 complex multiplications
and N 2 complex additions, which is equivalent11 to 8N 2 real flops. A much faster numerical algorithm
to compute both of these transforms, called the fast Fourier transform, is presented in the following section.

5.4.1 The fast Fourier transform (FFT)

The discrete Fourier transform matrices F and G in (5.24) are full but exhibit a very distinct structure. By
leveraging this structure [as done, e.g., in the Householder matrix/vector product given in (1.11)], discrete
Fourier transforms can be computed via an algorithm that is much cheaper than full matrix/vector multiplication. Such an algorithm is referred to as a fast Fourier transform (FFT). For N = 2s , the structure of the
matrix FN (or GN ) becomes apparent by rearranging it (via postmultiplication by a permutation matrix PNeo ;
see 1.2.5) to list its even columns first, followed by its odd columns. For example,

1 1
1 1


1 1
i i
F2 0
= F2 2 F2 = I 2
F4 P4eo =
1 1
I 2 0 F2
F2 2 F2
1 1
1 1 i
10 Note that there is flexibility in the definition of the Fourier series and Fourier integral expansions. In particular, the exponent in the
complex exponential may be either positive or negative in (5.8a), (5.15a), and (5.23a), with the opposite sign chosen in the complex
exponential in (5.8b), (5.15b), and (5.23b). Also, the product of the coefficient of the sum in (5.8a) and the coefficient of the integral in
(5.8b) needs to be 1/L, the product of the coefficient of the integral in (5.15a) and the coefficient of the integral in (5.15b) needs to be
1/(2 ), and the product of the coefficient of the sum in (5.23a) and the coefficient of the sum in (5.23b) needs to be 1/N; it is sometimes

and (5.8b) as 1/ L, the

more convenient algebraically to make these formulae
more symmetric by taking the coefficients in both (5.8a)

coefficients in both (5.15a) and (5.15b) as 1/ 2 , and the coefficients in both (5.23a) and (5.23b) as 1/ N; the latter case makes the
matrix F unitary in (5.24) (that is, G = F 1 = F H ). Be aware that different authors use different conventions.
11 Note that a complex addition costs two real flops [that is, (a + bi) + (c + di) = e + f i where e = a + c and f = b + d], and a complex
multiplication costs six real flops [that is, (a + bi)(c + di) = g + hi where g = ac bd and h = ad + bc].


and, again denoting w = w8 ,

1 1
1 i

1 1 1 1

1 i 1 i
F8 P8 =
1 1

1 i

1 1 1 1
1 i 1 i

w w3
w2 w6
w3 w
w w3
w2 w6
w3 w


2 ,



P4eo =
In general,



= N/2


w5 w7
w2 w6
w7 w5
w5 w7
w2 w6
w7 w5

= F4


1 0
0 w
4 ,
0 0
0 0


P8 =


N/2 FN/2
N/2 FN/2






4 F4
4 F4


0 N/2














where N/2 = diag([1, wN , w2N , w3N , . . . , wN

]) and PNeo is the permutation matrix such that the product
FN PN reorders all of the even columns of FN first, then all of the odd columns (and, therefore, the product
(PNeo )T x reorders all of the even rows of x first, then all of the odd rows).
Based on these relationships, note that FN x may be determined from FN/2 xe and FN/2 xo , where xe and xo
are the vectors containing the even and odd elements of x, according to the following important identity:

FN/2 xe
FN x = {FN PNeo }{(PNeo )T x} =
I I 0 N/2 FN/2 xo
| {z } | {z } | {z }

This calculation requires only N/2 complex multiplications (to calculate B c) and N complex additions
(to calculate A times the result); that is, it requires 5N real flops. The two vectors FN/2 xe and FN/2 xo , in
turn, may each be determined based on FN/4 FFTs applied to the vectors containing their own even and odd
elements, etc., for a total of log2 (N) = s stages. Each stage of this calculation requires 5N real flops, so the
total cost is 5Ns = 5N log2 (N) real flops12,13 . For N = 23 = 8, there are three such stages, and the resulting
12 The

difference between the 5N log2 (N) cost of the FFT and the 8N 2 cost of the equivalent full matrix/vector multiplication, as
descripted at the end of the previous section, is quite significant. For N = 16, the latter requires over 6 times as many flops as the former.
For N = 1024, this factor is over 160, and for larger N, it is even greater.
13 Note also that a few more flops can in fact be shaved off by writing special algorithms for the first two stages (furthest to the left in
Figure 5.2), where all of the multiplies are actually just multiplication by 1 and i (which only flip real and imaginary parts and flip
sign bits, and thus dont count as flops). When coded carefully, this reduces the cost of both of the first two stages to 4N real flops.


algorithm may be represented as the block diagram illustrated in Figure 5.2. The resulting algorithm (referred
to as the Cooley-Tukey variant of the fast Fourier transform, in honor of its inventors) may be arranged as
a simple recursive code, as illustrated in Algorithm 5.1, or as a slightly more involved direct calculation, as
illustrated in Algorithm 5.2. Note that the latter of these two algorithms involves a reordering of the inputs
into bit reversed order during every FFT call, as described in the caption of Figure 5.2. This can be avoided
by keeping the physical space representation in standard order and the Fourier space representation in bit
reversed order everywhere in the code, as illustrated in Figure 5.3 and implemented in Algorithm 5.3. 14
Other FFT algorithms. If the order of x is not a power of 2, then instead of relating the output vectors to
twice as many input vectors of half the order at each stage, one may instead15 relate the output vectors to
p j times as many input vectors of 1/p j the order at each stage j, where the p j for j = 1 . . . s are the various
prime factors of N (some of which may be repeated). Following this strategy for an N with a prime factor of
3, the following identity may be determined [cf. (5.25); (5.26) is derived in an analogous fashion]

FN x = I

w3 I w3 I
w3 I w3 I 0

FN/3 xa
FN/3 xb ,
FN/3 xc
} | {z }



where w3 = ei2 /3 , wN = ei2 /N , N/3 = diag([1, wN , . . . , wN

]), xa is the vector containing the {0, 3, 6, 9, . . .}
rows of x, x is the vector containing the {1, 4, 7, 10, . . .} rows of x, and xc is the vector containing the
{2, 5, 8, 11, . . .} rows of x. For example, if N = 96, five of the stages relate the ouput vectors to twice as many
vectors of half the order via (5.25), whereas one of the stages relates the output vectors to three times as many
vectors of one third their order via (5.26). A stage implementing (5.26) requires 2N/3 complex multiplications (to calculate Bc), plus 4N/3 complex multiplications and 2N complex additions (to calculate A times
the result). Note, however, that the two complex products w z = (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac bd) + (ad + bc)i and
w z = (a bi)(c + di) = (ac + bd) + (ad bc)i may be calculated with a total of 8 real flops (not 12). Leveraging this fact, (5.26) may be calculated with a total of 40N/3 13.33N real flops16 (for implementation,
see Exercise 5.4). Thus, due to the relative complexity of (5.26), each stage corresponding to a prime factor
of 3 is significantly more expensive than even two stages corresponding to a prime factor of 2. However, it is
typical in most problems which make extensive use of FFT calls, such as the numerical simulation of PDE
systems, that we may in fact allow the user to select N. In such problems, it is thus strongly advised to stick
with FFTs of order N = 2s or, if necessary, N = 3 2s; the remainder of this chapter assumes N = 2s .
The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. Many variations of the basic FFT algorithm described above
exist, and each differs from the others in an assortment of seemingly minor details (execution order, etc.) that
can significantly affect the efficiency of the cache usage on different CPU architectures, and thus significantly
impact the overall execution speed of the FFT algorithm. For this reason, one FFT algorithm can not be
depended on to be the fastest FFT algorithm (even for a particular value of N) in all situations. To address this
fact, an ingenious FFT package called the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW) was developed,
and is available for free download at This package implements not one but all of
the major variations of the FFT algorithm. When a particular code is going to be run on a particular machine
14 Note that the bitswap of the exponent vector in Algorithm 5.3 is, unfortunately, very slow to execute in the current (as of this
writing) version of Matlab. An attractive alternative is to save all the wv variables during an FFT setup call, and then reuse them for all
subsequent calls to this algorithm. The coding necessary to accomplish this is addressed in Exercise 5.3.
15 This approach is efficient only for N with small prime factors, as such general FFT algorithms suffer a significant performance
penalty if any of the prime factors of N is significantly larger than 2; in the extreme worst case that N is itself large and prime, the cost
of the FFT reverts to the 8N 2 real flops of full complex matrix/vector multiplication.
16 Note that, if N has only a single prime factor of three, executing it as the first stage, and implementing carefully, again allows a few
flops to be shaved off, thus allowing the calculation of this stage to be executed with only 28N/3 9.33N real flops.


Algorithm 5.1: The recursive Cooley-Tukey variant of the fast Fourier transform.

f u n c t i o n [ x ] = F F T r e c u r s i v e ( x , N, g )
% Compute t h e f o r w a r d FFT ( g =1) o r i n v e r s e FFT ( g =1 ) o f a v e c t o r x o f o r d e r N=2 s . The
% e n t i r e a l g o r i t h m i s s i m p l y r e p e a t e d a p p l i c a t i o n o f Eqn ( 5 . 2 0 ) .
NOTE : t o g e t t h e
% f o r w a r d t r a n s f o r m , you must d i v i d e t h e r e s u l t by N o u t s i d e t h i s f u n c t i o n . Note a l s o t h a t
% t h e wavenumber v e c t o r c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e F o u r i e r r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s h o u l d be d e f i n e d
% ( o u t s i d e t h i s r o u t i n e ) a s : k =( 2 p i / L ) [ [ 0 : N/ 2 ] ; [ N/ 2 + 1 : 1 ] ] ; n o t e i n p a r t i c u l a r t h a t
% k ( 1 ) = 0 ( r e c a l l t h a t M atlab i n d e x e s from 1 , n o t 0 ) .
i f N>1
% I f N=1 , do n o t h i n g , e l s e . . .
M=N / 2 ; w=exp ( g 2 p i i /N ) ; xe =x ( 1 : 2 : N 1 ) ; xo=x ( 2 : 2 : N ) ;
xe= F F T r e c u r s i v e ( xe ,M, g ) ;
% Compute FFTs o f t h e ev en and odd p a r t s .
xo= F F T r e c u r s i v e ( xo ,M, g ) ;
f o r j = 1 :M; xo ( j , 1 ) =w ( j 1) xo ( j , 1 ) ; end
% S p l i t e a c h g r o u p i n h a l f and combine
x =[ xe+xo ; xexo ] ;
% a s i n Eqn ( 5 . 2 5 )
end % f u n c t i o n F F T r e c u r s i v e

Algorithm 5.2: The direct Cooley-Tukey variant of the fast Fourier transform.
View f u n c t i o n x= F F T d i r e c t ( x , N, g )
Test % Compute t h e f o r w a r d FFT ( g =1) o r i n v e r s e FFT ( g =1 ) o f a v e c t o r x o f o r d e r N=2 s .

% At e a c h s t a g e , d e f i n i n g Ns =2 s t a g e , t h e e l e m e n t s d i v i d e i n t o N/ Ns g r o u p s , e a c h w i t h Ns
% e l e m e n t s . Each g r o u p i s s p l i t i n h a l f and combined a s i n F i g 5 . 2 .
% The c o r r e s p o n d i n g wavenumber v e c t o r i s : k =( 2 p i / L ) [ [ 0 : N/ 2 ] ; [ N/ 2 + 1 : 1 ] ] .
s = l o g 2 (N ) ;
% number o f s t a g e s
i n d = b i n 2 d e c ( f l i p l r ( d e c 2 b i n ( [ 0 : N 1 ] , s ) ) ) ; x=x ( i n d + 1 ) ; % P u t i n p u t i n t o b i t r e v e r s e d o r d e r .
for s tage =1: s
% For each s t a g e . . .
Ns =2 s t a g e ;
% D e t e r m i n e s i z e o f t h e t r a n s f o r m computed a t t h i s s t a g e .
M=Ns / 2 ; w=exp ( g 2 p i i / Ns ) ; % C a l c u l a t e w
f o r m= 0 :M1
% S p l i t e a c h g r o u p i n h a l f t o combine a s i n F i g 5 . 2 :
% C a l c u l a t e t h e n e c e s s a r y power o f w .
f o r n = 1 : Ns :N
% D e t e r m i n e e a c h p a i r o f e l e m e n t s t o be combined and combine them .
a=m+n ; b=M+a ; x ( [ a b ] ) = x ( a ) + [ 1 ; 1] x ( b ) wm;
i f g==1, x=x /N; end
% S c a l e t h e f o r w a r d v e r s i o n o f t h e t r a n s f o r m by 1 /N .
end % f u n c t i o n F F T d i r e c t

with a particular cache structure, and execute billions of FFTs of a particular order on this machine, FFTW
first executes an assortment of different FFT algorithms of this order on this machine, thereby determining
the execution time required for each experimentally. FFTW then selects whichever algorithm happened to
run the fastest during this test for all subsequent FFT calculations. This self-optimizing software library thus
achieves that often elusive goal of portable speed (that is, a single code that gives nearly optimal speed on a
wide range of different computer architectures). It is therefore no exaggeration to say that, as a result, FFTW
is the FFT package of choice for most modern high-performance numerical codes.

5.4.2 Properties of the coefficients of a finite Fourier series

Note that, at kn = 0, we have [by (5.23b)]
u0 =


u j.



That is, u0 is simply the average of the u j over the N samples. This property is illustrated in several of the test
codes provided with the FFT algorithms in this chapter.

Algorithm 5.3: The direct Cooley-Tukey variant of the fast Fourier transform without reordering.
f u n c t i o n x= F F T n o n r e o r d e r e d ( x , N, g )
% Compute t h e FFT ( g =1) o r i n v e r s e FFT ( g =1 ) o f a v e c t o r x o f o r d e r N=2 s . NOTE : a s
% o p p o s ed t o A l g o r i t h m 5 . 2 , t h i s a l g o r i t h m d o e s n o t b o t h e r r e o r d e r i n g t h e F o u r i e r
% r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o u t of , and t h e n b ack i n t o , b i t r e v e r s e d o r d e r , t h e r e b y r e d u c i n g b o t h
% s t o r a g e and e x e c u t i o n t i m e ( s e e F i g u r e 5 . 3 ) . The c o r r e s p o n d i n g wavenumber v e c t o r i s
% t =( 2 p i / L ) [ [ 0 : N/ 2 ] ; [ N/ 2 + 1 : 1 ] ] ; k= t ( 1 + b i n 2 d e c ( f l i p l r ( d e c 2 b i n ( [ 0 : N 1 ] , s ) ) ) )
s = l o g 2 (N ) ;
% Number o f s t a g e s .
i f g==1
% FORWARD TRANSFORM ( p h y s i c a l s p a c e i n p u t e x p e c t e d i n s t a n d a r d o r d e r ) .
for s tag e =1: s % ( This s e c t i o n s i m i l a r to Algorithm 5 . 2 , modified as in Figure 5 . 3 . )
Ns =2 s t a g e ; d =2N / Ns ; M=N/ Ns ; w=exp (2 p i i / Ns ) ;
wv=w . ( b i n 2 d e c ( f l i p l r ( d e c 2 b i n ( [ 0 : Ns / 2 1 ] ) ) ) ) ;
% Bitswap th e exponent v ecto r .
f o r m= 0 : Ns/2 1
md=m d ;
f o r n = 1 :M % D e t e r m i n e e a c h p a i r o f e l e m e n t s t o be combined , and combine them .
a=md+n ; b=a+M; x ( [ a b ] ) = x ( a ) + [ 1 ; 1] x ( b ) wv (m+ 1 ) ;
% Note : F o u r i e r s p a c e o u t p u t i s r e t u r n e d i n b i t r e v e r s e d o r d e r .
x=x /N ;
% INVERSE TRANSFORM ( F o u r i e r s p a c e i n p u t e x p e c t e d i n b i t r e v e r s e d o r d e r ) .
for s tag e =1: s % ( This s e c t i o n as in Algorithm 5 . 2 . )
Ns =2 s t a g e ; M=Ns / 2 ; w=exp ( 2 p i i / Ns ) ; wv=w . ( [ 0 : Ns / 2 1 ] ) ; % S t a n d a r d o r d e r u s e d h e r e .
f o r m= 0 :M1
f o r n = 1 : Ns :N
a=m+n ; b=a+M; x ( [ a b ] ) = x ( a ) + [ 1 ; 1] x ( b ) wv (m+ 1 ) ;
% Note : P h y s i c a l s p a c e o u t p u t i s r e t u r n e d i n s t a n d a r d o r d e r .
end % f u n c t i o n F F T n o n r e o r d e r e d

Note also that, since kN x j =

2 N


= 2 j,
eikm+N x j = eikm x j .


By (5.23b), it thus follows for the finite Fourier series that

um+N =

1 N1 ikm x j
1 N1 ikm+N x j
u je
= um .

u je
N j=0
N j=0


That is, the coefficients of a finite Fourier series are periodic. Thus, applying (5.28a) and (5.28b), the following expansions are completely equivalent17


un eikn x j =

uj =




un eikn x j =









uneikn x j = un eikn x j =





un eikn x j



for any integer p. One important implication/interpretation of (5.29) is that sin(kn x j ) and sin(kn+pN x j ), for
any integer p, are indistinguishable on a discrete grid with N gridpoints, as are cos(kn x j ) and cos(kn+pN x j ),
17 Note that the FFT algorithms given in 5.4.1 return an expansion in the form (C), with the indices shifted by +1 (because Matlab
indexes from 1, not 0).



000 = 0
100 = 4


010 = 2

u000 = u0

u001 = u1


u010 = u2


u011 = u3


u100 = u4


u101 = u5

-w 2

u110 = u6

-w 3

u111 = u7


110 = 6


001 = 1

101 = 5



011 = 3



111 = 7



Figure 5.2: Half butterfly graph illustrating the Cooley-Tukey variant of the inverse FFT u = FN u (5.24a) for
N = 8, where w = ei2 /N . The recursive form (Algorithm 5.1) may be seen by working backwards from the
output vector on the right, which is related to the FN/2 transforms of its even and odd components via (5.25),
which in turn (working to the left) are related to the FN/4 transforms of their even and odd components, etc.
The direct form (Algorithm 5.2), in contrast, works from left to right, performing all the necessary linear
combinations in order; to accomplish this, the input must be arranged in bit reversed order (that is, regular
counting order with bits reversed in a binary representation). In either form, this algorithm costs 5N log2 (N)
real flops. Note that the forward transform u = GN u [see (5.24b)] may be accomplished via the same graph,
replacing i with i and w with w and dividing the output by N; in such a case, the function values u j are input
in bit reversed order on the left and coefficients un are output in standard order on the right.









N -1

N -1

N -1












-w 2


-w 3



-w 2


N -1

N -1







N -1







N -1

-w 3

N -1



Figure 5.3: Full butterfly graph illustrating both forward and inverse FFTs (Algorithm 5.3). The inverse
transform on the right is identical to Figure 5.2. The forward transform on the left is formed by performing
the manipulations discussed in the caption of Figure 5.2 to the half butterfly in Figure 5.2 and then just
repositioning the rows of nodes to place the inputs in standard order and the outputs in bit-reversed order. The
remarkable feature of this graph is that it highlights the fact that there is no need to rearrange the coefficients
of the Fourier-space represenation out of, and then back into, bit reversed order; with care in the rest of the
numerical code (e.g., defining the vector containing the wavenumbers kn in bit-reversed order), the Fourierspace representation may be kept in bit-reversed order everywhere in the entire code, thereby avoiding the
significant computation time required to perform these reorderings during every FFT call.









Figure 5.4: Two different signals, sin(x) and sin(9x), with exactly the same samples on N = 8 points on
x < , illustrating that these two curves are indistinguishable with an N = 8 discrete representation.
This effect is referred to as aliasing.
as illustrated in Figure 5.4. Thus, if a continuous signal is to be sampled and represented with a finite Fourier
series, it is important to filter the continuous signal first to remove its wavenumber components outside the
range kN/2 < k < kN/2 , where kN/2 = N/L = /x is referred to as the Nyquist frequency; 5.4.3 and
5.5 discuss this matter further.

5.4.3 Approximating differentiation using a finite Fourier series

Now rewrite the infinite Fourier series expansion of a function u(x) in terms of an infinite sum of sines and

u(x) =

um eikm x =


um [cos(km x) + isin(km x)] ,


[ucm cos(km x) + usm sin(km x)]



ucm = um + um
usm = (um um )i.


If we want to determine uniquely the sinusoidal components of the continuous function u(x) (that is, the
coefficients ucm and usm ) over a finite range of wavenumber k [0, k1 , . . . , kM ], then we need to know both
the positive and negative Fourier coefficients of its infinite Fourier series over this range; that is, we need
to know the um over the range m [M, M], as suggested in (5.9). For this reason, interpreting the finite
Fourier series expansions as summing over the wavenumber range indicated by the form (A) or (B) in (5.29)
is preferred. For the FFT routines listed in Algorithms 5.1-5.3, this may be accomplished simply by defining
the wavenumber vector as listed in the preamble of each of these algorithms, it is not necessary to actually
reorder the coefficients of the series into the order implied by the form (A) or (B) in (5.29). Significantly,
noting (5.10), defining the wavenumber vector k in this manner allows one to approximate differentiation in
Fourier space with the simple commands


etc. Thus, in the remainder of this text, for simplicity, we will continue to write the Fourier series expansion
as introduced in (5.23a) [that is, form (C) in (5.29)], though we assume the wavenumber vector kn is defined

such that, noting (5.28), the sum is actually, in effect, in form (A) or (B) in (5.29) that is, approximately
centered over the zero wavenumber.
Interpreted another way, it does not matter what lower limit on the sum is used when representing a
finite Fourier series, as all four of the natural choices are mathematically equivalent, as noted in (5.29).
However, applying the operations in (5.10a) and (5.10b) to a truncated approximation of the infinite Fourier
series, noting that km = 2 m/L and thus km+N 6= km for the infinite Fourier series, it does matter what lower
limit is used when differentiating a finite Fourier series approximation of a function, as by so doing the
spatially-continuous interpretation of the function u(x) sampled by the discrete function u j is significant.
To differentiate all of the lowest-wavenumber sine and cosine components of the corresponding continuous
function u(x) correctly, the wavenumber vector should be defined such that the finite Fourier series expansion
actually sums over the wavenumber range indicated by the form (A) or (B) in (5.29).

5.5 Special properties of the Fourier expansions of real functions

If u is real, then18 u(x) = u (x), and thus, by the infinite Fourier series expansion (5.8), defining m = n, we

u(x) =

[um ]eikm x = u (x) =



un eikn x =

[um ]eikm x

m =

um = um .


This property is evident in the test codes accompanying Algorithms 5.1-5.3. Thus, when expanding a real
function as a Fourier series, only the Fourier coefficients at the zero and positive wavenumbers need to be
determined, as the Fourier coefficients at the negative wavenumbers may be determined directly from (5.31).
In the discretized setting, if u j is real, two wavenumbers in the finite Fourier series expansion (5.23)
deserve special attention. Note first that, by (5.27), u0 is simply the average of the u j over the N samples. Thus,
if the u j are real, then u0 is also real. Note also that, by (5.28b), uN/2 = uN/2 , and, by (5.31), uN/2 = uN/2 .
Thus, uN/2 = uN/2 ; that is, if the u j are real, then uN/2 is also real. We therefore see that we again satisfy the
curious recurrent conservation of information property: in the representation of N real function values as a
finite Fourier series, there are N independent real pieces of information: the two real Fourier coefficients u0
and uN/2 and the N/2 1 complex coefficients u1 to uN/21 (each of which consists of two real numbers).
Dealing with the Nyquist frequency. The frequency kN/2 = N/L which is constrained to have a real Fourier
coefficient if the original u j is real is called the Nyquist frequency or oddball wavenumber19 . The fact that,
if u j is real, the Fourier coefficient must be real at the Nyquist frequency in the finite Fourier series expansion
causes a peculiar problem when trying to represent a numerical approximation of an odd derivative of real
function u. Specifically, if the discretization u j of a continuous real function u(x) has a nonzero coefficient
uN/2 at the Nyquist frequency in its finite Fourier series expansion, then the discretization f j of the continuous
function defined as an odd derivative of u(x) [that is, f (x) = d p u(x)/dx p , where p is odd] should have an
imaginary coefficient at the same frequency. However, if f is expanded with a finite Fourier series with the
same number of terms as used in the expansion of u, this would be an imaginary Fourier coefficient fN/2
at the Nyquist frequency, which would mean that the corresponding f j would not be real [that is, (5.28b)
and (5.31) would fail to both hold simultaneously for fN/2 ], which contradicts the fact that both f (x) and its
discrete approximation should be real. We are thus forced to select fN/2 = 0 regardless of uN/2 ; that is, the
finite Fourier series expansion is not suitable for differentiation of those oscillations of u at (or, for that matter,
the remainder of 5, in order to simplify the notation, the symbol () is used to denote the complex conjugate.
the independent coordinate x in this chapter may be interpreted as either a spatial coordinate or time, we use for k the words
wavenumber (typically reseverved for the spatial interpretation) and frequency (typically reserved for the temporal interpretation)
essentially interchangeably; following the temporal interpretation, the independent coordinate is typically denoted t and the frequency
denoted .
18 For

19 As


above) the Nyquist frequency kN/2 = N/L. The practical conclusion is this: oscillations in the numerical
representation of a function at the Nyquist frequency should be removed from the simulation before spectral
differentiation in order for the simulation to behave correctly20 . In practice, we thus, usually, simply constrain
the coefficients at the Nyquist frequency to be zero at the end of every Fourier transform in order to remove
these rapid oscillations from the numerical code entirely, thereby smoothing the resulting calculation.
The FFT of a real or complex vector u j may be calculated using Algorithms 5.1-5.3. However, in the case
that u j is real, we know that the Fourier transform will return a vector un exhibiting the symmetry un = un
[see (5.31)], and that the subsequent inverse transform will return a vector u j with zero imaginary part. We
should be able to exploit these facts to compute the transform of a real vector more efficiently; the following
discussion shows how.
Computing the fast Fourier transform of two real vectors. Consider first the finite Fourier series expansion
of two real vectors u j and v j of order N. By (5.31), we have
un = un ,

vn = vn .

Now define a complex auxiliary function w j such that

w j = u j + iv j

w n = un + ivn .


It follows that
w n = un ivn

w n = un ivn .


Taking [ (5.32a) + (5.32b) ]/2 and [ (5.32a) (5.32b) ]/(2i) gives

un = (w n + w n )/2,

vn = (w n w n )/(2i).


Thus, the Fourier transform of two real vectors u j and v j of order N may be computed simultaneously via a
single order N FFT by combining the two vectors into a complex vector w j = u j + iv j , taking its FFT, then
extracting un and vn according to (5.33), as implemented in Algorithm 5.4. All of the steps of the forward
transform are invertible, so the inverse transform is easy to develop simply by inverting the steps of the
forward transform and doing them in reverse, as implemented in Algorithm 5.5.
Computing the fast Fourier transform of a single real vector. Now consider the finite Fourier series expansion of a single real vector u j of order N. By the identity (5.25), we may write
un = uen + e2 in/N uon

for n = 0, 1, . . . , N 1,


where uej is the vector containing the even elements of u j and uoj is the vector containing the odd elements of
u j , both of which are order N/2, and uen and uon are the (periodic) coefficients of their finite Fourier transforms.
Thus, the Fourier transform of a single real vector u j of order N may be computed via a single order N/2
FFT of its (real, order N/2) even and odd parts using Algorithm 5.4, then combining to determine un using
(5.34), as implemented in Algorithm 5.6. As a significant streamlining step, one may insert Algorithm 5.4 into
Algorithm 5.6 (once both of these codes are debugged) and then simplify the resulting code, which results in
Algorithm 5.7. Again, all of the steps of the forward transform are invertible, so the inverse transform is easy
to develop simply by inverting the steps of the forward transform and doing them in reverse, as implemented
in Algorithm 5.8.
20 In the finite-difference literature, oscillations at the Nyquist frequency are commonly referred to as two-delta waves. One encounters
a similar difficulty differentiating a two-delta wave using finite difference methods (see 8) as one has differentiating fluctuations at the
Nyquist frequency using spectral methods.


Algorithm 5.4: The FFT of two real functions.


f u n c t i o n [ u h a t , v h a t ] = RFFT2 ( u , v , N)
% INPUT : u and v a r e r e a l a r r a y s o f o r d e r N=2 s .
% OUTPUT: u h a t and v h a t a r e complex a r r a y s o f o r d e r N/ 2 , c o n t a i n i n g h a l f o f t h e FFTs
% o f u and v , f o r wavenumbers 0 t o N / 2 . As u and v a r e r e a l , t h e i r 0 and N/ 2 F o u r i e r
% c o e f f i c i e n t s a r e r e a l , s o t h e N/ 2 c o e f f i c i e n t s ( a t t h e N y q u i s t f r e q u e n c y )
% are s t o r e d in the imaginary p a r t of the the 0 c o e f f i c i e n t s .
% To remove them , j u s t s e t , e . g . , u h a t ( 1 ) = r e a l ( u h a t ( 1 ) ) .
w=u+ i v ;
% Combine u and v i n t o a s i n g l e complex
what= F F T d i r e c t (w, N, 1 ) ;
% v e c t o r and t r a n s f o r m t o F o u r i e r s p a c e .
M=N+ 2 ;
f o r j = 2 :N/ 2
u h a t ( j , 1 ) = ( what ( j ) + c o n j ( what (Mj ) ) ) / 2 ;
% E x t r a c t u h a t and v h a t from t h e r e s u l t .
v h a t ( j , 1 ) = ( what ( j ) c o n j ( what (Mj ) ) ) / ( 2 i ) ; % v i a ( 5 . 3 3 )
u h a t ( 1 , 1 ) = r e a l ( what ( 1 ) ) + i r e a l ( what (N / 2 + 1 ) ) ; % H an d le t h e z e r o and N y q u i s t f r e q u e n c y
v h a t ( 1 , 1 ) = imag ( what ( 1 ) ) + i imag ( what (N / 2 + 1 ) ) ; % s e p a r a t e l y , n o t i n g t h e y a r e b o t h r e a l .
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT2

Algorithm 5.5: The inverse FFT of two real functions.


f u n c t i o n [ u , v ] = RFFT2inv ( u h a t , v h a t , N)
% INPUT : u h a t & v h a t a r e complex a r r a y s o f l e n g t h N/ 2 c o n t a i n i n g h a l f o f t h e
% f o r wavenumbers 0 t o N/ 2 , w i t h t h e N/ 2 c o e f f i c i e n t s s t o r e d i n t h e i m a g i n a r y
% 0 coefficients .
% OUTPUT: u and v a r e r e a l a r r a y s o f l e n g t h N=2 s .
% T h i s r o u t i n e was w r i t t e n by i n v e r t i n g t h e s t e p s o f RFFT2 and d o i n g them i n
what ( 1 )
=real ( uhat ( 1 ) ) + i real ( vhat ( 1 ) ) ;
what (N/ 2 + 1 ) = imag ( u h a t ( 1 ) ) + i imag ( v h a t ( 1 ) ) ;
M=N+ 2 ;
f o r j = 2 :N/ 2
what ( j )
= uhat ( j )+ i vhat ( j ) ;
% Combine u h a t + i v h a t
what (Mj ) = c o n j ( u h a t ( j ) ) + i c o n j ( v h a t ( j ) ) ;
w= F F T d i r e c t ( what , N , 1 ) ;
% Transform to p h y s i c a l space .
u= r e a l (w ) ; v=imag (w ) ;
% E x t r a c t u and v from t h e r e s u l t
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT2inv

f f t s of u & v ,
p a r t of the

reverse .

Algorithm 5.6: The FFT of a single real function.

View f u n c t i o n [ u h a t ] = RFFT1 ( u , N)
Test % INPUT : u i s a r e a l a r r a y o f l e n g t h N=2 s .

% OUTPUT: u h a t i s a complex a r r a y o f l e n g t h N / 2 .
I t c o n t a i n s h a l f of the f f t of u ,
% f o r t h e wavenumbers 0 t o N / 2 . As u i s r e a l , i t s 0 and N/ 2 c o e f f i c i e n t s a r e r e a l ,
% s o t h e N/ 2 c o e f f i c i e n t ( a t t h e o d d b a l l wavenumber ) i s s t o r e d i n t h e i m a g i n a r y
% p a r t o f t h e t h e 0 c o e f f i c i e n t . To remove i t , j u s t s e t u h a t ( 1 ) = r e a l ( u h a t ( 1 ) ) .
[ u e h a t , u o h a t ] = RFFT2 ( u ( 1 : 2 : N1) , u ( 2 : 2 : N ) ,N / 2 ) ; % Compute FFTs o f t h e ev en and
M=N/ 2 + 2 ;
% odd p a r t s o f u
f o r n = 2 :N/ 4
uhat (n , 1 ) =
( u e h a t ( n ) + exp (2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N) u o h a t ( n ) ) / 2 ; % Combine r e s u l t
u h a t (Mn , 1 ) = c o n j ( u e h a t ( n)exp (2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N) u o h a t ( n ) ) / 2 ; % a s i n ( 5 . 3 4 )
uhat ( 1 , 1 ) = ( r e a l ( uehat ( 1 ) ) + r e a l ( uohat ( 1 ) ) ) / 2 + i ( r e a l ( uehat (1)) r e a l ( uohat ( 1 ) ) ) / 2 ;
u h a t (N/ 4 + 1 , 1 ) = ( imag ( u e h a t ( 1 ) ) i imag ( u o h a t ( 1 ) ) ) / 2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT1


Algorithm 5.7: The FFT of a single real function, simplified.

f u n c t i o n [ uh ] =RFFT ( u , N)
% T h i s r o u t i n e was w r i t t e n by s u b s t i t u t i n g RFFT2 i n t o RFFT1 and s i m p l i f y i n g .
wh= F F T d i r e c t ( u ( 1 : 2 : N1)+ i u ( 2 : 2 : N) ,N/ 2 , 1 ) ;
M=N/ 2 + 2 ;
f o r n = 2 :N/ 4
uh ( n , 1 ) =( wh ( n ) + c o n j ( wh (Mn )) i exp (2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N) ( wh ( n) c o n j ( wh (Mn ) ) ) ) / 4 ;
uh (Mn , 1 ) = ( c o n j ( wh ( n ) ) + wh (Mn) i exp ( 2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N) ( c o n j ( wh ( n )) wh (Mn ) ) ) / 4 ;
uh ( 1 , 1 ) = ( r e a l ( wh ( 1 ) ) + imag ( wh ( 1 ) ) ) / 2 + i ( r e a l ( wh( 1 ) ) imag ( wh ( 1 ) ) ) / 2 ;
uh (N/ 4 + 1 , 1 ) = ( r e a l ( wh (N/4 +1 ) ) i imag ( wh (N / 4 + 1 ) ) ) / 2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT


Algorithm 5.8: The inverse FFT of a single real function.

f u n c t i o n [ u ] = RFFTinv ( uh , N)
% T h i s r o u t i n e was w r i t t e n by i n v e r t i n g t h e s t e p s o f RFFT and d o i n g them i n r e v e r s e .
wh ( 1 ) = r e a l ( uh ( 1 , 1 ) ) + imag ( uh ( 1 , 1 ) ) + i ( r e a l ( uh ( 1 , 1 ) ) imag ( uh ( 1 , 1 ) ) ) ;
wh (N/ 4 + 1 ) = ( r e a l ( uh (N/ 4 + 1 , 1 ) ) i imag ( uh (N / 4 + 1 , 1 ) ) ) 2 ;
M=N/ 2 + 2 ;
f o r n = 2 :N/ 4
wh ( n ) = uh ( n , 1 ) + c o n j ( uh (Mn , 1 ) ) + ( uh ( n ,1) c o n j ( uh (Mn , 1 ) ) ) i exp ( 2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N ) ;
wh (Mn ) = c o n j ( uh ( n , 1 ) ) + uh (Mn , 1 ) + ( c o n j ( uh ( n , 1 ) ) uh (Mn , 1 ) ) i exp (2 p i i ( n 1 ) /N ) ;
w= F F T d i r e c t ( wh , N / 2 , 1 ) ;
u ( 1 : 2 : N1 ,1)= r e a l (w ) ; u ( 2 : 2 : N, 1 ) = imag (w ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFFTinv


5.6 Convolution sums and nonlinear products

Consider now the convolution sum defined in physical space (for real u j , v j ) by
sm =

1 N1
u j vm j
N j=0

for m = 0, . . . , N 1,


where the periodic extension of v j is assumed (see 5.4). Note that 2N 2 real flops are required to calculate
the sm for m = 0, . . . , N 1. Expanding sm , u j , and vm j with finite Fourier series (5.23a), we find

N1  N1

[sp ]eik p xm = N uneikn x j





vp eik p xm j


 1 N1
ik p xm
i(kn k p )x j

[u pvp]eik p xm


N1 N1



=np by (5.5b)

from which we deduce that

sp = u p v p

for p = 0, . . . , N 1.


We thus see that the Fourier coefficients sp can be computed as a simple product; noting (5.31), only N/2
complex flops are required to calculate all of the (complex) sp . In other words, it is much cheaper to compute s
in Fourier space (where its computation requires a simple product at each wavenumber) than it is to compute
it in physical space (where its computation requires a convolution sum at each gridpoint).

Now consider the nonlinear product of two discretized functions in physical space:
w p = u pv p

for p = 0, . . . , N 1.


Expanding w p , u p , and v p with finite Fourier series (5.23a), noting (5.29), we find that
w m eikm x p = u j eik j x p vm eikm x p = u j

N1 h






u j vm j e


ikm j x p


N1 j

ik j x p

vm eikm x p eik j x p

m= j





u j vm j



eikm x p ,

from which we deduce that


w m =

u j vm j

for m = 0, . . . , N 1.



We thus see the converse of what we saw in the computation of s; that is, it is much cheaper to compute w in
physical space (where its computation requires a simple product at each gridpoint) than it is to compute it in
Fourier space (where its computation requires a convolution sum at each wavenumber). To summmarize,
Fact 5.4 Products at each gridpoint in physical space correspond to convolution sums at each wavenumber
in Fourier space, whereas products at each wavenumber in Fourier space correspond to convolution sums at
each gridpoint in physical space. Products are much cheaper to compute than convolution sums.
Note that derivations such as those given above extend to infinite Fourier series in a straightforward
fashion. Consider, for example, the convolution integral defined in physical space (for real u, v) by
s(x) =


Z Lx

u(x )v(x x ) dx ,


where the periodic extension of v(x) is assumed. Expanding s(x), u(x ), and v(x x ) with infinite Fourier
series (5.8a), we find

[sp ]eik p xm =



Z Lx 



un eikn x

v p eik p xm j


 1 Z Lx

i(kn k p )x
ik p x


[u pv p]eik p x
Lx 0


=np by (5.5a)

from which we deduce that

sp = u p v p

for all p.


Again, it is seen that a convolution in physical space corresponds to a product at each wavenumber in Fourier
space. Following a similar derivation for the infinite Fourier integral expansion (see 5.3) of a continuous
function on the interval (, ) leads to
s(x) =


u(x )v(x x ) dx

= u(k)


5.7 Aliasing due to nonlinear products and the 2/3 dealiasing rule
We now revisit the problem of taking the nonlinear product of two functions in physical space, as considered
in (5.36). Imagine the functions u p and v p , each discretized on the gridpoints p = 0, . . . , N 1, have nonzero
Fourier coefficients um and vm only over the range j = M, . . . , M, where M N. Examining the Fourier coefficients of their product w p , as given in (5.36b), we see that w m is nonzero over the range m = 2M, . . . , 2M.
Put in words, we may say that
Fact 5.5 Nonlinear products scatter energy to both lower and higher wavenumbers.
If M N, then the calculation of the w p in physical space [that is, where it may be calculated cheaply using
(5.36a)], followed by the transformation of the result to Fourier space gives the expected result: that is, w j
will have energy in higher wavenumber components than both u j and v j . However, a problem arises when
M is not sufficiently small as compared with N. For example, if all of the coefficients in the finite Fourier
series expansions of the u p and v p on the N gridpoints are nonzero (except for the Nyquist frequency, which
we generally set to zero as discussed at the end of 5.5), then M = Nmax = N/2 1. In this case, due to
the periodicity of the coefficients of the finite Fourier series expansion as established in (5.28b), the sum on
the RHS of (5.36b) [which is exactly equivalent to the corresponding expression in physical space, (5.36a)]
picks up extra contributions at certain wavenumbers that it wouldnt normally get if N were larger. These
extra contributions to several of the w m coefficients are referred to as aliasing. Aliasing may be thought of
as a direct result of the fact that the fields are not expanded with finite Fourier series that are long enough to
capture the scattering of energy to higher wavenumbers due to nonlinear products.
Recall that, in order to ensure that the derivative of a function u is representable with the same type of
Fourier series as the original function, we suggested in 5.5 simply to smooth the function u a bit, insisting
that any field that we consider obey uN/2 = uN/2 = 0. This simple idea effectively solved the oddball
wavenumber problem.
The solution to the aliasing problem is similar: before calculating any nonlinear product u v, we simply
ensure that u and v are sufficiently smooth (that is, that M is sufficiently small as compared with N) that
(5.36b) doesnt pick up any extra contributions due to the periodicity of the coefficients of the finite Fourier
series expansions, as given in (5.28b). This may be accomplished by filtering u and v (that is, setting their
higher-order Fourier coefficients to zero) such that M = (2/3)Nmax in their finite Fourier series expansions,
which is referred to as the 2/3 dealiasing rule. (Taking the opposite perspective, taking N sufficiently large
as compared with M, this idea is sometimes referred to as the 3/2 dealiasing rule.) The reason that the
factor is only 2/3 and not 1/2 is, again, the periodicity of the Fourier coefficients (5.28b), which implies that
setting the top 1/3 of the Fourier coefficients to zero (that is, setting un = vn = w n = 0 for n [N/3, N/3 +
1, . . . N/2] and n [N/2, N/2 + 1, . . . N/3]) effectively results in un = vn = w n = 0 for both the range
n [N/3, N/3 + 1, . . .2N/3] and the range n [2N/3, 2N/3 + 1, . . . N/3], which is (just) sufficient to
insure that (5.36b) does not pick up any extra contributions due to the periodicity of the coefficients of the
finite Fourier series expansions.

5.8 Two-point correlations and Parsevals theorem

Consider now the two-point correlation defined in physical space by
rm =

1 N1
u j v j+m
N j=0

for m = 0, . . . N 1,


where the periodic extension of v j is assumed. This quantity, which is similar but different than the convolution sum defined in (5.35a), is often a useful statistic to characterize the relationship between u and v.

Note that 2N 2 real flops are required to calculate all the rm . Expanding rm , u j , and vm j with finite
Fourier series (5.23a), we find

N1  N1

[r p ]eik p xm = N uneikn x j




vp eik p x j+m


 1 N1

unvp N ei(kn k p )x j eik p xm = [upvp]eik p xm

N1 N1



=np by (5.5b)

from which we deduce [cf. (5.35b)] that

rp = up v p

for p = 0, . . . N 1.


As with the computation of the convolution sum s in (5.35), it is much cheaper to compute r in Fourier space
than it is to compute it in physical space.
The special case of (5.39) with m = 0 is known as Plancherels theorem. Noting (5.39a), (5.23a), and
1 N1
1 N1
u j v j , r0 = rp = up v p
u j v j = up v p .
r0 =

N j=0
N j=0
The important special case of Plancherels theorem with v = u is known as Parsevals theorem. In words,
Parsevals theorem states that the mean square of the magnitude of u j in physical space is equal to the sum of
the squares of the magnitude of the Fourier coefficients u p ; that is,
1 N1
u j v j = up v p

N j=0

1 N1
|u j |2 = |u p |2 .

N j=0


This property is illustrated in several of the test codes provided with the FFT algorithms in this chapter.
Following a similar derivation as above for the infinite Fourier series expansion (see 5.2) of a continuous
function on the interval x [L/2, L/2] leads to

Z L/2


u (x) v(x) dx =

up v p



Z L/2


|u(x)|2 dx =


|u p |2 ,


whereas, interpreting the independent variable as time and following a similar derivation as above for the
infinite Fourier integral expansion (see 5.3) of a continuous function on the interval t (, ) leads to

) d
u ( ) v(
u (t) v(t) dt =

} |



)|2 d .
|u(t)|2 dt =

} |



5.9 Fourier expansions of nonsmooth functions: Gibbs phenomenon

If the function u(x) being expanded and/or its required derivatives (e.g., f = du/dx and g = d 2 u/dx2 ) are either discontinuous at certain point(s) on the domain x [L/2, L/2) or smooth on the domain x [L/2, L/2)
but not periodic (and, therefore, the periodic connection of u(x) is discontinuous at x = L/2), then Fourier
methods (which attempt to expand u(x) with smooth periodic basis functions) are ill suited. This is illustrated in Figure 5.5; note in particular that, as the number of modes retained in the truncated Fourier series




Figure 5.5: Demonstration of Gibbs phenomenon, that is, the overshoot or ringing present when attempting
to represent a discontinuous function u(x) (left, dot-dashed) or smooth {on x [ , )} but nonperiodic
function v(x) (right, dot-dashed) with a truncated Fourier series approximations uM (x) and vM (x) [see (5.9)]
taking M = 4 and M = 8 (dashed) and M = 16 (solid).

Figure 5.6: The derivative f M (x) = duM (x)/dx of the truncated Fourier series approximation uM (x) of the
step function u(x), as illustrated by the solid line in Figure 5.5a, taking M = 16.
approximation (5.9) is increased, the maximum overshoot of the truncated Fourier series approximation of
the discontinuous functions illustrated move closer to the discontinuity but remain approximately constant in
magnitude. This is referred to as Gibbs phenomenon.
The main problem revealed by Figure 5.5 is that the slope and curvature of the truncated Fourier series
approximations uM (x) and vM (x) are, over a large portion of the domain (especially in the vicinity of the
discontinuities), substantially different than the slope and curvature of the functions u(x) and v(x) which they
purport to approximate (e.g., see the first derivative of uM (x) with M = 16 in Figure 5.6). Thus,
Fourier methods are not suitable for differentiation of nonsmooth and/or nonperiodic functions.

This difficulty is a manifestation of the fact that the infinite Fourier series of nonsmooth functions have substantial high wavenumber components, the truncation of which has a correspondingly substantial effect. Further, differentiating a function with substantial high wavenumber components p times magnifies the amplitude
of these high wavenumber components by k p [see (5.10)], thereby exacerbating the problem significantly, as
quantified further in the following section.

5.9.1 Sobolev spaces and the quantification of smoothness

Consider a function u(x), periodic on x [L/2, L/2), defined in terms of its infinite Fourier series (5.8a),
and the related function uM (x) formed by truncating this Fourier series, as illustrated in (5.9). We now define
the quantity

I = lim


|um |2 .


When I is finite, we will say that the function u(x) is L2 integrable, or that u(x) is in L2 , and it follows by
Parsevals theorem (5.41b) that

Z L/2


|u(x)|2 dx = I.


Now consider the function h(x) defined in terms of its infinite Fourier series such that h m = (ikm ) p um ; by
(5.10a), h(x) corresponds to the pth derivative (if p > 0) or the (p)th antiderivative (if p < 0) of u(x). If
h(x) is L2 integrable according to the above definition, it is said that that u(x) is in the Sobolev space H p .
Note that H 0 = L2 , and H 2 H 1 L2 H 1 . Note also that, in general, if u(x) is in H p , then f (x) = du(x)/dx
is in H p1 . Identifying what Sobolev space a function u(x) is in is valuable in a practical sense because, by
identifying how many derivatives of u(x) are L2 integrable, one quantifies the eventual rate of roll-off of
the magnitude of the Fourier coefficients, |um |, as m is made large, thereby quantifying the smoothness of
the function in a tangible manner.
As an example, consider the discontinuous function shown in Figure 5.5a and the coefficients of its infinite
Fourier series expansion

1/2 L/2 < x < 0

u(x) = 0
x = L/2, 0, L/2

0 < x < L/2

um (x) =

Z L/2


u(x)eikm x dx = . . . =

2i/(Lkm ) m odd
m even.

It is easily verified that this function is L2 integrable according to the above definition, with I = 1/4 in
both (5.42a) and (5.42b). Now consider the first derivative f M (x) = duM (x)/dx of the truncated Fourier
series approximation uM (x) of u(x). Noting the relation between the Fourier coefficients of a function and
its derivatives [see (5.10)], f M (x) (for M even) may be defined in terms of the coefficients of its truncated
Fourier series expansion:

2/L m = M + 1, M + 3, . . ., M 3, M 1
= 2(mM 2m

where mM is defined as in (5.11b). Proceeding as in (5.42a), it is seen that I = , and thus the fm are not L2
integrable; we thus refrain from even calling the corresponding f (x) a function. In fact, f (x) is the sum of two
Dirac deltas, one of period L and integral 2 in the vicinity of the origin, the other of period L/2 and integral
1 in the vicinity of the origin (for a plot of the truncated Fourier series approximation f M (x) of f (x) with
M = 16, see Figure 5.6). To summarize,
Fact 5.6 The derivative of a step function is a Dirac delta; the step is in L2 , whereas the Dirac is in H 1 .
The relationship between the Dirac delta and the step function is further elucidated in (B.69a).

5.10 Fourier series in multiple dimensions

Fourier transforms of physical systems in multiple dimensions are straightforward. Consider a problem in
three orthogonal coordinates21, which we will call {x, y, z}. The (real) data is first transformed along each line
(that is, for each discrete value of y and z) in the first dimension (x). The resulting partially transformed
Fourier coefficients are complex, and functions of {kx , y, z}. This (complex) data is then transformed along
each line (that is, for each discrete value of kx and z) in the second dimension (y). The result is a function of
{kx , ky , z}. Finally, this (complex) data is transformed along each line (that is, for each discrete value of kx
and kz ) in the last dimension (z). The resulting finite Fourier series in three dimensions may be written
ui, j,k =

Nx 1 Ny 1 Nz 1

u p,q,r ei(kx p xi +kyq y j +kzr zk )


kx p =

p=0 q=0 r=0

2 p
2 q
2 r
, kyq =
, k zr =


Multiplying the above expression by Nx N1y Nz ei((kx p xi +kyq y j +kzr zk ) and summing over the values i = 0, . . . , Nx
1, j = 0, . . . , Ny 1, and k = 0, . . . , Nz 1, and applying (5.5b), we find that
u p,q,r =

1 Nx 1

Nx Ny Nz i=0

Ny 1 Nz 1

ui, j,k ei((kx p xi +kyq y j +kzr zk ) .


j=0 k=0

Note that the same considerations hold here as discussed in 5.4.3; that is, to facilitate an accurate approximation of differentiation of the continuous function u(x, y, z) using this discrete approximation ui, j,k , the sums
in (5.43a) should be interpreted as in form (A) or (B) of (5.29). Again, it is not necessary to actually reorder
the coefficients of the series in order to achieve this; rather it is sufficient to define the wavenumber vectors
kx p , kyq , and kzr appropriately, as will be illustrated in Algorithm 5.11.
If the original data from the physical system is real, u(x, y, z) = u (x, y, z). Thus, following a similar
derivation as in (5.31), it follows that
u p,q,r = up,q,r .
That is, only half of the coefficients in the 3D domain {p [0, Nx 1], q [0, Ny 1], r [0, Nz 1]} need to
be saved in the computer, as the rest can be recovered using (5.44).
The resulting algorithm to compute the forward and inverse FFT of a real function in three dimensions is
illustrated in Algorithm 5.9.
Example 5.1 Example: removing the divergence of a 3D vector field using spectral methods
We now diverge briefly to illustrate the power of spectral methods to solve an otherwise difficult problem.
Define a 3D rectangular domain of size Lx Ly Lz and consider a three-component, three-dimensional22
(3C,3D) vector field ~v(x, y, z) in with periodic boundary conditions in all three directions. We now consider the problem of projecting ~v onto a divergence-free manifold23; that is, finding a nearby vector field
~u(x, y, z) (with the same periodic boundary conditions as on ~v) that is divergence free, that is (see B.4 for an
abbreviated review of vector calculus),
~u = 0.
This problem is easily solved by defining a Poisson equation for an auxiliary field q such that
q = ~v
21 Extension

to problems in two dimensions (e.g., {z, }) and four dimensions (e.g., {x,y,z,t}) follow accordingly.
is, at each point within the 3D domain , ~v has three components.
23 Note that this problem is of significant importance in the code developed in 13.

22 That



Algorithm 5.9: The FFT of a real 3D function.


f u n c t i o n [ u h a t ] =RFFT3D ( u , NX, NY, NZ)

% Compute t h e 3D FFT o f t h e i n p u t u , s e t t i n g a l l o d d b a l l wavenumber c o e f f i c i e n t s
% e q u a l t o z e r o . Note t h a t t h i s co d e was w r i t t e n t o e m p h a s i z e t h e s i m p l i c i t y o f t h i s
% o p e r a t i o n : more e f f i c i e n t c o d e s would i n v o l v e many f e w e r f u n c t i o n c a l l s by u s i n g
% s p e c i a l i z e d v e r s i o n s o f RFFT and F F T d i r e c t t h a t compute many FFTs s i m u l t a n e o u s l y .
% T h i s co d e a l s o co m p u tes t h e 2D FFT o f u i f NZ= 1 .
f o r J = 1 :NY,
f o r K= 1 :NZ, u h a t ( : , J , K) =RFFT ( u ( : , J , K) ,NX ) ; end , end
uhat ( 1 , : , : ) = real ( uhat ( 1 , : , : ) ) ;
f o r I = 1 :NX/ 2 , f o r K= 1 :NZ, u h a t ( I , : , K) = F F T d i r e c t ( u h a t ( I , : , K ) ,NY, 1 ) ; end , end
u h a t ( : , NY/ 2 + 1 , : ) = 0 ;
i f NZ>1;
f o r I = 1 :NX/ 2 , f o r J = 1 :NY, u h a t ( I , J , : ) = F F T d i r e c t ( u h a t ( I , J , : ) , NZ, 1 ) ; end , end
u h a t ( : , : , NZ / 2 + 1 ) = 0 ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT3D

Algorithm 5.10: The inverse FFT of a real 3D function.


f u n c t i o n [ u ] = RFFT3Dinv ( u h a t , NX, NY, NZ)

% Compute t h e i n v e r s e 3D FFT o f t h e i n p u t
i f NZ>1; f o r I = 1 :NX / 2 ; f o r J = 1 :NY; u h a t ( I
f o r I = 1 :NX / 2 ; f o r K= 1 :NZ ;
uhat ( I
f o r J = 1 :NY;
f o r K= 1 :NZ ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFFT3Dinv

uhat .
, J , : ) = F F T d i r e c t ( u h a t ( I , J , : ) , NZ , 1 ) ; end ; end ; end
, : , K) = F F T d i r e c t ( u h a t ( I , : , K) ,NY, 1 ) ; end ; end ;
, J , K) = RFFTinv ( u h a t ( : , J , K) ,NX ) ;
end ; end ;

for any nonzero constant c. We then define ~u such that

~u = ~v cq.


Taking the divergence of (5.45c) [that is, calculating (~u = ~v cq)], noting that q = q, it follows
from (5.45b) that the desired condition (5.45a) is satisfied; that is, the field ~u so defined is divergence-free.
As seen in Algorithm 5.11, implementing this procedure in code is straightforward in Fourier space, where
each Fourier mode can be handled independently. In problems for which spectral methods can not be used,
solving the multidimensional Poisson equation at the heart of this problem is much more difficult, and in
general must be solved iteratively, as discussed further in 3.2.

5.11 Sine series and cosine series

In the spirit of the example presented in 4.3.2, if a real function u(x) on a bounded domain, taken here
without loss of generality to be x [0, L/2], is known to be zero at both ends, then it is natural to expand it
with an infinite sine series with the wavenumbers kn selected so that the basis functions match the (Dirichlet)
boundary conditions on u:

2 n
u(x) = usn sin(kn x) with kn =
Similarly, if a real function u(x) on x [0, L/2] is known to have zero slope at both ends, then it is natural to
expand it with an infinite cosine series with the wavenumbers kn selected so that, again, the basis functions
match the (Neumann) boundary conditions on u:

u(x) =

ucn cos(kn x)



with kn =

2 n


Algorithm 5.11: Codes to remove and compute the divergence of a 3D vector field, and a simple test code.


f u n c t i o n [ v 1 h at , v 2 h at , v 3 h a t ] = RemoveDiver g ence ( v 1 h at , v 2 h at , v 3 h at , NX, NY, NZ , KX, KY, KZ)

% Remove t h e d i v e r g e n c e o f a p e r i o d i c 3D v e c t o r f i e l d on a u n i f o r m g r i d .
% The i n p u t and o u t p u t a r e i n F o u r i e r s p ace , where t h e o p e r a t i o n s p e r f o r m e d a r e s i m p l e .
f o r I = 1 :NX / 2 ; f o r J = 1 :NY; f o r K= 1 :NZ
i f I J K > 1
q h a t ( I , J , K) = ( i KX( I ) v 1 h a t ( I , J , K) + i KY( J ) v 2 h a t ( I , J , K ) + . . .
i KZ(K) v 3 h a t ( I , J , K) ) / ( KX( I )2 KY( J )2 KZ(K ) 2 ) ;
q h a t ( I , J , K) = 0 ;
v 1 h a t ( I , J , K) = v 1 h a t ( I , J , K) i KX( I ) q h a t ( I , J , K ) ;
v 2 h a t ( I , J , K) = v 2 h a t ( I , J , K) i KY( J ) q h a t ( I , J , K ) ;
v 3 h a t ( I , J , K) = v 3 h a t ( I , J , K) i KZ(K) q h a t ( I , J , K ) ;
end ; end ; end ;
end % f u n c t i o n RemoveDiv erg ence
f u n c t i o n [ d i v ] = C o m p u teD iv er g en ce ( u 1 h at , u 2 h at , u 3 h at , NX, NY, NZ , KX, KY, KZ)
% Compute t h e d i v e r g e n c e o f a p e r i o d i c 3D v e c t o r f i e l d on a u n i f o r m g r i d .
% I n p u t and o u t p u t a r e i n F o u r i e r s p ace , where t h e o p e r a t i o n s p e r f o r m e d a r e q u i t e s i m p l e .
div =0;
f o r I = 1 :NX / 2 ; f o r J = 1 :NY; f o r K= 1 :NZ
d i v = d i v + i KX( I ) u 1 h a t ( I , J , K) + i KY( J ) u 2 h a t ( I , J , K) + i KZ(K) u 3 h a t ( I , J , K ) ;
end ; end ; end ;
end % f u n c t i o n C o m p u teD iv er g en ce .m


% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : R em o v eD iv e r g e n ce T e s t >R em o v eD iv er g en ceT es t </a>

d i s p ( Now t e s t i n g RemoveDiver gen ce on a random 3D v e c t o r f i e l d )
NX=1 6 ; NY=3 2 ; NZ=6 4 ; LX = 1 . 0 ; LY= 2 . 0 ; LZ = 3 . 0 ; % F i r s t , s e t up p h y s i c a l
KX=( 2 p i / LX ) [ [ 0 : NX/ 2 1 ] ] ;
% domain and t h e wavenumbers
KY=( 2 p i / LY ) [ [ 0 : NY/ 2 ] ; [ NY/ 2 + 1 : 1 ] ] ;
% within i t .
KZ=( 2 p i / LZ ) [ [ 0 : NZ/ 2 ] ; [ NZ/ 2 + 1 : 1 ] ] ;
v1 =rand (NX, NY, NZ ) ; v2=rand (NX, NY, NZ ) ; v3=rand (NX, NY, NZ ) ; N=NXNYNZ ; % I n i t i a l i z e v
f o r i =1 :2
v 1 h a t =RFFT3D ( v1 ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
% Transform v to F o u r ier space
v 2 h a t =RFFT3D ( v2 ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
v 3 h a t =RFFT3D ( v3 ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
% Now , remove t h e d i v e r g e n c e .
[ u 1 h at , u 2 h at , u 3 h a t ] = RemoveDiv er g ence ( v 1 h at , v 2 h at , v 3 h at , NX, NY, NZ , KX, KY, KZ ) ;
u1 =RFFT3Dinv ( u 1 h a t ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
% T r a n s f o r m u h a t b ack t o P h y s i c a l s p a c e
u2 =RFFT3Dinv ( u 2 h a t ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
u3 =RFFT3Dinv ( u 3 h a t ( : , : , : ) , NX, NY, NZ ) ;
% u s h o u l d now be d i v e r g e n c e f r e e .
i f i ==1 , d i s p ( D i v e r g e n c e b e f o r e and a f t e r p a s s 1 : )
v d i v e r g e n c e = C o m p u teD iv er g en ce ( v 1 h at , v 2 h at , v 3 h at , NX, NY, NZ , KX, KY, KZ)
u d i v e r g e n c e = C o m p u teD iv er g en ce ( u 1 h at , u 2 h at , u 3 h at , NX, NY, NZ , KX, KY, KZ)
v1=u1 ; v2=u2 ; v3=u3 ; c l e a r u1 u2 u3 ;
e l s e , d i s p ( Amount u c h a n g e s when r em o v in g d i v e r g e n c e a g a i n i n p a s s 2 : )
norm ( res h a p e ( u1v1 , N, 1 ) ) + norm ( res h a p e ( u2v2 , N, 1 ) ) + norm ( res h a p e ( u3v3 , N , 1 ) ) , d i s p ( )
% end s c r i p t R em o v eD iv e r g e n c e T e s t


In the case of the sine expansion, proceeding as in the derivation of the finite Fourier series in 5.4, we
expand the discretized function u j as a finite sine series (a.k.a. a discrete sine transform) such that

uj =


usn sin(kn x j ) =


usn sin




kn =

2 n


Multiplying the above expression by (1/N) sin(km x j ), summing over j = 1, . . . , N 1, and applying (5.6b),

we find that
1 N1 h
u j = usn sin(kn x j ) sin(km x j )

N j=1

usm =

2 N1
2 N1
u j sin(km x j ) =

u j sin N .
N j=1
N j=1


Note that the formula to compute the forward sine transform [that is, to determine the usm given the u j ,
as shown in (5.47b)] is almost the same as the formula to compute the inverse sine transform [that is, to
determine the u j given the usm , as shown in (5.47a)]. Thus,
Fact 5.7 The same numerical code can be used for both the forward and inverse sine transform; to calculate
an inverse sine transform using a code that calculates a forward sine transform, simply replace the function
values u j in the function call with the sine coefficients usj and scale the result by N/2.
In the case of the cosine expansion, we expand the discretized function u j as a finite cosine series (a.k.a. a
discrete cosine transform) such that

uj =

ucn cos(kn x j ) = ucn cos





kn =

2 n


Multiplying the above expression by 1/(c j N) cos(km x j ) where c j is defined in (5.7b), summing over the
values j = 0, . . . , N, and applying (5.7b), we find that

uj =

Note that, again, the formula to compute the forward cosine transform [that is, to determine the ucm given the
u j , as shown in (5.48b)] is almost the same as the formula to compute the inverse cosine transform [that is, to
determine the u j given the ucn , as shown in (5.48a)]. Thus,


ucn cos(knx j )

cos(km x j )

ucm =

cm N



c j cos(km x j ) = cm N c j cos

Fact 5.8 The same numerical code can be used for both the forward and inverse cosine transform; to calculate an inverse cosine transform using a code that calculates a forward cosine transform, simply replace the
function values u j in the function call with the scaled cosine coefficients c j ucj and scale the result by cm N/2,
where c j is defined in (5.7b).
Returning our attention to the infinite series (5.46), we now show that there is a close relationship between
the infinite sine and cosine series (5.46) and the infinite Fourier series (5.8a). Indeed, in the case of the sine
series, if an odd extension of a function u with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions at x = 0 and
x = L/2 is constructed by taking u(x) = u(x), the resulting function is odd about x = 0 and, significantly,
periodic on x [L/2, L/2], thereby rendering it amenable to expansion via a Fourier series. Similarly, in
the case of the cosine series, if an even extension of a function u with homogeneous Neumann boundary
conditions at x = 0 and x = L/2 is constructed by taking u(x) = u(x), the resulting function is even about
x = 0 and periodic on x [L/2, L/2], thereby, again, rendering it amenable to expansion via a Fourier
series24 . In either case, the coefficients of the sine or cosine series may be related to the Fourier expansion of
Beware that, though these approaches construct continuous real odd and even functions with continuous first derivatives, the second
(and higher) derivatives of the functions so constructed with odd extensions, and the third (and higher) derivatives of the functions so
constructed with even extensions, are not necessarily continuous, so these approaches do not, in general, completely cure the problem
of Gibbs phenomenon discussed in 5.9 for smooth functions with homogeneous Dirichlet or homogeneous Neumann (rather than
periodic) boundary conditions, especially in situations in which the derivatives of these functions will be required. This issue is thus
revisited in 5.13, where it is found that the appropriate clustering of gridpoints near the boundaries, as implied by Chebyshev methods
(see Figure 5.10), is the most suitable method available to eliminate Gibbs phenomenon in the spectral representation and differentiation
of nonperiodic functions.


the (odd or even, as appropriate) extension of the original function u(x) on x [0, L/2] via the relation given
in (5.30), which is repeated here for convenience:

u(x) =

un eikn x =


un [cos(kn x) + isin(kn x)] ,


ucn = un + un
usn = (un un)i.

[ucn cos(kn x) + usn sin(kn x)]



un = (ucn iusn )/2
un = (ucn + iusn )/2.


A real, even function expanded with a linear combination of sines and cosines, as seen in the form on the right
in (5.49a), must have a zero coefficient in front of the odd basis functions (that is, usn = 0). By the lower-left
relation in (5.49b), this implies that un = un ; combined with the fact that un = un because u is real [see
(5.31)], this implies that,
if u(x) is real and even about x = 0, its Fourier coefficients un are real.
Similarly, a real, odd function expanded with a linear combination of sines and cosines must have a zero
coefficient in front of the even basis functions (that is, ucn = 0). By (5.49b), this implies that un = un ;
combined with the fact that un = un , this implies that,
if u(x) is real and odd about x = 0, its Fourier coefficients un are imaginary.

Truncating the sums in (5.49a) and evaluating the (odd or even) extended function on a finite number
of equispaced gridpoints, it is straightforward to use the relations in (5.49b) to calculate the coefficients of
a finite sine series or finite cosine series from an FFT of the extended real function using Algorithm 5.7.
However, in the case of the even extension, we know by the above discussion that the resulting Fourier series
will be real, and in the case of the odd extension, we know by the above discussion that the resulting Fourier
series will be imaginary. Similarly, during the subsequent inverse transforms, we know the resulting function
values will be either even or odd about x = 0. We should be able to exploit these facts to compute the sine or
cosine transform of real vectors even more efficiently; the following two sections show how.

5.11.1 The fast sine transform (FST)

As described above, the sine transform (5.47b) may be computed by performing an odd extension of the real
data u j onto 2N grid points, computing the FFT of this extended real function via an order 2N real FFT,
then extracting the sine coefficients usn from the result. As a more economical alternative, we now define a
carefully constructed real auxiliary function w j on N grid points, compute its Fourier expansion coefficients
w n via an order N real FFT, then leverage trigonometric identities to relate the Fourier coefficients w n of the
result to the desired sine coefficients of the original function, usn . Proceeding in this manner, defining a real
auxiliary function (with both odd and even parts about j = N/2) from the original N 1 function values
u1 , u2 , . . . , uN1 such that

wj =

for j = 0

(uN j u j ) + (u j + uN j ) sin

for j = 1, . . . , N 1,

denoting the real and imaginary parts of its Fourier transform [see (5.23b)] as
w n = w Rn + iw In =

h 1 N1
i h 1 N1
1 N1
ikn x j


N j=0
N j=0
N j=0


Algorithm 5.12: The fast sine transform.


f u n c t i o n [ u h a t S ] = RFST ( u , N)
% INPUT : u i s a r e a l column v e c t o r o f l e n g t h N1 where N=2 s .
% OUTPUT: u h a t S i s a r e a l column v e c t o r o f l e n g t h N1.
% T h i s co d e co m b in es t h e u j a c c o r d i n g t o ( 5 . 4 7 a ) , co m p u tes i t s RFFT ,
% then e x t r a c t s the uhat s n according to (5.47 b ) .
w( 1 ) = 0 ; w ( 2 : N) = ( u ( N1: 1:1) u ) + ( u+u (N 1 : 1 : 1 ) ) . s i n ( [ 1 : N1] p i /N ) ; what=RFFT ( w, N ) ;
u h a t S ( 1 , 1 ) = r e a l ( what ( 1 ) ) ; u h a t S ( 2 : 2 : N2 ,1)= imag ( what ( 2 : N / 2 ) ) ;
f o r n = 3 : 2 : N1; u h a t S ( n , 1 ) = u h a t S ( n 2 ,1)+2 r e a l ( what ( ( n 1 ) / 2 + 1 ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n RFST

Algorithm 5.13: The inverse fast sine transform.


f u n c t i o n [ u ] = RFSTinv ( u h atS , N)
% Compute t h e i n v e r s e FST v i a a p p l c i a t i o n o f F a c t 5 . 6 .
u=RFST ( u h atS , N) N / 2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFSTinv

with kn = 2 n/L and x j = jL/N, and noting (5.47b), the identity 2 sin A cos B = sin(A + B) + sin(A B), and
applying the symmetries about j = N/2, we may write
2 jn
1 N1
2 jn
2 N1
2 jn
1 N1
w j cos
(u j + uN j ) sin

u j sin N cos N
N j=0
N j=1
N j=1

= us1
for n = 0,

N u j sin N

(2n + 1) j
(2n 1) j i us2n+1 us2n1
1 N1 h

for n = 1, 2, . . . , 1,
u j sin
N j=1

w Rn =


w In =

1 N1
2 jn
2 jn
2 jn
1 N1
2 N1

u j sin
= us2n

N j=0
N j=1
N j=1

for n = 1, 2, . . . ,


The usn may thus be determined from the w sn as follows:


w 0
un = w In/2

un2 + 2w R(n1)/2

n = 1,
n = 2, 4, . . . , N 2,


n = 3, 5, . . . , N 1.

Equations (5.50a) and (5.50b) are implemented directly in the fast sine transform (FST) in Algorithm 5.12.
For the inverse FST, note Fact 5.7 and its implementation in Algorithm 5.13.

5.11.2 The fast cosine transform (FCT)

As described in 5.11, the cosine transform (5.48b) may be computed by performing an even extension of the
real data u j onto 2N grid points, computing the FFT of this extended real function via an order 2N real FFT,
then extracting the cosine coefficients ucn from the result. As a more economical alternative, as in 5.11.1 for
the fast sine transform, we now define a (different) real auxiliary function w j on N grid points, compute its

Algorithm 5.14: The fast cosine transform.

f u n c t i o n [ u h atC ] =RFCT ( u , N)
% INPUT : u i s a r e a l column v e c t o r o f l e n g t h N+1 where N=2 s .
% OUTPUT: u h atC i s a r e a l column v e c t o r o f l e n g t h N+ 1 .
% T h i s co d e co m b in es t h e u j a c c o r d i n g t o ( 5 . 4 8 a ) , co m p u tes i t s RFFT ,
% then e x t r a c t s the uhat c n according to (5.48 b ) .
w ( 1 :N) = ( u ( 1 : N) + u (N+ 1 : 1 : 2 ) ) + ( u (N+1: 1:2) u ( 1 : N ) ) . s i n ( [ 0 : N1] p i /N ) ; what=RFFT (w , N ) ;
u h atC ( 1 , 1 ) = r e a l ( what ( 1 ) ) / 2 ; u h atC (N+1 , 1 ) = imag ( what ( 1 ) ) / 2 ; u h atC ( 3 : 2 : N1)= r e a l ( what ( 2 : N / 2 ) ) ;
u ( 1 ) = u ( 1 ) / 2 ; u (N+1)= u (N+ 1 ) / 2 ; u h atC ( 2 , 1 ) = ( 2 /N) c o s ( p i [ 0 : N ] / N) u ;
f o r n = 3 : 2 : N1; u h atC ( n +1 , 1 ) = u h atC ( n 1 ,1) 2 imag ( what ( ( n 1 ) / 2 + 1 ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n RFCT


Algorithm 5.15: The inverse fast cosine transform.

f u n c t i o n [ u ] = RFCTinv ( uhatC , N)
% Compute t h e i n v e r s e FCT v i a a p p l c i a t i o n o f F a c t 5 . 7 .
u h atC ( 1 ) = 2 u h atC ( 1 ) ; u h atC (N+1)=2 u h atC (N+ 1 ) ; u=RFCT( uhatC , N) N / 2 ;
u ( 1 ) = 2 u ( 1 ) ; u (N+1)=2 u (N+ 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n RFCTinv


Fourier expansion coefficients w n via an order N real FFT, then leverage trigonometric identities to relate the
Fourier coefficients w n of the result to the desired cosine coefficients of the original function, ucn . Proceeding
in this manner, defining in this case a real auxiliary function (with both even and odd parts about j = N/2)
from the original N + 1 function values u0 , u1 , . . . , uN such that [cf. (5.50a)]
for j = 0, . . . , N 1,
denoting the real and imaginary parts of its Fourier transform as
h 1 N1
i h 1 N1
1 N1
w n = w Rn + iw In =
w j eikn x j =
w j cos(kn x j ) i
w j sin(kn x j )

N j=0
N j=0
N j=0
w j = (u j + uN j ) + (uN j u j ) sin


with kn = 2 n/L, x j = jL/N, and c j defined as in (5.7b), and noting (5.48b), the identity 2 sin A sin B =
cos(A B) cos(A + B), and applying the symmetries about j = N/2, we may write
w Rn =

1 N1
2 jn
2 jn
1 N1
2 jn
2 N1 u j
w j cos
(u j + uN j ) cos

c j cos N = c2n uc2n

N j=0
N j=0
N j=0

for n = 0, 1, . . . ,


1 N1
2 jn
1 N1
2 jn
2 N1
2 jn
w j sin
(u j uN j ) sin

u j sin N sin N
N j=0
N j=1
N j=0

for n = 0, ,
= 1 N1 h
(2n 1) j
(2n + 1) j i uc2n1 uc2n+1

for n = 1, 2, . . . , 1.

N u j cos

w In =

The ucn may thus be determined from the w k as follows [cf. (5.50b)]:
n = 0, 2, . . . , N,

w n/2 /cn
ucn =

ucn2 2w I(n1)/2


n = 1,
n = 3, 5, . . . , N 1.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to extract uc1 from the w n ; we thus resort to the brute force equation (5.48b)
for this coefficient. Equations (5.51a) and (5.51b) are implemented directly in the fast cosine transform
(FCT) in Algorithm 5.14. For the inverse FCT, note Fact 5.8 and its implementation in Algorithm 5.15.

5.12 Extending finite Fourier series to stretched grids

The discretization of physical problems, such as those in cylindrical coordinates, often leads to smooth systems that are periodic in one or more directions, rendering computational approaches based on finite Fourier
series well suited. Due to the physics of such problems, however, one often desires to stretch the numerical grid (see Figure 5.7, and further discussion in 8.1.3) in order to cluster gridpoints in areas of particular
physical significance, such as the wake of a flow past a cylinder. Following Avital, Sandham, & Luo (2000),
the present section illustrates a natural and smooth way to accomplish such clustering of gridpoints (other
than the particular clustering implied by the Chebyshev method discussed in 5.13see Figure 5.8 for an
example) while preserving the exact differentiation capability of spectral methods.
Define x as the physical coordinate and s as a transformed coordinate via the stretching function

atan [ tan( s) 1 + / ]
 i2 s
i2 s
= + sin ( s) = +
2 4
( + )

where, taking = ( + 2 + 4/L2)/2, the transformed domain s [0, 1] corresponds to the physical domain x [0, L] (further, taking = 0 corresponds to an unstretched grid, and taking small > 0 corresponds
to a gentle clustering of gridpoints in the vicinity of x = L/2, as illustrated in Figure 5.7). Then, expand u(x)
in terms of the transformed coordinate s [0, 1] via a finite Fourier series expansion (see 5.4)

u[x(s)] =

uneikn s ,


where the transformed wavenumber kn = 2 n. [That is, for a given function u(x) and a given value of N,
define a uniform grid s j = j L/N for j = 0, . . . , N 1, compute the corresponding stretched grid x j = x(s j )
via (5.52), then compute the corresponding u j = u(x j ) = u(x(s j )); the un for n = 0, . . . , N 1 may then be
determined from the u j for j = 0, . . . , N 1 via the FFT (see 5.4.1)].
Applying the chain rule to compute f = du/dx, we find that

 i2 s i2 s i N1
 ikn s  ikn1 s ikn+1 s i
du ds N1

= ikn un eikn s +
e +e
= ikn un +
ds dx n=0
2 4

Writing out this sum and collecting all terms multiplying eikn s in the result, we may write the first derivative
of u in terms of the expansion
du N1 ikn s
= fn e
dx n=0

fn = ikn1
un1 + ikn +
un ikn+1
un+1 .
In the unstreched case (with = 1 and = 0), we recover the relation fn = ikn un , as noted in the unstretched
Fourier representation in (5.10a). When 6= 0 in this representation, we see that differentiation scatters energy
to the neighboring wavenumbers in the series. Thus, to be able to represent the derivative of a function u with
the same series as that which is used to expand u itself, we must insist that u be smoothed a bit (that is, that










Figure 5.7: Grid stretching function defined by (5.52) with = 0.5, L = 2 , and N = 50.

Figure 5.8: Example of the stretching of a cylindrical-coordinate grid with N = 64 in the azimuthal direction:
(a) uniform in ; (b) Chebyshev in ; (c) smooth stretching in , as defined by (5.52) with = 0.3.
the coefficients uk corresponding to both the Nyquist frequency kN/2 = N/L and the next smaller frequency
in the series, kN/21 = 2 (N/2 1)/L, be set to zero) before calculating its derivative.
Higher derivatives may be computed in an analogous fashion. For example, defining

d 2 u N1 ikn s
= gn e ,
dx2 n=0


it follows in a similar fashion that

2 + 2 i
2 i
un2 + kn1 (kn1 + )
un1 kn2 ( 2 + + 3 2 /8) un
gn = kn2 (kn2 + 2 )
2 i
2 +
+ kn+1 (kn+1 )
un+1 kn+2 (kn+2 2 )

In the unstreched case ( = 1 and = 0), we recover the relation gn = kn2 un , as noted in (5.10b). An
illustration of how to use (5.52), (5.53), and (5.54) is given in StretchedFourierTest.m in the NRC.

Algorithm 5.16: A code for computing the Chebyshev function and its derivatives.

f u n c t i o n [ x ] = Chebyshev ( n , x , d e r i v a t i v e , k i n d )
% Compute t h e Chebyshev p o l y n o m i a l o f t h e 1 s t k in d , T , and i t s 1 s t & 2 nd d e r i v a t i v e s , a s
% w e l l a s t h e Chebyshev p o l y n o m i a l o f t h e 2 nd k in d , U , and i t s d e r i v a t i v e ( s e e W i k i p e d i a ) .
i f nargin <4, k i n d = 1 ; i f nargin <3, d e r i v a t i v e = 0 ; end , end
switch kind
case 1 , switch d e r i v a t i v e
c a s e 0 , T ( 1 ) = 1 ; T ( 2 ) = x ; f o r j = 3 : n +1 , T ( j ) =2 x T ( j 1)T ( j 2 ) ; end , x=T ( n + 1 ) ;
c a s e 1 , x=n Chebyshev ( n 1 ,x , 0 , 2 ) ;
case 2 , switch x
c a s e 1 , x =( n 4n 2 ) / 3 ;
c a s e 1, x =( 1) n ( n4n 2 ) / 3 ;
o t h e r w i s e , x=n ( ( n +1 ) Chebyshev ( n , x , 0 , 1 ) Chebyshev ( n , x , 0 , 2 ) ) / ( x 2 1 ) ; end
o t h e r w i s e , x = 0 ; d i s p ( Case n o t y e t i m p l e m e n t e d ) ; end
case 2 , switch d e r i v a t i v e
c a s e 0 , U( 1 ) = 1 ; U( 2 ) = 2 x ; f o r j = 3 : n +1 , U( j ) =2 x U( j 1)U( j 2 ) ; end , x=U( n + 1 ) ;
c a s e 1 , x = ( ( n +1 ) Chebyshev ( n +1 , x , 0 , 1 ) x Chebyshev ( n , x , 0 , 2 ) ) / ( s 2 1 ) ;
o t h e r w i s e , x = 0 ; d i s p ( Case n o t y e t i m p l e m e n t e d ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n Chebyshev

5.13 Chebyshev representations

As illustrated in 5.9, Fourier methods are ill suited for the expansion of non-periodic functions. As presented in 5.11, this issue can be partially addressed in the case of functions with homogeneous Dirichlet
or homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions by performing the appropriate sine or cosine expansion of
an odd or even extension of the function itself. Unfortunately, such approaches fail to reconcile the problem
completely, as the derivatives of functions with homogeneous Dirichlet or homogeneous Neumann boundary
conditions are generally discontinuous under such extensions, and thus Gibbs phenomenon (see 5.9) will
spoil the calculation of the derivatives of such functions even if the extended function itself is continuous.
A more powerful technique to leverage spectral methods for smooth but non-periodic functions is thus
required. The method of choice is built on Chebyshev polynomials (a.k.a. Chebyshev polynomials of the
first kind), which are functions on the interval x [1, 1] that may be defined recursively as follows:
T0 (x) = 1,


T1 (x) = x,
Tn (x) = 2xTn1 (x) Tn2 (x)

for n = 2, 3, . . .


So defined (and implemented in Algorithm 5.16), the next several Chebyshev polynomials are:
T2 (x) = 2x2 1,

T3 (x) = 4x3 3x,


T4 (x) = 8x 8x + 1,

T5 (x) = 16x5 20x3 + 5x,

T6 (x) = 32x6 48x4 + 18x2 1,

T7 (x) = 64x7 112x5 + 56x3 7x,

T8 (x) = 128x8 256x6 + 160x4 32x2 + 1,

T9 (x) = 256x9 576x7 + 432x5 120x3 + 9x,

as plotted in Figure 5.9. Note that Tn (x) is a polynomial in x of degree n. The Chebyshev polynomials have
many interesting properties, only three more of which will be mentioned here [in (5.56), (5.58), and (5.59)].

increasing n











0 .8






0 .6

0 .8









Figure 5.9: (left) The first seven Chebyshev polynomials Tn (x) for n = 0 to 6 (increasing in the direction of
the arrow), and (right) T9 (x). Note that the Chebyshev polynomials are reminiscent of sines and cosines on
the interior of the domain, but the higher-order Chebyshev polynomials get steep near the boundaries of the
domain x [1, 1]; this renders such polynomials well suited for the expansion of nonperiodic functions with
a reduced number of modes. Note also that the Chebyshev polynomials Tn (x) for n > 0 increase monotonically
for x > 1, with Tn (x) as x , and they increase or decrease monotonically for x < 1, with Tn
as x for n even and Tn as x for n odd.
Perhaps the most important property that Chebyshev polynomials obey is the relation25,26
Tn (x) = cos[n (x)]

where = acos(x)

sin( )


that is, if one defines the new coordinate = acos (x) and considers this coordinate on the interval [0, ],
then the Chebyshev polynomials are simply cosine functions in the new coordinate , that is, Tn (x) = cos[n ].
Thus, once the physical coordinate x is stretched appropriately, one may think of the Chebyshev polynomials
as just cosine functions in the stretched coordinate .
Chebyshev polynomials are particularly useful when used as basis functions in a finite Chebyshev series
expansion of the form

u(x j ) , u j =

un Tn(x j )


for x j = cos( j /N) [1, 1] and

j = 0, 1, . . . , N,


which is equivalent to saying that cosine functions are used as a basis in a truncated series expansion in the
stretched coordinate of the form

uj =

un cos(n j )


on j = j /N [0, ] and

j = 0, 1, . . . , N.


25 The Chebyshev polynomials are sometimes said to be defined by (5.56), from which the recursive formulae in (5.55) follow. Whichever viewpoint you prefer, the equivalence between (5.55) and (5.56) is clear: the base cases (5.55a) and (5.55b) are equivalent to (5.56)
with n = 0 and n = 1, and the recursive property (5.55c) is equivalent to the trigonometric identity 2 cos A cos B = cos(A+B)+cos(AB),
taking A = (n 1)x and B = x and applying (5.56).
26 Note that, as a direct result of (5.56), it follows that |T (x)| 1 on x [1,1] and T (1) = (1)n .



x j = cos(s j )






Enumeration function: s j =


Resulting stretched grid

Figure 5.10: The Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto stretching function (a.k.a. cosine grid), which clusters the
gridpoints enumerated from j = 0 to j = N near the boundaries of the computational domain x [1, 1],
taking N = 40. Note that j = 0 corresponds to upper boundary, x0 = 1, and j = N corresponds to the lower
boundary, xN = 1.
Note that the finite Chebyshev series expansion (5.57b), written in terms of the stretched coordinate , is
identical to the finite cosine series expansion (5.48a), and thus the inverse of the relationship (5.57b) (that is,
to determine the coefficients un from the function values u j ) is given exactly by the inverse of the finite cosine
series in (5.48b). It is only the interpretation of where the function is evaluated in physical space that has
now changed. Note also that the variation of j from 0 to corresponds to the variation of x j from 1 to 1;
that is, opposite to the order you might otherwise anticipate. To summarize, once the function of interest is
discretized on a uniform grid in the stretched coordinate, j , which amounts to a so-called cosine grid in the
physical coordinate, x j (as illustrated in Figure 5.10)27 , then the fast cosine transform (FCT), as presented in
5.11.2, may be used without modification to transform back and forth between the physical space function
values u j and the corresponding transform space coefficients un . We may thus, conveniently, refer to the FCT
in Algorithm 5.14 as a fast Chebyshev transform.
The second important property of Chebyshev polynomials is the weighted orthogonality property

Tn (x) Tm (x) w(x) dx = 1/2 n = m 6= 0

1 1

where w(x) = 1/ 1 x2.


This weighted orthogonality property follows

immediately from the transformation x = cos( ), which by
(5.56) renders Tn (x) = cos(n ) and d = dx/ 1 x2, and the orthogonality of the cosine functions in (5.7a).
The final important property of Chebyshev polynomials that we leverage is a useful relationship between
the polynomials themselves and their derivatives, namely28
2Tn =



T .
n 1 n1

27 Again,


the subject of grid stretching is discussed much further in 8.1.3.

(5.56) and that d /dx = 1/ sin( ), we have Tn (x) = dTn (x)/dx = n sin(n )/ sin( ); applying this result and (5.56) to the
trigonometric identity 2 sin A cos B = sin(A + B) + sin(A B) with A = and B = n , (5.59) follows immediately.
28 Noting


We now expand both a function u(x) and its derivative f (x) = u (x) with finite Chebyshev series such that

u(x) =

unTn (x) and

f (x) =

fn Tn (x),




noting that f (x) = u (x) must be a polynomial in x of degree N 1 and thus

fN = 0,

fN+1 = 0.


By (5.60) and the fact that T0 = 0, it follows from f (x) = u (x) that


fn Tn (x) =

un Tn (x).



On the LHS, substituting T0 = T1 and T1 = T2 /4 [both easily verified using (5.55)], substituting (5.59) for Tn
for n = 2, 3, . . . , N 1, then matching the coefficients of like powers of Tn for n = 1, 2, . . . , N, it follows that
2 if j = 0 or j = N

cn1 fn1 fn+1 = 2nun for n = 1, 2, . . . , N,

where c j ,
1 otherwise.
The relation (5.61) may be used two different ways. If the coefficients un of the expansion of u(x) are known,
then the coefficients fn of the expansion of its derivative f (x) = u (x) may be found from (5.61b) evaluated
first for n = N [noting (5.61a)], then for n = N 1, n = N 2, etc. Conversely, if the coefficients fn of the
expansion of f (x) are known, then the coefficients un of the expansion of its integral,
u(x) =

Z x

f (x ) dx ,


may be found directly from (5.61b) for n = 1, 2, . . . , N; the constant of integration u0 may then be found by
evaluating (5.62) at x = 1, which, inserting the expansion for u(1) from (5.60), gives




u0 = un (1)n .

As a final note, we mention here that there exists wide assortment of orthogonal polynomials29 available
in the literature, most of which are named after famous mathematicians (Bessel, Jacobi, Legendre, Laguerre,
Hermite, etc.). The reason that Chebyshev polynomials are the most important of these from a numerical
perspective is the existence of the Fast Chebyshev Transform technique described above, which allows a
Chebyshev transform to be calculated in 5N log(N)] flops instead of 8N 2 flops; for large N, as discussed
in Footnote 12 on page 152, this distinction is remarkable.
Shifted Chebyshev representations
As described above, Chebyshev polynomials are defined over the interval [1, 1]. However, it is straightforward to shift these orthogonal polynomials to any finite domain [a, b] via the transformation
Tn (x) = Tn [y(x)] where y(x) =

2x (a + b)


29 Orthogonal polynomials are sets of functions f (x) which are polynomials of order n [like the functions T (x) defined in (5.55)]
which, when integrated over the appopriate domain [a,b] with the appropriate weighting function w(x), satisfy a weighted orthogonality
property like that in (5.58); see also the last paragraph of 5.14.


The resulting shifted Chebyshev polynomials Tn (x) are themselves polynomials in x of degree n and satisfy
the weighted orthogonality property
Z b

where w (x) = 1/ 1 [y(x)]2.

Tn (x) Tm (x) w (x) dx = 0 if n 6= m,


In the special case that we shift to the domain [0, 1], the shifted Chebyshev polynomials are given by Tn (x) =
Tn (2x 1), the first eight of which are thus
T0 (x) = 1,

T4 (x) = 128x4 256x3 + 160x2 32x + 1,

T1 (x) = 2x 1,

T5 (x) = 512x5 1280x4 + 1120x3 400x2 + 50x 1,

T3 (x) = 32x3 48x2 + 18x 1,

T7 (x) = 8192x7 28672x6 + 39424x5 26880x4 + 9408x3 1568x2 + 98x 1.

T2 (x) = 8x2 8x + 1,

T6 (x) = 2048x6 6144x5 + 6912x4 3584x3 + 840x2 72x + 1.

Plotted, these polynomials look just like those in Figure 5.9 shifted to the domain [0, 1].

5.14 Fourier-Bessel representations

Noting the general comments at the beginning of 5, it is readily seen that the infinite Fourier series expansion given in (5.8) may be generalized to incorporate a variety of different sets of orthogonal basis functions;
such expansions are sometimes referred to generalized Fourier series. One convenient such expansion for
functions h(r) derived from systems written in polar coordinates [see, e.g., (11.34)] and endowed with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions at r = rmax (while constrained to be finite near r = 0), called an
infinite Fourier-Bessel series, may be written

h(r) =

h p J



J ( p ) = 0 for

p = 1, 2, . . . ,


where p is the pth zero of the Bessel function of the first kind of order , denoted J , and the h p are referred
to as Fourier-Bessel series coefficients. Defining the normalization factor bq = [J +1 (q )]2 /2, multiplying
the above expression by (1/bq) J (q r/rmax ) r, and integrating over the interval (0, rmax ), assuming h(r) is
sufficiently smooth (specifically, that the magnitude of its Fourier-Bessel series coefficients eventually decay
exponentially with |p|) such that Fubinis theorem applies, then applying the orthogonality of the Bessel
functions30, we find that

Z rmax h

 r i  r 
h p J rmax J rmax r dr

h(r) =

h q =

Z rmax

h(r) J

r dr.


We refer to a truncated Fourier-Bessel series approximation hM (r) of the function h(r) as the continuous
function given by the expansion in (5.65a) with all Fourier-Bessel series coefficients with p > M set to zero:



hM (r) =


As when passing from the Fourier series expansion to the Fourier integral expansion in 5.3, we now
consider the limit of the infinite Fourier series (5.65) as rmax . To pass to this limit more easily, defining
30 That



Z rmax

J ( p r/rmax ) J (q r/rmax ) r dr = pq where bq =


[J +1 (q )]2

q = (q+1 q1)/2, we rearrange the coefficients of (5.65a) and multiply (5.65b) by 1/(q q ):
h h
i  r h



p=0 q q
Z rmax
h h
r dr.
q q
b q q q 0

h(r) =

J ( p ) = 0 for

p = 1, 2, . . . ,


Noting that bq q q = [J +1 (q )]2 q (q+1 q1)/4 = 1 and defining a continuous Fourier-Bessel inte ) such that h(
= p ) = h p /(q q ), interpreting the resulting expression for
gral coefficient function h(
(5.67a) as a rectangular-rule approximation of an integral over , and taking the limit as rmax (and thus
q 0), the sum converts to an integral, and we obtain [cf. (5.65) and (5.15)]
h(r) =
) =


) J ( r) d
h(r) J ( r) r dr

for r [0, ),


for [0, ).


This Fourier-Bessel integral expansion is commonly referred to as a Hankel transform.

Other generalized Fourier series may be developed based on the many available sets of orthogonal functions, most of which (including the Bessel functions as well as the Chebyshev, Legendre, Hermite, and
Laguerre polynomials) may be derived from an associated Sturm-Liouville system [for further discussion,
see footnote 1 on page 75]. Of these many available generalized Fourier series representations, only the Chebyshev series (see 5.13) is used to any significant degree in large-scale simulations, due primarily to the
present lack of an available fast transform technique (akin to the FFT) for these alternative representations.

Exercise 5.1 Verify (5.11a).
Exercise 5.2 Swapping the interpretation of k and x in (5.5a), for m, n integers and xn = 2 n/K, we have
1 K/2 ikxn ikxm
1 if n = m
e e
dk =
K K/2
0 otherwise.
Reviewing (5.8), (5.15), and (5.23), we may now complete the tetralogy by proposing what might be termed
the forward and inverse finite Fourier integral expansion, defined for discrete functions u j = u(x j ) on x j =
j h for j = {. . . , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} with k [ /h, /h], as


un eik xn


uj =

Z /h

ik x j




Substituting the first equation above into the second and applying (5.69) with K = 2 /h and thus xn = h n,
verify that the above transform pair is valid. Note that, taking the limit that h 0, this transform pair reduces
immediately to the infinite Fourier integral expansion in (5.15). [Note also that the complete tetralogy of
Fourier transform pairs so generated is summarized succinctly in the introduction of 17.] Then, verify that
Plancherels and Parsevals theorems (5.41) may be written for this transform pair as


uj v j =

Z /h


u (k)v(k)




|u j |2 =

Z /h





Exercise 5.3 As mentioned in Footnote 14 on 153, the setup operations (specifically, the bitswap) significantly reduce the execution speed of Algorithm 5.3 (the direct Cooley-Tukey variant of the FFT without
reordering). Thus, write appropriate FFTnonreorderedInit.m and FFTnonreorderedModified.m routines
which pull all of these setup calculations into an initialization routine. Compare the execution speed of
the FFTnonreordered.m code provided and your new FFTnonreorderedModified.m (using the tic/toc
commands) to measure the factor by which this adjustment accelerates your code for N = 256.
Exercise 5.4 Leveraging (5.26) in addition to (5.25), rewrite Algorithm 5.1 in such a way to handle N = 2s 3t
for any integer s and t. Compare the execution speed of this code for N = 243 and N = 256, and for N = 2187
and N = 2048. Does this comparison match your theoretical prediction? Discuss.
Exercise 5.5 Discretize the real functions u(x) = sin(2x), v(x) = sin(3x), and w(x) = u(x) v(x) over the
interval x [0, L), for L = 2 , on the gridpoints x j = jL/N for j = 0 . . . N 1 where N = 16. Compute and
plot (in Fourier space) the magnitude of the Fourier coefficients u j , v j , and w j using the real FFT algorithm
described in the text. Is Fact 5.5 evident? Discuss.
Exercise 5.6 Discretize the real functions u(x) = sin(2x), v(x) = sin(3x/2), and w(x) = sin(x/4) over the
interval x [0, L), for L = 2 , on the gridpoints x j = jL/N for j = 0 . . . N 1. Compute and plot (in physical
space) the first and second derivatives of these functions via transformation using the real FFT, FST, and FCT
algorithms described in the text, taking N = 32, N = 64, and N = 128 in each case, and compare with the
exact solution. (Note that the derivative of a sine series is a cosine series, and the derivative of a cosine series
is a sine series.) Discuss.
Exercise 5.7 Extend Parsevals theorem (5.41a) to the cases of the finite sine series (5.47a) & finite cosine
series (5.48a), and verify your derivations with the test codes accompanying Algorithms 5.12 & 5.14.
Exercise 5.8 Discretize the real functions u(x) = sin( (x + 1)), v(x) = sin(3 (x + 1)/4), w(x) = sin( (x +
1)/8) over the interval x [1, 1), on the gridpoints x j = cos( j /N) for j = 0 . . . N 1. Compute and plot the
first and second derivatives of these functions using the Chebyshev methods described in the text, using the
FCT algorithm described in the text to take the Chebyshev transform, taking N = 32, N = 64, and N = 128
in each case, and compare with the exact solution. Discuss.

Avital, EJ, Sandham, ND, & Luo, KH (2000) Stretched Cartesian grids for solution of the incompressible
Navier-Stokes equations. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 33, 897-918.
Boyd, JP (2001) Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods. Dover.
Canuto, C, Hussaini, MY, Quarteroni, A, & Zang, TA (2006) Spectral Methods: Fundamentals in Single
Domains & (2007) : Evolution to Complex Geometries & Applications to Fluid Mechanics. Springer.


Chapter 6

Statistical representations


Random variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.1 Conditional probability measures and Bayes rule . . . . . . . .
6.2 Statistical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 The Gaussian distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Other distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Continuous-time random processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 The joint description of two continuous-time random processes
6.4 Discrete-time random processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4.1 The joint description of two discrete-time random processes . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















6.1 Random variables

The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a random real vector x, denoted fx (x), is a mapping from
x Rn to the real interval [0, 1] that monotonically increases in each of the components of x, and is defined
fx (x) = P(x1 x1 , x2 x2 , . . . , xn xn ),
where x is some particular value of the random vector x and P(S) denotes a probability measure that the
conditions stated in S are true. In the scalar case, for example, fx (1) = 0.6 means that it is 60% likely that the
random variable x satisfies the condition x 1. The CDF of a random complex vector z, denoted fz , is defined
in the same manner, with the real and imaginary component of each complex number treated separately; that
is, fz (z) = fx (x) where x1 = [z1 ], x2 = [z1 ], x3 = [z2 ], etc. We will thus not distinguish between the real
and complex cases in the discussion that follows.
For any random vector x whose CDF is differentiable everywhere (most are), the probability density
function (PDF, a.k.a. likelihood function) px (x ) 0 is a scalar function of x defined such that
Z x Z x
Z x
n fx (x)
fx (x) =

px (x ) dx1 dx2 dxn px (x ) =

x1 x2 xn x=x


For small |x |, the quantity px (x )x1 x2 xn represents the probability that the random vector x takes
some value within a small rectangular region centered at the value x and of width xi in each coordinate
direction ei . Note that the integral of px (x ) over all possible values of x is unity, that is


px (x ) dx = 1.

If x is a random vector, it is often convenient to represent its CDF fx (x) and PDF px (x ) as a joint CDF
and joint PDF by splitting x up into components. For example, if
x = 1 , then fx1 ,x2 (x1 , x2 ) , fx (x) and px1 ,x2 (x1 , x2 ) , px (x ).
If the probability distribution is separable in x1 and x2 , then we may write
fx1 ,x2 (x1 , x2 ) = fx1 (x1 ) fx2 (x2 ) and

px1 ,x2 (x1 , x2 ) = px1 (x1 )px2 (x2 ),

and we say that the random vectors x1 and x2 are uncorrelated or independent.
Now consider a problem in which r = s + t where s and t are uncorrelated random vectors of order n, and
thus a joint PDF may be written ps,t (s , t ) = ps (s )pt (t ). Then
pr (r ) =


ps,t (s , r s ) ds =


ps (s )pt (r s ) ds ,

and thus, by (5.38), the coefficients of the Fourier integral expansion of pr may be represented in terms of the
coefficients of the Fourier integral expansions of ps and pt such that
pbr =

pbs pbt
(2 )n

at each wavenumber k. Note that the Fourier integral expansion of a probability density function is often
referred to as a characteristic function.
The expected value of a function g(x) of a random vector x is given by1
E {g(x)} =


g(x ) px (x ) dx

The expected value may be interpreted as the average of the quantity in question over many experiments
(a.k.a. realizations or ensembles). In particular, the mean x of the random vector x is defined as the expected
value of x itself, that is,
x , E {x} =
x px (x ) dx .

Note that a zero-mean random vector is one for which x = 0. The covariance Px of a random vector x is
defined as
(x x) (x x)H px (x ) dx .
Px , E {(x x) (x x)H } =

If a random vector x has a diagonal covariance matrix, its individual components are said to be uncorrelated.
The kth diagonal element of Px is often denoted k2 ; the quantity k2 is called the variance of the kth
component of x, and quantity k is called its standard deviation. In the scalar case, we denote Px = 2 .
Consider now a random scalar distribution with mean x and variance 2 which is sampled n times. Though
the expected value of each sample xi is E {xi } = x, each sample xi in fact differs from the mean such that
xi = x + i
1 Note

where E {i } = 0,

E {i j } = 2 i j .

that the expected value of g(x) is sometimes deonted hg(x)i instead of E {g(x)}.



The average of these n samples thus differs from the mean as well, that is,
1 n
xi = x + .
n i=1


Subtracting x from both sides of (6.1b), applying (6.1a), and taking the expected value of the result reveals
that E { } = 0, whereas taking the expected value of the square of the result reveals that E { 2 } = 2 /n.
n n h
1 n i2 o
= E {[xi (x + )]2 } = E {(xi x)2 2(xi x) + 2 }
E xi xk
n k=1
= n 2 2E {ni=1 (xi x) } + 2 = n 2 2 2 + 2 = (n 1) 2.

The above analysis implies that, if a random scalar distribution with unknown mean and variance is sampled
n times, the correct formulae to estimate the mean and variance are given by the ensemble averages
1 n
1 n 
1 n 2
x xk ,


xk ;
n k=1
n 1 i=1
n k=1
note in particular the (n 1) term in the denominator of the second expression, which arises as a result of the
fact that the value of x used in this expression is only approximate. Note also that the expected squared error
in the first expression is 2 /n [see discussion after (6.1b)]; that is, the error of this approximation decreases
fairly slowly with the number of samples n. It follows similarly in the vector case that
1 n
1 n 
1 n H
1 n 
x xk ,


xk .
n k=1
n 1 i=1
n k=1
n k=1
In the scalar case, a few other characterizations of probability distributions are common. The mode of
a scalar distribution is the value of x for which the PDF reaches its maximum (if the PDF has more than
one maximum, it is called bimodal, trimodal, or, in general, multimodal), whereas the median of a scalar
distribution is the value of x for which the CDF equals 0.5; in general the mean, mode, and median of a scalar
distribution are different. The kth central moment of a scalar distribution is defined as

k , E {(x E {x})k } =

(x x)k px (x ) dx .

The second central moment is just the variance defined above, i.e., 2 = 2 . The third and fourth central
moments are used to define the skewness,
1 = 3 ,

and the kurtosis (a.k.a. excess kurtosis), which is defined here such that
2 = 4 3.

Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of a probability distribution, with postive skewness indicating a
more elongated tail to the right than to the left, as exhibited by the chi-squared, exponential, and gamma
distributions described in 6.2.2. Kurtosis is a measure of the peakedness of a probability distribution, with
negative kurtosis indicating less elongated tails than the ubiquitous Gaussain distribution (see 6.2.1), and
positive kurtosis indicating more elongated tails than the Gaussain distribution. [See in particular the uniform
distribution in 6.2.2 with no tails whatsoever and a kurtosis of 1.2, and the Laplace distribution in 6.2.2
with long exponential tails and a kurtosis of +3.] Distributions with postive, negative, and aproximately zero
kurtosis measures are termed leptokurtic, platykurtic, and mesokurtic respectively.

6.1.1 Conditional probability measures and Bayes rule

As in 6.1, we again denote by P(S) the probability that condition S is true. We also denote by P(S) = 1 P(S)
the probability that condition S is false, and introduce the notation P(S|T ) as the conditional probability
measurethat is, the probability that condition S is true given that condition T is true. It follows that the
probability that both condition S and condition T are true is P(S, T ) = P(S|T )P(T ) = P(T |S) P(S), and thus
P(S|T ) =

P(T |S) P(S)

P(T )


this is known as Bayes rule. This formula is useful, and requires some interpretation to appreciate fully. As a
prototypical example, suppose condition S is that you have a certain Sickness, whereas condition T is that you
Tested positive for this sickness at the hospital. Then, by (6.4), the probability that you have this particular
sickness given that you tested positive for it [that is, P(S|T )] is equal to P(T |S) [that is, the probability that
the test is positive if one indeed actually has the sicknessthat is, 1 minus the false negative probability
of the test, denoted P(T |S)] times P(S) [that is, the total probability that one has the sickness irrespective of
the test] divided by P(T ) [that is, the total probability that you test positive for the sickness irrespective of
whether or not you are actually sick]. Inserting some representative numbers, suppose:

P(S) = 0.0001 [i.e., the probability that someone in your demographic has this sickness is only 0.01%];
P(T |S) = 1 P(T |S) = 0.001 [i.e., the probability of a false negative test is 0.1%];
P(T |S) = 0.0005 [i.e., the probability of a false positive test is 0.05%];
P(T ) = P(T |S) P(S) + P(T |S) P(S) = 0.999 0.0001 + 0.0005 0.9999 0.0006 [i.e., the overall probability of positive test is 0.06%].

At first glance, the second and third bullet points above appear to imply that this a very reliable test, with
the odds of it being wrong only 0.1% for those who are sick, and only 0.05% for those who are not sick.
However, by (6.4), the probability that you have the sickness given that you test positive for it is only P(S|T ) =
0.999 0.0001/0.0006 1/6; that is, the test is not nearly as conclusive as it might first seem! This result
is logical because on average, out of every 10000 people that are tested, 10000 P(S) = 1 actually has the
sickness, but 10000 P(T) = 6 test positive; thus, if you are one of the six that test positive, the odds that you
actually have the sickness are only 1/6. Therefore, if only one test is to be performed, any conclusive test
needs to have the probability of a false positive, P(T |S), much closer to zero than in the above example, thus
highlighting the extraordinary care that is often required to interpret statistics correctly.
Note that, in the special case that the conditions S and T are uncorrelated, P(S|T ) = P(S|T ) = P(S) and
P(T |S) = P(T |S) = P(T ) and thus, as mentioned in 6.1, the probability that both conditions S and T are true
is simply P(S, T ) = P(S)P(T ). Note also that Bayes rule extends immediately from the condition S being a
logical state [e.g., 0 (sick) or 1 (not sick)] to a condition S related to a CDF (e.g., x1 x1 ).

6.2 Statistical models

6.2.1 The Gaussian distribution
The nature of random physical systems very often leads to PDFs that are well approximated by an appropriatelynormalized Gaussian function [see (5.18a)]. In the scalar case, the PDF px (x ) and CDF fx (x ) of a Gaussian
distribution (a.k.a. normal distribution) may be written2
px (x ) =

h (x x)2 i

2 2
(2 )1/2

fx (x ) =

 x x i
1 + erf

The integral of the Gaussian function ex is commonly called the error function, and is denoted erf(y) =


Z y

ex dx.

px (x ) dx = 1, E {x} = x, and E {(x x)2 } = 2 . The quanIt follows directly from these formulae that
tities x and are thus identified as the mean and variance of this distribution. The notation x = N(x, 2 ) is
sometimes used to denote such a Gaussian distribution for the random scalar x. Note that the mean, median,
and mode of a scalar Gaussian distribution coincide, whereas the skewness and kurtosis of a scalar Gaussian
distribution are zero.
The idea of a Gaussian bump extends naturally to random vectors; in two dimensions, px (x ) may be
visualized as a localized bump of a deformed carpet. In the multivariate case, a Gaussian PDF may be
h 1
H 1

px (x ) =



(2 )n/2|Px |1/2

It follows directly from this formula that Rn px (x ) dx = 1, E {x} = x, and E {(x x)(x x)H } = Px . The
quantities x and Px are thus identified as the mean and covariance of this distribution. The notation x =
N(x, Px ) is sometimes used to denote such a Gaussian distribution for the random vector x.

6.2.2 Other distributions

There are literally dozens of random distributions other than the Gaussian distribution introduced above that
are appropriate for various problems in physics and engineering. We mention briefly just five of them here.
The chi-squared distribution
Some random variables are necessarily positive. As an example, consider the number x formed as the sum of
the squares of an integer number k of random variables zi , each of which itself is a random number with a
Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, i.e.,

x = z2i

where zi = N(0, 1).


In this case (as may verified, with some effort, via the appropriate integrations), x itself may be considered a
random number with a chi-squared distribution defined by a PDF and CDF, with k > 0, given by
xk/21 ex/2 /[2k/2 (k/2)] for x 0
(k/2, x/2)/(k/2) for x 0
px (x; k) =

fx (x; k) =
for x < 0
for x < 0,

where denotes the gamma function (z) = 0 t z1 et dt [note that (n)

= (n 1)! when n is an integer]
and (z, x) denotes the lower incomplete gamma function (z, x) = 0x t z1 et dt. The mean of the chisquaredp
distribution is x = k, its mode is 0 for k < 2 and k 2 for k 2, its variance is 2 = 2k, its skewness
is 1 = 8/k, and its kurtosis is 2 = 12/k.
The exponential distribution
The exponential distribution is another common distribution for positive random variables, defined by a
PDF and CDF given by
e x for x 0
1 e x for x 0
px (x; ) =

fx (x; ) =
for x < 0
for x < 0,

where > 0 is referred to as the rate parameter. The mean of the exponential distribution is x = 1/ , its
mode is 0, its variance is 2 = 1/ 2 , its skewness is 1 = 2, and its kurtosis is 2 = 6.
Note that a chi-squared distribution with k = 2 and an exponential distribution with = 1/2 coincide.
3 Unfortunately,

there is no convenient closed-form expression for the CDF of a multivariate Gaussian distribution.


The gamma distribution

Consider now the number x formed as the sum of an integer number m of random variables zi , each of which
itself is a random number with an exponential distribution with rate parameter , i.e.,

x = zi .

In this case (as may verified, with some effort, via the appropriate integrations), x itself may be considered a
random number with a gamma distribution defined by a PDF and CDF, with m > 0 and > 0, given by
px (x; m, ) =

m xm1 e x /(m) for x 0

for x < 0

fx (x; m, ) =

(m, x )/(m) for x 0

for x < 0.

The mean of the gamma distributionpis x = m/ , its mode is 0 for m < 1 and (m 1)/ for m 1, its variance
is 2 = m/ 2 , its skewness is 1 = 4/m, and its kurtosis is 2 = 6/m. Note also that, as m is made large for
a given , the gamma distribution approaches a Gaussian distribution with mean and variance given above,
and skewness and kurtosis approaching zero.
Note that the chi-squared distribution is a special case the gamma distribution with m = k/2 and = 1/2,
whereas the exponential distribution is a special case of the gamma distribution with m = 1.
The Laplace distribution
Consider now the number x formed as the difference of two random variables z1 and z2 , each of which itself
is a random number with an exponential distribution with rate parameter , i.e.,
x = x + z1 z2 .
In this case (as may verified, with some effort, via the appropriate integrations), x itself may be considered a
random number with a Laplace distribution (a.k.a. double exponential distribution) defined by a PDF and
CDF, with > 0, given by
px (x; ) = e



fx (x; ) =

for x < x
e (xx) /2
/2 for x x.

The mean of the Laplace distribution is x, its mode is x, its variance is 2 = 2/ 2, its skewness is 1 = 0, and
its kurtosis is 2 = 3.
The uniform distribution
The uniform distribution is defined by a PDF and CDF given by

px (x; a, b) =

1/(b a) for a x b

for x < a
fx (x; a, b) = (x a)/(b a) for a x b

for x > b.

The mean of the uniform distribution is x = (a + b)/2, its variance is 2 = (b a)2/12, its skewness is 1 = 0,
and its kurtosis is 2 = 1.2.

6.3 Continuous-time random processes

A random vector w that is a function of the continuous time variable t is called a continuous-time random
process, denoted w(t). The PDF of a continuous-time random process w(t) is denoted pw (w ;t). For any
given time t, the PDF pw (w ;t) describes the probability distribution of w(t) as described in 6.1, and thus


pw (w ;t) dw = 1.

The PDF pw (w ;t) alone does not completely describe a continuous-time random process. We must also
quantify the expected time correlation of the vector w with itself, which may be accomplished with the
autocorrelation Rw ( ;t) defined such that
Rw ( ;t) , E {w(t + ) wH (t)}.
Note that R(ww) (0;t) = Pw (t); thus, the autocorrelation may be thought of as an appropriate generalization
of the covariance for a continuous-time random process w(t) which also describes its time correlation.
The PDF pw (w ;t) and autocorrelation Rw ( ;t) may vary with t, in which case the random process w(t)
is said to be nonstationary. In many cases of interest, however, the PDF and autocorrelation of a continuoustime random process w(t) (and, thus, the mean and covariance of the PDF) do not vary in time (even though
the random variable w(t) itself does); in such cases, the random process w(t) is said to be stationary, and its
PDF and autocorrelation are denoted pw (w ) and Rw ( ). In general, if a random process w(t) is nonstationary,
its expected value must be estimated by ensemble averaging, as defined in 6.1. In the special case that the
random process w(t) is stationary, its expected value may be estimated instead by time averaging of a single
member of the ensemble for a long time:
E {g[w]} = lim

h1 Z


g[w(t)] dt ;

this property is commonly referred to as ergodicity.

As with the PDF of a random variable, the nature of random physical systems often leads to autocorrelations that are well approximated by a Gaussian-in-time behavior. Further, in many systems, an autocorrelation
that decouples into the following separable form is representative:
R(ww) ( ;t) = Sw (t) ( )


( ) ,

e /(2 ) ,


where Sw (t) is called the spectral density4 of the continuous-time random process w(t), and the definition
of the normalized Gaussian ( ) (with unit area) is identical to that given in 5.3.3. The notation w(t) =
N(w, Sw , ) will sometimes be used to denote a continuous-time random process w(t) with both a Gaussian
PDF and a decoupled autocorrelation of the above separable form.
Note that, at any time t, the covariance of a zero-mean random process
w(t) with a decoupled autocorrelation of the above form is given by Pw (t) = Sw (t) (0) = Sw (t)/( 2 ). This is where the analysis
of continuous-time random processes gets delicate, and special attention is warranted. To simplify certain
important derivations, such as that leading to the continuous-time Kalman filter in 22.1, it will be quite
tempting to idealize the autocorrelation of a certain random process w(t) as uncorrelated in time, which implies that Rw ( ;t) = 0 for 6= 0; specifically, it will be tempting to try to accomplish this by taking the 0
limit of the autocorrelation described above, thereby idealizing w(t) as a white noise processes with uniform
spectral content across all frequencies (see 5.3.1). Indeed, many otherwise respectable texts give in to this
4 Occasionally, the spectral density of a continuous-time random process is mistakenly called its covariance. To avoid confusion, this
sloppy practice should be avoided.


temptation. We assert here, however, that one must resist this temptation, because by so doing the covariance
Pw (t) of the random vector w(t) at any time t, which reflects the expected energy in each component of
w(t) at any instant, would be infinite, which is not physical.
To avoid a nonphysical modelization5 of this sort, we may simply modelize5 the random process w(t)
as nearly white. That is, Rw ( ;t) may be assumed to be described by an autocorrelation of the form given
above for small but finite , and thus Rw ( ;t) 0 for | | & c for some c = O(10). It is found that the
actual value of selected in this model is completely inconsequential, so long as it is substantially smaller
than any of the significant characteristic response times of the dynamic system under consideration.

6.3.1 The joint description of two continuous-time random processes

When characterizing the relationship between two continuous-time random processes v(t) and w(t), the joint
PDF pvw (v , w ; ,t) may be used. Extending the definition of the PDF presented in 6.1, for small |v | and
|w |, the quantity pvw (v , w ; ,t)v1 vm w1 wn represents the probability that the v(t + ) takes a
value within a rectangular region centered at v and of width vi in each coordinate direction while w(t) takes
a value within a rectangular region centered at w and of width wi in each coordinate direction. It follows as
before that, for any given and t,

pvw (v , w ; ,t) dv dw = 1.

Rn Rm

The expected value of a function g(v, w) of two continuous-time random processes v(t) and w(t) is
E {g[v(t + ), w(t)]} =

Rn Rm

g[v , w ] pvw (v , w ; ,t) dv dw .

In particular, the cross correlation of v(t) and w(t) is defined by

Rvw ( ;t) , E {v(t + ) wH (t)}.
Note that the autocorrelation of w(t) is just the cross correlation of w(t) with itself, that is, Rw ( ;t) =
Rww ( ;t). If Rvw ( ;t) = 0 for all and t, the random processes v(t) and w(t) are said to be uncorrelated.
The joint PDF pvw (v , w ; ,t) and cross correlation Rvw ( ;t) may, in general, depend on t. In many
cases of interest, however, the joint PDF and cross correlation of two continuous-time random processes v(t)
and w(t) do not vary in time; in such cases, the two random processes v(t) and w(t) are said to be jointly
stationary, and their joint PDF and cross correlation are denoted pvw (v , w ; ) and Rvw ( ).

6.4 Discrete-time random processes

A random vector w that is a function of the discrete time index k is called a discrete-time random process,
denoted wk . The PDF of a discrete-time random process wk is denoted pw (w ; k). For any given k, the PDF
pw (w ; k) describes the probability distribution of wk as described in 6.1, and thus


pw (w ; k) dw = 1.

5 The British and the Americans have long debated whether the noun meaning the devising or use of abstract or mathematical
models is spelled modelling or modeling, with the Brits preferring the former and the Yanks preferring the latter. Many French, on
the other hand, mistakenly employ the word modelization, and the corresponding verb form modelize. In fact, as far as the author is
aware, neither of these forms appears, as yet, in any dictionary of the English language. However, both forms have a certain irresistible
(and characteristically French) charm. Only time will tell if their repeated (yet, still, techincally incorrect) use by the French-speaking
scientific community will cause these forms to evolve into bona fide English words.


To quantify the expected time correlation of the vector w with itself, the autocorrelation Rw ( j; k) is defined
such that
Rw ( j; k) , E {wk+ j wH
k }.

Note that R(ww) (0; k) = Pw (k); thus, the autocorrelation may be thought of as an appropriate generalization
of the covariance for a discrete-time random process wk which also describes its time correlation.
The PDF pw (w ; k) and autocorrelation Rw ( j; k) may vary with k, in which case the random process wk is
said to be nonstationary. In many cases of interest, however, the PDF and autocorrelation of a discrete-time
random process wk do not vary with k (even though the random variable wk itself does); in such cases, the
random process is said to be stationary, and its PDF and autocorrelation are denoted pw (w ) and Rw ( j). In
general, if a random process wk is nonstationary, its expected value must be estimated by ensemble averaging, as defined in 6.1. In the special case that the random process wk is stationary, its expected value may
be estimated instead by time averaging of a single member of the ensemble for a long time:
E {g(w)} = lim



g(wk )

this property is commonly referred to as ergodicity.

In many discrete-time systems, an autocorrelation of the following separable form is representative [cf. the
more delicate treatment required in the continuous-time case in (6.6)]:
R(ww) ( j, k) = Pw (k) j0 ,


where Pw (k) is the covariance of the discrete-time random process wk and j0 is the Kronecker delta (see
1.2.3). A discrete-time random process of this form is said to be white. The notation wk = N(w, Pw (k), )
will sometimes be used to denote a discrete-time random process wk with both a Gaussian PDF and a white
autocorrelation of the above simple form.

6.4.1 The joint description of two discrete-time random processes

When characterizing the relationship between two discrete-time random processes vk and wk , the joint PDF
pvw (v , w ; j, k) may be used. For small |v | and |w |, the quantity pvw (v , w ; j, k)v1 vm w1 wn
represents the probability that the vk+ j takes a value within a rectangular region centered at v and of width
vi in each coordinate direction while wk takes a value within a rectangular region centered at w and of width
wi in each coordinate direction. It follows as before that, for any given j and k,

Rn Rm

pvw (v , w ; j, k) dv dw = 1.

The expected value of a function g(v, w) of two discrete-time random processes vk and wk is given by
E {g[vk+ j , wk ]} =

Rn Rm

g[v , w ] pvw (v , w ; j, k) dv dw .

In particular, the cross correlation of vk and wk is defined by

Rvw ( j; k) , E {vk+ j wH
k }.
Note that if Rvw ( j; k) = 0 for all j and k, the random processes vk and wk are said to be uncorrelated.
The joint PDF pvw (v , w ; j, k) and cross correlation Rvw ( j; k) may, in general, depend on k. In many cases
of interest, however, the joint PDF and cross correlation of two discrete-time random processes vk and wk do
not vary in time; in such cases, the two random processes vk and wk are said to be jointly stationary, and
their joint PDF and cross correlation are denoted pvw (v , w ; j) and Rvw ( j).

Exercise 6.1 A statistics class with 1000 equally-gifted students has two exams, each with 10 questions, each
question worth a maximum of 10 points (no extra credit), with varying amounts of partial credit awarded for
partially correct answers. Student ks exam score is denoted xk , for k = 1, . . . , 1000, and is considered here
as a pseudo-random variablethat is, each exam score is in fact strongly correlated to several quantifiable
factors (motivation, focus, study habits, class attendance, background, caffeine intake, etc.) that are simply
not considered in the present mathematical model. In Exercise (6.1), we assume all components of xk are uncoupled and distributed equally, and consider the distribution of a single component of x, which for simplicity
we denote as x.
(a) The mean on the first exam is 65 points and standard deviation is 5 points. Assuming an approximate
Gaussian distribution of exam scores, plot the PDF px (x ) and corresponding CDF fx (x ) for this exam. What
are the median and mode of this distribution? How many students scored above 80 points?
(b) The mean on the second exam is 95 points and the standard deviation is 5 points. Is a Gaussian distribution
of exam scores an adequate model in this case? Explain. Defining y = 100 x, and assuming a Gamma
distribution of y, plot the PDF px (x ) and corresponding CDF fx (x ) for this exam. What are the appropriate
values of the model parameters m and in this problem? What are the median and mode of this distribution?
How many students scored above 80 points?
Exercise 6.2 Now assume that the statistics class mentioned in Exercise 6.1 is full of habitual cheaters (hopefully, yours is not). Indeed, the situation is so bad that, during the first exam, it turns out that each student
copied, verbatim, the answer to exactly half of the questions from the student sitting on his left (for the purpose of this exercise, imagine all the students are sitting in a row). Describe accurately the feature of the
corresponding covariance matrix Px that might have alerted the attentive grader to this widespread cheating
Exercise 6.3 Consider the discrete-time sequence xk+1 = xk + wk where x0 = 0 and wk = N(0, 1, ). Derive
and plot the distributions of w5 and w1000 .

Bendat, JS, & Piersol, AG (1986) Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures. Wiley.
Gill, J (2002) Bayesian Methods: A Social and Behavioral Sciences Approach. CRC Press.
Knuth, DE (1997) The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Addison-Wesley.
Press, WH, Teukolsky, SA, Vetterling, WT, & Flannery, BP (2007). Numerical Recipes, the Art of Scientific
Computing. Cambridge.


Chapter 7

Data manipulation: sorting,

interpolation, & compression


Sorting algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194


Insertion sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195


Block insertion sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195


Cocktail sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196


Merge sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197


Quick sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197


Heap sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


Sorting using a binary search tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200


Sorting networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202


Quantifying the distance between strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206


Interpolation over a single variable

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208


Linear spline interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208


Lagrange interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208


Cubic spline interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210


Multivariate interpolation of structured data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214


Multivariate interpolation of unstructured data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218



Interpolation via inverse distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218


Polyharmonic spline interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219


Kriging interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Dataset compression based on the SVD (a.k.a. POD, PCA,. . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225


Neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233



















Figure 7.1: Execution of the insertion sort. The element being placed is marked by the red line, and is currently
being compared to the element marked by the dark blue line; after each such comparison, a bisection algorithm is used to refine the window of possible locations where the element in question might belong, which
is somewhere between the green and light blue lines.
Algorithm 7.1: Implementation of the insertion sort.
View f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = I n s e r t i o n S o r t (D , v , n )
Test % R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g an i n s e r t i o n s o r t .
i f n a rg o u t ==2 ; D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end , f o r i =n 1: 1:1 , a= i + 1 ; b=n ;
% The f o l l o w i n g 2 l i n e s s e a r c h t h e o r d e r e d p a r t o f t h e l i s t , [ a , b ] , u s i n g a b i s e c t i o n
% algorithm to find the a p p r o p r i a t e point of i n s e r t i o n f o r record i .
w h i l e a<b 1; c=a+ f l o o r ( ( ba ) / 2 ) ;
i f D( c ,1) <D( i , 1 ) , a=c + 1 ; e l s e , b=c 1; end , end
w h i l e a<=b ;
i f D( i ,1) <D( b , 1 ) , b=b 1; e l s e , a=a + 2 ; end , end
D( i : b , : ) = [ D( i + 1 : b , : ) ; D( i , : ) ] ;
% I ns e rt record i at the designated point .
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n I n s e r t i o n S o r t

7.1 Sorting algorithms

A list refers to a collection of records, each containing some amount of data. If there are many records in
the list, it is often necessary to sort (a.k.a. order) the list, based on an appropriately-chosen marker on each
record, in order to access a given record of the list quickly. At various times, it is necessary
(a) to sort such a list from scratch,
(b) to add a few records to a previously sorted list, or
(c) to update a list that has gotten slightly out of order.
The present section discusses a few of the many available sorting algorithms to address these problems. Of
the techniques presented, the merge sort, quick sort, and heap sort algorithms are best suited to problem (a),
the insertion sort is best suited for problem (b), and the cocktail sort is best suited for problem (c).
In addition to the marker, each record might contain, for example, data about a particular book in a library,
or at least a pointer to such data. Note that many lists may be maintained for a given collection of data to
facilitate searches on different characteristic markers (title, author, call number, etc.).
The test codes provided with the sorting algorithms in 7.1 produce animations which are essential in
understanding how these sorting algorithms work; the reader is thus advised to run each of these test codes.


















Figure 7.2: Execution of the block insertion sort. Blocks of positive elements (yellow) and negative elements
(green) are identified and swapped until the negative elements come first, followed by the positive elements.
Algorithm 7.2: Implementation of the block insertion sort.
f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = B l o c k I n s e r t i o n S o r t ( D, v , n )
% R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a b l o c k i n s e r t i o n s o r t . Test
n= s i z e (D , 1 ) ; i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end
k=n ; w h i l e k>1 & D( k ,1) >=0 , k=k 1; end , j =k 1; i = j ;
i f k >1, w h i l e i >0
% D e t e r m i n e a<0 b l o c k [ j + 1 : k ] and a>=0 b l o c k [ i + 1 : j ]
w h i l e j >0
i f D( j , 1 ) < 0 , j = j 1; e l s e , break , end , end
i f j ==1 , i = j ; e l s e , i = j 1; end
w h i l e i >0
i f D( i ,1) >=0 , i = i 1; e l s e , break , end , end
i f i <0, break , end , D( i + 1 : k , : ) = [ D( j + 1 : k , : ) ; D( i + 1 : j , : ) ] ;
k= i +kj ; j = i 1; end , end
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B l o c k I n s e r t i o n S o r t

7.1.1 Insertion sort

The insertion sort is straightforward: working from one end of the list to the other, it simply picks up one of the
records from the unsorted portion of the list at a time, scans through the sorted portion of the list to determine
where this element belongs, then opens the sorted portion of the list to insert this element into the correct
position. The scan through the sorted portion of the list is most efficiently accomplished with a discretized
version of the bisection algorithm introduced in 3.1.2. An efficient implementation of the insertion sort is
given in Algorithm 7.1, with a corresponding visualization in Figure 7.1. The insertion sort is particularly
well suited to the problem of adding a few records to a previously sorted list; it is far outperformed by the
merge sort, quick sort, and heap sort, introduced below, for most other applications of sorting algorithms.

7.1.2 Block insertion sort

In some applications of sorting algorithms, one only needs to separate the list into a relatively small number of
blocks, such as a stable block and an unstable block (see, e.g., 4.5.5). For such problems, the insertion
sort introduced above can be accelerated significantly, as the records within each individual block do not
need to be sorted. Further, records can often be moved a group at a time into the appropriate blocks. An
implementation is given in Algorithm 7.2, with a corresponding visualization in Figure 7.2.


















Figure 7.3: Execution of the cocktail sort.

Algorithm 7.3: Implementation of the cocktail sort.
View f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = C o c k t a i l S o r t ( D, v , n )
Test % R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a c o c k t a i l s o r t .
n= s i z e (D , 1 ) ; i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end , l = 1 ; r =n ;
w h i l e r>l
b= l ; f o r i = l : r 1 , i f D( i ,1) >D( i + 1 , 1 ) , D( i : i + 1 , : ) = [ D( i + 1 , : ) ; D( i , : ) ] ; b= i ; end
end , r =b ; i f r <=l , break ; end
a= r ; f o r i = r 1: 1: l , i f D( i ,1) >D( i + 1 , 1 ) , D( i : i + 1 , : ) = [ D( i + 1 , : ) ; D( i , : ) ] ; a= i ; end
end , l =a + 1 ;
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n C o c k t a i l S o r t

7.1.3 Cocktail sort

A cocktail sort (a.k.a. a bidirectional bubble sort or shaker sort) simply sweeps from a left boundary to
the right and back, comparing neighboring values and swapping to put the smaller value on the left after each
comparison, then updating the boundaries appropriately after each sweep if the sweep indicates a portion of
the list is completely sorted, as implemented in Algorithm 7.3 and visualized in Figure 7.3.
The cocktail sort, which alternates between left-to-right sweeps and right-to-left sweeps, achieves a significant acceleration of the simpler bubble sort, which only uses left-to-right sweeps but is otherwise identical.
The bubble sort has a peculiar weakness worth noting (in order to avoid). If there is a record on the left with a
relatively large marker that needs to be moved a long way to the right, a bubble sort can accomplish this with
a single sweep (we thus refer to such an outlier as a rabbit). However, if there is a record on the right with a
relatively small marker that needs to be moved a long way to the left, a bubble sort can only move this record
a single position during each left-to-right sweep, and thus such a record takes an enormous time to move a
significant number of records to the left (we thus refer to such an outlier as a turtle). The possible existance of
turtles render the bubble sort unsuitable for application. However, by incorporating both left-to-right sweeps
and right-to-left sweeps, the cocktail sort becomes competitive with other more sophisticated algorithms for
those problems in which the list is known to be only slightly out of order, as indicated in Figure 7.3.


















Figure 7.4: Execution of the merge sort. The entire list is divided in half, then in half again, etc., until the
resulting blocks have a single record. Then these blocks are merged two at a time, then the resulting blocks
merged two at a time, etc., until the entire list is sorted.
Algorithm 7.4: Implementation of the merge sort using a divide and conquer paradigm.
f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = M er g eS o r t (D, v , a , b )
% R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a merge s o r t .
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : s i z e (D , 1 ) ] ] ; end , i f n a rg in ==3 , b=a ; a = 1 ; end
i f ba > 0
b1 = a + f l o o r ( ( ba ) / 2 ) ; a1 =b1 + 1 ; D= M er g eS o r t (D, v , a , b1 ) ; D= M er g eS o r t ( D, v , a1 , b ) ;
w h i l e b1a >= 0 & ba1 >= 0
i f D( a1 , 1 ) < D( a , 1 ) ; D( a : a1 , : ) = [ D( a1 , : ) ; D( a : a1 1 , : ) ] ;
a1 =a1 + 1 ; b1 =b1 + 1 ; end ; a=a + 1 ;
end ; end
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n M er g eS o r t

7.1.4 Merge sort

The merge sort is based on the idea that it is much faster to interweave appropriately two sorted groups of
records of length m/2, to make a single sorted group of records of length m, than it is to sort m records from
scratch. The merge sort applies this concept repeatedly, starting by sorting individual records (of length 1) 2
at a time, then merging the resulting small sorted groups (of length 2) 2 at a time, then merging the resulting
larger groups (of length 4) 2 at a time, etc., until the entire list is sorted. An implementation is given in
Algorithm 7.4 and a visualization in Figure 7.4.

7.1.5 Quick sort

The quick sort is based on repeated application of a block insertion sort to successively smaller groups of
records. First, a block insertion sort is performed to arrange the entire list into three blocks:
The middle block contains a single record from the original list. Its marker is referred to as the pivot.
The block on the left contains all records with markers less than the pivot.
The block on the right contains all records with markers greater than or equal to the pivot.

After this first sort, the record containing the pivot is in its final location. Next, block insertion sorts are used
to sort both the left and right blocks individually in an identical fashion, repeating until the entire list is sorted.



















Figure 7.5: Execution of the quick sort. The markers in each (yellow) block are first compared against the
pivot, which is determined via a median-of-three approach and moved temporarily to the right edge of the
block. The corresponding records are then sorted with a block insertion sort into two sub-blocks. The pivot is
then moved to its final location near the middle of the yellow block, and the sub-block to the left and right of
the pivot are then sorted in an identical fashion.
Algorithm 7.5: Implementation of the quick sort, using the median-of-three approach to determine the pivot.
View f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = Q u i c k S o r t (D, v , i , k )
Test % R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a q u i c k s o r t .

i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : s i z e (D , 1 ) ] ] ; end , i f n a rg in ==3 , k= i ; i = 1 ; end

i f k>i % B eg in by i d e n t i f y i n g a p i v o t . Take t h e median o f i = l e f t , j = m id d le , and k= r i g h t .
j = i + f l o o r ( ( ki ) / 2 ) ; a=D( i , 1 ) ; b=D( j , 1 ) ; c=D( k , 1 ) ;
i f a>b , i f b>c , p i v o t = j ; e l s e i f a>=c , p i v o t =k ; e l s e , p i v o t = i ; end ;
i f b<c , p i v o t = j ; e l s e i f c>=a , p i v o t =k ; e l s e , p i v o t = i ; end ; end
p i v o t == j ; D ( [ j k ] , : ) = D ( [ k j ] , : ) ;
% S t o r e p i v o t a t r i g h t , f o r now .
e l s e i f p i v o t == i ; D ( [ i k ] , : ) = D ( [ k i ] , : ) ; end ;
v a l u e =D( k , 1 ) ; p i v o t = i ; % Now s c a n from i t o k1 t o d e t e r m i n e new p i v o t v a l u e , s e p a r a t i n g
f o r l = i : k 1 ,
% t h e e n t r i e s below and ab o v e t h e s p e c i f i e d p i v o t v a l u e .
i f D( l , 1 ) <= v a l u e ; D ( [ p i v o t l ] , : ) = D ( [ l p i v o t ] , : ) ;
p i v o t = p i v o t + 1 ; end
D( [ k p i v o t ] , : ) =D( [ p i v o t k ] , : ) ;
% Move p i v o t ( s t o r e d a t k ) t o where i t b e l o n g s .
D= Q u i c k S o r t (D, v , i , p i v o t 1 ) ; D= Q u i c k S o r t (D, v , p i v o t +1 , k ) ; % S o r t t o l e f t & r i g h t o f p i v o t .
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n Q u i c k s o r t

Algorithm 7.6: A convenient wrapper routine to sort complex records based on the Quicksort.
View f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = S o r tC o m p lex ( D, T r a i t , Alg )
Test % S o r t a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e a b s o l u t e v a l u e o r r e a l p a r t ( s p e c i f i e d by T r a i t ) o f t h e
% complex e l e m e n t s i n i t s

f i r s t column , u s i n g Q u i c k S o r t , e t c ( s p e c i f i e d by Alg ) .

i f nargin <3, Alg = s t r 2 f u n c ( Q u i c k S o r t ) ; i f nargin <2, T r a i t = r e a l p a r t ; end , end

s w i t c h T r a i t , c a s e a b s o l u t e v a l u e , D=[ abs (D) D ] ; c a s e r e a l p a r t , D=[ r e a l (D) D ] ; end
n= l e n g t h (D ) ; i f nargout >1, [D, i n d e x ] = Alg (D, 0 , n ) ; e l s e , D=Alg (D, 0 , n ) ; end , D=D ( : , 2 : end ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n S o r tC o m p lex

The principle question that arises is which marker (and corresponding record) should be selected for the
pivot. It might seem initially that the median marker value over the entire list should be used, thus cutting the






















Figure 7.6: Graphical illustration of the Heap sort. (a) A complete binary tree structure with two children
per parent and 14 records. This complete binary tree is referred to as a binary heap if the marker associated
with each parent is greater than or equal to that of each of its children. (b) Execution of the heap sort: First,
assign a tree structure to the entire list and heapify this tree. Then, pull off the root element to the right, sift
to return the part that remains to heap order, and repeat until finished.

list in half after each block insertion sort. However, the median marker is prohibitively expensive to determine.
A common choice is thus simply to select the pivot from the list at random; this choice turns out to not be
nearly as bad as one might first think, as, half of the time, this choice is in the center half of the sorted list. A
slightly better choice, referred to as the median of three, is to select the pivot as the median of three markers
(typically, those from the records on the left, middle, and right of the list). This is the choice that, for all but
the most pathological of cases, works best, and is implemented in Algorithm 7.5 and visualized in Figure 7.5.

7.1.6 Heap sort

A binary tree (see Figure 7.6a) is a data structure in which a single record, called the root, is the single
parent of at most two child records. Each of these child records, in turn, may be the single parent of at most
two additional child records, etc., so all records of the tree trace back to the root as their common ancestor. A
binary heap is a binary tree that is both complete, meaning that all levels of the tree are fully filled except
possibly the last (and, if the last level is not fully filled, it is filled in from left to right), and ordered, meaning
that the marker associated with each parent record is greater than or equal to that of each of its child records.
Since it is a complete binary tree, it is easy to assign a binary heap structure to a list of records without
resorting to the use of pointers: as indicated in Figure 7.6a, simply call record 1 the root, call records 2 and 3
its children, call records 4-7 its grandchildren, etc.
The process of swapping records in a binary tree to convert it into a binary heap is referred to as heapifying. Consider first the problem of heapifying a binary tree which is already almost a binary heap except for
a single record which is out of heap order, meaning that it is characterized by a marker which is less than
that of at least one of its child records. [Lets name this out-of-heap-order record A; for sake of illustration,
imagine first that record A is the root.] This binary tree can be converted into a binary heap by a process
known as sifting, which proceeds as follows:
First, swap the out-of-heap-order record A with its child record characterized by the largest marker.
After this swap, record A (in its new position) is the only record that might still be out of heap order.
If, after this swap, record A is still out of heap order, then repeat from the first step, else exit.

Algorithm 7.7: Implementation of the heap sort.


f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = H e a p S o r t (D, v , n )
% R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a h eap s o r t .
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end , f o r a= f l o o r ( n / 2 ) : 1 : 1 , D= S i f t ( D, a , n , v ) ; end
% Heapify
f o r b=n : 1 : 2 , D( [ 1 b ] , : ) = D ( [ b 1 ] , : ) ;
% P e e l o f f max r e c o r d & p u t g r a n d c h i l d a t r o o t
D= S i f t (D, 1 , b 1 ,v ) ;
% S i f t ( r e h e a p i f y ) & r e p e a t
end , i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n H e a p S o r t
f u n c t i o n D= S i f t (D, a , b , v )
w h i l e a2<=b
% Working on one g e n e r a t i o n a t a t i m e
c=a 2 ; i f c<b & D( c , 1 ) < D( c + 1 , 1 ) ; c=c + 1 ; end
% F i n d t h e c h i l d w i t h l a r g e s t m ar k er
i f D( a , 1 ) < D( c , 1 ) ; D ( [ a c ] , : ) = D ( [ c a ] , : ) ; a=c ; % Swap p o s i t i o n s i f n e c e s s a r y .
e l s e , ret u rn , end
end % f u n c t i o n S i f t

It is easily verified by example that, to heapify a binary tree which is initially unordered, we may simply
apply the sifting operation repeatedly to each parent, working from the bottom of the tree to the top (that is,
in Figure 7.6a, working from record 7 back to record 1).
A heap sort of a list thus proceeds as follows:
Assign to the list a complete binary tree structure (see, e.g., Figure 7.6a) and heapify this tree.
Peel off the root of the heap (which is known to have the marker with the maximum value over the
entire heap) and save it in a location (to the right) where we will collect the sorted list.
Move the last child record from the heap into the vacated root position, and sift the resulting (shortened)
binary tree to return it to heap order.
Repeat from step two until the entire heap is emptied.

Implementation is given in Algorithm 7.7, and visualization in Figure 7.6b.

7.1.7 Sorting using a binary search tree

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree (see 7.1.6 and Figure 7.6a) which, as opposed to a binary heap,
is, in general, incomplete, meaning that not all levels of the tree are fully filled, and sorted1 , meaning that the
left subtree of any record only contains records with smaller markers, while the right subtree of any record
only contains records with larger markers. It follows that any subtree of a BST is itself also a BST.
Since a BST is, in general, incomplete, a pointer structure or its equivalent is required to describe it. In
the present implementation, we simply add four fields to each record in the list to keep track of the following:
the record number of its smaller child (set to 0 if there is none2 ),
the record number of its parent (flagged as negative if the record in question is the smaller child of the
parent, flagged as positive if the record in question is the larger child of the parent, or set to 0 if the
record is the root of the BST),
the record number of its larger child (set to 0 if there is none), and
the maximum number of generations below the record.

We also define an additional integer to keep track of the record number of the root of the BST.
To insert a record into a BST, start by comparing the marker of the new record (identified here as record
n) to that of the root record of the BST (identified, for now, as record m), and proceed recursively:
1 That
2 If

is, as opposed to being ordered, as defined in the first paragraph of 7.1.6.

pointers are used instead of a list of numbered records, the nil pointer is usually used in place of a 0 record number.





Figure 7.7: Two equivalent BSTs, where {b, d} are individual records and {A,C, E} are subtrees with a
number of generations of records, with A b C d E (where, e.g., A b is taken to mean that the
markers in all records of subtree A are less than the marker of record b). Replacing the BST at left with the
BST at right is called a right rotation, and improves the balance in the tree if the number of generations in
subtree A is greater than the number of generations in subtree E; replacing the BST at right with the BST at
left is called a left rotation, and improves the balance if the number of generations in subtree E is greater
than that in subtree A. The connections within {A,C, E} are unaffected by the rotation.



Figure 7.8: Two possible actions after deleting record d from the BST indicated in the center schematic (with
A B c d e F G): promote the in-order predecessor record c (resulting in the BST at left), or
promote the in-order successor record e (resulting in the BST at right).
If the marker associated with record n is smaller than that of m, then:

(a) If the smaller child of record m is 0, set it to record n and exit; otherwise,
(b) compare the marker of record n to that of the smaller child of record m in an identical fashion.

On the other hand, if the marker associated with record n is larger or equal to that of m, then:

(c) If the larger child of record m is 0, set it to record n and exit; otherwise,
(d) compare the marker of record n to that of the larger child of record m in an identical fashion.

To sort an entire list of unsorted records, take the first record and assign it as the root of the BST (with no
children), then take each of the remaining records in turn and insert it in the BST via the above procedure.
Constructing a BST in such a fashion can lead to an unbalanced tree in which some branches are much
longer than others. Indeed, if the initial list of data happens to already be in ascending or descending order,
sorting a list via the approach described above requires n2 /2 comparisons, and the resulting tree has a single
branch of length n, which rather defeats the entire purpose of setting up a tree structure. Such unbalanced trees
can be partially balanced from time to time by applying an appropriate sequence of tree rotations: that is,
replacing the BST in Figure 7.7a with the BST in Figure 7.7b (referred to here as a right rotation), or
replacing the BST in Figure 7.7b with the BST in Figure 7.7a (referred to here as a left rotation).
Note that the starting BST in either case may in fact be a subtree of a larger BST. To apply a right rotation:
assign the root of subtree C as the smaller child of record d,

assign record d as the larger child of record b, and

assign record b as the root of this BST;

a left rotation is analogous. Of course, when making each of these assignments, one must ensure that the
pointer keeping track of the corresponding parent of the moved record is also updated appropriately.
If a particular record in a tree has a larger child, then its in-order successor record is the left-most
record of the subtree associated with this larger child; to find it, starting from the larger child of the original
record, simply trace down to its smaller child, then to its smaller child, etc., until you reach a record without
a smaller child. If a particular record in a tree does not have a larger child, then its in-order successor record
is the closest-related ancestor record for which the original record is part of the subtree associated with the
ancestors smaller child; to find it, trace up through the ancestors of the original record rather than down
through its descendants. The in-order predecessor record is found analogously. For example, in Figure
7.8b, record e is the in-order successor of record d, which is the in-order successor of record c.
To enumerate the (sorted) records of a BST, simply start from its smallest record (that is, trace down
from the root to its smaller child, then to its smaller child, etc., until you reach a record without a smaller
child), then step through the in-order successor records until you reach the end of the list.
To delete a record (identified here as record d) from a BST,
If record d has no children, simply remove it from the tree, setting the corresponding child record
number in the affected parent to zero.
If record d has a single child, remove it from the tree, assigning the parent of record d as the adoptive
parent of record ds child.
If record d has two children, as illustrated in Figure 7.8, there are two options:
(a) replace record d with its in-order successor, record e, and replace record e with the subtree, F,
associated with record es larger child (if any), or
(b) replace record d with its in-order predecessor, record c, and replace record c with the subtree, B,
associated with record cs smaller child (if any).

To choose between these two options, simply select the one that results in the more balanced tree.
The strength of the BST approach is not in the sorting of a list from scratch (a problem for which various
algorithms described earlier in 7.1 are significantly faster), but in the frequent accessing, inserting, and/or
deleting of individual records in the tree, all of which can be accomplished extremely quickly if the tree is
reasonably well balanced, as in such a case the root is about halfway through the sorted list of markers, its
two children are about 1/4 and 3/4 of the way through the list, etc.
Exemplary applications that leverage the particular strengths of the BST approach include online dictionaries and algorithms for indexing and searching the web. Note that, when searching an extremely large BST
for a particular record, those records which are higher up in the BST are found significantly faster than those
records which are deeper down in the BST. Thus, instead of applying rotations solely to approximately balance a BST, as discussed previously, we may preferentially use such rotations to percolate up those records
which statistically get accessed most frequently in such searches to higher positions within the BST, thus
allowing these most frequently accessed records to be found especially quickly.
Implementations of a few key BST operations (initialize, insert, rotate, enumerate, successor) are given
in Algorithm 7.8; others are provided in the NRC.

7.1.8 Sorting networks

In the sorting algorithms discussed above, subsequent comparisons were performed based on the results
of previous comparisons. In applications in which sorting is one of the primary activities of interest, it is
beneficial to implement sorting algorithms in a massively parallel framework; in some applications, special
purpose hardware may even be developed to sort records. In such applications, specialized algorithms known

Algorithm 7.8: Implementation of various operations on a binary search tree (BST).


f u n c t i o n [D, r ] = B S T i n i t i a l i z e (D)
% I n i t i a l i z e a BST b a s e d on a l i s t o f r e c o r d s D w i t h m a r k e r s i n t h e f i r s t column .
[ n ,m] = s i z e (D ) ; D=[D z e r o s ( n , 5 ) ] ; r = 1 ;
f o r i = 2 : n , [ D, r ] = B S T i n s e r t (D, i , r ) ; i f mod ( i , 1 ) = = 0 , B S T p lo t ( D, r ) , pause ( . 0 1 ) , end , end
end % f u n c t i o n B S T i n i t i a l i z e

f u n c t i o n [D, r ] = B S T i n s e r t ( D, n , r )
% I n s e r t r e c o r d n i n t o a BST i n D w i t h r o o t r , b a l a n c i n g t h e a f f e c t e d a n c e s t o r s a s n eed ed .
f l a g = 1 ; m= r ; w h i l e f l a g , i f D( n ,1) <D(m, 1 ) % F i n d a p p r o p r i a t e open c h i l d s l o t & p l a c e r e c o r d
i f D(m, end 3)==0 , D(m, end 3)=n ; D( n , end 2)=m; f l a g = 0 ; e l s e , m=D(m, end 3 ) ; end
i f D(m, end 1)==0 , D(m, end 1)=n ; D( n , end 2)=+m; f l a g = 0 ; e l s e , m=D(m, end 1 ) ; end
end , end
f l a g = 1 ; w h i l e m>0 & f l a g
% Scan t h r o u g h a n c e s t o r s o f i n s e r t e d r e c o r d ,
g o l d =D(m, end ) ; [ D,m] = B S T r o tateL R (D,m) ; % r o t a t e i f h e l p f u l t o k eep b a l a n c e d ,
a=D(m, end 3 ) ; i f a >0, Dag=D( a , end ) ; e l s e , Dag=1; end % and u p d a t e g e n e r a t i o n c o u n t .
c=D(m, end 1 ) ; i f c >0, Dcg=D( c , end ) ; e l s e , Dcg=1; end , g=max ( Dag +1 , Dcg + 1 ) ;
D(m, end ) = g ; n=m; m= abs (D( n , end 2 ) ) ;
% E xit loop i f g e n e r a t i o n count a t t h i s l e v e l
i f g== g o ld , f l a g = 0 ; end
% i s u n ch an g ed by t h e i n s e r t i o n .
i f m==0 ; r =n ; end
% I f s c a n n e d a l l t h e way b ack t o r o o t , t h e r o o t m ig h t h av e ch an g ed .
end % f u n c t i o n B S T i n s e r t
f u n c t i o n [D, q ] = B S T r o tateL R (D, q )
% Apply a l e f t o r r i g h t r o t a t i o n a t r e c o r d q i f s u c h a r o t a t i o n h e l p s t o b a l a n c e t h e BST .
p=D( q , end 3 ) ; r =D( q , end 1 ) ;
i f p >0, Dpg=D( p , end ) ; pp =D( p , end 3 ) ; i f pp >0, Dppg=D( pp , end ) ; e l s e , Dppg =1; end
e l s e , Dpg=1; Dppg =2; end
i f r >0, Drg=D( r , end ) ; r r =D( r , end 1 ) ; i f r r >0, D r r g =D( r r , end ) ; e l s e , D r r g =1; end
e l s e , Drg =1; D r r g =2; end
i f Dppg>Drg , [D, q ] = B S T r o tateR (D, q ) ; e l s e i f Drrg>Dpg , [D, q ] = B S T r o t a t e L (D, q ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B S T r o tateL R


f u n c t i o n [D, d ] = B S T r o t a t e L (D , b )
% Apply a l e f t r o t a t i o n t o a BST a t r e c o r d b ( s e e F i g u r e 7 . 7 ) .
( B S T r o tateR i s s i m i l a r . )
a=D( b , end 3 ) ; d=D( b , end 1 ) ; c=D( d , end 3 ) ; e=D( d , end 1 ) ; p=D( b , end 2 ) ;
i f a >0, Dag=D( a , end ) ;
e l s e , Dag=1; end
i f c >0, Dcg=D( c , end ) ; D( c , end 2)=+b ; e l s e , Dcg=1; end
i f e >0, Deg=D( e , end ) ;
e l s e , Deg=1; end
D( b , end 1)= c ; D( b , end 2)=d ; D( b , end ) =max ( Dag +1 , Dcg + 1 ) ;
D( d , end 3)=b ; D( d , end 2)=p ; D( d , end ) =max (D( b , end ) + 1 , Deg + 1 ) ;
s = s i g n ( p ) ; p= abs ( p ) ; i f p >0, D( p , end 2+s ) = d ; end
w h i l e p >0, a=D( p , end 3 ) ; i f a >0, Dag=D( a , end ) ; e l s e , Dag =1; end
c=D( p , end 1 ) ; i f c >0, Dcg=D( c , end ) ; e l s e , Dcg =1; end , g=max ( Dag +1 , Dcg + 1 ) ;
i f g<D( p , end ) , D( p , end ) = g ; p= abs (D( p , end 2 ) ) ; e l s e , p = 0 ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n B S T r o t a t e L


f u n c t i o n i n d e x = BSTenumerate (D, r )
% E n u m er ate t h e r e c o r d s o f a BST from s m a l l e s t t o l a r g e s t .
n = 0 ; m= r ; w h i l e D(m, end 3)>0, m=D(m, end 3 ) ; end
w h i l e m>0, n=n + 1 ; i n d e x ( n ) =m; m= B S T s u c c e s s o r ( D,m ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n BSTenumerate


f u n c t i o n [ s ] = B S T s u c c e s s o r (D , r )
% F i n d t h e in o r d e r s u c c e s s o r r e c o r d , s , o f a g i v e n r e c o r d r o f a BST .
s =D( r , end 1 ) ; i f s >0, w h i l e D( s , end 3)>0, s =D( s , end 3 ) ; end
e l s e , s =D( r , end 2 ) ; w h i l e s >0, s =D( s , end 2 ) ; end , s =abs ( s ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n B S T s u c c e s s o r




Algorithm 7.9: Implementations of the bitonic sort and the odd/even merge sort.
f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = B i t o n i c S o r t ( D, v , n )
% R e o r d e r a m a t r i x D b a s e d on t h e n =2 s e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g a b i t o n i c s o r t .
s = l o g 2 ( n ) ; i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end
f o r s t a g e = 1 : s , N=2 s t a g e ; N s e t s =n /N;
f o r l e v e l = s t a g e : 1 : 1 , Nl =2 l e v e l ; Ngroups =N / Nl ;
f o r s e t = 0 : N s ets 1 , t =( 1) s e t ; f o r g r o u p = 0 : Ngroups 1 , f o r i = 1 : Nl / 2
% D e t e r m i n e e a c h p a i r o f e l e m e n t s t o be compared , and compare them .
a= i +N s e t +Nl g r o u p ; b=a+Nl / 2 ; i f t D( a ,1) > t D( b , 1 ) , D ( [ a b ] , : ) = D ( [ b a ] , : ) ; end
end , end , end
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B i t o n i c S o r t


f u n c t i o n [D, i n d e x ] = OddEvenMergeSort (D, v , a , n )

% R e o r d e r D b a s e d on t h e n =2 s e l e m e n t s i n i t s f i r s t column u s i n g an odd / ev en merge s o r t .
i f n a rg in ==3 , n=a ; a = 1 ; end , i f n a rg o u t ==2 , D=[D, [ 1 : n ] ] ; end
i f n >1, m=round ( n / 2 ) ;
D=OddEvenMergeSort (D, v , a ,m ) ;
D=OddEvenMergeSort (D, v , a+m,m ) ;
D=OddEvenMerge ( D, a , n , 1 ) ;
i f n a rg o u t ==2 , i n d e x =round (D ( : , end ) ) ; D=D ( : , 1 : end 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n OddEvenMergeSort
f u n c t i o n D=OddEvenMerge ( D, a , n , r )
% r i s t h e d i s t a n c e o f e l e m e n t s t o be compared
m= r 2 ; i f m<n
D=OddEvenMerge ( D, a , n ,m) ; D=OddEvenMerge (D, a+ r , n ,m) ;
% ev en and odd s u b s e q u e n c e s
f o r i =a+ r :m: a+nr 1 , j = i + r ; i f D( i ,1) >D( j , 1 ) , D ( [ i j ] , : ) = D ( [ j i ] , : ) ; end , end
j =a+ r ;
i f D( a ,1) >D( j , 1 ) , D ( [ a j ] , : ) = D ( [ j a ] , : ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n OddEvenMerge

as sorting networks have been developed in which the sequence of comparisons used to perform the sort is
fixed in advance (that is, the structure of comparisons to be performed is independent of the results of any
given comparison). Two such networks are considered here.
The bitonic sort (Batcher 1968) is a sorting network based on the half butterfly graph of the FFT (see
Figure 5.2); for simplicity, we consider here only the case for n = 2s records to be sorted. In the bitonic
sorting network, a series of half butterfly graphs are assembled as illustrated in Figure 7.9, starting with
n/2 half butterfly graphs of order 2, followed by n/22 half butterfly graphs of order 22 , all the way up to a
single half butterfly graph of order 2s . At any stage of the bitonic sort, each butterfly graph converts a bitonic
sequence (that is, two smaller monotonic sequences, one increasing and one decreasing) into a monotonic
sequence (that is, either increasing or decreasing), as illustrated by the long arrows in Figure 7.9. During the
first stage of sorting, the input is sorted one pair at a time in an alternating fashion; after this stage each group
of 4 records is bitonic. During the second stage of sorting, these bitonic groups of 4 records are sorted in an
alternating fashion, after which each group of 8 records is bitonic, etc. Finally, during the the last stage of
sorting, the bitonic ordering of all n = 2s records are sorted, after which this set of n records is monotonic.
Implementation is straightforward, as given in Algorithm 7.9.
A slightly more efficient sorting network, called the odd/even merge sort, is illustrated in Figure 7.10.
Rather than converting a bitonic sequence into a monotonic sequence at each stage, the odd/even merge sort
converts 2 monotonic sequences (that is, both in increasing order) of length 2s1 into a monotonic sequence
of length 2s at each stage s, much like the merge sort discussed in 7.1.4 and illustrated in Figure 7.4. Note

stage 1

stage 2

stage 3

Figure 7.9: Two equivalent implementations of the bitonic sort applied to 8 records. (top) Each filled (open)
square outputs the smaller (larger) value of its two inputs onto both outputs. (bottom) Comparisons are now
done only in the blocks with the short arrows, with the large and small values on the two inputs sorted onto
the two outputs as indicated by the direction of the arrows. In both representations, the long arrows indicate
the subset of the data that is sorted immediately after that step.

Figure 7.10: The odd-even merge sort applied to 8 records (cf. Figure 7.9b).

in Figure 7.10 that the odd/even merge sorting network is a slight departure from the assembly of butterfly
graphs used in the bitonic sorting network (Figure 7.9). During the first stage of sorting, the input is sorted
one pair at a time, each into increasing order. During the second stage of sorting, each pair of monotonoic
groups of 2 records are merged into monotonic groups of 22 records. During the third stage of sorting, each
pair of monotonoic groups of 22 records are merged into monotonic groups of 23 records, etc., until the entire
set of records is sorted, as illustrated in Figure 7.10. Implementation is given in Algorithm 7.9.

7.2 Quantifying the distance between strings


Algorithm 7.10: Computation of the Optimum String Alignment distance between two strings.
f u n c t i o n d i s t = DistanceOSA ( s , t , v e r b o s e )
% Compute t h e O p t i m a l S t r i n g A lig n m en t d i s t a n c e b etw een two s t r i n g s , w i t h e q u a l c o s t f o r
% D e l e t i o n (D) , I n s e r t i o n ( I ) , S u b s t i t u t i o n ( S ) , and Exchange o f a d j a c e n t s y m b o ls ( E ) .
s l = l e n g t h ( s ) ; t l = l e n g t h ( t ) ; i f s l ==0 | t l ==0 , d i s t = s l + t l ; ret u rn , end , d= z e r o s ( s l +1 , t l + 1 ) ;
f o r i = 0 : s l , d ( i +1 , 1 ) = i ; end , f o r j = 0 : t l , d ( 1 , j +1)= j ; end
% I n i t i a l i z e p u r e D and p u r e I .
f o r j = 2 : t l +1 , f o r i = 2 : s l +1
d ( i , j ) = min ( [ d ( i 1 , j ) + 1 , d ( i , j 1)+1 , d ( i 1 , j 1)+( s ( i 1)= t ( j 1 ) ) ] ) ; % C o s t o f D , I , o r S .
i f i >2 && j >2 && s ( i 2)== t ( j 1) && s ( i 1)== t ( j 2)
d ( i , j ) = min ( [ d ( i , j ) , d ( i 2 , j 2)+1 ] ) ;
% Cost of E .
end , end , d i s t =d ( s l +1 , t l + 1 ) ; i f nargin >2, d , end
end % f u n c t i o n DistanceOSA


Algorithm 7.11: Computation of the weighted Damerau-Levenshtein distance between two strings.
f u n c t i o n d i s t = D is tan ceD L ( a , b ,W, v e r b o s e )
% Compute t h e w e i g h t e d DamerauL e v e n s h t e i n d i s t a n c e b etw een two s t r i n g s ; {W. D,W. I ,W. S ,W. E}
% a r e t h e w e i g h t s on D e l e t i o n , I n s e r t i o n , S u b s t i t u t i o n , and Exchange ( o f a d j a c e n t s y m b o ls
% o n l y ) , a l l t a k e n a s 1 by d e f a u l t . I m p l e m e n t s A l g o r i t h m S o f Lowrance & Wagner ( 1 9 7 5 ) .
Al= l e n g t h ( a ) ; Bl= l e n g t h ( b ) ; i f Al ==0 | Bl ==0 , d i s t =Al+ Bl ; ret u rn , end
i f nargin <3, W. D= 1 ; W. I = 1 ; W. S = 1 ; W. C= 1 ; end , INF=Al+ Bl + 1 ; H=INF o n e s ( Al +2 , Bl + 2 ) ;
f o r i = 0 : Al , H( i +2 , 2 ) = i W. D ; end % I n i t i a l i z e p u r e d e l e t i o n s and i n s e r t i o n s .
f o r j = 0 : Bl , H( 2 , j +2)= j W. I ; end % ( Note t h a t H i n d i c e s a r e i n c r e m e n t e d by 2 w r t LW75 . )
A l p h a b e t = Unique ( [ a b ] ) ;
% A l p h a b e t c o n t a i n s a l l s y m b o ls u s e d i n t h i s p r o b lem .
f o r i = 1 : Al , A( i ) = S t r F i n d ( A l p h a b e t , a ( i ) ) ; end % C o n v e r t c h a r a c t e r s i n a and b t o i n t e g e r s .
f o r i = 1 : Bl , B ( i ) = S t r F i n d ( A l p h a b e t , b ( i ) ) ; end , DA( 1 : l e n g t h ( A l p h a b e t ) ) = 0 ;
f o r i = 1 : Al , DB= 0 ; f o r j = 1 : Bl , i 1 =DA(B ( j ) ) ; j 1 =DB ;
% When t h e co d e g e t s h e r e , DA( c ) h o l d s e i t h e r 0 o r t h e l a r g e s t i n d e x I , w i t h 1<I<i , s u c h
% t h a t a ( I ) = c f o r e a c h member c o f A l p h a b e t ; i n p a r t i c u l a r , i 1 h o l d s t h e l a r g e s t i n d e x
% I , w i t h 1<I<i , s u c h t h a t a ( I ) = b ( j ) .
Sim ilarly , j1 holds e i t h e r 0 or the l a r g e s t
% i n d e x J , w i t h 1<J<j , s u c h t h a t b ( J ) = a ( i ) . Knowledge o f i 1 & j 1 e n a b l e s O p e r a t i o n :
% 1 ) s t a r t from t h e f i r s t i 1 s y m b o ls o f a , m o d i f i e d t o match t h e f i r s t j 1 s y m b o ls o f b ;
% 2 ) D e l e t e t h o s e e l e m e n t s c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e e l e m e n t s b etw een i 1 and i i n a ;
% 3 ) Exchange t h e e l e m e n t c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o i 1 i n a w i t h t h e ( new ) e l e m e n t t o i t s r i g h t ;
% 4 ) I n s e r t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s y m b o ls t o match t h e e l e m e n t s b etw een j 1 and j i n b .
i f A( i )==B ( j ) , d = 0 ; DB= j ; e l s e , d=W. S ; end
H( i +2 , j +2)= min ( [ H( i +1 , j +2)+W. D, H( i +2 , j +1)+W. I , H( i +1 , j +1)+ d , . . . % S im p le D , I , o r S .
H( i 1 +1 , j 1 + 1 ) + ( i i1 1)W. D+W. E+( j j1 1)W. I ] ) ; % < O p e r a t i o n , a s d e s c r i b e d ab o v e .
end , DA(A( i ) ) = i ; end , d i s t =H( Al +2 , Bl + 2 ) ;
i f nargin >3, H, end
end % f u n c t i o n D is tan ceD L
f u n c t i o n b= Unique ( a ) % A ( n o n a l p h e b a t i z e d ) r e p l a c e m e n t f o r Matlab s u n iq u e f n .
b = [ ] ; f o r i = 1 : l e n g t h ( a ) , t = S t r F i n d ( b , a ( i ) ) ; i f l e n g t h ( t ) ==0 , b =[ b a ( i ) ] ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n Unique
f u n c t i o n c= S t r F i n d ( a , b ) % A ( s i n g l e symbol ) r e p l a c e m e n t f o r Matlab s s t r f i n d f n .
c = [ ] ; f o r i = 1 : l e n g t h ( a ) , i f a ( i )== b ; c =[ c i ] ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n Unique










Figure 7.11: The interpolation problem [cf. the data fitting problem in Figure 4.5]: adjust a smooth curve with
the specified smoothness to touch (exactly) n + 1 points ( ); the two solutions to this problem illustrated are
) the Lagrange interpolant and (
) the cubic spline interpolant (with parabolic run-out). Note that
the Lagrange interpolant often gives a spurious result when the number of datapoints is large.

7.3 Interpolation over a single variable

As distinct from the data fitting framework (4.7.2), the interpolation framework aspires to draw an appropriately smooth curve which passes exactly through a set of available datapoints, as illustrated in Figure 7.11.
This problem description is subject to a significant degree of interpretation; only a few such interpretations
will be discussed here. The interpolation framework is extended to the multivariate case in 7.4-7.5.
An interpolating curve is useful when developing differentiation and integration strategies, as discussed in
8-9, as well as when simply estimating the value of a function between known values, the need for which,
in the multivariable setting, often arises in the development of computer-generated imagery (CGI).
Note specifically that the process of interpolation passes a curve exactly through each datapoint. This is
sometimes what is desired. However, if the data is from an experiment and has any appreciable uncertainty
associated with it, then it is preferred to take many measurements and use a least-squares technique to fit
a low-order curve in the general vicinity of several datapoints, as discussed in the data fitting framework
described in 4.7.2. This technique minimizes a weighted sum of the square distance from each datapoint
to this curve without forcing the curve to pass through each datapoint individually, and generally produces a
much smoother curve (and a more physically-meaningful result) when the available data is noisy.

7.3.1 Linear spline interpolation

Linear spline interpolation amounts to nothing more than the childs game of Connect the Dots (using
straight line segments or splines between each pair of points). Implementation (Algorithm 7.12) is straightforward, and provides a reference solution against which improved interpolation schemes may be compared.

7.3.2 Lagrange interpolation

Suppose we have a set of n + 1 datapoints {xi , yi }. The process of Lagrange interpolation fits an nth degree
polynomial (that is, a polynomial with n + 1 degrees of freedom) exactly through this data. There are two
ways of accomplishing this: solve a system of n + 1 simultaneous equations for the n + 1 coefficients of this
polynomial, or construct the polynomial directly in factored form.

Algorithm 7.12: Linear spline interpolation.

f u n c t i o n [ f ] = L i n e a r S p l i n e ( x , xd , f d )
% P e r f o r m l i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n b a s e d on t h e { xd , f d } and e v a l u a t e a t t h e p o i n t s i n x .
n= l e n g t h ( xd ) ; m= l e n g t h ( x ) ; i = 1 ; f o r j = 1 :m
f o r i = i : n 1 , i f xd ( i +1 ) > x ( j ) , break , end , end % F i n d t h e i s u c h t h a t xd ( i )<=x<=xd ( i +1 )
f ( j ) = ( f d ( i + 1 ) ( x ( j )xd ( i ) ) + f d ( i ) ( xd ( i +1)x ( j ) ) ) / ( xd ( i +1)xd ( i ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n L i n e a r S p l i n e

Solving n + 1 simultaneous equations for the n + 1 coefficients

Consider the polynomial
P(x) = ao + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . . + an xn .
At each point xi , the polynomial has the value yi ; that is,
yi = P(xi ) = ao + a1 xi + a2 x2i + . . . + an xni
In matrix form, we may write this system as

1 x0 x20
1 x1 x2

.. ..
. .




i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n.


a 1 y1

.. .. = .. .
. . .

} | {z }


| {z }

This system is of the form V a = y, where V is commonly referred to as Vandermondes matrix, and may be
solved for the vector a containing the coefficients ai of the desired polynomial. Unfortunately, Vandermondes
matrix is usually quite poorly conditioned, and thus this technique of finding an interpolating polynomial is
unreliable at best.
Constructing the polynomial directly
Consider the nth degree polynomial given by the factored expression
L (x) =

x xi
(x x0 )(x x1) (x x 1)(x x +1) (x xn )
(x x0 )(x x1 ) (x x 1)(x x +1) (x xn )
i=0 x xi



Note that, by construction,

L (xi ) = i =

1 i = ,
0 i=
6 .

Scaling this result, the polynomial y L (x) (no summation implied) passes through zero at every datapoint
x = xi except at x = x , where it has the value y . Finally, a linear combination of n + 1 of these polynomials

P(x) =

y L (x)



provides an nth degree polynomial which exactly passes through all of the datapoints, by construction.
To verify, note that P(x ) = n =0 y = y as required. Implementation of this constructive technique to
determine the interpolating polynomial is given in Algorithm 7.13.

Algorithm 7.13: Lagrange interpolation.


f u n c t i o n [ f ] = L a g r a n g e ( x , xd , f d )
% P e r f o r m L a g r a n g e i n t e r p o l a t i o n b a s e d on t h e { xd , f d } and e v a l u a t e a t t h e p o i n t s i n x .
n= l e n g t h ( xd ) ; m= l e n g t h ( x ) ; f o r j = 1 :m, f ( j ) = 0 ; f o r k = 1 : n
L = 1 ; f o r i = 1 : n , i f i = k , L=L ( x ( j )xd ( i ) ) / ( xd ( k)xd ( i ) ) ; end , end , f ( j ) = f ( j ) + f d ( k ) L ;
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n L a g r a n g e

Unfortunately, if the number of datapoints is large, high-order polynomials sometimes meander significantly between the datapoints even if the data appears to be fairly regular, as shown in Figure 7.11. Thus,
Lagrange interpolation should be thought of as dangerous for anything more than a few datapoints and avoided in favor of other techniques, such as the cubic spline interpolation technique discussed below.

7.3.3 Cubic spline interpolation

Instead of forcing a high-order polynomial through the entire dataset, we may instead construct a continuous,
smooth, piecewise cubic function through the data. We will construct this function to be smooth in the sense
of having continuous first and second derivatives at each datapoint. These conditions, together with the appropriate conditions at each end, uniquely determine a piecewise cubic function through the data which is
usually reasonably smooth; we will call this function the cubic spline interpolant.
Defining the interpolant in this manner is akin to deforming a single spline, or a thin piece of wood or
metal, to pass over all of the datapoints plotted on a large block of wood and marked with thin nails. The
elasticity equation governing the deformation f of such a spline is
f = G,


where G is a force localized near each nail which is sufficient to pass the spline through the data. As G is
nonzero only in the immediate vicinity of each nail, such a spline takes an approximately piecewise cubic
shape between the datapoints. Thus, between the datapoints, we have:
f = 0,

f = C1 ,

f = C1 x + C2 ,

f =

C1 2
x + C2 x + C3 ,


C1 3 C2 2
x + x + C3 x + C4 .


Constructing the cubic spline interpolant

Let fi (x) denote the cubic in the interval xi x xi+1 and let f (x) denote the collection of all the cubics for the
entire range x0 x xn . As noted above, fi varies linearly with x between each datapoint. At each datapoint,
we would like to piece these cubics together as smoothly as possible, thereby mimicking the physical situation
in which the force G localized on the spline near each nail is as smooth as possible; in fact, we have enough
flexibilty to impose the following:
(a) continuity of the function f , i.e.,
(b) continuity of the first derivative f , i.e.,

fi1 (xi ) = fi (xi ) = f (xi ) = yi ,

(xi ) = fi (xi ) = f (xi ), and

(c) continuity of the second derivative f , i.e., fi1

(xi ) = fi (xi ) = f (xi ).

We now describe a procedure to determine an f which satisfies conditions (a) and (c) by construction, in a
manner analogous to the construction of the Lagrange interpolant in 7.3.2, and which satisfies condition (b)
by setting up and solving the appropriate system of equations for the value of f at each datapoint xi .

To begin the constructive procedure for determining f , note that on each interval xi x xi+1 for i =
0, 1, . . . , n 1, we may write a linear equation for fi (x) as a function of its value at the endpoints, f (xi )
and f (xi+1 ), which are (as yet) undetermined. The following form (which is linear in x) fits the bill by
x xi
x xi+1
+ f (xi+1 )
fi (x) = f (xi )
xi xi+1
xi+1 xi

Note that this first degree polynomial is in fact just a Lagrange interpolation of the two datapoints {xi , f (xi )}
and {xi+1 , f (xi+1 )} [see (7.2), for n = 1]. By construction, condition (c) is satisfied. Integrating this equation
twice and defining i = xi+1 xi , it follows that
f (xi ) (xi+1 x)2 f (xi+1 ) (x xi )2
+ C1 ,
f (xi ) (xi+1 x)3 f (xi+1 ) (x xi )3
fi (x) =
+ C1 x + C2 .

fi (x) =

The undetermined constants of integration are obtained by matching the end conditions
fi (xi ) = yi


fi (xi+1 ) = yi+1 .

A convenient way of constructing the linear and constant terms in the expression for fi (x) in such a way that
the desired end conditions are met is by writing fi (x) in the form

f (xi+1 ) (x xi )3
f (xi ) (xi+1 x)3
i (xi+1 x) +
i (x xi )
(xi+1 x)
(x xi )
+ yi
+ yi+1
xi x xi+1 .

fi (x) =


By construction, condition (a) is satisfied. Finally, an expression for fi (x) may now be found by differentiating
this expression for fi (x), which gives
fi (x)

f (xi )
f (xi+1 )
yi+1 yi
(xi+1 x)2
(x xi )2
+ i +
i +

The second derivative of f at each node, f (xi ), is still undetermined. A system of equations from which the
f (xi ) may be found is obtained by imposing condition (b), which is achieved by setting

fi (xi ) = fi1
(xi )


i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1.

Substituting appropriately from the above expression for fi (x), noting that i = xi+1 xi , leads to
i1 + i
yi+1 yi yi yi1

f (xi1 ) +
f (xi ) + f (xi+1 ) =


for i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1. This is a diagonally-dominant tridiagonal system of n 1 equations for the n + 1

unknowns f (x0 ), f (x1 ), . . ., f (xn ). We find the two remaining equations by prescribing conditions on the
interpolating function at each end. We will consider three types of end conditions:
parabolic run-out: f (x0 ) = f (x1 ) and f (xn ) = f (xn1 );
free run-out (also known as natural splines): f (x0 ) = 0 and f (xn ) = 0; or
periodic end conditions: f (x0 ) = f (xn1 ) and f (x1 ) = f (xn ).

Equation (7.6) may be taken together with the appropriate choice of end conditions (depending upon the
problem at hand) to give n + 1 equations for the n + 1 unknowns f (xi ). This set of equations is then solved
for the f (xi ), which thereby ensures that condition (b) is satisfied. Once this system is solved for the f (xi ),
the cubic spline interpolant follows immediately from (7.5).
Note that, when (7.6) is taken together with parabolic or free run-out at the ends, a tridiagonal system
results which can be solved efficiently with the Thomas algorithm. When (7.6) is taken together periodic
end conditions, a tridiagonal circulant system Ax = b results with a1,1 = 0 (and, thus, Algorithm 2.10, which
implements Gaussian elimination without pivoting for Circulant matrices, would fail; Exercise 7.1 considers
the required modifications to the Circulant algorithm so that it can be applied to this system). A code which
solves these systems with any of the above three end conditions is given in Algorithm 7.14; running this code
facilitates the use of Algorithm 7.15 to determine the cubic spline interpolant at any set of points x.
Applying periodic end conditions to develop a spline for a system that is not well approximated as periodic
can leads to significant non-physical meanderings of the interpolant near the ends of the domain; thus, periodic end conditions should be reserved for systems which are actually periodic. On the other hand, parabolic
run-out extends a parabolic curve between x0 and x1 , and free run-out tapers the curvature of the interpolant
down to zero near the endpoints; both of these choices usually generate reasonably smooth interpolants.
Tension splines
For certain interpolation problems, cubic splines arent adequately smooth. In such problems, it is helpful
to use tension splines, which are cubic splines with the mechanical equivalent of a bit of tension added to
straighten out the curvature between the datapoints. As the tension gets large in this approach, the interpolant
approaches a piecewise linear function. Tensioned splines obey the differential equation [cf. (7.3a)]:
f 2 f = G
where is the tension of the spline. This leads to the following relationships between the datapoints [cf. (7.3b)]:
[ f 2 f ] = 0,

[ f 2 f ] = C1 ,

[ f 2 f ] = C1 x + C2 .

Solving the ODE on the right leads to an equation of the form [cf. (7.3c)]
f = 2 (C1 x + C2 ) + C3 e x + C4 e x .
Proceeding with a constructive process to satisfy condition (a) analogous to that used previously, we assemble
the linear and constant terms of f 2 f such that [cf. (7.4)]

 x xi+1 
 x xi
fi (x) 2 fi (x) = fi (xi ) 2 yi
+ fi (xi+1 ) 2 yi+1
xi xi+1
xi+1 xi

Similarly, we assemble the exponential terms in the solution of this ODE for f in a constructive manner
such that condition (c) is satisfied. Rewriting the exponentials as sinh functions, the desired solution may be
written [cf. (7.5)]
 xi+1 x 
 x xi
sinh (xi+1 x)
fi (x) = 2 f (xi ) 2yi
+ f (xi+1 ) 2yi+1
f (xi )
sinh i



f (xi+1 )
xi x xi+1 .
sinh i
Differentiating once and appling condition (b) leads to the tridiagonal system [cf. (7.6)]

1 cosh i f (xi )
f (xi1 )

cosh i1

i1 sinh i1
sinh i1
sinh i

f (xi+1 ) yi+1 yi yi yi1


i sinh i


Algorithm 7.14: Cubic spline interpolation (setup).

f u n c t i o n [ fpp , h ] = C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( xd , fd , e n d c o n d i t i o n s )
% D e t e r m i n e t h e i n t e r v a l s h and t h e c u r v a t u r e f f o r c o n s t r u c t i n g t h e c u b i c s p l i n e
% i n t e r p o l a n t o f t h e d a t a p o i n t s { xd , f d } , a s s u m i n g t h i s d a t a i s o r d e r e d a s a s c e n d i n g i n x .
n= l e n g t h ( xd ) ; h ( 1 : n 1)= xd ( 2 : n)xd ( 1 : n 1 ) ;
% C a l c u l a t e t h e h ( i ) = x ( i +1)x ( i )
f o r i = 2 : n1
% Now , s e t up and s o l v e t h e t r i d i a g o n a l s y s t e m f o r g a t e a c h d a t a p o i n t .
a ( i ) = h ( i 1 ) / 6 ; b ( i ) = ( h ( i 1)+h ( i ) ) / 3 ; c ( i ) = h ( i ) / 6 ;
g ( i , 1 ) = ( f d ( i +1) f d ( i ) ) / h ( i ) ( f d ( i ) f d ( i 1 ) ) / h ( i 1 ) ;
switch end conditions
cas e {1 , p a r a b o l i c }
b ( 1 ) = 1 ; c (1)= 1; g ( 1 , 1 ) = 0 ;
b ( n ) = 1 ; a ( n )= 1; g ( n , 1 ) = 0 ;
[ f p p ] = Thomas ( a , b , c , g , n ) ;
cas e {2 , n a t u r a l }
b (1)=1; c (1)=0;
g (1 ,1)=0;
b(n )=1; a (n )=0;
g(n ,1)=0;
[ f p p ] = Thomas ( a , b , c , g , n ) ;
cas e {3 , p e r i o d i c }
a (1)= 1; b ( 1 ) = 0 ; c ( 1 ) = 1 ; g ( 1 , 1 ) = 0 ;
a ( n )= 1; b ( n ) = 0 ; c ( n ) = 1 ; g ( n , 1 ) = 0 ; A= T r i D i a g ( a , b , c ) , f p p =GaussCP (A, g , n ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p


Algorithm 7.15: Cubic spline interpolation (evaluation).

f u n c t i o n [ f , f p ] = C u b i c S p l i n e ( x , xd , fd , fpp , h )
% P e r f o r m c u b i c s p l i n e i n t e r p o l a t i o n b a s e d on t h e {xd , f d } and e v a l u a t e a t t h e p o i n t s i n x .
% Note : t h e i n i t i a l i z a t i o n d a t a { fpp , h } must be computed f i r s t u s i n g C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p .
n= l e n g t h ( xd ) ; m= l e n g t h ( x ) ; i = 1 ; f o r j = 1 :m
f o r i = i : n 1 , i f xd ( i +1 ) > x ( j ) , break , end , end % F i n d t h e i s u c h t h a t xd ( i )<=x<=xd ( i +1 )
f ( j ) = f p p ( i ) / 6 ( ( xd ( i +1)x ( j ) ) 3 / h ( i )h ( i ) ( xd ( i +1)x ( j ) ) ) + . . . % Compute t h e c u b i c
f p p ( i + 1 ) / 6 ( ( x ( j ) xd ( i ) ) 3 / h ( i )h ( i ) ( x ( j ) xd ( i ) ) ) + . . . % s p l i n e a p p r o x i m a t i o n
( f d ( i ) ( xd ( i +1)x ( j ) ) + f d ( i + 1 ) ( x ( j )xd ( i ) ) ) / h ( i ) ;
% of the function ,
i f n a rg o u t ==2 ,
f p ( j ) = f p p ( i ) / 6 ( 3 ( xd ( i +1)x ( j ) ) 2 / h ( i ) + h ( i ) ) + . . .
% and ( i f r e q u e s t e d ) i t s
f p p ( i + 1 ) / 6 ( 3 ( x ( j ) xd ( i ) ) 2 / h ( i )h ( i ) ) + ( f d ( i +1) f d ( i ) ) / h ( i ) ; % d e r i v a t i v e .
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n C u b i c S p l i n e

The tridiagonal system (7.8) can be set up and solved exactly as was done with (7.6), even though the coefficients have a slightly more complicated form. The tensioned-spline interpolant is then given by (7.7).
We may easily express the cubic spline (or tension spline) interpolant in a form similar to our construction of
the Lagrange interpolant, that is,

f (x) =

y b (x),


where the basis functions b (x) are spline interpolations of Kronecker delta functions such that b (xi ) = i ,
as discussed in 7.3.2 for the functions L (x). The basis functions so constructed are found to have localized
support (in other words, b (x) 0 for large |x x |).
By relaxing some of the continuity constraints, we may confine each of the basis functions to have compact support (in other words, we can set b (x) = 0 exactly for |x x | > R for some R). With such functions,
it is easier both to compute the interpolations themselves and to project the interpolated function onto a
different grid of points.


Algorithm 7.16: Bilinear interpolation of data defined on a 2D Cartesian grid.


f u n c t i o n [ f ] = B i l i n e a r S p l i n e ( x , y , xd , yd , f d )
% P e r f o r m b i l i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n b a s e d on { xd , yd , f d } and e v a l u a t e on t h e g r i d {x , y } .
ndx = l e n g t h ( xd ) ; ndy= l e n g t h ( yd ) ; nx= l e n g t h ( x ) ; ny= l e n g t h ( y ) ; i = 1 ;
f o r i i = 1 : nx ; j = 1 ;
f o r i = i : ndx 1 ,
i f xd ( i +1)>x ( i i ) , break , end , end % F i n d i s . t . xd ( i )<=x ( i i )<=xd ( i +1 )
f o r j j = 1 : ny
f o r j = j : ndy 1 , i f yd ( j +1)>y ( j j ) , break , end , end % F i n d j s . t . yd ( j )<=y ( j j )<=yd ( j +1 )
d10 =( xd ( i +1)x ( i i ) ) / ( xd ( i +1) xd ( i ) ) ; d11=1d10 ;
% Compute t h e d i s t a n c e a c r o s s c e l l ,
d20 =( yd ( j +1)y ( j j ) ) / ( yd ( j +1) yd ( j ) ) ; d21=1d20 ;
% t h e n compute t h e i n t e r p o l a n t .
f ( i i , j j ) = f d ( i , j ) d10 d20 + f d ( i +1 , j ) d11 d20+ f d ( i , j +1 ) d10 d21 + f d ( i +1 , j +1 ) d11 d21 ;
end % f u n c t i o n B i l i n e a r S p l i n e

7.4 Multivariate interpolation of structured data

The interpolation strategies described above are well suited for 1D problems, and can be extended fairly
easily to higher dimensions on structured n-dimensional grids. Below we describe two such extensions.
Multilinear interpolation
The idea of 1D linear spline interpolation (see 7.3.1) extends immediately to the multilinear interpolation
of data defined on an n-dimensional Cartesian grid (that is, function values fi1 ,i2 ,...,in = f (x1i1 , x2i2 , . . . , xnin )
where i1 = 1, . . . , N1 , i2 = 1, . . . , N2 , etc.) as follows:
Determine the grid cell that new interpolating point x lies in: that is, find the i1 through in such that
xki xk xk(i +1) for 1 k n.
Determine the fraction of the distance that the new point x is across this cell in each direction: that is,
compute k,0 = (xk(i +1) xk )/(xk(i +1) xki ) and k,1 = 1 k,0 for 1 k n.
Linearly interpolate in each direction independently by setting the interpolant f(x) such that
f(x) =

d1 =0 d2 =0

dn =0

fi1 +d1 ,i2 +d2 ,...,in +dn 1,d1 2,d2 n,dn .

Implementation for n = 2 (referred to as bilinear interpolation) is given in Algorithm 7.16; see Figure 7.12a
for typical results. Implementation in the n-dimensional case is considered in Exercise 7.2.
Multicubic interpolation
The idea of cubic spline interpolation (see 7.3.3) may be extended in a couple of different ways to data
defined on an n-dimensional Cartesian grid.
An accurate and simple approach is to do cubic spline interpolation in each dimension, one at a time:
First, interpolate onto the specified value of x1 for each value of x2 through xn on the grid (that is, for
i2 = 1, . . . , N2 , i3 = 1, . . . , N3 , i4 = 1, . . . , N4 , etc.).
Then, working only with those function values interpolated onto the specified value of x1 , interpolate
onto the specified value of x2 for each value of x3 through xn on the grid (that is, for i3 = 1, . . . , N3 ,
i4 = 1, . . . , N4 , etc.).
Continue in an analogous fashion through the remaining dimensions, one at a time.

Recall that, in the one-dimensional case described in 7.3.3, the computationally expensive part of setting up
the cubic spline interpolant could be computed once during the initialization step, then used for interpolating
onto any specified point x. Unfortunately, in the multidimensional approach described above, this is no longer
the case, as the interpolations performed in the x j direction, for j = 2, . . . , n, depend on the data that results
from the interpolations performed in the x1 to x j1 directions. This approach is thus too expensive to be
practically useful when interpolating onto a large number of gridpoints.
An inexpensive alternative3 for extending cubic spline interpolation to n-dimensional grids follows:
(i) First, during an initialization step, approximate all first and cross derivatives of f at each gridpoint
where the function f is initially specified. Note that these numerical approximations may be computed
by successive cubic spline interpolations along the gridlines, evaluated at the gridpoints.
(ii) Then, as in the multilinear interpolation approach described in 7.4, determine (for each new interpolation point) which grid cell that the new interpolation point x lies in, and the fraction of the distance
that the new point x is across this cell in each coordinate direction.
(iii) Finally, construct a function which is cubic in each coordinate variable and matches the first and cross
derivative information computed in step i at each of the corners of the cell identified in step ii.
This idea is best made concrete by example. In the case of n = 2 (bicubic interpolation), we first use cubic
spline interpolation along each of the gridlines to compute { fx , fy , fxy } at each of the gridpoints where the
function values f are initially specified. Then, as in bilinear interpolation, we determine which grid cell that
the new interpolating point x lies in, and the fraction of the distance that the new point x is across this cell in
each direction (denoted here x and y). Finally, the interpolant on the cell is defined by

f (x, y) = ai j xi y j ,


i=0 j=0

where the ai j for i = 0, . . . , 3 and j = 0, . . . , 3 are selected to match the values of { f , fx , fy , fxy } at each of the
4 corners of the cell (w.l.o.g, taken here to be the unit square, with corners denoted {x00 , x01 , x10 , x11 }) that
contains the new interpolation point; this results in a linear 16 16 problem of the form Ax = b where















f |x00
a10 f |x10

a20 f |x01

a30 f |x11
a01 fx |x00

a11 fx |x10

a21 fx |x01

a31 = fx |x11 .
a02 fy |x

a12 fy |x

a22 fy |x

a32 fy |x11
a fxy |x
a f |
13 xy x10
a f |
xy x01
fxy |x11

Note that A1 is particularly simple, with all integer entries, and is thus entered directly in the implementation
of bicubic interpolation in Algorithms 7.17-7.18. See Figure 7.12b for typical results.
3 Recall (from the introduction to 7.3) that the interpolation problem itself is an approximate problem subject to a significant degree
of interpretation; it may thus be argued that approximate solution to a problem of this class is good enough, and one should not code up
an unduly expensive scheme in order to solve an approximate problem of this class exactly.


Algorithm 7.17: Bicubic spline interpolation (setup).


f u n c t i o n [ fx , fy , fxy , Ainv ] = B i c u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( xd , yd , fd , ec )
% D e t e r m i n e t h e d e r i v a t i v e s { fx , fy , f x y } and Ainv f o r c o n s t r u c t i n g t h e b i c u b i c i n t e r p o l a n t
% o f t h e u n i f o r m g r i d o f d a t a p o i n t s {xd , yd , f d } .
Nx= l e n g t h ( xd ) ; Ny= l e n g t h ( yd ) ;
f o r j = 1 :Ny
% Compute t h e n e c e s s a r y d e r i v a t i v e s
[ g , h ] = C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( xd , f d ( : , j ) , ec ) ; [ t , f x ( : , j ) ] = C u b i c S p l i n e ( xd , xd , f d ( : , j ) , g , h ) ;
f x = f x h ( 1 ) ; % ( s c a l e s o l a t e r i n t e r p o l a t i o n s can be b a s e d on i n t e g e r g r i d s p a c i n g )
f o r i = 1 :Nx
[ g , h ] = C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( yd , f d ( i , : ) , ec ) ; [ t , f y ( i , : ) ] = C u b i c S p l i n e ( yd , yd , f d ( i , : ) , g , h ) ;
[ g , h ] = C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( yd , f x ( i , : ) , ec ) ; [ t , f x y ( i , : ) ] = C u b i c S p l i n e ( yd , yd , f x ( i , : ) , g , h ) ;
f y = f y h ( 1 ) ; f x y = f x y h ( 1 ) ;
Ainv =[ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; % S e t up Ainv
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
3 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 ;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 ;
3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ;
0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 ;
9 9 9 9 6 3 6 3 6 6 3 3 4 2 2 1 ;
6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1;
2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ;
0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ;
6 6 6 6 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1;
4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n C u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p

Algorithm 7.18: Bicubic spline interpolation (evaluation).

View f u n c t i o n [ f ] = B i c u b i c S p l i n e ( x , y , xd , yd , fd , fx , fy , fxy , Ainv )
Test % Given t h e g r i d o f d a t a p o i n t s { xd , yd , f d } , a s w e l l a s t h e d e r i v a t i v e s { fx , fy , f x y } on t h i s
% same g r i d and Ainv ( a s computed by B i c u b i c S p l i n e S e t u p ) , d e t e r m i n e t h e b i c u b i c s p l i n e
ndx = l e n g t h ( xd ) ; ndy= l e n g t h ( yd ) ; nx= l e n g t h ( x ) ; ny= l e n g t h ( y ) ; i = 1 ;
f o r i i = 1 : nx ; j = 1 ;
f o r i = i : ndx 1 ,
i f xd ( i +1)>x ( i i ) , break , end , end % F i n d i s . t . xd ( i )<=x ( i i )<=xd ( i +1 )
f o r j j = 1 : ny
f o r j = j : ndy 1 , i f yd ( j +1)>y ( j j ) , break , end , end % F i n d j s . t . yd ( j )<=y ( j j )<=yd ( j +1 )
x1 =( x ( i i )xd ( i ) ) / ( xd ( i +1)xd ( i ) ) ; y1 =( y ( j j )yd ( j ) ) / ( yd ( j +1)yd ( j ) ) ;
b =[ f d ( i , j ) ;
f d ( i +1 , j ) ;
f d ( i , j + 1 ) ; f d ( i +1 , j + 1 ) ; . . .
fx ( i , j ) ;
f x ( i +1 , j ) ;
f x ( i , j + 1 ) ; f x ( i +1 , j + 1 ) ; . . .
fy ( i , j ) ;
f y ( i +1 , j ) ;
f y ( i , j + 1 ) ; f y ( i +1 , j + 1 ) ; . . .
f x y ( i , j ) ; f x y ( i +1 , j ) ; f x y ( i , j + 1 ) ; f x y ( i +1 , j + 1 ) ] ;
a=Ainv b ;
f ( i i , j j ) = 0 ; f o r I = 0 : 3 , f o r J = 0 : 3 , f ( i i , j j ) = f ( i i , j j ) + a ( 1 + I +4 J ) x1 I y1 J ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n B i c u b i c S p l i n e






















Figure 7.12: (top) Bilinear interpolation and

p (bottom) bicubic interpolation of a 10 20 grid of data from
the function sinc(r) , sin(r)/r where r = x2 + y2; the bilinear case reveals some noticeable artifacts of the
interpolation, whereas the bicubic interpolant is visually almost indistinguishable from the original function.
Similarly, in the case of n = 3 (tricubic interpolation), we use cubic spline interpolation along each
gridline to compute { fx , fy , fz , fxy , fyz , fxz , fxyz } at each of the gridpoints where the values of f are initially
prescribed. We then determine which grid cell that new interpolating point x lies in, and the fraction of the
distance that the point x is across this cell in each direction. Finally, the interpolant on the cell is defined by

f (x, y, z) =

ai jk xi y j z j ,


i=0 j=0 k=0

where the ai jk are selected to match the values of { f , fx , fy , fz , fxy , fyz , fxz , fxyz } at each of the 8 corners of
the cell (w.l.o.g, taken to be a unit cube) that contains the new interpolation point; this results in 64 linear
equations for 64 unknowns which may easily be solved. Implementation is considered in Exercise 7.3.

Algorithm 7.19: Interpolation via inverse distance.


f u n c t i o n [ f n ] = I n v D i s t a n c e I n t e r p ( xn , c , f , p , R )
% Given t h e d a t a { c , f } , compute t h e i n v e r s e d i s t a n c e i n t e r p o l a n t f n a t a new p o i n t xn .
N= l e n g t h ( f ) ; C= 0 ; f n = 0 ;
f o r i = 1 :N, d=norm ( xnc ( : , i ) , 2 ) ; i f d<R , C=C+ 1 / d p ; f n = f n + f ( i ) / d p ; end , end , f n = f n / C ;
end % f u n c t i o n I n v D i s t a n c e I n t e r p







































Figure 7.13: Interpolation via inverse distance of 200 points with (a) p = 2, (b) p = 3, (c) p = 4, (d) p = 20.

7.5 Multivariate interpolation of unstructured data

The extension of interpolation strategies to unstructured data (that is, for data not lying on a regular grid)
requires a bit more effort than the case of structured data considered above; we will thus consider three
different approaches to this problem.

7.5.1 Interpolation via inverse distance

The simplest approach for approximating the function value f at location x based on N known function values
fi at various locations ci , for i = 1, . . . , N, is the inverse distance interpolation formulae given by
f (x) =


di R

fi /dip

where C =


di R


and di = kx cik2 ,

where 1 p < is some power and the sum includes all known function values within some prespecified
distance R of the point in question, x. Implementation is given in Algorithm 7.19, and typical results are
illustrated in Figure 7.13. Note that the minima and maxima of this interpolating function coincide with
datapoints representing the largest and smallest function values in the dataset. For small p (e.g., p = 2), the
interpolant looks like a tent propped up, and pushed down, at the various datapoints; for increasing values of p
(e.g., p = 3, p = 4), the interpolant gains stronger shoulders near each datapoint; for p , the interpolant
takes the known function value at the nearest datapoint, and thus leads to a piecewise constant function
over the Voronoi cell associated with each datapoint. For finite p in the limit that R , the interpolation
function is continuous; for reduced values of R, the interpolating function, though sometimes approximating
the original function a bit more accurately, is discontinuous.

7.5.2 Polyharmonic spline interpolation

In many interpolation problems, such as that illustrated in Figure 7.13, the simple inverse distance formula
for interpolation, discussed in 7.5.1, fails to give a sufficiently accurate result for any value of p. An effective
alternative approach is given by the polyharmonic spline, a special case of which (in 2D and with k = 2),
known as a thin plate spline, corresponds to the mechanical modeling of a 2D spline that is bent in order to
make it touch the specified unstructured data points. This interpolation formula takes the form4
T 1
f (x) = wi (r) + v
where r = kx cik2 ,
for k odd
(r) = k
r ln(r) for k even,
and where the weights wi and vi are selected such that: (a) f (ci ) = fi in the above equation for the N available
data points {ci , fi }, (b) the sum of the weights, i wi , is zero, and (c) in each of the n coordinate directions,
j = 1, . . . , n, the weighted sum of the center locations, i wi c ji , is also zero. These three sets of conditions on
the weights may be enforced by solving the (N + 1 + n) (N + 1 + n) linear system


1 1 ... 1
A VT w
where Ai j = (kc j c k2 ), V = 1 2
V 0
c c cN
Implementation of (7.12) is given in Algorithm 7.20 in order to determine the w and v; implementation of
(7.11a) is then given in Algorithm 7.21 to determine the interpolant at any given point x. Typical results are
illustrated in Figure 7.14; note that increasing values of k are usually found to give a smoother interpolant on
the interior of the portion of the domain covered by the data, but higher irregularities near the edges of this
portion of the domain. Also, smaller values of k (e.g., 2 or 3) are often found to be more accurate when a
relatively small number of function evaluations are available, with larger values of k (e.g., 6 to 8) being more
accurate when more function evaluations are available.
It is worth noting that the polyharmonic spline basis functions (r) given in (7.11b), used in the interpolation formula given in (7.11a) and plotted in Figure 7.15, are special cases of what are commonly referred
to as radial basis functions (RBFs), as they depend on the Euclidian distance r = kx cik2 of the new point
x from the centers ci only. RBFs come in two essential types: those which decay with radius, such as the
Gaussian RBF (r) = e( r) as well as the inverse distance RBF (r) = 1/r p used in the interpolation
strategy presented in 7.5.1, and those which eventually grow with radius, such as the polyharmonic spline
RBF defined in (7.11b) and used in the interpolation strategy presented in 7.5.2; the former are essentially
local in nature, whereas the latter are global in effect, and thus their weights must be determined via a
solve over the entire set of datapoints [see (7.12)].
4 In the case with k even, the equivalent formula (r) = r k1 ln(r r ) is better behaved numerically for r < 1. Note that various other
possible formulae for (r), such as (r) = r 2 , are found to be ill-behaved in this setting, and are thus not considered further here.

























































Figure 7.14: Polyharmonic spline interpolation of 200 points with (a) k = 1 through (f) k = 6. Over the
domain illustrated, the maximum error is {0.176, 0.123, 0.119, 0.131, 0.186, 0.259} and the rms error is
{0.0376, 0.0220, 0.0157, 0.0130, 0.0142, 0.0171}, respectively, in the six cases considered.


Algorithm 7.20: Polyharmonic spline interpolation (setup).

f u n c t i o n [w, v ] = P o l y h a r m o n i c S p l i n e S e t u p ( c , y , k )
% Given t h e c e n t e r s c , t h e v a l u e o f t h e f u n c t i o n a t t h e s e c e n t e r s , y , and t h e o r d e r o f t h e
% r a d i a l b a s i s f u n c t i o n s , k , c a l c u l a t e t h e w e i g h t s {w , v } o f t h e p o l y h a r m o n i c s p l i n e .
[ n , N] = s i z e ( c ) ; A= z e r o s (N, N ) ; V=[ o n e s ( 1 ,N ) ; c ] ; % N=number o f p o i n t s , n= d i m e n s i o n o f s y s t e m
i f mod ( k , 2 ) = = 1
f o r i = 1 :N, f o r j = 1 :N
r =norm ( c ( : , i ) c ( : , j ) ) ; A( i , j ) = r k ;
end , end
f o r i = 1 :N, f o r j = 1 :N
r =norm ( c ( : , i ) c ( : , j ) ) ; i f r >1, A( i , j ) = r k l o g ( r ) ; e l s e , A( i , j ) = r ( k 1) l o g ( r r ) ; end
end , end
x=GaussPP ( [ A V ; V z e r o s ( n +1 , n + 1 ) ] , [ y ; z e r o s ( n + 1 , 1 ) ] ,N+n + 1 ) ; w=x ( 1 : N ) ; v=x (N+ 1 :N+n + 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y h a r m o n i c S p l i n e S e t u p


Algorithm 7.21: Polyharmonic spline interpolation (evaluation).

f u n c t i o n [ f ] = P o l y h a r m o n i c S p l i n e ( x , c , v , w, k )
% Given t h e c e n t e r s c , t h e o r d e r o f t h e r a d i a l b a s i s f u n c t i o n s k , and t h e w e i g h t s {v , w} o f
% t h e p o l y h a r m o n i c s p l i n e s ( a s computed by P o l y h a r m o n i c S p l i n e S e t u p ) , compute t h e
% polyharmonic s p l i n e i n t e r p o l a n t f a t th e p o in t x .
N= s i z e ( c , 2 ) ; f =v [ 1 ; x ] ;
i f mod ( k , 2 ) = = 1 , f o r i = 1 :N
r =norm ( xc ( : , i ) ) ; f = f +w( i ) r k ;
end , e l s e , f o r i = 1 :N
r =norm ( xc ( : , i ) ) ; i f r >=1, f = f +w( i ) r k l o g ( r ) ; e l s e , f = f +w( i ) r ( k 1) l o g ( r r ) ; end
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y h a r m o n i c S p l i n e








Figure 7.15: Polyharmonic spline radial basis functions [see (7.11b)] for (dashed) k = 1, k = 2, k = 3;
(dot-dashed) k = 4, k = 5; (solid) k = 6, k = 7. Though they eventually grow with radius, these non-local
RBFs are found to be effective in the polyharmonic spline interpolation strategy presented in 7.5.2.



7.5.3 Kriging interpolation

The problem of interpolation fundamentally builds on some hypothesis that models the function behavior in
order to connect the dots between known function values. The most common such model is a mechanical
one, modeling the shape of a thin piece of wood or spline that is bent to touch all the datapoints; this mechanical model leads directly to the algorithm known as cubic spline interpolation in the single variable case
(7.3.3), as multicubic interpolation in the multivariate structured-data case (7.4), and as polyharmonic
or thin-plate interpolation in the multivariate unstructured-data case (7.5.2).
A perhaps equally valid hypothesis, which forms the foundation for the kriging interpolation strategy
(Krige 1951; Matheron 1963; Jones 2001; Rasmussen & Williams 2006), is to model the underlying function
as a realization, with maximum likelihood, of some stochastic process. The stochastic model used in this
approach is selected to be general enough to model a broad range of functions reasonably well, yet simple
enough to be fairly inexpensive to tune appropriately based on the measured data. There are many such
stochastic models which one can select (see 6); the simple stochastic model considered here leads to the
easy-to-use interpolation strategy commonly referred to as ordinary kriging.
Notation of statistical description
To begin, consider n points {x1 , . . . , xn }, at which the function will ultimately be evaluated, and model the
functions value at these n points with the random vector
f (x )
.. ..
f = . = . .
f (xn )


To proceed further, we need a clear statistical framework to describe this random vector. The cumulative
distribution function (CDF), denoted df (f), and the corresponding probability density function (PDF), denoted
pf (f ), of the random vector f are defined as in 6.1. In particular, the mean f and covariance Pf of the random
vector f are defined as
f , E {f} =


f pf (f ) df ,

Pf , E {(f f) (f f)T } =


(f f) (f f)T pf (f ) df .

Statistical modeling assumptions of the ordinary kriging model

The PDF of the random vector f = fn1 in this analysis is modeled as Gaussian (see 6.2.1), and is thus
restricted to the generic form
pf (f ) =

(2 )n/2|Pf |


(f f)T Pf1 (f f)


where the covariance Pf is modeled as a constant 2 , referred to as the variance, times a correlation matrix R
whose {i, j}th component ri j is given by a model of the correlation of the random function f between points
xi and x j , where this correlation model r(, ) itself decays exponentially with the distance between points xi
and x j ; that is,

Pf , 2 R, where ri j , r(xi , x j ) and r(x, y) , exp |x y | p

for some yet-to-be-determined constants 2 , > 0, and 0 < p 2 for = 1, . . . , n. The mean f in the
Gaussian model (7.13a) is itself modeled as uniform over all of its components:
f , 1


for some yet-to-be-determined constant . There is extensive debate in the literature (see, e.g., Isaaks &
Srivastava 1989; Rasmussen & Williams 2006) on the details of the statistical modeling assumptions one
should use in a kriging model of this sort. It is straightforward to extend the present discussion to incorporate
less restrictive kriging models; the ordinary kriging model is discussed here primarily due to its simplicity.
Adjusting the coefficients of the model based on the data
If the vector of observed function values is


f o = ... ,


then the PDF corresponding to this observation in the statistical model proposed in (7.13) can be written as
pf (f o ) =

(f o 1)T R1 (f o 1)
2 2
(2 )n/2 ( 2 )n/2 |R|1/2


The process of kriging modeling boils down to selecting the parameters 2 , , p , and in the statistical
model proposed in (7.13) to maximize the PDF evaluated for the function values actually observed, f = f o , as
given in (7.14).
Maximizing pf (f o ) is equivalent to minimizing the negative of its log. Thus, for simplicity, consider
J = log[pf (f o )] =

(f o 1)T R1 (f o 1)
log(2 ) + log( 2 ) + log(|R|) +
2 2


Setting the derivatives of J with respect to and 2 equal to zero and solving, the optimal values of and
2 are determined immediately:

1T R1 f o
1T R1 1

2 =

(f o 1)T R1 (f o 1)


With these optimal values of and 2 applied, noting that the last term in (7.15) is now constant, what
remains to be done is to minimize
J1 = log( 2 ) + log(|R|)
with respect to the remaining free parameters5 and p , where 2 is given as a function of R in (7.16) and
R, in turn, is given as a function of the free parameters and p in (7.13b). This minimization must, in
general, be performed numerically. However, the function J1 is smooth in the parameters and p , so this
optimization may be performed efficiently with a standard gradient-based algorithm, such as the nonquadratic
conjugate gradient algorithm (see 16), where the gradient itself, for simplicity, may easily be determined via
a the complex step derivative approach (see 8.3.3 and 8.3.5).
Note that, after each new function evaluation, the kriging parameters adjust only slightly, and thus the
previously-converged values of these parameters form an excellent initial guess for this gradient-based optimization algorithm. Note also that, while performing this optimization, the determinant of the correlation
matrix occasionally approaches machine zero. To avoid the numerical error that taking the log of zero would
otherwise induce, a small [O(106 )] term may be added to the diagonal elements of R. By so doing, the kriging predictor does not quite have the value of the sampled data at each sampled point; however, it remains
fairly close, and the algorithm is made numerically robust [Booker et al, 1999].
5 To simplify this optimization, p may be specified by the user instead of being determined via optimization; this is especially

appropriate to do when the number of function evaluations N is relatively small, and thus there is not yet enough data to determine
both the and p uniquely. If this approach is followed, p = 1 or 2 are natural choices; the case with p = 1 is referred to as an
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, whereas the case with p = 2 is infinitely differentiable everywhere.


Using the tuned statistical model to predict the function value at new locations
Once the parameters of the stochastic model have been tuned as descred above, the tuned kriging model
facilitates the computationally inexpensive prediction of the function value at any new location x. To perform
this prediction, consider now the n + 1 points {x1 , . . . , xn , x}, and model the functions value at these n + 1
points with the vector

f (x)
where f is the n 1 random vector considered previously and f is the random scalar modeling the function at
the new point. Analogous statistical assumptions as laid out in (7.13) are again applied, with the correlation
matrix now written as

R r
R= T
Pf , 2 R,
where R is the n n correlation matrix considered previously and, consistent with this definition, the vector r
is constructed with components
r i = r(xi , x),

where r(x, y) , exp |x y | p .

Following Jones (2001), note by the matrix inversion lemma (Fact 4.2) that R

= T

1  1
R + R1r(1 rT R1 r)1 rT R1
(1 rT R1 r)1 rT R1

may be written

R1 r(1 rT R1 r)1
(1 rT R1 r)1


Keeping the paramter values 2 , , p , and as tuned previously, we now examine the variation of the PDF
in the remaining unknown random variable, f . Substituting (7.18) and (7.19) into a PDF of the form (7.13a),
we may write

(f 1)T R (f 1)
= C1 exp
2 2

[ f f]T [ f f]
= C2 exp

pf (f ) = C1 exp


f 1
1 f 1

= ...
2 2

where, with a minor amount of algebraic rearrangement, the mean and variance of this scalar Gaussian distribution modeling the random scalar f work out to be6
f(x) = E { f (x)} = E { f } = + rT R1 (f o 1),
s2 (x) = E {[ f (x) f]2 } = E {[ f f]2 } = 2 (1 rT R1 r).


Equation (7.21) are the final formulae for the kriging predictor, f(x), and its associated uncertainty, s2 (x).
6 An alternative interpretation of this process models the constant itself as a stochastic variable rather than as a constant. Following
this line of reasoning ultimately gives the same formula for the predictor f(x) as given in (7.21a), and a slightly modified formula for its
associated uncertainty,

(1 rT R1 r)2 
s2 (x) = 2 1 rT R1 r +
1T R1 1
Which formula [(7.21b) or (7.21b)] is used in the present model is ultimately a matter of fairly little consequence; we thus prefer the
form given in (7.21b) due to its computational simplicity.















f(x), and (b) its associated uncertainty, s2 (x), for a perturbed quadratic

Figure 7.16: (a) The kriging predictor,

bowl sampled on a square grid of 7 7 points.

When applied numerically to a representative test problem, the kriging predictor function, which we
denote f(x), interpolates [that is, it goes through every observed function value at points x = x1 to x = xN ],
while the uncertainty function, denoted s2 (x), is zero at each sampled point, and resembles a Gaussian bump
between these sampled points, as seen in Figure 7.16. Once the parameters of the statistical model have
been determined, as described in 7.5.3, the formula (7.21a)-(7.21b) for the kriging predictor f(x) and its
corresponding uncertainty s2 (x) at any test point x is differentiable and computationally inexpensive7.

7.6 Compression
7.6.1 Dataset compression based on the SVD (a.k.a. POD, PCA,. . . )
The SVD provides a rigorous tool for identifying the most energetic recurrent features in a set of several realizations of a random field, r(t j ) for j = 1, 2, . . . , n, aligned as the columns of a matrix A. This fact has been
rediscovered several times throughout the last century, and thus slight variations of this idea go by a hodgepodge of alternative names and associated three letter acronyms (TLAs), including proper orthogonal
decomposition (POD; the TLA we adopt below), principal components analysis (PCA), common factor
analysis (CFA), empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) analysis, Karhunen-Lo`eve decomposition, etc.
In particular, when applied to such a matrix A, the SVD provides a set of orthogonal basis vectors ui for
representation of the dataset such that, when this modal representation is truncated at any order, the resulting
reduced set of modes is optimal in terms of representating the energy of the given realizations of the random
field in the dataset. The decomposition may be formulated as a sequence of variational problems such that
u1 = arg max

|(r(t j ), u)|2
(u, u)


ui = arg max

|(r(t j ), u)|2
with ui span{u1 , . . . ui1 },
(u, u)

where (r, u) = rH u is the inner product. Defining A = Amn as the matrix containing the jth realization of
7 For

efficiency, R1 should be saved between function evaluations and reused for every new computation of f and s2 .


the random field r(t j ) as its jth column,

r1 (t1 )
r2 (t1 )

A= .


rm (t1 )


these variational problems may be written more simply as

ui = arg max

r1 (tn )
r2 (tn )

.. ,


rm (tn )

kAH uk2
with ui span{u1 , . . . ui1 }.

Note that this is exactly the problem defining the matrix 2-norm, as discussed in 1.3.2. As discussed further
there, the vector u1 solving the first of these variational problems is thus given by the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix (AAH ), which is simply the left singular vector u1 corresponding to the maximum singular value of the matrix A in the singular value decomposition A = U V H . As the
eigenvectors of (Hermitian) matrix (AAH ) are orthogonal, it follows by the same logic that the vector u2 solving the second variational problem is given by the eigenvector corresponding to the next largest eigenvalue
of the matrix (AAH ) (that is, the second left singular vector of A), etc.
As discussed in 4.4.7, there are a number of ways of computing an SVD. When the number of gridpoints
is less than the number of realizations, m n, one may use a direct method of calculating the leading left
singular vectors of A (i.e., the leading columns of U) by simply computing the eigenvectors uk corresponding
to the largest eigenvalues of the m m matrix AAH , noting that (AAH ) = UU H .
When the number of gridpoints is greater than the number of realizations, m > n, one may instead use
an indirect method (a.k.a. snapshot method) of calculating the left singular vectors of A by first computing
the p
leading eigenvectors vk of the n n matrix (AH A), noting that (AH A) = V V H , then constructing uk =
(1/ k )Avk , as described in Step 3 of method (i) for constructing the SVD in 4.4.7. Note that the columns
of V H represent the time-varying coefficients that relate how the several realizations of r(t) are decomposed
in terms of the POD modes uk , that is,
r(t j ) = uk k v jk .

In the POD implementation given in Algorithm 7.22, we use method (iii) of 4.4.7 (based on successive
bidiagonalization of A), which is the preferred way of constructing the SVD.
The POD eigenvalues are defined as the squares of the singular values k of the matrix A (that is, they
are defined as the diagonal elements k of the matrix ). The ratio of two POD eigenvalues reveals the ratio
of the energy of the dataset represented by the corresponding two POD modes; thus, comparison of the POD
eigenvalues (see, e.g., Figure 7.17c) gives a quantitivave indication of how many of the leading POD modes
should be retained in order to be able to represent the vectors in the dataset with a desired degree of precision
(in terms of their energy). When the dataset produced is the result of some physical process, there is often a
substantial drop after one of the first few POD modes, providing a natural point to truncate the POD basis.
Many datasets are statistically homogeneous in one or more spatial coordinates, meaning that the statistics (mean, standard deviation, spatial correlation, etc.) of such datasets are independent of the corresponding
spatial coordinate. In such datasets (see, e.g., Figure 7.17b), the POD modes in these coordinate directions
come out simply as pairs sinusoidal functions offset from one another by 90 . This makes physical sense, as
any other basis would represent variations of the data in certain spatial locations more accurately than in other
spatial locations. That is, a basis built from sine/cosine pairs has the unique property that an arbitrary spatial
shift of the basis pairs by any distance represents any data vector with an identical degree of fidelity as the
original, unshifted basis. On the other hand, in the spatial coordinates for which the system is not statistically
homogeneous, the POD modes extracted by the SVD are sometimes of certain physical interest.

































Figure 7.17: Verification of the POD algorithm on a test problem with (a) a training set consisting of 30
randomly-generated vectors, each with 200 elements, random coefficients, 1/k2 spectra, and periodic BCs.
The resulting POD modes are shown in (b); note that, in this statistically homogeneous problem with periodic
BCs, the POD modes emerge as pairs (shifted about 90 degrees from each other) of essentially sinusoidal waves of increasing wavenumber. The POD eigenvalues are shown in (c), illustrating that most of the energy
in the dataset is represented by linear combinations of the first few modes. Subfigure (d) illustrates (+) a
new random vector with the same spectra and boundary conditions as the training set, and its reconstruction with (dashed) one, (dot-dashed) two, three, four, five, and (solid) six POD modes. Note the improved
reconstruction as more POD modes are used.
It is straightforward to introduce weighted inner products (r, u)Q = rH Qu, where Q > 0, into the above
formulation to account for alternative definitions of the energy function. To accomplish this, simply scale
the random vectors in A by Q1/2 > 0 such that r(t j ) Q1/2 r(t j ), repeat the above procedure, then scale the
resulting POD modes such that uk Q1/2 uk .
In terms of the corresponding spatially continuous functions, the POD modes uk (x) solve an integral
eigenvalue problem whose kernel is the two-point correlation function, as indicated in square brackets below:
Z h n

uk (x ) dx = k uk (x),



Algorithm 7.22: Computation of the POD of a dataset.


% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : P O D tes t>PODtest </a>

% T e s t t h e POD a l g o r i t h m on a random s e t o f p e r i o d i c t r a i n i n g d a t a w i t h a g i v e n s p e c t r a .
L=2 p i ; m=2 0 0 ; n1 =3 0 ; n2 = 3 ; n=n1+n2 ; kmax =1 0 0 ; x = [ 0 : L / ( m 1 ) :L ] ; p = 6 ; A= z e r o s (m, n ) ;
f o r j = 1 : n , f o r k = 1 : kmax
% I n i t i a l i z e n v e c t o r s ( n1 f o r t r a i n i n g , n2 f o r t e s t i n g )
c=rand 0 . 5 ; d=rand 0 . 5 ;
% o f l e n g t h m w i t h 1 / k 2 s p e c t r a and p e r i o d i c BCs .
f o r i = 1 :m, A( i , j ) =A( i , j ) + ( 1 / k 2 ) c s i n ( k x ( i ) ) + ( 1 / k 2 ) d c o s ( k x ( i ) ) ; end
end , end
[U, S , V] =SVD(A ( : , 1 : n1 ) ) ;
% C a l c u l a t e t h e POD ( n o t e : t h e POD i s s i m p l y an SVD)
f i g u r e ( 1 ) , f o r j = 1 : n1 , p l o t ( x , A ( : , j ) ) , a x i s ( [ 0 L 0.8 0 . 8 ] ) , h o ld on , end
% Plot data
f i g u r e ( 2 ) , f o r k = 1 : p , s u b p l o t ( p , 1 , k ) , p l o t ( x , U ( : , k ) ) , a x i s ( [ 0 L 0.2 0 . 2 ] ) , end
f i g u r e ( 3 ) , s e m i l o g y ( d i a g ( S ) . 2 , ) % P l o t p l e a d i n g POD modes and compare POD e i g e n v a l u e s
% Now , r e c o n s t r u c t t h e n2 new t e s t v e c t o r s w i t h an i n c r e a s i n g number o f POD modes .
% O b s er v e t h e im p r o v ed r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e s e v e c t o r s a s a d d i t i o n a l modes a r e i n c l u d e d .
f o r j = 1 : n2 ;
f i g u r e (3+ j ) , c l f ,
p l o t ( x , A ( : , j ) , r + ) , h o ld on , r = z e r o s (m, 1 ) ; f o r k = 1 : p
r = r +U ( : , k ) S ( k , k ) V( j , k ) ; i f k ==1 , p l o t ( x , r , k ) ; e l s e , p l o t ( x , r , . ) , end
end , p l o t ( x , r , k ) , a x i s ( [ 0 L 0.8 0 . 8 ] )
% end s c r i p t P O D tes t

whereas the vectors vk in the spatially continuous setting solve a (regular) eigenvalue problem given by



r(x,ti )r(x,t j ) dx v jk = k vik


uk (x) = (1/ k ) r(x,t j )v jk .

These three equations are akin to the relations (AAH )uk = k uk , (AH A)vk = k vk , and uk = (1/
the spatially-discrete setting.

k )Avk in

Updating a previously-computed POD

Now consider the situation in which n data vectors are obtained and a POD is calculated, then n additional data
vectors are obtained. Instead of starting from scratch and calculating the POD of the entire set of n = n + n
vectors, one may instead seek to leverage the previously computed POD when updating the POD based on
the new information.

In this discussion, we will denote by A mn = A mn A mn the data matrix of the form given in (7.22)
based on all of the available information, with A containing the old data and A containing the new data.
Following the direct approach discussed above, assuming we have already computed the eigen decomposition (AAH ) = UU H , we have




= AAH + AA = UU H + AA = U( + U H AA U )U H .

Though both matrices are full, the problem of computing the eigen decomposition of the Hermitian matrix
Y = +U H AA U is significantly easier (will converge in fewer QR iterations) than the problem of computing
the eigen decomposition of the matrix (AAH ), as the matrix Y is already strongly dominated by its diagonal
components. Once the eigen decomposition Y = SSH is determined, the eigen decomposition sought may
readily be determined, as
AAH = (US)(US)H = UU H .


























x1, l-1





x2, l-1

xnl-1, l-1

Figure 7.18: Structure and notation of a neural network with h = 2 hidden layers: (top) overall network;
(bottom) individual node.
Following the snapshot approach discussed above, assuming we have already computed the eigen decomposition (AH A) = V V H , we have



V H AH A V H 0
V 0
AH A = A A
A A = H
0 I A AV
0 I

Though neither matrix has an easily leveraged banded sparsity structure, the problem of computing the eigen
decomposition of the Hermitian matrix Z is easier (will converge in fewer QR iterations) than the problem of
computing the eigen decomposition of the matrix (AH A), as the matrix Z is already strongly dominated by
its diagonal components. Once the eigen decomposition Z = SSH is determined, the eigen decomposition
sought may readily be determined, as

V 0
AH A =
= V V H .
0 I
0 I

7.6.2 Neural networks

A broadly-used technique to encode otherwise hidden patterns in a given set of input/output data is the optimization, or training, of the multiplicative factors in a nonlinear interconnected graph called a neural network,
as depicted in Figure 7.18. The structure of this graph is modeled loosely after the interconnection of neurons
in the human brain, and thus the training of such a network is inspired by the biological process of imprinting
memories. Due to their nonlinear structure and their possibly large number of adjustable parameters, neural
networks are capable of encoding a myriad of subtle relationships that might otherwise be difficult to model mathematically. Once successfully trained, a neural network can frequently recognize similar patterns in
input data it has not yet been exposed to; however, as with undisciplined human brains, it is difficult if not
impossible to extract the precise information that the network has supposedly learned.

In addition to the input layer and output layer (l = 0 and l = 3 respectively in Figure 7.18a), a neural
network consists of a one or more hidden layers (l = 1 and l = 2 in Figure 7.18a). The number of nodes in
each of these layers, nl , is not necessarily the same, and the number of nodes in each hidden layer is typically
larger than both the number of inputs yi and the number of outputs ui . In a fully connected neural network,
each node Ni,l computes a weighted sum, zi,l , of each output of the previous layer, x j,l1 , and runs it through
a hyperbolic tangent saturation function to compute xi,l (see Figure 7.18); that is,

at node Ni,l : xi,l = tanh(zi,l ) where zi,l =

wi,lj x j,l1 .



To train a neural network, a set of training records {yk , vk } for k = 1, . . . , N is obtained which well represents
the patterns to be encoded. The weights in the network are initialized as small random numbers (to break
symmetries), and adjusted iteratively to minimize the misfit between the output uk of the network and the
corresponding output vk in the training set for each set of inputs yk . This misfit may be written as

1 N
kuk (yk ) vk k2 = Jk

2 k=1

where Jk = kuk (yk ) vk k2 ,

and is to be minimized with respect to the weights wi,l

j . The simplest training algorithm is to step repeatedly
through the training records (often, in random order to reduce biases that might otherwise develop), adjusting
the weights a small amount at each step in that direction that decreases Jk ; that is,

where gi,l



The determination of the gradient direction gi,l is referred to as the backpropogation of the error Jk , and
the small multiplicative factor which controls the stepsize in the above update is referred to as the training
rate or descent parameter. The backpropogation algorithm, which amounts to nothing more than successive
application of the chain rule for differentiation, is in fact quite simple: if there are h hidden layers in the
network, then, denoting xki,l as the output of node Ni,l of the network when the input to the network is yk , the
gradient gi,l
may be determined as follows

for i = 1 to nh+1 ,

= uki vki ,

[note that xki,h+1 = uki ]


for l = h + 1 downto 1
if l > 1,

= 0, end,

= k sech2 zki,l , end

for j = 1 to nl1 ,

for i = 1 to nl ,

[see (7.23) and (B.58)]

for j = 1 to nl1


if l > 1,

Jk k
zki,l j,l1

for j = 1 to nl1 ,

[this is the gradient info sought]

Jk j
+ k wi,l
x j,l1
x j,l1 zi,l





Algorithm 7.23: Efficient implement of a neural network, including a) forward propagation of a single set of
inputs through the network, b) back propagation of the output error for a single data record, c) cost computation for an entire set of data records, d) simple fixed-coefficient sequential training to minimize the cost of a
set of training records, and e) a test code for a random set of training data.
f u n c t i o n [ x ] = N N F o r w ar d P r o p ag a te ( y , w, h , n )
% Given t h e i n p u t y and t h e w e i g h t s w o f a n e u r a l n e t w o r k w i t h h h i d d e n l a y e r s and n ( k )
% n o d es p e r l a y e r , compute t h e s t a t e x o f t h e e n t i r e n etw o r k , i n c l u d i n g t h e o u t p u t x{ h + 2 } .
x {1}= y ; f o r k = 2 : h +2 , f o r i = 1 : n ( k ) , x { k } ( i , 1 ) = tanh (w{k 1}( i , : ) x {k 1 } ( : ) ) ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n N N F o r w ar d P r o p ag a t e
f u n c t i o n [ g ] = N N B ack P r o p ag ate ( e , x , w, h , n )
% Compute t h e g r a d i e n t g w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e w e i g h t s w b a s e d on t h e o u t p u t e r r o r e=uv i n
% a n e u r a l n e t w o r k w i t h s t a t e x ( computed u s i n g N N F o r w ar d P r o p ag at e ) .
x { h + 2 } ( : ) = e ; f o r k=h +1: 1:1
x { k + 1 } ( : ) = x{ k + 1 } ( : ) . ( s e c h (w{ k } ( : , : ) x{ k } ( : ) ) ) . 2 ;
f o r i = 1 : n ( k ) , g { k } ( : , i ) = x { k + 1 } ( : ) x { k } ( i ) ; end
% Compute g { k} = d J k / d w
i f k >1, f o r i = 1 : n ( k ) , x {k } ( i , 1 ) = ( x { k + 1 } ( : ) ) ( w{ k } ( : , i ) ) ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n N N B ack P r o p ag ate


f u n c t i o n [ J ] = NN ComputeCost ( y , u , N, w, h , n )
% Compute t h e means q u a r e e r r o r o v e r t h e t r a i n i n g s e t u s e d t o t r a i n a n e u r a l n e t w o r k .
J = 0 ; f o r d = 1 :N ;
x= N N F o r w ar d P r o p ag a t e ( y ( : , d ) , w, h , n ) ; J = J + ( 0 . 5 / N) norm ( x { h+2}u ( : , d ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n NN ComputeCost


f u n c t i o n [w] = N N S e q u e n t i a l T r a i n ( a l p h a , m a x i t e r s , y , u , N, w, h , n )
% C y cle t h r o u g h e a c h t r a i n i n g r e c o r d k one a t a tim e , and p e r f o r m a f i x e d c o e f f i c i e n t s t e p
% i n t h e d o w n h i l l d i r e c t i o n a s m a l l amount a t e a c h i t e r a t i o n b a s e d on g{ k } = d J k / d w .
J s a v e ( 1 ) = NN ComputeCost ( y , u , N, w, h , n ) ;
for i t e r =1: m a x i t e r s
f o r d = 1 :N
x= N N F o r w ar d P r o p ag a te ( y ( : , d ) , w , h , n ) ; g= N N B ack P r o p ag ate ( x { h +2 } ( :) u ( : , d ) , x , w, h , n ) ;
f o r k = 1 : h +1 , w{k }=w{ k} a l p h a g { k } ; end
J s a v e ( i t e r +1)= NN ComputeCost ( y , u , N, w, h , n ) ; p l o t ( J s a v e ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 0 1 )
end % f u n c t i o n N N S e q u e n t i a l T r a i n


% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : NN Test>NN Test </a>

% T e s t t h e c o n v e r g e n c e o f t h e n e u r a l n e t w o r k a l g o r i t h m b a s e d on some random t r a i n i n g d a t a .
c l e a r , i n =6 0 ; o u t = 1 ; h = 2 ;
n ( 1 ) = i n ; n ( 2 ) = 1 0 0 ; n ( 3 ) = 2 0 ; n ( 4 ) = o u t ; f o r k = 1 : h + 1 ; w{k }=10( 1) randn ( n ( k + 1 ) , n ( k ) ) ; end
N=2 0 0 ; y=rand ( in , N ) ; u=rand ( o u t , N ) ; [w] = N N S e q u e n t i a l T r a i n ( 0 . 1 , 9 9 , y , u , N, w, h , n ) ;
% end s c r i p t NN Test


A representative application of neural networks to a timeless problem that largely defies accurate firstprinciples mathematical modeling (predicting human affections) is considered in the example below.
Example 7.1 Renaissance Dating A new internet matchmaker venture, Renaissance Dating, aspires to serve
the vivacious community of romantically-inclined individuals who frequent renaissance fairs. A questionnaire
with 30 appropriately revealing questions was first given to a test group of single male and female volunteers
(1000 of each) at a series of recent renaissance fairs. Each of these volunteers was then introduced to several of
the other volunteers of the appropriate gender, age, and physical characteristics (per their stated orientations),
and asked to rank them in terms of preference as a mate. This data was then collected in order to initialize a
neural network for the agency to identify good matches within this distinct demographic.

















Figure 7.19: Typical cost reduction when training a neural network using simple fixed-coefficient sequential
training; note that error does not reduce monotonically, and convergence is not guaranteed.

At one level, a sorting algorithm, such as one of those proposed in 7.1, may be used initially to match
people of similar interests. At a deeper level, however, a neural network is valuable to identify which sets of
questions tend to be most significant, as well as unexpected correlations within the data (for instance, people
who like to wear chainmail might, statistically, have a mutual affinity for people who like to wear feather
hats). Some such correlations might be subtle in nature and in a sense nonconvex; for instance, those with
gourmet tastes might prefer partners who either really like to cook or really detest cooking but who also have
gourmet tastes, but not prefer partners who are more ambivalent about both cooking and eating. A neural
network is often able to distinguish such patterns if they are present in the data.
In order to process the data, the responses to the answers on the questionnaire of all subjects are normalized between 0 and 1, and the rankings that the various pairs of potential mates made of each other are also
normalized between 0 and 1 and multiplied by each other to give a single pairwise ranking characterizing
mutual affinity for each potential pairing. A neural network is formed which takes 60 inputs (the responses to
the 30 questions by both individuals) and one output. The network is then trained using the backpropagation
algorithm applied to the available training records in order to learn, as much as possible, the conditions
leading to mutual affinity as evident in the training set, with the goal of someday being able to match appropriately different individuals (not in the training set) from the same demographic. Alas, at the time this
text was printed, our fledgling matchmaking agency did not have actual field data from romantically-inclined
individuals in this target demographic; a representative skeleton implementation of the neural network training algorithm is thus given in Algorithm 7.23 using synthetically-generated data, which can ultimately be
replaced by real data if/when Renaissance Dating incorporates.
A typical cost reduction that can be achieved in such a setting when applying fixed-coefficient sequential
training using the backpropagation algorithm described above is illustrated in Figure 7.19; various ad hoc
improvements of this fixed-coefficient sequential training algorithm have been proposed, such as reducing
the descent parameter as convergence is approached. Note that a common technique used to precipitate convergence of the weights in a neural network, which typically do not converge otherwise, is to prune (that is,

cut) those connections in the network that correspond to the smallest weights as the network begins to converge; this can be accomplished simply by fixing the corresponding weights as zero and not updating them
further. With some effort, an improved algorithm for optimization of the network over the entire training set,
leveraging successive line minimizations to ensure uniform convergence (cf. Figure 7.19), may be developed
for neural networks using the derivative-based optimization algorithms developed in 16.

Exercise 7.1 Following closely the code Ciculant.m in Algorithm 2.10, write a streamlined Matlab function
Ciculant0.m, and test script Ciculant0Test.m, that can be used to solve the tridiagonal ciculant system that
arises when setting up the cubic spline interpolant in the case of periodic boundary conditions (see Algorithm
7.14; note that a11 = 0). Proceed by swapping the first and last rows of the A matrix to make it diagonally
dominant, and handle the slightly different pattern of fill-in that results as the reduced form of Gaussian
elimination proceeds. Modify Algorithm 7.14 in order to use your new solver, and make sure it still works.
Exercise 7.2 Extend bilinear interpolation (Algorithm 7.16) to the n-dimensional case described in 7.4.
Exercise 7.3 Extend the bicubic interpolation code implemented in Algorithms 7.17-7.18 to the 3-dimensional
case. On a uniform 3D grid of data points, first use cubic spline interpolation along each of the gridlines to
compute { fx , fy , fz , fxy , fyz , fxz , fxyz } at each of the gridpoints where the function values f are initially prescribed. Then set up a linear 64 64 problem of the form Ax = b to solve for the ai jk coefficients in (7.10)
to match the values of { f , fx , fy , fz , fxy , fyz , fxz , fxyz } at each of the 8 corners of the cell (w.l.o.g, taken to be a
unit cube) that contains the new interpolation point. Is the A1 matrix simple in structure (sparse with integer
elements) as it was in the bicubic case?

Batcher, KE (1968) Sorting Networks and their Applications. Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Comput. Conf., 32,
Isaaks, EH, & Srivastav, RM (1989) An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics. Oxford.
Jones, DR (2001) A Taxonomy of Global Optimization Methods Based on Response Surfaces. Journal of
Global Optimization 21, 345-383.
Krige, DG (1951) A statistical approach to some mine valuations and allied problems at the Witwatersrand.
Masters thesis of the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Knuth, DE (1998) The Art of Computer Programming, Volume3: Searching and Sorting. Addison-Wesley.
Matheron, G (1963) Principles of geostatistics. Economic Geology 58, 1246-1266.
Rasmussen, CE, & Williams, CKI (2006) Gaussian processes for machine learning. MIT Press.



Part II




Integration of functions


10 Ordinary differential equations


11 Partial differential equations


12 High performance computing


13 A case study in the simulation of turbulence




Chapter 8



Finite difference (FD) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8.1.1 Taylor tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.2 Pade approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.3 Grid stretching functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.1.4 Alternative derivation of FD formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Differentiating noisy data: an introduction to filtering . .
8.2 Modified wavenumber analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3 The directional derivative and the gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.1 Direct calculation of the directional derivative . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.2 FD approximation of the directional derivative . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.3 Complex-step derivative approximation of the directional derivative
8.3.4 Direct calculation of the gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.5 Numerical approximation of the gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


















8.1 Finite difference (FD) methods

In the simulation of physical systems, one often needs to compute the derivative of a function f (x) which
is known only at a discrete set of points x0 , x1 , . . . , xn , known as a mesh or grid. Effective formulae for
computing such approximations, known as finite difference (FD) formulae, may be derived by combination
of one or more Taylor series expansions. For example, defining f j = f (x j ), the Taylor series expansion for f
at the point x j+1 in terms of f and its derivatives at the point x j is given by
(x j+1 x j )2 (x j+1 x j )3
fj +
fj + ...
Defining h j+1/2 = x j+1 x j and h j = (x j+1 x j1)/2, rearrangement of the above equation leads to
f j+1 = f j + (x j+1 x j ) f j +

f j =

f j+1 f j h j+1/2

fj + ...
h j+1/2

Note that we indicate a uniform mesh by denoting its (constant) grid spacing h without a subscript, and a
nonuniform (a.k.a. stretched) mesh by denoting the grid spacing with a subscript. We will assume the mesh
is uniform unless indicated otherwise. For a uniform mesh, we may write the above equation as
f j =

f j+1 f j
+ O(h),

where O(h) denotes the contribution from all terms which have a power of h which is greater than or equal
to one. Neglecting these higher-order terms for sufficiently small h, we can approximate the derivative as
f j+1 f j
x j
which is referred to as the first-order forward difference approximation of the first derivative. Note that
the notation f / x is used to denote a numerical approximation of the first derivative. The neglected term
with the lowest power of h (in this case, h f j /2) is referred to as the leading-order error. The exponent
of h in the leading-order error is the order of accuracy of the method. For a sufficiently fine initial grid,
if we refine the grid spacing further by a factor of 2, the truncation error of this method is also reduced by
approximately a factor of 2, indicating a first-order behavior.
Similarly, by expanding f j1 about the point x j and rearranging, we obtain
f j f j1
x j


referred to as the first-order backward difference approximation of the first derivative. Higher-order
schemes can be derived by combining Taylor series of the function f at various points near the point x j . For
example, the second-order central difference approximation of the first derivative can be obtained by
subtracting two Taylor series:

h2 h3

f j+1 = f j + h f j + f j + f j + . . .

f + ...,

3 j
h2 h3

f j1 = f j h f j + f j f j + . . .

leading to

f j+1 f j1
f j+1 f j1 h2
fj + ...

x j
Similar formulae can be derived for approximating second-order derivatives. For example, by adding the
above Taylor series expansions instead of subtracting them, we obtain the second-order central difference
approximation of the second derivative given by
f j =

f j =

f j+1 2 f j + f j1 h2

f + ...
12 j

2 f 
f j+1 2 f j + f j1
x2 j


It is seen that higher accuracy can be obtained when more points are included in the FD stencil. By appropriate linear combination of four different Taylor Series expansions, the fourth-order central difference
approximation of the first derivative may be found, which takes the form
f j2 8 f j1 + 8 f j+1 f j+2
x j

The main difficulty with higher-order formulae occurs near boundaries of the domain, as they require the
function values at points outside the domain. Near boundaries, one thus often resorts to lower-order formulae.

8.1.1 Taylor tables

We now present an easy-to-generalize constructive procedure for developing FD formulae on both uniform
and stretched grids. Consider first the construction of a FD approximation of the first derivative on a uniform
grid using only the function values f j , f j+1 , and f j+2 . Writing

f j ak f j+k = ,



where the ak are the coefficients of the FD formula sought, we seek the ak such that the error is as large
a power of h as possible (and thus will diminish rapidly upon refinement of the grid). It is convenient to
organize the Taylor series of all terms on the LHS in the above formula using a Taylor Table:
f j
a0 f j
a1 f j+1
a2 f j+2




f j

f j

f j




a1 h

a1 h2

a2 (2h) a2 (2h)

a1 h6

a2 (2h)

The leftmost column contains all of the terms on the LHS of (8.6). The elements to the right, when multiplied
by the corresponding terms at the top of each column and summed, yield the Taylor series expansion of each
of the terms to the left. Summing up these terms, we get the error expanded in terms of powers of the grid
spacing h. By appropriate choice of the available degrees of freedom {a0 , a1 , a2 }, we can set several of the
coefficients of this polynomial equal to zero, thereby making as high a power of h as possible. For small
h, this is an effective approach for minimizing this error. In the present case, we have three free coefficients,
and thus, leveraging Gaussian elimination, can set the coefficients of the first three terms to zero:

a0 a1 a2 = 0

1 1 1
a0 h

1 a1h a2(2h) = 0
1 2 a1 h = 1 a1 = 2/h .

a2 h

a1 a2
The resulting second-order forward difference approximation of the first derivative is
3 f j + 4 f j+1 f j+2
x j


where the leading-order error, which may be determined by multiplying the first non-zero column sum by the
term at the top of the corresponding column, is proportional to h2 :

a1 a2
f j =
f .
3 j
Algorithm 8.1: A simple code to construct and solve a Taylor Table to determine an FD expression.

f u n c t i o n [ c ] = T a y l o r T a b l e ( x , w)
% Given x l o c a t i o n s and w= which d e r i v a t i v e , compute t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g FD e x p r e s s i o n .
n= l e n g t h ( x ) ; f o r i = 1 : n ; f o r j = 1 : n ; A( i , j ) = x ( j ) ( i 1 ) / f a c t o r i a l ( i 1 ) ; end ; end
b= z e r o s ( n , 1 ) ; b (w+ 1 ) = 1 ; c=A\ b ;
end % f u n c t i o n T a y l o r T a b l e



Extension of the above approach to achieve the highest order of accuracy possible when other stencils of
points are used in (8.6), when numerical approximations of derivatives of other orders are sought, or when
the grid is stretched, are all straightforward (see Algorithm 8.1 and Exercises 8.1 and 8.2).

8.1.2 Pade approximations

By including both nearby function evaluations and nearby derivative approximations on the LHS of an expression like (8.6), we can derive a banded system of equations which can easily be solved to determine a
numerical approximation of the f j . Such approaches are referred to as Pade approximations. Again illustrating by example, consider the equation

b1 f j1
+ f j + b1 f j+1

ak f j+k = .



Leveraging the Taylor series expansions

h2 h3 h4
fj +
fj +
fj +
f + ...
120 j
h2 h3 h4

f j+1
= f j + h f j +
f +
f +
f + . . .,
2 j
6 j
24 j
f j+1 = f j + h f j +

the corresponding Taylor table is


b1 f j1
f j

b1 f j+1
a1 f j1
a0 f j
a1 f j+1

f j

f j

f j



b1 (h)

b1 (h)


b1 h

b1 h2


b1 (h)


a1(h) a1
a1 h

f j

a1 h2

f j





b1 h6

a1 h6

b1 (h)

a1 24

b1 24



a1 120

We again use the available degrees of freedom {b1 , b1 , a1 , a0 , a1 } to obtain the highest possible accuracy
in (8.8). Setting the sums of the first five columns equal to zero leads to the linear system

b1 1

h2 /2
h2 /2
a1 = 0 ,
h /2 h2 /2
h3 /6
h3 /6 a0 0
h3 /6 h3 /6 h4 /24 0 h4 /24
which is equivalent to

b1 1


a1 h = 0
1/2 1/2
1/6 a0 h 0
a1 h
1/6 1/6 1/24 0 1/24

b1 1/4

a1 = 3/(4h) .


Thus, the system to be solved to determine the numerical approximation of the derivatives at each grid point
has a typical row given by

1  f 
1  f 
f j+1 f j1 ,
4 x j+1
x j 4 x j1 4h
and has a leading-order error of h4 f j /30, and thus is fourth-order accurate. The above expression is thus
referred to as the fourth-order compact Pade approximation of the first derivative. Writing out this equation
for all values of j on the interior leads to the tridiagonal, diagonally-dominant system




.. ..






j1 .
 x j 4h j+1


.. .. ..



x j+1


At the endpoints, a different treatment is needed; a central expression (Pade or otherwise) cannot be used at x0 ,
as x1 is outside of the available grid of data. One often resorts to lower-order expressions at the boundaries
in order to close this set of equations. The resulting system can then be solved efficiently for the numerical
approximation of the derivative at all of the gridpoints using the Thomas algorithm.
Following a similar approach, the following Pade expression for the second derivative may be determined:

2 f 
2 f 
2 f 
+ 0.1
= 2 f j+1 2 f j + 2 f j1 .
x j+1
x j
x2 j1


Again, generalization to other Pade expressions is straightforward (see Exercises 8.3 and 8.4).

8.1.3 Grid stretching functions

It is often advantageous to use a nonuniform (a.k.a. stretched1 ) grid to cluster gridpoints in regions of
the domain where the system under consideration requires higher resolution. If these regions are known
before the calculation begins, such a nonuniform mesh is best defined using a smooth stretching function2 .
Any monotonic smooth function may be used to generate a nonuniform grid, thus allowing gridpoints to be
clustered to varying degrees near one or both boundaries and/or near various critical points on the interior of a
computational domain. To demonstrate, we present here three stretching functions appropriate for clustering
gridpoints near one or both ends of a computational domain.
Figures 8.1 and 8.2a illustrate the use of the hyperbolic tangent stretching function
y j = f (z j ) = tanh(c z j )/tanh(c) where z j = (2 j n)/n [1, 1] for j = 0, . . . , n.


In this example, the gridpoint j = 0 corresponds to the lower boundary y = 1, and the gridpoint j = n
corresponds to the upper boundary y = 1. Note that the convenient parameter c may be used with this type of
grid stretching to adjust the degree to which the grid is clustered near the boundaries, with smaller values of
c resulting in a more uniform mesh, as tan( ) for 1.
1 The generic phrase stretched grid is synonymous with the phrase nonuniform grid; in its more narrow use, a nonuniform grid is
said to be stretched in regions where gridpoints are sparse, and is said to be clustered in regions where gridpoints are dense.
2 This approach is preferred over more ad hoc approaches for clustering gridpoints, since the proper use of a stretching function, as
described here, ensures that the grid becomes locally uniform (that is, h j1/2 /h j+1/2 1 and h j1 /h j 1 for all j) as the grid is
refined, a fact which usually leads to higher accuracy, and sometimes even a higher order of accuracy, when approximating derivatives.


Algorithm 8.2: A simple code that may be used to stretch a mesh.

View f u n c t i o n x= S tr etch 1 D M es h ( x , k in d , xmin , xmax , c0 , c1 )
Test % S t r e c h a v e c t o r x d i s t r i b u t e d o v e r [ 0 , 1 ] a c c o r d i n g t o ( 8 . 1 1 a ) i f k i n d = h , ( 8 . 1 1 b ) i f

% k i n d = p , and ( 8 . 1 1 c ) i f k i n d = c , t h e n s c a l e t o c o v e r t h e domain [ xmin , xmax ] .

% F o r h ( h y p e r b o l i c t a n g e n t ) s t r e t c h i n g , s m a l l v a l u e s o f c0 >0 make a more u n i f o r m mesh .
% F o r p ( p o l y n o m i a l ) s t r e t c h i n g , i n c r e a s i n g c0 , c1 i n c r e a s e s c l u s t e r i n g n e a r xmin , xmax .
% F o r c ( c o s i n e ) s t r e t c h i n g , we c o r r e c t t h e o r i e n t a t i o n , s o g r i d p o i n t s i n c r e a s e i n x .
x i n t =xmaxxmin ; s w i t c h k i n d
c a s e h , x=xmin+ x i n t ( tanh ( c0 ( 2 x 1 ) ) / tanh ( c0 ) + 1 ) / 2 ;
c a s e c , x=xmin+ x i n t (1 c o s ( p i x ) ) / 2 ;
c a s e p , co n c =c0 +10 c1 ; s w i t c h co n c
c a s e 0 0 , x=x ;
c a s e 0 2 , x=x . 3 ;
c a s e 1 0 , x=x . 2 + 2 x ;
c a s e 1 2 , x=3x . 4 + 4 x . 3 ;
c a s e 2 0 , x=x .3 3 x . 2 + 3 x ;
c a s e 2 2 , x =6 x .5 15 x . 4 + 1 0 x . 3 ;
c a s e 3 0 , x=x . 4 + 4 x .3 6 x . 2 + 4 x ;
c a s e 3 2 , x=10x . 6 + 3 6 x .5 45 x . 4 + 2 0 x . 3 ;
c a s e 0 1 , x=x . 2 ;
c a s e 0 3 , x=x . 4 ;
c a s e 1 1 , x=2x . 3 + 3 x . 2 ;
c a s e 1 3 , x=4x . 5 + 5 x . 4 ;
c a s e 2 1 , x =3 x .4 8 x . 3 + 6 x . 2 ;
c a s e 2 3 , x =10 x .6 24 x . 5 + 1 5 x . 4 ;
c a s e 3 1 , x=4x . 5 + 1 5 x .4 20 x . 3 + 1 0 x . 2 ; c a s e 3 3 , x=20x . 7 + 7 0 x .6 84 x . 5 + 3 5 x . 4 ;
end , x=xmin+ x i n t x ;
end % f u n c t i o n S tr etch 1 D M es h




y j = f (z j )




Enumeration function: z j =

2 jn

[1, 1]

Resulting stretched grid

Figure 8.1: The use of the streching function (8.11a) (taking n = 40 and c = 1.75) to cluster the gridpoints,
enumerated from j = 0 to j = n, near the boundaries of the computational domain y [1, 1], .































Figure 8.2: Three convenient stretching functions (solid, with scales to left) and their derivatives (dot-dashed,
with scales to right): (a) the hyperbolic tangent stretching function (8.11a), plotted for (black) c = 1.2, (blue)
c = 1.75, & (red) c = 3, (b) the polynomial stretching function (8.11b), plotted for values of {c0 , c1 } given
by (black) {0, 0}, (blue) {1, 1}, & (red) {2, 2}, and (c) the cosine stretching function (8.11c).

The stretching function illustrated in Figure 8.2b is the polynomial stretching function
y j = f (z j ) = an znj + . . . + a1 z j + a0

where z j = j/n [0, 1] for j = 0, . . . , n,


where {a0 , a1 , . . . , an } may be chosen, for example, such that f (0) = 0, f (1) = 1, the first c0 derivatives of f (z)
are equal to zero at z = 0, and the first c1 derivatives of f (z) are equal to zero at z = 1, where n = 1 + c0 + c1 .
Larger values of c0 & c1 increase the degree to which gridpoints are clustered near each boundary.
The stretching function illustrated in Figure 8.2c is the cosine stretching function
y j = f (z j ) = cos(z j ) where z j = j/n [0, ] for j = 0, . . . , n.


This stretching function, as formulated here, has the peculiar property that the gridpoint j = 0 corresponds to
the upper boundary y = 1, and the gridpoint j = n corresponds to the lower boundary y = 1.
All three of these stretching functions are implemented in Algorithm 8.2, and may be shifted, scaled,
and/or reflected to cover any interval of interest. In practice, with the flexibility of the tunable parameter c
coupled with the fact that the slope of the stretching function doesnt go all the way to zero at the boundaries
(so the first gridpoint isnt unnecessarily close to the boundary), the hyperbolic tangent stretching function
(8.11a) is well suited for many FD calculations that require increased resolution near the boundaries. The
polynomial stretching function (8.11b) is convenient for generating orthogonal grids that may be mapped
conformally using the techniques of B.6.2 [it is used, e.g., in the creation of the locally-orthogonal O-grid
around the airfoil indicated in Figure B.10b, as generated by the test code accompanying Algorithm B.9].
The cosine stretching function (8.11c) is inherent to the Chebyshev method for extending spectral methods
to nonperiodic domains, as discussed in 5.13.
Stretching may also be applied in two or three directions in 2D or 3D structured grids, as illustrated in
Figure 8.3 and implemented in the test code accompanying the 2D grid plotting code given in Algorithm 8.3.

8.1.4 Alternative derivation of FD formulae

Consider now the Lagrange interpolation (see 7.3.2) of the three points {xi1 , fi1 }, {xi , fi }, and {xi+1 , fi+1 }:
f (x) =

(x xi1)(x xi+1 )
(x xi1)(x xi )
(x xi )(x xi+1)
fi1 +
fi +
fi+1 .
(xi1 xi )(xi1 xi+1 )
(xi xi1)(xi xi+1 )
(xi+1 xi1)(xi+1 xi )

Differentiating this expression with respect to x and then evaluating at x = xi gives

f (xi ) =

fi+1 fi1
fi1 + 0 +
fi+1 =

which is the same FD approximation as obtained by the Taylor Table. In fact, following a similar approach
(that is, performing a Lagrange interpolation of the available function values, differentiating an appropriate
number of times, then evaluating the derivative sought at the point in question) recovers any of the FD approximations that can be developed with the Taylor Table approach. The benefits of the Taylor Table approach,
of course, are that it reveals the leading-order error, and that it may be extended to Pade approximations. Differentiating noisy data: an introduction to filtering
If the available data of the function one is trying to differentiate is corrupted by noise, then it is inappropriate
to seek a highest-order polynomial fit of this data, as implied by the Taylor Table approach (see 8.1.4).
Instead, it is much better to fit a pth-order polynomial to the nearest n pieces of data, where p n, then to
evaluate the derivative of this low-order polynomial at the appropriate point. This has the effect of filtering
out some of the noise in the individual datapoints.

Algorithm 8.3: A simple code that may be used to plot a structured 2D mesh.

f u n c t i o n Plot2DMesh ( z , f i g , I I , J J )
% P l o t a s t r u c t u r e d I I by J J mesh g i v e n by r e a l and i m a g i n a r y p a r t s o f z ( 1 : I I , 1 : J J ) .
f i g u r e ( f i g ) ; h o ld on ;
f o r i = 1 : I I , p l o t ( r e a l ( z ( i , : ) ) , imag ( z ( i , : ) ) , b ) ; end
f o r j = 1 : J J , p l o t ( r e a l ( z ( : , j ) ) , imag ( z ( : , j ) ) , r ) ; end , h o ld o f f ; a x i s e q u a l ; a x i s o f f
end % f u n c t i o n Plot2DMesh

Figure 8.3: A typical 2D stretched mesh, using a hyperbolic tangent stretching function in x, with c = 1.75
and nx = 40, and a polynomial stretching function in y, with {c0 , c1 } = {1, 2} and ny = 40.
To illustrate, suppose one is doing an experiment and has measured the value of f (t) for several discrete
values of the time t. To be specific, lets imagine that the present timestep is tk , with a corresponding noisy
measurement fk , and that the n most recent tap delays of the noisy measurements, at times tk1 through tkn ,
are given by fk1 through fkn . At timestep k, we may fit a low-order polynomial



f (k) (t) = c0 + c1 t + . . . + c p t p
to the recent measurements by solving the system

1 tk
. . . tkp (k)
1 tk1 t 2
k1 . . . tk1 .


.. .
1 t
... tp



Ac(k) = f(k) .




As discussed in 4.7, the least-squares solution to this system is given by c(k) = A+ f(k) , where A+ is given by
the Moore-Penrose pseudonverse. After solution of (8.13), the low-order polynomial (8.12) and its derivatives may be evaluated to determine a filtered approximation of f and its derivatives. Note that, without loss of
generality, we may shift time such that tk = 0; by so doing, the filtered approximation of the f (tk ) is given by
c0 , the filtered approximation of (d f /dt)t=tk is given by c1 , etc. Further, if we assume that the timesteps
are uniform, and thus tki = ih, then the matrix A does not vary from one timestep
to the next. In this case,

we may write, for example, ( f / t)t=tk = CA+ f (k) where C = 0 1 0 . . . . Note that, in this analysis,
typical values of p are between 1 and 4, and typical values of n are between 5 and 20.

The method of filtering noise from an experimental dataset when computing the derivative presented in
this section is heuristic. When a model of the dynamic system producing this dataset is available, a much
better method is provided by the Kalman filter, as presented in 22.2.

8.2 Modified wavenumber analysis

The order of accuracy is a common indicator of the accuracy of approximate differentiation formulae. It tells,
for relatively fine grids, how much further refinement of the grid improves the accuracy. For example, for a
sufficiently fine grid, mesh refinement by a factor of 2 improves the accuracy of a second-order FD scheme
by a factor of 4, and improves the accuracy of a fourth-order scheme by a factor of 16. Another method for
quantifying the accuracy of a FD formula that yields further information is called a modified wavenumber
analysis. To illustrate this approach, consider the complex exponential function
f (x) = ei k x .


[Alternatively, we can also do the derivation below with sines and cosines, but complex exponentials make
the algebra a bit easier.] The exact derivative of this function is
f = i k ei k x = i k f .


We now ask how accurately the second order central FD scheme, for example, computes the derivative of f
when the x axis is discretized with a uniform mesh,
xj = h j


j = 0, 1, 2, . . . n,




We first analyze the second-order central approximation of the first derivative:

f j+1 f j1
x j

Substituting for f j = eik x j , noting that x j+1 = x j + h and x j1 = x j h and (B.40), we obtain


eik (x j +h) eik (x j h)

ei k h eik h
sin(h k)
fj = i
f j , i k f j ,
x j


sin h k

h k = sin(h k).
By analogy with (8.15), k is called the modified wave number for this second-order FD scheme. In an analogous manner, one can derive modified wave numbers for any FD formula. A useful measure of accuracy of
the FD scheme is provided by comparing the modified wavenumber k , which appears in the numerical approximation of the derivative (8.16) of the test function (8.14), with the actual wavenumber k, which appears
in the exact expression for the derivative (8.15). For small wavenumbers, the numerical approximation of the
derivative on a discrete grid is fairly accurate (k k), but for larger wavenumbers, the numerical approximation is degraded3. As k /h, which is known as a two-delta wave, the FD approximation of the derivative
approaches zero4 .
k ,

3 Compare and contrast this with the derivative computation using spectral methods, in which the derivative of the Fourier representation may be determined exactly over a range of wavenumbers from k = /h to k = pi/h, as discussed 5.2.1.
4 See the related issue at the Nyquist frequency in spectral methods, as discussed 5.5).









Figure 8.4: Modified wavenumber analysis of the (solid) second-order central, (dashed) fourth-order central,
(dot-dashed) fourth-order Pade, and (dotted) spectral approximations of the first derivative.
We next analyze the fourth-order central approximation of the first derivative:
f j2 8 f j1 + 8 f j+1 f j+2
( f j+1 f j1 )
( f j+2 f j2 ).
x j

Inserting (8.14) and manipulating as before, we obtain:

2 ikh
(e eik h ) f j (ei k 2h eik 2h ) f j = i
sin(hk) sin(2hk) f j , ik f j
x j 3h
hk = sin(hk) sin(2hk).
Finally, we analyze the fourth-order Pade approximation of the first derivative:

1  f 
1  f 
f j+1 f j1 .
4 x j+1
x j 4 x j1 4h
Approximating the modified wavenumber at points x j+1 and x j1 with their corresponding numerical approximations
= i k eik x j+1 = i k eik h f j
= i k ei k x j1 = i k eik h f j
x j+1
x j1
and inserting (8.14) and manipulating as before, we obtain

1 ikh
3 ikh
i k
e + 1 + eik h f j =
(e eik h ) f j


i k 1 + cos(hk) f j = i sin(hk) f j

hk =



1 + 21 cos(hk)

Plots of hk versus hk for the three schemes analyzed above are given in Figure 8.4. In such plots, the
deviation of the curve from the diagonal line at any given value of hk reveals the error of the derivative at that

(scaled) wavenumber. Note that all of the schemes differentiate low frequencies accurately, but higher-order
schemes differentiate higher frequencies more accurately and, for a given order, Pade schemes differentiate higher frequencies more accurately than standard FD schemes. Note also that, in contrast with the FD
methods discussed here, spectral methods (see 5) differentiate the frequencies retained in the numerical
approximation exactly, as indicated by the diagonal line in Figure 8.4.

8.3 The directional derivative and the gradient

The (scalar) directional derivative d(u, p) of some continuous function J(u) in the direction p is defined by
d(u, p) ,

[J(u + p) J(u)],
p = lim


which is simply the amount J(u) changes when u is updated in the direction p, scaled by the size of the
update, in the limit that the size of the update approaches zero. Note that the calculation of J(u) itself may, in
general, involve some extensive numerical calculations, such as the time marching of an ODE (see 10).
The (vector) gradient g(u) of some continuous function J(u) is given in each component i by the directional derivative in the direction of the corresponding Cartesian unit vector ei ; that is,
gi (u) = d(u, ei ) =

J(u) i
e = lim
J(u + ei ) J(u)

g(u) ,

, J(u).


8.3.1 Direct calculation of the directional derivative

Consider the Taylor series expansion of the function J(u + p) near u (that is, for some small ):
J(u + p) = J(u) +

p +O( 2 ).

| {z }



If the explicit form of J(u) is known, the directional derivative d(u, p) may be computed directly. As an
example, if J(u) = (1/2)uT Au + bT u + sin(u1 ) where A = AT and all variables are real, then, applying the
identity (B.46), we may write
J(u + p) = (1/2)uT Au + uT Ap + ( 2 /2)pT Ap + bT u + bT p + sin(u1 ) cos( p1 ) + cos(u1 ) sin( p1 )
= [(1/2)uT Au + bT u + sin(u1 )] + [Au + b + cos(u1 )e1 ]T p +O( 2 ).


In complicated problems, in which J(u) is related to u via an involved numerical simulation, it is not always
easy to extract the expression for d(u, p), and simple methods to approximate the directional derivative can
be useful. The following two sections discuss two such approximation methods.

8.3.2 FD approximation of the directional derivative

There are a variety of ways to calculate numerically the directional derivative d(u, p). The simplest is to
consider the Taylor series expansion (8.19), from which a first-order FD formula for the directional derivative
is easily obtained:
J(u + p) J(u)
d(u, p) =
+ O( ).











Relative error

Relative error

































Step size




Step size








Figure 8.5: Relative error of the directional derivative of a scalar nonlinear test function given by (solid)
first-order, (dashed) second-order, and (dot-dashed) fourth-order FD approaches and (circles+dots) the CSD
approach using single-precision arithmetic (left) and double-precision arithmetic (right). Note that both plots
have essentially the same shape; the errors on the right side of these plots are due to nonlinear effects [that is,
not being small enough in an expression like (8.17)], where as the errors on the left side of these plots (in
the FD approximations only) are due to subtractive cancellation errors.

Combining Taylor series in a manner akin to that leading to (8.3), second-order (and higher) FD formulae for
the directional derivative are also easily obtained; for example,
d(u, p) =

J(u + p) J(u p)
+ O( 2 ).

The principle drawback with such methods when using a computer with finite-precision arithmetic is the difficulty in finding the most suitable value for the step size , since the accuracy of the numerical approximation
of d(u, p) is very sensitive to this value. When is large, the Taylor-series truncation is not valid, and when
it is small, subtractive cancellation errors dominate.

To illustrate, the derivative of a simple scalar nonlinear function f (u) = eu / tan u at u = 1, computed
using FD approximations with both single- and double-precision arithmetic and compared with the exact
solution, is shown in Figure 8.5. It is seen that, for large , the error of the FD approximations scales with
n , where n is the order of truncation of the higher-order terms of the corresponding FD formulae. For small
, the error of all three FD formula is O(1/ ) due to subtractive cancellation errorsin other words, when
comparing two numbers which are almost the same using finite-precision arithmetic, the relative round-off
error is proportional to the inverse of the difference between the two numbers; thus, if the difference between
the two numbers is decreased by an order of magnitude, the relative error with which this difference may be
calculated using finite precision arithmetic is increased by an order of magnitude. Unfortunately, in problems
for which the exact solution is unknown, it is not possible to make a plot like Figure 8.5, and thus it is not
clear how should be chosen to minimize the error of the FD approximation of the directional derivative.

8.3.3 Complex-step derivative approximation of the directional derivative

The Complex-Step Derivative (CSD) approximation makes use of complex variables in order to compute the
directional derivative of a real function in a more robust fashion than the FD method discussed in 8.3.2.
If the complex extension J(z) of a real-valued function J(u) is analytic, it can be expanded with a complex

Algorithm 8.4: Compute the gradient of a multivariable function using an FD or CSD method.
f u n c t i o n [ g ] = ComputeGrad ( x , N, Compute f , method , e )
% Compute g r a d i e n t o f t h e t h e f u n c t i o n p o i n t e d t o by t h e f u n c t i o n h a n d l e C o m p u te f by
% co m p u tin g t h e d i r e c t i o n a l d e r i v a t i v e one e l e m e n t a t a t i m e u s i n g a 2 ndo r d e r FD a p p r o a c h
% i f method =FD , o r t h e complex s t e p d e r i v a t i v e a p p r o a c h i f method =CSD .
f o r k = 1 :N, s w i t c h method
c a s e FD
x r =x ; x r ( k ) = x r ( k ) + e ; x l =x ; x l ( k ) = x l ( k) e ; g ( k , 1 ) = ( C o m p u te f ( x r ) C o m p u te f ( x l ) ) / ( 2 e ) ;
c a s e CSD
xe=x ; xe ( k , 1 ) = xe ( k , 1 ) + i ep s ; g ( k , 1 ) = imag ( C o m p u te f ( xe ) ) / ep s ;
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n ComputeGrad

Taylor series. In particular, the expansion of J(u + i p) may be written

J(u + i p) = J(u) + i

p 2 E1 i 3 E2 + O( 4 ),

| {z }



where E1 and E2 are real and are related to the higher-order derivatives of J. The directional derivative d(u, p)
may thus be found directly by taking the imaginary parts of the terms in this equation and rearranging:
d(u, p) =

p = J(u + i p) + 2 E2 + H.O.T.

Note that the error of the approximation scales with 2 , and there is no subtractive cancellation error in
this approximation; that is, to leading order, the unperturbed part of the problem is represented in the real
components of the variables involved, and the perturbed part of the problem is represented in the imaginary
components of variables involved. As is reduced towards zero, the error of the approximation diminishes
like 2 all the way to the numerical roundoff error of the finite-precision arithmetic used by the computer,
as depicted in Figure 8.5. As a result, in problems for which the exact solution is unknown, one may simply
select to be several orders of magnitude smaller than the other numerical values appearing in the problem
in order to minimize the error of the CSD approximation of the directional derivative.

8.3.4 Direct calculation of the gradient

As discussed in 8.3.1, if the explicit form of J(u) is known, the directional derivative d(u, p) may be computed directly. The directional derivative comes from the term of J(u + p) which is linear in , and thus is
linear in p. We may therefore extract the gradient directly from the explicit form of d(u, p). For example, if
J(u) = (1/2)uT Au + bT u + sin(u1 ) where A = AT (see 8.3.1) and all variables are real, then
d(u, p) = [Au + b + cos(u1 )e1 ] p = g p

g = Au + b + cos(u1 )e1 .

Again, in complicated problems, it is not always easy to extract the expression for d(u, p), and thus simple
methods to approximate the gradient can be useful; the following section shows how.

8.3.5 Numerical approximation of the gradient

Consistent with its definition mentioned previously, each component gi of the gradient vector g may be approximated by numerical calculation of the directional derivative in the direction of each of the Cartesian unit


vectors ei . To accomplish this, one could use either the FD approach described in 8.3.2 (using an appropriate
intermediate value of , if such a value may be determined, to minimize the error of the approximation, as
illustrated in Figure 8.5), or the CSD approach described in 8.3.3 (using a sufficiently small value for to
make the error of the approximation small, as illustrated in Figure 8.5). Numerical implementations of these
strategies is given in Algorithm 8.4.

Exercise 8.1 Using a Taylor table (see 8.1.1), determine {a1, a0 , a1 , a2 } in a four-point approximation of
the second derivative on a uniform mesh. What is the order of accuracy of this approximation, and what is
its leading-order error?
Exercise 8.2 Repeat Exercise 8.1 on a nonuniform mesh.
Exercise 8.3 Using a Taylor table, determine {b1 , b1 , a2 , a1 , a0 , a1 , a2 } in a Pade approximation of the
first derivative using five points on the RHS of the Pade formula, assuming a uniform mesh. What is the order
of accuracy of this approximation, and what is its leading-order error?
Exercise 8.4 Repeat Exercise 8.3 on a nonuniform mesh.
Exercise 8.5 Perform modified wavenumber analyses of the schemes developed in Exercises 8.1 and 8.3
(hint: note that the former is an expression for the second derivative; what exact expression should be compared against in this case?). Discuss.

Cervino, LI, & Bewley, TR (2003) On the extension of the complex-step derivative technique to pseudospectral algorithms. J. Comp. Phys. 187, 544-549.
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Pozrikidis, C (1998) Numerical Computation in Science & Engineering. Oxford.


Chapter 9

Integration of functions


Basic quadrature formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251


Formulae based on Lagrange interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251


Extension to several gridpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252


Gauss quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature

Gauss-Legendre quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Gauss-Laguerre quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

Gauss-Hermite quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255


Accuracy of the basic quadrature formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257


Richardson extrapolation of trapezoidal integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258


Adaptive quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260


Summary: accuracy versus order of accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Differentiation and integration are two essential tools of calculus which we need to solve engineering problems. The previous chapter discussed methods to approximate derivatives numerically; we now turn to the
problem of numerical integration. In the setting we discuss in the present chapter, in which we approximate
the integral of a given function over a specified domain, this procedure is known as numerical quadrature.

9.1 Basic quadrature formulae

9.1.1 Formulae based on Lagrange interpolation
Consider the problem of integrating a function f on the interval [a, c] when the function is evaluated only at
a limited number of discrete gridpoints. One approach to approximating the integral of f is to integrate the
lowest-order polynomial that passes through a specified number of function evaluations using the formulae
of Lagrange interpolation (see 7.3.2).

Algorithm 9.1: The trapezoidal integration algorithm.


function [ int , evals ] = Int T rap ez oi da l ( f , L ,R, n )

% I n t e g r a t e f ( x ) from x=L t o x=R on n e q u a l s u b i n t e r v a l s u s i n g t h e t r a p e z o i d a l r u l e .
h =(RL ) / n ; i n t =( f ( L) + f (R ) ) / 2 ; f o r i = 1 : n 1 , x=L+h i ; i n t = i n t + f ( x ) ; end , i n t =h i n t ; e v a l s =n +1
% end I n t T r a p e z o i d a l

For example, if the function is evaluated at the midpoint b = (a + c)/2, then (defining h = c a) we can
integrate a constant approximation of the function over the interval [a, c], leading to the midpoint rule:
Z ch
Z c
f (b) dx = h f (b) , M( f ).
f (x) dx

If the function is evaluated at the two endpoints a and c, we can integrate a linear approximation [see (7.2)]
of the function over the interval [a, c], leading to the trapezoidal rule:
Z c

f (x) dx

Z ch
(x c)

(a c)

f (a) +

(x a)
f (a) + f (c)
f (c) dx = h
, T ( f ).
(c a)


If the function is known at all three points a, b, and c, we can integrate a quadratic approximation [see (7.2)]
of the function over the interval [a, c], leading to Simpsons rule:
Z c

Z ch
(x b)(x c)

(x a)(x c)
(x a)(x b)
f (b) +
f (c) dx
(a b)(a c)
(b a)(b c)
(c a)(c b)
f (a) + 4 f (b) + f (c)
, S( f ).
= ... = h

f (x) dx

f (a) +


9.1.2 Extension to several gridpoints

To compute a more accurate approximation of an integral based on several function evaluations over the
domain [L, R], one may simply apply one of the formulae of 9.1.1 repeatedly over several smaller subintervals. Following this approach, defining a numerical grid of points {x0 , x1 , . . . , xn } distributed over the interval
[L, R], the intermediate gridpoints xi1/2 = (xi1 + xi )/2, the grid spacing hi = (xi xi1 ), and the function
evaluations fi = f (xi ), the numerical approximation of the integral of f (x) over the interval [L, R] via the
midpoint rule takes the form

f (x) dx hi fi1/2 ,



numerical approximation of the integral via the trapezoidal rule takes the form

f (x) dx hi

n1 i
fi1 + fi
f0 + fn + 2 fi ,


and numerical approximation of the integral via Simpsons rule takes the form

f (x) dx hi

fi1 + 4 fi 1 + fi

n1 i
f0 + fn + 4 fi 1 + 2 fi ,


where the rightmost expressions assume a uniform grid in which the grid spacing h is constant. As an example,
Algorithm 9.1 illustrates the implementation of (9.5).

9.1.3 Gauss quadrature

If one knows that a function is well approximated by a polynomial over a given interval [L, R], then, rather than
following the simple approach over several subintervals [a, b] as suggested in the previous section, one may
instead integrate a high-order polynomial approximation of the function evaluated at several nodal points over
the original interval [L, R]. This may be done particularly efficiently if these nodal points are chosen carefully.
Following Embree (2009), consider first the integration of the function f (x) over the interval x [L, R],
I( f ; [L, R]) =


f (x) dx,

and approximate this integral by evaluating the function at only two nodal points, x0 (L, R) and x1 (L, R):
f ; [L, R]) = w0 f (x0 ) + w1 f (x1 ) I( f ).


We seek the location of the two nodal points {x0 , x1 } as well as the two weights {w0 , w1 } such that this formu f ; [L, R])
la integrates exactly as high order a polynomial as possible. Towards this end, take I( f ; [L, R]) = I(
for the following four functions:
f (x) = 1
f (x) = x
f (x) = x2
f (x) = x3





f (x) dx = R L = w0 + w1 ,
f (x) dx = (R2 L2 )/2 = w0 x0 + w1 x1 ,
f (x) dx = (R3 L3 )/3 = w0 x20 + w1 x21 ,
f (x) dx = (R4 L4 )/4 = w0 x30 + w1 x31 .

It turns out that these four nonlinear equations may be solved for the four unknowns:

x0 = (R + L)/2 (R L) 3/6, x1 = (R + L)/2 + (R L) 3/6, w0 = w1 = (R L)/2;


thus, (9.7a) with the nodal points xi and weights wi given in (9.7b) integrates exactly any cubic polynomial,
even though the function is only evaluated at two points. For [R, L] = [1, 1] and [R, L] = [0, 1], the resulting
two point, fourth-order Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae, GLQ4 (see also, may be written
f ; [1, 1]) = f
I( f ; [0, 1]) = 1 f 1 3 + 1 f 1 + 3 .
To extend this idea to higher-order polynomials evaluated on more gridpoints, it is convenient to make use
of sets of real orthogonal polynomials k (x), such as the Chebyshev polynomials Tk (x) introduced in 5.13.
Such sets of polynomials obey two important properties that we will leverage here: a weighted orthogonality
property on an interval of interest x [L, R], which in general may be written
h j , k i =


j (x) k (x) w(x) dx = 0 if

j 6= k


for some appropriate weighting function w(x), and a distinct real root property summarized as follows:

Fact 9.1 Let {0 (x), 1 (x), . . . , n (x)} be a set of real orthogonal polynomials, where k (x) is a kth-order
real polynomial, and where any two of these polynomials obey the weighted orthogonality property on [L, R]
given in (9.9) for an appropriately-defined weighting function w(x), where w(x) > 0 for all x (L, R), though
w(x) may be zero or infinity at the endpoints. Then k (x) has k distinct real roots in the open interval (L, R).
Proof : Let {x1 , x2 , . . . , x j } be the set all points where the sign of k (x) changes in the open interval (L, R);
note that each of these distinct points is a root of k (x). By the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (Fact B.3),
k (x) has exactly k roots, so j k. Note that j might be less than k if some of the roots of Pk are complex,
are outside the interval (L, R), or are not distinct; to prove that, in fact, j = k, we define a new real function
s(x) = i=1
(x xi ). Note that s(x) is a jth-order polynomial that changes sign at exactly the same points as
does k (x). Thus, the function [s(x) k (x) w(x)] is either strictly positive or strictly negative for all x [L, R]
except the points {x1 , x2 , . . . , x j } and possibly the endpoints. It follows that
hs, k i =


s(x) k (x) w(x) dx 6= 0.


If j < k, then s(x) could be written as a linear combination of the polynomials {0 (x), 1 (x), . . . , k1 (x)},
from which it would follow immediately from (9.9) that hs, k i = 0, which would be a contradiction with

(9.10). Thus, j = k; that is, k (x) has k distinct roots on the open interval (L, R).
Leveraging a set of orthogonal polynomials {0 (x), 1 (x), . . . , n (x)} and its associated weighted orthogonality and distinct real root properties of over the interval of interest [L, R], it is straightforward to develop a
method that computes exactly the integral over [L, R] of any (2n + 1)th-order polynomial f (x) by evaluating
f (x) at only n + 1 nodal points [as in the example given at the beginning of 9.1.3, in which we computed
exactly the integral of a third-order polynomial by evaluating it at 2 nodal points].
To proceed, use polynomial division to factor n+1 (x) out of the (2n + 1)th-order polynomial f (x):
f (x) = n+1 (x) q(x) + r(x),


where q(x) and r(x) are both nth-order polynomials derived from f (x). Multiplying (9.11) by the weighting
function w(x), integrating over the interval [L, R], noting that q(x) can be written as a linear combination of
the polynomials {0 (x), 1 (x), . . . , n (x)}, and applying (9.9) thus gives
I( f ) =


f (x) w(x) dx =


n+1 (x) q(x) w(x) dx +


r(x) w(x) dx =


r(x) w(x) dx.


We now approximate this integral by evaluating f (x) at n + 1 nodal points xi in (L, R):

f ) = wi f (xi ) I( f ).



We seek the location of the nodal points {x0 , x1 , . . . , xn1 } in (L, R) as well as the weights {w0 , w1 , . . . , wn } such
that the formula (9.13a) computes exactly the integral of a (2n + 1)th-order polynomial f (x). To accomplish
this, we may select the n + 1 nodal points xi simply as the n + 1 distinct real roots of n+1 (x) in (L, R),

{x0 , x1 , . . . , xn } = all x (L, R) | n+1 (x) = 0 ,
in which case, leveraging (9.11) and the fact that n+1 (xi ) = 0, we may rewrite (9.13a) as

f ) = wi f (xi ) = wi n+1 (xi ) q(xi ) + wi r(xi ) = wi r(xi ).






To select the weights wi , we may rewrite the nth-order polynomial r(x) in (9.11) using a Lagrange basis as
in (7.2), noting that, since n+1 (xi ) = 0, it follows that r(xi ) = f (xi ):

r(x) = f (xi )Li (x)


where Li (x) =

x xj
xi x j

For our (2n + 1)th-order polynomial f (x), we may therefore rewrite (9.12) as

f (x) w(x) dx =


r(x) w(x) dx =

wi =




f (xi )Li (x)


Li (x) w(x) dx


Li (x) =

w(x) dx = wi f (xi )

x xj
xi x j


Thus (9.13a), with the nodal points xi given in (9.13b) and the weights wi given in (9.13c), integrates a
(2n + 1)th-order polynomial exactly. Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature
Recall the recursive definition in (5.55) of the Chebyshev polynomials Tk (x),which obey the weighted orthogonality property (5.58) on x [1, 1] with weighting function w(x) = 1/ 1 x2. As verified immediatly
using (5.56), the roots of Tn+1 (x) are given by xi = cos[ (2i + 1)/(2n + 2)] for i = 0, . . . , n. The GaussChebyshev quadrature formula on [1, 1] is thus given by (9.13), substituting these values appropriately.
Note that Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature calculates an approximation of 1
f (x) w(x) dx, not 1
f (x) dx;
if the latter is desired, the factor 1/w(x) must first be applied to the function being integrated. Gauss-Legendre quadrature
We now define recursively the Legendre polynomials Pk (x) such that
P0 (x) = 1,


P1 (x) = x,
kPk (x) = (2k 1)xPk1(x) (k 1)Pk2(x)

for k = 2, 3, . . .


So defined, the next several Legendre polynomials are:

P2 (x) = (3x2 1)/2,

P6 (x) = (231x6 315x4 + 105x2 5)/16,

P4 (x) = (35x4 30x2 + 3)/8,

P8 (x) = (6435x8 12012x6 + 6930x4 1260x2 + 35)/128,

P3 (x) = (5x3 3x)/2,

P5 (x) = (63x5 70x3 + 15x)/8,

P7 (x) = (429x7 693x5 + 315x3 35x)/16,

P9 (x) = (12155x9 25740x7 + 18018x5 4620x3 + 315x)/128.

The Legendre polynomials satisfy the weighted orthogonality property (9.10) on x [1, 1] with weighting function w(x) = 1. The roots of Pn+1(x) must in general be found numerically. The Gauss-Legendre
quadrature formula on [1, 1] is thus given by (9.13), substituting these values appropriately.

f (x) dx directly. For n = 1,
Note that Gauss-Legendre quadrature calculates an approximation of 1
Gauss-Legendre quadrature integrates exactly a polynomial of order (2n +1) = 3, and reduces

to the example given in (9.8a), with the roots of P2 (x) given by x0 = 1/ 3 and x1 = 1/ 3. Note also that
the Gauss-Chebyshev and Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodal points xi and weights wi are derived above for
the interval [1, 1]. Both strategies may easily be transformed to be used over any finite interval [L, R] simply
by shifting the nodal points and weights appropriately:

f ; [L, R]) = w i f (xi ) where xi = L + (R L) xi + 1 ,


w i =

wi ,

f ; [1, 1]) = wi f (xi ),


as illustrated in (9.8b) for [R, L] = [0, 1]. For n = 2, Gauss-Legendre quadrature integrates exactly a polynomial of order (2n + 1) = 5, and for [R, L] = [1, 1] and [R, L] = [0, 1], the resulting three point, sixth-order
Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae, GLQ6, may be written
f ; [1, 1]) = f
+ f (0) + f
f ; [0, 1]) =



For the integration of functions that are well approximated by polynomials on x [L, R], then, we may
chose between Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature and Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Both methods, evaluated at
their respective (n + 1) gridpoints, give the exact result for a (2n + 1)th-order polynomial. They differ in
terms of the gridpoints and weights used, with the Chebyshev-based approach clustering gridpoints closer
to the endpoints. Thus, for functions that are not quite (2n + 1)th-order polynomials, the Chebyshev-based
approach is preferred for functions which vary most quickly near the endpoints, and the Legendre-based
approach is preferred for functions which vary most quickly closer to the center of the domain.
The Gauss-Chebyshev and Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae may be also forced to include
one endpoint (known as Gauss-Chebyshev-Radau and Gauss-Legendre-Radau quadrature, resp.), or
both endpoints (known as Gauss-Chebyshev-Lobatto and Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto quadrature, resp.).
When using a total of (n + 1) interpolation points [in the former case, taking the roots of n (x) in addition to
one endpoint, in the latter case, taking the roots of n1 (x) in addition to both endpoints], the former approach
reduces by 1 the order of the polynomial that may be integrated exactly, whereas the latter case reduces by 2
the order of the polynomial that may be integrated exactly. These approaches are well justified for functions
which are only approximately represented as polynomials, but might vary quickly very near one or both ends
of the domain. Gauss-Laguerre quadrature

For semi-infinite domains, we now define recursively the Laguerre polynomials Lk (x) such that
L0 (x) = 1,
L1 (x) = x + 1,


kLk (x) = (2k 1 x)Lk1(x) (k 1)Lk2(x)


for k = 2, 3, . . .


So defined, the next several Laguerre polynomials are:

L2 (x) = (x2 4x + 2)/2!,

L3 (x) = (x3 + 9x2 18x + 6)/3!,

L4 (x) = (x4 16x3 + 72x2 96x + 24)/4!,

L5 (x) = (x5 + 25x4 200x3 + 600x2 600x + 120)/5!,

L6 (x) = (x6 36x5 + 450x4 2400x3 + 5400x2 4320x + 720)/6!,

L7 (x) = (x7 + 49x6 882x5 + 7350x4 29400x3 + 52920x2 35280x + 5040)/7!,

L8 (x) = (x8 64x7 + 1568x6 18816x5 + 117600x4 376320x3 + 564480x2 322560x + 40320)/8!.

The Laguerre polynomials satisfy the weighted orthogonality property (9.10) on x [0, ) with weighting
function w(x) = ex . The roots of Ln+1 (x) must in general be found numerically. The Gauss-Laguerre
quadrature formula on [0, ) is thus given by (9.13), substituting these values appropriately. Gauss-Hermite quadrature
For infinite domains, we now define recursively the Hermite polynomials (a.k.a. the probabilists Hermite
polynomials) Hk (x) such that
H0 (x) = 1,
Hk (x) =


xHk1 (x) Hk1


for k = 1, 2, 3, . . .


So defined, the next several Hermite polynomials are:

H1 (x) = x,
H2 (x) = x2 1,

H3 (x) = x3 3x,

H4 (x) = x4 6x2 + 3,

H5 (x) = x5 10x3 + 15x,

H6 (x) = x6 15x4 + 45x2 15,

H7 (x) = x7 21x5 + 105x3 105x,

H8 (x) = x8 28x6 + 210x4 420x2 + 105,

H9 (x) = x9 36x7 + 378x5 1260x3 + 945x,

H10 (x) = x10 45x8 + 630x6 3150x4 + 4725x2 945.

The Hermite polynomials satisfy the weighted orthogonality property (9.10) on x (, ) with weighting
function w(x) = ex /2 . The roots of Hn+1 (x) must in general be found numerically. The Gauss-Hermite
quadrature formula on (, ) is thus given by (9.13), substituting these values appropriately.

9.2 Accuracy of the basic quadrature formulae

In order to quantify the accuracy of the three basic quadrature formulae laid out in 9.1.1, we again turn to
Taylor series analysis. Replacing f (x) with its Taylor series approximation about b and integrating, we obtain
Z c

Z ch

f (b) + (x b) f (b) + (x b)2 f (b) + (x b)3 f (b) + . . . dx

= h f (b) + (x b)2 f (b) + (x b)3 f (b) + . . .
f (b) +
f (b) + . . .
= h f (b) +

f (x) dx =



Thus, if the integral is approximated by the midpoint rule (9.1), the leading-order error is proportional to h3 ,
and the approximation of the integral over this single interval is third-order accurate.
Practically speaking, the order of accuracy of a particular integration rule over a single subinterval [a, c]
is not of much interest. A more useful measure is the rate of convergence of the integration rule when applied
over several gridpoints on a given interval [L, R], as discussed in 9.1.2, as the numerical grid is refined.
For example, consider the formula (9.4) on n subintervals (n + 1 gridpoints). As h 1/n (the width of each
subinterval is inversely proportional to the number of subintervals), the error over the entire interval [L, R]
of the numerical integration is proportional to n h3 = h2 . Thus, for approximations of the integral on a given
interval [L, R] as the computational grid is refined, the midpoint rule is second-order accurate.
Consider now the Taylor series approximations of f (a) and f (c) about b:

1 h 2
1 h 3
f (b) +
f (b) +
f (b) + . . .
1 h 3
1 h 2

f (c) = f (b) +
f (b) +
f (b) + . . .
f (b) +
2 2
6 2

f (a) = f (b) +

Combining these expressions gives

1 4
f (a) + f (c)
= f (b) + h2 f (b) +
h f (b) + . . .
Solve for f (b) and substituting into (9.18) yields
Z c

f (x) d x = h

f (a) + f (c) h3

f (b)
f (b) + . . .


As with the midpoint rule, the leading-order error of the trapezoidal rule (9.2) is proportional to h3 , and thus
the trapezoidal approximation of the integral over this single subinterval [a, c] is third-order accurate. Again,
the most relevant measure is the rate of convergence of the integration rule (9.5) when applied over several
gridpoints on a given interval [L, R] as the number of gridpoints is increased; in such a setting, as with the
midpoint rule, the trapezoidal rule is second-order accurate.
Note from (9.1)-(9.3) that S( f ) = 32 M( f ) + 31 T ( f ). Adding 2/3 times equation (9.18) plus 1/3 times
equation (9.19) gives
Z c

f (x) d x = h

f (a) + 4 f (b) + f (c)

f (b) + . . .

The leading-order error of Simpsons rule (9.3) is therefore proportional to h5 , and thus the approximation of
the integral over this single subinterval [a, c] using this rule is fifth-order accurate. Again, the most relevant
measure is the rate of convergence of the integration rule (9.6) when applied over several gridpoints on the
given interval [L, R] as the number of gridpoints is increased; in such a setting, Simpsons rule is fourth-order

9.3 Richardson extrapolation of trapezoidal integration

In the last paragraph of the previous section, it became evident that keeping track of the leading-order error
of a particular numerical formula can be a useful thing to do. In fact, it was shown that Simpsons rule can be
constructed simply by determining the specific linear combination of the midpoint rule and the trapezoidal
rule for which the leading-order error term vanishes. We now pursue further such a constructive approach,

with a technique of successive refinements known as Richardson extrapolation, in order to determine even
higher-order approximations of the integral on the interval [L, R]. This technique is based on successive linear
combinations of trapezoidal approximations of the integral on a series of successively finer grids, and is
commonly referred to as Romberg integration.
Noting that we may write
f (x) = f (b) + (x b) f (b) + (x b)2 f (b) + . . . ,

f (x) = f (b) + (x b) f (b) + . . .,

integrating both expressions over [a, c] and rearranging gives

h f (b) =

Z c

f (x) dx
f (b) + O(h5),


(b) =

Z c

f (x) dx + O(h3).

Thus, (9.19) may be written

Z c

f (x) d x = h

f (a) + f (c) h2


Z c

f (x) dx +


Z c

f (x) dx + . . .


The error of the integral of the trapezoidal approximation of the integral (9.5) on the given interval [L, R] may
be thus be written
n1 i
f0 + fn + 2 fi + c1 h2 + c2 h4 + c3 h6 + c4 h8 + . . .,
f (x) d x =

1 R
c1 =
f dx,
c2 =
f dx,
12 L
720 L
We will never need to compute the constants c1 , c2 , etc.; it is sufficient to know that they are independent
of h. Let us now start with n1 = 2 and h1 = (R L)/n1 and iteratively refine the grid. Define the trapezoidal
approximation of the integral on a numerical grid with n = n j = 2 j (e.g., h = h j = (R L)/n j ) as:

I j,1 =

n j 1 i
hj h
f0 + fn j + 2 fi .


We now examine the truncation error (in terms of h1 ) as the grid is refined. Note that at the first level we have
I1,1 = I c1 h21 c2 h41 c3 h61 . . . ,
whereas at the second level we have
I2,1 = I c1 h22 c2 h42 c3 h62 . . . = I c1

c2 1 c3 1 . . .

Noting that the constants ci are the same in the two expansions, we can eliminate the error proportional to h21
by taking a linear combination of I1,1 and I2,1 to obtain:
I2,2 =

4 I2,1 I1,1
= I + c2 h41 + c3 h61 + . . .

Note that this results in Simpsons rule, if you do the appropriate substitutions. Continuing to the third level
of grid refinement, the trapezoidal approximation of the integral satisfies
I3,1 = I c1 h23 c2 h43 c3 h63 . . . = I c1

c2 1 c3 1 . . .

First, eliminate terms proportional to h21 by linear combination with I2,1 :

I3,2 =

4 I3,1 I2,1
= I + c2 h41 +
c3 h61 + . . .

Then, eliminate terms proportional to h41 by linear combination with I2,2 :

I3,3 =

16 I3,2 I2,2
= I c3 h61 . . .

Note that this results in a refinement of Simpsons rule [that is, integrating a quartic approximation of the
function over each interval [a, c], following the next steps in the progression started in (9.1), (9.2), (9.3)],
if you do the appropriate substitutions. This process may be repeated to provide increasingly higher-order
approximations to the integral I. The structure of the refinements is:

2nd -Order

n1 = 21 = 2


n2 = 22 = 4


n3 = 23 = 8


n4 = 24 = 16


4th -Order

6th -Order

8th -Order




The general form for the trapezoidal approximations of the integral I j,1 (in the first column of the table
above) is given in (9.21), and the general form for the correction term I j,k (for j 2 and 2 k j) is defined
recursively as:
I j,(k1) I( j1),(k1)
(4)(k1) I j,(k1) I( j1),(k1)
= I j,(k1) +
I j,k =
4(k1) 1
Efficient implementation of Romberg integration is illustrated in Algorithm 9.2.

9.4 Adaptive quadrature

Often, it is wasteful to use the same grid spacing h everywhere in the interval of integration [L, R]. Ideally,
one would like to use a fine grid in the regions where the integrand varies quickly and a coarse grid where
the integrand varies slowly. As we now show, adaptive quadrature methods automatically adjust the grid
spacing in just such a manner.
Suppose we seek a numerical approximation I of the integral I such that
|I I| ,
where is the error tolerance provided by the user. The idea of adaptive quadrature is to spread out this error
in our approximation of the integral proportionally across the subintervals spanning [L, R]. To demonstrate
this technique, we will use Simpsons rule as the base method. First, divide the interval [L, R] into several subintervals with the numerical grid {x0 , x1 , . . . , xn }. Evaluating the integral on a particular subinterval [xi1 , xi ]
with Simpsons rule yields
Si = [ f (xi hi) + 4 f (xi ) + f (xi )].

Algorithm 9.2: Romberg integration based on successively refined trapezoidal calculations.

f u n c t i o n [ i n t , e v a l s ] = I n tR o m b er g ( f , L , R , t o p l e v e l )
% I n t e g r a t e f ( x ) from x=L t o x=R u s i n g Romberg i n t e g r a t i o n , t h u s p r o v i d i n g h i g h e r
% and h i g h e r o r d e r o f a c c u r a c y a s t h e g r i d i s r e f i n e d .
fi =[];
% n o t e : f i s t o r e s t h e p r e v i o u s e v a l u a t i o n s o f f ( x ) , s o t h e y may be r e u s e d .
for l e v e l =1: t o p l e v e l
% A p p r o x im ate t h e i n t e g r a l w i t h t h e t r a p e z o i d a l r u l e on 2 l e v e l s u b i n t e r v a l s
n =2 l e v e l ; [ I ( l e v e l , 1 ) , f i ] = I n t T r a p e z o i d a l R e f i n e ( f , L , R , n , f i ) ;
% P e r f o r m s e v e r a l c o r r e c t i o n s b a s e d on I a t t h e p r e v i o u s l e v e l .
f o r k = 2 : l e v e l , I ( l e v e l , k ) = ( 4 ( k 1) I ( l e v e l , k1) I ( l e v e l 1 ,k 1 ) ) / ( 4 ( k 1) 1); end
i n t = I ( t o p l e v e l , t o p l e v e l ) ; e v a l s =n+1
end % f u n c t i o n I n tR o m b er g .m
function [ int , f i ] = IntT rapezoidalRefine ( f , L ,R, n , f i )
% I n t e g r a t e f ( x ) from x=L t o x=R on n e q u a l s u b i n t e r v a l s u s i n g t h e t r a p e z o i d a l r u l e ,
% r e u s i n g t h e f u n c t i o n e v a l u a t i o n s ( s t o r e d i n f i ) t h a t h av e a l r e a d y b een p e r f o r m e d .
h =(RL ) / n ;
i f n ==2 , f i ( 1 ) = f ( L ) ;
f i ( 2 ) = f ( ( R+L ) / 2 ) ; f i ( 3 ) = f ( R ) ;
else ,
f i ( 1 : 2 : n +1)= f i ; f o r j = 2 : 2 : n ; f i ( j ) = f ( L+( j 1) h ) ; end
i n t =h ( 0 . 5 ( f i ( 1 ) + f i ( n + 1 ) ) + sum ( f i ( 2 : n ) ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n I n t T r a p e z o i d a l R e f i n e

Dividing this particular subinterval in half and summing Simpsons approximations of the integral on each of
these smaller subintervals yields


3 hi
[ f (xi hi ) + 4 f (xi
) + 2 f (xi ) + 4 f (xi ) + f (xi )].

The essential idea now is to compare the two approximations Si and Si to obtain an estimate for the accuracy
of Si . If the accuracy is acceptable, we may use Si for the approximation of the integral on this interval;
otherwise, the adaptive procedure further subdivides the interval and the process is repeated. Let Ii denote the
exact integral on [xi1 , xi ]. From our error analysis, we know that
Ii Si = c h5i f (xi

Ii Si = c

 h 5 h

) + ...


hi i
f xi
+ f xi
+ ...

Each of the terms in the brackets can be expanded in a Taylor series about the point xi h2i :

hi  hi 
= f xi
+ ...
f xi

= f xi
+ f xi
+ ...
f xi

Ii Si = 2c

 h 5 h

hi i
f xi
+ ...




Algorithm 9.3: Adaptive integration based Simpsons method.


f u n c t i o n [ i n t , e v a l s ] = I n t A d a p t i v e ( f , a , c , e p s i l o n , e v a l s , f a , fb , f c )
% I n t e g r a t e f ( x ) o v e r t h e i n t e r v a l [ a , c ] u s i n g a d a p t i v e i n t e g r a t i o n , t a k i n g b =( a+c ) / 2 ,
% where ( f a , fb , f c ) a r e t h e e v a l a t i o n s a t ( a , b , c ) and e p s i l o n i s t h e d e s i r e d a c c u r a c y .
b =( a+c ) / 2 ; d =( a+b ) / 2 ; e =( b+c ) / 2 ;
fd=f ( d ) ;
fe=f ( e ) ;
evals = evals +2;
S1 =( ca ) ( f a +4 f b + f c ) / 6 ;
% C o a r s e and f i n e a p p r o x i m a t i o n s o f i n t e g r a l .
S2 =( ca ) ( f a +4 f d +2 f b +4 f e + f c ) / 1 2 ;
i f abs ( S2S1 )/15 <= e p s i l o n
% I f a c c u r a c y o f S2 on d e s i r e d i n t e g r a l i s a c c e p t a b l e ,
i n t =( 1 6 S2S1 ) / 1 5 ;
% t a k e r e s u l t ( f u r t h e r r e f i n e d , a s i n Romberg ) ;
% o t h e r w i s e , s p l i t t h e i n t e r v a l i n t o two and r e f i n e
[ i n t 1 , e v a l s ] = I n t A d a p t i v e ( f , a , b , e p s i l o n / 2 , e v a l s , f a , fd , f b ) ; % t h e e s t i m a t e on
[ i n t 2 , e v a l s ] = I n t A d a p t i v e ( f , b , c , e p s i l o n / 2 , e v a l s , fb , f e , f c ) ; % b o t h s u b i n t e r v a l s .
int=int1+int2 ;
end % f u n c t i o n I n t A d a p t i v e

Subtracting (9.24) from (9.23), we obtain


Si Si =

15 5 
c hi f
+ ...,

and substituting into the RHS of (9.24) reveals that


I Si

1 (2)
(S Si ).
15 i



of the difference between Si and Si . Fortunately, this difference
Thus, the error in Si is, to leading order, 15
can easily be computed. Conservatively taking the absolute value of both sides (assuming the errors on all
intervals might turn out to be the same sign), if

1 (2)
|Si Si |

then Si is sufficiently accurate for the subinterval [xi1 , xi ], and we may move on to the next subinterval.
If this condition is not satisfied, the subinterval [xi1 , xi ] is subdivided further. Efficient implementation of
the adaptive integration method is given in Algorithm 9.3. Note also one final tweak of the method: if the
accuracy of Si is acceptable on interval i, then the accuracy of Si = (16Si Si )/15 [as motivated by
solving (9.25) for I in terms of Si and Si ] is probably even better. Though we can not estimate the accuracy
of the approximation Si based on known quantities (namely, Si and Si ), as Si is more accurate than both
Si and Si (at least, for sufficiently small h) and we can essentially determine it for free (that is, without
any more function evaluations), it doesnt hurt to use it. By so doing, the estimate of the error used in the
function call is even more conservative than it would be otherwise (that is, the result is likely much more
accurate than expected based on the value of used in the function call); this at least doesnt hurt.
The essential idea of adaptive quadrature is thus to spread evenly the error of the numerical approximation
of the integral (or, at least, an approximation of this error) over the entire interval [L, R] by selective refinements of the numerical grid. As with Romberg integration, knowledge of the truncation error is leveraged to
estimate the accuracy of the numerical solution without knowing the exact solution. In Romberg integration,
this information is used to obtain successively higher-order numerical approximations of the integral. In adaptive integration, on the other hand, this information is used to refine the grid in the appropriate regions. In
most practical problems, as illustrated in the next section, the latter is the more efficient approach.



































Figure 9.1: Function evaluations f (xi ) calculated (a) by Algorithm 9.1 and Algorithm 9.2, and (b) by Algorithm 9.3,
taking f (x) = sin(1/x) and [L, R] = [0.1, 2]. Approximately 256 function evaluations are indicated in each case.

slope= -2









Figure 9.2: Magnitude of the error of the numerical approximation of the integral as a function of the number of function
evaluations performed using the (solid) trapezoidal, (dashed) Romberg, and (dot-dashed) adaptive integration methods.

9.5 Summary: accuracy versus order of accuracy

This chapter presented four classes of algorithms for calculating the integral of a function:
the midpoint, trapezoidal, & Simpsons quadrature formulae, derived from Lagrange interpolation over
each subinterval [a, b] and then applied over several subintervals to span the interval of interest;
the Guass quadrature approach, integrating exactly a (2n + 1)th-order polynomial approximation of a
function on [L, R] by selecting the n + 1 nodal points at which the function is to be evaluated as the roots
of a polynomial selected from a class of polynomials that obey a weighted orthogonality property;
the Richardson extrapolation procedure, building up successively higher-order approximations of the
integral by combining lower-order approximations calculated on a uniform grid; and
the adaptive integration procedure, using knowledge of leading-order error to selectively refine the
numerical grid where necessary.

The Guass quadrature approach is perhaps best suited for functions that are well approximated by polynomials
over the interval of interest. The other three approaches might be considered to be somewhat more general
purpose, and are compared for the simple function f (x) = sin(1/x) for [L, R] = [0.1, 2] in Figures 9.1 and 9.2.
Note in Figure 9.1a that the function evaluations determined by the standard trapezoidal and extrapolationbased approaches are uniform in x, which leaves this particular function under-resolved near the left end and
over-resolved near the right end of the interval [L, R]. In contrast, note in Figure 9.1b that the function evaluations are automatically selected by the adaptive approach more densely in x near the left end than they are
near the right end, which leaves the function nearly uniformly resolved across the entire interval [L, R]. The
consequence of this is shown in Figure 9.2. As expected for a simple second-order method, the slope of the
error of Algorithm 9.1 as the number of function values is increased is 2 (in log-log coordinates), and thus
is not competitive with the other two techniques presented. In contrast, the slope of the extrapolation-based
approximation keeps getting steeper and steeper, as its order keeps increasing more and more as the grid
is refined. Nonetheless, the adaptive method, which is based on a sixth-order quadrature formula applied to
appropriately-selected intervals, substantially outperforms the extrapolation-based method on this function
(and many others of a similar nature) over the bulk of the range plotted in Figure 9.2. The increasingly-high
order of accuracy of the extrapolation-based approach will eventually make it the most accurate method for a
given number of function evaluations if a very large number of function evaluations is performed and a sufficiently high numerical precision is used. However, almost all practical numerical calculations are performed
on finite grids with limited computational resources, and the accuracy of the calculation that you can afford to
perform (e.g., with 256 function evaluations, as marked) will likely be optimized by using an adequate order
of accuracy and then attending to other issues, such as grid design, rather than simply maximizing the order
of accuracy of the scheme used on a uniform grid (as in the extrapolation-based approach) or on a prespecified grid designed specifically for high-order polynomial functions (as in the Gauss quadrature approach). To
Guideline 9.1 Order of accuracy is only a means to an end, and must not be viewed as the ultimate goal or
sole measure of a numerical method. In the end, it is the accuracy of the calculation that you can afford to
perform that is the central issue of importance in the design or selection of a numerical method.

Exercise 9.1 Efficient implementation of Gauss-Chebyshev and Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Write two efficient codes to implement the Gauss-Chebyshev and Gauss-Legendre quadrature approaches. Test them on
the function f (x) = sin(1/x) for [L, R] = [0.1, 2] with varying grid resolutions, and compare your results with
those plotted in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. Discuss.

Abramowitz, M, & Stegun, IA (1972) Handbook of mathematical functions, Wiley.
Embree, M (2009) CAAM 453 Lecture Notes.


Chapter 10

Ordinary Differential Equations

10.1 Explicit Euler (EE), implicit Euler (IE), and Crank-Nicolson (CN) . . . . . . . . . .
10.2 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2.1 Stability regions in the complex plane of ( h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2.2 Further characterizing the stability of a time-integration scheme . . . . . . . . .
10.3 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3.1 Accuracy versus order of accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3.2 Classifications of error in the numerical simulation of oscillatory systems . . . .
10.4 Non-stiff systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.4.1 Explicit Runge-Kutta (ERK) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Runge Kutta methods: RK2 and RK4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adaptive Runge-Kutta: RK4/5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low-storage Runge-Kutta: RKW3, RK435, and RK548 . . . . . . . .
10.4.2 Linear Multistep Methods (LMMs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adams-Bashforth (AB) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adams-Moulton (AM) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consistency, spurious roots, zero stability, and convergence of LMMs .
10.5 Stiff systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5.1 Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev (RKC) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5.2 Implicit Runge-Kutta (IRK) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gauss-Legendre Runge Kutta (GLRK) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . Diagonally-Implicit Runge Kutta (DIRK) methods . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5.3 Stiffly-stable linear multistep methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backward differentiation formulae (BDF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enright second derivative (ESD) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5.4 Implicit/Explicit (IMEX) methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.6 Second-order systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.6.1 Reduction to first-order form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.6.2 The Newmark family of methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .












10.6.3 Hamiltonian systems . . . . . . . . . . .

10.7 Two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs)
10.7.1 Shooting methods . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.7.2 Relaxation methods . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
































Consider a scalar, first-order, possibly nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) of the form1
= f (x(t),t)


x(0) specified.


We now address the marching of such an ODE forward in time, step by step, to determine x(t) for some
t > 0. Such marching methods approximate the solution x(t) at timestep tn+1 = tn + hn given the solution x(t)
and the function f (x(t),t) at timestep tn and, in some cases, a number of timesteps prior to tn . For simplicity,
we focus mostly on marches with constant stepsize h; generalization to nonconstant hn is straightforward.
The exact solution of the ODE (10.1a) over a single timestep (tn ,tn+1 ) is given by
xn+1 = xn +

Z tn+1

f (x(t),t)dt,



where xn = x(tn ). As the quantity being integrated, f , is itself a function of the result of the integration, x,
the problem of integrating an ODE is fundamentally more difficult than the problem of numerical quadrature discussed in 9, in which the function being integrated was known in advance. The three time marching
strategies we introduce in 10.1 may be related simply to the concept of integration: approximating the area
in the above integral with a rectangle of height f (xn ,tn ) gives the explicit Euler (EE, a.k.a. forward Euler, or simply the Euler method) method (10.5), approximating it with a rectangle of height f (xn+1 ,tn+1 )
gives the implicit Euler (IE, a.k.a. backward Euler) method (10.7), and approximating it with a trapezoid with corners {tn , f (xn ,tn )} and {tn+1 , f (xn+1 ,tn+1 )} gives the Crank-Nicolson (CN) method (10.9).
Other approximations of the above integral, based on higher-order approximations of f , are also possible.
For example, approximating f based on Lagrange interpolations of recent function evaluations lead to the
Adams-Bashforth & Adams-Moulton methods ( & Similarly, midpoint & Simpsons
approximations of the integral in the exact solution of the ODE over two timesteps,
xn+1 = xn1 +

Z tn+1

f (x(t),t)dt,



lead to the leapfrog & Milne methods discussed in Exercises 10.7 & 10.8.
The exact solution to (10.1a) may also be written in terms of the Taylor series expansion
x(tn+1 ) = x(tn ) + hx(tn ) +

x (tn ) + x (tn ) + x (tn ) + . . .


where, since f = f (x(t),t), it follows that

f f dx
x =
= ft + fx f
x dt
= ( ft + fx f ) = ftt + 2 fxt f + fx ft + fxx f 2 + fx2 f ,
x =
x = fttt + ftt fx + 3 fxtt f + 3 fxt ft + 5 fxt fx f + fx2 ft + 3 fxx ft f + 3 fxxt f 2 + 4 fxx fx f 2 + fx3 f + fxxx f 3 .
x =

1 An


ODE system is said to be autonomous if the function f on the RHS depends on x(t), but doesnt depend explicitly on t.


The methods we will examine extend immediately to first-order systems of ODEs of the form
= f(x(t),t) with

x(0) = specified.


The exact solution of (10.3a) over a single timestep (tn ,tn+1 ) may be written in integral form as
xn+1 = xn +

Z tn+1




xn+1 = xn1 +

Z tn+1




and in Taylor-series form as

x(tn+1 ) = x(tn ) + hx(tn ) +

x (tn ) + x (tn ) + x (tn ) + . . .


where in this case, using summation notation for clarity,

= fi
d fi
fi fi dx j
fi fi
xi = i =
x j dt
d  fi fi  2 fi
2 fi
fi f j
2 fi
fi f j
f j fk +
fk ,
dt t
x j t
xj t
xk x j
x j xk
xi =

i =


2 f j fi
3 fi 2 f j fi
3 fi
2 fi f j
2 fi f j
fj +3
= 3 + 2
fk + 2
t xj
x j t
x j t t
x j t xk
xk t x j

fi f j fk
2 fi f j
3 fi
2 fi f j
fk + 3
f j fk + 3
fk f
x j xk t
xk x j t
xk x j t
xk x j x

2 f j fi
fi f j fk
3 fi
fk f +
f +
f j fk f .
xk x x j
x j xk x
xk x j x


For simplicity of the presentation, the algorithms in this chapter are derived in scalar form. However, for
generality, the algorithms are summarized and implemented in their more general vector form. Note also
that ODEs with higher-order derivatives may, via the appropriate definitions, always be reduced to first-order
systems of ODEs, as illustrated by example below [in (10.11)-(10.12)]. Thus, the algorithms developed in this
chapter are in fact applicable to a broad range of problems. Specific attention is paid to the time marching of
second-order systems in 10.6, and our focus is generalized to two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs)
in 10.7. Note also that we refer to the independent variable in this chapter as time, t, but this is done without
loss of generality, and other interpretations of the independent variable are also possible.

10.1 Explicit Euler (EE), implicit Euler (IE), and Crank-Nicolson (CN)
The time integration method obtained by retaining the first two terms on the RHS of (10.3c) is given by
xn+1 = xn + hf(xn,tn ).


This is referred to as the explicit Euler (EE) method. The word explicit is used to indicate that the function
f is calculated only at known values of x. Note that the EE method neglects terms which are proportional to
h2 and higher, and is thus second-order accurate over a single timestep. As with the problem of numerical
quadrature, a more relevant measure is the accuracy achieved when marching the ODE over a given time

interval (t0 ,t0 + T ) as the timesteps h are made smaller. In such a setting, the number of timesteps n (each
with error proportional to h2 ) is given by n = T /h and thus, multiplying h2 by n = T /h, over a specified
time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ), EE is first-order accurate. [In other words, for a given T and sufficiently small h,
reducing h by another factor of 2 reduces the error by a factor of 2.] It is thus seen that, to determine the order
of accuracy of a scheme over a given time interval (the global accuracy of the scheme), we must subtract 1
from the order of accuracy of the scheme over a single timestep (the local accuracy of the scheme).
We could develop a family of higher-order explicit time integration schemes simply by retaining additional terms on the RHS of (10.3c), simplifying with (10.2) or (10.4) as necessary. Such methods are sometimes
called explicit Taylor series (ETS) methods. Such ETS schemes are uncommon, however, as their computational expense increases rapidly with their order (due to all of the cross derivatives required) as compared
with the more efficient explicit methods we will propose below.
Note that a Taylor series expansion in time may also be written around tn+1 :
x(tn ) = x(tn+1 ) hx(tn+1 ) +

x (tn+1 ) x (tn+1 ) + x (tn+1 ) . . .


The time integration method based on the first two terms on the RHS of this Taylor series is given by
xn+1 = xn + hf(xn+1,tn+1 ).


This is referred to as the implicit Euler (IE) method. The word implicit is used to indicate that the scheme
relies on the function f calculated at the yet-to-be-determined value of x. If f is nonlinear in x, implicit methods
are difficult to use directly2, because knowledge of xn+1 is needed (before it is computed!) to compute f in
order to advance from xn to xn+1 . On the other hand, if f is linear in x, implicit strategies such as (10.7)
are easily solved for xn+1 : to advance dx/dt = Ax using IE, march the equation xn+1 = xn + hAxn+1
(I hA)xn+1 = xn by solving for the unknown xn+1 at each timestep; this may be done quite efficiently using
Gaussian elimination if A has exploitable (e.g., banded) sparsity. Note that the IE method also neglects terms
which are proportional to h2 and higher, and is thus second-order accurate over a single timestep. By the
global versus local argument given above, over a specified time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ), IE is first-order accurate.
As in the explicit case, we could develop a family of higher-order implicit Taylor series (ITS) methods
simply by retaining additional terms on the RHS of (10.6), simplifying with (10.2) or (10.4) as necessary.
Indeed, the second-order method obtained by retaining three terms on the RHS of (10.6), which we may
name ITS2, is also known as the 2nd-order Enright second derivative (ESD2) method, which is considered
further in Higher-order ITS methods are uncommon, as their computational expense increases
rapidly with their order as compared with the more efficient implicit methods we will propose below.
Subtracting (10.6) from (10.3c) and rearranging, noting that x (tn+1 ) = x (tn ) + hx(tn ) + . . ., gives
x(tn+1 ) = x(tn ) +

x (tn ) + x(tn+1 ) x (tn ) + . . .


The time integration method based on the first two terms of this expression is given by
xn+1 = xn + h[f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn,tn )]/2.


This is referred to as the Crank-Nicolson (CN) or trapezoidal method. It neglects terms which are proportional to h3 and higher, and is thus third-order accurate over a single timestep. By the global versus local argument given above, over a specified time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ), CN is second-order accurate. [In other words, for
2 The alternative is to view an implicit marching formula such as (10.7) as a nonlinear equation to be solved iteratively at each
timestep (for further discussion of such an approach, see page 281). Though such schemes are common, they introduce an added level
of complexity to the time marching scheme as well as a new parameter quantifying the accuracy with which the implicit time-marching
formula should be solved at each timestep. Such iterative schemes can often be avoided by the appropriate selection of a direct time
marching method (or combination of methods) suited to the problem at hand, as discussed in the remainder of this chapter.


a given T and sufficiently small h, reducing h by another factor of 2 reduces the error by a factor of 4.] As with
the IE method, if f is nonlinear in x, the CN method is difficult to use. On the other hand, to advance the linear
system dx/dt = Ax using CN, simply march xn+1 = xn + h2 (Axn + Axn+1 ) (I 2h A)xn+1 = (I + h2 A)xn
by solving for the unknown xn+1 at each timestep.
Example 10.1 Numerical simulation of two model problems
The unforced continuous-time scalar model problem and its multivariable generalization,
= x,
= Ax,
are useful for characterizing time marching methods. The exact solution of these systems are, respectively,
x(t) = e t x(0) and x(t) = eAt x(0) where eAt , I + At + A2t 2 /2! + A3t 3 /3! + . . . [note that both systems are
analyzed much further in 20.1.2, which includes a detailed discussion of the matrix exponential eAt ]. We
now (in Figures 10.1 and 10.2) compare numerical approximations of these systems to their exact solutions
in order to quantify the pros and cons of the EE, IE, and CN methods. The insight we gain by so doing allows
us to anticipate how these methods will behave on more difficult problems for which exact solutions are not
available, and foreshadows the development of the other time-marching schemes presented in this chapter.
Simulation of an exponentially-decaying system. The first problem we will consider in this example is
the scalar model problem (10.10a) with = 1. The exact solution is x(t) = et x(0). In Figure 10.1, we
demonstrate the application of the EE, IE, and CN methods to this problem. Note that EE appears to be
unstable for the large values of h. Note also that all three methods are more accurate as h is refined, with CN
appearing to be the most accurate.
Simulation of an undamped oscillating system. The second problem we will consider in this example is
the second-order ODE for a simple mass-spring system as given by


= 0,
dt 2
dt t0

where = 1. The exact solution is q(t) = q0 cos[ (t t0 )] = (q0 /2)[ei (tt0 ) + ei (tt0 ) ]. We may easily
write this second-order ODE in the first-order state-space form (10.10b) by defining x1 = q and x2 = dq/dt:
d x1
x(t) = eAt x(0).

2 0
dt x2

The eigenvalues of A are i . Note that, even though this is a real, physical system, these eigenvalues are
imaginary; had we started with the equation for a damped oscillator, the eigenvalues would have a negative
real part. Note also that, as discussed in 4.4.4, A may be diagonalized by its matrix of eigenvectors S:

A = SS1 where =
0 i
Thus, we have

h dx

= z where z , S1 x.
In terms of the components of z, we have decoupled the dynamics of the system:

= i z1
= i z2

= SS1x

z1 (t) = ei t z1 (0),
z2 (t) = e

i t


z2 (0),

where z(0) = S1 x(0).



















Figure 10.1: Simulation of the model problem dx/dt = x with = 1 using EE (top), IE (middle), and CN
(bottom). Symbols denote: , h = 2.1; , h = 0.6;
, exact solution.
Each of these scalar systems is of the same form as the scalar model problem (10.10a) with imaginary values
for . Further, assuming exact arithmetic, numerical approximation of x(t) in the multivariable ODE formulation (10.12) using EE, IE, or CN is equivalent to numerical approximation of z(t) in the scalar ODE formulations (10.13) followed by inverse transforming the result3 with x(t) = Sz(t). Thus, eigenmode decompositions
of real physical linear systems motivate us to characterize the behavior of the numerical approximation of the
scalar model problem (10.10a) over the entire complex plane .
In Figure 10.2, we show the application of the EE, IE, and CN methods to the first-order system of
equations (10.12) [equivalently, to (10.13), followed by computing x(t) = Sz(t)]. Note that the EE method
appears to be unstable for both large and small values of h. Note also that all three methods are more accurate
as h is refined, with the CN method appearing to be the most accurate.
3 Note that, since the original multivariable ODE system (10.12) in the variable x(t) is real, this process of re
expressing the dynamics
into decoupled scalar complex ODE problems in the variables {z1 (t),z2 (t),...}, marching these scalar problems to some time t, and then
inverse transforming to the original coordinates x(t) necessarily ends up with a real result (that is, assuming exact arithmetic).










Figure 10.2: Simulation of the oscillatory system d 2 q/dt 2 = 2 q with = 1 using EE (top), IE (middle),
and CN (bottom). Symbols denote: , h = 0.6; , h = 0.1;
, exact solution.
To summarize, we see that some numerical methods for time integration of ODEs are more accurate than
others, and that some numerical methods are sometimes unstable even for ODEs with stable exact solutions.
In the next two sections, we develop techniques to quantify the stability and accuracy of numerical methods
for time integration of ODEs by applying of these numerical methods to the scalar model problem (10.10a).
For convenience, the response(s) y p of a MIMO (multiple-input, multiple output) linear system written
in the state-space form
x = Ax + Bu, y = Cx + Du,
to a impulse, step, or ramp on the input(s) um may be calculated (via the CN method) and plotted using
Algorithm 10.1; systems of this form are studied in detail in 20.


Algorithm 10.1: Plot the response(s) y p to impulse, step, or ramp input(s) um applied to the system (10.14).

f u n c t i o n ResponseSS (A, B , C , D , w, g , I n p u t )
% U s in g CN, p l o t t h e P co m p o n en ts o f t h e r e s p o n s e y 1 , . . . , y P ( i n e a c h o f t h e P rows o f
% s u b p l o t s ) o f a MIMO LTI s y s t e m .
I f w=1, t h e i n p u t u i s s p e c i f i e d i n I n p u t ; o t h e r w i s e ,
% t h e i n p u t u i s z e r o i n a l l b u t t h e m t h component ( i n e a c h o f t h e M co lu m n s o f s u b p l o t s ) ,
% and u m i s an i m p u l s e f o r w=0 , s t e p f o r w=1 , o r p o l y n o m i a l t ( w1) f o r w>1.
% The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s : g . T i s t h e i n t e r v a l
% o v e r which t h e r e s p o n s e i s p l o t t e d , and { g . s t y l e u , g . s t y l e y } a r e t h e l i n e s t y l e s u s e d .
N= l e n g t h (A ) ; M= s i z e ( B , 2 ) ; P= s i z e ( C , 1 ) ; x= z e r o s (N , 1 ) ; K=1 0 0 0 ; h=g . T /K ; t = [ 0 :K] h ;
i f w==0 ; u ( 1 , : ) = [ 2 / h , z e r o s ( 1 ,K ) ] ; e l s e i f w>0, u ( 1 , : ) = t . ( w 1 ) ;
else ,
M= 1 ; f o r k = 1 :K+ 1 ; u ( : , k ) = I n p u t ( t ( k ) ) ; end , end
f o r m= 1 :M
Ap= ey e (N) +A h / 2 ; i f M>1; Bs=B ( : ,m) h / 2 ; Ds=D ( : ,m ) ; e l s e ; Bs=B h / 2 ; Ds=D ; end
Am= ey e (N)A h / 2 ; [ x ( : , 2 ) , Amod] = Gauss (Am, Ap x ( : , 1 ) + Bs ( u ( : , 2 ) + u ( : , 1 ) ) , N ) ;
f o r k = 3 :K+1 , [ x ( : , k ) ] = GaussLU ( Amod , Apx ( : , k 1)+Bs ( u ( : , k ) + u ( : , k 1 ) ) ,N ) ; end
f o r p = 1 : P , s u b p l o t ( P ,M,m+( p 1)M) , h o ld on
p l o t ( t , C ( p , : ) x ( : , [ 1 : K+ 1 ] ) + Ds ( p , : ) u ( : , [ 1 : K+ 1 ] ) , g . s t y l e y , t , 0 t , k : ) , a x i s t i g h t , end
i f MP ==1 , p l o t ( t ( 2 : end ) , u ( 1 , 2 : end ) , g . s t y l e u ) , end
end % f u n c t i o n ResponseSS

10.2 Stability
For stability of a numerical time integration of an ODE, we need to ensure that, if the exact solution is
bounded, the numerical solution is also bounded. For a given scalar in a stable scalar ODE x = x, or a
given set of eigenvalues {1 , . . . , n } of A in a stable system of ODEs x = Ax z = z, we often need to
restrict the timestep h in order to achieve this; for a given stable linear ODE system, we thus say that
a numerical scheme is stable when its solution is bounded for any h,
a numerical scheme is unstable when its solution is unbounded for any h, and
a numerical scheme is conditionally stable when its solution is bounded iff h is sufficiently small.

10.2.1 Stability regions in the complex plane of ( h)

Applying a candidate time-marching method to the model problem x = x and expressing the resulting time
march as xn+1 = xn , we can easily determine the stability of the march by evaluating the magnitude of the
amplification factor , as illustrated by the following three examples.
Example 10.2 Stability of the EE method. Applying the EE method (10.5) to the model problem x = x,
xn+1 = xn + hxn = (1 + h)xn , xn

xn = n x0 ,

= 1 + h.


For large n, writing = R + iI , the numerical solution remains stable iff

| | 1

(1 + Rh)2 + (I h)2 1.

The region of the complex plane ( h) which satisfies this stability constraint is shown in Figure 10.3a. Note
that this region of stability in the complex plane h is consistent with the numerical simulations shown in
Figure 10.1a and 10.2a: for real, negative , this numerical method is conditionally stable (i.e., it is stable for
sufficiently small h), whereas for imaginary , this numerical method is unstable for any h.

















Figure 10.3: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution of x = x with timestep h
using (left) EE, (center) IE, and (right) CN. The stable regions (i.e., the regions for which | | 1) are shaded.
Example 10.3 Stability of the IE method. Applying the IE method (10.7) to the model problem x = x,
xn+1 = xn + hxn+1

xn+1 =

xn , xn

xn = n x0 ,



For large n, the numerical solution remains stable iff

| | 1

(1 Rh)2 + (I h)2 1.

The region of the complex plane ( h) which satisfies this stability constraint is shown in Figure 10.3b. Note
that this region of stability in the complex plane h is consistent with the numerical simulations shown in
Figure 10.1b and 10.2b: this method is stable for any stable ODE for any h.
Example 10.4 Stability of the CN method. Applying the CN method (10.9) to the model problem x = x,
1 + 2h
1 + 2h
xn+1 = xn +


(xn + xn+1)

xn+1 =
1 2h
1 2h
For large n, the numerical solution remains stable iff
| | 1


( h) 0.

The region of the complex plane ( h) which satisfies this stability constraint coincides exactly with the region
of stability of the exact solution, as shown in Figure 10.3c. Note that this region of stability in the complex
plane h is consistent with the numerical simulations shown in Figure 10.1c and 10.2c, which are stable for
systems with ( ) < 0 and on the border of stability and instability for systems with ( ) = 0.
In analyses of this sort, the relationship between ( h) and [see, e.g., (10.15), (10.16), (10.17)] is called
the stability polynomial. Stability analyses of this sort are especially useful because their characterizations
are precise: if a time marching method and timestep h are chosen for a linear ODE system x = Ax such
that all of the eigenvalues of A (scaled by h) are contained in the domain of stability of the method, then
the numerical simulation will be stable. On the other hand, if any of the eigenvalues of A (scaled by h) are
not contained in the domain of stability of the method, the simulation will generally be unstable. If the ODE

Algorithm 10.2: Code used for drawing the linear stability contours presented in 10.

% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : S t a b C o n t o u r s > S t a b C o n t o u r s </a>

% P l o t s t a b i l i t y c o n t o u r s o f s e v e r a l ODE m a r c h i n g m eth o d s i n t h e complex p l a n e lambda h .
Np=2 0 1 ; V=[ 1 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ] ; c l o s e a l l ;
f o r k =1 :4 9
switch k
% S e t up r e g i o n i n t h e s ig m a p l a n e o v e r which t o p l o t t h e s t a b i l i t y b o u n d a r y
case {1 ,2 ,3} ,
B=[ 2 . 5 5 ; 2 . 0 5 ; 2 . 2 5 ; 2 . 2 5 ] ; % EE , IE , CN
case {4 ,5 ,6} ,
B=[ 4 . 0 5 ; 2 . 0 5 ; 3 . 0 5 ; 3 . 0 5 ] ; % RK24
% o t h e r c a s e s a r e s e t up s i m i l a r l y . . .
end % s w i t c h
LR ( : , 1 ) = [ B ( 1 ) : ( B(2) B ( 1 ) ) / ( Np 1 ) :B ( 2 ) ] ; LI ( : , 1 ) = [ B ( 3 ) : ( B(4) B ( 3 ) ) / ( Np 1 ) :B ( 4 ) ] ;
f o r j = 1 :Np , f o r i = 1 :Np , L=LR ( j ) + s q r t ( 1) LI ( i ) ;
switch k
% Now compute s ig m a o v e r an a r r a y o f p o i n t s i n t h e lambda h p l a n e
c a s e 1 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( 1 +L ) ;
% EE
c a s e 2 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( 1 /( 1 L ) ) ;
% IE
c a s e 3 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( ( 1 + L / 2 ) / ( 1 L / 2 ) ) ;
% CN
c a s e 4 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( 1 +L+L 2 / 2 ) ;
% RK2
c a s e 5 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( 1 +L+L 2 / 2 + L 3 / 6 ) ;
% RK3
c a s e 6 , s i g ( i , j ) = abs ( 1 +L+L 2 / 2 + L 3 / 6 + L 4 / 2 4 ) ;
% RK4
c a s e 7 , s i g ( i , j ) =max ( abs ( r o o t s ( [ 1 1 0] [0 3 1]L / 2 ) ) ) ;
% AB2
% o t h e r c a s e s a r e s e t up s i m i l a r l y . . .
end % s w i t c h
end , end
f i g u r e ( k ) , c o n t o u r f ( LR , LI , 1 . / s i g , V, k ) , colormap autumn , a x i s ( s q u a r e ) , h o ld on
p l o t ( [ B ( 1 ) B ( 2 ) ] , [ 0 , 0 ] , k ) , p l o t ( [ 0 , 0 ] , [ B ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) ] , k ) ,
% end s c r i p t S t a b C o n t o u r s

system is nonlinear, analysis of the stability of a numerical integration method is more difficult, but may be
estimated by performing linearization of the ODE about a base trajectory and evaluating the stability of the
resulting linear ODE for the perturbation. Note also in the above derivations that the EE, IE, and CN methods
are simple enough that their stability regions (see Figure 10.3) may be determined analytically. This is not
the case for most of the time marching methods developed in the remainder of this chapter; however, it is a
simple matter to determine these stability regions numerically (see Algorithm 10.2).

10.2.2 Further characterizing the stability of a time-integration scheme

For a given stable linear ODE system, we saw above that a time-integration scheme can be stable (for any
h), unstable (for any h), or conditionally stable (i.e., stable for some h and unstable for others). To quantify
the stability of a time-integration scheme more completely, we may look over the entire complex plane ( h):
noting Figure B.2 and defining () , lim| h| ( h), a time-integration scheme is said to be

L-stable if its stability region contains the entire LHP and () = 0;

strongly A-stable if its stability region contains the entire LHP and | ()| < 1;
stiffly stable if its stability region contains the solid shaded region in Figure 10.4b and () = 0;
A-stable if its stability region contains the entire LHP;
A( ) stable if its stability region contains the solid shaded region in Figure 10.4a for an angle > 0;
A(0) stable if it is A( ) stable for some (unspecified) > 0;
A0 stable if the open negative real axis is stable.

L-stability strong A-stability A-stability,
L-stability stiff-stability A-stability;

A-stability A( )-stability A(0)-stability A0 -stability.


A( ) stability

Stiff stability

Figure 10.4: (shaded) The regions of the complex plane ( h) that must be stable for a numerical scheme to
be classified as (left) A( ) stable, for some angle > 0, and (right) stiffly stable, for some > 0, a > 0, and
D > a [note that Gear (1971) recommends /5]. Note also that, for a multistep scheme (see 10.4.2)
to be classified as stiffly stable, the so-called spurious roots of the multistep scheme must be smaller in
magnitude than the physical root in the textured region near the origin.
Recall that a numerical time integration scheme is only accurate for ( h) sufficiently close to the origin. The
reason that such careful classifications of stability are useful is that, in many problems, commonly referred
to as stiff, we can only afford to resolve the time evolution of the slowest modes [that is, those modes for
which ( h) is close to the origin]. The numerical simulation of the remaining modes, whose time evolution
is unresolved by the time marching scheme, should nonetheless decay to zero if they are stable; choosing a
numerical scheme with stability characteristics appropriate to the distribution of eigenvalues of the unresolved
stable modes in the problem at hand helps to ensure this (for further discussion, see 10.5).
Though we focus mainly on linear stability in this text, the concept of stability may be generalized to
nonlinear systems of the form (10.1a); in particular, if the RHS f (x(t),t) obeys the contractivity condition
h f (x(t),t) f (y(t),t), x yi 0 for all t 0 and for all x(t), y(t),


for an appropriate inner product h, i, then a nonlinear ODE marching scheme is said to be B stable if, for
any h and n, it follows that
kxn+1 yn+1k kxn yn k,

where {xn , xn+1 } denote numerical approximations of dx/dt = f (x(t),t) at {tn ,tn+1 }, {yn , yn+1 } denote numerical approximations of dy/dt = f (y(t),t) at {tn ,tn+1 }, and kzk = hz, zi.

10.3 Accuracy
Revisiting the model problem x = x, the exact solution (assuming t0 = 0 and h = constant) is

2 h2 3 h3
h n
x(tn ) = e x0 = (e ) x0 = 1 + h +
+ . . . x0 .
On the other hand, solving the model problem with EE led to
xn = (1 + h)nx0 , n x0 ,

solving the model problem with IE led to

xn =



x0 = 1 + h + 2 h 2 + 3 h 3 + . . . x0 , n x0 ,

and solving the model problem with CN led to

xn =

1 + 2h
1 2h


2 h2 3 h3
x0 = 1 + h +
+ . . . x0 , n x0 .

To quantify the accuracy of these three methods, we can compare the amplification factor in each of the
numerical approximations to the exact value e h . The leading order error of the EE and IE methods are seen
to be proportional to h2 , and the leading order error of the CN method is proportional to h3 , as noted in 10.1.
Thus, again, over a specified time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ), EE and IE are first-order accurate and CN is secondorder accurate. The higher order of accuracy of the CN method implies an improved rate of convergence of
this scheme to the exact solution as the timestep h is refined, as observed in Figures 10.1 and 10.2.

10.3.1 Accuracy versus order of accuracy

As with finite difference strategies for differentiation and quadrature strategies for integration (see Guideline
9.1), what you really care about when marching an ODE is the accuracy of the result when using the timestep
that you can ultimately afford to use. The issue of order of accuracy is only a means to an end. Though
higher-order-accurate schemes are always superior to lower-order-accurate schemes when the timestep is
vanishingly small, not all schemes of a given order have the same accuracy (indeed, they can differ greatly in
terms of the magnitude of the coefficient of the leading-order error), and, for a given (reasonable) stepsize h,
lower-order-accurate schemes are often more accurate than higher-order-accurate schemes. Indeed, the goal
when performing a numerical simulation is to use a timestep which is as large as you can get away with (to
minimize the computation effort required to complete the simulation) while ensuring both numerical stability
and that the desired degree of accuracy is obtained. Thus, selecting the most suitable time-marching method
is not as simple a matter as selecting the highest-order-accurate method that you have the patience to code.
In this regard, the CN method is often the preferred choice for tightly-banded linear ODE systems: it is
second-order accurate, its stability boundary coincides with that of the exact solution (see Figure 10.1c), it is
computationally inexpensive per timestep, and it is relatively simple to implement (see Algorithm 10.1). On
the other hand, if the ODE system is not tightly banded or is nonlinear, none of the methods explored thus far
are attractive; the explicit Euler method is the only method encountered thus far that is easy to apply (that is,
noniterative), but its stability and accuracy are both quite poor (see, e.g., Figures 10.1a and 10.2a). Further,
even for tightly banded linear ODE systems, sometimes an order of accuracy higher than second is desired.
It is for these reasons that 10.4 and 10.5 introduce several additional classes of time-marching methods.

10.3.2 Classifications of error in the numerical simulation of oscillatory systems

In the numerical simulation of purely oscillatory systems (that is, for x = Ax where A has imaginary eigenvalues), two types of error can be distinguished, amplitude error and phase error. To characterize this,
consider again the scalar case: recall that the exact solution of the oscillatory system

over a single timestep of duration h is

x = i x


xn+1 = ei h xn .



Note that the amplitude of the exact solution is constant (i.e., multiplied by 1) from one timestep to the next,
whereas the phase of the exact solution increases by an amount h from one timestep to the next. We now
quantify the discrepencies of the three numerical methods presented thus far from this exact solution.
Example 10.5 Amplitude and phase error of EE. Application of the EE method to (10.19a) leads to
xn+1 = (1 + i h)xn , xn , (| | ei )xn

where | |2 = 1 + ( h)2,

= atan ( h).

It follows from (B.81) that the amplitude error, AE, of EE is

AE , | | 1 = 1 + ( h)2 1 = ( h)2 + H.O.T.
It follows from (B.76) that the phase error, PE, of EE is
PE , h = atan ( h) h = ( h)3 /3 + H.O.T.
As readily verified in Figure 10.2a, it may thus be concluded for EE, when h is sufficiently small, that:
as the leading-order term of AE is positive, the amplitude of the oscillations in the numerical solution
will be larger than those in the exact solution;
as the leading-order term of PE is negative, the phase of the oscillations in the numerical solution will
be smaller (i.e., phase lag) than that of the exact solution; and
the amplitude error, which is proportional to h2 , will dominate the phase error, proportional to h3 .
Example 10.6 Amplitude and phase error of IE. Application of the IE method to (10.19a) leads to
xn , xn , (| | ei )xn where | |2 = 1/[1 + ( h)2], = atan ( h).
xn+1 =
1 i h
It follows from (B.81) and (B.77) that the amplitude error, AE, of IE is
AE , | | 1 = 1/ 1 + ( h)2 1 = ( h)2 + H.O.T.
It follows from (B.76) that the phase error, PE, of IE is
PE , h = atan ( h) h = ( h)3 /3 + H.O.T.
As readily verified in Figure 10.2b, it may thus be concluded for IE, when h is sufficiently small, that:
as the leading-order term of AE is negative, the amplitude of the oscillations in the numerical solution
will be smaller than those in the exact solution;
as the leading-order term of PE is negative, the phase of the oscillations in the numerical solution will
be smaller (i.e., phase lag) than that of the exact solution; and
the amplitude error, which is proportional to h2 , will dominate the phase error, proportional to h3 .
Example 10.7 Amplitude and phase error of CN. Application of the CN method to (10.19a) leads to
xn+1 =

1 + i h/2
A ei
xn , xn , (| | ei ) xn ,
xn =
1 i h/2
B ei

where Aei = 1+ i2h and Bei = 1 i2h , and thus A2 = B2 = 1 + ( 2h )2 , = atan ( h/2), = atan ( h/2).
It follows that the amplitude error, AE, of CN is
AE , | | 1 = A2 /B2 1 = 0.
It follows from (B.76) that the phase error, PE, of CN is
 h ( h)3

( h)3
PE , h = ( ) h = 2

+ ... h =
+ H.O.T.

As readily verified in Figure 10.2c, it may thus be concluded for CN, when h is sufficiently small, that:
as AE is zero, the amplitude of the oscillations in the numerical solution will be identical than those in
the exact solution; and
as the leading-order term of PE is positive, the phase of the oscillations in the numerical solution will
be larger (i.e., phase lead) than that of the exact solution.

10.4 Non-stiff systems

10.4.1 Explicit Runge-Kutta (ERK) methods
An important class of explicit single-step time-marching methods, strictly called explicit Runge-Kutta
(ERK) but often referred to simply as Runge-Kutta (RK) methods, may be written in the form
f1 = f(xn ,tn + c1 h)
f2 = f(xn + a2,1 h f1 ,tn + c2 h)
fs = f(xn + as,1 h f1 + . . . + as,s1 h fs1,tn + cs h)

xn+1 = xn + h[b1 f1 + . . . + bs1 fs1 + bs fs ],







with c1 = 0. Each evaluation of f(x,t) is referred to as a stage of the RK scheme; the RK scheme shown
above has s stages. Note the convenient table at the right, called a Butcher tableau, which summarizes the
coefficients in the RK scheme in the form


where, for the moment, we restrict the coefficient matrix A to be strictly lower triangular. The constants ai, j ,
ci , and b j in an RK scheme are selected to match as many terms as possible of the exact solution in the scalar
case which, noting (10.1d)-(10.2), is given by:
h2 h3 h4
x + x + xn + O(h5 )
2! n 3! n
n o
ft + fx f
ftt + ft fx + 2 f fxt + fx2 f + f 2 fxx
fttt + ftt fx
= xn + h f
(xn ,tn )
(xn ,tn )
(xn ,tn )
+ 3 fxtt f + 3 fxt ft + 5 fxt fx f + fx2 ft + 3 fxx ft f + 3 fxxt f 2 + 4 fxx fx f 2 + fx3 f + fxxx f 3
+ O(h5)

xn+1 = xn + hxn +

(xn ,tn )

Conveniently, RK methods are self starting, as they dont require any information about the numerical approximation of the solution before time tn to use [cf. the multistep methods of 10.4.2].
279 Basic Runge Kutta methods: RK2 and RK4

Consider first the family of all two-stage schemes of the form (10.20) in the scalar setting [noting that the
second line below is simply a multidimensional Taylor-series expansion of f (x,t) near (xn ,tn )]:
f1 = f (xn ,tn + [c1 h]),
f2 = f (xn + [a2,1 h f1 ],tn + [c2 h]) = f (xn ,tn ) + [a2,1 h f (xn ,tn )] fx (xn ,tn ) + [c2 h] ft (xn ,tn ) + . . . ,
| {z }
| {z }
| {z }




xn+1 = xn + h[b1 f1 + b2 f2 ]

= xn + b1 h f (xn ,tn ) + b2 h [ f (xn ,tn ) + a2,1 h fx (xn ,tn ) f (xn ,tn ) + c2 h ft (xn ,tn )] + . . .
= xn + [b1 + b2 ]h f (xn ,tn ) + [b2c2 ]h2 ft (xn ,tn ) + [b2a2,1 ]h2 fx (xn ,tn ) f (xn ,tn ) + . . .


Note that the extra terms (not shown) in the above expressions are exactly zero if f (x,t) is linear in x and
t, as it is in our model problem. The exact solution we seek to match with this scheme is given in (10.21).
Matching coefficients in (10.22) and (10.21) to as high an order as possible, we require that
b1 + b2 = 1,

b2 c2 = 1/2,

b2 a2,1 = 1/2.

Interpreting c as a free parameter, we satisfy the above equations if we take

a2,1 = c2 = c,

b2 = 1/(2c),

b1 = 1 1/(2c).

Thus, the general form of the two-stage, second-order Runge-Kutta method (RK2) is
f1 = f(xn ,tn )
f2 = f(xn + c h f1,tn + c h)
1 i
xn+1 = xn + h 1
f1 + f2 ,


1 2c


For any c, the leading-order error [that is, for small h, the largest term of (10.21) that does not match the
corresponding term in (10.22)] is proportional to h3 , and thus, over a specified time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ), RK2
is second-order accurate. For the model problem x = x, this error is independent of c, and the RK2 scheme
advances in (10.22) with a stability polynomial given by truncation of the Taylor series (10.21):
xn+1 = xn

where = 1 + h bT (I h A)1 1 = 1 + h +

2 h2


where the one vector, 1, is defined in 1.3. Over a large number of timesteps, this is stable iff | | 1; the
resulting domain of stability of the RK2 method is illustrated in Figure 10.5a. For nonlinear ODEs, the coefficient of the leading-order error term of the RK2 method is a function of c, and selecting c somewhere in the
range c [1/2, 1] is appropriate to minimize this error. The choice c = 1/2, known as the midpoint method,
has a clear geometric interpretation of approximating a central difference formula for the first derivative in
the representation of the ODE on the interval t [tn ,tn+1 ], as shown in Figure 10.6a. The choice c = 1 is the
most common so-called predictor-corrector method, and may be computed in the following order:
predictor : x

= xn + hf(xn,tn )
corrector : xn+1 = xn + f(xn ,tn ) + f(x,tn+1 ) .

The intermediate value x (which is simply an EE estimate of xn+1 ) is only stepwise 2nd-order accurate.
However, as shown above, calculation of the corrector (which looks roughly like a recalculation of xn+1







Figure 10.5: Stability regions (cf. Figure 10.3) in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x
with timestep h using RK2 [see (10.24)], RK3 [see (10.38)], and RK4 [see (10.27)].
with CN, as shown in Figure 10.6b) results in a value for xn+1 which is stepwise 3rd-order accurate (and
thus the scheme is globally 2nd-order accurate). Note that RK2 with c = 1 is also referred to as Heuns
method and the modified Euler method.
As an aside, note that if this predictor-corrector idea is taken to convergence, we arrive at the iterative
CN method given by
EE prediction : x0 = xn + hf(xn,tn ),
corrections : xk = xn + f(xn ,tn ) + f(xk1,tn+1 ) for k = 1, 2, . . . ,


which is an iterative strategy that we can march (in k) until convergence, then set xn+1 = xk for the numerical
approximation of the solution at tn+1 and proceed to the next step, thereby effectively applying the CN method
to a nonlinear function f [see also footnote 2 on page 268, and the faster-to-converge but more expensive
Newton method for IRK schemes described in general in 10.5.2, taking the IRK coefficients as specified in
(10.56)]. If h is sufficiently small, only a few iterations k are required to achieve convergence at each timestep.
The classical (and popular) four-stage, fourth-order Runge-Kutta method (RK4) is
f1 = f(xn ,tn )
f2 = f(xn + (h/2)f1,tn+1/2 )
f3 = f(xn + (h/2)f2,tn+1/2 )
f4 = f(xn + h f3,tn+1 )
1 i
xn+1 = xn + h f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 .

1/2 1/2
1/2 0 1/2
1/6 1/3 1/3 1/6


This scheme is simple, usually performs well, and is the workhorse of many ODE solvers. It also has a fairly
symmetric geometric interpretation, as illustrated in Figure 10.7.
A derivation similar to that for RK2 confirms that the constants chosen in the classical RK4 scheme
(10.26) indeed provide fourth-order accuracy with the stability polynomial again given by a truncated Taylor
series of the exact value:

= 1 + h bT (I h A)1 1 = 1 + h +

2 h2 3 h3 4 h4






tn+1 t


tn+1 t


Figure 10.6: Geometric interpretation of two versions of the RK2 method: (a) the midpoint method (with c =
1/2), and (b) the predictor-corrector method (with c = 1). In the former, the initial slope ( f1 ) is extrapolated
(dashed) to t = tn+1/2 , and the slope ( f2 ) recalculated there; this new slope is then used to march (solid) from
tn to tn+1 . In the latter, the initial slope ( f1 ) is extrapolated (dashed) to t = tn+1 , and the slope ( f2 ) recalculated
there; the average of these two slopes is then used to march (solid) from tn to tn+1 .



tn+1 t


Figure 10.7: Geometric interpretation of the classical RK4 method. The interpretation of this method is analogous to the RK2 case (Figure 10.6), with the average of four evaluations { f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 } of the slope f (x,t)
used to march from tn to tn+1 .
Over a large number of timesteps, the method is stable iff | | 1; the resulting domain of stability of the
RK4 method is illustrated in Figure 10.5c.
Example 10.8 Simulation of the Lorenz and Rossler equations. It is in fact almost trivial to simulate
low-dimensional nonlinear ODEs using an RK method, as illustrated in Figure 10.8 for the Lorenz equation

(x2 x1 )
x = f(x) with x = x2 , f(x) = x2 x1 x3 ,
b x3 + x1 x2 b r

and in Figure 10.9 for the Rossler equation

x = f(x) with x = x2 ,

x2 x3
f(x) = x1 + a x2 ,
b + x3(x1 c)


both of which were generated with the extensible test code provided in Algorithm 10.4, using the RK4 scheme
as implemented in Algorithm 10.3. Note that numerical implementations of various other RK schemes are
included in the Numerical Renaissance Codebase (hereafter abbreviated NRC); for brevity not all of these
codes are written out here. Note also that the test code in Algorithm 10.4 is trivial to extend to other ODEs,
as done in Exercise 10.1. In summary, there is no valid justification for ever using a method as awful as EE,
as you now know how to do much better with simple RK schemes!








Figure 10.8: Simulation of the Lorenz equation (10.28) using RK4 with = 4, b = 1, and r = 48.








Figure 10.9: Simulation of the Rossler equation (10.29) using RK4 with a = 0.2, b = 0.2, and c = 5.7.


Algorithm 10.3: Simple implementation of the classical RK4 method.


f u n c t i o n [ x , t ] =RK4 ( R , x , t , s , p , v , S i m P l o t )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e c l a s s i c a l RK4 method .
% {x , t } c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l {x , t } on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l {x , t } on o u t p u t .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . T ( t i m e i n t e r v a l o f s i m u l a t i o n ) and s . h ( t i m e s t e p ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
% I f v<>0, S i m P l o t i s c a l l e d a t e a c h t i m e s t e p t o make i n t e r a c t i v e p l o t s .
h= s . h ; i f v , x o l d =x ; end
for n =1: s . T / h ;
f 1 = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ; f 2 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 1 / 2 , p ) ; f 3 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 2 / 2 , p ) ; f 4 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f3 , p ) ;
x=x+h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ; t = t +h ;
i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x o ld , x , t h , t , h , h , v ) ; x o l d =x ; end
end % f u n c t i o n RK4

Algorithm 10.4: Extensible codes for testing various RK methods on the Lorenz & Rossler equations.

% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : R K t e s t>R K tes t </a>

format l o n g ; w h i l e 1
S= i n p u t ( Which s y s t e m ( Lorenz , R o s s l e r , o r 0 t o e x i t ) ? , s ) ;
switch S
c a s e L o r en z , p . s ig m a = 4 ; p . b = 1 ; p . r =4 8 ; x0 = [ 1 ; 1 ; . 0 1 ] ;
c a s e R o s s l e r , p . a = . 2 ; p . b = . 2 ; p . c = 5 . 7 ; x0 = [ 3 ; 3 ; . 1 ] ;
o t h e r w i s e , break
s . T= i n p u t ( Over what t i m e i n t e r v a l T ( t r y , e . g . , 1 0 ) ? ) ;
m= i n p u t ( Which method ( RK2 , RK4 , RK45 , RKW3 2R , RK435 2R , RK435 3R , RK548 3R ) ? , s ) ;
i f m( 1 : 3 ) = = RK2 , s . c= i n p u t (
V alu e o f c ( 1 / 2 = m i d p o i n t , 1= p r e d i c t o r / c o r r e c t o r ) ? ) ; end
switch m
c a s e { RK45 }
disp (
T h i s method u s e s a d a p t i v e t i m e s t e p p i n g . )
s .h
=input (
What i s t h e i n i t i a l t i m e s t e p h0 ( t r y , e . g . , . 0 1 ) ? ) ;
s . epsoverT =input (
What i s t h e t a r g e t a c c u r a c y , e p s i l o n / T ( t r y , e . g . , . 0 0 0 1 ) ? ) ;
otherwise ,
disp (
T h i s method u s e s u n i f o r m t i m e s t e p p i n g . )
s .h
=input (
What i s t h e t i m e s t e p h ( t r y , e . g . , . 0 1 ) ? ) ;
v= i n p u t ( How v e r b o s e ( 0 = f a s t , 1= p l o t a t t a c t o r , 2= a l s o p l o t h n ) ? ) ;
i f v >0, c= i n p u t (
C l e a r t h e p l o t s f i r s t ( y o r n ) ? , s ) ; i f c == y , c l o s e a l l , end
f i g u r e ( 1 ) , p l o t 3 ( x0 ( 1 ) , x0 ( 2 ) , x0 ( 3 ) ) , h o ld on , a x i s e q u a l , view ( 4 5 , 3 0 ) , end
i f v >1, f i g u r e ( 2 ) , p l o t ( 0 , s . h ) , h o ld on , t i t l e ( h n v e r s u s t n ) , end
[ x , t ] = f e v a l (m, s t r c a t ( RHS , S ) , x0 , 0 , s , p , v , P l o t L o r e n z R o s s l e r )
end , d i s p ( ) , format s h o r t % remember : e x p o r t f i g ( g cf , L o r en zh . eps , bounds , t i g h t ) ;
% end s c r i p t R K t e s t


f u n c t i o n f =RHS Lorenz ( x , p )
f =[ p . s ig m a ( x (2) x ( 1 ) ) ; x (2) x ( 1 ) x ( 3 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n RHS Lorenz



f u n c t i o n f = R H S R o s s ler ( x , p )
f =[x (2) x ( 3 ) ; x ( 1 ) + p . a x ( 2 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n R H S R o s s ler

p . b x ( 3 ) + x ( 1 ) x (2) p . b p . r ] ;

p . b+x ( 3 ) ( x (1) p . c ) ] ;

f u n c t i o n P l o t L o r e n z R o s s l e r ( xo , xn , to , tn , ho , hn , v )
f i g u r e ( 1 ) , p l o t 3 ( [ xo ( 1 ) xn ( 1 ) ] , [ xo ( 2 ) xn ( 2 ) ] , [ xo ( 3 ) xn ( 3 ) ] ) , t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( t=%d , t n ) )
a x i s e q u a l , i f v ==2 , f i g u r e ( 2 ) , p l o t ( [ to , t n ] , [ ho hn ] ) , h o ld on , end , pause ( 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 )
end % f u n c t i o n P l o t L o r e n z R o s s l e r


Example 10.9 Simulation of the motion of an axisymmetric top. In this problem, we consider the motion
of an axisymmetric top of mass m = 2 kg, moment of inertia about the axis of symmetry (about which the
top spins) of I = 0.25 kg m2 , moments of inertia about the axes perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of
I = 0.25 kg m2 , and in which the distance from the center of mass to the lowest point of the top (in contact
with the ground) is L = 0.2 m. The equations of motion governing this system, explained from first principles
in 8 of Ginsberg (1998), are somewhat involved, and are summarized below without derivation.
Defining as the angle that the axis of the top is deflected from vertical, as the angle of the (deflected)
axis of the top around the vertical axis4 , and as the rotation angle of the top about its axis of symmetry, the
nonlinear equations of motion of this system are
d 2 /dt 2 = ( sin )/2 ( cos )( cos )/ sin3 ,
d /dt = ( cos )/ sin2 ,


d /dt = [ (I sin + I cos ) I cos ]/(I sin ),


where = 2mgL/I , and the constants and defining the generalized angular momenta of the system5 ,
which are conserved as the system evolves, are derived from the initial conditions such that, at t = 0,

= I( 0 cos 0 + 0 )/I ,

= 0 sin2 0 + cos 0 .


The top of interest in this problem is initially configured in

slow steady precession at an orientation of 0 = 30 , spun up at a rate of 0 = 200 revolutions per
minute about its axis of symmetry (see Figure 10.10a).
There are two possible steady precession rates consistent with these values of 0 and 0 ,
= I 0 I 2 02 2(I I)I cos 0 /[2(I I) cos(0 )];


we take 0 as the smaller of these two rates, thereby setting the constants and in (10.31a).
The apex of the top is then deflected with a small impulsive force, which sends the top into a periodic
precessing motion known as nutation (see Figures 10.10b-d); we specifically consider deflections of three
different magnitudes:
that which brings the rate of precession precisely to zero periodically, leading to the cuspidial nutation illustrated in Figure 10.10c,
half this magnitude, leading to a nutating unidirectional precession (Figure 10.10b), and
three times this magnitude, leading to a looping nutation (Figure 10.10d).

The minimum deflection when the system is in custodial motion, 2 , is given by

2 = acos ( / ).
4 Note that


{ (t), (t)} define the orientation of the tops axis in spherical coordinates at any time t, as illustrated in Figures 10.10a-d.
T = I( cos + )2 /2 + I ( 2 sin2 + 2 )/2 as the kinetic energy of the motion of the system, V = mgL cos as the
gravitational potential energy of the system, and defining and based on the (conserved) generalized angular momenta of the
system, p and p , as shown below, the total energy E = T +V may be written
5 Defining

p =

= I( cos + ) , I ,

p =

= I( cos + ) cos + I sin2 , I ,

E = (I )2 2 /(2I) + 0.5I 2 + 0.5I ( cos )2 / sin2 + mgL cos( ).


















0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1





































Figure 10.10: Simulation the motion of a top using RK4 in four different regimes: (a) steady precession,
(b) unidirectional precession illustrating slight nutation, (c) cuspidial nutation (with the precession rate
periodically going to zero), and (d) looping nutation (with the precession rate periodically changing sign).
The nonlinear system (10.30) may now be written in first-order form dx/dt = f(x), where the state vector
x is defined such that x = , and solved using RK4. For the four cases reported in Figure
10.10, the initial condition used in the simulation is (0) = (0) = (0) = 0 and (0) = 0 + (2 0 )d
where d = 0, 0.5, 1, and 3, respectively.
In a problem like this, in contrast with the Lorenz and Rossler systems, efficient implementation of the
involved equations governing the system, as outlined on the previous page, takes dozens of lines of code (see
Top.m and TopTest.m in the NRC), whereas the coding of the RK4 method itself is still only a couple of
lines. To keep the resulting code as streamlined as possible, it is thus advised to include the (simple) RK4
time marching code directly in the main code written to solve the problem.

286 Adaptive Runge-Kutta: RK4/5

As shown in (10.27), the classical RK4 method introduced above has a stability polynomial given by a
truncated Taylor series of the exact value. Based on this knowledge, and motivated by the algorithm for
adaptive quadrature outlined in 9.4, it is straightforward to develop an algorithm for adapting the time step
of an RK4 march from t = 0 to t = T such that the error at time T is bounded by . [Note that we will develop
this method for the scalar model problem x = x, though the approach extends immediately to systems of
nonlinear ODEs in a straightforward manner.]
To accomplish this, over the first timestep, march the system from the initial condition x0 over a single
timestep using the RK4 algorithm and a timestep6 H to determine an estimate of x(t1 ) denoted Y . Then, march
the system from the initial condition x0 over two timesteps using the RK4 algorithm and a shorter timestep
h = H/2 to determine a refined estimate of x(t1 ) denoted y. By comparing the stability polynomial for RK4,
(10.27), with the exact solution

= 1+h+

2 h2 3 h3 4 h4 5 h5 6 h6
+ . . .,

it is seen that the error of the first estimate, Y , from the exact solution, x(t1 ), is
Y x(t1 ) =

h 5H 5

whereas the error of the second (refined) estimate, y, is

y x(t1) = 2

h 5 (H/2)5

6H 6
+ . . . x0 ,

h 5H 5
6 (H/2)6
6H 6
+ . . . x0 =
+ . . . x0 .
16 120 32 720



Subtracting (10.33b) from (10.33a) yields

Y y

15 5 H 5

x0 .
16 120

Using this expression to reexpress the first term on the RHS of (10.33b) leads to an estimate of the leadingorder error of the locally fifth-order accurate (that is, globally fourth-order accurate) estimate of x(t1 ) given
by y based on the calculations we have performed thus far, without knowledge of the exact solution:
|y x(t1 )| |Y y|/15 , 1 .


Using y as our discrete approximation of x(t1 ), all that remains to be done is to compare the magnitude of
this error to the allowable error on this interval, H/T (assuming, conservatively, that all errors will have the
same sign), and increase or decrease the H to be used for the next7 timestep appropriately. To accomplish this,
noting that the error 1 over the first timestep, of length H1 , was dominated by a term which is proportional
to H15 , we had over the first timestep that
1 = cH15 .
Over the next timestep, we would like the leading-order error 2 to be a proportionate fraction of the total
allowable error; that is
2 = cH25 = H2 /T.
6 For

the purpose of this discussion, we assume that an initial guess of a reasonable value for the initial timestep H is available; if it
is not, one is easily generated via repeated application of the algorithm that follows to refine a suitable choice for H. Also, note that we
use mixed case (that is, both {H,Y } and {h,y}) in this subsection only in order to simplify the notation used.
7 It is more conservative to recalculate the evolution of the system over the current timestep if H turns out to be reduced by this procedure. However, as the entire procedure is based on conservative assumptions, this is usually not necessary, especially if the appropriate
values for timesteps are expected to vary slowly using this procedure, which is usually the case.


Algorithm 10.5: Straightforward implementation of the RK4/5 method with adaptive time stepping.

f u n c t i o n [ x , t ] =RK45 ( R , x , t , s , p , v , S i m P l o t )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e a d a p t i v e RK4 / 5 method .
% {x , t } c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l {x , t } on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l {x , t } on o u t p u t .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . T ( t i m e i n t e r v a l o f s i m u l a t i o n ) , s . h0 ( i n i t i a l t i m e s t e p ) ,
% and s . e p s o v e r T ( a c c u r a c y ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
% I f v<>0, S i m P l o t i s c a l l e d a t e a c h t i m e s t e p t o make i n t e r a c t i v e p l o t s .
H= s . h ; i f v , x o l d =x ; t o l d = t ; end
w h i l e t<s . T , h=H / 2 ;
f 1 = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ; f 2 = f e v a l ( R , x+H f 1 / 2 , p ) ; f 3 = f e v a l ( R , x+H f 2 / 2 , p ) ; f 4 = f e v a l ( R , x+H f3 , p ) ;
X=x+H ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ;
% c a l c u l a t e X u s i n g one RK4 s t e p w i t h t i m e s t e p H
f 1 = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ; f 2 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 1 / 2 , p ) ; f 3 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 2 / 2 , p ) ; f 4 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f3 , p ) ;
x=x+h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ;
f 1 = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ; f 2 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 1 / 2 , p ) ; f 3 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f 2 / 2 , p ) ; f 4 = f e v a l ( R , x+h f3 , p ) ;
x=x+h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ;
% c a l c u l a t e x u s i n g two RK4 s t e p s w i t h t i m e s t e p h=H / 2 ;
d e l t a =norm ( xX , 1 ) / 1 5 ;
% e s t i m a t e e r r o r o f new x and u s e t h a t t o
x =( x16X ) / 1 5 ; t = t +H;
% u p d a t e o l d x u s i n g f i f t h o r d e r f o r m u l a
H=min (H (H s . e p s o v e r T / d e l t a ) ( 1 / 4 ) , s . Tt ) ; % u p d a t e H b a s e d on e r r o r e s t i m a t e
i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x o ld , x , t o l d , t , 2 h , H , v ) ; x o l d =x ; t o l d = t ; end
end % f u n c t i o n RK45

Assuming the (unknown) coefficient c is approximately constant from the first step to the next, we may
combine these two equations to eliminate c, thus determining an explicit formula for H2 :
H2 = H1

 H 1/4
T 1


This is the value of H that is used at the second timestep. We proceed over the subsequent timesteps in an
analogous fashion.
Note that a higher-order accurate approximation of x(t1 ) is available by combining (10.33a) and (10.33b)
in such a way as to eliminate the fifth-order error altogether: taking 16/15 times (10.33b) minus 1/15 times
(10.33a) results in a new approximation of x(t1 ), denoted x1 , such that
x1 ,

h 16

6 H16
1 i
Y = x(t1 ) +
+ . . . = x(t1 ) + O(H16 ).
30 720

The approximation x1 defined above is locally sixth-order accurate (that is, globally fifth-order acurate);
however, an estimate of the error of x1 is not readily available. Nevertheless, since x1 is a refined estimate
of the exact value x(t1 ), and it is very easy to determine x1 from y and Y , we may use x1 instead of y as
our discrete approximation of x(t1 ) in the above procedure. Doing such will generally only increase the
accuracy of our solution, albeit an unknown amount. The resulting procedure, implemented in Algorithm
10.5, is based on a globally fifth-order scheme to march from one timestep to the next, with the timesteps
h calculated based on error estimates of the RK4 steps upon which this fifth-order scheme is derived; it is
thus referred to as an RK4/5 scheme. Other adaptive RK schemes may be built up analogously; however,
the simple scheme outlined above is competitive with all of them for most problems. The evolution of the
timesteps Hn selected by this procedure when applied to the Lorenz problem discussed previously is plotted
in Figure 10.11; note that a minimum of Hn = 0.01 is used for some (sensitive) steps in the simulation, though
values of Hn almost an order of magnitude larger are adequate for other (less sensitive) steps in the simulation,
thereby accelerating the execution of the algorithm over a given simulation window [0, T ].





Figure 10.11: Timesteps selected by the adaptive RK4/5 scheme, implemented in Algorithm 10.5, versus
time, when applied to the Lorenz system (10.28). Note that timesteps are automatically made smaller when
the state moves through the most sensitive regions of the attractor (near the bottom center of Figure 10.8). Low-storage Runge-Kutta: RKW3, RK435, and RK548
Numerical algorithms with minimal memory requirements are essential in a variety of computational grand
challenge problems requiring millions or even billions of state variables. Even in smaller problems, numerical
algorithms with minimal memory requirements are beneficial in order to fit a given problem into the fastest
possible level of cache memory. As discussed further in 12, effective cache usage is such an important
factor in the execution of numerical codes on modern CPUs that one is often willing to calculate a substantial
number of extra floating point operations per timestep if one can significantly streamline memory usage.
Thus, we now examine how explicit Runge-Kutta methods of the standard form (10.20), with additional
constraints on the elements of the Butcher tableau, may be implemented with reduced memory usage.
In two-register Runge-Kutta schemes (RK[2R]), we restrict the elements of A in the second subdiagonal
and below to equal the corresponding elements of b, which facilitates implementation using just two registers:

for i = 1 : s

if i = 1

c2 a2,1


c3 b1 a3,2

c4 b 1
b2 a4,3
y x + (ai,i1 bi1 ) h y





y f(y,tn + ci h)

cs b 1
b2 bs2 as,s1

x x + bi h y

b2 bs2 bs1 bs


In three-register Runge-Kutta schemes (RK[3R]), we restrict the elements of A in the third subdiagonal
and below to equal the corresponding elements of b, which facilitates implementation using three registers:

for i = 1 : s

if i = 1

z x, y x

c2 a2,1


c3 a3,1 a3,2

z y + ai,i1 h z

c4 b1 a4,2 a4,3
if i < s
ai+1,i1 bi1

b2 a5,3 a5,4
c5 b 1
y x+
(z y)



cs b 1
b2 bs3 as,s2 as,s1

z f(z,tn + ci h)

b2 bs3 bs2
bs1 bs

x + bi h z


Verification that these reduced-storage implementations of the RK[2R] and RK[3R] classes of schemes are
equivalent to the full-storage implementation given in (10.20) is straightforward (see Exersice 10.3). Note
that every operation after the first (trivial) assignments in the reduced-storage implementations either updates
an existing vector or overwrites the memory of an existing vector which is not used later in the timestep.
Amazingly, with an increasing number of stages s, such schemes can achieve quite high orders of accuracy,
even though they do not have increased memory requirements (indeed, two-register RK schemes require no
more memory than does the simple and terrible EE method!). RK schemes may be limited to use 4 registers,
5 registers, etc., in an analogous fashion (see Exercise 10.4, 10.5.1), and Exercise 10.4).
It is important to point out that extra caution is required when computing a complicated vector function
in place in computer memory [that is, in a manner which immediately overwrites the data upon which it
depends, such as y f(y)]. Efficient strategies for doing such in-place computations can often be developed
for large-scale computational problems of interest; however, such strategies must generally be developed on a
case-by-case basis, based on careful scrutiny of the precise pattern of information flow during the computation
of f(y) (for an example, see 13).
The popular third-order, three-stage RK[2R] method due to Wray (1986) and commonly referred to as
RKW3 is given by
f1 = f(xn ,tn + c1 h)
f2 = f(xn + a2,1 h f1 ,tn + c2 h)
f3 = f(xn + b1 h f1 + a3,2 h f2 ,tn + c3 h)

xn+1 = xn + h[b1 f1 + b2 f2 + b3 f3 ],

8/15 8/15
2/3 1/4 5/12


Note that this method is exactly of the restricted RK form depicted in (10.35), and thus may be implemented
using just two storage variables, as shown in Algorithm 10.6. A derivation similar to that in for
the RK2 method confirms that the constants chosen above indeed provide third-order accuracy (see Exercise
10.2), with the stability polynomial arising when the method is applied to the model problem x = x again
given by a truncated Taylor series of the exact value:

= 1 + h bT (I h A)1 1 = 1 + h +

2 h2 3 h3


Over a large number of timesteps, the method is stable iff | | 1; the resulting domain of stability of the
RKW3 method is illustrated in Figure 10.5b.
As a matter of interpretation (see Figure 10.12), it will be useful (in 10.5.4) to note here that the RKW3
scheme may also be rewritten as a march over three distinct substeps8
f1 = f(xn ,tn )
First RK substep:
x = xn + a2,1 h f1
f2 = f(x ,tn + c2 h)
Second RK substep:
x = x + a3,2 h f2 + 2 h f1
f3 = f(x ,tn + c3 h)
Third RK substep:
xn+1 = x + b3 h f3 + 3 h f2
where 2 = b1 a2,1 = 17/60 and 3 = b2 a3,2 = 5/12.
8 Unlike

the form given in (10.35) [noting (10.37)], the form of RKw3 given in (10.39) is not a two-register scheme as written.


Algorithm 10.6: Simple implementation of the 2-register RKW3 method.

f u n c t i o n [ x , t ] =RKW3 2R ( R , x , t , s , p , v , S i m P l o t )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e 2 r e g i s t e r RK3 method by Wray ( 1 9 8 6 ) .
% {x , t } c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l {x , t } on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l {x , t } on o u t p u t .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . T ( t i m e i n t e r v a l o f s i m u l a t i o n ) and s . h ( t i m e s t e p ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
% I f v<>0, S i m P l o t i s c a l l e d a t e a c h t i m e s t e p t o make i n t e r a c t i v e p l o t s .
a21 = 8 / 1 5 ; a32 = 5 / 1 2 ; b1 = 1 / 4 ; b3 = 3 / 4 ; h= s . h ; i f v , x o l d =x ; t o l d = t ; end
for n =1: s . T / h
% Note : i f v =0 , e n t i r e c o m p u t a t i o n i s done i n j u s t 2 r e g i s t e r s , {x , y } .
y= f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ; x=x+b1 h y ;
y=x +( a21b1 ) h y ; y= f e v a l ( R , y , p ) ; % s i m p l i f i c a t i o n s s i n c e b2 =0
y=x +( a32
) h y ; y= f e v a l ( R , y , p ) ; x=x+b3 h y ; t = t +h ;
i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x o ld , x , t o l d , t , h , h , v ) ; x o l d =x ; t o l d = t ; end
end % f u n c t i o n RKW3 2R









tn+1 t

Figure 10.12: Geometric interpretation of the RKW3 method. The first interpretation of this method is analogous to the RK2 and RK4 methods (see Figures 10.6 and 10.7). A second interpretation is provided by
(10.39); that is, as three distinct steps, from xn to x , from x to x , and from x to xn+1 .
Kennedy, Carpenter, & Lewis (2000) optimized over the coefficients of the forms given in (10.35) and
(10.36) to maximize the size of the stability region in the complex plane h while simultaneously minimizing
various combinations of metrics characterizing the errors of the schemes developed. They denote the schemes
so optimized as RKq(p)s[rR+]X, where q is the overall order of the reduced-storage RK scheme, p = q 1
is the (reduced) order of an embedded RK scheme9 , s is the number of stages computed at each timestep, r
is the number of registers used10 , and X is a marker denoting which combination of metrics the coefficients
listed were optimized for. Two of the best overall reduced storage methods so developed, referred to here
as RK435 (denoted RK4(3)5[2R+]C by KCL2000) and RK548 (denoted RK5(4)8[3R+]C by KCL2000),
are given below and implemented in the RK435 2R.m and RK548 3R.m codes provided in the NRC, and have
stability boundaries as plotted in Figure 10.13.

9 This embedded RK scheme is provided by the alternative coefficients b

i listed, applied to the same slopes fi as computed by the
main RK scheme. These coefficients may be used in a manner analogous to that described in (10.34a)-(10.34d) to perform adaptive
timestep control, with the error of the embedded scheme estimated to be = kxn+1 x n+1 k where xn+1 = xn + h[b1 f1 + ... + bs fs ]
and x n+1 = xn + h[b 1 f1 + ... + b s fs ], and assuming = ch p [cf. (10.34a) and (10.34b)]. As in, following this approach, the
timestep is calculated for the lower-order scheme, but is then applied to march the higher-order scheme, which is conservative. For
implementation, see Exercise 10.5.
10 Note that r registers are used by the scheme assuming that adaptive timestepping is not implemented; the number of registers used
is larger if adaptive timestepping is incorporated; thus the + symbol indicated on the storage requirements specified in brackets in the
name of the scheme.




Figure 10.13: Stability regions (cf. Figures 10.3 and 10.5) in the complex plane h for the numerical solution
to x = x with timestep h using (left) the 2-register RK435 scheme and (right) the 3-register RK548 scheme.
A fourth-order, five-stage RK[2R] method, RK435, is given by (10.35) with s = 5 and
, a5,4 = 34165994151039
b1 = 22510343858157 , b2 = 4653164025191 , b3 = 4480602732383 , b4 = 3568978502595 , b5 = 14908931495163 .

a2,1 =


, a3,2 =


, a4,3 =


Alternative bi coefficients, providing an embedded third-order scheme upon which adaptive timestepping
may be based, are given by
b 1 =


, b 2 =


, b 3 = 6823010717585
, b 4 =


, b 5 =


A fifth-order, eight-stage RK[3R] method, RK548, is given by (10.36) with s = 8 and

a2,1 =


, a3,2 =



, a8,7 =


, a5,4 =


343061178215 ,
, a3,1 = 2523150225462
4825949463597 ,
a4,2 = 18246604264081 , a5,3 = 13311741862438 , a6,4 = 25333855312294 , a7,5 = 14106269434317 , a8,6 = 16828400578907

a6,5 =

b1 =



, a7,6 =

, a4,3 =


, b2 = b3 = b4 = 0, b5 =


, b6 =


, b7 =


, b8 =


Alternative bi coefficients, providing an embedded fourth-order scheme upon which adaptive timestepping
may be based, are given by
b 1 =

2153976949307 , b
4 = 2303038467735 , b 5 =
, b 2 = 0, b 3 = 22364028786708
b 6 = 768474111281 , b 7 = 3439095334143 , b 8 = 3808726110015 .






The 2-register RKW3 method described previously, as well as the 2-register RK435 and 3-register RK548
schemes described above, are good default choices for a wide variety nonstiff problems in which storage
constraints are a critical issue.
Note finally that the coefficients in the two schemes listed above were found in Kennedy, Carpenter, &
Lewis (2000) by numerical solution of the corresponding sets of nonlinear equations resulting in the desired
order and the largest possible domain of stability while minimizing relevant error measures. Though perhaps
a bit aesthetically jarring, the fact that these coefficients are not simple in form is not in itself a particular
disadvantage when implementing these algorithms, as illustrated by the straightforward RK435 2R.m and
RK548 3R.m codes provided in the NRC.

AB1 (EE)

xn+1 = xn + hfn


xn+1 = xn + 32 hfn 21 hfn1


xn+1 = xn + 23
12 hfn 12 hfn1 + 12 hfn2

xn+1 = xn + 55
24 hfn 24 hfn1 + 24 hfn2 24 hfn3

xn+1 = xn + 1901
720 hfn 720 hfn1 + 720 hfn2 720 hfn3 + 720 hfn4

xn+1 = xn + 4277
1440 hfn 1440 hfn1 + 1440 hfn2 1440 hfn3 + 1440 hfn4 1440 hfn5

Table 10.1: The (explicit) Adams-Bashforth (AB) formulae.



























0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2



0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2




0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2



















0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2




Figure 10.14: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep h
using AB2, AB3, AB4, AB5, and AB6.

10.4.2 Linear Multistep Methods (LMMs)

The broad class of all Linear Multistep Methods (LMMs) may be written in the form

xn+1 + i xn+1i = h i f(xn+1i ,tn+1i ).




If {xn , xn1 , . . .} are known, (10.40) may be solved for xn+1 ; if 0 = 0, the resulting formula for xn+1 is explicit, otherwise it is implicit. For efficiency, recent values of f(xi ,ti ) may be stored and reused at later timesteps.

AM1 (IE)

xn+1 = xn + hfn+1

AM2 (CN)

xn+1 = xn + 12 hfn+1 + 12 hfn


xn+1 = xn + 12
hfn+1 + 12
hfn 12


hfn+1 + 24
hfn 24
hfn1 + 24
xn+1 = xn + 24

xn+1 = xn + 251
720 hfn+1 + 720 hfn 720 hfn1 + 720 hfn2 720 hfn3

hfn+1 + 1440
hfn 1440
hfn1 + 1440
hfn2 1440
hfn3 + 1440
xn+1 = xn + 1440

Table 10.2: The (implicit) Adams-Moulton (AM) formulae. When applied iteratively to a nonlinear ODE [see
(10.25)], the corresponding AB formula of the same order (Table 10.1) is a convenient predictor to use, as
it has an analogous information structure, thus using cache effectively, while providing a suitably accurate
initial estimate, thus minimizing the number of iterations required for adequate convergence at each timestep.






Figure 10.15: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to
using AM3, AM4, AM5, and AM6.

= x with timestep h

Roughly stated, the i s in (10.40) are selected such that the LHS of (10.40) approximates c dx/dt for some
t, and the i s are selected such that the RHS approximates c f(x,t) at the same t, thereby approximating the
ODE dx/dt = f(x,t). Various special cases of (10.40) are discussed in the sections that follow.
It is a minor inconvenience that LMMs are not self starting (cf., e.g., the RK methods of 10.4.1); knowledge of x0 alone is not sufficient to determine x1 via (10.40) when p = max(q, r) > 1. For this reason, the

Algorithm 10.7: Implementation of AB4; other AB methods, included in the NRC, are implemented similarly.
f u n c t i o n [ x , t , s ] =AB4 ( R , x , t , s , p , v , S i m P l o t )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e AB4 method .
% {x , t } c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l {x , t } on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l {x , t } on o u t p u t .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . MaxTime , s . MaxSteps , s . h ( t i m e s t e p ) , and s . f ,
% which c o n t a i n s t h e 3 most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f f on i n p u t ( from a p r i o r c a l l t o AB3 / AB4 ) ,
% and t h e 4 most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f f on o u t p u t ( f a c i l i t a t i n g a s u b s e q u e n t c a l l t o AB4 / AB5 ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
i f v , x o l d =x ; end
f o r n = 1 : min ( ( s . MaxTimet ) / s . h , s . MaxSteps )
s . f =[ f e v a l ( R , x , p ) s . f ( : , 1 : 3 ) ] ;
x=x+ s . h ( 5 5 s . f ( : , 1 ) 5 9 s . f ( : , 2 ) + 3 7 s . f ( : , 3 ) 9 s . f ( : , 4 ) ) / 2 4 ;
t = t + s . h ; i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x o ld , x , t s . h , t , s . h , s . h , v ) ; x o l d =x ; end
end % f u n c t i o n AB4

first p steps of a simulation using an LMM must be taken with an alternative method (e.g., an RK method).
For situations in which the calculation of f(x,t) is relatively slow but access to storage of the result is
relatively fast, LMMs are more efficient than self-starting RK methods. In recent years, the overall execution speed of most CPUs on most (large) problems of interest has in fact become dominated by the storing
and recalling of information to/from the main memory and the high-speed cache memory of the CPU and
motherboard; in such situations, low-storage RK methods are often the superior choice. However, this trend
might well change in the years to come as CPU architectures continue to evolve and Graphics Processing
Units (GPUs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) become more widely available for
high-performance computing, which might well tip the scales back in favor of LMMs for such problems.
Note also that it is straightforward to extend the Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton formulae presented in the following two subsections to account for timesteps hn that vary from one step n to the next (see,
e.g., Exercise 10.12). Once this modification is made, then pth-order and (p 1)th-order multistep computations may be compared in order to perform adaptive timestepping, in a manner analogous to the adaptive
timestepping suggested previously for the embedded RK methods (see Exercise 10.13). Adams-Bashforth (AB) methods
Taking 0 = 0, 1 = 1, and q = 1 in (10.40), and optimizing the remaining coefficients to maximize order
of accuracy, gives the class of explicit methods known as Adams-Bashforth (AB) methods:

xn+1 = xn + h i f(xn+1i,tn+1i ).



As a particular case, taking r = 1 and optimizing the coefficients to maximize the order of accuracy of the
resulting scheme recovers the EE method. Taking r = 2 gives
xn+1 = xn + h 1 f(xn ,tn ) + 2f(xn1 ,tn1 ) .

We now focus on this case in particular. Applying this method to the scalar model problem dx/dt = x
[that is, taking f (x,t) = x], assuming constant timestep h and a solution of the form xn = n x0 [and thus
xn+1 = n+1 x0 and xn1 = n1 x0 ], we find a quadratic equation for ,
2 + (1 h + 1) + (2 h) = 0,


Algorithm 10.8: Implementation of iterative AM4 with an AB4 predictor; other iterative AM methods, included in the NRC, are implemented similarly.

f u n c t i o n [ x , t , s ] = AM4iter ( R , x , t , s , p , v , S i m P l o t )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e i t e r a t i v e AM4 method w i t h an AB4
% p r e d i c t o r . {x , t } c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l {x , t } on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l {x , t } on o u t p u t .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . MaxTime , s . MaxSteps , s . M a x I t e r s , s . h ( t i m e s t e p ) , and s . f ,
% which c o n t a i n s t h e 34 most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f f on i n p u t ( from a c a l l t o AM3iter / AM4iter ) ,
% and t h e 4 most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f f on o u t p u t ( f a c i l i t a t i n g a c a l l t o AM4iter / AM5iter ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
x o l d =x ; f o r n = 1 : min ( ( s . MaxTimet ) / s . h , s . MaxSteps )
i f n==1 & s i z e ( s . f , 2 ) = = 3
% n = 1 : P r e d i c t w i t h AB3
x= x o l d + s . h ( 2 3 s . f ( : , 1 ) 1 6 s . f ( : , 2 ) + 5 s . f ( : , 3 ) ) / 1 2 ;
% n >1: P r e d i c t w i t h AB4
x= x o l d + s . h ( 5 5 s . f ( : , 1 ) 5 9 s . f ( : , 2 ) + 3 7 s . f ( : , 3 ) 9 s . f ( : , 4 ) ) / 2 4 ;
s . f (: ,2:4)= s . f (: ,1:3);
f o r m= 1 : s . M a x I t e r s , s . f ( : , 1 ) = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ;
% I t e r a t i v e l y c o r r e c t w i t h AM4
x= x o l d + s . h ( 9 s . f ( : , 1 ) + 1 9 s . f ( : , 2 ) 5 s . f ( : , 3 ) + s . f ( : , 4 ) ) / 2 4 ;
end , s . f ( : , 1 ) = f e v a l ( R , x , p ) ;
t = t + s . h ; i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x o ld , x , t s . h , t , s . h , s . h , v ) ; end , x o l d =x ;
end % f u n c t i o n AM4iter

the two roots of which are given by

1+ 1+
, where = (1 ) h, = (21 + 42) h + (12) 2 h2 .
By our assumed form of the solution, it follows that xn = +n x0,+ + n x0, . For stability of the numerical
solution, we need both |+ | 1 and | | 1. Applying the identity (B.81), we may expand both roots in
terms of powers of h. The leading-order term in the expansion in h of (referred to as a spurious root)
is proportional to h. For small h, n quickly decays to zero, and thus may be neglected. The leading-order
terms in the expansion in h of + (referred to as the physical root) resemble the Taylor-series expansion of
the exact solution over a single timestep:

+ = 1 + (1 + 2 ) h + (12 22 ) 2 h2 + . . .
| {z }


Matching coefficients with the expansion of the exact solution = e h = 1 + h + 2h2 /2 + . . ., as indicated
by underbraces in the above expression, we arrive at two equations for 1 and 2 to achieve the highest order
of accuracy possible with this form:

1 + 2 = 1,

1 2 22 = (1 + 2 )(2 ) = 1/2.

It is easily verified that 1 = 3/2 and 2 = 1/2 satisfy these two equations. The leading-order error term
of this method is proportional to h3 . Thus, over a single timestep, the scheme is locally third-order accurate; more significantly, over a fixed time interval [0, T ], the scheme is globally second-order accurate. The
resulting explicit method,
xn+1 = xn + h f(xn ,tn ) f(xn1 ,tn1 ) ,
is thus referred to as AB2. The derivation of higher-order AB methods are discussed in Exercise 10.12, and
are summarized in Table 10.1. Implementation is straightforward (see, e.g., Algorithm 10.7). AB methods
may be viewed as multistep extensions of EE that improve the order of accuracy but degrade the domain of
stability (see Figure 10.14).
296 Adams-Moulton (AM) methods

Taking 0 6= 0, 1 = 1, and q = 1 in (10.40), and optimizing the remaining coefficients to maximize order
of accuracy, gives the class of implicit methods known as Adams-Moulton (AM) methods:

xn+1 = xn + h i f(xn+1i ,tn+1i ).



Taking r = 0 and optimizing the coefficients to maximize the accuracy of the resulting scheme recovers the
IE method, whereas taking r = 1 and optimizing the coefficients recovers the CN method. Taking r = 2 gives
xn+1 = xn + h 0 f(xn+1 ,tn+1 ) + 1f(xn ,tn ) + 2f(xn1 ,tn1 ) .
We now focus on this case in particular. Applying this method to the scalar model problem dx/dt = x and
assuming constant h and a solution of the form xn = n x0 , we find a quadratic equation for ,
(0 h 1) 2 + (1 h + 1) + (2 h) = 0,
the two roots of which are given by

1+ 1+
, where = (1 ) h,
2(1 )

= (21 + 42) h + (12 402 ) 2 h2 ,

= (0 ) h.

Applying the identities (B.81) and (B.77), we may expand both roots in terms of powers of h. By our assumed
form of the solution, it follows that xn = +n x0,+ + n x0, . The leading-order term in the expansion in h of
(a spurious root) is proportional to h. For small h, n quickly decays to zero, and thus may be neglected.
The leading-order terms in the expansion in h of + (the physical root) resemble the Taylor-series expansion
of the exact solution over a single timestep:

+ = 1+(0 + 1 + 2 ) h+(0 + 1 + 2)(0 2) 2 h2 +(03 + 021 + 12 2 + 022 + 3122 + 223) 3 h3 +. . . .




Matching coefficients with the expansion of the exact solution = e h = 1 + h + 2h2 /2 + 3h3 /6 + . . .,
as indicated by underbraces in the above expression, we arrive at three equations for 0 , 1 , and 2 to achieve
the highest order of accuracy possible with this form. It is easily verified that 0 = 5/12, 1 = 8/12, and
2 = 1/12 satisfy these three equations. The leading-order error term of this method is proportional to h4 .
Thus, over a single timestep, the scheme is locally fourth-order accurate; more significantly, over a fixed
time interval [0, T ], the scheme is globally third-order accurate. The resulting method,
xn+1 = xn + h

f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn ,tn ) f(xn1,tn1 ) ,

is thus referred to as AM3. Higher-order AM methods are derived analogously, and are summarized in Table
10.2. Implementation in an iterative fashion [akin to that discussed in (10.25)] is straightforward (see, e.g.,
Algorithm 10.8); note that, when applying an AM formula to a nonlinear system, an AB formula of the same
order is a natural predictor for xn+1. AM methods may be viewed as implicit multistep extensions of IE and
CN that improve the order of accuracy but degrade the domain of stability (see Figure 10.15).

297 Consistency, spurious roots, zero stability, and convergence of LMMs

The local error of an LMM is the difference between the exact solution of the ODE at time tn+1 and the
numerical result xn+1 , assuming that all the previous values used by the LMM, {xn , xn1 , . . .}, are exact.
An LMM is said to be consistent if the local error goes to zero as the timestep h approaches zero.
As illustrated by example in the previous two subsections on the AB and AM methods, the issue of
consistency is a bit more delicate for LMMs than it is for single-step methods such as EE, IE, CN, and the
RK methods. Recall from 10.2.1 that is defined as the amplification of x from one step to the next (that is,
xn+1 = xn ) when a particular numerical method is applied to the model problem x = x. The relationship
between and h for LMMs is a polynomial with multiple roots, one of which is the physical root which
matches the Taylor-series expansion of the amplification of the exact solution, e h = 1 + h + ( h)2/2! +
( h)3 /3! + . . ., through a given order (referred to as the order of accuracy of the scheme), and the others
of which are spurious roots which must have modulus 1 (preferably, < 1) in order to not corrupt the
numerical solution11. An LMM which is first-order accurate or better is consistent.
An LMM is said to be zero stable if, when applied to the model problem x = x with = 0 and nonzero
initial conditions, the solution remains bounded. The important characterization of zero stability is essentially
a special case of the characterization of stability of a time-marching method applied to the model problem
x = x for arbitrary values of ; the following fact makes this connection precise:
Fact 10.1 An LMM, of the form given in (10.40), is zero stable if, when applied to the model problem x = x
with = 0, all roots (including both the physical root and the spurious roots) lie in the unit disk (that is,
| | 1), and those roots on the unit circle (with | | = 1) are simple.
An example of a candidate LMM which is consistent but not zero stable (and is thus unusable) is
xn+1 = 2xn xn1 + hf(xn,tn ) hf(xn1,tn1 ).


[This method was construced simply by taking the EE method (10.5) and subtracting the EE method delayed
by one timestep.] Applying this method to the model problem x = x, the amplification of x from one step
to the next, xn+1 = xn (that is, xn = n x0 ), is found to satisfy

2 (2 + h) + (1 + h) = 0

1 = 1 + h, 2 = 1.

Note that 1 is the physical root and 2 is the spurious root, and that |2 | = 1. The method is first-order
accurate, and thus consistent. For the case with = 0, we have 1 = 2 = 1. In this case, taking x0 = 0
and x1 = 1, it follows that x2 = 2, x3 = 3, etc.; that is, due to the repeated roots on the unit circle, xk grows
algebraically without bound, regardless of h, and thus the LMM (10.43) is not zero stable. In contrast, the AB
and AM methods given in Tables 10.1 and 10.2 above, as well as the BDF and ESD methods given in Tables
10.3 and 10.5 and the CN[ ] method given in (10.46), are all zero-stable LMMs.
Finally, an LMM is said to be convergent if the numerical approximation of the ODE using the LMM
converges to the exact solution of the ODE over a given time interval (t0 ,t0 + T ) as the timestep h approaches
zero. In addition to accuracy, convergence is the property that you ultimately care about in application. The
following result (discussed further on p. 357 of Gautschi 1997) puts everything together:
Fact 10.2 (The Dahlquist Equivalence Theorem) An LMM applied to the ODE dx(t)/dt = f(x(t),t) is
convergent iff it is both consistent and zero stable.
11 Note

that the numerical solution of the model problem using a p-step LMM may be written xn = 1n x0,1 + 2n x0,2 + ... + pn x0,p .


CN[ ]






CN[ ]



Figure 10.16: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep
h using (a) the CN[ ] method [see (10.44)] for = 1/8 (shaded), with the stability boundary also shown for
= 1/4, = 1/2, and = 1, the last of which corresponds to the IE method [see (10.7) and Figure 10.3b];
and (b) the CN[ ] method [see (10.46)] for = 1/8 (shaded), with the stability boundary also shown for
= 1/4, = 1/2, and = 1, the last of which corresponds to the CN[2h] method [see (10.45)].

10.5 Stiff systems

As mentioned in 10.2.2, special care must be taken for ODE systems that are stiff, that is, linear ODEs
with a broad range of eigenvalues in the LHP, or nonlinear ODEs the linearization of which on the solution
trajectory of interest has a broad range of eigenvalues in the LHP. For such problems, we may sometimes
simply use CN (iterative CN if the system is nonlinear), and the stability of the resulting simulation is often
adequate, though the time march is only second-order in h.
Recall from the discussion in 10.2.2 that the CN scheme is A stable but not L stable. In some very stiff
problems, the far-left modes (that is, components of the solution related to eigenvalues far out on the negative
real axis) are sometimes seen to decay slowly, as these eigenvalues are, in a sense, so far left they are right
(that is, they are near the stability boundary at the north pole in Figure B.2). In such systems, developing and
using a modified CN method which is a linear combination of the CN method, which is A-stable, and a small
component of some other L-stable method is sometimes a good idea to damp these far-left modes.
The (single-step) CN[ ] method (a.k.a. the theta method) blends the CN method (10.9) with a small
component of the IE method (10.7), and may be written12

xn+1 = xn + h (1 ) [f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn,tn )]/2 + f(xn+1 ,tn+1 )
for 0 1. The value = 0 gives the CN method, and the value = 1 gives the IE method; the stability
boundary of the CN[ ] method for several values of is given in Figure 10.16a. For relatively stiff problems,
1/8 is often a suitable intermediate choice.
Unfortunately, if 6= 0, the CN[ ] method is only first-order accurate, though the coefficient of the
leading-order error term may be made small by selecting small. Instead of turning to IE to introduce Lstability, we now introduce a (multistep) method which we will refer to as the CN[2h] method [cf. (10.9)]:
xn+1 = xn + h[3f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn1,tn1 )]/4.


As easily verified, this LMM is L-stable and second-order accurate, with a slightly larger coefficient on its
leading-order error term than that of the CN method. By blending the CN method with a small component of
12 Equivalently,

this method is sometimes written in the form xn+1 = xn + h f(xn+1 ,tn+1 ) + (1 ) f(xn ,tn ) for 1/2 1.


the CN[2h] method, we arrive at what we will call the CN[ ] method (a.k.a. the modified CN method)

xn+1 = xn + h (1 ) [f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn,tn )]/2 + [3f(xn+1,tn+1 ) + f(xn1,tn1 )]/4

for 0 1. The value = 0 gives the CN method, and the value = 1 gives the CN[2h] method; the
stability boundary of the CN[ ] LMM for several values of is given in Figure 10.16b. For relatively stiff
problems, 1/8 is a suitable intermediate choice. Note that, with > 0, the CN[ ] LMM is both L-stable
and second-order accurate, though its implementation requires more storage than the CN and CN[ ] methods.
The remainder of this section presents four improved classes of methods for marching stiff ODE systems:

one based on explicit RK methods, leveraging Chebyshev polynomials, specifically designed (by sacrificing accuracy) to extend the corresponding stability region as far to the left as possible on the negative
real axis in the complex plane h,
one based on stiffly-stable implicit RK methods (cf. 10.4.1),
one based on stiffly-stable implicit LMMs (cf. 10.4.2), and
one based on a suitable combination of A-stable or L-stable implicit methods (for the stiff linear terms)
and easy-to-apply explicit methods (for the nonlinear terms).

10.5.1 Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev (RKC) methods

Rather than tuning the available coefficients of an s-stage RK method (10.20) in order to achieve the highest order possible [with or without the constraints of a reduced-storage implementation; see (10.35) and
(10.36)], we may instead constrain the coefficients of an s-stage RK method to achieve a given order, then
tune the remaining coefficients in order to achieve the best stability characteristics possible. When this idea
is applied to extend the stability of an s-stage RK method (see, e.g., Figure 10.5) as far to the left as possible
on the negative real axis (which is generally the region of greatest concern when marching the numerical
discretization of a diffusive PDE system, as discussed further in 11), it leads to what are known as RungeKutta-Chebyshev methods, as discussed below. For further discussion of such methods, the reader is referred
to Verwer, Hundsdorfer, & Sommeijer (1990; hereafter VHS1990) and Abdulle & Medovikov (2001).
To begin, consider an explicit self-starting s-stage scheme for marching the ODE dx/dt = f(x,t) in time
from tk to tk+1 = tk + h that is written in the form13
e1 h f0 ,
y1 = y0 +
e j h f j1
y j = (1 j j ) y0 + j y j2 + j y j1 + ej h f0 +

for 2 j s,


where y0 = xk , ys = xk+1 , and f j = f(y j ,tk + c j h). The variable y j is taken to be an approximation of x(t) at
t = tk + c j h; we thus require that c0 = 0 and cs = 1, and further impose an ordering condition on the substeps
that c0 < c1 < . . . < cs1 < cs . It is clear from this form (which is convenient in the discussion that follows)
that each of the y j depends linearly on y0 and the fi for 0 i < j; thus, this scheme is an explicit Runge Kutta
method of the general form given in (10.20), where the A and b coefficients of the standard Butcher tableau
e j coefficients, as computed in Exercise 10.9.
may be expressed as simple functions of the j , j , ej , and
The polynomial that results from applying the above method to the scalar model problem x = x (that is,
taking f j = y j ) is a polynomial in ( h) of order j with real coefficients at each substep j; that is,
y j = j y0

where j = 1 + d j,1( h) + d j,2 ( h)2 + . . . + d j, j ( h) j ,

and thus xk+1 = s xk where s ( h), the stability polynomial of the method, is a polynomial of order s, where
e j for j > 1; d0,2 = d1,2 = 0,
e1 , d j,1 = j d j2,1 + j d j1,1 + ej +
d0,1 = 0, d1,1 =
d2,2 = 2 d1,1 , d3,2 = 3 d2,1 + 3 d2,2 , d j,2 = j d j1,1 + j d j1,2 + j d j2,2 for j > 3.

13 Apologies

for the somewhat oddly-named coefficients, which are used to be consistent with the published literature on the topic.


Comparing with the exact solution at any given substep j, for which

j,exact = ec j h = 1 + c j ( h) + (c2j /2!)( h)2 + . . . ,

we see that, for first-order accuracy at all substeps (including the last), we require that the c j obey
e1 ,
c1 =

e j for j > 1,
c j = j c j1 + j c j1 + ej +


and for second-order accuracy at all substeps after the first, we further require that the c2j obey
e2 c1 ,
c22 = 2

e3 c2 + 3 c22 ,
c23 = 2

e j c j1 + j c2j1 + j c2j2 for j > 3.

c2j = 2


To summarize, we seek to develop a family of s-stage RK schemes of the form given in (10.47), subject
to either (10.48a) [for first-order accuracy at each substep], or both (10.48a) & (10.48b) [for second-order
accuracy at each substep after the first]. In addition to these accuracy constraints, we would like to tune the
remaining coefficients to extend the domain of stability as far to the left as possible on the negative real
axis; this may be accomplished (in both the first-order and second-order cases) by first assigning to be a
particular polynomial function of ( h), of order s, then constructing the RK scheme that corresponds to this
polynomial. The polynomials that arise in this setting are Chebyshev polynomials [see 5.13] in shifted &
scaled form [see (5.63)], and may be built up one substep at a time via the iteration

j ( h) = a j + b j T j (w0 + w1 h) for 0 j s.


Essentially, when tuned properly, such polynomials [descriptively referred to as equiripple polynomials
see Figure 5.9] oscillate over the range [1 + , 1 ] over the largest domain possible (on the negative real
axis) while matching the specified accuracy constraints; that is, while j ( h) in the neighborhood of the
origin has unit value, a slope of c j , and (if imposing second-order accuracy), a curvature of c2j for j > 1 [for
further motivation on the choice of Chebyshev polynomials in this context, see van der Houwen (1977)].
As Chebyshev polynomials obey simple three-term recurrence relations [see (5.55)], they relate naturally to
corresponding RK schemes of the form given in (10.47).
As suggested by VHS1990, first-order RKC methods satisfying (10.48a) may be developed by taking
w0 = 1 + /s2,

w1 = Ts (w0 )/Ts (w0 ),

a j = 0,

b j = 1/T j (w0 ) for 0 j s


in (10.49); for small , the resulting domain of stability extends to h (2 4 /3)s2 , and the RKC scheme
as formulated in (10.47) may be tuned to achieve this stability characteristic by selecting

j = 2w0 b j /b j1 ,

e1 = w1 /w0 ;

e j = 2w1 b j /b j1 ,
v j = b j /b j2 ,

ej = 0 for 2 j s.


The resulting spacing of the substeps is given by c j = Ts (w0 )T j (w0 )/[T j (w0 )Ts (w0 )] j2 /s2 for 0 j s.
Similarly, second-order RKC methods satisfying both (10.48a) & (10.48b) may be developed by taking
w0 = 1 + /s2;
w1 =

b j = T j (w0 )/[T j (w0 )]2 ,

Ts (w0 )/Ts (w0 ),

b0 = b1 = b2 ,

a j = 1 b j T j (w0 ),
a0 = 1 b0 ,

for 2 j s;

a1 = 1 b1w0


in (10.49); for small , the resulting domain of stability extends to h (2/3)(s2 1)(1 2 /15), and the
RKC scheme as formulated in (10.47) may be tuned to achieve this stability characteristic by selecting

j = 2w0 b j /b j1 ,

v j = b j /b j2,

e1 = b1 /w1 ;

e j = 2w1 b j /b j1 , ej = [b j1 T j1 (w0 ) 1]

for 2 j s.

The resulting spacing of the substeps is given by c1 = c2 /T2 (w0 ) c2 /4, c j = Ts (w0 )T j (w0 )/[T j (w0 )Ts (w0 )]
( j2 1)/(s2 1) for 2 j s.




















































Figure 10.17: Stability regions in the complex plane h of (top row) undamped 1st-order, with = 0, (middle
row) undamped 2nd-order, with = 0, and (bottom row) damped 2nd-order, with with = 0.15, RKC methods with (left column) s = 5, (middle column) s = 10, and (right column) s = 20. Note horizontal scalings.
Figure 10.17 illustrates the stability contours for various incarnations of the RKC methods described
above; note that 1st-order accuracy, shown for comparison purposes only, is generally not adequate for most
numerical computations. The estimates cited previously of the maximum extent of the domain of stability
are indeed accurate: for small and large s, the 1st-order schemes are stable out to about h 2s2 , and
the 2nd-order schemes are stable out to about h 2s2 /3. This highlights the strength of RKC methods:
increasing the number of stages s, while not requiring any more storage in their implementation (10.47),
extends the stability of these methods on the negative real axis at a rate proportional to s2 . Note also that
taking = 0 leads to several isolated points on the negative real axis where | | = 1, bordering on instability;
increasing slightly, while not significantly shortening the region of stability, keeps | | comfortably away
from 1 until the left and right boundaries of the stability region on the negative real axis are approached.

10.5.2 Implicit Runge-Kutta (IRK) methods

Revisiting (10.20) and the Butcher tableau



it is seen that we have so far considered explicit schemes with strictly lower triangular coefficient matrices
A. If we relax this constraint, implicit Runge Kutta schemes may be developed with higher order and better
stability for a given number of stages. Such schemes may in general be written in the form
f1 = f(xn + a1,1 h f1 + a1,2 h f2 + . . . + a1,s h fs ,tn + c1 h)
f2 = f(xn + a2,1 h f1 + a2,2 h f2 + . . . + a2,s h fs ,tn + c2 h)

fs = f(xn + as,1 h f1 + as,2 h f2 + . . . + as,s h fs ,tn + cs h)

xn+1 = xn + h[b1 f1 + b2 f2 + . . . + bs fs ]












The use of such implicit schemes on nonlinear problems is expensive, as it requires iterating over the set
of all s stages, until convergence, at each timestep. Such an iteration might proceed as follows:


(1) Initialize an iteration counter p = 0, and estimate {f1 , . . . , fs }, at times {tn + c1 h, . . . ,tn + cs h}, using
a simple explicit method.
(p) (p)
(p) (p)
(2) Compute the vector nonlinear functions z1 (f1 , . . . , fs ) through zs (f1 , . . . , fs ), and the vec of the
matrix formed with these s vectors as columns, z (see 1.2), as follows:











z1 (f1 , . . . , fs ) = f(xn + a1,1 h f1 + . . . + a1,s h fs ,tn + c1 h) f1



zs (f1 , . . . , fs ) = f(xn + as,1 h f1 + . . . + as,s h fs ,tn + cs h) fs



We will iterate, using the Newton-Raphson approach (3.4), until z1 through zs

(3) Compute the blocks Ai j comprising the Jacobian matrix A(p) ,


A(p) =



(4) Defining f(p)

= vec f(p)



. ,

each with elements

are all close to zero.

Ai j lm = [zi ]l / [f j ]m .

, update f(p+1) = f(p) + h(n+1) , where h(p+1) solves the problem

A(p)h(p+1) = z(p), and repeat from step (2) until convergence.

This iteration may often be significantly accelerated by calculating the Jacobian in step (3) only at the n = 0
iteration, then using this approximate Jacobian for all susequent iterations. Gauss-Legendre Runge Kutta (GLRK) methods
If A is allowed to be full in an IRK method, excellent stability and accuracy properties can be achieved with
a small number of stages. The two-point, fourth-order Gauss-Legendre Runge Kutta formula, GLRK4, is

a generalization of the fourth-order Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula, (9.8b), to ODE systems, with the
Butcher tableau

1/2 3/6
1/4 3/6

1/2 + 3/6 1/4 + 3/6
whereas the three-point, sixth-order Gauss-Legendre Runge Kutta formula, GLRK6, is a generalization of
the sixth-order Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula, (9.15b), to ODE systems, with the Butcher tableau

1/2 15/10
2/9 15/15 5/36 15/30

5/36 + 15/24
5/36 15/24

1/2 + 15/10 5/36 + 15/30 2/9 + 15/15
The GLRK4 and GLRK6 schemes are A stable with, remarkably, stability boundaries that coincide exactly
with that of the exact solution (like CN). These schemes are thus, if it were not for their severe computational
expense as discussed above, quite well suited to problems with purely imaginary eigenvalues. Diagonally-Implicit Runge Kutta (DIRK) methods
Recall that ERK methods have strictly lower triangular coefficient matrices A, whereas general IRK methods
have full coefficient matrices A. Diagonally-Implicit Runge Kutta (DIRK) methods partially address the
severe computational expense associated with IRK methods by restricting the coefficient matrix A to be lower
triangular (but not strictly lower triangular), thereby allowing the iterations for each of the fi to be conducted
independently. In so doing, DIRK methods still can achieve L stability, which is good, though their stability
boundaries do not necessarily coincide exactly with the stability boundary of the exact solution, which is the
price that is paid for eliminating the strictly upper triangular coefficients in A.
Perhaps the simplest DIRK method is the (second-order) iterative CN method presented previously, with
Butcher tableau
0 0
1 1/2 1/2
1/2 1/2
As a more sophisticated example, defining as one of the roots of the cubic equation that comes up in the

6 3 18 2 + 9 1 = 2 cos acos 23 /3 /3 + 4 /3 + 1 0.435866521508458,
and defining the additional parameters

20 2 + 10 1
(4 1)(2 1)
a32 =
12 2 6 + 1
6 2 6 + 1
24 3 36 2 + 12 1
, b2 =
, b3 =
b1 =
12 (1 2 )
12 (1 4 )
3(4 1)(2 1)

a31 =

a fourth-order DIRK method due to Alexander (2003) and referred to here as DIRK4 may be written
1 2










Figure 10.18: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep h
using DIRK4, listed in (10.57), and DIRK4[2P], listed in (10.58).
Note that the value of f1 computed at the first substep of this scheme is in fact identical to the converged
value of f4 computed at end of the previous timestep [because A(s, :) = bT ]; this scheme is thus known as a
first-same-as-last (FSAL) RK algorithm. After start-up, this DIRK scheme thus only requires the iterative
computation of three stages per timestep. [Note that the DIRK interpretation of CN given in (10.56) is also
an FSAL RK algorithm, with the iterative computation of one stage per timestep.]
Another class of DIRK schemes restricts the A matrix to be block lower triangular, where the p p blocks
on the main diagonal of A are themselves restricted to be diagonal. An example of such a scheme with p = 2,
due to Jackson & Norsett (1990) and referred to here as DIRK4[2P], is
171/44 215/44
2/5 43/20
11/72 25/72


The advantage of this type of scheme is the manner in which it can leverage a 2-processor computer architecture. Note that f1 and f2 can be computed completely independently (via iteration) on different processors.
Then, f3 and f4 can be computed completely independently (via iteration) on different processors. Finally, these four values of fi may be combined to extrapolate from xn to xn+1 . This clever idea is extended in Exercise
10.10 to include an EE predictor at the first stage, akin to the iterative CN method in (10.56).
The stability boundaries of DIRK4 and DIRK4[2P], both of which are L-stable, are given in Figure 10.18.

10.5.3 Stiffly-stable linear multistep methods

An alternative approach to stiff systems is to use stiffly stable LMMs, two popular classes of which, backward differentiation formulae and Enright second derivative methods, are introduced below. As these
methods are implicit, again, one must iterate at each timestep (in a manner similar to the iterative CN method
introduced on page 281, or following a Newton-Raphson procedure as discussed on page 303) in order to
apply them to nonlinear systems. Note that such iterations often require significant computational effort.
Noting the definition of zero stability in, the following two classic results, proved in Dahlquist
(1956) and Dahlquist (1963), provide substantial additional insight on higher-order LMMs.


Fact 10.3 (Dahlquists first barrier) A zero-stable p-step LMM, with p = max(q, r) in (10.40), has order of
at most (p + 1) if p is odd and (p + 2) if p is even. If the LMM is explicit, with 0 = 0 in (10.40), then its
order is at most p.
Fact 10.4 (Dahlquists second barrier) All A-stable LMMs are implicit, with 0 6= 0 in (10.40). The highest
order of an (implicit) A-stable LMM is second. Of all second-order A-stable LMMs, the CN method has the
smallest error.
That is, among other things, it is a provable fact that higher-order LMMs are not stable in the entire LHP. As
a consequence, the modified stability descriptions given in 10.2.2 are sometimes useful when considering
LMMs for stiff systems. Backward differentiation formulae (BDF)
Taking r = 0 in (10.40) gives the class of implicit methods known as backward differentiation formulae
(BDF, a.k.a. Gears formulae):

xn+1 = i xn+1i + h0f(xn+1,tn+1 ).



As a particular case, taking q = 1 and optimizing the coefficients to maximize the accuracy of the resulting
scheme recovers the IE method. Taking q = 2 gives
xn+1 = 1 xn 2 xn1 + h0f(xn+1,tn+1 ).
We now focus on this case in particular. Applying this method to the scalar model problem dx/dt = x and
assuming constant h and a solution of the form xn = n x0 , we find a quadratic equation for ,
(1 0 h) 2 + 1 + 2 = 0,
the two roots of which are given by
1 (1 + )
2(1 )

where = 12 42,

= (42 0 / ) h,

= (0 ) h.

Applying the identities (B.81) and (B.77), we may expand both roots in terms of powers of h. By our assumed
form of the solution, it follows that xn = +n x0,+ + n x0, . The leading-order term in the expansion in h of
(a spurious root) is proportional to h. For small h, n quickly decays to zero, and thus may be neglected. The
leading-order terms in the expansion in h of + (the physical root) resemble the Taylor-series expansion of
the exact solution over a single timestep:


22 i
22 222 i 2 2
+ 0
+ =
h + 02
h + ....
2 {z 2 }





Matching coefficients with the exact solution = e h = 1 + h + 2h2 /2 + . . ., as indicated by underbraces in the above expression, and applying the definition = 12 42 , we arrive at three equations for 1 , 2 ,
and 0 to achieve the highest order of accuracy possible with this form. It is easily verified that 1 = 4/3,

Algorithm 10.9: Implementation of iterative BDF4 with an eBDF4 predictor; other iterative BDF methods,
included in the NRC, are implemented similarly.
fu n ction [ x , t , s ]= BDF4iter (R, x , t , s , p , v , SimPlot )
% S i m u l a t e x = f ( x ) , w i t h f i m p l e m e n t e d i n R , u s i n g t h e i t e r a t i v e BDF4 method w i t h an eBDF4
% predictor .
t c o n t a i n s t h e i n i t i a l t on i n p u t and t h e f i n a l t on o u t p u t . x c o n t a i n s
% t h e 4 ( o r more ) most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f x on i n p u t ( from a c a l l t o B D F 3 i t e r / B D F 4 i t e r ) ,
% and t h e 5 most r e c e n t v a l u e s o f x on o u t p u t ( f a c i l i t a t i n g a c a l l t o B D F 4 i t e r / B D F 5 i t e r ) .
% The s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m e t e r s a r e s . MaxTime , s . MaxSteps , s . M a x I t e r s , s . h ( t i m e s t e p ) .
% The f u n c t i o n p a r a m e t e r s p , w h a t e v e r t h e y a r e , a r e s i m p l y p a s s e d a l o n g t o R .
f o r n = 1 : min ( ( s . MaxTimet ) / s . h , s . MaxSteps )
x ( : , 2 : 5 ) = x ( : , 1 : 4 ) ; f = f e v a l (R, x ( : , 2 ) , p ) ;
% P r e d i c t w i t h eBDF4
x ( : , 1 ) = ( 1 0 x ( : , 2 ) + 1 8 x ( : , 3 ) 6 x ( : , 4 ) + x ( : , 5 ) + 1 2 s . h f ) / 3 ;
f o r m= 1 : s . M a x I t e r s , f = f e v a l ( R , x ( : , 1 ) , p ) ;
% I t e r a t i v e l y c o r r e c t w i t h BDF4
x ( : , 1 ) = ( 4 8 x (: ,2) 36 x ( : , 3 ) + 1 6 x (: ,4) 3 x ( : , 5 ) + 1 2 s . h f ) / 2 5 ;
t = t + s . h ; i f v , f e v a l ( S im P lo t , x ( : , 2 ) , x ( : , 1 ) , t s . h , t , s . h , s . h , v ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B D F 4 i t e r











Figure 10.19: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep
h using BDF2 through BDF6. In the language of 10.2.2 and Figure 10.4, BDF2 is L stable whereas BDF3BDF6 are A( ) stable for = 86.03, 73.35, 51.84, and 17.84 respectively; also, BDF2-BDF6 are stiffly
stable with D = 0, 0.083, 0.667, 2.327, and 6.075 respectively.



















Figure 10.20: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep
h using ESD2 through ESD9. In the language of 10.2.2, ESD2-ESD4 are L stable whereas ESD5-ESD9 are
A( ) stable for = 87.88, 82.03, 73.10, 59.59, and 37.61 respectively; also, ESD2-ESD9 are stiffly
stable with D = 0, 0, 0, 0.103, 0.526, 1.339, 2.728, and 5.182 respectively.

2 = 1/3, and 0 = 2/3 satisfy these three equations. The leading-order error term of this method is proportional to h3 . Thus, over a single timestep, the scheme is locally third-order accurate; more significantly,
over a fixed time interval [0, T ], the scheme is globally second-order accurate. The resulting method,
xn+1 = xn xn1 + h f(xn+1 ,tn+1 ),

is thus referred to as BDF2. Higher-order BDFs are derived analogously, and are summarized in Table 10.3.
BDFs may be viewed as implicit alternatives to AM formulae that, referencing a given number of steps into
the past (compare, e.g., BDF2 to AM3, or BDF3 to AM4), have a reduced order of accuracy but a greatly
improved domain of stability (compare Figure 10.19a to Figure 10.15a, or Figure 10.19b to Figure 10.15b).
Recall (from the caption of Table 10.2 and Algorithm 10.7) that it is convenient, and cache efficient, to
use AB methods as predictors when implementing iterative AM methods, as an (explicit) AB method may be
selected that has the same information architecture and the same order of accuracy as the corresponding (implicit) AM method. Similarly when implementing iterative BDF methods, explicit methods referred to here
as eBDF methods may be designed and implemented as predictors which have the same information architecture and the same order of accuracy as the corresponding (implicit) BDF methods; such eBDF predictors
may be written in the form

xn+1 = i xn+1i + h1f(xn ,tn ).



Given the simplicity of the general BDF and eBDF formulae, (10.59) and (10.60), together with the simple
interpretation of LMMs given in the first paragraph of 10.4.2, a convenient alternative method of determining
the constants in these formulae (see Tables 10.3 and 10.4) is simply the Taylor table method described in
8.1.1, as implemented in the test code accompanying Algorithm 8.1 in the NRC; note that such methods are
readily extensible to nonuniform grids, though they do not reveal the leading-order error. Enright second derivative (ESD) methods
Extending (10.40) to include a second derivative term at tn+1 while taking q = 1 gives the class of implicit
methods known as Enright second derivative (ESD) methods:

xn+1 = xn + h i f(xn+1i ,tn+1i ) h2 gn+1,



noting that gn+1 = xn+1 may be calculated as in (10.4b). The case with r = 0, which is second-order accurate
and thus referred to as ESD2, was already encountered in 10.1, where it was identified as ITS2.
Higher-order ESD methods may be derived in an analogous fashion as the BDF methods (see, e.g., Exercise 10.11), and are summarized in Table 10.5. ESD methods may be viewed as implicit alternatives to BDF
methods which, though more complex (as they involve computing xn+1 ), have much smaller regions of instability in the LHP than do their BDF counterparts (compare Figure 10.20 to Figure 10.19).

10.5.4 Implicit/Explicit (IMEX) methods

Consider now a nonlinear ODE system in which the RHS can be split up into a potentially stiff part f(x)
that is easy to handle with an implicit method (e.g., it might be linear with banded sparsity), and a generally
nonstiff part g(x) that is not easy to handle with an implicit method (e.g., it might be nonlinear):
x = f(x) + g(x).


To combine the excellent stability properties of an implicit method with the ease of application of an explicit
method for such systems, which are in fact quite common, it is natural to propose an Implicit/Explicit
(IMEX) numerical time-marching scheme which is implicit on f(x), to get the best stability possible even
when the timesteps are too large to resolve all of the system dynamics, while being explicit on g(x), to
facilitate fast computation.


xn+1 = xn + hfn+1


xn+1 = 34 xn 13 xn1 + 23 hfn+1


xn+1 =


xn+1 =


xn+1 =


xn+1 =

11 xn
25 xn

11 xn1 +
25 xn1 +

137 xn
147 xn

11 xn2 +
25 xn2

137 xn1 +
147 xn1 +

11 hfn+1
25 xn3 + 25 hfn+1
137 xn2 137 xn3 + 137 xn4 +
147 xn2 147 xn3 + 147 xn4

137 hfn+1
147 xn5 + 147 hfn+1

Table 10.3: Stiffly stable backward differentiation formulae (BDF). As with the iterative AM scheme (see
Table 10.2), when applied iteratively to a nonlinear ODE [see (10.25)], the corresponding eBDF formula of
the same order (Table 10.4) is a convenient predictor to use, as it has an analogous information structure.
eBDF1 (EE)

xn+1 = xn + hfn

eBDF2 (leapfrog)

xn+1 = xn1 + 2hfn


xn+1 = 23 xn + 3xn1 21 xn2 + 3hfn


xn+1 = 10
3 xn + 6xn1 2xn2 + 3 xn3 + 4hfn

xn + 10xn1 5xn2 + 35 xn3 14 xn4 + 5hfn
xn+1 = 12

xn + 15xn1 10xn2 + 5xn3 32 xn4 + 51 xn5 + 6hfn
xn+1 = 10

Table 10.4: Explicit backward differentiation formulae (eBDF).


xn+1 = xn + hfn+1 12 h2 gn+1

xn+1 = xn + 23 hfn+1 + 13 hfn 61 h2 gn+1

1 2
xn+1 = xn + 29
48 hfn+1 + 12 hfn 48 hfn1 8 h gn+1

19 2
xn+1 = xn + 307
540 hfn+1 + 40 hfn 20 hfn1 + 1080 hfn2 180 h gn+1

3 2
xn+1 = xn + 3133
5760 hfn+1 + 90 hfn 480 hfn1 + 45 hfn2 5760 hfn3 32 h gn+1


xn+1 = xn + 317731
604800 hfn+1 + 5040 hfn 10080 hfn1 + 7560 hfn2 40320 hfn3


xn+1 = xn + 247021
483840 hfn+1 + 20160 hfn 80640 hfn1 + 90720 hfn2 161280 hfn3


xn+1 = xn + 1758023
3528000 hfn+1 + 1814400 hfn 604800 hfn1 + 1088640 hfn2 36288 hfn3

863 2
hfn4 10080
h gn+1
+ 25200

275 2
+ 20160
hfn4 725760
hfn5 3456
h gn+1

33953 2
hfn4 5443200
hfn5 + 12700800
hfn6 453600
h gn+1
+ 3024000

Table 10.5: Stiffly stable Enright second derivative (ESD) formulae.

The justification for such IMEX methods is that, for sufficiently small h, any smooth nonlinear function
may be linearized accurately; for h sufficiently small that this linearization is valid, superposition holds, and
thus the two contributions to the increment from xn to xn+1 may be computed separately and combined.
There are, of course, a variety of possible combinations of implicit and explicit schemes which one might
consider; we illustrate here a few of the most common.

CNAB methods
One of the simplest class of IMEX methods, generally called CNAB methods, applies the (implicit) CN or
CN[ ] method to the f(x) term and one of the (explicit) AB methods to the g(x) term. An example of a
method in this class, CN[ ]/AB2, may be written

xn+1 = xn + h
f(xn+1 ) +
f(xn ) + f(xn1 ) + g(xn ) g(xn1) ,
where, again, = 1/8 is a suitable choice to ensure that the CN[ ] component of the scheme is L stable (if
A stability is sufficient, = 0 is preferred). Other CNAB methods may easily be written in a similar manner.

The CN/RKW3 method

An IMEX scheme which is particularly efficient with storage may be achieved by performing CN on each
substep of the RKW3 scheme (10.39):
First RK substep:
Second RK substep:
Third RK substep:

x xn
= f(xn ) + f(x)
g(xn )
c2 h
x x
= f(x ) + f(x)
g(x ) +
g(xn )
(c3 c2 )h
c3 c2
c3 c2
xn+1 x 1 h
= f(x ) + f(xn+1) +
g(x ) +
g(x ).
(1 c3)h
1 c3
1 c3

Assuming first that f() = 0, it is seen immediately that this is equivalent to the scheme listed in (10.39),
with the LHS of each expression now a numerical approximation of dx/dt over each RK substep (see Figure
10.12). This facilitates the accounting for the linear terms f(x) with the CN method over each RK substep.
That is, assuming now that g() = 0, the scheme reduces to CN over each of the three substeps. Further,
h1 = c2 h,
1 =

2 =
c3 c2

h2 = (c3 c2 )h,

3 =
1 c3

h3 = (1 c3)h,

1 = 0,

2 =

c3 c2

3 =

1 c3


we can write the algorithm as a march over three RK substeps, each of the form
xrk+1 xrk
= [f(xrk ) + f(xrk+1 )] + rk g(xrk ) + rk g(xrk1 ),
or equivalently, if f(x) = Ax, as

hrk  rk+1
hrk rk
A x
= xrk +
Ax + hrk rk g(xrk ) + hrk rk g(xrk1 ).
Note that, if A has tightly banded sparsity structure, this system may be solved efficiently.


IMEX Runge Kutta methods

The general idea of IMEX Runge Kutta methods is to develop a coordinated pair of DIRK and ERK methods




















that may be used in the following sequence of numerical computations:

1IM : Compute f1 = f(X1 ,tn + cIM
1 h) where X1 = xn + a1,1 h f1 ;

1EX : Compute g1 = g(X1 ,tn + cEX

1 h);
2IM : Compute f2 = f(X2 ,tn + cIM
2 h) where X2 = xn + a2,1 h f1 + a2,2 h f2 + a2,1 h g1 ;

2EX : Compute g2 = g(X2 ,tn + cEX

2 h);
SIM : Compute fS = f(XS ,tn + cIM
S h) where
SEX : Compute gS = f(XS ,tn + cEX
S h);

XS = xn + aIM
S,1 h f1 + aS,2 h f2 + . . . + aS,S1 h fS1 + aS,S h fS
+ aEX
S,1 h g1 + aS,2 h g2 + . . . + aS,S1 h gS1 ;

March: xn+1 = xn + h[bIM
1 f1 + b2 f2 + . . . + bS fS ] + h[b1 g1 + b2 g2 + . . . + bS gS ].

Note that each of the IM steps indicated above is implicit, and at the ith stage may be completed as follows:
guess Xi , compute fi , recalculate Xi based on the computed value of fi , and iterate until convergence.
In contrast with the IMEX schemes presented previously, the coordinated pair of DIRK and ERK methods
are developed carefully in IMEX Runge Kutta methods so that the entire timestep, including the interaction
between the f(x) and g(x) terms, achieves an order of accuracy higher than first. This takes some significant
care even in the case that the RHS does not explicitly depend on t: note in particular that, in the scalar case,
the exact solution of x = f (x) + g(x) has many new interaction terms [cf. (10.21)]:
h2 h3
x + x + O(h4)
2! n 3! n
h3 n
h2 n
f f + f g + g f + g g
f f f + 2 f f g + f gg + g f f
= xn + h f + g
(xn ,tn )
(xn ,tn )
+ 2g f g + g gg + f f f + f g f + g f f + g g f + f f g + f g g + g f g + gg g
+ O(h4),

xn+1 = xn + hxn +

(xn ,tn )

all of which must be matched properly through the desired order by the numerical scheme.
A representative third-order IMEX Runge Kutta method, due to Ascher, Ruuth, & Spiteri (1997) [see also
related analysis by Pareschi & Russo (2001)], takes

= 0.4358665215, = 0.644373171, = 0.3966543747, = 0.5529291479,


and defines the synchronized pair of DIRK and ERK schemes as follows:

(1 + )/2


(1 )/2

(1 + )/2 (1 + )/2
1 2


IMEX RK(3,4,3) scheme (DIRK component)

IMEX RK(3,4,3) scheme (ERK component)







Figure 10.21: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution to x = x with timestep h
using the (left) the DIRK component and (right) the ERK component of the IMEX RK(3,4,3) scheme given
in (10.65). Note in particular that the DIRK component is L-stable.
Note that, due to the column of zeros, f1 is never used by the implicit part of this scheme, and thus the
computation of f1 can be skipped. That is, this scheme actually takes 3 implicit steps and 4 explicit steps
per timestep, and achieves overall third-order accuracay; it is thus classified as an IMEX RK(3,4,3) scheme.
The stability boundaries for the explicit and implicit components of this method are plotted in Figure 10.21.
Note also that, in this case, cIM = cEX (that is, the implicit and explicit stage computations are synchronized
in time), though this is not always the case for general IMEX RK methods.

10.6 Second-order systems

We now discuss appropriate methods for the simulation of second-order systems of the form
q, ,t ,
dt 2


+ C + Kq = b;
dt 2


paying special attention to the linear case, written in the form


in many problems of interest (arising, e.g., from structural vibration problems), M > 0, C 0, and K 0.

10.6.1 Reduction to first-order form

The several first-order ODE integration methods discussed earlier in this chapter are immediately applicable
to (10.66) via the simple change of variables14 x1 = q and x2 = dq/dt, which allows us to rewrite (10.66a)
and (10.66b) as, respectively,

M 1 K M 1C
M 1 b
f(x1 , x2 ,t)
14 Noting the result of Exercise 4.3b, in the linear case it is sometimes preferred to write x1 = M 1/2 q and x2 = M 1/2 dq/dt, where
M1/2 is the symmetric square root of the matrix M > 0, which preserves the symmetric structure of the component matrices of the block
2 2 matrix in the first-order representation of the system.


The CN, CN[ ], and CN[ ] methods are particularly well suited to the linear form on the right. [As an aside,
note that the variable q is known as the configuration of the second-order system, whereas the variable x is
known as the state of the system; initial conditions on the state x are sufficient to specify the subsequent time
evolution of the system, whereas initial conditions on the configuration q alone are not.]
Application of a first-order ODE integration method to a first-order representation of a second-order
problem, however, essentially neglects the special structure of problems of this class. The remainder of this
section presents a few methods which exploit this structure, which presents certain numerical advantages.

10.6.2 The Newmark family of methods

We now develop a family of time integration methods particularly well suited for oscillatory linear secondorder systems (10.66b) which, evaluating at tn+1 , may be written
Man+1 + Cvn+1 + Kqn+1 = bn+1 .


Recall that the CN[ ] method, in the form given in footnote 12 on page 299, looks essentially like a truncated
Taylor series expansion of x around the time tn , with the last term of the truncated Taylor series blending derivative information from both the old and new timesteps. Defining v = dq/dt and a = d 2 q/dt 2 , the Newmark
family of methods starts from the following two truncated Taylor series with similarly modified last terms:
h2 n
qn+1 = qn + h vn +
(1 2 ) an + 2 an+1 ,
vn+1 = vn + h (1 ) an + an+1 ;


it is found in the analysis below that parameter values of 1/2 and 1/4, known as the constant
acceleration method, work particularly well. Substituting (10.69a) and (10.69b) into (10.68) reveals the
D an+1 = bn+1 C vn + h (1 ) an K qn + h vn + (1 2 ) an ,

where D = M + hC + h2 K. At each timestep of the Newmark method, (10.69c) is first solved for an+1 ,
then qn+1 and vn+1 are computed using (10.69a) and (10.69b)15 . A key advantage of the Newmark method
over schemes based on reduction to first-order form is that, if M is diagonally dominant and M, C, and K have
exploitable sparsity, then, given sufficiently small h, these properties are inherited by D [the only matrix that
must be solved at each timestep]; this is in contrast with the matrix on the RHS in (10.67).

15 Note

that an equivalent form of the Newmark method may be developed by solving (10.69a) and (10.69b) for an+1 and vn+1 :
1 n
qn+1 qn h vn (1 2 ) an ,
h2 io
vn+1 = vn + h an +
qn+1 qn h vn an ;
an+1 =


Substituting (10.70a) and (10.70b) into (10.68) then reveals the following:

h2 io
D qn+1 = h2 bn+1 M qn hvn (1 2 ) an Ch hvn + h2 an qn + h vn + an ,


where, again, D = M + hC + h2 K [and, thus, this formulation has the same complexity as that in (10.70)]. At each timestep of this
formulation of the Newmark method, (10.70c) is first solved for qn+1 , then an+1 and vn+1 are computed using (10.70a) and (10.70b).


Substituting an = M 1 (bn Cvn Kqn ) and an+1 = M 1 (bn+1 Cvn+1 Kqn+1 ) into the RHS and
defining = 0.5 and = 1 , we may rewrite (10.69a)-(10.69b) as


h2 C
M + h2 K
h2 bn + h2 bn+1
M h2 K h M h2 C qn
M + hC vn+1
M hC
h bn + h bn+1
h K
Considering now the second-order model problem d 2 q/dt 2 2 q = (d/dt )(d/dt + )q = 0 [that
is, combining the first-order scalar model problems dq/dt = q and dq/dt = q], we take M = 1, C = 0,
K = 2 , and b = 0 in (10.68) and apply Fact 1.8, reducing the above relation to

1 2 h2
2 h


1 + 2 h2
2 h


/( 2 h)
1 /2
, n
2 h(1 /2)

where, applying (B.77), = 2 h2 /(1 2 h2 ) = 2 h2 4 h4 2 6 h6 + . . . The characteristic

equation of is 2 (2 ( + 1/2) ) + 1 ( 1/2) = 0; defining e = + 1/2, the eigenvalues of
= 1 ( + 1/2) /2 [1 ( + 1/2)2 /4]
= 1 + e( 2 h2 + 4 h4 + . . .)/2 h (1 + 2 h2 + 2 4 h4 + . . .) (1 + e2 2 h2 /4 + e2 4 h4 /4 + . . .)
= 1 + e( 2 h2 + 4 h4 + . . .)/2 h 1 + ( + e2 /4) 2 h2 + ( 2 + e2 /2) 4 h4 + . . .
= 1 h+

+ 1/2 2 2 + ( + 1/2)2/4 3 3 + 1/2

h +
4 h4 + O( 5 h5 ).


It is thus seen that:

Taking = 1/2 and = 1/12, we have = 1 h + 2 h2 /2 3 h3 /6 + 4 h4 /24 + . . ., and the
method (known as the Fox-Goodwin method) is fourth-order accurate; for = 1/2 and 6= 1/12, the
method is second-order accurate (other common values of include = 1/6, known as the linear
acceleration method, and = 1/4, known as the constant acceleration method).
If = i and thus 2 = 2 < 0 & > 0, then the eigenvalues of come as a complex conjugate
pair (that is, + = ) if
1 ( + 1/2)2 /4 0

( + 1/2)2 4 4/ 2 h2 .

If = i and thus 2 = 2 < 0 & > 0, noting (10.71a), it is further seen that

if = 1/2 and 1/4, the eigenvalues come in a complex conjugate pair with | | = 1 for
any (i.e., the time-integration method is unconditionally stable);
if = 1/2 and 0 < < 1/4, the eigenvalues come in a complex conjugate pair with | | = 1
for 2 h2 4/[( + 1/2)2 4 ] (i.e., the time-integration method is conditionally stable).

As in previous sections, the stability regions (that is, the regions for which both |+ | 1 and | | 1) are
plotted in Figure 10.22 for = 1/12, = 1/6, and = 1/4, and for two values of slightly larger than 0.5;
per the last bullet point above, for = 0.5 exactly, the region of stability is restricted to an interval along the
imaginary axis centered at the origin for < 1/4, and to the entire imaginary axis for 1/4.
It is seen in Figure 10.22 that the Newmark family of methods is useless for exponentially damped problems (with any eigenvalues on the negative real axis). However, for purely oscillatory problems (with pure
imaginary eigenvalues), we may achieve stability by taking = 0.5, and for problems with lightly damped
complex eigenvalues, we may achieve stability by taking slightly larger than 0.5. In order to ensure stability for all of the oscillatory modes in a given problem (even those with large ), we usually take = 1/4

























= 2x

Figure 10.22: Stability regions in the complex plane h for the numerical solution of
with timestep
h using a Newmark method with (left) = 1/12, (center) = 1/6, (right) = 1/4 and (top) = 0.51,
(bottom) = 0.55. The stable regions are shaded. Note the scaling of the x axis.
in the Newmark method in order to obtain unconditional stability, thus resulting in second-order accuracy.
Nonetheless, for certain finite-dimensional problems in which the oscillatory modes have have a known maximum frequency (cf. the infinite-dimensional problem simulated with this method in 11.3.2), we may take
= 1/12 (and sufficiently small h) to achieve both stability and fourth-order accuracy with this method.

10.6.3 Hamiltonian systems

Many conservative second-order systems can be written in the equivalent first-order Hamiltonian form

H[p(t), q(t)]
dq H(q, p)


with z(t) = q(t) ,
= f[z(t)] =

H[p(t), q(t)]
H(q, p)

where q(t) is referred to as a generalized configuration vector, p(t) is referred to as a generalized momentum vector, and the scalar H(p, q) is referred to as the Hamiltonian of the system. Problems of this form
deserve special attention, as the Hamiltonian is preserved exactly as the system evolves:

H dq H dp H H H H

= 0.
q dt
p dt
q p
p q


We thus seek numerical methods which share, if possible, this conservation property of the physical system.

Analysis of problems of this type is simplified significantly by introducing the Poisson bracket16
{ f (q, p), g(q, p)} ,

f g
f g

qi pi pi qi


We may then write the equations governing the evolution of the system in Hamiltonian form as
dq j /dt = H/ p j = {q j , H} and d p j /dt = H/ q j = {p j , H}.


Angling for a simplified formulation leveraging the Poisson bracket, we may write
dz/dt = DH z where DH z , {z, H},


where we refer to DH as the Poisson operator related to H; it follows that d 2 z/dt 2 = DH (DH z) , D2H z, etc.
The exact solution of (10.76a) over a timestep of duration h may be written using a Taylor series as
h2 2
DH z(t) + D3H z(t) + . . . , eDH h z(t)
where eDH h , I + h DH + D2H + D3H + . . .;

z(t + h) = z(t) + h DH z(t) +


note that the solution of the linear system dx/dt = Ax, where A is a matrix, is written in an analogous form
x(t + h) = eAh x(t) where eAh is called the matrix exponential, as discussed further in ??. The infinite series
in (10.76b) converges slowly when h is large; further, even if many steps of relatively short duration h are
made, the various ODE marching techniques presented thus far in this chapter tend to introduce errors in the
Hamiltonian at each timestep which accumulate over time, thus leading to an unacceptable level of violation
of (10.73). We thus seek to design ODE marching techniques specifically for this class of systems.
We focus our attention on a common class of Hamiltonian systems with separable Hamiltonian structure,
H[p(t), q(t)] = T [p(t)] + V [q(t)]

dH[p(t), q(t)]


where DH z =
dH[p(t), q(t)] ,


dz/dt = DT z + DV z

dT [p(t)]

and thus DT z = dp ,


DV z = dV [q(t)] . (10.77b)


Example 10.10 Orbital Mechanics. Denote T as the kinetic energy, V as the potential energy, and H as
the total energy of an isolated system of n bodies moving under (classical) mutual gravitational forces, where17 the ith body has mass mi , position (a.k.a. configuration) qi , and momentum pi , and the gravitational
constant G is 6.67428e 11 m3 /kg/sec2 . The Hamiltonian of this system is of the form (10.77a) with
T [p(t)] =


pi (t) pi (t)/mi,


V [q(t)] = G mi m j /|qi (t) q j (t)|.

i=1 j=1

Though the practical utility of this construction might at first seem a bit fishy, once you trawl these waters more deeply, the lure
of the simplifying nature of the Poisson bracket in this cast of problems ultimately becomes irresistible. Important properties of this
noncommunative bilinear construction, all of which are straightforward to verify (see Exercise 10.14), include the following:
{ f , f } = 0, { f ,g} = {g, f }, { f + g,h} = { f ,h} + {g,h}, { f ,g + h} = { f ,g} + { f ,h},
{ f g,h} = f {g,h} + { f ,h}g, { f ,gh} = g{ f ,h} + { f ,g}h, { f ,{g,h}} + {h,{ f ,g}} + {g, {h, f }} = 0.
17 That is, the system configuration and momentum vectors, p and q, are the vectors formed by assembling all of the individual
configuration and momentum vectors pi and qi in the system.


Noting the partitioning of z in (10.72) and the sparsity of DT z & DV z in (10.77b), it follows that the DT
& DV operators are nilpotent of degree 2 (see 1.2.7 for the analogous definition of nilpotent matrices); i.e.,
DTn z = DVn z = 0 for n 2.


Noting the definition of eDH h in (10.76c), the following expressions are therefore exact (even for finite h):
eDT h z(t) = z(t) + hDT z(t),

eDV h z(t) = z(t) + hDV z(t).


We now consider self-starting explicit time marching methods, known as Symplectic Integrators (SIs), for
separable Hamiltonian systems that leverage these exact relations over p substeps and are written in the form
z(t + h) = e(DT +DV ) h z(t) = eDV d p h eDT c p h eDV d2 h eDT c2 h eDV d1 h eDT c1 h z(t) + O(h p+1)


where c1 + c2 + . . . c p = 1 and d1 + d2 + . . . d p = 1; note that the ci need not equal the di .

With p = 1 in (10.80), noting (10.79), the first-order symplectic integrator (SI1, a.k.a. the symplectic
Euler method) may be written by taking c1 = d1 = 1, and thus:
dT [p(t)]
DT h
z = e zk = zk + hDT zk
z = zk + h k
where qk =

dV [q(t)]
zk+1 = eDV h z = z + hDV z zk+1 = z + h
where p =

that is, combining (10.81a) into (10.81b),

zk+1 = [zk + hDT zk ] + hDV [zk + hDT zk ] = zk + h[DT + DV ]zk + h2DV DT zk .


Noting (10.78), the exact result (10.76b) for a system with a separable Hamiltonian (10.77a) is
[DV DT + DT DV ] z(t) + [DV DT DV + DT DV DT ] z(t)
+ [DV DT DV DT + DT DV DT DV ] z(t) + [DV DT DV DT DV + DT DV DT DV DT ] z(t) + . . .

z(t + h) = z(t) + h [DT + DV ] z(t) +


Comparing (10.82) with (10.83), it is seen that the leading-order error is proportional to h2 , and thus the SI1
scheme (10.81) is globally first-order accurate.
With p = 2 in (10.80), noting (10.79), a second-order symplectic integrator (SI2, a.k.a. the Verlet
method) may be written by taking c1 = c2 = 1/2, d1 = 1, d2 = 0 [with the primed quantities as in (10.81)]:
z = eDT h/2 zk = zk + (h/2)DT zk

z = zk + (h/2) k ,
z = eDV h zk = z + h DV z

z = z + h ,
zk+1 = eDT h/2 z = z + (h/2)DT z zk+1 = z + (h/2) ;
that is, combining (10.84a) & (10.84b) into (10.84c) and applying (10.78),
zk+1 = [z + hDV z ] + (h/2)DT [z + hDV z ] = z + h[(1/2)DT + DV ]z + (h2/2)DT DV z

= [zk + (h/2)DT zk ] + h[(1/2)DT + DV ][zk + (h/2)DT zk ] + (h2/2)DT DV [zk + (h/2)DT zk ]

= zk + h[DT + DV ]zk + (h2 /2)[DV DT + DT DV ]zk + (h3 /4)[DT DV DT ]zk .


Comparing (10.85) with (10.83), it is seen that the leading-order error is proportional to h3 , and thus the SI2
scheme (10.84) is globally second-order accurate.

Note that the last substep of one timestep and the first substep of the next in (10.84) may actually be
combined (exactly) when marching over several timesteps, thus leading to a scheme of essentially the same
two-substep form as (10.81) but which, when interpreted correctly, is actually second-order accurate. Stated
differently, when interpreting the computed p values as shifted by a half timestep from the computed q values
in such a scheme, an extra order of accuracy is realized. This idea is encountered again in 13.
With p = 4 in (10.80), noting (10.79), a fourth-order symplectic integrator (SI4, a.k.a. Ruths method)
may be written by defining f = 21/3 and taking
c1 = c4 =
and thus,

2(2 f )

c2 = c3 =

1 f
2(2 f )

d1 = d3 =

z1 = eDT c1 h zk = zk + c1 h DT zk

z2 = eDV d1 h z1 = z1 + d1 h DV z1

z3 = eDT c2 h z2 = z2 + c2 h DT z2

z4 = eDV d2 h z3 = z3 + d2 h DV z3

z5 = eDT c3 h z4 = z4 + c3 h DT z4

z6 = eDV d3 h z5 = z5 + d3 h DV z5

zk+1 = eDT c4 h z6 = z6 + c4 h DT z6

2 f

d2 =

2 f

d4 = 0,

z2 = z1 + d1 h ,
z3 = z2 + c2 h 2 ,
z4 = z3 + d2 h ,
z5 = z4 + c3 h 4 ,
z6 = z5 + d3 h ,
zk+1 = z6 + c4 h 6 .
z1 = zk + c1 h


Combining (10.86a) through (10.86g) and comparing with (10.83) (see Exercise 10.18) confirms that the
leading-order error is proportional to h5 , and thus the SI4 scheme (10.84) is globally fourth-order accurate.
As with the SI2 scheme (10.84), the last substep of one timestep and the first substep of the next in (10.86)
may be combined (exactly) when marching over several timesteps, thus leading to a scheme of the same order
with essentially six substeps per timestep, with the values of q and p shifted slightly in time from one another.
Symplectic integrators for symplectic operators
Recall (Fact 4.33) that a real, symplectic matrix M is defined via the symplectic identity J as

0 I
J MJ = M
where J =
, J 1 = J T = J.
I 0
Hamiltonian systems (like the orbital mechanics problem formulated in Example 10.10 and illustrated in
Figure 10.23) are special because they are conservative (as opposed to being diffusive like the heat, Burgers,
and Navier-Stokes equations considered in 11); essentially, Hamiltonian systems have the same behavior
marching forward in time as they do marching backward in time. One way of seeing this is writing


= J H
where z =
, =
= DH z =



it follows that the Poisson operator related to H is divergence free: T (dz/dt) = T (DH z) = T J H = 0.

Inner planets, Day=686.97, Year=1.8808

Outer planets, Day=60190.60, Year=164.79


















Figure 10.23: Solar system simulation, as implemented in Algorithm 10.10, using SI4 and h 1 day. (left)
Initial (+) & final (*) positions of the inner planets after 1.8808 sidereal years, after which Mars (fourth from
the sun) essentially returns to its initial position. (right) Initial (+) & final (*) positions of the outer planets
after 164.79 sidereal years, after which Neptune returns to its initial position.






























Figure 10.24: Orbit of Mercury in solar system simulations, as implemented in Algorithm 10.10, over 14
sidereal years using (left) RK4 and (right) SI4 and an unacceptably large timestep of h 10 days. Though
the initial accuracy over each timestep of the RK4 and SI4 methods are about the same, the errors in the RK4
case lead to significant changes in the orbital energy, whereas the errors in the SI4 case lead to a shift of the
orbit, but not to significant changes in the orbital energy.
The SI1, SI2, and SI4 methods listed in (10.81), (10.84), and (10.86), in addition to the GLRK4 and
GLRK6 methods listed in (10.54) and (10.55), share the symplectic behavior of the underlying Hamiltonian
system described above. Further theoretical analysis and discussion of this interesting fact (and the fascinating
and extensive literature surrounding it) is deferred to the lucid discussion in Sanz-Serna (1991).

The RK4 and SI4 methods are implemented in Algorithm 10.10 on the evolution of our solar system, as
formulated in Example 10.10. The resulting orbits of the inner and outer planets, using h 1 day, are shown
in Figure 10.23. Note in particular the (correct) eccentricities of each orbit, and that the simulations match
the published values of the orbital periods of Mars and Neptune to several significant figures.
Comparison of the SI4 method and the RK4 method over T =14 years is given in Figure 10.24 using
a timestep of h 10 days, which is far too big for an accurate simulation, but is done here to characterize
the effects of accumulating numerical errors (note that smaller timesteps lead to similar issues, they just take
longer to manifest). In the simulation using RK4, Mercurys orbit decays until it falls in towards the sun,
then departs the solar system altogether, while the overall energy of the orbital system increases by 1% over
the period shown, then increases rapidly from there. In contrast, in the simulation using SI4, Mercurys orbit
shifts, with initially about the same level of inaccuracy per timestep; however, these errors do not cause a
significant decay or growth of Mercurys orbit, and the overall energy of the orbital system changes by a
mere 0.0004% over the period shown. Though neither numerical result is perfect, the SI4 method exhibits
significantly better stability for long-time simulations in such problems, even though it just as simple to
implement as RK4, and in fact slightly cheaper per timestep to calculate.
Algorithm 10.10: SI4 and RK4 simulations of the Solar System.
f u n c t i o n [ qs , e n e r g y ] = S o l a r S y s t e m S i m u l a t o r
% S i m u l a t e t h e e v o l u t i o n o f t h e s o l a r s y s t e m u s i n g S I 4 ( o r RK4 ) .
method= S I 4 ;
% Try SI4 o r RK4 ( b u t ch eck F i g u r e 1 0 . 2 2 f i r s t ! )
Tmax = 1 . 8 8 0 8 ;
% E x a c t t o t a l s i m u l a t i o n tim e , i n s i d e r e a l y e a r s
kmax=round ( Tmax 3 6 5 ) ; h=Tmax / kmax ;
% T i m e s t e p ( w i l l be a b o u t 1 e a r t h day )
% S e t c o n s t a n t s t o c o n v e r t d i s t a n c e s t o AU and t i m e s t o s i d e r e a l y e a r s ,
AU=1 4 9 5 9 7 8 7 0 7 0 0 ;
% A s t r o n o m i c a l U n i t = mean o r b i t a l d i s t a n c e o f e a r t h from s u n i n m
sy =365.256363004;
% Number o f d a y s i n a s i d e r e a l y e a r
% G r a v i t a t i o n a l c o n s t a n t ( c o n v e r t e d from m 3 / kg / s 2 t o AU 3 / kg / y e a r 2 )
G =6 . 6 7 4 2 8 e 11(606024 s y ) 2 / AU 3 ;
% Masses ( kg ) [ D ata from Champion e t a l . ( 2 0 1 0 ) ]
M( 1 ) = 1 . 9 8 8 9 2 0 e +3 0 ;
% Sun
M( 2 ) = 3 . 2 9 8 4 6 e +2 3 ;
% Mercury
M( 3 ) = 4 . 8 6 8 5 4 e +2 4 ;
% Venus
M( 4 ) = 5 . 9 7 3 6 e +24 + 0 . 0 7 3 4 9 e +2 4 ; % E a r t h + Moon
M( 5 ) = 6 . 4 1 6 6 5 e +2 3 ;
% Mars
M( 6 ) = 1 . 8 9 9 0 0 5 e +2 7 ;
% Jupiter
M( 7 ) = 5 . 6 8 6 0 6 9 e +2 6 ;
% Saturn
M( 8 ) = 8 . 6 8 3 2 e +2 5 ;
% U r an u s
M( 9 ) = 1 . 0 2 4 3 e +2 6 ;
% N ep tu n e
% I n i t i a l p o s i t i o n s (AU) and i n i t i a l v e l o c i t i e s (AU/ day )
% [ D ata from Arminjon , M ( 2 0 0 2 ) , 0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 . 0 on F e b r u a r y 2 6 , 2 0 0 0 . ]
q =[0 , 0 , 0;
% Sun
2.503321047836E01 , +1 . 8 7 3 2 1 7 4 8 1 6 5 6 E01 , +1 . 2 6 0 2 3 0 1 1 2 1 4 5 E01; % Mercury
+1 . 7 4 7 7 8 0 0 5 5 9 9 4 E02 , 6.624210296743E01 , 2.991203277122E01; % Venus
9.091916173950E01 , +3 . 5 9 2 9 2 5 9 6 9 2 4 4 E01 , +1 . 5 5 7 7 2 9 6 1 0 5 0 6 E01; % E a r t h + Moon
+1 . 2 0 3 0 1 8 8 2 8 7 5 4 E+00 , +7 . 2 7 0 7 1 2 9 8 9 6 8 8 E01 , +3 . 0 0 9 5 6 1 4 2 7 5 6 9 E01; % Mars
+3 . 7 3 3 0 7 6 9 9 9 4 7 1 E+00 , +3 . 0 5 2 4 2 4 8 2 4 2 9 9 E+00 , +1 . 2 1 7 4 2 6 6 6 3 5 7 0 E+0 0 ; % J u p i t e r
+6 . 1 6 4 4 3 3 0 6 2 9 1 3 E+00 , +6 . 3 6 6 7 7 5 4 0 2 9 8 1 E+00 , +2 . 3 6 4 5 3 1 1 0 9 8 4 7 E+0 0 ; % S a t u r n
+1 . 4 5 7 9 6 4 6 6 1 8 6 8 E+01 , 1.236891078519E+01 , 5.623617280033E+0 0 ; % U r an u s
+1 . 6 9 5 4 9 1 1 3 9 9 0 9 E+01 , 2.288713988623E+01 , 9.789921035251E + 0 0 ] ; % N ep tu n e
p =[0 , 0 , 0;
% Sun
2.438808424736E02 , 1.850224608274E02 , 7.353811537540E03; % Mercury
+2 . 0 0 8 5 4 7 0 3 4 1 7 5 E02 , +8 . 3 6 5 4 5 4 8 3 2 7 0 2 E04 , 8.947888514893E04; % Venus
7.085843239142E03 , 1.455634327653E02 , 6.310912842359E03; % E a r t h + Moon
7.124453943885E03 , +1 . 1 6 6 3 0 7 4 0 7 6 9 2 E02 , +5 . 5 4 2 0 9 8 6 9 8 4 4 9 E03; % Mars
5.086540617947E03 , +5 . 4 9 3 6 4 3 7 8 3 3 8 9 E03 , +2 . 4 7 8 6 8 5 1 0 0 7 4 9 E03; % J u p i t e r
4.426823593779E03 , +3 . 3 9 4 0 6 0 1 5 7 5 0 3 E03 , +1 . 5 9 2 2 6 1 4 2 3 0 9 2 E03; % S a t u r n
+2 . 6 4 7 5 0 5 6 3 0 3 2 7 E03 , +2 . 4 8 7 4 5 7 3 7 9 0 9 9 E03 , +1 . 0 5 2 0 0 0 2 5 2 2 4 3 E03; % U r an u s
+2 . 5 6 8 6 5 1 7 7 2 4 6 1 E03 , +1 . 6 8 1 8 3 2 3 8 8 2 6 7 E03 , +6 . 2 4 5 6 1 3 9 8 2 8 3 3 E 0 4 ] ; % N ep tu n e



% C o n v e r t i n i t i a l v e l o c i t i e s (AU/ day ) t o i n i t i a l momenta (AU kg / y e a r )

f o r i = 1 : 9 , p ( i , : ) =M( i ) p ( i , : ) s y ; end
% Remove t h e d r i f t o f t h e e n t i r e s y s t e m .
d r i f t =sum ( p , 1 ) / sum (M) ; f o r i = 1 : 9 , f o r j = 1 : 3 , p ( i , j ) = p ( i , j )M( i ) d r i f t ( j ) ; end , end
% S h i f t c e n t e r o f mass o f s y s t e m t o t h e o r i g i n .
cm=[Mq ( : , 1 ) M q ( : , 2 ) M q ( : , 3 ) ] / sum (M) ; f o r j = 1 : 3 , q ( : , j ) = q ( : , j )cm ( j ) ; end
% R e f l e c t s y s t e m s u c h t h a t [ 1 0 0 ] i s n o r m al t o t h e p l a n e o f t h e e c l i p t i c
n = 0 ; f o r i = 1 : 9 , n=n+ c r o s s ( q ( i , : ) , p ( i , : ) ) ; end
[ s , w] = R e f l e c t C o m p u t e ( n ) ; [ q ] = R e f l e c t ( q , s , w, 1 , 3 , 1 , 9 , R ) ;
[ p ] = R e f l e c t ( p , s , w, 1 , 3 , 1 , 9 , R ) ;
a=q ( 4 , 2 ) ; b=q ( 4 , 3 ) ; % R o t a t e s y s t e m s u c h t h a t e a r t h i s i n i t i a l l y a t 0 d e g r e e s
[ c , s ] = R o tateC o m p u te ( a , b ) ; [ q ] = R o t a t e ( q ,c ,s , 2 , 3 , 1 , 9 , R ) ; [ p ] = R o t a t e ( p ,c ,s , 2 , 3 , 1 , 9 , R ) ;
% S e t up a v e c t o r t o s a v e t h e s i m u l a t i o n r e s u l t , and ch eck t h e i n i t i a l e n e r g y
q s ( : , : , 1 ) = q ; e n e r g y ( 1 ) = CheckEnergy ( p , q ,M, G, 0 , method ) ;
% I n i t i a l i z e c o n s t a n t s f o r S I 4 t i m e m a r c h i n g method o f Ruth
f = 2 ( 1 / 3 ) ; c ( 1 ) = 1 / ( 2 ( 2 f ) ) ; c ( 4 ) = c ( 1 ) ; c (2)=(1 f ) / ( 2 ( 2 f ) ) ; c ( 3 ) = c ( 2 ) ;
d (1)=1/(2 f ) ;
d ( 3 ) = d ( 1 ) ; d (2)= f /(2 f ) ;
d (4)=0;
f o r P = 1 : 2 , f i g u r e ( P ) ; c l f ; i f P ==1 ; n = 5 ; e l s e ; n = 9 ; end
% Initia lize plots
p l o t 3 ( q ( 1 : n , 1 ) , q ( 1 : n , 2 ) , q ( 1 : n , 3 ) , k+ ) ; h o ld on ; view ( 9 0 , 0 ) , j = 1 ; end
f o r k = 1 : Tmax / h , t =k h ;
% Now p e r f o r m t i m e march u s i n g S I 4 o r RK4
i f method == S I 4
f o r s s = 1 : 4 , q=q+c ( s s ) h d q d t ( p ,M) ;
i f s s <4, p=p+d ( s s ) h d p d t ( q ,M, G ) ; end , end
% SI4
% Note : t h e S I 4 i m p l e m e n t a t i o n ab o v e may be a c c e l e r a t e d by co m b in in g t h e l a s t s u b s t e p
% of each tim es tep with th e f i r s t s u b s tep of th e next , as s u g g es ted in th e t e x t .
e l s e i f method == RK4
k1q = d q d t ( p ,M) ;
k1p = d p d t ( q ,M, G ) ;
% RK4
k2q = d q d t ( p +( h / 2 ) k1p ,M) ;
k2p = d p d t ( q +( h / 2 ) k1q ,M, G ) ;
k3q = d q d t ( p +( h / 2 ) k2p ,M) ;
k3p = d p d t ( q +( h / 2 ) k2q ,M, G ) ;
k4q = d q d t ( p+h k3p ,M) ;
k4p = d p d t ( q+h k3q ,M, G ) ;
q=q+h ( k1q / 6 + ( k2q +k3q ) / 3 + k4q / 6 ) ; p=p+h ( k1p / 6 + ( k2p +k3p ) / 3 + k4p / 6 ) ;
q s ( : , : , k +1)= q ;
i f ( mod ( k , 5 ) = = 0 & k <=730) | mod ( k , 3 6 5 ) = = 0 | k==Tmax / h , l =k + 1 ; f o r P = 1 : 2 , f i g u r e ( P ) ,
i f P ==1 , n = 5 ; m= 1 ; t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( I n n e r p l a n e t s , Day =%0.2 f , Year =%0.5 g , t sy , t ) )
else ,
n = 9 ; m= 5 ; t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( O u t e r p l a n e t s , Day =%0.2 f , Year =%0.5 g , t sy , t ) ) , end
for i =1: n
p l o t 3 ( s h i f t d i m ( q s ( i , 1 , j :m: l ) ) , s h i f t d i m ( q s ( i , 2 , j :m: l ) ) , s h i f t d i m ( q s ( i , 3 , j :m: l ) ) , k )
a x i s t i g h t , a x i s e q u a l , pause ( 0 . 0 0 0 1 ) ;
end , j = l ; end
i f mod ( k , 3 6 5 ) = = 0 | k==Tmax / h , e n e r g y ( end +1)= CheckEnergy ( p , q ,M, G, t , method ) ; end
f o r P = 1 : 2 , f i g u r e ( P ) , p l o t 3 ( q ( 1 : n , 1 ) , q ( 1 : n , 2 ) , q ( 1 : n , 3 ) , k ) , h o ld o f f , end % F i n a l i z e p l o t s
end % f u n c t i o n S o l a r S y s t e m S i m u l a t o r
f u n c t i o n [ x ] = d q d t ( p ,M) ;
f o r i = 1 : 9 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; x ( i , j ) = p ( i , j ) /M( i ) ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n d q d t
f u n c t i o n [ x ] = d p d t ( q ,M, G ) ;
x= z e r o s ( 9 , 3 ) ; f o r i = 1 : 9 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; f o r k = 1 : 9 ; i f k = i
x ( i , j ) = x ( i , j ) +GM( i ) M( k ) ( q ( k , j )q ( i , j ) ) / norm ( q ( k , : ) q ( i , : ) ) 3 ;
end , end , end , end
end % f u n c t i o n d p d t
f u n c t i o n TE= CheckEnergy ( p , q ,M, G, t , method ) ;
KE= 0 ; f o r i = 1 : 9 , KE=KE+norm ( p ( i , : ) ) 2 / ( 2 M( i ) ) ; end
PE = 0 ; f o r i = 1 : 8 , f o r k= i + 1 : 9 , PE=PEGM( i ) M( k ) / norm ( q ( k , : ) q ( i , : ) ) ; end , end
TE=KE+PE ; d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( %s , Year = %0.5 g , T o t a l e n e r g y %0.9 g , method , t , TE ) )
end % f u n c t i o n CheckEnerg y











f ( ),

Figure 10.25: Solutions

plotted sideways, of the Falkner-Skan equation (10.87) for various values
of the nondimensionalized pressure gradient m: (dot-dashed) decelerated solutions with m < 0, (solid) the
Blasius case with m = 0, (dashed) accelerated solutions with m > 0.

10.7 Two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs)

The ODE problems considered thus far have all had just enough initial conditions imposed to march the ODE
forward (or backward) uniquely in time (or space) from a well-defined starting point, and are thus referred to
as initial value problems (IVPs). Another important class of ODE problems is set up by constraints at both
ends of a region in space or time, and are referred to as two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs).
A prototypical problem of this class is the Falkner-Skan equation for a function f ( ) modeling a boundary layer flow18 . In this model, f is proportional to the speed of the flow in the streamwise direction and
is proportional to the distance away from the surface; both f and are appropriately nondimensionalized
by the speed of the flow outside the boundary layer, U , the viscosity of the fluid, , the streamwise distance
from the leading edge, x, and the nondimensionalized streamwise pressure gradient outside the boundary
layer, m. Defining the Hartree parameter = 2m/(m + 1), the equation governing f ( ) is19
f + f f + [1 ( f )2 ] = 0


f (0) = f (0) = 0 and

f ( ) 1.


Results for several values of m, using the numerical code developed in 10.7.1, are illustrated in Figure 10.25.
Note in particular that, of the three constraints imposed, two are at = 0 and one is as applied as
(in practice, the latter condition may be imposed at some large value of = max , such as max = 10). We
now demonstrate by example two techniques available to solve problems of this class.

10.7.1 Shooting methods

One effective method of solving two-point boundary-value problems is as follows:
Guess the missing constraints at one of the ends of the domain under consideration, which we will call
the initial end of the domain. Then:
march the system defined with the additional constraints over the domain to the opposite (terminal)
end of the domain using one of the ODE marching techniques described previously in this chapter;
refine the guessed initial constraints using a root-finding method (see 3.1); and
repeat until the desired conditions at terminal end are matched.
18 A boundary layer is the thin layer of fluid next to a solid surface (of, e.g., an airplane wing) that is slowed down, in the reference
frame of the surface, by the effects of viscosity.
19 Note that a special case of the Falkner-Skan equation, with the pressure gradient m = 0, is the Blasius equation f + f f = 0.










Figure 10.26: Convergence of the shooting method of 10.7.1 (left) and the relaxation method of 10.7.2
(right) for solving the Falkner-Skan equation for m = 0.08. Plotted are the converged solution (solid), the
initial profile(s) (dashed), and the intermediate pofiles (dot-dashed).
Two simple implementations of the above algorithm on the Falkner-Skan problem described previously
are illustrated in Algorithm 10.11, the first using the bisection method of 3.1.2 to refine the root, and the
second using the Newton-Raphson method of 3.1.1 to refine the root. Note that the latter code incorporates
the complex-step derivative method of 8.3.3 in order to compute the required derivative. The convergence
of this iterative approach to the profile sought, taking m = 0.08, is illustrated in Figure 10.26a.
A refinement to the shooting method described above that is sometimes helpful for difficult TPBVPs is to
guess the missing constraint(s) at both of the ends of the domain of interest, to march from both ends to some
point in the center of the domain of interest, and then to iteratively refine the guessed additional constraints
at both ends using an appropriate root-finding method until the two solutions match at the center point. This
method is called shooting to a fitting point. Numerical implementation is deferred to Exercise 10.19.

10.7.2 Relaxation methods

Instead of treating just the extra initial condition(s) as the unknown(s) to be found, we may instead treat the
entire solution profile, discretized on n gridpoints, as the unknowns. If the TPBVP to be solved is linear, this
solution profile may be computed directly. For a nonlinear TPBVP like the Falkner-Skan problem described
above, a relaxation procedure must be formulated and iterated until convergence from some initial guess.
To illustrate, one effective approach to the Falkner-Skan problem is to write an iteration (in k) which is
linear in the unknown [denoted, for simplicity, as fk+1 ( )] such that, if/when the relaxation iteration converges, the converged solution solves the original nonlinear ODE. One such linearization of the ODE (10.87)
may be written as

+ [ fk fk+1 + fk fk+1
]/2 fk fk+1
= .
Implementation, using second-order FD methods to discretize the derivatives, is given in Algorithm 10.12.
Convergence of this iterative approach to the profile sought, taking m = 0.08, is illustrated in Figure 10.26b.
The relaxation approach is initialized by a guess of the solution over the entire domain, which is sometimes reasonably well known, rather than a guess of the missing initial condition(s) in the shooting approach,
which is sometimes difficult to approximate. Thus, it is often easier to obtain convergence with a relaxation
method. A disadvantage of the relaxation approach is that it requires storage of the entire solution profile.
At iteration k, the relaxation method (10.88) for computing the Blasius boundary layer [that is, the solution
of (10.87) with = 0] would converge in a single additional iteration if we could compute an update k ( )

to the profile fk ( ) on 0 < < max such that

( fk + k ) + ( fk + k )( fk + k ) = 0

k + fk k + fk k + k k = ( fk + fk fk ).


Unfortunately, this nonlinear equation can not be solved directly. Following (10.88), we instead solve
( fk + k ) + [( fk + k ) fk + fk ( fk + k ) ]/2 = 0

k + [ fk k + fk k ]/2 = ( fk + fk fk ). (10.89b)

Note that the nonlinear ODE at right in (10.89a), governing the deviation k ( ) from the exact solution at
iteration k, and the linear ODE at right in (10.89b), governing the update k ( ) to be made at iteration k, are
both driven by fk + fk fk on the RHS, and thus both the deviation k ( ) and the update k ( ) go to zero
upon convergence. The LHS of these two system differ in two important ways. First, the LHS of (10.89b) is
missing the nonlinear term present in (10.89a); if k is sufficiently small, then this term is small compared to
the linear terms. Second, the linear operator on the LHS of (10.89b) for computing the correction k ( ) has
two terms which are a factor of 2 too small; the method converges regardless. To understand its convergence,
we interpret the FD discretization of (10.89b) in as a splitting method [see 3.2.1, and (3.8a)-(3.8c) in
particular] written in terms of a correction at each iteration [in this case, denoted k ] based on a defect [in
this case, denoted ( fk + fk fk )]. As Gauss-Seidel converges faster than Jacobi, the present relaxation scheme
would converge faster if a greater fraction of the linear operator on the LHS of (10.89a) were included in
the matrix operator on the LHS of the discretization of (10.89b) [denoted M in (3.8b)] at each iteration.
Regardless, as seen in Figure 10.26b, the present relaxation method converges remarkably quickly given an
adequate initial guess of the profile, f0 ( ); further, a rather poor initial guess is entirely sufficient in this case.

Exercise 10.1 The simple Lotka-Volterra Predator/Prey model is given by

prey population
(b px2)x1
, f(x) =
x = f(x) with x = 1 =
predator population
(rx1 d)x2


Without predators, the prey population increases (exponentially) without bound, whereas without prey, the
predator population diminishes (exponentially) to zero. The nonlinear interaction, with predators eating prey,
tends to diminish the prey population and increase the predator population. Extend Algorithm 10.4 for this
system and simulate using RK4/5, taking b = p = r = d = 1, x1 (0) = 0.3, and x2 (0) = 0.2.
Exercise 10.2 Extending the analysis of the RK2 scheme in (10.22) and the discussion that follows, verify
that the RKW3 scheme proposed in (10.37) is indeed third-order accurate. Hint: eliminate all terms proportional to h4 as early as possible to simplify the analysis.
Exercise 10.3 Verify that the RK[2R] and RK[3R] algorithms given in (10.35) and (10.36) are equivalent to
the full-storage RK implementation given in (10.20).
Exercise 10.4 Recall the low-storage (2-register & 3-register) explicit RK schemes given in (10.35) & (10.36)
for arbitrary s. Devise an analogous general form for a 4-register explicit low-storage RK scheme, illustrating
both the constraints on the coefficients of its Butcher tableau, and how it may be implemented using only 4
registers for arbitrary s.
Exercise 10.5 Following the adaptive timestepping algorithm implemented in Algorithm 10.5, together with
the hint in Footnote 9 on Page 291, implement adaptive timestep control on the RK435 and RK548 methods
developed in the text, using both the bi and b i coefficients listed in order to establish two different estimates
of x at each new timestep, which may be compared.


Algorithm 10.11: Solve the Falkner-Skan problem via the shooting method of 10.7.1, following (a) the
bisection approach and (b) the Newton-Raphson approach, together with the necessary supplemental codes.

% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : F S B i s e c t i o n T e s t > F S B i s e c t i o n T e s t </a>

f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; a x i s ( [ 0 1 0 6 ] ) ; h o ld on ; format co m p act ;
m=0 , f 3 l = 0 ; f 3 u = 1 ; y l =FSmarch ( f 3 l , 0 ,m ) ; yu =FSmarch ( f3u , 0 ,m) ;
w h i l e abs ( f3u f 3 l )>6e 16
% Refine guess for f (0) using b i s e c t i o n algorithm
f 3 =( f 3 u + f 3 l ) / 2 , y=FSmarch ( f3 , 0 ,m ) ;
i f y l y <0; f 3 u = f 3 ; yu=y ; e l s e ; f 3 l = f 3 ; y l =y ; end
f 3 =( f 3 u + f 3 l ) / 2 , d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( E r r o r i n t e r m i n a l c o n d i t i o n = %0.5 g , FSmarch ( f3 , 1 ,m ) ) )
% end s c r i p t F S B i s e c t i o n T e s t


% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : FS NR CSD Test>FS NR CSD Test </a>

f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; a x i s ( [ 0 1 0 6 ] ) ; h o ld on ; ep =1 e 14; epim =ep s q r t ( 1 ) ; f 3 = 0 . 0 0 3 5 ;
m=[ .09042 .0892 .086 .08 .07 .058 .04 .02 0 . 0 3 5 . 0 7 5 . 1 3 . 2 2 5 . 3 9 . 6 7 1 . 1 5 2 . 4 ] ;
f o r j = 1 : s i z e (m, 1 ) ;
% Loop o v e r s e v e r a l i n t e r e s t i n g v a l u e s o f m;
d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( \ n F a l k n e r Skan p r o f i l e f o r m = %0.5 g ,m( j ) ) )
f3=f3 1.125
% T h i s h e u r i s t i c p r o v i d e s a good i n i t i a l g u e s s f o r f ( 0 )
f o r i =1 :1 5
% I t e r a t i v e l y r e f i n e guess for f (0 )
x= f 3 +epim ; y=FSmarch ( x , 0 ,m( j ) ) ;
% Use complexs t e p method t o d e t e r m i n e d e r i v a t i v e
f 3 o l d = f 3 ; f 3 = f3r e a l ( y ) ep / imag ( y )
% U p d ate f ( 0 ) u s i n g NewtonRaphson
i f abs ( f3 f 3 o l d )<6e 16 , break ; end ; % B r eak o u t o f l o o p i f c o n v e r g e d
d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( E r r o r i n t e r m i n a l c o n d i t i o n = %0.5 g , FSmarch ( f3 , 1 ,m( j ) ) ) ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 0 1 ) ;
% end s c r i p t FS NR CSD Test


f u n c t i o n y=FSmarch ( x , v ,m)
h = 0 . 0 1 ; etam ax =1 0 ; e t a = 0 ; f = [ 0 ; 0 ; x ] ;
i f v ; f2save = real ( f ( 2 ) ) ;
e t a s a v e = e t a ; end ;
f o r n = 1 : etam ax / h
% March F a l k n e r Skan e q u a t i o n o v e r [ 0 , etam ax ] w i t h RK4
k1 =RKrhs ( f ,m ) ; k2=RKrhs ( f +( h / 2 ) k1 ,m) ; k3 =RKrhs ( f +( h / 2 ) k2 ,m ) ; k4=RKrhs ( f +h k3 ,m ) ;
f = f +( h / 6 ) k1 +( h / 3 ) ( k2 +k3 ) + ( h / 6 ) k4 ;
e t a = e t a +h ;
i f v ; f 2 s a v e =[ f 2 s a v e ; r e a l ( f ( 2 ) ) ] ;
e t a s a v e =[ e t a s a v e ; e t a ] ; end
i f v ; i f m<0; s = b . ; e l s e i f m>0; s = r ; e l s e ; s = k ; end ; p l o t ( f 2 s a v e , e t a s a v e , s ) ; end
y= f ( 2 ) 1 ;
end % f u n c t i o n FSmarch
f u n c t i o n [ f p ] = RKrhs ( f ,m)
b e t a =2m / ( m+ 1 ) ; f p =[ f ( 2 ) ; f ( 3 ) ; f ( 1 ) f ( 3 ) b e t a (1 f ( 2 ) 2 ) ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n RKrhs

Algorithm 10.12: Solve the Falkner-Skan problem via the relaxation approach of 10.7.2.

% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : FS NR CSD Test> F S R e l a x a t i o n T e s t </a>

i f e x i s t ( P e n t a ) = 2 , d i s p ( You must do E x e r c i s e 2 . 3 b e f o r e r u n n i n g t h i s co d e ) , break , end
m= .08; b e t a =2m / ( m+ 1 ) ; h = 0 . 0 1 ; etam ax =1 0 ; f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; a x i s ([ 0 1 . 1 0 6 ] ) ; h o ld on
n =1+ etam ax / h , a= z e r o s ( n , 1 ) ; b=a ; c=a ; d=a ; e=a ; x=a ; f o r i = 1 : n , f ( i ) = etam ax i / n ; end
c ( 1 : 2 , 1 ) = 1 ; c ( n 1:n , 1 ) = 1 / h ; b ( n 1:n , 1 ) = 1 / h ; x ( n 1:n , 1 ) = 1 ; % E n f o r c e b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s .
f o r k = 3 : n 2; a ( k ) = 0 . 5 / h 3 ; e ( k ) = 0 . 5 / h 3 ; x ( k)= b e t a ; end % S e t up p e n t a d i a g o n a l s o l v e .
f o r i =1 :2 0
% St a rt the i t e r a t i o n .
f o r k = 3 : n 2;
b ( k ) = 1 / h 3 + 0 . 5 f ( k ) / h 2 + b e t a ( f ( k+1) f ( k 1 ) ) / ( 2 h ) 2 ;
% F i n i s h s e t t i n g up
c ( k )=

f ( k ) / h 2 + 0 . 5 ( f ( k +1) 2 f ( k ) + f ( k 1 ) ) / h 2 ; % t h e p e n t a d i a g o n a l
d ( k )= 1/ h 3 + 0 . 5 f ( k ) / h 2 b e t a ( f ( k+1) f ( k 1 ) ) / ( 2 h ) 2 ;
% solve .
f=Penta ( a , b , c , d , e , x , n ) ;
% Do t h e s o l v e .
p l o t ( ( f ( 2 : n) f ( 1 : n 1 ) ) / h , [ 0 : h : etamax h ] , k )
% Plot .
% end s c r i p t F S R e l a x a t i o n T e s t


peak value(s) of x1
Figure 10.27: Bifurcation plot of the Rossler attractor with a = 0.2, c = 5.7, and several values of b, indicating
the range of values of b for which the system is periodic and the range for which the system is chaotic.
Exercise 10.6 Modify Algorithm 10.4 to simulate the Rossler equation for a = 0.2, c = 5.7, and several
values of b (ranging from b = 0.01 through b = 1.5). For each value of b in this range, simulate the Rossler
equation for hundreds of cycles and keep track of the peak value of x1 during each cycle on the attractor (that
is, after the first few cycles). On a plot of x1 versus b, put a dot corresponding to each peak value; the result
is a bifurcation plot, as illustrated in Figure 10.27. Hint: first get the code working on a coarse grid in b
and tens of cycles along the attractor for each value of b. Based on this test, determine how much refinement
you can do and still have the code complete in 12 hours, and run the code overnight. The result should look
something like that shown in Figure 10.27. Repeat the exercise for the peaks in x3 . For which values of b is
the system periodic (and with what period), and for which values of b the system is chaotic? Discuss.
Exercise 10.7 Consider the class of (explicit) multistep Nystrom methods

xn+1 = xn1 + i f(xn+1i,tn+1i )


for the case with r = 1, which is called the leapfrog method, and the case r = 2. Repeat the analysis of
the LMMs studied in and by applying each of these cases to the scalar model problem
dx/dt = x, assuming constant timestep h and a solution of the form xn = n x0 , thereby determining a simple
polynomial for . This polynomial has multiple roots, all but one of which are spurious roots that, to leading
order, are proportional to h and thus, for small h, may be neglected. The expansion in h of the remaining root
resembles a Taylor series expansion of the exact solution for ; use this root to determine the constraints on
the coefficients of the method necessary to achieve the highest order of accuracy possible. Modify Algorithm
10.2 to plot the stability contours of the resulting methods.

Exercise 10.8 Consider the class of (implicit) multistep Milne-Simpson methods


xn+1 = xn1 + i f(xn+1i ,tn+1i ).


The case with r = 0 recovers the implicit Euler method with a stepsize of 2h. The case with r = 1 results in
0 = 0, thus recovering the (explicit) leapfrog method derived in Exercise 10.7. Repeat Exercise 10.7 for the
case with r = 2, known as the Milne method.
Exercise 10.9 Compute the A and b coefficients of the standard RK Butcher tableau as simple functions
e j coefficients of the explicit RK form given (10.47). If function evaluations f j =
of the j , j , ej , and
f(y j ,tk + c j h) can be computed in place in computer memory, how many registers does it take to implement
the RK scheme in the form given (10.47) for large s? Is this consistent with the constraints on the coefficients
of the Butcher tableau that you expect from Exercise 10.4? Discuss.
Exercise 10.10 Recall the iterative CN method written as a DIRK scheme in (10.56), and DIRK4[2P] method
in (10.58). Combining the key ideas of these two methods, optimize the coefficients of a new DIRK3[2P]
scheme with Butcher tableau
c2 a2,1 a2,2
0 a3,3
c3 a3,1
with 0 < c2 < c3 1, to achieve third-order accuracy (if possible, take c2 = 1/2 and c3 = 1). Is the resulting
scheme FSAL? Explain how this scheme leverages well a two-processor architecture.
Exercise 10.11 Derive the ESD3 method discussed in and listed in Table 10.5 following a similar
approach as that used for deriving the BDF2 method in
Exercise 10.12 In the derivation of the coefficients of LMMs that lead to quadratic stability polynomials,
the convenient quadratic formula may be used to compute the physical root + and the spurious root . For
higher-order LMMs, a slightly different approach is needed.
For the AB & AM methods, we first calculate a Lagrange interplant f(t) [see 7.3.2] based on the
available values of { f (xn+1i ),tn+1i } used by the scheme [see (10.41) & (10.42)], then integrate this
interplant from tn to tn+1 to approximate xn+1 based on xn in accordance with (10.1b).
For the BDF & eBDF methods, we first calculate a Lagrange interplant x(t)
based on the available
values of {xn+1i ,tn+1i } used by the scheme [see (10.59) & (10.60)], then differentiate this interplant
at tn+1 (in the BDF case) or tn (in the eBDF case), and scale the result by the coefficient of xn+1 , in
order to determine the coefficients in (10.59) & (10.60).
In both cases, it simplifies the algebra somewhat to focus, without loss of generality, on the case n = 0 in the
derivation. Using these techniques, rederive the (constant-h) AB4 and AB5 schemes presented in Table 10.1,
as well as the (constant-h) BDF4 and BDF5 schemes presented in Table 10.3. Then, rederive all four of these
schemes, accounting for timesteps hn = tn+1 tn that vary from one timestep to the next, and verify that the
(algebraically, somewhat complex) schemes so derived simplify appropriately when h is made constant.
Exercise 10.13 Recalling the RK4/5 method of and the embedded RK algorithms of, and
leveraging the variable-timestep AB formulae derived in Exercise 10.12, develop an adaptive timestepping
scheme for AB5 based (conservatively) on an error estimates from AB4, implement in numerical code, test
on the Lorenz problem (10.28), and compare with Algorithm 10.5 and Figure 10.11. Discuss.
Exercise 10.14 Verify the properties of the Poisson bracket 10.74 listed in Footnote 16 on Page 317.

Exercise 10.15 Recall that any (implicit or explicit) RK method may be written as in (10.53) [ERK methods
have strictly lower triangular A, and DIRK methods have lower triangular A]. We now apply such an RK
method to the scalar model problem dx/dt = x; that is, we reduce all vectors to scalars and take f (x,t) = x
in (10.53). We then assemble the s scalar slope computations over each timestep as a new vector f =
f1 f2 . . . fs , and write these s equations together in vector form as f = (1 xn + h A f) where 1 is a
vector of ones. Solving this equation for f and substituting the result into the equation for xn+1 in (10.53),
taking b = b1 b2 . . . bs and xn = n x0 , and simplifying appropriately, verify algebraically that, for
any RK method,
= 1 + h bT (I h A)1 1.
By Cramers rule (Fact 4.3), B1 = Bcof /|B|, where |B| is the determinant of B = Bnn and

the minor M of B is the (n 1) (n 1) matrix formed by deleting row and column of B,

the cofactor B is the determinant of M with alternating sign (that is, B = (1) + |M |), and
the {i, j} element of the cofactor matrix Bcof is the cofactor B ji .

Based on Cramers rule applied to B = I A where = 1/( h), establish from (10.92) that

for any (implicit or explicit) s-stage RK method is a rational function of ( h) [that is, is a
polynomial in ( h), of order s, divided by another polynomial in ( h), also of order s], and
for an explicit s-stage RK method is simply a polynomial in ( h) of order s [and, thus, if an s-stage
RK method is also order s, this polynomial is just a truncation of the Taylor series expansion of the
exact value for , given by e h = 1 + h + ( h)2/2! + ( h)3/3! + . . .].

As a hint for the second half of this problem, note that Cramers rule is used in a similar fashion in 20.1.5.
Exercise 10.16 We now examine the convergence of the iterative CN method (10.25) applied to the scalar
problem dx/dt = f (x).
a) First, perform a Taylor series expansion, in x, of f (x) in the vicinity of x = xn [that is, write f (x) =
f (xn ) + additional terms which depend on (x xn ) and the derivates of f with respect to x evaluated at
x = xn ; explicitly write out two such additional terms].
b) Then, substitute this Taylor series into (10.25b), and subtract from the result the Taylor series expansion, in t, of the exact solution over a single time step, xn+1 = xn + h f (xn ) + h2[ fx f ]x=xn /2! + . . .
c) Finally define k = xk xn+1 , rewrite xk1 xn in the expression found in step b as k1 + (xn+1 xn ),
and substitute in the above Taylor series for (xn+1 xn ) where appropriate. Based on this manipulation,
establish that k decreases with k, and at precisely what rate, if h and 0 are both sufficiently small.
Exercise 10.17 Consider the following implicit RK method, dubbed the iterative midpoint method
1/2 1/2
Derive the stability polynomial of this method, noting Exercise 10.15. What is its local order of
accuracy? What is its global order of accuracy? Which is more usually most relevant? Why?
Sketch the stability region for this method. Is it A stable? Is it L stable? Explain.
Exercise 10.18 Following the discussion in the text, verify that the SI4 scheme (10.86) is globally fourthorder accurate [hint: dont forget to apply (10.78) whenever possible].
Exercise 10.19 Rewrite the Newton-Raphson-based shooting method implemented Algorithm 10.11 to incorporate the shooting to a fitting point method described at the end of 10.7.1, and test the method on the
Falkner-Skan problem with m = 0.09 to show that it works.

Exercise 10.20 Assume f is the solution to the Falkner-Skan equation (10.87) with a given value of the
Hartree parameter . Write two codes (one using shooting, one following a relaxation approach) to solve the
associated TPBVP
g + f g = 0
g(0) = 0 and g( ) 1.

This is called the Falkner-Skan-Cooke problem; the solution { f , g} models a three-dimensional boundary
layer, with the streamwise velocity proportional to f ( ) and the spanwise velocity proportional to g( ).

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Chapter 11

Partial differential equations

11.1 Classification, analysis, and analytic solution of PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.1 The (elliptic) Laplace and Helmholtz equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.2 The diffusion equation, and other parabolic systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill-posed problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tikhonov regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inverse problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convenient scaling of space, time, and the unknown(s) in a PDE . . . . . . . . . . . Spectra, chaos, and the cascade of energy in chaotic nonlinear PDE systems . . . . .
11.1.3 The wave equation, and other hyperbolic systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spherically-symmetric and azimuthally-symmetric solutions of the 3D wave equation Dispersion, and the difference between phase velocity and group velocity . . . . . . . Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The nonlinear 2D shallow water equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jump conditions and the Rankine-Hugonoit relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.4 Classification of more complicated PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.5 Wavelike behavior and solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.6 The fundamental equations of computational fluid dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2 Numerical simulation of parabolic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2.1 Time marching a spatial discretization developed via finite differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A typical tradeoff between flops and storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2.2 Time marching a spatial discretization developed via spectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2.3 Von Neumann stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2.4 Consistency and the Dufort-Frankel scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3 Numerical simulation of hyperbolic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3.1 The value of high-order spatial discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3.2 The value of a temporal discretization designed for second-order systems . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3.3 The value of pseudospectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3.4 Mixing finite difference and pseudospectral methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




11.3.5 Godunov methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11.4 Numerical solution of elliptic PDEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.4.1 Multigrid revisited: a Rosetta stone in Matlab, Fortran, and C .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





















We have, by now, seen how to approximate spatial derivates with both spectral (5) and finite difference
(8) methods. Such methods may be used to approximate a partial differential equation (PDE) with either a
system of algebraic equations or a system of ordinary differential equations1 , with one equation corresponding
to each spatial gridpoint or Fourier mode. We have also (in 2 and 3) studied how to solve large systems
of algebraic equations and (in 10) studied how to march ODEs forward in time. Thus, we already have all
of the basic tools required to approximate numerically a wide variety of PDE systems: first, approximate the
(infinite-dimensional) PDE of interest with a (finite-dimensional) system of algebraic equations or ODEs,
then either solve the resulting system of algebraic equations or march the resulting system of ODEs in time.
This chapter addresses some of the peculiar issues that arise when following such a procedure.
Before we get started, it is useful to reflect for a moment on coding philosophy. Up to now, we have
been careful to keep our implementations of numerical methods as generic as possible, with applicationspecific functions isolated clearly in subroutines (see, e.g., Algorithm 10.3). The simulation of PDE systems
is substantially more difficult, and we can usually no longer afford this luxury while achieving maximum
efficiency. The codes given in this chapter are thus tuned to the specific problems to which they are applied;
however, the problems selected demonstrate generic concepts typical in a range of PDE simulation problems.

11.1 Classification, analysis, and analytic solution of PDEs

The zoology of PDEs is beautifully and bewilderingly diverse. Many PDEs may be expressed as a minor
variation of one of the several canonical forms introduced below. Before diving into the numerical simulation
of PDEs, it is thus instructive to survey their classification and some of their significant properties.
Recalling the gradient, divergence, curl, Laplacian, and bilaplacian operators of vector calculus (B.4),
four prototypical PDEs [each in one, two, or three spatial dimensions (1D, 2D, or 3D)] which form a natural
starting point for a study of PDEs are the (elliptic) Laplace (a.k.a. steady heat) equation:
= 0,


+ 2 = 0,


the (elliptic) Helmholtz equation:

the (parabolic) diffusion (a.k.a. unsteady heat) equation:

= 0,


c2 = 0,


and the (hyperbolic) wave equation:

where, in (11.3) and (11.4), t denotes either time or a time-like variable2 in which the system evolves in
a causal fashion forward in t from initial conditions (ICs), defined here WLOG at t = 0, while additionally
1 In the

case of a time-varying system, approximation of a PDE as a system of ODEs is sometimes referred to as semi-discretization.
well-known example of a time-like variable is the distance downstream (x) in thin boundary layer over a wing, which is well
approximated by the parabolic-in-space equation (11.62), which is similar in structure to the parabolic-in-time equation (11.3).

































Figure 11.1: Isosurfaces of (a) the ellipse 2x + 2y + 2z = c0 related to the elliptic PDEs (11.1) and (11.2) in
3D, (b) the parabola s (2x + 2y ) = c0 , related to the parabolic PDE (11.3) in 2D, and (c) the hyperbola
s2 c2(2x + 2y ) = c0 , related to the hyperbolic PDE (11.4) in 2D.
satisfying the relevant boundary conditions (BCs) on the system. The diffusion and wave equations are thus
referred to as initial-value problems (IVPs, a.k.a. Cauchy problems); in contrast, as discussed further below, the Laplace and Helmholtz equations are set up entirely by their boundary conditions around the domain
of interest, and are thus referred to as boundary-value problems (BVPs).
Motivated by the SOV analysis method introduced in 4.3.2 and the infinite Fourier integral introduced in
5.3 (and, perhaps, the Laplace transform discussed in 17.3), many linear, constant-coefficient PDE systems
on simple domains may be solved by simple superposition of separable modes of the form3
= est+~x

where s , + i

and ~ , ~m + i~k,


where , , ~m, and ~k are real. An equation relating the various components of ~ (and, in unsteady problems,
s) to ensure the modes themselves satisfy the PDE may be obtained by inserting (11.5) into the PDE under
consideration. The resulting quadratic equation is referred to as the dispersion relation (a.k.a. the characteristic polynomial equation) of the corresponding PDE, and reveals much about the nature of its solution even
before the precise RHS forcing, BCs, and (in unsteady problems) ICs are applied. For the four prototypical
PDEs introduced above in 3D, the corresponding dispersion relations so generated are given by

s = 0,

2x + 2y + 2z = 0;



s = 0,

2x + 2y + 2z + 2 = 0;



s (2x + 2y + 2z ) = 0;



s2 c2 (2x + 2y + 2z ) = 0.


As illustrated in Figure 11.1, representing nonzero forcing in the problems (11.1)-(11.4) by taking the righthand sides of the above expressions as nonzero, the first two equations above are seen to be those of an
ellipsoid (in particular, a sphere), the third is that of a paraboloid, and the fourth is that of a hyperboloid,
thereby bestowing the names elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic to these basic types of PDEs.

3 A common alternative formulation of this analysis defines modes with the factor ei( t+k~x) , where the frequency and the wavenumber ~k are taken to be complex. Following this convention, time-varying PDEs with (complex) in the lower half plane are stable,
and time-varying PDEs with (complex) in the upper half plane are unstable. We instead choose to use the convention related to the
Laplace transform variable s throughout this discussion for consistency with 17.3; following this convention, time-varying PDEs with
(complex) s in the left half plane are stable, and time-varying PDEs with (complex) s in the right half plane are unstable.


11.1.1 The (elliptic) Laplace and Helmholtz equations

The Laplace equation (11.1) in a 3D rectangular domain with periodic boundary conditions in x and y, with
dispersion relation (11.6), may be solved via superposition of separable modes of the form (11.5) as follows:

2 2 2
+ 2 + 2 = 0,

= est+~x

s = 0,

2x + 2y + 2z = 0.

With ~ = ~m + i~k, and choosing, for example4, mx = my = 0, leads to kx2 ky2 + 2z = 0 and thus

m = k 2 + k 2
+ mz +
e p,q z + p,q
e p,q z )ei(kx p x+kyq y) .
(~x,t) = (p,q
k =0



It is thus seen that a superposition of separable modes of the form (11.5) with s = 0, where is selected to
satisfy the dispersion relation (11.6), may be used to solve the diffusion equation (11.1) in simple domains.
+ and in this case may be found by Fourier transform of the BCs on at z = 0
The Fourier coefficients p,q
and z = Lz , with the spatial wavenumbers included in the series selected appropriately to fit the domain of
interest (that is, as in 5.10, kx p = 2 /x p and kyq = 2 /yq where x p = Lx /p and yq = Ly /q for integer
+ and may be found by Fourier transform of the
{p, q}). Though in principle the Fourier coefficients p,q
BCs on both and / z at z = 0, the existence of both growing and decaying exponentials in z in (11.10)
renders such an approach ill posed in a manner similar to backwards heat equation problem discussed further
in the parabolic case below, and BCs all around the domain of interest are strongly preferred.
The Helmholtz equation (11.2) in a analogous 3D domain may be solved similarly:

2 2 2
+ 2 + 2 + 2 = 0,

= est+~x

s = 0,

2x + 2y + 2z + 2 = 0.

With ~ = ~m + i~k, choosing mx = my = 0 leads to kx2 ky2 + 2z = 2 and thus

kz = 2 kx2 ky2 , mz = 0 if kx2 + ky2 2

m = k2 + k2 2 , kz = 0 if k2 + k2 > 2

(~x,t) =



ikz +
p,q z

+ p,q

p,q z


i(kx p x+kyq y)

kx2p +ky2q 2


+ mz +
e p,q z + p,q
e p,q z )ei(kx p x+kyq y) .

kx2p +ky2q > 2

It is seen that the Helmholtz equation in this domain is solved with two set of modes: one set with sinusoidal
oscillations in space which satisfy kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = 2 , and one set which (as for the Laplace equation) decay
exponentially away from the boundaries at z = 0 and z = Lz .
The inhomogeneous forms of the basic equations discussed here are also quite important. For example, the
inhomogeneous version of the Laplace equation (11.1) may be identified as the (elliptic) Poisson equation:
q = f ,


This equation was first encountered in (3.11), where its solution via splitting methods was discussed, and was
encountered again in (5.45b), where an algorithm for its solution via Fourier methods was given; it will be
discussed again later in this chapter, where its solution via multigrid methods will be examined in detail.
4 It works out that this choice is appropriate for problems set up by the Fourier transform of the BCs on at z = 0 and z = L . Other
choices are also possible, and better suited for other problems; their analysis is similar.


11.1.2 The diffusion equation, and other parabolic systems

The diffusion equation (11.3) in a 3D rectangular domain with periodic boundary conditions, with dispersion
relation (11.8), may be solved via superposition of separable modes of the form (11.5) as follows:
 2 2 2 

+ 2 + 2 = 0, = 0 est+~x s (2x + 2y + 2z ) = 0.

With s = + i and ~ = ~m + i~k, choosing ~m = 0 leads to s + (kx2 + ky2 + kz2 ) = 0 and thus
= (kx2 + ky2 + kz2 )
(~x,t) = p,q,r
e p,q,r t+i(kx p x+kyq y+kzr z) .


It is thus seen that a superposition of separable modes of the form (11.5), where s and are selected to satisfy
the dispersion relation (11.8), may be used to solve the diffusion equation (11.3) in simple (e.g., rectangular)
may be found by Fourier transform of the ICs on at t = 0, with,
domains. The Fourier coefficients p,q,r
again, the spatial wavenumbers included in the series selected appropriately to fit the domain of interest (that
is, kx p = 2 p/Lx , kyq = 2 q/Ly , and kzr = 2 r/Lz for integer {p, q, r}). Note that, if the domain of interest is
infinite in one or more directions, the corresponding sum in (11.13) is replaced by an integral (see 5.3). Ill-posed problems
If > 0 and thus 0, the solution (11.13) decays in time, with the modes with large |~k| decaying fastest;
thus, the diffusion equation may be thought of as a smoother. However, if < 0 (or, equivalently, if one
attempts to march the diffusion equation with > 0 backward in time), then solutions grow during the time
march. Note that the growth rate of these solutions increases without bound for increasing |~k|. This problem
is known as the backwards heat equation problem, and is the prototypical ill-posed problem5 due to the
increasingly rapid blow up of solution components at increasing wavenumbers. To state the situation plainly,
it is straightforward to determine the temperature of a system for t > 0 from the ICs at t = 0, but it is difficult
to approximate the high-wavenumber components of a temperature of the system for t < 0 with a high degree
of accuracy due to the smoothing behavior of the diffusion equation in forward time.
To avoid such difficulties, one is nominally advised simply to avoid the simulation of ill-posed problems
whenever possible. However, it is sometimes desired to fly in the face of this practical advice and march
a diffusive system a short amount of time in the ill-posed direction; the extent to which this is possible
in any given system is sometimes referred to as quasi-reversibility. Numerical strategies which attempt to
accomplish such a march are all approximate at best due to the inevitable errors at high wavenumbers.
If a spectral representation of an ill-posed system is used during its simulation, the simplest class of
approaches, known as spectral truncation, just set all of the Fourier coefficients of the solution higher than a
certain wavenumber to zero. This may be interpreted as adjusting the growth rate of each mode as follows:
|~k|2 |k| kcutoff ,
otherwise (for R ).
Another class of approaches for ill-posed problems is to add a high-order spatial derivative term (referred
to as a hyperviscosity term), of stabilizing sign and a small coefficient, to the governing PDE. For example,
to approximate the march of the heat equation backward in time, one may march the augmented system

= 0 with > 0.


5 A well-posed problem, as defined by Hadamard, is one for which a solution exists, is unique, and depends continuously on the
data; a problem which is not well posed in this sense, such as the backwards heat equation described here, is called ill posed.


In 1D, a modal analysis of this augmented system may be performed as follows:

2 4 = 0, = e t+ikx x = kx2 kx4 .
A trilaplacian term (that is, + ) may be used for faster hyperviscosity regularization at high spatial
wavenumbers; a modal analysis in 1D in this case results in

2 + 6 = 0, = e t+ikx x = kx2 kx6 .
For a given maximum |~k| of interest and suffiently small , the hyperviscosity term is negligible over the
wavenumbers of interest; thus, the dynamics of these augmented systems mimic accurately the dynamics
of the original system (11.3). However, for a given and sufficiently large |~k|, the augmented systems are
dominated by the hyperviscosity term; thus, the time-accurate march of these augmented systems backward
in time is stable (that is, < 0 for large |~k|, and thus these modes decay when marched backward in time).
The hyperviscosity term introduced above is often referred to as a regularization term (with an associated
regularization coefficient ), as it makes the solution regular (i.e., smooth) when the system is marched
backward in time. There are many other ways to regularize a diffusive PDE; another class of approaches is to
add an appropriate high-order mixed time-space derivative term:

= 0 with > 0.
In 1D, a modal analysis of this augmented system may be performed as follows:

2 2 = 0,
x t

= e t+ikx x


1 + kx2


Again, a higher spatial derivative in the added term (e.g., + / t) may be used for faster regularization
at high spatial wavenumbers; a modal analysis in 1D in this case results in

2 + 4 = 0,
x t

= e t+ikx x

1 + kx4


Again, for a given maximum |~k| of interest and suffiently small , the mixed time-space derivative term
is negligible over the wavenumbers of interest, and thus the dynamics of these augmented systems mimic
accurately the dynamics of (11.3). For a given as |~k| is made large, the growth rate of the augmented system
(11.19) approaches a positive constant, and the growth rate of the augmented system (11.20) approaches zero.
The growth rate of the regularized 1D diffusion equation following the spectral truncation, hyperviscosity, and mixed time-space derivative approaches is plotted in Figure 11.2. Recall that the hyperviscosity
approach drives negative for large |~k|; for short marches in time, which is all one can hope to achieve with
any semblance of accuracy in an ill-posed problem, driving all the way to negative values is overkill; thus, a
mixed time-space derivative approach is often preferred for numerical simulations. Note also that numerical
approximations of ill-posed problems are inevitably performed at finite resolution and over finite (usually,
relatively short) periods of time; strict analyses of stability of such simulations in the infinite-horizon PDE
limit are thus, arguably, of limited relevance. Tikhonov regularization
A perhaps less ad hoc class of approaches for solving ill-posed problems, known as Tikhonov regularization, is to formulate, and subsequently minimize, a cost function which balances the equation one is trying to
solve with a generalized measure of the energy of the solution, thereby seeking an accurate solution of the
equations with a not unreasonable energy.





















Figure 11.2: Decay rate of the regularized 1D diffusion equation using [top left, solid] spectral truncation and, for various values of the regularization coefficient , [top left, dashed] fourth-order hyperviscosity
(11.16), [top right, dashed] sixth-order hyperviscosity (11.17), [bottom left, dashed] a mixed first-order-timesecond-order-space derivative term (11.19), and [bottom right, dashed] a mixed first-order-time-fourth-orderspace derivative term (11.20), as compared with [dot-dashed] the growth rate of the original 1D diffusion
equation (11.3). Note that the effect of sixth-order hyperviscosity has a significantly sharper onset as |k| is
increased than does fourth-order hyperviscosity.
This approach is best introduced in an algebraic, finite-dimensional setting. Consider the problem of
solving the linear ill-conditioned system Ax = b (arising, e.g., from the discretization of an ill-posed PDE).
Following the Tikhonov regularization approach, with Q > 0 and R > 0, we seek to minimize the cost

J = kAx bk2Q + kxk2R = (Ax b)H Q(Ax b) + xH Rx.


Performing a perturbation analysis (that is, replacing x with x + x and J with J + J and keeping all terms
which are linear in the perturbations), we may write
J = [(Ax b)H QA + xH R]x = [AH Q(Ax b) + Rx]H x , [DJ/Dx]H x .
Setting DJ/Dx = 0 results immediately in
(AH QA + R)x = AH Qb

x = (AH QA + R)1AH Qb.


with singular values i in the case with Q = R = I, we may write

x = V DU H b where D = diag( p ), p = 2
p +

Leveraging the reduced SVD A = UV

For = 0, this reduces to the unregularized solution D = diag( p ) where p = 1/ p and x = A+ b; note that
p increases without bound for diminishing p . Setting as a small positive constant bounds the maximum
value of p (for p of the same order of magnitude as ), and actually takes p 0 as p 0.
339 Inverse problems

Returning for a moment to the (elliptic) Poisson equation q = f mentioned previously, the usual problem
considered is to determine q given f . Occasionally, the inverse problem is of interest; that is, determining
f given q. Such inverse problems are generally ill posed in a manner similar to the backwards heat equation
problem discussed above; that is, small changes to q at high wavenumbers create large changes to f . Writing
this inverse problem as 1 f = q, we denote a (high-resolution) discretization of the inverse Laplacian operator on the LHS as A, the discretization of the unknown f as x, and the discretization of the data q setting
up the problem as b. Following the Tikhonov regularization approach described above, in the 1D case, the
singular values i of the matrix A are numerical approximations of 1/kx2 , and thus the D matrix given above,
which can be interpreted as the amplification of the data q in the regularized solution f , is given by

D = diag 2
p +
1/kx4p +
1 + kx4p
Note that the effect of Tikhonov regularization on such an inverse problem is reminiscent of the effect of
mixed time-space regularization on the backwards heat equation [see (11.20)]; that is, the amplification of
the low wavenumbers in A1 is represented faithfully in V DU H (as kx2i ), whereas the amplification of the
high wavenumber components of the solution is muted. Convenient scaling of space, time, and the unknown(s) in a PDE
To facilitate understanding, space, time, the parameters, and the unknowns in a PDE are often normalized
such that transformed PDE appears as simple as possible. As an example, consider the equation

2 (u )3
2 u
4 u

on the domain x [0, L ],
with c1 6= 0, c2 > 0, c3 > 0, c4 > 0. We may rescale the primed variables such that


x = x c3 /c4 ,



u = u c2 /c3 ,

t = t c23 /c4 ,



L = L c3 /c4 ,




D = c1 c4 /(c3 c2 ),

thereby reducing (11.23), WLOG, to the 1D convective Cahn-Hilliard (CCH) equation

u 2 (u3 ) 2 u 4 u
2 4 on the domain x [0, L],
= D u +
where D is constant. Thus, the form of the 1D CCH equation given in (11.24) is used henceforth in this work
WLOG6 . Most PDEs presented below have been rescaled similarly, mutatis mutandis.
In the 1D CCH equation above, the dynamics of the result depend on two parameters, D and L. The D 0
limit of the 1D CCH equation reduces it to the 1D Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation
u 2 (u3 ) 2 u 4 u
2 4

on the domain x [0, L],


whereas substituting u = v/D into the 1D CCH equation, multiplying by D, then taking the D limit
reduces it to the 1D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation

v 2v 4v
= v 2 4 on the domain x [0, L].
x x
The parameter D thus effectively balances the effect of the two nonlinear terms in the 1D CCH, with D large
emphasizing the effect of the convective term u u/ x, and D small emphasizing the effect of the cubic term
6 That

is, other than the mild restrictions on the ci mentioned previously, which are typical in the cases of interest.


2 (u3 )/ x3 . A related equation, which may be obtained from (11.23) with c1 6= 0, c3 < 0, and c2 = c4 = 0,
is given by the 1D Burgers equation
u 2u
= u + 2
x x

on the domain x [0, L].


Denoting by h f i the average of f over the spatial domain considered, one form7 of a related 2D model with
interesting dynamics, referred to here as the 2D convective Cahn-Hilliard model, is given by
= D |u|2 h|u|2 i + (u3) u u on the domain x [0, Lx ], y [0, Ly ], .

(11.28) Spectra, chaos, and the cascade of energy in chaotic nonlinear PDE systems
We now focus specifically on the dynamics of the 1D Burgers and KS equations, (11.27) and (11.26). The
these equations may be understood by calculating their Fourier transforms: that is, applying
1 N1
xp x
to these equations [see (5.23b)] leads to
N p=0 e
d u p
= u
kx2p u p
x p

d u p
= u
+ (kx2p kx4p )u p
x p



at each wavenumber kx p retained in the discretization (i.e., for N/2 < p < N/2). In the case of Burgers,
the second-derivative term stabilizes the calculation8. In the case of KS, the fourth derivative term stabilizes
the calculation, whereas the second derivative term destabilizes the calculation; as shown in Figure 11.3a,
the stabilizing fourth derivative term dominates for large wavenumbers, whereas the destabilizing second
derivative term dominates for small wavenumbers. The nonlinear
convective term in both the 1D Burgers
and KS equations, u u/ x, does not change the energy, E , 0L u2 /2 dx, in the Burgers and KS systems.
This is seen, e.g., in the case of Burgers equation (with either periodic or homogeneous Dirichlet BCs) by
multiplying by u, integrating over , and integrating by parts, which leads to:
Z L h

= u

u 2u i
x x2


Z L 2

Z Lh
u i2
dx 0;
dx =




note in particular that the contribution from the convective term vanishes since, via integration by parts and
applying the periodic BCs on u, it follows that


dx = 0


u dx = 2





dx = 0.

Thus, the convective term u u/ x is said to be energy conserving; that is, such nonlinear terms simply
scatter energy across the wavenumber spectrum (see Fact 5.5). The effect of the cubic term 2 (u3 )/ x2 on
the energy of the 1D CCH and CH systems is considered in Exercise 11.2.
To summarize, the time evolution of the Burgers system is characterized by the scattering of energy
across all wavenumbers due to the energy-conserving nonlinear term, and the dissipation of energy at the
high wavenumbers due to the stable linear operator. Without supplemental excitation (from the boundary
conditions or additional RHS forcing of the PDE), the Burgers system thus eventually decays to zero.
7 The

2D CCH model given here is one of three reviewed by Golovin & Pismen (2004); a fourth is studied in Golovin et al. (2001).
Note that, despite the similarity of the names typically assigned to them, the 2D CCH model (11.28) does not reduce to the 1D
CCH model (11.24) when symmetry in one spatial dimension is applied; that is, these two models represent slightly different physical
phenomena, they are just attributed to early work by the same set of authors, and thus commonly go by similar names.
8 That is, with the second derivative term only on the RHS, the Fourier-space representation of this equation is of the model form
dy/dt = y with = kx2p < 0 at each wavenumber kx p 6= 0.




kx2 kx4














































Figure 11.3: (a) Plot of the linear operator of the 1D CCH, CH, and KS equations (11.24), (11.25), and (11.26)
in Fourier space at wavenumbers kx p = 2 p/Lx for p = 1, 2, . . . and Lx = 400, illustrating amplification at
small wavenumbers and attenuation at large wavenumbers; (b) log-linear, and (c) log-log plots of the energy
spectrum of a KS system at statistical steady state with periodic BCs, with L = 4000 and N = 32768 grid
points used in the numerical simulation, which implemented a CN/RKW3 IMEX temporal discretization and
a pseudospectral spatial discretization (see 11.2.2 and Algorithm 11.4).
The evolution of the KS system, on the other hand, is characterized by the excitation of the system at the
low wavenumbers due to the unstable part of the linear operator, a scattering of energy across all wavenumbers due to the energy-conserving nonlinear term, and the dissipation of energy at the high wavenumbers due
to the stable part of the linear operator9 (see Figure 11.3a). For sufficiently large Lx (to include a sufficient
number of unstable wavenumbers km in the representation) and sufficiently large ICs, the KS system neither blows up nor settles to an equilibrium state; instead, a statistical balance is reached amongst the three
RHS terms, and the system approaches a high-dimensional chaotic attractor [cf. the low-dimensional attractors in Figures 10.8 and 10.9] in a high-dimensional phase space representing the spatial discretization
of this infinite-dimensional system. When the system is on this chaotic attractor (that is, at statistical steady state), the energy spectrum peaks in the low wavenumbers and diminishes at higher wavenumbers (see

catchy poem by Lewis Richardson used to describe the cascade of energy from large scales to small scales in fluid turbulence is:
Big whirls have little whirls that feed on their velocity, and little whirls have lesser whirls and so on to viscosity.

A pithy retort by Carl Gibson representing an alternative viewpoint in the same class of systems, emphasizing the simultaneous transfer
of energy from small scales back to large scales due to nonlinear interactions, is:
Little whorls on vortex sheets, form and pair with more of whorls that grow by vortex forces. Slava Kolmogorov!
The former emphasizes the fact that chickens lay eggs, whereas the latter emphasizes the fact that eggs become chickens. Both true.





























Figure 11.4: (top) A snapshot of the state u(x,t) on the chaotic attractor of the KS system, and (bottom) the
evolution in space/time of u(x,t) with red indicating positive contours and blue indicating negative contours,
illustrating transition from a small perturbation of u at t = 0 to statistical steady state for large t.
Figure 11.3b-c). The variable Lx acts like the Reynolds number in Navier-Stokes systems; for small Lx , the
stabilizing (fourth-derivative) linear terms dominate at all wavenumbers in the system, which is thus stable.
For increasing Lx , the destabilizing (second-derivative) linear terms dominate at an increasing number of the
smaller wavenumbers. The dimension of the chaotic attractor of the KS system is too high to be visualized
directly; additional visualizations are given in Figure 11.4.

11.1.3 The wave equation, and other hyperbolic systems

The wave equation (11.4) in 3D, with dispersion relation (11.9), may be solved via superposition of separable
modes of the form (11.5) as follows:
 2 2 2 
+ 2 + 2 = 0,

= est+~x

s2 c2 (2x + 2y + 2z ) = 0.

With s = + i and ~ = ~m + i~k, choosing ~m = 0 leads to s2 + c2(kx2 + ky2 + kz2 ) = 0 and thus


ei p,q,r t + p,q,r
ei p,q,r t )ei(kx p x+kyq y+kzr z) .
(~x,t) = (p,q,r


= c kx + ky + kz



It is thus seen that a superposition of separable modes of the form (11.5), where s and are selected to satisfy
the dispersion relation (11.9), may be used to solve the wave equation (11.4) in simple domains. The Fourier

coefficients p,q,r
and p,q,r
may, for example, be found by Fourier transform of the ICs on and / t at
t = 0, with the spatial wavenumbers included in the series selected appropriately to fit the domain of interest.
As anticipated by the name of the PDE which generated it, the solution (11.31b) propogates via traveling
waves which oscillate in time. Indeed, in sharp contrast with the diffusion equation, the wave equation is as
easy to propogate backward in time as it is to propogate forward in time. In the 1D case, (11.31a) reduces to




= 0,
x t


and its solution (11.31b) reduces to

(x,t) = (p+ eikx p (x+ct) + p eikx p (xct) ) , + (x,t) + (x,t) where c , | p /kx p | = c.


Noting that the phase velocity c is independent of p in this problem (that is, noting that there is no dispersion), the solution (x,t) is seen to be the superposition of two sets of modes, one [ + (x,t)] which convects,
or transports, to the left at a uniform speed c and satisfies ( / t c / x) + = 0, and the other [ (x,t)]
which convects to the right at a uniform speed c and satisfies ( / t + c / x) = 0. Thus, initial conditions
formed from just one of these sets of modes will simply convect at uniform speed without distortion. Spherically-symmetric and azimuthally-symmetric solutions of the 3D wave equation
Noting (B.34d) and (11.32b), the (nondispersive, undamped) 3D wave equation with spherical symmetry
enforced may be transformed and solved as follows:
2 (r )
2 (r )



r r
(r,t) = ( p+ eikr p (r+ct) + p eikr p (rc p t) ).
r p


That is, in spherical coordinates, the quantity (r ) satisfies the 1D wave equation, and thus sphericallysymmetric waves propogate in r without distortion (other than scaling by r).
In contrast, noting (B.33d), the 2D wave equation with azimuthal symmetry enforced is given by
1 h
2 h

r2 r r


subject to

h finite

at r = 0
at r = rmax ,

ICs: h = a(r) and

= b(r) at t = 0.


Note that, unlike (11.33a), (11.34a) does not admit a simple change of variables to reduce it to a 1D wave
equation. To solve this problem analytically, we must start from scratch with a new SOV analysis. Following
the analysis of 4.3.2, we again seek separable modes that satisfy the SOV ansatz
h m (r,t) = R(r) T (t).


Inserting (11.35) into (11.34a), we find that

RT = c2 (R T + R T /r)

 R + R/r 
, 2
= c2

T = 2 T,
R 2
R + + 2 R = 0.

As in 4.3.2, the ODE for T (t) is solved by T (t) = A sin( t)+ B cos( t). Performing the change of variables
= | | r/c, the ODE for R may be written and solved as follows:

2R 1 R
+R = 0

R = C J0 ( ) + DY0( ) = C J0 ( r/c) + DY0( r/c),


where J0 ( ) and Y0 ( ) denote Bessel functions (of zeroth order) of the first and second kind, respectively.
Due to the BC at r = 0, it follows immediately that D = 0. Due to the BC at r = rmax , it follows for most
that C = 0 as well, and thus h m (r,t) = 0 for all {r,t}. However, for certain values of [specifically, for
| | rmax /c = , where > 0 is one of the zeros of the associated Bessel function (that is, J0 ( ) = 0)], R
satisfies the homogeneous boundary condition at r = rmax even for nonzero values of C. These special values
of are the eigenvalues10 of the PDE system R + R /r + 2 R/c2 = 0 with finite R and homogeneous BCs
R = 0 at r = rmax . The solution of (11.34) may thus be written as a superposition of separable modes,
i p+ t
i p t

h(r,t) = (h +

and J0 ( p ) = 0 for p = 1, 2, . . . ,
where p =

where the coefficients h +

p and h p may be found via Fourier-Bessel transform (see 5.14) of the initial conditions on h and h/ t at t = 0. In contrast with the 3D case, the solution in the 2D case can not be written as
a linear combination of terms with (x ct) and (x + ct) dependences, as the spatial dependence is Bessel.
An alternative explanation of the solution of the 2D wave equation with azimuthal symmetry enforced is
provided by considering the superposition of the 3D waves of spherical symmetry emanating from a series of
identical impulsive sources on a line in a 3D field, each separated by a distance z and of strength z, in the
limit that z 0. Centering a cylindrical coordinate system along this line, the first (spherically symmetric)
wave to reach an observer situated somewhere in the z = 0 plane is that emanating from the source at r = 0
and z = 0. At later times, the signal reaching this same observer is augmented by waves, all traveling at speed
c, from other sources at locations with r = 0 and increasing values of |z|, which are farther away. This gives
the appearance of something like a dispersive behavior (see below) when just looking in the plane
z = 0. However, this system is not labelled as dispersive; the modal solution restricted to the z = 0 plane is not
even exponential. Of course, this problem is clearly hyperbolic, as the speed of propagation of information
(that is, the maximum wave speed) is exactly c, which is finite.
10 Recall

from footnote 1 on page 75 that this is called a Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem.

345 Dispersion, and the difference between phase velocity and group velocity
The nondispersive wave behavior described in the introduction of 11.1.3, in which traveling waves maintain
their shape as they convect, is in contrast with many other systems of physical interest, in which sinusoidal
modes of different wavelengths convect at different speeds, and thus waves formed as a superposition of such
modes distort in shape significantly as they convect. We now consider two such dispersive systems.
The traveling-wave behavior of the deflection of a stiff string, accounting for its finite thickness, may
be modeled with the dispersive 1D wave equation

c2 2 + 4 = 0 where > 0.


Taking = est+x x with x = ikx now leads to the dispersion relation s2 + c2 kx2 + kx4 = 0, and thus


(x,t) = (p+ ei p t + p ei p t )eikx p x


= c kx + kx

(x,t) = (p e p
+ p e p
) where c p , | p /kx p | = c + kx p .

For small ( kx2p ), solutions of the dispersive 1D wave equation (11.37a) are similar to those in the nondispersive case (with = 0), with wave speed c p c. However, for increasing p with > 0, the wave speed c p
increases. The solution (x,t) is no longer simply the superposition of two sets of modes convecting to the
left and right at uniform speeds. Instead, oscillations at shorter wavelengths x p = 2 /kx p convect at higher
phase velocities c p ; this characteristic is referred to as anomalous dispersion.
The 2D traveling-wave behavior of the height of the free surface f of a body of water of constant depth
b is, in general, somewhat more complicated to derive. Considering a single sinusoidal wave at a time, and
aligning the x direction with the direction of propagation of this wave, [that is, taking (x,t) = Ceikx (x+ct) for
a wave of wavelength x ], its evolution may be modeled with a dispersive 1D wave equation [cf. (11.37a)]
2 f

T kx2 i

tanh(kx b),
where kx = 2 /x, T is the surface tension per unit
p length, is the water density, and T / = 7.4 10
m /s for an air/water interface. Defining m = 2 T /(g ) = 0.0173 m, if b m , then

T k /
for x m capillary waves

p x

for x O(m )
p(g/kx )[1 + T kx /(g )]
for m x 2 b deep-water waves

(g/kx ) tanh(kx b) = gb gkx2b3 /3 + . . . for x O(2 b) [see (B.75)]

for 2 b x shallow-water waves; see

Thus, in the deep water case, oscillations at longer wavelengths x p = 2 /kx p convect at higher phase velocities c p ; this characteristic is referred to as normal dispersion; note that shallow-water waves are nondispersive, whereas capillary waves exhibit the anomalous dispersion characteristic described previously.
Defining cmax = max p |c p | as the maximum wave speed in an unsteady PDE system, we may now identify
the domain of dependence, as well as the range of influence, of the state of the system at any given point
(x,t) in space and time; as illustrated in Figure 11.5, both regions are conical in hyperbolic systems. Changes
to the system outside the domain of dependence do not affect the value of (x,t) at the point at center of this

range of influence
domain of dependence
Figure 11.5: Domain of dependence and range of influence of the state of a hyperbolic system at an
arbitrary point (x,t) in space and time, take here WLOG as the origin.
plot, and values of (x,t) outside the range of influence are not affected by changes to the system at the point
at the center of this plot. In a hyperbolic system such as (11.32a), the (finite) maximum wave speed cmax
defines the slope of these cones in space-time. In contrast, in a parabolic system such as (11.37a), the wave
speed c p is unbounded as p increases, and thus in such systems the (red) domain of dependence in Figure
11.5 is the entire lower half plane and the (blue) range of influence is the entire upper half plane. Damping
It is instructive at this point to visit another variation of (11.32a), namely a damped 1D wave equation

+ b1
= 0 where b0 > 0,


which accounts for the damping of the string due, e.g., to the wind resistance and sound generation created
by its motion11. Analyzing as before leads to the dispersion relation s2 + c2 kx2 + b1 s = 0, and thus

s = b1/2 c b21 /(4c2 ) kx2 (x,t) = (p+ es p t + p es p t )eikx p x = p (x,t).


with = b /2 > 0 and = c k2 b2 /(4c2 ), and thus


For kx p > b1 /(2c), we have s



p (x,t) = e t p+ eikx p (x+c p t) + p eikx p (xc p t)

where c p = | p /kx p | = c

1 b21/(4c2 kx2p ).

+ i with = b /2 c b2 /(4c2 ) k2 0 and = 0, and thus
For kx p b1 /(2c), we have s


p (x,t) = p+ e p t + p e p t eikx p x .

11 Damping is what causes the volume of the sound generated by an oscillating piano wire to decay with time. An improved model for
the motion of a piano wire of length L, which accounts for frequency-dependent Kelvin-Voigt damping due to molecular heating (b2 )
in addition to both the viscous damping due to wind resistance and heat generation (b1 ) and the dispersion due to stiffness ( ), is


= 0;
c2 2 + 4 + b1
t 2x
for middle C, with a fundamental frequency of 261.6 Hz, we may take {c, ,b1 ,b2 ,L} = {329.6,1.5625,2.2,0.00054, 0.63} (see Bensa
et al. 2003), as considered further in Exercise 11.6.


For small b1 (or large kx p ), the modes are damped (that is, exponentially-decaying) sinusoids; note that there
is both damping and (normal) dispersion, as the wave speed c p reduces with increasing p. For large b1 (or
small kx p ), the oscillations in time are removed completely, and the modes (referred to as evanescent modes)
simply decay exponentially in time. The maximum wave speed cmax is finite, so this (hyperbolic) system has
a conical domain of dependence and range of influence similar to that depicted in Figure 11.5.
Finally, note that, in 1D, the maximum wave speed of the (hyperbolic) wave equation (11.32a) and the
(hyperbolic) damped wave equation (11.39a) is c, whereas the wave speed of the (parabolic; see 11.1.4)
dispersive wave equation (11.37a) is unbounded. In the limit that c with b1 /c2 constant, the (hyperbolic)
damped wave equation (11.39a) reduces to the (parabolic) diffusion equation (11.3), whereas in the limit that
0, the (parabolic) dispersive wave equation (11.37a) reduces to the (hyperbolic) wave equation (11.32a). The nonlinear 2D shallow water equation
We now turn our attention to systems governed by the 2D shallow water equation (SWE). Denoting

u(x, y,t) & v(x, y,t) as the x & y components of the velocity averaged vertically over the water column,
b(x, y,t) as the (specified) reference depth of the bottom in the body of water under consideration,
f (x, y,t) as the height of the free surface above or below its reference height of f = 0,
h(x, y,t) = f (x, y,t) + b(x, y) as the total height of the water column at any given {x, y,t},
(y) = 2 sin y (where y is the latitude and = 7.2921 105rad/s on Earth) as the Coriolis frequency, defined as twice the vertical component of the planets angular velocity about the local vertical,
as the viscous drag coefficient (which my be determined empirically),

and g = 9.8m/s2 , the SWE may be written over any 2D domain in its integral conservation form as

q = h u ,


q dA +

F(q) n ds =

F(q) = h u2 + g h2/2
h v2 + g h2/2

r dA,


r = g h b/ x + h v h u .
g h b/ y h u h v


Writing a system in its most general integral conservation form is often invaluable, as this form can handle
discontinuities (a.k.a. jumps or shocks) that may be present in the solution, whereas PDE forms that may
be derived (see below) from the integral conservation form can not be applied across
 such discontinuities.
Assuming q is continuous & differentiable in space & time, partitioning F = fx fy , applying Gausss
theorem (B.29) to the second term on the LHS of (11.40a), and noting that is arbitrary, it follows that

dx dy +

fx (q)

fy (q) 
ds =


r dx dy

q fx (q) fy (q)
= r,

which may be written out in terms of the conservative variables {h, (hu), (hv)} (note that u = hu/h and
v = hv/h) as the conservative PDE form of the SWE:

hu hv

(u hu + g h2/2) v hu

+ gh
+ hv hu,
u hv (v hv + g h2/2)

+ gh
hu hv.


This form is convenient for certain numerical implementations, as it enables (11.40a) to be enforced exactly
over various subdomains in the numerical representation. Note that (11.41) may be rewritten in terms of what
may be identified as the primitive variables { f , u, v}, thereby casting the SWE in the primitive PDE form
u v b
( f + b)
( f + b)
= u
( f + b)
x y
= u
+ v u,
= u
u v.
Note also that b(x, y,t) appears explicitly on the RHS of (11.41b)-(11.41c), and appears in a different form
on the RHS of (11.42a); familiarity with various equivalent formulations of a given system is often found to
be useful to sharpen ones physical understanding of particular aspects of the system dynamics.
Linearizing (11.42) around zero (that is, assuming { f , u, v} are all small, and thus products of these
quantities are negligible) and assuming the Coriolis and viscous terms are also negligible, it follows [by
taking / x of b times (b) and / y of b times (c) and substituting into / t of (a) below] that

ub vb b



2 f
f  2b

= g

x x y y


= g
Subject to the added assumption that the reference depth b is constant in both time & space, it follows that
2 f 2 f 
2 f
x2 y2


Defining the wave speed c = g b, this linearized system is considered analytically in a rectangular domain
in 4.3.3, and in an infinite domain in polar coordinates with azimuthal symmetry in; for a finite
circular domain, the Fourier-Bessel representation discussed in 5.14 is well suited.
Conservation properties
As shown in 4.3.3, oscillations in a finite domain governed by the linearized SWE (11.44), where b is
constant, do not decay or grow in time. Relaxing the assumption of constant b, the linearized SWE system
(11.43), with b = b(x, y), is still expected to be purely oscillatory as, apparently, a sloping bottom profile
doesnt dampen energy in the system, it just modifies various wave speeds. This expectation can be made
precise, even in the nonlinear setting, by performing an energy analysis directly on the nonlinear SWE.
Defining the kinetic energy of the water column per unit area as K = h(u2 + v2 )/2, multiplying (11.42b)
by hu and (11.42c) by hv and adding, then adding (u2 + v2)/2 times (11.41a) and simplifying gives

uK vK

Defining the potential energy of the water column per unit area as P =
plying (11.41a) by g f gives
= g f
g f


b (g z)dz

= g( f 2 b2 )/2, multi(11.46)

Figure 11.6: Simulation of of the wave resulting from a stone thrown into a shallow pool, as approximated by
the shallow water equations (11.41) with boundary conditions as given in (11.49).
Thus, the evolution of the total energy E = K + P is governed by

u(K + h g f ) v(K + h g f )



Integrating over a domain with zero normal velocity at the boundaries, it is thus clear that, in the limit that
0, energy is conserved. This result may be written back in integral conservation form as


E dx dy +


u(K + h g f ) v(K + h g f ) n ds =
K/2 dx dy.


Boundary conditions
Consider now a system governed by the nonlinear SWE (11.40) [which may, if the solution is smooth, be
written in the PDE forms (11.41) or (11.42)] inside a rectangular Lx Ly domain with b/ x = 0 at
x = Lx /2, and that b/ y = 0 at y = Ly /2. The boundary conditions on the system are
u = 0 and


= 0 at x = Lx /2 for
= 0 at y = Ly /2 for

Ly /2 y Ly /2;


Lx /2 x Lx /2.


The BCs provided above only list two conditions along each boundary, though we must ultimately specify
the evolution of all three variables {u, v, h} at the boundaries in order for the problem to be well posed.
Fortunately, the evolution of v at x = Lx /2 may be determined directly from the v/ t component of the
SWE itself combined with the BC u = 0; ditto for the evolution of u at y = Ly /2. In PDE form, we have

(h b)
= v g
v at x = Lx /2 for Ly /2 < y < Ly /2;
(h b)
= u g
u at y = Ly /2 for Lx /2 < x < Lx /2.


The time evolution of the linearized SWE system with b =constant and f = h b, as governed by (11.44) with
BCs given by (11.49), may be solved analytically with the SOV approach (4.3.3). Relaxing the assumption of
constant b, the linearized 2D system (11.43) with b = b(x, y) does not lend itself to SOV analysis12 . However,
we may still numerically simulate (11.43) [and, indeed, the nonlinear PDE forms (11.41) and (11.42)] using
FD or spectral methods, as illustrated in Figure 11.6 and discussed further in 11.3.

12 Note that the 1D form of (11.43) with b = b(x) does lend itself to simple SOV analysis, however, with f m (x,t) = X(x) T (t) and
T (t)/T (t) = g [b(x) X (x)] /X(x). The x component of this SOV analysis is a Sturm-Liouville problem (see Footnote 1 on Page 75).
Several cases of this class of problems, corresponding here to specific functions b(x), have well known solutions. For example, in the case
of quadratic b(x), the equation for X(x) reduces to the Legendre equation, and thus X(x) may be expanded with Legendre polynomials
instead of sinusoidal functions. See Grimshaw et al. (2010) for extensive further discussion.

351 Jump conditions and the Rankine-Hugonoit relations

Hyperbolic systems like the SWE and Euler equation, in integral conservation form, admit solutions that are
only piecewise continuous; the discontinuities in such solutions, known as hydraulic jumps in the case of
the SWE or shocks in the case of Euler, are important phenomena to capture in numerical simulations.
To illustrate, consider the 2D SWE in integral conservation form, (11.40), and, at time t, select, WLOG,
local coordinates in the vicinity some point on the (possibly moving) jump, {xs (t), ys (t)}, such that the x
direction is locally normal to the jump, the y direction is locally tangential to the jump, and u > 0. Define a
small fixed domain, x < x < x+ and y1 < y < y2 , with x+ x = y2 y1 = , which happens to be centered
at {xs (t), ys (t)} at time t (and, thus, x < xs (t) < x+ at time t). Assuming the bottom profile b(x, y) is smooth
within this domain and taking the limit as 0 (and, thus, x denotes the location just upstream of the
jump, and x+ denotes the location just downstream of the jump) reduces (11.40) to

Z y2
d x+ y2

q dx dy =
fx (q)
ds, q = h u , fx (q) = h u2 + g h2/2
dt x y1
Z x+
u+ h+ u h

h dx = h u
h dx +

h+ h

Z x+
h Z xs (t)
2 ix+
h+ u2+ h u2 + [g h2+ g h2]/2

h u dx = h u2 +
h u dx +

dt x
2 x
h+ u+ h u
xs (t)

Z x+
h Z xs (t)

+ + + h u v

h v dx = h u v
h v dx +

dt x
h + v+ h v
xs (t)

where h = h(x , ys ), u = u(x , ys ), v = v(x , ys ), and s = dxs (t)/dt. The last three conditions at right are
known as the jump conditions of the SWE. The third relation follows trivially from the first if v+ = v . In
the special case of a stationary hydraulic jump (s = 0), it follows that
h u = h+ u+ , Q,

Q u + g h2/2 = Q u+ + g h2+/2.


To simplify the discussion that follows, we thus shift to a reference frame moving with the hydraulic jump
itself, and denote by u and u+ the flow velocity normal to the jump upstream and downstream of the jump in
this reference frame. Combining (11.51) to eliminate {u+ , u }, it follows that the height of the water column
downstream of a jump may be computed in terms of the conditions upstream of the jump as follows:

Q2 = g(h+ + h)h+ h /2 h+ = h + h2 + 8u2h /g /2.
Motivated by the flux terms in (11.47), we define the energy flux in the x direction as u(K + h g f ) , Q e g,
where the specific energy of the shallow water flow may be defined as e = h b + (u2 + v2 )/(2g); note
that the specific energy of the flow has dimensions of length, and is often referred to (especially in open
channel flows) as the head of the flow. Looking at the conditions immediately upstream and downstream of
a hydraulic jump and applying the condition at left in (11.52a), we may write
e = e+ + e

h + u2/(2g) = h+ + u2+ /(2g) + e

e = (h+ h )3 /(4h+h ), (11.52b)

where e denotes the head loss (i.e., the loss of specific

energy) associated with the jump. Defining the

Froude number of a shallow water flow as Fr = u/ gh, it follows that h+ > h , and thus that13 e > 0,
if Fr > 1 (i.e., if the flow upstream of the jump is supercritical), in which case Fr+ < 1 (i.e., the flow
downstream of the jump will be subcritical). If, on the other hand, Fr < 1 (that is, if a shallow water flow
is initially subcritical), then a hydraulic jump will not occur, as it would require a spontaneous gain in the
specific energy of the flow in the jump, which is unphysical.
13 The

flow loses specific energy in a hydraulic jump due to the turbulence it induces; this lost energy is ultimately dissipated as heat.


Similarly, consider the compressible 3D Euler equation in integral conservation form [cf. (11.40)]:



q dV +

F(q) n dA = 0,


p + u2

F(q) = u v
= fx
p + w2
u(E + p) v(E + p) w(E + p)


fz ,


where is the density of the flow, p is the pressure of the flow, E = [e + (u2 + v2 + w2 )/2] is the total
energy per unit volume of the flow, and, for a calorically perfect gas, e = p/[ ( 1)] is the internal
energy per unit mass of the flow, where = c p /cv > 1 is the (constant) ratio of specific heats of the fluid14 .
At time t, select local coordinates in the vicinity of a point on the shock, {xs (t), ys (t), zs (t)}, such that the x
direction is normal to the shock, the y and z directions are tangential to the shock, and u > 0. Define a small
fixed domain, x < x < x+ , y1 < y < y2 , z1 < z < z2 , with x+ x = y2 y1 = z2 z1 = , which is centered
at {xs (t), ys (t), zs (t)} at time t. Taking the limit as 0 (and, thus, x denotes the location just upstream of
the shock, and x+ denotes the location just downstream the shock) reduces (11.53) to

Z x+Z y2Z z2



q dx dy dz =

Z y2 Z z2

h Z x (t)
Z x+
h ix+



xs (t)
dt x

Z x+
Z xs (t)

2 +




dt x
xs (t)

Z x+
h Z xs (t)
v dx +
v dx = u v

xs (t)

Z x+
h Z xs (t)

w dx +
w dx = u w

dt x

xs (t)

Z x+
d h Z xs (t)

E dx = u(E + p)
E dx +
dt x
xs (t)



dy dz
fx (q)

+ u+ u

(p+ + + u2+ ) (p + u2 )
+ u+ u

+ u + v+ u v
+ v+ v
+ u+ w+ u w
+ w+ w



u+ (E+ + p+) u (E + p )
E+ E

where = (x , ys , zs ), etc., and s = dxs (t)/dt. The third and fourth relations follow trivially from the first
if v = v+ and w = w+ . In the case of a stationary shock (s = 0), it follows that

u = + u+ ,

p + u2 = p+ + + u2+ ,

u2 /2 + e + p / = u2+ /2 + e+ + p+ /+ . (11.55)

To simplify, we thus shift to a reference frame moving with the shock, and denote by u and u+ the flow
velocity normal to the shock upstream and downstream of the shock in this reference frame. Combining these
equations leads, after some algebra, to the Rankine-Hugonoit relations
p+ ( + 1)+ ( 1)
p ( + 1) ( 1)+

+ ( + 1)p+ + ( 1)p
( + 1)p + ( 1)p+

u u+ =

p+ p
p+ + p
. (11.56)
+ +

For a thermally perfect gas, we may write p = R T where T is the local temperature of theflow; note
that the specific gas constant R = 287.058 J/(kg K) for dry air. The local speed of sound is a = R T , and
14 Note

that = 1.40 for air at standard atmospheric pressure over a wide range of fluid temperatures.


the local entropy of the flow, compared with some reference state r, is s sr = cv log[(p/pr )/( /r ) ]. The
normal15 Mach number is M = u /a upstream of the shock and M+ = u+ /a+ downstream of the shock.
It follows (see the indispensable NACA Report 1135 for further such relations) that
M+2 =

( 1)M2 + 2
2 M2 ( 1)

[2 M2 ( 1)] [( 1)M2 + 2]
= +
( + 1)2 M2

( + 1)M2
2 M2 ( 1)
s+ s
= log
( 1)M2 + 2

2 M2 ( 1)

( + 1)M2
+ u
u+ ( 1)M2 + 2

Thus, if the flow upstream of the shock is supersonic (M > 1), then the flow downstream of the shock is
subsonic (M+ < 1), higher pressure (p+ > p ), higher temperature (T+ > T ), higher density (+ > ),
lower speed (u+ < u ), and higher entropy (s+ > s ). If, on the other hand, M < 1 (that is, if the flow is
initially subsonic), then a shock will not occur, as it would require a decrease in entropy, which is unphysical.

11.1.4 Classification of more complicated PDEs

Identification of a PDE as elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic is a valuable step in its characterization, as it
reveals the domain of dependence of any given system state as well as the range of influence of any given
input to the system. Such identification is also useful for determining the number of boundary conditions
(and, in unsteady problems, initial conditions) that are necessary to solve it.
The elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic classifications introduced at the beginning of 11.1 are often extended to more complicated PDEs by noting the relative signs of their highest-order derivative terms. In systems
with at most second-order derivatives, if a change of variables is performed such that all cross derivative terms
are eliminated [note that (11.1)-(11.4) are already in this form], then a general scalar second-order system in
n dimensions may be written:

+ 2 2 + . . . + n 2 = . . . ,


where there are no derivatives of higher than first on the RHS (though it may be nonlinear). Considering
modes of the form = e , the dispersion relation corresponding to this differential equation is

1 21 + 2 22 + . . . + n 2n = ...,


where there are no powers of i higher than one in the terms on the RHS. Replacing the RHS with a constant,
as illustrated for the canonical PDEs (11.1)-(11.4) in Figure 11.1,
if all of the i are positive, isosurfaces of (11.57b) produce an ellipse;
if one of the i is zero and the others positive, isosurfaces of (11.57b) produce a parabola;
if one of the i is negative and the others positive, isosurfaces of (11.57b) produce a hyperbola;

the corresponding PDEs are thus referred to as elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic respectively16.
Fourth-order, sixth-order, and eighth-order PDEs are sometimes characterized as elliptic, parabolic, and
hyperbolic, respectively, by the natural generalizations of the second-order case. For example, the equations
41 + 42 + 43 = c0 ,

s (41 + 42 + 43 ) = c0 ,

15 That


s4 c4 (41 + 42 + 43) = c0

is, the Mach number of the component of the flow normal to the shock.
other possible cases are rare in problems of physical significance. One additional category sometimes mentioned is the case
when half of the i are positive and the other half are negative, the corresponding PDE in this case is referred to as ultrahyperbolic.
16 The






Figure 11.7: Plot of the soliton solution (11.59) to the KdV equation (11.58) at t = 0 for c = 1, 2, and 3;
note that, as the soliton gradually reduces in height as it propogates in any physical implementation (due to
unmodeled losses due to viscosity of the fluid and surface tension at the air/fluid interface), the width of the
soliton increases slightly, and its wave speed c decreases significantly.
might be said, with a minor abuse of notation17, to define, respectively, a fourth-order ellipse, a fourthorder parabola, and a fourth-order hyperbola, and thus fourth-order PDEs with dispersion relations in such
forms may be characterized accordingly.
Unfortunately, attempts at classification of PDEs of order higher than two as elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic can sometimes lead to ambiguities; for further discussion of such attempts, see Garabedian (1998).

11.1.5 Wavelike behavior and solitons

It is important to note that traveling wave behavior in the dynamics of a solution to a PDE is not sufficient
to identify it as hyperbolic. This was already seen in the dispersive 1D wave equation (11.37a), for which
solutions appeared essentially as traveling waves for small k p (or small d), yet the equation was in fact
parabolic (due to the fact that the wave speed c p increases without bound with increasing k p ).
Another curious system which demonstrates traveling wave behavior, but is certainly not hyperbolic (it
might be said to be third-order parabolic), is the Korteweg and deVries (KdV) equation

u 3u
= 6u 3
x x


on the real line x (, ). This equation describes weakly nonlinear shallow water waves. A traveling wave
solution of this equation, which was first observed by John Scott Russel on the Union Canal near Edinburgh,
Scotland in 1834 (and reportedly convected for well over a mile without significant change of shapeat thirty
feet long and over a foot high!), is given by setting u(x,t) = f ( ) where , x ct in (11.58), resulting in
d 3 f  3
= 6 f
d t
d x d x

c f = 6 f f + f .

Integrating once, with zero boundary conditions at infinity, then multiplying by f and integrating again yields
c f = 3 f 2 + f

c 2
f = f 3 + ( f )2

= c f 2 2 f 3.

17 As mentioned in Footnote 8 on Page 24, an abuse of notation is the use of a mathematical term in a setting in which it is not
formally correct, but is suggestive of the correct mathematical notion.


The interesting solution of the latter equation observed by Russel, as easily verified by substitution, is

2 c (x ct)
f ( ) = sech
u(x,t) = f (x ct) = sech
Noting the (x ct) dependence, it is seen that this solution, referred to as a soliton (see Figure 11.7), is in
fact a traveling wave with a particular shape (a single hump) and a particular height.


11.1.6 The fundamental equations of computational fluid dynamics

To motivate the development of efficient simulation tools, we now survey a variety of prototypical PDEs
commonly encountered in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Some parabolic forms include:

~u = (~u )~u + ~u p +
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (NSE):

a [~u = velocity, p = pressure, ~ = forcing, { , } = constants]

~u = 0;


= (~u ) + k + ;

u 1h
u 1 p 2u i


x u
y x y2

p = 0, v = u .

the passive scalar convection/diffusion equation:

a [ = scalar concentration, k = constant, = forcing]
the 2D boundary-layer equation:
a [p(x) = pressure gradient of external flow]

Some hyperbolic forms include:

the vector wave equation:
~ = forcing]
a [~u = velocity, { , } = constants,

= ( + 2 )( ~u) ( ~u) +

the 2D shallow water equation (SWE):

a [~u = velocity, h = water depth, b = bottom depth below mean,
a (hb) = free surface above/below mean, g = gravity]



= (~u )~u g(h b),


h = (h~u).

A prototypical PDE of mixed elliptic/hyperbolic type is the compressible Euler equation for a perfect gas:

= ( ~u),

( ~u)
= ( ~u ~u) p,

= ( ~u) ( 1) p ( ~u);


note that, if the flow considered is steady and irrotational, (11.65) may be written in potential form as

v2  2 
w2  2 2 u v 2
2 v w 2 2 u w 2
u2  2 


= 2
+ 2
+ 2
, (11.66a)
1 2
c x
c y
c xy
c yz
c xz

, v=
, w=
, q = u2 + v2 + w2 ,
the local speed of sound c may be determined from Croccos theorem

c2 +

1 2
1 2
q = c2 +
q ,



denotes the specific heat ration ( = C p /Cv 1.40 for air), and the subscript denotes the (known) freestream reference conditions (that is, away from the region of interest); note further that (11.66) may itself be
written and solved in a convenient nondimensional conservative form

= 0,


q L

1 2
q2 i1/( 1)
= 1+
M 1 2



L is a reference length scale in the system, and M = q /c is the freestream Mach number. Note in particular
in (11.66a) that, if the coordinates are rotated such that v = w = 0, it is easily seen that the system is locally
hyperbolic wherever the local Mach number M = q/c > 1, and locally elliptic wherever M = q/c < 1.


Algorithm 11.1: Simulating the 1D diffusion equation with CN in time and FD in space.
f u n c t i o n Diffusion1 D CN FD
% S i m u l a t e t h e 1D d i f f u s i o n e q u a t i o n on 0<x<L w i t h D i r i c h l e t BCs
% u s i n g CN i n t i m e and 2ndo r d e r c e n t r a l FD i n s p a c e .
c l e a r a l l ; L = 5 ; Tmax =1 0 ; N=1 0 0 ; d t = 0 . 0 5 ; T im eS tep s =Tmax / d t ; dx=L /N ;
t = 0 ; x = ( 0 :N) dx ; p h i = z e r o s (N+ 1 , 1 ) ; PlotXY ( x , p h i , t , 0 , L , 1 , 1 ) ;
a ( 2 : N, 1 ) = d t / ( 2 dx 2 ) ; a ( 1 ) = 0 ;
% P r e c a l c u l a t e tim e s t e p p i n g c o e f f i c i e n t s
b ( 2 : N, 1 ) = 1 + d t / dx 2 ;
b (1)=1;
% i n o r d e r t o m i n i m i z e t h e f l o p s n eed ed
c ( 2 : N, 1 ) = d t / ( 2 dx 2 ) ; c ( 1 ) = 0 ; e= d t / ( 2 dx 2 ) ; % i n s i d e t h e tim e m a r c h i n g l o o p .
r h s = z e r o s (N , 1 ) ; [ r h s , a , b , c ] = Thomas ( a , b , c , r h s , N ) ; % D e t e r m i n e L & U t o r e u s e d u r i n g march .
f o r n = 1 : T im eS tep s
% L ead in g o r d e r c o s t :
r h s ( 2 : N, 1 ) = p h i ( 2 : N) + e ( p h i ( 3 : N+1) 2 p h i ( 2 :N) + p h i ( 1 : N 1 ) ) ;
% 5N
t = t + d t ; r h s ( 1 ) = s i n ( t ) ; p h i ( 1 : N) = ThomasLU ( a , b , c , r h s , N ) ;
% 5N
PlotXY ( x , p h i , t , 0 , L , 1 , 1 ) ;
% T o t a l : 10N p e r t i m e s t e p
end % f u n c t i o n Diffusion1 D CN FD

11.2 Numerical simulation of parabolic PDEs

11.2.1 Time marching a spatial discretization developed via finite differences
We introduce this section with the simulation of the time evolution of (x,t) in the 1D diffusion equation,

= ,
on the domain x [0, 2 ] for t 0 with BCs (x = 0) = sin(t) and (x = 2 ) = 0 and ICs (t = 0) = 0.
As suggested at the beginning of 11, we may approach this problem by first discretizing the PDE in space
to arrive at a system of ODEs, then marching the resulting ODE system in time. We illustrate below using a
second-order central FD method for the spatial discretization and the CN method for the time discretization:
1. Discretize the unknown variable (x) on a spatial grid with N 1 interior gridpoints and uniform grid
spacing x = 2 /N such that the x coordinate of the jth gridpoint is x j = j(x) for j = 0 . . . N (note
that, in Matlab, all indices must be shifted by 1, because Matlab indices must begin from 1).
2. Enforce an approximation of the PDE at the interior gridpoints by replacing the spatial derivatives on
the RHS of (11.68) with the second-order central approximation of the second derivative such that

j+1 2 j + j1


j = 1 . . . N 1.

3. Discretize this ODE system in time using CN (since the ODE system is linear with tightly banded A)
and apply the BCs 0 = sin(t) and N = 0, resulting in the following linear difference equation:

n+1 n
sin(tn+1 )

1 1n


1 1


. =


. .

2 (x)2

n+1 n


1 2 1
N1 N1

The resulting code, given in Algorithm 11.1, is self explanatory; note that the tridiagonal matrix appearing in
the implicit solves at each timestep are identical from one step to the next in the above algorithm, and thus
the LU decomposition of this matrix is used at each timestep in its efficient numerical implementation.


Algorithm 11.2: Simulating Burgers equation with CN/RKW3 in time and FD in space, together with a
convenient plotting algorithm used by several of the codes appearing in 11.

f u n c t i o n Burgers CNRKW3 FD
% S i m u l a t e t h e 1D B u r g e r s on 0<x<L w i t h homogeneous D i r i c h l e t BCs u s i n g CN /RKW3 i n t i m e
% ( e x p l i c i t on n o n l i n e a r ter m s , i m p l i c i t on l i n e a r t e r m s ) & 2 ndo r d e r c e n t r a l FD i n s p a c e .
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I n i t i a l i z e t h e s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m t e r s ( u s e r i n p u t ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
L=1 0 0 ; Tmax =5 0 ; N=1 0 0 ; d t = 0 . 5 ; P l o t I n t e r v a l = 1 ;
dx =L /N ; x = ( 0 :N) dx ; y= s i n ( p i x / L) s i n ( 2 p i x / L) + s i n ( 6 p i x / L ) ; PlotXY ( x , y , 0 , 0 , L, 3 , 3 )
%%%%%%%%%%%% P r e c a l c u l a t e t h e tim e s t e p p i n g c o e f f i c i e n t s u s e d i n t h e s i m u l a t i o n %%%%%%%%%%
h bar = dt [8/15 2/15
d= h b a r / ( 2 dx 2 ) ;
a= h b a r / ( 2 dx 2 ) ;
b e t a b a r = [1
e= b e t a b a r . h b a r / ( 2 dx ) ; b =1+ h b a r / dx 2 ;
z e t a b a r = [0
17/8 5 / 4 ] ;
f = z e t a b a r . h b a r / ( 2 dx ) ; c= h b a r / ( 2 dx 2 ) ;
f o r k = 1 : Tmax / d t
f o r r k =1 :3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ALL 3 RK SUBSTEPS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Compute n o n l i n e a r t e r m r ( y ) , & d e f e r s c a l i n g u n t i l n e x t s t e p % L ead in g o r d e r c o s t :
r =y ( 2 : N ) . ( y ( 3 : N+1)y ( 1 : N 1 ) ) ;
% 2N
% Compute e n t i r e r h s , and a p p l y a l l t h e c o r r e c t s c a l i n g s
i f ( r k ==1)
r h s =y ( 2 : N) +d ( r k ) ( y ( 3 : N+1) 2y ( 2 : N) + y ( 1 : N1)) +e ( r k ) r ;
% 7N
r h s =y ( 2 : N) +d ( r k ) ( y ( 3 : N+1) 2y ( 2 : N) + y ( 1 : N1)) +e ( r k ) r + f ( r k ) r h s ;
% 9N
% S o l v e f o r new y
y ( 2 : N) = ThomasTT ( a ( r k ) , b ( r k ) , c ( r k ) , r h s , N 1 ) ;
% 8N
% Save r ( i n r h s ) f o r t h e n e x t t i m e s t e p

i f ( rk <3) r h s = r ; end
% T o t a l : 55N
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF RK LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
i f ( mod ( k , P l o t I n t e r v a l ) = = 0 ) PlotXY ( x , y , k d t , 0 , L , 3 , 3 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n Burgers CNRKW3 FD


f u n c t i o n PlotXY ( x , y , t , xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax )

% A s u p p l e m e n t a l p l o t t i n g co d e u s e d i n s e v e r a l o f t h e s i m u l a t i o n s i n C h a p t e r 11 o f NR .
figure ( 1 );
clf ;
plot (x , y ) ;
xlabel ( x ) ;
ylabel ( u ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( Time = %5.2 f , t ) ) ; a x i s ( [ xmin xmax ymin ymax ] ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 0 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n PlotXY A typical tradeoff between flops and storage

We next consider the simulation of Burgers equation with homogenous Dirichlet BCs. As before, we use
the second-order central FD method to approximate the spatial derivatives. We then march the nonlinear
term explicitly (with RKW3) and the linear term implicitly (with CN) using the CN/RKW3 IMEX method
described in 10.5.4. This leads to a set of ODEs of the form of (10.62) with
[f(y)]i =

yi+1 2yi + yi1


and [g(y)]i = yi

yi+1 yi1
2 x

The resulting simulation code is implemented in Algorithm 11.2. The KS case with homogenous Dirichlet
BCs may be developed in an entirely analogous fashion (see Exercise 11.8); note that the KS case requires
pentadiagonal solves, as the linear operator (treated implicitly, with second-order central discretizations) has
both second-derivative and fourth-derivative terms.
The leading-order cost of Algorithm 11.2 is 55N flops per timestep. However, this implementation
actually uses three vectors, {y,r,rhs}, of length N, in addition to the vector of length N required by the
ThomasTT algorithm18. The discussion in showed that RKW3, on its own, could be completed
18 Had

the LU decomposition of A been leveraged during the three tridiagonal solves, we could reduce the flops by 9N per timestep,


Algorithm 11.3: Simulating Burgers equation as in Algorithm 11.2 but with reduced storage.
f u n c t i o n Burgers CNRKW3 FD RS
% ( . . . i n i t i a l i z a t i o n i d e n t i c a l t o t h a t i n Burgers RKW3CN FD . . . )
f o r k = 1 : Tmax / d t
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIRST RK STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Compute n o n l i n e a r t e r m r ( y ) , and d e f e r s c a l i n g u n t i l n e x t s t e p %
z ( 2 : N)=y ( 2 : N ) . ( y ( 3 :N+1)y ( 1 : N 1 ) ) ;
% Compute t h e e n t i r e RHS , and a p p l y a l l t h e c o r r e c t s c a l i n g s
y ( 2 : N) = y ( 2 : N) + d ( 1 ) ( y ( 3 : N+1) 2y ( 2 : N) + y ( 1 : N1)) + e ( 1 ) z ( 2 :N ) ;
% S o l v e f o r y a t end o f f i r s t RK s t e p
y ( 2 : N) = ThomasTT ( a ( 1 ) , b ( 1 ) , c ( 1 ) , y ( 2 : N) , N 1 ) ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SECOND RK STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Compute t h e e n t i r e RHS , i n c l u d i n g r ( y ) .
z ( 2 : N) = y ( 2 : N) + d ( 2 ) ( y ( 3 : N+1) 2y ( 2 : N) + y ( 1 : N1)) . . .
e ( 2 ) y ( 2 : N ) . ( y ( 3 : N+1)y ( 1 : N1)) + f ( 2 ) z ( 2 : N ) ;
% TRICK : now RECOMPUTE r ( y ) f o r u s e a t t h e f i n a l RK s t e p .
y ( 2 : N)=y ( 2 : N ) . ( y ( 3 :N+1)y ( 1 : N 1 ) ) ;
% S o l v e f o r y a t end o f s e c o n d RK s t e p
z ( 2 : N) = ThomasTT ( a ( 2 ) , b ( 2 ) , c ( 2 ) , z ( 2 : N) , N 1 ) ; z (N+ 1 ) = 0 ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THIRD RK STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Compute e n t i r e RHS , i n c l u d i n g t h e c o m p u t a t i o n o f r ( y )
y ( 2 : N) = z ( 2 : N) + d ( 3 ) ( z ( 3 : N+1) 2 z ( 2 : N) + z ( 1 : N1)) . . .
e ( 3 ) z ( 2 : N ) . ( z ( 3 : N+1) z ( 1 : N1)) + f ( 3 ) y ( 2 : N ) ;
% S o l v e f o r y a t t h e new t i m e s t e p
y ( 2 : N) = ThomasTT ( a ( 3 ) , b ( 3 ) , c ( 3 ) , y ( 2 : N) , N 1 ) ;
i f ( mod ( k , P l o t I n t e r v a l ) = = 0 ) PlotXY ( x , y , k d t , 0 , L , 3 , 3 ) ; end
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF RK LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
end % f u n c t i o n Burgers CNRKW3 FD RS


L ead in g o r d e r c o s t :
% 2N
% 7N
% 8N

% 11N

% 2N
% 8N

% 11N

% 8N

% T o t a l : 57N

using only two registers of length N. A question thus arises: can we be more efficient with memory when
applying the CN/RKW3 IMEX scheme to this system, requiring only two registers of length N?
The answer, remarkably, is yes. Note that, with care, we can unroll the RK loop in Algorithm 11.2 and
slightly reorder the computations into the equivalent form implemented in Algorithm 11.3. The leading-order
cost of Algorithm 11.3 is 57N flops per timestep, which is slightly more expensive than Algorithm 11.2.
However, we now use only two registers, {y,z}, of length N, in addition to the storage required by the
ThomasTT algorithm. Thus, we identify a tradeoff: by performing less than 4% more floating point operations
per timestep, the modified algorithm reduces memory usage by 25% (from 3 + 1 = 4 vectors to 2 + 1 = 3
registers of length N. On a modern (cache-based) computer, in which retrieving variables from the main
memory is often a significant bottleneck in the computation, this would often be a favorable tradeoff to make.

11.2.2 Time marching a spatial discretization developed via spectral methods

We now revisit the problem of Burgers equation considered in 11.2.1, now with periodic BCs which make
the system amenable to an FFT-based analysis. Due to the similarity of the Burgers and KS problems in this
setting, we develop a single code capable of treating both the Burgers and KS problems. We use a similar time
marching scheme as suggested in 11.2.1, handling linear terms implicitly (with CN) and nonlinear explicitly
(with RKW3). Derivates are now handled pseudospectrally, which means we work in Fourier space when
but the Thomas algorithm we would have to save three additional vectors of length N in order to achieve it, which is quite likely not a
favorable tradeoff to make on most modern (cache-based) computers for large N.


Algorithm 11.4: Simulating Burgers and KS with CN/RKW3 in time and spectral differentiation in space.

f u n c t i o n Burgers KS CNRKW3 PS
% S i m u l a t e t h e 1D B u r g e r s o r KS e q u a t i o n on 0<x<L w i t h p e r i o d i c BCs u s i n g CN /RKW3 i n t i m e
% ( e x p l i c i t on n o n l i n e a r ter m s , i m p l i c i t on l i n e a r t e r m s ) & p s e u d o s p e c t r a l i n s p a c e .
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I n i t i a l i z e t h e s i m u l a t i o n p a r a m t e r s ( u s e r i n p u t ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
L=2 0 0 ; Tmax =2 5 0 ; N=2 5 6 ; d t = 0 . 0 5 ; P l o t I n t =1 0 ; a l p h a = 1 ; % a l p h a =0 f o r B u r g e r s , a l p h a =1 f o r KS
dx =L /N ; x = ( 0 :N1) dx ; u =0 . 1 5 randn (N , 1 ) ; u h a t =RFFT ( u , N ) ;
%%%%%%%%%%%% P r e c a l c u l a t e t h e tim e s t e p p i n g c o e f f i c i e n t s u s e d i n t h e s i m u l a t i o n %%%%%%%%%%
h b a r = d t [ 8 / 1 5 2 / 1 5 1 / 3 ] ; b e t a b a r =[ 1 2 5 / 8 9 / 4 ] ; z e t a b a r =[ 0 17/8 5 / 4 ] ;
kx =( 2 p i / L ) [ 0 : N/ 2 1 ] ; i f a l p h a ==0 ; Aop=kx . 2 ; e l s e Aop=kx .2 kx . 4 ; end ;
hb2 = h b a r / 2 ; hbbb = b e t a b a r . h b a r ; hbzb = z e t a b a r . h b a r ; Imhb2=1 h b a r / 2 ;
f o r k = 1 : Tmax / d t
f o r r k =1 :3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ALL 3 RK SUBSTEPS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
u h a t ( f i x (N / 3 ) + 1 : end ) = 0 ; % D e a l i a s ( s e e S e c t i o n 5 . 7 ) .
r =RFFTinv ( u h a t , N ) ; r = r . r ; r h a t = i kx . RFFT ( r , N ) ;
% L ead in g o r d e r c o s t :
i f ( r k ==1)
% 2 FFTs p e r RK s t e p
u h a t =( u h a t +hb2 ( r k ) Aop . u h a t +hbbb ( r k ) r h a t ) . / ( 1 hb2 ( r k ) Aop ) ;
% I m p lem en t ( 1 0 . 6 4 ) ; n o t e t h a t t h e s o l v e i s now s i m p l y s c a l a r d i v i s i o n !
u h a t =( u h a t +hb2 ( r k ) Aop . u h a t +hbbb ( r k ) r h a t + hbzb ( r k ) r h a t o l d ) . / ( 1 hb2 ( r k ) Aop ) ;
i f ( rk <3) r h a t o l d = r h a t ; end % Save r h a t f o r t h e n e x t t i m e s t e p
end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF RK LOOP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
r s ( k , : ) = RFFTinv ( u h a t , N ) ; t s ( k ) = k d t ; % T h es e v a r i a b l e s a r e j u s t u s e d f o r p l o t t i n g . . .
i f ( mod ( k , P l o t I n t ) = = 0 )
pause ( 0 . 0 0 1 ) ; PlotXY ( x , r s ( k , : ) , k d t , 0 , L , 1 . 5 , 1 . 5 ) ; t i t l e ( t s ( k ) )
end % f u n c t i o n Burgers KS CNRKW3 PS

calculating derivatives19, whereas we work in physical space when calculating all nonlinear products; by so
doing, the (exact) computation of derivatives costs N flops, and the computation of nonlinear products also
costs N flops. When necessary, we use the FFT introduced in 5.4.1 to transform between physical space
and Fourier space, which costs 5N log2 N real flops. As suggested in 5.7, we dealias the Fourier-space
representation to eliminate the misrepresentation of high-wavenumber components (created by the nonlinear
products) at lower wavenumbers. We arrange the code to compute the minimum number of FFTs possible
to get the job done at each RK substep, as FFTs are the most expensive component of the code for large N.
Since the linear terms are handled implicitly, and thus have a component that must be swung over to the LHS,
the solve at each RK substep is thus done while the system is represented in Fourier space, for which the
linear operator is diagonal and thus may be solved directly quite quickly (simply by dividing by the diagonal
element). Implementation is given in Algorithm 11.4, and follows a similar structure as seen in the FD case
in Algorithm 11.2; extension to 2D is relatively easy, and is considered in Exercise 11.9.
The PDE simulation codes given 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 illustrate the straightforward process of semidiscretization of the PDE using finite-differences (see 8) and spectral methods (see 5) in the spatial direction(s), followed by time marching the resulting system of ODEs (see 10). To achieve adequate accuracy
with minimal computational time on a given computer, not only must care must be taken in the choice of methods used, but significant care must also be exercised in the efficient programming of these methods in order
to minimize flops while streamlining storage requirements. Extension of such approaches to simulate other
parabolic PDE systems in one or more dimensions follows similar reasoning; we thus focus the remainder of
11 mostly on various issues that are not simply a patching together of concepts from previous chapters.
19 That is, multiply the Fourier coefficients of a vector by ik to determine the Fourier transform of its first derivative with respect to
x, multiply the Fourier coefficients by kx2p to determine the Fourier transform of its second derivative with respect to x, etc.


11.2.3 Von Neumann stability analysis

A von Neumann stability analysis is simply a modal analysis of a spatially- and temporally-discretized PDE
system. To illustrate, consider again the 1D diffusion equation (11.3) with a second-order central FD method
to approximate the spatial derivatives, and now discretize in time with the leapfrog scheme [introduced in
(10.1c) and examined further in Exercise 10.7]; the resulting discretized system is
2 t

ynj+1 2ynj + ynj1


= yn1
+ a ynj+1 2ynj + ynj1 ,


where a = 2 t/(x)2 > 0, the superscript denotes the timestep, and the subscript denotes the spatial gridpoint. Assuming that yn and yn1 are known20, (11.69) is trivial to march in time.
To evaluate the stability of such a strategy, consider the finite Fourier series expansion (see 5.4)

ynj =

ynm eikm x j

where km = 2 m/Lx ,

x j = jx,

x = Lx /M.



Inserting (11.70) into the scheme under consideration and grouping the coefficient of eikm x j separately for each
n 0
m, we can determine a propogation law for each mode of the solution, yn+1
m = m ym (that is, ym = m ym ).
As with the scalar model problem considered in 10.2.1, the system is stable iff |m | 1 for all m.
Applying such a von Neumann stability analysis to (11.69), we find first that


eikm x j y0m mn1 m2 = 1 + a eikm x 2 + eikm x m .

Since this holds for any y 0 , it follows that what is in brackets itself must be true; noting (B.41) and defining
bm = 2a(1 coskm x), it thus follows that

m2 + bm m 1 = 0 m = bm b2m + 1 /2.

For any M > 1, it follows for some m that bm > 0, and for other m that bm < 0; for the former, |m | > 1, and
for the latter, |m+ | > 1. Thus, this scheme is unstable at any t, and therefore essentially useless21 .

11.2.4 Consistency and the Dufort-Frankel scheme

Up to now, we have considered a clear two-step approach to the simulation of PDEs: first discretize the PDE
in space, approximating the spatial derivatives appropriately, then march the resulting ODE in time. It is also
possible to mix the spatial and temporal discretization methods. This is not necessarily a bad idea, as it can
improve the stability properties of a PDE time marching scheme, as shown below. However, if one choses
to do this, care must be taken to ensure consistency of the resulting method (that is, as the discretization is
refined in both space and time, that the numerical solution converges to a solution of the PDE in question).
To illustrate, recall first that the leapfrog scheme applied to the 1D diffusion equation, as examined in
11.2.3, was attractively simple, but exhibited unacceptable stability properties. The Dufort-Frankel scheme
attempts to improve the stability of this method by mixing the spatial and temporal discretization, replacing
+ yn1
the 2ynj term on the RHS of the (11.69) with (yn+1
j ), resulting in
2 t

ynj+1 (yn+1
+ yn1
j ) + y j1



1 a n1
a h n
y j+1 + ynj1 .
yj +


20 Recall that the PDE must be marched over the first timestep using some other method in order to initialize this multistep time
marching method, as discussed further in the second paragraph of 10.4.2.
21 For some follow-up comments on this result, see Exercise 11.7.


As in 11.2.3, we now perform a von Neumann stability analysis of (11.71), resulting in


2a cos(km x)
= 0,

and thus

1 a2

m =
a cos(km x) 1 a sin (km x) .
cos (km x) + 4

(1 + a)2
(1 + a)2
If a2 sin2 (km x) 1, noting that a > 0, taking the absolute value of the above equation gives



|m |
a cos(km x) + 1 a sin (km x) 1,


a cos(km x) i a sin (km x) 1 , we have
whereas if a sin (km x) > 1, and thus a > 1 and m =

a2 1
< 1.
|m | =
[a cos(km x)]2 + [a2 sin2 (km x) 1] =

Either way, we have |m | 1 for all m and any t > 0, and thus this explicit scheme is unconditionally stable,
which is quite remarkable considering it is such a simple explicit scheme.
Unfortunately, there is a high price to be paid for this remarkable stability property. To illustrate, assume
now that, for some constant c, we set t = (1/c)x , h in the above discretization, and consider the behavior
of the discretized system as h 0. Note that the multidimensional Taylor series expansion of yn+m
j+k near y j is
j+k = y j + yt


mt + yx


kx + ytt

n (mt)2
n (kx)2
+ yxt j mt kx + H.O.T.; (11.72)

applying (11.72) to (11.71) reveals, after a minor amount of algebra, that

2 t
ynj + (yt )nj t + (ytt )nj
(yt )nj t + (ytt )nj
+ H.O.T. = ynj +
(yxx )nj + H.O.T.,
Simplifying, it follows that

(yt ) j +
(ytt ) j (yxx ) j = H.O.T.

As t = (1/c)x = h 0, the coefficient a , and thus the leading term in the above expression reveals
that the PDE actually solved by this numerical method in the limit that the space/time grid is refined is

y 1 2y
+ 2 2 2 = 0.
t c t
Thus, as h 0, the numerical solution does not approach the solution of the 1D diffusion equation (11.3), but
rather it approaches the solution of this damped 1D wave equation [see (11.39a)]. This is an example of an
inconsistent numerical scheme; the fact that it can converge to the wrong answer as the grid is refined can be
a ugly surprise unless youve done this analysis. In order to get this scheme to converge to the desired answer
as you refine the space/time grid, you must refine t faster than x in such a way that (t)/(x) 0 as the
grid is refined. [Alternatively, you may just set the wave speed c to be a large constant and accept the error
that this method introduces.] This is the price you pay for obtaining the remarkable property of unconditional
stability for such a simple explicit scheme.

11.3 Numerical simulation of hyperbolic PDEs

Parabolic PDE systems are often forced at the largest length scales in a problem, with energy scattering
between large length scales and small length scales, and back, via nonlinear interactions, and with energy
ultimately damping out at small length scales due to diffusion. Such behavior is discussed in and
illustrated in the spectrum of the prototypical KS system in Figure 11.4. In such problems, the spatial discretization of the diffusion term generally needs not be extremely accurate at the smallest length scales for the
dynamics of the large and intermediate length scales to be represented adequately in a numerical simulation.
In contrast, the numerical simulation of hyperbolic PDE systems (see 11.1.3), as well as the numerical
simulation of parabolic PDE systems illustrating wavelike behavior (see 11.1.5), is generally a more delicate
endeavor, as the exact solution of such systems exhibits waves of a specific shape that should (if the system
is nondispersive, as described in maintain their form as they convect across the physical domain
(which is, in turn, is discretized on a finite number of gridpoints). Achieving this behavior generally requires
highly accurate numerical discretization in both space and time, as illustrated in the following discussion.
We introduce our study of the simulation of hyperbolic PDEs by turning our attention to the 1D wave
2 q

on x [2, 2] for t 0 with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs and ICs of q(t = 0) = ex /0.25 and ( q/ t)t=0 = 0
[that is, with equal parts right-travelling wave and left-travelling wave]. We again approach this problem by
first discretizing the PDE in space, then marching the resulting ODE in time.

11.3.1 The value of high-order spatial discretization

We first investigate the use of a second-order central FD method for the spatial discretization, transforming
the resulting spatially-discretized second-order ODE to a system of first-order ODEs as suggested in 10.6.1:


x where x =

q = qn + h (v + vn)/2
v = vn + h T (q + qn )/2


where q and v are the spatial discretizations of q and q/ t, and T is a tridiagonal circulant Toeplitz matrix
with {c2 /(x)2 , 2 c2 /(x)2 , c2 /(x)2 } on the extended diagonals. This system is then approximated by the
simple CN form written above right22, and iterated to convergence using the iterative CN method (10.25),
after which qn+1 = q , vn+1 = v ; note that an AB2 predictor is implemented in the first iteration (for q ) at
each timestep to accelerate convergence. The resulting code, Algorithm 11.5, is self explanatory.
As seen in Figure 8.4, the second-order central FD method is not very accurate; as a result, as seen in
Figure 11.8a, the accuracy of the resulting simulation suffers significantly at coarse spatial resolution (with
N = 32). However, it is straightforward to incorporate an improved discretization of the second derivative in
x, such as the fourth-order Pade expression given in (8.10). The resulting code is given in Algorithm 11.6,
and its beneficial effect on the accuracy of the resulting simulation is clearly evident in Figure 11.8b.

22 A CN method is a natural starting point for hyperbolic systems, because modes in the discretized system corresponding to wavelike
behavior in the PDE have pure imaginary eigenvalues, which neither grow nor decay when marched with CN (see Figure 10.2c).


Algorithm 11.5: Simulating the 1D wave equation with iterative CN in time and second-order FD in space.

f u n c t i o n Wave1D ItCN FD ( L , Tmax , c , N , d t )

% T h i s s c r i p t s i m u l a t e s t h e 1D Wave e q u a t i o n w i t h p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s .
% I t e r a t i v e CN ( w i t h an AB2 p r e d i c t o r ) i s u s e d w i t h a s eco n d o r d e r FD method i n s p a c e .
dx =L /N ; I t e r S t e p s = 2 ; x=(N / 2 : N/2 1 ) dx ; t = 0 ; q=exp (x . 2 / 0 . 1 ) ; v = 0 ;
PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ; v s =v ; q s =v ; a= d t c 2 / ( 2 dx 2 ) ; b= d t c 2 / dx 2 ;
f o r n = 1 : Tmax / d t
f o r m= 1 : I t e r S t e p s
i f m==1 , q s =q+ d t ( 1 . 5 v 0.5 q s ) / 2 ; e l s e , q s =q+ d t ( v s +v ) / 2 ; end
v s = q s +q ; v s =v+a v s ( [ N 1 : N 1 ] , 1 ) + b v s ( [ 1 : N] , 1 ) + a v s ( [ 2 : N 1 ] , 1 ) ;
t = t + d t ; q= q s ; q s =v ; v= v s ; PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n Wave1D ItCN FD


f u n c t i o n Wave1D ItCN Pade ( L , Tmax , c , N, d t )

% T h i s s c r i p t s i m u l a t e s t h e 1D Wave e q u a t i o n w i t h p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s .
% I t e r a t i v e CN ( w i t h an AB2 p r e d i c t o r ) i s u s e d w i t h a f o u r t h o r d e r Pade method i n s p a c e .
dx =L /N ; I t e r S t e p s = 2 ; t = 0 ; x=(N / 2 : N/2 1 ) dx ; q=exp (x . 2 / 0 . 1 ) ; v = 0 ;
PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ; v s =v ; q s =v ; a = 0 . 6 d t c 2 / dx 2 ; b = 1.2 d t c 2 / dx 2 ;
f o r n = 1 : Tmax / d t
f o r m= 1 : I t e r S t e p s
i f m==1 , q s =q+ d t ( 1 . 5 v 0.5 q s ) / 2 ; e l s e , q s =q+ d t ( v s +v ) / 2 ; end
v s = q s +q ; v s =v+ThomasTT ( 0 . 1 , 1 , 0 . 1 , a v s ( [ N 1 :N 1 ] , 1 ) + b v s ( [ 1 : N] , 1 ) + a v s ( [ 2 : N 1 ] , 1 ) ,N ) ;
t = t + d t ; q= q s ; v= v s ; PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n Wave1D ItCN Pade

Algorithm 11.6: Simulating the 1D wave equation with iterative CN in time and fourth-order Pade in space.



















Figure 11.8: Output from (left) Algorithm 11.5 [using a second-order finite difference discretization in space]
and (right) Algorithm 11.6 [using a fourth-order Pade discretization in space] with dt=0.01, illustrating (solid)
the initial condition, which coincides with the exact solution at T = 4; (dashed) state at T = 4 using N = 128;
(circles) state at T = 4 using N = 32. In both plots, the numerical solutions with N = 128 essentially coincide
with the exact solution. Note the significantly improved accuracy at coarse spatial resolution (with N = 32)
when using the Pade expression for the spatial derivative.

Algorithm 11.7: Simulating the 1D wave equation with Newmark in time and fourth-order Pade in space.
f u n c t i o n [ q , x ] = Wave1D Newmark Pade ( L , Tmax , c , N, d t )
% T h i s s c r i p t s i m u l a t e s t h e 1D Wave e q u a t i o n w i t h p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s .
% Newmark s method i s u s e d i n t i m e w i t h a f o u r t h o r d e r Pade method i n s p a c e .
dx =L /N ; t = 0 ; x=(N / 2 : N/2 1 ) dx ; q=exp (x . 2 / 0 . 1 ) ; v = 0 ; PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ;
d t 2 = d t 2 / 2 ; b e t a = 1 / 4 ; gamma = 1 / 2 ; b1=12 b e t a ; b2 =2 b e t a ; g1=1gamma ;
dd = 1.2 c 2 / dx 2 ; ee = 2 . 4 c 2 / dx 2 ; aa =. 1 + b e t a d t 2 dd ; bb =1+ b e t a d t 2 ee ;
a=ThomasTT ( 0 . 1 , 1 , . 1 , dd q ( [ N 1 : N 1 ] , 1 ) + ee q ( [ 1 : N] , 1 ) + dd q ( [ 2 : N 1 ] , 1 ) ,N ) ;
f o r n = 1 : Tmax / d t
a s =q+ d t v+ d t 2 b1 a ;
a s =ThomasTT ( aa , bb , aa ,dd a s ( [ N 1 : N1] ,1) ee a s ( [ 1 : N] , 1 ) dd a s ( [ 2 : N 1 ] , 1 ) ,N ) ;
q=q+ d t v+ d t 2 ( b1 a+b2 a s ) ; v=v+ d t ( g1 a+gamma a s ) ; a= a s ;
t = t + d t ; PlotXY ( x , q , t ,L / 2 , L / 2 , 0 . 2 , 1 . 2 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n Wave1D Newmark Pade










Figure 11.9: Output from Algorithm 11.7, using a Newmark discretization in time, with N = 128, illustrating
(solid) initial condition; (dashed) state at T = 4 using h = 0.02; (dot-dashed) state at T = 4 using h = 0.04.
The simulation with h = 0.02 exhibits very slight damping, missing the peak of the exact solution at T = 4
by 1%, whereas the simulation with h = 0.04 exhibits more significant damping, missing the peak by almost
8% [in contrast, Algorithm 11.6 exhibits a high-wavenumber instability (and is thus unusable) at h = .04].

11.3.2 The value of a temporal discretization designed for second-order systems

Note that (11.74) is linear and sparse, and thus the iterative approach to applying the CN method to it is
perhaps unnecessary. Indeed, it is simply the ordering of (11.74) which lacks an easily exploitable sparsity
pattern for direct application of the CN method. This issue can be alleviated by interleaving the q and v variables in the x vector, leading to a pentadiagonal circulant solve at each timestep if the CN method is applied
directly. Though we usually prefer direct time-marching schemes over iterative time-marching schemes when
they are affordable, as direct schemes eliminate the somewhat sticky question of how many iterations should
be taken at each timestep, the iterative CN method implemented in Algorithm 11.5 is seen to perform well in
this case with only a couple of iterations per timestep, and is competitive with the corresponding direct CN
method on this problem in terms of efficiency, as pentadiagonal circulant systems are expensive to solve.


The iterative CN method implemented in Algorithms 11.5 and 11.6 exhibits a high-wavenumber instability when a coarse temporal resolution is used (that is, for h & .04), as the discretization of the RHS in
both codes (second-order FD in the former, fourth-order Pade in the latter) is only approximate, and the CN
formula itself is solved only approximately at each timestep in the iterative CN approach. To eliminate this
high-wavenumber instability while retaining second-order accuracy, albeit at the cost of increasing both the
storage required and the number of flops per timestep, an iterative form of the CN[ ] method [see (10.46)]
could be employed, selecting, say, = 1/8 or 1/16 in order to damp slightly the highest wavenumbers.
An alternative temporal discretization, which has the advantage of being direct, is the Newmark method
described in 10.6.2. To implement this method, we first write the spatially-discretized form of (11.73) in the
form (10.66b) as follows:
+ M 1 Kq = 0
dt 2


M 1 Kq = c2


As motivated by 11.3.1, we would still like to use the fourth-order Pade expression given in (8.10) for the
numerical approximation of the second derivative, which may be achieved by solving A 2 q/ x2 = B q where
A is a tridiagonal circulant Toeplitz matrix with {1, 0.1, 1} on the extended diagonals, and B is a tridiagonal
circulant Toeplitz matrix with {1.2/(x)2, 2.4/(x)2, 1.2/(x)2 } on the extended diagonals. To pose in the
form required for implementation of the Newmark method, we thus select M = A and K = c2 B, noting that
the initial values of the vectors q and v are given by the initial conditions on q and q/ t in the original PDE
system (11.73), and the initial value of a is given by solving A a0 = Bq0 .
Following this approach, implementation is again straightforward, as seen in Algorithm 11.7. In essence,
the tridiagonal solve due to the Pade spatial discretization [see above] and the linear solve inherent to the
Newmark temporal discretization [see (10.69c)] coincide; that is, there is only one tridiagonal solve at each
timestep. The result is a time marching algorithm which is both less expensive per timestep, as it does not
require iteration at each timestep as required by the iterative CN approach (nor a pentadiagonal circulant
solve as required by the direct CN approach when q and v are interleaved in x), and which is also more stable
than iterative CN, as illustrated in Figure 11.9. Akin to the iterative CN[ ] method, if a high wavenumber
instability is detected with the Newmark method, then the integration parameter may be adjusted to be
slightly larger than the nominal values of = 1/2 in order to suppress the instability (see 10.6.2).

11.3.3 The value of pseudospectral methods

We have already shown (in 11.2.2) how pseudospectral methods may be used on (1D) parabolic PDEs
with periodic boundary conditions. Recalling the comments at the beginning of 11.3, regarding how highly
accurate discretizations are especially desirable when simulating hyperbolic systems, we now illustrate how
pseudospectral simulation techniques may be partially extended to a 2D hyperbolic PDE with a peculiar mix
of Dirichlet and Neumann BCs on its various components.
As in 11.2.2, we first approximate the spatial derivatives of the PDE (11.41) with BCs (11.49) as a large
set of 3M ODEs (???), then march the resulting ODEs using the iterative CN.
The spatial domain may be discretized with a square 2D grid with xi j = i x and yi j = j y for i =
0, 1, . . . , Nx and j = 0, 1, . . . , Ny [resolutions of Nx = 128 and Ny = 256 are an appropriate starting point]. That
is, there are a total of M = (Nx + 1) (Ny + 1) gridpoints, with three variables, {u, v, h}, discretized at each
b = tanh(x/5 5)
Assembling these 3M variables in the spatially discretized system as the vector q, we first express the
spatial discretization of (11.41) on the interior gridpoints, together with the BCs (11.49), as 3M coupled
ODEs in the generic form q/ t = f(q).

Recalling the boundary conditions (11.49), there is a natural opportunity to apply 1D and 2D transform
techniques (specifically, sine and cosine transforms) to maximize the accuracy of the simulation of this system. Recall from 5.11 the fast techniques, based on the FFT, to perform the forward and inverse sine

uj =

usn sin(kn x j ),

usm =


2 N1
u j sin(km x j ),
N j=1

and the forward and inverse cosine transform


uj =

ucn cos(kn x j ),

ucm =


kn = n/L and c j ,

cm N


c j cos(km x j ),


2 if j = 0 or j = N
1 otherwise.

Based on the boundary conditions (11.49), which direction(s) would you apply such transform techniques to
for u, v, and h, and which transform would you use in each case? What is the advantage of using a transform
technique like this? Describe carefully how you would calculate the first two terms on the RHS of (11.41a)
following this approach.
ICs that are representative of a rock landing in the pool at x = 10, y = 2 are given by.
Using a sufficiently small timestep t, a stable simulation can be obtained following the approach described in questions (a) and (b), but the result is grossly inaccurate with the resolution used. Thus, refine the grid
by a factor of 10 in each spatial direction and repeat the simulation. Determine (again, by trial and error) how
much do you have to adjust the timestep such that the simulation is again stable, and describe why (in light
of Figure ?? the timestep needs to be changed.

11.3.4 Mixing finite difference and pseudospectral methods

11.3.5 Godunov methods
Consider first the prototypical two-dimensional, linear, hyperbolic PDE in conservation form

p(x, y,t)
u(x, y) p(x, y,t) v(x, y) p(x, y,t)



Defining the convenient C-type augmented assignment operators a += b and c = d such that a a + b
and c c d respectively, a Godunov method applied (11.75) on a uniform Cartesian 2D mesh (with
constant x and y) may be written in the form
i j pi j

j Fi1/2, j

Gni, j+1/2 Gni, j1/2


where the fluxes Fi1/2,
j and Gi, j1/2 are determined, for all i and j, by first initializing

j = ui1/2, j pi1, j + ui1/2, j pi, j ,

Gni, j1/2 = v+
i, j1/2 pi, j1 + vi, j1/2 pi, j ,



where u+ = max(u, 0), u = min(u, 0), etc, then applying the corner transport upwind (CTU) terms by
updating, for all i and j,
j1 = t
j1 = t
j = t
j = t

i1/2, j1 vi, j1/2 pi, j1/2

i+1/2, j1 vi, j1/2 pi, j1/2

i, j1/2
i1/2, j i, j1/2
ui+1/2, j vi, j1/2 pi, j1/2

Gni1, j1/2 = t

Gni1, j+1/2 = t
Gni, j1/2 = t

Gni, j+1/2 = t

i1, j1/2 ui1/2, j pi1/2, j

i1, j+1/2 ui1/2, j pi1/2, j

i1/2, j
i, j1/2 i1/2, j

i, j+1/2 ui1/2, j

pni1/2, j



where pni1/2, j = pnij pni1, j , pni, j1/2 = pnij pni, j1 , and finally applying the high-resolution correction
terms by updating, for all i and j,

|ui1/2, j | x
i1/2, j

i1/2, j
j ),

|vi, j1/2 | y
i, j1/2
|vi, j1/2|
Gni, j1/2 += t
(i,nj1/2 ),

pni3/2, j /pni1/2, j
pni+1/2, j /pni1/2, j

if ui1/2, j 0,


if ui1/2, j < 0,

pni, j3/2 /pni, j1/2

pni, j+1/2 /pni, j1/2

if vi, j1/2 0,

if vi, j1/2 < 0,

and the flux limiter function ( ) [0, 2] is selected as one of several possible choices, including the monotonized central-difference (MC) limiter and the van Leer limiter:
( ) = max{0, min[(1 + )/2, 2, 2 ]},
van Leer: ( ) = ( + | |)/(1 + | |).
Note that exact conservation of the discrete approximation of the integral of p over phase space, as implied
by the continuous formulation in (11.75), follows immediately from (11.76).
Flux limiter functions, such as the ones described above, are designed to give the scheme a first-order
spatial behavior with an appropriate amount of numerical dissipation in the region of large gradients of P,
thereby providing a total variation diminishing (TVD) solution (that is, preventing spurious oscillations with
new local minima and maxima). A simple numerical test of the algorithm described above which illustrates
this TVD property, with u(x, y) and v(x, y) defined to give simple solid body rotation about the origin, is given
in Figure 11.10 and discussed further in ?? and ??.
In regions characterized by smooth variation of p, 1 and ( ) 1, and the algorithm described above
is amenable to straightforward numerical analysis. For simplicity, consider the 1D case with u constant:

= u ;
in this case, the Godunov method described above reduces to


u2 t n
= (pni + pni1)
(p pni1),
2 x i


and thus

(pn pni1 ) u2 t (pni+1 2pni + pni1 )

= u i+1
2 x

Now applying to this equation the multidimensional Taylor series expansion,

i+k = yi + mt

 y n

+ kx

 y n

and rearranging appropriately, gives

(pt )ni = u(px )ni

 2 y n
(mt)2  2 y n (kx)2  2 y n
+ ...,
t2 i
x2 i
x t i

u2 t
(ptt )ni +
(pxx )ni + O((t)2, (x)2 , x t).

Differentiating (11.77) with respect to t and inserting (11.77) into the RHS of the result, it is seen that the
second and third terms on the RHS of the above expression cancel. Thus, in regions of smooth variation of
p, the proposed scheme is second-order accurate in both space and time.23 A similar analysis follows for
problems in higher dimensions.

23 Meaning

that the error is bounded by a term proportional to (x)2 in space and (t)2 in time, giving convergence of O(1/N 2 ).




t = 0 (initial condition)











t = 3 /8, = 0 (numerical)










t = , = 0 (numerical)

t = , = 0.0002 (exact)









































































Figure 11.10: Computation of (11.75) with u(x, y) = 2y and v(x, y) = 2x at (a) t = 0, (b) t = 3 /8, and (c)
t = , using the Godunov method of 11.3.5 with an MC flux limiter, x = 0.024, t = 0.012, and tracking
numerically only those cells with p > 0.001 and their immediate neighbor cells, as indicated by the location
of the colored contours. The exact solution at t = for = 0 is precisely the initial condition at t = 0. Also
shown (d) is the exact solution at t = with a diffusion term p added to the RHS of (11.75), taking
= 0.0002; the leading-order error in c is thus seen to be a bit of targeted diffusion of p. The surface plots
in (a), (c), and (d) are compared in cross section in: (e) the plane x = 0, (f) the plane y = 0.45, and (g)
the plane y = 0.35, with solid denoting the initial condition, dashed denoting the numerical solution at t =
using = 0 and x = 0.024, and dot-dashed denoting the exact solution at t = for = 0.0002.

11.4 Numerical solution of elliptic PDEs

11.4.1 Multigrid revisited: a Rosetta stone in Matlab, Fortran, and C
None of the simple splitting techniques presented in 3.2.1 are particularly efficient at solving large systems
Ax = b derived from the numerical discretization of elliptic PDEs. As seen in Figure 3.3, the red/black
Gauss-Seidel method is best thought of as an unbiased and numerically efficient smoother of the defect d at
the highest spatial frequencies represented on the grid. The multigrid (a.k.a. geometric multigrid) method
presented in this section, which is designed specifically for application to discretizations of elliptic PDEs,
leverages this smoothing behavior in a clever way. To be clear, we will illustate the multigrid method here as
it applies to the particular linear problem described in (3.11) with nx = ny , n = 2 p ; once the basic method is
understood, a multitude of generalizations are possible (see Trottenberg, Oosterlee, & Schuller 2001).
To begin, one or two iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother are first applied to reduce the
high-frequency components of the defect on a fine-grid discretization of (3.11b), with the result written here
(for brevity) as An xn bn ; we denote the defect on this fine grid after these initial smoothing steps by
dn = Axn bn . Our goal now is to find efficiently an even better approximation xn
such that

An x n

bn 0



An (xn + vn ) bn 0



An vn dn ;


however, due to the high dimension of xn [with n2 unknowns] and the lack of an exploitable sparsity
structure in An , the latter equation is too difficult to solve directly. The standard splitting approach to this
problem, as shown in (3.8b), is thus, instead of solving (11.78), to solve the equation Mn vn = dn (where
Mn contains some but not all of the information in An ), and then to iterate in k until convergence; for example,
as described previously, the Gauss-Seidel approach takes Mn = Ln + Dn , where An = Ln + Dn + Un.
The multigrid approach is more clever. Following this approach, the desired relation An vn = dn is
restricted (that is, approximated) on a grid which has been coarsened in all coordinate directions by a factor
of two; dropping the k superscripts for notational clarity, we denote the restriction of the fine-grid defect onto
the coarse grid as dn/2 , and the matrix in the coarse-grid discretization of the governing equation (3.11) as
An/2 = Ln/2 + Dn/2 + Un/2. Note in particular that we do not need to restrict xn onto the coarse grid.
We can now follow one of two approaches. If n/2 is sufficiently small that An/2 vn/2 = dn/2 may be
solved directly, we go ahead and solve (exactly) for this correction vn/2 on the coarse grid, then prolongate
(that is, interpolate) this correction back to the fine grid, and apply it to update xn on the fine grid via (3.8c).
This restriction/prolongation process introduces high-frequency errors on the fine grid; we thus apply one or
two additional iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to xn , and repeat the entire process.
If, however, n/2 is still so large that the coarse-grid equation
An/2 vn/2 = dn/2


can not easily be solved directly, we may instead apply one or two iterations of the red/black Gauss-Seidel
smoother to vn/2 (using Mn/2 = Ln/2 + Dn/2 ), compute the defect of (11.79) after these smoothing steps, and
then restrict this new defect to an even coarser grid with n/4 gridpoints in each direction, in effect forming an
even coarser approximation of the original problem. This process of restrict/smooth/restrict/smooth is repeated until the Av = d problem is reduced to a small enough size that the correction v may easily be solved
directly. The resulting correction is then prolongated to the previous level, applied to update the previous
estimate of v at this level, and the result smoothed with one or two further iterations of the red/black GaussSeidel smoother to diminish the high-frequency errors at this level which might have been introduced by
the restriction/prolongation process. The process of prolongate/smooth/prolongate/smooth is repeated all the
way back out to the original level, and the entire cycle repeated until convergence. Note that straightforward
variations on the basic V-cycle described here are common in the literature, including the W-cycle and the























Figure 11.11: Typical restriction (R) / prolongation (P) schedules of the multigrid algorithm; note that S
denotes smoothing (via one or two iterations of red/black Gauss-Seidel) and E denotes exact solution. (topleft) V-cycles, (top-right) a W-cycle, and (bottom) a full multigrid cycle. Note that the V and W cycles begin
on the finest grid, whereas the full multigrid cycle begins on the coarsest grid.

full multigrid cycle illustrated in Figure 11.11; we note here that the simple V-cycle, as implemented in Algorithm 11.8, appears to be competitive with these more complex cycling strategies on most problems. Note
also that, to accelerate convergence, the prolongation update may be applied with the SOR formula (3.8c),
for an appropriate relaxation parameter (0, 2), rather than the standard formula (3.8c).
Convergence following this multigrid approach is usually quite rapid, because the components of the
defect on the fine grid which the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother fails to diminish effectively correspond to
the highest-frequency components of the defect on the coarser grids, which are effectively diminished by the
red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother applied at these coarser levels.
There is significant flexibility in the selection of the restriction (that is, fine-to-coarse) operator that is
applied to the defect d. Denoting the vector of defect values on fine grid as d and the corresponding vector of
restricted values on the coarse grid as d, the following three choices are common:
straight injection d i, j = d2i,2 j ,
half weighting

d i, j = d2i,2 j /2 + (d2i1,2 j + d2i+1,2 j + d2i,2 j1 + d2i,2 j+1)/8,

full weighting

d i, j = d2i,2 j /4 + (d2i1,2 j + d2i+1,2 j + d2i,2 j1 + d2i,2 j+1)/8

+ (d2i1,2 j1 + d2i+1,2 j1 + d2i1,2 j+1 + d2i+1,2 j+1)/16,

which may be summarized via the handy restriction stencils:

0 0
R SI = 0 1

0 0

0 ,

0 1/8 0
R HW = 1/8 1/2 1/8 ,

0 1/8 0

1/16 1/8 1/16

R FW = 1/8 1/4 1/8 .

1/16 1/8 1/16


These restriction stencils may be thought of as simple, spatially compact, discrete approximations of a Gaussian bump of unit volume which may be applied to smooth d while restricting it onto the coarser grid. Note
that the half weighting and full weighting strategies weight the red points and the black points equally, and
as a result tend to work particularly well when coupled with the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother.
The prolongation (that is, coarse-to-fine) operator that is usually applied to the correction v in this process
is simple bilinear interpolation (discussion further in 7.3). Denoting the vector of values on the coarse grid

as v and the corresponding vector of prolongated values on the fine grid as v, it may be written

vi/2, j/2
i = even, j = even,

i = even, j = odd,
i/2,( j1)/2 + vi/2,( j+1)/2 )/2
vi, j =

(v(i1)/2, j/2 + v(i+1)/2, j/2)/2

i = odd, j = even,

(v(i1)/2,( j1)/2 + v(i1)/2,( j+1)/2 + v(i+1)/2,( j1)/2 + v(i+1)/2,( j+1)/2)/4 i = odd, j = odd,
which may be summarized via the handy prolongation stencil:

1/4 1/2 1/4

P BI = 1/2 1 1/2 .

1/4 1/2 1/4


The original Rosetta stone presented a tale describing the benefits bestowed upon Egypt by the 13-yearold pharaoh Ptolemy V Epiphanes at the time of his coronation in 196 B.C. in three languages: hieroglyphic,
demotic, and Greek. With such an artifact, Jean-Francois Champollion was able to decifer the hieroglyphic
alphabet in 1822 A.D., an art that had been lost for nearly 2000 years. In Algorithms 11.8, 11.9, and 11.10,
we present something similar. Rather than presenting a tale from ancient Egypt, we implement the multigrid
algorithm described above24,25 . Perhaps just as significant, however, is the fact that we present equivalent
implementations in three languages: Matlab, Fortran, and C. A useful consequence of this to the reader is
thus analogous to that of the original Rosetta stone to Jean-Francois Champollion, as it demonstrates, by
example, how the following features of an advanced numerical algorithm can be implemented in a computer
code in Matlab, Fortran, and C syntax:
parameter definitions,
global variables26 ,
comments (both within the code and messages displayed on the screen),
both basic and advanced floading-point operations, including mod, max, and abs,
for loops with break statements
if/then/else statements,
case statements,
subroutines and functions, with the passing of information between them,
allocation, deallocation, and the efficient referencing of arrays,
derived types (useful for storing and passing grid parameters, etc.),
arrays of arrays, a.k.a. cell arrays (for nonrectangular data structures)
random number generation,
recursion, and
program execution timing.
The syntax for each of these features is slightly different from one language to the next, but the basic structure of the resulting code is essentially the same. Using this presentation as an example, it should prove
straightforward to translate other codes from Matlab syntax into Fortran or C syntax. On many computers,
the compiled Fortran and C executables are significantly faster than their Matlab counterpart.
There are some subtle tricks applied in the sophisticated numerical implementations that follow, the most
significant of which are pointed out explicitly in the comments within the codes. These codes implement
24 And, rather than inscribing it on a 1m by 70cm by 30cm slab of black Basalt, we provides it for you on a few humble pieces of
white paperinfinitely more practical, albeit much less dramatic...
25 Special thanks to Prof. Paolo Luchini for the original CPL code after which Algorithms 11.8, 11.9, and 11.10 were modeled (see
Luchini & DAlascio 1994), and to Anish Karandikar and Paul Belitz for assistance with the implementations in Fortran and C.
26 Warning: the use of global variables tends to compartmentalise an algorithm less clearly, and is thus generally discouraged. However,
in certain high performance computing applications such as the present, it can prevent the repeated allocation and deallocation of large
matrices, thereby accelerating the code significantly. The reader is advised to use such global variables sparingly.


the multigrid algorithm described above with red/black Gauss-Seidel smoothing applied to the 2D Poisson
equation (3.11a) with second-order finite differencing (A SOFD ) on a uniform grid (with nx = 2 p and ny = 2q
for integers p and q with p q) with homogeneous Dirichlet, homogeneous Neumann, or periodic boundary
conditions in the x and y directions. Half weighting (R HW ) is used for the restriction and bilinear interpolation
(P BI ) is used for the prolongation, with the (3.8c) for the prolongation update (no overrelaxation).


Algorithm 11.8: Multigrid algorithm for solving the 2D Poisson equation (Matlab version).
f u n c t i o n PoissonMG2DTest
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% A 2D P o i s s o n s o l v e r on a u n i f o r m mesh u s i n g m u l t i g r i d w i t h r e d / b l a c k s m o o t h i n g . The RHS
% v e c t o r i s assumed t o be s c a l e d s u c h t h a t t h e d i s c r e t i z e d L a p l a c e o p e r a t o r h a s a 1 on t h e
% diagonal element .
c l e a r ; g l o b a l XBC YBC N1 N2 N3 xo yo d v g v e r b o s e
% XBC=1 f o r hom . D i r i c h l e t ( 0 :NX) , =2 f o r p e r i o d i c ( 1:NX) , =3 f o r hom . Neumann ( 1:NX+ 1 ) .
% Same f o r YBC . NX, NY must be p o w er s o f two w i t h NX>=NY. N1 , N2 , N3 s e t how much s m o o t h i n g
NX=3 2 ; NY=3 2 ; XBC= 2 ; YBC= 3 ; N1 = 2 ; N2 = 2 ; N3= 2 ;
% is applied at various steps .
f p r i n t f ( BCs:%2 g ,%2g . S m o o th in g :%2g ,%2g ,%2g . \ n G r i d s : \ n ,XBC, YBC, N1 , N2 , N3 ) ;
f o r v e r b o s e =1 :2
P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it (NX,NY ) ;
% The RHS v e c t o r b i s s t o r e d i n
d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } . xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } . ym2)= rand ( g { 1 } .xm4 ,g { 1 } . ym 4 ) ; % t h e i n i t i a l v a l u e o f d [ s e e
i =sum ( sum ( d { 1 } ( : , : ) ) ) / ( ( g { 1 } .xm4)( g { 1 } .ym 4 ) ) ;
% ( 3 . 8 a ) ] , here taken as a zero
d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } . xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } . ym2)=d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } .xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } .ym2) i ; % mean random number .
PoissonMG2D ; pause ;
end % f u n c t i o n PoissonMG2DTest
f u n c t i o n P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it (NX,NY)
% This i n i t i a l i z a t i o n r o u t i n e a l l o c a t e s s e v e r a l global a r r a y s to avoid the r epeated
% memory a l l o c a t i o n / d e a l l o c a t i o n o t h e r w i s e c a u s e d by r e c u r s i o n . Note t h a t d and v a r e
% d e f i n e d a s c e l l a r r a y s , which a r e o f d i f f e r e n t s i z e a t e a c h l e v e l l .
g l o b a l XBC YBC xo yo n l e v d v g
s w i t c h XBC c a s e 1 , xo = 1 ; c a s e 2 , xo = 2 ; c a s e 3 , xo = 2 ; end
s w i t c h YBC c a s e 1 , yo = 1 ; c a s e 2 , yo = 2 ; c a s e 3 , yo = 2 ; end
n l e v = l o g 2 (NY ) ;
for l =1: nlev
g { l } . nx = NX / ( 2 ( l 1 ) ) ; g { l } . ny = NY / ( 2 ( l 1 ) ) ; % The g d a t a s t r u c t u r e c o n t a i n s
g { l } . xm=g { l } . nx +XBC; g { l } . ym=g{ l } . ny+YBC;
% information about the gri ds .
v { l } = z e r o s ( g { l } . xm , g { l } . ym ) ;
d { l }=v { l } ;
% d= d e f e c t , v= c o r r e c t i o n .
f p r i n t f ( %5g%5g%5g \ n , l , g { l } . nx , g { l } . ny )
end % f u n c t i o n P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it
f u n c t i o n PoissonMG2D
g l o b a l N1 v e r b o s e
e= MaxDefect ( 0 ) ; f p r i n t f ( I t e r =0 , max d e f e c t =%0.3 e \ n , e ) ;
f o r i = 1 :N1 ; Smooth ( 1 ) ; end % APPLY SMOOTHING STEPS BEFORE STARTING MULTIGRID ( N1 t i m e s )
t i c ; f o r i t e r =1 :1 0
o=e ;
M u l t i g r i d ( 1 ) ; e = MaxDefect ( i t e r ) ;
i f v e r b o s e >0, f p r i n t f ( I t e r =%0.6 g , max d e f e c t =%0.3 e , f a c t o r =%0.4 f \ n , i t e r , e , o / e ) ; end
i f e<1E13 ,
f p r i n t f ( C o n v er g ed \ n ) , break , end
end ; t = t o c ;
f p r i n t f ( > T o t a l t i m e : %0.3 g s e c ; Time / i t e r a t i o n : %0.3 g s e c \ n , t , t / i t e r ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n PoissonMG2D
function Multigrid ( l )
% The main r e c u r s i v e f u n c t i o n f o r t h e m u l t i g r i d a l g o r i t h m . I t c a l l s t h e s m o o t h i n g f u n c t i o n ,
% i t p e r f o r m s t h e r e s t r i c t i o n and p r o l o n g a t i o n , and c a l l s i t s e l f on t h e c o a r s e r g r i d .
g l o b a l N2 N3 xo yo n l e v d v g v e r b o s e
f o r i = 1 :N2 ; Smooth ( l ) ; end
% Now COMPUTE THE DEFECT and RESTRICT i t t o t h e c o a r s e r g r i d i n a s i n g l e s t e p .
% TRICK #1 we c a l c u l a t e t h e d e f e c t ONLY on t h e r e d p o i n t s h e r e , a s t h e d e f e c t on t h e
% n e i g h b o r i n g b l a c k p o i n t s i s z e r o coming o u t o f t h e p r e v i o u s c a l l t o Smooth .
% TRICK # 2 : We s k i p a f a c t o r o f / 2 d u r i n g t h e r e s t r i c t i o n h e r e . We a l s o s k i p f a c t o r s o f
% 4 d u r i n g t h e s m o o t h i n g and / 2 d u r i n g t h e p r o l o n g a t i o n , s o t h e s k i p p e d f a c t o r s c a n c e l .
d { l +1}= z e r o s ( g { l + 1 } . xm , g { l + 1 } .ym ) ;



f o r i c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .xm1; i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ; f o r j c = 2 : g { l + 1 } . ym1; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ;
d { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) = ( v { l } ( i +1 , j ) + v { l } ( i 1 , j ) + v { l } ( i , j +1)+ v { l } ( i , j 1 ) ) / 4 v { l } ( i , j ) +d { l } ( i , j ) ;
end ; end ;
v { l +1}=d { l +1 } ;
% TRICK # 3 : t h i s i s a b e t t e r i n i t i a l g u e s s f o r v { l +1} t h a n v { l +1 } =0 .
E n f o r ceB C s ( l +1 )
% Now CONTINUE DOWN TO COARSER GRID , o r SOLVE THE COARSEST SYSTEM ( v i a 20 smooth s t e p s ) .
% Use same s m o o t h e r on c o a r s e g r i d ; i e , we SKIP a 4 [ i . e . , ( d e l t a x ) 2 ] f a c t o r ( TRICK 2 ) .
i f ( l<n l e v 1 ) ; M u l t i g r i d ( l + 1 ) ; e l s e ; f o r i = 1 : 2 0 ; Smooth ( n l e v ) ; end ; end
% Now p e r f o r m t h e PROLONGATION. TRICK # 4 : U p d ate b l a c k i n t e r i o r p o i n t s o n ly , a s n e x t c a l l
% t o Smooth r e c a l c u l a t e s a l l r e d p o i n t s from s c r a t c h , s o do n o t b o t h e r u p d a t i n g them h e r e .
% We SKIP a / 2 i n t e r p o l a t i o n f a c t o r h e r e ( T r i c k 2 ) .
f o r i c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .xm ;
i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ; f o r j c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .ym ;
j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ;
i f j<g { l } . ym , v{ l } ( i 1 , j ) = v{ l } ( i 1 , j ) + ( v{ l +1 } ( i c 1 , j c ) + v { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) ) ; end
i f i<g { l } . xm , v{ l } ( i , j 1) = v{ l } ( i , j 1)+( v{ l +1 } ( i c , j c 1)+v { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) ) ; end
end ; end
E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
f o r i = 1 :N3 ; Smooth ( l ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n M u l t i g r i d
f u n c t i o n Smooth ( l ) ;
% C h e c k e r b o a r d s m o o t h i n g w i t h A from P o i s s o n e q u a t i o n s c a l e d t o u n i t d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t s .
% The s e t o f p o i n t s u p d a t e d f i r s t , which we l a b e l a s r e d , i n c l u d e s t h e c o r n e r s .
g l o b a l xo yo d v g v e r b o s e
xm=g { l } . xm ; ym=g { l } . ym ; xmm=xm1; ymm=ym1; xmp=xm+ 1 ; ymp=ym+ 1 ;
i f v e r b o s e >1, f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; a x i s ( [ 1 xm 1 ym ] ) ; h o ld on ; end
for i rb =0:1;
f o r i = 2 :xmm;
m=2+mod ( i + i r b +xo+yo , 2 ) ; v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) = d{ l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) . . .
+ ( v { l } ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 :ymm+1)+ v { l } ( i , m 1 :2 :ymm1)+v { l } ( i +1 ,m: 2 : ymm) + v{ l } ( i 1 ,m: 2 : ymm ) ) / 4 ;
end ;
% I n m atlab , i n n e r l o o p s h o u l d be on LAST i n d e x .
i f v e r b o s e >1, i f i r b ==0 , l s x = r + ; e l s e , l s x = k+ ; end ;
f o r i = 2 :xmm; m=2+mod ( i + i r b +xo+yo , 2 ) ; f o r j =m: 2 : ymm, p l o t ( i , j , l s x ) ; end ; end ;
pause ( 0 . 0 1 ) ; end ; % add f f l u s h ( 1 ) ; b e f o r e t h e p a u s e i f r u n n i n g o c t a v e !
E n f o r ceB C s ( l ) ;
end ;
end % f u n c t i o n Smooth
f u n c t i o n E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
% E n f o r c e t h e Neumann and p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s ( n o t h i n g t o do f o r D i r i c h l e t )
g l o b a l XBC YBC v g
i =g { l } . xm1; j =g { l } . ym1;
s w i t c h XBC c a s e 3 , v { l } ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( 3 , 2 : j ) ;
v{ l } ( g { l } . xm , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( g { l } . xm 2 , 2 : j ) ;
c a s e 2 , v { l } ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( g { l } . xm 1 , 2 : j ) ; v{ l } ( g { l } . xm , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( 2 , 2 : j ) ; end
s w i t c h YBC c a s e 3 , v { l } ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v { l } ( 2 : i , 3 ) ;
v{ l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym) = v { l } ( 2 : i , g{ l } . ym 2 ) ;
c a s e 2 , v { l } ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v { l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym 1 ) ; v{ l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym) = v { l } ( 2 : i , 2 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n E n f o r ceB C s
f u n c t i o n e = MaxDefect ( i t e r )
g l o b a l d v g v e r b o s e xo yo
e = 0 . 0 ; f o r i = 2 : g { 1 } . nx ; f o r j = 2 : g { 1 } . ny
% Compute t h e maximum d e f e c t .
d e f e c t ( i , j ) = ( ( v { 1 } ( i +1 , j ) + v { 1 } ( i 1 , j ) + v { 1 } ( i , j +1)+ v { 1 } ( i , j 1 ) ) / 4 v { 1 } ( i , j ) +d { 1 } ( i , j ) ) ;
e=max ( e , abs ( d e f e c t ( i , j ) ) ) ;
end ; end ;
i f v e r b o s e >1,
% Make some i l l u s t r a t i v e p l o t s .
f i g u r e ( 2 ) ; c l f ; co n t o u r ( d e f e c t ( xo : 2 : g { 1 } . nx , yo : 2 : g { 1 } . ny ) ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( D e f e c t a t i t e r = %0.6 g , i t e r ) ) ;
i f v e r b o s e >2, f n =[ e r r num2str ( i t e r ) . e p s ] ;
p r i n t ( d e p s c , f n ) ; end
f i g u r e ( 3 ) ; c l f ; s u r f ( v { 1 } ( xo : g { 1 } . nx , yo : g { 1 } . ny ) ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( S o l u t i o n a t i t e r = %0.6 g , i t e r ) ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 1 ) ; % add f f l u s h ( 1 ) ; i n o c t a v e
end % f u n c t i o n MaxDefect


Algorithm 11.9: Multigrid algorithm for solving the 2D Poisson equation (Fortran90 version).
program PoissonMG2DTest
! A 2D P o i s s o n s o l v e r on a u n i f o r m mesh u s i n g m u l t i g r i d w i t h r e d / b l a c k s m o o t h i n g . The RHS
! v e c t o r i s assumed t o be s c a l e d s u c h t h a t t h e d i s c r e t i z e d L a p l a c e o p e r a t o r h a s a 1 on t h e
! diagonal element .
! May be c o m p i l e d on a u n i x m ach in e w i t h : g95 PoissonMG2DTest . f 9 0 o PoissonMG2DTest
! XBC=1 f o r hom . D i r i c h l e t ( 0 :NX) , =2 f o r p e r i o d i c ( 1:NX) , =3 f o r hom . Neumann ( 1:NX+ 1 ) .
! Same f o r YBC . NX, NY must be p o w er s o f two w i t h NX>=NY. N1 , N2 , N3 s e t how much s m o o t h i n g
i n t e g e r : : NX=1 0 2 4 , NY=1 0 2 4 , XBC=1 , YBC=3 , N1=2 , N2=2 , N3=2 ! i s a p p l i e d a t v a r i o u s s t e p s .
i n t e g e r : : xo , yo , n l e v
! global vari able s
t y p e : : a r r a y s ; s eq u en ce ; r e a l 8 , p o i n t e r : : d ( : , : ) ; end t y p e a r r a y s
t y p e g r i d ; s eq u en ce ; i n t e g e r : : nx , ny , xm , ym ; end t y p e g r i d
type ( a r r a y s ) : : d ( 0 : 1 6 ) , v ( 0 : 1 6 ) ; type ( grid ) : : g ( 0 : 1 6 )
p r i n t , BCs : ,XBC, , ,YBC, . S m o o th in g : , N1 , , , N2 , , , N3 , .
Grids :
c a l l P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it
z = 0 . ; do j =3 , g (0)%ym2; do i =3 , g (0)%xm2
! The RHS v e c t o r b i s s t o r e d i n t h e
c a l l random number ( h ) ; d (0)% d ( i , j ) = h ; z=z+h ! i n i t i a l v a l u e o f d [ s e e ( 3 . 8 a ) ] , h e r e
end do ; end do
! t a k e n a s a z e r o mean random number .
d (0)% d ( 3 : g (0)%xm 2 , 3 : g (0)%ym2)=d (0)% d ( 3 : g (0)%xm 2 , 3 : g (0)%ym2)z / ( g (0)%xm 4 . ) / ( g (0)%ym 4 . )
c a l l PoissonMG2D
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
s u b r o u t i n e P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it
! This i n i t i a l i z a t i o n r o u t i n e a l l o c a t e s s e v e r a l global a r r a y s to avoid the r epeated
! memory a l l o c a t i o n / d e a l l o c a t i o n o t h e r w i s e c a u s e d by r e c u r s i o n . Note t h a t d and v a r e
! d e f i n e d a s a r r a y s o f a r r a y s , which a r e o f d i f f e r e n t s i z e a t e a c h l e v e l l .
s e l e c t c a s e (XBC ) ; c a s e ( 1 ) ; xo = 1 ; c a s e ( 2 ) ; xo = 2 ; c a s e ( 3 ) ; xo = 2 ; end s e l e c t
s e l e c t c a s e (YBC ) ; c a s e ( 1 ) ; yo = 1 ; c a s e ( 2 ) ; yo = 2 ; c a s e ( 3 ) ; yo = 2 ; end s e l e c t
n l e v = i n t ( l o g 1 0 ( r e a l (NY ) ) / l o g 1 0 ( 2 . 0 ) ) 1 ; c a l l random seed ; sum = 0 . 0
do l =0 , n l e v
g ( l )%nx = NX/ ( 2 l ) ; g ( l )%ny = NY/ ( 2 l ) ;
! The g d a t a s t r u c t u r e c o n t a i n s
g ( l )%xm=g ( l )%nx +XBC; g ( l )%ym=g ( l )%ny+YBC; ! i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e g r i d s .
a l l o c a t e ( v ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm , g ( l )%ym ) ) ; a l l o c a t e ( d ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm , g ( l )%ym ) ) ;
v ( l )%d = 0 . 0 ; d ( l )%d = 0 . 0 ; p r i n t , l , g ( l )%nx , g ( l )%ny
! d= d e f e c t , v= c o r r e c t i o n .
end do
end s u b r o u t i n e P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
s u b r o u t i n e PoissonMG2D
integer : : ta (8)
e= MaxDefect ( 0 ) ; p r i n t , I t e r =0 , max d e f e c t = , e
do i =1 ,N1 ; c a l l Smooth ( 0 ) ; end do ! APPLY SMOOTHING BEFORE STARTING MULTIGRID ( N1 t i m e s )
c a l l date and time ( values = t a ) ; t = t a (5)3600 + t a (6)60 + t a ( 7 ) + 0.001 t a ( 8 )
main : do i t e r =1 , 1 0
o=e ; c a l l M u l t i g r i d ( 0 ) ; e = MaxDefect ( 0 ) ;
p r i n t , I t e r = , i t e r , , max d e f e c t = , e , f a c t o r = , o / e
i f ( e<1E13) t h en ; p r i n t , C o n v er g ed ; e x i t main ; end i f
end do main
c a l l date and time ( values = t a ) ; t = t a (5)3600 + t a (6)60 + t a ( 7 ) + 0.001 t a ( 8 ) t
p r i n t , > T o t a l t i m e : , t , s e c ; Time / i t e r a t i o n : , t / i t e r , s e c
do l =0 , n l e v ; d e a l l o c a t e ( v ( l )%d ) ; d e a l l o c a t e ( d ( l )%d ) ; end do
end s u b r o u t i n e PoissonMG2D
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
recu rs iv e subroutine M u ltig r id ( l )
! The main r e c u r s i v e f u n c t i o n o f t h e m u l t i g r i d a l g o r i t h m . I t c a l l s t h e s m o o t h i n g f u n c t i o n ,
! i t p e r f o r m s t h e r e s t r i c t i o n and p r o l o n g a t i o n , and c a l l s i t s e l f on t h e c o a r s e r g r i d .
do i =1 ,N2 ; c a l l Smooth ( l ) ; end do



! Now COMPUTE THE DEFECT and RESTRICT i t t o t h e c o a r s e r g r i d i n a s i n g l e s t e p .

! TRICK #1 we c a l c u l a t e t h e d e f e c t ONLY on t h e r e d p o i n t s h e r e , a s t h e d e f e c t on t h e
! n e i g h b o r i n g b l a c k p o i n t s i s z e r o coming o u t o f t h e p r e v i o u s c a l l t o Smooth .
! TRICK # 2 : We s k i p a f a c t o r o f / 2 d u r i n g t h e r e s t r i c t i o n h e r e . We a l s o s k i p f a c t o r s o f
! 4 d u r i n g t h e s m o o t h i n g and / 2 d u r i n g t h e p r o l o n g a t i o n , s o t h e s k i p p e d f a c t o r s c a n c e l .
do j c =2 , g ( l +1)%ym1; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ; do i c =2 , g ( l +1)%xm1; i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ;
d ( l +1)% d ( i c , j c ) = d ( l )%d ( i , j ) v ( l )%d ( i , j ) +
( v ( l )%d ( i +1 , j ) + v ( l )%d ( i 1 , j ) + v ( l )%d ( i , j +1)+ v ( l )%d ( i , j 1 ) ) / 4
end do ; end do
v ( l +1)% d=d ( l +1)% d ;
! TRICK # 3 : t h i s i s a b e t t e r i n i t i a l g u e s s f o r v { l +1} t h a n v { l +1 } =0 .
c a l l E n f o r ceB C s ( l + 1 ) ;
! Now CONTINUE DOWN TO COARSER GRID , o r SOLVE THE COARSEST SYSTEM ( v i a 20 smooth s t e p s ) .
! Use same s m o o t h e r on c o a r s e g r i d ; i e , we SKIP a 4 [ i . e . , ( d e l t a x ) 2 ] f a c t o r ( TRICK 2 ) .
i f ( l<n l e v 1) t h en ; c a l l M u l t i g r i d ( l + 1 ) ; e l s e ; do i = 1 , 2 0 ; c a l l Smooth ( n l e v ) ; end do ; end i f
! Now p e r f o r m t h e PROLONGATION. TRICK # 4 : U p d ate b l a c k i n t e r i o r p o i n t s o n ly , a s n e x t c a l l
! t o Smooth r e c a l c u l a t e s a l l r e d p o i n t s from s c r a t c h , s o do n o t b o t h e r u p d a t i n g them h e r e .
! We SKIP a / 2 i n t e r p o l a t i o n f a c t o r h e r e ( T r i c k 2 ) .
do j c =2 , g ( l +1)%ym ; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ; do i c =2 , g ( l +1)%xm ; i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ;
i f ( j <=g ( l )%ym ) t h en ; v ( l )%d ( i 1 , j ) = v ( l )%d ( i 1 , j ) + ( v ( l +1)% d ( i c 1 , j c ) + v ( l +1)% d ( i c , j c ) ) ;
end i f
i f ( i <=g ( l )%xm ) t h en ; v ( l )%d ( i , j 1)=v ( l )%d ( i , j 1)+( v ( l +1)% d ( i c , j c 1)+v ( l +1)% d ( i c , j c ) ) ;
end i f
end do ; end do
c a l l E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
do i =1 ,N3 ; c a l l Smooth ( l ) ; end do
end s u b r o u t i n e M u l t i g r i d
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
s u b r o u t i n e Smooth ( l )
! Red / b l a c k s m o o t h i n g w i t h A from P o i s s o n e q u a t i o n s c a l e d t o u n i t d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t s .
! The s e t o f p o i n t s u p d a t e d f i r s t , which we l a b e l a s r e d , i n c l u d e s t h e c o r n e r s .
do i r b = 0 , 1 ; do j =2 , g ( l )%ym1
m=2+mod ( j + i r b +xo+yo , 2 ) ; n=g ( l )%xm1; v ( l )%d (m: n : 2 , j ) = d ( l )%d (m: n : 2 , j ) &
& + ( v ( l )%d (m+ 1 : n + 1 : 2 , j ) + v ( l )%d (m1:n 1 :2 , j ) + v ( l )%d (m: n : 2 , j +1)+ v ( l )%d (m: n : 2 , j 1 ) ) / 4 ;
end do ; c a l l E n f o r ceB C s ( l ) ; end do
! I n F o r t r a n , i n n e r l o o p s s h o u l d be on FIRST i n d e x
end s u b r o u t i n e Smooth
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
s u b r o u t i n e E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
! E n f o r c e t h e Neumann and p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s ( n o t h i n g t o do f o r D i r i c h l e t )
i =g ( l )%xm1; j =g ( l )%ym1;
s e l e c t c a s e (XBC ) ;
c a s e ( 3 ) ; v ( l )%d ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v ( l )%d ( 3 , 2 : j ) ;
v ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm , 2 : j ) = v ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm 2 , 2 : j )
c a s e ( 2 ) ; v ( l )%d ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm 1 , 2 : j ) ; v ( l )%d ( g ( l )%xm , 2 : j ) = v ( l )%d ( 2 , 2 : j )
end s e l e c t
s e l e c t c a s e (YBC ) ;
c a s e ( 3 ) ; v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , 3 ) ;
v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , g ( l )%ym) = v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , g ( l )%ym2)
c a s e ( 2 ) ; v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , g ( l )%ym 1 ) ; v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , g ( l )%ym) = v ( l )%d ( 2 : i , 2 )
end s e l e c t
end s u b r o u t i n e E n f o r ceB C s
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
r e a l 8 f u n c t i o n MaxDefect ( l )
MaxDefect = 0 . 0 ; do j =2 , g ( l )%ny ; do i =2 , g ( l )%nx
! Compute t h e maximum d e f e c t .
MaxDefect = max ( MaxDefect , abs ( d ( l )%d ( i , j ) v ( l )%d ( i , j ) +
( v ( l )%d ( i +1 , j ) + v ( l )%d ( i 1 , j ) + v ( l )%d ( i , j +1)+ v ( l )%d ( i , j 1) ) / 4 ) )
end do ; end do ;
end f u n c t i o n MaxDefect
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end program PoissonMG2DTest


Algorithm 11.10: Multigrid algorithm for solving the 2D Poisson equation (C version).
# i n c l u d e <s t d i o . h>
/ A 2D P o i s s o n s o l v e r on a u n i f o r m mesh u s i n g m u l t i g r i d w i t h
# i n c l u d e < s t d l i b . h>
/ r e d / b l a c k s m o o t h i n g . The RHS v e c t o r i s assumed t o be s c a l e d /
# i n c l u d e <math . h>
/ s u c h t h a t t h e d i s c r e t i z e d L a p l a c e o p e r a t o r h a s a 1 on t h e
# i n c l u d e <s y s / t y p e s . h> / d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t .
# i n c l u d e <t i m e . h>
/ May be c o m p i l e d on a u n i x m ach in e w i t h :
# i n c l u d e <u n i s t d . h>
/ g cc PoissonMG2DTest . c o PoissonMG2DTest
# d e f i n e max ( A, B ) ( (A) > ( B ) ? (A) : ( B ) )
v o i d P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it ( ) ; v o i d PoissonMG2D ( ) ; v o i d M u l t i g r i d ( i n t l ) ; v o i d Smooth ( i n t l ) ;
v o i d E n f o r ceB C s ( i n t l ) ; d o u b le MaxDefect ( i n t l ) ;
/ XBC=1 f o r hom D i r i c h l e t ( 0 :NX) , =2 f o r p e r i o d i c ( 1:NX) , =3 f o r hom Neumann ( 1:NX+1 ) /
/ Same f o r YBC . NX,NY must be p o w er s o f 2 w i t h NX>=NY. N1 , N2 , N3 s e t how much s m o o t h i n g /
i n t NX=1 0 2 4 , NY=1 0 2 4 , XBC=1 , YBC=3 , N1=2 , N2=2 , N3 = 2 ;
/ i s applied at various s te ps . /
i n t xo , yo , n l e v ;
/ global v a r i a b l e s . /
t y p e d e f s t r u c t { i n t nx , ny , xm , ym ; } g r i d ;
g r i d g ;
t y p e d e f s t r u c t { d o u b le d ; } a r r a y s ;
a r r a y s v , d ;
/ /
i n t main ( ) {
i n t i , j , s ; d o u b le z = 0 . 0 ;
p r i n t f ( BCs : %d , %d . S m o o th in g : %d , %d , %d .
G r i d s : \ n ,XBC, YBC, N1 , N2 , N3 ) ;
P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it ( ) ;
f o r ( i = 3 ; i<g [ 0 ] . xm2; ++ i ) f o r ( j = 3 ; j<g [ 0 ] . ym2;++ j ) { / The RHS v e c t o r b i s s t o r e d i n /
d [ 0 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] = ( ( ( d o u b le ) r a n d ( ) ) / ( ( d o u b le ) RAND MAX ) ) ;
/ the i n i t i a l value of /
z += d [ 0 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] ; }
/ d [ s e e ( 3 . 8 a ) ] , t a k e n h e r e
f o r ( i = 3 ; i<g [ 0 ] . xm2; ++ i ) f o r ( j = 3 ; j <=g [ 0 ] . ym2; ++ j ) / a s a z e r o mean random number . /
d [ 0 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] = d [ 0 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] z / ( ( d o u b le ) ( ( g [ 0 ] . xm4)( g [ 0 ] . ym 4 ) ) ) ;
PoissonMG2D ( ) ;
} / /
v o i d P o is s o n M G 2 D I n it ( ) {
/ This i n i t i a l i z a t i o n r o u t i n e d e f i n e s s e v e r a l global v a r i a b l e s to avoid the r epeated
/ memory a l l o c a t i o n / d e a l l o c a t i o n o t h e r w i s e c a u s e d by r e c u r s i o n . Note t h a t d and v a r e /
/ a r r a y s o f a r r a y s which a r e o f d i f f e r e n t s i z e a t e a c h l e v e l l .
int i , l ;
s w i t c h (XBC) { c a s e 1 : xo = 1 ; break ; c a s e 2 : xo = 2 ; break ; c a s e 3 : xo = 2 ; break ; }
s w i t c h (YBC) { c a s e 1 : yo = 1 ; break ; c a s e 2 : yo = 2 ; break ; c a s e 3 : yo = 2 ; break ; }
n l e v = ( i n t ) l o g 2 (NY) 1;
g =( g r i d ) c a l l o c ( n l e v +1 , s i z e o f ( g r i d ) ) ;
v =( a r r a y s ) c a l l o c ( n l e v +1 , s i z e o f ( a r r a y s ) ) ; d =( a r r a y s ) c a l l o c ( n l e v +1 , s i z e o f ( a r r a y s ) ) ;
f o r ( l = 0 ; l <=n l e v ; ++ l ) {
g [ l ] . nx = NX/ pow ( 2 . , l ) ; g [ l ] . ny = NY/ pow ( 2 . , l ) ;
/ The g d a t a s t r u c t u r e c o n t a i n s /
p r i n t f ( %d %d %d \n , l , g [ l ] . nx , g [ l ] . ny ) ;
/ information about the gr ids .
g [ l ] . xm = g [ l ] . nx+XBC; g [ l ] . ym = g [ l ] . ny +YBC ;
v [ l ] . d = ( d o u b le ) c a l l o c ( g [ l ] . xm ,
s i z e o f ( d o u b le ) ) ; / d= d e f e c t , v= c o r r e c t i o n . /
d [ l ] . d = ( d o u b le ) c a l l o c ( g [ l ] . xm ,
s i z e o f ( d o u b le ) ) ;
f o r ( i = 0 ; i < g [ l ] . xm ; ++ i ) {
v [ l ] . d [ i ] = ( d o u b le ) c a l l o c ( g [ l ] . ym , s i z e o f ( d o u b le ) ) ;
d [ l ] . d [ i ] = ( d o u b le ) c a l l o c ( g [ l ] . ym , s i z e o f ( d o u b le ) ) ; }}
} / /
v o i d PoissonMG2D ( ) {
d o u b le e , o ; i n t i , i t e r ; d o u b le t0 , t 1 ;
e= MaxDefect ( 0 ) ;
p r i n t f ( I t e r =%d , max d e f e c t =%f \ n , 0 , e ) ;
f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=N1 ; ++ i ) Smooth ( 0 ) ;
t 0 = c l o c k ( ) ; f o r ( i t e r = 1 ; i t e r <=10; ++ i t e r ) {
o=e ; M u l t i g r i d ( 0 ) ; e=MaxDefect ( 0 ) ;
p r i n t f ( I t e r =%d , max d e f e c t =%f , f a c t o r =%f \ n , i t e r , e , o / e ) ;
i f ( e<1E13) { p r i n t f ( C o n v er g ed \ n ) ; break ; } } t 1 = c l o c k ( ) ; t 1 =( t1 t 0 ) 1 . e 6;
p r i n t f ( Time : %l f ; Time / i t e r a t i o n : %f s e c \ n , t1 , t 1 max ( 1 . / i t e r , 1 . / 1 0 . ) ) ;
} / /



void M ultigr id ( i n t l ) {
/ The main r e c u r s i v e f u n c t i o n o f t h e m u l t i g r i d a l g o r i t h m . I t c a l l s t h e s m o o th er ,
/ i t p e r f o r m s t h e r e s t r i c t i o n and p r o l o n g a t i o n , and c a l l s i t s e l f on t h e c o a r s e r g r i d .
i n t i , j , ic , jc , s ;
f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=N2 ; ++ i ) Smooth ( l ) ;
/ Now COMPUTE THE DEFECT and RESTRICT i t t o t h e c o a r s e r g r i d i n a s i n g l e s t e p .
/ TRICK #1 we c a l c u l a t e t h e d e f e c t ONLY on t h e r e d p o i n t s h e r e , a s t h e d e f e c t on t h e
/ n e i g h b o r i n g b l a c k p o i n t s i s z e r o coming o u t o f t h e p r e v i o u s c a l l t o Smooth .
/ TRICK # 2 : We s k i p a f a c t o r o f / 2 d u r i n g t h e r e s t r i c t i o n h e r e . We a l s o s k i p f a c t o r s o f /
/ 4 d u r i n g t h e s m o o t h i n g and / 2 d u r i n g t h e p r o l o n g a t i o n ; t h e s k i p p e d f a c t o r s c a n c e l .
f o r ( i = 0 ; i<g [ l + 1 ] . xm ; ++ i ) f o r ( j = 0 ; j<g [ l + 1 ] . ym;++ j ) {v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] = 0 ; d [ l + 1 ] . d [ i ] [ j ] = 0 ; }
f o r ( i c = 1 ; i c <=g [ l + 1 ] . xm2; ++ i c ) f o r ( j c = 1 ; j c <=g [ l + 1 ] . ym2; ++ j c ) {
i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo + 1 ; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo + 1 ;
d [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c ]= d [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] +
( v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j +1]+ v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j 1]+v [ l ] . d [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + v [ l ] . d [ i 1][ j ] ) 0 . 2 5 ;
v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c ]= d [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c ] ; }
E n f o r ceB C s ( l + 1 ) ;
/ TRICK # 3 : v { l +1}=d { l +1} i s a b e t t e r i n i t i a l g u e s s t h a n v { l +1 } =0 . /
/ Now CONTINUE TO COARSER GRID , o r SOLVE THE COARSEST SYSTEM ( v i a 20 smooth s t e p s ) .
/ Use same s m o o t h e r on c o a r s e g r i d , i e SKIP a 4 [ i . e . , ( d e l t a x ) 2 ] f a c t o r ( TRICK 2 ) . /
i f ( l<n l e v 1) M u l t i g r i d ( l + 1 ) ; e l s e f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=20;++ i ) Smooth ( n l e v ) ;
/ P e r f o r m t h e PROLONGATION. TRICK # 4 : U p d ate b l a c k i n t e r i o r p o i n t s o n ly , a s n e x t c a l l /
/ t o Smooth w i l l r e c a l c u l a t e a l l r e d p o i n t s from s c r a t c h , s o do n o t u p d a t e them h e r e .
/ We SKIP a / 2 i n t e r p o l a t i o n f a c t o r h e r e ( TRICK 2 ) .
f o r ( i c = 1 ; i c <=g [ l + 1 ] . xm1;++ i c ) f o r ( j c = 1 ; j c <=g [ l + 1 ] . ym1;++ j c ) {
i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo + 1 ; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo + 1 ;
i f ( j <=g [ l ] . ym1) v [ l ] . d [ i 1][ j ] = v [ l ] . d [ i 1][ j ] + ( v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c 1][ j c ] + v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c ] ) ;
i f ( i <=g [ l ] . xm1) v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j 1]=v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j 1]+( v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c 1]+v [ l + 1 ] . d [ i c ] [ j c ] ) ; }
E n f o r ceB C s ( l ) ;
f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=N3;++ i ) Smooth ( l ) ;
} / /
v o i d Smooth ( i n t l ) {
/ Red / b l a c k s m o o t h i n g w i t h A from P o i s s o n e q u a t i o n s c a l e d t o u n i t d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t s .
/ The s e t o f p o i n t s u p d a t e d f i r s t , which we l a b e l a s r e d , i n c l u d e s t h e c o r n e r s .
i n t i r b , i , j , m, n ;
f o r ( i r b = 0 ; i r b <=1; ++ i r b ) { f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=g [ l ] . xm2; ++ i ) {
m = 1+(1+ i + i r b +xo+yo ) % 2 ; n=g [ l ] . ym2; / I n C , i n n e r l o o p s h o u l d be on LAST i n d e x /
f o r ( j =m; j <=n ; j +=2) v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] = d [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] +
( v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j +1]+ v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j 1]+v [ l ] . d [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + v [ l ] . d [ i 1][ j ] ) 0 . 2 5 ;
} E n f o r ceB C s ( l ) ; }
} / /
v o i d E n f o r ceB C s ( i n t l ) {
/ E n f o r c e t h e Neumann and p e r i o d i c b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s ( n o t h i n g t o do f o r D i r i c h l e t )
i n t i , m, n ;
s w i t c h (XBC) { c a s e 3 : m=g [ l ] . ym2; f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=m;++ i )
{ v [ l ] . d [ 0 ] [ i ] = v [ l ] . d [ 2 ] [ i ] ; v [ l ] . d [ g [ l ] . xm1][ i ] = v [ l ] . d [ g [ l ] . xm3][ i ] ; } break ;
c a s e 2 : m=g [ l ] . ym2; f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=m;++ i )
{ v [ l ] . d [ 0 ] [ i ] = v [ l ] . d [ g [ l ] . xm2][ i ] ; v [ l ] . d [ g [ l ] . xm1][ i ] = v [ l ] . d [ 1 ] [ i ] ; } break ; }
s w i t c h (YBC) { c a s e 3 : n=g [ l ] . xm2; f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=n ;++ i )
{ v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ 0 ] = v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ 2 ] ; v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ g [ l ] . ym1]=v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ g [ l ] . ym 3 ] ;} break ;
c a s e 2 : n=g [ l ] . xm2; f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=n ;++ i )
{ v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ 0 ] = v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ g [ l ] . ym 2 ] ; v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ g [ l ] . ym1]=v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ 1 ] ; } break ; }
} / /
d o u b le MaxDefect ( i n t l ) {
d o u b le e = 0 . 0 ; i n t i , j ;
f o r ( i = 1 ; i <=g [ l ] . nx 1; ++ i ) f o r ( j = 1 ; j <=g [ l ] . ny 1; ++ j )
e = max ( e , f a b s ( d [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j ] +
/ Compute t h e maximum d e f e c t . /
( v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j +1]+ v [ l ] . d [ i ] [ j 1]+v [ l ] . d [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + v [ l ] . d [ i 1][ j ] ) 0 . 2 5 ) ) ;
return ( e ) ;


Nonlinear multigrid
Multigrid methods may easily be generalized to solve large systems of equations derived from nonlinear
PDEs such as

2 2
+ 2 = c,
+ 2 +

the FD discretization of which [on n n gridpoints, analogous to (3.11b)], we write here in the form

i+1, j 2i, j + i1, j i, j+1 2i, j + i, j1
i+1, j i1, j 2
i, j+1 i, j1 2

+ i,2j = ci j ,
or in a more compact form as fn (xn ) = bn . [Note that, if = 0, (11.82a) may be derived from (3.11a) via the
transformation = e and b = e c; the representation in (11.82a) is sometimes convenient for systems
in which it is important to enforce > 0, such as when represents a concentration or pressure. Note also
that a sufficiently small must be used in this formulation for (3.11b) to be diagonally dominant, or else an
approach based on a splitting method will not converge.]
To accomplish this generalization, we first need a nonlinear smoother akin to the red/black Gauss-Seidel
method in the linear setting. Noting (3.10), the red/black Gauss-Seidel method may be interpreted as looping
through all the gridpoints (ordered as first the red points and then the black points in a checkerboard fashion),
and at each gridpoint solving (exactly) the governing equation for the corresponding diagonal term, taking
all other terms explicitly. To extend this idea to nonlinear equations with the same checkerboard dependence
on the data [as in (11.82b)], we can do effectively the same thing, but instead of solving at each gridpoint for
the diagonal term, when that is not possible [that is, in those discretized problems for which the unknown at
the {i, j} gridpoint appears nonlinearly, such as (11.82b) when 6= 0] we may instead take one step of the
(scalar) Newton-Raphson method (3.2), resulting in the following update formula for each gridpoint:
xi xi

fi (x) bi
fi (x)/ xi

Note that repeated application of this Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother on its own does
not converge very quickly. When the updates become small, though the Newton-Raphson component of the
algorithm (applied at individual gridpoints) becomes quite precise, note that the full nonlinear system f(x) = b
behaves essentially like a linear function Ax = c [for appropriately chosen A and c], and thus convergence of
the overall algorithm is approximately the same as that for the red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother in the linear
setting. Thus, as in the linear case, the Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel method may be recognized
as an effective smoother of the defect of the nonlinear equation, though it is quite inefficient at reducing
the overall magnitude of the defect. The nonlinear multigrid (a.k.a. full approximation storage) method
described below levereges this smoothing behavior in a clever way.
To begin, one or two iterations of the Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother, as described
above, are first applied to reduce the high-frequency components of the defect on a fine-grid discretization
of (11.82), with the result written here (for brevity) as fn (xn ) bn ; we denote the defect on this fine grid
after these initial smoothing steps by dn = fn (xn ) bn . Our goal now is to find efficiently an even better
approximation xn
such that

fn (xn

) bn 0



fn (xn + vn ) bn





fn (xn + vn ) fn (xn ) dn ;


however, due to the high dimension of xn [with n2 unknowns], the latter equation is too difficult to solve
directly for the correction vn . The Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel approach to this problem is
simply to iterate on this update calculation one line at a time (ordered in a red/black fashion) and repeat until
convergence; as mentioned previously, this approach is slow to converge.





Following the nonlinear multigrid approach, the desired relation fn (xn + vn ) = fn (xn ) dn is restricted on a grid which has been coarsened in all coordinate directions by a factor of two; dropping the
k superscripts for notational clarity, we denote the restriction of the fine-grid defect onto the coarse grid as
dn/2 , the restriction of the fine-grid approximate solution onto the coarse grid as xn/2 , and the coarse-grid
discretization of the nonlinear operator in (11.82b) as fn/2 (). Note that we need to restrict both xn and dn to
the coarse grid in this setting.
We can now follow one of two approaches. If n/2 is sufficiently small that fn/2 (xn/2 + vn/2) = fn/2 (xn/2 )
dn/2 may be solved essentially exactly (e.g., via the Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother applied many times), we go ahead and solve for this correction vn/2 on the coarse grid, then prolongate this
correction back to the fine grid, and apply it to update xn on the fine grid. This restriction/prolongation process
introduces high-frequency errors on the fine grid; we may thus apply one or two additional iterations of the
Newton-Raphson red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to xn , and then repeat the entire process until convergence.
If, however, n/2 is still so large that the coarse-grid equation
fn/2 (xn/2 + vn/2) = fn/2 (xn/2 ) dn/2


can not easily be solved directly for vn/2 , we may instead apply one or two iterations of the Newton-Raphson
red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to vn/2, compute the defect of (11.84) after these smoothing steps, and then
restrict this new defect, as well as the corresponding approximate value of xn/2 , to an even coarser grid with
n/4 gridpoints in each direction. This process of smooth/restrict/smooth/restrict is repeated until the f(x +
v) = f(x) d problem is reduced to a small enough size that the correction v may easily be solved essentially
exactly. The resulting correction is then prolongated to the previous level, applied to update the previous
estimate of v at this level, and the result smoothed with one or two further iterations of the Newton-Raphson
red/black Gauss-Seidel smoother to diminish the high-frequency errors at this level which might have been
introduced by the restriction/prolongation process. The process of prolongate/smooth/prolongate/smooth is
repeated all the way back out to the original level, and the entire cycle repeated until convergence.
The key to the success of this method is that the error inherent to the prolongation process is introduced
to the solution only via the corrections; thus, as this correction gets small, the error introduced by this process
gets proportionally small as well. Eventually, convergence is as fast (per iteration) as for the linear multigrid
strategy, noting that there is extra work involved during each iteration in the nonlinear setting (primarily due
to the rextriction of x and the calculation of the Newton-Raphson update. Implementation of this algorithm
is given in Algorithm 11.11.

An effective starting point for the simulation of PDEs is to discretize in space first, then in time. For spatial
discretization, simple finite difference metheods on a structured grid are a good starting point, but spectral
methods are significantly more accurate, and should be leveraged whenever the domain and boundary conditions are simple enough to make them feasible. For temporal discretization, as a good starting point, we may
use the mixed RK/CN method for parabolic PDEs, and the iterative CN27 or Newmark methods for hyperbolic
PDEs. For elliptic PDEs, multigrid methods have emerged for many problems as the best approach.
The numerical solution of PDEs with complex dynamics will continue to challenge the fastest computers
on the planet for the forseeable future; as the speed of these computers increases, the expectactions on the
resolution of our PDE solvers inevitably increases accordingly. For this reason, special care should be used
when coding a PDE solver to select the appropriate scheme, to minimize the number of flops used, and to minimize the number of full-sized storage arrays referenced. Additionally, memory references should be ordered
27 Or, alternatively, the iterative theta method, with slightly larger than 1/2, if a bit of high-frequency damping is found to be
needed. . .


Algorithm 11.11: Multigrid algorithm for solving the 2D nonlinear elliptic PDE (11.82a).
f u n c t i o n NonlinearMG2DTest
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% S o l v e ( 1 1 . 6 2 a ) on a u n i f o r m mesh u s i n g n o n l i n e a r m u l t i g r i d w i t h NR r / b GS s m o o t h i n g .
% The RHS v e c t o r i s assumed t o be s c a l e d s u c h t h a t t h e d i s c r e t i z e d L a p l a c e o p e r a t o r h a s a
% 1 on t h e d i a g o n a l e l e m e n t . T h i s co d e was f o r m ed by m o d i f i c a t i o n o f PoissonMG2DTest . m,
% t o which t h e r e a d e r i s r e f e r r e d f o r e x t e n s i v e comments ; o n l y t h e s i g n i f i c a n t
% m o d i f i c a t i o n s f o r e x t e n s i o n t o t h e n o n l i n e a r c a s e a r e marked w i t h comments h e r e ;
% s e e e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e f o u r p o i n t s i n d i c a t e d by comment NOTE .
c l e a r ; g l o b a l XBC YBC N1 N2 N3 xo yo d v x g n l e v a l p h a b e t a b a r v e r b o s e
NX=3 2 ; NY=3 2 ; XBC= 1 ; YBC= 1 ; N1 = 5 ; N2 = 3 ; N3= 3 ; a l p h a = 0 . 1 , b e t a = 0 . 5
f p r i n t f ( BCs:%2 g ,%2g . S m o o th in g :%2g ,%2g ,%2g . \ n G r i d s : \ n ,XBC, YBC, N1 , N2 , N3 ) ;
f o r v e r b o s e =1 :2
N o n lin ear M G 2 D I n it (NX,NY) , f o r l = 1 : n l e v , b e t a b a r ( l )= b e t a / ( 4 g { l } . nx 2 ) ; end
d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } . xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } . ym2)= rand ( g { 1 } .xm4 ,g { 1 } . ym 4 ) ;
i =sum ( sum ( d { 1 } ( : , : ) ) ) / ( ( g { 1 } .xm4)( g { 1 } .ym 4 ) ) ;
d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } . xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } . ym2)=d { 1 } ( 3 : g { 1 } .xm 2 , 3 : g { 1 } .ym2) i ;
NonlinearMG2D ;
end % f u n c t i o n NonlinearMG2DTest
f u n c t i o n N o n lin ear M G 2 D I n it (NX,NY)
g l o b a l XBC YBC xo yo d v x g n l e v
s w i t c h XBC c a s e 1 , xo = 1 ; c a s e 2 , xo = 2 ; c a s e 3 , xo = 2 ; end
s w i t c h YBC c a s e 1 , yo = 1 ; c a s e 2 , yo = 2 ; c a s e 3 , yo = 2 ; end
n l e v = l o g 2 (NY ) ;
for l =1: nlev
g { l } . nx = NX / ( 2 ( l 1 ) ) ; g { l } . ny = NY / ( 2 ( l 1 ) ) ;
g { l } . xm=g { l } . nx +XBC; g { l } . ym=g{ l } . ny+YBC;
v { l }= z e r o s ( g { l } . xm , g { l } . ym ) ; d{ l }=v { l } ; x { l }=v { l } ;
% i n i t i a l i z e x= s o l u t i o n
f p r i n t f ( %5g%5g%5g \ n , l , g { l } . nx , g { l } . ny )
end % f u n c t i o n N o n lin ear M G 2 D I n it
f u n c t i o n NonlinearMG2D
g l o b a l N1 v e r b o s e
e= MaxDefect ( 0 ) ; f p r i n t f ( I t e r =0 , max d e f e c t =%0.3 e \ n , e ) ;
f o r i = 1 :N1 ; Smooth ( 1 ) ; e = MaxDefect ( i ) ; end
t i c ; f o r i t e r =1 :2 0
% Do up t o 20 m u l t i g r i d c y c l e s ( c o n v e r g e n c e s l o w e r t h a n l i n e a r c a s e ) .
o=e ;
M u l t i g r i d ( 1 ) ; e = MaxDefect ( i t e r ) ;
i f v e r b o s e >0, f p r i n t f ( I t e r =%0.6 g , max d e f e c t =%0.3 e , f a c t o r =%0.4 f \ n , i t e r , e , o / e ) ; end
i f e<1E13 ,
f p r i n t f ( C o n v er g ed \ n ) , break , end
end ; t = t o c ;
f p r i n t f ( > T o t a l t i m e : %0.3 g s e c ; Time / i t e r a t i o n : %0.3 g s e c \ n , t , t / i t e r ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n NonlinearMG2D
function Multigrid ( l )
g l o b a l N2 N3 xo yo d v x g n l e v a l p h a b e t a b a r
f o r i = 1 :N2 ; Smooth ( l ) ; end
d { l +1}= z e r o s ( g { l + 1 } . xm , g { l + 1 } .ym ) ; x { l +1}=d { l +1 } ;
f o r i c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .xm1; i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ; f o r j c = 2 : g { l + 1 } . ym1; j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ;
% Compute and r e s t r i c t d i n a s i n g l e s t e p .
d { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) = ( v { l } ( i +1 , j ) + v { l } ( i 1 , j ) + v{ l } ( i , j +1)+ v { l } ( i , j 1))/4 v { l } ( i , j ) + d { l } ( i , j )
+ ( ( v{ l } ( i +1 , j )v { l } ( i 1 , j ) ) 2 + 2 ( x { l } ( i +1 , j )x { l } ( i 1 , j ) ) ( v { l } ( i +1 , j )v { l } ( i 1 , j ) )
+( v{ l } ( i , j +1)v { l } ( i , j 1 ) ) 2 + 2 ( x { l } ( i , j +1)x { l } ( i , j 1 ) ) ( v { l } ( i , j +1)v { l } ( i , j 1))
) a l p h a / 1 6 + b e t a b a r ( l ) ( v { l } ( i , j ) 2 + 2 v { l } ( i , j ) x { l } ( i , j ) ) ;
% R e s t r i c t x as well .
x { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) = ( x { l } ( i , j ) + v{ l } ( i , j ) ) / 2 + ( x{ l } ( i +1 , j ) + x { l } ( i 1 , j ) + x { l } ( i , j +1)+ x { l } ( i , j 1) . . .
+v{ l } ( i +1 , j ) + v { l } ( i 1 , j ) + v { l } ( i , j +1)+ v { l } ( i , j 1 ) ) / 8 ;



end ; end ;
v { l +1}=d { l +1 } ;
E n f o r ceB C s ( l +1 )
i f ( l<n l e v 1 ) ; M u l t i g r i d ( l + 1 ) ; e l s e ; f o r i = 1 : 2 0 ; Smooth ( n l e v ) ; end ; end
f o r i c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .xm ;
i =2 ( i c xo ) + xo ; f o r j c = 2 : g { l + 1 } .ym ;
j =2 ( j c yo ) + yo ;
i f j<g { l } . ym , v{ l } ( i 1 , j ) = v{ l } ( i 1 , j ) + ( v{ l +1 } ( i c 1 , j c ) + v { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) ) ; end
i f i<g { l } . xm , v{ l } ( i , j 1) = v{ l } ( i , j 1)+( v{ l +1 } ( i c , j c 1)+v { l +1 } ( i c , j c ) ) ; end
end ; end
E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
f o r i = 1 :N3 ; Smooth ( l ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n M u l t i g r i d
f u n c t i o n Smooth ( l ) ;
g l o b a l xo yo d v x g a l p h a b e t a b a r v e r b o s e
xm=g { l } . xm ; ym=g { l } . ym ; xmm=xm1; ymm=ym1; xmp=xm+ 1 ; ymp=ym+ 1 ;
i f v e r b o s e >1, f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; a x i s ( [ 1 xm 1 ym ] ) ; h o ld on ; end
for i rb =0:1;
f o r i = 2 :xmm; m=2+mod ( i + i r b +xo +yo , 2 ) ;
% Apply NewtonRaphson r e d / b l a c k GaussS e i d e l s m o o t h i n g .
v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) = v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) ( v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm)d { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm)
(v { l } ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 :ymm+1)+ v { l } ( i , m 1 :2 :ymm1)+v { l } ( i +1 ,m : 2 : ymm) + v { l } ( i 1 ,m: 2 : ymm ) ) / 4
(( v { l } ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 :ymm+1)v { l } ( i , m 1 :2 :ymm 1 ) ) . 2 + ( v { l } ( i +1 ,m: 2 : ymm)v { l } ( i 1 ,m: 2 : ymm ) ) . 2 . . .
+2 ( x { l } ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 :ymm+1)x { l } ( i , m 1 :2 :ymm 1 ) ) . ( v { l } ( i ,m+ 1 : 2 :ymm+1)v { l } ( i , m 1 :2 :ymm 1 ) ) . . .
+2 ( x { l } ( i +1 ,m: 2 : ymm)x { l } ( i 1 ,m : 2 : ymm ) ) . ( v { l } ( i +1 ,m: 2 : ymm)v { l } ( i 1 ,m: 2 : ymm) )
) a l p h a /16 b e t a b a r ( l ) ( v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm ) . 2 + 2 v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) . x { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm ) ) ) . / . . .
( 1 + b e t a b a r ( l ) ( 2 v { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm) +2 x { l } ( i ,m: 2 : ymm ) ) ) ;
i f v e r b o s e >1, i f i r b ==0 , l s x = r + ; e l s e , l s x = k+ ; end ;
f o r i = 2 :xmm; m=2+mod ( i + i r b +xo+yo , 2 ) ; f o r j =m: 2 : ymm, p l o t ( i , j , l s x ) ; end ; end ;
pause ( 0 . 0 1 ) ; end ; E n f o r ceB C s ( l ) ;
end ;
end % f u n c t i o n Smooth
f u n c t i o n E n f o r ceB C s ( l )
g l o b a l XBC YBC v g
i =g { l } . xm1; j =g { l } . ym1;
s w i t c h XBC c a s e 3 , v { l } ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( 3 , 2 : j ) ;
v{ l } ( g { l } . xm , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( g { l } . xm 2 , 2 : j ) ;
c a s e 2 , v { l } ( 1 , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( g { l } . xm 1 , 2 : j ) ; v{ l } ( g { l } . xm , 2 : j ) = v { l } ( 2 , 2 : j ) ; end
s w i t c h YBC c a s e 3 , v { l } ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v { l } ( 2 : i , 3 ) ;
v{ l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym) = v { l } ( 2 : i , g{ l } . ym 2 ) ;
c a s e 2 , v { l } ( 2 : i , 1 ) = v { l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym 1 ) ; v{ l } ( 2 : i , g { l } . ym) = v { l } ( 2 : i , 2 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n E n f o r ceB C s
f u n c t i o n e = MaxDefect ( i t e r )
g l o b a l xo yo d v x g a l p h a b e t a b a r v e r b o s e
e = 0 . 0 ; f o r i = 2 : g { 1 } . nx ; f o r j = 2 : g { 1 } . ny
% Compute d e f e c t
d e f ( i , j )=v { 1 } ( i , j )x { 1 } ( i , j ) +d { 1 } ( i , j ) + ( v { 1 } ( i +1 , j ) + x { 1 } ( i +1 , j )
+v { 1 } ( i 1 , j ) + x { 1 } ( i 1 , j ) + v { 1 } ( i , j +1)+ x { 1 } ( i , j +1)+ v { 1 } ( i , j 1)+x { 1 } ( i , j 1 ) ) / 4 . . .
+ ( ( v { 1 } ( i +1 , j ) + x { 1 } ( i +1 , j )v { 1 } ( i 1 , j )x { 1 } ( i 1 , j ) ) 2
+( v { 1 } ( i , j +1)+ x { 1 } ( i , j +1)v { 1 } ( i , j 1)x { 1 } ( i , j 1 ) ) 2 ) a l p h a / 1 6
+ betabar ( 1 ) ( v {1}( i , j ) 2 ) ;
e=max ( e , abs ( d e f ( i , j ) ) ) ;
end ; end ;
i f v e r b o s e >1,
f i g u r e ( 2 ) ; c l f ; s u r f ( d e f ( xo : 2 : g { 1 } . nx , yo : 2 : g { 1 } . ny ) ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( D e f e c t a t i t e r a t i o n = %0.6 g , i t e r ) ) ;
i f v e r b o s e >2, f n =[ e r r num2str ( i t e r ) . e p s ] ;
p r i n t ( d e p s c , f n ) ; end
f i g u r e ( 3 ) ; c l f ; s u r f ( x { 1 } ( xo : g { 1 } . nx , yo : g { 1 } . ny ) + v { 1 } ( xo : g { 1 } . nx , yo : g { 1 } . ny ) ) ;
t i t l e ( s p r i n t f ( S o l u t i o n a t i t e r a t i o n = %0.6 g , i t e r ) ) ; pause ( 0 . 0 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n MaxDefect


appropriately to leverage cache-based memory systems, and computations should be grouped appropriately
to leverage massivly parallel computational clusters; some general high performance computing guidelines
to help achieve these goals are discussed in 12. To achieve this balance, it is almost always necessary to
code PDE solvers by hand, exploiting structure wherever possible. Though certain numerical algorithms (as
developed in the previous chapters of this text, like the Thomas algorithm) may be used over and over as generic black-box tools, each PDE system you will encounter will generally have different structure and, along
with this structure, different opportunities for maximizing the efficiency of its numerical implementation.
This chapter has thus been heavy in examples, illustrating some of the typical considerations involved in the
development of such PDE solvers; a more involved example is given in 13.

Exercise 11.1 Verify (11.22b).
Exercise 11.2 It was seen in (11.30) that the convective term in the 1D Burgers, KS, and CCH equations,
u u/ x, is energy conserving. Establish whether or not the cubic term of the 1D CCH and CH equations, 2 (u3 )/ x2 , and the convective term of the 3D NSE, (~u )~u, are energy conserving following similar
derivations. Hint: in the latter case, apply the fact that the velocity field ~u is divergence free (i.e., ~u = 0).

Exercise 11.3 Recall that the Froude number of a 2D shallow water flow is Fr = u21 + u22 / gh, where g is
the acceleration due to gravity and h is the local height of the water column. A shallow water flow is said to
be subcritical if Fr < 1, and supercritical if Fr > 1. A stationary hydraulic jump normally takes a flow from
a supercritical state to a subcritical state. Can a stationary hydraulic jump take a flow from a subcritical state
to a supercritical state? Why or why not?
Exercise 11.4 Recall that the Mach number of a 3D flow governed by Eulers equation is M = u21 + u22 + u23/a,

where a = R T is the local speed of sound. A flow is said to be subsonic if M < 1, and supersonic if M > 1.
A stationary shock normally takes a flow from a supersonic state to a subsonic state. Can a stationary shock
take a flow from a subsonic state to a supersonic state? Why or why not?
Exercise 11.5 Consider a high-velocity open channel flow bounded by a wall with a corner, as illustrated
in Figure 11.12. The corner causes a stationary oblique hydraulic jump in the flow (see dashed line in
Figure 11.12; see also photos in Figure 11.13) which is actually undular and/or turbulent, but can be approximated as a Heaviside step function in the height of the water column, h, for the purpose of analysis.
Identifying the components of the velocity normal and tangential to the oblique hydraulic jump in Figure

11.12 as, respectively, u
= |u | sin and uk = |u | cos upstream of the jump, and u = |u | sin( )
and uk = |u+ | cos( ) downstream of the jump, and defining the normal Froude number upstream and

downstream of the hydraulic jump as F = u
/ gh and F = u / gh , the jump relations developed in
class may be used to understand the shallow-water flow:


+ +

)2 + 8(u )2 h /g /2.


Based on these relations, develop a single transcendental equation that relates , , and F = |u |/

gh .

Exercise 11.6 Compute the dispersion relation of the piano wire model given in footnote 11 on page 347.
For a string of length L, what is the frequency of oscillation of the fundamental mode (p = 1) and the first
four harmonics (p = 2 through 5) in terms of {c, , b1 , b2 , L}? How long does it take each of these modes to


Figure 11.12: Schematic of an oblique hydraulic jump.

Figure 11.13: Photos of an oblique hydraulic jump in the lab (Bewley, Forman, Mullenax 1988).

decay to 1/2 of its initial amplitude (also in terms of {c, , b1 , b2 , L})? Note that the problem of identifying
the magnitude and phase of each mode at the initial time, depending on how and where the piano wire is
struck by the hammer, was already solved in 4.10b.
Exercise 11.7 In 11.2.3, it was found that the leapfrog scheme applied to a spatial discretization of the 1D
diffusion equation was unstable. Based on the result of Exercise 10.7, is this result anticipated? Discuss.
Exercise 11.8 Following Algorithm 11.2, develop a code to simulate the KS equation (11.26) with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs using second-order central FD in space CN/RKW3 in time. Then, following Algorithm
11.3, develop a code to simulate the same system using significantly reduced storage. Discuss.
Exercise 11.9 Following Algorithm 11.4 closely, develop a pseudospectral code named CCH2D CNRKW3 PS.m
to simulate the 2D CCH equation (11.28) on a square domain Lx = Ly = L. Experiment with various values
of D and sufficiently large L to explore the chaotic behavior of this system, and discuss. Make sure you give
the system sufficiently large initial conditions u0 to push the unsteady dynamics out to its chaotic attractor.
Exercise 11.10 (a) Calculate the speeds of the Matlab, Fortran, and C implementations of the multigrid
algorithm given in 11.4.1 on your computer on a 256 256 discretization. Discuss.
(b) Noting your results in problem (a), extend one of the three multigrid implementations provided (your
choice) to solve the 3D Poisson equation on a 256 256 256 grid. This generalization is easier than it
might at first seem, as it mostly involves applying what is already done in the first and second dimensions to
the third dimension; we will again use a second-order finite difference operator, restriction via half weighting, prolongation via bilinear interpolation, and the standard formula (3.8c) for the prolongation update,
noting that the second-order finite difference stencil, the half-weighting restriction stencil, and the bilinear

interpolation prolongation stencil in the 3D case may be written

0 0 0 0 1 0
A SOFD = 2 0 1 0 1 6 1
0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0
R HW = 0 1/12 0 1/12 1/2 1/12

0 0

1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/2 1/4
P BI = 1/4 1/2 1/4 1/2 1 1/2

1/8 1/4 1/8 1/4 1/2 1/4

0 0 0
0 1 0 ,

0 0 0


0 1/12 0 ,


1/8 1/4 1/8

1/4 1/2 1/4 .

1/8 1/4 1/8

Note that special care is required specifically during the prolongation step to ensure that all black interior
points are updated correctly (sketch the geometry to check this!).

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Fletcher, CAJ (1991) Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics, Volumes I and II. Springer.
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formation, Chaos 14, 845-854.
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Grimshaw, R, Pelinovsky, D, & Pelinovsky, E. (2010) Homogenization of the variable- speed wave equation
Wave Motion 47, 496-507.
Lattes, R, & Lions, JL (1969) The Method of Quasi-Reversibility, Applications to Partial Differential Equations,
American Elsevier.
Liepman, HW, & Roshko, A (1957) Elements of Gasdynamics, Dover.
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Trottenberg, U, Oosterlee, CW, & Schuller, A (2001) Multigrid. Academic Press.



Chapter 12

High performance computing

12.1 Coding for portable speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.2 Coding for cache-based memory architectures . . . . . . . .
12.3 Coding for fine-grained parallelization at the CPU level . . .
12.3.1 Pipelineing and superscalar architectures . . . . . . . .
12.3.2 Vector architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.4 Coding for coarse-grained parallelization at the system level
12.4.1 Shared-memory parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.4.2 Distributed-memory parallelization . . . . . . . . . . .
12.5 Performance tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
























The rapid growth in computer power over the last several decades has been nothing short of phenomenal,
and is expected to continue for many years to come. This growth is driven largely by fierce market pressure in
the highly competitive personal computer market. Due to this market pressure, technology originally developed for the worlds most powerful supercomputers has rapidly been incorporated into inexpensive commodity hardware broadly available to everyday users. Powerful computational tools based on efficient numerical
methods (such as those discussed in the present text) that leverage this advanced computational hardware
have fundamentally altered the manner in which we consider a wide spectrum of problems that may now
be simulated accurately in science, engineering, finance, and an increasing number of other disciplines. In
order to develop efficient numerical methods that use modern computers effectively on such problems, some
understanding of how these computers work is helpful.
Generally speaking, one might say that there are two characteristics of a computer that account for its
power: speed and complexity. Clock speed is the easiest measure to identify: in a digital computer, the
execution of instructions on the CPU are synchronized by a clock, so, apparently, the faster the clock speed,
the faster the computation. In any particular CPU/motherboard design, however, there are physical limits
on the clock speed beyond which the computer will cease to function correctly. These limits are related to
parasitic resistance (R), capacitance (C), and inductance (L) in the tiny circuits within the computer, which
lead to both characteristic time constants (RC and L/R) in the system and, quite often, the generation of

10 GHz


1 GHz



100 MHz

10 MHz

1 MHz

















Figure 12.1: (left) Maximum rated clock speed at introduction and (right) transistor count as a function of release date for several Intel CPUs, model numbers (left to right) 4004, 8008, 8080, 8086,
286, 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, Itanium, and Itanium 2. (data from:

a significant amount of heat that increases rapidly with clock speed and that must be dissipated sufficiently
quickly (or else some component in the system will melt, crack, or delaminate). These physical limits are
often more restrictive in the several subsystems in the computer that service the CPU than they are in the
CPU itself (where the components are typically smaller), and thus these subsystems are usually synchronized
at some fraction of the clock speed that synchronizes the CPU. One of the most significant of these subsystems
for the purpose of numerical computations is the system bus that attaches the CPU to, among other things,
the main (a.k.a. core) memory. Fortunately, the bus speed synchronizing this subsystem usually need not
be as fast as the full clock speed in order to keep the CPU busy, but if it is too slow, the CPU will spend
a substantial fraction of its available cycles idle on most problems, while it waits for the necessary data to
be loaded to and from the main memory in order to prepare for the next set of calculations to begin. One
often-used trick to make the most out of slower buses is to use wide data paths (with many wires), so that
enough bits to represent multiple real numbers can be in transit to or from the main memory at any instant.
In the final design of a computer, an appropriate balance between the CPU, bus, and main memory speeds
and the width of the data paths is necessary to maximize overall system performance while keeping manufacturing costs within reasonable limits. Achieving this balance is not the only thing that makes an affordable
computer powerful, however. The steady growth of chip complexity over time is popularly characterized
by Moores law, which refers specifically to the trend predicted by Gordon E. Moore (cofounder of Intel)
in 1965 of the approximate doubling of the number of transistors per CPU every 1 to 2 years. Remarkably,
as shown in Figure 12.1 for the period 1970 to 2005, this predicted trend has held true for almost four decades; for example, the data from Intel over this period reveals a doubling of the number of transisters per
CPU roughly every 22 months, combined with an order of magnitude increase in clock speed roughly every
The manner in which increases in CPU complexity correlate to increases in computer power is somewhat
involved. This first key point in this regard is that, more often than not, when one element of the main memory
(at a particular memory address) is needed in a numerical calculation, nearby elements of the main memory
will be needed in subsequent calculations. Thus, multiple levels of high-speed cache memory on and near
the CPU may be used to greatly accelerate the majority of the memory references. In a cache-based memory
system, the main memory is retreived and stored in the higher-speed cache memory as contiguous finitesized vectors or chunks. Conversely, to make room in the cache for new data as the computation proceeds,

the main memory is updated by the results of previous computations (and, then, the corresponding sections
of cache released) in a similar, chunk-wise fashion. This approach has proven to be so useful that it is usually
applied at multiple levels (typically three, named L1, L2, and L3). The registers1 referenced by the functional
units performing the actual computations usually (if the cache system is doing its job well) load the specific
elements of data necessary for the next calculation from the highest-speed cache (the L1 or primary cache,
on the CPU) and then return this result to the L1 cache after the computation is completed. The L1 cache, in
turn, typically loads data from & returns data to the lower-speed caches in relatively small chunks, whereas
the lowest-speed cache (L3, typically on a separate chip near the CPU) loads data from & returns data to the
main memory in relatively large chunks. Getting the necessary data to & from the registers in a timely fashion
is in fact one of the most challenging aspects of modern CPU design; as can be seen in the representative CPU
illustrated in Figure 12.2, a substantial fraction of modern CPUs is devoted to this multi-level cache-based
memory system and its coordination.
The second key point by which increases in CPU complexity can result in increases in computer power
is the fact that many of the computations required by numerical algorithms can almost always be performed
independently; that is, when arranged properly, one step of a particular loop of the algorithm does not need
to be completed before the next step can begin. This point can be leveraged in various different ways at both
the CPU level and the system level to perform various computations in parallel (that is, either simultaneously
or nearly simultaneously but possibly out of order). There are two classes of parallelism one can identify in a
numerical algorithm: fine-grained parallelism and coarse-grained parallelism.
Fine-grained parallelism refers both to the independence of the individual instructions within the innermost loops of an algorithm and to the independence of one step of the innermost loop from the others (which
is slightly different). Fine-grained parallelism of an algorithm may be leveraged efficiently by pipelined,
superscalar, and vector processing elements on a single CPU, as defined and discussed further in 12.3,
to perform many computations in parallel, making maximum use of the data in the L1 and L2 cache before exchanging it for other data. For example, considered again the column-wise approach to matrix/matrix
multiplication introduced on page 8:
for k=1:p
for j=1:n
for i=1:m
The i loop in this algorithm is an example of fine-grained parallelism: note that the computer is free to work
on any given step of this loop before the previous steps of the loop are finished.
In contrast, coarse-grained parallelism refers to the independence of any given step of one of the outer
loops of an algorithm from the other steps of this loop. Coarse-grained parallelism of an algorithm may be
leveraged by systems with several CPUs (each with their own cache) in order to divide up these outer loops
into independent blocks that may be worked on separately. Coarse-grained parallelism of an algorithm may
be leveraged efficiently by both shared-memory and distributed-memory computer systems, as defined
and discussed further in 12.4, to perform different blocks of computations in parallel while using separate
memory caches to accelerate references to different sections of the relevant matrices. For example, the j
loop in the algorithm shown above is an example of coarse-grained parallelism: note that the compiler is
1 Registers are the ultra high speed memory storage areas on the CPU that make the input data available to the functional units that
perform the actual calculations and then contain the results determined by these functional units.


Figure 12.2: (above) Photo of the IBM Power5 chip, with (right) some of the
larger functional units marked: FPU = floating-point unit, FXU = fixed-point
(e.g., integer) execution unit, ISU = instruction sequencing unit, IFU = instruction fetch unit, IDU = instruction decode unit, LSU = load/store unit, and MC =
memory controller. This chip has, in its lower 60%, a 1.875 MB L2 cache (split
into three pieces), a controller (on the chip) for a 36 MB L3 cache (off the chip),
and a controller to access the main memory. In its upper 40%, the chip actually
contains two independent, superscalar CPU cores, each of which with a 64KB
L1 instruction cache, a 32 KB L1 data cache, and two floating-point units. The
Power5 chip, with 276 million transistors, measures almost 2cm on each side
and is manufactured with a 130nm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) complementary metal oxide semiconductor
(CMOS) process with copper interconnects. It was introduced in May, 2004, at a maximum clock speed of
1.9GHz, and draws nearly 200W when running at peak power. (Photo courtesey of IBM).

free to assign one block of steps of this loop to one CPU and other blocks of this loop to other CPUs for
independent computation. To leverage coarse-grained parallelism to achieve the maximum effect, it should be
made as coarse as possible; that is, the loop to be parallelized across separate processors should, if possible,
be the outermost loop, thereby allowing the maximum amount of work to be done independently by each
CPU before the CPUs need to synchronize with each other and share the results of their computations. For
example, swapping the order of the j and k loops in the algorithm shown above increases the coarseness of
the coarse-grained parallelism in this manner, leading to significant acceleration of the resulting code on a
multiple-CPU system.
Note that, in the early days of computing (before advanced compilers were developed), programmers
needed to write their numerical codes in assembly language2 in order to optimize effectively both the speed
and the memory usage of the resulting code. In these early days, complex instruction set computers (CISC),
with relatively powerful instructions available in assembly language, were generally the most successful.
With time, however, a number of factors led to an effective convergence to the dominant CPU architecture
being reduced instruction set computers (RISC), in which the basic instruction set that can be executed in
machine language is simplified. The factors that led to this paradigm shift included, among other things, the
development of self-optimizing compilers in high-level languages3 that efficiently automated a substantial
fraction of the tedious effort required in assembly language programing. The simplification of the basic
instruction set in RISC CPUs allows clock speeds to be substantially increased, essentially because each
of the individual commands the computer may execute are restricted to be, in a way, fairly simple. In
such systems, more involved instructions are achieved by the compiler by chaining these simple commands
together. Though their basic instruction sets have been somewhat streamlined, modern RISC processors, such
as the IBM Power5 CPU depicted in Figure 12.2, are in fact quite complex; indeed, they are often considered
as one of the more remarkable feats of modern engineering.
In this text, we would like to learn how to develop and implement numerical algorithms with near maximal efficiency on modern CPUs that account for both their cache-based memory architecture and their
capability for parallel computation at both the CPU level and the system level on both computers with multiple CPUs sharing the same main memory as well as interconnected networks of many independent
computers. This goal may be achieved by following a few high performance computing guidelines and,
where necessary, introducing additional commands or directives to tell the compiler more precisely what to
do in order to facilitate both parallel computations and the efficient use of memory and cache, as discussed in
the remainder of this chapter. Attention to such coding issues can often play a very significant role, drastically
reducing the overall execution time of a numerical code requiring a certain number of flops.

2 Assembly language is a CPU-specific language that lists the commands actually executed by the CPU, with the instructions and
variables listed by name. Assembly language is closely related to machine language, the set of instructions directly executed by the
computer, with assembly language being slightly easier to read by humans, as the instructions and variables are listed by name instead
of by number. Assembly language programs are translated to machine language by a program called an assembler.
3 High level languages, such as Fortran, C, and Matlab syntax, are machine-independent languages that allow one to automate a numerical algorithm using commands that are close to that which you would write by hand, without using instructions that are dependent on
a particular computer architecture. Programs written in high-level languages are translated into assembly language or machine language
either all at once (such as in Fortran and C) by a program called a compiler, or one by one (such as in Matlab) by a program called an
interpreter. Interpreters are convenient for experimenting with simple algorithms, but compilers are generally much more powerful for
producing fast, memory-efficient machine-language code. A student studying advanced numerical methods in the 21st century should
learn both Matlab syntax and either Fortran or C (or both), and be comfortable translating numerical algorithms back and forth between
these languages; fortunately, such a student does not need to know assembly language. An advanced numerical algorithm is given in
Fortran, C, and Matlab syntax in ?? in order to facilitate the conversion between these three essential programming languages; note
that this conversion is primarily just a matter of syntax.


12.1 Coding for portable speed

When going to the effort of writing a numerical code, one should plan on it ultimately being run on a variety
of computer platforms. The key strategy to start with is this: dont get in the way of the compiler optimization;
that is, keep the code simple and do not apply architecture-dependent or cache-size-dependent optimization
tricks early in the code development, which might accelerate the code on your current platform but slow it
down on other platforms you may want to use later. If the code is written in a clear, straightforward fashion
following the various guidelines outlined in this chapter, the final compilation of the debugged code (using a
good compiler with aggressive optimization enabled) should produce nearly optimal speeds without resorting
to complicated tricks, which often result in substantially less straightforward code that is difficult for humans
to understand, debug, and extend, and is difficult for advanced compilers to optimize further. In summary:
Guideline 12.1 To make a code straightforward to optimize for a variety of compiler/CPU combinations,
keep the initial implementation of the algorithm in numerical code straightforward. Favor the use of simple
data structures where possible, such as statically-allocated arrays whose size is known at compile time.
Note that, on unix machines, the sometimes long compile times of major codes with aggressive optimization by the compiler enabled can be substantially reduced during the iterative debugging/code optimization
process using makefiles, which are convenient scripts which tell the unix program how to compile and link
the various subprograms making up the code. Note also that, if you plan to run your code for hours, days,
weeks, or even months at a time on a given machine, then there is certainly a time and place for applying
architecture-dependent code optimization strategies, but it is not in the initial code development. Rather, it
is in the final tweaking of an optimized, architecture-dependent version of the code, after you get a generic
version of the code working and you are trying to squeeze the maximum performance possible out of a given
machine (see 12.5).
Finally, be open to using both BLAS (introduced in 1.2.2) and LAPACK (a linear algebra package
of standardized routines for many common problems in linear algebra). Versions of both of these standardized libraries of routines have, by now, been carefully hand tuned for fast execution on virtually all major
CPU/operating-system combinations.

12.2 Coding for cache-based memory architectures

As discussed previously, memory is typically loaded from & returned to the main memory and loaded from
& returned to the various levels of higher-speed cache memory as contiguous finite-size chunks of data, not
one element at a time. The algorithms for managing such cache-based memory systems in modern RISC
CPUs and multiple-CPU computer systems is in fact quite sophisticated. Fortunately, the following simple
guideline is sufficient to use such cache-based architectures efficiently:
Guideline 12.2 To make efficient use of cache, every innermost loop in a numerical algorithm should, if
possible, be unit stride in all matrices that it references (that is, it should reference elements in memory
sequentially, as referencing element that are far apart in memory uses cache ineffectively). Further, as many
flops as possible should be included in these inner loops, in order to perform as much work as possible on
the data in cache before it must be exchanged for other data in the main memory.

12.3 Coding for fine-grained parallelization at the CPU level

As mentioned previously, many numerical algorithms may be arranged to exhibit fine-grained parallelism,
that is, independence of the calculations in the innermost loops. Such algorithms are well suited for parallel

computation of many of the individual calculations in the algorithm on a single CPU. This may be accomplished in a few different ways, as discussed further in this section.

12.3.1 Pipelineing and superscalar architectures

Each command exectuted by a CPU in fact takes several clock cycles to complete. Though the number varies
from CPU to CPU, it generally takes one or more clock cycles for each of the following stages:
intruction fetch: load the instruction to be executed from memory,
instruction decode: interpret the instruction to determine precisely what needs to be done,
operand fetch: fetch the necessary data from the registers, cache, or main memory,
execute: execute the instruction (e.g., add, multiply, or divide the fixed or floating-point numbers),
writeback: write the result back to the registers, cache, or main memory.
The technique referred to as pipelineing is simply the starting of the next command before the previous
command finishes. Following this approach, several independent commands may be in various stages of
completion at any given instant. For example, the first in a series of independent commands can be just
finishing up (performing writeback), while the second command performs an execute, the third command
performs operand fetch, the fourth command performs instruction decode, and the fifth command performs
instruction fetch. In this manner, the CPU can complete many more commands in a given amount of time
with a given number of functional units on the chip, even though each individual command still takes the
same amount of time to complete as if pipelining were not implemented. As its name implies, each stage of
each command must be completed in order in a pipeline: if a certain command stalls4 , then later commands
must wait until the command ahead completes before the flow can continue. Avoiding such stalls5 is thus key
to obtaining good performance. Note that a CPU architecture that is broken up into small enough stages that
each stage is simple enough to require only a single clock cycle to execute (even when performing floating
point arithmetic) is referred to as fully pipelined; under ideal circumstances (that is, when the L1 cache
contains the necesary data), CPUs following this strategy can start a new command every single clock cycle.
The process of further dividing up the more complicated stages in the pipeline into more, even simpler stages
so that the clock speed can be further increased is sometimes called superpipelining.
Another way of implementing parallelism in a CPU is to implement multiple functional units that may
operate independently, sometimes coordinated by separate pipelines. CPUs that implent this strategy are
known as superscalar or multiple instruction issue processors. Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is
a recent improvement to the superscalar processing approach in which multiple threads, or independent
sets of calculatations (either from the same numerical algorithm or from completely separate jobs, potentially
submitted by different users), may issue instructions at each clock cycle, per the availability of resources in
the CPU, in order to make maximum use of the multiple functional units on the CPU, with the threads that are
ready performing calculations during those clock cycles which would otherwise be wasted by other threads
which are stalled.
The pipelining and superscaler approaches (with or without SMT) only work well if, a substantial fraction of the time, each command executed by the assembly language code is independent of the commands
immediately preceding and following it. If a good compiler is used, the assembly language code quite likely
contains a significant reordering of the commands in the original Fortran or C code. To some degree, the Fortran or C programmer still needs to be aware of the issues related efficient use of pipelined and superscaler
architectures, however, as the complier that translates the high-level code into assembly language can more
readily find the fine-grained parallelism necessary to facilitate parallel computations using both pipelining
and superscaler architectures if the original code is written with either (a) independent calculations within the
4 A command can stall, for example, if it must fetch data all the way from main memory because it suffers a cache miss (that is, the
data it needs to execute does not reside in a high-speed cache).
5 Stalls may be avoided by, among other things, following HPC Guideline #2 described previously so that, more often than not, the
data needed for a particular command resides in cache, referred to as a cache hit.


inner loop or (b) inner loops for which each step of the loop is independent from the other steps of the loop.
If the latter type of fine-grained parallelism is present, one strategy employed by most modern compilers is
to perform an appropriate amount of loop unrolling, as illustrated below
Original inner loop
for i=1:m

Unrolled inner loop

for i=1:4:m-mm
B(i ,j)=B(i ,j)+A(i ,k)*x;
for i=m-mm+1:m

In the unrolled version, note that the bulk of the computations (for large m) are calculated in a loop that
has many independent calculations within the loop that are independent of each other and may therefore
be calculated in parallel using the pipelineing and superscalar approaches described above. If the length of
the original loop (m) is not evenly divisible number of steps by which the loop is unrolled (4), then a short
additional loop is necessary to pick up the mm = 1, 2, or 3 extra steps of the loop, as indicated above right. As
emphasized by HPC Guideline #1, do not perform loop unrolling yourself, as the compiler can generally do it
better: modern compilers know exactly how much of this unrolling to do to get the maximum benefit, which
varies from machine to machine. Rather, write your code in a simple fashion with the fine-grained parallelism
present in the inner loop, as illustrated above left, and let the compiler do its job restructuring the loops and
reordering the calculations in the resulting assembly-language code to make maximum use of the pipelineing
and superscalar architecture of your particular CPU.
All modern CPUs are both pipelined and superscalar. Though both the compiler and the instruction
sequencing unit (ISU) on the CPU must often manipulate a given source code substantially to ensure that
the multiple functional units are kept busy performing useful calculations following the strategies discussed
above, the effective use of pipelined and superscalar architectures typically requires relatively little planning
by the programmer. The following guideline is usually sufficient to use such architectures efficiently:
Guideline 12.3 To make efficient use of pipelined and superscalar CPU architectures, the steps of as many
innermost loops as possible in a numerical algorithm should be independent from the other steps of the loop.
When this is not possible, then as many independent calculations as possible should be included within the
innermost loops. Also, avoid calling short functions from within nested loops, as function calls usually prevent
the CPU from identifying fine-grained parallelism; instead, inline such calculations, rewriting them directly
within the loop in which they are performed.
For the purpose of performing parallel computations using pipelined and superscalar architectures, branch
statements (e.g., IF and CASE statements) can significantly slow things down. Modern CPUs perform what is
known as branch prediciton, in which the CPU guesses (based on recent executions of the branch) which
way the branch will go and initializes the pipeline to begin performing the subsequent computations based on
this prediction while the comparison in the branch statement itself is still being evaluated. If the prediction
turns out to be correct, the subsequent computations proceed without pause. However, if the prediction turns
out to be wrong, the computations being performed in the pipeline must be terminated and started over from
scratch following the correct direction of the branch, which significantly impedes the execution of the code.
In order to avoid such incorrect branch predictions, the following guideline is recommended:

Guideline 12.4 To avoid incorrect branch predictions, minimize the total number of branch statements executed by the numerical code by moving such statements outside of as many loops as possible.

12.3.2 Vector architectures

Vector CPU architectures leverage fine-grained parallelism in a numerical algorithm in a very specific way,
using a number of vector registers with enough bits to hold multiple floating-point or fixed-point numbers.
In such systems, these vector registers may be loaded with vectors of data, and floating-point or fixed-point
arithmetic may be performed on the entire vector, rather than on one number at a time. This type of parallelism is often referred to as Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), as it is applicable only when the same
sequence of instructions (in this case, in the innermost loop) is to be applied to many elements of the data vector(s) independently, which is often the case in the application of numerical methods to large-scale problems.
This technique was developed in the early days of supercomputing in high-end Cray systems, in which the
length of the vector registers was quite long [e.g., 64 double-precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers]. The
technique has since trickled down to almost all modern CPUs, and is marketed (with slight variations) under
various brand names, including MMX and SSE (Intel), 3DNow (AMD), and AltiVec/VMX (Motorola/IBM),
though the vector length used in most such implementations is currently substantially shorter than the Cray
systems for which the idea was originally developed [e.g., 4 single-precision (32-bit) floating-point numbers].
As opposed to the use of superscalar architectures, efficient use of vector processors often requires the use
of some compiler directives6,7 in the numerical code that identify at compile time which loops to vectorize
(that is, which loops to execute as vector operations, as described above). Besides these flags, which are often
necessary to notify the compiler which loops it is safe to vectorize, the main coding considerations for vector
CPU architectures are quite similar to those for superscalar and pipelined architectures, as summarized here:
Guideline 12.5 To make efficient use of vector CPU architectures, the numerical algorithm should be designed such that the steps of as many innermost loops as possible are independent from the other steps of
the loop. Further, these vectorized loops should have as many steps as possible, with each step of the loop
including as many operations as possible, so that the effect of vectorization of the loop is magnified. Also, the
appropriate compiler directives should be included to notify the compiler which of the innermost loops can
safely be vectorized.

12.4 Coding for coarse-grained parallelization at the system level

As mentioned previously, many numerical algorithms may be arranged to exhibit coarse-grained parallelism,
that is, independence of the various steps of certain outer loops. Such algorithms are well suited for parallel
computation of large blocks of calculations in the algorithm on separate CPUs in a multi-CPU computer
system, as discussed further in this section. In fact, in such multiple-CPU systems, there is a spectrum of
possible approaches for arranging the CPUs physically and coordinating their communication with each
other and with the main memory. This spectrum may be divided into two broad classes: shared memory and
distributed memory.
6 Compiler

directives are simply comments in a specific format in a numerical code that have a particular interpretation in certain
compilers, thereby extending the computer language (typically, C or Fortran) in a manner that is portable (that is, in a manner that will
have no disruptive effect when using compilers that do not recognize such directives).
7 Unfortunately, at the present time, the compiler directives for implementing vectorization, though similar (and fairly simple), are
architecture dependent; no accepted platform-independent standard for such compiler directives has yet evolved, though the directives
originally developed by Cray for this task would be a natural starting point for such a standard.


12.4.1 Shared-memory parallelization

In the shared memory configuration, multiple CPUs are configured to address the same main memory. To
achieve this, two or more CPUs may be packaged on a single silicon chip (and share the same L2 and
L3 cache, as in the Power5 processor illustrated in Figure 12.2), mounted next to each other on the same
motherboard (and possibly share the same L3 cache), and/or mounted on multiple motherboards installed in
separate boxes. Shared memory configurations are common at the scale of two or four CPUs per computer in
PCs and workstations, and are often implemented at the scale 8, 16, or more CPUs per computer in high-end
mainframes. Though very large shared-memory computers have been built, it typically gets expensive when
scaling such systems up to large numbers of CPUs.
In shared-memory systems with relatively few CPUs, the CPUs may be arranged in a symmetric multiprocessing (SMP8 ) architecture in which each CPU can access directly the full memory of the computer
at the same speed (that is, no CPU has preferential access to any particular segment, or bank, of the main
memory). This setting is the easiest to program, but scales poorly as the number of CPUs increases. The SMP
architecture can be implemented in a a few different ways. The simplest (appropriate for, say, 2 or 4 CPUs) is
to attach all of the CPUs to a bus (via a memory controller chip often referred to as a north bridge), which,
in turn, connects to all of the main memory. An alternative approach (appropriate for, say, 4 or 8 CPUs) is to
interconnect each of the CPUs with each of several banks of memory via a so-called crossbar, which is a grid
of wires arranged such that each CPU connects directly to each bank of memory in such a way that, when one
CPU is communicating with one bank of memory, other CPUs communicating with other banks of memory
do not slow it down. Such memory systems alleviate some of the bottlenecks suffered by bus configurations,
but are rather complex to coordinate and expensive to manufacture for large systems with many CPUs and
many banks of memory.
In shared-memory systems with a larger number of CPUs, the system is typically broken down into
many nodes, with each node containing 1 to 8 CPUs in an SMP configuration with its own, local memory,
with this memory shared (albeit at a reduced speed) with the other nodes via an interconnect fabric. Such
an arrangement is referred to as a non-uniform memory access (NUMA9 ) architecture, and is a powerful
alternative to SMP which scales to better to large numbers of CPUs. The NUMA approach was pioneered
for large computer systems by SGI for use in their Origin and Altix shared-memory systems with up to 512
processors, and variants of this approach are now used commonly in multiprocessor machines from many
vendors. Though still relatively easy to program (as each CPU can access the entire memory of the machine),
one should take care when programming for this architecture to distribute the data in the memory and the
computations on the CPUs in such a way as to minimize the amount of communication required over the
(relatively slow) interconnect fabric, which can sometimes be an important bottleneck.
A standard set of compiler directives known as OpenMP has been developed that may be used to augment
the Fortran and C programming languages in order to specify to the compiler how certain independent outer
loops of a particular numerical algorithm may be broken up into blocks and calculated on the several CPUs
of both SMP and NUMA shared-memory systems. Unfortunately, however, there is no platform-independent
set of compiler directives or language extensions in the standards for C/C++ or Fortran77/90/95/2003 to lay
out the data in the memory of NUMA machines in such a way as to minimize the communication required
8 The sometimes-ambiguous abbreviation SMP is occasionally used to refer to shared-memory parallelization in general, though its
preferred use is limited more strictly to refer to symmetric multiprocessing. The latter is a special case of the former, but the differences
are important enough to the user to warrent clear distinction. Symmetric multiprocessing is therefore sometimes referred to as true SMP
in order to distinguish it more clearly from non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architectures.
9 As mentioned previously, all modern CPUs make extensive use of cache in order to accelerate references to the main memory.
NUMA systems that use such cache-based CPUs efficiently must therefore, in addition to sharing the main memory between nodes, properly account for the fact that there may be multiple copies of a particular element of memory in the various memory caches distributed
between different nodes. The classification cache-coherent NUMA (ccNUMA) is often used to indicate that this issue is taken care of in
hardware by the memory controllers of the system via extra communication between nodes, which in fact is how most NUMA systems
are configured today.


in the subsequent calculations over the interconnect fabric. Note that a specialized, well-designed variant of
the Fortran standard, called High Performance Fortran (HPF), did appear in the early 1990s with such
directives incorporated. Unfortunately, most of the useful data layout commands that were introduced into
this variant of Fortran did not migrate into the Fortran95 or Fortran2003 standards. Thus, to lay out data appropriately for NUMA shared-memory architectures, at the present time one must generally resort to
vendor-specific language extensions (such as those provided in SGI Fortran or C) or creative coding workarounds (also known as hacks). One such hack that can be used to ensure that the appropriate blocks of data
are stored on the appropriate nodes is to allocate pointers from within a parallelized loop on the various nodes
of the NUMA machine. If necessary, these pointers may later be assembled into larger data structures to make
block matrices, with each block residing in the memory of the appropriate node where the computations that
reference it most heavily will be performed.
Guideline 12.6 To make efficient use of multiple-CPU computers implementing shared-memory parallelization [either in symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) or non-uniform memory access (NUMA) configurations],
outer loops in the numerical algorithm should be designed/identified in which each step of the loop is independent from the other steps of the loop. Where possible, the algorithm should be reordered such that this
parallelization is as coarse as possible (that is, the loops to be executed in parallel on different CPUs should,
if possible, be the outermost loops). OpenMP compiler directives may be included to direct the compiler how
to split up these loops in a maximally efficient fashion. Further, if designing for a NUMA architecture, lay out
the data on the nodes in such a way as to minimize communication over the interconnect fabric using either
HPF, vendor-specific language extensions, or coding hacks (as described above).

12.4.2 Distributed-memory parallelization

In the distributed memory configuration, multiple independent computers are interconnected (for example,
via ethernet) and exchange information only when explicitly instructed to do so by the numerical code.
Such configurations may easily and inexpensively be scaled to systems with thousands of CPUs. Distributed
memory computer systems may simply be a network of workstations (NOW), that is, a coordinated network
of several independent desktop computers (a.k.a. nodes) communicating over ethernet and focused to work
together on a useful task when such computers arent otherwise being used by their owners. Note that a NOW
is often heterogeneous (that is, the nodes are often dissimilar), with the number of available nodes (as well as
the number of other jobs running concurrently on each node) possibly changing fairly often. A strategy must
therefore be designed carefully to achieve the approporiate load balancing (that is, an appropriate distribution
of computational tasks assigned to the various CPUs) under these dynamically-changing conditions so that
all of the available nodes stay busy doing useful calculations the majority of the time without too much
communication overhead (that is, time wasted while sending information back and forth between the nodes).
Alternatively, the network may be built as a cluster of dedicated, independent, stripped down (i.e., inexpensive), often identical nodes interconnected with each other using either standard gigabit ethernet or any
of a number of higher-speed alternatives (e.g., InfiniBand, Myrinet, Quadrics, Dolphin, 10GigE, etc.). When
a cluster is built from inexpensive commodity hardware with a dedicated interconnect network using open
source software (e.g., Linux), it is commonly referred to as a beowulf cluster.
Following the distributed-memory approach, there is a range of possible coding strategies, including
master/slave and domain decomposition:
In the master/slave strategy, a master node runs the main numerical code, creating and dynamically updating lists of both the worker processes (that is substantial independent blocks of upcoming computations that
need to be performed) and the computational resources that are available to perform these blocks of computations. The worker processes are like function calls, as they include a description of the necessary input
data, the sequence of instructions to be executed, and the results to be returned. The master node distributes

the worker processes to the computational resources as they become available, combines the results they return to determine new worker processes, etc. The primary strength of the master/slave strategy is its ability
to adjust dynamically to nodes going online and offline as well as the speed of the various nodes changing
from time to time as other jobs on these nodes begin and end. Thus, this strategy is particularly well suited to
the distribution of computationally-intensive tasks on a heterogeneous NOW or on a cluster with many other
jobs coming on and off various subsets of the cluster nodes at unpredictable times and competing for the
computational resources. The primary weakness of the master/slave strategy is that it suffers from a relatively
large communication overhead at the beginning and end of every process.
The data decomposition strategy is, in a sense, more democratic. With this strategy, the same numerical
code is run on each of the nodes, with a flag on each node (indicating the node number) used to instruct that
node which particular subset of the data10 to work on. From time to time, these computations are synchronized and data is exchanged between the nodes. In some numerical algorithms, the amount of information
that needs to be exchanged between nodes at such synchronization points is relatively small (for example, the
information on the state of the system only within a few gridpoints of the physical boundary between neighboring subdomains); such algorithms are particularly well suited to calculation via the data decomposition
method, as they pay a relatively small communication overhead. In other numerical algorithms, however, the
amount of information that needs to be exchanged between nodes at such synchronization points is sometimes
relatively large (for example, when, in order to perform the upcoming calculations efficiently, the entire data
matrices must be redistributed across the cluster11 ); such algorithms are less well suited to calculation via
the data decomposition method, as they pay a relatively large communication overhead. The primary strength
of the data decomposition strategy is its ability to handle large datasets that would otherwise take a long
time to transmit between nodes by reducing to a bare minimum the communication overhead (when using
those particular numerical algorithms for which the data decomposition strategy is well suited). Note that the
data decomposition strategy may in fact be used for problems that are so large that the entire database does
not even fit into the memory of any single node. The primary weakness of the data decomposition strategy
is its inability to easily reconfigure the computation to account for dynamically changing availability of the
computational resources.
Following either the master/slave or domain decomposition strategy, coding for distributed-memory architectures requires significant effort and care. Nonetheless, distributed memory parallelization is the most
cost-effective way to scale up computations to thousands of CPUs for computational grand-challenge problems. Two standard libraries of commands have been developed that may be used to augment the C and
Fortran programming languages for distributed-memory parallelization: PVM and MPI.
The Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) standard was developed first (in the early 1990s) and provides
particularly powerful tools for the master/slave configuration in a heterogeneous NOW. A good resource
on this standard is PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine A Users Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel
Computing (1994) by Geist, Beguelin, Dongarra, Jiang, Manchek, & Sunderam.
The Message Passing Interface (MPI) was developed more recently and provides additional flexibility
for the data decomposition configuration, for which it has become the dominant library of choice. A good
resource on this standard is Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message-Passing Interface
(1999) by Gropp, Lusk, & Skjellum.
To make efficient use of distributed memory computer systems, the parallelism of the numerical algorithm
must be as coarse as possible, and the algorithm must be designed from the ground up to minimize the
10 This

subset of the data often represents a particular subset of a physical domain; the art of dividing up a physical domain into nearly
uniformly sized subdomains with a minimum area between these subdomains (in order to minimize the communication overhead in a
simulation following the data decomposition approach) is commonly referred to as domain decomposition.
11 A typical example of this is a calculation on 3D Cartesian x-y-z grid which, for the purpose of efficient execution of the numerical
algorithm, must switch from x-y planes of data stored on each node in one section of the code to x-z planes of data stored on each node
in another section of the code.


communication overhead. Using the programming tools available today, the communication between nodes
must be explicitly coordinated by PVM or MPI commands in the Fortran or C program, as effective tools to
automate this type of parallelization are not yet available. For a more complete introduction to distributedmemory parallelization with these tools, the reader is referred to the texts cited above.

12.5 Performance tuning

Once an efficient numerical algorithm (such as those discussed in this text) is implemented in numerical
code (following the several guidelines presented in this chapter), debugged, and recompiled from scratch
with aggressive optimization enabled via the appropriate compiler flags12 , it will typically run fairly quickly
without any further hand tuning required. A final step to ensure that the compiler has spotted and leveraged
all of the opportunities that you can see for parallel computation in the code, and to ensure that the code isnt
getting slowed down anywhere else that it perhaps shouldnt, is to profile the code to identify precisely where
it is spending the majority of its time. The easiest way to accomplish this is to analyze the execution of the
code for a few minutes with a profiler13, which is a process that runs passively in the background on the
computer while the code is executing and records at regular intervals (typically every 0.01 seconds) what line
of code is currently being executed. In such a way, you can get a very good idea if there are any statements
or loops that your code appears to be having particular challenges with, then do your best to restructure these
loops or identify with compiler directives how either fine-grained or coarse-grained parallelization is to be
applied to such loops. After applying such optimizations where necessary, if/when you ultimately find that
your code is not hung up anywhere in particular, and/or you find that your code is spending a substantial
fraction of its time executing third-party subroutines that you have called a minimum number of times and
that you are confident have themselves been highly optimized by people who know your CPU architecture
well (e.g., BLAS and LAPACK), then you can be confident that your job of optimizing the code is essentially

12.6 Summary
Modern computers are by no means simple; in fact, they get more and more sophisticated with every generation. However, the considerations necessary to code modern computers effectively may be summarized with
a small number of reasonable high performance computing guidelines, as we have attempted to outline in
this chapter, and understood in terms of a fairly rudimentary description of how such computers work.
When describing both modern computer architectures and how these architectures may be used effectively
by numerical algorithms, the recurrent theme is that there are a broad spectrum of strategies available:
In terms of the accessibility of data on the computer system, the spectrum ranges from the CPU registers, to
the L1, L2, and L3 cache, to the shared main memory on an SMP node, to the shared main memory on other
nodes of a NUMA architecture, to the memory on other nodes of a distributed memory network or cluster, to,
ultimately, the data stored on hard disks and remote shared file systems.
In terms of the parallelization of a numerical algorithm, the spectrum ranges from the fine-grained parallelization that may be leveraged on each individual CPU by pipelined, superscalar, and vector architectures, to
the coarse-grained parallelization that may be leveraged by multiple CPU systems that share the same memory, to the still coarser-grained parallelization that may be leveraged by networks or clusters of interconnected,
12 On a unix machine, aggressive optimization is typically enabled with the -O3 flag at compile time, which usually enables all autoparallelization and auto-vectorization features the compiler is capable of.
13 On a unix machine, profiling is achieved by recompiling the code with the -p or -pg flag, running the code, then analyzing the result
with the prof or gprof command. Dont forget to recompile the code without these flags once finished optimizing the code, as profiling
slows down the exectution of the code a bit.


independent computers that exchange information only when explicitly instructed to do so by the numerical
code. Note that all three types of parallelization may be leveraged at the same time.
Incorporating such knowledge of modern computer systems into the codes and algorithms that you develop will lead to the fastest possible execution of your numerical code, allowing you to analyze much bigger
systems, or allowing you to resolve a given system with a much greater degree of fidelity, than you would
otherwise be able to do with the computational hardware that you have at your disposal.

Dowd, K, & Severance, C (1998) High Performance Computing. OReilly.


Chapter 13

Turbulence simulation: a case study

13.1 The incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (NSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.1.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.1.2 Continuous (PDE) form of the NSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triply periodic case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duct flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavity flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.1.3 Conservation properties of the continuous NSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.1.4 Overall strategy for numerical implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2 Spatial discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2.1 Stretching and staggering of the grid in the wall-bounded direction(s) . . . .
13.2.2 Second-order finite volume formulations of the spatial derivatives of the NSE Channel flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duct flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavity flow case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2.3 Conservation properties of the spatially-discretized NSE . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete conservation of mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete conservation of momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete conservation of energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3 Temporal discretization - the fractional step algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.1 All viscous terms implicit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.2 All y-derivative terms implicit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.3 All viscous terms implicit in the triply periodic case . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.4 All y-derivative terms implicit in the channel-flow case . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.5 Shared-memory parallelization using OpenMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3.6 Distributed-memory parallelization using MPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.4 Characterizing the statistics of turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.5 The visualization of turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .














13.6 Large eddy simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426

13.7 Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.7.1 Passive scalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.7.2 Active scalars and the Boussinesq approximation of bouyancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.7.3 Immersed boundary methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.7.4 Coordinate transformation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.7.5 Noise generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
13.A Diablo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428

Chapters 1-10 of this text presented a deliberate sequence of stable, accurate, and efficient numerical
methods for a variety of subproblems that must often be addressed in the numerical solution of challenging
problems in science and engineering, together with just enough analysis for the computational scientist reading this text to understand the fundamentals of how these algorithms work. Chapter 11 introduced how these
methods may be combined in a straightforward manner to simulate some simple PDE systems. We saw that
such simulations can quickly challenge the capabilities of the hardware you have at your disposal to perform
the computations required. Chapter 12 thus introduced the essential elements of high performance computing
necessary to extract the maximum performance from modern computational hardware.
In the present chapter, we synthesize further the methods presented thus far to simulate what is commonly
identified as a computational grand challenge problem in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), that is,
the direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) of incompressible flows in simple
3D (or, as a special case, 2D) domains. The case study presented in this chapter should not be considered as
an end result of your study of numerical simulation techniques, but rather as an appropriate intermediate step
towards the simulation of other large-scale complex systems of interest. The present chapter is included in
this text primarily to illustrate how the methods presented thus far may be used efficiently in concert. Some
of the significant algorithms leveraged by the code developed in this chapter include those for

the direct solution of banded linear systems (2.3),

the iterative solution of sparse (but not banded) linear systems (3.2),
the discretization of spatial derivatives using finite-difference (FD) methods (8.1),
the representation of spatial derivatives using spectral methods (5.2.1), and
the time marching of an ODE discretization of a PDE system with both linear terms and nonlinear
terms using mixed RK/CN methods (??),

all of which are implemented while paying careful attention to a variety of high-performance computing
issues (12) in order to ensure the resulting numerical code runs efficiently on modern computers. Finally,
it is important to note that the code presented here has been developed with a carefully-chosen balance
of efficiency, readability, and extensibility in mind, as should any any large-scale simulation code of this
sort. That is, when writing a large simulation code, one should always consider both the short-term efficient
simulation of the problem(s) at hand and the long-term maintainability of the code developed (i.e., continuing
to be able to run it years later, on different computers with different operating systems and installed software
libraries), as well as the extensibility of this code, both by the author and by others, to related problems for
which it might be well suited. This means documenting the code well, as we have attempted to do both here
and in the README text files that accompany the code. These longer-term objectives often take a substantial
amount of discipline (both personal and institutional) to complete, especially if the short-term objectives have
tight deadlines, which is often the case. The long-term payoff of this discipline can be quite significant.

13.1 The incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (NSE)

13.1.1 Notation
In the development of effective numerical methods for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes
equation, we will make use of three distinct notations. Which notation is used in any particular equation is
generally self-evident.
In the initial presentation of the continuous Navier-Stokes equation (in 13.1), we use {u1 , u2 , u3 } for
the velocity components and {x1 , x2 , x3 } for the coordinate directions. This facilitates the use of summation
notation, e.g., u j / x j , u1 / x1 + u2 / x2 + u3 / x3 , and saves the letters v and w for different velocity
In the subsequent presentation and analysis of the spatial discretization of the NSE (in 13.2), the multiple
subscripts that would arise following the above notation would get confusing. Thus, we shift in this section
to the notation {u, v, w} for the velocity individual components, {x, y, z} for the coordinate directions, and
{i, j, k} for gridpoint enumeration.
Finally, in the presentation and discussion of the temporal discretization of the spatially-discretized NSE
(in 13.3), we employ the notation {u1 , u2 , u3 } for the discretized velocity components. In this notation, the
boldface denotes the vector formed by assembling the spatial discretization of the continuous flow variables
on all of the gridpoints into a vector, which is in fact how the data is stored in the computer memory. In the
computational implementation, it is most convenient to enumerate this vector with a separate index for each
coordinate direction (e.g., u1(i,j,k)).
Finally, note that we also make use of the notation ~u (in the spatially-continuous case) and ~u (in the
spatially-discrete case) to denote the collection of all three velocity components; this vector notation extends
~ , ~ , ~x, etc.
naturally to

13.1.2 Continuous (PDE) form of the NSE

The equation governing the systems considered in this case study is the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (NSE), given (in summation notation, for i [1, 2, 3] and j [1, 2, 3], normalized1 such that = 1) by

u j ui
2 ui p
+ 2
+ i ,



in a 3D (or, as a limiting case, 2D) rectangular domain defined such that Lx /2 x Lx /2, Ly /2 y
Ly /2, Lz /2 z Lz /2, with known initial conditions ~u(t = 0) = ~u0 , known boundary conditions ~u = ~ in
0, 1, 2, or 3 spatial directions, and periodic boundary conditions on the unknowns {~u, p} in the remaining
spatial directions. The code described in this chapter will be suitable for the following 4 cases:

the case with 3 periodic directions, which we will refer to as the triply periodic case,
the case with 2 periodic directions, which we will refer to as the channel flow case,
the case with 1 periodic direction, which we will refer to as the duct flow case, and
the case with 0 periodic directions, which we will refer to as the cavity flow case.

1 The assumption that the density = 1 in (13.1a) may be relaxed if we replace the pressure p with a symbol understood to denote
the density-normalized pressure, p/ , and if we replace the dynamic viscosity with the kinematic viscosity = / . We have not
opted to do this in the present chapter, primarily because it is difficult to distinguish the velocity component v and the kinematic viscosity
in print using the present font.


The first subequation of the NSE2 , (13.1a), is referred to as the momentum equation (with 3 components,
one in each coordinate direction), whereas the second subequation of the NSE, (13.1b) is referred to as the
continuity equation. The momentum equation is an evolution equation that is marched in time, whereas
the continuity equation is a constraint equation that the velocity field must satisfy at each instant. A PDE
system of this sort, comprised of both evolution equations and constraint equations, is sometimes referred to
as a differential algebraic equation (DAE).
While a significant application in its own right, the Navier-Stokes equation is a valuable problem to
consider as a canonical model of PDE systems in general. Though fairly simple to derive and express, NavierStokes systems often exhibit chaotic, multiscale dynamics (a.k.a. turbulence), the numerical representation
of which requires considerable care and attention to a variety of subtle issues to insure the stability, accuracy,
and efficiency of the numerical simulation. Triply periodic case
The most fundamental case of interest when looking at turbulence is the decay of unforced homogenous (that
is, statistically invariant from one spatial point to another) isotropic (that is, statistically invariant from one
direction to another) turbulence. In the lab, such homogeneous isotropic turbulence might be approximated
by passing a grid through an otherwise quiescent fluid to provide an initial quasi-random agitation, then
watching the agitation of this box of turbulence decay. In the cylindrical coordinates of a coffee cup, such an
initial quasi-random agitation is commonly provided with a swizzle stick.
In order to facilitate the study of the fundamental statistical spectrum of homogeneous isotropic turbulence
computationally, one commonly provides some continuous random excitation to a triply periodic flowfield at
the largest length scales in the domain (in an unsteady, approximately homogenous, isotropic fashion), then
averages in time the statistics of this flow as the energy of it cascades over the higher wavenumbers.
Another case of interest in the triply periodic case is shear-driven turbulence. This flow may be studied
~ +~u in the governing equation (13.1), where the background flow profile Ui (x1 , x2 , x3 ) =
by replacing~u with U
~ into the forcing term
~ and simulating with a minor
U1 (x2 )i1 is specified, then grouping all terms involving U
embellishment of the code. In the simple case that U1 (x2 ) = cx2 , this flow is homogeneous but not isotropic. Channel flow case
The case of channel flow is the most fundamental realization of wall-bounded turbulence. In the present study,
the channel flow case is represented by taking x2 as the wall-normal direction and by supplying a pressure
gradient i = Px i1 , where Px < 0, forcing the flow in the positive x1 direction. If the computational box
is chosen to be large enough in Lx and Lz (we typically normalize Ly = 2 in this case), the (nonphysical)
periodic boundary conditions in the x1 and x3 directions have minimal effect on the statistics of interest of the
near-wall turbulence.
Note that one can also use no-slip BCs at the lower wall and no-shear BCs at the upper wall, together with
a sponge region (incorporating an artificial gentle RHS forcing with minimal upstream influence within
the so-called sponge) in order to connect a convective outflow condition to a specified inflow profile, thus
facilitating the use of a periodic channel flow code to effectively simulate a spatially-developing boundarylayer flow.
2 As a reflection of our overall viewpoint of (13.1) defining a single system, we prefer to refer to the NSE in the singular; this viewpoint
is reinforced by writing the PDE (13.1) in the form

I 0
= N (~q) where ~q =
and E =
0 0

408 Duct flow case

The case of duct flow is also easily treated by the present framework. In the present code, the duct flow case
is studied by taking x2 and x3 as the wall-bounded directions and, as in the channel flow case, supplying a
pressure gradient i = Px i1 forcing the flow in the positive x1 direction. Interesting corner effects may be
studied in this flow that are relevant to many engineering flows of practical relevance. Cavity flow case
Finally, the present code is also easily extended to the cavity flow case, with all directions bounded by walls
and often, to make the flow interesting, nonzero boundary conditions on at least one wall. A canonical problem in this case is given by constantly translating the lid (that is, the surface of in the positive x2 dirction)
in the x1 direction, thereby driving a flow within the domain.

13.1.3 Conservation properties of the continuous NSE

Following closely the previous analysis of Burgers equation [see (11.30) and the surrounding discussion],
it is seen that both the nonlinear and pressure gradient terms of the NSE are energy conserving, whereas the
viscous term, which dominates at large wavenumbers, constantly drains energy from the system. To see this,
~ = 0 and boundary conditions ~ = 0 in any of the 4 cases mentioned above, take the
take the RHS forcing
inner product of ui with (13.1a), integrate over , integrate by parts, and apply (13.1b), which leads to

d~x =

|~~u|2 d~x 0 where |~~u|2 =

i=1 j=1

 u 2


Thus, in any of the 4 cases mentioned above, in order for the flow to not decay back to ~u = 0, some sort of
~ 6= 0, ~ 6= 0, or both). Some of the problems of particular interest are
driving force must be applied (that is,
outlined above.
Note in particular that the pressure gradient term p/ xi in (13.1a) represents what might be called a
workless force on the interior of the domain; over any volume, the integral of the force p/ xi times the
velocity ui , via integration by parts and the continuity equation, only picks up a possible contribution from
the boundary. To rephrase, the force p/ xi might be said to be orthogonal to the divergence free manifold
of ui on the interior of the domain . Yet another way of interpreting this is that the pressure gradient itself
may be thought of as a Lagrange multiplier (see 21.1.1) which acts to enforce (13.1b) at every instant in
the evolution of (13.1a), thereby keeping ui on this divergence free manifold.

13.1.4 Overall strategy for numerical implementation

To solve the problems described above computationally, the continuous flow field must be discretized on a
finite set of points in space, and the PDE governing the flow (that is, the NSE) approximated as a constrained
ODE (a.k.a. a descriptor system) on this finite set of points. Further, the resulting ODE must be marched
in time using discrete time steps. To minimize the expense of the computation, one desires to use as few
spatial points as possible and as large time steps as possible while maintaining accuracy (in both space and
time) and stability of the simulation. Since the flow is periodic in those directions not bounded by walls,
so that there is no inflow or outflow from the domain, it is especially important when the viscosity is made
small that numerical errors due to the spatial and temporal discretization of the physical problem do not
accumulate in a way which causes the simulation to be unstable. Subject this restriction, a scheme with high
spatial accuracy is desired. Finally, with a particular spatial discretization, it is found that certain terms of the
governing equation have more restrictive time step limitations than do others in the time-marching algorithm.

The most restrictive terms in any given case should be taken implicitly to allow for stability at large time
steps (which, however, must be kept small enough to ensure accuracy of the computation), while other less
restrictive terms may be taken explicitly. These issues guide the choice of spatial and temporal discretizations
of the current problem, which are discussed in detail below.

13.2 Spatial discretization

The spatial discretization used in the present code is a hybrid spectral/FD strategy. For simplicity, all spatial
derivatives in all 4 cases are calculated with spectral methods in the spatially periodic direction(s) and with
second-order central FD methods in the wall-bounded direction(s).
The numerical grid is chosen to be equispaced and unstaggered in the spatially periodic direction(s), allowing spectral methods (specifically, finite Fourier series expansions) to be used to accurately and efficiently
compute all spatial derivatives in these direction(s) [see 5.2.1] at the corresponding gridpoints.
In the wall-bounded direction(s), on the other hand, the grid is chosen to be
stretched (that is, with gridpoints clustered near the boundary of the domain in order to resolve the
small-scale flow fluctuations of the flow near the walls), and
staggered (that is, with the various flow variables discretized on sets of points that are offset from one
another in order to tightly couple the various flowfield fluctuations governed by the discretized NSE).
Further motivation for and details of this grid stretching and staggering are described in 13.2.1.
Once the (stretched and staggered) grid is defined in the wall-bounded direction(s), a finite volume approach3 is proposed to determine approximate expressions for the necessary derivatives of the flow variables
in the wall-bounded direction(s), as outlined in 13.2.2.

13.2.1 Stretching and staggering of the grid in the wall-bounded direction(s)

The present code stretches the numerical grid in the wall-bounded direction(s) using a hyperbolic tangent
stretching function, as illustrated in Figure 8.1. We will illustrate this stretching (as well as the subsequent
staggering) by discussing stretching and staggering of the grid in the y direction, which is the wall-bounded
direction in the channel flow case. Note that the duct flow case additionally stretches and staggers the grid
in the z direction, and the cavity flow case additionally stretches and staggers the grid in both the x and z
directions; both cases will be discussed further at the end of this section.
We initialize the stretched and staggered grid in the channel flow by first defining

2 ( j 1)
y j = tanh C

y j+1/2 =

y j + y j+1 .


A stretching parameter of C = 1.75 is appropriate for many of the flows of interest. The subscript j (for
the integer j [0, . . . , NY + 2]) is used to enumerate what we will call the base grid, whereas the subscript
j + 1/2 (for the integer j [0, . . . , NY + 1]) is used to enumerate what we will call the fractional grid (that
is, the set of gridpoints midway between the points in the base grid). Once this grid is appropriately scaled,
the component of velocity normal to this wall, v, will be discretized on the base grid, wheras
the components of velocity parallel to this wall, u and w, as well as the pressure, p, will be discretized
on the fractional grid.
3 That is, a FD approach designed such that certain discrete conservation properties hold via simple telescoping arguments, as discussed further in 13.2.3.


The primary motivation for staggering the wall-normal component of velocity from the other flow variables
in this way is to couple the pressure at the nodes with j even to the pressure at the nodes with j odd. This is
a natural result of a staggered grid, but is not the case in non-staggered configurations4.
Next, we scale this grid to put the desired gridpoints on the wall (at y = Ly /2). There are essentially two
choices that may be made here: scale the grid such that two planes of the base grid coincide with the wall
(e.g., the planes j = 1 and j = NY + 1), or scale the grid such that two planes from the fractional grid coincide
with the wall (e.g., the planes j = 3/2 and j = NY + 1/2). There are perhaps equally convincing arguments
that can be made for either choice. In the present work, we make the latter of these two choices. This choice
will be especially convenient when applying the multigrid strategy to the Poisson equation for the pressure
update in the fractional step algorithm, to be presented later in this chapter. Selecting C1 = 2yNY +1/2 /Ly , we
rescale the grid such that
y j y j /C1 ,

y j+1/2 y j+1/2/C1



Once the grid is rescaled in this fashion, j = 3/2 corresponds to the lower wall (at y = Ly /2) and j = NY +
1/2 corresponds to the upper wall (at y = Ly /2). To simplify the subsequent wall-normal FD calculations, we
also make the following definitions:
y j+1/2 = y j+1 y j ,

y j = y j+1/2 y j1/2 =

y j+1/2 + y j1/2 .

For notational convenience in the numerical implementation, which does not allow fractional indices, we also
y f j = y j+1/2 ,

y f j = y j+1/2 .

Also, note that numerical implementation requires standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) symbols (that is, non-Greek), so, e.g., y and y f are denoted in the code as DY and
DYF. The resulting stretched and staggered grid in a single wall bounded direction, y, as appropriate for the
channel flow case, is illustrated in Figure X. Extension to the duct and cavity flow cases is straightforward,
as illustrated in Figure Y.

13.2.2 Second-order finite volume formulations of the spatial derivatives of the NSE Channel flow case
To interpolate the flow quantities to the adjacent gridpoints when necessary, the following interpolation formula is used for v
v j+1/2 =

v j+1 + v j

(fully-second order),


4 Consider the discretization of the NSE in the channel, duct, or cavity case with a nonstaggered (and unstretched) grid in the wallbounded direction(s). Label the gridpoints for which the sum of the indices enumerating the FD directions are even as red, and the others
as black. Then the discretization of the NSE on each red gridpoint depends only on the pressure at the neighboring black gridpoints,
whereas the discretization of the NSE on each black gridpoint depends only on the pressure at the neighboring red gridpoints. That is,
the pressure at the red points and the black points are completely decoupled. This can ultimately lead to artificial oscillations in the
pressure field in the numerical solution. Gently stretching the grid in the wall-bounded direction(s) fails to alleviate this phenomenon
significantly; however, staggering the numerical grid in the FD direction(s) removes this problem completely.


and the following interpolation formulae are used for both u and w (illustrated here for u)

u j+1/2 + u j1/2

u j =
y j+1/2u j+1/2 + y j1/2u j1/2
2 y j

y j1/2u j+1/2 + y j+1/2u j1/2
u j =
2 y j

uj =

(quasi-second order),


(quasi-second order),


(fully-second order).


Interpolation for p is not required in the fractional grid formulation. As, by definition, y j+1/2 is midway
between y j and y j+1 , the interpolation formula for v j+1/2 is second-order accurate. As y j is not midway
between y j+1/2 and y j1/2 due to the grid stretching, only the interpolation formula for u j is truly secondorder accurate. The formula for u j and u j are only second-order accurate in the sense that, as NY is increased
with the stretching function (13.2a) fixed, y j+1/2/y j1/2 1, and thus both forms approach a second order
form. We will make use of the u j and u j interpolation forms in the finite volume formulation that follows.
The motivation for using interpolation forms which are only second order accurate in the sense described
above stems from conservation issues, which are described in the following section. Though the proper
second-order interpolation formula u j could be used everywhere (and, in fact, would be slightly more accurate
on a finite grid), the discretization error of such an interpolation formula results in spurious sources and sinks
of energy on a marginally-resolved stretched grid, which can lead to numerical instabilities. Proper use of
the above interpolation formulae prevents discretization errors from contributing to the total energy of the
flow, even on a stretched grid. Note that a sufficiently smooth grid stretching function is used to minimize the
inaccuracies caused by these interpolation formulae for reasonable values of NY .


With the spatial discretization of the flow quantities described above, the individual momentum equations
are solved at the corresponding velocity points and the continuity equation is enforced on the cells surrounding at the pressure points. The spatial discretization of all derivatives required in the channel case are now
made precise. The first component of the momentum equation, (13.1a), to be evaluated at (i, j + 1/2, k) for
integer values of i, j, and k, is discretized as follows (suppressing the dependencies of all flow variables on
the RHS on i and k for notational clarity)
" 2

s u j+1/2 (vu) j+1 (vu) j s (wu) j+1/2
s p j+1/2

+ 1

t (i, j+1/2,k)
y j+1/2

s2 u j+1/2
s2 u j+1/2
u j+3/2 u j+1/2 u j+1/2 u j1/2
/y j+1/2 +

y j+1
y j
Note that all derivatives in the x and z directions are computed in Fourier space according to

= i kx q

= i kz q

= kx2 q

= kz2 q,

where the hat indicates the Fourier transform in the x and z directions with corresponding wavenumbers
kx and kz , q is an arbitrary flow quantity, and the s subscript is used to emphasize that the derivative is
evaluated spectrally. Note also that the convective terms involving derivatives in the y direction are computed
with quasi-second-order accurate FD formulae, whereas the viscous terms involving derivatives in the
y direction are evaluated with fully-second-order accurate FD formulae. The second component of the
momentum equation, evaluated at (i, j, k) for integer values of i, j, and k, is discretized as follows

s (uv)
j v2j+1/2 v2j1/2 s (wv)
p j+1/2 p j1/2

+ 2

t (i, j,k)
y j
y j


v j+1 v j v j v j1
2v j

+ s 2 +
/y j + s 2 .
y j+1/2
y j1/2
The third component of the momentum equation, evaluated at (i, j + 1/2, k) for integer values of i, j, and k,
is discretized as follows

s (uw) j+1/2 (vw) j+1 (vw) j s w2j+1/2
s p j+1/2

+ 3

t (i, j+1/2,k)
y j+1/2

s2 w j+1/2
s2 w j+1/2
w j+3/2 w j+1/2 w j+1/2 w j1/2
/y j+1/2 +

y j+1
y j
The divergence of the velocity field and the Laplacian of the pressure field, evaluated at (i, j + 1/2, k) for
integer values of i, j, and k, is

s u j+1/2 v j+1 v j s w j+1/2

y j+1/2

s2 p j+1/2
s2 p j+1/2
p j+3/2 p j+1/2 p j+1/2 p j1/2

y j+1
y j
Note that the above two operators are required by the Poisson equation to update the pressure in the fractional
step algorithm presented in 13.3.
413 Duct flow case

The duct flow case follows as a straightforward extension of the channel and cavity cases presented above
and below, and thus, for brevity, is left as an exercise. Cavity flow case
The spatial discretization of all derivatives required in the cavity case are now made precise. In the following
equations, we will need to interpolate flow variables in at most one spatial direction (x, y, or z); the various
interpolation formulae described in the first paragraph are thus used again here, replacing y with
x or z as appropriate. The first component of the momentum equation, (13.1a), to be evaluated at {i, j +
1/2, k + 1/2} for integer values of i, j, and k, is discretized as follows (indicating only the dependencies of
flow variables on the RHS on indices other than {i, j + 1/2, k + 1/2}, for notational clarity)
" 2

ui+1/2 u2i1/2 (vu)
j (wu)
j+1 (vu)
pi+1/2 pi1/2
k+1 (wu)

+ 1
t (i, j+1/2,k+1/2)
y j+1/2

u u
u j+3/2 u j+1/2
uk+3/2 uk+1/2
ui ui1
j+1/2y j j1/2
k+1/2z k1/2
xi+1/2 xi1/2
y j+1

y j+1/2


The second component of the momentum equation, evaluated at {i + 1/2, j, k + 1/2}, is discretized as follows
(indicating only the dependencies of flow variables on the RHS on indices other than {i + 1/2, j, k + 1/2})

p j+1/2 p j1/2
i v j+1/2 v j1/2 (wv)
k+1 (wv)
i+1 (uv)

+ 2

t (i+1/2, j,k+1/2)
y j
y j

v j v j1
v j+1 v j
vk+1/2 vk1/2
vk+3/2 vk+1/2
vi+1/2 vi1/2
i+3/2 vi+1/2

y j+1/2
x j1/2

x j


The third component of the momentum equation, evaluated at {i + 1/2, j + 1/2, k}, is discretized as follows
(indicating only the dependencies of flow variables on the RHS on indices other than {i + 1/2, j + 1/2, k})

j+1 (vw)
j w2k+1/2 w2k1/2
pk+1/2 pk1/2
i+1 (uw)
i (vw)

+ 3
t (i+1/2, j+1/2,k)
y j+1/2

w j+3/2 w j+1/2
wk+1 wk
wk wk1
i+3/2 wi+1/2
j+1/2y j j1/2
i+1/2xi i1/2
zk+1/2 zk1/2
y j+1

y j+1/2


The divergence of the velocity field and the Laplacian of the pressure field, evaluated at {i + 1/2, j + 1/2, k +
1/2}, are discretized as follows (indicating only the dependencies of flow variables on points other than
{i + 1/2, j + 1/2, k + 1/2})
ui+1 ui v j+1 v j wk+1 wk
y j+1/2
pi+3/2 pi+1/2

pi+1/2 pi1/2


p j+3/2 p j+1/2
y j+1

p j+1/2 p j1/2
y j

y j+1/2


pk+3/2 pk+1/2

pk+1/2 pk1/2
z j


13.2.3 Conservation properties of the spatially-discretized NSE

An important property that can significantly improve the stability of a nonlinear simulation code is that it
conserve as many global properties as possible that the original PDE conserves. We now show, in the channel
flow case (even on a stretched grid), that the spatial discretization used in the present code conserves mass
to within machine precision, and that errors due to the spatial discretization of the convective terms do not
affect the total momentum or energy of the flow. Discrete conservation in the triply periodic, duct, and cavity
cases follow as a straightforward extension, and are left as an exercise. Discrete conservation of mass

To show that the total mass is conserved exactly by the spatial discretization in the channel-flow case, the
continuity equation is integrated over the volume under consideration, with the integrals evaluated with a
rectangular rule in the wall-normal direction and spectral rules in the Fourier directions5


u v w
x y

dV =


y j+1/2

z x j=1


z x


s u j+1/2 v j+1 v j s w j+1/2

y j+1/2

dx dz

(vNY +1 v1 ) dx dz

Mass is conserved.

Note that spectral differentiation in x corresponds to multiplying by ikx at each wavenumber in Fourier space,
whereas spectral integration in x corresponds to picking out the kx = 0 wavenumber; thus, spectral integration
of a spectral derivative gives exactly zero. In the wall-normal direction, note that the sum telescopes; that is,
the positive term for one value of j in the sum exactly cancels the negative term for the next value of j in the
sum, so the total sum in the y direction adds up to only a term at each boundary.

5 For convenience in these expressions, we define v both a half a cell outside the walls and a half a cell inside the walls as the value of
v to be prescribed on the boundary, where v is not defined in the staggered discretization; that is,

vNY +1 = vNY = vNY +1/2 ,


v1 = v2 = v3/2 . Discrete conservation of momentum

To show that total momentum is conserved in each direction in the channel-flow case with no extra forcing
(i.e., i = Px i1 , = 0), each component of the momentum equation in (13.1a) is integrated6 over :

s u2 vu s wu
u 2u 2u
s p

+ s 2 + 2 + s 2
Px dV

Z Z NY 1
(vu) j+1 (vu) j
u j+3/2 u j+1/2 u j+1/2 u j1/2

Px dx dz

y j+1/2 y j+1/2 + y j+1/2

y j+1
y j
z x j=2

Z Z  
uNY +1/2 uNY 1/2 u5/2 u3/2

Ly Px dx dz,
z x


s uv
v2 s wv
v 2v 2v


+ s 2 + 2 + s 2
v dV =


p j+1/2 p j1/2
v j+1 v j v j v j1
j+1/2 v j1/2

dx dz

y j
y j y j+1/2
y j1/2
y j
z x j=2

Z Z 
pNY +1/2 + p3/2 dx dz

u dV =

z x

s uw vw s w2
s w 2 w s2 w
s p
+ 2 + 2

w dV =


Z Z NY 1
(vw) j+1 (vw) j
w j+3/2 w j+1/2 w j+1/2 w j1/2

dx dz

y j+1/2
y j+1/2
y j+1
y j
z x j=2

Z Z  
wNY +1/2 wNY 1/2 w5/2 w3/2

dx dz
z x

In the limit that 0 with Px = 0, momentum is conserved in the x and z directions. Numerical differencing
errors on the interior also do not contribute to a loss of momentum conservation
in the y direction; note that,
in fact, the numerical code may be implemented in such a manner that z x v dx dz = 0 exactly for all y and t.
For cases in which 6= 0, it is seen that choosing
Px =



x z

uNY +1/2 uNY 1/2 u5/2 u3/2


dx dz < 0,


where V = Lx Ly Lz is the volume of Rthe domain under consideration, maintains the x1 component of momentum (i.e., the bulk velocity uB = V1 u dV > 0) constant by balancing the skin friction integrated over the
walls with the force applied by the mean pressure gradient7.
6 Note that du/dt = dw/dt = 0 on the walls, so the RHS of the u and w components of the momentum equation must be zero at the
wall points; thus, these points are skipped in the corresponding sums listed here.
7 Note that small round-off errors can slowly accumulate to drive the quantity 1
V u dV away from the target value of uB in a long
numerical simulation. This can be corrected easily by increasing or decreasing Px proporationally. An expression of the form

Px =



x z

uNY +1/2 uNY 1/2 u5/2 u3/2


dx dz + k

for a small positive gain k (determined by trial and error) is thus usually employed.



u dV uBtarget , Discrete conservation of energy

The viscous terms of the NSE result in energy dissipation at the small scales, which is replenished by the
action of the pressure gradient Px on the bulk flow. To show that energy is conserved in cases with forcing
= = 0 and viscosity = 0, the momentum equation in (13.1a) is multiplied by ~u and integrated over the
volume under consideration (underbraced sums telescope and therefore cancel):

s u2 vu s wu
s u 2 u s2 u
s p


x2 y2 z2

s uv
v2 s wv
2v 2v 2v


+ s 2 + 2 + s 2

s uw vw s w2
s w 2 w s2 w
s p


NY 1
s u2j+1/2 (vu) j+1 (vu) j s (wu) j+1/2 s p j+1/2

y j+1/2 u j+1/2 x y j+1/2

z x
j v2j+1/2 v2j1/2 s (wv)
j p j+1/2 p j1/2
s (uv)

+ y j v j
y j
y j
NY 1
s (uw) j+1/2 (vw) j+1 (vw) j s w2j+1/2 s p j+1/2
+ y j+1/2 w j+1/2
dx dz

y j+1/2


u2 + v2 + w2
dV =

u2j+1/2 + v2j+1 + v2j /2 + w2j+1/2  s u j+1/2 s w j+1/2 

dx dz
y j+1/2 p j+1/2
u j+1/2u j+3/2 v j+1 u j1/2u j+1/2v j +u j+1/2u j+1/2 v j+1 u j+1/2u j+1/2v j

j=2 2 |

NY 1 v2 + v2
v j+1 v j
+ y j+1/2 p j+1/2

(v j+1 v j )
y j+1/2
w j+1/2 w j+3/2 v j+1 w j1/2w j+1/2 v j +w j+1/2w j+1/2 v j+1 w j+1/2w j+1/2 v j
dx dz

j=2 2 |




y j+1/2 p j+1/2

u2j+1/2 +

v2j+1 +v2j

+ w2j+1/2  s u j+1/2 v j+1 v j s w j+1/2 

dx dz

y j+1/2

energy is conserved.

Some additional algebra used in the derivation outlined above now follows. Note first that, in the spectral
directions, we may apply what we will call spectral integration by parts in our analysis. This property
follows from the fact that spectral integration involves simply scaling the kx = 0 mode of the integrand and

noting from (5.36) that


s p

q0 = (ikx j p j )u j ,

s u

r0 = (ikxi ui ) pi = u j (ikx j p j ) = q0 .


Thus, in the spectral directions x and z, it follows that


s p
dx =
x x

s u
p dx and
x x

s p
dz =

s w
p dz.
w z

Now consider the spectral derivative of a product, such as s uv/ x. Recall that nonlinear products in a
pseudospectral code are computed by transforming to physical space, performing the product, then transforming back to Fourier space, whereas spectral differentiation is performed by simply multiplying by ikx . Recall
also that nonlinear products scatter energy to higher wavenumbers. If the PDE system under consideration is
fully resolved in the spectral directions, both products and derivatives would be computed exactly, and we
could apply what we will call the spectral chain rule for differentiation

s uv
s u
s v
v + u
However, to make them affordable, turbulence simulations are inevitably conducted with marginal resolution, using as few Fourier modes as possible in each direction while still achieving the desired accuracy on
the quantities of interest in the simulation (typically, some of the time-averaged statistics). Thus, we expect
significant energy to cascade to wavenumbers outside the range of wavenumbers represented in the numerical simulation. As discussed in 5.7, there are two primary ways of handling the necessary truncation of the
Fourier series representation of the flow field under consideration:
A) allow the cascade of energy to higher wavenumbers (due to the nonlinear products) to alias back to
lower wavenumbers, hoping that the spurious effects of this aliasing will be minimal, or
B) zero out all higher-order variations resulting from nonlinear products, using the 2/3 dealiasing rule.
Method A creates spurious energy sources, as the spectral chain rule for differentiation shown above does not
hold when the infinite Fourier series are truncated. Method B constantly drains off the energy of all unresolved
modes after each nonlinear product, and thus energy is not conserved in this case either. However, the spectral
chain rule for differentiation shown above does apply when 2/3 dealiasing is applied to all nonlinear products.
Together with the rest of the energy conservation proof provided above, this guarantees that no spurious
numerical energy sources ever appear in the flow due to the discretization and Fourier series truncation.
Thus, in order to insure stability of the computation, we use 2/3 dealiasing in the spectral directions in the
present numerical code, acknowledging the extra dissipation that this method applies at the unresolved scales.
The spectral chain rule for differentiation and spectral integration by parts and may thus be applied to the
integral of vs (uv)/ x in the spectral direction x, resulting in

s uv
s v
s uv
s uv
s u
2 s u
2 s u
dx =
dx =
+ uv
dx =

Note that, since the spectral integral of a spectral derivative is zero, it follows from the spectral chain rule for
differentiation and the above identity that

s u3
dx =
x x

s u2
dx =


s u
dx = 0.

Note also that, applying the rectangular rule approximation of integration in y and the above identity, we may

s (uv)
s u j+1/2v j
s u j1/2v j
y j v j x dx = x 2 y j+1/2 v j x + y j1/2 v j x
x j=2

2 s u j+1/2
2 s u j1/2
y j+1/2 v j
+ y j1/2 v j
x j=2 4

Z NY 1

x j=2

y j+1/2

v2j + v2j+1 s u j+1/2



The other convective terms in the spectral directions x and z are handled similarly. Finally, the step involving
the rectangular rule approximation of integration of the term v v2 / y may be written








(v j+1 v j v2j1 + v2j+1 v j v j1 +v j+1 v j v j v j1 ) =
} |

v j (v2j+1/2 v2j1/2) =


v j+1 v j + v j v j1


4 (v2j v j+1 v2j v j1 )


v2j + v2j+1

v j+1 v j .

13.3 Temporal discretization - the fractional step algorithm

The temporal discretization used in the present work, referred to as a fractional step algorithm, is an extension of the mixed RKW3/CN method developed in 10.4.2 applied to the spatial discretization described above
of the constrained system (13.1). We first write the time discretization of the spatially-discretized momentum
equation (13.1a) as
i ui



= ri (~urk1 ) + ri (~urk2 ) +

 prk1 q
Ai (~urk ) + Ai (~urk1 )

+ rk1


where q , prk prk1 , and thus pressure is, in effect, treated with IE over each RK substep. In this discretization, ri (~u) represents those (possibly nonlinear) RHS terms of the spatial discretization of (13.1) to be treated
explicitly using RKW3 and Ai (~u) represent those (linear) RHS terms to be treated implicitly using CN over
each RK substep; note that there are a couple of possible choices we can make in this regard, as detailed in
the following two subsections. The forcing term is handled with simple EE over each RK substep. The



constants h , , and are all defined as in 10.63.

The fractional step algorithm approximates the computation of (13.8) by breaking it into two steps. The
first step calculates an intermediate update to the components of the flow velocity, vi , neglecting the influence
of the pressure update term q/ xi on the RHS:
vi urk1



= ri (~urk1 ) + ri (~urk2 ) +

Ai (~v) + Ai (~urk1 )
+ rk1


The second step then adds the influence of the formerly-neglected pressure update term to the components
intermediate velocity field vi , and also updates p itself:
i vi



prk = prk1 + q.


The pressure update q is calculated in such a way as to insure that the spatial discretization of the velocity
field at the new RK substep,~urk , is exactly divergence free, thereby enforcing the spatial discretization of the
continuity equation (13.1b). Noting the derivation8 in 5.1, this is done simply by defining q as the solution
to the equation

2q 2q 2q
1 v1 v2 v3
x1 x2 x3
x21 x22 x23
For convenience, we will apply the same boundary conditions on the intermediate field ~v and the final field
~urk ; thus, it follows from the normal component of (13.9b) evaluated at the wall(s) that the appropriate boundary conditions on q on the walls are homogeneous Neumann, i.e., ( q/ n)wall = 0. In the directions in
which the flow velocity~u is periodic, the variables p and q are also periodic.
Note that the representation of (13.8) as the two-step process (13.9a)-(13.9b) is only approximate, as we
have replaced Ai (~urk ) on the RHS of (13.8) with Ai (~v) on the RHS of (13.9a) in order to convert the problem
(13.8) to a set of two equations that may be solved one step at a time. As we have been careful to include the
explicit term prk1 / xi in (13.9a), the effect of q only represents a small pressure update over the RK
substep, and thus this approximation is, in fact, quite acceptable.


8 Note that we have selected the constant in this projection as c = h , and thus the velocity update formula given in (5.45c) takes the
form shown in (13.9b).


To rearrange and summarize, the equations to be solved by the fractional step algorithm are as follows.
First, compute the explicit right-hand sides

Ri = ui
+ h ri (~u
) + ri (~u
) + Ai (~u
Then, solve the implicit systems for the intermediate velocity components vi ,
A i v i = Ri ,


while enforcing the desired boundary conditions for ~urk on the intermediate velocity components vi . Then
solve the Poisson equation for the pressure update q,

1 vj
= rk
h xj


while enforcing homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions on q. Finally, update the velocity and pressure
rk q
prk = prk1 + q.
i = vi h

13.3.1 All viscous terms implicit

As mentioned above, there are a couple of possible choices for which terms to take with RKW3 and which
terms to take with CN over each RK substep in the temporal discretization described above. The simplest
is to take all (nonlinear) convective terms with RKW3 and all (linear) viscous terms with CN over each RK
substep, that is9 ,

u1 ui u2 ui u3 ui



ui .
Ai (~u) =
x21 x22 x23

ri (~u) =


This strategy is appropriate when the grid is essentially equally clustered in all three directions.

13.3.2 All y-derivative terms implicit

For systems in which the grid is clustered very tightly in one direction only, such as near the wall in the
channel flow case, the wall-normal convective term, if treated explicitly, can result in a significant constraint
on the time step for numerical stability. For such systems, it is advantageous to take the wall-normal viscous
and wall-normal convective term with CN and all other terms with RKW3, that is9 ,

ui 2 ui
u1 ui u3 ui

ri (~u) =
+ 2
Ai (~u) =
9 The

2 ui u2 ui



notation u1 u2 is used to denote the pointwise product of the vector u1 with the vector u2 at each gridpoint in physical space.


As this definition of Ai (~u) is not linear, we can not apply CN to this term directly. However, it is significant
to note that, when rearranged properly, this formulation may indeed be approximated by a formulation which
is linear in the implicit variables without loss of overall accuracy of the method. To see how this may be
accomplished, noting that (v2 urk1
) O(h) and therefore (v2 urk1
) (v2 urk1
) O(h2 ), we note
the following identity:
0 (v2 urk1
)(v2 urk1
) = v2 v2 2v2 urk1

v2 v2 2v2 urk1

Thus, applying this approximation, we may rewrite our temporal discretization of our system, reexpressing
A2 (~v) as implied by the above identity and moving the extra explicit term so generated onto the RHS, such
urk1 v2
2 v2
h urk1
A2 (~v) = 2 2 2
, R2 R2 +
Notice that this modified form of A2 (~v) is indeed linear in the unknown v2 , though now the operator A2
is itself a function of urk1
. After the v2 equation is solved11, we may use v2 to approximate urk
2 in the
expressions for A1 (~u ) and A3 (~urk ).
A1 (~urk ) =

2 v1 v2 v1


A3 (~urk ) =

2 v3 v2 v3


Notice that these modified operations are also linear in the unknowns v1 and v3 respectively, though the linear
operators A1 and A3 are themselves a function of v2 .

10 Fortunately, the new term added to R via this manipulation exactly cancels one of the existing terms of A (~urk1 ) in R [see
(13.11a) and (13.12a)], thereby simplifying the computation of R2 .
11 Note that, in this approach, the v momentum equation must be solved before the v and v momentum equations.


13.3.3 All viscous terms implicit in the triply periodic case

In the channel-flow case, all spatial derivatives are calculated spectrally. As introduced in 13.3.1, time stepping in this case may be accomplished with a mixed strategy with all viscous terms treated with CN over
each RK substep, and all convective terms treated with RKW3. Each RK substep in this case thus proceeds
as follows:
1. Initialize
urk and the explicit
part of the CN term
n Ri with b

b i = 1 h (k2x + k2y + k2z ) b


2. Account for the pressure gradient term using EE

b2 R
b 2 hrk iky p , R
b3 R
b 3 hrk ikz p .
b1 R
b 1 hrk ikx p,


b i , to the RHS
3. Add the RK terms from the previous timestep, stored in F
rk rk
bi R
bi + h F
if (rk > 1) then R
4. Convert the velocity to physical space
ui ui

5. Calculate the nonlinear terms and store in F
Note that while there are 9 nonlinear terms, the ordering used here requires only 6 FFT calls.
b 2 ikx F
b 2 iky b
(a) F1 = u1 u1
(j) F
(b) F2 = u1 u2
(k) F3 ikx F3
(c) F3 = u1 u3
(l) S = u2 u3
(d) S = u2 u2
(m) S b
b2 F
b2 ikz b
(e) F1 F
(o) F
(f) F2 F2
(p) F3 F3 iky b
(g) F3 F3
(q) S = u3 u3
(h) S b
(r) S b
b3 ikz b
(i) F1 ikx F1 iky F2 ikz F3
(s) F3 F
6. Add the RK terms from the present timestep to the RHS
bi R
b i + rk hrk F

7. Solve for the intermediate velocity. Since the system is diagonal, this is easy.
b i /[1 + hrk (k2x + k2y + k2z )]
ui = R

8. Calculate the pressure update q that will make the velocity divergence free
u3 )/(k2x + k2y + k2z )
u2 + ikz b
u1 + iky b
q = (ikx b

9. Project the velocity to get a divergence free field

u1 b
u1 ikx b
q, b
u2 b
u2 iky b
q, b
u3 b
u3 ikz b

10. Finally, update the pressure field using q


In all, we have 9 FFT calls per RK substep.


13.3.4 All y-derivative terms implicit in the channel-flow case

In the channel-flow case, the wall-normal (y) derivatives are approximated with FD methods, while the wallparallel (x and z) derivatives are calculated spectrally. Time-stepping in this case may be accomplished with
either a slight modification of the all-viscous-terms-implicit approach described above, or, as introduced in
13.3.2, an alternative mixed strategy with the viscous and convective terms involving wall-normal derivatives
treated with CN over each RK substep, and the remaining viscous and convective terms treated with RKW3.
Following the spatial discretization used in, each RK substep in this case proceeds as follows:
b i with b
1. Initialize R
Ri = ui

2. Account for the pressure gradient term using EE

b2 R
b 2 hrk (p x , R
b3 R
b 3 hrk ikz p.
b1 R
b 1 hrk ikx p,

3. If (RK > 1) then add the term from the previous RK step
Rbi = Rbi + RK RK Fbi

4. Add the pressure gradient to the RHS

Rb1 = Rb1 hRK ikx Pb
b x ,kz , j1)
Rb2 (kx , kz , j) = Rb2 (kx , kz , j) hRK P(kx ,kz , j)
Y ( j)
z Pb
Rb3 = Rb3 hRK ik

5. Add Px , the background pressure gradient that drives the flow

Rb1 (kx = 0, kz = 0, j) = Rb1 (kx = 0, kz = 0, j) hRK Px

6. Create a storage variable F that will contain all RK terms and start with the viscous terms involving
horizontal derivatives.
Fbi = (kx2 + kz2 )b
ui ,
7. Convert the velocity to physical space
ubi ui

8. Add the nonlinear terms involving horizontal derivatives to Fb

x ud
x ud
Fb1 = Fb1 ik
1 u3 ik
1 u1

F2 = F2 ikx u1 u2 ikz ud
3 u2
Fb3 = Fb3 ikz ud
1 u3 ikz ud
3 u3
(Note that we need 5 independent FFTs here)

9. Now, we are done building the Runge-Kutta terms, add to the right hand side. We will need to keep Fbi
for the next RK step, so it should not be overwritten below this point.
Rbi = Rbi + RK hRK Fbi

10. Convert the right hand side arrays to physical space

Rbi Ri ,

11. Compute the vertical viscous terms and add to the RHS as the explicit part of Crank-Nicolson.

hRK u1 (i, j + 1, k) u1(i, j, k) u1 (i, j, k) u1 (i, j 1, k)
/YF ( j)
R1 (i, j, k) = R1 (i, j, k) +

Y ( j + 1)
Y ( j)

hRK u2 (i, j + 1, k) u2(i, j, k) u2 (i, j, k) u2 (i, j 1, k)
R2 (i, j, k) = R2 (i, j, k) +
/Y ( j)

YF ( j)
YF ( j 1)

R3 (i, j, k) = R3 (i, j, k) +


u3 (i, j + 1, k) u3(i, j, k) u3 (i, j, k) u3 (i, j 1, k)

/YF ( j)
Y ( j + 1)
Y ( j)

12. Compute the nonlinear terms involving vertical derivatives and add to the RHS as the explicit part of
S1 = u1 u2
R1 (i, j, k) = R1 (i, j, k) hRK
2 (S1 (i, j + 1, k) S1 (i, j, k))/YF ( j)
S1 = u3 u2
R3 (i, j, k) = R3 (i, j, k) hRK
2 (S1 (i, j + 1, k) S1 (i, j, k))/YF ( j)
13. Solve the tridiagonal system for the intermediate wall-normal velocity:
v2 (i, j, k)


v2 (i, j + 1, k) v2 (i, j, k) vv2 (i, j, k) v2 (i, j 1, k)
/Y ( j)

YF ( j)
YF ( j 1)
+hRK (v2 (i, j, k)u2 (i, j, k) v2 (i, j 1, k)u2 (i, j 1, k)) /Y ( j)

= R2 (i, j, k)

14. Now that we have the new intermediate wall-normal velocity, v2 , solve for the intermediate v1 and v3
using this new velocity.
v1 (i, j, k)

v3 (i, j, k)



v1 (i, j + 1, k) v1(i, j, k) v1 (i, j, k) v1 (i, j 1, k)

/YF ( j)
Y ( j + 1)
Y ( j)

+hRK (v1 (i, j + 1, k)v2 (i, j + 1, k) v1 (i, j, k)v2 (i, j, k)) /YF ( j)

v3 (i, j + 1, k) v3(i, j, k) v3 (i, j, k) v3 (i, j 1, k)
/YF ( j)

Y ( j + 1)
Y ( j)

+hRK (v3 (i, j + 1, k)v2 (i, j + 1, k) v3 (i, j, k)v2 (i, j, k)) /YF ( j)

= R1 (i, j, k)

= R3 (i, j, k)

15. Convert the intermediate velocity to Fourier space

vi vbi

16. Solve the tridiagonal system for the pressure correction:

q(kx ,kz , j)
qb(kx ,kz , j)b
q(kx ,kz , j1)
(kx2 + kz2 )b
q(kx , kz , j) + qb(kx ,kz ,Y

/YF ( j)
( j+1)
Y ( j)
x vb1 (kx , kz , j) + ik
z vb3 (kx , kz , j) + (b
= ik
v2 (kx , kz , j + 1) vb2(kx , kz , j))/YF ( j)

(Note that in order to avoid an extra storage array, we can store q in R1 which is no longer needed for
this RK step. Also notice that a factor of hRK has been absorbed into q)
17. Now, use the pressure update to obtain a divergence-free velocity field.
x qb
= vb1 ik
(kx , kz , j) = vb2 (kx , kz , j) (b
q(kx , kz , j) qb(kx , kz , j 1))/Y ( j)
kz qb

(In order to avoid an extra storage array, only one set of velocity arrays are defined, and this update is
done in place.)

18. Finally, update the pressure field using q

Pb = Pb + qb/hRK
(We need to divide by hRK since this constant has been absorbed into q in the steps above.)
In all, we have 14 FFT calls per Runge-Kutta substep, and 11 full-sized storage arrays.

13.3.5 Shared-memory parallelization using OpenMP

13.3.6 Distributed-memory parallelization using MPI

13.4 Characterizing the statistics of turbulence

13.5 The visualization of turbulence
The discriminant.
Data Explorer

13.6 Large eddy simulation

13.7 Extensions
13.7.1 Passive scalars
13.7.2 Active scalars and the Boussinesq approximation of bouyancy
Introduce the compressible Navier-Stokes equation. Discuss computational issues. Define Mach number.
Introduce Boussinesq.

13.7.3 Immersed boundary methods

13.7.4 Coordinate transformation methods


13.7.5 Noise generation

Neglecting viscosity, the equation governing compressible flow (known as the inviscid Euler equation), in
conservation form, is

= 0,
ui u j ui p
= 0.


Subtracting 2 / t 2 from 2 p/ x2i and applying / t of (13.14a) then (13.14b), we obtain

2 p 2
 p ui 
 u j ui 
2 =

xi xi
Now applying the ideal gas law p = RT where we approximate the temperature

nearly constant, T T0 ,
and thus the speed of sound may also be approximated as constant, c = RT RT0 , c0 , we obtain the
inviscid approximation of Lighthills equation,
2 Ti j
1 2 
2 2 p=
xi x j
xi c0 t

where Ti j = ui u j .


It is convenient that, for low Mach number flows, incompressible simulations may be used to approximate the
noise generated by the flow. This may be accomplished by calculating the accoustic pressure field radiated
according to the wave equation given by (13.15a), with the Lighthill stress tensor Ti j on the RHS taken as a
source term using the hydrodynamic velocity field well approximated by the incompressible flow simulation.
The boundary conditions at solid surfaces on this system for the accoustic pressure field are derived in a
similar manner, with
1 2 
, ??

x2i c20 t 2

where, again, the RHS term b is taken as a source term using the hydrodynamic pressure field well approximated by the incompressible flow simulation.
Note that, by writing the PDE (13.15a) as a first order system


q =
where q =
q+ 2
c20 2 0
xi x j

discretizing in space, and enforcing the boundary conditions (13.15b), ths system may easily be solved using
the techniques already presented (e.g., Crank-Nicholson in time and Fourier/Pade in space). Approaches
based on Greens functions may also be employed. ?


13.A Diablo
The numerical algorithm described in the first half of this chapter is implemented in the open-source code
diablo, available at Note that the diablo code is distributed
under the GNU General Public License:
Diablo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version. This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
(distributed with diablo) for more details.
There are several README files that accompany the code to help get the reader started running it. For
clarity, some of the details of the numerical implementation of the spatial and temporal discretization schemes
described above are now described further, in order of appearance in the code. Consistent with the notation
used above, the RHS of the momentum equations are accumulated in the arrays Ri . The Runge-Kutta terms
will be stored in Fi (since they are relatively expensive to calculate) and saved for use at the next RK substep.
An extra storage array called S is also defined.
Care has been taken in the numerical implementations in order to minimize both the number of FFTs per
timestep and the number of full-sized storage arrays. The algorithms detailed in the following two subsecb i, F
b i , and b
tions use 11 full-sized storage arrays. In these presentations, b
ui , b
p, R
Si denote the Fourier-space
representations of ui , p, Ri , Fi , and S. Note that the physical- and Fourier-space representations of any given
array occupy the same location in memory, with the FFT transforming from one representation to the other
performed in place in the computer memory.
As in the previous section, in physical space, the notation u1 u2 denotes the pointwise product of the
vector u1 with the vector u2 at each gridpoint. In Fourier space, kx u 1 denotes the multiplication of each
i /k2x denotes the division of each
Fourier coefficient of u1 by the corresponding streamwise wavenumber12, R
Fourier coefficient of u1 by the square of the corresponding streamwise wavenumber, etc.

Pozrikidis, C (1997) Introduction to Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Oxford.

12 Note that this is done without ambiguity even though, k is a one-dimensional array of wavenumbers, whereas u is a threex
dimensional array of Fourier coefficients.


Part III


14 Linear programming


15 Derivative-free minimization


16 Derivative-based minimization




Chapter 14

Linear programming



Chapter 15

Derivative-free minimization

15.1 Bracketing approaches for scalar minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
15.1.1 Golden section search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
15.1.2 Inverse quadratic interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
15.1.3 Brents method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
15.2 Lattice based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
15.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
15.2.2 Applying lattice theory to the coordination of derivative-free optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
15.2.3 Global optimization strategies leveraging kriging-based interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
15.A LABDOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
15.B DOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451

It is often the case that one needs to minimize1 a scalar function with respect to the scalar or vector x;
we thus investigate this problem in some detail in both this chapter and the next. Two cases of particular
interest have already been mentioned: one arises in the iterative solution of nonlinear equations (see 3.1.2),
and the other in the iterative solution of high-dimensional linear equations (see 3.2.3). Optimization is also a
problem of interest in its own right in order to tune certain parameters affecting a system to achieve a desired
objective (stated as the minimization of a cost function), as discussed further 20.
Minimization algorithms fall into two broad catagories: derivative-free methods, as discussed in 15, and
derivative-based methods, to be discussed in 16. Derivative-free methods are appropriate for cases in which
the function is not smooth at small scales in the optimization space x, and thus the local gradient and Hessian
information is not useful in determining the minimum of J(x). Derivative-based methods, on the other hand,
are well suited for smooth functions, for which gradient and Hessian information may be leveraged to greatly
accelerate convergence to the minimum point.
The fundamental ideas underlying most effective derivative-free methods are twofold:
keep function evaluations far apart until convergence is approached, and
1 Maximization

of J(x) is equivalent to minimization of J(x); we thus focus on minimization, without loss of generality.


interpolate based on existing function evaluations to identify promising new regions of the optimization
space to explore with additional function evaluations.
We will encounter these themes repeatedly in both 15.1 and 15.2.


Algorithm 15.1: A simple bracketing algorithm.


f u n c t i o n [AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC ] = B r a c k e t (AA, AB, JA , X , P , V) % N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0

JB=ComputeJ (X+ABP , V ) ;
i f JB>JA ; [AA, AB] = Swap (AA, AB ) ; [ JA , JB ] = Swap ( JA , JB ) ; end
AC=AB+2 (ABAA ) ; JC= ComputeJ (X+ACP , V ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n B r a c k e t

Algorithm 15.2: An improved bracketing algorithm.

f u n c t i o n [AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC ] = B r a c k e t P r e s s (AA, AB, JA , X, P , V)
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% INPUT : {AA, AB} a r e g u e s s e s o f A n e a r a minimum o f J (A) = ComputeJ (X+AP ) , w i t h JA= J (AA ) .
% OUTPUT: {AA, AB, AC} b r a c k e t t h e minimum o f J (A) , w i t h v a l u e s {JA , JB , JC } .
JB=ComputeJ (X+ABP , V ) ;
i f JB>JA ; [AA, AB] = Swap (AA, AB ) ; [ JA , JB ] = Swap ( JA , JB ) ; end
AC=AB+2 (ABAA ) ; JC= ComputeJ (X+ACP , V ) ;
w h i l e JB>=JC
% At t h i s p o i n t , {AA, AB, AC} h a s JA>=JB>=JC .
f l a g = 0 ; AL=AB+1 0 0 (ACAB ) ;
% W i l l a l l o w e x p l o r a t i o n o u t t o AL d u r i n g t h i s i t e r a t i o n .
T=(ABAA) ( JBJC ) ; D=(ABAC) ( JBJA ) ; N=(ABAC) D(ABAA) T ; D= 2 . ( TD ) ;
i f (D==0 ) , AN=AL ; e l s e ; AN=AB+N /D; end
% Do a p a r a b o l i c f i t [ s e e ( 1 5 . 2 ) ]
i f (ABAN) (ANAC) > 0 .
% F i t t e d p o i n t AN b etw een AB and AC .
JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
% E v a l u a t e f i t t e d p o i n t AN.
JN<JC , AA=AB; AB=AN; JA=JB ; JB=JN ; r e t u r n ; % {AB, AN, AC} i s a b r a c k e t i n g t r i p l e t !
e l s e i f JN>JB , AC=AN;
r e t u r n ; % {AA, AB, AN} i s a b r a c k e t i n g t r i p l e t !
AN=AC+4 (ACAB ) ; JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
% F i t n o t u s e f u l . Compute new AN.
e l s e i f (ANAC) ( ALAN) > 0 .
% F i t t e d p o i n t AN b etw een AC and AL .
JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
% E v a l u a t e f i t t e d p o i n t AN.
i f JN<JC
% Function s t i l l not i n c re a s i n g .
AB=AC ; AC=AN; AN=AC+4 (ACAB ) ; JB=JC ; JC=JN ; JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ; % Compute new AN.
e l s e i f (ALAN) ( ACAL) >=0.
% F i t t e d p o i n t a t o r beyond AL l i m i t .
AN=AL ; JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
% E v a l u a t e l i m i t p o i n t AL .
AN=AC+4 (ACAB ) ; JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
% A l l o t h e r c a s e s : compute new AN.
% {AB, AC, AN} > {AA, AB, AC}
end % f u n c t i o n B r a c k e t P r e s s

15.1 Bracketing approaches for scalar minimization

We first seek a reliable approach to minimize a scalar function of a scalar argument, J(a), when a good
initial guess for the minimum is not necessarily available. To do this, we begin with a bracketing approach
analogous to that which was used for finding the root of a nonlinear scalar equation (see ??). Recall that
bracketing a root means finding a pair {xa , xb } for which f (xa ) and f (xb ) have opposite signs, so that a root
must exist between xa and xb if the function f (x) is continuous and bounded.
Analogously, bracketing a minimum means finding a triplet {aa , ab , ac } for which ab is between aa
and ac and for which J(ab ) < J(aa ) and J(ab ) < J(ac ), so that a minimum must exist between aa and ac
if the function J(a) is continuous and bounded. Such an initial bracketing triplet may often be found by
trial and error. At times, it is convenient to have an automatic procedure to find such a bracketing triplet.
For functions which are large and positive for sufficiently large |a|, a very simple approach is to start with
an initial guess for the bracket and then geometrically scale out the downhill end until a bracketing triplet is
found, as implemented in Algorithm 15.1. An accelerated approach, suggested by Press et al. (1986), is based
on inverse quadratic interpolation (see 15.1.2), and is implemented in Algorithm 15.2.

15.1.1 Golden section search

Once the minimum of the non-quadratic function is bracketed, all that remains to be done is to refine these
brackets. A simple algorithm to accomplish this, analogous to the bisection technique developed for scalar
root finding, is called the golden section search. As illustrated in Figure 15.1a, let W k be defined as the ratio
of the smaller interval to the width of the bracketing triplet {aka, akb , akc } such that
Wk =

akb aka
akc aka

1 Wk =

We now pick a new trial point akn and define Z k =

There are two possibilities:

akn akb
akc aka

akc akb
akc aka

akn = akb + Z k (akc aka ).

a) if J(akn ) > J(akb ), then {akn , akb , aka } becomes the new bracketing triplet (as in Figure 15.1b), and
b) if J(akn ) < J(akb ), then {akb , akn , akc } becomes the new bracketing triplet.

Minimizing the width of this new (refined) bracketing triplet in the worst case, we take the width of both of
these triplets as identical:
W k + Zk = 1 W k

Z k = 1 2W k .


Using the same algorithm for the refinement at each iteration k, we would like to ensure that a self-similar
situation, of sorts, develops in which the ratio W k is constant from one iteration to the next, i.e., W k = W k+1 .
Thus, dropping the superscripts on W and Z, which we assume approach constants once the iterations become
self-similar, and describing the width of the new bracket in terms of both the variables at iteration k and the
variables at iteration k + 1 (see Figure 15.1), we may write
a) Z k d k = W k+1 d k+1 W /Z = d k /d k+1 = 1/(W + Z) if {akn , akb , aka } is the new bracketing triplet, or
b) Z k d k = W k+1 d k+1 W /Z = d k /d k+1 = 1/(1 W) if {akb , akn , akc } is the new bracketing triplet.

Inserting (15.1), both of these conditions reduce to the relation

W 2 3W + 1 = 0,
which (because 0 < W < 1) implies that

3 5

1 W =




5 2 0.236068.

These proportions are referred to as the golden section, and are prevalent in Renaissance art and architecture.
To summarize, the golden section algorithm takes an initial bracketing triplet {a0a, a0b , a0c }, computes a
new data point at a0n = a0b + Z(a0c a0a ) where Z = 0.236068, and then:
a) if J(a0n ) > J(a0b ), the new triplet is {a1a , a1b , a1c } = {a0n , a0b , a0a }, or
b) if J(a0n ) < J(a0b ), the new triplet is {a1a , a1b , a1c } = {a0b , a0n , a0c }.

The process continues on the new (refined) bracketing triplet in an iterative fashion until the desired tolerance
is reached. Even if the initial bracketing triplet is not in the ratio of the golden section, repeated application
of this algorithm quickly brings the triplet into this ratio as it is refined. Note that convergence is attained
linearly: each bracket of the minimum is 0.618034 times the width of the previous bracket. This is slightly
slower than the convergence of the bisection algorithm for nonlinear root-finding, in which each bracket of
the root was 0.5 times the width of the previous bracket.

W dk

(1-W ) d k



Z dk


(1-W k+1) d k+1 W k+1d k+1





k+1 k+1

ank+1 a k+1


(k + 1)th iteration

kth iteration
that {aka , akb , akc }

Figure 15.1: Two steps of a golden section search. Note

is referred to as the bracketing triplet
at iteration k, where akb is between aka and akc and akb is assumed to be closer to aka than it is to akc . A new guess
is made at point akn and the bracket is refined by retaining those three of the four points which maintain the
tightest bracket. The reduction of the interval continues at the following iterations in a self-similar fashion.
Algorithm 15.3: The golden section search for 1D minimization.


f u n c t i o n [AB, JB ] = Golden (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , T , X, P , V)

% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% INPUT : {AA, AB, AC} b r a c k e t a minimum o f J (A) = ComputeJ (X+AP ) , w i t h v a l u e s {JA , JB , JC } .
% OUTPUT: AB l o c a l l y m i n i m i z e s J (A) , w i t h a c c u r a c y T a b s (AB) and v a l u e JB .
% WARNING: t h i s r o u t i n e i s s lo w . Use B r e n t i n s t e a d .
i f abs (ABAA) > abs (ACAB ) ; [AA, AC] = Swap (AA, AC ) ; [ JA , JC ] = Swap ( JA , JC ) ; end % R e o r d e r d a t a
f o r ITER =1 :5 0
i f abs (ACAB) < T abs (AB) +1 e 25 , ITER , ret u rn , end
AN = AB + 0 . 2 3 6 0 6 8 (ACAB ) ; JN = ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
i f ( JN > JB )
AC=AA; JC=JA ; AA=AN; JA=JN ; % C e n t e r new t r i p l e t on AB (AB a l r e a d y i n p o s i t i o n )
AA=AB; JA=JB ; AB=AN; JB=JN ; % C e n t e r new t r i p l e t on AN (AC a l r e a d y i n p o s i t i o n )
i f V, d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f ,AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n Golden
f u n c t i o n [ J ] = ComputeJ (X, V)
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
J =X+X. 6 + 1 s i n ( 1 5 X ) ;
i f V;
s w i t c h V; c a s e 1 , s = kx ; c a s e 2 , s = r x ; c a s e 3 , s = bx ; c a s e 4 , s = gx ; end ;
p l o t (X, J , s ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n ComputeJ


% s c r i p t BracketGoldenBrentTest
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
c l e a r ; f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; h o ld on ;
AA= 0 ; AB= 0 . 1 ; JA=ComputeJ (AA, 1 ) ;
d i s p ( B r a c k e t . . . ) ; [AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC ] = B r a c k e t (AA, AB, JA , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , pause ;
d i s p ( Golden . . . ) ; [A, J ] = Golden (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , 0 . 0 0 0 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 ) , pause ;
d i s p ( InvQuad . . . ) ; [A, J ] = InvQuad (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , 0 . 0 0 0 1 , 0 , 1 , 3 ) , pause ;
disp ( Brent . . .
) ; [A, J ] = B r e n t (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , 0 . 0 0 0 1 , 0 , 1 , 4 )



15.1.2 Inverse quadratic interpolation

Recall from ?? that, when a function f (x) is locally linear (meaning that, over the local interval of interest,
its shape is well-approximated by a linear function), the false position method is an efficient technique to
find the root of the function based on function evaluations alone. The false position method is based on the
construction of successive linear interpolations of recent function evaluations, taking each new estimate of
the root of f (x) as that value of x for which the value of the linear interpolant is zero.
Analogously, when a function J(a) is locally quadratic (meaning that, over the local interval of interest,
its shape is well-approximated by a quadratic function), the minimum point of the function may be found via
an efficient technique based on function evaluations alone. At the heart of this technique is the construction
of successive quadratic interpolations based on recent function evaluations, taking each new estimate of
the minimum of J(a) as that value of a for which the value of the quadratic interpolant is minimum. For
example, given data points {aa , Ja }, {ab , Jb }, and {ac , Jc }, the quadratic interpolant is given by the Lagrange
Q(a) = Ja

(a aa)(a ab)
(a aa)(a ac)
(a ab)(a ac)
+ Jb
+ Jc
(aa ab )(aa ac )
(ab aa )(ab ac )
(ac aa)(ac ab )

as described in 7.3.2. Setting dQ(a)/da = 0 to find the critical point of this quadratic yields
0 = Ja

2 a aa ab
2 a aa ac
2 a ab ac
+ Jb
+ Jc
(aa ab )(aa ac )
(ab aa )(ab ac )
(ac aa)(ac ab)

Multiplying by (aa ab )(ab ac )(ac aa ) and then solving for a gives the desired value of a which is a
critical point of the interpolating quadratic:

1 Ja (ab + ac )(ab ac ) + Jb (aa + ac )(ac aa) + Jc (aa + ab )(aa ab)

Ja (ab ac ) + Jb(ac aa) + Jc (aa ab )

= . . . = ab +

1 (ab ac )2 (Jb Ja ) (ab aa)2 (Jb Jc )

2 (ab aa)(Jb Jc ) (ab ac )(Jb Ja)


Since the points {aa , ab , ac } bracketed a minimum, not a maximum, the critical point found by the above formula is a minimum point of the interpolating quadratic, and will lie somewhere between aa and ac . Together
with a few ad hoc checks to prevent the minimization algorithm from stalling, (15.2) is used at the heart of
Algorithm 15.4.

15.1.3 Brents method

As with the false position technique for accelerated bracket refinement for the problem of scalar root finding,
the inverse quadratic technique can also stall for a variety of scalar functions J(a) one might attempt to
minimize, and a careful implementation should fall back on a simpler, more pedestrian appraoch when such
stalling is detected.
A hybrid technique, referred to as Brents method (Algorithm 15.5), has thus been developed which combines the reliable convergence benefits of the golden section search with the ability of the inverse quadratic
interpolation technique to home in rapidly on the solution when the minimum point is approached. Switching
in a reliable fashion from one technique to the other without stalling requires a few careful ad hoc checks, and
in fact slightly slows down the convergence of the pure inverse quadratic code for some well behaved functions. However, the remarkably robust convergence properties of Brents method generally render it overall
the most suitable choice for 1D minimization.


Algorithm 15.4: Inverse quadratic interpolation for 1D minimization.

f u n c t i o n [AB, JB ] = InvQuad (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , T , X, P , V) % N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% INPUT : {AA, AB, AC} b r a c k e t a minimum o f J (A) = ComputeJ (X+AP ) , w i t h v a l u e s {JA , JB , JC } .
% OUTPUT: AB l o c a l l y m i n i m i z e s J (A) , w i t h a c c u a r c y T a b s (AB) and v a l u e JB .
% WARNING: t h i s r o u t i n e s t a l l s on f u n c t i o n s l i k e J (A) =A 6 +A . Use B r e n t i n s t e a d .
i f AA>AC ; [AA, AC] = Swap (AA, AC ) ; [ JA , JC ] = Swap ( JA , JC ) ; end
f o r ITER = 1 : 5 0 0 ;
% {AA, AB, AC} i s s t a r t i n g t r i p l e t
T1=T abs (AB) + 1 . E25; T3=T1 0 . 9 9 ;
% Initialize
AM= 0 . 5 (AA+AC ) ; i f abs (ACAA) <4. T1 ; ITER , r e t u r n ; end
% Check c o n v e r g e n c e
T=(ABAA) ( JBJC ) ; D=(ABAC) ( JBJA ) ; N=(ABAC) D(ABAA) T ; D=2 ( TD ) ; % P a r a b o l i c f i t
% [ see ( 1 5 . 2 ) ]
i f (ABAA<T1 & AINC<=0); AINC=T3 ; e l s e i f (ACAB<T1 & AINC>=0); AINC=T3 ; end
i f abs ( AINC)<T1 ; AN=AB+T3 s i g n ( AINC ) ; e l s e ; AN=AB+AINC ; end ; JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
i f (ABAA) (ANAB) >0;
% N i s b etw een B and C
i f ( JN > JB ) AC=AN; JC=JN ;
% {AA, AB,AN} i s new t r i p l e t
AA=AB; JA=JB ; AB=AN; JB=JN ; end ; % {AB, AN, AC} i s new t r i p l e t
% N i s b etw een A and B
i f ( JN > JB ) AA=AN; JA=JN ;
% {AN, AB, AC} i s new t r i p l e t
AC=AB; JC=JB ; AB=AN; JB=JN ; end ; % {AA, AN, AB} i s new t r i p l e t
i f V, d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( %19.15 f %19.15 f %19.15 f ,AA, AB, AC ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n InvQuad


Algorithm 15.5: Brents algorithm for 1D minimization.

f u n c t i o n [AB, JB ] = B r e n t (AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , TOL , X, P , V) % N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% INPUT : {AA, AB, AC} b r a c k e t a minimum o f J (A) = ComputeJ (X+AP ) , w i t h v a l u e s {JA , JB , JC } .
% OUTPUT: AB l o c a l l y m i n i m i z e s J (A) , w i t h a c c u a r c y TOL a b s (AB) and v a l u e JB .
AINC = 0 ; AL=min (AC,AA ) ; AR=max (AC,AA ) ;
i f ( abs (ABAA) > abs (ACAB ) ) ; [AA, AC] = Swap (AA, AC ) ; [ JA , JC ] = Swap ( JA , JC ) ; end ;
f o r ITER = 1 : 5 0 ;
i f ITER <3; AINT =2 (ARAL ) ; end ; TOL1=TOL abs (AB) +1 E25; TOL2=2TOL1 ; FLAG= 0 ; % I n i t i a l i z e
AM=(AL+AR ) / 2 ; i f (ARAL) / 2 + abs (ABAM)<TOL2 ; ITER , r e t u r n ; end
% Check c o n v e r g e n c e
i f ( abs ( AINT)>TOL1 | ITER<3)
% P e r f o r m a p a r a b o l i c f i t b a s e d on p o i n t s {AA, AB, AC} [ s e e ( 1 5 . 2 ) ]
T=(ABAA) ( JBJC ) ; D=(ABAC ) ( JBJA ) ; N=(ABAC) D(ABAA) T ; D=2 (TD ) ;
i f D< 0 . ; N=N; D=D; end ; T=AINT ; AINT=AINC ;
i f ( abs (N)< abs (DT / 2 ) & N>D (ALAB) & N<D (ARAB ) ) % AINC=N /D w i t h i n r e a s o n a b l e r a n g e ?
% S u c c e s s ! AINC i s new i n c r e m e n t .
i f (ANAL<TOL2 | ARAN<TOL2 ) ; AINC= abs ( TOL1 ) s i g n (AMAB ) ; end % F i x i f AN n e a r e n d s
% I f p a r a b o l i c f i t u n s u c c e s s f u l , do g o l d e n s e c t i o n s t e p b a s e d on b r a c k e t {AL, AB, AR}
i f FLAG==0 ; i f AB>AM; AINT=ALAB ; e l s e ; AINT=ARAB ; end ; AINC =0 . 3 8 1 9 6 6 AINT ; end
i f abs ( AINC)>TOL1 ; AN=AB+AINC ; e l s e ; AN=AB+abs ( TOL1 ) s i g n ( AINC ) ; end
JN=ComputeJ (X+ANP , V ) ;
i f JN<=JB
% Keep 6 ( n o t n e c e s s a r i l y d i s t i n c t ) p o i n t s
i f AN>AB ; AL=AB ; e l s e ; AR=AB ; end
% d e f i n i n g t h e i n t e r v a l from one i t e r a t i o n
AC=AA; JC=JA ; AA=AB; JA=JB ; AB=AN; JB=JN ; % t o t h e n e x t :
% {AL, AB, AR} b r a c k e t t h e minimum
i f AN<AB ; AL=AN; e l s e ; AR=AN; end
% AB=Lowest p o i n t , most r e c e n t i f t i e d w / AA
i f ( JN<=JA | AA==AB)
% AA=Second to l o w e s t p o i n t .
% AC= T h ir d to l o w e s t p o i n t
e l s e i f ( JN<=JC | AC==AB | AC==AA)
% AN=Newest p o i n t
% P a r a b o l i c f i t b a s e d on {AA, AB, AC}
% Golden s e c t i o n s e a r c h b a s e d on {AL, AB, AR}
i f V, d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( %d %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f %9.5 f ,FLAG, AA, AB, AC, AL , AR ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n B r e n t



15.2 Lattice based derivative-free optimization via global surrogates

As mentioned previously, the core idea of all efficient search algorithms2 for derivative-free optimization
is to keep function evaluations far apart until convergence is approached. Generalized Pattern Search
(GPS) algorithms accomplish this by coordinating the search with an underlying grid which is refined, and
coarsened, as appropriate. Rather than using the cubic grid (the typical choice), we recommend for this
purpose the use of lattices derived from n-dimensional sphere packings. Such lattices are significantly more
uniform and have much higher kissing numbers (that is, they have many more nearest neighbors) than their
cubic grid counterparts; both of these facts make them much better suited for coordinating GPS algorithms.
One of the most efficient subclasses of GPS algorithms, known as the Surrogate Management Framework
(SMF), alternates between an exploratory search over an interpolating surrogate function which summarizes
the trends exhibited by the existing function evaluations, and an exhaustive poll which checks the function
on neighboring points to confirm or confute the local optimality of any given candidate minimum point
(CMP) on the underlying grid.
The algorithm presented here uses efficient lattices based on n-dimensional sphere packings (see ??) to
coordinate such surrogate-based optimizations while incorporating an efficient global search strategy based
on both the predictor and the uncertainty of a kriging model (see 7.5.3) of the function, thereby developing an
extremely efficient algorirthm for Lattice Based Derivative-free Optimization via Global Surrogates, dubbed
LABDOGS. A review of ?? and 7.5.3 is thus highly recommended before proceeding.

15.2.1 Introduction
The minimization of computationally expensive, high-dimensional functions is often most efficiently performed via gradient-based optimization algorithms such as steepest descent, conjugate gradient, and L-BFGS,
as discussed further in 16. In complex dynamic systems for which an accurate computer model is available,
the gradient required by such algorithms may often be found by adjoint analysis (20). However, when the
function in question is not sufficiently smooth to leverage gradient information effectively during its optimization (see, e.g., Figure 15.2), a derivative-free approach is necessary. Such a scenario is evident, for example,
when optimizing a finite-time-average approximation of an infinite-time-average statistic of a chaotic system
such as a turbulent flow. Such an approximation may be determined via simulation or experiment. The truncation of the averaging window used to determine this approximation renders derivative-based optimization
strategies ill suited, as the truncation error, though small, is effectively decorrelated from one flow simulation/experiment to the next. This effective decorrelation of the truncation error is reflected, for example,
by the exponential growth, over the entire finite time horizon considered, of the adjoint field related to the
optimization problem of interest in the simulation-based setting.
Due to the sometimes significant expense associated with performing repeated function evaluations (in the
above example, turbulent flow simulations or experiments), a derivative-free optimization algorithm which,
with reasonable confidence, converges to within an accurate tolerance of the global minimum of a nonconvex
function of interest with a minimum number of function evaluations is desired. It is noted that, in the general
case, proof of convergence of an optimization algorithm to a global minimum is possible only when, in the
limit that the total number of function evaluations, N, approaches infinity, the function evaluations become
dense in the feasible region of parameter space (Torn & Zilinskas, 1987). Though the algorithm developed
presented here, when implemented properly, satisfies this condition, so do far inferior approaches, such as the
2 The problem of optimization is, in general, NP-hard (that is, the only available rigorous solutions to problems of this class incorporate exhaustive searches). Thus, if searching over an infinite number of possibilities of the optimization variables, such problems would
require infinite time to solve completely. There have been a variety of methods posed over the years to explore for solutions of derivativefree problems which do not have built-in safeguards to keep function evaluations far apart until convergence is approached, including
the so-called genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) algorithms. With the appropriate heuristics, as discussed in this
chapter, much more efficient algorithms are possible; we thus do not discuss the GA and SA approaches further here.









Figure 15.2: Prototypical nonsmooth optimization problem for which local gradient information is ill-suited
to accelerate the optimization algorithm.
rather unintelligent algorithm which we call Exhaustive Sampling (ES), which simply covers the feasible
parameter space with a grid, evaluates the function at every gridpoint, refines the grid by a factor of two, and
repeats until terminated. Thus, a guarantee of global convergence is not sufficient to establish the efficiency
of an optimization algorithm. If function evaluations are relatively expensive, and thus only a relatively small
number of function evaluations can be afforded, effective heuristics for rapid convergence are certainly just
as important, if not significantly more important, than rigorous proofs of the behavior of the optimization
algorithm in the limit that N , a limit that might be argued to be of limited relevance when function
evaluations are expensive. Careful attention to such heuristics thus forms an important foundation for the
present study.
If, for the moment, we give up on the goal of global convergence, perhaps the simplest grid-based
derivative-free optimization algorithm, which we identify with the name Successive Polling (SP), proceeds
as follows. Start with a coarse grid and evaluate the function at some starting point on this grid, identified as
the first candidate minimum point (CMP). Then, poll (that is, evaluate) the function values on gridpoints
which neighbor the CMP in parameter space, at a sufficient number of gridpoints to positively span3 the
feasible neighborhood of the CMP [this step ensures convergence, as discussed further in Torczon 1997 and
Coope & Price 2001]. When polling:
(a) If any poll point is found to have a function value lower than that of the CMP, immediately consider
this new point the new CMP and terminate the present poll step.
(b) If all poll points are found to have function values higher than that of the CMP, refine the grid by a
factor of two.
A new poll step is then initiated, either around the new CMP or on the refined grid, and the process repeated
until terminated. Though the basic SP algorithm described above, on its own, is not very efficient, there are a
variety of effective techniques for accelerating it. All grid-based schemes which effectively build on the basic
SP idea described above are classified as Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) algorithms.
The most efficient subclass of GPS algorithms, known as the Surrogate Management Framework
(SMF; see Booker et al., 1999), leverages inexpensive interpolating surrogate functions (often, kriging
interpolations are used) to interpolate the available function evaluations and provide suggested regions of
parameter space in which to perform new function evaluations between each poll step. SMF algorithms thus
alternate beween two steps:
(i) Search over the inexpensive interpolating function to identify, based on the existing function evaluations,
the most promising gridpoint at which to perform a new function evaluation. Perform a function evaluation
3 That is, such that any feasible point in the neighborhood of the CMP can be reached via a linear combination with non-negative
coefficients of the vectors from the CMP to the poll points. For further discussion, see 1.3.


at this point, update the interpolating function, and repeat. The search step is terminated when this search
algorithm returns a gridpoint at which either the function has already been evaluated or the function, once
evaluated, has a value greater than that of the CMP.
(ii) Poll the neighborhood of the new CMP identified by the search algorithm, following rules (a) and (b)
Note that there is substantial flexibility during the search step described above. An effective search strategy is essential for an efficient SMF algorithm. In the case that the search behaves poorly and fails to return
improved function values, which often happens when the function of interest is very flat (such as near the
minimum of the Rosenbrock test function), the SMF algorithm essentially reduces to the SP algorithm. If, however, the surrogate-based search is effective, the SMF algorithm will converge to a minimum far faster than
the simple SP search. As the search and poll steps are essentially independent of one another, we will discuss
them each in turn in the sections that follow, then present how we have combined them in our highly efficient
new optimization algorithm and its realization in the open-source software package dubbed Checkers.
Note also that the interpolating surrogate function of the SMF may be used to order the function evaluations at the poll points such that those poll points which are most likely to have a function value lower than
that of the CMP are evaluated first. By so doing, the poll steps will, on average, terminate much sooner, and
the computational cost of the overall algorithm may be substantially reduced.

15.2.2 Applying lattice theory to the coordination of derivative-free optimization

At the heart of the SMF algorithm lies the discretizing grid or lattice to which all function evaluations are
restricted, and which defines the set of points from which the poll set is selected at each poll step. Like in
the game of Checkers (contrast American Checkers with Chinese Checkers), cubic grids are not the only
possibility for discretizing parameter space in such an application. As the underlying lattice is the foundation
for any GPS algorithm, we first define and compare the characteristics of various lattice alternatives to cubic
As discussed in ??, there are two key drawbacks with cubic approaches to the coordination of derivativefree optimization algorithms. First, the discretization of the optimization space is less uniform when using
the cubic grid as opposed to the available alternatives, as measured by the packing density , the covering
thickness , and the normalized mean-squared quantization error G, as summarized in Table ??. Second, the
configuration of nearest-neighbor gridpoints is poor when using the cubic grid, as measured by the kissing
number , which is an indicator of the degree of flexibility available when selecting a positive basis from
nearest neighbors on the lattice. As seen by comparing the n = 2, n = 8, and n = 24 cases in Table ??, these
drawbacks become increasingly substantial as the dimension n is increased.
Recall in particular that the poll points described above must be selected to form a positive basis around
the CMP (that is, a set of vectors such that any point in the feasible parameter space neighboring the CMP
can be reached by a linear combination of these vectors with non-negative coefficients). Assuming computationally expensive function evaluations, minimizing the number of poll points while maintaining a positive
basis around the CMP is of key importance in maximizing the efficiency of the SP algorithm. This highlights an obvious shortcoming of defining the poll points based on a cubic grid, where a complete poll step
performed on a positive basis based on the nearest neighbors of a CMP requires 2n function evaluations; in
more well-behaved lattices such as An , the positive basis requires only n + 1 function evaluations (see Figure
15.3). In fact, most alternative lattices developed as n-dimensional sphere packings also require only n + 1
nearest-neighbor points to form a positive basis. Thus, independent of the benefits in increased uniformity
and decreased mean-square quantization error provided by the alternative lattices considered here, a factor
of nearly 2 increase in SP efficiency is realized immediately as a direct consequence of the more convenient
configuration of the nearest-neighbor points on these alternative lattices.
Note that it is possible to construct a positive basis with only n + 1 points, referred to as a minimal



Figure 15.3: Configuration of the nearest-neighbor gridpoints in the 2D (a) square and (b) hexagonal lattices.
positive basis, in the n-dimensional cubic case if one poll point is used which is not a nearest-neighbor point,
indicated in n = 2 dimensions in Figure 15.3a. However, the vector to this oddball point is a factor of
n longer than the remaining n vectors. Additionally, this oddball vector is at a much larger angle to all of
the other vectors in the positive basis than these vectors are to themselves. As a consequence, the region to
which the optimal point is effectively localized via polling a set of points distributed in such a fashion is
increased greatly from that tight region resulting from a poll on a well-distributed positive basis on nearestneighbor points, as possible when using the A2 configuration as depicted in Figure 15.3b. By providing a
poorly distributed poll set, the efficiency of the SP algorithm is significantly compromised following the
oddball vector approach depicted in Figure 15.3a4 .
Note that it is not yet clear which of the four standard metrics introduced above (that is, , , G, ) is/are
in fact most relevant when selecting a lattice for coordinating a derivative-free optimization algorithm, and
some experimentation will thus be required to make this selection optimally for each n. The one thing that is
clear, however, is that the cubic grid is inferior (by orders of magnitude for even modest values of n) to the
available alternative lattices by all four of these metrics, as discussed further and tabulated comprehensively
in ??.
To extend lattice theory, as summarized in ??, to coordinate a derivative-free optimization algorithm, a
few additional steps are needed, as described below.
Enumerating nearest-neighbor lattice points
All lattice points x i Rn which are nearest neighbors of the origin x = 0 in any real lattice defined by a basis
matrix B may be enumerated via the following algorithm.
0. Initialize m = 1.
1. Define a distribution of points z i such that each element of each of these vectors is selected from the
set of integers {m, . . . , 0, . . . , m}, and that all possible vectors that can be created in such a fashion,
except the origin, are present (without duplication) in this distribution.
2. Compute the distance of each transformed point y i = Bzi in this distribution from the origin, and eliminate those points in the distribution that are farther from the origin than the minimum distance
computed in the set.
4 Taking this idea one step further, a relatively new class of methods, referred to as Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS), polls
based on a cubic grid but using several non-nearest-neighbor gridpoints. Though this approach has received much attention in recent
years (see, e.g., Abramson, Audet, & Dennis 2005) and shows some promise, a poll of this sort has the unfortunate consequence of
effectively localizing the minimum point to a much larger region of parameter space than does a poll based on nearest-neighbor points
on a grid of the same density. We believe that a MADS-type approach is rendered unnecessary when a lattice with a significantly higher
kissing number than that of the cubic grid is used.


3. Count the number of points remaining in the distribution. If this number equals the (known) kissing
number of the lattice under consideration, as listed in Table 2 or 3, then determine an orthogonal B
from B via Gram Schmidt orthogonalization, set x i = B T y i for all i, and exit; otherwise, increment m
and repeat from step 1.
Though this simple algorithm is not particularly efficient, it need not be, as the nearest neighbor distribution
is identical around every lattice point, and thus this algorithm need only be run once during the initialization
of the optimization code.
Testing for a positive basis
Given a subset of the nearest-neighbor lattice points, we will at times need an efficient test to determine
whether or not the vectors to these points from the CMP form a positive basis of the feasible domain around
the CMP. Without loss of generality, we will shift this problem so that the CMP corresponds to the origin in
the discussion that follows.
A set of vectors {x1 , . . . , x k } for k n + 1 is said to positively span Rn if any point in Rn may be reached via a linear combination of these vectors with non-negative coefficients. Since the 2n basis vectors
{e1 , . . . , en , e1 , . . . , en } positively span Rn , a convenient test for whether or not the vectors {x1, . . . , x k }
positively span Rn is to determine whether or not each vector in the set {e1 , . . . , en , e1 , . . . , en } can be
reached by a positive linear combination of the vectors {x1 , . . . , x k }. That is, for each vector e in the set
= e is desired, where
{e1 , . . . , en , e1 , . . . , en }, a solution z, with zi 0 for i = 1, . . . , n, to the equation Xz

X = x
. . . x . If such a z exists for each vector e, then the vectors {x , . . . , x } positiviely span Rn ; if
such a z does not exist, then the vectors {x1 , . . . , x k } do not positiviely span Rn .
Thus, testing a set of vectors to determine whether or not it positively spans Rn may be reduced simply
to testing for the existence of a solution to 2n well-defined linear programs in standard form. Techniques to
perform such tests are well developed and readily available (see 14). Further, if a set of vectors positiviely
spans Rn , it is a simple matter to check whether or not this set of vectors is also a positive basis of Rn , if
such a check is necessary, simply by checking whether or not any subset of k 1 vectors chosen from this
set also positively span Rn . Note that a positive basis with k vectors will necessarily have k in the range
n + 1 k 2n.
Selecting a positive basis from the nearest-neighbor lattice points
Section 15.2.2 described how to enumerate all points which are nearest neighbors of the origin of a lattice (and
thus, with the appropriate shift, all points which are nearest neighbors of any CMP on a lattice), and Section
15.2.2 described how to test a subset of such points to see if the vectors to these points form a positive
basis around the CMP. We now present a general algorithm to solve the problem of selecting a positive basis
from the nearest-neighbor points using the minimum number of new poll points possible, while creating the
maximum achievable angular uniformity between the vectors from the CMP to each of these points. This
problem has an interesting connection to Tammes problem (Tammes 1930), which may be summarized as
the question Where should k repulsive individuals settle on a planet in order to be as far away from each
other as possible?. In the present incarnation of this problem, we have an n-dimensional planet, and we need
to distribute k = n + m such repulsive individuals on a well-selected subset of a discrete set of locations (that
is, the nearest-neighbor lattice points) at which the individuals are allowed to settle. Ideally5, for m = 1, the
solution to this discrete Tammes problem will produce a positive basis with good angular uniformity; if it
does not, we may successively increment m by one and try again until we succeed in producing a positive
5 That

is, for a good lattice, such as that depicted in Figure 15.4.


Figure 15.4: Two different positive bases on the bcc lattice D3 , shown in green and red around the blue CMP.
Note the complete radial and angular uniformity as well as the flexibility in the orientation of the basis.
We have studied three algorithms for solving the problem of finding a positive basis while leveraging this
discrete Tammes formulation:
Algorithm A. If the kissing number of the lattice under consideration is relatively large (that is, if n;
for example, for the Leech lattice 24 ), then a straightforward algorithm can first be used to solve Tammes
problem on a continuous sphere in n dimensions. This can be done simply and quickly by modeling the n + m
repulsive individuals with identical negatively charged particles, initializing the location of each such particle
on the sphere randomly, and then, at each iteration, using a straightforward force-based algorithm6 to move
each particle along the surface of the sphere a small amount in the direction that the other particles are tending
to push it, and iterating until the set of particles approaches an equilibrium. Then, each equilibrium point so
determined may be quantized to the closest nearest-neighbor lattice point, as enumerated in 15.2.2.
Algorithm B. If the kissing number of the lattice under consideration is relatively small (that is, if is not
well over an order of magnitude larger than n), then it turns out to be more expedient to solve the discrete
Tammes problem directly. To accomplish this, we distribute the n + m negatively charged particles randomly
on n + m nearest-neighbor points, and then, at each iteration, move a few (two or three7 ) of these particles that
are furtherest from equilibrium in the force-based model described above (that is, those particles which have
the highest force component projected onto the surface of the sphere) into new positions selected from the
available locations (enumerated in 15.2.2) which minimize the maximum force (projected onto the sphere)
over the entire set of particles. Though each iteration of this algorithm involves an exhaustive search for
placing the two or three particles in question, it converges quickly when is O(100) or less.
Algorithm C. For intermediate kissing numbers , a hybrid approach may be used: a good initial distribution
may be found using Algorithm A, then this distribution may be refined using Algorithm B.
In each of these algorithms, to minimize the number of new function evaluations required at each poll step,
a check is first made to determine whether any previous function evaluations have already been performed on
the set of nearest-neighbor lattice points. If so, then negatively-charged particles are fixed at these locations,
while the remaining negatively-charged particles are adjusted via one of the three algorithms described above.
By so doing, previously-calculated function values may be used with maximum effectiveness during the
polling procedure. When performing the poll step of a surrogate-based search, in order to orient the new poll
set favorably, a negatively-charged particle is also fixed at the nearest neighbor point with the lowest value of
the surrogate function; when polling, this poll point is evaluated first.
6 In this model, the repulsive force exerted by any two particles on each other is proporational to the inverse square of the distance
between the particles.
7 Moving more than two or three particles at a time in this algorithm makes each iteration computationally intensive, and has little
impact on overall convergence of the algorithm.


The iterative algorithms described above, though in practice quite effective, are not guaranteed to converge
from arbitrary initial conditions to a positive basis for a given value of m, even if such a positive basis exists.
To address this issue, if either algorithm fails to produce a positive basis, the algorithm may be repeated using
a new random starting distribution. Our numerical tests have indicated that this repeated random initialization
scheme usually generates a positive basis within a few initializations when such a positive basis indeed exists.
Since at times there exists no minimal positive basis on the nearest-neighbor lattice points, particularly
when the previous function evaluations being leveraged are poorly configured, the number of new random
initializations is limited to a prespecified value. Once this value is reached, m is increased by one and the
process repeated. As the cost of each function evaluation increases, the user can increase the number of
random initializations attempted using one of the above algorithms for each value of m in order to avoid
the computation of extraneous poll points that might in fact be unnecessary if sufficient exploration by the
discrete Tammes algorithm is performed.
Numerical tests have demonstrated the efficacy of this rather simple basis-finding strategy, which reliably
generates a positive basis, even when leveraging a relatively poor configuration of previous function evaluations, while keeping computational costs to a minimum. Additionally, the strategy itself lacks any explicit
dependence on the lattice being used; the only inputs to it are the dimension of the problem, the locations of
the nearest-neighbor lattice points, and the identification of those nearest-neighbor lattice points for which
previous function evaluations are available.
Implementation of feasible domain boundaries
When implementing a global search in n dimensions, or even when implementing a local search on a function
which is ill-defined for certain nonphysical values of the parameters (such as negative concentrations of
chemicals), it is important to restrict the optimization algorithm to look only over a prespecified bounded
feasible region of parameter space. For simplicity, the present work assumes rectangular constraints on this
feasible domain (that is, simple upper and lower bounds on each parameter value). An efficient n-dimensional
lattice with packing radius n (see ??) is used to quantize the interior of the feasible domain, efficient (n1)dimensional lattices with packing radius n1 = n /2 are used to quantize the portions of the boundary of
the feasible domain with one active constraint (that is, the faces), efficient (n 2)-dimensional lattices with
packing radius n2 = n /4 are used to quantize the portions of the boundary of the feasible domain with
two active constraints (that is, the edges), etc. The present section describes how to keep from violating
the boundaries of the feasible domain, and how to move on and off of these boundaries as appropriate, while
carefully restricting all function evaluations to the interior and boundary lattices in order to coordinate an
efficient search.
We distinguish between two scenarios in which the polling algorithm as described thus far must be adjusted to avoid violating the (n 1)-dimensional boundaries8 of the feasible domain. In the first scenario, the
CMP is relatively far (that is, greater than n but less than 2n ) from the boundary of the feasible domain, and
thus one or more of the poll points as determined by one of the algorithms proposed in 15.2.2 might land
slightly outside this boundary. In this scenario, an effective remedy is simply to eliminate all lattice points
which land outside of the feasible domain from the list of potential poll points (see 15.2.2), and then to augment to this restricted list of potential poll points all those lattice points on the nearby (n 1)-dimensional
constraint surface which are less than 2n from the CMP. From this modified list of potential poll points, the
poll set may be selected in the usual fashion using one of the algorithms described in 15.2.2.
In the second scenario, the CMP is relatively close (that is, less than n ) to the boundary of the feasible
domain. In this scenario, it is most effective simply to shift the CMP onto the nearest lattice point on the (n
1)-dimensional constraint surface. With the CMP on the feasible domain boundary, each poll step explores a
minimum positive basis selected on the lattice quantizing the (n 1)-dimensional boundary and, in addition,
8 That

is, the portions of the boundary with a single active constraint.







Figure 15.5: A scenario in which a CMP at x = 0 0 0 sits on an (n 2) = 1-dimensional edge of an
n = 3-dimensional feasible region with bounds x1 0 and x2 0. Note that the feasible neighborhood of this
edge is positively spanned by the nearest neighbors on the integer lattice, and that two additional vectors are
added to the poll set to facilitate moving off of each of these active constraint boundaries.

polls an additional lattice point on the interior of the feasible domain to allow the algorithm to move back off
this constraint boundary. Ideally, this additional point would be located on a inward-facing vector normal to
the (n 1)-dimensional feasible domain boundary a distance n from the CMP; we thus choose the interior
lattice point closest to this location.
Multiple active constraints are handled in an analogous manner (see Figure 15.5). In an n-dimensional
optimization problem with p 2 active constraints, the CMP is located on an active constraint surface
of dimension n p. An efficient (n p)-dimensional lattice with packing radius np = n /2 p is used to
quantize this active constraint surface, and a poll set is constructed by creating a positive basis selected from
the points neighboring the CMP within the (n p)-dimensional active constraint surface, together with p
additional points located on the (n p + 1)-dimensional constraint surfaces neighboring the CMP. Ideally,
these p additional points would be located on vectors normal to the (n p)-dimensional active constraint
surface a distance np+1 = n /2 p1 from the CMP; we thus choose the lattice points on the (n p + 1)dimensional feasible domain boundaries closest to these locations.
In practice, it is found that, once an optimization routine moves onto p 1 feasible domain boundaries,
it only somewhat infrequently moves back off. To account for this, the p additional poll points mentioned in
the previous paragraph are polled after the other poll points forming the positive basis within the (n p)dimensional active constraint surface.
We now have all of the ingredients necessary to coordinate an SP algorithm, as laid out in 15.2.1, with
any of the lattices listed in Table 2, while both reusing previous function evaluations and respecting sharp
bounds on the feasible region of parameter space. Numerical testing of such an algorithm is reported in
The purpose of the search step of an SMF algorithm is to interpolate, and extrapolate, the trends exhibited
by the existing function evaluations in order to suggest new regions of parameter space, perhaps far from the
CMP, where the function value is anticipated, with some reasonable degree of probability, to be lower than
that of the CMP. There are a variety of possibile ways of accomplishing this; we leverage here the kriging
interpolation strategy (Krige 1951; Matheron 1963; Jones 2001; Rasmussen & Williams 2006).

True Function
Data Points
Predictor Y
Error E
Seach Point

After 2 evaluations

After 3 evaluations




After 5 evaluations




After 6 evaluations





After 4 evaluations




After 7 evaluations

Figure 15.6: Convergence of a search algorithm based on minimizing the kriging predictor, J(x) = f(x), at
each iteration. This algorithm does not necessarily converge even to a local minimum, and after six steps the
search has effectively stalled.

15.2.3 Global optimization strategies leveraging kriging-based interpolation

The previous section reviewed the kriging interpolation strategy which, based on a sparse set of observed
function values f o (xi ) for i = 1, . . . , N, develops a function predictor f(x) and a model of the uncertainty
s2 (x) associated with this prediction for any given set of parameter values x. Leveraging this kriging model, a sophisticated search algorithm can now be developed for the derivative-free optimization algorithm
summarized in 15.2.1.
The effectiveness of the various kriging-based search strategies which one might propose may be tested
by applying them repeatedly to simple test problems via the following procedure:
a search function J(x) is first developed based on a kriging model fit to the existing function evaluations,
a gradient-based search is used to minimize this (computationally inexpensive, smoothly-varying)
search function,
the function f (x) is sampled at the point x which minimizes the search function9,
the kriging model is updated, and the search is repeated.

In the present work, we consider a scalar test problem with multiple minima, f (x) = sin(x)+x2 , on the interval
[5, 5], and use two starting points to initialize the search. Ineffective search strategies will not converge to
the global minimum of f (x) in this test, and may not converge even to a local minimum. More effective search
strategies converge to the global minimum following this approach, and the number of function evaluations
required for convergence indicates of the effectiveness of the search strategy used.
Perhaps the most obvious strategy commonly used in such scenarios consists of fitting a kriging model to
the known data, then searching the kriging predictor itself, J(x) = f(x), for its minimum value. This simple
approach has been implemented in a variety of examples with reasonably good results (see Booker et al,
1999). However, as shown clearly in Figure 15.6, this approach can easily break down. The kriging predictor
does not necessarily model the function accurately, and its minimization fails to guarantee convergence to
even a local minimum of the function f (x). This observed fact can be motivated informally by identifying the
kriging predictor as an interpolating function which only under extraordinary conditions predicts a function
value significantly lower than all of the previously-computed function values; under ordinary conditions, a
strategy of minimizing the predictor will thus often stall in the vicinity of the previously-evaluated points.
To avoid the shortcomings of a search defined solely by the minimization of the predictor, another strategy
explored by Booker et al (1999) is to evaluate the function at two points in parameter space during the search:
9 For the moment, to focus our attention on the behavior of the search algorithm itself, no underlying grid is used to co
ordinate the
search in order to keep function evaluations far apart.


True Function
Data Points
Predictor Y
Error E
Search Point
Search Func

After 2 evaluations

After 3 evaluations




After 5 evaluations




After 6 evaluations





After 4 evaluations



After 10 evaluations


Figure 15.7: Convergence of a search algorithm based on minimizing the search function J(x) = f(x) c
s2 (x) at each iteration, taking c = ???. Note that the global minimum found after just a few iterations.

one point chosen to minimize the predictor, and the other point chosen to maximize the predictor uncertainty.
Such a heuristic provides a guarantee of global convergence, as the seach becomes dense in the parameter
space as the total number of function evaluations, N, approaches infinity (see 15.2.1). However, this approach
generally does not converge quickly as compared with the improved methods described below, as the extra
search point has no component associated with the predictor, and is thus often evaluated in relatively poor
regions of parameter space.
We are thus motivated to develop a flexible strategy to explore in the vicinity of the minima of the predictor. To achive this, consider the minimization of J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x), where c is some constant (Cox
& John, 1997; Jones 2001). A search coordinated by this function will tend to explore regions of parameter
space where both the predictor of the function value is relatively low and the uncertainty of this prediction in
the kriging model is relatively high. With this strategy, the search is driven to regions of higher uncertainty,
with the c s2 (x) term in J(x) tending to cause the algorithm to explore away from previously evaluated
points. Additionally, minimizing f(x) c s2(x) allows the algorithm to explore the vicinity of multiple local
minima in successive iterations in order to determine, with an increasing degree of certainty, which local
bowl in fact has the deepest minimum. The parameter c provides a natural means to tune the degree to
which the search is driven to regions of higher uncertainty, with smaller values of c focusing the search more
on refining the vicinity of the lowest function value(s) already found, and larger values of c focusing the
search more on exploring regions of parameter space which are still relatively poorly sampled. This parameter may tuned based on knowledge of the function being minimized: if the function is suspected of having
multiple minima, c can be made relatively large to ensure a more exploratory search, whereas if the function
is suspected of having a single minimum, c can be made relatively small to ensure a more focused search
in the vicinity of the CMP. For an appropriate intermediate value of c, the resulting algorithm is often quite
effective at both global exploration and local refinement of the minimum, as illustrated in Figure 15.7. The
strategy of searching J(x) = f(x) c s2(x) also extends naturally to multiple dimensions, as illustrated for a
two-dimensional problem in Figure 15.8. Note also that, in the spirit of Booker et al (1999) [who effectively
suggested, in the present notation, exploring based on both c = 0 and c at each search step], one can, for
pathological functions, perform a search using multiple but finite values of c at each search step, returning
a set of points designed to focus, to varying degrees, on the competing objectives of global exploration and
local refinement.
Minimizing J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x) is not the only strategy to take advantage of the estimate of the uncertainty of the predictor provided by the kriging model. Another effective search strategy involves maximizing
the probability of achieving a target level of improvement on the current CMP [Kushner 1964, Stuckman
1988, Perttunen 1991, Elder 1992, Mockus 1994]. If the current CMP has a function value fmin , then this









Figure 15.8: The J(x) = f(x) c s2(x) search function for a search in two dimensions.
search strategy seeks that x for which the probability of finding a function value f (x) less than some prespecified target value ftarget [that is, for which f (x) ftarget < fmin ] is maximized in the kriging model. If f (x)
is known to be a positive function, a typical target value in this approach is ftarget = (1 ) fmin , where
might be selected somewhere in the range of 0.01 to 0.2. As for the parameter c discussed in the previous
paragraph, the parameter in this strategy tunes the degree to which the search is driven to regions of higher
uncertainty, with smaller values of focusing the search more on refining the vicinity of the lowest function
value(s) already found, and larger values of focusing the search more on exploring regions of parameter
space which are still relatively poorly sampled. For commensurate values of c and , the strategies of minimizing J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x) and maximizing the probability of achieving a target level of improvement are
in fact equivalent (Jones 2001); for simplicity, we thus focus on the former strategy in the present work10.
Since the search function J(x) = f(x) cs2 (x) is inexpensive to compute, continuous, and smooth, but in
general has multiple minima, an efficient gradient-based search, initialized from several well-selected points
in parameter space, may be used to to minimize it. As the uncertainty s2 (x) goes to zero at each sample point,
J(x) will tend to dip between each sample point. Thus, a search is initialized on 2n N total points forming
a positive basis near (say, a distance of n /2) to each of the N sample points, and each of these starting
points is marched to a local minimum of the function J(x) using an efficient gradient-based search (which
is constrained to remain within the feasible domain of x). The lowest point of the trajectories so generated
will very likely be the global minimum of J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x). For simplicity, the necessary gradients for
this search may be computed via a simple second-order central finite difference scheme applied to the kriging

To recap: the LABDOGS (Lattice Based Derivative-free Optimization via Global Surrogates) algorithm consists of an SMF-based optimization (see 15.2.1) coordinated by efficient n-dimensional lattices (see ??
and15.2.2) while leveraging a kriging interpolant (see 7.5.3) to perform a highly efficient global search
based on the search function J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x) (see 15.2.3). The full algorithm has been implemented
in an efficient numerical code, is available for free download at the website for this text.
10 Even more sophisticated search strategies can be proposed, as elegantly reviewed by Jones 2001. However, the simplicity, flexibility,
and performance given by the strategy of minimizing J(x) = f(x) c s2 (x) make this approach appear to be quite adequate for our
present purposes.


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Related references
Audet, C, & Dennis, Jr, JE (2003) Analysis of generalized pattern searches. SIAM Journal on Optimization
13, 889903.
Audet, C, Dennis, Jr, JE, & Moore, DW (2000) A surrogate-model-based method for constrained optimization. AIAA Paper 00-4891.
Booker, A, Dennis, JR, Frank, P, Serafini, D, Torczon, V, & Trosset, M (1999) A rigorous framework for
optimization of expensive functions by surrogates. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 17, 113.
Conway, JH, & Sloane, NJA (1984) On the Voronoi regions of certain lattices. SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth., 5,
Coope, ID, & Price, CJ (2001) On the convergence of grid-based methods for unconstrained optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 11, 859869.
Cox, DD & John, S (1997) SDO: A statistical method for global optimization. In Multidisciplinary Design
Optimization: State of the Art (edited by Alexandrov, N, & Hussaini, MY), 315329. SIAM.
Curtis, RT (1976) A new combinatorial approach to M24, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 79, 25-42.
Tammes, PML (1930) On the origin of number and arrangement of the places of exit on the surface of pollengrains. Recueil des travaux botaniques neerlandais, 27, 1-84.
Torczon, V (1997) On the convergence of pattern search algorithms. SIAM J. Optim., 7, 1-25.
Torn, A, & Zilinskas, A (1987) Global Optimization, Springer.



Chapter 16

Derivative-based minimization

16.1 The Newton-Raphson method revisited . . . . . . . . . .
16.2 Gradient-based approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.2.1 Steepest descent for quadratic functions . . . . . . .
16.2.2 Conjugate gradient for quadratic functions . . . . . .
16.2.3 Verification of the conjugate gradient algorithm . .
16.2.4 Preconditioned conjugate gradient . . . . . . . . . .
16.2.5 Extension to non-quadratic functions . . . . . . . .
16.2.6 Extension to non-smooth problems: bundle methods
16.3 Quasi-Newton methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.3.1 The BFGS method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16.3.2 The limited-memory BFGS method . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


























As introduced in 15, the problem of minimization has a broad range of applications.

In this chapter, we explore three classes of methods for solving the minimization problem which build
on local computation of the derivatives of the scalar function J(x), where x = xn1. The Newton-Raphson
method discussed in 16.1 builds on calculations of both the graident vector g(x) (of first derivatives of
J with respect to the components of x) as well as the Hessian matrix H(x) (of second derivatives of J
with respect to the components of x). In contrast, the gradient-based methods for multivariable minimization
discussed in 16.2 build upon calculations of just the graident vector g(x) and the function J(x) itself. The
quasi-Newton methods for multivariable minimization developed in 16.3 also build on calculations of just
the graident vector g(x) and the function J(x), but uses these calculations to approximate the Hessian matrix
as the iterations proceed. Note that J(x) is a scalar, g(x) is a vector of order n, and H(x) is a matrix of order
n n. For large n, the latter is prohibitively expensive to compute and store, and thus gradient-based methods
and quasi-Newton methods are preferred. Thus, 16.3 concludes with a reduced storage variant of the quasiNewton method introduced earlier in the section which only requires the storage of a pre-determined number
of vectors of order n, rather than an entire Hessian matrix of order n n.


16.1 The Newton-Raphson method revisited

If the function J(x) is locally quadratic and a good initial guess of the desired minimum point is available,
then minimization of J(x), for both scalar and vector x, can be accomplished quite effectively simply by
applying the iterative Newton-Raphson method developed in 3.1.1 to the gradient of J(x). That is, given the
gradient g(x) = J(x), the Newton-Raphson technique developed previously may be applied directly to find
a solution of g(x) = 0. Note that this approach works just as well for scalar or vector x, but just as readily
converges to a maximum point (or to a saddle point) as it does to a minimum point. As in the root finding
case discussed in 3.1.1, convergence to the desired minimum point is obtained quadratically, provided a
sufficiently accurate initial guess of this minimum point is available. Recall from 3.1.1 that the NewtonRaphson method requires both the evaluation of g(x), in this case taken to be the gradient of the cost J(x),
and the evaluation of the Jacobian of g(x), given in this case by
hkij =

2 J

x j x=x xi x j x=xk

and referred to as the Hessian H(x) of the function J(x). Unfortunately, computation and storage of the
Hessian matrix, which has n2 elements, is prohibitively expensive for large n.

16.2 Gradient-based approaches

We now develop a reliable technique to minimize a multivariable convex quadratic function J(x) with resepect
to x = xn1 . The method we will develop
does not require a particularly good initial guess of the minimum,
is efficient for n 1, as it does not require computation and storage of the Hessian matrix, and
is easily generalized to J(x) which are nonquadratic and even nonconvex.

Perhaps the most straightforward strategy to minimize J(x) is to update the vector x iteratively, proceeding
at each step in a downhill direction p a distance which minimizes J(x) in this direction. In the simplest such
algorithm, referred to as the steepest descent algorithm, the direction p is taken as exactly opposite the grdient
direction g = J(x), which is the direction of maximum increase of the function J(x). As the iteration k ,
this approach usually converges to one of the minima of J(x), provided that J(x) is at least locally convex
and is sufficiently smooth. Note that, if J(x) has multiple minima, this technique will only find one of the
minimum points, and the one it finds (a local minimum) might not necessarily be the one with the smallest
value of J(x) (the global minimum).
Though the above approach is simple, it is usually quite slow. As we will show, it is not always the best
idea to proceed in the direction of steepest descent of the cost function. A descent direction pk chosen to be a
linear combination of the direction of steepest descent rk and the step taken at the previous iteration pk1 is
often much more effective. The momentum carried by such an approach allows the iteration to turn more
directly down narrow valleys without oscillating between one descent direction and another, a phenomenon
often encountered when momentum is lacking. A particular choice of the momentum term results in a remarT
kable orthogonality property amongst the set of various descent directions (namely, pk A p j = 0 for j 6= k)
and the set of descent directions are referred to as a conjugate set. Searching in a series of mutually conjugate directions leads to exact convergence of the iterative algorithm in n iterations, assuming a quadratic cost
function and no numerical round-off errors1 .
In the following, we will discuss the steepest descent (5.3.1) and conjugate gradient (5.3.2, 5.3.3) approaches for quadratic functions first, then discuss their extension to nonquadratic functions (5.3.4). Though
1 Note that, for large n, the accumulating round-off error due to the finite-precision arithmetic of the calculations is significant, so
exact convergence in n iterations usually can not be obtained.


the quadratic and nonquadratic cases are handled essentially identically in most regards, the line minimizations required by the algorithms may be done directly for quadratic functions, but should be accomplished by
a more reliable bracketing procedure (e.g., Brents method) for nonquadratic functions. Exact convergence in
n iterations (again, neglecting numerical round-off errors) is possible only in the quadratic case, though nonquadratic functions may also be minimized quite effectively with the conjugate gradient algorithm when the
appropriate modifications are made. A complete proof of the convergence of the conjugate gradient method
for quadratic functions, which is somewhat involved, is given in 5.3.5.

16.2.1 Steepest descent for quadratic functions

Consider a quadratic function J(x) of the form
J(x) =

1 T
x Ax bT x

where A is positive definite. The geometry of this problem is illustrated in Figure 16.1.
We will begin at some initial guess x0 and move at each step of the iteration k in a direction downhill rk
such that
xk+1 = xk + k+1 rk ,
where k+1 is a parameter for the descent which will be determined. In this manner, we proceed iteratively
towards the minimum of J(x). Noting the derivation of J in 5.0.1, define rk as the direction of steepest
descent such that
rk = J(xk ) = b Axk .
Now that we have figured out what direction we will update xk , we need to figure out the parameter of descent
k+1 , which governs the distance we will update xk in this direction. This may be done by selecting the scalar
which minimizes J(xk + rk ). Dropping the superscripts ()k for the time being for notational clarity, note
first that
J(x + r) = (x + r)T A(x + r) bT (x + r)
and thus
J(x + r) 1 T
= r A(x + r) + (x + r)T Ar bT r

= rT Ar + rT Ax rT b
= rT Ar + rT (Ax b)

= rT Ar rT r.
Setting J(x + r)/ = 0 yields

rT r
rT Ar

Thus, from the value of x at each iteration k, we can determine explicitly both the direction of steepest descent
r and the parameter which minimizes J when x is updated in the direction r.
The operation count of the steepest descent algorithm described above is dominated by the two matrix
vector products, Ax and Ag; the leading-order computational cost of the entire algorithm is thus (4n2 ) flops.
A faster technique for computing such an algorithm is discussed at the end of the next section.







One variable

Two variables (oblique view)

Two variables (top view)

Figure 16.1: Geometry of the minimization problem for quadratic functions. The ellipses in the two figures
on the right indicate isosurfaces of constant J.

Minimum point
Minimum point


a) Quadratic J3 (1 , 2 ).

b) Non-quadratic J4 (1 , 2 ).

Figure 16.2: Convergence of: ( ) simple gradient, and ( + ) the conjugate gradient algorithms when applied
to find minima of two test functions of two scalar control variables x1 and x2 (horizontal and vertical axes).
Contours illustrate the level surfaces of the test functions; contours corresponding to the smallest isovalues
are solid, those corresponding to higher isovalues are dotted.

16.2.2 Conjugate gradient for quadratic functions

As discussed earlier, and shown in Figure 16.2, proceeding in the direction of steepest descent at each iteration
is not necessarily the most efficient strategy. By so doing, the path of the algorithm can be very jagged. Due
to the successive line minimizations and the lack of momentum from one iteration to the next, the steepest
descent algorithm must tack back and forth 90 at each turn. We now show that, by slight modification of
the steepest descent algorithm, we arrive at the vastly improved conjugate gradient algorithm. This improved
algorithm retains the correct amount of momentum from one iteration to the next to successfully negotiate
functions J(x) with narrow valleys.
Note that in easy cases for which the condition number is approximately unity, the level surfaces of J are
approximately circular, and convergence with either the steepest descent or the conjugate gradient algorithm
will be quite rapid. In poorly conditioned problems, the level surfaces become highly elongated ellipses, and

Algorithm 16.1: Steepest descent for quadratic functions.

f u n c t i o n [ x , r e s s a v e , x s a v e ] = SDquad (A, b )
% M in im ize J = ( 1 / 2 ) x T A x b T x u s i n g t h e s t e e p e s t
m a x i t e r =2 0 ; m i n r e s =1 e 10; x =0 b ;
for i t e r =1: m axiter
g=Axb ;
r e s =g g ; r e s s a v e ( i t e r ) = r e s ; x s a v e ( : , i t e r ) = x ;
i f ( r e s < m i n r e s ) , break ; end
a l p h a = r e s / ( g A g ) ;
x=xa l p h a g ;
end % f u n c t i o n SDquad

N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
d e s c e n t method


determine g ra di e nt
compute r e s i d u a l
t e s t for convergence
compute a l p h a
update x

the zig-zag behavior is amplified.

Instead of minimizing in a single search direction at each iteration, as we did for the method of steepest
descent, now consider searching simultaneously in m directions, which we will denote p0 , p1 , . . . pm1) . Take

xm = x0 + j p j1 ,

and note that

J(xm ) =


1 0 m
x + j p j1 A x0 + j p j1 bT x0 + j p j1 .

Taking the derivative of this expression with respect to k ,

J(xm ) 1  k1 T  0 m
A x + j p j1 + x0 + j p j1 A pk1 bT pk1

= k (pk1 )T A pk1 + (pk1 )T A x0 (pk1 )T b + j (pk1 )T A p j1 .


We seek a technique to select all the p j in such a way that they are orthogonal through A, or conjugate, such
(pk )T A p j = 0 for j 6= k.
IF we can find such a sequence of p j , then we obtain

J(xm )
= k (pk1 )T A pk1 + (pk1 )T A x0 b
= k (pk1 )T A pk1 (pk1 )T r0 ,
and thus setting J/ k = 0 results in

k =

(pk1 )T r0
(pk1 )T A pk1

The remarkable thing about this result is that it is independent of p j for j 6= k! Thus, so long as we can find a
way to construct a sequence of pk which are all conjugate, then each of these minimizations may effectively
be done independently.


The conjugate gradient technique is simply an efficient technique to construct a sequence of pk which
are conjugate. It entails just redefining the descent direction pk at each iteration after the first to be a linear
combination of the direction of steepest descent, rk , and the descent direction at the previous iteration, pk1 ,
such that
pk = rk + k pk1 and xk = xk1 + k pk1 ,
where k and k are given by

k =

(rk )T rk
(rk1 )T rk1

k =

(rk )T rk
(pk1 )T A pk1

Verification that this choice of the k results in conjugate directions and that this choice of the k is equivalent
to that mentioned previously (minimizing J in the direction pk1 from the point xk1 ) involves a straightforward proof by induction, which is deferred to 5.3.5.
As seen by comparison of Algorithms 16.1 and ??, implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm
involves only a slight modification of the steepest descent algorithm, though, as seen in Figure 16.2, its
convergence results are vastly superior. To leading order, the operation count is the same (CGquad.m requires
only 2n more flops per iteration), and the storage requirements are only slightly increased (CGquad.m defines
an extra nth-order vector p).


Algorithm 16.2: Conjugate gradient for quadratic functions.


f u n c t i o n [ x , r e s s a v e , x s a v e ] = CGquad (A, b )
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% M in im ize J = ( 1 / 2 ) x T A x b T x u s i n g t h e c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t method
m a x i t e r =2 0 ; m i n r e s =1 e 10; x =0 b ;
for i t e r =1: m axiter
g=Axb ;
% determine g ra di e nt
r e s =g g ; r e s s a v e ( i t e r ) = r e s ; x s a v e ( : , i t e r ) = x ;
% compute r e s i d u a l
i f ( r e s < m i n r e s ) , break ; end
% t e s t for convergence
i f ( i t e r = = 1 ) ; p=g ;
% S e t up a s t e e p e s t d e s c e n t s t e p
else ;
p=g +( r e s / r e s o l d ) p ;
% S e t up a c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t s t e p
a l p h a = r e s / ( p A p ) ; x=x+ a l p h a p ;
res old=res ;
% compute a l p h a and u p d a t e x
end % f u n c t i o n CGquad
% s c r i p t CGquadTest
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
n = 2 ; A=randn ( n ) ; A=A A; b=randn ( n , 1 ) ;
[ x , SDres , SDxs ] = SDquad (A, b ) ; S D er r =norm (Axb )
[ x , CGres , CGxs ] = CGquad (A, b ) ; CGerr=norm (Axb )
f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; s e m i l o g y ( SDres , b ) ; h o ld on ; s e m i l o g y ( CGres , r ) ; h o ld o f f ;
i f n==2
f i g u r e ( 2 ) ; p l o t ( SDxs ( 1 , : ) , SDxs ( 2 , : ) , bx ) ; h o ld on ; p l o t ( CGxs ( 1 , : ) , CGxs ( 2 , : ) , rx ) ;
z=A\b ; p l o t ( z ( 1 ) , z ( 2 ) , bo ) ; a x i s e q u a l ;
a= a x i s ; ah =( a (2) a ( 1 ) ) / 1 0 ; av =( a (4) a ( 3 ) ) / 1 0 ; a =[ a (1) ah a ( 2 ) + ah a (3) av a ( 4 ) + av ] ;
a x i s ( a ) ; [ X, Y] = meshgrid ( a ( 1 ) : ( a (2) a ( 1 ) ) / 1 0 0 : a ( 2 ) , a ( 3 ) : ( a (4) a ( 3 ) ) / 1 0 0 : a ( 4 ) ) ;
J = ( 1 / 2 ) ( X . 2 A( 1 , 1 ) +X. Y (A( 1 , 2 ) +A( 2 , 1 ) ) +Y . 2 A( 2 , 2 ) ) ( b ( 1 ) X+b ( 2 ) Y ) ;
co n t o u r (X, Y, J , 3 0 ) ; h o ld o f f ;

Algorithm 16.3: A more efficient implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm for quadratic functions.
f u n c t i o n [ x , r e s s a v e ] = CGquadFast (A , b )
% M in im ize J = ( 1 / 2 ) x T A x b T x u s i n g t h e s t a n d a r d
m i n r e s =1 e 20; x =0 b ; a l p h a = 0 ; m a x i t e r =5 0 0 ;
for i t e r =1: m axiter
i f ( i t e r = = 1 ) ; g=Axb ; e l s e ; g=g+ a l p h a d ; end
r e s =g g ;
r e s s a v e ( i t e r )= r e s ;
i f ( r e s < m i n r e s ) , break ; end
i f ( i t e r ==1);
p=g ;
else ;
p=g +( r e s / r e s o l d ) p ;
d=Ap ;
% < p e r f o r m t h e ( e x p e n s i v e )
a l p h a = r e s / ( p d ) ; x=x+ a l p h a p ;
res old=res ;
end ; i t e r
end % f u n c t i o n CGquadFast

N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
cg method ( f a s t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n )


determine g ra di e nt
compute r e s i d u a l
t e s t for convergence
S e t up a s t e e p e s t d e s c e n t s t e p
S e t up a c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t s t e p

matrix / vector product

% compute a l p h a and u p d a t e x

A faster implementation of the conjugate gradient algorithm for quadratic functions may be derived by
leveraging the following two equations:
xk = xk1 + k pk1 ,

rk = b Axk

rk = b A(xk1 + k pk1 ) = rk1 k Apk1 .

The convenient aspect of this update formula for r is that it depends on the matrix/vector product Apk1 ,
which needs to be computed anyway during the computation of . Thus, for quadratic functions, an implementation which costs only (2n2 ) flops per iteration is possible, as implemented in Algorithm ??.




16.2.3 Verification of the conjugate gradient algorithm

The conjugate gradient algorithm motivated and discussed in 16.2.2 is now verified for the quadratic
J(x) = xT Ax bT x
for symmetric positive definite A. The proof given in this section, which is self contained, is adapted from
that in Luenberger (1984).
We begin with a few of definitions:
(a) The Euclidean space of all nth-order vectors is denoted E n .
(b) A subspace M of E n is a subset such that, if a and b are vectors in M, then a + b is also in M for all
pairs of real numbers and . Examples in E 3 include lines or planes that contain the origin.
(c) A convex set C in E n is a subset such that, if a and b are vectors in C, then a + (1 )b is also in C for
0 < < 1. A convex set thus contains the line segment between any two points in the set.
(d) A linear variety V in E n is a subset such that, if a and b are vectors in V , then a + (1 )b is also in V
for all real numbers . A linear variety thus contains the entire line passing through any two points in the set,
rather than just the line segment between them. A linear variety that contains the origin is a subspace.
(e) A hyperplane in an n-dimensional linear vector space is an (n 1)-dimensional linear variety.
We now prove an important intermediate result.
Expanding Subspace Theorem. Let {p0 , p1 , . . . , pn1 } be a sequence of nonzero vectors in E n that are
orthogonal through A (that is, (pk )T A p j = 0 for j 6= k). The subspace of E n that is spanned by the first k of
these vectors is denoted Bk . Then for any x0 E n , with r0 = b Ax0 , the sequence of xk generated according

k =

(pk1 )T rk1
(pk1 )T Apk1


xk = xk1 + k pk1 ,


r = J(x ) = b Ax ,


for k = 1, 2, . . . , n 1 has the property that xk minimizes J(x) in (16.1) on the line x = xk1 + pk1 for all
real , as well as on the linear variety x0 + Bk .
Proof. It need only be shown that xk minimizes J(x) on the linear variety x0 + Bk , which contains the line
x = xk1 + pk1 for all real . Since J(x) is a strictly convex function, the conclusion will hold if it can
be shown that rk is orthogonal to Bk (that is, the gradient of J(x) evaluated at x = xk is orthogonal to the
subspace Bk ).
We prove that rk Bk by induction. Since B0 is empty, the hypothesis is true for k = 0. Assuming that
it is true for k 1, that is, assuming rk1 Bk1 , we now show that rk Bk . By premultiplying (16.2b) by
(A) and applying (16.2c), it follows that
rk = rk1 k Apk1 .


The complete proof given in this subsection is fairly involved, and may be skipped upon first read, in favor of the heuristic
motivation for the conjugate gradient algorithm given in 16.2.2. However, it is useful to see the complete derivation of this algorithm
in order to remove the mystery which might otherwise be associated with some of the motivating comments and formulae given in


Premultiplying (16.3) by (pk1 )T gives

(pk1 )T rk = (pk1 )T rk1 k (pk1 )T Apk1 = 0
by the definition of k in (16.2a). Similarly, premultiplying (16.3) by (pi )T , for i < k 1, gives
(pi )T rk = (pi )T rk1 k (pi )T Apk1 = 0,
where the first term on the rhs vanishes by the induction hypothesis while the second term vanishes by the assumption that the vectors pi are orthogonal through A. Thus, rk is orthogonal to the vectors {p0 , p1 , . . . , pk1 },
and therefore rk Bk .

A form of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm is now proposed: starting at any point x0 E n , initialize p0 =
r0 = b Ax0 and proceed as follows, for k = 1, 2, . . . , n 1 or until ||rk || vanishes:
(pk1 )T rk1
(pk1 )T Apk1


xk = xk1 + k pk1 ,


k =

r = b Ax ,


k T

k =


(r ) Ap
(pk1 )T Apk1


pk = rk + k pk1 .


Denoting, e.g., [p0 , p1 , . . . , pk ] as the subspace spanned by the vectors in the set {p0 , p1 , . . . , pk }, we now
prove the main result:
Conjugate Gradient Theorem. The conjugate gradient algoritghm (16.4a)-(16.4e), if not terminating at or
before xk1 , obeys the following:
[r0 , r1 , . . . , rk ] = [r0 , Ar0 , . . . , Ak r0 ],

k 0


[p , p , . . . , p ] = [r , Ar , . . . , A r ],


(pk )T A p j = 0


k =
k =

j < k,


(rk1 )T rk1
(pk1 )T Apk1
(rk )T rk
(rk1 )T rk1


Proof. We first prove (16.5a), (16.5b), and (16.5c) simultaneously by induction. Clearly, the hypotheses are
true for k = 0. Assuming that they are true up to k 1, we now show that they are true for k. By premultiplying
(16.4b) by (A) and applying (16.4c), it follows that
rk = rk1 k Apk1 .


By the induction hypothesis both rk1 and Apk1 belong to [r0 , Ar0 , . . . , Ak r0 ], the first by (16.5a) and the
second by A times (16.5b). Thus rk [r0 , Ar0 , . . . , Ak r0 ]. Furthermore rk , if it is nonzero, is not an element of
[r0 , Ar0 , . . . , Ak1 r0 ] because, by the induction hypothesis on (16.5c) and the Expanding Subspace Theorem,
rk Bk . Thus, we conclude that
[r0 , r1 , . . . , rk ] = [r0 , Ar0 , . . . , Ak r0 ],

which proves (16.5a).

Relation (16.5b) follows directly from the induction hypothesis on (16.5b), (16.4e), and (16.5a).
To prove (16.5c), note that postmultiplying the transpose of (16.4e) times Api gives
(pk )T Api = (rk )T Api + k (pk1 )T Api .
For i = k 1 the right side is zero by the definition of k in (16.4d). For i < k 1 both terms vanish. The first
term vanishes by the induction hypothesis on (16.5b) which implies Api [p0 , p1 , . . . , pi+1 ], the induction
hypothesis on (16.5c) which guarantees that the directions {p0 , p1 , . . . pk1 } are mutually orthogonal through
A, and the Expanding Subspace Theorem which guarantees that rk is orthogonal to [p0 , p1 , . . . , pk1 ]. The
second term vanishes by the induction hypothesis on (16.5c). This proves (16.5c).
To prove (16.5d), note (16.4a) and that postmultiplying the transpose of (16.4e) by rk gives
(pk )T rk = (rk )T rk + k (pk1 )T rk ,
where the second term on the RHS is zero by the Expanding Subspace Theorem.
To prove (16.5e), note that (rk )T rk1 = 0 because rk1 [p0 , p1 , . . . , pk1 ] by (16.5a) and (16.5b) and rk
is orthogonal to [p0 , p1 , . . . , pk1 ] by the Expanding Subspace Theorem. By (16.6) we have
Apk1 =

1 k
(r rk1 );

premultiplication by (rk )T gives

(rk )T Apk1 =

1 k T k
(r ) r .


Substituting (16.7) into the numerator of (16.4d) and substituting (16.5d) into the denominator of (16.4d)
completes the proof.

Equation (16.5c) of this theorem establishes that the set directions pk constructed iteratively by the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm are in fact mutually orthogonal through A, which allows the Expanding Subspace
Theorem to be applied. Equations (16.5d) and (16.5e) are identities yielding convenient formulae for the
computation of k and k .
Note by (16.4e) and the Expanding Subspace Theorem that ||pk || 6= 0 as long as ||rk || 6= 0. Thus, since A
is assumed to be positive definite, it is readily confirmed from (16.4a) and (16.4d) that the values of k and
k are finite until the algorithm terminates.

16.2.4 Preconditioned conjugate gradient

Assuming exact arithmetic, the conjugate gradient algorithm converges in exactly n iterations for an nthorder quadratic minimization problem. For large n, however, we often can not afford to perform n iterations.
We often seek to perform approximate minimization of an n-diminsional problem with a total number of
iterations m n. Unfortunately, convergence of the conjugate gradient algorithm to the minimum of J, though
monotonic, is often irregular, with large reductions in J not occuring until iterations well after the iteration m
at which we would like to truncate the iteration sequence.
The uniformity of the convergence is governed by the condition number c of the matrix A, which (for
symmetric positive-definite A) is just equal to the ratio of its maximum and minimum eigenvalues, max /min .
For small c, convergence of the conjugate gradient algorithm is quite rapid even for high-order problems with
n 1.
x = b which, once solved, will
We therefore seek to solve a better conditioned but equivalent problem A
allow us to easily extract the solution of the original problem Ax = b for a poorly-conditioned symmetric

positive definite A. To accomplish this, premultiply Ax = b by P1 for some symmetric preconditioning

matrix P:
P1 Ax = P1 b

(P1 AP1 ) Px = P1 b
| {z } |{z} | {z }

Note that the matrix P1 AP1 is symmetric positive definite. We will defer discussion of the construction of
an appropriate P to the end of the section; suffice it to say for the moment that, if P2 is somehow close to
x = b is a well conditioned problem (because A = P1 AP1 I) and can be solved
A, then the problem A
rapidly (with a small number of iterations) using the conjugate gradient approach.
The computation of A might be prohibitively expensive and destroy any sparsity structure of A. We now
show that it is not actually necessary to compute A and b in order to solve the original problem Ax = b
in a well conditioned manner. To begin, we write the conjugate gradient algorithm for the well conditioned
x = b.
For simplicity, we use a short-hand (pseudo-code) notation:
problem A
for i = 1 : m
x, i = 1
b A
r d,
resold = res,
r ,
r + p

= res/(p d)
x x + p

res = r T r


= res/resold , i > 1
d = A p

For clarity of notation, we have introduced a tilde over each vector and matrix involved in this optimization.
x = b,
Note that, in converting the poorly-conditioned problem Ax = b to the well-conditioned problem A

made the following definitions: A = P AP , x = Px, and b = P b. Define now some new intermediate
With these definitions, we now rewrite exactly the above algorithm
and d = Pd.
variables r = Pr, p = P1 p,
x = b,
but substitute in the non-tilde variables:
for solving the well-conditioned problem A
for i = 1 : m
P1 r

P1 b (P1AP1 )Px, i = 1
P1 r P1d,

resold = res,
res = (P1 r)T (P1 r)
P1 r,
P1 r + Pp where = res/resold , i > 1

= res/[(Pp)T (P1 d)]

Px Px + Pp



P1 d = (P1 AP1 )Pp

Now define M = P2 and simplify:

for i = 1 : m
b Ax, i = 1
r d, i > 1
resold = res,

= res/[pT d]
x x + p

res = rT s



s = M 1 r

= res/resold , i > 1
d = Ap

This is practically identical to the original conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the problem Ax = b. The
new variable s = M 1 r may be found by solution of the system Ms = r for the unknown vector s. Thus, when
implementing this method, we seek an M for which we can solve this system quickly (e.g., an M which is
the product of sparse triangular matrices). Recall that if M = P2 is somehow close to A, the problem here
x = b via standard conjugate gradient) is well conditioned and converges in
(which is actually the solution of A
a small number of iterations. There are a variety of heuristic techniques to construct an appropriate M. One of
the most popular is incomplete Cholesky factorization, which constructs a triangular H with HH T = M A
with the following strategy:
H =A
for k = 1 : n

H(k, k) = H(k, k)
for i = k + 1 : n

if H(i, k) 6= 0 then H(i, k) = H(i, k)/H(k, k)

for j = k + 1 : n
for i = j : n
if H(i, j) 6= 0 then H(i, j) = H(i, j) H(i, k)H( j, k)
Once H is obtained with this appraoch such that HH T = M, solving the system Ms = r for s is similar
to solving Gaussian elimination by leveraging an LU decomposition: one first solves the triangular system
Hf = r for the intermediate variable f, then solves the triangular system H T s = f for the desired quantity s.
Note that the triangular factors H and H T are zero everywhere A is zero. Thus, if A is sparse, the above
algorithm can be rewritten in a manner that leverages the sparsity structure of H (akin to the backsubstitution
in the Thomas algorithm). Though it is sometimes takes a bit of effort to write an algorithm that efficiently
leverages such sparsity structure, as it usually must be done on a case-by-case basis, the benefits of preconditioning are often quite significant and well worth the coding effort which it necessitates.

Algorithm 16.4: The preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for quadratic functions.
f u n c t i o n [ x , r e s s a v e ] = CGquadPrecon (A, b )
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% M in im ize J = ( 1 / 2 ) x T A x b T x u s i n g t h e cg method w i t h p r e c o n d i t i o n i n g
m i n r e s =1 e 20; x =0 b ; a l p h a = 0 ; m a x i t e r =5 0 0 ; N= s i z e ( b , 1 ) ;
f o r i = 1 :N; f o r j = 1 :N ; i f ( abs (A( i , j ) ) > . 1 | i == j ) ; M( i , j ) =A( i , j ) ; e l s e ; M( i , j ) = 0 ; end ; end ; end ;
nm=norm (AM) , P=sqrtm (M) ; conA=cond (A) , conPAP=cond ( i n v ( P ) A i n v ( P ) ) ,
for i t e r =1: m axiter
i f ( i t e r = = 1 ) ; g=Axb ; e l s e ; g=g+ a l p h a d ; end % d e t e r m i n e g r a d i e n t
s =M\g ;
r e s =g s ;
% compute r e s i d u a l
i f ( mod ( i t e r , 1 0 0 ) = = 1 ) ; p=s ;
% S e t up a s t e e p e s t d e s c e n t s t e p
else ;
p=s +( r e s / r e s o ) p ;
% S e t up a c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t s t e p
d=Ap ;
% < p e r f o r m t h e ( e x p e n s i v e ) m a t r i x / v e c t o r p r o d u c t
alpha = r e s / ( p d ) ;
% compute a l p h a
x=x+ a l p h a p ;
% update x
i f ( r e s < m i n r e s ) , break ; end
% t e s t for convergence
reso=res ;
end % f u n c t i o n CGquadPrecon

16.2.5 Extension to non-quadratic functions

At each iteration of the conjugate gradient method, there are five things to be done:
1. Determine the (negative of) the gradient direction, r = J,
2. compute the residual rT r,
3. determine the necessary momentum and the corresponding update direction p r + p,
4. determine the (scalar) parameter of descent which minimizes J(x + p), and
5. update x x + p.
We now must extend the codes developed above for quadratic problems to nonquadratic problems, creating
the two new routines CGnonquad.m. Essentially, the algorithm is the same, but J(x) now lacks the special
quadratic structure we assumed in the previous sections. Generalizing the results of the previous sections to
nonquadratic problems entails only a few modifications:
1. Replace the line which determines the gradient direction with a call to a function, which we will call
compute grad.m, which calculates the gradient J of the nonquadratic function J.
3. As the function is not quadratic, but the momentum term in the conjugate gradient algorithm is computed using a local quadratic approximation of J, the momentum sometimes builds up in the wrong
direction. Thus, the momentum should be reset to zero (i.e., take = 0) every R iterations in cg nq.m
(R = 20 is often a good choice).
4. Replace the direct computation of with a call to an (appropriately modified) version of Brents
method to determine based on a series of function evaluations.
Finally, when working with nonquadratic functions, it is often adventageous to compute the momentum
term according to the formula
(rk rk1 )T rk
(rk1 )T rk1

Algorithm 16.5: The preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for quadratic functions.

f u n c t i o n [ x , r e s s a v e ] = CGquadPrecon (A, b )
% N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e 1 . 0
% M in im ize J = ( 1 / 2 ) x T A x b T x u s i n g t h e cg method w i t h p r e c o n d i t i o n i n g
m i n r e s =1 e 20; x =0 b ; a l p h a = 0 ; m a x i t e r =5 0 0 ; N= s i z e ( b , 1 ) ;
f o r i = 1 :N; f o r j = 1 :N ; i f ( abs (A( i , j ) ) > . 1 | i == j ) ; M( i , j ) =A( i , j ) ; e l s e ; M( i , j ) = 0 ; end ; end ; end ;
nm=norm (AM) , P=sqrtm (M) ; conA=cond (A) , conPAP=cond ( i n v ( P ) A i n v ( P ) ) ,
for i t e r =1: m axiter
i f ( i t e r = = 1 ) ; g=Axb ; e l s e ; g=g+ a l p h a d ; end % d e t e r m i n e g r a d i e n t
s =M\g ;
r e s =g s ;
% compute r e s i d u a l
i f ( mod ( i t e r , 1 0 0 ) = = 1 ) ; p=s ;
% S e t up a s t e e p e s t d e s c e n t s t e p
else ;
p=s +( r e s / r e s o ) p ;
% S e t up a c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t s t e p
d=Ap ;
% < p e r f o r m t h e ( e x p e n s i v e ) m a t r i x / v e c t o r p r o d u c t
alpha = r e s / ( p d ) ;
% compute a l p h a
x=x+ a l p h a p ;
% update x
i f ( r e s < m i n r e s ) , break ; end
% t e s t for convergence
reso=res ;
end % f u n c t i o n CGquadPrecon

The correction term (rk1 )T rk is zero using the conjugate gradient approach when the function J is quadratic. When the function J is not quadratic, this additional term often serves to nudge the descent direction
towards that of a steepest descent step in regions of the function which are locally not well approximated by
a quadratic. This approach is referred to as the Polak-Ribiere variant of the conjugate gradient method for
nonquadratic functions.

16.2.6 Extension to non-smooth problems: bundle methods

This section still under construction.


16.3 Quasi-Newton methods

16.3.1 The BFGS method
Consider the problem of the minimization of a scalar real function J of a vector (possibly complex) argument x. As introduced earlier in this chapter, minimization of J(x) corresponds to finding a minimum of
g(x) = J(x) with the Hessian matrix H(x) = 2 J(x) 0. To proceed, we will consider a locally quadratic
approximation of J(x) near some point xk , and thus a locally linear approximation of g(x) near xk which may
be written
f(x) = J(xk ) + 2 J(xk )(x xk ) = gk + Hk (x xk ) J(x) = g(x).
In this section, we will construct a matrix Bk iteratively, starting from B0 = I, such that Bk Hk . To

accomplish this, at each itertion we will adjust Bk to ensure that it is a consistent approximation of the
Hessian for the gradient vector just calculated; that is, if xk+1 and xk are related via an update formula
xk+1 = xk + k pk = xk + sk

for some k (ideally, as in the previous section, a value which minimizes J in the direction pk from the point
xk ), then we would like that the gradient at the new point, g(xk+1 ), be zero in
the Hessian Hk with some Bk > 0 which will will build up iteratively from the identity matrix via successive combinations of gradient vectors

16.3.2 The limited-memory BFGS method

This section still under construction.




Part IV

17 Signals & systems: transform-based methods


18 Classical control design


19 Linear Circuits


20 Linear systems: state-space methods


21 State-space & model-predictive control design


22 State estimation & adaptive observation


Our treatment of the related subjects of linear systems and linear control & estimation is spread over
17-22. In 17 we consider transform-based representations of linear systems in transfer-function form;
18 then follows up immediately with a treatment of the feedback control problem for systems represented in
such transfer-function forms2 . Transform-based approaches are well suited to the special case of single-input
single-output (SISO) systems, or at least systems in which the inputs and outputs may be considered one at a
time for the purpose of analysis. The tools for characterization and control of transfer-function forms builds,
to a degree, on spectral representations and the Fourier transform, as laid out in 5; however, a thorough
understanding of that material is not essential to digest most of the concepts in 17-18. In 19, we illustrate
how many of the filters considered in 17-18 may be implemented in analog electronics.
Our discussion of linear systems, begun in 17, is continued in 20 with a focus on system representations
in state-space form; 21 then follows up immediately with a treatment of the feedback control problem for
systems represented in such state-space forms3 . State-space approaches are well suited to the more general
case of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems4 . The tools for characterization and control of
state-space forms builds heavily on a deep understanding of advanced linear algebra, as laid out in 4.
A thorough understanding transform-based approaches and transfer-function forms is helpful to build
ones intuition regarding the characterization and control of linear systems. Thus, even if ones ultimate
goal is the characterization and feedback control of MIMO systems in state-space form, transform-based
representations and transfer-function forms are important foundational concepts that should not be skipped.
In other words, 20 is separated from 17, and 21 is separated from 18, for pedagogical reasons only, as
the subjects of linear systems and linear control are both somewhat abstract upon first read, and are perhaps
easier to understand if broken into smaller chunks. We thus encourage the study of 17-21 in order.
Finally, 22 is dedicated to a close look at the difficult problem of estimation in both linear and nonlinear systems. This chapter brings together many of the interdisciplinary concepts presented elsewhere in
Numerical Renaissance, and provides an appropriate capstone for the entire text.
2 For historical reasons, continuous-time control strategies based on the Laplace-transform (17.3), and discrete-time control strategies based on the Z transform (17.4), are often called classical control techniques.
3 For historical reasons, control strategies based on state-space representations are sometimes called modern control techniques.
4 Note that, when building from the SISO case to the MIMO case, we make occasional reference to the single-input multiple-output
(SIMO) and multiple-input single-output (MISO) cases.



Chapter 17

Signals & systems:

transform-based methods

17.1 Introduction to transforms: Fourier, Laplace, and Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.1.1 The relation of the Laplace and Z transforms to the Fourier transform . . .
17.1.2 The remarkable utility of such transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.2 A survey of the dynamics of some physical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.3 Laplace transform methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.3.1 The Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals of functions . . . . . .
17.3.2 Using the Laplace Transform to solve unforced linear differential equations
17.3.3 Continuous-time (CT) transfer functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proper, strictly proper, and improper CT systems . . . . . . . . .
17.4 Z transform methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.4.1 The Z Transform of translated sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.4.2 Using the Z Transform to solve unforced linear difference equations . . . .
17.4.3 Discrete-time (DT) transfer functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The transfer function of a DAC G(s) ADC cascade . . . . . Causal, strictly causal, and noncausal DT systems . . . . . . . .
17.4.4 Reconciling the Laplace and Z transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tustins approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tustins approximation with prewarping . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.5 Frequency-domain analyses and filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.5.1 The Bode plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sketching Bode plots of real systems by hand . . . . . . . . . .
17.5.2 Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-stop filters . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximal flatness filters: Butterworth and Bessel . . . . . . . . . Equiripple filters: Chebyshev, inverse Chebyshev, and elliptic .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















By way of introduction, we begin this chapter, in 17.1, by presenting briefly the three essential classes of
transforms at the heart of signal analysis: Fourier, Laplace, and Z. The Fourier transform, which comes in
four forms appropriate for either continuous signals {defined throughout the domain of interest} or discrete
signals {defined only at regularly-spaced intervals over the domain of interest}, and for signals defined on
either infinite domains {that is1 , t (, )} or bounded domains {that is, t [0, T )}, is built on sinusoidal
basis functions, ei t = cos( t) + isin( t), as studied in depth in 5.
Before discussing in depth the Laplace and Z transforms and their extensive utility in control theory, we
endeavor to make this discussion a bit more concrete by diverging for a bit and presenting next, in 17.2,
some ODE models for a handful of simple physical systems (a.k.a. plants); we return to these motivating
examples at several points later in the presentation in both this chapter and the next. Note also that the
realization of various ODEs of interest (particularly as controllers) as electric circuits is considered in 19.
The Laplace transform, which is appropriate for the analysis of continuous signals on semi-infinite
domains t [0, ), as well as for the analysis of the differential systems that govern their evolution from
given initial conditions at t = 0, is built on exponential basis functions, est , and is developed in 17.3.
The Z transform, which is appropriate for the analysis of discrete signals on semi-infinite domains
tk {0, h, 2h, 3h, . . .}, as well as for the analysis of the difference systems that govern their evolution from
given initial conditions around t0 = 0, is built on polynomial basis functions, zk1 , and is developed in 17.4.
The use of Fourier transforms in signal analysis, introduced in 5, is then extended significantly in 17.5.

17.1 Introduction to transforms: Fourier, Laplace, and Z

Recall first the tetralogy of Fourier transforms developed in 5:
The forward and inverse infinite Fourier series transform [see (5.8)], defined for continuous signals u(t) on
bounded domains t [0, T ) with n = 2 n/T for n {. . . , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, . . .}, are defined by
un =



u(t)eint dt

u(t) =

un eint ,



the forward and inverse infinite Fourier integral transform [see (5.15)], defined for continuous signals u(t)
on infinite domains t (, ) with (, ), are defined2 by
) =


u(t)ei t dt

u(t) =

)ei t d ,


the forward and inverse finite Fourier series transform [see (5.23)], defined for discrete signals uk = u(tk ) on
bounded domains tk = kh for k = {0, . . . , N 1} and h = T /N with3 n = 2 n/T for n {N/2, . . ., N/2},
are defined by
1 N1 intk
uk e
un =
uk = un eintk ,

N k=0
and the forward and inverse finite Fourier integral transform [see (5.70)], defined for discrete signals
uk = u(tk ) on infinite domains tk = kh for k = {. . . , 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} with ( /h, /h), are defined by
) =



uk ei tk

uj =

Z /h


)ei t j d .


1 As in 5, the physical co
ordinate over which such transforms may be applied may be interpreted as time or space, and is denoted
without loss of generality in the present chapter as t; see also footnote 19 on page 158.
2 Recall from Footnote 10 on page 151 that there are alternative definitions of the Fourier integral, so different authors will place the
factor of 2 in these formulae in different ways.
3 Note in particular the discussion in 5.5 of the peculiar component of the discrete signal at the Nyquist frequency
N/2 = N/T .


Similarly, the forward and inverse Laplace transform [developed in 17.3] are defined by
U(s) =


u(t)est dt

u(t) =

2 i

Z +i

U(s)est ds,


and the forward and inverse Z transform [developed in 17.4] are defined by

U(z) =

uk zk


uk =

2 i

U(z)zk1 dz.


17.1.1 The relation of the Laplace and Z transforms to the Fourier transform
At the outset, note that the Laplace transform at right in (17.2) is simply a representation, or expansion, of
a continuous function u(t) on t [0, ) as a linear combination of a set of exponential basis functions est with
the coefficient function U(s) as weights. Similarly, the Z transform at right in (17.3) is simply a representation
of a discrete function uk on k = 0, 1, 2, . . . as a linear combination of a set of polynomial basis functions zk1
with the coefficient function U(z) as weights. The Laplace and Z transforms are thus remarkably similar to the
corresponding Fourier transforms (17.1b) and (17.1d), respectively, which similarly represent continuous and
discrete functions on infinite domains as a linear combination of a set of complex exponential basis functions
with the Fourier coefficients as weights. Indeed, noting the definition of the Laplace transform in (17.2) and
the infinite Fourier integral expansion in (17.1b), it follows that
U(s) =


) =

u(t)est dt

u(t)ei t dt

) =

U(i ) if

u(t) = 0 for t < 0.


Similarly, noting the definition of the Z transform in (17.3) and the finite Fourier integral expansion in (17.1d),
it follows that

U(z) =

U(ei h ) if uk = 0 for k < 0.
) =

i tk

) =
uk e
2 k=

17.1.2 The remarkable utility of such transforms

The utility of the Fourier transform in the identification and analysis of the various sinusoidal components
of a signal at different spatial frequencies or temporal wavenumbers has already been encountered in 5.
(Indeed, any aspiring audiophile is already well familiar with the need to route the low-frequency sinusoidal
components of an audio signal to a woofer, to route the high-frequency sinusoidal components of an
audio signal to a tweeter, and to dampen the highest-frequency sinusoidal components of an audio signal
associated with noise, which can come from a variety of sources; the Fourier transform simply makes this
decomposition of a signal into sinusoidal components at different frequencies mathematically precise.)
The Laplace and Z transforms are similarly natural for the analysis of the evolution of continuous-time
(CT) systems and discrete-time (DT) systems from initial conditions, governed by differential equations
and difference equations respectively. As such transform methods are centrally based on an abstraction (the
temporal frequency or spatial wavenumber k in the case of the Fourier transforms, the exponential scaling
s in the case of the Laplace transform, and the base of the polynomial expansion, z, in the case of the Z

transform), they require a bit of analysis before their utility is fully apparent; 17.3 and 17.4 are intended to
make this utility evident.
It should be noted at the outset, however, that all of these transforms are linear: that is, if X and Y are
the (Fourier, Laplace, or Z) transforms of x and y, then X + Y is the corresponding transform of x + y.
Further, all of these transforms are invertible: that is, knowledge of the untransformed variable x over the
appropriate region of the physical domain is sufficient to reconstruct the transformed variable X over the
abstracted domain, and knowledge of the transformed variable X over the appropriate region of the abstracted
domain is sufficient to reconstruct the untransformed variable x over the physical domain. These two points
are essential to the practical utility of analysis, filtering, and control techniques based on such transforms.

17.2 A survey of the dynamics of some physical systems

We now describe a few simple physical systems that are considered further, in the analysis and control settings, in the remainder of this work. For the sake of brevity, rather than building up the subject of 3D dynamics
and fluid mechanics from first principles, we instead simply write the low-dimensional ODEs governing the
dynamics of a few representative mechanical, fluid, chemical, automotive, structural, and aerospace systems.
Example 17.1 A (linear) mass/spring/damper system

Figure 17.1: The single mass/spring/damper system set up in Example 17.1.

Recalling Newtons second law, f = ma where m is the mass of the body, f is the force applied to the body,
and a is the resulting linear acceleration of the body, the motion of the simple mass/spring/damper4 system
illustrated in Figure 17.1 is governed by

d 2 x1
= u 1 k x1 c
dt 2


where x1 is the deflection of the mass from its rest position, u1 is the applied force, {m1 , k, c} are constants,
and the spring and damper have been modeled as linear in the deflection and velocity, respectively.
Identifying a SISO model by taking the output of the system as y = x1 , the input to the system as u = u1 ,
and defining a1 = c/m1 , a0 = k/m1 , and b0 = 1/m1 , we may rewrite (17.6) in a standard input/output ODE
form as
+ a1 + a0 y = b0 u.
If the spring and damper are removed (k = c = 0), the system reduces to the double integrator d 2 y/dt 2 = b0 u.
Recalling Newtons second law of rotation, = I where I is the moment of inertia of the about the axis
of rotation, is the applied torque, and is the resulting angular acceleration, analogous rotational systems
are easily identified that are governed by the same ODEs as those identified above. Hard disk read/write
head/arm assemblies are an important engineering example system that fit such a model.
4 A.k.a. dashpot or shock absorber. Note that shock absorbers often exhibit significant nonlinear characteristics for large or fast
motions, in which case the linear model used here should be considered as only approximate.


Example 17.2 A (linear) cascade mass/spring system with viscous friction




Figure 17.2: The cascade mass/spring system with viscous friction set up in Example 17.2.
The equations governing the motion of each mass in the cascade system illustrated in Figure 17.2 also follow
immediately from Newtons second law:
d 2 x1
= u1 k1 x1 + k2 (x2 x1 ) 1 m1 g
dt 2
d x2
m2 2 = u 2
k2 (x2 x1 ) 2 m2 g



where x1 and u1 are the deflection of and applied force on the first mass, x2 and u2 are the deflection of
and applied force on the second mass, {m1 , m2 , k1 , k2 , 1 , 2 } are constants, and g = 9.8 m/sec2 . Note that
the linear damping in this case is modeled as arising from the viscous friction between the blocks and the
horizontal surface, assuming this interface is lubricated; in this case, the friction force is appropriately (and
conveniently) modeled as proportional to both the weight of the respective block5 and the velocity of the
respective motion at the interface, and is of a sign that opposes this motion.
To manipulate a set of ODEs like (17.8) algebraically, it is convenient to first express it in operator form:
h d2
m1 2 + 1 m1 g + k 1 + k 2 x 1 + k 2 x 2 = u 1 ,
h d2
k 2 x 1 + m2 2 + 2 m2 g + k 2 x 2
= u2 ,

L 1 x1 + L 2 x2 = u 1 ,


L 3 x1 + L 4 x2 = u 2 .


Identifying a SISO model by taking, for example, the output of the system as y = x2 and the input to the
system as u = u1 (and taking u2 = 0), we may thus rewrite (17.8) by subtracting L3 times (17.9a) from L1
times (17.9b), noting that, e.g., L1 L3 x1 = L3 L1 x1 , thus leading to a more standard ODE form:
(L1 L4 L3 L2 )x2 = L3 u1

d 4y
+ a3 3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0 y = b0 u


where a3 = (1 + 2 )g, a2 = k2 /m2 + (k1 + k2 )/m1 + 1 2 g2 , a1 = 1 g k2 /m2 + 2 g (k1 + k2 )/m1 ,

a0 = k1 k2 /(m1 m2 ), and b0 = k2 /(m1 m2 ).
Finally, as in (17.7), note that there are more derivatives on the output y than there are on the input u in the
SISO ODE model given in (17.10); this property is essentially ubiquitous in mechanical systems with inertia,
and is discussed further in

5 Or,

the component of this weight normal to the interface if the interface is at an incline.


Example 17.3 A (nonlinear) mass/elastic-conveyer-belt system with dry friction


























Figure 17.3: (a) The elastic conveyer belt system with dry friction set up in Example 17.3. To simplify the
analysis (slightly), we assume that w L and r L. The (b) position and (c) velocity components of the step
response of this system as a function of time are also shown; note the stick/slip behavior that results from the
nonlinear friction model. Note also that the frequency of the resulting jerks increases as the mass approaches
the end of the belt.
We now consider the more problematical elastic conveyer belt system illustrated in Figure 17.3a.
In this system, the sections of the pretensioned elastic belt (that is, the springs) acting to pull the mass
to the left and right are effectively changing in length as the driven pulley, on the right end of the system,
drags the mass across the table to the right. The modeling of the force applied by the belt thus requires some
care. We first assume that the belt does not slip on the driven pulley and that the mass doesnt slip on the belt,
though the idler pulley on the left end of the system is free to rotate and the belt, though it makes contact with
the table under the mass, slides (with friction) across the table. We will refer to the length of the portion
of the belt tending to pull the mass to the right as the distance from the mass directly to the driven pulley,
1 = L/2 y, and the length of the portion of the belt tending to pull the mass to the left as the distance
from the mass to the driven pulley around the idler, 2 = 3L/2 + y. For any given amount of rotation of the
driven pulley (t), measured in radians, there is a corresponding nominal position of the mass y(t) at which

the force applied by the pretensioned belt to the left and right sides of the mass is equal. The actual position
of the mass, y(t), may thus be written
y = y + y

where y = r ,


where y (t) denotes the (small) perturbation of the mass from the nominal position y(t). The total force
applied by the belt to the mass, which opposes the perturbation y , is then given by
fbelt = y (k0 /1 + k0/2 )


where k0 , the spring constant per unit length of the belt, is a constant.
The friction force ffriction caused by the dry contact of the portion of the belt under the mass with the table
is accurately modeled in two parts. If you have ever tried to push a heavy object without wheels across a level
surface6 , you probably recall that it takes more force to get the object moving than it takes to keep it moving,
and that once the object is moving, the force required to keep it moving is approximately independent of the
speed at which it is moving (this latter property is know as Coulombs law). That is,
if the velocity of the mass is zero (i.e., the system is stuck), the magnitude of the friction force ffriction
precisely matches the force applied to the mass by the belt, with a sign that opposes the force applied
by the belt, up to a maximum absolute value of s mg, where mg is the weight of the mass7,8 , whereas
if the velocity of the mass is nonzero (i.e., the system is unstuck), the magnitude of the friction force
ffriction is k mg, with a sign that opposes the motion of the belt (and the mass that sits thereon),
where s is the coefficient of static friction and k is the coefficient of kinetic friction; thus,
min(| fbelt |, s mg) sgn ( fbelt ) if dy/dt = 0,
ffriction =
k mg sgn (dy/dt)
if dy/dt 6= 0.


Typically, s > k ; representative values9 of these two coefficients for a rubber belt and a metal surface are
s 1.0 and k 0.5.
The motion of the mass is thus governed by

= fbelt + ffriction ,
dt 2


where fbelt and ffriction are given above, with y = y = = 0 corresponding to the mass at the center of the
conveyer belt with no net force applied by the belt to the mass.
The motion that the above system exhibits is illustrated in Figure 17.3b-c; for the purpose of this numerical
simulation, we take m = 1 kg, r = 0.1 m, k0 = 500 N, and L = 10 m. This system may be simulated accurately
using, e.g., the standard RK4 technique (see; however, care must be taken in order to switch
accurately between the stuck and unstuck conditions. The code used to perform the simulation illustrated
in Figure 17.3b-c is available as Example 17 3.m in the NRC.
The stick/slip behavior illustrated in Figure 17.3b-c is a nonlinear phenomenon that defies any reasonably
accurate linear approximation. Some physical systems are like this, with systems exhibiting dry friction being
particularly sticky to deal with. Fortunately, many10 highly nonlinear11 systems are not like this, and can
be treated adequately via linearization, as illustrated in the several examples presented next.
6 Most

students attempt this at least once when moving into or out of college and/or graduate school...
type of frictional force is often referred to as stiction.
8 If the belt is at an angle from horizontal, the normal force mg cos( ) across the interface should be used instead.
9 Tables of such coefficients, for different materials in contact, are broadly available on the web.
10 Indeed, it is our experience that most control problems encountered in practice may be treated effectively with linear methods.
11 The phrase highly nonlinear, like mostly dead and very unique, should be avoided in scientific writing.
7 This


Example 17.4 A simple rolling cart system, and its linearization




Figure 17.4: A second-order system governed by (17.12) in: (a) an unstable configuration with < 0, (b) a
neutrally-stable configuration with = 0, and (c) an oscillatory configuration with > 0.
We now consider now the dynamics of a simple rolling cart (see Figure 17.4) governed by

= u,
dt 2


y = x2 .


Combining these two equations, applying the identity (B.72) [i.e., sin( ) = 3 /3! + . . .], and linearizing
(i.e., performing the necessary Taylor series expansions and, assuming x and u are small, neglecting all terms
that are quadratic or higher in x and/or u) leads to
+ a1 + a0 x = b0 u
dt 2

where a1 =

, a0 = 2 g, b0 = .


Example 17.5 Inverted and hanging pendulum/cart systems, and their linearization
It is straightforward to derive the full nonlinear equations of motion of the inverted and hanging pendulum/cart systems illustrated in Figure 17.5. Define Px and Py as the forces the pendulum exerts on the cart in
the e1 and e2 directions (and, thus, the cart exerts the opposite forces on the pendulum), x(t) as the horizontal
position of the cart, (t) as the angle of the pendulum (measured counterclockwise from upright), and r(t) as
a vector from a (stationary) coordinate system origin to the center of mass of the pendulum. Writing r(t) as a
function of x(t) and (t) (known as a kinematic relationship), differentiating twice, and rearranging gives
r = [ x sin ] e1 + [ cos ] e2 ,
 d 2 i
 d 2 i
d 2
d2r h d2x
e1 sin 2 + cos
cos 2 + sin
 d 2 i
d2 i
ek ,
= cos 2 2 e sin 2 +


where e = e1 cos + e2 sin is the direction perpendicular to the pendulum, and ek = e2 cos e1 sin is the
direction parallel to the pendulum (see Figure 17.5a). We then write Newtons second law for the acceleration
in the e1 direction of the cart and pendulum, and Newtons second law of rotation for the pendulum:
= Px + u,
dt 2
h d 2r
h d2x
 d 2 i
= Px
e1 = m p
cos 2 + sin
d 2
I p 2 = Py sin Px cos ;


we are also interested in Newtons second law for the acceleration of the pendulum in the e direction:

h d2r

d2 i

= m p g sin Py sin Px cos .

dt 2
dt 2
dt 2






Figure 17.5: Pendulum/cart systems: (a) schematic, (b) lab realization in the inverted configuration (t) 0
[see (17.17)], and (c) a large-scale realization in the hanging configuration (t) [see (17.18)].
Note that {m p , mc } are the masses of the pendulum and cart, I p is the moment of inertia of the pendulum
about its center of mass, is the distance from the center of mass of the pendulum to the point where it is
pivotally attached to the cart, and g is the acceleration due to gravity; all of these parameters are positive.
First combining (17.15a) and (17.15b), then combining (17.15c) and (17.15d), leads to the two nonlinear
equations of motion:
 d 2
d 2x
= u,
(mc + m p) 2 m p cos 2 + m p sin
d 2x
m p cos 2 +(I p + m p 2 ) 2 m p g sin
= 0.
Linearization of this system is performed by taking x = x + x , = + , and u = u + u in (17.16),
expanding with Taylor series, multiplying out, applying the fact that the nominal condition {x, , u} is
itself also a solution of (17.16), and keeping only those terms which are linear in the perturbation (primed) quantities, as terms that are quadratic or higher in the perturbations are negligible if the perturbations are sufficiently small. Often, a nonlinear system is linearized about a stationary (a.k.a. equilibrium)
nominal condition; such an equilibrium condition might be stable, such as the hanging pendulum configuration with {x = 0, = , u = 0}, or unstable, such as the inverted pendulum configuration with
{x = 0, = 0, u = 0}. More generally, the nominal condition about which small perturbations of a nonlinear system are modeled in a linearization may also be an unsteady trajectory of the system considered,
which we denote {x(t), (t), u(t)} for the problem considered in (17.16); this is called a tangent linear approximation of the equations of motion governing perturbations {x (t), (t), u (t)} of the system from the
target nominal trajectory {x(t), (t), u(t)}.
Taking {x = 0, = 0, u = 0}, the linearized equations of motion of the inverted pendulum are
d 2
d 2 x

= u ,
dt 2
dt 2
d 2 x
d 2
m p 2 +(I p + m p 2 ) 2 m p g = 0.

(mc + m p )



Taking {x = 0, = , u = 0}, the linearized equations of motion of the hanging pendulum are
d 2 x
d 2

= u ,
dt 2
dt 2
d 2
d 2 x
m p 2 +(I p + m p 2 ) 2 + m p g = 0.

(mc + m p )


Finally, considering an unsteady nominal trajectory {x(t), (t), u(t)} gives

 d( + ) 2
d 2 (x + x )
d 2 ( + )
= u + u ,
m p cos( + )
+ m p sin( + )

d 2 (x + x )
2 d ( + )
m p cos( + )
= 0;

m p g sin( + )
dt 2
dt 2
(mc + m p)

leveraging (B.46) and (B.47), multiplying out, applying the condition that {x(t), (t), u(t)} itself satisfies
(17.16), and keeping only those terms linear in the perturbation (primed) quantities then gives the tangent linear approximation of the equations of motion governing perturbations of the pendulum system,
{x (t), (t), u (t)}, in the vicinity of any target nominal trajectory {x(t), (t), u(t)}:
 d 2
h d2
d 2 x
d 2
d i

= u .


dt 2
dt 2
dt 2
d 2 x
d 2
= 0,
m p cos( ) 2 +(I p + m p 2 ) 2 m p g (cos ) 2 sin( )
(mc + m p )

Example 17.6 The Mobile Inverted Pendulum problem, and its linearization
The derivation of the equations of motion of the Mobile Inverted Pendulum (MIP; see Figure 17.6) is
related to that of the classical inverted pendulum (Example 17.5). Define Px and Py as the forces that the MIP
body exerts on the wheels in the e1 and e2 directions, x(t) as the horizontal position of the center of the wheels,
(t) as the angle of rotation of the wheels as they roll (measured counterclockwise from a reference position),
(t) as the angle of the MIP body (measured counterclockwise from upright, with /2 < (t) < /2), and
r(t) as a vector from a stationary coordinate system origin to the center of mass of the MIP body. Writing
r(t) as a function of x(t) and (t), differentiating twice, and rearranging again gives (17.14).
A motor is attached which applies an input torque that tends to rotate the body in one direction and the
wheels in the other. We assume for the moment that the two wheels of the vehicle move together (that is, the
vehicle isnt turning), and that a stiction force between the wheels and the ground is generated such that the
wheels do not slip, and thus
r = x.
We then write Newtons second law for the acceleration in the e1 direction of the wheel centers and the
center-of-mass of the MIP body, and Newtons second law of rotation for the MIP body and the wheels:
= Px f ,
dt 2
h d2x
 d 2 i
h d2r

= Px ,


dt 2
dt 2
dt 2
Ib 2 = Py sin Px cos ,
Iw 2 = r f ;






Figure 17.6: MIP, a Mobile Inverted Pendulum; (left) schematic, (center) prototype, (right) toy product commercialized by WowWee Robotics and the UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab.
we are also interested in Newtons second law for the acceleration of the MIP body in the e direction:

h d2r
dt 2

d2 i
e = mb cos 2 2 = mb g sin Py sin Px cos .


Note that {mb , mw , Ib , Iw } are the masses and moments of inertia (about their respective centers of mass) of
the body and the sum of both wheels moving together, r is the radius of the wheels, is the distance from the
center of mass of the MIP body to the axis of rotation of the wheels, g is the acceleration due to gravity; all
of these parameters are positive. First combining (17.19), (17.20a), (17.20b) and (17.20d), then combining
(17.20c) and (17.20e), leads to the nonlinear equations of motion of the MIP:
 d 2

= ,



dt 2
dt 2
mb r cos 2 +(Ib + mb 2 ) 2 mb g sin
= .

[Iw + (mw + mb )r2 ]


Linearization of this system is performed by taking = + , = + , and u = u + u in (17.21),

applying the fact that the nominal condition { , , u} is itself also a solution of (17.21), and keeping only
those terms which are linear in the perturbation (primed) quantities.
Taking { = 0, = 0, u = 0}, the linearized equations of motion of the MIP about its upright state are
+mb r 2
= ,
mb r 2 +(Ib + mb 2 ) 2 mb g = .

[Iw + (mw + mb )r2 ]


Considering an unsteady nominal trajectory { (t), (t), u(t)} and applying the same manipulations as before
gives the tangent linear approximation of the equations governing the perturbations { (t), (t), u (t)} of
the MIP in the vicinity of the nominal trajectory { (t), (t), u(t)}:
 d 2 i
d 2
d d





= ,
dt 2
dt 2
dt dt
dt 2
d 2
+(Ib + mb 2 ) 2 mb g (cos ) + mb r sin 2 = .
mb r cos

[Iw + (mw + mb)r2 ]


Example 17.7 A (linear) temperature bath system with a transport delay

10 C chilled water source

pipe outlet

50 C hot water source


outflow (waste)

Figure 17.7: The temperature bath system set up in Example 17.7. The valve allows an adjustment of the
flow temperature between Tvalve, min = 10 C and Tvalve, max = 50 C, and maintains a constant flow rate of
dV /dt = 6 liters per minute in the inflow pipe; the wastewater flows out from the bath at precisely the same
rate. The volume of fluid in the inflow pipe and the bath at any given time are Vpipe = 1.2 liters and Vbath = 20
liters. We assume further that (i) the inflow pipe is perfectly insulated, (ii) its walls have negligible thermal
capacity, (iii) there is negligible heat diffusion within the fluid as it flows through the inflow pipe, and (iv) the
bath is stirred quickly enough that it is maintained at essentially uniform temperature.
Performing a control volume analysis of the temperature bath system illustrated in Figure 17.7 to compute the thermal energy of the bath at time t + t (for small t), at which time the bath has lost V of the
liquid it had at time t and gained V of the new liquid from the pipe outlet, it follows that
Vbath Tbath (t + t) = (Vbath V )Tbath (t) + V Toutlet (t) = (Vbath V )Tbath (t) + V Tvalve (t d),
where d = Vpipe / dV/dt = 12 s represents the convective transport delay (that is, the time it takes the fluid
to flow from the valve to the pipe outlet), and thus
Tbath (t) +

dTbath (t)
t + . . . = Tbath (t) +
[Tvalve (t d) Tbath(t)];

taking y(t) = Tbath (t), u(t) = Tvalve (t), and a0 = b0 = dV /dt /Vbath = 0.005 s1 , in the limit of small t we
dTbath (t) dV /dt h
Tvalve (t d) Tbath(t)

+ a0 y(t) = b0 u(t d).

Example 17.8 A Corvette ZR1 with a throttle delay, and its linearization
The equations of motion for an automobile at cruise (see Figure 17.8) may be written

= u(t d) fd (t) [ fr (t) + f f (t)]
= u(t d) Cd A 0.5 v(t)2 m g[C0 + C1 v(t)2.5 ],



u(t) denotes the control force applied to accelerate the vehicle by the engine,
fd (t) = Cd A 0.5 v(t)2 models the aerodynamic drag,
fr (t) + f f (t) = mg[C0 + C1 v(t)2.5 ] models the rolling drag (see p. 117 of Gillespie 1992), and
w(t) denotes the disturbances (caused by headwind/tailwind, road inclination, modeling errors, etc.).

fd (t)

fr (t)

f f (t)

Figure 17.8: Coordinate system for the analysis of the Corvette ZR1 at cruise, as set up in Example 17.8 (to
clarify the drawing, the vertical and lateral forces are not marked).
Note that this model accounts for a slight delay d between the actuation of the throttle and its effect on the
force applied to accelerate the vehicle. In our model of the vehicle depicted in Figure 17.8, we will take
Cd = 0.36, A = 2.07, = 1.2, m = 1520, g = 9.8, C0 = .01, C1 = 1.2 106, and d = 0.04, where all variables
are in SI units (length in meters, mass in kilograms, time in seconds, force in Newtons, etc.)
At an equilibrium target car velocity, v(t) = v, the corresponding throttle position u(t) = u is given by
dv/dt = du/dt = 0,

u = Cd A 0.5 v2 + m g[C0 + C1 v2.5 ].


We now show how to linearize the dynamics of this system, taking v(t) = v + v (t) and u(t) = u + u (t) where
v (t) and u (t) denote perturbations to the equilibrium car velocity and throttle position respectively.
Recall that any smooth function f (x) may be expanded about x = x via a Taylor Series as follows:

f (x + x ) = f (x)


d f (x)
d 2 f (x) (x )2 d 3 f (x) (x )3
+ ...;
(x ) +

dx x=x
dx2 x=x 2!
dx3 x=x 3!

thus, the function f (v) = v2.5 may be expanded about v = v as follows:

[v + v ]2.5 = v2.5 + 2.5v1.5 (v ) + O[(v)2 ].


Considering small perturbations (17.25) about the equilibrium condition {v, u}, by substituting v(t) = v+v (t)
and u(t) = u + u (t) into (17.25), applying (17.27), then applying (17.26), then finally eliminating all terms
which are quadratic or higher in the perturbation (primed) quantities, leads to a linear equation as follows:
d{v + v (t)}
= {u + u (t d)} Cd A 0.5 {v + v (t)}2 m g[C0 + C1 {v + v (t)}2.5 ],
d{v + v (t)}
= u + u (t d) Cd A 0.5 {v2 + 2v[v (t)] + [v(t)]2 }
m g[C0 + C1 {v2.5 + 2.5v1.5 v (t) + O[(v(t))2 ]}],

d{v (t)}
= u (t d) Cd A 0.5 {2v[v (t)] + [v(t)]2 } m g[C1{2.5v1.5 v (t) + O[(v (t))2 ]}],
d{v (t)}
= u (t d) Cd A v[v (t)] m gC12.5v1.5 [v (t)],

thus resulting in the linear ODE

+ a0 v (t) = b0 u (t d)

a0 = Cd A v/m + 2.5C1 gv1.5 > 0.




Example 17.9 A three-story building during an earthquake, and its linearization

p5 d



p3 d



p1 d1


d2 p2

Figure 17.9: (a) The three-story building considered in Example 17.9, and (b) a cascade spring/mass/damper
system which provides an equivalent model for the linearized horizontal dynamics of this structure.
We now analyze the dynamics of the three-story building illustrated in Figure 17.9 during an earthquake;
note that we already analyzed the statics of this building in Example 2.1.
Each of the three floors is of mass m = 1000 kg, and the diagonals are nominally at 45 angles. The
lengths of the pillars and floors are nominally
p = f , = 5 m; by the Pythagorean theorem, the lengths

of the diagonals are nominally d = 2. All joints are assumed to be pinned, so no members bear bending
loads. The vertical pillars are under compression. The diagonal stabilizers are under tension, and each has
a spring constant k and damping coefficient c; note that the structure is pretensioned (see Example 2.1), so
the diagonal members remain under tension even as the building is deformed. An earthquake is modeled as
horizontal motion of the ground, w(t). We are primarily interested in the horizontal motion of the top floor,
y(t), which, we will see, can deflect a lot even for relatively small ground motion w(t) if the building is forced
at a critical resonant frequency of the structure by the earthquake.
We now model the horizontal motion of the ground floor, x1 (t), the second floor, x2 (t), and the top floor
x3 (t) = y(t), as a function of both the horizontal motion of the ground, w(t), and the force applied to the top
floor, v(t). It will be seen that we can neglect the vertical motions of the floors, which (for small deflections)
are small as compared with the horizontal motions.
Assume first that the horizontal position of the third floor is perturbed a small amount to the right of the
horizontal position of the second floor; that is, 0 < (x3 x2 )/ 1. Denote by 6 = sin1 [(x3 x2 )/]
(x3 x2)/ the (clockwise) angle that the sixth pillar is deflected from its nominally vertical orientation. Note
that, since cos 6 = 1 + O([(x3 x2 )/]2 ), the perturbations in the vertical forces and vertical deflections of
the floor are quadratic in the horizontal perturbation quantities; that is, they are negligible as compared with
the horizontal forces and deflections if these quantities are small. The (clockwise) angles that the other pillars
are deflected from their nominally vertical orientations may be defined and computed similarly,

5 6 (x3 x2 )/,

3 4 (x2 x1 )/,

1 2 (x1 w)/,


and also result in negligible perturbations in the vertical forces and vertical positions of the floors; we thus
focus on the horizontal dynamics in the remainder of this example.
Denote by 5 the changes in length of the fifth diagonal member from its nominal (pretentioned) length
d . Noting that |x3 x2 |/ 1 [and, therefore, |5 |/ 1], we again appeal to the Pythagorean theorem:

2 + [ + (x3 x2 )]2 = [d + 5 ]2 2 (x3 x2 ) + (x3 x2 )2 = 2 2 5 + 52 5 (x3 x2)/ 2.


Again, when performing linearizations of this sort, terms which are quadratic in the perturbation quantities
are negligible as compared with terms which are linear in the perturbation quantities, which are assumed to
be small. The changes in lengths of the other diagonal members may be computed similarly:

5 (x3 x2 )/ 2, 3 (x2 x1 )/ 2, 1 (x1 w)/ 2,


6 (x3 x2 )/ 2, 4 (x2 x1 )/ 2, 2 (x1 w)/ 2.

Finally, denote by 5 = tan1 [( + x3 x2 )/] /4 the angle that the fifth diagonal member is rotated
from its nominal /4 radian orientation (again, measured clockwise from vertical). Noting the identities
(B.49), (B.77), and (B.74),
tan(x + y) =

tan x + tany
1 tanx tan y

= 1 + + 2 + . . .,

tan( ) = +

+ ...,

when 5 1 it follows that

tan( /4 + 5) =

1 + tan 5
= [1 + 5 + O(53 )][1 + 5 + O(52 )] = 1 + 25 + O(52 );
1 tan 5

thus, 5 (x3 x2 )/(2). The (clockwise) angles that the other diagonal members are rotated from their
nominal orientations ( /4 radians from vertical) may be computed similarly:

5 6 (x3 x2 )/(2),

3 4 (x2 x1 )/(2),

1 2 (x1 w)/(2).


We are now in a position to add up all of the horizontal forces on the floors when the structure undergoes
small horizontal movements. The horizontal acceleration of the top floor is acted upon by the external force v,
the horizontal component of the force from the two rotated pillars [see (17.29)], and the horizontal component
of the force from the two extended [see (17.30)] and rotated [see (17.31)] diagonal members; noting the
nominal loading computed in (2.7) and the identity (B.46) [sin(x + y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y], neglecting
terms that are quadratic or higher in the perturbations, this may be summed up as follows,


d 2 x3
d 5
d 5

m 2 = v + p5 sin 5 + p6 sin 6 d5 + k 5 + c
sin + 6
+ 5 d6 + k 6 + c

x3 x2
d x3 x2 1 + (x3 x2 )/

v + 2p5
d5 + k + c


d x3 x2 1 + (x3 x2 )/

d6 k + c

x3 x2
x3 x2
d x3 x2
v + 2p5
2 k+c


dx3 dx2

v k3 (x3 x2 ) c
note that the horizontal forces of the other two floors may be summed up in a similar fashion,

d 2 x2
dx2 dx1
dx3 dx2
m 2 = k2 (x2 x1) + k3 (x3 x2 ) c


d 2 x1
dx1 dw
dx2 dx1
m 2 = k1 (x1 w) + k2 (x2 x1 ) c



where, noting the solution of the statics of this building derived in Example 2.1,

k1 = k 2p1/ + 2d1 / = k 5880 kg/sec2 ,

k2 = k 2p3/ + 2d3 / = k 3919 kg/sec2 ,

k3 = k 2p5/ + 2d5 / = k 1960 kg/sec2 .


For the purpose of clear visualization of the essence of this problem, we may thus ignore the vertical separation of the floors, and model small horizontal motions of this building linearly as a cascade spring/mass/damper
system, as illustrated in Figure 17.9b, with spring constants k1 , k2 , and k3 and damping c1 = c2 = c3 = c.
The three second-order equations governing x1 , x2 , and x3 may thus be rewritten as


m 2 + 2c + k1 + k2 x1 = c + k1 w + c + k2 x2
L1 x1 = L2 w + L3x2 , (17.34a)


m 2 + 2c + k2 + k3 x2 = c + k2 x1 + c + k3 x3
L4 x2 = L5 x1 + L6x3 , (17.34b)


m 2 + c + k3
x3 = c + k3 x2 + v
L7 x3 = L8 x2 + v.
The task of eliminating x1 and x2 from these three second-order ODEs, thereby determining a single sixthorder ODE relating y = x3 to v and w, is algebraically involved; it is thus helpful (as in Example 17.2) to use
the streamlined notation introduced above right for the scalar linear differential operators Li . Premultiplying
(17.34a) by L5 and (17.34b) by L1 and combining to eliminate x1 (noting, e.g., that L1 L5 = L5 L1 ) leads
L1 L4 x2 = (L5 L2 w + L5L3 x2 ) + L1L6 x3

(L1 L4 L5L3 )x2 = L5 L2 w + L1 L6 x3 ;


premultiplying (17.35) by L8 and (17.34c) by (L1 L4 L5L3 ) and combining to eliminate x2 then leads to
(L1 L4 L7 L5 L3 L7 L8L1 L6 )x3 = (L1 L4 L5L3 )v + (L8 L5 L2 )w,
which, denoting y = x3 , may be rewritten as

+ a5 5 + a4 4 + a3 3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0 y =
dt 6

b4 4 + b3 3 + b2 2 + b1 + b0 v + b3 3 + b2 2 + b1 + b0 w.


Symbolic manipulation tools may now be used to do the necessary (but tedious) algebraic simplifications (for
Matlab implementation, see Example 17 8.m in the NRC) in order to determine the coefficients. As seen by
running this code, for k = 10000 and c = 10, the coefficients work out to be:
a5 = .05, a4 = 32.361, a3 = .76881, a2 = 237.95, a1 = 1.0706, a0 = 201.40,
b4 = .001, b3 = .00004, b2 = .024320, b1 = .00036480, b0 = .10706,
b3 = .000001, b2 = .0018240, b1 = 1.0706, b0 = 201.40;


the values of the coefficients for other values of k and c may be determined similarly. The Bode plot of this
system is considered in Exercise 17.6, the design of a passive vibration damper for this system is considered
in Exercise 18.2, and this system is considered in state-space form in Exercise 20.1.

Example 17.10 The launch of a Saturn V rocket, and its linearization

The dynamics of a Saturn V rocket during liftoff (see Figure 17.10) may be considered in the x z plane
and the y z plane separately, as the rocket is not spinning. Considering the dynamics in one of these planes,
there are three equations governing the motion of the vehicle, two of the form d 2 x/dt 2 = f /m and one of the
form d 2 /dt 2 = /J:
d 2 z(t)
= ft cos[ (t) u(t)] fd (t) cos[ (t) + (t)] + w(t) sin[ (t) + (t)] fg,
dt 2
d 2 x(t)
= ft sin[ (t) u(t)] fd (t) sin[ (t) + (t)] w(t) cos[ (t) + (t)],
dt 2
d 2 (t)
= ft D sin[u(t)]
fd (t) L sin[ (t)]
w(t) L cos[ (t)],
dt 2


which may be taken together with the kinematic condition

vx (t)
= sin[ (t) + (t)].


Note that the three second-order ODES in (17.38) may easily be rewritten as six first-order equations, and
describe the evolution in time of the six state variables listed in Figure 17.10.
Taking the disturbance force w(t), the horizontal velocity vx (t), and the angles { (t), (t), u(t)} to be
small, the equation for the vertical acceleration, (17.38a), reduces upon linearization to

dz(t) 2
d 2 z(t)

= ft 10
fg ,


whereas the equations for the horizontal and angular acceleration, (17.38b)-(17.38c), reduce to
d 2 x(t)
= ft [ (t) u(t)] fd (t) [ (t) + (t)] w(t).
dt 2
d 2 (t)
= ft D u(t)
fd (t) L (t)
L w(t).
dt 2


Note that (17.40a) can be marched in order to compute dz(t)/dt = vz (t) = |v(t)| at any instant t1 . Given this
value of v = |v(t1 )|, which varies only slowly in time due to the large mass of the rocket (and the fact that its
thrust only slightly exceeds its weight), the linearized form of the auxiliary equation (17.39) may be written
= v [ (t) + (t)].


Considering v as essentially constant, defining f d = 10 v2 , and combining (17.40b)-(17.40c) and (17.41) to

eliminate leads to
d 2 x(t) f d dx(t)
ft (t) = ft u(t) w(t),
dt 2
v dt
d 2 (t)
f d L dx(t)
f d L (t) = ft D u(t) L w(t).
dt 2




State variables:
z(t) = vertical position
vz (t) = dz(t)/dt = vertical velocity
x(t) = horizontal position
vx (t) = dx(t)/dt = horizontal velocity
(t) = angle (clockwise from vertical)
(t) = d (t)/dt = angular velocity


Auxiliary variables:
fd (t) = 10 |v(t)|2 = aerodynamic drag
(t) = angle of attack [see (17.39)]

fd (t)

Control input:
u(t) = angle of thruster

Disturbance input:
w(t) = wind + aerodynamic lift


= 110 = length
m = 3 106 = mass
J = m 2 /20 = moment of inertia
L = 10 5% = distance C p is ahead of Cm
D = 40 = distance from nozzle pivot to Cm
ft = 34 106 = thrust
fg = m g = weight (g = 9.8)

Figure 17.10: Coordinate system for a rocket stabilization problem. There are four forces acting on the rocket,
directed as indicated: thrust ft , weight fg , drag fd (t), and disturbances (lift + wind) w(t); the control u(t) is
the angle of the thruster. The rocket is assumed to be not spinning, and all angles indicated are assumed to be
small, which decouples the control problem in the x-z plane (shown) from that in the y-z plane. All variables
in SI units. [To clarify the diagram, only one of the five thrusters is shown in this sketch of the Saturn V.]

Example 17.11 Linearized dynamic models of aircraft

The state of an aircraft in flight may be defined by twelve variables: three to identify the position {X,Y, Z},
three to identify the velocity {U,V,W }, three to identify the orientation { , , }, and three to identify the
rate of change of the orientation, {p, q, r}. To identify the orientation, we first denote

the body-fitted coordinates of the aircraft as three orthogonal vectors from the center of mass out the
nose, out the right wingtip, and out the bottom of the aircraft for the x, y, and z axes, respectively, and
a reference set of inertial coordinates (that is, a non-accelerating and non-rotating reference frame) as
north, east, and down (NED) from the aircraft center of mass for the x1 , x2 , and x3 axes, respectively.

Starting from the reference configuration of the aircraft, with its body-fitted coordinates aligned with the
inertial (NED) coordinates, the orientation of the aircraft may then be identified unambiguously by three successive rotations12 about its body-fitted coordinates, the most common choice in the aerodynamics literature
being the 3 2 1 Tait-Bryan rotation sequence13 (a.k.a. 3 2 1 Euler rotation sequence14 ) given by:
3 yaw the aircraft by an angle about the z (down) axis (positive yaws the nose to the right),
2 pitch the aircraft by an angle about the y (out-the-right-wing) axis (positive pitches the nose up),
1 roll the aircraft by an angle about the x (out-the-nose) axis (positive rolls the right wing down).

In the reference frame of the aircraft, three convenient auxiliary variables used to describe the dynamics are
the airspeed vT , which is the magnitude of the relative wind past the aircraft,
the angle of attack (AOA) , which is the angle between the x axis and the component of the relative
wind in the x y plane, and
the sideslip angle , which is the angle between the x axis and the component of the relative wind in
the x z plane.

The airspeed, angle of attack, and sideslip angle, {vT , , }, may be determined from the absolute velocity
of the aircraft, {U,V,W }, together with the local wind velocity and the aircraft orientation as defined by the
roll, pitch, and yaw variables, { , , }, of the 3 2 1 rotation sequence described above (alternatively,
{U,V,W } may be determined from {vT , , } and { , , } and the local wind velocity). For the purpose of
describing the dynamics of flight, of course, {vT , , } are the natural variables to consider.
Next, an ODE model for how the state of the aircraft evolves in time must be developed. The process
of developing accurate linearized dynamic models of an aircraft in flight is quite involved; this process may
be started using simplified aerodynamic models and small-scale wind-tunnel tests, but generally must be
subsequently refined using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations, large-scale wind-tunnel
tests, and flight tests. Almost all models of aircraft dynamics today are based on static stability derivatives;
that is, the forces and moments on the aircraft and the effectiveness of the control surfaces for any given state
of the aircraft within its flight envelope15 are determined assuming the aircraft is maintained in equilibrium in
this configuration; that is, a dynamic model accounting for the unsteadiness of the flow itself is not accounted
for with this approach. Certain dynamic maneuvers, such as the so-called dynamic lift available right before
vortex separation and stall of a rapidly pitching airfoil moving at low speed (e.g., during spot landings with a
flapping wing) are thus not accounted for well with such static models of the flow evolution. Nonetheless, a
static model of the flow is in fact quite adequate for most fixed wing aircraft throughout most of their flight
12 Even

though these three rotations are usually not the actual rotations that brought the aircraft into this configuration!
that order matters (that is, such rotations are noncommutative), as the latter steps rotate the aircraft about the body-fitted
coordinates only after the former steps are complete. Various alternative rotation sequences may also be used to unambiguously identify
the orientation of an aircraft, spacecraft, or other solid body; which rotation sequence is most convenient depends on the application.
14 Note that the 3 2 1 rotation sequence used here is often casually referred to as an Euler rotation sequence though, strictly
speaking, an Euler rotation sequence repeats a rotation around one of the axes, a common choice being the 3 1 3 Euler rotation
sequence (in the present setting, yaw, then roll, then yaw again).
15 A flight envelope is the set of states of an aircraft deemed safe for flight.
13 Note


Linearized dynamic models governing the time evolution of the 12 variables describing an aircraft in
cruise approximately decouple16 into three essentially independent subsystems:
the lateral/directional dynamics of the aircraft model, which relates the yaw (a.k.a. heading angle)
, the roll , the yaw rate r = d /dt, the body-axis roll rate p = d /dt, and the sideslip angle ,
the longitudinal dynamics of the aircraft model, which relates the pitch , the pitch rate q = d /dt,
the angle of attack , and the airspeed vT , and
the navigation equations dX/dt = U, dY /dt = V , dZ/dt = W ; as mentioned previously, {U,V,W }
may, via simple geometry, be determined from the orientation angles { , , } together with knowledge of the local wind velocity and measurements of the relative wind past the aircraft, {vT , , }.

The navigation equations are straightforward to integrate in time (see 10) to track changes in the vehicles
absolute position in order to navigate; we thus focus our attention below on the more complex problems of
the lateral/directional dynamics and the longitudinal dynamics of some representative aircraft.
Defining the deflection of the elevator, aileron, rudder, and throttle from their trimmed flight positions
as e , a , r , and th , respectively, a representative linearized model of the lateral/directional dynamics of a
large transport aircraft on approach to landing (see Minto, Chow, & Beseler 1989) is





p = 0 .002 .194 .167 .748 p + .053 .74

yaw rate:
. (17.43)
r 0 .003 .636 2.02 5.37 r .865 .904 r
roll rate:

0 .136 .970 .198 .148

.002 .047


A representative linearized model of the longitudinal dynamics of a large transport aircraft on approach to
landing (see Stevens & Lewis 2003, Example 4.6-4) is


= .00103 .633 .0056
+ .00015
th .
0 e
pitch rate:
.00008 .76 .0008 .52

A representative linearized model of the longitudinal dynamics of an F-16 in cruise (300 knots at sea level;
see Stevens & Lewis 2003, Example 4.4-1) is

8.82 32.2 .575

= .000254 1.02
+ .00215 e . (17.45)

pitch rate:


The systems given above are written in the ubiquitous state-space form, dx/dt = Ax + Bu, the characterization of which is studied in 20, and the control of which is considered in 21. We will also develop a variety
of convenient ways to convert back and forth between first-order state-space forms and single input, single
output (SISO) higher-order ODE forms; note that state space forms have the significant advantage of easily
handling multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) systems. Further, state-space models reveal the inherent
coupling present as the several states of a system (e.g., yaw, roll, yaw rate, roll rate, and sideslip) evolve in
time, which often leads to significant practical insight regarding the physical system (see Exercise 17.1).
16 That is, if the linearized dynamics of these 12 variables is written in the state-space form dx/dt = Ax + Bu with the components of
x appropriately ordered, A may written in a 3 3 block upper-triangular form.


17.3 Laplace transform methods

The (one-sided) Laplace transform F(s) of a continuous-time (CT) signal f (t) is, in general, defined as
F(s) = lim

f (t)est dt ,


f (t)est dt.


In the present text, we restrict all functions f (t) to which we apply the Laplace transform to be at least leftcontinuous at the origin [that is, f ( ) f (0) as 0 with > 0; see (B.69a)]. Accordingly, when the
need for a CT unit impulse arises, we construct it as the large limit of the one-sided function17 ,m (t)
described in 5.3.4 for m 1. In this restricted18 setting, the Laplace transform may be defined (see LePage
1961) more simply as

F(s) =

f (t)est dt.


Thus, given a left-continuous f (t) for t 0, we will define F(s) via (17.47a). The inverse Laplace transform
is given by
Z +i
F(s)est ds,
f (t) =
2 i i
where the real number is chosen such that the vertical line of the contour given in the above integral is to
the right of all of the singularities19 of F(s) in the complex plane s.
Verification that (17.47b) in fact represents the inverse of the relationship expressed in (17.47a) is straightforward, by substituting (17.47a) into the RHS of (17.47b), substituting s = + ik, applying Fubinis theorem
(see footnote 2 on page 144), and noting that, for sufficiently large , f (t) is indeed recovered:
Z +i h Z
Z K hZ

f (t ) est dt est ds = lim

f (t ) e (tt ) eik(tt ) dt i dk
K 2 i K
2 i i

f (t )e (tt )
= lim
[ f (t ) e (tt ) ] (t t ) dt = f (t),
eik(tt ) dk dt =
K 0


where the definition of the Dirac delta given in (5.16a)-(5.17c) has been applied in the second line. The

reason that the e (tt ) factor, for sufficiently large positive , is required by this formula is to ensure that the

term g(t ) = [ f (t ) e (tt ) ] decays to zero exponentially asRt , which allows us to swap the order of the
integrals using Fubinis theorem and obtain the result that 0 g(t ) (t t ) dt = g(t).
As discussed further below, the forward and inverse transforms expressed by (17.47) are immensely useful
when solving differential equations (in CT). By (17.47a), knowing f (t) for t 0, one can define F(s) on an
appropriate contour. Conversely, by (17.47b), knowing F(s) on an appropriate contour, one can determine
f (t) for t 0. Before demonstrating further why such a transformation is useful, we first mention that, in
practice, you dont actually need to compute the somewhat involved integrals given in (17.47) in order to use
the Laplace transform effectively. Rather, it is sufficient to reference a table listing some Laplace transform
pairs in a few special cases, as shown in Table 17.1a. Note also the following:
Fact 17.1 The Laplace transform is linear; that is, superposition holds, and thus if the Laplace transforms
of a(t) and b(t) are A(s) and B(s), then the Laplace transform of c(t) = a(t) + b(t) is C(s) = A(s) + B(s).
Fact 17.2 If the Laplace transformRof f (t) is F(s), then the Laplace transform of the exponentially scaled
function g(t) = eat f (t) is G(s) = 0 f (t)e(s+a)t dt = F(s + a), and the Laplace transform of the delayed
s(t+d) dt = eds F(s).
function g(t) = f (t d) is G(s) = 0 f (t d)est dt = d
f (t)e
is, rather than the small limit of the two-sided function (t) described in 5.3.3.
restriction is said to be technical; that is, it narrows the precise mathematical setting in which the transform definition may
be used, but in application does not limit the practical problems to which the transform may, when used correctly, be applied.
19 That is, the contour of integration in (17.47b) is chosen to the right of all points s for which |F(s)| as s s in (17.47a).
17 That
18 This


f (t) (for t > 0)


fk (for k = 0, 1, . . .)



1/(s a)


z/(z c)

1/(s a)2

t eat
t 2 eat
t p eat

(for integer p 0)

2/(s a)3


t p (for integer p 0)

p!/s p+1

,m (t)

,m (t d)

(for d 0)

d[ ,m (t)]/dt , (t)
d 2 [ ,m (t)]/dt 2 , (t)

1 [i.e., fk = h0k ]

z/(z 1)

z/(z 1)2

k p (for integer p > 0)

Lip (1/z)


dk (for integer d)



ck cos( k)


b/(s2 + b2 )


s/(s2 b2)


k p ck (for p > 0)

cz(z2 + 4 c z + c2)
(z c)4
Lip (c/z)


eat sin(bt)

c z(z + c)/(z c)3

k 3 ck


(s a)2 + b2
(s a)2 + b2
s/(s2 + b2)

eat cos(bt)

k 2 ck

p!/(s a) p+1

1 [i.e., f (t) = h0 (t)]

c z/(z c)2

k ck

b/(s2 b2 )

ck sin( k)

z[z c cos( )]
z2 2 c z cos( ) + c2
z c sin( )
z 2 c z cos( ) + c2

ck h1k

c/(z c)

c2 /(z c)2

(k 1) c h2k

(k 2)(k 1) ck h3k

2 c3 /(z c)3

(k p) (k 1) ck h p+1,k

p! c p+1/(z c) p+1

(k 3)(k 2)(k 1) ck h4k

6 c4 /(z c)4

Table 17.1: Tables of (left) some Laplace transform pairs, as considered in 17.3, and (right) some Z transform
pairs, as considered in 17.4. Note that the (left-continuous) CT functions f (t) = 0 for t 0, and that the DT
functions fk = 0 for integer k < 0. The CT unit impulse in this work is taken as the large limit (under the
integral sign!) of the one-sided function ,m (t) (see 5.3.4 ) for some integer m 1. The polylogarithm
Lin (z) is defined in (B.68), and the DT Heaviside step function hdk is defined in (B.69b).
Note in Table 17.1a that the Laplace transform of the delay function, f (t) = ,m (t d) in the limit of
large for d > 0, is F(s) = eds ; this is not a rational function20 of s, which turns out to be inconvenient.
The following Pade approximation of the Laplace transform of a delay, valid for small values of |ds|, is thus
convenient to use in its stead
eds Fn (s) ,

nk=0 (1)k ck (ds)k

nk=0 ck (ds)k

ck =

(2n k)! n!
(2n)! k! (n k)!


The formula for the coefficients in the above approximation may be verified by considering the expression
[nk=0 ak (ds)k ]eds [nk=0 bk (ds)k ],
20 A

rational function of s is a polynomial in s divided by a polynomial in s.


inserting the Taylor-series expansion for eds , expanding, and matching as many coefficients of like powers
of (ds) as possible. The resulting rational approximations of the delay function eds , for n = 1, 2, and 4, are
F1 (s) =

1 ds/2
1 ds/2 + (ds)2/12
1 ds/2 + 3(ds)2/28 (ds)3/84 + (ds)4/1680
, F2 (s) =
1 + ds/2
1 + ds/2 + (ds)2/12
1 + ds/2 + 3(ds)2/28 + (ds)3/84 + (ds)4/1680

17.3.1 The Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals of functions

Assume f (t) is smooth and bounded and define f (1) (t) = d f (t)/dt = f (t). Then, by integration by parts, the
Laplace transform of f (1) (t) is given by

Z a

f (1) (t)est dt
f (1) (t)est dt = lim
a 0
Z a
est f (t)dt = sF(s) f (0)
= lim esa f (a) f (0) + s

F (1) (s) =


for (s) > 0. Similarly, if f (2) (t) = d 2 f (t)/dt 2 = f (t) and f (n) (t) = d n f (t)/dt n , then
F (2) (s) =
F (n) (s) =

Z a

f (2) (t)est dt = . . . = s2 F(s) s f (0) f (1) (0),


f (n) (t)est dt = . . . = sn F(s) sn1 f (0) sn2 f (1) (0) . . . f (n1)(0).


Z a

Thus, if f (1) (t)R= d f (t)/dt, then F (1) (s) = sF(s) f (0). Conversely, by integration, it therefore follows
that, if f (t) = 0t f (1) (t )dt , and thus f (0) = 0, then F(s) = 1s F (1) (s). We thus arrive at the most useful
interpretation of the s variable:
Fact 17.3 Multiplication of the Laplace transform of a CT signal by 1/s corresponds to integration of this
signal (from t = 0) in the time domain. Similarly, multiplication by 1/s2 corresponds to double integration,
Note that, with f (1) (t) = d f (t)/dt,
i Z
f (1) (t)est dt =

lim f (1) (t)est dt =

0 s0

f (1) (t)dt = f () f (0).

It follows by taking the limit of (17.49a) as s 0 that

Fact 17.4 (The CT final value theorem) lim sF(s) = lim f (t).

If we now consider the limit as s instead of s 0, we have to be a bit more careful. In the case in which
f (t) is a scalar c = lim 0 f ( ) f (0) times a (left-continuous) unit step [see (B.69a)] plus other terms
which are continuous near the origin, by Fact 5.6 we define f (1) (t) (kept under the integral sign!) as the scalar
c times the Dirac delta21 plus other terms which are bounded near the origin. From the sifting property of the
Dirac delta [see (5.21c)], it follows by taking the limit of (17.49a) as s that c = lims sF(s) f (0),
and thus
Fact 17.5 (The CT initial value theorem) lim sF(s) = lim f (t).

21 Recall again that the Dirac delta is defined (under the integral sign!) via the effect, in the large limit, of the one-sided function
,m (t), as developed in 5.3.4, for some integer m 1.


17.3.2 Using the Laplace Transform to solve unforced linear differential equations
Consider the unforced linear constant-coefficient second-order differential equation given by
f (t) + a1 f (t) + a0 f (t) = 0 with

f (0), f (0) given.


Taking the Laplace transform of this equation and applying the above relations gives

{ f (t) + a1 f (t) + a0 f (t) = 0}est dt

F(s) =

c1 s + c0
s2 + a1s + a0

[s2 F(s) s f (0) f (0)] + a1[sF(s) f (0)] + a0[F(s)] = 0

where c1 = f (0), c0 = f (0) + a1 f (0).


Defining the roots of the denominator p = a1 a21 4a0 /2, known as the poles of this second-order
equation, and performing a partial fraction expansion (see B.6.3), it follows that

c1 p + + c0


d+ = p p ,
d + + d = c1
c1 s + c0

F(s) =

(s p+ )(s p ) s p+ s p
d+ p d p+ = c0

d =
p p+
Thus, by Table 17.1a and the linearity of the Laplace transform (Fact 17.1, from which the superposition
principle follows immediately), we deduce that
f (t) = d+ e p+t + d e pt ,


thus solving the original differential equation (17.50). It is seen that, if the real parts of the poles p are
negative, the magnitude of the solution decays with time, whereas if the real parts of p are positive, the
magnitude of the solution grows with time. Also note that, if the coefficients {a0 , a1 } and initial conditions
{ f (0), f (0)} defining the system in (17.50) are real, then the roots p are either real or a complex conjugate
pair, and thus the solution f (t) given by (17.51) is real even though the roots p might be complex.
Higher-order unforced constant-coefficient CT linear differential equations of the form
f (n) (t) + an1 f (n1) (t) + . . . + a1 f (t) + a0 f (t) = 0,
may be solved in an analogous manner, leveraging partial fraction expansions (again, see B.6.3) to split up
F(s) into simple terms whose inverse Laplace transforms may be found in Table 17.1a. In such cases, as in
the second-order case discussed above, the speed of oscillation and the rate of decay or growth of the various
components of the solution are characterized solely by the poles [that is, the roots of a polynomial (in s) with
coefficients ai ], whereas how much of each of these components this solution actually contains, in addition to
their relative phase, is a function of the initial conditions on f (t) and its derivatives.

17.3.3 Continuous-time (CT) transfer functions

Now consider the forced, CT, linear time invariant (LTI; that is, constant-coefficient), single input, single
output (SISO) second-order ODE for y(t) (the output) given by
y (t) + a1y (t) + a0y(t) = b0 u(t),


where u(t) (the input) is specified, assuming y(t) and y (t) are zero at t = 0. Taking the Laplace transform
now gives

{y (t) + a1y (t) + a0y(t) = b0 u(t)}est dt

G(s) ,

[s2 + a1s + a0]Y (s) = b0U(s)

Y (s)
U(s) s2 + a1s + a0 (s p+)(s p )


Algorithm 17.1: Compute response of a CT system in transfer function form to a simple input.
f u n c t i o n [ r , y , t ] = ResponseTF ( gs , f s , type , g )
% U s in g i t s p a r t i a l f r a c t i o n e x p a n s i o n , compute t h e r e s p o n s e Y( s ) =T ( s ) R ( s ) o f a
% CT SISO l i n e a r s y s t e m T ( s ) = g s ( s ) / f s ( s ) t o an i m p u l s e ( t y p e = 0 ) , s t e p ( t y p e = 1 ) ,
% o r q u a d r a t i c ( t y p e =2 ) i n p u t . The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t
% p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s : g . T i s t h e i n t e r v a l o v e r which r e s p o n s e i s p l o t t e d ,
% g . N i s t h e number o f t i m e s t e p s , and { g . s t y l e u , g . s t y l e y } a r e t h e l i n e s t y l e s u s e d .
numR=Fac ( type 1 ) ; denR = 1 ; f o r i = 1 : type , denR =[ denR 0 ] ; end , g s = g s / f s ( 1 ) ;
[ rp , rd , r k ] = P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n ( numR , denR ) ;
fs=fs / fs (1);
[ yp , yd , yk ] = P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n ( PolyConv ( numR , g s ) , PolyConv ( denR , f s ) ) ;
h=g . T / g . N; t = [ 0 : g . N] h ; f o r k = 1 : g . N+1
i f type >0, r ( k ) = r e a l ( sum ( r d . ( t ( k ) . ( rk 1 ) . exp ( r p t ( k ) ) ) ) ) ; e l s e , r ( k ) = 0 ; end
y ( k ) = r e a l ( sum ( yd . ( t ( k ) . ( yk 1 ) . exp ( yp t ( k ) ) ) ) ) ;
i f n a rg o u t ==0 ,
p l o t ( t , y , g . s t y l e y ) , a x i s t i g h t , i f type >0, h o ld on ; p l o t ( t , r , g . s t y l e r ) , h o ld o f f ; end
end % f u n c t i o n ResponseTF


where, again, the poles p = a1 a21 4a0 /2. The quantity G(s) given above is known as the transfer
function of the linear system (17.52).
Higher-order forced SISO constant-coefficient CT linear systems of the form
y(n) (t) + an1 y(n1) (t) + . . . + a1 y (t) + a0 y(t) = bm u(m) (t) + bm1 u(m1) (t) + . . . + b1 u (t) + b0 u(t), (17.54)
with bm 6= 0 [and, normally, m n; see], may be manipulated in an analogous manner, leading to a
transfer function of the rational form
G(s) =

Y (s)
bm sm + bm1 sm1 + . . . + b1 s + b0
(s z1 )(s z2 ) (s zm )
s + an1s
+ . . . + a1 s + a0
(s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn )


The m roots of the numerator, zi , are referred to as the zeros of the system, the n roots of the denomenator,
pi , are referred to as the poles of the system, and the coefficient K is referred to as the gain of the system.
Note that a differential equation governing a CT system, taken on its own, simply relates linear combinations of two or more variables describing the system and their derivatives; such an equation does not itself
indicate one variable as a cause and another as an effect in a cause-effect relationship. However, the
definition of a transfer function inherently identifies, or defines, a cause-effect or input-output relationship;
in the examples discussed above, u(t) is identified as the input, and y(t) is identified as the output. This further distinction between input and output is signficant. Almost all systems encountered are causal, meaning
that any variable identified as an output only responds to the current and past inputs, but not to future
inputs. The assumption of causality is essentially ubiquitous, and it is often implied without being explicitly
stated. Indeed, the present text will always assume that any CT system under consideration is causal unless
specifically stated otherwise.
Once a (causal) CT linear systems transfer function G(s) is known, its response to simple inputs is easy
to compute. Noting Table 17.1a:
if u(t) is a unit impulse [u(t) = ,m (t) for large and integer m 1; see 5.3.4], then U(s) 1;
if u(t) is a unit step [u(t) = h0 (t); see (B.69)], then U(s) = 1/s;
if u(t) is a unit ramp [u(t) = t for t > 0], then U(s) = 1/s2 , etc.

In such cases, Y (s) = G(s)U(s) is easy to compute, and thus y(t) may be found by partial fraction expansion
and subsequent inverse Laplace transform, as implemented in Algorithm 17.1. As in the unforced case discussed in 17.3.2, the speed of oscillation and the rate of decay or growth of the various components of the


systems response to a simple input is characterized solely by the poles of the system, whereas how much of
each of these components this response actually contains, in addition to their relative phase, is a function of
its zeros and gain.
It is important to keep clear the distinction between the Laplace transform (a.k.a. transfer function) of a
system, such as G(s) above, and the Laplace transform of a signal, such as Y (s) above. To make clear the
connection between them, note in the special case that the input to the system happens to be a unit impulse
u(t) = ,m (t) for large and integer m 1, it follows that U(s) 1 and thus Y (s) G(s). In other words,
Fact 17.6 The transfer function of a CT linear system is the Laplace transform of its impulse response.
It follows from the relation Y (s) = G(s)U(s), expanding Y (s), G(s), and U(s) with the Laplace transform
formula (17.47a), noting that the impulse response g(t) = 0 for t < 0 (that is, that the system is causal, as
discussed above), and following an analogous derivation as that leading to (5.36b), that
Z h

u(t )
u(t )e dt =
g(t)e dt
y(t) e dt =
g(t)e dt est dt


u(t )


g(t t )e

from which we deduce that, for t 0,

y(t) =

(t )

s(tt )

Z t

dt e


dt =


Z Z t

u(t )g(t t )dt ;

u(t )g(t t ) dt est dt,


note in particular that y(t) g(t) when u(t) = ,m (t) for large . Thus, as similarly noted for the Fourier
transform in Fact 5.4,
Fact 17.7 The product Y (s) = G(s)U(s) in Laplace transform space corresponds to a convolution integral
[of the input u(t) with the impulse response g(t)] in the untransformed space.
Products are generally much easier to work with than convolution integrals, thus highlighting the utility of
the Laplace transform when solving constant-coefficient CT linear systems. Proper, strictly proper, and improper CT systems
We now revisit the differential equation in (17.54) and its corresponding transfer function in (17.55), where
the degree of the polynomial in the numerator is m, and the degree of the polynomial in the denominator
is n. Define the relative degree of such a transfer function as nr = n m. In CT, such systems are said to
be improper if nr < 0. In 18 we will further distinguish the CT systems of interest as plants G(s) and
controllers D(s). Most real plants G(s) are strictly proper, with nr > 0 [or at least proper, with nr 0],
as most plants have some sort of inertia, capacitance, or storage which attenuates [or at least bounds] their
response at high frequencies, as characterized precisely by their Bode plots (see 17.5.1). Further, to avoid
amplifying high-frequency measurement noise which might be present as the measured signal is fed back to
the actuator via control feedback (see, e.g., 18.3.3), it is strongly advised to use a strictly proper [or, at least,
proper], controller D(s). Thus, except for a brief mention in 18.3.1, we will focus our attention in this study
almost exclusively on the case with nr 0. Note also that a transfer function with nr = 0, which is proper but
not strictly proper, is occasionally said to be semi-proper.
Example 17.12 The step response of second-order CT linear systems
We now focus further specifically on the forced second-order case (17.52), with b0 = a0 , when forced by a
unit step u(t) = h0 (t); that is,

G(s) = 2
and U(s) = .
s + a1 s + a0 (s p+ )(s p )

If the poles p = a1 a21 4a0 /2 are complex with negative real part, the solution of this system
may be written in terms of sines and cosines modulated by a decaying exponential, as implied by (17.51). To

illustrate this more clearly, assume first that a0 > 0 and 0 a1 < 2 a0 . Defining in this case the undamped
natural frequency n and the damping ratio such that
a0 = n2

and a1 = 2 n ,

noting that n > 0 and 0 < 1, it is seen (see Figure 17.11) that
p = id ,

where = n = a1 /2 and d = n

in which case, via partial fraction expansion, we may write

Y (s) = G(s)U(s) =


+ ,
(s p+)(s p ) s
s p+ s p

1 2 = a0 a21 /4,

d+ = in /(2d p+ ),
d = in2 /(2d p ) = d+ ,

d0 = 1.

Thus, by Table 17.1a, noting that y(t) = 0 for t 0, the closed-form solution of y(t) for t > 0 is given by

dc = d+ + d = 1,
y(t) = d+ e p+t + d e pt + d0 = e t dc cos(d t) + ds sin(d t) + 1,
ds = i(d+ d) = / 1 2,

as plotted in Figure 17.12. Since the system G(s) considered in this example is real, the complex poles p+
and p come as a conjugate pair. In addition, as consequence of the fact that the input u(t) to this system is
also real, the coefficients d+ and d also work out to be a complex conjugate pair, and thus dc and ds , and
y(t) itself, are real. Again, note that the speed of oscillation, d , and the rate of decay, , of this response are
a function of the location of the poles of the transfer function p = id .
As indicated in Figure 17.12, there are three commonly-used characterizations of the step response: the
rise time tr , defined as the time it takes the response to increase from 0.1 to 0.9 of the steady state value of the
step response, the settling time ts , defined as the total time it takes the response to settle to within 5 percent
of the steady state value of the step response, and the overshoot M p , defined as the maximum percentage by
which the output of the system exceeds its steady-state value when the system responds to a step input. By
performing least-squares fits (see 4.7.2) of the rise time, settling time, and overshoot of several such step
responses of second-order systems (as plotted in Figure 17.12) as a function of n , , and , respectively, the
following handy approximate relations are readily determined:

tr 1.8/n, ts 4.6/ , M p e / 1 .
If the maximum values of tr , ts , and/or M p are specified, then, the following approximate design guides for
the admissible pole locations of a second-order system follow immediately:
& 0.5 for M p 15%
n & 1.8/tr , & 4.6/ts ,
& 0.7 for M p 5%.
The natural frequency n is often referred to as the speed of such a system, as it is inversely proportional
to the rise time. Typical approximate design guides of this sort are illustrated graphically in Figure 17.13.
The response of many higher-order systems is dominated by the response due to a pair of dominant secondorder poles [i.e., the slowest (smallest n ) poles of the system that are not approximately cancelled by nearby
zeros]. Thus, these approximate design guides are often handy even if the system is not second order. Recall
also that the response of higher-order systems to simple inputs is easily plotted using Algorithm 17.2.



Figure 17.11: The poles p of the system y (t) p

+ 2 n y (t) + n2 y(t) = n2 u(t) in the complex plane s in
terms of n , = sin , = n , and d = n 1 2. The response y(t) to a step input u(t) is plotted in
Figure 17.12; note that d sets the speed of oscillation and sets the exponential rate of decay.

















response of the system y (t) + 2



n y (t) + n y(t) = n u(t), for n

Figure 17.12: The unit step

= 1 and (left)
taking = 0.5, with the rise time, settling time, and overshoot indicated, and (right) taking = 0 (dashed),
= 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 (solid), and = 1 (dot-dashed).
















Figure 17.13: Approximate constraints, or design guides, on the admissible pole locations of a CT secondorder system (or a higher-order system whose response is dominated by a pair of second-order poles) in the
complex plane s in order to not exceed specified constraints on the rise time, settling time, and overshoot of
the systems step response (see Figure 17.12), as specified in (17.57).

17.4 Z transform methods

The Z transform (a.k.a. the unilateral Z transform), F(z), of a discrete-time (DT) signal fk for k =
0, 1, 2, . . . is defined by

fk zk .

F(z) =



Given fk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . ., we define F(z) via (17.58a). The inverse Z transform is given by
fk =
2 i

F(z)zk1 dz,


where the complex contour is a circle around the origin in complex plane z that is chosen to be of sufficiently
small radius that it does not contain any singularities22 of F(z) in the complex plane z.
Verification that (17.58b) in fact represents the inverse of the relationship expressed in (17.58a) is straightforward, by substituting (17.58a) into the RHS of (17.58b) and noting (5.5a) and thus that, for a contour
given by z = Rei for = ( , ) with sufficiently small, fixed R (and thus dz = iRei d ), fk is indeed
I h

fk zk zk1 dz =
fk Rk ei k Rk1 ei (k1) Riei d

2 i k =0
2 i k =0
h 1 Z

= fk Rkk
ei (kk ) d = fk Rkk k,k = fk ,

k =0
k =0

where the relation (5.5a) has been applied in the second line. The reason that the Rkk factor, for sufficiently
small positive R, is required by this formula is to ensure that the magnitude of the integrand decays to zero
exponentially as k , which allows us to swap the order of the integral and the sum using Fubinis theorem.
As shown below, the forward and inverse transforms expressed by (17.58) are immensely useful when
solving difference equations (in DT). By (17.58a), knowing fk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . ., one can define F(z) on an
appropriate contour. Conversely, by (17.58b), knowing F(z) on an appropriate contour, one can determine
fk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . As in 17.3, before demonstrating further why such a transformation is useful, we first
mention that, in practice, you dont actually need to compute the somewhat involved integrals given in (17.58)
in order to use the Z transform effectively. Rather, it is sufficient to reference a table listing some Z transform
pairs in a few special cases, as shown in Table 17.1b. Note also the following:
Fact 17.8 The Z transform is linear; that is, superposition holds, and thus if the Z transforms of the sequences ak and bk are A(z) and B(z), then the Z transform of the sequence ck = ak + bk is C(z) = A(z) + B(z).
Fact 17.9 If the Z transform of the sequence fk is F(z), then the Z transform of the scaled sequence gk =
k = F(z/b), and the Z transform of the delayed sequence g = f
bk fk is G(z) =
kd is G(z) =
k=0 f k (z/b)

k=0 fkd z = F(z)/z .

17.4.1 The Z Transform of translated sequences



Define fk = fk+1 for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Then the Z transform of fk is given by

F [1] (z) =

[1] k




= z fk+1 z(k+1) = z fk zk = zF(z) z f0 .


22 That is, the circular contour of integration in the (17.58b) is chosen to be of sufficiently small radius that it does not contain any
points z for which |F(z)| as z z in (17.58a).




Similarly, if fk = fk+2 and fk = fk+n , then

F [2] (z) =

[2] k


F [n] (z) =

= z2 F(z) z2 f0 z f1 ,

[n] k


= zn F(z) zn f0 zn1 f1 . . . z fn1 .



Thus, if
= fk+1 , then F [1] (z) = zF(z) z f0 . Conversely, it follows that, if fk+1 = fk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .
with f0 = 0, then F(z) = 1z F [1] (z). We thus arrive at the most useful interpretation of the z variable:
Fact 17.10 Multiplication of the Z transform of a DT signal by 1/z corresponds to a delay of this signal in
the time domain by one timestep. Similarly, 1/z2 corresponds to a delay of two timesteps, etc.
Defining a new sequence gk = fk+1 fk for all k and taking the Z transform of gk , applying (17.59), gives

G(z) =

gk zk


[zF(z) z f0 ] F(z) = lim

( fk+1 fk )zk .


Taking the limit of this expression as z 1, noting that the limit on the RHS approaches f f0 if the limit
indicated in the above equation is bounded, thus gives
Fact 17.11 (The DT final value theorem) If lim fk is bounded, then lim(z 1)F(z) = lim fk .

On the other hand, it follows directly from the z limit of (17.58a) that
Fact 17.12 (The DT initial value theorem) lim F(z) = f0 .

17.4.2 Using the Z Transform to solve unforced linear difference equations

Now consider the unforced linear constant-coefficient second-order difference equation given by
fk+2 + a1 fk+1 + a0 fk = 0


f0 , f1 given.


Taking the Z transform of this equation and applying the above relations gives

{ fk+2 + a1 fk+1 + a0 fk = 0}zk


[z2 F(z) z2 f0 z f1 ] + a1[zF(z) z f0 ] + a0[F(z)] = 0

c2 z2 + c1 z
where c2 = f0 , c1 = f1 + a1 f0 .
z2 + a1z + a0
Defining p = (a1 a21 4a0)/2 and performing a partial fraction expansion, it follows that

c2 p + + c1


d+ =

d + + d = c2
d z
d+ z
c2 z + c1 z
p+ p

F(z) =
p + c1

(z p+ )(z p ) z p+ z p
d+ p d p+ = c1

d =
p p+

F(z) =

Thus, by Table 17.1b and the linearity of the Z transform (Fact 17.8), we deduce that
fk = d+ pk+ + d pk ,


thus solving the original difference equation (17.60). It is seen that, if the magnitudes of p are less than one,
the magnitude of the solution decays with time, whereas if the magnitudes of p are greater than one, the
magnitude of the solution grows with time. A difference equation of precisely the form given in (17.60) leads
to the well-known Fibonaccis sequence, as considered in Exercise 17.3.
Higher-order linear difference equations may be solved in an identical manner, leveraging partial fraction
expansions to split up F(z) into simple terms whose Z transforms may be found in Table 17.1b.

17.4.3 Discrete-time (DT) transfer functions

Now consider the forced linear constant-coefficient second-order difference equation, a.k.a. DT SISO LTI
system, for uk (the output23) given by
uk+2 + a1 uk+1 + a0 uk = b0 ek ,


where ek (the input) is specified, assuming uk and ek are zero for k < 0. Taking the Z transform now gives

{uk+2 + a1 uk+1 + a0 uk = b0 ek }zk


[z2 + a1 z + a0 ]U(z) = b0 E(z)

= 2
z + a1 z + a0 (z p+ )(z p )

where, again, the poles p = a1 a21 4 a0 /2. The quantity D(z) is known as the transfer function of
the linear system (17.62). Higher-order forced SISO constant-coefficient DT linear systems of the form

D(z) ,

uk+n + an1 uk+n1 + . . . + a1 uk+1 + a0 uk = bm ek+m + bm1 ek+m1 + . . . + b1 ek+1 + b0 ek


with bm 6= 0 [and, normally, n m; see], may be manipulated in an analogous manner, leading to a
transfer function of the form
D(z) =

(z z1 )(z z2 ) (z zm )
U(z) bm zm + bm1 zm1 + . . . + b1 z + b0
zn + an1 zn1 + . . . + a1 z + a0
(z p1 )(z p2 ) (z pn)


By comparison, the parallels with the CT case in 17.3.3 are clear. Note that, in implementation, it is often
more convenient to write (17.64) [in the case that n m] as
uk = a1 uk1 . . . an1 uk(n1) an ukn + b0 ek + b1 ek1 + . . . + bn1 ek(n1) + bn ekn ,


where, for convenience, we have renumbered the coefficients ak = ank and bk = bnk ; this form is often
referred to as a finite impulse response (FIR) filter if ak = 0 for k > 0, and an infinite impulse response
(IIR) filter if not. Note that the FIR case is distinguished by an impulse response that vanishes after finite
number of steps, whereas [due to the feedback built in to the difference equation (17.66)] the IIR case is not.
Note that a difference equation governing a DT system, taken on its own, simply relates linear combinations of two or more variables describing the system and their tap delays; such an equation does not itself
indicate one variable as a cause and another as an effect in a cause-effect relationship. However, the
definition of a transfer function inherently identifies, or defines, a cause-effect or input-output relationship;
in the examples discussed above, ek is identified as the input, and uk is identified as the output. This further
distinction between input and output is signficant. Almost all systems encountered are causal, meaning that
any variable identified as an output only responds to the current and past inputs, but not to future inputs.
In the DT setting (in contrast with the CT setting discussed previously), this is facilitated only when m n in
the general higher-order form given above; for further discussion, see
Once a (causal) DT linear systems transfer function is known, its response to simple inputs is easy to
compute. Noting Table 17.1b, if ek is a unit impulse (that is, ek = 0,k ), then E(z) = 1, and if ek is a unit step
[that is, ek = 1 for k 0], then E(z) = z/(z 1). In both cases, U(z) is easy to compute from (17.63), and
thus uk may be found by partial fraction expansion and subsequent inverse Z transform.
As in the CT case, it is important to keep clear the distinction between the Z transform (a.k.a. transfer
function) of a system, such as D(z) above, and the Z transform of a signal, such as E(z) above. To make
clear the connection between them, note in the special case that the input to the system happens to be a unit
impulse ek = 0,k , it follows that E(z) = 1 and thus U(z) = D(z). In other words,
23 For the sake of later convenience (in 18), we have changed the letters associated with the inputs and output considered in 17.4.3,
where we consider a DT controller D(z) = U(z)/E(z), as compared with 17.3.3, where we considered a CT plant G(s) = Y (s)/U(s).


Algorithm 17.2: Compute response of a DT system in transfer function form to a simple input.

f u n c t i o n [ r , y , t ] = R es p o n s eT F d t ( gz , f z , type , g )
% U s in g i t s p a r t i a l f r a c t i o n e x p a n s i o n , compute t h e r e s p o n s e Y( z ) =T ( z ) R ( z ) o f a
% DT SISO l i n e a r s y s t e m T ( z ) = gz ( z ) / f z ( z ) t o an i m p u l s e ( t y p e = 0 ) , s t e p ( t y p e = 1 ) ,
% o r q u a d r a t i c ( t y p e =2 ) i n p u t . The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t
% p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s : g . T i s t h e i n t e r v a l o v e r which r e s p o n s e i s p l o t t e d ,
% g . h i s t h e t i m e s t e p , and { g . s t y l e r , g . s t y l e y } a r e t h e l i n e s t y l e s u s e d .
s w i t c h type , c a s e 0 , numR = 1 ; denR = 1 ; c a s e 1 , numR =[ 1 0 ] ; denR =[ 1 1];
o t h e r w i s e , [ numR , denR ] = P o l y l o g a r i t h m N e g a t i v e I n v e r s e ( type 1 , 1 ) ; end
[ r a , rd , rpp , r n ] = P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n ( numR , denR ) ;
[ ya , yd , ypp , yn ] = P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n ( PolyConv ( numR , gz ) , PolyConv ( denR , f z ) ) ;
k = [ 0 : g . T / g . h ] ; t =k g . h ; y= z e r o s ( s i z e ( k ) ) ; r = z e r o s ( s i z e ( k ) ) ;
f o r i = 1 : yn , a=yd ( i ) / ( Fac ( ypp ( i ) 1) ya ( i ) ypp ( i ) ) ;
b=a o n e s ( s i z e ( k ) ) ; f o r j = 1 : ypp ( i ) 1 , b=b . ( kj ) ; end
i f ypp ( i ) >0 , y ( 2 : end ) = y ( 2 : end ) + b ( 2 : end ) . ya ( i ) . k ( 2 : end ) ; e l s e , y ( 1 ) = y ( 1 ) + yd ( i ) ; end
end , y= r e a l ( y ) ; p l o t ( t , y , g . s t y l e y )
f o r i = 1 : rn , a= r d ( i ) / ( Fac ( r p p ( i ) 1) r a ( i ) r p p ( i ) ) ;
b=a o n e s ( s i z e ( k ) ) ; f o r j = 1 : r p p ( i ) 1 , b=b . ( kj ) ; end
i f r p p ( i ) >0 , r ( 2 : end ) = r ( 2 : end ) + b ( 2 : end ) . r a ( i ) . k ( 2 : end ) ; e l s e , r ( 1 ) = r ( 1 ) + r d ( i ) ; end
end , r = r e a l ( r ) ; i f type >0, h o ld on ; p l o t ( t , r , g . s t y l e r ) , h o ld o f f ; end
end % f u n c t i o n R es p o n s eT F d t

Fact 17.13 The transfer function of a DT linear system is the Z transform of its impulse response.
It follows from the relation U(z) = D(z) E(z), expanding U(z), D(z), and E(z) with the Z transform formula
(17.58a), noting that the impulse response dk = 0 for k < 0 (that is, that the DT system is causal), and
following an analogous derivation as that leading to (17.56), that

h i
uk zk = e j z j dk zk = e j dk zk z j




(k j)

e j dk j z



from which we deduce that, for k 0,

k= j


e j dk j


zk ,

uk =

e j dk j ;



note in particular that uk = dk when e j = j,0 . Thus, as similarly noted in the CT case,
Fact 17.14 The product U(z) = D(z) E(z) in Z transform space corresponds to a convolution sum [of the
input ek with the impulse response dk ] in the untransformed space.
Products are generally much easier to work with than convolution sums, thus highlighting the utility of the Z
transform when solving constant-coefficient DT linear systems. The transfer function of a DAC G(s) ADC cascade
By Fact 17.13, we may determine the transfer function of a DT system, G(z), simply by computing the
response of the system to an impulse input, uk = 0,k , then taking the Z transform of this response. Applying
this experiment to a cascade of components given by (i) a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) implementing
a zero-order-hold24 (ZOH), (ii) a CT system G(s), and (iii) an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) , noting
24 That

is, holding the value of the analog signal as constant between timesteps





























Figure 17.14: The unit step response of the system uk+2 + a1 uk+1 + a0 uk = b0 ek , where b0 = 1 + a1 + a0 ,
with r = 0.7 (circles), r = 0.9 (asterisks), and r = 1.0 (squares) for = /5 (left) and = /10 (right),

where r = a0 and = cos1 [a1 /(2r)] (cf. Figure 17.12b). The lines in this figure are drawn to improve
readability; the DT signals are defined only at each step, indicated by the symbols.

in this case that u(t) [that is, the input to G(s)] is simply a unit step (with Laplace transform 1/s in CT)
followed by a one-timestep-delayed negative unit step, it follows that
G(z) = Z

n 1 esh

n G(s) o z 1 n G(s) o
G(s) = (1 z1)Z


where z1 corresponds to the one-timestep delay, with Laplace transform esh , and the shorthand Z {G(s)/s}
means the Z transform of the discretization of the CT signal whose Laplace transform is G(s)/s. We will make
use of this convenient (and exact!) expression in Figure 18.12 and 18.4.2. Causal, strictly causal, and noncausal DT systems
We now revisit the difference equation in (17.64) and its corresponding transfer function in (17.65), where
the degree of the polynomial in the numerator is m, and the degree of the polynomial in the denominator is
n. Define the relative degree of such a transfer function as nr = n m. In DT, systems of this form with
nr < 0 are, by their very form, noncausal (that is, the output depends, in part, on future values of the input).
In 18 we will further distinguish the DT systems of interest as plants G(z) and controllers D(z). All
real DT plants G(z), or DT analogs of CT proper (see plants [formed, e.g., via the technique given
in (17.68) of 18.4.2], are causal, with nr 0. Further, any controller D(z) must only be based on available
measurements, and thus must also be causal, with nr 0. If there is significant computation time necessary
to compute the control (in digital electronics) before it can be applied back to the system, it is often most
suitable to restrict the controller to be strictly causal, with nr > 0. Thus, we will focus our attention in this
study almost exclusively on the case with nr 0; that is, on difference equations that may be written in the
form (17.66). Note also that a DT transfer function with nr = 0 in (17.64) [that is, with b0 6= 0 in (17.66)],
which is causal but not strictly causal, is occasionaly said to be semi-causal. Two final catagories of difference
equations are also occasionally encountered: if the output depends only on the current and future inputs, the
transfer function is said to be anti-causal, and if the output depends strictly on future (but not current) inputs,
the transfer function is said to be strictly anti-causal.


Example 17.13 The step response of second-order DT linear systems

We now focus further on the forced second-order case (17.62), written as Y (z) = G(z)U(z), with b0 = 1 +
a1 + a0, when forced by a unit step uk = 1 for k 0; that is,
1 + a1 + a0
1 + a1 + a0
and U(z) =
z2 + a1z + a0 (z p+)(z p )

Assuming that the poles are complex, p = a1 i 4a0 a21 /2 = r ei where
G(z) =



and = cos1

and have magnitude less than one (i.e., a21 /4 < a0 < 1), the solution of this system may again be written in
terms of sines and cosines modulated by a decaying exponential: writing the partial fraction expansion

1 + a1 + a0
d p
d+ p+
Y (z) = G(z)U(z) =

(z p+ )(z p ) z 1 z p+ z p z 1

d + =

1+a1 +a0
(p+ p )(p+ 1)

(1+a1 +a0 )

= d+ ,
d =

(p+ p )(p 1)

d0 = 1.

and computing the inverse Z transform of Y (z) via Table 17.1b, the closed-form solution of yk for k > 0 is

dc = d+ + d = 1,

yk = d+ p+ + d p + d0 = r dc cos( k) + ds sin( k) + 1,
a1 +2

ds = i(d+ d) =
4a0 a1

as plotted in Figure 17.14. As in the CT case, since the system G(z) considered in this example is real, the
complex poles p+ and p come as a conjugate pair. In addition, as consequence of the fact that the input uk
to this system is also real, the coefficients d+ and d also work out to be a complex conjugate pair, and thus
dc and ds , and yk itself, are real. Again, the speed of oscillation and the rate of decay r of this response
are a function of the location of the poles of the transfer function p = r ei . Note also that y0 = y1 = 0; this
follows directly from (17.62), noting the k + 2 subscript on y on the LHS and the k subscript on u on the RHS.
As evident in Figure 17.14, rise time tr , settling time ts , and overshoot M p characterizations, introduced
in the CT case in Figure 17.12, may also be defined in the DT case. Appropriate design guides for the pole
locations in the z plane in order to ensure specified maximum values of tr , ts , and M p are presented in the
following subsection.

17.4.4 Reconciling the Laplace and Z transforms

We now revisit the Laplace transform as defined in (17.47a) and the Z transform as defined in (17.58a):
F(s) =


f (t)est dt,

F(z) =

fk zk .

Note that, if we take z = esh where h is the timestep [that is, tk = hk and fk = f (tk )], and if h is small as
compared with the time scales of the variation of f (t), then F(z), scaled by h, is a rectangular-rule approximation of F(s). Another way of making this connection between the CT analysis and the DT analysis is by
comparing the closed-form solutions of the step responses of second-order CT and DT systems, as given in


















Figure 17.15: The mapping of several curves and points between the s plane (left) and the z plane (right) using
(17.69). Taking s = a + bi and z = rei , the shaded strip in the s plane with < a 0 and /h b /h
maps uniquely to the shaded disk in the z plane with r 1. Points above and below this strip in the s-plane do
not map uniquely to points in the z-plane; for example, both points marked by asterisks in the s plane map to
the same point similarly marked in the z plane. This is a manifestation of the aliasing phenomenon depicted
in Figure 5.4.






























Figure 17.16: Approximate constraints, or design guides, on the admissible pole locations of a DT secondorder system (or a higher-order system whose response is dominated by a pair of second-order poles) in the
complex plane z in order to not exceed specified constraints on the rise time and overshoot of the systems
step response (see Figure 17.14). These DT design guides are found simply by mapping the corresponding
CT design guides (see Figure 17.13) using (17.69), and may be drawn with the command zgrid in Matlab
syntax. Around the circumference are marked the values of d , from 0.1 /T to /T , and in the upper-right
quadrant are marked the values of , from 0.1 to 0.9, for the corresponding CT second-order design guides
discussed in Example 17.12.

Examples 17.12 and 17.13. We see that the latter response is simply a discretization of the former if rk = e t
and k = d t; that is, if the CT second-order pole locations s = id and the DT second-order pole
locations z = rei are related such that r = e h and = d h, and thus z = rei = e( id )h = es h .
Thus, the pole locations in DT and CT are related by the mapping
z = esh = 1 + sh +

s2 h2 s3 h3
+ . . .,


as indicated in Figure 17.15. This connection is quite significant. For example, the approximate design guides
for CT systems dominated by a pair of second-order poles, as illustrated in Figure 17.13, may be mapped
immediately using this relation to obtain corresponding approximate design guides for DT second-order
systems, as illustrated in Figure 17.16. It is seen that, for sinusoidal signals (that is, for r = 1), the number of
timesteps per oscillation is 2 / . It is also seen that the settling time is related to r, with r = 0.9 corresponding
to a settling time of 43 timesteps, r = 0.8 corresponding to a settling time of 21 timesteps, and r = 0.6
corresponding to a settling time of 9 timesteps.
For small h, (17.69) provides a simple connection between s-plane pole locations in the vicinity of s = 0
and the (scaled) z-plane pole locations in the vicinity of z = 1 via Eulers approximation
z 1 + sh.


That is, for small h, the neighborhood of z = 1 in the z plane may be interpreted in a similar fashion as the
(scaled) neighborhood of s = 0 in the s plane, and the three families of design guides (for tr , ts , and M p ) in
these two regions indeed look quite similar. Tustins approximation
For larger h, Eulers approximation is not accurate. Motivated by the accuracy analysis of the CN method
given in 10.3, the following rational approximation of (17.69), referred to in this setting as Tustins approximation, is preferred for most applications:

1 + sh/2
s2 h2 s3 h3
= 1 + sh +
+ ...
1 sh/2

2 z1
h z+1


Conveniently, both the exact mapping (17.69) and Tustins approximation (17.71) map the left half plane of s
to the interior of the unit circle in z; in particular, the stability boundary of s (the imaginary axis) maps to the
stability boundary of z (the unit circle). This is why Tustins approximation is strongly preferred over Eulers
approximation (17.70), or other manners of truncating or approximating (17.69).
To see how to use Tustins rule to approximate a general CT differential equation [interpreted in 18 as a
controller] whose Laplace transform is D(s) with a DT difference equation whose Z transform is D(z), it is
useful to consider first the transfer function of the following simple differential equation, with u(t) and e(t)
taken to be zero for t < 0:
= D(s) =
s+ p

(s + p)U(s) = (s + a)E(s)

+ pu =
+ ae.

Approximating the derivatives in this differential equation with the CN method (see 10.1), we may write
uk uk1
uk + uk1 ek ek1
ek + ek1
Taking the Z transform of this difference equation and rearranging leads immediately to

Algorithm 17.3: Compute the D(z) that corresponds to D(s) via Tustins approximation with prewarping.
f u n c t i o n [ bz , az ] = C2DTustin ( bs , as , h , omegac )
% C o n v e r t D( s ) = b s ( s ) / a s ( s ) t o D( z ) = bz ( z ) / a s ( z ) u s i n g T u s t i n s method .
I f omegac i s
% s p e c i f i e d , p r e w a r p i n g i s a p p l i e d s u c h t h a t t h i s c r i t i c a l f r e q u e n c y i s mapped c o r r e c t l y .
i f n a rg in ==3 , f = 1 ; e l s e , f =2(1 c o s ( omegac h ) ) / ( omegac h s i n ( omegac h ) ) ; end
c = 2 / ( f h ) ; m= l e n g t h ( b s ) 1; n= l e n g t h ( a s ) 1; bz= z e r o s ( 1 , n + 1 ) ; az =bz ;
f o r j = 0 :m; bz= bz+ b s (m+1 j ) c j PolyConv ( P o ly P o w er ( [ 1 1 ] , nj ) , P o ly P o w er ( [ 1 1] , j ) ) ; end
f o r j = 0 : n ; az = az + a s ( n+1 j ) c j PolyConv ( P o ly P o w er ( [ 1 1 ] , nj ) , P o ly P o w er ( [ 1 1] , j ) ) ; end
bz=bz / az ( 1 ) ; az = az / az ( 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C2DTustin

2 z1


s + a

D(z) =
= D(s)

2 z1
2 z1
2 z1

s + p
h z+1
h z+1
h z+1


Using Tustins rule (17.71), higher-order CT transfer functions D(s) may similarly be approximated with a
corresponding DT transfer functions D(z), simply replacing each occurence of s in D(s) with h2 z1
z+1 , then
reducing to a rational expression in z, as illustrated in (17.72). Tustins approximation with prewarping
The exact mapping (17.69) maps the interval on the imaginary axis between s = 0 and s = i /h to the edge
of the upper half of the unit circle (see Figure 17.15); in contrast, Tustins rule (17.71) maps the entire upper
half of the imaginary axis to the same region. Thus, though the stability boundaries of these two mappings
coincide, the mapping due to Tustins rule is warped, and is only accurate in the vicinity of s = 0 and z = 1.
When designing controllers for mixed DT/CT systems (see 18.4), there is often a frequency of primary
concern, such as a crossover frequency (see 18.2) or notch frequency (see 18.3.2). It is easy to adjust
Tustins rule via a prewarping strategy that scales the s plane by a factor f > 1 prior to mapping it to the z
plane, thus recovering the exact mapping (17.69) for the point s = i (for some < /h) and providing a
rational and accurate approximation of this mapping for points in the vicinity of s = i without disrupting
the correspondence of the two stability boundaries given by the exact mapping. To accomplish this, define
ei h =

1 + i f h/2
1 i f h/2


2[1 cos( h)]

h sin( h)

Note that, when is in the range 0 h < , the factor f is in the range 1 f < ; note specifically that
f 1 as 0. We may then modify Tustins rule (17.71) such that

1 + f sh/2
1 f sh/2

2 z1
fh z+1


This is referred to as Tustins rule with prewarping (see Algorithm 17.3); this rule is used in 18.4.1 to
develop DT controllers which have the desired behavior near a particular frequency of interest, mimicking
the behavior of effective CT controllers designed for CT plants25 .
25 Though Tustins rule is the method of choice for converting D(s) into a DT D(z), various simple alternatives to this method are
sometimes enlightening to consider. For example, with the heuristic pole-zero mapping (a.k.a. matched z-transform) approach:
(i) All poles and finite zeros of D(s) are mapped to D(z) via z = esh .
(ii) All infinite zeros of D(s) are mapped z = 1 in D(z) (effectively, to the highest-frequency point on the stability boundary in the z
plane). If a strictly causal D(z) is required (see, one of the infinite zeros is instead mapped to z = in D(z).
(iii) The gain of D(z) at z = ei h is chosen to match the gain of D(s) at s = i , either for = 0, or (better) for some critical of interest.



Algorithm 17.4: Code for drawing a Bode plot.


f u n c t i o n Bode ( num , den , g , h )

% The c o n t i n u o u s t i m e Bode p l o t o f G( s ) =num ( s ) / den ( s ) i f n a r g i n =3 , w i t h s =( i omega ) , o r
% t h e d i s c r e t e t i m e
Bode p l o t o f G( z ) =num ( z ) / den ( z ) i f n a r g i n =4 , w i t h z=e ( i omega h ) .
% The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s : g . omega i s t h e s e t o f
% f r e q u e n c i e s used , g . s t y l e i s t h e l i n e s t y l e , g . l i n e t u r n s on / o f f a l i n e a t 180 d e g r e e s ,
% and , i f n a r g i n =4 , h i s t h e t i m e s t e p ( where t h e N y q u i s t f r e q u e n c y i s N= p i / h ) .
i f n a rg in ==4 , N= p i / h ; g . omega= l o g s p a c e ( l o g 1 0 ( g . omega ( 1 ) ) , l o g 1 0 ( 0 . 9 9 9 N) , l e n g t h ( g . omega ) ) ;
a r g =exp ( i g . omega h ) ; e l s e a r g = i g . omega ; end
s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) , l o g l o g ( g . omega , abs ( P o l y V a l ( num , a r g ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , a r g ) ) , g . s t y l e ) , h o ld on
a= a x i s ; p l o t ( [ a ( 1 ) a ( 2 ) ] , [ 1 1 ] , k : ) , i f n a rg in ==4 , p l o t ( [ N N ] , [ a ( 3 ) a ( 4 ) ] , k ) , end
s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 2 ) , s e m i l o g x ( g . omega , P h as e ( P o l y V a l ( num , a r g ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , a r g ) ) 1 8 0 / pi , g . s t y l e )
h o ld on , a= a x i s ; i f g . l i n e ==1 , p l o t ( [ a ( 1 ) a ( 2 ) ] , [ 1 8 0 180] , k : ) , a= a x i s ; end
i f n a rg in ==4 , p l o t ( [ N N ] , [ a ( 3 ) a ( 4 ) ] , k ) , end
end % f u n c t i o n Bode

17.5 Frequency-domain analyses and filters

17.5.1 The Bode plot
The Bode plot (a.k.a. open-loop Bode plot) of a stable system is best introduced via a simple experiment:
if a stable SISO linear system G(s) = Y (s)/U(s), with all poles in the LHP, is excited with a sinusoidal
input u(t) = sin( t), then the output y(t) (which, if G(s) is known, may be determined via partial fraction
expansion) will be composed of several components which decay exponentially in time, plus a sinusoidal
component of the same frequency as the input but with a different magnitude and phase. The Bode plot
shows the gain in magnitude and change in phase of this persistent component of the output over a range of
sinusoidal input frequencies of interest; the plot of the gain versus frequency is represented in loglog form,
and the plot of the phase change versus frequency is represented in semilogx form. If the system is MIMO, a
Bode plot may be developed for every input/output combination. The requisite code is quite simple, as shown
in Algorithm 17.4 and described further below. Bode plots of two simple systems are given in Figure 17.17,
and those of two more complicated systems (with multiple breakpoints) are given in Figure 17.18.
The fact that any sinusoidal input in the experiment described above eventually leads to a sinusoidal
output at the same frequency, but at a different magnitude and phase, is clearly seen if we consider first what
happens if we put a complex input u1 (t) = ei t into a SISO system. [This is not possible in a real physical
experiment, of course, but can easily be done mathematically if we know the transfer function G(s) of the
(stable) system under consideration.] In this case, by Table 17.1, U1 (s) = 1/(s p0 ) where p0 = i , and thus
the partial fraction expansion of the output Y1 (s) may be written [see B.6.3] as
Y1 (s) = G(s)U1 (s) = d0 /(s p0 ) + other terms

y1 (t) = d0 ei t + other terms.

The other terms in the partial fraction expansion of Y1 (s) all have their poles in the LHP, because G(s) is
assumed to be stable, and thus the other terms in the corresponding inverse Laplace transform, y1 (t), are
all stable. Thus, the magnitude and phase of the persistent component of the output is given by the magnitude
and phase of the complex coefficient d0 which, by the discussion in B.6.3, may be found simply as follows:
d0 = Y1 (s) (s p0)


= G(s)

= G(i ).
(s p0)
s p0

The magnitude and phase shift of the persistent sinusoidal component d0 ei t of the complex output y1 (t), as
compared with the complex input u1 (t) = ei t , are thus simply the magnitude and phase of G(i ).

Consider next what happens if we put the complex input u2 (t) = ei t into the system:
U2 (s) = 1/(s + p0) where p0 = i ,
Y2 (s) = G(s)U2 (s) = c0 /(s + p0) + other terms
y2 (t) = c0 ei t + other terms, c0 = Y2 (s) (s + p0 )
= G(s)
= G(i ).
(s + p0)
s + p0
The magnitude and phase shift of the persistent sinusoidal component c0 ei t of the complex output y2 (t),
as compared with the complex input u2 (t) = ei t , are thus simply the magnitude of G(i ) and the phase of
G(i ), which equals the negative of the phase of G(i ).
Finally, consider what happens if we put the real input u3 (t) =[u1 (t)+u2 (t)]/2 = cos( t) into the system.
Appealing to superposition and noting that a sin(x) + b cos(x) = a2 + b2 sin(x + ) where = atan2(b, a),
y3 (t) = [y1 (t) + y2(t)]/2 = (d0 ei t + c0 ei t )/2 + other terms
= {G(i )[cos( t) + isin( t)] + G(i )[cos( t) isin( t)]}/2 + other terms
= [G(i ) + G(i )] cos( t)/2 + [G(i ) G(i )]i sin( t)/2 + other terms
= {G(i )} cos( t) {G(i )} sin( t) + other terms

= |G(i )| sin[ t + atan2({G(i )}, {G(i )})] + other terms

= |G(i )| sin[ t + + G(i )] + other terms = |G(i )| cos[ t + G(i )] + other terms. (17.74)
The magnitude a and phase shift of the persistent sinusoidal component a cos( t + ) of the real output
y3 (t), as compared with the real input u3 (t) = cos( t), are thus, again, simply the magnitude and phase of
G(i ). An alternative derivation that leads to the same result is considered in Exercise 17.8.
Computing the Bode plot of DT systems
By (17.69), a Bode plot in DT may be drawn with the same code as that used in CT, taking z = ei h rather than
s = i when evaluating the response of the transfer function at various frequencies. Note that the frequency
response of a DT system is only defined up to the Nyquist frequency, and thus a Bode plot in DT should only
be drawn up to the Nyquist frequency.
Computing the Bode plot of unstable systems
A Bode plot may also be developed for unstable systems. If the transfer function G(s) of an unstable system
is known, the process of computing its Bode plot is identical to that described above: simply calculate the
magnitude and phase of G(i ) for the relevant range of values of . Note that it doesnt matter that some of
the components of the partial fraction expansion of Y (s) have RHP poles in this case, because we need not
actually perform the experiment described above, and thus we need not even consider y(t).
If the transfer function G(s) of an unstable system is not known, however, the computation described
above can not be performed, and the experiment described in the first paragraph of 17.5.1 would be inconclusive, as the response would be dominated by one or more exponentially-growing component(s). However,
if we can guess a simple D(s) such that the closed-loop transfer function H(s) = G(s) D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)]
is stable (see Figure 18.1 and the introduction to 18), then the Bode plot of H(s) may be determined experimentally26 and, since D(s) is known, the magnitude and phase of G(i ) for the corresponding range of
may thus be deduced. Practically, it is often possible to guess a stabilizing controller for an unmodelled
unstable system G(s) that is adequate to determine its Bode plot; for example, if D(s) = K stabilizes the
closed-loop system for some value of K, then the Bode plot of G(s) follows from that of H(s) via the relation
26 As

described in the first paragraph of 17.5.1; again, see Figure 18.1 and the introduction to 18.




slope = 1


slope = 2















Figure 17.17: Bode plots of (left) a stable first-order low-pass filter F1 (s) = c /[s + c ] (with c > 0), and
(right) a stable second-order low-pass filter F2 (s) = c2 /[s2 + 2 c s + c2 ] (with 0 < 1), illustrating
(top) the gain, |F(i )|, and (bottom) the phase, F(i ), of the filter response as a function of the normalized
frequency, /c , of a sinusoidal input. In the first-order filter, the asymptotes illustrated as dashed lines
can be helpful to sketch the curve, noting that the gain at /c = 1 is 0.707 and the phase at /c = 0.2 is
11; if the system were unstable (with p > 0), the phase would shift up by 90 instead of down by 90. In the
second-order filter, plotted are curves corresponding to (solid) = 0.01, (dot-dashed) = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5,
(solid) 0.707, and (dashed) = 1; if the system were unstable (with 1 < < 0), the phase would shift up
by 180 instead of down by 180 . The Bode plots of a system with a first-order zero, 1/F1(s), and a system
with a second-order zero, 1/F2(s), may be obtained by taking the reciprocals of the gain and inverting the
sign of the phase in the plots shown above.

G(i ) = H(i )/{K[1 H(i )]}. Based on the Bode plot of G(s) so determined, a much better controller
D(s) may then be developed using the techniques described in 18. Sketching Bode plots of real systems by hand
The Bode plot, together with the root locus plot of 18.2.1 are two essential tools for classical feedback
control design (18). Though easily plotted using, e.g., Algorithm 17.4, it is important to know how to sketch
a Bode plot by hand in order to anticipate how the Bode plot changes when a controller is modified, or to
understand how to modify a controller to change a Bode plot in a desired manner.
To proceed, consider a stable or unstable real CT SISO LTI system with zeros [or () poles] at the
origin, q real first-order zeros zi 6= 0, r real first-order poles pi 6= 0, Q pairs of complex-conjugate zeros zci ,
and R pairs of complex-conjugate poles pci , written in transfer function form
G(s) = Ko s

(s zc1+ )(s zc1 )(s zc2+ )(s zc2 ) (s zcQ+ )(s zcQ )
(s z1 )(s z2 ) (s zq )

(s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pr ) (s pc1+ )(s pc1)(s pc2+ )(s pc2) (s pcR+)(s pcR)

Usually, 0; if > 0, there are one or more zeros, rather than poles, at the origin. Multiplying together the
factors corresponding to the pairs of complex-conjugate poles & zeros, we have
G(s) = Ko s

(s z1 ) (s zq ) (s2 + 2 Z1 1 s + 21 ) (s2 + 2 ZQ Q s + 2Q )

(s p1 ) (s pr ) (s2 + 2 1 1 s + 12 ) (s2 + 2 R r s + R2)

where 1 Zi 1, 1 i 1, i > 0, and i > 0. If all the pi < 0 and all the i > 0, then all of the poles
are in the LHP and the system is stable; however, the following discussion is valid even for neutrally stable

or unstable systems. Evaluating at s = i gives

G(i ) = Ko (i )

(i z1 ) (i zq ) ( 2 + 2 Z1 1 i + 21) ( 2 + 2 ZQ Q i + 2Q )

, (17.75)
(i p1 ) (i pr ) ( 2 + 2 1 1 i + 12 ) ( 2 + 2 R R i + R2 )

Noting that G(i ) above is the product of three types of terms, the Bode plot may be sketched using the
following handy rules27 (Bode 1930):
1. For small , the gain and phase of the Bode plot approach the gain and phase of the following expression:
G(i ) (i ) Ko [(z1 ) (z2 ) (zq ) 21 22 2Q ]/[(p1 ) (p2 ) (pr ) 12 22 R2 ].
2. The frequencies {|z1 |, . . . , |zq |; |p1 |, . . . , |pr |; 1 , . . . , Q ; 1 , . . . , R } are referred to as breakpoints. Starting from the asymptote at the far left of the gain and phase plots and working from left to right, the gain and
phase components of the Bode plot change in an orderly fashion in the vicinity of each breakpoint:
2a. In the vicinity of each first-order pole [resp., zero] of multiplicity k, the slope of the gain curve decreases
[resp., increases] by k. In the vicinity of each LHP first-order pole [resp., zero] of multiplicity k, the phase
decreases [resp., increases] by k 90 ; in the vicinity of each RHP first-order pole [resp., zero] of multiplicity
k, the phase increases [resp., decreases] by k 90. The slope of the gain curve and the value of the phase curve
change gradually over a range of frequencies stretching from one order of magnitude below to one order of
magnitude above the breakpoint, as illustrated in Figure 17.17a.
2b. In the vicinity of each pair of complex-conjugate poles [resp., zeros] of multiplicity k, the slope of the gain
curve decreases [resp., increases] by 2 k. In the vicinity of each pair of LHP complex-conjugate poles [resp.,
zeros] of multiplicity k, the phase decreases [resp., increases] by k 180; in the vicinity of each pair of RHP
complex-conjugate poles [resp., zeros] of multiplicity k, the phase increases [resp., decreases] by k 180.
The slope of the gain curve and the value of the phase curve change gradually over a range of frequencies
stretching from one order of magnitude below to one order of magnitude above the breakpoint, as illustrated
in Figure 17.17b. The precise behavior of both curves in the vicinity of the breakpoint depends on the damping
i [resp., Zi ], with small values of |i | [resp., |Zi |] resulting in a resonance [resp., anti-resonance]; that is, a
response with large [resp., small] gain in the immediate vicinity of the breakpoint.
When sketching a Bode plot, it is useful to ignore, at first, the fact that the slope of the gain curve and the
value of the phase curve change gradually over two decades around the breakpoints, and simply plot straightline asymptotes between each breakpoint. With these asymptotes as guides, the gain and phase curves may
then be sketched by rounding out the corners of these asymptotes, using Figures 17.17a and b as guides.
Drawing the asymptotes between the breakpoints of a Bode plot, using rules 2a and 2b above while working from low frequencies to high frequencies, is in fact quite straightforward. The slope j of the asymptotes
for any given between the breakpoints in the system G(i ) in (17.75) may be computed simply by assuming (even if its not true) that is much smaller than the higher-frequency breakpoints and that is much
larger than the lower-frequency breakpoints, thus allowing each first-order and second-order factor in both
the numerator and denominator of (17.75) to be reduced to either its first or last term as appropriate; the slope
j is then given simply by the remaining power of in the numerator minus the remaining power of in
the denominator. Further, in systems that are both stable (with no RHP poles) and minimum phase (with no
RHP zeros; see, the corresponding phase is simply j 90 (mod 360); this useful rule of thumb is
referred to as Bodes gain/phase relationship.

27 Many texts cite the gain in terms of decibels (dB), defined as 20 log of the value. We avoid this convention, so that integer slopes
of the gain curve on log-log plots are more readily recognized. If a gain in decibels is used, all slopes are multiplied by a factor of 20.




























Figure 17.18: Bode plots of two more complicated systems: (left) G1 (s) and (right) G2 (s), as defined in 17.76.
Example 17.14 Sketching the Bode plot of representative systems.
To illustrate how to use the above-listed rules, Figure 17.18 shows the Bode plots of
G1 (s) =

s2 + 10s + 10000
100 (s + .01)(s2 + 2 s + 1)


G2 (s) =

s2 + s + 100
100 (s + .1)(s2 + 2 s + 1)


for = 0.1 (solid) and = 1 (dot-dashed), and effectively illustrate the process used for drawing the Bode
plot of many other systems. Note that G1 (i ) has breakpoints at = .01, 1, and 100, whereas G2 (i ) has
breakpoints at = .1, 1, and 10. In both cases, in order to sketch these Bode plots by hand, we draw the
asymptotes (dashed) from left to right as if these breakpoints were far apart, where G1 (s) and G2 (s) act like

for .01
for .1

100/(i )

for .01 1
for .1 1
1/(i )
and G2 (i ) =
G1 (i ) =




for 1 10

1/(100 i ) for 100

1/(100 i ) for 10

The asymptotes for each of these regions are easily drawn. The Bode plot is then given by smearing out
the corners of these asymptotes, using the behavior in the vicinity of simple first-order and second-order
breakpoints illustrated in Figure 17.17 as guides. Note in particular the resonance (that is, the peak in the
magnitude of the Bode plot) in Figures 17.18a-b in the case with = 0.1, and the lack of resonance (no
peak) in the case with = 1. Note also that the approach described above (that is, sketching the asymptotes
between the breakpoints, then smearing out the corners in accordance with Figure 17.17) is generally
effective even if, as in the G2 (s) case of Figure 17.18b, the breakpoints are so close together that is actually
never simultaneously far from both of the neighboring breakpoints. The process of sketching other Bode
plots is analogous, and becomes easy with practice; Exercise 17.11 gives several examples to try next.
A final important point to note about Bode plots is that:
Fact 17.15 Bode plots are additive.
In other words, if G3 (s) = G1 (s) G2 (s), and if for some we have G1 (i ) = R1 ei1 and G2 (i ) = R2 ei2 ,
then G3 (i ) = R3 ei3 = R1 R2 ei(1 +2 ) . That is, log(R3 ) = log(R1 ) + log(R2 ) and 3 = 1 + 2 for each .
Thus, given log-log plots of R1 and R2 versus , and semilogx plots of 1 and 2 versus [i.e., given the
Bode plots of G1 (s) & G2 (s)], the corresponding log-log plot of R3 versus and semilogx plot of 3 versus
[i.e., the Bode plot of G3 (s)] is easily drawn. This useful fact is leveraged in Exercise 17.11c and 18.2.2.

Algorithm 17.5: Code for computing nth-order Butterworth filters with cutoff frequency c = 1.
f u n c t i o n [ num , den ] = B u t t e r w o r t h F i l t e r ( n )
p=exp ( i p i ( 2 [ 1 : n]1+n ) / ( 2 n ) ) ; num = 1 ; den = P o l y ( p ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n B u t t e r w o r t h F i l t e r


17.5.2 Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-stop filters

We now explore the concept of rational CT filters; that is, of tunable systems (usually implemented as electric circuits, as discussed in 19) which selectively accept and reject the various frequency components
of a signal. The goal an ideal filter is to have a gain of 1 and a phase of 0 over a specified passband of
frequencies, and a gain of nearly 0 over the remaining frequencies (referred to as the stopband). Unfortunately, no rational filters ever attain this ideal; this section discusses a few of the common families of filters
available which attempt to approximate this ideal behavior.
An ideal low-pass filter has a passband of all frequencies below a cutoff frequency c , and a stopband
of all frequencies above this cutoff frequency. The simplest realizable low-pass filters are the first-order filter F1 (s) = 1/[1 + (s/c)] depicted in Figure 17.17a and the second-order filter F2 (s) = 1/[1 + 2 (s/c) +
(s/c )2 ] depicted in Figure 17.17b (generally, = 0.707 is a good choice). For both filters, the gain approaches 1 and the phase approaches 0 for frequencies much smaller than c , and the gain rolls off (on a
log-log plot, at a slope of 1 in the first-order case and a slope of 2 in the second-order case) for frequencies
much larger than c . Neither filter has the ideal sharp cutoff at the boundary between the passband and the
stopband as described above; the higher-order filters discussed below provide a variety of ways of achieving
a sharper cutoff at the boundary between the passband and the stopband, at the cost of sometimes significant
phase loss, even at frequencies down to an order of magnitude below the cutoff frequency28.
Note that an ideal high-pass filter is a filter with a passband of all frequencies above the cutoff frequency
c , and a stopband of all frequencies below the cutoff frequency. Any realizable low-pass filter may be converted into a high pass filter simply by replacing (s/c ) with (c /s) in its transfer function and simplifying;
we thus focus exclusively on low-pass filter design in the discussion that follows.
Note also that an ideal band-pass filter is a filter with a passband of all frequencies between two critical
frequencies, and a stopband at all other frequencies, whereas an ideal band-stop filter is a filter with a
stopband of all frequencies between two critical frequencies, and a passband at all other frequencies. A bandpass filter may be constructed from a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter connected in series, whereas a
band-stop filter may be constructed from a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter connected in parallel. Maximal flatness filters: Butterworth and Bessel
Recalling Figure B.1b and defining rk for k = 1, . . . , 2n as the (2n)th roots of 1, a Butterworth filter is
defined by a transfer function with poles given by those values of pk , (irk ) which have a negative real part:
FnBu (s) =

Bn (s)

where s = s/c ,

Bn (x) = (x pk ),


pk = ei (2k1+n)/(2n).



Noting that the complex poles come in complex-conjugate pairs, Bn (x) may be written with real coefficients
by grouping together those factors in the above expression with complex-conjugate poles, such as p1 and pn ;
28 Such phase loss can have important negative consequences; as discussed in 18.2.2, loss of phase at crossover can lead to a significant
loss of closed-loop system performance, and even closed-loop instability. Thus, if a low-pass filter is used to reject high-frequency
measurement noise in a feedback control loop, the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter should be placed at least an order of magnitude
above the crossover frequency of the closed-loop system.


Algorithm 17.6: Code for computing nth-order Bessel filters with cutoff frequency c = 1.

f u n c t i o n [ num , den ] = B e s s e l F i l t e r ( n )
k =[ n : 1 : 0 ] ; den = Fac ( 2 nk ) . / Fac ( nk ) . / Fac ( k ) . / 2 . ( nk ) ; num= P o l y V a l ( den , 0 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n B e s s e l F i l t e r

the first eight of the resulting normalized Butterworth polynomials Bn (x) are:
B1 (x) = (x + 1),
B2 (x) = (x2 + 1.41421x + 1),
B3 (x) = (x + 1)(x2 + x + 1),
B4 (x) = (x2 + 0.76537x + 1)(x2 + 1.84776x + 1),
B5 (x) = (x + 1)(x2 + 0.61803x + 1)(x2 + 1.61803x + 1),
B6 (x) = (x2 + 0.51764x + 1)(x2 + 1.41421x + 1)(x2 + 1.93185x + 1),
B7 (x) = (x + 1)(x2 + 0.44504x + 1)(x2 + 1.24698x + 1)(x2 + 1.80194x + 1),
B8 (x) = (x2 + 0.39018x + 1)(x2 + 1.11114x + 1)(x2 + 1.66294x + 1)(x2 + 1.96157x + 1).
Bode plots of the first 6 Butterworth filters are given in Figure 17.19a. For sinusoidal inputs at normalized
frequency = /c , the gain of the nth-order Butterworth filter is given by the square root of
|FnBu (i )|2 = FnBu (i ) Fn (i ) =

nk=1 [(i ) pk ] nk=1 [(i ) pk ] 2n + 1

where the expression on the right follows simply because {ip1 , . . . , ipn , ip1 , . . . , ipn } is the set of all roots
1/2 , it follows that
of the equation 2n + 1 = 0. Defining the gain GBu
n ( ) = 1/( + 1)
1 2n 3 4n
n ( )
3 2n1
< 0 and GBu
= n [GBu
n ( ) = 1 + + . . . ;
n ( )]


that is, GBu
n ( ) decreases monotonically with and the first (2n 1) derivatives of Gn ( ) evaluated at
= 0 are zero; this property is referred to as maximal flatness of the gain curve, and is the central strength
of the Butterworth filter. Unfortunately, as seen in Figure 17.19a, the higher-order Butterworth filters with
sharp rolloff for > 1 suffer from significant phase loss over a large range of frequencies below c .
Note that a Linkwitz-Riley (L-R) filter is simply two Butterworth filters applied in series. Linkwitz-Riley
filters are particularly convenient in audio crossovers, as the magnitudes of a low-pass L-R filter (routed to a
woofer) and a high-pass L-R filter (routed to a tweeter) add to unity across all frequencies29.
A Bessel filter is defined by the transfer function

FnBe (s) =

29 One

n (0)
n (s)

where s = s/c

and n (x) =

(2n k)!


(n k)! k! 2nk ;



or more midrange speakers may be added to an audio system using multiple matched pairs of low-pass/high-pass L-R filters.




























Figure 17.19: Bode plots of (solid) first-order to (dashed) sixth-order (left) Butterworth filters and (right)
Bessel filters, illustrating (top) the magnitude, |G(i )|, and (bottom) the phase, G(i ), of the system response as a function of the normalized frequency, = /c , of a sinusoidal input. In the vicinity of c , he
Butterworth filter is optimal in terms of the flatness of the gain, whereas the Bessel filter is optimal in terms of
the flatness of the group delay (that is, the phase). Note that the slope of the magnitude plot of the nth-order
filter in both cases is monotonic, and approaches n for 1.
the n (x) functions are known as reverse Bessel polynomials, the first eight of which are given by

1 (x) = x + 1,
2 (x) = x2 + 3x + 3,
3 (x) = x3 + 6x2 + 15x + 15,
4 (x) = x4 + 10x3 + 45x2 + 105x + 105,
5 (x) = x5 + 15x4 + 105x3 + 420x2 + 945x + 945,
6 (x) = x6 + 21x5 + 210x4 + 1260x3 + 4725x2 + 10395x + 10395,
7 (x) = x7 + 28x6 + 378x5 + 3150x4 + 17325x3 + 62370x2 + 135135x + 135135,
8 (x) = x8 + 36x7 + 630x6 + 6930x5 + 51975x4 + 270270x3 + 945945x2 + 2027025x + 2027025.
Bode plots of the first 6 Bessel filters are given in Figure 17.19b. Defining = /c as before and (for F6Be )
the phase 6Be ( ) = atan [(21 5 1260 3 + 10395 )/( 6 + 210 4 4725 2 + 10395)], it follows that
d 6Be ( )
21 10 + 630 8 + 18900 6 + 496125 4 + 9823275 2 + 108056025
= 12
< 0 (17.81a)
+ 21 10 + 630 8 + 18900 6 + 496125 4 + 9823275 2 + 108056025
= 1

+ O( 16 );
108056025 1188616275


that is, 6Be ( ) decreases monotonically with and the first 11 derivatives of the group delay DBe
6 ( ) ,
d 6Be /d evaluated at = 0 are zero; this property is referred to as maximal flatness of the group delay
curve, and is the central strength of the Bessel filter. [To verify the correctness of (17.81), as well as to confirm
that the group delay of Bessel filters at other orders are similarly flat, see Exercise 17.5.] Unfortunately, as
seen in Figure 17.19b, Bessel filters have significantly less attenuation at any given frequency > 1 than do
the corresponding Butterworth filters at the same order; although the both |FnBu (i )| and |FnBe (i )| eventually
roll-off at slope n on a log-log plot versus for 1, Bessel filters approach this asymptote at frequencies
roughly an order of magnitude higher than do Butterworth filters at the same order.























= 2 R 2 ( , )





















Figure 17.20: Plots of the squared and scaled (a) Chebyshev function fnC ( ) = 2 Tn2 ( ) [note Figure 5.9],
(b) inverse Chebyshev function fnI ( ) = 1/[ 2 Tn2 (1/ )], and (c) elliptic function fnE ( ) = 2 R2 ( , ), with
n = 8, = = 0.1, and = 1.011. The corresponding Chebyshev, inverse Chebyshev, and elliptic filters,
known as equiripple filters, are characterized by the filter gain |Fn ( )|2 = 1/(1 + fn ( )) [see Figure 17.21]. Equiripple filters: Chebyshev, inverse Chebyshev, and elliptic
The Butterworth and Bessel filter gains illustrated Figure 17.19 decrease monotonically with frequency. A
comparison of these filters indicates an interesting tradeoff between the flatness of the gain in the passband,
the flatness of the phase in the passband, and the roll-off of the gain above the passband. There have been
a cornucopia of additional families of filters proposed over the years which seek to achieve different tradeoffs between such generally competing objectives; we indulge ourselves here with a brief discussion of one
additional such family, known as equiripple filters.
Equiripple filters are based on the Chebyshev function (see Figures 5.9 and 17.20a,b) and a powerful
generalization of the Chebyshev function known as the elliptic function (see Figure 17.20c).
For the remainder of this subsection (only), we focus our attention on the filter gain, plotting the square
of this gain on a linear plot rather than a log-log plot as this convention illustrates well the criteria considered
in equiripple filter design, as shown in Figures 17.21 and 17.22. We also define the transition band as the
region between the passband and the stopband. In equiripple filter design (see Figures 17.21 and 17.22), one
attempts to make this transition band as narrow as possible by sacrificing the monotonic behavior of the filter
gain seen in Figure 17.19. That is, equiripple filters achieve rapid roll-off in the transition band by allowing
the gain to ripple between minimum and maximum admissible values: in particular, Chebyshev filters allow
ripples in the passband, inverse Chebyshev filters allow ripples in the stopband, and the (most general)
elliptic filters allow ripples in both the passband and the stopband. The Chebyshev and inverse Chebyshev
filters are both special cases of the elliptic filter, and the Butterworth filter is a special case of all three.
Chebyshev filters
For sinusoidal inputs at normalized frequency , the Chebyshev filter FnC (s; ) is characterized by the gain
|FnC (i ; )| = p
1 + 2 Tn2 ( )

where s = s/c , = /c ;


note the tunable parameter in addition to the order parameter n and cutoff frequency c .
In order to write the Chebyshev filter in transfer function form
FnC (s; ) = cC

(s pC1 )(s pC2 ) (s pCn )

we must identify the transfer function poles pCm and gain cC (the zeros of the Chebyshev filter are all at

Algorithm 17.7: Code for computing the transfer function of a Chebyshev filter of order n.
f u n c t i o n [ num , den ] = C h e b y s h e v F i l t e r ( n , e p s i l o n )
% Computes an n t h o r d e r Chebyshev f i l t e r w i t h c u t o f f f r e q u e n c y omega c =1 and
% r i p p l e i n t h e p a s s b a n d b etw een 1 / ( 1 + e p s i l o n 2 ) and 1 ( s e e F i g u r e s 1 7 . 2 0 b , 1 7 . 2 1 b ) .
p= i c o s ( a c o s ( i / e p s i l o n ) / n + [ 0 : n 1] p i / n ) ; num = 1 / ( e p s i l o n 2 ( n 1 ) ) ; den = r e a l ( P o l y ( p ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C h e b y s h e v F i l t e r


Algorithm 17.8: Code for computing the transfer functions of the inverse Chebyshev filter of order n.
f u n c t i o n [ num , den ] = I n v e r s e C h e b y s h e v F i l t e r ( n , d e l t a )
% Computes an n t h o r d e r i n v e r s e Chebyshev f i l t e r w i t h c u t o f f f r e q u e n c y omega c =1 and
% r i p p l e i n t h e s t o p b a n d b etw een 0 and d e l t a 2 ( s e e F i g u r e s 1 7 . 2 0 c , 1 7 . 2 1 c ) .
p= i . / c o s ( a c o s ( i / d e l t a ) / n + [ 0 : n 1] p i / n ) ; z= i . / c o s ( ( 2 [ 1 : n ] 1) p i / ( 2 n ) ) ;
C= P r o d ( p ) / P r o d ( z ) ; num= r e a l ( C P o l y ( z ) ) ; den = r e a l ( P o l y ( p ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n I n v e r s e C h e b y s h e v F i l t e r


Algorithm 17.9: Complete code for computing the transfer function of an elliptic filter of order n = 2s .
f u n c t i o n [ num , den ] = E l l i p t i c F i l t e r ( n , e p s i l o n , d e l t a )
% Computes an n t h o r d e r e l l i p t i c f i l t e r ( FOR n =2 s ONLY) w i t h c u t o f f f r e q u e n c y omega c =1 ,
% r i p p l e i n t h e p a s s b a n d b etw een 1 / ( 1 + e p s i l o n 2 ) and 1 , and
% r i p p l e i n t h e s t o p b a n d b etw een 0 and d e l t a 2 ( s e e F i g u r e s 1 7 . 2 0 d , 1 7 . 2 1 d ) .
s = l o g 2 ( n ) ; z = 0 ; p . n=n ; p . t a r g e t = 1 / ( e p s i l o n d e l t a ) ; x i = B i s e c t i o n ( 1 . 0 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 , @Func , 1 e 6 ,0 , p )
f o r r =s 1: 1:0 , z = 1 . / s q r t ( 1 + s q r t ( 1 1 . / ( CRF ( 2 r , x i , x i ) ) 2 ) ( 1 z ) . / ( 1 + z ) ) ; z =[ z ; z ] ; end
z e t a =SN ( n , x i , e p s i l o n ) ; a= z e t a s q r t (1 z e t a 2 ) . s q r t (1 z . 2 ) . s q r t (1 z . 2 . / x i 2 ) ;
b=z s q r t (1 z e t a 2 ( 1 1 / x i 2 ) ) ; c=1 z e t a 2(1 z . 2 / x i 2 ) ; e f z = i x i . / z ; e f p =( a+ i b ) . / c ;
C= P r o d ( e f p ) / P r o d ( e f z ) / s q r t ( 1 + e p s i l o n 2 ) ; num= r e a l (C P o l y ( e f z ) ) ; den = r e a l ( P o l y ( e f p ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n E l l i p t i c F i l t e r
f u n c t i o n z e t a =SN ( n , x i , e p s i l o n )
% Computes t h e J a c o b i e l l i p t i c f u n c t i o n ( f o r n =2 s o n l y )
i f n <4, t = s q r t (1 1/ x i 2 ) ; z e t a = 2 / ( ( 1 + t ) s q r t ( 1 + e p s i l o n 2 ) + s q r t ((1 t ) 2 + e p s i l o n 2 ( 1 + t ) 2 ) ) ;
else ,
z e t a =SN ( 2 , x i , s q r t ( 1 / ( SN ( n / 2 , CRF ( 2 , x i , x i ) , e p s i l o n ) ) 2 1 ) ) ; end % Note : r e c u r s i v e .
end % f u n c t i o n SN
f u n c t i o n R=CRF ( n , x i , x )
% Compute t h e Chebyshev R a t i o n a l F u n c t i o n ( f o r n =2 s o n l y )
n ==1 , R=x ;
e l s e i f n ==2 , t = s q r t (1 1/ x i 2 ) ; R = ( ( t +1 ) x 2 1 ) / ( ( t 1) x 2 + 1 ) ;
else ,
R=CRF ( n / 2 , CRF ( 2 , x i , x i ) , CRF ( 2 , x i , x ) ) ; end
% Note : r e c u r s i v e .
end % f u n c t i o n CRF
f u n c t i o n f =Func ( x i , v , p ) % Compute t h e d i s c r i m i n a t i o n f a c t o r L n ( x i ) minus i t s t a r g e t v a l u e .
f =CRF ( p . n , x i , x i )p . t a r g e t ;
end % f u n c t i o n Func

infinity). Noting (17.82) for s = i , and additionally noting (5.56), the poles of FnC (s; ) are given by
1 + 2Tn2 ( ) = 1 + 2Tn2 (cos ) = 1 + 2 cos2 (n ) = 0 where = is , cos ,
and thus the (stable) transfer function poles (with negative real part) may be written
pCm = i cos(m )

i m
where m = acos +

for m = 0, . . . , n 1.

The transfer function gain is given simply by cC = pCm = 1/( 2n1). These equations are implemented in
Algorithm 17.7 and visualized in Figures 17.21b and 17.22b.














































Figure 17.21: Linear plots of the square of the filter gain of the (a) Butterworth, (b) Chebyshev, (c) inverse
Chebyshev, and (d) elliptic filters, along with the criteria used for the equiripple filter designs with = = 0.2
and order n = 4. The interval (0, p ) is referred to as the passband, where the square of the filter gain is
constrained to lie between 1/(1 + 2 ) and 1, whereas the interval (s , ) is referred to as the stopband,
where the square of the filter gain is constrained to lie between 0 and 2 . The interval ( p , s ) is referred to
as the transition band. By allowing small ripples in the gain in the passband (Chebyshev), stopband (inverse
Chebyshev), or both (elliptic), the width of the transition band is substantially reduced as compared with the
nonrippled (Butterworth) case at a given order n.
Inverse Chebyshev filters
For sinusoidal inputs at normalized frequency , the inverse Chebyshev filter FnI (s; ) is characterized by
|FnI (i ; )| = p
1 + 1/[ 2Tn2 (1/ )]

where s = s/c , = /c ;

note the tunable parameter in addition to the order parameter n and cutoff frequency c .
In order to write the inverse Chebyshev filter in transfer function form
FnI (s; ) = cI

(s zI1 )(s zI2 ) (s zIn )

(s pI1 )(s pI2 ) (s pIn)














































p s

Figure 17.22: Linear plots of the square of the filter gain of the (a) Butterworth, (b) Chebyshev, (c) inverse
Chebyshev, and (d) elliptic filters with = = 0.1 and order n = 8 (cf. Figure 17.21).
we must identify the transfer function zeros zIm , poles pIm , and gain cI . Noting (17.83) for s = i , and
additionally noting (5.56), the poles of FnI (s; ) are given by

= 1+ 2 2
= 1+ 2 2
= 0 where
2 Tn2 (1/ )
Tn (cos )
cos (n )

= , cos ,


and thus the (stable) transfer function poles (with negative real part) may be written
pIm =

cos m

i m
where m = acos +

for m = 0, . . . , n 1.

By (17.83), the transfer function zeros are simply the inverse of the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial:


= cos(n ) = 0


, cos

zIm =

cos m

m =

(2m 1)

for m = 1, . . . , n.

The transfer function gain is given by cI = pIm / zIm . These equations are implemented in Algorithm 17.8
and visualized in Figures 17.21c and 17.22c.


Ln ( ) = R n ( , ) =












Figure 17.23: The factor Ln ( ) of elliptic filter design for (solid) n = 8, (dashed) n = 4, (dot-dashed) n = 2.
Elliptic filters
The elliptic filter (a.k.a. Cauer filter) FnE (s; , ) is a remarkably flexible filter design characterized, for
sinusoidal inputs at normalized frequency , by the gain function
|FnE (i ; , )| = p
1 + R2n ( , )

where s = s/c , = /c ;

with tunable parameters and in addition to the order parameter n and cutoff frequency c , where Rn ( , x)
is a special function known as the elliptic rational function (a.k.a. Chebyshev rational function), which is
normalized such that Rn ( , 1) = 1. A complete exposition of the elliptic rational function for all orders n is
quite involved and a bit peripheral to the present discussion30 ; suffice it to note here that the elliptic rational
function may be defined for order n = 2s for integer s via the recursive nesting property
Rmp ( , x) = Rm (R p ( , ), R p ( , x))

where R2 ( , x) =

(t + 1)x2 1
(t 1)x2 + 1

and R1 ( , x) = x,


and, defining the discrimination factor Ln ( ) , Rn ( , ) [see Figure 17.23], the factor t defined according to
tm ( ) , 1 1/L2m( ) and t , t1 ( ) = 1 1/ 2.
In order to write the elliptic filter in transfer function form
FnE (s; , ) = cE

(s zE1 )(s zE2 ) (s zEn )

(s pE1 )(s pE2 ) (s pEn )

we must identify the transfer function zeros zEm , poles pEm , and gain cE . The zeros zEm of the elliptic filter
FnE (s; , ) are i times the poles pRm of the elliptic rational function, which may be written in the form
Rn ( , x) = cR

(x zR1 )(x zR2 ) (x zRn )

(x pR1 )(x pR2 ) (x pRn)

The poles pRm of the elliptic rational function, in turn, are given by the reciprocal of the zeros zRm of the elliptic
rational function, scaled by , according to the inversion relationship
Rn ( , /x) =
30 The

Rn ( , )
Rn ( , x)

pRm zRm =

zEm = i /zRm .


interested reader is referred to Lutovac (2001) for a comprehensive discussion of elliptic rational functions at other orders.


R,n = 0 and
For n = 2s , the zeros of Rn ( , x), zRm , zR,1
m for m = 1, . . . , n, may be determined by initializing z

1 zR,2
zm = 1
1 + t2r
for r = s 1, . . ., 0.
and zm+2s1r = zm
for m = 1, . . . , 2
1 + zR,2
The poles pEm of the elliptic filter FnE (s; , ) are given by pEm = (am + ibm )/cm for m = 1, . . . , n where

am = n

1 n2 1 (zRm )2 1 (zRm )2 / 2 ,

bm = zRm

1 n2(1 1/ 2),

(zR )2 
cm = 1 n2 1 m2 ,


where the n function may be found for n = 2s via the recursive formula


n ( , ) = 2 ,

with 2 ( , ) =
2 (L ( ), )

(1 t)2 + 2 (1 + t)2
The transfer function gain is given by
cE =
1 + 2 zEm
These equations are implemented in Algorithm 17.9 and visualized in Figures 17.21d and 17.22d. Given
constraints on and (see, e.g., Figures 17.21 and 17.22) and a choice for n, the necessary value for may
be calculated via the discrimination factor (see Figure 17.23), using a bisection search (see Algorithm 3.4) to
find that value of such that Ln ( ) 1/( ) = 0.

Exercise 17.1 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system matrix A1 in (17.43) (there will be
three real eigenvalues and one complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues). Then, using Algorithm 10.1, perform
a numerical simulation of each of these modes, and explain the results. [Hint: in each of the simulations
performed corresponding to the real modes, simply initialize the state of the system in the shape of the (real)
eigenvector, then plot how each of the states evolves in time. In the case of the pair of complex modes,
initialize the state of the system in the shape of an appropriate linear combination of the two (complex)
eigenvectors that results in a real perturbation, and again plot how each of the states evolves in time.]
Physically, the dutch roll mode of an aircraft corresponds to an oscillatory perturbation involving first a
bit of roll, which creates adverse yaw towards the upward moving wing, which in turn causes a loss of lift
on the upward perturbed wing, which then causes roll in the other direction, etc.; looking aft out the top of
the cockpit using a periscopic sextant (which you could do in certain vintage transport aircraft, such as the
C124 Old Shaky, in order to perform celestial navigation), the tail of the aircraft repeatedly draws an infinity
sign on the horizon when the dutch roll mode is excited (which is, essentially, all the time); nonlinearities not
discussed here ultimately limit the magnitude of the dutch roll mode of the C124 to a finite-amplitude limit
cycle. The roll subsidence mode is an exponentially stable (and usually relatively fast) mode that quantifies
how much the aircraft continues to roll once a slight roll is initiated then the ailerons neutralized. The spiral
mode is an exponentially stable (and usually relatively slow) mode coupling the yaw rate and the roll (but
typically not necessarily involving sideslip; it is often a nearly coordinated motion). Associate each of the
simulations you perform in Exercise (17.1) to the modes characterized above, and determine the stability and
damping of each. Also, there is one more (trivial) mode: physically interpret this mode as well.


Exercise 17.2 The step response of the system

+ 2 n + n2 y = u,
dt 2


determined analytically in Example 17.12, is plotted in Figure 17.12b for n = 1 and various values of .
Rescaling the axes as appropriate, draw the corresponding step response for the case with n = 4 and = 0.1.
Exercise 17.3 Determine the values of {a0 , a1 , f0 , f1 } in (17.60) that lead to Fibonaccis sequence. Compute
the corresponding values of {d+ , p+ , d , p } in (17.61). Based on the magnitudes of p , do you expect the
magnitudes of the elements of Fibonaccis sequence to grow or decay with k? Why? To quantify this answer
more precisely, based on (17.61) and the computed values of {d+ , p+ , d , p }, what do you expect the ratio
of fk+1 / fk to approach for large k? Marching (17.60) numerically, determine the 100th and 101st terms of
Fibonaccis sequence, compute f101 / f100 , and discuss.
Exercise 17.4 Recall that Algorithm 17.3 converts from CT to DT using Tustins approximation, with or
without prewarping. Note in (17.73) that this approximation is reversible; thus, write an analogous function,
named D2CTustin.m, that uses the reverse of Tustins rule to convert, with or without postwarping, from
a DT function D(z) back to the corresponding function D(s) in CT. Write and run an associated test script,
D2CTustinTest.m, that calls C2DTustin, with prewarping, and then D2CTustin, with postwarping, demonstrating that the original CT function is recovered.
Exercise 17.5 Verify (17.79). Then, verify (17.81a) and (17.81b), and determine similar expressions for the
fourth- and eighth-order Bessel filters. Hint: use a symbolic differentiation package, such as Mathematica or
the symbolic toolbox of Matlab, as this derivation is too tedious to perform by hand.
Exercise 17.6 Example 17.9 modeled the horizontal dynamics of a three-story building. Using Algorithm
17.4, compute the Bode plot of the (lightly damped) structure modeled in (17.36) with k = 10000 and c = 10
[see (17.37)], modeling the frequency response of the top floor, x3 , when
(a) the building is excited by an earthquake (modeled as horizontal movements of the ground, w), and
(b) the building is excited by vortex shedding caused by wind blowing past the top floor (modeled as
horizontal forcing on the top floor, v).
By looking at the Bode plots so generated, identify the three resonant frequencies that the response of the
structure to a sinusoidal input is greatest. Compute the poles of the transfer function in either forcing case
(note that the poles in the two cases are identicalwhy?). Is there a correspondance between these pole
locations and the resonant frequencies in the Bode plot? Explain. Which of the three resonances that appear
in these Bode plots is the strongest? Is this consistent with the damping of the corresponding poles? Discuss.


Figure 17.24: (a) A one-story structure, and (b) a mass-spring-damper system to be affixed to its top floor.
Exercise 17.7 Simplifying the linearized model considered in Example 17.9, a one-story building (Figure
17.24a) in which the top floor has horizontal position y, applied force v, and mass M is governed by

 dy dw 



dt 2


where K and C denote the effective spring and damping coefficients of the linearized structure, and w denotes
the horizontal position of the ground. Extending the mass-spring-damper model considered in Example 17.1
to account for a moving wall, a single mass-spring-damper system (Figure 17.24b) in which the mass has
horizontal position x and the wall has horizontal position y is governed by

 dx dy 
= k(x y) c

dt dt


where k/2 and c/2 are the coefficients of the spring and damper mounted on each side of the mass.
We consider now the problem of mounting the mass-spring-damper system to the top of the one-story
structure, so the y in (17.86a) corresponds precisely to the y in (17.86b), and the reaction force v on the top
of the building from the mass-spring-damper system is precisely the negative of the RHS of (17.86b); that is,
 dx dy 
v = k(x y) + c

dt dt
(a) Taking the Laplace transform of (17.86a)-(17.86c), assuming the system starts at rest, compute L1 , L2 ,
L3 , and L4 as a function of M, K, C, m, k, c, and s in the following (transformed) representation these
L1Y (s) = V (s) + L2W (s),
L3 X(s) = L4Y (s),
V (s) = L4 X(s) L4Y (s).


Now, premultiply (17.87b) by L4 and (17.87c) by L3 and, noting that L3 L4 = L4 L3 , substitute the former
into the latter to eliminate X(s). Then substitute the resulting equation into L3 times (17.87a) to eliminate
V (s). The result may be written in transfer-function form as
L5Y (s) = L6W (s)

Y (s)
W (s) L5


(b) Compute L5 and L6 in terms of M, K, C, m, k, c, and the Laplace transform variable s. Is this system
strictly proper, semiproper, or improper? How many poles and (finite) zeros are there in this system?
(c) Taking m = 0, simplify (17.88); is the result what you expect? Explain.
(d) In addition to taking m = 0, assume further that M = K = 10 and C = 0. Where are the poles and zeros of
G(s) in this case? Plot the Bode plot of this system.
(e) Taking w(t) = ,m (t) for , and thus W (s) = 1, calculate the impulse response of the system
considered in part (d) exactly, by hand, using partial fraction expansion and inverse Laplace transform, noting
the Laplace transforms listed in Table 17.1. Accurately plot this impulse response. Then, taking w(t) as a unit
step, and thus W (s)
= 1/s, calculate and plot the step response of this system in the same manner.
(f) Taking C = 10 2 = 14.14, repeat parts (d) and (e) in their entirety.
(g) Now taking M = K = 10, C = 0, and m = 1, k = 9, c = 0 in (17.88), compute the poles of G(s) by hand
(hint: the denominator is now quadratic in s2 ). Have the slowest poles, corresponding to the pole locations
identified in part (d), without the spring/mass/damper system mounted atop the structure, moved? Discuss.
(h) Keeping M = K = 10, and C = 0 as in part (g), tuning k and c appropriately for any given m allows one
to damp all four of the system poles. For example:
Taking m = 1 and tuning c and k (to c 0.5 and k .8) gives poles at 0.130 1.002i and 0.145 0.873i.
Taking m = 5 and tuning c and k (to c 3.5 and k 2) gives poles at 0.257 0.890i and 0.268 0.628i.
Which of these two cases is better damped? If a step input w(t) is applied, what is the approximate settling
time in each of these two cases? Discuss the limitations of the design guide you used to make these estimates,
and why they might be somewhat off in this situation.

Exercise 17.8 Recalling the discussion in 17.5.1, if Y (s) = G(s)U(s), then the magnitude and phase shift
of the persistent sinusoidal component of the real output y(t) corresponding to a real sinusoidal input u(t) are
simply the magnitude and phase of G(i ). Now consider the real input u(t) = sin( t). Without decomposing
in terms of complex exponentials and appealing to superposition, but instead using directly the entries in the
Table 17.1 for sin(bt) and cos(bt), compute the coefficients f0 and g0 in the expression
Y (s) = G(s)U4 (s) = G(s)

g0 s

+ other terms,
s2 + 2 s2 + 2 s2 + 2


where f0 and g0 are both constrained to be real [hint: following an analogous approach as that used in (B.100),
multiply (17.89) by (s2 + 2 ), simplify, then evaluate the result at both s = i and s = i , thus leading
to two equations for the (real) unknowns f0 and g0 ]. Then, applying (B.46) appropriately, determine an
expression for the magnitude a and phase shift of the persistent sinusoidal component of the output rewritten
into the form y(t) = a sin( t + ). Is this answer consistent with that in 17.5.1, as mentioned above?
Exercise 17.9 Redoing Examples 2.1 and 17.9, compute the statics and dynamics of the three-story structure
considered in these examples when an m = 400 kg mass is placed on top of the structure. Taking k = 10000
and c = 10, the resulting dynamics will be of the same form as (17.36), with coefficients slightly modified
from those in (17.37). Then, following the approach used in Exercise 17.7, optimize the stiffness and damping
of a mass-spring-damper system with mass m = 400 kg mounted atop this three-story structure in order to
minimize its resonance peak. Draw the modified Bode plot, and compare with the result of Exercise 17.6.

Figure 17.25: Two interconnected pendula pivotally mounted on a post.

Exercise 17.10 [Note: in this problem, all variables are taken in SI units, and all angles in radians.] Two
pendula are mounted at their ends to a common pivot point on a post, as illustrated in Figure 17.25. The
angles of the pendula, 1 and 2 , are measured clockwise from vertical; in the configuration shown, 1 < 0
and 2 > 0. A linear spring, with spring constant k, and a motor, which can apply a torque u, are attached
between the pendula around the pivot joint such that the equations of motion of the pendula are:
d 2 1
m1 g 1
sin(1 ) + u + k(2 1 );
dt 2
m2 g 2
d 2 2
sin(2 ) u k(2 1 ).
I2 2 =


The pendula may be idealized as simple rods with masses m1 = 1 and m2 = 3 and lengths 1 = 2 and 2 = 1
and inertias I1 = m1 21 /3 and I2 = m2 22 /3, and we take g 10 and k = 6.

which itself solves

(a) Linearize (17.90) about a possibly time-varying nominal state {1 (t), 2 (t), u(t)},
(17.90), by taking 1 = 1 + 1 , 2 = 2 + 2 , and u = u + u in (17.90), noting (B.46), (B.72), and (B.73),
and, assuming the perturbation {1 , 2 , u } is small, identifying a linear equation governing {1 , 2 , u }.

(b) Taking 1 = 1 , 2 = 2 , and u = u in (17.90) and assuming additionally that this nominal state is
an equilibrium state (that is, d 1 /dt = d 2 /dt = 0), derive an equation that relates 1 and 2 (do not yet
assume that |1 | or |2 | is small). Also, determine an expression for the corresponding u required to hold this
equilibrium state as a function of 1 only. What is the largest value of |2 | that can be held in equilibrium? If
|1 | and |2 | are both small, what is the relationship between them in equilibrium?
(c) Linearizing (17.90a)-(17.90b) about the zero state 1 = 2 = u = 0, compute the transfer function
G(s) = 2 (s)/U (s). Where are the poles and zeros of this transfer function? (Note: we will consider the
stabilization of this pathological unstable system in 18.3.6.) Using the Table 17.1a, compute the response of
this linearized system, 2 (t), to a unit impulse u (t) = (t) [and, thus, U (s) = 1].
(d) Identify appropriate values of the physical parameters m1 , m2 , 1 , and 2 such that the transfer function
of this system has zeros at s = 2 and poles at s = 1 and 3.
Exercise 17.11 Sketch (using the rules of and plot (using Matlab) the Bode plots of the following
transfer functions, and identify whether each is strictly proper, semi proper, or improper:
(a) the (first-order) low-pass filter G1 (s) =
(b) the PD filter G2 (s) =
= G1 (s) G2 (s) [appeal to Fact 17.15 together with (a) and (b) above];
(c) the all-pass filter G3 (s) =
s2 + 101s + 100
(d) the PID filter G4 (s) =
(e) the bandpass filter G4 (s) = 2
s + 101s + 100
(f) the (second-order) low-pass filter G6 (s) = 2
s +s+1
Exercise 17.12 Consider a DT system with transfer function
Y (z)
= G(z) = 2
z 0.1z


(a) Compute the poles z1 and z2 of (17.91). Is this system stable, neutrally stable, or unstable? Explain.
(b) Compute the difference equation corresponding to (17.91). Assuming the system starts out at rest (that
is, yk = 0 for k < 0) and that uk = 0k , evaluate directly the response of this system for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Repeat
for uk = h0k [see (B.69b)].
(c) Taking an impulse input uk = 0k [that is, taking U(z) = 1 in (17.91)], compute {c1 , c2 } in the partial
fraction expansion
Y (z) = G(z)U(z) =
z z1 z z2
Applying Table 17.1b to this result, compute the impulse response of (17.91) for all k. Evaluate the resulting
expression for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; does the result match the corresponding calculation in (b)? What does yk
approach as k ? Is this consistent with Fact 17.11 applied to Y (z) in (17.91) when U(z) = 1?
(d) Taking a step input uk = h0k [that is, taking, U(z) = z/(z 1) in (17.91)], compute {d1 , d2 , d3 } in the
partial fraction expansion
Y (z) = G(z)U(z) =
z z1 z z2 z 1

Applying Table 17.1b to this result, compute the step response of (17.91) for all k. Evaluate the resulting
expression for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; does the result match the corresponding calculation in (b)? What does yk
approach as k ? Is this consistent with Fact 17.11 applied to Y (z) in (17.91) when U(z) = z/(z 1)?

Franklin, G, Powell, JD, & Emami-Naeini, A (2006) Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Prentice Hall.
Gillespie, TD (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE.
LePage, WR (1961) Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers, Dover.
Minto, KD, Chow, JH, Beseler, J (1989) Lateral Axis Autopilot Design For Large Transport Aircraft: An
Explicit Model-Matching Approach American Control Conference, 585-591.
Stevens, BL, & Lewis, FL (2003) Aircraft Control and Simulation. Wiley.


Chapter 18

Classical control design

18.1 Closing the loop: an introduction to feedback control design . . . . . . . . . .
18.1.1 Fundamental limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.1.2 Simple parameterizations of all stabilizing controllers . . . . . . . . . . .
18.2 Primary analysis tools used in classical control design . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.2.1 The root locus with respect to K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The simplified Routh and Bistritz tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approximate pole-zero cancellations in the LHP . . . . . . . . .
18.2.2 The Bode plot, revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.2.3 The Nyquist plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.2.4 Final checks: the closed-loop step response and the closed-loop Bode plot . System type and loop prefactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.2.5 Extending the root locus, Bode, and Nyquist tools to DT systems . . . . . .
18.3 Primary techniques used for classical control design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.3.1 PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ad hoc PID tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.3.2 Lead, lag, and notch controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.3.3 Sensor dynamics, and noise suppression via low-pass and notch filtering . .
18.3.4 Successive loop closure (SLC) leveraging frequency separation . . . . . . Nonminimum phase systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.3.5 Stability and Control Augmentation Systems (SCAS) . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.3.6 Unstable controllers for pathological SISO systems; pole placement . . . .
18.3.7 Implementation of CT linear controllers in analog electronics . . . . . . .
18.3.8 Extending the PID, lag, lead, low-pass, and notch techniques to DT systems
18.3.9 Implementation of DT linear controllers in microcontrollers . . . . . . . .
18.4 Classical control design of DT controllers for CT plants . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.4.1 Discrete equivalent design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.4.2 Direct digital design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18.4.3 Deadbeat control: pole placement at the origin for DT settling in finite time
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .















18.1 Closing the loop: an introduction to feedback control design

As illustrated in Figure 18.1, the problem of feedback control design is the problem of designing a controller
[denoted D(s) or D(z)] that coordinates the control input(s) u of the plant1 [denoted G(s) or G(z)] with the
measurement(s) y of the plant in such a way as to change the dynamics exhibited by the system, optimizing
some balance of the closed-loop systems performance (that is, the ability of the closed-loop system to track
a desired reference input r with sufficient accuracy) and its robustness (that is, the insensitivity of the closedloop system response to state disturbances w, measurement noise v, and modeling errors in the plant
itself). Of course, the performance and robustness measures of interest, as well as the balance between these
two generally competing objectives, must be defined carefully in any given application. The large variety
of possible systems that one might consider (ODE, PDE, DAE, linear, nonlinear, etc.), the wide range of
performance and robustness measures that one might be interested in, the numerous balances between these
measures that one might attempt to achieve, and various practical restrictions on actuator authority (saturation
and bandwidth limits) and limitations in the controller design (sample time, decentralized communication
architecture, computational complexity, and varying degrees of uncertainty of the plant itself) give rise to
a rich variety of possible control strategies that have been and will continue to be developed. The brief
introduction to the feedback control problem presented in the next few chapters, which surveys some of the
key issues and foundational ideas, intends to serve as a prologue to a more in-depth study of this rich field.
A typical performance specification for an LTI system is the prescription of the minimum rise time and
settling time, and the maximum overshoot and steady-state error, of the closed-loop systems step response
(see Figure 17.12): that is, the response y to a step reference input r to the system depicted in Figure 18.1.
A typical robustness specification for such a system is the minimization of the response of the system to
external state disturbances w and measurement noise v that might otherwise disrupt the system. A balance
between these simple performance and robustness specifications on the closed-loop behavior of a SISO LTI
system forms a starting point for the study of the feedback control problem to be presented in this chapter.
As a rule of thumb, a bit loosely stated, the following is a good starting point:
Guideline 18.1 Apply just enough control feedback to narrowly achieve the performance specification.
Pushing a system harder than this with control excitation generally degrades robustness to a host of possible
unmodeled effects, as described in detail in 18.1.1. Time delays are especially dangerous, as discussed
further in Examples 18.1 and 18.10.
In the CT SISO case, the Laplace transform of the output, Y (s), is related to the Laplace transform of the
input, R(s), in the absence of state disturbances w and measurement noise v as follows:
Y (s) = G(s)U(s) = G(s) D(s) E(s) = G(s) D(s) [R(s) Y (s)]

T (s) ,

Y (s)
G(s) D(s)
. (18.1)
R(s) 1 + G(s) D(s)

The matrix T (s) [often, H(s)] is often referred to as the closed-loop transfer function of the system, and
may be analyzed in order to ensure the desired performance specifications, such as those mentioned above.
Note that, if G(s) and D(s) are rational functions of s, then we may write
G(s) =


D(s) =


T (s) =

b(s) y(s)
a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s)


where {a(a), b(s), x(s), y(s)} are polynomials. That is, T (s) is a rational function of s as well. Thus, once
simplified appropriately, the closed-loop transfer function T (s) may be analyzed with the various techniques
1 The ubiquitous use of the name plant for the system to be controlled is historical, reflecting the initial applications of linear systems
theory to chemical process control.


r(t) +


u(t) +





+ y(t)



uk +




Figure 18.1: Closed-loop (a.k.a. feedback) connections of (left) a continuous-time (CT) LTI plant G(s) =
Y (s)/U(s) and controller D(s) = U(s)/E(s), and (right) a discrete-time (DT) LTI plant G(z) = Y (z)/U(z)
and controller D(z) = U(z)/E(z). In such block diagrams, for clarity, we denote the signals in the time
domain and the systems in the transformed domain (that is, in transfer function form). The sign convention
chosen at the leftmost summing junction is such that the error signal e = r y.
described in 17.3. It is, therefore, the roots of the denominator of T (s) [that is, the poles of the closedloop transfer function] which dictate the nature (that is, the speed of oscillation and the rate of exponential
growth or decay) of each component of the response. The roots of the numerator of T (s) [that is, the zeros
of the closed-loop transfer function] dictate only the coefficients of each of these components. Via similar
derivations, the following additional transfer functions may also be identified:
= S(s),
1 + G(s) D(s)
Y (s)
= Si (s),
W (s) 1 + G(s) D(s)

Y (s)
= Su (s),
= S(s), (18.3)
1 + G(s) D(s)
V (s) 1 + G(s) D(s)
G(s) D(s)
= Su (s),
= T (s).
V (s)
1 + G(s) D(s)
W (s) 1 + G(s) D(s)

These transfer functions may be analyzed in order to ensure the desired robustness specifications, such as
those mentioned above. As a mnemonic, the closed-loop transfer function of any feedback loop, including
the several transfer functions listed above, is given by
transfer function =

forward gain
1 (loop gain)

Note also that the poles of the closed-loop transfer function T (s) in (18.1) and (18.2) are given by
1 + G(s) D(s) = 0

a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s) = 0.


Once the transfer function of a CT controller, D(s) = U(s)/E(s), is designed, it is easy to compute the
inverse Laplace transform of D(s) to find the differential equation [relating u(t) to e(t)] that the controller
must obey. It is also straightforward (see 19) to build an electric circuit that obeys this differential equation
with a very inexpensive arrangement of resistors, capacitors, and operational amplifiers.
In the DT case, the closed-loop transfer functions are derived in an identical fashion as in the CT case, with
the role of z replacing that of s. Thus, the closed-loop transfer function considered to analyze performance is
T (z) ,

G(z) D(z)
Y (z)
R(z) 1 + G(z) D(z)

and the closed-loop transfer functions considered to characterize robustness again include all those defined in
(18.3), with z replacing s. As in the CT case, once simplified appropriately, these closed-loop transfer functions are rational functions of z, and thus may be analyzed with the techniques described in 17.4. Furthermore,
once the transfer function of a DT controller, D(z), is designed, it is easy to compute the inverse Z transform
of D(z) to determine the difference equation [relating uk to ek ] that the corresponding controller must obey.
It is also straightforward to implement this difference equation on an inexpensive microcontroller.

18.1.1 Fundamental limitations

As discussed above, the following four sensitivities are inextricably linked:
E(s) Y (s)
1 + G(s) D(s) R(s) V (s)
Y (s)
G(s) D(s)
T (s) =
1 + G(s) D(s) R(s)
W (s)
S(s) =

1 + G(s) D(s)
V (s)
Y (s)
Si (s) =
1 + G(s) D(s) W (s)

Su (s) =


S(s) is called the sensitivity, T (s) is called the complementary sensitivity (or, at other times, the closed-loop
transfer function), Su (s) is called the control sensitivity, and Si (s) is called the output sensitivity. Note in
particular that, in SISO systems,
Y (s)/R(s) = U(i )/W (i ); thus, the response of the control U(i ) to state disturbances W (i ) is
suppressed only at those frequencies for which the closed-loop tracking is poor.
Su (s) = D(s)/[1+G(s) D(s)] = T (s)/G(s); thus, at frequencies characterized by good tracking (T (i )
1) but low plant gain (|G(i )| 1), large control gains D(i ) 1 are required.
S(s) = 1 T (s); thus, the sensitivity Y (i )/V (i ) is suppressed only at those frequencies for which
the complementary sensitivity U(i )/W (i ) is not.
The first two of these points directly motivate Guideline 18.1.
The sensitivities defined in (18.5) are related such that Si (s) = S(s) G(s) and T (s) = Su (s) G(s). Thus:
Fact 18.1 (Internal stability of SISO systems) A closed-loop SISO system is said to be internally stable if
the sensitivities {T (s), S(s), Su (s), Si (s)} are all stable; in such systems,

the poles of G(s) appear either as zeros of S(s) or (if they are in the LHP) possibly as poles of Si (s);
the zeros of G(s) appear either as zeros of Si (s) or (if they are in the LHP) possibly as poles of S(s);
the poles of G(s) appear either as zeros of Su (s) or (if they are in the LHP) possibly as poles of T (s);
the zeros of G(s) appear either as zeros of T (s) or (if they are in the LHP) possibly as poles of Su (s).

Taking a perturbed plant G (s) = G(s) (s) with (multiplicative) modeling errors (s), and defining

(s) = 1/[1 + T(s) (s)],


it follows from their definitions in (18.5) that the sensitivities of the perturbed plant G (s) are given by
S (s) = S(s) (s),
T (s) = T (s) [1 + (s)] (s),


Su (s) = Su (s) (s),

Si (s) = Si (s) [1 + (s)] (s).


Noting (18.6), it is seen that good tracking [T (i ) 1] implies O(1) susceptibility of all four of the sensitivity
functions to destabilizing multiplicative modeling errors, risking instability. Modeling errors (i ) generally
increase in magnitude with rising frequency ; thus, to decrease the risk of closed-loop instability due to
such modeling errors, the closed-loop bandwidth BW [that is, the frequency above which T (i ) drops
off] should be made as low as possible, again motivating Guideline 18.1.
Another class of fundamental limitation arise by integrating the log of the sensitivity over all frequencies.
An example limitation of this class is given in Fact 18.2 below [recall from 17 that a stable CT transfer
function has all of its poles in the LHP, that the relative degree nr of a transfer function is the degree of
the polynomial in its denominator minus the degree of the polynomial in its numerator, and that a transfer
function is said to be proper if nr 0, and strictly proper if nr > 0]:

Figure 18.2: Semilogy plot of the log of the sensitivity S(s) = 1/[1 + L(s)] for L(s) = K/[(s + 1)(s + 10)]
with K = 10, illustrating Bodes Integral Theorem: that
is, the (red) region below the ln |S(i )| = 0 line has
the same area as the (blue) region above it, and thus 0 ln|S(i )| d = 0, independent of K.
Fact 18.2 (Bodes Integral Theorem) Consider a stable strictly proper open-loop system G(s) D(s) = L(s)
with relative degree nr > 0. Define as the initial value of the impulse response of L(s) via the CT initial
value theorem (Fact 17.5) such that = lims s L(s); note that is finite if nr = 1, and zero if nr > 1. It
follows that

ln|S(i )| d = /2.

Proof of Bodes Integral Theorem is given in Example B.1. As shown in Figure 18.2, for a given value of
[for example, if nr > 1, then = 0, independent of D(s)], Bodes integral theorem may be understood geometrically as the waterbed effect: if the magnitude of the sensitivity S(i ) is reduced over some frequencies,
it is necessarily increased over other frequencies in such a manner that its integral over all frequencies is
/2, independent of how you might adjust the controller D(s), thus illustrating another fundamental tradeoff. In other words, attempts to reduce the magnitude of the sensitivity S(i ) = Y (i )/V (i ) over all
frequencies is, in a certain well-defined sense, a zero-sum game: if the sensitivity is reduced (improved)
at some frequencies, it is increased (worsened) at other frequencies. However, the measurement noise V (i )
is generally most pronounced at higher frequencies, thus again motivating Guideline 18.1.

18.1.2 Simple parameterizations of all stabilizing controllers

We will focus in 18 on the construction and tuning of stabilizing controllers for stable and unstable plants.
In some cases (see in particular 18.9), identifying a controller D(s) that results in a stable T (s) is itself a
somewhat difficult problem, and having a simple parameterization of all stabilizing controllers is handy. The
difficulty is related to the fact that the relationship between D(s) and T (s) in (18.1) is nonlinear:
T (s) =

G(s) D(s)
1 + G(s) D(s)


D(s) =

T (s)

G(s) 1 T (s)

If we instead write T (s) = Q(s) G(s) and design Q(s) corresponding to a stable T (s), the control design
problem becomes much easier. Once the desired Q(s) is specified, the corresponding D(s) is easily found:
T (s) = Q(s) G(s),

Q(s) =

1 + G(s) D(s)

D(s) =

1 G(s) Q(s)


Further, S(s) = 1 Q(s) G(s), Su (s) = Q(s), and Si (s) = [1 Q(s) G(s)] G(s). It follows (see Fact 18.1) that
Fact 18.3 If G(s) is stable and proper, the set of all proper controllers D(s) that give an internally-stable
closed loop may be written in the form given in (18.8) for all rational Q(s) that are stable and proper.
If G(s) = b(s)/a(s) is coprime [that is, if b(s) and a(s) have no common factors] and proper but possibly
has both RHP zeros and poles (and is thus possibly unstable), the construction in (18.8) is insufficient to
assure an internally-stable closed loop. In this case, we instead consider a controller of the form:
D(s) =

y(s) + a(s) Q(s)

x(s) b(s) Q(s)


where the polynomials {x(s), y(s)} solve an associated Diophantine equation (see B.2)
a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s) = f (s),


where {a(s), x(s), b(s), y(s), f (s)} are polynomials, Q(s) is a rational transfer function that is stable and proper
but otherwise arbitrary, and f (s) has all of its roots in the LHP and is of sufficiently high order that a proper
y(s)/x(s) solving (18.9b) exists, but is otherwise arbitrary. The sensitivities of interest may now be written
T (s) = G(s) D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)] = Q(s) G(s)

= b(s) [y(s) + Q(s) a(s)]/ f (s),


S(s) = 1/[1 + G(s) D(s)]


Su (s) = D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)]

= Q(s)

= a(s) [x(s) Q(s) b(s)]/ f (s),

= a(s) [y(s) + Q(s) a(s)]/ f (s),


Si (s) = G(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)]

= [1 Q(s) G(s)] G(s) = b(s) [x(s) Q(s) b(s)]/ f (s);


= 1 Q(s) G(s)

all four of these forms are stable as long as Q(s) is stable and f (s) has its roots in the LHP. Note the relationship between Q(s) and Q(s) in the third line above. Note also that
the factor of a(s) in the numerator of the expressions for S(s) and Su (s), which implies that the poles
of G(s) appear as zeros of S(s) and Su (s), thus satisfying parts (a) and (c) of Fact 18.1, and
the factor of b(s) in the numerator of the expressions for T (s) and Si (s), which implies that the zeros
of G(s) appear as zeros of T (s) and Si (s), thus satisfying parts (b) and (d) of Fact 18.1.
It follows that:
Fact 18.4 If G(s) is coprime and proper but possibly has RHP poles and zeros, the set of all proper controllers D(s) that give an internally-stable closed loop may be written in the form given in (18.9a) for some
{x(s), y(s)} that solves (18.9b) [for some f (s) with all of its roots in the LHP of sufficiently high order that
(18.9b) is solvable] and for all rational Q(s) that are stable and proper.
It is easily seen that (18.8) is a special case of (18.9) for G(s) that are stable and proper; indeed, taking
f (s) = a(s) in this case results in x(s) = 1 and y(s) = 0 and Q(s) = Q(s) a(s), thus reducing (18.9a) to (18.8).
The discussion above extends immediately to DT problems simply by replacing s with z, replacing the
phrase LHP with inside the unit circle, and replacing the phrase RHP with outside the unit circle.



















Figure 18.3: (dots) Root loci of three systems with proportional feedback [D(s) = K] applied, with marking
the open-loop poles, marking the open-loop zeros, and marking the closed-loop poles for K = 1. Systems
considered are: (left) G(s) = (s + 2)2 /(s2 + 1), (center) G(s) = (s + 2)/s2 , and (right) G(s) = 2/(s2 + 2s).

18.2 Primary analysis tools used in classical control design

We now consider the four essential tools of classical feedback control design: the root locus (18.2.1), the
Bode plot (18.2.2), the Nyquist plot (18.2.3), and the closed-loop Bode plot (18.2.4); these four tools
may be used in a deliberate fashion2 along with the step response (see Example 17.12) for effective CT
control design. To introduce these tools, we consider first (in 18.2) the closing of feedback loops around
various simple CT plants with a proportional control strategy which sets the control input proportional
to the error signal [that is, u(t) = Ke(t), and thus D(s) = K]. In 18.2.5, we discuss how these tools may be
extended to DT systems. In 18.3 and 18.3.8, we show how these tools may be used to tune more sophisticated
control designs which more precisely target the dynamics of interest in the system under consideration.

18.2.1 The root locus with respect to K

Recall from (18.4) that, if G(s) D(s) = L(s) = K b(s)/a(s), then the poles of the closed-loop transfer function
T (s) are given by3 a(s) + Kb(s) = 0 a(s)/K + b(s) = 0. Thus,
for small K, the poles of T (s) are near the poles of [G(s) D(s)] (i.e., the values of s with a(s) = 0),
for large K, the poles of T (s) are near the zeros of [G(s) D(s)] (i.e., the values of s with b(s) = 0), and
for intermediate K, the poles are in-between, moving continuously as K is increased (see B.3.5).

A plot reflecting the movement of the closed-loop poles of a system as a parameter in the controller (in this
case, K) is varied (in this case, from zero to infinity) is known as a root locus. A root locus with respect to the
gain K is the most common type of root locus encountered, and is commonly referred to as the root locus
of the system; root loci with respect to other controller parameters are considered in Exercise 18.2.
Root loci with respect to K of some simple plants G(s) with proportional control D(s) = K applied are
illustrated in Figures 18.3 and 18.4. The simple code used to produce these plots is given in Algorithm 18.1. If
[G(s) D(s)] is strictly proper, with n poles and m finite zeros where n > m, it may be argued (see Figure 18.4)
that the missing zeros that (n m) branches of the locus approach for large K are at the point at infinity
in the extended complex plane, a notion which is most clearly understood when the extended complex plane
is mapped onto the Riemann sphere (see Figure B.2).
2 To ensure the controller excites the system as little as possible while meeting the control objectives (see Guideline 18.1), one is
highly discouraged from applying the random control design (RCD) strategies facilitated by root locus graphical user interfaces
(GUIs), which almost encourage one to plunk a controller pole here and zero there until, perhaps accidentally, stability is achieved.
3 Thus, e.g., if a(s) = s2 + 1 and b(s) = (s + 2)2 (see Figure 18.3a), then (s2 + 1) + K(s + 2)2 = 0, and thus the closed-loop poles are
located, as a function of K, at s = [4K (4K)2 4(K + 1)(4K + 1)]/[2(K + 1)].




























































Figure 18.4: Root loci of (left) L(s) = G(s)D(s) = K(s + c)/(cs), (center) L(s) = K(s + c)2 /(cs)2 , and (right)
L(s) = K(s + c)3 /(cs)3 , taking (top) c = 2 and (bottom) the limit as c . As c is increased, the location of
the zero(s), towards which the closed-loop pole(s) converge for large K, moves off to the left towards infinity,
and the root locus in the vicinity of the origin is dominated by the pattern outlined by the small dashed box.
Thus, in the limit as c , the three root loci approach those of L(s) = K/s, L(s) = K/s2 , and L(s) = K/s3 ,
respectively. This explanation helps one to visualize that the zeros at infinity are, in a sense, all at the same
placea place which one may refer to as the north pole if the s plane is conformally mapped onto a Riemann
sphere, with the origin of the s plane mapped to the south pole (see Figure B.2).
Root loci are valuable for understanding parametric dependencies during feedback control design. Though
easily plotted using, e.g., Algorithm 18.1 (and fairly easily parameterized analytically in the second-order
case, as discussed in Footnote 3 on Page 533), it is sometimes useful to know how to quickly sketch a root
locus with respect to the overall gain K by hand (even for systems of order higher than second) in order to
anticipate how the closed-loop poles of a system change when the controller is modified, or (as discussed in
18.3 through 18.4) to understand how to modify a controller to change a root locus in a desired manner,
thereby moving the poles of a closed-loop system into the region suggested by the approximate design guides
illustrated in Figure 17.13. Some simple rules for sketching root loci by hand are thus outlined below.
Sketching root loci with respect to K by hand
To proceed, assume L(s) = G(s) D(s) is a transfer function with m complex zeros zk and n complex poles pk ,
where m n (see, such that
L(s) = G(s) D(s) = K

(s z1 )(s z2 ) (s zm )
(s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn )

We also define the multiplicity of the kth pole as qk and the multiplicity of the kth zero as rk .

Algorithm 18.1: Code for plotting a root locus with respect to K.

f u n c t i o n RLocus ( numG , denG , numD , denD , g )
% P l o t r o o t l o c u s o f KD( s ) G( s ) w . r . t . t h e e x t r a g a i n K, where D( s ) =numD( s ) / denD ( s ) and
% G( s ) =numG( s ) / denG ( s ) . The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s :
% g . K i s t h e g a i n s used , and g . a x e s i s t h e a x i s l i m i t s . The r o o t s f o r K=1 a r e marked ( ) .
[ numL , denL ] = R a t i o n a l S i m p l i f y ( PolyConv ( numG , numD ) , PolyConv ( denG , denD ) ) ;
MS= M a r k e r S i z e ; c l f , h o ld on
f o r j = 1 : l e n g t h ( g . K ) ; denH=PolyAdd ( g . K( j ) numL , denL ) ;
H p o les = r o o t s ( denH ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( H p o les ) , imag ( H p o les ) , k . ,MS, 6 )
end ,
G p o les = r o o t s ( denG ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( G p o les ) , imag ( G p o les ) , kx ,MS, 1 7 )
G zer o s = r o o t s ( numG ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( G zer o s ) , imag ( G zer o s ) , ko ,MS, 1 2 )
D p o les = r o o t s ( denD ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( D p o les ) , imag ( D p o les ) , bx ,MS, 1 7 )
D zer o s = r o o t s ( numD ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( D zer o s ) , imag ( D zer o s ) , bo ,MS, 1 2 )
H p o les = r o o t s ( PolyAdd ( numL , denL ) ) ; p l o t ( r e a l ( H p o les ) , imag ( H p o les ) , r ,MS, 1 7 )
a x i s e q u a l , a=g . a x e s ; a x i s ( a ) , p l o t ( [ a ( 1 ) a ( 2 ) ] , [ 0 0 ] , k ) , p l o t ( [ 0 0 ] , [ a ( 3 ) a ( 4 ) ] , k )
end % f u n c t i o n RLocus

The 180 root locus with respect to K [i.e., noting (18.4), the locus of all points s such that 1 + L(s) = 0
when K > 0] may be sketched using the following handy rules (Evans 1950):
1. Mark the n poles pi (the roots of a(s) = 0) with an and the m zeros zi (the roots of b(s) = 0) with an .
2. Draw the locus on the real axis to the left of an odd number of real poles plus zeros counted from the right.
3. The branches of the locus depart (that is, start) from the open-loop poles and arrive (that is, end) at the
open-loop zeros. If n > m, then n m branches extend to infinity, approaching n m asymptotes centered

i zi
at = pnm
and departing at angles = 180 +(1)360
for = 1, . . . , n m (see, e.g., Figure 18.4d-f for
n m = 1, 2, and 3).
4. For any open-loop pole pk of multiplicity qk , or zero zk of multiplicity rk , define i as the angle from the
ith pole to this point, and i as the angle from the ith zero to this point. Then one may calculate the
+180 +(1)360
a. departure angles dep
from the open-loop pole pk as dep
= i i6=k i q
for = 1, . . . , qk .



i6=k i i +180 +(1)360


for = 1, . . . , rk .
b. arrival angles
to the open-loop zero zk as
5. In the case that two (resp., three) branches of the locus touch at a point, the angle between the branches of
the locus at this junction is 90 (resp., 60), and the branches into and out of the junction alternate.
The 0 root locus with respect to K [i.e.,, the locus of all points s such that 1 + L(s) = 0 with K < 0] may be
sketched by modifying the above rules as follows:
2. Draw the locus on the real axis to the left of an even number of real poles plus zeros counted from the right.
3. The asymptotes depart at angles =


for = 1, . . . , n m.

i i6=k i +(1)360
for = 1, . . . , qk .
i6=k i i +(1)360
for = 1, . . . , rk .

4a. The departure angles from the open-loop pole pk are dep
4b. The arrival angles to the open-loop zero zk are arr

Note that, for any K, the closed-loop poles are characterized by 1 + K b(s)/a(s) = 0, and thus
K = a(s)/b(s);


this useful formula gives the value of K corresponding to any given point s on the locus4 .
4 Note that K must be real; if a point s on the locus is only known approximately, application of (18.11) might result in a complex
value of K; taking the real part of this value results in a nearby point on the locus.



Further, in the vicinity of any breakaway point of the root locus (that is, any point where two or more
branches of the locus connect to the real axis), the value of K given by (18.11) reaches either a local maximum
or a local minimum with respect to the real value of s as you move to the left or right on the real axis. Thus,
considering < K < , the set of all breakaway points of the 180 and 0 root loci on the real axis are
characterized by setting the derivative of (18.11) equal to zero:

a (s) a(s) b (s)


a (s) b(s) a(s) b (s) = 0;


the breakaway points are given by taking the roots of the polynomial at right in (18.12a). Dividing this formula
by [a(s) b(s)] and taking b(s) = (s z1 ) (s zm ) and a(s) = (s p1 ) (s pn ) gives the alternative form

s pi s zi = 0.




With a little practice, one can usually sketch a root locus quite accurately and quickly by hand by following the above several rules. Note that the connection of the various branches of a root locus sometimes change
rather rapidly (but smoothly! see B.3.5) as the open loop poles and zeros are moved, as seen in Figure 18.5.
Such rapid reconnections of the root locus are somewhat difficult to anticipate when sketching the locus by
hand; computation of the breakaway points is often helpful. Note, however, that these reconnections of the
locus in fact have little impact on the closed-loop behavior of the system; the two systems depicted in Figure
18.5 have essentially identical step responses for all values of K. The simplified Routh and Bistritz tests
The Routh test is a relatively simple procedure for counting how many roots of a polynomial p(s) are in the
LHP, on the imaginary axis, and in the RHP [often referred to as the inertia of p(s)], without requiring the
computation of the roots themselves, which can be computationally expensive. The test is developed in its
entirety in B.3.6, and a simple code implementing it is provided in Algorithm B.2.
When applying the Routh test to the polynomial in the denominator of a CT (open-loop or closed-loop)
transfer function simply to determine whether or not all of the roots of this polynomial are in the LHP
(and thus p(s) is Hurwitz, and the corresponding CT system is stable), the simplified Routh test may be
considered, as defined by the following three-term recurrence:
un (s) = un,n sn + un,n2 sn2 + . . .

= pn sn + pn2 sn2 + . . . ,

un1(s) = un1,n1 sn1 + un1,n3 sn3 + . . . = pn1 sn1 + pn3 sn3 + . . . ,

ui (s) = ui+2 (s) i s ui+1 (s) where i = ui+2,i+2 /ui+1,i+1 for i = n 2, n 3, . . . , 0;


all of the roots of p(s) are in the open LHP iff {un,n , un1,n1, . . . , u1,1 , u0,0 } are all nonzero and the same
sign. The coefficients of this recurrence may, for n = 7, be organized in the following table form:
pn6 odd (even) terms of original polynomial if n is odd (even),
pn7 even (odd) terms of original polynomial if n is odd (even),
un2,n2 un2,n4 un2,n6
un2,i = pi (pn /pn1 ) pi1
for i = n 2, n 4, n 6,
un3,n3 un3,n5 un3,n7
un3,i = pi (pn1 /un2,n2) un2,i1 for i = n 3, n 5, n 7,
un4,n4 un4,n6
un4,i = un2,i (un2,n2/un3,n3) un3,i1 for i = n 4, n 6,
un5,n5 un5,n7
un5,i = un3,i (un3,n3/un4,n4) un4,i1 for i = n 5, n 7,
un6,i = un4,i (un4,n4/un5,n5) un5,i1 for i = n 6,
un7,i = un5,i (un5,n5/un6,n6) un6,i1 for i = n 7;
all of the roots of p(s) are in the open LHP iff the terms in the first column are all nonzero and the same sign.
Lower-order cases (with n < 7) may be written in table form by removing all terms with negative indices
above; higher-order cases (with n > 7) may be written in table form by adding the appropriate terms.

Algorithm 18.2: The Simplified Routh test.

function RouthSimplified ( p )
% Compute t h e s i m p l i f i e d Routh t a b l e t o d e t e r m i n e i f p ( s ) i s H u r w i t z . p ( s ) may be s y m b o l i c . Test
n= l e n g t h ( p ) 1; s =strcmp ( c l a s s ( p ) , sym ) ; R= 0 ; f = 1 ; d i s p ( p ( 1 : 2 : end ) ) ;
f o r i =n : 1:1
d i s p ( p ( 2 : 2 : end ) ) , i f p ( 2 ) = = 0 , d i s p ( Not H u r w i t z . ) , f = 0 ; break , end
a=p ( 1 ) / p ( 2 ) ; p ( 3 : 2 : i ) = p ( 3 : 2 : i )a p ( 4 : 2 : i + 1 ) ; p=p ( 2 : i + 1 ) ; i f s , i f a <0; R=R+ 1 ; end , end
i f f , i f s , d i s p ( H u r w i t z i f f a l l e n t r i e s i n f i r s t column a r e t h e same s i g n . ) , e l s e
i f R==0 , d i s p ( H u r w i t z ) , e l s e , d i s p ( [ Not H u r w i t z : , num2str ( R ) , RHP p o l e s ] ) , end , end , end
end % f u n c t i o n R o u t h S i m p l i f i e d

A useful feature of the simplified Routh test, as implemented in Algorithm 18.2, is that one can carry (one
or more) variables in a control design formulation, such as the controller gain K, all the way through the test,
thereby determining necessary and sufficient conditions on these variables for closed-loop stability. This can
sometimes assist in the drawing of an accurate root locus plot.
The simplified Routh test described above determines whether or not all of the poles of a transfer function
T (s) are in the open LHP, a condition sometimes referred to as absolute stability. A stricter condition that is
sometimes useful to determine is whether or not all of the poles of a transfer function T (s) have a real part to
the left of s = for some > 0, a condition referred to as relative stability. This is easy to determine by
applying the simplified Routh test discussed above to the modified transfer function T (s + ).
The Bistritz test5 is a relatively simple procedure for counting how many roots of a polynomial p(z) are
inside the unit circle, on the unit circle, and outside the unit circle [referred to as the stationarity of p(z)],
without requiring the computation of the roots themselves, which can be computationally expensive. The test
is developed in its entirety in B.3.7, and a simple code implementing it is developed in Algorithm B.3.
When applying the Bistritz test to the polynomial in the denominator of a DT (open-loop or closed-loop)
transfer function simply to determine whether or not all of the roots of this polynomial are inside the unit
circle (and thus p(z) is Schur, and the corresponding DT system is stable), the simplified Bistritz test may
be considered, as defined by the following three-term recurrence [cf. (18.13)]:
un (z) = p(z) + pr (z)

where pr (z) = zn p(1/z) = p0 zn + p1 zn1 + . . . + pn ,


un1(z) = [p(z) p (z)]/(z 1)

polynomial division (note: can easily do by hand),
ui (z) = [i (z + 1) ui+1(z) ui+2 (z)]/z where i = ui+2 (0)/ui+1 (0) for i = n 2, n 3, . . . , 0; (18.14c)
all of the roots of p(z) are inside the unit circle iff {un (0), un1 (0), . . . , u1 (0), u0 (0)} are all nonzero and the
same sign. Note in this test that each of the ui (z) are symmetric (that is, ui,i j = ui, j for for i = 0, . . . , n and
j = 1, . . . , i), so the work associated with this test is similar to that associated with the simplified Routh test
described previously, in which each of the ui (s) considered is either even or odd.
A useful feature of the simplified Bistritz test, as implemented in Exercise 18.12, is that one can carry
one or more variables in the control design formulation, such as the controller gain K, all the way through
the test, thereby determining necessary and sufficient conditions on these variables for closed-loop stability.
The simplified Bistritz test described above determines whether or not all of the poles of a transfer function
T (z) are inside the unit circle, a condition sometimes referred to as absolute stability. A stricter condition
that is sometimes useful to determine is whether or not all of the poles of a transfer function T (z) are inside a
circle of some radius r < 1, a condition referred to as relative stability. This is easy to determine by applying
the simplified Bistritz test discussed above to the modified transfer function T (z/r).
5 The Schur-Cohn test and Jury test are alternatives to the Bistritz test for determining whether or not p(z) is Schur. We focus on
the Bistritz test in this discussion due to its strong similarity to the Routh test.

537 Approximate pole-zero cancellations in the LHP

Consider a plant and controller given by
G(s) =

s(s + 0.95)

D(s) = 10


T (s) =

G(s) D(s)
10(s + 1)
1 + G(s) D(s) (s + 1.0219)(s p+)(s p)

where p = 1.9641 2.4348 i , i d . Note that there is a controller zero close to a plant pole in the
LHP near s = 1; as a result, the closed-loop system has both a pole and a zero near s = 1. Via partial
fraction expansion and inverse Laplace transform (see Example 17.12), the step response of this closed-loop
system is
Y (s) = T (s)R(s) =

T (s) 1.0314s 4.0194
s + 1.0219 s
(s + )2 + d2

y(t) = 1.0314 e t cos(d t) 0.8188 e t sin(d t) + 0.0314 e1.0219t + 1.

Note in particular the third term of y(t), which is the result of the closed-loop pole near s = 1 arising from
the approximate pole/zero cancellation in the plant and the controller. This contribution to the step response is
a decaying exponential with a very small coefficient, which is essentially negligible. Had we simply cancelled
the plant pole and the nearby controller zero during the analysis,
G(s) D(s)

s(s + 4)

T (s)

s2 + 4s + 10

(s p+ )(s p )

where p = 2 2.4495 i , i d , then the step response computed would have been
Y (s)

T (s)
1s 4
(s + ) + d s

y(t) 1 e t cos( d t) 0.8165 e t sin( d t) + 1,

which is essentially identical. Note, however, that had the approximate pole/zero cancellation taken place in
the RHP, then the step response y(t) would have had a component with a growing exponential and a very small
coefficient; this component would eventually dominate the system response. Note finally that all attempts to
cancel a plant pole (or zero) with a controller zero (or pole) must be considered as approximate to some
degree. The conclusion to be drawn is that approximate pole/zero cancellations arising during controller
design may simply be neglected in the LHP, but must never be attempted in the RHP. The design of a controller
to achieve an approximate pole/zero cancellation on or near the imaginary axis, called a notch filter, is
delicate but doable, and is considered at length in 18.3.2.

18.2.2 The Bode plot, revisited

As described in 17.5.1, an (open-loop) Bode plot may be used to summarize the gain and phase of the
response of the system G(s) D(s), in open loop, to a sinusoidal input u(t). As seen in (18.4), the poles of the
closed-loop transfer function T (s) are given by the roots of the equation 1 + G(s) D(s) = 0 [and the motion
of these roots as a parameter of the controller (usually, its gain) is varied is often plotted in a root locus].
A somewhat subtle connection between the open-loop and closed-loop problems makes the Bode plot
especially useful for feedback control design. If for some s on the imaginary axis [that is, s = ir for some
resonant frequency r ] the open-loop system G(s) D(s) simultaneously has a gain of 1 and a phase of
180 [that is, G(ir )D(ir ) has the critical value of 1], then the closed-loop transfer function T (s) =
G(s) D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)] has a pole on the imaginary axis, and is on the verge of instability, meaning that:
if the system is given an impulse input, it will oscillate at the resonant frequency r without decaying,

if the closed-loop system is continuously excited (sinusoidally) at this resonant frequency r , the magnitude of the response will be unbounded, and
any tiny unmodeled error in either the plant or the controller could lead to closed-loop instability.

We might thus label the imaginary axis in the s-plane as an axis of evil; it is imperative to check any stable
closed-loop system (that is, with its poles in the LHP) to ensure that its poles are in some sense far from
being on this axis. Two valuable measures that may be read directly off the Bode plot (see, e.g., Figure
18.6) accomplish exactly this: the phase margin (PM) quantifies the amount that the phase of the open-loop
system G(i )D(i ) is away from 180 at the frequency c for which the open-loop system gain equals 1,
whereas the gain margin (GM) quantifies the factor by which the gain of the open-loop system G(i )D(i )
is away from 1 at the frequency p for which the open-loop system phase equals 180. If the PM is large,
then there may be correspondingly large errors in the modeling of the phase of the system (due, for example,
to unmodeled delays in the system) before risking closed-loop instability, whereas if the GM is large, then
there may be correspondingly large errors in the modeling of the gain of the system (due, for example, to
uncertainty in the actuator authority or sensor sensitivity) before risking closed-loop instability.
The Bode plot illustrated in Figure 18.6 also depicts the typical constraints considered during the design
of the controller D(s). A large open-loop gain |G(i )D(i )| is generally sought at low frequencies to ensure
adequate tracking of the reference input, and a small open-loop gain is generally sought at high frequencies to
ensure adequate attenuation of high-frequency disturbances6. Thus, at some intermediate frequency [dubbed
the crossover frequency c ], |G(ic )D(ic )| = 1. As in (17.57), the following convenient approximate
design guides may be identified by examining a range of step responses7 :

c n BW /1.4,



Thus, a target value for c may be determined from the rise time or tracking constraints on the system, and a
target value for the PM may be determined from the overshoot constraint on the system. Noting Figure 18.6,
when performing controller design using a Bode plot, one typically tunes first the phase of the controller D(s)
to achieve the desired PM at the target value of the crossover frequency c , then tunes the overall gain of the
controller to actually achieve crossover at this target frequency. Next, if necessary, the gain of the controller
at the low and high frequencies are adjusted to meet the tracking and robustness constraints, in addition
to ensuring an adequate GM, and the overall gain readjusted to maintain crossover at the target frequency.
Finally, the step response of the closed-loop system is checked, and any required fine tuning applied to meet
the design constraints (e.g., increasing the crossover frequency to reduce the rise time, and increasing the
PM to reduce the overshoot). As shown in 18.3, this process can often be achieved by a straightforward and
methodical combination of lead compensation, lag compensation, and low-pass filtering.
As noted in Fact 17.15, a remarkable and useful feature of the Bode plot is that it is additive; that is,
log |G(i )D(i )| = log |G(i )| + log|D(i )|, and G(i )D(i ) = G(i ) + D(i ). Thus, when examining the Bode plot of the plant G(s), it is usually clear what is needed in terms of the gain and phase characteristics of the controller D(s) such that the cascade of the controller and plant together have the appropriate
overall behavior to meet the design guides discussed above, and thus, e.g., the rise time and overshoot constraints on the closed-loop system. Control design leveraging the Bode plot in this manner is referred to as
loop shaping.
As noted at the end of 17.5.1, in systems with no RHP zeros or poles, the gain and phase curves are
related in a simple fashion: a gain slope of 2 over a particular range of frequencies corresponds to 1/(i )2
behavior of the transfer function, and thus a phase of about 180; similarly, a gain slope of 1 corresponds
to a phase of about 90, and a gain slope of 0 corresponds to a phase of about 0 . Thus, a rule of thumb for
achieving a good PM (and, thus, good damping and low overshoot) in many systems is to attempt to achieve
G(i ) D(i )
U (i )
is, for small , YR(i(i )) = 1+G(i
)D(i ) 1 if |G(i )D(i )| 1; for large , W (i ) =
clarity of presentation, the definition of BW is deferred to 18.2.4 and Figure 18.8b.

6 That
7 For


G(i )D(i )
1+G(i )D(i )

0 if |G(i )D(i )| 1.

crossover at a gain slope of approximately 1; if crossover is attempted at a gain slope of closer to 2, the
PM will often be unacceptably small (and, thus, the overshoot will be unacceptably high).


s + .3

s2 (s + 2)(s + 10)

G(s) =

s + .2
s2 (s + 2)(s + 10)

e =

Approximate 2nd-order design guides:

n & 1.8/tr , & 4.6/ts
& 0.5 Mp 15%
= sin
& 0.7 Mp 5%


extra slow pole increases overshoot.



Figure 18.5: Root loci of (left) G(s) and (right) the very slightly modified G(s),
with proportional control
D(s) = K applied, and with marking the four closed-loop poles for K = 15. Though the locus makes a rather
sudden reconnection, the step response of each of these systems is quite similar. If a system is dominated
by second-order behavior, the closed-loop pole locations should generally lie in the region allowed by the
approximate design guides specified by the rise time, settling time, and/or overshoot constraints (see Figure
17.13) on the closed-loop system. Note that the present (fourth-order) system has a complex pair of poles,
plus two stable poles on the negative real axis. The pole near s = 10 is stable and (comparatively) fast,
and thus has little effect on the closed-loop dynamics. The other pole on the negative real axis is of about
the same speed as the dominant pair of complex poles; this generally results in significant extra overshoot of
the step response, thus motivating increased damping on the complex poles than otherwise indicated by the
approximate design guides (developed for second-order systems) to compensate appropriately.



|G(i )D(i )|



} GM







G(i )D(i )


Approximate design guides:

c & 1.8/tr , c & BW /1.4
& 0.5 Mp 15%

& 0.7 Mp 5%







(see root locus in Figure 18.5a), with K adFigure 18.6: Open-loop Bode plot of G(s) D(s) = K s2 (s+2)(s+10)
justed to give crossover at c = 1. The PM is 180 + G(ic )D(ic ), whereas the GM is 1/|G(i p )D(i p )|,
where p is defined as that frequency where G(i p )D(i p ) = 180 (if it exists; otherwise, GM= ).












-1 1 GM











Figure 18.7: Nyquist plot of system considered in Figures 18.5a and 18.6. The GM and PM marked in Figure
18.6 are also apparent in the Nyquist plot; another measure, the VM, quantifies the distance of the point on
the Nyquist contour closest (via a change in both gain and phase) to the critical G(i )D(i ) = 1 condition.























Figure 18.8: Final checks: (left) step response and (right) closed-loop Bode plot of system considered in
Figures 18.5a, 18.6, and 18.7. The rise time, settling time, and overshoot of the step response are defined
as in Figure 17.12; the rise time and overshoot are approximately related to the values of c and PM in the
corresponding Bode plot (Figure 18.6) as shown. The closed-loop Bode plot illustrates good tracking at low
frequencies (that is, |T (i )| 1 and T (i ) 0) and good disturbance rejection at high frequencies (that is,
|T (i )| 1). Peaks of the gain curve of the closed-loop system, if present, occur at the resonant frequencies
r,i , at which the gain is given by the resonant peaks Mr,i . The frequency at which the closed-loop gain falls
below a value of 0.7, and thus the output ceases to track the reference input faithfully, is the bandwidth, BW .
The figures on pages 541 and 542 typify how classical tools are used in concert for targeted (see Guideline
18.1) feedback control design: a stabilizing controller is first found with the aid of a root locus (Figure 18.5)
if G(s) is known, or with the aid of a Nyquist plot (Figure 18.7) if G(s) is unknown; the controller is then
tuned as a function of frequency (a process known as loop shaping) using a Bode plot (Figure 18.6); finally,
the closed-loop performance is checked by examining the rise time, settling time, and overshoot of the step
response, and the tracking accuracy, resonant peaks, and bandwidth in the closed-loop Bode plot. Note that
such a design process is often iterative.

Algorithm 18.3: Code for drawing a Nyquist plot.

f u n c t i o n N y q u i s t ( num , den , g )
% Draw t h e N y q u i s t p l o t ( i . e . , a Bode p l o t i n p o l a r c o o r d i n a t e s ) o f G( s ) =num ( s ) / den ( s ) .
% The d e r i v e d t y p e g g r o u p s t o g e t h e r c o n v e n i e n t p l o t t i n g p a r a m e t e r s : g . omega i s t h e s e t o f
% f r e q u e n c i e s used , g . s t y l e i s t h e l i n e s t y l e , { g . f i g s , g . f i g L } a r e t h e f i g u r e numbers , and ,
% in th e s plane , g . eps i s th e ( small ) r a d i u s of th e half c i r c l e s to th e r i g h t of each
% p o l e on t h e i m a g i n a r y a x i s , and g . R i s t h e ( l a r g e ) r a d i u s o f t h e D c o n t o u r .
% P r a c t i c a l r eco m m en d a t i o n : do n o t make g . e p s t o o s m a l l , o r g . R t o o b ig , u n t i l you s e e
% where t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c u r v e s a r e i n b o t h t h e s p l a n e and t h e L p l a n e !
L= P o l y V a l ( num , 0 ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , 0 ) ; P= R o o ts ( den ) ; Z= R o o ts ( num ) ; t o l = . 0 0 0 1 ;
f i g u r e ( g . f i g s ) , c l f , p l o t ( r e a l ( P ) , imag ( P ) , kx ) , h o ld on , p l o t ( r e a l ( Z ) , imag ( Z ) , ko )
f i g u r e ( g . f i g L ) , c l f , p l o t ( 1 , 0 , k+ ) ,
h o ld on , p l o t ( r e a l ( L ) , imag ( L ) , bo )
% F i r s t , f i n d and s o r t t h e p o l e s o f D( s ) G( s ) on t h e i m a g i n a r y a x i s .
k = 0 ; f o r j = 1 : l e n g t h ( P ) ; i f abs ( r e a l ( P ( j ))) < t o l , k=k + 1 ; i P ( k , 1 ) = imag ( P ( j ) ) ; end , end
i P = Q u i c k S o r t ( iP , 0 , k ) ; i P u ( 1 ) = i P ( 1 ) ; k = 1 ;
f o r j = 2 : l e n g t h ( i P ) ; i f abs ( i P ( j ) i P u ( k )) > t o l , k=k + 1 ; i P u ( k ) = i P ( j ) ; end , end
% Draw s m a l l h a l f c i r c l e s i n t h e sp l a n e t o t h e r i g h t o f e a c h p o l e on t h e i m a g i n a r y a x i s .
f o r j = 1 : k , w= i i P u ( j ) + g . ep s exp ( i [ p i / 2 : p i / 5 0 : p i / 2 ] ) ;
i f s i g n ( i P u ( j )) <0 , sym= r ; e l s e , sym= r ; end , L= P o l y V a l ( num , w ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , w ) ;
f i g u r e ( g . f i g s ) , p l o t ( r e a l (w) , imag (w) , sym ) , f i g u r e ( g . f i g L ) , p l o t ( r e a l ( L ) , imag ( L ) , sym )
% Next , draw t h e ( l a r g e ) D c o n t o u r i n t h e sp l a n e .
w=g . R exp ( i [ p i / 2 : p i / 5 0 : p i / 2 ] ) ; L= P o l y V a l ( num , w ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , w ) ; sym= k . ;
f i g u r e ( g . f i g s ) , p l o t ( r e a l (w) , imag (w) , sym ) , f i g u r e ( g . f i g L ) , p l o t ( r e a l ( L ) , imag ( L ) , sym )
% F i n a l l y , draw t h e l i n e g o i n g up t h e i m a g i n a r y a x i s i n t h e sp l a n e ( i n s e v e r a l s e g m e n t s )
a (1)= g . R ; b = [ ] ;
% [ n o t e : s eg m en t j g o e s from a ( j ) t o b ( j ) ]
for j =1: c e i l ( k / 2 ) ,
b =[ b i P u ( j )g . ep s ] ; a =[ a i P u ( j ) + g . ep s ] ; end
i f f l o o r ( k / 2 ) = = c e i l ( k / 2 ) , b =[ b 1e 1 2 ] ;
a =[ a 1 e 1 2 ] ;
for j = c e i l ( k /2)+1: k ,
b =[ b i P u ( j )g . ep s ] ; a =[ a i P u ( j ) + g . ep s ] ; end , b =[ b g . R ] ;
f o r j = 1 : l e n g t h ( a ) , w= i l o g s p a c e ( l o g 1 0 ( abs ( a ( j ) ) ) , l o g 1 0 ( abs ( b ( j ) ) ) , 1 0 0 0 ) ;
i f s i g n ( b ( j )) <1 , w=w; sym= b ; e l s e , sym= b ; end , L= P o l y V a l ( num , w ) . / P o l y V a l ( den , w ) ;
f i g u r e ( g . f i g s ) , p l o t ( r e a l (w) , imag (w) , sym ) , f i g u r e ( g . f i g L ) , p l o t ( r e a l ( L ) , imag ( L ) , sym )
end % f u n c t i o n N y q u i s t

18.2.3 The Nyquist plot

As illustrated in Figure 18.7, a Nyquist plot is just an (open-loop) Bode plot drawn in polar coordinates.
Defining L(s) = G(s) D(s), the Nyquist contour is a curve in the L-plane comprised of points with modulus
|L(s)| and phase L(s), drawn for s = i with the parameter varying from to 0 to (see Algorithm
18.3). Note that the PM and GM indicated in the Bode plot in Figure 18.6 are both readily identified in the
Nyquist plot in Figure 18.7. A third measure apparent in the Nyquist plot, the vector margin (VM), quantifies
the minimum distance on the Bode plot (in polar coordinates), over all , to the critical response condition
indicating marginal stability of the closed-loop system, L(i ) = 1, via a modification of both the gain and
the phase of the of the open-loop system L(s).
The Nyquist stability criterion
Though it is easy to look at a root locus and discern whether or not a closed-loop system is stable [by ensuring
all of the closed-loop poles are in the LHP], it is sometimes valuable8 to discern whether or not a closed-loop
system is stable by looking at the corresponding Nyquist plot9 . A straightforward method for doing this
follows from Cauchys argument principle, Fact B.1, a review of which is advised before continuing.
8 Specifically,
9 It

when the frequency response (that is, the Bode plot) of the open-loop system is available, but a system model is not.
is often difficult to discern stability from a Bode plot though, as shown below, it is simple to discern stability from a Nyquist plot.




Note: Nyquist contour

given by the limit
as 0 and R .





Figure 18.9: (a) Approximating contour s of the Nyquist contour in the s-plane, and (b) the corresponding
contour L in the L-plane [for L(s) = G(s) D(s) defined as in Figures 18.5a through 18.8]. The actual Nyquist
contour is found by taking the limit as R and 0 of these approximating contours.
From Cauchys argument principle (Fact B.1), it is a small step to the following important result.
Fact 18.5 (Nyquist stability criterion) Define the Nyquist contour s as a D-shaped contour of radius R
in the RHP of the s-plane as illustrated in Figure 18.9a (see also Figure 18.22), where a half circle of radius
is taken into the RHP around every open-loop pole on the imaginary axis, in the limit that R and 0.
Define also the corresponing contour L in the L-plane by applying the transform L(s) = G(s) D(s) to all
points s on the contour s in the s-plane (see, e.g., Figure 18.9b). It follows that:
a. If the number of poles of L(s) with positive real part is 0, then the closed-loop system T (s) = L(s)/[1 + L(s)]
is stable if and only if the contour L in the L-plane does not encicle the L = 1 point10.
b. If the number of poles of L(s) with positive real part is P, then the closed-loop system T (s) = L(s)/[1+L(s)]
is stable if and only if the contour L in the L-plane encicles the L = 1 point counterclockwise P times.
Proof : As noted in (18.4), denoting the open-loop system L(s) = G(s) D(s), the poles of the closed-loop
system T (s) = L(s)/[1 + L(s)] are exactly the zeros of F(s) = 1 + L(s); thus, if T (s) has Z RHP poles, then
F(s) will have Z RHP zeros. Now assume that L(s) has P RHP poles; since F(s) = 1 + L(s), F(s) has P
RHP poles as well. By design, as illustrated in Figure 18.9a, the Nyquist contour (that is, s in the limit that
R and 0) encloses the entire right half plane of s. It thus follows by Cauchys argument principle
(Fact B.1) that the contour F in the F-plane makes (Z P) clockwise encirclements of the origin, and thus
(since L(s) = F(s) 1), L in the L-plane makes (Z P) clockwise encirclements of the point L = 1. Thus,
if Z = 0 (that is, if T (s) is stable), then the contour L in the L-plane makes exactly P counterclockwise
encirclements of the point L = 1; if Z > 0 (that is, if T (s) is unstable), then the contour L in the L-plane
makes less than P counterclockwise encirclements of the point L = 1.

Note that the Nyquist contour L and associated stability criterion (Fact 18.5) depend directly on the
expression L(s) = G(s) D(s); this is particularly convenient, because a rational factored form of L(s) follows
immediately from those of G(s) and D(s). In contrast, a formulation in terms of T (s) (like the root locus)
or in terms of F(s) is at times less convenient, because a rational factored form for these expressions is not
as easy to determine by hand. Note also that the contour s must take a curve of radius into the RHP to
10 In the common case depicted in Figure 18.9, one might say that the closed-loop system is unstable if the Pac-Man engulfs the dot
at L = 1. Note also that, mapping each plane onto its respective Riemann sphere (see Figure B.2), the contour near the south pole in s
maps to the contour near the north pole in L, and the contour near the north pole in s maps to a contour near the south pole in L.










































(s1)(s+10) :

Figure 18.10: Classical control analysis for G(s) =

(a) Root locus plot of G(s) D(s) with proportional control D(s) = K applied with closed-loop poles for D(s) = 20 marked, (b) Bode plot of G(s), (c)
Nyquist plot of L(s) = G(s) D(s) for D(s) = 1, (d) Nyquist plot of G(s) D(s) for D(s) = 20.
avoid every pole of the open-loop system L(s) which happens to lie on the imaginary axis, as indicated in the
vicinity of the origin for the case depicted in Figure 18.9.
By part (a) of the Nyquist stability criterion, Figure 18.9b indicates stability of the closed-loop system
for the controller gain K used, as the open-loop system L(s) = G(s) D(s) has no RHP poles and the Nyquist
contour does not encircle L = 1. A detail view illustrating this Nyquist contour near the origin is given in
Figure 18.7; note that if the gain is increased by a factor larger than the GM, then the Nyquist contour would
encircle the L = 1 point, in which case part (a) of the Nyquist stability criterion would indicate instability of
the closed-loop system. This is consistent with the corresponding root locus in Figure 18.5a, which indicates
closed-loop stability for small gain and closed-loop instability (2 poles in the RHP) for sufficiently large gain.
A case in which the open-loop system L(s) = G(s) D(s) has one RHP pole is indicated in Figure 18.10.
Note that, in this case, the root locus (Figure 18.10a) indicates closed-loop instability (1 pole in the RHP)
for small gain and closed-loop stability for sufficiently large gain. Transforming the Bode plot of G(s) (see
Figure 18.10b) into polar coordinates to get the Nyquist plot for D(s) = 1 (see Figure 18.10c), it is seen that the
Nyquist contour in this case does not encircle the 1 point, which by part (b) of the Nyquist stability criterion
indicates instability of the closed-loop system. On the other hand, plotting the Nyquist plot for D(s) = 20 (see
Figure 18.10d), it is seen that the Nyquist contour in this case encircles the origin counterclockwise exactly
once, which by part (b) of the Nyquist stability criterion indicates stability of the closed-loop system. Thus,
the conclusions drawn from the root locus and the Nyquest stability criterion are again consistent.

type impulse step ramp parabolic cubic




Table 18.1: Steady-state error, limt e(t), of a closed-loop system as a function of the type r, where
G(s) D(s) = b(s)/[sr a0 (s)] with [a0 (s)]s=0 6= 0 and [b(s)]s=0 6= 0.

18.2.4 Final checks: the closed-loop step response and the closed-loop Bode plot
Once a controller is designed using the classical (that is, root-locus or Nyquist, and Bode) control design
tools, final checks on its behavior may be performed by plotting the closed-loop systems step response (see
Figure 18.8a) using Algorithm 17.1, and by plotting the closed-loop Bode plot (see Figure 18.8b) using
Algorithm 17.4 applied to T (s) = G(s) D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)]. The former indicates directly if the rise time,
settling time, and overshoot constraints on the closed-loop system were indeed met, whereas the latter reveals
the frequencies at which the closed-loop system accurately tracks the reference input (as well as the precision
of this tracking), the peak magnitude of any resonances (that is, amplified response of the closed-loop system
at certain frequencies; see, e.g., Exercises 17.6 and 18.2), and the bandwidth frequency BW above which
the gain of the closed-loop system rolls off and the system output no longer tracks the reference input. Based
on these final checks, some final tweaking of the control design is sometimes required. System type and loop prefactors
Returning to Figure 18.1a, note that we may write
E(s) = R(s) Y (s) = R(s) G(s) D(s)E(s)

1 + G(s) D(s)

Now assume that the controller D(s) is chosen, based on the plant G(s), such that the closed-loop system is
stable, and further assume that we can write G(s) D(s) = b(s)/[sr a0 (s)], where [a0 (s)]s=0 6= 0 and [b(s)]s=0 6=
0, for some value of r (referred to as the type of the open-loop system), and thus
E(s) =

sr a0 (s)
sr a0 (s) + b(s)


Noting the CT final value theorem (Fact 17.4), we may write the steady state error limt e(t) = lims0 sE(s).
Considering impulse, step, ramp, parabolic, and cubic reference inputs11, we may easily compute the behavior
of the steady-state error as a function of type using (18.16), as listed in Table 18.1.
Focusing specifically on the case with unit step input (i.e., for R(s) = 1/s), you might notice in certain
situations that, though you have designed a stabilizing controller D(s) for a given plant G(s), the step response
y(t) of the closed-loop system T (s) does not approach unity as t . By the above paragraph, if the system
G(s) is not accurately known, the change required to fix this problem is to build a sufficient number of
integrators into D(s) to make the open-loop system G(s) D(s) type 1 [that is, |G(i )D(i )| as 0 in
the Bode plot] and thus, by the CT final value theorem,
G(s) D(s)
= 1,
s0 1 + G(s) D(s)

lim y(t) = lim sY (s) = lim sT (s)U(s) = lim T (s) = lim




regardless of any uncertainty in the overall gain or phase of G(s).

11 That

is, r(t) = (t), h1 (t), t h1 (t), t 2 h1 (t), and t 3 h1 (t), with Laplace transforms R(s) = 1, 1/s, 1/s2 , 2/s3 , and 6/s4 , respectively.


rs (t) + e(t)





Figure 18.11: Introduction of a loop prefactor P [see (18.17)] to correct for a closed-loop with nonzero
steady-state error in its unit step response [due to G(i ) D(i ) being finite as 0 ].
If, on the other hand, |G(i )D(i )| is finite as 0 and (importantly) the model of G(s) is known to
be relatively accurate at low frequencies, then simply selecting a prefactor

1 + G(s) D(s)

T (s) s=0
G(s) D(s) s=0


and incorporating as in Figure 18.11 fixes the problem, bringing the step response back to y(t) 1 as t .

18.2.5 Extending the root locus, Bode, and Nyquist tools to DT systems
As suggested by (17.69), when plotting frequency response (i.e., a Bode or Nyquist plot) in discrete time,
one simply uses z = ei h in lieu of s = i . Algorithm 17.4 thus easily generates a DT Bode plot when
called appropriately (see its associated test code for an example). A code for generating a DT Nyquist plot is
considered in Exercise 18.3. Figures 18.12a-b give examples of both.
Further, as rational functions of s and z combine via identical rules when closing a feedback loop, a root
locus in z for a DT system may be drawn with exactly the same code as is used to draw a root locus in s for
a CT system. It is only the target region, specified by the approximate design guides, that changes (recall the
mapping of the curves in Figure 17.13 into the z-plane, as indicated in Figure 17.15b).
































Figure 18.12: (a) Bode and (b) Nyquist plots of (solid) the DT system G(z) given (see by the cascade of a DAC with a ZOH, the system G(s) analyzed in Figures 18.5a through 18.9, and an ADC, with h = 1.
The highest frequency that can be represented uniquely in discrete time (see 5.4.2) is the Nyquist frequency
Nyquist = /h, indicated by the vertical dashed line in the Bode plot. The Bode plot of the corresponding CT
system G(s), (dot-dashed), is shown for comparison; as motivated by Figure 18.33, the effect of an h/2 delay
on the phase of this CT Bode plot [see (18.32)] is also illustrated (dashed), and accounts for the bulk of the
discrepancy between the Bode plots of G(s) and G(z).



























Figure 18.13: (a) Bode plot of the PID controller DPID (s) given in (18.18) with K p = 1, TI = 10, and TD = 0.01.
(b) Roll-off applied at low and high frequencies of the PID, applying the integral and derivative actions over
only finite ranges of frequencies; this roll-off, which is built in (at prespecified frequencies) in commercial
black-box PID controllers, can be adjusted precisely using the lead/lag techniques presented in 18.3.2.

18.3 Primary techniques used for classical control design

As exemplified in Figures 18.518.8, the process of classical (i.e., transform-based) control design includes
identifying an appropriate family of stabilizing controllers using root locus or Nyquist plotting tools,
tuning the control design via the (open-loop) Bode plot, a process known as loop shaping, and
checking the resulting closed-loop performance via the step response and closed-loop Bode plot.

There are a number of prototype linear control designs that may be cascaded and tuned using these tools in
order to implement Guideline 18.1. We now introduce, in continuous time, a few of the most common.

18.3.1 PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers

The simple PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is by far the most common controller implemented in industry. It is the ultimate black box controller, and is characterized by three simple knobs:
aaa a constant of proportionality K p (the gain of the controller at intermediate frequencies),
aaa a time constant TI for the integral term (below which the gain of the controller rises 1/ ), and
aaa a time constant TD for the derivative term (above which the gain of the controller rises ).
The ideal PID controller may be written in transfer function form, for finite TI and TD , as

s2 + s/TD + 1/(TI TD )
(s + z+ )(s + z )
+ TD s = K p TD
DPID (s) = K p 1 +
TI s
where, usually, TI > TD . Note that K = K p TD and, if TI TD , it follows that

z = 1 1 4TD/TI /(2TD ) 1 (1 2TD/TI ) /(2TD ) = 1/TI , 1/TD .


The Bode plot of an ideal PID controller DPID (s) is given in Figure 18.13a.
The reader is strongly encouraged to understand the impact of PID control on the closed-loop system of
interest by examining the effect of the three knobs {K p , TI , TD } on the Bode plot [that is, on the magnitude
and phase of G(i )D(i ) as a function of frequency ], in order to construct a controller of this class that
just meets the performance specification on the closed-loop system (and, thus, only minimally compromises
robustness; see Guideline 18.1). Noting (18.18), taking TI and TD 0 reduces the PID controller to the

r(t) + e(t)


us (t)




Figure 18.14: Schematic representation of the saturation nonlinearity caused by an actuator being driven to
its limits. In this simple representation, the actuator response is modeled to be linear between the limits, but
the control signal u(t) is clipped to the min or max values outside these limits. Actuator saturation of this sort
can cause integrator windup when PID control is applied, with potentially harmful consequences.
proportional (P) controller considered throughout 18.2; taking TI or TD 0 alone reduces PID to PD
or PI, respectively. Now recall the typical Bode design constraints on G(i )D(i ) depicted in Figure 18.6,
and consider again the Bode plot of DPID (s) in Figure 18.13a. Introducing the derivative term by dialing TD
up (from zero), so that D = 1/TD is in the vicinity of the crossover frequency c , bumps up the phase at
crossover, thereby improving the PM and reducing the overshoot of the closed-loop system. Introducing the
integral term by dialing TI down (from infinity), so that I = 1/TI is up to an order of magnitude below
the crossover frequency c , bumps up the low-frequency gain of the open-loop system without diminishing
substantially the phase at the crossover frequency, thereby improving the tracking of the closed-loop system.
Note from (18.18) that the PID controller is governed by the differential equation

= Kp 1 +
+ TD s
TI s


1 T
e(t) dt + TD
u(t) = K p e(t) +
TI 0


Given the prevalence of PID control in industry, it is important to identify the two primary and potentially
catastrophic effects that simple PID control of this form can introduce in practice.
The first problem, associated with the derivative term of the PID, is its inherent amplification of highfrequency noise. Note on page 529 that the control sensitivity is U(s)/V (s) = D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s)]. Even
if the plant is characterized by a G(s) 1/s2 dependence at high frequencies (many are), a controller with a
D(s) s dependence is problematical if the noise v(t) has substantial high frequency components (it usually
does), as such a controller amplifies this noise and sends this amplified high frequency garbage in the control
signal u(t) to the actuators, which then waste energy doing unnecessary work, or simply burn out.
The second issue (which is sometimes a problem), associated with the integral term of the PID, is integrator windup in the presence of actuator saturation (see Figure 18.14). Linear control theory is often found
to be effective even on systems which are only mostly linear. A nonlinearity that sometimes arises when
applying control to physical systems is actuator saturation; that is, actuators used to apply a desired control
input u(t) to a physical system typically provide an actual control input us (t) to the physical system (a force,
torque, displacement, velocity, etc.) that varies between two bounds. In such a situation, proportional controllers usually suffer only a slight performance loss, exhibiting, effectively, reduced values of K = us (t)/e(t)
when the actuator is saturated. However, a controller with an integrator accumulating a (potentially, nonzero)
e(t) causes u(t) to grow linearly (over, potentially, a long period of time), while the saturated value of us (t)
applied to the plant remains at its bound. This is generally not a problem until the controller needs to again
reduce the control input applied to the plant. With u(t) possibly driven to high values (that is, wound up),
it can possibly take a correspondingly long time for u(t) to decrease to the point that the actual control applied to the plant, us (t), finally decreases. This delayed responsiveness of the actuation can lead quickly to
closed-loop instability.
Considered in terms of the frequency response of the PID controller (see Figure 18.13a), the first problem
is associated with the derivative part growing without bound as is increased, whereas the second issue is
associated with the integral part growing without bound as is decreased. The cure to both is to roll off the
magnitude of the controller response at both ends of the spectrum, as illustrated in Figure 18.13b. In fact,
black box PID controllers implement such roll-off at both ends of the spectrum in order to alleviate the two

issues discussed above; however, they dont give the control designer the ability to specify the break points at
which such roll-off sets in, or the degree of roll-off applied. The lead and lag controllers discussed in 18.3.2,
together with the low-pass filtering discussed in 18.3.3, provide precisely this capability. That is:
Guideline 18.2 Lead and lag controllers are the responsible way to apply derivative and integral control
actions, respectively, over finite ranges of frequencies, thus enabling the implementation of Guideline 18.1.
There is thus actually no compelling reason to use the restrictive PID control paradigm once the more flexible
lead and lag controllers are well understood; however, due to their prevalence in industry, is is perhaps prudent
to discuss the tuning of PID controllers a bit further below in order to familiarize the reader. Ad hoc PID tuning
PID controllers may be tuned to be effective on a variety of simple plants; indeed, in spite of the two problems
mentioned above, they are so simple and intuitive that many controls engineers hesitate to use anything else.
PID controllers are sometimes tuned to achieve essentially the highest rise time possible given the parameters
of the plant and the form of the PID controller while respecting the design constraints on the overshoot
and tracking. While there is not a unique way of achiving this trade-off, one commonly used strategy is to
first apply proportional feedback D(s) = K to the system G(s) of interest and then dial up the gain until
a critical value K = Ku is reached at which the system oscillates at constant amplitude, with a frequency
which we denote u = 1/Tu . Knowledge of Ku and Tu is, in many cases, enough to tune an effective PID
control stratetegy, which may be accomplished by setting K p = Ku , TI = Tu , and TD = Tu , for appropriate
values of the parameters { , , }. Various values for { , , } have been suggested in the literature; a few
of the most popular are: Ziegler-Nichols P, {0.5, , 0}; Ziegler-Nichols PI, {0.45, 0.83, 0}; Ziegler-Nichols
PID, {0.6, 0.5, 0.125}; Pessen PID, {0.7, 0.4, 0.15}; Tyreus-Luyben PI, {0.31, 2.2, 0}; Tyreus-Luyben PID,
{0.45, 2.2, 0.16}. All of these suggestions are nothing more than rules of thumb that were found to be effective
on the particular problems that were of interest to the authors proposing them. An example of the effect they
have in application is discussed below and considered further in Exercise 18.4.
Example 18.1 Control of a first-order system with a delay (cruise control of an automobile) with PID
As derived in Example 17.8, the linearized equations of motion of an automobile at cruise, neglecting the
disturbance w(t), may be written

v (t) = u (t d);
dt m
note that the model accounts for a slight delay d between the actuation of the throttle and its effect on the
force applied to accelerate the vehicle. Noting (17.48), we may write the transfer function of the vehicle as
V (s)
C 1 (ds)/2 + (ds)2/12
= G(s) = C

U (s)
s + a s + a 1 + (ds)/2 + (ds)2/12


For the vehicle considered in Example 17.8 cruising at v = 34 m/s = 76 mph, the constants in this transfer
function are C = 6.58 104, a = 39.3, and d = 0.04; we use these values below.
The root locus of this system with proportional feedback applied is given in Figure 18.15a. Due to the
delay12, proportional feedback drives the system unstable at some critical gain K = Ku ; the ad hoc tuning
strategies above suggest how one can simply back off from this critical value of K a bit, then dial in some
derivative compensation to improve the phase lead at crossover and some integral compensation to improve
12 In fact, as can readily be identified by the RHP zeros in any Pad
e approximation of a delay [see (17.48)], it is true in general that
any system with a delay will be destabilized by sufficiently high gain feedback, as exemplified in Figure 18.15a. As system delays often
go unmodeled, this is yet another motivation for Guideline 18.1.




TD 0












TD = 0.01





















rs (t) + e(t)














Figure 18.15: Application of P and PD control to the cruise control problem (18.21). (a) Root locus with
respect to K when P control is applied. (b) Root locus with respect to K p when PD control is applied, taking
TD = 0.01. (c) Bode plot and (d) step response in the (solid) P and (dashed) PD cases, with gains as marked in
(a) and (b). In both cases, a loop prefactor P [see inset in (d), and (18.17)] has been used in order to achieve
a zero steady-state error in the step response, assuming G(s) has been modeled accurately.

the low-frequency tracking. A controller designed using such rules is by its nature aggressive, as the K is
selected to give a rise time that is essentially as fast as possible given the modeled value of the delay d.
Such an approach contradicts Guideline 18.1, and is sensitive to a variety of unmodeled effects, especially
additional delays; a less aggressive approach to control design is thus generally preferred.
Figure 18.15 illustrates the effects of P and PD control applied to the automobile cruise control problem
(18.21) with the delay approximated by its n = 2 Pade approximation (for refinement of this approximation,
see Exercises 18.5 and 18.6). Note that adding bit of derivative compensation to the proportional controller
bumps up the phase at high frequencies, thus facilitating a slightly faster rise time for the same overshoot (as
shown) or, alternatively, a slightly reduced overshoot for the same rise time. The low-frequency gain in both
systems depicted in Figure 18.15c is finite (in fact, less than one); in order to achieve a zero steady-state error
in the step response, a loop prefactor is used [see inset in Figure 18.15d], assuming G(s) is modeled accurately



TI = 0.1
TD = 0.005












TI = 0.02
TD = 0.005




















r(t) + e(t)


















Figure 18.16: Application of PID control to the cruise control problem (18.21), taking TD = 0.005. (a) Root
locus with respect to K p , taking TI = 0.1. (b) Root locus with respect to K p , taking TI = 0.02. (c) Bode plot
and (d) step response taking (solid) TI = 0.1 and (dashed) TI = 0.02, with gains as marked in (a) and (b). In
both cases, the integral component of the controller D(s) ensures a zero steady-state error in the step response
even in the presence of significant uncertainty in the modeling of G(s).

so that the appropriate value of P can be computed. If instead there were significant modeling uncertainty
(e.g., variable road grade), it would be beneficial to add integral compensation (or at least some significant
lag compensation) to increase the open-loop low-frequency gain, G(i ) D(i ) for small , and thus reduce
the steady-state error even in the presence of such modeling error, as illustrated in Figure 18.16; note that
applying such integral compensation slows down the response time as compared with that achievable when
using a loop prefactor to scale the step response (Figure 18.15). Finally, note that performance is not just
about rise time, settling time, and overshoot, but there is also a less tangible question of the response quality;
a cruise control with the solid response curve depicted in Figure 18.16d would lead to a very uncomfortable
ride. Design engineers who tune the values of {K p , TI , TD } in the various PID loops in automobiles are thus
to a large degree responsible for establishing the feel of a vehicle.

The transfer function G(s) in (18.21) is a good starting point for modeling many systems of unknown
structure. This model has three parameters, {C, d, a}, that can be tuned to match three critical features of a
system that may be determined
experimentally: the low-frequency gain C0 = C/a (including its sign), and
both the gain Cc = C/ c2 + a2 and the phase c = d atan (c /a) of this system at a desired crossover
frequency c . If the system being modeled is open-loop stable (and, thus, a > 0), the values of {C0 ,Cc , c }
of the open-loop system may be measured directly, from which the model parameters {C, d, a} may be determined immediately. If the system being modeled is unstable (that is, a < 0 in the model), appropriate model
parameters {C, d, a} may often be determined by applying stabilizing proportional feedback D(s) = K and
measuring the lower and upper bounds (Kl and Ku , respectively) on the gain K for closed-loop stability, in
addition to the frequency of oscillation, u = 1/Tu , at K = Ku (for details, see Exercise 18.7).

18.3.2 Lead, lag, and notch controllers

As illustrated in Figure 18.17, lead and lag controllers provide the responsible way of adding, respectively,
derivative and integral control effects (see Figure 18.13) over targeted ranges of frequencies; as with the
derivative and integral components of a PID, lead and lag are often used together; their cascade (see Figure
18.13b) is often referred to as a lead-lag controller. An alternative to lead control for oscillatory open-loop
systems which are accurately modeled, called a notch controller, puts two complex controller zeros near
the two oscillatory poles of the plant (in a sense, knocking out the oscillatory plant dynamics), replacing
these two oscillatory poles with two stable poles on the negative real axis, far enough to the left to achieve a
sufficiently fast settling time. The lead and lag controllers are so named because of the phase lead and phase
lag which they provide (see Figures 18.17a-b); the notch controller is so named because of the shape of its
gain response as a function of frequency (see Figure 18.17c).
The effective tuning of lead, lag, and notch controllers may all be understood, initially, by considering
their effects on the root loci of the appropriate systems. However, all three of these controllers are more
precisely tuned by considering the corresponding Bode plots. The methodology of tuning lead, lag, and notch
controllers is best explained by considering the following examples.
Example 18.2 Control of a first-order system with a delay, revisited using lead-lag control
We now revisit the PID controller design for the first-order system with a delay (a cruise control of an automobile) as developed in Example 18.1. The final PID control design achieved there is of the form given in
(18.18) with TI = 0.02, TD = 0.005, and K p = 1.2 104, and thus

(s + 100)2
DPID (s) = K p 1 +
+ TD s = 60
TI s


The closed-loop performance of the system considered with this controller applied is denoted by the dashed
curve in Figure 18.16d, and is actually quite good in many respects, with a fast rise time and settling time
(given the inherent limitations of the system imposed by the delay), low overshoot, zero steady-state error to
a step input, and a high quality step response (little oscillation). However, what is hidden in this figure is
the two problems associated with PID control discussed in 18.3.1: specifically, the amplification of highfrequency measurement noise, and integrator wind-up in the presence of actuator saturation. To alleviate both
of these problems, as suggested in 18.3.1, we can instead apply lead-lag control of the form
Dlead-lag (s) = K

s + 100 s + 100

s + 1 s + 2000


K = 60 2000 0.95.


The (low-frequency) lag controller used here has z/p = 100, the (high-frequency) lead controller has p/z =
20, and the zeros of the lead-lag controller (18.22b) are in the same locations as the corresponding PID



Dlag (s) = K
for p < z


s+ p

Dlead (s) = K
for z < p












s+ p












Dnotch (s) = K


s2 + z2
(s + p)2









Figure 18.17: Bode plots of (a) a lag controller Dlag (s) = K(s + z)/(s + p) for p < z (with K = 1, p = .01, and
z = .1), which is the responsible way of applying integral control action over a targeted range of frequencies,
(b) a lead controller Dlead (s) = K(s + z)/(s + p) for z < p (with K = p/z, z = 100 and p = 1000), which
is the responsible way of applying derivative control action over a targeted range of frequencies, and (c) a
notch controller Dnotch (s) = K(s2 + z2 )/(s + p)2 (with K = 1, z = 10 and p = 10), which provides a highperformance alternative to lead control for oscillatory plants which are accurately modeled. The cascade of
the first two of these controllers, Dlead-lag (s) = Dlag (s) Dlead (s), gives the Bode plot in Figure 18.13b. For

p/z = 10, the maximum phase lead of the lead controller, at = p z, is about 55 , with increasing values of
p/z giving increasing (up to 90 ) phase lead (see Exercise 18.8). The lag controller, on the other hand, gives
a boost in the low-frequency gain by a factor of z/p. Adjusting the lead and/or lag portions of a controller
on their own, or sometimes using a notch instead of a lead, allows one to design a controller that much more
precisely meets ones needs across all frequencies in the Bode plot than typical PID tuning allows.
controller (18.22a). As seen in Figure 18.18, the system with PID implemented and the system with leadlag implemented have nearly identical step responses, though the lead-lag controller has reduced gain at
both high frequencies and low frequencies, thereby alleviating the two key problems with PID mentioned
previously. Note that a prefactor P = 1.1 [see (18.17)] has been used in the case of the lead-lag controller;
since the lead-lag controllers finite low-frequency open-loop gain, G(i ) D(i ) for small , is relatively
large (> 10), the tracking of the system will still be quite good even in the presence of modeling errors.


































Figure 18.18: Comparison of (dashed) the best PID controller determined in Example 18.1 for the automobile
cruise control problem [see (18.22a)] with (solid) the corresponding lead-lag controller of Example 18.2 [see
(18.22b)] with z/p = 100 in the lag and p/z = 20 in the lead. (a) Bode plots, (b) step responses.
Example 18.3 Speeding up a (generic) first-order system with lag or lead control
The previous example highlighted the utility of lag compensation to boost the open-loop gain at frequencies well below the crossover frequency, thereby reducing the steady-state error of a step response. This is,
perhaps, the primary use of lag control; however, lag control isnt always used below crossover.
Consider now the generic form of a linear first-order system
h du(t)
+ ay(t) = C
+ bu(t)

Y (s)
= G(s) = C

where a and b are real, with a 6= b. If this system is controlled with proportional feedback u = K y then, by
the discussion in the first paragraph of (18.2.1), the pole of the closed-loop system is given by
(s + a)/K + C(s + b) = 0


a + KCb
1 + KC

That is, for small values of K, the pole of the closed-loop system is near the pole of the open-loop system
s = a, and for large values of K, the pole of the closed-loop system is near the zero of the open-loop
system s = b. For intermediate values of K, the pole of the closed-loop system is somewhere in-between
(on the real axis between s = a and s = b). For some systems, this is adequate to move the closed-loop
pole sufficiently far to the left to achieve the specified rise time and settling time criteria. For other systems,
however, none of these possible closed-loop pole locations is acceptable. Rather than flip the sign of the
gain and use a potentially high feedback amplitude (following the 0 root locus rules to determine a K that
achieves stability and an adequate rise time and settling time), one can instead use (positive-gain) lag or lead
control, as appropriate, and an approximate pole-zero cancellation in the LHP (see
To illustrate, if the plant zero is to the left of the plant pole and the plant zero is stable (that is, b > 0), one
may use a lag controller
with z > p b
Dlag (s) = K
s+ p
to replace the slow stable plant zero with a faster stable controller zero; tuning K sufficiently high then
provides the requisite rise time and settling time in the closed-loop system, as well as providing low steadystate error in the step response even in the presence of significant uncertainty in the modeling of G(s).




Figure 18.19: A second-order system governed by (18.23) in: (a) an unstable configuration with < 0, (b) a
neutrally-stable configuration with = 0, and (c) an oscillatory configuration with > 0.
If, on the other hand, the plant pole is to the left of the plant zero and the plant pole is stable (that is,
a > 0), one may use a lead controller
Dlead (s) = K

s+ p



to replace the slow stable plant pole with a faster stable controller pole; keeping K sufficiently low then
again provides the requisite rise time and settling time in the closed-loop system. To achieve sufficiently low
steady-state error in the step response even in the presence of significant uncertainty in the modeling of G(s),
we might need to boost up the low-frequency gain of the controller D(s) beyond that provided by the lead
controller described above; this may be accomplished via additional lag compensation, applied below the
crossover frequency, as seen in Example 18.2.
Example 18.4 Stabilizing a second-order system (a rolling cart) with lead or notch control
Consider now the problem of controlling the position of a simple rolling cart (see Figure 18.19) governed by

d 2 x  c  dx

dt 2
dt 2
m dt
= 2
where a1 = , a0 = 2 g, C = .

U(s) s + a1s + a0

Case (a): = 1, c = 0, m = 1. The plant in this case, G(s) = C/[(s + p)(s p)] with p = 2| |g, is
unstable. Lead control designed using the root locus with an approximate pole-zero cancellation in the LHP,
Dlead (s) = K (s + z)/(s + p) with p > z p and the controller pole s = p taken sufficiently far into the
LHP, stabilizes this system, as illustrated in Figure 18.20b. However, lead control designed using the Bode
plot, with the pole/zero pair [and, thus, the boost in gain caused by Dlead (s)] centered at the desired crossover

frequency as determined from the rise time specification (that is, with pz = c , as shown in Figure 18.20d),
improves the response (see Figure 18.20e) for a given value of p/z in the lead controller, even though the root
locus in this case is a bit more complicated (Figure 18.20c). Note finally that a bit of damping in the plant
(taking c > 0) changes the pole locations slightly, but leaves the control problem essentially unchanged.
Case (b): = 0, c = 0, m = 1. The plant in this case, G(s) = C/s2 , is known as a double integrator, and the
lead control strategy using the Bode plot, as described in Case (a), works effectively (see Exercise 18.10).

Case (c): = 1, c = 0, m = 1. The plant in this case, G(s) = C/[(s + ip)(s ip)] with p = 2 g, is known as
a second-order oscillator. Lead control can be designed for this system using the Bode plot as in the previous
two cases, leading to the step response illustrated in Figure 18.21. Note the increased overshoot in this case
due to the extra closed-loop pole on the negative real axis; this increased overshoot is generally the weakness
of using lead control on an oscillatory plant. The strength of this control design is that it generally works
adequately for a broad range of p; that is, the control design is robust to uncertainty in the plant parameters.
If the plant is known accurately, a notch controller Dnotch (s) = K(s2 + z2 )/(s + p)2 (see Figure 18.17)
can be used instead in case (c), approximately knocking out the neutrally-stable plant poles with nearby














































































Figure 18.20: Control of the unstable second-order system of Figure 18.19a. (a) Root locus using proportional
control. (b) Root locus using lead control designed for simple pole/zero cancellation. (c) Root locus using
lead control designed (using the Bode plot) for maximum performance. (d) Bode plot and (e) step response
using (dot-dashed) proportional control, (dashed) lead control designed (using root locus) for simple pole/zero
cancellation, taking p/z = 10, and (solid) lead control designed for maximum PM given p/z = 10 (by taking

p z = c ), with gains as marked in (a), (b), and (c).

controller zeros, and supplanting these oscillatory poles with a pair of stable controller poles sufficiently far
into the LHP to achieve the desired rise time and settling time, as illustrated in Figure 18.22. The strength of
this control design is its performance: the closed-loop system in this case doesnt suffer from the increased
overshoot experienced when using lead control. The weakness of this control design is that it is sensitive to
uncertainty in the plant parameters. Recall that cancellation of plant poles/zeros with controller zeros/poles
must always be considered as approximate, as plant parameters are never known precisely. If a pole/zero cancellation is well into the LHP, the fact that the cancellation is only approximate isnt a problem, as discussed
in However, if the approximate pole/zero cancellation is on the imaginary axis, then it is critical
that the controller zero be placed on the appropriate side of the plant pole, so that the small branch of the
root locus that results from the inexact nature of the cancellation swings into the LHP instead of the RHP. In
other words, the controller zero should not be put at the expected value of the plant pole, but must instead
be put, conservatively, on the appropriate side of the expected range of where the plant pole might lie. The
smaller this range is (that is, the more certain you are about the plant parameters), the better the performance
that can be obtained, as this cancellation can be made more precise without risking instability. If the range is
too large, the more robust lead controller should be used instead.










































Figure 18.21: Control of the oscillatory second-order system of Figure 18.19c using proportional control and
lead control. (a) Root locus using proportional control. (b) Root locus using lead control. (c) Step response,
(d) open-loop Bode plot, and (e) closed-loop Bode plot using (solid) proportional control and (dashed) lead
control taking p/z = 10, with gains as marked in (a) and (b). Note the peaks in the open-loop and (in the
case of proportional control) closed-loop Bode plots due to the open-loop and (in the case of proportional
control) closed-loop poles on the imaginary axis. Unfortunately, when using lead control in this case, there is
significant overshoot in the step response due to the third pole on the negative real axis.

18.3.3 Sensor dynamics, and noise suppression via low-pass and notch filtering
All sensors have associated with them some level of noise, the intensity of which generally varies as a function
of frequency. This noise intensity often does not diminish very quickly with increasing frequency13, though
the strength of the signal of interest usually does; thus, sensors ultimately become essentially useless at
high frequencies, and feedback applied at such high frequencies is counterproductive. The typical Bode plot
depicted in Figure 18.6 therefore has the important constraint of reduced open-loop gain at high frequencies.
To suppress the high-frequency gain, a low-pass filter (see 17.5.2) is sometimes necessary. Recall the
Bode plots of the simple first-order and second-order low-pass filters given in Figure 17.17, and of the higherorder Butterworth and Bessel filters given in Figure 17.19. Unfortunately, such filters generally bring with
them significant phase delay, even well below the cutoff frequency, as indicated in these Bode plots. Recall
also that one generally designs a feedback system with a certain minimum phase at the crossover frequency,
given by 180+ PM where, as suggested by (18.15), PM 100, and is the desired damping selected
13 In many sensors (e.g., thermocouples) the noise intensity can actually be well approximated as white (that is, with intensity nearly
constant across a broad range of frequencies, like that of white light; for further discussion, see 5.3.1).








z> p































(e) z > p




(f) z < p




Note: Nyquist contour given

in limit as 0 and R





Figure 18.22: Control of the oscillatory second-order system of Figure 18.19c using notch control for two
possible values for the controller zeros. (a) Root locus. (b) Bode plot and (c) step response taking (solid) z < p
and (dashed) z > p, with gains as marked in (a). The inexact cancellation of the plant pole p by the controller
zero z leads to a stable closed-loop system if z < p, and instability if z > p. This is seen in the root locus
very near the imaginary axis (see insets); it is see in the step response only by looking over a long period of
time, as the (initially, small) oscillations grow or decay slowly. It is difficult to determine stability from the
Bode plot. Designing an appropriate Nyquist contour in the s plane, (d), and mapping via L(s) = G(s) D(s) to
obtain the corresponding Nyquist plots [see (e) for z > p, and (f) for z < p], it is seen in (e) that the contour
encircles the L = 1 point twice when z > p, thus [by Fact 18.5] indicating two unstable closed-loop poles,
whereas in (f) the contour does not encircle the L = 1 point when z < p, indicating a stable closed loop.

r(t) +


y (t)


physical system

y (t)




Figure 18.23: Closed-loop system with a sensor dynamics block S(s) and a filter block F(s) in the return
portion of the feedback loop, where y(t) denotes the actual measurement, y (t) denotes the ideal measurement (that is, the quantity of interest), and y (t) denotes the filtered measurement. The closed-loop transfer
function is T (s) = Y (s)/R(s) = G(s) D(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s) F (s) S(s)], whereas the sensitivity [of y (t) to the
measurement noise v(t)] is Y (s)/V (s) = G(s) D(s) F(s) S(s)/[1 + G(s) D(s) F (s) S(s)]. A low-pass filter F(s)
[with |F(i )| 0 as ] in the return portion of the feedback loop reduces the sensitivity of the quantity
of interest y (t) to the high-frequency components of the measurement noise v(t), but not to the high-frequency
components of the reference input r(t). Similarly, a notch filter F(s) (see Figure 18.17c) reduces the response
of the system to a dominant frequency in the spectrum of the measurement noise w(t).
to meet the overshoot specification, as suggested by (17.57). If a low-pass filter is used with cutoff frequency
within an order of magnitude or so of the crossover frequency of the system, this phase loss should be
accounted for during the controller design.
Thus, the selection and tuning of a low-pass filter to suppress the response of a system to the highfrequency noise picked up by the sensors is nontrivial, and reflects a compromise between the loss of phase
and the rate of roll-off of the gain near the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. Many sensors already
have low-pass filters built in, or superciliously added by the experimentalist constructing the sensor. As the
responsible controls engineer, if one is designing for maximum performance, it is useful to identify exactly
what kind of filter is already implemented in such settings, so the phase loss associated with this filter at
crossover can be accounted for during the controller design.
Some sensors have inherent dynamics that may be significant near the target crossover frequency. For
example, a MEMS14 accelerometer is essentially a small floating mass balanced by a spring, and therefore
has a response magnitude that is inherently a function of the forcing frequency15. Some COTS (commercial
off-the-shelf) sensors have appropriate compensation circuits already built in which attempt to counteract the
effects of such sensor dynamics, while others allow the controls engineer access to the raw measured signal,
allowing the appropriate compensation to be developed as a part of the closed-loop system design.
In order to maximize performance [that is, the fidelity of the system response to a reference input r(t)]
while minimizing sensitivity [that is, the response of the system to measurement noise v(t)], control in the
presence of sensor dynamics and/or low-pass filtering is often implemented in the manner indicated in Figure
18.23. Finally, note that measurement noise sometimes has a dominant frequency component at a certain
frequency (often, 50 or 60 Hz); this buzz can be mitigated with a notch filter in the return portion of the
feedback loop in a similar fashion (see Example 19.13).
14 A Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System is a very small physical system made using the same mask/expose/etch technology used
to manufacture silicon chips. Today, this is a very mature technology, and several types of MEMS sensors are mass produced on a
large scale. For example, MEMS accelerometers are used in airbag deployment systems in automobiles, video game controllers &
smartphones, and laptop hard disk drives (to park the read head, before impact, if the laptop is dropped, thus preventing damage to the
disk). MEMS gyros are also mass produced, albeit on a smaller scale, for use in video game controllers & smartphones.
15 An expanded dynamic range of such devices may generally be obtained by active electrostatic force rebalancing; that is, by closing
a control loop around the sensor itself, applying an electrostatic force that is just sufficient to keep the floating mass from moving, then
measuring the electrostatic force required to rebalance the floating mass within the device inporder to determine the acceleration applied
to the entire system. This essentially supplants the mechanical time constant of the device, m/k, with the electrical time constants of
the sensor control circuit, RC and L/R, which are generally much faster.


xr (t)

r (t)

D2 (s)



D1 (s)




xr (t) +

D2 (s)

r (t)

D1 (s)


G1 (s)

G2 (s)


T1 (s)
Figure 18.24: Successive loop closure of a SIMO plant G(s) designed with fast (t) dynamics and slow
x(t) dynamics: (top) block diagram of physical realization; (bottom) idealization for the purpose of control
design. Example 18.5 (see Figure 17.5a), Exercise 18.15, and Exercise 18.16 are all of this general form.

18.3.4 Successive loop closure (SLC) leveraging frequency separation

Classical control design techniques are used primarily for SISO systems. However, many systems are characterized by a substantial frequency separation of the modes of interest; that is, the system modes are
characterized by natural frequencies which are an order of magnitude or so apart, or the frequencies of
such modes can at least be made this way with control feedback. In such systems, it is straightforward to
nest a fast feedback loop within one or more outer, slower feedback loops in order to string multiple
SISO controllers together to stabilize a SIMO system with multiple unstable modes, leveraging the observation that a slow outer loop doesnt significantly alter the dynamics of a fast inner loop. As with the other
controls problems considered previously, this control strategy is best introduced by example.
Example 18.5 Stabilization of an unstable fourth-order system (an inverted pendulum on a cart)
We now consider the control of the classic linearized inverted pendulum problem illustrated in Figure 17.5a
and depicted in block diagram form in Figure 18.24, taking typical laboratory values for the constants: mc = 2
kg for the mass of the cart, m p = 1 kg for the mass of the pendulum (a uniform rod), = 1 m for the distance
from the cart to the center of mass of the pendulum (the half-length of the rod), I p = m p 2 /3 for the moment
of inertia of the pendulum about its center of mass, g = 9.8 m/s2 for the acceleration due to gravity, and
c1 0.01 and c2 0.05 for the friction coefficients. As derived in Example 17.5, small perturbations of this
system from the inverted state are governed by the coupled equations
+ c1
m pg = m p 2 ,
d 2x
cart dynamics: (mc + m p ) 2 + c2
= m p 2 + u,

pendulum dynamics: (I p + m p2 )


Taking the Laplace transform of both (18.24a) and (18.24b) and combining appropriately, we may write
G1 (s) =

b1 s
U(s) a3 s + a2 s2 a1 s a0

G2 (s) =

X(s) b2 s2 + b1 s b0


where b1 = m p , a3 = (mc + m p ) I p + mc m p 2 , a2 = (mc + m p) c1 + (I + m p 2 ) c2 , a1 = (mc + m p) m p g +

c1 c2 , a0 = m p g c2 , b2 = (I + m p 2 )/(m p ), b1 = c1 , and b0 = g, thereby facilitating interpretation of the
























































Figure 18.25: Classical control design techniques applied to the inner loop of the successive loop closure
problem considered in Example 18.5. (a) Root locus using proportional control. (b) Root locus using lead
control. (c) Step response, (d) Bode plot, and (e) closed-loop Bode plot using (solid) proportional control and
(dashed) lead control, with gains as marked in (a) and (b).
SIMO system (18.24) in the successive loop closure configuration depicted in Figure 18.24. The related
(oscillatory) hanging pendulum problem is considered in Exercise 18.15.
The secret to extending the essentially SISO control techniques discussed thus far to this problem is to
first ignore the state x(t) associated with what we have assigned as the slow outer loop, and focus our
attention at first simply on designing an inner-loop controller D1 (s) to stabilize (relatively quickly; say, with
a rise time of tr 0.1 sec) the variable (t) back to a reference state r (t), nominally taken to be zero.
Taking c1 = c2 = 0 reduces the plant considered in the inner loop to G1 (s) = b1 /(a3 s2 a1 ), and thus the
inner loop control problem reduces to the problem solved in Figure 18.20. In the problem considered now,
neither of these friction coefficients is zero; however, as shown in Figure 18.25, using lead control and the
root locus and Bode design techniques presented previously, stabilization of the high-speed dynamics of the
inner loop is again quite straightforward. The subsystem to be controlled in the inner loop, G1 (s), has an
open-loop zero at s = 0 and open-loop poles at s 6.3, s 0.045, and s 5. Thus, proportional control
results in a pair of lightly damped, relatively fast closed-loop poles, and one very slow unstable closed-loop
pole on the positive real axis close to s = 0. As before, the dominant fast modes of the system are easily
stabilized with lead compensation. Due to the proximity of the open-loop zero at s = 0 to the open-loop
pole at s 0.045, the coefficient of the (exponentially growing) component of the response associated with
the very slow unstable closed-loop pole is nonzero but small, as illustrated in the (dashed) step response in





Figure 18.26: Classical control design techniques applied to the idealized outer loop [taking T1 (s) = 1] of
the successive loop closure problem considered in Example 18.5. (a) Root locus using proportional control.
(b) Root locus using proportional control with negative gain. (c) Root locus using lead control with negative
gain. The corresponding Bode plot and step response are given as the (dashed) curves of Figures 18.27b-c.
Figure 18.25c. Again, it is difficult to determine stability versus instability directly from a Bode plot, though
this would be straightforward to determine from a Nyquist plot. This is unnecessary in the present situation,
as we already know that the inner loop is unstable by looking at the root locus.
Note in Figure 18.25c that the step response of the controlled inner loop rises quickly to 1.4, and begins
to drift from there due to the slow unstable inner-loop pole. Thus, as suggested by Figure 18.11, we take
P = 1/1.4 in Figure 18.24. For the time being, we simply ignore the unstable slow pole of the inner loop, as
the outer-loop control design, considered below, changes significantly the low-speed dynamics of the system.
Assuming the closed inner loop has a transfer function of T1 (s) 1 at the frequencies of interest (see
dashed curve in Figure 18.25e, scaled by P = 1/1.4), we next design an outer-loop controller D2 (s) to stabilize
the outer loop relatively slowly (say, with tr 1 sec). Noting G2 (s) in (18.25), it is seen in Figure 18.26 that a
D2 (s) with negative gain and some lead compensation effectively stabilizes the idealized outer-loop system.
Finally, applying the outer-loop controller D2 (s) to the actual inner loop, taking T1 (s) = P G1 (s)D1 (s)/
[1 + G1 (s)D1 (s)], results in the root locus, Bode plot, and step response in Figure 18.27. The root locus of the
full outer-loop system (Figure 18.27a) indicates essentially the same behavior at low frequencies (small |s|)
as does the root locus of the idealized outer-loop system (Figure 18.26c), as well as a pair of well-damped
closed-loop poles near s 16.3 3i, as also seen in the root locus of the inner-loop system (Figure 18.25b),
and a couple of approximate pole/zero cancellations at s 6.3 and s 5.4. The Bode plot of the full
outer-loop system (solid curve in Figure 18.27b) is similar to that of the idealized outer-loop system (dashed
curve in Figure 18.27b), but exhibits a significant loss of phase at high frequencies. It is thus clearly evident
in this Bode plot why frequency separation is needed in order to apply the SLC approach: the loss of phase
due to the (fast) inner loop dynamics erodes the PM of the outer loop if the crossover frequency c of the
outer loop is increased to be too close to the bandwidth frequency BW of the closed inner loop, as evident
in the closed-loop Bode plot of the inner loop in Figure 18.25e. Due to the only slight loss of phase from the
inner loop dynamics for the rise times selected in the present control solution (tr 0.1 sec for the inner loop,
and tr 0.5 sec for the outer loop), the step response of the full outer-loop system has only slightly higher
overshoot than the step response of the idealized outer-loop system, as indicated in Figure 18.27c.
We now reexamine the slow outer-loop dynamics of the full system, revisiting the interplay between the
slow dynamics of the closed inner loop and the outer loop. As mentioned above, and illustrated clearly by the
root loci of Figure 18.26 and the Bode plot and step response given as the dashed curves of Figures 18.27b-c,
control of the idealized outer-loop system G2 (s) [with two poles at the origin and two zeros at s 5.4] is
straightforward using negative gain and lead compensation. The closed inner loop T1 (s) has poles at s 0.018
and s 17.5 14i, a zero at s = 0, and an approximate pole/zero cancellation at s 6.3. When forming

































Figure 18.27: (a) Root locus of the full outer loop [taking the actual closed inner loop T1 (s)] of the successive loop closure problem considered in Example 18.5. (b) Bode plot, and (c) step response of (dashed)
the idealized outer loop corresponding to the root locus in Figure 18.26c, and (solid) the actual outer loop
corresponding to the root locus in (a).
the product G2 (s)T1 (s), one of the poles at the origin of G2 (s) cancels (exactly16) the zero at the origin of
T1 (s), leaving two poles remaining in the vicinity of the origin (at s = 0 and s 0.018), thus leading to a
root locus in the vicinity of the origin in Figure 18.27a which is quite similar to that seen in Figure 18.26c.
Finally, note in the Bode plot of Figure 18.27b that, since there is only one pole exactly at the origin in the
full G2 (s)T1 (s) system rather than two poles at the origin as when considering the control of G2 (s) on its
own, the slope of the Bode plot for small is 1 instead of 2; this fact presents no significant problems.
16 Recall from that approximate cancellations of controller zeros/poles with plant poles/zeros are problematical in the RHP,
and must never be attempted; similarly, as seen in Figure 18.22, approximate pole/zero cancellations on the imaginary axis (including
near the origin) must be handled with extreme care to ensure stability. However, the pole/zero cancellation when forming the G2 (s)T1 (s)
product in this case comes from our representation of the SIMO plant as the casecade of two separate SISO blocks, G1 (s) and G2 (s).
The pole/zero cancellation arising from this representation of a single plant as a two-block cascade is exact. Note that some software
packages (e.g., Matlab) must be used with care in order to realize this exact pole/zero cancellation in the simulation of the outer loop, as
small numerical errors in the calculation of T1 (s) can sometimes conceal (numerically) an exact pole/zero cancellation of this sort.

























Figure 18.28: (a) Bode plot and (b) step response of three stable systems: (dot-dashed) T1 (s), (dashed) T2 (s),
and (solid) T3 (s) [see (18.26)]. Nonminimum phase systems
We conclude this section with a brief discussion of a characteristic behavior exhibited by the overall response
(given by the solid curve in Figure 18.27c) to a step reference input, xr , to the inverted pendulum system,
for which the control feedback was determined using SLC in Example 18.5. In particular, note that this step
response goes the wrong way (negative) before it goes the right way (positive). This behavior is not a fluke,
and is characteristic of the step response in any stable (or stabilized) system with a single RHP zero. Any
child who has balanced a meterstick (or, in the States, a yardstick...) on his hand is intuitively familiar with
the need to take a small step backward before walking forward with such a system.
To consider this effect in greater detail, consider the three stable systems
T1 (s) = 2

(s + 1)(s + 4)
(s + 2)3

T2 (s) = 2

(s + 1)(s 4)
(s + 2)3

T3 (s) = 2

(s 1)(s 4)
(s + 2)3


All three of these systems have identical (stable) poles; it is only the sign of the zeros, and the sign of the
overall gain, which distinguishes them. The Bode plots and step responses of these three systems are given
in Figure 18.28. The magnitude of the Bode plot is identical in all three cases. The phase change between
the left end of the Bode plot and the right end of the Bode plot is minimized by T1 (s) [with no RHP zeros,
called a minimum-phase system], and is maximized by T3 (s) [with only RHP zeros, called a maximumphase system]; this phase change takes some intermediate value for T2 (s) [with both LHP and RHP zeros,
sometimes called a mixed-phase system]; note also that maximum-phase systems and mixed-phase systems
are commonly referred to simply as nonminimum phase systems17 . Note in Figure 18.28b that the step
response in the presence of one RHP zero goes the wrong way before going the right way, and the step
response in the presence of two RHP zeros goes the right way, then the wrong way, then the right way18 .
The characterization given abovespecifically, that a stable transfer function with stable zeros is characterized by the minimum change in phase from the left side of the Bode plot to the right side of the Bode
plotextends to any transfer function for which the degree of the denominator is greater than or equal to the
degree of the numerator [that is, for a proper CT transfer function (see, or a causal DT transfer
function (see].
17 Thus, the next time you are in an elevator at a conference that goes the wrong way before it goes the right way, say oh! nonminimum
phase! and see who gets the joke, thus identifying immediately those of your colleagues who know classical control theory. . .
18 If your elevator does this, you should probably consider changing hotels!




pilot or





+ y(t)

Figure 18.29: Block diagram of a Stability and Control Augmentation System (SCAS), in which the control
input u(t) from the pilot or autopilot is augmented by small amounts of both feedforward modification C(s)
and feedback stabilization D(s) to improve the handling qualities of an aircraft (cf. Figures 18.1 and 18.24).

18.3.5 Stability and Control Augmentation Systems (SCAS)

As introduced in Figure 18.1, weve concentrated thus far mainly on the design of controllers to be implemented in the forward part of a feedback loop in order to change substantially the input-output transfer function
of a dynamic system, focusing on one or both of the following design objectives:
tracking a reference input, r(t), with the output of the plant, y(t), for the sinusoidal components sin( t)
of the reference input r(t) up to a given bandwidth frequency BW , and
meeting specifications on rise time, settling time, and overshoot of the response y(t) to a step in r(t).

As emphasized by Guideline 18.1, one generally seeks to achieve these objectives with minimum excitation
by control feedback to reduce the sensitivity of the closed-loop system to both external disturbances and
internal modeling errors, especially unmodeled delays. We have also explored (in 18.3.3) the use of filters
in the return portion of a feedback loop to reduce the sensitivity of the system to measurement noise.
There are certain situations, especially in the control of aircraft, in which the control objective is a bit
more modest: in such situations, we dont want to change the input-output transfer function completely, but
rather simply nudge the controls gently to dampen the unfavorable, oscillatory, or unstable modes of the
vehicle to make it more easily or naturally controllable by its operator (e.g., a pilot or autopilot). Note that
the various aircraft handling characteristics deemed natural are subjective, and have evolved over the years
from the feel of revered classic (stable) transport and fighter aircraft, such as the DC-3 Gooney Bird and
the Supermarine Spitfire. Preferred handling characteristics for military aircraft are described in detail in a
number of military regulations, such as MIL-STD 1797A and MIL-SPEC 8785C; to achieve such handling
qualities throughout the entire flight envelope, stability and control augmentation systems are almost always
necessary in modern aircraft designs, most of which sacrifice the inherent aerodynamic stability of vintage
aircraft (achieved via large horizontal and vertical stabilizers, and in some cases significant wing dihedral) for
greatly improved agility, efficiency, or stealth, and are thus characterized by poor stability characteristics
(from a handling perspective), at least in a portion of the flight envelope, before feedback is applied19.
This section follows that on SLC, because the problem here is similar: based on an external objective
or reference input on the system (e.g., maintain straight-and-level flight, initiate a climbing unaccelerated
turn, etc.), the outer-loop controller (a pilot or an autopilot) gives appropriate control inputs u(t) to an inner
loop, akin to the signal denoted r (t) in the SLC paradigm as implemented in Figure 18.24. This control input
from the pilot or autopilot is then augmented and applied to the system, as depicted in Figure 18.29; such a
strategy is referred to as a Stability and Control Augmentation System (SCAS20 ). The use of an SCAS is,
again, best illustrated by a few examples; the examples below are based on the linearized dynamic models of
aircraft developed in Example 17.2, a review of which is suggested before proceeding.
19 Indeed, the handling characteristics of early prototypes of the F117 stealth fighter were so poor, it earned the nickname Wobblin
Goblin; these characteristics were largely cured by appropriately-implemented SCAS systems in the production version of the aircraft.
20 Some authors distinguish between a Stability Augmentation System (SAS) and a Control Augmentation System (CAS), though this
distinction is, perhaps, a bit superfluous.





yaw rate:

roll rate:















Figure 18.30: A turn with (solid) and without (dashed) opposite rudder applied to counteract adverse yaw.
Example 18.6 Counteracting adverse yaw
Normally, an aircraft turns by banking left or right, pitching up, then banking back to straight-and-level flight.
When banked, a component of the lift force generated by the wings counters gravity, and another component
of the lift force acts to turn the aircraft. The primary use of the aircraft rudder in non-emergency situations
is simply to counteract the undesired sideslip (a.k.a. adverse yaw) generated when banking: when entering
and exiting a bank, one wing produces more lift than the other, thus causing the aircraft to rollthe wing
that generates more lift unfortunately also generates more drag, thus causing the aircraft to yaw towards the
side generating the extra lift. In some aircraft, this effect is so strong that the pilot actually has to step on the
rudder pedal every time a bank is initiated in order to maintain coordinated flight.
To illustrate, the linearized lateral/directional dynamics of a large transport aircraft on approach (at sea
level, 137 knots, a flap angle of 1 degree, and a nominal cg location) may be modeled [see (17.43)] as



p + .053 .74 a .
p = 0 .002 .194 .167
yaw rate:

r 0 .003 .636 2.020 5.374 r .865 .904 r
roll rate:
0 .136 .970
.002 .047

We now perform a numerical simulation of this system with r (t) = 0 and a (t) executing a doublet:

t0 < t < t1 ,
a (t) = 1 t2 < t < t3 ,


thus entering a roll from t0 = 0 s to t1 = 1 s, and leaving the roll from t2 = 5 s to t3 = 6 s. The resulting system
behaves as shown (dashed) in Figure 18.30; note the significant sideslip that accompanies the roll.
Adverse yaw is a predictable dynamic effect. One can thus implement a compensator C(s) [see Figure
18.29] to apply an appropriate feedforward rudder correction every time the pilot commands an aileron
deflection, thus improving the qualitative handling quality of the aircraft. To illustrate, taking r (t) = r (t)

0.1a (t) to add a small rudder correction with each application of the ailerons mitigates the adverse yaw in
this system, as shown (solid) in Figure 18.30, reducing the peak sideslip by a factor of five and, importantly,
reducing the oscillation in all of the state variables, thereby improving handling quality (see also Example
18.1 and Figure 18.16d). This relieves the (busy) pilot from having to perform such feedforward corrections.
Example 18.7 Yaw damping of a stable dutch roll lateral/directional mode
Physically, the dutch roll mode corresponds to an oscillatory perturbation involving first a bit of roll, which
creates adverse yaw towards the upward moving wing, which in turn causes a loss of lift on the upward
perturbed wing, which then causes roll in the other direction, etc.; looking aft out the top of the cockpit using
a periscopic sextant (which you could do in certain vintage transport aircraft, such as the C124 Old Shaky,
in order to perform celestial navigation), the tail of the aircraft repeatedly draws an infinity sign on the horizon
when in a dutch roll limit cycle. The roll subsidence mode is an exponentially stable (and usually relatively
fast) mode that quantifies how much the aircraft continues to roll once a slight roll is initiated then the ailerons
neutralized. The spiral mode is an exponentially stable (and usually relatively slow) mode coupling the yaw
rate and the roll (but not necessarily involving sideslip, it is often a nearly coordinated motion).
Using Algorithm 20.3, the state-space form of a large transport aircraft on approach [see (17.44)] may be
converted to transfer function form, from rudder
 deflection r (t) [taking the second column of B in (17.44)]
to yaw rate p(t) [taking C = 0 0 0 1 0 and D = 0], as
1.20(s .0528)(s 2.18)(s + 1.94)
r (s) (s + .0679)(s + .696)(s + .403 + 2.01i)(s + .403 2.01i)

where p(s) is the Laplace transform of p(t) [the yaw rate of the vehicle, in deg/s] and r (s) is the Laplace
transform of r (t) [the rudder deflection, in deg]. At these flight conditions, two of the zeros of this openloop system are in the RHP, and thus its dynamics are nonminimum phase (see Recalling Figure
17.11, it is seen thatthe oscillatory poles, corresponding to the so-called dutch roll mode, have a natural
frequency of n = .4032 + 2.012 = 2.05 rad/sec, a period of 2 /n = 3.1 sec, and a damping ratio of
= .403/n = .20. The fast exponentially stable mode, corresponding to the so-called roll subsidence mode,
has a time constant of 2 /.696 = 9.0 sec. The slow exponentially stable mode, corresponding to the so-called
spiral mode, has a time constant of 2 /.0679 = 93 sec.
The dutch roll mode is destabilized at cruise speed and altitude in swept-wing commercial aircraft, and
without a functioning SCAS is extremely difficult for the pilot to stabilize manually at this flight condition.
As a result, many aircraft, such as the Boeing 727, actually have redundant SCAS systems implemented.
Example 18.8 Damping of the short-period longitudinal mode
The linearized longitudinal dynamics of an F-16 in straight-and-level flight at 300 knots at sea level, when
the center of mass is21 0.3c ahead of the center of pressure (a stable configuration), is given in (17.45), and
may be written in transfer function form, from elevator deflection to pitch rate, as
10.5s(s + .987)(s + .0218)
e (s) (s + .00765 + .0781i)(s + .00765 .0781i)(s + 1.20 + 1.49i)(s + 1.20 1.49i)
where q(s) is the Laplace transform of q(t) [the pitch rate of the vehicle, in deg/s] and e (s) is the Laplace
transform of e (t) [the elevator deflection, in deg]. Note that, at these flight conditions, all the poles and
zeros of this open-loop system are in the LHP. It is seen that the
slow oscillatory poles, corresponding to the
oscillatory phugoid mode, have a natural frequency of n = .007652 + .07812 = .0785 rad/sec, a period
of 2 /n = 80 sec, and a damping ratio of = .00765/n = .097. The fast oscillatory poles, corresponding
21 The

mean aerodynamic chord c is the average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing.


to the so-called short period mode, have a natural frequency of n = 1.202 + 1.492 = 1.91 rad/sec, a
period of 2 /n = 3.3 sec, and a damping ratio of = 1.20/n = .63. That is, at this flight condition, the
phugoid mode is relatively slow and lightly damped, whereas the short period mode is relatively fast and
well damped22; neither necessitates modification in order to be easily controllable by the pilot at this flight
condition. However, as flight conditions change (specifically, as the speed of the aircraft decreases, and/or the
center of mass is shifted further aft), the short-period mode is destabilized. In such situations (for example,
when a modern fighter aircraft performs a carrier landing), lead compensation implemented in the D(s) block
in Figure 18.29 can be used to stabilize the short period mode, thus resulting in an outer-loop system that is
much more easily controlled by the pilot.
The above examples illustrate how classical control may be applied to dampen dutch roll and the shortperiod longitudinal mode, two common undesired modes of high-speed aircraft. Since modern aircraft have
many control surfaces and many states of interest, state-space (MIMO) control design tools, developed in
21, are often preferred in such applications over the SISO control approaches developed here.

18.3.6 Unstable controllers for pathological SISO systems; pole placement

Up to now, we have developed just a few fundamental types of classical control components for SISO systems:
lead and lag: D(s) = K(s + z)/(s + p) with p > z > 0 (lead) or z > p > 0 (lag),
low-pass: e.g., D(s) = c2 /(s2 + 1.414sc + c2 ) for some cutoff frequency c .
notch: D(s) = K(s2 + z2 )/(s + p)2 for z > 0 and p > 0, and

Note that all of these components have their poles and zeros in the LHP. Such components may be replicated
and cascaded as appropriate, with the overall gain magnitude and sign selected as necessary to construct a
controller with the desired closed-loop characteristics. In particular,

a lead/lag controller is a cascade of lead and lag components,

a PD controller is a special case of a lead with no rolloff of the derivative action at high frequencies,
a PI controller is a special case of a lag with no rolloff of the integral action at low frequencies, and
a PID controller is a cascade of PD and PI controllers.

The SLC control design paradigm extends classical control tools developed in the basic SISO setting to
the SIMO case by wrapping slower SISO outer loops around faster SISO inner loops. The SCAS setting
illustrates how classical control concepts may be used to improve the stability of a system while still leaving
the steering of the system up to the user. The venerable lead, lag, notch, and low-pass filtering techniques
summarized above may be used together to stabilize most simple systems of practical interest (that is, to shift
their closed-loop poles into the LHP). Such stabilizing controllers may then be tuned using the Bode plot
via the process of loop shaping described previously. In certain pathological problems, however, a controller
with RHP poles and/or zeros is required23. This situation is best illustrated by example.
Example 18.9 Pathological pendula
Consider again the SISO linear system analyzed in Exercise 17.10 and its associated transfer function
which, for appropriate values of the physical parameters (see Exercise 17.10d), may be written as
G(s) =

s2 4
(s + 2)(s 2)
= 4
(s + 1)(s 1)(s + 3)(s 3) s 10s2 + 9

22 Physically,


the phugoid mode corresponds to a slow oscillatory exchange between potential and kinetic energy (climbing and
slowing followed by diving and accelerating). The short period mode corresponds to a fast oscillation of the pitch and the angle of
attack (at almost constant airspeed and altitude).
23 A controller with RHP poles is sometimes referred to as an unstable controller. This name, however, is something of a misnomer;
a controller is designed to be used together with a plant in closed loop, so whether or not the controller itself has poles in the RHP is
actually a matter of little practical consequence. It is, rather, the location of the closed-loop poles that ultimately matter.





Figure 18.31: Root locus of the plant (18.27) with (a) the lucky guess controller design (18.28) applied, and
(b) the minimal-order MESC design (18.29) applied, denoting: (, ) plant poles and zeros; (, ) controller
poles and zeros; () closed-loop poles. For clarity, the pole/zero cancellations in the LHP are not marked.
Following the rules for plotting 180 and 0 root loci in 18.2.1, it is clear that, if all of the poles and zeros
of D(s) are in the LHP, then, regardless of the precise form of D(s), there will be a closed-loop pole on the
positive real axis, either somewhere in the range 1 < s < 2, or somewhere in the range 2 < s < 3. Further,
as illustrated in, we must never attempt to cancel unstable plant poles or zeros with controller
zeros or poles; in practice, such attempted cancellations always slightly miss their target, leaving closed-loop
poles, with small coefficients, near these approximate cancellations. It is thus somewhat difficult to identify
a stabilizing controller D(s) for the plant given in (18.27) using the techniques presented thus far.
A lucky guess. To identify a stabilizing controller D(s) for the plant G(s) given in (18.27), we first note that
designing a controller that cancels all of the plant poles and zeros in the LHP is not a problem (it is pole/zero
cancellations in the RHP that are problematic). If the controller additionally has a zero z3 somewhere in the
range 1 < z3 < 3, and a negative gain is used, then, following the rules for plotting the 0 root locus in 18.2.1,
the root locus depicting the possible closed-loop pole locations will start at the (uncancelled) open-loop poles
at s = 1 and s = 3 and move out towards infinity on the positive and negative real axes. Depending on the
precise value of z3 , these two branches of the locus will meet on the real axis somewhere in the LHP (as
depicted in Figure 18.31a), at the point at infinity, or on the real axis somewhere in the RHP. Wherever these
two branches of the locus meet, the locus breaks off of the real axis and loops through the complex plane
back to the pair of zeros on the positive real axis. It turns out that taking 1 < z3 < 2 leads to the two branches
of the 0 root locus meeting in the LHP, and thus the possibility of achieving a stabilizing controller if the
appropriate gain is used. Taking
D(s) = 1.08

(s + 1)(s + 3)(s 1.5)



thus leads to closed-loop stability, as illustrated by the corresponding root locus in Figure 18.31a; note that,
in addition to two LHP pole/zero cancellations, the remaining two closed-loop poles are also in the LHP.
The approach of requiring an lucky guess to achieve stability in feedback control design borders on
the RCD approach mentioned previously (see Footnote 2 on Page 533), and is unsatisfactory. In harder pathological problems (see, e.g., Exercise 18.11), sufficient inspiration to achieve stability might not be readily
available. Further, the D(s) suggested above is improper, with infinite high-frequency gain, and is thus not
implementable, and simply cascading a low-pass filter of sufficient order in series with this controller forfeits
stability of the closed-loop system, as it introduces zeros at infinity. A more systematic approach of designing
a stabilizing controller is thus required.













Figure 18.32: Root locus of the modified (strictly proper) MESC design (18.30) applied to (18.27): (left)
complete locus, (right) close up around the origin. (, ) plant poles and zeros; (, ) controller poles and
zeros; () closed-loop poles. For clarity, the pole/zero cancellations at s = 3 and s = 1 are not marked.
Systematic computation of the Minimum Energy Stabilizing Controller (MESC) via Pole Placement.
In 21, we establish the following fact (proof is deferred to 21):
Fact 18.6 A minimum-energy stabilizing feedback controller D(s) places the poles of the closed-loop system
T (s) = G(s)D(s)/[1 + G(s)D(s)] at the union of the stable open-loop poles of G(s), and the reflection of the
unstable open-loop poles of G(s) into the LHP.
We might thus follow a so-called pole-placement strategy, guided by Fact 18.6, to develop an initial stabilizing controller which can be further tuned in the frequency domain via the loop shaping process described
previously. For the example system given in (18.27), we have
G(s) =

s2 4
= 4
a(s) s 10 s2 + 9

D(s) =


T (s) =

f (s) a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s)

The problem at hand is the selection of x(s) and y(s) such that the target f (s) satisfying Fact 18.6 is obtained:
f (s) = (s + 1)2 (s + 3)2 = s4 + 8s3 + 22s2 + 24s + 9 = (s4 10s2 + 9) x(s) + (s2 4) y(s);

this is known as a Diophantine equation24, and an efficient general code for solving it is given in Algorithm
B.1. The minimum order of x(s) and y(s) that lead to a solvable system of equations for the coefficients is
D(s) =

y(s) b3 s3 + b2s2 + b1s + b0

a1 s + a0

[After determining D(s), we may rescale the numerator and denominator appropriately such that x(s) is
monic.] Written out completely, we have
s4 + 8s3 + 22s2 + 24s + 9 = (s4 10s2 + 9) (a1 s + a0) + (s2 4) (b3s3 + b2 s2 + b1 s + b0)

= (a1 + b3)s5 + (a0 + b2 )s4 + (b1 10a1 4b3)s3 + (b0 10a0 4b2)s2 + (9a1 4b1)s + (9a0 4b0)

b 1


b 1 1


0 4
10 b2 8

b 2 =

b3 15 56 .

0 4 0 10

b3 22
a 0
0 4 0
9 a0 24
4 0

24 Placing

the poles of a closed-loop system in certain desirable stable locations is a special case of the approach discussed in 18.1.2.


The minimal-order MESC following from Fact 18.6 in the present case is thus
D(s) =

56s3 + 128s2 216s 288

(s + 1)(s + 3)(s 1.714)
56s 113
s + 2.018


which is remarkably close to the controller considered in (18.28). The corresponding root locus is shown in
Figure 18.31b; in addition to the (stable) pole/zero cancellations, the remaining closed-loop poles are placed
at precisely s = 1 and s = 3, in accordance with Fact 18.6.

Modifying the MESC design to achieve a strictly-proper form. A systematic procedure may be followed
to determine a strictly-proper controller with performance that is in some sense close to that achieved by
the controller given in (18.29). To accomplish this with a controller of minimal possible order, consider the
strictly proper form
b3 s3 + b2s2 + b1s + b0
D(s) =
x(s) a4 s4 + a3 s3 + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0

The denominator of T (s) will now be eighth-order in s instead of fourth-order. We may thus simply add four
fast stable poles (that is, a simple fourth-order low-pass filter) to our target for the closed-loop system,
f (s) = (s + 1)2 (s + 3)2(s + 30)4
= s8 + 128s7 + 6382s6 + 153864s5 + 1795689s4 + 8986680s3 + 20460600s2 + 20412000s + 7290000.
Following the same approach as before (or, more simply, using Algorithm B.1) leads to
f (s) = (s4 10s2 + 9) (a4 s4 + a3 s3 + a2 s2 + a1 s + a0) + (s2 4) (b3s3 + b2 s2 + b1 s + b0)
= a4 s8 + a3 s7 + (a2 10a4)s6 + (a1 10a3 + b3 )s5 + (a0 10a2 + 9a4 + b2)s4 +

(9a3 10a1 + b1 4b3)s3 + (9a2 10a0 + b0 4b2)s2 + (9a1 4b1)s + (9a0 4b0)


b1 128

10 b2 6382

b3 153864

9 a0 = 1795689

0 4
a1 8986680

0 4 0 10
0 a2 20460600

0 4 0
0 a3 20412000
4 0

Thus, a modified controller that is strictly-proper, but is otherwise similar in closed-loop behavior to the
Minimum Energy Stabilizing Controller, is
61163576s3 + 146549888s2 208926936s 294313248
15s4 + 1920s3 + 95880s2 58836416s 118655888
(s + 1)(s + 3)(s 1.604)
(s + 2.0104)(s 115.6)(s2 + 2 c + c2)

D(s) =


where K = 4.08e6, c = 185 and = 0.654. The corresponding root locus is shown in Figure 18.32; in
addition to the (stable) pole/zero cancellations, the remaining closed-loop poles are placed at s = 1 and
s = 3, and four more closed-loop poles are placed at s = 30, as expected. Without such a systematic
procedure, it would be difficult to make the necessary lucky guesses that would lead to such a controller.


18.3.7 Implementation of CT linear controllers in analog electronics

In order to achieve the loop shaping described previously (see 18.2.2 and Figure 18.6), it is straightforward
to implement a CT controller D(s) that cascades together a number of the individual filters discussed above
and developed as simple analog circuits with low output impedance25 in 19.2. In most cases26 , this involves
lag filter(s) [see Figure 18.17a] to improve tracking, implemented at frequencies well below c so as
to not substantially erode the PM,
lead filter(s) [see Figure 18.17b]
p to increase the PM and thus reduce overshoot, centered at the crossover
frequency c (that is, taking p/z = c ) so as to maximize their beneficial effect,
low-pass filter(s) [see Figures 17.17a, 17.17b, 17.19a, and 17.19b] to improve robustness, implemented
at frequencies well above c so as to not substantially erode the PM, and/or
notch filter(s) [see Figure 18.17c] to knock-out characteristic system oscillations, implemented carefully [see Figure 18.21] near the frequencies of the oscillatory open-loop poles of the plant so as to
avoid open-loop instability.
[Note that one of the more delicate matters to attend to in classical control design is effectively squeezing
the lag and low-pass filtering of D(s) (situated on the Bode plot below and above c , respectively) in as close
as possible to c while still achieving the required PM, in order to maximize the ranges of frequencies over
which these filters have their beneficial effects.] The following results from 19.2 are of particular importance:
a general adder/subtractor circuit is developed in Example 19.10 and illustrated in Figure 19.11c,
lead, lag, P, I, D, PI, PD, and first-order low-pass filters are all special cases of the single op-amp circuit
developed in Example 19.12 and illustrated in Figure 19.12a,
second-order and fourth-order low-pass filter circuits are developed in Exercise 19.4, and
a notch filter circuit is developed in Example 19.13 and illustrated in Figures 19.12b and 19.13.

Due to the issue of aliasing (see Figure 5.4 and the discussion in 18.4), low-pass filters used to reject
disturbances generally need to be implemented in CT using analog electronics. [In other words, after you
sample a signal with high-frequency noise, it is impossible to distinguish the low-frequency signal from the
high-frequency noise.] However, due to their very low cost and ease of programming (and reprogramming
when the system changes), DT microcontrollers are, today, often best suited for implementing the rest of the
controller (as DT difference equations) even when controlling CT plants, as discussed in 18.4. We thus first
very briefly review the tools for developing and implementing DT controllers.

18.3.8 Extending the PID, lag, lead, low-pass, and notch techniques to DT systems
As discussed in 18.2.5, the root locus, Bode, and Nyquist techniques extend immediately to DT systems.
These tools may thus be used to tune DT linear controllers D(z) formed as a cascade of lag, lead, low-pass,
and notch filters in an essentially identical manner.

18.3.9 Implementation of DT linear controllers in microcontrollers

Via inverse Z transform of D(z) and writing the resulting difference equation, such as (17.64), in a convenient
form, such as (17.66), it is easy to see how the resulting difference equation may be implemented in DT in
a microcontroller. As discussed in, for its corresponding difference equation to be implementable,
the DT controller D(z) must be causal (that is, n m, where n is the order of the denominator and m is the
order of the numerator). Strictly causal D(z), with n > m, are somewhat easier to implement in practice than
those arising from semi-causal D(z), with n = m, as they give a full timestep to compute the next value of uk .
25 The low output impedance of each op amp circuit mentioned here (cf. the passive circuits of Example 19.4) simplifies the circuit
design process significantly, as it effectively decouples each individual stage of the cascade, allowing them to be designed separately.
26 Notable pathological exceptions requiring something different are discussed in 18.3.6.












Figure 18.33: The principle effect of the cascade illustrated by the dashed box in Figure 18.34a, due primarily
to the ZOH of the DAC, is the introduction of an h/2 delay in phase to the frequency response of D(z), plus
an (essentially negligible) high-frequency sawtooth wave. This is indicated by (solid) the response u(t) of this
cascade of components, for D(z) = K = 1, to (dashed) a sinusoidal input e(t). The dot-dashed curve indicates
the response u(t) with the sawtooth removed, illustrating clearly this h/2 delay.

18.4 Classical control design of DT controllers for CT plants

When controlling a CT physical system G(s) with a DT controller D(z) implemented in the digital logic of a
microcontroller, an interesting mix of CT and DT components arises. Such mixed systems may be analyzed
using one of two methods, as discussed in the following two subsections. For most problems, the discrete
equivalent design presented in 18.4.1 is entirely sufficient.
Note that the interconnection of CT plants with DT controllers requires both digital-to-analog converters
(DAC) to convert the DT output from the digital electronics D(z) [that is, from the microcontroller] into a CT
input into the plant G(s), and analog-to-digital converters (ADC) to convert the CT output from the plant
G(s) into a DT input into the controller D(z).
To keep production costs down, nearly all commercial DACs incorporate a simple zero-order hold
(ZOH): the output u(t) of the DAC at any time t is taken as the input uk of the DAC at the most recent
timestep tk . We thus assume that all DACs incorporate a ZOH strategy in the remainder of this text. The
influence of the ZOH of the DAC is significant (see Figures 18.33 and 18.12a) and detrimental, as it can
significantly reduce the PM (and, thus, increase overshoot) of a closed-loop system.
Nearly all ADCs incorporate an analog circuit implementing a CT low-pass filter to reduce components
of the input signal above the Nyquist frequency /h, to prevent aliasing when sampling (see Figure 5.4). If
the sample period h is sufficiently small, the influence of this low-pass filter on the dynamics of the closedloop system may be neglected. However, as no linear low-pass filter is ideal (see 17.5.2), and one is usually
motivated economically to implement as large a sample period h as possible, it is generally best to account
for the phase loss at crossover caused by this low-pass filter during the controller design.
In addition to discretizing CT signals in time, using a timestep h, ADCs convert real values (usually,
voltages) to finite-precision representations in the microcontroller. If fixed-point arithmetic is being used
(which is often required when implementing on an inexpensive PIC, AVR, or ARM microcontroller), the
resulting discretization errors are well modeled as a bit of additive measurement noise27 .
27 If floating-point arithmetic is being used, the discretization errors are better represented by a (more cumbersome) multiplicative
noise model; however, all modern microcontrollers implementing floating-point arithmetic use single precision arithmetic or better, in
which case discretization errors are generally negligible.




r(t) + e(t)















Figure 18.34: (a) A closed-loop configuration of a DT controller D(z) and a CT plant G(s) interpreted as a
discrete equivalent design. When designing the CT transfer function D(s) corresponding to the cascade of
the ADC, the DT controller D(z), and the DAC, the primary effect of the ADC & DAC is an h/2 delay due
to the zero-order hold, as illustrated in Figure 18.33. (b) An equivalent circuit used for the design of D(s), incorporating the d = h/2 delay using an appropriate Pade approximation [see (17.48)]. Once D(s) is designed,
it may be converted into a DT transfer function with similar dynamics, D(z), using Tusins approximation
with prewarping, then inverse transformed into a difference equation that may easily be implemented in a

18.4.1 Discrete equivalent design

In the discrete equivalent design approach, we consider the inputs and outputs of the closed-loop system
in continuous time, and represent the cascade of the ADC (with sample period h), the DT controller D(z),
and the DAC (with a ZOH) as a single CT system, which we denote D(s), as highlighted by the dashed
box in Figure 18.34a. To proceed following this approach, we first design an appropriate CT controller D(s)
directly for the CT system G(s) using the techniques introduced in 18.2 and explored at length in 18.3,
then approximate this CT controller D(s) with a rational expression in DT, D(z). This discrete approximation
is best computed via Tustins approximation with prewarping (see 17.4.4), determining D(z) from D(s) via
the following simple substitution:

2[1 cos( h)]

D(z) = D(s) 2 z1 where f =
h sin( h)
s= f h z+1

and denotes the frequency of primary interest in the controller for which an accurate mapping is desired
that is, the notch frequency if D(s) has a notch (see 18.3.2), or the crossover frequency (see 18.2.2) of the
closed-loop system if D(s) does not have a notch. Once D(z) is obtained via this approach, the corresponding
difference equation is easily determined via the inverse Z transform techniques presented in 17.4. This
difference equation may then be implemented in digital electronics.
The most significant detrimental effect encountered when implementing a CT controller, D(s), in a DT
fashion on a microcontroller, as illustrated by the dashed box in Figure 18.34a, is the effective h/2 delay
resulting from the ZOH of the DAC, where h is the sample period, as illustrated in Figure 18.33. At frequencies
well below the Nyquist frequency, the effect of this delay is negligible. At input frequencies within an order
of magnitude of the Nyquist frequency, however, the effect of this delay is a significant phase loss:
phase loss = 2

time delay
= 2
= h /2 rad/s,
wave period
2 /


as illustrated in Figure 18.12a. A corresponding amount of extra phase lead at the crossover frequency c
should thus be built in to the CT control design D(s) to compensate. Alternatively, the effect of this h/2
delay in the ultimate DT implementation of the controller may be accounted for during the design of D(s) by
including a Pade approximation of the delay in series with D(s), as illustrated in Figure 18.34b.

rk +








Figure 18.35: A closed-loop configuration of a DT controller D(z) and a CT plant G(s) interpreted as a direct
digital design. The DT transfer function G(z), given by the cascade of a DAC, a CT plant G(s), and the ADC,
is computed exactly in (17.68).

18.4.2 Direct digital design

In the direct digital design approach, we consider the inputs and outputs of the closed-loop system in DT,
and represent the cascade of the DAC (with a ZOH), the CT plant G(s), and the ADC (with sample period h)
as a single DT system, which we denote G(z), as highlighted by the dashed box in Figure 18.35, using the
exact expression provided in (17.68). We then determine the DT controller D(z) directly for this DT system
G(z), as introduced in 18.2.5 and discussed further in 18.3.8. If an initial CT controller D(s) is known
that is good for the CT plant G(s), this controller may be approximated as an initial DT D(z) with similar
dynamics using Tustins approximation with prewarping [see (17.73)], then tuned further directly in DT.
The primary benefit of the direct digital design approach is that it is exact. The primary drawback of
this design approach is that it only considers the values of the output yk at the timesteps, and thus doesnt
detect whether or not there are actually significant oscillations in y(t) between the timesteps, referred to as
intersample ripple. To avoid such intersample ripple, one should generally avoid placing the poles of the
DT closed-loop system anywhere near the negative real axis during the controller design.
Example 18.10 Evidence of the detrimental time delay from the ZOH when designing a DT controller
for a CT plant
To illustrate that an h/2 time delay is in fact the leading-order (and detrimental) effect of the ZOH in
the DAC when, following the discrete equivalent design paradigm, a CT controller is converted to DT and
implemented in a microcontroller with sample period h, consider the following unstable CT plant and CT
lead controller acting in closed loop:
G(s) =

(s + 10)(s 10)

D(s) = K

s+ p

Taking z = 10 (for a stable pole/zero cancellation) and p = 20 (for a little bit of phase lead) leads to a root
locus for the CT problem as shown in Figure 18.36a; further, taking K = 380 leads to the (stable) closed-loop
poles indicated by * in the root locus, gives crossover near the peak of the phase lead in the corresponding
Bode plot, and gives about a 28% overshoot and a 0.1 second rise time in the corresponding step response.
Looking at this root locus plot, it appears that turning up the control gain K to much larger values would lead
to lightly damped poles, but would apparently not lead to closed-loop instability.
Now consider the implementation of this controller in DT taking h = .02 seconds (that is, taking a sample
frequency of 50 Hz), using a ZOH in the DAC. We will approximate our well-behaved CT control design
D(s) as a DT difference equation with similar dynamics using Tustins approximation with prewarping, as
reviewed in (18.31). To analyze in discrete time how well this controller works (see Figure 18.35), we may
convert the DAC G(s) ADC cascade to the exact expression for the corresponding G(z) via (17.68) and
consider the problem in the direct digital design setting; the corresponding DT root locus plot is shown in
Figure 18.36b. Note that the DT closed-loop system goes unstable if the gain K exceeds a critical value.
The reason why the DT root locus in Figure 18.36b goes unstable for large K, but the CT root locus in
Figure 18.36a does not, is well explained by the effective h/2 delay caused by the ZOH in the DAC. Indeed,















































Figure 18.36: The root locus plots discussed in Example 18.10, illustrating the high-gain instability caused
by the effective h/2 time delay caused by the ZOH of the DAC.

if we again analyze the system in CT, but now approximate the CT plant as G(s) F2 (s), where F2 (s) is
an n = 2 rational approximation [see (17.48)] of the Laplace transform of a delay eds , with d = h/2, the
corresponding root locus is shown in Figure 18.36c, a closeup of which (near the origin) is given in Figure
18.36d. It is seen that the delay is approximated by n poles in the LHP and n zeros in the RHP, and that the
speed of these LHP poles and RHP zeros is inversely proportional to the delay d [that is, for small d, these
LHP poles and RHP zeros are fast (i.e., far from the origin)]. The CT root locus ultimately connects to the fast
RHP zeros, so the CT closed-loop system now goes unstable if the gain K exceeds a certain critical value. As
quantified in Exercise 18.13, the value of K for which this CT model of the problem goes unstable coincides
accurately with the value of K for which the corresponding DT case goes unstable, as discussed above.

18.4.3 Deadbeat control: pole placement at the origin for DT settling in finite time
Deadbeat control is a special DT control technique that has no direct analog in CT. Recall from Figure 17.13
that the CT design guide for exponential settling of a step response with characteristic timescale ts is given
by placing all closed-loop poles in the s-plane such that their real parts are to the left of s = = 4.6/ts.
Recall from Figure 17.16 that the corresponding DT design guide is given by placing all closed-loop poles in
the z-plane inside a circle centered at the origin with radius r = e h = e4.6 h/ts . For rapid settling, then, we
want closed-loop poles with large negative real parts in CT, and with radius much less than one in DT.
It is thus reasonable to consider a DT control design strategy that uses pole placement to design a causal
D(z) that puts all of the closed-loop poles at the origin. This results in a DT closed-loop system for which the
output settles completely after a finite number of timesteps28 , and the closed-loop transfer function is
T (z) =



There is flexibility both in the choice of [that is, how many steps are taken until the output of the DT system
settles completely; must be large enough that the resulting controller D(z) is causal] and in the choice of
g(z) [that is, the (finite-time) dynamics expressed by the output of the closed-loop system as it settles].
Given a causal G(z) = b(z)/a(z), the controller D(z) = y(z)/x(z) required to achieve (18.33a) is
T (z) =

G(z) D(z)
1 + G(z) D(z)

D(z) =

T (z)

G(z) 1 T (z) b(z) z g(z) x(z)


Denote deg {p(z)} the order of p(z). For D(z) to be causal, deg {x(z)} deg {y(z)}, and thus
deg {g(z)} + deg {a(z)} deg {b(z)}.


For D(z) to be strictly causal [which is easier to implement in a microcontroller running at a modest clock
speed, as seen in (17.66)], deg {x(z)} > deg {y(z)}, and thus
> deg {g(z)} + deg {a(z)} deg {b(z)}.


Further, if T (z) = Y (z)/R(z) has zero steady-state error to a unit step [that is, if for rk = 1 for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .
and thus R(z) = z/(z 1) it follows that limk yk = 1], then by the DT final value theorem (Fact 17.4)
lim yk = lim(z 1)Y (z) = lim(z 1) T (z)



= T (1) = 1

g(1) = 1.


It is thus clear from (18.33b) that either D(z) or G(z) has a pole at z = 1.
Minimal-time deadbeat controllers for stable minimum-phase systems
If G(z) = b(z)/a(z) is strictly causal and both stable and minimum phase [that is, if all of the poles and zeros
of G(z) are inside the unit circle], we may simply take g(z) = 1 and = deg {a(z)} deg {b(z)} in (18.33); this
choice is referred to as the minimal-time deadbeat controller, as it results in the fastest-possible complete
settling of the output of the DT system:
T (z) =


D(z) =

y(z) a(z)

x(z) b(z) z 1


Note that D(z) in this case cancels both the poles and zeros of G(z). As pointed out (in the CT case) in, since the plant G(z) is generally only known approximately, it must be emphasized that this strategy
28 In

other words, in the language of 17.4.3, the entire DT closed-loop system becomes an FIR filter instead of an IIR filter.


works only if G(z) has all of its poles and zeros inside the unit circle. As discussed in 18.1, the transfer
function from the reference rk to the control uk , referred to as the control sensitivity, is given in this case by
Su (z) =

y(z) a(z)
a(z) a(z)
. (18.35b)
1 + G(z) D(z) a(z) x(z) + b(z) y(z) a(z) b(z) (z 1) + b(z) a(z) b(z) z

Due to the pole/zero cancellations in [G(z) D(z)], the poles of Su (z) are different than the poles of T (z). [This
is not normally the case; when pole/zero cancellations in [G(z) D(z)] do not occur, the denominator of both
T (z) and Su (z) is simply f (z) = a(z) x(z) + b(z) y(z).] As a result, even though the output yk settles completely
after a finite number of timesteps, the control uk does not. This presents a significant problem: when the DT
system considered arises as a result of the application of DT microcontroller to a CT system, the control
oscillations in uk caused by this approach often lead to a significant intersample ripple in the CT output
y(t), even well after the DT samples of the output, yk , settle completely (see Example 18.11). This largely
defeats the entire purpose of implementing the deadbeat control design methodology in the first place.
Ripple-free deadbeat controllers for stable systems
Designing a D(z) that cancels the entire dynamics of the plant, as suggested in (18.35), is a heavy-handed
approach. A much better approach, called a ripple-free deadbeat controller, strives to make both yk and
uk settle after a finite number of timesteps. To see how to do this, assuming that G(z) = b(z)/a(z) is stable
(but not necessarily minimum-phase), we may take g(z) = b(z)/b(1) and = deg {a(z)} in (18.33), and thus
[cf. (18.35)]
D(z) =
T (z) =
x(z) z b(z)/b(1)
from which it follows that
Su (z) =

1 + G(z) D(z) [z b(z)/b(1)] + b(z)/b(1)


In contrast with the minimal-time deadbeat controller (18.35), the ripple-free deadbeat controller (18.36)
allows the zeros of G(z) to appear in the numerator of T (z), and by so doing they do not appear in the
denominator of Su (z). Thus, the output yk and the control uk both settle completely timesteps after a step
input in rk , and the intersample ripple problem mentioned previously is eliminated (see Example 18.12).
As the timestep h is made small, deadbeat controllers demand large control inputs; one must thus exercise
a certain amount of caution when following this approach. Guideline 18.1 still applies; to follow it, simply
dont let the timestep h get too small.
Ripple-free deadbeat controllers for general (possibly unstable and nonminimum-phase) systems
All internally-stable (see Fact 18.1), causal, ripple-free deadbeat controllers for general (possibly unstable and
nonminimum-phase) proper DT systems are given simply by the DT version of the remarkable construction
in (18.9), taking f (z) = z :
y(z) + a(z) Q(z)
D(z) =
x(z) b(z) Q(z)
where the polynomials {x(z), y(z)} solve the associated Diophantine equation (see B.2)
a(z) x(z) + b(z) y(z) = z


with29 Q(z) = q(z)/zk where k 0 and deg {q(z)} k [q(z) is otherwise arbitrary], and, assuming no pole/
29 To

see clearly why this form for Q(z) works, see (18.10).


zero cancellations30 in [G(z)D(z)], = 2n 1. Amongst these, the case with c = 0 is particularly simple (see
Example 18.13), and results in
T (z) =

b(z) y(z)
G(z) D(z)
1 + G(z) D(z)

and Su (z) =

a(z) y(z)
1 + G(z) D(z)

Example 18.11 Minimal-time deadbeat control of a stable plant

Consider the direct digital design setting (Figure 18.35) applied to the stable minimum-phase CT system
G(s) =

a(s) (s + 1)(s + 5)


Taking h = 0.2 and (exactly) converting the DAC G(s) ADC cascade to DT [see (17.68)] gives the
corresponding stable minimum-phase (with all poles and zeros inside the unit circle) DT transfer function
G(z) =

0.0137 z + 0.0092
a(z) z2 1.1866 z + 0.3012

with n = deg {a(z)} = 2 and m = deg {b(z)} = 1. (18.38b)

Applying (18.35) for minimal-time deadbeat control of the stable minimum-phase system (18.38) results
in = n m = 1 and
z2 1.1866 z + 0.3012 1


D(z) =
b(z) z 1
0.0137 z + 0.0092

the DT and CT responses uk , u(t), yk , and y(t) resulting from a unit step input are illustrated in Figure 18.37a;
note the significant intersample ripple.
Example 18.12 Ripple-free deadbeat control of a stable plant
Applying (18.36) for ripple-free deadbeat control of the system (18.38) results in = n = 2 and
D(z) =

z2 1.1866 z + 0.3012
z b(z) z2 [0.0137 z + 0.0092]


the DT and CT responses uk , u(t), yk , and y(t) resulting from a unit step input in this case are illustrated
in Figure 18.37b; note that yk takes one more timestep to settle than the minimal-time deadbeat controller
considered in Example 18.11, but the significant intersample ripple is eliminated.
Example 18.13 Ripple-free deadbeat control of an unstable plant
Consider the direct digital design setting applied to the unstable CT system [cf. (18.38)]
G(s) =

a(s) (s 1)(s 5)


Taking h = 0.2 and converting the DAC G(s) ADC cascade to DT [see (17.68)] gives the corresponding
unstable nonminimum-phase (with two poles and one zero outside the unit circle) DT transfer function
G(z) =

0.0306 z + 0.0455
a(z) z2 3.9397 z + 3.3201

with n = deg {a(z)} = 2 and m = deg {b(z)} = 1. (18.41b)

Though the system considered in (18.41) has the same order as that considered in (18.38), neither (18.35)
nor (18.36) may be applied in this case, as these approaches are based on pole-zero cancellations between the
controller and the plant; since the DT plant, which is only known approximately, has both poles and zeros
outside the unit circle, these approaches would certainly fail (see
30 Note that (18.37b) has a minimum of + 1 powers of z whose coefficients must be matched between the LHS and the RHS. Take n =
deg {a(z)} and m = deg {b(z)}; since G(z) = b(z)/a(z) is causal, n m. Take i = deg {x(z)} and j = deg {y(z)}; since D(z) = y(z)/x(z)
is causal, i j. It follows from (18.37b), assuming no pole/zero cancellations in [G(z)D(z)], that n + i = . There are at most 2(i + 1)
free coefficients in D(z). Setting 2(i + 1) + 1 for the resulting system to be solvable, it follows that 2n 1.

































Figure 18.37: (a) Step response of the stable system (18.38) when the minimal-time deadbeat controller
(18.35) is applied (see Example 18.11). Though the output of the DT system settles completely after =
n m = 1 timestep, the output of the underlying CT system exhibits significant intersample ripples well
after that, due to the control oscillations shown in the bottom subfigure. (b) Step response of the same system
with the ripple-free deadbeat controller (18.36) applied (see Example 18.12). The output of both the DT
and the underlying CT system settle completely after = n = 2 timesteps, eliminating the intersample ripple
seen previously.










Figure 18.38: Step response of the unstable system (18.41) with the general ripple-free deadbeat controller
(18.37) applied, taking Q(z) = 0 (see Example 18.13). The output of both the DT and the underlying CT
system settle completely after = 2n 1 = 3 timesteps.
Instead, applying (18.37) for ripple-free deadbeat control of the unstable nonminimum-phase system
(18.41), solving a(z) x(z) + b(z) y(z) = z with = 2n 1 = 3 using Algorithm B.1, results in
D(z) =

y(z) + a(z) Q(z)

x(z) b(z) Q(z)


y(z) = 89.6468 z 87.5027,

x(z) = z + 1.1998.


Again, all causal ripple-free deadbeat controllers in this case are given by taking Q(z) = q(z)/zk with k 0
and deg {q(z)} k [q(z) is otherwise arbitrary]. The DT and CT responses uk , u(t), yk , and y(t) resulting
from a unit step input in this case, taking Q(z) = 0, are illustrated in Figure 18.38; note that yk takes one more
timestep to settle than the ripple-free deadbeat controller considered in Example 18.12, but the deadbeat
control strategy used in this case may be applied safely to general (unstable, nonminimum-phase) systems.
The controller derived above has closed-loop transfer function of T (z) = g(z)/z where g(z) = b(z) y(z).
Note that g(1) 6= 1, and thus the closed-loop system has nonzero steady-state error [see (18.34c)]. The easiest
way to fix this is with a prefactor of P = 1/g(1) [see Figure 18.11], as used in Figure 18.38.

Exercise 18.1 Consider a plant, which initially starts at rest, governed by the differential equation
y (t) = u (t) + 2u(t).
a. Take the Laplace transform of this differential equation. Determine the transfer function G(s) = Y (s)/U(s).
b. Assuming proportional feedback D(s) = K, sketch the root locus of the closed-loop system. Confirm using
Algorithm 18.1.
c. Assuming proportional feedback with K = 1, where are the closed-loop poles? Recalling the approximate
design guides (17.57), what are the approximate rise time, settling time, and overshoot of the step response
of the closed-loop system? Confirm using Algorithm 17.1.
d. Assuming proportional feedback with K = 1, compute the step response of this system analytically. Plot.
e. Sketch the (open-loop) Bode and Nyquist plots and, assuming proportional feedback with K = 1, determine
the crossover frequency, gain margin, and phase margin. Confirm using Algorithms 17.4 and 18.3.
f. Assuming proportional feedback with K = 1, sketch the closed-loop Bode plot. Confirm using Algorithm
17.4. For what frequencies does the output accurately track the input?
g. Apply the CT final value theorem (Fact 17.4) to determine the steady-state error of this closed-loop system
(assuming proportional feedback with K = 1) to a unit step input.
Exercise 18.2 Recall that Example 17.9 modeled the horizontal movements y(t) of the third story of a threestory building to both ground motions w(t) and forces applied to the top floor, v(t). Exercise 17.6 examined
the Bode plots of this system for both inputs, w(t) and v(t), quantifying its resonant responses to sinusoidal
excitations and relating these resonances to the locations of the lightly-damped poles of the system transfer
function. We now tune a large mass/spring/damper system that is to be attached to the top floor of this
structure to suppress these resonant peaks. To begin, extend the single mass/spring/damper system model of
Example 17.1 to account for motion of the surface, y(t), to which the spring and damper will be attached (see,
e.g., Figure 17.9b), denoting the deflection of the mass from its rest position as x(t). Then combine equations
appropriately to eliminate both the position of the mass, x(t), and the horizontal force, v(t), applied by the
(moving) mass/spring/damper system onto the building, Takinginitially take the m = 400 kg an ...
Exercise 18.3 Following the suggestions in 18.2.5, write a code to generate a DT Nyquist plot.
Exercise 18.4 Figure 18.16 presented the results of a PID controller applied to the cruise control problem
described in Example 18.1. Noting that Ku = 1.04 105 and u = 55.98, test the Ziegler-Nichols P, ZieglerNichols PI, Ziegler-Nichols PID, Pessen PID, Tyreus-Luyben PI, and Tyreus-Luyben PID ad hoc tuning rules
applied to this system, and comment on each.
Exercise 18.5 The system considered in Figures 18.15 and 18.16, as shown at the right in (18.21), is based
on a n = 2 Pade approximation of the delay as given in (17.48). Repeat this analysis using n = 4 and n = 8
Pade approximations of the delay in G(s), and replot all of the curves in Figures 18.15 and 18.16.
Exercise 18.6 Noting the results of Exercise 18.5, rewrite Bode.m and ResponseTF.m (Algorithms 17.4 and
17.1) in order to compute the precise step response of a system with a delay d. Applying these codes to
(18.21), compute the exact Bode plots and step responses for the problems considered in Figures 18.15 and
Exercise 18.7 Example 18.1 discussed how a simple first-order system with a delay [see (18.21)] can be used
to model an unstable system of unknown structure which can be stabilized by proportional feedback. Derive
the formulae to determine {C, d, a} from {Kl , Ku , Tu } following this approach.

Exercise 18.8 Compute (exactly) the phase of a lead controller Dlead (s) = K(s + z)/(s + p), for z < p, at the

frequency = p z, and plot this phase as a function of p/z for 1 < p/z < 50.
Exercise 18.9 Consider a plant
s + 20
s3 + 40s2
a. Assuming proportional feedback, draw the root locus of the closed-loop system.
G(s) =

b. If the plant is perfectly modeled, will the closed-loop system go unstable for sufficiently large K? Explain
clearly, referring to the root locus.
c. If the system is controlled with a microcontroller (in discrete time) with a sampling frequency of 100 Hz,
will the closed-loop system go unstable for sufficiently large K? Explain clearly, referring to the appropriate
root loci in both the s plane and the z plane.
d. Assuming the gain of a proportional controller is adjusted such that crossover is achieved at = 100rad/sec,
how much phase loss at crossover will there be due to the sampling at 100 Hz?
e. Convert G(s) into a state space realization {A, B,C, D}, where A is in upper companion form.
Exercise 18.10 Design an effective controller for the double integrator system described in Example 18.4,
Case (b).
Exercise 18.11 Using the systematic control design methods discussed in 18.3.6, design a Minimum Energy
Stabilizing Controller for the system
G(s) =

(s + 2)(s 2)(s + 4)(s 4)

(s + 1)(s 1)(s + 3)(s 3)(s + 5)(s 5)


Then, referencing the corresponding Bode plot, modify this MESC design by cascading it with an appropriate
degree of low-pass filtering such that the resulting controller has similar performance, but is also strictly
Exercise 18.12 Via slight modification of Algorithm 18.2, develop a code (and an associated test code) implementing the simplified Bistritz test (18.14).
Exercise 18.13 Using Algorithm 18.2, determine the critical value of K for which the CT root locus in
Figures 18.36c-d goes unstable. Using the corresponding algorithm developed in Exercise 18.12 for the DT
case, determine the critical value of K for which the DT root locus in Figures 18.36b goes unstable. Discuss.
Exercise 18.14 Consider a controller

s + 50
s + 200
a. What is this kind of controller called? Draw its Bode plot by hand. For sinusoidal inputs near =
100rad/sec, does it act more like a differentiator or more like an integrator?
D(s) = K

b. Convert the CT controller D(s) to a discrete time controller D(z) using Tustins rule, using a sampling
frequency of 100 Hz. Repeat this conversion using Tustins rule with prewarping, designing for a crossover
frequency of = 100rad/sec.
Exercise 18.15 Figure 17.5b illustrates an everyday example of a simple hanging pendulum on a cart; its
linearized dynamics are governed by (17.18). Define the horizontal position of the load, z (t), as
z (t) = x (t) + sin (t) x (t) + (t).


We consider a suspended point load, with m p = 1000 kg and I p 0, and a cable of fixed length, = 20 m.

(a) Combine (18.44) with (17.18)a-b to eliminate x (t) and (t), and identify the (fourth-order) transfer
function G1 (s) = Z (s)/U (s) from the force u (t) to the position of the load z (t) [cf. (18.25)]. Based on the
poles of this transfer function, characterize the dynamics of this system before control is applied. [Is it stable
or unstable? If it is oscillatory, what are the oscillation period(s), and how much damping is there?] Then,
compute a simple (force-based) controller D1 (s) such that the closed-loop system has zero overshoot of the
load (why is this sometimes important?) and a settling time of ts = 30 s, and plot the systems step response.
(b) Compute the DT system G1 (z) formed, using (17.68), by the cascade of a DAC with a ZOH, the plant
G1 (s) determined in (a), and an ADC, taking h = 5 s.
(c) Compute a (DT) minimal-time deadbeat controller D1,m-p (z) [see (18.35)] of the system computed in (b),
such that zk settles exactly in the minimum number of timesteps possible. Plot the DT step response zk and,
using Algorithm ?, overlay the plot the CT step response z (t). Discuss.
(d) Compute a (DT) ripple-free deadbeat controller D1,r-f (z) [see (18.36)] of the system computed in (b), such
that both zk and uk settle exactly in the minimum number of timesteps possible. Plot the DT step response zk
and, using Algorithm ?, overlay the plot the CT step response z (t). Discuss.
(e) Combine (18.44) with (17.18)a to eliminate (t), and identify the (second-order) transfer function G2 (s) =
Z (s)/X (s) from the position of the cart x (t) to the position of the load z (t). Based on the poles of this transfer function, characterize the dynamics of this system before control is applied. Then, compute a simple
(displacement-based) controller D2 (s) such that the closed-loop system has zero overshoot of the load and
a settling time of ts = 30 s. In implementation, position-based control of the cart, as considered in (d), is
more robust than force-based control of the cart, as considered in (a), as it is insensitive to modeling errors in
(17.18)b [specifically, to errors in the modeling of the drag of the cart as it moves along the track].
Exercise 18.16 Stabilization of a Saturn V rocket with SLC
Consider the application of the stabilization of a rocket launch, as laid out in Example 17.10. Taking the
Laplace transform of (17.42) leads immediately to

m s2 +

fd s
X(s) ft (s) = ft U(s) W (s),

f d Ls
X(s) + (J s2 f d L)(s) = ft DU(s) LW (s).


Interpreting (t) as the control input and fw (t) as the disturbance input, we may again design the control via
successive loop closure (see Figure 18.24) by taking w(t) = 0 and combining (18.45a)-(18.45b) to give
G1 (s) =

c1 s + c2
2 c4 s + c5
U(s) c3 s3 + Js

G2 (s) =

Js2 c6
= 2
c7 s + c8 s


f d , c2 = ft (D + 1), c3 = m v J/
f d , c4 = m v, c5 = ft f d , c6 =
with J = J/L, D = D/L, c1 = ft m v D/
D ft + L f d , c7 = m D, c8 = f d (L + D)/v. Following the examples given in 18.3.4, successive loop closure
may be used as suggested in Figure 18.24 (coincidentally, taking again as controlled by the inner loop and
x as controlled by the outer loop). For the design condition v = 100 m/s, answer the following questions:
(a) For the rocket problem described above, assuming L = 10 with 20% uncertainty, design an SLC controller
to stabilize the rocket using lead control to stabilize the inner loop. Plot the root locus, Bode, and step response
of the complete system with L = 8, L = 10, and L = 12. Is this result sensitive to the precise value of L?
(b) Repeat question (a), but now assuming L = 10 with 20% uncertainty. Plot the root locus, Bode, and step
response of the complete system with L = 8, L = 10, and L = 12. Is this result sensitive to the precise

value of L? Discuss.
(c) Repeat question (b), but now use notch control to stabilize the inner loop. Make sure you design a single
notch filter in a way that ensures that the notch will work for L anywhere within the specified range. Plot
the root locus, Bode, and step response of the complete system with L = 8, L = 10, and L = 12. Is this
result sensitive to the precise value of L? Discuss.
(d) Repeat exercise (c), assuming L = 10 with now only 5% uncertainty. As the range of L you are designed
the notch filter for is now more precisely known, the performance should be improved. Plot the root locus,
Bode, and step response of the complete system with L = 9.5, L = 10, and L = 10.5. Compare the
nominal performance (that is, for L = 10) in this case versus that in cases (b) and (c). Discuss.

Evans, WR (1950) Control System Synthesis by Root Locus Method AIEE Trans. 69 part 2, 66-69.
Gillespie, TD (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Society of Automotive Engineers.
Lutovac, MD, Tosic, DV, & Evans, BL (2001) Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and
Mathematica. Prentice-Hall.
Nelson, R (1997) Flight Stability and Automatic Control. McGraw-Hill.
McCormick, BW (1995) Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics. Wiley.



Chapter 19

Linear circuits

19.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
19.1.1 Electric charge, potential, and power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
19.1.2 Fundamental circuit elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
19.1.3 Kirchoffs laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
19.1.4 Laplace transform analysis of circuits and the definition of impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
19.2 Active analog circuits & filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
19.2.1 Semiconductor circuit elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
19.2.2 Operational amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
19.2.3 Design and analysis of a few useful op amp circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612

19.1 Introduction
19.1.1 Electric charge, potential, and power
The SI units of the various quantities encountered in electric circuits is now summarized:
Charge is denoted q. The fundamental unit of charge is that of an electron; the (negative) charge of
6.2415 1018 electrons is called a coulomb (C), which is the SI unit for charge.
Electric charge passing a given point per unit time is called current. The current at any instant is
denoted I = dq/dt. The SI unit for current is the ampere (A, a.k.a. amp), which is a flow of 1 C / s.
Energy is denoted w, and the SI unit for (mechanical or electrical) energy is the joule (J). In mechanical
terms, a Joule of energy is 1 kg m2 / s2 , which may be interpreted as 1 N m when applying a force to
a mass over a distance, or as 0.2390 calories of thermal energy, where 1 calorie (cal) is the amount of
thermal energy it takes to warm 1 g (that is, 1 mL, or 1 cm3 ) of water by 1 C at standard atmospheric
conditions. Electric energy, also measured in Joules, is the electric equivalent, as electrical energy can
easily be converted to mechanical energy (to apply a force over a distance) or to heat.

Power is the rate of change of energy at any instant (that is, energy is the integral of power over time),
and is denoted P = dw/dt; the SI unit for power is the watt (W), which is 1 J / s. In mechanical terms,
a watt of power is 1 kg m2 / s3 , which may be interpreted as 1 N m / s when applying a force to a mass
moving at a certain speed, or as or as 0.2390 cal / s when warming a material.
In an electric circuit, associated with any electron is its potential to do work1 relative to some appropriately defined base state, called the ground state; this concept is analogous to the gravitational potential
energy associated with any mass at any given height relative to the earths surface. The potential of a
charge to do work, also called the voltage of this charge, is denoted V = dw/dq, and is defined relative
to this ground state; the SI unit for potential is the volt (V), which is 1 J / C.
Via the above definitions and the chain rule, it follows immediately that

dw dw dq
dq dt

P = VI


Current may be envisioned as a flow of electrons, as described above; however, by convention, the (positive)
direction of the current is defined as the direction opposite to the flow of electrons. This is known as the
passive sign convention. Using this (at first, somewhat peculiar2 ) convention, when considering the voltage
V across a device and the current I through a device, multiplying V times I as suggested by (19.1) results in
positive power P if the device absorbs electric power from the rest of the circuit, as in a resistor3 , with
current flowing from higher voltage to lower voltage, and
negative power P if the device delivers electric power to the rest of the circuit, as in a battery, with
current flowing from lower voltage to higher voltage.
Recall also the usual prefixes of the SI system:























On the electric grid of a city, energy is usually billed in kilowatt hours (kW h) instead of megajoules (MJ);
note that 1 kW h = 3.6 MJ. Similarly, battery charge is usually measured as milliamp hours (mA h) instead
of coulombs (C); note that 1 mA h = 3.6 C.
The change of energy of a single electron if it is moved across a potential difference of one volt is defined
as an electron volt (eV), and is given by 1/(6.2415 1018) = 1.6022 1019 J. Note that the energy E
of a photon is given by E = hc/ , where Plancks constant h = 6.626 1034 J s and the speed of light
c = 2.99792 108 m / s; thus, if a single electron moves across a 1.91 V potential difference, then releases
its excess energy as a photon, the resulting photon has wavelength = 650 nm, and is thus red in color.
1 As an example, consider two identical metal spheres, one with an excess of electrons (said to be of lower voltage), and one with a
depletion of electrons (said to be of higher voltage). If a resistor is connected between the two spheres, the excess repulsive force between
the electrons on the first sphere tends to push electrons through the resistor and onto the second sphere until a balanced distribution of
electrons is reached. In the process, the electrons being pushed through the resistor do work, generating heat.
2 The reason for this peculiar convention is that the fundamental charge associated with an electron is defined as being negative; this
perhaps unfortunate definition was made early on, and it stuck.
3 The power absorbed may be converted it into heat, as in a resistor, a combination of heat & electromagnetic radiation, as in a
lightbulb, laser, or RF transmitter, a combination of heat & mechanical power, as in a motor, fluid pump, or speaker coil, etc., or it may
alternatively be stored (and, later, released), as in a capacitor or inductor (see 19.1.2), a rechargeable battery, a flywheel, etc.


19.1.2 Fundamental circuit elements

Resistors, capacitors, & inductors
Idealized current-voltage relationships for three common devices4 used in analog circuits are
PR = V I = I 2 R = V 2/R > 0,


I = C dV /dt

PC = V I = (C/2) dV 2/dt = dwC /dt,


V = L dI/dt

PL = V I = (L/2) dI 2/dt = dwL /dt,


resistor (denoted


V = RI

capacitor (denoted


inductor (denoted


where wC = CV 2 /2 and wL = L I 2 /2. Approximate values of R, C, and L for such devices are identified with
color bands or numerical codes, the interpretation of which are easy to find on the web. Note that:
The SI unit for resistance R is the ohm () [thus, (19.2a) is known as Ohms law]; an ohm is 1 V / A.
The SI unit for capacitance C is the farad (F); a farad is 1 A s / V.
The SI unit for inductance L is the henry (H); a henry is 1 V s / A.

Note also that power is always absorbed by a resistor, but is either absorbed from or delivered to the rest of
the circuit by a capacitor (or inductor) based on the sign of the rate of change of the square of voltage (or
current) over/through the device.
The idealized linear models listed above are accurate only for sufficiently small V and I inside what are
known as the rated limits of the corresponding device; outside these limits, nonlinearities become significant
(and far outside these limits, the corresponding device will fail).
The flow of electrons along a metal wire, like the flow of water through a pipe, is almost always5 associated with some loss of potential per unit length (and, therefore, some resistance), as energy is lost as heat to
sustain the flow when the magnetic fields generated by the flowing electrons interact with the electromagnetic
fields of the atoms within the material. Wires are simply made from an appropriate metal, like copper, with
relatively low (often, negligible) resistance per unit length, whereas resistors are made from an appropriate
metal, like Nichrome (a non-magnetic alloy of nickel and chromium), that exhibits a relatively high amount of
resistance per unit length, with a resistance that is fairly insensitive to the inevitable temperature fluctuations
that are caused by driving current through the resistor. Note also that, when running a large current through
a resistor beyond its rated limits, the metal warms up, and thus atoms within the metal start vibrating more
energetically; this generally reduces the effective resistance R of the resistor when |I| is large, thus leading to
a nonlinear relationship between V and I [cf. (19.2a)].
Though they are packaged in a variety of different convenient geometries, capacitors are easily visualized
in their most simple form as two parallel metal plates with a nonconducting material, called a dielectric,
between them. If a voltage is suddenly applied across a capacitor, electrons flow in one wire and accumulate
on one of the plates, electrically repelling the electrons on the other (nearby) plate, which then flow out the
other wire, thus generating a current through the device. As more and more electrons accumulate on the first
plate and are depleted from the second plate, however, an electric potential difference is built up between the
two plates, thus inhibiting the further flow of electrons; at steady state, the current through the device reduces
to zero. The resulting (linearized) relationship between between V and I is given in (19.2b). Note also that,
as shown in (19.2b), the power absorbed by or released from a capacitor at any instant, PC , is simply the rate
of change of the energy, wC = CV 2 /2, stored in the capacitor.
Similarly, inductors are easily visualized in their most simple form as a tightly-wound (often, toroidal)
copper wire coil wrapped around an air or ferromagnetic core; when current flows through the wire, a strong
4 As suggested by Thomas & Rosa (2010), we will refer to the actual physical hardware components that a circuit is made from as
devices, and the governing equations we use to model them as elements.
5 The notable exception to this statement is the remarkable class of materials known as superconductors, which at temperatures
below a material-dependent critical temperature exhibit zero resistance and the expulsion of magnetic fields from within the material.








Vs (t)


Is (t)





Figure 19.1: Various power sources and the symbols used for them in this text: (a) ideal constant voltage
source, (b) ideal time-varying voltage source, (c) ideal constant current source, (d) ideal time-varying current
source, (e) practical constant voltage source, (f) practical constant current source.
magnetic field is built up within the core. If a current is suddenly applied through the inductor, the existing
magnetic field in the core, or lack thereof, opposes the newly applied current, thus generating a large voltage
across the the device. As more and more current flows through the device and the magnetic field within the
core builds to a strength consistent with the applied current and the number of windings of the coil, however,
this opposing electromotive force on the moving electrons is reduced; at steady state, the voltage across the
device reduces to (nearly) zero. The resulting (linearized) relationship between between V and I is given in
(19.2c). Note also that, as shown in (19.2c), the power absorbed by or released from an inductor at any instant,
PL , is simply the rate of change of the energy, wL = L I 2 /2, stored in the inductor.
Note finally that the prepackaged resistors, capacitors, and inductors that are commercially available are
manufactured with significant variation. For example, 1 k resistors are available at the following variances
in their actual resistance: {10%, 5%, 2%, 1%, .5%, .25%, .1%, .05%}. Such devices are often
produced as the result of a single manufacturing process, then tested to determine their precise resistance
(using, for example, the Wheatstone bridge circuit analyzed in Example 19.2). They are then binned accordingly and, of course, those resistors most closely matching the target resistance are sold at a higher price.
The result of this manufacturing/sorting process is that the distribution of the actual resistance of those resistors marked at higher variance values are often bimodal, as those units that more accurately match the target
resistance value are not placed in the higher-variance bins. The manufacture of precision resistors is often
accomplished by accurate laser trimming of resistors that are initially slightly below the target resistance.
Power sources
In order to make an electric circuit do something, of course, you need a source6 of electric power. Such
sources come in two types, voltage sources (which are most common) and current sources, either of which
may produce constant or time-varying signals, and are denoted as indicated in Figure 19.1a-d.
The current-voltage relationships of ideal voltage and current sources may be written
ideal voltage source:

V = Vs (regardless of I)


ideal current source:

I = Is (regardless of V )


Note that an ideal voltage source generates a specified voltage across its terminals7 regardless of the current
drawn by the rest of the circuit; an ideal voltage source can not function correctly if a wire (with zero resistance) is connected across its terminals (a.k.a. a short circuit), as that would cause the ideal voltage source
to produce infinite current. Similarly, an ideal current source generates a specified current through the device(s) connected across its terminals regardless of the voltage required over the rest of the circuit in order to
6 Note

that some devices that normally act as sources of electric power, like rechargeable batteries, may also from time to time be
used safely as sinks of electric power, like a capacitor. The practical distinction between a capacitor and a rechargeable battery is that a
capacitor, which simply stores and releases electrons, typically loses its charge fairly quickly when not being used, whereas a battery,
which stores and releases charge via internal chemical reactions, typically holds its charge for much longer periods of time.
7 Note that a terminal of an electric circuit or individual circuit element is a point where other electric circuits are intended to be
attached, as denoted by black dots in Figure 19.1.


Vs /RV




Figure 19.2: Current-voltage relationship of (left) the practical voltage source of Figure 19.1e, and (right) the
practical current source of Figure 19.1f.
maintain it; an ideal current source can not function correctly if the circuit connected across its terminals is
not closed (a.k.a. an open circuit), as that would cause the ideal current source to produce infinite voltage.
Despite the above-mentioned limitations, ideal voltage and current sources are reasonably good models
in many situations when a circuit is properly configured. More accurate (yet still linear) models of real-world
voltage and current sources are indicated in Figure 19.1e-f. Note that, in these more practical models,
a resister is included in series with the voltage source, which thus generates a current of I = Vs /RV
instead of an infinite current in the case of a short circuit across its terminals, and
a resister is included in parallel with the current source, which thus generates a voltage of V = Is RI
instead of an infinite voltage in the case of a open circuit across its terminals.
The current-voltage relationship of the practical voltage and current sources indicated in Figures 19.1e-f are
given in Figure 19.2. Note that, taking Is = Vs /RV and RI = RV , these two relationships are identical, and thus
these two sources are, consistent with the following definition, said to be equivalent8 .
Fact 19.1 (Equivalent circuit definition) Two circuits are said to be equivalent at a specified pair of terminals if they exhibit an identical current-voltage relationship.
Sensors & actuators for interfacing with the physical world
To connect an electric circuit to the physical world, sensors and actuators9 are needed. Actuators are often
built from some type of electric motor; others include linear actuators (like voice coils), electroactive
polymers, etc. Common sensors include accelerometers (accels) to measure linear acceleration, gyroscopes
(gyros) to measure angular acceleration, encoders to measure wheel rotation, thermocouples to measure
temperature, etc. Note that some actuators which convert electrical energy to mechanical energy (like motors
and piezoelectric actuators10) can also be used as sensors or energy scavengers to convert mechanical energy
back into electrical energy (like generators and piezoelectric sensors10 ); this concept is central to the efficient
operation of hybrid and fully electric cars like the Toyota Prius and the Chevy Volt, in which the motor
normally used to drive the wheels may be operated as a generator during regenerative braking.
Though space constraints do not permit a review of the remarkable range of sensors and actuators available today, some issues regarding the use of brushed DC motors are considered further in Example 19.18.
8 Note that, though these two practical source models are equivalent from the perspective of the current-voltage relationship at their
terminals, they are not at all equivalent in terms of their internal operation:
the practical voltage source expends no energy whatsoever if there is an open circuit across its terminals (since the current
through the ideal voltage source component is zero in this case), but expends significant energy if there is a closed circuit across
its terminals (since the current through the ideal voltage source component is Vs /RV in this case);
in contrast, the practical current source expends no energy whatsoever if there is a closed circuit across its terminals (since the
voltage across the ideal current source component is zero in this case), but expends significant energy if there is an open circuit
across its terminals (since the voltage across the ideal current source component is Is RI in this case).
9 More broadly, devices which convert one form of energy (electric, mechanical, thermal, etc.) to another are known as transducers.
10 That is, actuators/sensors built on materials exhibing both the piezoelectric effect, generating an electric field in response to an
applied mechanical strain, and the reverse piezoelectric effect, generating mechanical strain in response to an applied electric field.


19.1.3 Kirchoffs laws

A node of an electric circuit is defined as any point where two or more circuit elements (and, thus, two or
more current paths) are connected. In a complex electric circuit with several circuit elements and several
current paths, the following two simple rules facilitate analysis:
Fact 19.2 (Kirchoffs Current Law, or KCL) The sum of the currents entering a node equals the sum of
the currents leaving that node at any instant.
Fact 19.3 (Kirchoffs Voltage Law, or KVL) The sum of the voltages across the elements around any closed loop in a circuit is zero at any instant.
Note that KVL may be satisfied by construction simply by keeping track of the voltage at each node of the
circuit, rather than the voltage drop across each circuit element. Note also that, in a circuit with n nodes, there
are only (n 1) independent KCL equations for the currents between these nodes, as the KCL at the last node
may be derived by combining appropriately the KCL relations at the other (n 1) nodes.
Defining the voltage at each node (thus implicitly satisfying the KVL equations) and the current between
each node, writing KCL at all but one of the nodes, and writing the current-voltage relationship across each
circuit element [see, e.g., (19.2a)-(19.2e)] leads to a set of ODEs which, together with the initial conditions,
completely describe the time evolution of the circuit. This is best illustrated by a few examples:
Example 19.1 Equivalent resistance, capacitance, and inductance. The concept of equivalent circuits,
with identical current-voltage relationships at a pair of terminals, was defined in Fact 19.1. By the KCL and
KVL given above, it follows that a set of n resistors, capacitors, or inductors in a series connection (see Figure
19.3a), in which the current I through the devices is equal and the voltages add11, V1 + V2 + . . . Vn = V ,
have the equivalent resistance R, equivalent capacitance C, or equivalent inductance L, respectively, of:
V1 = I R1 ,
V2 = I R2 ,
d V2
d V1
= ,
= ,
V1 = L1 , V2 = L2 ,

Vn = I Rn
d Vn
. . . Vn = Ln

V = I R
d V

V = L


R = R1 + R2 + . . . Rn ,
+ ... ,
C C1 C2
L = L1 + L2 + . . . Ln .

Similarly, a set of n resistors, capacitors, or inductors in a parallel connection (see Figure 19.3b), in which
the voltage V across the devices is equal and the currents add, I1 + I2 + . . . In = I, have the equivalent
resistance R, equivalent capacitance C, or equivalent inductance L, respectively, of:
I2 =
d V
d V
, I2 = C2
I1 = C1
dI1 V
I1 =

d V
. . . In = Cn
dIn V


In =

d V
I =C




+ ... ,
R R1 R2


C = C1 + C2 + . . .Cn ,


+ + ... .
L L1 L2

In reducible connections of a single type of components, repeated application of the above rules is sufficient
to determine the equivalent single component value. For example, if the Zk in Figure 19.3c denote resistors,
the equivalent resistance of the parallel connection of R1 and R2 is Ra = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ),
the equivalent resistance of the parallel connection of R4 and R5 is Rb = R4 R5 /(R4 + R5 ), and
the equivalent resistance of the entire series connection (of Ra , R3 , and Rb ) is R = Ra + R3 + Rb.
11 In

order to apply KVL as stated, visualize a battery connected across the terminals in each of the circuits in Figure 19.3.




















Figure 19.3: (a) Series, (b) parallel, (c) reducible, and (d) irreducible interconnections of a single type of
component, with the Zk denoting either resistors Rk , capacitors Ck , or inductors Lk .
On the other hand, repeated application of the above rules is not sufficient to simplify irreducible connections
of a single type of components, such as that shown in Figure 19.3d, which must be treated directly with
KCL/KVL. For example, if the Zk in Figure 19.3d denote resistors, it follows from KCL, KVL, and Ohms
law [see (19.4) below, and Exercise 19.1] that the equivalent resistance is rather involved:

R1 R2 R3 + R1 R2 R4 + R1 R3 R4 + R1 R3 R5 + R1 R4 R5 + R2 R3 R4 + R2 R3 R5 + R2 R4 R5
R1 R2 + R1 R4 + R1 R5 + R2 R3 + R2 R5 + R3 R4 + R3 R5 + R4 R5


Example 19.2 KCL/KVL analysis of Wheatstone bridges. Consider the Wheatstone bridge of Figure
19.4a. For convenience, we number the elements of a circuit sequentially, and denote by Ik the current through
element k, with positive current indicated by the direction of the arrow (this keeps us from having to label
each current component individually in the figure). The voltage at the top of the bridge is V0 (as it is connected
to the top of the battery), and the voltage at the bottom of the bridge is 0 (as it is connected to the bottom
of the battery, which is defined as ground), thus leaving two undetermined nodal voltages, {Va ,Vb }. We may
thus determine the eight unknowns {I0 , I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 , I5 ,Va ,Vb } given the six parameters {V0, R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , R5 }
via KCL at three of the four nodes and the current-voltage relationship across each of the five resistors:
I0 = I1 + I3,
Vo Va = I1 R1 ,

I1 = I2 + I5 ,

Vo Vb = I3 R3 ,

I3 + I5 = I4 ,

Va Vb = I5 R5 ,

Va = I2 R2 ,

Vb = I4 R4 .


This amounts to eight linear equations for the eight unknowns, which may easily be solved.
The Wheatstone bridge is particularly useful for the precise measurement of a resistor value (taken here as
R4 ) given three other resister values (taken here as {R1 , R2 , R3 }). Indeed, if R1 /R2 = R3 /R4 , then the bridge
is said to be balanced, and the current through the resister in the center of the bridge, I5 (which may be
measured precisely using a galvanometer), will be exactly zero, as Va = Vb in this case. If R1 /R2 6= R3 /R4 ,
then it is straightforward to plug the above equations together by hand to determine I5 as a function of R4 ,
given values of {V0 , R1 , R2 , R3 , R5 }. To save time and prevent algebra mistakes, we may instead use symbolic
manipulation: assuming R1 = R2 = R3 = 1 k, R5 = 100 k, and V0 = 5 V, enumerating in the x vector
the eight unknowns in the order listed above, and writing (in order) the eight linear equations (19.4) in these
unknowns as Ax = b, the system may be solved via the following symbolic computation in Matlab:
syms R4;
V0=5; R1=1e3; R2=1e3; R3=1e3; R5=1e5;
A=[1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0; 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0; 0 R1 0 0 0 0 1 0; ...
0 0 0 R3 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 0 R5 -1 1; 0 0 R2 0 0 0 -1 0; 0 0 0 0 R4 0 0 -1];
b=[0; 0; 0; V0; V0; 0; 0; 0]; x=A\b
from which it follows immediately that I5 = (1000 R4)/(4.06 104 R4 + 4.02 107) amps.













Vo (t)






Figure 19.4: Wheatstone bridges for accurate measurement of (a) resistance, and (b) capacitance.
Now, if we simply replace the resistors R3 and R4 in Figure 19.4a with capacitors C3 and C4 , where C3
is known and C4 is unknown, and observe the circuit at steady state, we run into a problem: setting the time
derivatives equal to zero (that is, taking I3 = I4 = 0), it follows that I5 = 0 and thus Va = Vb regardless of the
value of C4 ! Thus, C4 can not be determined in this simplistic manner.
However, as indicated in Figure 19.4b, if we replace resistors R3 and R4 with capacitors C3 and C4 , and
we also replace the constant voltage source with a (sinusoidal) time-varying voltage source, then we can now
easily determine C4 . Our eight equations for the eight unknowns {I0 , I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 , I5 ,Va ,Vb } now take the form
Vo Va = I1 R1 ,

I0 = I1 + I3, I1 = I2 + I5 , I3 + I5 = I4 ,
I3 = C3 d(Vo Vb)/dt, Va Vb = I5 R5 , Va = I2 R2 ,

I4 = C4 d(Vb )/dt.

Assuming R1 = R2 = 1 k, C3 = 10 F, and R5 = 100 k, that {I0 , I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 , I5 ,Va ,Vb ,Vo } are all initially
zero, taking the Laplace transform, and performing an analogous symbolic manipulation:
syms C4 s V0;
R1=1e3; R2=1e3; C3=1e-5; R5=1e5;
A=[1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0; 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0; 0 R1 0 0 0 0 1 0; ...
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 C3*s; 0 0 0 0 0 R5 -1 1; 0 0 R2 0 0 0 -1 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -C4*s];
b=[0; 0; 0; V0; C3*s*V0; 0; 0; 0]; x=A\b
it follows that, in Laplace transform coordinates,
(C4 C3 )s
I5 (s)
= G(s) =
V0 (s)
(2.01 + 2.01 105 C4 )s + 2
As in the case of drawing a Bode plot, we are interested in the magnitude and phase of the output, I5 (s), when
the input, V0 (s), is sinusoidal. Rather than taking V0 (s) = V sin( t) or V0 (s) = V cos( t), we can simplify
the math by taking V0 (s) = Vei t , in which case it again follows that I5 (t) = d0 ei t + other terms that decay
with time, where |d0 | = |G(i )| and d0 = G(i ). Writing the persistent component of the current through
the center resistor as I5 (t) = Iei( t+ ) , it follows that
90 atan2[(2.01 + 2.01 105 C4 ) , 2]
if C4 > C3 ,
|C4 C3 |
, =
90 atan 2[(2.01 + 2.01 105 C4 ) , 2] if C4 < C3 .
(2.01 + 2.01 105 C4 )2 2 + 4

If = 0, then I = 0 regardless of C4 , consistent with the comments made in the previous paragraph. If > 0
and I = 0, it follows immediately that the bridge is in balance and thus C4 = C3 = 10 F. If > 0 and I 6= 0,
C4 may be determined from I and according to the above expressions, noting the 180 shift in when C4
goes from below C3 to above C3 .
Inductance may be quantified with a Wheatstone bridge in an analogous fashion (see Exercise 19.2).









Figure 19.5: A circuit with both voltage and current sources as well as two resistors.
Example 19.3 Equivalent sources Any combination of voltage sources, current sources, and resistors leads
to a linear current-voltage relationship like those in Figure 19.2; the following facts follow as consequence.
Fact 19.4 (Thevenins theorem) Any circuit containing only voltage sources, current sources, and resistors
can be converted to a Thevenin equivalent circuit, with one ideal voltage source and one resistor in series.
Fact 19.5 (Nortons theorem) Any circuit containing only voltage sources, current sources, and resistors
can be converted to a Norton equivalent circuit, with one ideal current source and one resistor in parallel.
As an example, consider the circuit shown in Figure 19.5. Writing down KCL at the node at the top of the circuit and Ohms law across each resistor, the current-voltage relationship at the terminals may be determined:

I1 + Io = IL + I2

Vo   1
Vo VL = I1 R1

VL .
IL = I1 + Io I2 = Io +

R1 R2

VL = I2 R2

It follows from this analysis of the circuit in Figure 19.5 that

its Thevenin equivalent (Figure 19.1e) sets RV = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ) and Vs = (Io + Vo/R1 )RV , and
its Norton equivalent (Figure 19.1f) sets RI = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2 ) and Is = Io + Vo/R1 ;

note that all of these circuits have identical current-voltage relationships, as illustrated in Figure 19.2.
Of particular interest in this example is the question of how much power is actually provided by the two
sources. To simplify, assume first that R1 = IL = 0; in this case, VL = Vo , and
the power absorbed by the current source is IoVo < 0 (that is, power is provided by the current source
regardless of the relative magnitudes of Io and Vo /R2 ), whereas
the power absorbed by the voltage source is I1Vo = (I2 Io )Vo = (Vo /R2 Io )Vo (that is, power
is provided by the voltage source if Vo /R2 > Io , and is absorbed by the voltage source if Vo /R2 < Io ).
Taking R1 > 0 and IL 6= 0, similar conclusions may be drawn (see Exercise 19.3).

19.1.4 Laplace transform analysis of circuits and the definition of impedance

As seen in the first half of Example 19.2 and Example 19.3, in simple circuits without capacitors or inductors,
combining KCL and KVL and the current-voltage relationship across each component leads to straightforward systems of algebraic equations which may be solved by hand or with symbolic numerical tools.
As seen in the second half of Example 19.2, when considering circuits which incorporate capacitors and/or
inductors, combining KCL and KVL and the current-voltage relationship across each component leads more
generally to sets of linear constant-coefficient ODEs together with algebraic constraints (jointly referred to
as descriptor systems). Without the Laplace transform, as developed in 17, the analysis of such systems
would be difficult. However, as seen in Example 19.2, application of the Laplace transform to such descriptor

Vi (t)

Vi (t)

Vo (t)

Vo (t)

Figure 19.6: Two passive first-order filters: (a) a low-pass filter, (b) a high-pass filter. See also Exercise 19.4.
systems converts them back to straightforward systems of algebraic equations, incorporating the Laplace
transform variable s, that are again easy to solve by hand or with symbolic numerical tools.
It is thus seen that, when analyzing electric circuits, working in the Laplace domain is essential. Further,
one is often (but not always) interested in the frequency response of an electric circuit subject to sinusoidal
excitation; as shown in 17.5.1, the magnitude and phase of the persistent sinusoidal component of the output
of an input-output system G(s) when excited by a sinusoidal input may be calculated simply by evaluating
the magnitude and phase G(i ). Thus, taking the Laplace transform of the fundamental current-voltage relationships for resistors, capacitors, and inductors, as listed in (19.2a)-(19.2c), and evaluating at s = i gives
Gresistor (i ) =

V (i )
= R , ZR,
I(i )

Gcapacitor (i ) =

V (i )
, ZC ,
I(i ) C

Ginductor (i ) =

V (i )
= i L , ZL .
I(i )

The quantities ZR , ZC , and ZL are used often, and are commonly referred as the impedance of a resistor, a
capacitor, and an inductor, respectively. Note that, in other texts, the concept of impedance is often introduced loosely as a complex generalization of resistance even before Laplace transforms are properly introduced. This approach is unnecessarily convoluted; pedagogically, the author recommends instead mastering the
Laplace transform (17.3) and the Bode plot (17.5.1) before reading the present discussion; the frequency response of the current-voltage relationships represented by the (complex) transfer functions Gresistor (s),
Gcapacitor (s), and Ginductor (s), as listed above, are then quite easy to interpret12:
the voltage across a capacitor lags the current through the capacitor by 1/4 cycle ( = 90), with the
magnitude of the sinusoidal voltage across the capacitor divided by the magnitude of the sinusoidal
current through the capacitor decreasing with frequency;
the voltage across an inductor leads the current through the inductor by 1/4 cycle ( = 90 ), with the
magnitude of the sinusoidal voltage across the inductor divided by the magnitude of the sinusoidal
current through the inductor increasing with frequency.
Example 19.4 Passive first-order filters. Consider the circuits shown in Figures 19.6a-b and assume that
(a) the input voltage Vi (t) is precisely specified regardless of the current drawn by the filter, and
(b) the current, if any, out the output terminal [marked Vo (t) in the figure] is negligible.
It follows that the passive first-order low-pass filter in Figure 19.6a is governed by
IR = IC , Vi Vo = IR R, IC = C

d Vo

Vi (s) Vo(s) = RC sVo (s)

Vo (s)
Vi (s)
s + 1/RC

whereas the passive first-order high-pass filter in Figure 19.6b is governed by

IC = IR , IC = C

d[Vi Vo]
, Vo = IR R

RC s [Vi (s) Vo (s)] = Vo (s)

Vo (s)
Vi (s)
s + 1/RC

Assumptions (a) and (b) above are restrictive: if the inputs of such passive filters are attached to a real sensors,
if they are cascaded, or if their outputs are attached to real actuators, one or both of these assumptions are
generally invalid. We thus need active filters which relax these assumptions, as developed below.
12 As a mnemonic, a capacitor has low voltage across it at high frequencies, as electric charge doesnt have enough time build up on
it, whereas an inductor has low current through it at high frequencies, as a compatible magnetic field doesnt have time to form.


19.2 Active analog circuits & filters

19.2.1 Semiconductor circuit elements
A semiconductor is a material (often, a single crystal13 of silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, or silicon
carbide) that has conduction properties that may be tuned during fabrication in various useful ways.
A single pure crystal of semiconductor material, such as silicon, is generally nonconductive, as all of the
valence (outer-shell) electrons of the constituent atoms are tied up in the covalent bonds of the crystal14 .
However, if a semiconductor crystal is formed, or doped, with n-type dopant atoms, such as phosphorus,
arsenic, or antimony, an extra valence electron is introduced in the crystal lattice for each atom of the n-type
dopant present in the crystal. These extra valence electrons can move fairly easily when a voltage is applied
across the material, thus making an n-doped semiconductor, such as phosphorus-doped silicon, a conductor.
Similarly, if a semiconductor crystal is formed with p-type dopant atoms, such as boron, aluminum,
or gallium, a valence electron is missing from the crystal lattice for each atom of the p-type dopant present
in the crystal, forming what is known as a hole in the electron structure of the crystal. These holes in the
electron structure of the crystal can also move fairly easily15 when a voltage is applied across the material,
thus making a p-doped semiconductor, such as boron-doped silicon, also a conductor.
p-n junctions & diodes
When a semiconductor crystal has various neighboring sections, some that are p-doped and some that are
n-doped, thus forming p-n junctions within the semiconductor, useful electrical characteristics arise. For
example, a semiconductor crystal which has just two adjacent doping regions, with a single p-n junction in
the middle, is called a semiconductor diode, which behaves in the ideal setting as follows:
If a semiconductor diode is put under forward bias, with positive voltage applied to the p side of the
semiconductor and negative voltage applied to the n side of the semiconductor, then electrons will flow
into the n side of the semiconductor, pushing free valence electrons in the crystal lattice towards the
p-n junction. These electrons, in turn, flow into the nearby holes on the p side of the semiconductor
and creating, in effect, a flow holes on the p side of the semiconductor that is equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction to the flow of electrons on the n side of the semiconductor, thus sustaining an
electric current through the material with very little (ideally, zero) resistance16 .
If, on the other hand, a semiconductor diode is put under reverse bias, with positive voltage applied to
the n side of the semiconductor and negative voltage applied to the p side of the semiconductor, then
some of the extra valence electrons on the n side of the semiconductor are pulled away from the p-n
junction and out of the semiconductor, and some of the holes in the electron structure of the crystal
on the p side of the semiconductor are pulled away from the p-n junction and, effectively, out of the
semiconductor, creating a so-called depletion layer with neither holes nor free valence electrons to
carry moving charge (that is, to sustain the current) in the vicinity of the p-n junction. As a result, an
ideal diode under negative bias does not conduct.
13 Amorphous semiconductors, which lack a long-range ordered crystal structure, can also be manufactured, and can be done so in
especially thin layers over large areas. Such semiconductors may be doped in a manner similar to the single-crystal semiconductors
discussed in 19.2.1, and can be switched from one physical state to another (e.g., from translucent to opaque), which makes them
especially useful in a variety of applications, such as CDs/DVDs/BDs, liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), and solar cells.
14 Note that both silicon and germanium, like carbon, crystallize in a diamond crystal structure; gallium arsenide crystallizes in a
zincblende crystal structure, which is simply a diamond crystal structure with gallium and arsenic in alternating lattice sites.
15 Note that it is actually a neighboring electron in the crystal lattice that moves, thereby changing the hole location in the crystal;
several successive movements of electrons into neighboring hole locations give the appearance that it is the hole itself that is moving.
16 As a loose physical analogy of current flow in a diode under forward bias, one might visualize the electron motion (on the n-doped
side) towards the p-n junction as tiny drops of rain falling through air toward an air/water interface, and the corresponding hole motion
(on the p-doped side) towards the p-n junction as equally tiny bubbles of air rising through water toward the air/water interface at
precisely the same rate, thus resulting in zero net accumulation of negative or positive charge (raindrops or bubbles) at the interface.



leakage current


Figure 19.7: Typical current-voltage relationship of a diode, with forward bias given by V > 0 and reverse
bias given by V < 0, indicating the breakdown voltage Vbr , the leakage current, and the cut-in voltage Vd .
Though the ideal model of a semiconductor diode described above is adequate for many purposes, the deviations of actual semiconductor diodes from this ideal behavior are important to appreciate:
Within the depletion layer described above in the reverse bias setting, the n-doped side, now lacking its
extra valence electrons, is positively charged, and the p-doped side, now lacking its holes, is negatively
charged by the same amount. This sets up an electric field across the p-n junction. When the applied
voltage exceeds a certain breakdown threshold Vbr (typically 5 to 20 volts), one of two phenomena
occurs (which phenomena sets in first depends on various particular details of the diode).
In Zener breakdown, this electric field directly breaks some of the covalent bonds in the semiconductor crystal, thus allowing the resulting freed electrons to act as charge carriers.
In avalanche breakdown, on the other hand, the electric field accelerates free valence electrons
near the edge of the depletion layer to sufficient energies that their subsequent collision with
bound electrons can break covalent bonds within the depletion layer, resulting in the creation
of additional charge carriers (pairs of free electrons and holes), which in turn collide with other
bound electrons within the depletion layer to create still more charge carriers, etc.
Note that avalanche breakdown is hysteretic (that is, after it sets in and the additional charge carriers
are created within the depletion layer, the semiconductor continues to conduct even after the voltage
is reduced below the breakdown threshold), whereas Zener breakdown is not. Diodes designed to undergo these types of breakdown at specific voltages without being damaged, called Zener diodes and
avalanche diodes, are both useful in electric circuit design.
Diffusion of charge carriers (electrons and holes) across the p-n junction in a diode sets up a small
depletion zone and a corresponding built-in voltage even when the external voltage applied to the
diode is zero. Thus, under forward bias, the applied voltage must exceed a certain cut-in voltage Vd
(0.65 volts for silicon diodes, 0.2 volts for germanium diodes) before current will begin to flow.
Due to a weak thermodynamic process of carrier generation and recombination inside the depletion
layer, a small leakage current always flows through a diode under reverse bias even when the applied
voltage is below the breakdown threshold. Note in particular that
carrier generation due to the absorption of energy of incident photons, and the resulting current
when under forward bias, is how photodiodes measure the intensity of incident light, whereas
energy release as photons during carrier recombination is how light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
Finally, under both forward bias (with the applied voltage exceeding the cut-in voltage described above)
and reverse bias (with the applied voltage exceeding the breakdown threshold described above), a diode
exhibits a nonzero but very small amount of electrical resistance.
The current-voltage relationship of a real diode is summed up in Figure 19.7. A regular diode is denoted by
the symbol
, and a Zener diode by
, with the arrow pointing in the direction of the current when
under forward bias. Real semiconductor diodes are usually small cylinders with a wire out each end, with the
n-doped end marked with a single bar, consistent with the bar at the end of the diode symbol.

Bipolar Junction
Transistor (BJT)
p-n-p type

n-p-n type

Field-Effect Transistor (FET)

Junction FET (JFET)
Insulated-Gate FET (IGFET)
(depletion mode)
depletion mode
enhancement mode
n-channel p-channel n-channel p-channel n-channel p-channel




Table 19.1: The eight main types of transistors, their symbols, and their essential construction features. The
three nodes of a BJT are denoted the base (B), emitter (E), and collector (C), whereas the corresponding
nodes of an FET are denoted the gate (G), source (S), and drain (D).
A semiconductor crystal designed to behave as an amplifier or an electronically-activated switch is called
a transistor, and is built from three or more adjacent doping regions. As shown in Table 19.1, there are eight
main types of transistors, which are all somewhat similar in their application, though they differ considerably
in their physical construction and internal operation.
A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is the most robust and common type of transistor. A BJT is, in
effect, two oppositely-facing diodes placed back-to-back in a single semiconductor crystal. Thus, if the middle
section of a BJT, called the base, is left unconnected, then (in the ideal setting, assuming no breakdown) there
will be zero net current between the two ends of the BJT (called the emitter and the collector). However, if
a small current is initiated between the base and the emitter, this populates the central region of the transistor
(including the depletion zone in the p-n junction between the base and the collector, which is nominally under
reverse bias) with charge carriers, thus causing a much larger current, proportional to the base current, to flow
between the emitter and the collector. As suggested by their respective names and symbols,
in a p-n-p type BJT, the emitter-base connection is a p-n diode nominally under forward bias, whereas
in an n-p-n type BJT, the base-emitter connection is a p-n diode nominally under forward bias;

we also denote the voltages and the magnitude of the currents of the emitter, base, and collector as, respectively, {VE ,VB ,VC } and {IE , IB , IC }; note that IE = IB + IC in both p-n-p and n-p-n type BJTs. Assuming
the voltage differences are sufficiently small that avalanche breakdown does not set in, the four modes of
operation of a p-n-p transistor are as follows (the n-p-n case is similar, with all polarities reversed):
Forward active or linear mode: VE > VB VC . This is the nominal setting in which the transistor
acts as a current amplifier. The current gain from IB to IC in this mode is denoted hFE or F , and is
typically about hFE = F = IC /IB 100, whereas the ratio IC /IE is denoted F , and is typically about
F = IC /IE = F /(1 + F) 0.99.
Saturation or on mode: VE > VB and VC > VB . Both p-n junctions are forward biased; current flows
freely, limited by resisters elsewhere in the circuit.
Cutoff mode: VB > VE and VB > VC . Both p-n junctions are reverse biased; very little current flows.
Reverse active or backwards mode: VC VB > VE . This is what happens when you install a transistor backwards. As indicated Table 19.1, the physical construction of a BJT is not symmetric (notwithstanding introductory explanations of how a BJT functions that might indicate to the contrary); in
particular, the surface area of the p-n junction between the base and the collector is much larger than
the surface area of the p-n junction between the base and the collector. As a consequence, the current
gain of a BJT in reverse active mode is typically quite poor; this mode is thus to be avoided.

Noting that IB is typically much smaller than IC , the power dissipated by a BJT is nearly P = |VE VC | IC .
A transistor operating in the linear region is not power efficient: typical values of |VE VC | in low-power
applications might be several volts, and typical values of iC might be hundreds of milliamps, leading to over
a watt of power dissipated by the (typically, diminutive) BJT when operating in linear mode, thus sometimes
necessitating a heat sink. On the other hand, when used as a switch (in saturation and cutoff modes), very
little power is dissipated by the transistor (typical values are 0.2 V at 100 mA 20 mW in saturation mode,
and 10V at 50nA 0.5 W in cutoff mode). Thus,
Guideline 19.1 For power-efficient operation of transistors, use them as fast switches rather than amplifiers.
As mentioned above, the simplest model of a transistor in forward active mode is as a current amplifier,
IC = F IB ,



F = F /(1 + F)


and the current gain F = hFE taken as a (large) constant. The more accurate Early model of forward active
mode models F as a function of the magnitude of the collector-emitter voltage VCE = |VC VE | such that

F = F0 (1 + VCE/VA )


in (19.6a), where the constants F0 and VA are referred to as the current gain at zero bias and the Early
voltage, respectively. This model may be extended to also incorporate the base-emitter voltage VBE = |VB
VE | such that
IC = IES (eVBE /VT 1) (1 + VCE/VA ),
where the constants IES and VT are referred to as the reverse saturation current and the thermal voltage,
respectively. Typical constant values are IES = 1015 to 1012 amps, VT = 26 mV, and VA = 15 V to 150 V.
In a manner analogous to BJTs, the main flow of current in a Field-Effect Transistor (FET), between the
source and the drain, is regulated by the voltage of the gate. The main distinction between an FET and a BJT
is that the drain-source current of an FET is regulated by the voltage of the gate, whereas the emitter-collector
current of a BJT is regulated by the current through the base. FETs come in two main types, Junction FETs
and Insulated-Gate Semiconductor FETs.
A Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) is a (usually, symmetric) transistor design in which the
source and drain are connected to the two ends of a single semiconductor channel that is a either n-doped
or p-doped. As indicated Table 19.1, adjacent to the channel are oppositely-doped semiconductor regions
connected to the gate. If the gate of the JFET is left disconnected, the JFET readily conducts current from the
source to the drain or the drain to the source. However, if a voltage is applied to the gate of the appropriate
sign such that the p-n junctions along the edge of the channel are reverse-biased, a depletion zone forms in
the channel which diminishes the amount of current the JFET can conduct between the source and the drain.
Increasing the magnitude of this voltage applied to the gate increases the size of this depletion zone, which
further diminishes the current the JFET can conduct between the source and the drain, until a pinch-off level
is reached, in which the current the JFET can conduct between the source and the drain is essentially zero.
In an Insulated-Gate Field Effect Transistor (IGFET), the gate is electrically insulated from the channel carrying the current between the source and the drain. The most common type of IGFET, in which the
gate insulation (indicated in red in Table 19.1) is a metal oxide, is known as a Metal Oxide Semiconductor
Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET). Due to the insulation of the gate, an IGFET has a very high input impedance, and almost zero current flows through the gate. This makes IGFETs particularly efficient in logic
circuits or as fast switches; however, it also makes them susceptible to damage from static electricity. IGFETs
come in two classes, those that work in a depletion mode similar to that of a JFET as described above, and
those that work in an enhancement mode, in which the channel between the source and the drain is generally
nonconducting (it may even be undoped) until an appropriate voltage is applied at the gate, which populates
the channel between the source and drain with charge carriers, thus allowing current to flow.
















Figure 19.8: Simple transistor circuits. (a) A current source based on a p-n-p BJT and a Zener diode, with
Iload (Vbr VEB )/Rref . (b) A current mirror based on two n-p-n BJTs, with Iload Iref = (Vs VBE)/Rref .
(c) A differential amplifier based on four BJTs and a current source, as in (a), with Vout D(V+ V ) where
D = IES R/VT; note that the lower half of this circuit is exactly the current mirror considered in (b).
For more operational details of JFETs and IGFETs/MOSFETs, the reader is referred to the literature. We
now demonstrate the versatility of transistor-based circuits by presenting just a few (of the many!) useful
circuits that may be built from BJTs and other fundamental circuit elements.
Example 19.5 Current source. Consider the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.8a. As discussed previously (see
Figure 19.7), a Zener diode under a sufficiently large reverse bias has an essentially constant voltage drop
across it, Vbr , regardless of the current flowing through it (the resistor R1 limits this Zener diode current).
In this circuit, the Zener breakdown voltage is also applied across the series connection of the resistor Rref
and the emitter-base terminals of the transistor; the voltage across resister Rref is thus given by Vbr VEB ,
where VEB is the voltage drop between the emitter and base of the transistor (about 0.65V for silicon). The
emitter current of the transistor is thus given by IE = (Vbr VEB )/Rref ; since Vbr and VEB are approximately
constant, IE is approximately constant. Finally, since a BJT acts as a current amplifier with IB = hFE IC where
hFE 100, it follows that IE IC = Iload regardless of the precise values of Vs and hFE , provided they are
sufficiently large, and regardless of the precise values of R1 and |Zload |, provided they are sufficiently small.
Example 19.6 Current mirror. Consider the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.8b. Assuming VCE VA and
thus F F0 in (19.6b), which is often a good assumption, it follows from (19.6c) that IC of transistor Q1
is related (exponentially) to VBE such that IC = IS eVBE /VT . Since the base-emitter voltage of the (matched)
transistors Q1 and Q2 are precisely equal in this circuit, their collector currents are equal as well. Finally,
since the base currents are negligible compared to the collector currents, it follows from KCL that Iload Iref .
Example 19.7 Differential amplifier. Consider the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.8c. Let {VEk ,VBk ,VCk } and
{IEk , IBk , ICk } denote the voltage and current of the emitter, base, and collector, respectively, of transistor Qk ,
with positive current in the directions indicated in the figure. Due to the current mirror in the lower half of
the circuit (see Example 19.6 and Figure 19.8b), IC1 IC4 . Taking VCE /VA 1 in (19.6c), it follows that

1 h VT F Is
IES  V1 V V1 V+ 
IC1 = IES (e(V1 V+ )/VT 1) = F IE1





(V1 V )/VT

1) = F IE2
IC2 = IES (e
V1 V+  IES 

V+ V ,


Is = IE1 + IE2


Iout = IC2 IC4 IC2 IC1

Vout = Iout R D(V+ V) with D = IES R/VT .

Note that Vout responds primarily to the differential voltage (V+ V ), while V1 = VE1 = VE2 floats up and
down in response to the common voltage (V+ + V).





Figure 19.9: Internal construction of an LM324 op amp, with Ia = Ib = 6 A, Ic = 100 A, Id = 50 A. The

first stage of the op amp is the differential amplifier of Figure 19.8c, with darlington transistors (that is,
a cascade of two transistors, interconnected as shown) used on each of the inputs to increase the gain, and
the output resistor replaced by the op amps second stage. The rest of the circuit amplifies the output from
the first stage, implements a first-order low-pass filter to suppress high-frequency noise, and provides high
current driving capability with low output impedance and short circuit protection. The LM324 quad op amp
implements four such circuits together in a single, robust, and convenient 14-pin dual in-line package (DIP).

19.2.2 Operational amplifiers

An operational amplifier (a.k.a. op amp) is an active (powered) integrated circuit with two inputs, V+ (t)
and V (t), and one output, Vout (t), that functions as a differential amplifier with output

if Vs+ < Vo (t)

Vout (t) = Vo (t) if Vs < Vo (t) < Vs+ with Vo (t) A [V+ (t) V(t)],

if Vo (t) < Vs
where the gain A is very large (indeed, it is often approximated as A ), and two additional properties:

a) very high input impedance (that is, the input terminals of the op amp draw negligible current), and
b) very low output impedance (that is, the output voltage of the op amp is set by the input voltages as
specified above, essentially independent of the attached load).

The internal construction of an op amp is a fairly involved arrangement of transistors and other circuit elements, as typified by17 the LM324 op amp illustrated18 in Figure 19.9. A more accurate dynamic model of
Vo (t) in the (typical) LM324 op amp, which takes into account the fact that the magnitude of its frequency
response rolls off at a couple hundred kilohertz [cf. (19.7a)], may be written in transfer-function form as
Vo (s) = G(s) [V+ (s) V (s)] with G(s) = A
where A 105 and a 106 . Note that the low-pass-filter nature of an op amp is usually neglected [see
(19.7a)]; that is, the cutoff frequency a is so large that the transfer function G(s) of the op amp is usually
approximated as a pure gain (and, further, the gain A of an op amp is so large that it is often considered to
be essentially infinite when modeling the behavior of an op amp circuit). However, the more precise model
of an op amp given in (19.7b) is the best starting point to understand op amp behavior, as it explains why an
op amp with feedback is either stable or unstable (note that both modes have their uses), depending on which
input terminal the feedback is connected to, as shown below.
17 Note
18 Note

that there are many such op amp designs that lead to the same essential properties.
that, in Figure 19.9, Vs+ is denoted Vs , and Vs is denoted by ground.


Vin (t)


Vin (t)

(b) Vin (t)

+ E(t)

Vout (t)


Vo (t)

Vout (t)


Vo (t)

Vout (t)

(d) V (t)

Vout (t)



Figure 19.10: Two simple op amp circuits. (a) An op amp wired with negative feedback and (b) its corresponding block diagram. (c) An op amp wired with positive feedback and (d) its corresponding block diagram. As
op amps are active devices, their connections to Vs+ & Vs are often shown explicitly in the op amp symbol,
as in (a) and (c); these connections are often suppressed for notational simplicity in the remainder of this text.
Consider first the simple op amp circuit in Figure 19.10a, with negative feedback, and its corresponding
block diagram in Figure 19.10b, with an input-output transfer function of
Vo (s) = G(s) E(s)
Vo (s)
H(s) =

E(s) = Vin (s) Vo (s)
The gain of this first-order low-pass filter is nearly unity over a wide range of frequencies; note the fast stable
pole at s aA. With large A, this circuit behaves as a voltage follower or buffer, with Vout (t) Vin (t). This
active circuit is useful because, due to its high input impedance and low output impedance, it isolates the
circuits hooked to its input and output terminals; that is, it draws negligible current from the circuit connected
to its input terminal, and maintains Vout (t) Vin (t) while providing as much current as required (within
limits) by the circuit connected to its output terminal, thus allowing filters to be constructed and analyzed as
independent stages then cascaded together, effectively relaxing the restrictive assumptions of Example 19.4.
Now consider the op amp circuit in Figure 19.10c, with positive feedback, and its corresponding block
diagram in Figure 19.10d, with an input-output transfer function of
Vo (s) = G(s) E(s)
Vo (s)

H(s) =
Vin (s) 1 G(s) s + a aA s aA
E(s) = Vo (s) Vin (s)
Due to the (fast) unstable pole at s = aA, the equilibrium Vo (t) Vin (t) is unstable, and is thus, in practice,
never realized. Instead, Vout (t) is driven to one of the limiting values of the op amp, Vs+ or Vs , and stays
there; which limit it goes to depends on the initial values of Vo (t) and Vin (t) when the op amp is turned on.

19.2.3 Design and analysis of a few useful op amp circuits

We now show via several examples how the clever arrangement of transistors in an op amp is convenient in
a wide variety of practical situations. Note that almost all useful op amps circuits implement feedback, with
Example 19.8 being a notable exception. Further, almost all useful op amps circuits implementing feedback
use the (stable) negative feedback configuration discussed previously, with Examples 19.11, 19.14, and
19.15 being notable exceptions.
Example 19.8 Voltage comparator. When implemented without feedback, a bare op amp (19.7a) in the
large gain limit A functions simply as a voltage comparator:
Vs+ if V+ (t) > V (t),
Vout (t) =
Vs if V+ (t) < V (t).

Example 19.9 Inverting and noninverting amplifiers. Implementing (stabilizing) feedback to the inverting
input of the op amp, an inverting amplifier may be implemented as shown in Figure 19.11a, in which
Vin (t) V(t) = Iin (t) R/M,

V (t) Vout(t) = IR (t) R,

Iin (t) = IR (t);

applying (19.7b) thus leads to

Vout (s) =

[0 V(s)]

Vout (s)
M a A
Vin (s)
(M + 1)s + [a A + a(M + 1)]

Vout (t) MVin (t).

Similarly, a noninverting amplifier may be implemented as shown in Figure 19.11b, in which

V (t) = IO (t) R/ f ,

V (t) Vout(t) = IR (t) R,

IO (t) = IR (t);

applying (19.7b) leads to

Vout (s) =

[Vin (s) V(s)]

Vout (s)
Vin (s)
s + a + a A/(1 + f )

Vout (t) (1 + f )Vin (t).

As illustrated by both of these examples, the (stabilizing) feedback to the inverting input of the op amp leads,
in the A limit, to the condition that V+ = V ; note in both cases the very fast stable poles. It often
simplifies the analysis of a stable op amp circuit to simply apply the condition V+ = V at the outset; if you
have doubts whether or not the circuit considered is stable, implement (19.7b) instead, as done above.
Example 19.10 A general op amp circuit for adding and subtracting. Appropriate combination of the
inverting and noninverting amplifiers of Example 19.9 leads to an op amp circuit such that

Vout (t) =

m j v j M j Vj,




that is, to an op amp circuit that can perform an arbitrary linear combination of n + N inputs, with n positive
coefficients m j and N negative coefficients (M j ). Defining f = m j M j 1, we will consider three
cases: f < 0, f = 0, and f > 0. In the sample circuit we will consider, we take n = N = 3; the modifications required to handle a different numbers of inputs are trivial. Most op amp circuits used for adding and
subtracting are special cases of the general circuit presented here.
The circuit required in the f < 0 case is illustrated in Figure 19.11c. For notational clarity, in this example
only, we take the voltages, currents, and resistances in the upper half of the circuit as uppercase, and the
voltages, currents, and resistances in the lower half of the circuit as lowercase. Ohms law and KCL then give
V1 V = I1 R/M1 , V2 V = I2 R/M2 , V3 V = I3 R/M3 , V Vout = IR R, I1 + I2 + I3 = IR ,
va v+ = ia r/ma , vb v+ = ib r/mb , vc v+ = ic r/mc , v+ = io r/| f |,
ia + ib + ic = io .
Since negative (stable) feedback is used, assuming A , we take V = v+ ; noting that f = m j M j 1
and solving then leads immediately to (19.8).
As f 0, the resistance of the connection between the noninverting input of the op amp and ground in
Figure 19.11c goes to infinity. In the f = 0 case, this connection may thus be eliminated entirely; removing
the equation v+ = io r/| f | from the above set of equations, taking io = 0, and solving leads again to (19.8).
Finally, in the f > 0 case, we replace the connection between the noninverting input of the op amp and
ground with a connection between the inverting input of the op amp and ground, with resistance R/ f . In this
case, the equation v+ = io r/| f | in the above set of equations is replaced by V = Io R/ f , and the two KCL
relations are now I1 + I2 + I3 = Io + IR and ia + ib + ic = 0; solving again leads to (19.8).









R/ f








r/| f |











R/ f

Figure 19.11: Some useful op amp circuits. (a) Inverting amplifier. (b) Noninverting amplifier. (c) A general
adder/subtractor [note: the ground connection shown is for f < 0; if f = 0, this connection to ground is
removed; if f > 0, the connection to ground is attached to V instead of V+ , through a resistance R/ f ].
(d) Inverting Schmitt trigger. (e) Noninverting Schmitt trigger. Note that (d) and (e) are hysteretic.
In all three cases, f < 0, f = 0, and f > 0, the resulting relation between the voltages, (19.8), is in fact
independent of both R and r, which are typically selected so that all resistors used in the circuit are between
1 k and 100 k. Note that, in the case that n = 0 (see, e.g., Figure 19.11a), we may take r = 0, wiring
the noninverting input of the op amp directly to ground. In the case that n = 1 and f 0 (see, e.g., Figure
19.11b), we may also take r = 0, wiring the noninverting input of the op amp directly to va .
Example 19.11 Schmitt triggers. We now consider two hysteretic circuits that are simply the inverting and
noninverting amplifiers of Example 19.9 with the inputs to the op amp swapped from the stable (negativefeedback) configuration to the unstable (positive-feedback) configuration. Assuming Vs+ = Vs and Vs = Vs ,
in the unstable circuit illustrated in Figure 19.11d, called a noninverting Schmitt trigger,

if Vout = +Vs , then it will stay there until Vin passes below Vs /M (that is, until V+ passes below
V ), after which the output will switch to Vout = Vs , whereas
if Vout = Vs , then it will stay there until Vin passes above Vs /M (that is, until V+ passes above
V ), after which the output will switch to Vout = +Vs ;

in the unstable circuit illustrated in Figure 19.11e, called a inverting Schmitt trigger,

if Vout = +Vs , then it will stay there until Vin passes above Vs /(1 + f ) (that is, until V passes
above V+ ), after which the output will switch to Vout = Vs , whereas
if Vout = Vs , then it will stay there until Vin passes below Vs /(1 + f ) (that is, until V passes
below V+ ), after which the output will switch to Vout = +Vs .

A primary application of Schmitt triggers is switch debouncing: once a remotely-operated Schmitt trigger,
acting as a switch, is flipped one way, it takes a large change in the input to flip the Schmitt trigger the other
way, thus preventing chatter of the switch due to noise over the communication channel.
Example 19.12 A general-purpose inverting first-order filter. The circuit illustrated in Figure 19.12a is a
remarkably flexible general-purpose inverting first-order filter design with transfer function19
F(s) =
19 This

C1 s + 1/(R1C1 )
R2 1 + R1C1 s
s + 1/(R1C1 )
1 + R1C1 s
Vout (s)
= R2C1
Vin (s)
C2 s + 1/(R2C2 )
R1 1 + R2C2 s
1 + R2C2 s
R1C2 s + 1/(R2C2 )

transfer function is easily derived from the corresponding circuit via the techniques used in Examples 19.9 and 19.10.


That is, F(s) = K0 (s + z)/(s + p), where K0 = C1 /C2 , z = 1/(R1C1 ), and p = 1/(R2C2 ); we also define
K1 = R2 /R1 , K2 = R2C1 , and K3 = 1/(R1C2 ). If the op amp is ideal, the circuit design in Figure 19.12a is
actually nine circuits in one, reducing20 in the appropriate limits to all of the inverting first-order filters:

taking R1C1 > R2C2 , it is an inverting lead filter with F(s) = K0 (s + z)/(s + p) where z < p;
taking R2C2 > R1C1 , it is an inverting lag filter with F(s) = K0 (s + z)/(s + p) where p < z;
removing C1 , it is an inverting first-order low-pass filter with F(s) = K3 /(s + p);
removing R1 , it is an inverting first-order high-pass filter with F(s) = K0 s/(s + p);
removing21 R2 , it is an inverting PI filter with F(s) = K0 (s + z)/s;
removing21 R2 and C1 , it is an inverting pure integrator F(s) = K3 /s;
removing C2 , it is an inverting PD filter22 with F(s) = K2 (s + z);
removing C2 and R1 , it is an inverting pure differentiator22 F(s) = K2 s;
removing C1 and C2 , it is an inverting amplifier F(s) = K1 .

The development of a corresponding general-purpose noninverting first-order filter is considered in Exercise

19.6. To build a second-order filter that incorporates both a first-order lag filter at low frequencies (to reduce
steady-state error) and a first-order lead filter at high frequencies (to improve damping and reduce overshoot),
creating what is called a lead/lag filter (see Figure 18.3.2b), one may simply cascade together the lead and
lag filters described above as necessary. Note that a PID filter is simply a special case of a lead/lag filter with
the roll-off of the integral action of the lag filter taken all the way down to 0, and
the roll-off of the derivative action of the lead filter taken all the way up to .

To build a PID filter, one could simply cascade together the PI and PD filters described above. However,
note that lead/lag filters are strongly preferred over PID filters for the reasons discussed in 18.3.1: that is,
the roll-off of the low-frequency gain and the high-frequency gain mentioned above almost never need to
be taken all the way to zero and infinity respectively, and doing such generally causes significant problems
(specifically, integrator windup and the amplification of high-frequency noise) in the closed-loop setting.
Example 19.13 Notch filter. The circuit illustrated in Figure 19.12a, called an active twin-T filter, is a
convenient op amp circuit implementation of the notch transfer function19
Fnotch (s) =

s2 + o2
Vout (s)
=K 2
Vin (s)
s + (o /Q)s + o2


where23 K = 1 + R2 /R1 , Q = 1/[2(2 K)], and o = 1/(RC). Note that the zeros of the notch are pure
imaginary, and the so-called quality of the notch is given by Q = 1/(2 ), where is the damping of its
poles; thus, Q = 0.5 (that is, K = 1, or R2 = 0 and R1 ) corresponds to two identical real poles, and
Q > 0.5 corresponds to a pair of complex-conjugate poles with damping which decreases as Q is increased.
The Bode plot of Fnotch (s) for o = 1 and two different values of Q is illustrated in Figure 19.13; note that
the gain of the notch filter is zero at o , and that the width of the range of frequencies significantly affected
by the notch decreases with increasing Q. When using a notch to eliminate, e.g., a 50 or 60 Hz buzz (that
is, noise with a very narrow power spectrum) in a signal, a high Q value is used to minimize the impact of
the notch on the signal of interest outside of the range of frequencies corrupted by the buzz. However, when
using a notch in a feedback control setting to knock out the oscillatory dynamics of a plant (see 18.3.2),
20 Note that removing a capacitor corresponds to taking its capacitance C 0, and removing a resistor corresponds to taking its
resistance R ; in both cases, by (19.2), the current goes to zero through the (removed) component regardless of the applied voltage.
21 Alternatively, R may be replaced by a switch, allowing the integrator to be reset whenever desired.
22 PD filters and pure differentiators must never be used in practice, because they amplify high-frequency noise without bound, which
is a significant problem. Lead filters and first-order high-pass filters (a.k.a. dirty differentiators) should be used instead.
23 Note that Q and K can not be set independently in this particular circuit; this usually does not create much of issue, however, because
a notch filter is usually cascaded with other op amp circuits that can be used to set the gain to the desired value.




















Figure 19.12: Some dynamic op amp circuits: (a) an inverting first-order filter F(s) = K(s + z)/(s + p),
which may be simplified in various ways; (b) a notch filter Fnotch (s) = K(s2 + o2 )/(s2 + o s/Q + o2 ); and
(c) a circuit which, taking Vin = 0, Vs+ = +Vs , Vs = Vs , and R1 = R2 = R, gives a square-wave relaxation
oscillator with frequency 1/(2RC ln 3) Hz and duty cycle 1/2, whereas, taking Vs+ = Vs , Vs = 0, and R1
R2 , gives a square wave with duty cycle Vin /Vs and frequency Vin (Vs Vin )/(R1 CVs2 ) Hz, which may be used
to drive a load in an efficient partial power setting via a pulse width modulation strategy.










Figure 19.13: Bode plot of the notch filter of Example 19.13, rescaled such that K = 1, taking o = 1,
(dot-dashed) Q = 0.5, and (solid) Q = 5. Note the notch shape of the magnitude part of the Bode plot.
one certainly does not want to introduce lightly damped poles with the notch, and values of Q in the range
0.5 Q 0.707 are preferred24. Note finally that an active twin-T implementation of a notch filter may be
cascaded with a doubled lead filter to move the poles resulting from the notch even further into the LHP.
Example 19.14 Relaxation oscillator. The operation of the relaxation oscillator circuit depicted in Figure 19.12c is analogous to the operation of the Schmitt triggers considered previously, with the successive
charging and discharging of a capacitor leading to the periodic flipping of the switch. Assume that Vin = 0,
Vs+ = +Vs , Vs = Vs , R1 = R2 = R, and that V+ is initially higher than V . Given this initial state,

(a) Vout = Vs , and thus V+ = Vs /2, as the two upper resistors act as a voltage divider. Current thus flows
from the output of the op amp through the lower resistor and the capacitor to ground, charging the
capacitor until V just exceeds V+ = Vs /2, and the switch flips to state (b).
(b) Vout = Vs , and thus V+ = Vs /2. Current thus flows from ground through the capacitor and the
lower resistor to the output of the op amp, charging the capacitor the other direction until V falls just
below V+ = Vs /2, and the switch flips back to state (a).

24 That

is, when implementing a notch filter to stabilize, e.g., a Ford automobile, achieving high quality is not necessarily job one.


The period of this oscillation is constant, and may be calculated by determining how long it takes the capacitor
of the relaxation oscillator to gather sufficient charge to flip the switch in each state. For example, taking
Vout = Vs and V (0) = Vs /2, the dynamics of state (a) are governed by

Vs V
(V 0) =

1 + RC

V = Vs .

The homogeneous solution of this system is V (t) = Aet/RC , and a particular solution is V (t) = Vs . Combining and matching the initial condition V (0) = Vs /2, the full solution is given by
V (t) = Vs (3Vs /2)et/(RC).
Setting V (t) equal to Vs /2 at t = T /2, when the switch flips to state (b), it is easy to compute the period T :
V (T /2) = Vs (3Vs /2) eT /(2RC) = Vs /2

eT /(2RC) = 1/3

T = 2 RC ln 3.

Example 19.15 Efficient power control of purely resistive loads via pulse width modulation. Given a
power supply (e.g., a battery) and a purely resistive load (e.g., a light bulb), a question arises as to the most
effective way to run the load at partial power. An inefficient solution to this problem is simply to put a
variable resistor (a.k.a. rheostat) in series with the load, thus reducing both the current through the load and
the voltage across the load, thereby reducing the power consumed by the load. Unfortunately, the variable
resistor used in such a setting itself consumes a lot of power that is rejected as waste heat, thereby wiping out
any potential energy savings that might otherwise be realized.
A much more efficient way to regulate the power applied to a purely resistive load is to repeatedly cycle
the voltage applied to the load on and off very quickly; the percentage of the time the switch is on, called the
duty cycle, then regulates the (time-averaged) percentage of full power at which the load will operate. This
solution, referred to as pulse width modulation (PWM), is facilitated by the fact that transistors are quite
efficient when operated as fast switches (see Guideline 19.1).
It is instructive to note that the simple op amp circuit considered in Example 19.14 can in fact be put to
task quite easily in the PWM setting. The component relations and KCL in the upper and lower portions of
the circuit lead, respectively, to
Vin V+ V+ Vout
Vout V
C (V 0) =

R2 Vin + R1 Vout
V+ =
R1 + R2

V = Vout .

1 + R2 C


Taking Vs+ = Vs , Vs = 0, and R1 R2 and defining the limits V+,max = (R2 Vin + R1 Vs )/(R1 + R2 ) and
V+,min = R2 Vin /(R1 + R2 ), it follows, as in Example 19.14, that there are two states to consider:
(a) Vout = Vs , and thus V+ = V+,max . Starting (19.10b) from an initial condition of V = V+,min at t = 0,
current flows from the output of the op amp through the lower resistor and the capacitor to ground,
charging the capacitor until V just exceeds V+ ; the switch thus flips to state (b) at time t = T1 , which
may be computed as follows:
V (t) = Vs + (V+,min Vs)et/(R2C) , V (T1 ) = V+,max

V+,min Vs
R1 Vs 
= 1+
T1 = R2 C ln 1 +
eT1 /(R2C) =
V+,max Vs
R2 (Vs Vin )
R2 Vs Vin
Vs Vin
(b) Vout = 0, and thus V+ = V+,min . Starting (19.10b) from an initial condition of V = V+,max at t = 0
(resetting the time variable t appropriately to simplify the analysis), current flows from ground through
















Figure 19.14: An improved PWM circuit with duty cycle Vin /Vs and frequency 1/(4 R1 C) Hz, formed by the
cascade of (a) a passive stabilized voltage divider, (b) a triangle-wave generator, and (c) a comparator.
the capacitor and the lower resistor to the output of the op amp, discharging the capacitor until V falls
just below V+ ; the switch thus flips back to state (a) at t = T2 , which may be computed as follows:
V (t) = 0 + (V+,max 0)et/(R2C) , V (T2 ) = V+,min

R1 Vs
R1 Vs 
eT2 /(R2C) =
= 1+
T2 = R2 C ln 1 +
R1C .
R2 Vin
R2 Vin
Thus, the square wave oscillation is cyclically on (Vout = Vs ) for a period T1 and then off (Vout = 0) for a
period T2 , with duty cycle D and frequency given by


T1 + T2

Vin (Vs Vin )

T1 + T2
R1 CVs2

Unfortunately, the frequency of the simple oscillator described above varies with Vin , with 0 as
Vin /Vs 0 and as Vin /Vs 1. A significantly improved PWM circuit, which operates at a constant (independent of Vin ) frequency = 1/(4 R3 C) Hz, is given by cascading together the three stages shown in Figure
19.14. The first stage (Figure 19.14a) is a passive voltage divider with Vo = Vs /2, with a capacitor added to
stabilize the output voltage in case the (small) load attached to its output fluctuates; values of R 10 k
and C 100 nF are typical. The second stage (Figure 19.14b) generates a triangle wave Vw between 0 and
Vs and operating at a frequency of = 1/(4 R1 C) Hz, as discussed below. Finally, the third stage (Figure
19.14c) compares the triangle wave Vw to Vin , outputting Vs whenever Vin is greater than Vw , and outputting 0
whenever Vin is less than Vw , thus resulting in a duty cycle of Vin /Vs .
To analyze the operation of the triangle-wave generator of Figure 19.14b, denote the inputs and outputs of
op amp A (configured in an unstable configuration with positive feedback) as {VA,+ ,VA, = Vo ,VA,out }, and
denote the inputs and outputs of op amp B (configured in a stable configuration with negative feedback) as
{VB,+ = Vo ,VB, ,VB,out = Vw }. Note that, since op amp B is wired with (stabilizing) negative feedback, VB,out
adjusts so that VB, = VB,+ = Vo = Vs /2 at all times. Note also that resistors R2 and R3 form another voltage
divider so that, taking25 R2 R3 , it follows that VA,+ = (VA,out + VB,out )/2 at all times. As in the oscillator
circuits considered previously, there are two states to consider:
(a) VA,out = 0. Assuming the capacitor is initially charged such that VB,out = 0, current flows from the
output of op amp B through C and R1 to the output of op amp A, charging the capacitor until VB,out = Vs
and thus VA,+ just25 exceeds VA, = Vs /2, and op amp A flips to state (b).
(b) VA,out = Vs . Assuming the capacitor is initially charged such that VB,out = Vs , current flows from the
output of op amp A through R1 and C to the output of op amp B, charging the capacitor until VB,out = 0
and thus VA,+ falls just25 below VA, = Vs /2, and op amp A flips back to state (a).
25 Note that R should actually be chosen to be just slightly smaller than R , so that V
A,+ = (0.5 )VA,out + (0.5 + )VB,out , and the
states indeed flip as described. This can be achieved by selecting two resistors of the same rated resistance and, say, 5% variance, then
carefully measuring the resistance of the two and and putting the one with smaller resistance in the R3 location.





inductive load

Figure 19.15: Application of a PWM circuit, formed by cascading the three stages of Figure 19.14, to an
inductive load, incorporating a protective flyback diode (as suggested in Example 19.16) to prevent large
negative voltage spikes forming at VPWM (and, possibly, an arc between exposed wires or damage to one of
the op amps) when the PWM circuit acts to quickly turn off the power to the energized inductive load.







Figure 19.16: Application of a buck regulator for DC/DC conversion. A variable voltage divider (stabilized
by a capacitor) may be used to generate an input Vin to a PWM circuit, such as that given by cascading
the three stages of Figure 19.14. The output of the PWM is then buffered with an inductor, capacitor, and
flyback diode, which together act as a second-order low-pass filter which passively and efficiently removes
the square wave from the PWM signal without the losses associated with extra resistive elements.
The period of this oscillation is constant, and may be calculated by determining how long it takes the capacitor
of the relaxation oscillator to gather sufficient charge to flip the switch in each state. For example, taking
VA,out = 0 and VB,out (0) = 0, the dynamics of state (a) are governed by

VB, VA,out
(VB,out VB, ) =
(VB, VA,out )t,
VB,out (t) =
R1 C

R1 C

VB,out = VB, VA,out

VB,out (T /2) = Vs

T = 4 R1 C.

Example 19.16 Efficient power control of inductive loads via pulse width modulation. The PWM strategy for driving loads at partial power, as described above, is highly efficient and remarkably inexpensive to
implement with modern electronics. If applied to a load with inductance, however, a problem is encountered.
The PWM effectively acts as a switch, quickly turning on and off the power to (and, thus, the current through)
the attached load. If the load contains an inductor governed by V = L dI/dt [see (19.2c)], a rapid reduction
in current through the inductor would tend to induce a large negative voltage spike at VPWM . The diode used
in the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.15, called a flyback (a.k.a. snubber, freewheeling, or suppressor) diode, ensures (by providing current from ground when necessary) that VPWM does not drop below Vd, where
Vd is the (small) cut-in voltage of the diode. A good PWM circuit should always have such a flyback diode
incorporated, just in case the load attached to the PWM circuit has inductive elements.
Example 19.17 DC-DC voltage conversion using a buck converter. The circuit developed in Example
19.16 is one step away from the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.16, called a buck converter, which inexpensively and efficiently solves the problem of DC-DC voltage step-down common in computers and electromechanical systems. Assuming a square wave at VPWM , with current flowing from the PWM circuit when

VPWM = Vs and current flowing from ground (through the diode) when VPWM 0, and assuming (for the
purpose of analysis) that the load is essentially resistive with some resistance R, Vb is determined as follows:


= IC ,

Vb = IR R,

IL = IC + IR

Vb (s)
= 2
VPWM (s) s + s/(RC) + 1/(LC)

Thus, regardless of the precise value of R, if L and C are selected to be large enough that 2 1/LC, where
is the frequency of square wave output by the PWM, then the fundamental and higher harmonics comprising
the square wave will all be damped by the second-order low-pass filter action of the buck converter, leaving
only the average value of the PWM signal, which as derived previously is simply Vin , which is easily set by
the user. Note also that, if a precise value is required for Vin , an appropriately-selected zener diode may be
used instead of the lower half of the resistor in the first stage of the circuit illustrated in Figure 19.16.
Example 19.18 Brushed DC motor control. Brushed DC motors, which are both remarkably inexpensive
and remarkably efficient for converting electrical power to mechanical (rotatary) power, do not operate effectively at low voltage due to stiction within the motor. They also have non-negligible inductance, because
they contain coils of wires acting as electromagnets. The PWM strategy with flyback protection developed in
Example 19.16 is thus especially useful for driving such motors at partial power.
A representative model of the voltage and torque balances, respectively, of a brushed DC motor are
V = RI + L dI/dt + K ,
= KI = J d /dt + C sgn( ),


where the last term in (19.11b) models dry friction (see Example 17.3), and where

V (t) is the voltage applied to the motor [averaged over each PWM cycle, and measured in volts],
I(t) is the current through the motor [measured in amps],
(t) is the rate of rotation of the motor shaft [measured in rad/s],
(t) is the torque applied by the motor to the mechanical load [measured in Nm],
R is the motor resistance [measured in ohms],
L is the motor inductance [measured in henries],
K is the torque constant of the motor [measured in Nm/A = V/(rad/s)],
J is the rotational interia of both the motor and its load [measured in Nm/(rad/s2) ], and
C is the dry friction coefficient [measured in Nm; see (17.11c)].

Note that the torque constant K appears in both the computation of the torque generated by the motor, Ki, in
(19.11b), as well as the back emf in the electric circuit, K , in (19.11a).
In order to drive a brushed DC motor in both the forward and reverse directions, while still incorporating
a PWM strategy as suggested above to efficiently drive the motor at partial power, an H-bridge circuit may be
used. An example of such a circuit is given in Figure 19.17, which takes as input a PWM signal and two logic
states, FWD and REV. In the example H-bridge circuit shown, all three of these logic states are electrically
isolated26 from the power electronics of the H-bridge via optosolators, which as indicated by their symbol
in the schematic are simply light-emitting diodes (LEDs) packaged in close proximity with photodiodes. The
H-bridge circuit shown in Figure 19.17 operates in four different modes based on the settings of the FWD
and REV logic states:
26 Implementing the H-bridge in this fashion protects the microcontroller used to generate the logic states from the voltage spikes that
are sometimes produced by the power electronics hooked to a DC motor, which is an inductive load. The four flyback diodes protecting
the transistors (Q1 through Q4 ) in Figure 19.17 go a long way towards minimizing such voltage spikes, but since these diodes take a
finite amount of time to turn on, such voltage spikes still occur; high-speed diodes, which turn on quickly, are thus desired in such






Q2 v
Q4 v +

Figure 19.17: Implementation of an H-bridge for efficient bidirectional operation of a brushed DC motor via
a PWM signal and two logic states, FWD and REV.

Driving forward (FWD= 1, REV= 0). In this mode, Q1 is on, Q4 is on the same percentage of time
that the PWM signal is low, and Q2 and Q3 are off. DC power thus provided from left to right across
the motor at a duty cycle set by the PWM.
Driving reverse (FWD= 0, REV= 1). In this mode, Q2 is on, Q3 is on the same percentage of time
that the PWM signal is low, and Q1 and Q4 are off. DC power thus provided from right to left across
the motor at a duty cycle set by the PWM.
Braking (FWD= 1, REV= 1). In this mode, Q3 and Q4 are on the same percentage of time that the
PWM signal is low, and Q1 and Q2 are off. DC power thus provided to the motor, at a duty cycle set by
the PWM, that is equal and opposite to the back emf generated by the turning of the motor, resulting in
a total of zero volts across the motor terminals, thus causing the motor to slow down.
Coasting (FWD= 0, REV= 0). In this mode, Q1 , Q2 , Q3 and Q4 are all off, regardless of the PWM
signal. No extra torque is generated by the motor.
In practice, integrated circuits implementing an entire H-bridge circuit are often convenient, such as the Toshiba TB6612FNG dual motor driver, which incorporates MOSFETs instead of BJTs to achieve high efficiency.

Exercise 19.1 Combine the equations in (19.4) to compute Vo /Io by hand, thus verifying (19.3). Then, modifying the Matlab code following (19.4) appropriately [making {Vo , R1, R2, R3, R4, R5} symbolic variables],
compute Vo /Io symbolically. (Given the simplicity of the latter and the complexity of the former, the reader
is encouraged to use symbolic manipulation to crank through such tedious algebraic computations at every
Exercise 19.2 Following an analogous derivation as that in Example 19.2, given one inductor L3 of known
inductance, quantify how a Wheatstone bridge may be used to measure precisely the inductance of an unknown inductor L4 .
Exercise 19.3 Following an analogous derivation as that in Example 19.3, compute the power provided or
absorbed by the voltage and current sources of Figure 19.5 without making the assumption that R1 = IL = 0.



























Figure 19.18: Some dynamic filters considered in the exercises. (a) A passive second-order low-pass filter.
(b) An active second-order low-pass filter. (c) A general-purpose noninverting first-order filter. (d) A single
op-amp implementation of a PID filter combined with two first-order low-pass filters.
Exercise 19.4 (a) Compute the transfer function Vout (s)/Vin (s) of the passive circuit shown in Figure 19.18a,
making the same two assumptions as in Example 19.4. Assuming LC = 1 and RC = 0.5, plot its Bode plot.
What is the cutoff frequency and damping of this filter?
(b) Compute the transfer function Vout (s)/Vin (s) of the active circuit shown in Figure 19.18b, again making
the same two assumptions as in Example 19.4. Assuming R1 = 10 k and that the op amp is ideal with
amplification A , what values of {R2 ,C1 ,C2 } result in the same frequency response as the passive filter
considered in part (a)? Assuming all of the components are readily available (they are!), what advantages
does a circuit of the type considered in part (b) have over the circuit considered in part (a)?
(c) Note that a fourth-order low-pass filter may be constructed simply by cascading together two second-order
active low-pass filters of the type considered in part (b). Following the development in, design a
fourth-order low-pass Butterworth filter and a fourth-order low-pass Bessel filter, both with c = 100 Hz.
Specify the resistor and capacitor values used in each design.
(d) In the active circuit considered in part (b), replace the resistors with capacitors and the capacitors with
resistors. Compute the corresponding transfer function and discuss.
Exercise 19.5 Example 19.12 developed a flexible general-purpose inverting first-order filter. Sketch the Bode plots of the nine filters that the circuit in Example 19.12 reduces to in the nine special cases enumerated.
Then, develop a similarly flexible noninverting first-order filter, which is a bit more involved. Start by performing a careful analysis of the circuit in Figure 19.18c, and describe which of the nine cases itemized in the
inverting case (Example 19.12) are realizable with this noninverting circuit. Identify precisely what limitations (if any) are present in each case. Reviewing the three special cases considered in Example 19.10, describe
precisely how the limitations of this present circuit may be circumvented by reconnecting it appropriately.
Exercise 19.6 The circuit in Figure 19.18d (cf. Figure 19.12a) has a transfer function of
Vout (s)
(s/z1 + 1)(s/z2 + 1)
= K

Vin (s)
(s/p1 + 1)(s/p2 + 1)

and thus may be interpreted as an inverting PID filter combined with two first-order low-pass filters. Determine how each of the variables {K, z1 , z2 , p1 , p2 } depend on {R1 , R2 , R3 ,C1 ,C2 ,C3 } (show your work).
Then, assuming R3 is set to some nominal value (say, 1 k), solve for {R1 , R2 ,C1 ,C2 ,C3 } in terms of
{K, z1 , z2 , p1 , p2 }.

Carter, B, & Mancini, R (2009) Op Amps For Everyone. Texas Instruments.


Chapter 20

Linear systems:
state-space methods

20.1 State-space forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1.1 State transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1.2 The solution of continuous-time linear systems in state-space form . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1.3 The solution of discrete-time linear systems in state-space form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1.4 Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.1.5 MIMO transfer functions and the resolvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.2 Characterizing solutions of nonorthogonal & defective systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.2.1 Quantifying the maximum transient energy growth of a stable system . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.2.2 Quantifying the transfer function of a stable system via system norms . . . . . . . . . . . . Computation of the transfer function 2-norm and -norm of CT and DT systems
20.3 Canonical forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.3.1 The four continuous-time canonical forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.3.2 The six discrete-time canonical forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.3.3 Markov parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.4 Feedback design via pole placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.4.1 Controller design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.4.2 Observer design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.5 Controllability, observability, and related concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.5.1 Continuous-time controllability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous-time controllability matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous-time controllability gramian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.5.2 Continuous-time observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous-time observability matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The continuous-time observability gramian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.5.3 Discrete-time reachability and controllability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A weaker condition: steering a discrete-time system to the origin . . . . . . . . .






20.5.4 Discrete-time observability and constructability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A weaker condition: determining the final state only . . . . . . . .
20.5.5 Output tracking in LTI systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.6 Model reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20.6.1 Removing uncontrollable and unobservable modes: minimal realizations . .
20.6.2 Removing modes with poor controllability/observability: balanced truncation
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













Before beginning this chapter, the reader is advised to read the introduction to 17, to put various related
controls-oriented concepts in context, and to review specifically the transform-based techniques for the analysis of linear systems, as discussed in the remainder of 17, as well as the several linear-algebraic facts and
decompositions laid out in 4, upon which the present chapter builds directly.

20.1 State-space forms

The essence of the subject of linear systems is the thorough characterization of continuous-time (CT) linear
systems that may be written in the continuous-time state-space form

x (t) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t)
A(t) B(t)

C(t) D(t)
y(t) = C(t)x(t) + D(t)u(t)
and discrete-time (DT) linear systems that may be written in the discrete-time state-space form

xk+1 = Fk xk + Gk uk
Fk Gk

Hk Dk
yk = Hk xk + Dk uk


denoting xk , x(tk ) where tk = hk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . We will consider both cases in which {A, B,C, D} in
(20.1) and {F, G, H, D} in (20.2) do not vary in time, referred to as linear time-invariant (LTI) systems,
as well as cases in which {A(t), B(t),C(t), D(t)} in (20.1) and {Fk , Gk , Hk , Dk } in (20.2) do vary in time,
referred to as linear time-varying (LTV) systems. Note the shorthand notations depicted above right (and
implemented in ShowSys.m in the NRC), which are sometimes convenient to summarize compactly the four
matrices defining a state-space form. The matrix A in the CT case, and the matrix F in the DT case, are
often referred to as the system matrices of the corresponding state-space forms. The analyses of the CT
and DT cases, when considered properly, are at each step analogous to one another. To highlight their close
relationship, they are thus laid out in parallel in the sections that follow; to obtain a complete understanding,
the reader is encouraged to master both cases as well as their interrelationship.
The direct feedthrough from the input u to the output y, present when D 6= 0, causes difficulty in some
of the analyses. We thus, at times, restrict our attention to the special case with D = 0 [which, as shown in
(20.34), corresponds to a strictly proper transfer function]; note that such systems may always be formed by
a simple change of variables, taking y = y Du.
Algorithm 20.1: Perform a state transformation on a MIMO state-space model.

f u n c t i o n [A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , R)
Ri= I n v ( R ) ; A= Ri AR ; B=Ri B ; C=CR ;
end % f u n c t i o n S S T r an s f o r m


20.1.1 State transformations

The state-space realizations given in the CT case in (20.1) and in the DT case in (20.2) are not unique. Given
one such realization, a different, equivalent state-space realization may be constructed via any nonsingular
state transformation matrix R. Defining x = RxR for any nonsingular R and multiplying the first equation of
(20.1) by R1 allows us to perform a state transformation that reexpresses (20.1) as

xR (t) = AR xR (t) + BRu(t)

y(t) = CR xR (t) + DRu(t)
that is, taking xR = R1 x, with AR = R1 AR, BR = R1 B, CR = CR, and DR = D (see Algorithm 20.1). An
identical state transformation procedure may be applied to DT systems of the form (20.2).
Fact 20.1 The eigenvalues of the system matrix are invariant under any state transformation (20.3).
Proof : Since | I AR | = | R1 R R1 AR| = |R1 | | I A| |R| = | I A|, any eigenvalue of AR is also an
eigenvalue of A.

20.1.2 The solution of continuous-time linear systems in state-space form

The first-order scalar SISO LTI case
Consider first the CT first-order scalar SISO LTI system given by
x (t) = x(t) + bu(t).


[Note that, with u = 0, (20.4) is sometimes called the continuous-time model problem.] If x(0) and u(t) for
t 0 are specified, then the solution to this system is given by

x(t) = e x(0) +

Z t

e (t ) bu( ) d

where e t , 1 + t +

( t)2 ( t)3
+ . . .,


as easily verified
by substitution. Decomposing into its real and imaginary parts [that is, taking = R + i I

with i = 1, where R and I denote the real and imaginary components of ] and noting that |ei I t | = 1,
it follows that, if u = 0, then x(t) = e t x(0) = eRt eiI t x(0) = eRt [cos(I t) + isin(I t)]x(0), and thus
|x(t)| decays exponentially with t if R < 0 (in which case the system is said to be stable),
|x(t)| is constant in t if R = 0 (in which case the system is said to be neutrally stable), and
|x(t)| grows exponentially with t if R > 0 (in which case the system is said to be unstable).

To recap, the region of stability of the exact solution to the CT model problem is the LHP of the complex
plane , as denoted by the shaded region in Figure 20.1.
Vector LTI systems and the matrix exponential
Now consider the CT first-order vector LTI system given by
x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t).


The solution of this system is given by the natural generalization of (20.5),

x(t) = eAt x(0) +


eA(t ) Bu( ) d

where eAt , I + At +


(At)2 (At)3
+ . . .,


Stability of exact solution to x=x






Figure 20.1: Stability of the exact solution to the model problem x = x in the complex plane .
as easily verified by substitution. The expression eAt is known as the matrix exponential. The triangle inequality (see 1.3) together with the submultiplicative property of matrix norms (see Fact 1.12) establishes
that the series defining the matrix exponential converges:
(At)i 2

k(At)i k2

, k .

i=k i!

The expression on the right bounds the magnitude of the sum of all terms i k on the RHS of the expansion
defining eAt in (20.7), and may be made arbitrarily small for sufficiently large k for any value of t.
Note that, by the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (Fact 4.15), A p for p n may be expressed as a linear combination of lower powers of A. Thus, (20.7) may be written as a sum of a finite number of terms,
eAt , 0 (t)I + 1 (t)A + 2(t)A2 + 3 (t)A3 + . . . + n1 (t)An1 ;


the appropriate values of the coefficients i (t) in this expansion are derived in 20.1.5.
In the special case that the matrix A is diagonal, the matrix exponential defined above reduces to

e 1

+ ... =
e = I + t +

e n
In the special case that the matrix A is in Jordan form (see 4.4.6), the matrix exponential also reduces to a
fairly simple form. For example,

1 21
1 312 31 0
1 1

1 1
12 21
13 312
J2 =
, ...
, J3 =


e 1 te1t t2 e1t

J 2t 2 J 3 t 3
e1t te1t
+ ... =
eJt = I + Jt +

e 2 t

The matrix exponential for other matrices in Jordan form follow analogously, noting that, if Ji is an m m
Jordan block with i on the main diagonal and 1 on the first superdiagonal, then Jin is Toeplitz with 0 on
the subdiagonals, in on the main diagonal, and, noting (B.37), nCk ink on the kth superdiagonal for k =
1, . . . , max{n, m 1}, with 0 on the other superdiagonals. The following useful results follow immediately:
Fact 20.2 (Semigroup property of the matrix exponential) eA(t+ ) = eAt eA
(eAt )1 = eAt . That is, eAt is invertible for any A.
Fact 20.3

eAt eAt = I

d A(t )
d A(t )
) = AeA(t ) = eA(t ) A. Similarly,
) = AeA(t ) = eA(t ) A.

Modal coordinate form

If the system is LTI and the eigenvectors of A are linearly independent, then we may perform an eigen decomposition A = SS1 (see 4.4.4), where is the (diagonal) eigenvalue matrix, S has the corresponding
eigenvectors as columns, and S1 has the corresponding left eigenvectors of A as rows (see Fact 4.25). Performing the state transformation (20.3) with R = S thus converts (20.1) to

xm (t) = xm (t) + Bm u(t)

Cm D
y(t) = Cm xm (t) + Du(t)
In this representation, appropriately called modal coordinate form, the evolution of each mode xm,i of the
uncontrolled system is seen to be completely decoupled. That is, taking u = 0 for the purpose of illustration,

xm,1 = 1 xm,1
xm,1 (t) = e1t xm,1 (0)

xm,2 = 2 xm,2
xm,2 (t) = e xm,2 (0)

xm (t) = et xm (0).




In the original coordinates, the solution to (20.6) with u = 0 may thus be written
x(t) = Sxm (t),

where xm (t) = et xm (0) and xm (0) = S1 x(0)

x(t) = Set S1 x(0). (20.12)

This result may be confirmed by inserting the matrix decomposition A = SS1 into the RHS of the definition
of the matrix exponential in (20.7) and factoring out an S to the left and an S1 to the right, resulting in
2 t 2 3 t 3
+ . . . S1 = S[et ]S1 .
eAt = S I + t +
Thus, the ODE (20.6) with u = 0 is solved by x(t) = eAt x(0) = S[et ]S1 x(0), consistent with (20.12).
If the system is LTI and the eigenvectors of A are not linearly independent, then an eigen decomposition
is not available. In this case, the modal coordinate form is determined from the Jordan decomposition A =
MJM 1 (see 4.4.6); performing the state transformation (20.3) with R = M converts (20.1) to

xm (t) = Jxm (t) + Bm u(t)
J Bm
M AM M 1 B

Cm D
y(t) = Cm xm (t) + Du(t)

In this case, the evolution of the modes corresponding to each Jordan block are coupled. Taking u = 0 and
taking here the Jordan form J depicted in (20.10) for the purpose of illustration, we may write

xm,3 (t) = e1t xm,3 (0)

xm,1 = 1 xm,1 + xm,2


xm,2 (t) = e xm,2 (0) + te xm,3 (0)
xm,2 = 1 xm,2 + xm,3

xm (t) = eJt xm (0).

xm,3 = 1 xm,3
xm,1 (t) = e1t xm,1 (0) + te1t xm,2 (0) + t2 e1t xm,3 (0)

xm,4 = 2 xm,4
xm,4 (t) = e2t xm,2 (0)

Note that some modes [xm,1 (t) and xm,2 (t) in this example] are characterized by algebraic growth followed
by exponential decay. In the original coordinates, the solution to (20.6) with u = 0 may be written
x(t) = MeJt M 1 x(0).
This result may be confirmed by inserting the matrix decomposition A = MJM 1 into the RHS of the matrix
exponential definition in (20.7) and factoring out an M to the left and an M 1 to the right, resulting in
x(t) = Mxm (t),

where xm (t) = eJt xm (0) and xm (0) = M 1 x(0)

J 2 t 2 J 3t 3
+ . . . M 1 = M[eJt ]M 1 .
eAt = M 1 + Jt +


Thus, the ODE (20.6) with u = 0 is solved by x(t) = eAt x(0) = M[eJt ]M 1 x(0), consistent with (20.15).
Both of the above cases lead immediately to the following conclusion:
Fact 20.4 The uncontrolled CT LTI system x = Ax is stable if and only if all of the eigenvalues of the system
matrix A are stable (that is, in the LHP), in which case A is said to be Hurwitz.
Further characterization of the solution to CT LTI state-space systems is deferred to 20.2.
Computing the matrix exponential
Unfortunately, the matrix exponential is, in general, difficult to compute accurately from (20.7) for large t.
Note that (20.13) and (20.16) provide simple relations from which the matrix exponential may be determined from accurate eigen or Jordan decompositions; however, such decompositions are difficult to determine
accurately. Defining (t) = eAt , we may instead write
(t) = I + At(t),

At (At)2
+ ...+
+ O(t k+1 )
(k + 1)!
... +
. . . + O(t k+1).

where (t) = I +


Computing (20.17b) with the O(t k+1 ) terms truncated off (for sufficiently large k) is equivalent to computing (20.17a) truncated at the same order, but is better behaved numerically, as it involves fewer additions of
elements of vastly different magnitudes (which can not be combined accurately using finite-precision arithmetic). Nonetheless, the calculation of eAt via truncation of (20.17b) is viable only for relatively small t. For
larger t, many terms in the expansion are required for convergence; an effective work-around is to leverage
the relation eAt = eA(t/2) eA(t/2) [that is, (t) = (t/2)(t/2)], due to Fact 20.2, and thus
I + At(t) = [I + (At/2)(t/2)][I + (At/2)(t/2)] = I + At(t/2) + (At/2)22 (t/2)
At(t) = At(t/2) + (At/2)22 (t/2)

(t) = [I + (At/4)(t/2)](t/2).


Thus, if t is too large to compute (t) accurately via (20.17), one may instead calculate (t/2), then determine (t) according to (20.18). This idea can be cascaded, calculating (t/2m ) for an appropriately large
value of m using (20.17b), then extrapolating to compute (t) via repeated application of (20.18). A simple
and effective approach, implemented in Algorithm 20.2, is to select an integer m 0 such that kAt/2mki1 1
[that is, m c = log2 kAtki1], which facilitates convergence of (20.17b) using k = 10 to 15 terms.
LTV systems and the CT state transition matrix
Consider now the linear time varying (LTV) system
x (t) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t).

Algorithm 20.2: Compute the matrix exponential using (20.17) and (20.18).
f u n c t i o n [ P h i ] = M a t r i x E x p o n e n t i a l (A , t )
c= l o g 2 ( norm (A t , 1 ) ) ; m=max ( 0 , f l o o r ( c ) + 1 ) ; t i = t / ( 2 m) ; n= l e n g t h (A ) ; P s i = z e r o s ( n ) ; kmax =1 5 ;
P s i =( ey e ( n ) +A t i / kmax ) ; f o r k=kmax 1: 1:2 , P s i = ey e ( n ) + ( A t i / k ) P s i ; end
f o r j = 1 :m, P s i =( ey e ( n ) + ( A ( t i 2 j ) / 4 ) P s i ) P s i ; end , P h i = ey e ( n ) +A t P s i ;
end % f u n c t i o n M a t r i x E x p o n e n t i a l

The solution of this system is given [cf. (20.7)] by

x(t) = (t, 0)x(0) +


(t, )B( )u( ) d


where the continuous-time state transition matrix (t, ) is given by the Peano-Baker formula
(t, ) , I +

Z t

A(t )dt +

= I + O(t ),


A(t )

A(t )dt dt + A(t )

A(t )

A(t )dt dt dt + . . .


as easily verified by substitution, noting the identity dtd t f (t ) dt = f (t). It is trivial to show that, in the
case of constant A, the CT state transition matrix (t, ) defined above reduces to the more familiar matrix
exponential eA(t ) defined in (20.7). Note also that the following useful results follow immediately:
Fact 20.5

(t, ) = A(t)(t, ) with ( , ) = I.

Fact 20.6 (Semigroup property of the CT state-transition matrix) (t, s) = (t, r) (r, s) = (r, s) (t, r)
(t, s) (s,t) = I ((t, s))1 = (s,t). That is, (t, s) is always invertible.
Note that Fact 20.5 may in fact be used as an alternative to the Peano-Baker formula to define the CT state
transition matrix mathematically. It also provides a numerically tractable differential equation from which
(t, ) may be calculated using the marching techniques described in 10.
Taking dd [( ,t)(t, ) = I] and applying the above relations, it also follows that:
Fact 20.7

(t, ) = (t, )A( ).

20.1.3 The solution of discrete-time linear systems in state-space form

The first-order scalar SISO LTI case
Consider the DT first-order scalar SISO LTI system given by
xk+1 = xk + buk .


[Note that, with uk = 0, (20.20) is sometimes called the discrete-time model problem.] If x0 and uk for
k = 0, 1, 2, . . . are specified, then the solution to this system is given by
xk = k x0 +


k1k buk ,

k =0

as easily verified by substitution. It follows that, if uk = 0, then



Stability of exact solution to xk+1=xk






Figure 20.2: Stability of the exact solution to the model problem xk+1 = xk in the complex plane .
|xk | decays exponentially with k if | | < 1 (in which case the system is said to be stable),
|xk | is constant in k if | | = 1 (in which case the system is said to be neutrally stable), and
|xk | grows exponentially with k if | | > 1 (in which case the system is said to be unstable).

To recap, the region of stability of the exact solution to the DT model problem is the interior of the unit circle
in the complex plane , as denoted by the shaded region in Figure 20.2.
Vector LTI systems
Now consider the DT first-order vector LTI system given by
xk+1 = Fxk + Guk .


The solution to this system is given by


xk = F k x0 +

F k1k Guk ,


k =0

as easily verified by substitution.

Exactly converting an LTI CT system to DT
Consider now an LTI CT system (20.1) in which the control input u(t) is held constant over each timestep of
duration h. We may convert this CT problem exactly into the corresponding LTI DT form (20.2) by augmenting the CT matrix representation of the problem and computing the appropriate matrix exponential (20.7).
Writing x(0) = x0 and u(0) = u0 and looking over the first timestep 0 t < h,

x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0
x (t)
A B x(t)


u (t)
0 0 u(t)
u(t) = u0 0 t < h

x(h )
A h x0
where e =
u(h )
Writing similarly x(h) = x1 and u(h) = u1 and looking over the next timestep h t < 2h, etc., we may convert
exactly into the DT form
xk+1 = Fxk + Guk

where F = eA h and G = h (I + Ah/2! + (Ah)2/3! + (Ah)3/4! + . . .)B, and the latter is easily computed as the
upper-right block of eA h , as shown above.
Modal coordinate form
If the system is LTI and the eigenvectors of F are linearly independent, then we may perform an eigen
decomposition F = SS1, where is the (diagonal) eigenvalue matrix. Performing the state transformation
(20.3) with R = S thus converts (20.2) to


xm,k+1 = xm,k + Gm uk

Hm D
yk = Hm xm,k + Duk
In this representation, called modal coordinate form, the evolution of each mode of the uncontrolled system is seen to be completely decoupled. That is, taking u = 0, we may write xm,k = k xm,0 . In the original
coordinates, the solution to (20.6) with u = 0 may thus be written
xk = Sxm,k ,

and xm,0 = S1 x0

where xm,k = k xm,0

xk = Sk S1x0 .


This result may be confirmed by inserting the matrix decomposition F = SS1 into F k in (20.22) with u = 0,
resulting in xk = F k x0 = Sk S1 x0 , consistent with (20.24).
If the system is LTI and eigenvectors of F are not linearly independent, then an eigen decomposition is not
available. In this case, the modal coordinate form is determined from the Jordan decomposition F = MJM 1 ,
where J is in Jordan form; performing a state transformation with R = M converts (20.2) to

xm,k+1 = Jxm,k + Gm uk
J Gm
M FM M 1 G

Hm D
yk = Hm xm,k + Duk
In this case, the evolution of the modes corresponding to each Jordan block are coupled. That is, taking u = 0,
we may write xm,k = J k xm,0 . In the original coordinates, the solution to (20.6) with u = 0 is
xk = Mxm,k ,

where xm,k = J k xm,0

and xm,0 = M 1 x0

xk = MJ k M 1 x0 .


This result may be confirmed by inserting the matrix decomposition F = MJM 1 into F k , resulting in xk =
F k x0 = MJ k M 1 x0 , consistent with (20.26).
Both of the above cases lead immediately to the following conclusion:
Fact 20.8 The uncontrolled DT LTI system xk+1 = Fxk is stable if and only if all of the eigenvalues of F are
stable (that is, inside the unit circle).
LTV systems and the discrete-time state transition matrix
In the case that the system of interest is a linear time varying (LTV) system, we write
xk+1 = Fk xk + Gk uk .
The solution to this system is given by
x1 = F0 x0 + G0 u0
x2 = F1 x1 + G1 u1 = F1 F0 x0 + F1G0 u0 + G1 u1


xn = Fn1xn1 + Gn1un1 = Fn1 F1 F0 x0 + Fn1 Fk+1 Gk uk = n,0 x0 + n,k+1 Gk uk (20.27a)




where the discrete-time state transition matrix n,m is defined for n > m such that

n,m = Fn1Fn2 Fm =

Fn j .



1 1
For consistency, we also define m,m = I and, when the inverses on the RHS exist, m,n = Fm1 Fn2
Fn1 .
Thus, when the applicable Fi are each nonsingular, n3 ,n1 = n2 ,n1 n3 ,n2 = n3 ,n2 n2 ,n1 ; in particular,
n,m m,n = I (n,m )1 = m,n (cf. Fact 20.6). Note that, in general, the Fi are not necessarily invertible, so n,m in the DT case is not necessarily invertible either.

Reconciling the CT and DT LTV state transition matrices

For cases in which the DT state-space form (20.2) is set up to approximate a system written originally in
CT state-space form (20.1), we now illustrate how the formulae for the DT state transition matrix given in
(20.27b) and the CT state transition matrix given in (20.19b) may be reconciled. For sufficiently small t, we
can approximate the CT system (20.6) with the Explicit Euler method (10.5) such that
xk+1 xk
= Ak xk + Bk uk

xk+1 = Fk xk + Gk uk

Fk = I + Ak t, Gk = Bk t,


where Ak = A(tk ) and Bk = B(tk ). [As discussed in 10, more accurate discretizations are certainly possible;
however, the present discretization is adequate for the present illustration.] By (20.27b), we may write


xn = n,0 x0 + n,k+1 Bk uk t

where n,m =

[I + An j t].


We now consider the limit of the above expression as the discretization of the system is refined. Taking the
limit as the number of steps n spanning the interval [0,t] is increased, and the corresponding timestep t = t/n
is decreased (and, thus, the Explicit Euler approximation of the CT system becomes more accurate), the sum
above converts to an integral, and the above expression may be written
0)x0 +
x(t) = (t,


)B( )u( )dt


) is defined by
where, denoting m(n, /t) = round(n /t), (t,
) = lim

n nm(n, /t) h



 (n j)t  t io

n nm(n, /t)  (n j)t  t nm(n, /t)  (n j)t h nm(n, /t)  (n j )t  t i t
+ A
+ ...
= lim I + A

n n
j = j
= lim I +

j=m(n, /t)

 jt  t

n n

j=m(n, /t)

 jt h

n j

j =m(n, /t)

 j t  t i t

n n

+ ... ,

) for this DT form

thus showing that, in the limit that the grid is refined, the state transition matrix (t,
approaches a rectangular-rule approximation of the corresponding CT state transition matrix (t, ) given in

In the case that the system is LTI and taking = 0 for simplicity, noting (B.63) and (B.64), the above
relation reduces to
n n h
n h n
t it
0) = lim I + A t
= lim I + A + A2
+ ...
j=1 n
j=1 j = j n n
(At)2 (At)3
n j 1
= lim I + At + (At)2
+ . . . = I + At +
+ . . .,
n n
thus providing a different derivation of the Tayor-series expansion defining the matrix exponential.

20.1.4 Subsystems
A subsystem may easily be extracted from a CT or DT state-space form by performing an appropriate matrix
decomposition of the system matrix, transforming the linear system using the procedure illustrated in (20.3),
then extracting the equation describing the dynamics of certain modes of interest. For example, consider an
ordered Schur decomposition A = UTU H and subsequent block partitioning of the transformation matrix U
and upper triangular matrix T in this decomposition such that

, T = 11
U = 11
0 T22
U21 U22
where the stable (LHP) eigenvalues appear on the main diagonal of T11 and the neutrally-stable (imaginary)
and unstable (RHP) eigenvalues appear on the main diagonal of T22 . Performing the state transformation
(20.3), taking R = U, transforms (20.1) to the form


xs (t)
T11 T12 xs (t)

T11 T12 Bs

xu (t)
0 T22 xu (t)
0 T22 Bu =

 xs (t)


+ Du(t)
y(t) = Cs Cu

xu (t)
We may then extract the following, which we will refer to as the unstable subsystem of the system (20.1):

xu (t) = T22 xu (t) + Buu(t)
T22 Bu

Cu 0
yu (t) , Cu xu (t)
Note that the evolution of xu (t) is decoupled from the evolution of xs (t).
An analogous procedure may be applied to extract the unstable DT subsystem of (20.2), in this case
grouping those eigenvalues with magnitude less than one on the main diagonal of T11 and those eigenvalues
with magnitude greater than or equal to one on the main diagonal of T22 .

20.1.5 MIMO transfer functions and the resolvent

Returning to the discussion of transform-based methods as introduced in 17, we show now that we may
also develop the transfer function G(s) of a CT LTI system from its state-space representation, even in the
MIMO case. Taking the Laplace transform of (20.1) [using the natural notation for vector functions of time
such that, e.g., X(s) is the Laplace transform of x(t)] gives
sX(s) = AX(s) + BU(s)
Y(s) = G(s)U(s) where G(s) = C(sI A)1B + D.
Y(s) = CX(s) + DU(s)

In the SIMO case, we may write the above as G(s) = Y(s)/U(s) where G(s) is a vector; in the MIMO case,
we leave the expression in the above form, noting that the transfer function G(s) in this case is a matrix.
Fact 20.9 The transfer function of a system is invariant under state transformation (20.3).
Proof : Noting Fact 1.7, we may write
GR (s) = CR (sI AR)1 BR + DR = CR(sI R1AR)1 R1 B + D = C(sI A)1B + D = G(s).

The factor (sI A)1 in (20.30) is called the resolvent matrix. To gain a better understanding of it, we
may revisit the vector LTI system (20.6) and its solution built on the matrix exponential in (20.7). Applying
(17.49a) to each component of the LHS of the Laplace transform of (20.6) in the case that u = 0 gives
sX(s) x(0) = AX(s)

X(s) = (sI A)1 x(0),


whereas applying the fact (from Table 17.1a) that the Laplace transform of t n is n!/sn+1 to the Laplace
transform of (20.7), in the case that u = 0, gives
X(s) =
It thus follows that


A A2
s2 s3

A A2
I + + 2 + ... .
[In the case in which s = 1 and A = , this reduces to the familiar expansion (1 )1 = 1 + + 2 + . . .]
Comparing (20.7) and (20.31), it is seen that the resolvent (sI A)1 may be interpreted as the Laplace
transform of the matrix exponential eAt . This interpretation is useful, because it allows us rewrite the infinite
series expansion for the Laplace transform of eAt as simply the inverse of a matrix. By Cramers rule (Fact
4.3), we may reexpress this inverse as (sI A)1 = (sI A)cof /|sI A|, where the i, jth element of the n n
matrix (sI A)cof is (1)i+ j times the determinant of the matrix formed by removing the ith column and
the jth row of the matrix (sI A). That is, each element of (sI A)cof is an (n 1)th-order polynomial in s,
whereas |sI A| = sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1s + a0 is the characteristic polynomial of A, which is an nth order
polynomial in s. We may thus write
(sI A)1 =

(sI A)1 =

Sn1 sn1 + Sn2sn2 + . . . + S1 s + S0

sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1 s + a0


Note that it follows directly from (20.30) and (20.33) that we may also write
Dsn + (CSn1B + an1D)sn1 + (CSn2B + an2D)sn2 + . . . + (CS1 B + a1D)s + (CS0 B + a0D)
sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1s + a0
thereby converting a state-space representation of a system into transfer function form (that is, into a rational
function of s). Multiplying both sides of (20.33) by (sI A), it is easily verified that the values of the Si given
by the following resolvent algorithm satisfy the above equation:
G(s) =

Sn1 = I,
Sn2 = Sn1 A + an1I,
Sn3 = Sn2 A + an2I,
S1 = S2 A + a2I,
S0 = S1 A + a1I,

an1 = trace(Sn1 A),

an2 = trace(Sn2 A)/2,

an3 = trace(Sn3 A)/3,
a1 = trace(S1 A)/(n 1),
a0 = trace(S0 A)/n;


Algorithm 20.3: Convert a MIMO state-space model to transfer function form using the resolvent algorithm.
f u n c t i o n [ b , a ] = SS2TF (A, B , C , D)
% D e r i v e t h e t r a n s f e r f u n c t i o n form c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o a MIMO s t a t e s p a c e form u s i n g t h e
% r e s o l v e n t a l g o r i t h m , f o r a s y s t e m w i t h n i i n p u t s , no o u t p u t s , and n s t a t e s . a i s 1 x n .
% F o r SISO and SIMO s y s t e m s , b i s no x ( n + 1 ) , c o n s i s t e n t w i t h Matlab s s s 2 t f .
% F o r MISO and MIMO s y s t e m s , b i s no x n i x ( n + 1 ) . The a and b c o e f f i c i e n t s
% ar e enumerated in th e o p p o s ite o r d er here than in th e tex tb o o k d e r i v a t i o n .
n= s i z e (A , 1 ) ; n i = s i z e ( B , 2 ) ; no = s i z e ( C , 1 ) ; i f nargin <4, D= z e r o s ( no , n i ) ; end
S ( : , : , 1 ) = zeros ( n ) ; a ( 1 , 1 ) = 1 ; b ( : , : , 1 ) =D;
for i =2: n +1;
S ( : , : , i ) = S ( : , : , i 1)A+a ( i 1) ey e ( n ) ; a ( 1 , i )= t r a c e ( S ( : , : , i ) A ) / ( i 1 ) ;
% (20.35 a )
b ( : , : , i ) = ( CS ( : , : , i ) B+a ( 1 , i ) D ) ;
% (20.34)
end , i f n i ==1 , b= res h a p e ( b , no , n + 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n SS2TF

verification that the ai given by the above algorithm are exactly the coefficients in the characteristic polynomial of A, as required, follows immediately from (4.68). Implementation of the above equations to convert a
MIMO state-space model to transfer function form is given in Algorithm 20.3.
Substituting (20.35a) into (20.33), it follows that
(sI A)1 = 0 (s)I + 1 (s)A + 2 (s)A2 + 3 (s)A3 + . . . + n1 (s)An1 ,


n1 (s) = 1/(sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1 s + a0),

n2 (s) = (s + an1)/(sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1s + a0 ),
n3 (s) = (s2 + an1s + an2)/(sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1 s + a0),


0 (s) = (sn1 + an1sn2 + . . . + a1)/(sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1s + a0).

The inverse Laplace transform of each of the i (s) is easy to compute using partial fraction expansions and
the methods of 17.3.2, thus determining the i (t) in the finite series expansion of eAt postulated in (20.8):
eAt , 0 (t)I + 1 (t)A + 2(t)A2 + 3 (t)A3 + . . . + n1 (t)An1

for any t 0.


MIMO systems and the resolvent in discrete time

It is also straightforward to develop the transfer function G(z) of a DT LTI system in state-space form, even
in the MIMO case. Taking the Z transform of (20.2) [using the natural notation for vector functions of k that,
e.g., X(z) is the Z transform of xk ] gives
zX(z) = FX(z) + GU(z)
Y(z) = G(z)U(z) where G(z) = H(zI F)1 G + D.
Y(z) = HX(z) + DU(z)
In the SIMO case, we may write the above as G(z) = Y(z)/U(z); in the MIMO case, we leave the expression
in the above form, noting that the transfer function G(z) in this case is a matrix. As stated for CT systems in
Fact 20.9, the transfer function of DT systems is invariant under state transformation.
As in (20.32), the following expansion of the resolvent matrix (zI F)1 is sometimes useful
(zI F)1 =

F F2
I + + 2 + ... ,



where (zI F)1 may be interpreted as the Z transform of F k . Following the approach summarized in (20.33)(20.35), with s replaced by z and the inverse Laplace transform replaced by the inverse Z transform, the
resolvent algorithm may be used to express
F n1
F k = 0k I + 1k F + 2k F 2 + 3k F 3 + . . . + n1

for any k 0.

Note that, for k < n, ik = ik .

Reconciling the CT and DT transfer functions
Applying the Euler explicit approximation to approximate the CT system (20.1) in the DT form (20.2) (that
is, defining F = I + Ah, G = Bh, and H = C), and using the approximate relation z 1 + sh given in (17.70)
to connect the CT and DT variables, it follows that
H(zI F)1 G + D C[(1 + sh)I (I + Ah)]1Bh + D = C(sI A)1 B + D,
thereby reconciling the equations for the CT and DT transfer functions.

20.2 Characterizing solutions of nonorthogonal & defective systems

Our study of CT and DT linear systems has focused thus far on the eigenvalues of the system matrix [equivalently, in 17, on the poles of the transfer function]. As seen in Facts 20.4 and 20.8, this is enough to
determine stability. As seen in Examples 17.12 and 17.13, this is also enough to characterize the response
of real second-order systems (which, by Fact 4.5, have orthogonal eigenvectors), as well as systems which
are dominated by such second-order behavior. As demonstrated below, however, the locations of the eigenvalues/poles alone are not sufficient to characterize the system response in more general systems, due to energy
amplification mechanisms related to eigenvector nonorthogonality, and thus further analysis is required.
The case of orthogonal eigenvectors
In continuous time, if the eigenvectors of A (that is, the columns of S) are orthogonal (for example, if A is
symmetric or, in the complex case, Hermitian) and appropriately normalized, then S1 = SH , and, decomposing k = k,R + i k,I , it follows from (20.12) that the energy of the uncontrolled system [that is, the
Euclidean norm of x(t)] may be written

e 1,R

kx(t)k2 = xH (t)x(t) = xH (0)Se( +)t SH x(0), where e( +)t =
e2t n,R

Defining z(0) = SH x(0), it follows that

kx(t)k2 = e2t 1,R |z1 (0)|2 + e2t 2,R |z2 (0)|2 + . . . + e2t n,R |zn (0)|2 .
We thus conclude that, if all the eigenvalues of the A are stable (that is, ,R < 0 for all , as discussed in
20.1.2) and the corresponding eigenvectors are orthogonal, it follows that kx(t)k2 decreases monotonically
in time in the uncontrolled system, as depicted in Figure 20.3a.
In discrete time, if the eigenvectors of F are orthogonal, then S1 = SH , and the energy of the system may
be written

|1 |2k
k k H
k k

kxk k2 = xH
k xk = x0 S( )S x0 , where =


|n |2k

Thus, defining z0 = SH x0 , it follows that

kxk k2 = |1 |2k |z1,0 |2 + |2 |2k |z2,0 |2 + . . . + |n |2k |zn,0 |2 .
We thus again conclude that, if all the eigenvalues of the F are stable (that is, | j | < 1 for all j, as discussed
in 20.1.3) and the corresponding eigenvectors are orthogonal, it follows that kxk k2 decreases monotonically
with k in the uncontrolled system.
The case of independent but nonorthogonal eigenvectors
It is important to note that, in the case that all the modes of the uncontrolled system matrix are stable and
their eigenvectors linearly independent but not orthogonal, the 2-norm of the solution to the system does
not necessarily decrease monotonically in time. We illustrate this effect here for CT systems, but the same
effect is also seen in DT systems. In the CT case in which the eigenvectors s are linearly independent but
nonorthogonal, note that we may write
x(t) = Sz(t) = z1 (t) s1 + z2 (t) s2 + . . . + zn (t) sn .


Though the individual |z (t)| decrease monotonically in time for all , the 2-norm of the linear combination
of vectors on the RHS of (20.39) might grow substantially before it eventually decays.
This effect is well illustrated by the example already mentioned in (4.38): consider a 2 2 matrix A with
eigenvalues 1 and 1 + such that


, s =
, s =
0 1 +

where 1,R < 0 and 0 < | | 1. Note that the two eigenvectors are nearly parallel. Taking a destructive
linear combination of these two eigenvectors by selecting z1 (0) = 1 and z2 (0) = 1, the initial 2-norm of x(0)
is very small, kx(0)k2 = 2 . As the two modes have different eigenvalues, the corresponding z (t) decay at
different rates. Thus, the effectiveness of the overlap of the two components of x(t), which results from
the nonorthogonality of the s [see (20.39)], reduces with time. As a result, kxk2 might grow substantially
before it eventually decays due to the stability of the eigenvalues, as depicted in Figures 20.3b and 20.3c as
well as the cartoon in Figure 20.4. This type of response is ubiquitous in complex systems, and is referred to
as transient energy growth or peaking.
The defective case
If the eigenvectors of the uncontrolled system matrix are stable but their eigenvectors are not linearly independent, a very similar effect is seen as discussed in the preceding section. Again, we illustrate this effect
here for CT systems, but the same effect is also seen in DT systems. In the CT case in which the eigenvectors
s are not linearly independent, note that A may still be decomposed in Jordan form such that A = MJM 1 ,
where J is in Jordan form (close to a diagonal matrix, but with some 1s in the first superdiagonal), as noted
in 4.4.6. Thus, by substitution of x = Mz, into (20.6) and multiplication from the left by M 1 , it follows that
z = Jz. In this representation, the coupling of the various modes of the system is readily apparent.
For example, in the case of the particular matrix J depicted in (20.10), we have
z1 (t) = e1t z1 (0) + te1t z2 (0) +

z1 = 1 z1 + z2
z2 = 1 z2 + z3
z3 = 1 z3
z4 = 2 z4 .

z2 (t) = e1t z2 (0) + te1t z3 (0)

z3 (t) = e1t z3 (0)
z4 (t) = e2t z4 (0).

t 2 1 t
e z3 (0)






mildly nonorthogonal
strongly nonorthogonal
increasing nonorthogonality of the system eigenvectors


Figure 20.3: Typical system

of eigenvector nonorthogonality.
 responses, kx(t)k

t,as a function 

Parameters used: (a) A =
, x(0) =
; (b) A =
, x(0) =


(c) A =
, x(0) =
; (d) A =
, x(0) =

z2 (0)s2

x( )


z1 (0)s1

( )s2

t =0

z1 ( )s1

Figure 20.4: Graphical illustration of how the length of the resultant x(t) = z1 (t)s1 + z2 (t)s2 can grow (from
time t = 0 at left to time t = at right), before it eventually decays, even when the magnitude of its components, |z1 (t)| and |z2 (t)|, decay exponentially for all time. [In short, the destructive interference of the two
components at time t = 0 initially reduces in time if the two components z1 (t) and z2 (t) decay at different
rates.] Note that the component directions s1 and s2 are not orthogonal; the closer s1 and s2 are to parallel,
the worse this transient energy growth or peaking can be.

In matrix form, z(t) = eJt z(0), where eJt is given in (20.10).

As another example, taking 0 in (20.40), the matrix A reduces directly to a Jordan form. In this case,
(20.6) may be written
x1 = 1 x1 + x2,

= 1 x2 .

x1 (t) = e1t x1 (0) + te1t x2 (0)

x2 (t) = e1t x2 (0).


In both of the above examples, the situation may be thought of as the limit of the nonorthogonal case as the
linear independence of the eigenvectors is lost. If 1,R < 0 in either example, the response of the uncontrolled
system is characterized by algebraic growth followed by exponential decay, as depicted in Figure 20.3d
for the example given in (20.42). Note the similarity between Figures 20.3c and 20.3d; the response of the
system does not suddenly change when reaches zero in (20.40) [though the peculiar Jordan decomposition
of A does change suddenly when this limit is reached, as noted in 4.4.6].
The key point of this discussion is that, though a starting point for understanding low-dimensional linear
systems and their control is simply getting the eigenvalues of the system sufficiently far into the LHP, this
mindset is generally insufficient for adequate performance in high-dimensional systems. Nonorthogonality
of the eigenvectors of A (or, in the limiting case, an A which is defective) leads to mechanisms for substantial
energy amplification in stable systems which must also be accounted for and addressed.

20.2.1 Quantifying the maximum transient energy growth of a stable system

A quadratic measure or cost associated with the state of a system, kxk2Q = xH Q x for Q > 0, may be introduced
and interpreted as a generalized energy measure of the system state. As illustrated in Figure 20.3, if a stable
system matrix is either defective or characterized by nonorthogonal eigenvectors, then such a measure might
grow substantially before it eventually decays at a rate corresponding to that of the least stable constituent
eigenmode. We now quantify this effect.
For the CT LTI system x (t) = Ax(t), the direction of the most amplified initial condition, x(0), and the
corresponding maximum amplification factor max of the energy of this system kx(t)k2Q over any time interval
of interest t [0, ] follow as an immediate consequence the Rayleigh-Ritz Theorem (Fact 4.26) when the
problem is transformed into cost-decoupled coordinates z = Q1/2 x, where Q1/2 is the unique Hermitian
positive-definite matrix such that Q1/2 Q1/2 = Q:
xH ( ) Q x( )
xH (0) eA Q eA x(0)
xH ( ) Q x( ) =
x(0)6=0 xH (0) Q x(0)
xH (0) Q x(0)=1
xH (0) Q x(0)=1



zH (0)z(0)=1

zH (0)[Q1/2 eA

Q eA Q1/2 ]z(0) = max ,


where max is the maximum eigenvalue of the Hermitian matrix [Q1/2 eA Q eA Q1/2 ].
For the DT LTI system xk+1 = Fxk , the maximum transient energy growth over m timesteps may be
determined similarly:
m Q xm
m H
= max xH
m Q xm = Hmax x0 (F ) Q F x0
H Q x =1
x0 6=0 xH


= max zH
(F m )H Q F m Q1/2 ] z0 = max ,
0 [Q
0 z(0)=1


where max is the maximum eigenvalue of the Hermitian matrix [Q1/2 (F m )H Q F m Q1/2 ].
Implementation of the above formulae is given in Algorithm 20.4. In both cases, an optimization routine
such as Brents algorithm (see Algorithm 15.5) may be used to find the time interval , or the number of time
steps m, over which the CT or DT system can lead to the greatest possible transient energy growth.

20.2.2 Quantifying the transfer function of a stable system via system norms
In 20.2, it was observed that nonorthogonality of the eigenvectors of a system matrix creates an important
(and somewhat hidden) mechanism for significant energy amplification in stable systems. This mechanism
was quantified in 20.2.1 by calculating the maximum transient energy growth of an unforced system. In
a system forced by external disturbances, precise characterizations of this hidden internal mechanism for
energy amplification are possible from an input/output perspective. In both the CT and DT cases, we thus
consider two transfer function norms (a.k.a. system norms) to quantify how an appropriately-defined cost
variable output z [e.g., z = Q1/2 x] responds to a disturbance input w acting on the system.
To proceed, consider a CT LTI system in state-space form, initially at rest, with a disturbance input w(t)
and a cost variable output z(t); the transfer function relating w(t) to z(t), denoted G(s), is given by
x (t) = Ax(t) + Bw(t)
z(t) = Cx(t) + Dw(t)

Z(s) = G(s)W(s)


G(s) = C(sI A)1B + D.


Likewise, consider also a DT LTI system in state-space form, initially at rest, with a disturbance input wk and
a cost variable output zk ; the transfer function relating wk to zk , denoted G(z), is given by
xk+1 = Fxk + Gwk
zk = Hxk + Dwk

Z(z) = G(z)W(z)


G(z) = H(zI F)1 G + D.


The CT transfer function 2-norm, kG(s)k2 , is defined for a CT MIMO system (20.44a) such that


G(i ) 2 d = 1
kG(s)k22 ,



i2 G(i ) d , (20.45)

2 i

where k kF denotes the Frobenius norm [1.3.2] and i denotes the ith singular value [4.4.7]. The transfer
function 2-norm of a stable CT MIMO system has at least two natural interpretations:

From a deterministic perspective, we take w(t) as a sequence of unit impulses in each component and
denote g(t) as the associated impulse response matrix1 of the system (with corresponding transfer
function G(s); see Fact 17.6). Applying the form of Parsevals theorem given in (5.41c), noting the
relation between the Fourier transform and the Laplace transform given in (17.4), applying causality,
and applying the definition of the 2-norm of a CT signal (1.3.3), it follows that
i Z
GH (i )G(i )d =
kG(s)k22 =
trace gH (t)g(t) dt = kg(t)k22 .

Thus, the square of the transfer function 2-norm is the total energy of the output z(t) of the CT system
when the input w(t) contains a sequence of unit impulses in each component.

From a stochastic perspective, we take w(t) as a zero-mean

CT random process (6.3) with separable
autocorrelation2 E {w(t + ) wH (t)} = limT T1 0T w(t + ) wH (t) dt = R ( ) and unit spectral den
sity R = I, where ( ) = e /(2 ) /( 2 ), and examine the mean energy of the output z(t) in the
limit that 0 (that is, in the limit that the CT input w(t) is white). Writing z(t) as a convolution
of the impulse response g(t ) and the input w( ), changing variables and rearranging the integrals
appropriately, noting that g( ) 0 exponentially as , and applying (20.46a), it follows that

E {zH (t)z(t)} = lim




zH (t) z(t) dt = lim

Z TZ t

[g(t 1 )w(1 )]H d 1

1 T t t H
w (t 1 ) gH (1 ) g(2 )w(t 2 ) d 1 d 2 dt
T T 0 0 0
1 T
trace gH (1 ) g(2 )w(t 2 )wH (t 1 ) d 1 d 2 dt
= lim
T T 0 0 0
1 T
trace gH (1 ) g(2 ) lim
w(t 2 )wH (t 1 ) dt d 1 d 2
T T 0
0 0
= lim

= lim


0 0

trace[gH (1 ) g(2 ) R (2 1 )]d 1 d 2 =


Z t

g(t 2 )w(2 ) d 2 dt


trace[gH ( ) g( )] d = kG(s)k22 .

Thus, the square of the transfer function 2-norm is the expected mean energy of the output, E {zH (t)z(t)},
when the CT system is excited with a zero mean white random process w(t) with unit spectral density.
Generalizing the definitions in for the CT SISO case to CT MIMO systems via (20.34),
a CT system is said to be proper if the norm of its transfer function is bounded as [i.e., by
(20.34), any CT system in state-space form], and
a CT system is said to be strictly proper if its transfer function approaches zero as [i.e., D = 0].

If a stable CT state-space system is strictly proper (that is, if D = 0), then its transfer function 2-norm is finite,
and thus: (a) the output z(t) in the deterministic setting described above has finite total energy even though
the input w(t) has infinite total energy, and (b) the output z(t) in the stochastic setting described above has
finite mean energy even though the input w(t) has infinite mean energy.
1 More precisely, g (t) is the (causal) response of the output z (t) to a unit impulse on the input w (t), taking the other inputs [w (t)
for k 6= j] as zero. This may be measured in a single experiment on a stable system with multiple inputs by first applying a unit impulse
to w1 (t), then waiting for the system response to settle back to essentially zero, then applying a unit impulse to w2 (t), etc.
1 RT
2 We write E {w(t + ) wH (t)} as lim
T T 0 w(t + ) w (t) dt for a stationary random process w(t) due to ergodicity (see 6).


Likewise, the DT transfer function 2-norm, kG(z)k2 , is defined for a DT system (20.44b) such that
kG(z)k22 ,


Z /h


kG(ei h )k2F d =


kG(ei )k2F d =



G(ei ) d .


If G(z) is a consistent approximation3 of G(s), then kG(s)k2 = limh0 kG(z)k2 / h. Thus, if kG(z)k2 is
nonzero as h 0, the corresponding kG(s)k2 is infinite. The transfer function 2-norm of a stable DT MIMO
system has, again, at least two natural interpretations:
From a deterministic perspective, we take wk as a sequence of unit impulses in each component and
denote gk as the associated impulse response matrix (a.k.a. the Markov parameters of the DT system;
see 20.3.3). Applying the form of Parsevals theorem given in (5.71), noting the relation between the
Fourier transform and the Z transform given in (17.5), applying causality, and applying the definition
of the 2-norm of a DT signal (1.3.3), it follows that

h Z /h

GH (ei h )G(ei h )d = trace gH
k gk = kgk k2 .


Thus, the square of the transfer function 2-norm is the total energy of the output zk of the DT system
when the input wk contains a sequence of unit impulses in each component.
From a stochastic perspective, we take wk as a zero-mean DT random process (6.4) with separable
1 N
autocorrelation E {wk+ j wH
k } = limN N k=0 wk+ j wk = P j0 (that is, a DT input wk that is white)
and unit covariance P = I, and examine the mean energy of the output zk . Writing zk as a convolution of
the impulse response gki and the input wi , changing variables and rearranging the sums appropriately,
noting that gk 0 exponentially as k , and applying (20.48a), it follows that
1 N k
1 N H
zk zk = lim

[gkiwi ]H
k=0 i=0

E {zH
k zk } = lim

1 N

k=0 i =0 j =0

= lim

k=0 i =0 j =0



trace gH

j k j ki =


gk j w j = N
ki gi g j wk j


1 N


k j ki
i =0 j =0


i g j P j i ,0 ] = trace[gk gk ] = kG(z)k2 .

i =0 j =0



Thus, the square of the transfer function 2-norm is the expected mean energy of the output, E {zH
k zk },
when the DT system is excited with a zero mean white random process wk with unit covariance.
As the integral in (20.47) is finite, a DT state-space system has finite transfer function 2-norm even if D 6= 0.
The CT transfer function -norm, kG(s)k , is defined for a stable CT system (20.44a) such that
kG(s)k , sup kG(i )ki2 = sup max G(i ) ,
0 <

0 <

where k ki2 denotes the induced 2-norm [1.3.2] and max [] denotes the maximum singular value [4.4.7].
Likewise, DT transfer function -norm, kG(z)k , is defined for a stable DT system (20.44b) such that
kG(z)k , sup kG(ei h )ki2 = sup kG(ei )ki2 = sup max G(ei ) .
0 < /h

0 <

0 <

The transfer function -norm is finite for any type 0 (see, proper, CT or DT system.
3 Note

that G(z) may be generated from G(s) via, e.g., Tustins rule (17.72).


The -norm is the peak over all frequencies of the largest singular value of the transfer function G,
whereas the 2-norm is the square root of the integral over all frequencies of the sum of the squared singular
values of the transfer function G. Thus, though the former quantifies the largest singular value of the transfer
function and the latter quantifies, in a way, all of the singular values of the transfer function, there is no clear
relationship between the two (i.e., we cant bound one with a constant times the other).
The transfer function -norm is a useful quantification of the worst-case amplification of disturbances
by a stable system, and has at least two natural interpretations:
In the frequency domain, if a (CT or DT) system is SISO, its transfer function -norm is simply the
maximum over all frequencies of the gain of the corresponding Bode plot. Recall that, in the MIMO
case, a Bode plot may be drawn from any linear combination of inputs to any linear combination
of outputs; the transfer function -norm in the MIMO case thus quantifies the maximum over all
frequencies of the gain of the corresponding Bode plot from the worst (i.e., most disturbing) linear
combination of inputs to the worst (i.e., most sensitive) linear combination of outputs.
In the time domain, it is straightforward to show that the infinity norm also quantifies the response of
the stable CT or DT system to the most disturbing input w in the time domain; that is,
= max kz(t)k2
kw(t)k2 =1
w(t)6=0 kw(t)k2

kG(s)k = max


kzk k2
= max kzk k2 .
wk 6=0 kwk k2
kwk k2 =1

kG(z)k = max

These relations generalize the Rayleigh-Ritz Theorem (Fact 4.26) to time-varying signals, and their
proof is similar: expanding the input as a linear combination of sinusoids4 with unit 2-norm, the output
with maximum 2-norm is given by a sinusoidal input at the most disturbing frequency with the most
disturbing linear combination of inputs, as identified in the frequency-domain analysis above. Computation of the transfer function 2-norm and -norm of CT and DT systems
Though the transfer function 2-norm and -norm are defined unambiguously above, it is premature at this
point in the text to derive from first principles how they may be calculated. For completeness, we include the
relevant formulae here, with further explanations of these formulae deferred to the sections indicated.
The 2-norm of a stable, strictly proper (D = 0) CT system may be determined from the controllability or
observability gramians via the following equivalent formulae (,
0 = AP + PAH + BBH
0 = AH Q + QA + CHC

kG(s)k22 = trace(CPCH ),

kG(s)k22 = trace(BH QB).

Likewise, the 2-norm of a stable DT system may be found via the following formulae (20.5.3, 20.5.4):
Q = F H QF + H H H

kG(z)k22 = trace(HPH H + DDH ),

kG(z)k22 = trace(GH QG + DH D).

The -norm of G(s) is found via an iterative search; a simple algorithm for its computation (??) is:
(1) Guess a value of min = max(kG(s = 0)k, kG(s i )k).


R1 = I D D/ ,
1 H

B R1 B
(2) Compute the eigenvalues of Z =
with R2 = I D DH / ,

A = A + B R1
1 D C/ .

(3) kG(s)k < if Z has no eigenvalues on the imaginary axis; modify accordingly, with min , using
the bisection algorithm of 3.1.2, and repeat from (2) until the bounds reach a desired tolerance.
4 Via

the infinite Fourier integral (17.1b) in the CT case, or the finite Fourier integral (17.1d) in the DT case.


Algorithm 20.4: Compute the maximum transient energy growth of a CT or DT system.

f u n c t i o n [ t h e t a m a x , x0 ] = MaxEnergyGrowth (A , Q, t a u ,MODE)
% Compute t h e maximum p o s s i b l e g r o w th o f t h e q u a n t i t y x H Q x o v e r t h e s p e c i f i e d p e r i o d .
i f n a rg in ==3 , MODE= CT ; end , Qhi= I n v ( sqrtm (Q ) ) ;
i f MODE== CT , P h i = M a t r i x E x p o n e n t i a l (A, t a u ) ; e l s e , P h i =A t a u ; end
[ lam , S ] = E ig ( Qhi Phi Q P h i Qhi , h ) ;
t h e t a m a x =lam ( end ) ; x0=Qhi S ( : , end ) ; x0 =x0 / s q r t ( x0 Q x0 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n MaxEnergyGrowth


Algorithm 20.5: Compute the 2-norm or -norm of a CT or DT system.

f u n c t i o n t f n =TFnorm (A, B , C , D , p ,MODE)
% Compute t h e p norm o f a t r a n s f e r f u n c t i o n f o r p = 2 ( d e f a u l t ) o r p = i n f
i f nargin <6, MODE= CT ; end , i f nargin <5, p= 2 ; end
[ n , n i ] = s i z e ( B ) ; [ no , n ] = s i z e ( C ) ; i f nargin <4, D= z e r o s ( no , n i ) ; end
i f p== 2 , i f (MODE== CT & norm (D ) = 0 ) , t f n = i n f ;
e l s e , PP= CtrbGrammian (A , B ,MODE) ; t f n = s q r t ( sum ( d i a g ( CPPC +D D ) ) ) ; end
e l s e , P . A=A ; P . B=B ; P . C=C ; P . D=D ; P .MODE=MODE; P . n=n ; P . n i = n i ; P . no=no ;
i f MODE== CT , P . gmin=max ( norm ( C I n v (A) B+D) , norm (D ) ) ;
[ x1 , x2 ] = F i n d R o o t B r a c k e t ( l o g 1 0 ( P . gmin ) , l o g 1 0 ( 1 0 P . gmin ) , @CheckHamiltonian , P ) ;
t f n =1 0 B i s e c t i o n ( x1 , x2 , @CheckHamiltonian , 1 e 6 ,0 , P ) ;
else ,
P . gmin=max ( norm ( C I n v ( ey e ( P . n)A) B+D) , norm ( C I n v ( ey e ( P . n)A) B+D ) ) ;
[ x1 , x2 ] = F i n d R o o t B r a c k e t ( l o g 1 0 ( P . gmin ) , l o g 1 0 ( 1 0 P . gmin ) , @CheckHamiltonian , P ) ;
t f n =1 0 B i s e c t i o n ( x1 , x2 , @CheckHamiltonian , 1 e 6 ,0 , P ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n TFnorm
function f =CheckHamiltonian ( x , verbose , P )
% T ak in g gamma=1 0 x , r e t u r n f =1 i f t h e R i c c a t i eqn h a s a s t a b l e s o l u t i o n , and f =1 i f n o t .
gam =1 0 x ; i f ( gam<=P . gmin 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ) , f = 1 ; e l s e , A=P . A ; B=P . B ; C=P . C ; D=P . D ;
R1=gam ey e ( P . n i )D D/ gam ; R2=gam ey e ( P . no )DD / gam ; At=A+B ( R1\D ) C / gam ; f =1;
i f P .MODE== CT , lam = E ig ( [ At B ( R1\B ) ; C ( R2\C ) At ] , r ) ;
f o r i = 1 : P . n 2 , i f abs ( r e a l ( lam ( i ))) <1 e 5 , f = 1 ; ret u rn , end , end
else ,
I = ey e ( P . n ) ; Z= z e r o s ( P . n ) ;
lam = b u i l t i n ( e i g , [ At Z ; C ( R2\C ) I ] , [ I B ( R1\B ) ; Z At ] ) ;
f o r i = 1 : P . n 2 , i f abs ( abs ( lam ( i )) 1) <1 e 6 , f = 1 ; ret u rn , end , end
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n C h e c k H a m i l t o n i a n

Likewise, the -norm of G(z) may be computed via an analogous process (21.2.6):
(1) Guess a value of min = max(kG(z = 1)k, kG(z = 1)k).
(2) Compute the eigenvalues5 of M =


R1 = I DH D/ ,

R 2 = I D DH / ,
F = F + G R1

1 D H/ ,

1 H
S = G R1 G , Q = H H R1
2 H.

(3) kG(z)k < if M has no eigenvalues on the unit circle; modify accordingly, with min , using the
bisection algorithm of 3.1.2, and repeat from (2) until the bounds reach a desired tolerance.
Note that the formulae for Z and M above simplify significantly if D = 0. The formulae for computing
kG(s)k2 , kG(z)k2 , kG(s)k , and kG(z)k are implemented in Algorithm 20.5.

= 0, instead of attempting to compute the
. To handle cases with |F|
0 F H
eigenvalues of M, we instead compute the generalized eigenvalues such that A s = B s has nontrivial solutions s.
5 Note

that M = B1 A where B =



20.3 Canonical forms

20.3.1 The four continuous-time canonical forms
There are a variety of convenient ways to convert a proper transfer function of the form (17.55) into a (firstorder, vector, SISO) continuous-time state-space form, as illustrated in (20.1). As shown below, four of the
most convenient have natural interpretations in terms of simple block diagrams which facilitate their understanding. These canonical forms are easiest to understand by first developing them for systems for a given
order; we thus develop each below for a CT SISO system with transfer function
G(s) =

Y (s)
U(s) a(s)


where b(s) is a third-order polynomial in s and a(s) is a third-order monic6 polynomial in s. Noting the
obvious patterns that develop, extrapolation to differential equations of any order n is straightforward. Note
also that some of the resulting equations simplify when bn = 0 (that is, when the system is strictly proper).
CT controller canonical form
Defining w(t) such that W (s) = U(s)/a(s), the following two relations are equivalent to (20.50)
b(s)W (s) = Y (s)
a(s)W (s) = U(s)

(b3 s3 + b2s2 + b1 s + b0)W (s) = Y (s),

(s + a2s + a1 s + a0)W (s) = U(s).


Renaming x3c (t) = w(t) and defining the additional intermediate variables
x2c (t) = x3c (t),
x1c (t) =
v(t) =

x2c (t),
x1c (t),

X2c (s) = sX3c (s),


X1c (s) = sX2c (s),

V (s) = sX1c (s),


the relations (20.51a) and (20.51b) may be rewritten as

Y (s) = b3V (s) + b2 X1c (s) + b1X2c (s) + b0 X3c (s),


V (s) = a2 X1c (s) a1X2c (s) a0 X3c (s) + U(s).


Together, the equations defined in (20.52) may easily be implemented in block diagram form, as illustrated in
Figure 20.5a [note that equations (20.52a) through (20.52c) are implemented along the center row, whereas
(20.52d) and (20.52e) are implemented at the summation junctions at the right and left respectively].
Defining xc = x1c (t) x2c (t) x3c (t) , writing (20.52e) [with V (s) eliminated using (20.52c)] and
(20.52b) and (20.52a) in matrix form, and writing (20.52d) [with V (s) eliminated using (20.52e)] in matrix form, leads directly to the CT state-space form


xc (t) = Ac xc (t) + Bcu(t)

Ac Bc
. (20.53)

y(t) = Cc xc (t) + Dc u(t)
b2 a2 b3 b1 a1 b3 b0 a0 b3 b3
Due to the simple structure of Bc and the corresponding structure of Ac in top companion form, which
in turn makes pole-placement controller design particularly easy (see 20.4.1), this realization is called the
continuous-time controller canonical form.

monic polynomial is a polynomial with a leading coefficient of one.


CT reachability canonical form

Now define the matrix R1 as the lower triangular Toeplitz matrix with first column 1 an1



an2 an1
R1 =










where in the present case n = 3. Defining R = RT
1 and xre = R xc and applying the
(20.3) to the state-space realization (20.128) leads directly to the state-space form

0 0 a0

1 0 a1
xre (t) = Are xre (t) + Bre u(t)
Are Bre
0 1 a2
Cre Dre
y(t) = Cre xre (t) + Dre u(t)
m1 m2 m3 m0

state transformation


where the mi coefficients [referred to as the first four Markov parameters of this CT SISO system] are
m0 = b 3 ,

m1 = b 2 b 3 a 2 ,

m2 = b1 b2 a2 + b3(a22 a1 ),

m3 = b0 b1 a2 + b2 (a22 a1) b3 (a32 2a2a1 + a0).


The reader should easily be able to trace the implementation of (20.55) in Figure 20.5b.
Due to the simple structure of Bre and the structure of Are in right companion form, which in turn makes
the (equivalent) questions of
CT reachability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to find a control input u(t) on
t [0, T ] to take a CT system from any given initial state to any given final state], and
CT controllability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to find a control input u(t) on
t [0, T ] to take a CT system from any given initial state to a zero final state]

easy to address (see 20.5.1), this state-space realization may be called either the continuous-time reachability canonical form or the continuous-time controllability canonical form7 .
To illustrate the connection of this realization to CT reachability, note in particular that,

u( )
if xre ( ) = 0, then xre ( ) = u ( ) .
u ( )
CT observer canonical form
It follows directly from (20.50) that
b(s)U(s) = a(s)Y (s)

(b3 s3 + b2s2 + b1s + b0 )U(s) = (s3 + a2 s2 + a1s + a0)Y (s).


Defining the additional intermediate variables

x3o (t) = b0 u(t) a0y(t)

x2o (t) = b1 u(t) a1y(t) + x3o(t)

x1o (t) = b2 u(t) a2y(t) + x2o(t)

sX3o (s) = b0U(s) a0Y (s),

sX2o (s) = b1U(s) a1Y (s) + X3o (s),

sX1o (s) = b2U(s) a2Y (s) + X2o (s),


7 To avoid confusion when comparing with the discrete-time case, in which the classifications of reachability and controllability are
not equivalent (and for which the canonical forms making these distinct classifications easy to perform are different), we recommend
consistent use of the name continuous-time reachability canonical form for this realization.


and taking (20.58) plus (20.59a) plus s times (20.59b) plus s2 times (20.59c), and dividing by s3 , gives
b3U(s) + X1o(s) = Y (s).


Together, the equations defined in (20.59) may easily be implemented in block diagram form, as illustrated in
Figure 20.5c [note that equations (20.59a) through (20.59c) are implemented along the center row, whereas
(20.59d) is implemented at the summation junction at the right].
Defining xo = x1o (t) x2o (t) x3o (t) , writing (20.59c) and (20.59b) and (20.59a) [with Y (s) eliminated using (20.59d)] in matrix form, and writing (20.59d) in matrix form, leads to the CT state-space form

a2 1 0 b2 a2 b3

a1 0 1 b1 a1 b3
xo (t) = Ao xo (t) + Bou(t)
Ao Bo

a0 0 0 b0 a0 b3 .
Co Do
y(t) = Co xo (t) + Do u(t)
0 0

As Ao = ATc , Bo = CcT , Co = BTc , and Do = DTc , the forms (20.128) and (20.60) are said to be dual.
Due to the simple structure of Co and the corresponding structure of Ao in left companion form, which in
turn makes pole-placement observer design easy (see 20.4.2), this realization is called the continuous-time
observer canonical form.
CT observability canonical form

Defining R = R1 [see (20.54)] and xob = R1 xo and applying the state transformation (20.3) to the state-space
realization (20.60) leads directly to the state-space form


xob (t) = Aob xob (t) + Bobu(t)
Aco Bco

2 m3
y(t) = Cob xob (t) + Dobu(t)

where the Markov parameters {m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 } are given in (20.56). The reader should easily recognize the
implementation of (20.61) in Figure 20.5d.
As Aob = ATco , Bob = Cco
, Cob = BToc , and Dob = DTco , the forms (20.55) and (20.61) are said to be dual.
Due to the simple structure of Cob and the structure of Aob in bottom companion form, which in turn
makes the question of CT observability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to reconstruct
the initial state xob (0) and the final state xob (T ) from the observations y(t) on t [0, T ]] particularly easy to
address (see 20.5.2), this realization is called the CT observability canonical form.
To illustrate the connection of this realization to CT observability, note in particular that,

y( )
if u( ) = 0, then xob ( ) = y ( ) .
y ( )

20.3.2 The six discrete-time canonical forms

There are a variety of convenient ways to convert a high-order, scalar difference system of the form (17.64)
into a (first-order, vector, SISO) DT state-space form, as defined by (20.2). We illustrate the development of
six such canonical forms below for a system from an input uk to an output yk with a transfer function
G(z) =

Y (z)
U(z) a(z)


where b(z) is a third-order polynomial in z and a(z) is a third-order monic polynomial in z. Noting the obvious
patterns that develop, extrapolation to difference systems of higher order is straightforward.
The derivation of four of the DT canonical forms below follow exactly as in the CT case, with the role of
z replacing that of s in a manner analogous to that seen by comparing 17.3.3 to 17.4.3; these forms are thus
summarized only briefly below. In addition, there are two extra canonical forms in the DT case related to the
DT controllability and DT observability problems, which are presented in a bit more detail.
DT controller canonical form
Following an analogous derivation as that leading to (20.128), with the role of z replacing that of s, it follows
that the DT system (20.63) may be written


xc,k+1 = Fc xc,k + Gc uk
Fc Gc
. (20.64)

Hc Dc
yk = Hc xc,k + Dc uk
b2 a2 b3 b1 a1 b3 b0 a0 b3 b3

Due to the simple structure of Gc and the corresponding structure of Fc in top companion form, which in turn
makes pole-placement control design particularly easy (see 20.4), this realization is called the discrete-time
controller canonical form.
DT reachability canonical form

Following an analogous derivation as that leading to (20.55), it follows that (20.63) may also be written

0 0 a0 1

1 0 a1 0
xre,k+1 = Fre xre,k + Gre uk
Fre Gre

0 1 a2 0 ,
Hre Dre
yk = Hre xre,k + Dre uk
m1 m2 m3 m0

where, again, the Markov parameters {m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 } are given in (20.56).

Due to the simple structure of Gre and the structure of Fre in right companion form, which in turn makes
the question of discrete-time reachability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to find a
control input sequence uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 that steers a DT system from any given initial state xre,0 to any
given final state xre,n ] particularly easy to address (see 20.5.3), this realization is called the discrete-time
reachability canonical form.
To illustrate the connection of this realization to DT reachability, note in particular that,

if xre,0 = 0, then xre,3 = u1 .
DT controllability canonical form
Now define the matrix R2 as the Hankel matrix

an1 an2
an2 an3

R2 = an3






where in the present case n = 3. Defining R = R1
2 and xco,k = R xc,k and applying the state transformation
(20.3) to the state-space realization (20.64) leads directly to the DT state-space form

a2 1 0 a2

a1 0 1 a1
xco,k+1 = Fco xco,k + Gco uk
Fco Gco

a0 0 0 a0 ,
Hco Dco
yk = Hco xco,k + Dco uk
2 3 m0

where m0 = b3 and the i coefficients work out to be

1 = (b0 + b3a0 )/a0 ,

2 = (b0 a1 b1a0 )/a20 ,

3 = (a20 b2 + a1 a0 b1 + b0a2 a0 b0a21 )/a30 . (20.68b)

The reader should easily recognize the implementation of (20.68) in Figure 20.6a.
Due to the corresponding structures of Gco and Fco in left companion form, which in turn makes the
question of discrete-time controllability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to find a
control input sequence uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 that steers a DT system from any given initial state xco,0 to a
zero final state xco,n = 0] particularly easy to address (see, this realization is called the discretetime controllability canonical form.
To illustrate the connection of this realization to DT controllability, note in particular that,

u0 = x1co,0
u1 = x2co,0 , then xco,3 = 0.

u2 = x3co,0
Note also that DT reachability implies DT controllability, but not visa-versa unless F is nonsingular. In CT,
there is no distinction between the concepts of reachability and controllability, as eAt is nonsingular for any
A (see Fact 20.2); however, when |F| = 0, these distinctions are significant in DT.
DT observer canonical form
Following an analogous derivation as that leading to (20.60), it follows that (20.63) may also be written

a2 1 0 b2 a2b3

a1 0 1 b1 a1b3
xo,k+1 = Fo xo,k + Go uk
Fo Go

a0 0 0 b0 a0b3 .
Ho Do
yk = Ho xc,k + Do uk
0 0
Due to the simple structure of Go and the corresponding structure of Fo in left companion form, which in turn
makes pole-placement observer design particularly easy (see 20.4), this realization is called the discretetime observer canonical form.
DT observability canonical form
Following an analogous derivation as that leading to (20.61), it follows that (20.63) may also be written


xob,k+1 = Fob xob,k + Gobuk
Fob Gob


a0 a1 a2 m3
Hob Dob
yk = Hob xob,k + Dob uk

where, again, the Markov parameters {m0 , m1 , m2 , m3 } are given in (20.56).


Algorithm 20.6: Converting SISO, SIMO, and MISO transfer functions into the state-space canonical forms.
f u n c t i o n [A, B , C , D] = TF2SS ( b , a ,FORM)
% C o n v e r t a p r o p e r SISO , SIMO , o r MISO CT o r DT t r a n s f e r f u n c t i o n t o one o f t h e
% c a n o n i c a l s t a t e s p a c e f o r m s . SIMO i s h a n d l e d w i t h c o n t r o l l e r c a n o n i c a l form , MISO i s
% h a n d l e d w i t h o b s e r v e r c a n o n i c a l form , and SISO i s h a n d l e d w i t h t h e FORM s p e c i f i e d .
b=b / a ( 1 ) ; a=a / a ( 1 ) ; p= s i z e ( a , 2 ) ; n=p 1; i f nargin <3, form = C o n t r o l l e r ; end , s = s i z e ( b ) ;
i f s i z e ( s ,1)==2
% Standardize inputs for the various cases .
i f ( s ( 1 ) > 1 ) , FORM= C o n t r o l l e r ; end
% SIMO c a s e .
i f s i z e ( s ,2)==3
i f s ( 2 ) = = 1 , b= res h a p e ( b , s ( 1 ) , s ( 3 ) ) ;
% R e s t r u c t u r e b f o r SISO c a s e i f n e c e s s a r y .
e l s e i f s ( 1 ) = = 1 , FORM= O b s e r v e r ; end % MISO c a s e .
end , end
m= s i z e ( b , 2 ) ; b =[ z e r o s ( 1 , pm) b ] ; s w i t c h FORM
case C o nt r ol l e r
A=[ a ( 2 : p ) ; ey e ( n 1 ,n ) ] ; B= ey e ( n , 1 ) ; C=b ( : , 2 : p)b ( : , 1 ) a ( 2 : p ) ; D=b ( : , 1 ) ;
case Reachability
A= [ [ z e r o s ( 1 , n 1 ) ; ey e ( n 1)] a ( p : 1 : 2 ) ] ;
m=TF2Markov ( b , a ) ; B= ey e ( n , 1 ) ; C=m( 2 : p ) ; D=m ( 1 ) ;
case DT Controllability
A=[ a ( 2 : p ) ey e ( n , n 1 ) ] ; B=a ( 2 : p ) ; D=b ( 1 ) ;
R= H an k el ( a ( 2 : p ) , z e r o s ( 1 , n ) ) ; R=i n v ( R ) ; C=( b ( 2 : p)a ( 2 : p ) b ( 1 ) ) R ;
case Observer
A=[ a ( 2 : p ) ey e ( n , n 1 ) ] ; B=b ( 2 : p ) a ( 2 : p ) b ( 1 ) ; C= ey e ( 1 , n ) ; D=b ( : , 1 ) ;
case Ob s erv a bi li ty
A=[ z e r o s ( n 1 ,1) ey e ( n 1 ) ; a ( p : 1 : 2 ) ] ;
m=TF2Markov ( b , a ) ; B=m( 2 : p ) ; C= ey e ( 1 , n ) ; D=m ( 1 ) ;
case DT Co ns t ruc ti bi l it y
A=[ a ( 2 : p ) ; ey e ( n 1 ,n ) ] ; C=a ( 2 : p ) ; D=b ( 1 ) ;
R= H an k el ( a ( 2 : p ) , z e r o s ( 1 , n ) ) ; R=R ; B= i n v ( R ) ( b ( 2 : p ) a ( 2 : p ) b ( 1 ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n TF2SS

Due to the simple structure of Hob and the structure of Fob in bottom companion form, which in turn
makes the question of discrete-time observability [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to
reconstruct the initial state xob,0 and the final state xob,n from the observations y0 through yn1 ] particularly
easy to address (see 20.5.4), this realization is called the discrete-time observability canonical form.
To illustrate the connection of this realization to DT observability, note in particular that,

if u = 0, then xob,0 = y1 .
DT constructibility canonical form
Defining R = R2 [see (20.67)] and applying the state transformation (20.3) to the state-space realization
(20.70) leads directly to the state-space form

a2 a1 a0 1

xcs,k+1 = Fcs xcs,k + Gcs uk
Fcs Gcs


Hcs Dcs
yk = Hcs xcs,k + Dcs uk
a2 a1 a0 m0
where, as before, m0 = b3 and the i coefficients are given in (20.68b). The reader should easily recognize the
implementation of (20.68) in Figure 20.6b.




x1c (t)




x2c (t)


x3c (t)



a) CT controller canonical form (20.128).



x1re (t)


x2re (t)




x3re (t)




b) CT reachability canonical form (20.55).




x3o (t)


x2o (t)




x1o (t)



c) CT observer canonical form (20.60).





x3ob (t)



x2ob (t)


x1ob (t)



d) CT observability canonical form (20.61).

Figure 20.5: Block diagram representations of the four CT canonical forms. The four corresponding DT
canonical forms are identical in structure, with the integrator (s1 ) blocks replaced by delay (z1 ) blocks.












a) DT controllability canonical form (20.68).













b) DT constructibility canonical form (20.73).

Figure 20.6: Block diagram representations of the two additional DT canonical forms.
T , G = H T , H = GT , and D = DT , the forms (20.68) and (20.73) are said to be dual.
As Fcs = Fco
Due to the corresponding structures of Hcs and Fcs in top companion form, which in turn makes the
question of discrete-time constructibility [that is, the question of whether or not it is possible to reconstruct
the final state xcs,n from the observations y0 through yn1 ] particularly easy to address (see, this
realization is called the discrete-time constructibility canonical form.
To illustrate the connection of this realization to DT constructibility, note in particular that,

if u = 0, then xcs,3 = y1 .

Note also that DT observability implies DT constructibility, but not visa-versa unless F is nonsingular. In CT,
there is no distinction between the concepts of observability and constructibility, as eAt is nonsingular for any
A (see Fact 20.2); however, when |F| = 0, these distinctions are significant in DT.
A code which converts a proper CT or DT transfer function into any of the canonical state-space forms
discussed above is provided in Algorithm 20.6.

20.3.3 Markov parameters

Discrete-time case
The Markov parameters of a DT MIMO system are defined as the coefficient matrices Mk of the Taylor
series expansion of the transfer function of the system in the variable 1/z such that

G(z) =

k=0 z


If the transfer function is derived from a MIMO state-space representation of the form (20.2), such that
G(z) = H(zI F)1 G + D [see (20.37)], it follows from the series expansion (20.38) that
M0 = D

and Mk = HF k1 G for k 1.


This result is trivial to implement in code, as illustrated in Algorithm 20.7. Note that the Markov parameters
of a DT system are invariant under any state transformation (20.3), as
HR FRk GR = (HR)(R1 FR)k (R1 G) = HF k G.


If the transfer function is derived from a SISO difference equation of the form (17.64), such that G(z) =
b(z)/a(z) [see (17.65)], the (scalar) coefficients mk in the series expansion (20.75a) turn out to be rather
involved functions of the coefficients ai and bi in the polynomials a(z) and b(z). [For the SISO n = 3 case
(20.63), the first four (scalar) Markov parameters mk are written out in (20.56).] These Markov parameters
appear in a simple fashion in the DT reachability and observability canonical forms.
For SIMO systems, taking the input as a unit impulse [that is, uk = k0 and thus U(z) = 1], it follows from
(20.75a) and the definition of the Z transform (17.58a) that

Y(z) = G(z)U(z) = G(z) =


k=0 z
k=0 z

yk = mk ;

that is, the kth DT Markov parameter is simply the kth value in the impulse response sequence. This result
is also trivial to implement in code, as illustrated in Algorithm 20.8.
For MIMO systems, the kth value in the response of the system to a unit impulse on the jth input is
given by the jth column of the Markov parameter Mk in an identical fashion.
Continuous-time case
Analogous to the DT case, the Markov parameters of a CT MIMO system are defined as the coefficient
matrices Mk of the Taylor series expansion of the transfer function of the system in the variable 1/s such that

G(s) =

k=0 s


If the transfer function is derived from a MIMO state-space representation of the form (20.1), such that
G(s) = C(sI A)1 B + D [see (20.30)], it follows from the series expansion (20.32) that
M0 = D

and Mk = CAk1 B for k 1.


This result is identical to that coded previously, in Algorithm 20.7. As in the DT case (20.76), the Markov
parameters of a continuous-time system are invariant under any state transformation (20.3).
If the transfer function is derived from a SISO differential equation of the form (17.54), such that G(s) =
b(s)/a(s) [see (17.55)], the (scalar) coefficients mk in the series expansion (20.77) turn out to be rather

Algorithm 20.7: Code to compute the n leading Markov parameters of a system in state-space form.
f u n c t i o n [m] = SS2Markov (A, B , C , D, p )
% Compute t h e f i r s t p Markov p a r a m e t e r s o f a CT o r DT MIMO s y s t e m i n SS form .
m( 1 , 1 ) =D ; f o r k = 2 : p , m( k , 1 ) = CA ( k 2)B ; end
end % f u n c t i o n SS2Markov


Algorithm 20.8: Code to compute the n leading Markov parameters of a system in transfer-function form.
f u n c t i o n [m] = TF2Markov ( b , a )
% Compute t h e f i r s t n Markov p a r a m e t e r s o f a CT o r DT SISO s y s t e m i n TF form .
n= l e n g t h ( a ) ; m= l e n g t h ( b ) ; b =[ z e r o s ( 1 , nm) b ] ; u = [ 1 ; z e r o s ( n 1 , 1 ) ] ; y= z e r o s ( n , 1 ) ;
f o r k = 1 : n , y ( 2 : n ) = y ( 1 : n 1 ) ; y ( 1 ) = b ua ( 1 , 2 : n ) y ( 2 : n , 1 ) ; u = [ 0 ; u ( 1 : n 1 ) ] ; end ; m=y ( n : 1 : 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n TF2Markov

involved functions of the coefficients ai and bi in the polynomials a(s) and b(s). Note that, for SISO systems,
they may be determined by calculating R1
1 Bo or Cc R1 , as shown in the equations leading to (20.55) and
(20.61), respectively. [For the SISO n = 3 case (20.63), the first four (scalar) Markov parameters mk are
written out in (20.56).] These Markov parameters appear in a simple fashion in the CT reachability and
observability canonical forms.
For SIMO systems, taking the input as a unit impulse [that is, taking u(t) = (t) for small , and thus
U(s) 1], it follows from (20.77) that8

k=0 s

Y(s) = G(s)U(s) G(s) =

y(t) = m0 (t)+ mk

t k1
(k 1)!

mk =

d k1 y(t)
for k 1;

dt k1 t=0+

note that, by the continuous-time initial value theorem (Fact 17.5), the impulse response of the system, y(t),
and the time derivatives of this impulse response, [y (t), y (t), etc.] evaluated at t = 0 are given by the
continuous-time Markov parameters. The algebraic relationship between the coefficients of the polynomials
a(s) and b(s) and the continuous-time Markov parameters mk are identical to the corresponding relationship
in the DT case, and thus may again be determined via Algorithm 20.8.
For MIMO systems with M0 = 0, the kth time derivative of the response of the system to a unit impulse
on the jth input is given by the jth column of the Markov parameter Mk in an identical fashion.
The CT and DT Markov parameters are reconciled in Exercise 20.8.

20.4 Feedback design via pole placement

We now introduce the ideas of controller and observer design with a simplistic approach based solely on
placing the eigenvalues, or poles, of the closed-loop LTI system matrix9 at specified, favorable (i.e., sufficiently stable) locations. As motivated in 20.2, some method of accounting for the orthogonality (or lack
thereof) of the closed-loop system eigenvectors, as well as the magnitude of the control effort applied, is
desired in feedback design, though such a capability is completely lacking in the pole placement method.
Stated another way, the pole placement method can situate the closed-loop eigenvalues wherever you specify,
but provides no guides to select where the several eigenvalues should go. Rest assured, the state-space control
and estimation techniques presented in 21-22 address these shortcomings. Regardless, pole placement is
the natural starting point for introducing control and observer design for systems in state-space form, and is
thus worth a brief introduction here. As the DT case is analogous to the CT case with the usual modifications
(e.g., with the role of z replacing that of s, etc.), we discuss only the CT case here.
8 Note
9 That

that the output, the transfer function, and the Markov parameters in this case are vectors.
is, the matrix governing the dynamics of the LTI system after the feedback is incorporated.



20.4.1 Controller design

The pole placement approach to controller design is simply to select a feedback gain matrix K such that,
in the controlled system
x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t),

u(t) = Kx(t)

x (t) = (A + BK) x(t),

the closed-loop system matrix (A + BK) has its eigenvalues in prespecified stable locations (in the LHP).
In the SISO case, if the system is expressed in controller canonical form (20.128), solving this problem is
particularly easy. For example, in the third-order SISO case, the transfer function
G(s) =

s3 + a

2 s + a1 s + a0

is equivalent to the controller canonical form

xc (t) = Ac xc (t) + Bc u(t)


Ac = 1


0 ,

Bc = 0 .

Recall that the eigenvalues of an open-loop system (i.e., with u = 0) are given by the roots of the characteristic
polynomial of the system matrix. As Ac is in top companion form, this characteristic polynomial is

3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0 = 0.
Now consider the feedback control problem in which we seek feedback

u = Kxc = k1 k2 k3 xc,2
in order to place the closed-loop poles at the desired locations { 1 , 2 , 3 }; that is, in order that the closedloop system matrix of the controlled system, (Ac + Bc K), have a characteristic equation
( 1 )( 2 )( 3 ) = 3 ( 1 + 2 + 3 ) 2 + ( 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) = 0. (20.78a)
Noting that (Ac + Bc K) is itself in top companion form, its characteristic polynomial is given by

k1 a 2 k2 a 1 k3 a 0
0 3 (k1 a2) 2 (k2 a1) (k3 a0 ) = 0.
(Ac + Bc K) = 1
Matching the coefficients of like powers of in the polynomials (20.78a) and (20.78b), simple expressions
for {k1 , k2 , k3 } follow immediately: k1 = a2 + ( 1 + 2 + 3 ), k2 = a1 ( 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 ), k3 = a0 +
( 1 2 3 ).

20.4.2 Observer design

The feedback control problem considered in the previous section, often called the state feedback control
problem, assumed that you can measure the state x(t) accurately. To account for the more typical situation in
which all you can measure is some output y(t) of the system, we may build an observer (a.k.a. an estimator)

in order to estimate the state x(t) itself. The key idea of an observer is to model closely the dynamics of the
actual state x with a state estimate x (represented in the controlling electronics or computer) such that
x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t),

x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) L(y y ),

y (t) = Cx (t) + Du(t).

y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t),


Note that, in general, we usually do not know precisely

the initial state x(0),

the system model {A, B,C, D},
the disturbances (e.g., wind gusts) banging around on the system, or
the noise (e.g., random sensor noise) corrupting the measurements.

To account for these unknowns, we have subtracted the L(y y ) correction term from the estimator in (20.79).
Our goal is to select a feedback gain matrix L in this correction term to nudge consistently the state
estimate x (t) towards the actual state x(t) even in the presence of such unknowns. Stated another way, we
seek to stabilize the dynamics of the estimation error x , x x , which by (20.79) may be written
x (t) = (A + LC)x(t).


Note the similarity of the pole placement controller problem, in which we seek the K such that (A + BK) has
eigenvalues in the desired locations, and the pole placement observer problem, in which we seek the L such
that (A + LC) has eigenvalues in the desired locations.
In the SISO case, if the system is expressed in observer canonical form (20.60), solving this problem is
particularly easy. For example, in the third-order SISO case, the transfer function
G(s) =

s3 + a2 s2 + a1s + a0

is equivalent to the observer canonical form

xo (t) = Ao xo (t) + Bou(t)
y(t) = Co xo (t) + Do u(t)


Ao = a1

1 0
0 1 ,
0 0

Co = 1

0 0 .

Recall that the eigenvalues of an open-loop system (i.e., with u = 0) are given by the roots of the characteristic
polynomial of the system matrix. As Ao is in left companion form, this characteristic polynomial is

3 + a2 2 + a1 + a0 = 0.
Now consider the problem of computing feedback into the estimator. We seek the gain matrix

L = l2

in order to place the closed-loop poles of the estimation error system (20.80) at the locations { 1 , 2 , 3 }; i.e.,
that the closed-loop system matrix of the estimation error system, (Ao + LCo ), have a characteristic equation
( 1 )( 2 )( 3 ) = 3 ( 1 + 2 + 3 ) 2 + ( 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) = 0. (20.81a)
Noting that (Ao + LCo ) is itself in left companion form, its characteristic polynomial is given by

l1 a2 1 0
(Ao + LCo ) = l2 a1 0 1 3 (l1 a2) 2 (l2 a1 ) (l3 a0) = 0.
l3 a0 0 0


Matching the coefficients of like powers of in the polynomials (20.81a) and (20.81b), simple expressions
for {l1 , l2 , l3 } follow immediately: l1 = a2 + ( 1 + 2 + 3 ), l2 = a1 ( 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 ), l3 = a0 +
( 1 2 3 ).

20.5 Controllability, observability, and related concepts

We now seek to quantify the control authority of the control inputs and the information content in the sensor
outputs from a MIMO system via linear-algebraic arguments.
Continuous time. We begin with the following definitions:
A continuous-time system is controllable if a control distribution u(t) on t [0, T ] may be always be
found to steer the system from an arbitrary initial state x(0) to an arbitrary final state x(T ).
A continuous-time system is observable if the initial state x(0) and final state x(T ) may be uniquely
determined from the measurements y(t) on t [0, T ].

We will discuss continuous-time controllability and observability at length in 20.5.1 and 20.5.2 respectively. Both conditions are closely related, and are in practice very stringent requirements on a system. In fact, we
often do not need an unstable system to be either controllable or observable in order to command it to behave
in approximately the desired manner. Thus, two weaker conditions may be introduced, stabilizability and
detectability, which are in fact the minimum requirements on a dynamic system in order to close a feedback
loop around it with success.
A continuous-time system is stabilizable if its unstable subsystem (see 20.1.4) is controllable (and
thus feedback control can stabilize the complete system, eventually bringing it back to the origin
exponentially fast as t ).
A continuous-time system is detectable if its unstable subsystem is observable (and thus feedback into
an estimator can stabilize the error of the estimate of the complete system, eventually bringing this
error to zero exponentially fast as t ).

A mnemonic summarizing the relation between these four related properties in continuous time is thus:
controllability stabilizability :: observability detectability.

Discrete time. The situation in discrete time is slightly more subtle, as eAt is invertible for any A (see Fact
20.2), but F k is not invertible for singular10 F. Thus, in the discrete-time case, one must be more precise, and
there are six possible characterizations. Three are related to the controllability question:
A discrete-time system is reachable11 if a control distribution uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 may be always be
found to steer the system from an arbitrary initial state x0 to an arbitrary final state xn .
A discrete-time system is controllable11 if a control distribution uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 may be always
be found to steer the system from an arbitrary initial state x0 to a zero final state xn = 0.
A discrete-time system is stabilizable if its unstable subsystem (see 20.1.4) is controllable (and thus
feedback control can stabilize the complete system, eventually bringing it back to the origin exponentially fast as k ).

Three are related to the observability question:

A discrete-time system is observable if the initial state x0 and final state xn may be determined uniquely
from the measurements yk of the system for k = 0, . . . , n 1.
A discrete-time system is constructible if the final state xn may be determined uniquely from the
measurements yk of the system for k = 0, . . . , n 1.
10 Note

that the following analysis does not anywhere assume that F is invertible.
reachability is sometimes referred to as controllability pointwise state from origin, and discrete-time controllability
is sometimes referred to as controllability pointwise state to origin.
11 Discrete-time


A discrete-time system is detectable if its unstable subsystem (see 20.1.4) is constructible (and thus
feedback into an estimator can stabilize the error of the estimate of the complete system, eventually
bringing this error to zero exponentially fast as k ).

We discuss discrete-time reachability/controllability and observability/constructibility at length in 20.5.3

and 20.5.4. Note that discrete-time reachability implies discrete-time controllability, but not visa versa. Similarly, discrete-time observability implies discrete-time constructibility, but not visa versa. This is because
F might be singular, and thus there are some directions xN (precisely, those directions in the nullspace of
F, as summarized in Figure 4.1) such that FxN = 0. If one or more of these particular directions xN is uncontrollable, but all other directions are controllable, then though the system can be brought to a zero final
state, it can not be brought to an arbitrary final state. Similarly, if one or more of these particular directions
xN is unobservable, but all other directions are observable, then though we can correctly identify the final
state from the measurements (which will have zero component in left nullspace of F), we can not correctly
identify the initial state from the measurements (which will have an undeterminable component in nullspace
of F). A mnemonic summarizing the relation between these six related properties in discrete time is thus:
reachability controllability stabilizability :: observability constructibility detectability.

20.5.1 Continuous-time controllability The continuous-time controllability matrix
We first consider the question of continuous-time controllability [a.k.a. continuous-time reachability; that
is, the question of whether or not a control distribution u(t) on t [0, T ] may be always be found to steer a
continuous-time system from an arbitrary initial state x(0) to an arbitrary final state x(T )], focusing initially
on the LTI case. The solution to the forced continuous-time LTI system
x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t),


as shown in (20.7) and (20.36), may be written in the form


Z Tn

[A(T t)]2 [A(T t)]3
+ . . . Bu(t) dt
Z Tn
0 (t)I + 1 (t)A + 2 (t)A2 + . . . + n1 (t)An1 Bu(t) dt

(t)u(t) dt
R0T 0

0 1 (t)u(t) dt
= B AB . . . An1 B

x(T ) eAT x(0) =

eA(T t) Bu(t) dt =


I + A(T t) +

n1 (t)u(t) dt

[Note that, as a consequence of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (Fact 4.15), the infinite sum in the first line
may be reduced to the finite sum in the second line via the resolvent algorithm (20.35).] It follows that:

Fact 20.10 The continuous-time LTI system (20.82) is controllable iff the (fat or, if the system is SIMO,
square) continuous-time controllability matrix

C , B AB . . . An1 B

has full row rank; the system is called uncontrollable if rank(C ) < n, and null controllable if rank(C ) = 0.
Proof : If C does not have full row rank, then there are clearly some x(0) and x(T ) for which (20.83) has zero
solutions. On the other hand, if C has full row rank, then we may construct a control input u(t) on t (0, T )

that takes the system from the specified x(0) to the specified x(T ) in any of a variety of ways. One such
construction may be developed by defining u(t) via an orthogonal expansion12

u(t) ,

u sk sin(k t/T )

for n coefficients u sk for k = 1, . . . n which we will determine, inserting this orthogonal expansion into (20.83),
and multiplying from the left by C + , resulting in
n RT

u 1
k=1 R0 0 (t) sin(k t/T ) dt u sk

k=1 0 1 (t) sin(k t/T ) dt u k

u 2
C + [x(T ) eAT x(0)] =
= M ..



u sn

n1 (t) sin(k t/T ) dt u sk

0,1 I
u 1
u s

2 1,1 I
.. = M 1 C + [x(T ) eAT x(0)] with M = .
T ..
u sn

s I
s I


where the i,k
are the coefficients in the sine expansion of i (t) on t [0, T ]:

i (t) = i,k
sin(k t/T )




s I
s I

.. , (20.85a)

n1,n I

i (t) sin(k t/T )dt.


Note that the second equation above is obtained by multiplying the first equation by the test function sin( j t/T ),
integrating over [0, T ], and applying the orthogonality of the sine functions [see (4.10b)].

There are a few remaining noteworthy issues. First, the question of controllability of an LTI system is not a
function of T ; if an LTI system is (not) controllable over [0, T ] for some T > 0, it is (not) controllable over
[0, T ] for any T > 0. Second, if a SIMO continuous-time system is expressed in controllability canonical
form (20.55), then C = I. Finally, the rank of the continuous-time controllability matrix is invariant under
any state transformation (20.3), as

B AB . . . An1 B , R1 C .
CR , BR AR BR . . . An1
R BR = R The continuous-time controllability gramian

We now expand our focus on the continuous-time controllability question to include the LTV case. A powerful
method of analyzing the question of controllability of the continuous-time system
x (t) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t),


is given by the following fact:

Fact 20.11 The continuous-time LTV system (20.87) is controllable iff the continuous-time controllability
gramian P(T ) is invertible, where P(T ) is defined in the LTV case, noting (20.6) and taking t = T t, as
P(T ) ,


12 Any

(T,t) B(t) BH (t) H (T,t) dt = (T, 0)


(0,t) B(t) BH (t) H (0,t) dt H (T, 0), (20.88a)

set of orthogonal basis functions may be used in this expansion; we use sine functions here for convenience only.


which reduces in the LTI case, noting (20.2), to

P(T ) =


eA(T t) B BH eA

H (T t)

dt =


eAt B BH eA


dt = eAT


eAt B BH eA t dt eA



Proof : Note that, by construction, P(T ) 0. If P(T ) is invertible, then we may determine a control input u(t)
on t (0, T ) that takes the LTV system from the specified x(0) to the specified x(T ) as
u(t) = BH (t) H (T,t)P1 (T )[x(T ) (T, 0)x(0)],


which reduces in the LTI case to

u(t) = BH eA

H (T t)

P1 (T )[x(T ) eAT x(0)],


as easily verified by substitution into (20.19a) and (20.7) respectively [see Exercise 20.3]. On the other hand,
if P(T ) is not invertible, then there is some direction q 6= 0 such that qH P(T )q = 0. Thus, in both the LTV
and LTI cases,
hZ T
qH (T,t)B(t)BH (t)H (T,t)q dt
(T,t) B(t) BH (t) H (T,t) dt q =


kBH (t)H (T,t)qk2 dt = 0

qH (T,t)B(t) = 0 for all t (0, T ).


Now, assuming there exists a control input u(t) on t (0, T ) that takes the system from any specified initial
state x(0) to any specified final state x(T ), taking qH times (20.19a) leads to
qH [x(T ) (T, 0)x(0)] =


qH (T,t)B(t)u(t) dt = 0.

If x(0) and/or x(T ) are taken as arbitrary, then this implies that q = 0, thereby leading to a contradiction, thus
implying that, if P(T ) is not invertible, then there is, in general, not always a control input u(t) on t (0, T )
that takes the system from any specified x(0) to any specified x(T ).

Noting in the LTV case the form of P(T ) on theRright in (20.88a), and in the LTI case the form of P(T ) on the
right in (20.88b), and applying the identity dT
0 f (t) dt = f (T ) and Facts 20.5 (in the LTV case) and 20.3
(in the LTI case), it is easily verified by substitution that P(t) satisfies the differential Lyapunov equation
= A(t)P(t) + P(t)AH (t) + B(t)BH (t) with

P(0) = 0.


In the LTI case, for large T , P(T ) approaches the solution of the continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equation
0 = AP + PAH + BBH .


Note also that the rank of the continuous-time controllability gramian is invariant under any state transformation (20.3), as [denoting by R the continuous-time state transition matrix of the transformed system]
hZ T
R (T,t) BR (t) BH
(T,t) B(t) BH (t) H (T,t) dt RH .
R (t) R (T,t) dt = R

Now consider a stable, strictly proper (D = 0) CT LTI state-space form (20.1). The impulse response of
this system may be written as simply g(t) = C eAt B for t > 0. By (20.46a) and (20.88b),

trace g(t) gH (t) dt = trace
kG(s)k22 =
C eAt B BH eA t CH dt = trace C PCH ,

where P is the solution of (20.91b), as stated in


20.5.2 Continuous-time observability The continuous-time observability matrix
We now consider the question of continuous-time observability [that is, the question of whether or not one
can reconstruct the initial state x(0) and the final state x(T ) of a continuous-time system from the observations
y(t) on t [0, T ]], again focusing initially on the LTI case
x (t) = Ax(t),

y(t) = Cx(t).


Leveraging (20.7) and (20.36), we may write

[At]2 [At]3
+ . . . x(0)
y(t) = Cx(t) = CeAt x(0) = C I + At +
= C{0 (t)I + 1 (t)A + . . . + n1(t)A }x(0)

= 0 (t)I 1 (t)I . . . n1 (t)I . x(0).


[Note that, as a consequence of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (Fact 4.15), the infinite sum in the first line
may be reduced to the finite sum in the second line via the resolvent algorithm (20.35).] It follows that:
Fact 20.12 The continuous-time LTI system (20.94) is observable iff the (tall or, if the system is MISO,
square) continuous-time observability matrix


O , .

has full column rank; the system is called unobservable if rank(O) < n, and null observable if rank(O) = 0.

Proof : If O does not have full column rank, then, by (20.95), then there are clearly some x(0) 6= 0 which are
not reflected in any of the measurements (that is, for which y(t) = 0 on t [0, T ]), and thus the component
of x(0) in these directions can not be determined from the y(t). On the other hand, if O has full column rank,
then we may construct the initial state x(0) from the measurements y(t) on t (0, T ) in any of a variety of
ways. One such construction may be developed via an orthogonal expansion13 of y(t):

y(t) ,

y sk sin(k t/T )

y sk =



y(t) sin(k t/T )dt.

Substituting this expansion into (20.95), multiplying from the left by a vector of test functions sin( j t/T ),
and integrating leads to

sin( t/T ) I

Z T sin(2 t/T ) I


y k sin(k t/T ) = 0 (t)I 1 (t)I . . . n1 (t)I .. x(0) dt




sin(n t/T ) I

13 Any set of orthogonal basis functions may be used in this expansion; as in the orthogonal expansions of the (t) in (20.85b), we
use sine functions here for convenience only.


y 1

T 2

. = M T Ox(0)
2 ..
y sn

y 1

T + T 2

x(0) = O M . ,
y sn

where M is defined as in (20.85).

There are a few remaining noteworthy issues. First, the question of observability of an LTI system is not
a function of T ; if an LTI system is (not) observable over [0, T ] for some T > 0, it is (not) observable over
[0, T ] for any T > 0. Second, if a MISO continuous-time system is expressed in observability canonical form
(20.61), then O = I. Finally, the rank of the continuous-time observability matrix is invariant under any state
transformation (20.3), as


OR , .. = . R , OR.
. ..
CR An1
R The continuous-time observability gramian
We now expand our focus on the continuous-time observability question to include the LTV case. A powerful
method of analyzing the question of observability of the continuous-time system
x (t) = A(t)x(t),

y(t) = C(t)x(t),


is given by the following fact:

Fact 20.13 The continuous-time LTV system (20.98) is observable iff the continuous-time observability
gramian QT (0) is invertible, where QT (0) is defined in the LTV case (taking t = T t) as
QT (0) ,


H (t, 0)CH (t)C(t) (t, 0) dt = H (T, 0)


H (0,t )CH (t )C(t ) (0,t ) dt(T, 0),


which reduces in the LTI case to

QT (0) =


eA t CH C eAt dt =



H (T t )

CH C eA(T t ) dt = eA





CH C eAt dt eAT .

Proof : By construction, QT (0) 0. If QT (0) is invertible, then we may determine the initial state x(0) on the
LTV system from the measurements y(t) on t (0, T ) by substituting x(t) = (t, 0)x(0) into y(t) = C(t)x(t),
multiplying the result from the left by H (t, 0)CH (t), and integrating from t = 0 to T , resulting in
x(0) = [QT (0)]1


H (t, 0)CH (t) y(t) dt,


eA t CH y(t) dt.


which reduces in the LTI case to

x(0) = [QT (0)]1



On the other hand, if QT (0) is not invertible, then there is some direction x(0) 6= 0 such that xH (0)QT (0)x(0) =
0. Thus, in both the LTV and LTI cases,
hZ T
xH (0) H (t, 0)CH (t)C(t) (t, 0) x(0) dt
xH (0)
H (t, 0)CH (t)C(t) (t, 0) dt x(0) =


kC(t) (t, 0) x(0)k dt = 0

y(t) = C(t) (t, 0) x(0) = 0 for all t [0, T ];

that is, there are some x(0) 6= 0 which are not reflected in any of the measurements, and thus the component
of x(0) in these directions can not be determined from the y(t).

Noting in the LTV case the form of QT (0) in (20.99a), and in the LTI case the form of QT (0) on the right in
(20.99b), it may be verified that QT (t) satisfies the differential Lyapunov equation
dQT (t)
= AH (t)QT (t) + QT (t)A(t) + CH (t)C(t)

with QT (T ) = 0.


In the LTI case, for large T , QT (0) approaches the solution of the continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equation
0 = AH Q + QA + CHC.
Note also that the rank of the continuous-time observability gramian is invariant under any state transformation (20.3), as

R (t, 0)CR (t)CR (t) R (t, 0) dt



H (t, 0)CH (t)C(t) (t, 0) dt R.


Finally, note that once x(0) is known, it follows that x(T ) = eAT x(0) in the LTI case and x(T ) = (T, 0)x(0)
in the LTV case.
Again, consider a stable, strictly proper (D = 0) CT LTI state-space form (20.1), recalling that its impulse
response may be written g(t) = C eAt B for t > 0. By (20.46a) and (20.99b),

trace gH (t) g(t) dt = trace
kG(s)k22 =
BH eA t CH C eAt B dt = trace BH Q B ,

where Q is the solution of (20.102), as stated in

20.5.3 Discrete-time reachability and controllability

The discrete-time reachability matrix
We now consider the question of discrete-time reachability [that is, the question of whether or not a control
distribution uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 may be always be found to steer a discrete-time system from an arbitrary
initial state x0 to an arbitrary final state xn ], focusing initially on the LTI case. The solution of the forced
discrete-time LTI system
xk+1 = Fxk + Guk ,
as given in (20.27), is


xn = F n x0 + G


FG . . . F n1 G .
} ..


R . = xn F n x0 .


Fact 20.14 The discrete-time LTI system (20.105) is reachable iff the (fat or square) discrete-time reachability matrix14

R , G FG . . . F n1 G

has full row rank; the system is called unreachable if rank(R) < n, and null reachable if rank(R) = 0.

Proof : If R does not have full row rank, then there are clearly some xn for which (20.106) has zero solutions.
On the other hand, if R has full row rank, then one control sequence that takes the system from the specified
x0 to the specified xn is


.. = R + (xn F n x0 ).

There are a few remaining noteworthy issues. First, by the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (Fact 4.15), if the
matrix R does not have full row rank, than a larger matrix of the same form, quantifying the effect of n + 1
(or more) control inputs on the evolution of the system, will not have full row rank either. Thus, the question
of reachability of a discrete-time LTI system is not a function of k so long as k n; if an LTI system is
(not) reachable over [0, n], it is (not) reachable over [0, k] for any k > n. Second, if a SIMO discrete-time
system is expressed in reachability canonical form (20.65), then R = I. Finally, as in (20.86), the rank of the
discrete-time reachability matrix is invariant under any state transformation.
The discrete-time reachability gramian
We now expand our focus on the discrete-time reachability question to include the LTV case. A powerful
method of analyzing the question of reachability of the discrete-time LTV system
xk+1 = Fk xk + Gk uk ,


is given by the following fact:

Fact 20.15 The discrete-time LTV system (20.108) is reachable iff the discrete-time reachability gramian
Pn is invertible, where Pn is defined in the LTV case as

Pn ,

n,k+1 Gk GHk Hn,k+1 ,



which reduces in the LTI case to

Pn =




k =0

F n1k G GH (F H )n1k =

F k G GH (F H )k .


Proof : By construction, Pn 0. If Pn is invertible, then a control input sequence uk for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n 1)

that takes the LTV system from the specified x0 to the specified xn is
uk = GH
k n,k+1 Pn [xn n,0 x0 ],


14 Some texts refer to R defined in (20.106) and P defined in (20.109) as, respectively, the discrete-time controllability matrix and
the discrete-time controllability gramian. However, as we show here, the tests of whether or not the matrix R is full rank and whether
or not the matrix Pn is invertible are equivalent to the discrete-time reachability question; they are only sufficient (but not necessary) for
discrete-time controllability (see In the discrete-time case, we thus prefer names associated with reachability for R and Pn
in the present text.


which reduces in the LTI case to

uk = GH (F H )nk1 Pn1 [xn F n x0 ],


as easily verified by substitution into (20.27) and (20.106) respectively [see Exercise 7.2]. On the other hand,
if Pn is not invertible, then there is some direction q 6= 0 such that qH Pn q = 0. Thus, in both the LTV and LTI




qH n,k+1 Gk GHk Hn,k+1 q


h n1




kGHk Hn,k+1 qk2 = 0


qH n,k+1 Gk = 0

for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1.


Now, assuming there exists a control input sequence uk for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n 1) that takes the system from the
specified initial state x0 to any specified final state xn , taking qH times (20.27) leads to
qH [xn n,0 x0 ] =


qH n,k+1 Gk uk = 0.


If xn is taken as arbitrary, then this implies that q = 0, thereby leading to a contradiction, thus implying that,
if Pn is not invertible, then there is, in general, not always a control input sequence uk for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n 1)
that takes the system from any specified x0 to any specified xn .

Noting in the LTV case the form of Pn in (20.109a), and in the LTI case the form of Pn in (20.109b), it is
easily verified by substitution that Pn satisfies the Lyapunov difference equation
Pn+1 = Fn Pn FnH + GnGH


P0 = 0.


In the LTI case, for large n, Pn approaches the solution of the discrete-time algebraic Lyapunov equation
P = FPF H + GGH .


Note also that, as in (20.92) the rank of the discrete-time reachability gramian is invariant under any state
transformation (20.3).
Now consider a stable DT LTI state-space form (20.2). The impulse response of this system may be
written, noting (B.69b) and (1.5), as simply gk = H F k G h1k + D 0k . By (20.48a) and (20.109b),
kG(z)k22 =

H H k H
gk gH
k = trace (H F G h1k + D 0k ) (D 0k + G [F ] H h1k )


= trace H P H H + D DH ,



where P is the solution of (20.114), as stated in A weaker condition: steering a discrete-time system to the origin
We now focus specifically on the question of discrete-time controllability [that is, the question of whether or
not a control distribution uk for k = 0, . . . , n 1 may be always be found to steer a discrete-time system from
an arbitrary initial state x0 to a zero final state xn = 0], again focusing initially on the LTI case. Following the
analysis presented above, we may conclude the following:

Fact 20.16 The discrete-time LTI system (20.105) is controllable iff all columns of F n are in the column
space of the discrete-time reachability matrix R defined in Fact 20.14.
Proof : If there are some columns of F n that are not in the column space of R, then there are clearly some x0
for which (20.106) has zero solutions. On the other hand, if all columns of F n are in the column space of R,
then one control sequence that takes the system from any specified x0 to xn = 0 is given in the proof of Fact

Turning our attention to the more general LTV case, we may conclude the following:
Fact 20.17 The discrete-time LTV system (20.108) is controllable iff all columns of n,0 are in the column
space of the discrete-time reachability gramian Pn defined in Fact 20.15.
Proof : If all columns of n,0 are in the column space of Pn , then a control input sequence uk for k = 0, 1, . . . ,
(n 1) that takes the LTV system from any specified x0 to xn = 0 is
uk = GH
k n,k+1 Pn n,0 x0 ,


uk = GH (F H )nk1 Pn+ F n x0 .


which reduces in the LTI case to

On the other hand, if not all columns of n,0 are in the column space of Pn , and thus some vector q 6= 0 in
the column space of n,0 is in the left nullspace of Pn , then we have both qH n,0 6= 0 and, as shown in
(20.112), qH n,k+1 Gk = 0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1. Now, assuming there exists a control input sequence uk for
k = 0, 1, . . . , (n 1) that takes the system from any specified initial state x0 to xn = 0, taking qH times (20.27)
leads to
qH n,0 x0 =


qH n,k+1 Gk uk = 0.


If x0 is taken as arbitrary, then this implies that q n,0 = 0, thereby leading to a contradiction, thus implying
that, if not all columns of n,0 are in the column space of Pn , then there is, in general, not always a control
input sequence uk for k = 0, 1, . . . , (n 1) that takes the system from any specified x0 to xn = 0.

20.5.4 Discrete-time observability and constructability

The discrete-time observability matrix
We now consider the question of discrete-time observability [that is, the question of whether or not one can
reconstruct both the initial state x0 and the final state xn of a discrete-time system from the observations yk
for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1], again focusing initially on the LTI case
xk+1 = Fxk ,

yk = Hxk ,


the solution of which may be written

It follows that:



x0 .

HF n1


Fact 20.18 The discrete-time LTI system (20.117) is observable iff the (tall or square) discrete-time observability matrix


O , .
HF n1

has full column rank; the system is called unobservable if rank(O) < n, and null observable if rank(O) = 0.

Proof : If O does not have full column rank, then there are clearly some x0 6= 0 which are not reflected in any
of the measurements (that is, for which yk = 0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1), and thus the component of x0 in these
directions can not be determined from the yk . On the other hand, if O has full column rank, then we may
determine x0 from the measurements yk for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1 simply by multiplying (20.118) from the left
by O + .

There are a few remaining noteworthy issues. First, by the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (Fact 4.15), if the
matrix O does not have full column rank, than a larger matrix of the same form, quantifying the information
in n + 1 (or more) measurements of the system, will not have full column rank either. Thus, the question
of observability of a discrete-time LTI system is not a function of k so long as k n; if an LTI system is
(not) observable over [0, n], it is (not) observable over [0, k] for any k > n. Second, if a MISO discrete-time
system is expressed in observability canonical form (20.71), then O = I. Finally, as in (20.97), the rank of the
discrete-time observability matrix is invariant under any state transformation.
The discrete-time observability gramian
We now expand our focus on the discrete-time observability question to include the LTV case. A powerful
method of analyzing the question of observability of the discrete-time LTV system with observations,
xk+1 = Fk xk ,

yk = Hk xk ,


is given by the following fact:

Fact 20.19 The discrete-time LTV system (20.120) is observable iff the discrete-time observability gramian Qn,0 is invertible, where Qn,0 is defined in the LTV case, as

Qn,0 ,

Hk,0 HkH Hk k,0 ,



which reduces in the LTI case to

Qn,0 =




k =0

(F H )k H H H F k .
(F H )n1k H H H F n1k =


Proof : By construction, Qn,0 0. If Qn,0 is invertible, then we may determine the initial state x0 on the
LTV system from the measurements yk for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1 by substituting xk = k,0 x0 into yk = Hk xk ,
multiplying the result from the left by H
k,0 Hk , and summing from k = 0 to n 1, resulting in

x0 = Q1
n,0 k,0 Hk yk ,



which reduces in the LTI case to


H k H
x0 = Q1
n,0 (F ) H yk .



On the other hand, if Qn,0 is not invertible, then there is some direction x0 6= 0 such that xH
0 Qn,0 x0 = 0. Thus,
in both the LTV and LTI cases,

h n1




xH0 Hk,0 HkH Hk k,0 x0
k,0 k


kHk k,0 x0k2 = 0


yk = Hk k,0 x0 = 0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1;


that is, there are some x0 6= 0 which are not reflected in any of the measurements, and thus the component of
x0 in these directions can not be determined from the yk .

Noting in the LTV case the form of Qn,0 in (20.121a), and in the LTI case the form of Qn,0 in (20.121b), it is
easily verified by substitution that Qn,k satisfies the Lyapunov difference equation
FkH Qn,k Fk = Qn,k+1 HkH Hk


Qn,n = 0.


In the LTI case, for large n, Qn,0 approaches the solution of the discrete-time algebraic Lyapunov equation
Q = F H QF + H H H.


As in (20.103) the rank of the discrete-time observability gramian is invariant under any state transformation
Again, consider a stable DT LTI state-space form (20.2), recalling that its impulse response may be written
gk = H F k G h1k + D 0k . By (20.48a) and (20.121b),
kG(z)k22 =

H H k H
k gk = trace (D 0k + G [F ] H h1k ) (H F G h1k + D 0k )


= trace GH Q G + DH D ,



where Q is the solution of (20.125), as stated in

Finally, note that once x0 is known, it follows that xn1 = F n1 x0 in the LTI case and xn1 = n1,0 x0 in
the LTV case. A weaker condition: determining the final state only
We now focus specifically on the question of discrete-time constructability [that is, the question of whether
or not one can reconstruct the final state xn of a discrete-time system from the observations yk for k =
0, 1, . . . , n 1], again focusing initially on the LTI case. Following the analysis presented above, we may
conclude the following:
Fact 20.20 The discrete-time LTI system (20.117) is constructable iff all vectors in the nullspace of the
discrete-time observability matrix O defined in Fact 20.18 are in the nullspace of F n .
Proof : If some vector x0 6= 0 in the nullspace of O is not in the nullspace of F n , then for this initial state x0 ,
it follows that xn = F n x0 6= 0, yet, by (20.118), yk = 0 for k = 0, . . . , n1. That is, the system evolution leading

to the nonzero final state xn 6= 0 is not reflected in any of the measurements, and thus this nonzero final state xn
can not be determined from the yk . On the other hand, if all vectors in the nullspace of O are in the nullspace
of F n , then we may determine xn from the measurements yk simply by multiplying (20.118) from the left by
F n O +.

Turning our attention to the more general LTV case, we may conclude the following:
Fact 20.21 The discrete-time LTV system (20.120) is constructable iff all vectors in the nullspace of the
discrete-time observability gramian Qn defined in Fact 20.19 are in the nullspace of n,0 .
Proof : If all vectors in the nullspace of Qn are in the nullspace of n,0 , then multiplying (20.122) by H
n,0 and
replacing Q1 by Q+ gives the unique answer for xn :
xn = n,0 x0 = n,0 Q+


Hk,0 HkH yk ,



which reduces in the LTI case to

x n = F n x 0 = F n Q+


(F H )k H H yk .



On the other hand, if some vector x0 in the nullspace of Qn is not in the nullspace of n,0 , then we have both
xn = n,0 x0 6= 0 and, as shown in (20.123), yk = Hk k,0 x0 = 0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , n 1. That is, the system
evolution leading to the nonzero final state xn 6= 0 is not reflected in any of the measurements, and thus this
nonzero final state xn can not be determined from the yk .

The DT & CT controllability & observability matrices & gramians developed above are computed in the
straightforward CtrbMatrix.m, CtrbGrammian.m, ObsvMatrix.m, and ObsvGrammian.m codes in the NRC.

20.5.5 Output tracking in LTI systems

The continuous-time controllability and discrete-time reachability questions discussed above address the problem of moving a system from any specified initial state to any specified final state, but do not address the
path taken to move between these two states. In this section, we address the problem of following a specified
path, not necessarily for the entire state, but for the specified outputs of interest. Such a problem is of interest
in a variety of problems, such as moving the cutting head of milling machine or maneuvering a welder on a
robotic arm into a hard-to-reach corner of a frame on an assembly line.
Continuous-time case
Starting from y(t) Cx(t) = Du(t), differentiating and substituting x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) to eliminate x (t),
and repeating m times (for any integer m > 0) leads to

u (t)
y (t) CA

u (t)
y (t) CA
x(t) = CAB

.. ..

. .
B ...
u (t)
y (t)

For any prescribed y(t), this equation may be solved for the unknown vector of inputs on the RHS iff the
block lower-triangular Toeplitz matrix of Markov parameters on the RHS has full row rank. Note that, in

general, this equation is only solvable if D 6= 0 (more precisely, if D itself has full row rank). If D = 0, which
is common, then solution(s) to the above equation may only exist if y(t) Cx(t) = 0 (that is, if the system
starts out at the right place). This is a reasonable assumption for most tracking problems; if the system does
not start out at the right place and D = 0, then an impulsive input u would be required to move the system
the moment the control is turned on, which is nonphysical.
In practice, in order to track a desired output signal yd (t) on the interval t [0, T ], assuming this desired
output signal is well approximated by a smooth function y(t) with only m nonzero derivatives on this interval
(for any m) such that
y(t) = y(0) + y(0)t + y (0)

+ . . . + y(m)(0)

on t [0, T ],

we may differentiate this smoothed desired output y(t) m times, solve the above equation at t = 0, and use
the values of {u(0), u (0), u (0), . . . , u(m) (0)} so determined to construct a control u(t) that tracks y(t) using
a truncated Taylor series as follows:
u(t) = u(0) + u(0)t + u (0)

+ . . . + u(m) (0)

on t [0, T ].

Note that it is sufficient to approximate the desired output signal yd (t) with a piecewise smooth function,
solving the above problem on t [0, T1 ], then an analogous problem on t [T1 , T2 ], etc.
Discrete-time case
Starting from yk Hxk = Duk , evaluating for successive timesteps and substituting xk+1 = Fxk + Guk to
eliminate xk+1 , and repeating m times (for any integer m > 0) leads to

yk+1 HF

yk+2 HF 2

xk =

.. ..

. .


HF m

HF m1 G

HF m2 G




Again, for any prescribed yk , this equation may be solved for the unknown vector on the RHS iff the block
lower-triangular Toeplitz matrix of Markov parameters on the RHS has full row rank. In general, this equation
is only solvable if D 6= 0; if D = 0, solution(s) to the above equation may only exist if yk Hxk = 0 (that is,
if the system starts out at the right place). In order to track a desired output sequence {yk , yk+1 , . . . , yk+m },
we may solve the above equation to determine directly the necessary {uk , uk+1 , . . . , , uk+m }.
Alternatively, one may simply ignore yk and instead seek a control sequence {uk , uk+1 , . . . , , uk+m1 } with
uk+m = 0 to track a desired output sequence {yk+1 , yk+2 , . . . , yk+m } by solving the following system:


yk+2 HF 2

yk+3 HF 3


xk =

.. ..

. .

HF m
G . . . HFG HG
This equation may be solved for the unknown vector on the RHS iff the block lower-Hessenberg Toeplitz
matrix of Markov parameters on the RHS has full row rank.

20.6 Model reduction

If the available model of a system is too complex for computing feedback, it is useful to reduce the model
complexity while still representing its inherent input-output relationship as faithfully as possible. There are a
variety of approaches available to accomplish this; two of the essential methods are discussed below.

20.6.1 Removing uncontrollable and unobservable modes: minimal realizations

Consider now a strictly proper MIMO system in CT state-space form
x (t) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t)
y(t) = C(t)x(t)



which may be uncontrollable, unobservable, or both. In this section, we develop state transformations, as
described in 20.1.1, designed to isolate and eliminate the uncontrollable and unobservable modes of the
system S, which do not contribute to its input/output transfer function.
To begin, consider the transformation of the of the system S via a transformation matrix Qc into the
controllability block staircase form

# A A
1,2 Bc
1 B
0 ,
= 0
x = Q1
Scc ,
C Qc

Ac 0
Ac Bc
where the subsystem Sc ,
is controllable, and Sc ,
is null controllable. The matrix
Cc 0
Cc 0

Qc = Qc Qc required to achieve this separation is easy to compute, since Qc must form a basis for the
column space of the controllability matrix of the original system, C (S), and Qc forms a basis for its orthogonal
complement [that is, for the left nullspace of C (S)]. Thus, both Qc and Qc may be determined by applying
Algorithm 4.6 to obtain a pivoted QR decomposition (see 4.4.2) of the controllability matrix C (S):

Qc Qc
= C (S),

noting that is the appropriate permutation matrix for this problem (recall that pivoting must be applied to a
QR decomposition algorithm in order to identify the block partitioning shown above).
Likewise, consider the transformation of S via a transformation matrix Qo into the observability block
staircase form

# A
0 Bo
1 B

Soo ,
x = Qo x = o ,
= A2,1 Ao Bo ,
C Qo
Co 0

Ao Bo
Ao Bo
where the subsystem So ,
is observable, and So ,
is null observable. The matrix
Co 0

Qo = Qo Qo required to achieve this separation is also easy to compute, since Qo must form a basis for
the column space of observability matrix of the original system, O(S), and Qo forms a basis for its orthogonal
complement [that is, for the left nullspace of O(S)]. Thus, both Qo and Qo may be determined by applying
Algorithm 4.6 to obtain a pivoted QR decomposition of the observability matrix O(S):

Qo Qo
= O(S).

Finally, consider a transformation which first separates the controllable and uncontrollable modes, then
further separates each of those sets of modes into those modes that are observable and those that are unobservable; if ordered carefully (see Algorithm 20.9), the resulting block Kalman form may be written



Q1 AQ Q1 B

, x = Q1 x =

xc,o ,
C 0
A4,3 Ac,o
0 Cc,o

Ac,o Bc,o
governing the evolution of the modes xc,o is both controllable
where the subsystem Sc,o ,
and observable, and the remaining modes are either null controllable, null observable, or both. Note that, by
repeated application of Fact 4.12 (first on a 2 2 block partitioning of A with zero in the lower-left element,
then on the 2 2 block partitioning of the diagonal elements of the result), it follows that the eigenvalues of
A, and thus the eigenvalues of A itself, are given by the union of the eigenvalues of Ac,o , Ac,o , Ac,o , and Ac,o .
Further, leveraging Facts 20.9 and 2.1, it is straightforward to verify that, in transfer function form,
G(s) = C(sI A)1 B = C(sI A)1 B = Cc,o (sI Ac,o )1 Bc,o .
The Sc,o subsystem is thus referred to as a minimal realization, as is reduces the order of the state-space form
to the minimum possible while still preserving (exactly) the transfer function of the original system.
Algorithm 20.9 illustrates how to transform from a general (full) state-space form into the controllability
block staircase, observability block staircase, block Kalman, and minimal forms discussed above, in addition
to the several canonical forms discussed in 20.3, recalling that
when mapping from a general state-space form into reachability canonical form, the new controllability
matrix CR (in CT), or the new reachability matrix RR (in DT), is the identity matrix, and thus (20.86)
reveals the required transformation matrix R;
when mapping from reachability canonical form into controller canonical form, the required transformation matrix is R = RT1 [see (20.54)];
when mapping from DT controller canonical form into DT controllability canonical form, the required
transformation matrix is R = R1
2 [see (20.67)];
when mapping from a general state-space form into observability canonical form, the new observability
matrix OR is the identity matrix, and thus (20.97) reveals the required transformation matrix R;
when mapping from observability canonical form into observer canonical form, the required transformation matrix is R = R1
1 ;
when mapping from DT observer canonical form into DT constructibility canonical form, the required
transformation matrix is R = R2 .

20.6.2 Removing modes with poor controllability/observability: balanced truncation

The reduction to a minimal realization, as discussed in 20.6.1, is based on eliminating individual states from
a state-space representation that are either null controllable, null observable, or both, as such states do not
contribute to the input/output transfer function of the system. This idea may be extended to eliminate states
in a state-space representation that have small (but nonzero) controllability and observability, as such states
have diminished (though nonzero) effect on the input/output transfer function of the system.
To accomplish this, the system in question is first transformed into a balanced realization (Moore 1981)
in which the transformed system has equal and diagonal controllability and observability grammians, with
the non-negative elements on the main diagonal of both, called the Hankel singular values of the system,


listed in decreasing order. Once written in such a fashion, the trailing modes in this balanced realization
(which are distinguished by both diminished observability and diminished controllability) may then simply
be removed from the realization while having a diminished (though nonzero) impact on the overall inputoutput transfer function of the model; this process is referred to as balanced truncation.
To proceed, consider a CT15 , controllable16, strictly-proper LTI state-space system

x = Ax + Bu

C 0
y = Cx
The controllability gramian P 0 and observability gramian Q 0, introduced in and, are
powerful tools that allow us to quantify the extent to which a particular state of such a system is controllable
and observable. They are defined [see (20.88b) and (20.99b)] via the integrals
P(T ) =


eAt B BH eA t dt,

QT (0) =


eA t CH C eAt dt.

In the LTI case with stable A in the infinite-horizon (T ) limit, they are most easily computed, as shown
in (20.91b) and (20.102), as the solutions of the continuous-time algebraic Lyapunov equations
0 = AP + PAH + BBH ,

0 = AH Q + QA + CHC.

To achieve a balanced realization, as implemented in Algorithm 20.10, we will perform a state transform [see
(20.3)] to (20.132) such that

Ab Bb
xb = R1 x, Gb =
Cb 0
Taking the Cholesky decompositions P = GP GH
P and Q = GQ GQ , where the Cholesky factors GP and GQ
are lower triangular (see 4.4.8), and defining B = GP GQ , we compute the singular value decomposition B =
U V H (see 4.4.7), where = diag(1 , , n ) with 1 n 0; note that the i are referred to as the
Hankel singular values of the system. The balanced realization Gb is then given by taking R = GP U1/2
and performing the state transformation (20.133), from which it follows that
H H 1/2
Pb = R1 P RH = 1/2 U 1 G1
= ,
Qb = RH Q R = 1/2 U H GH
= 1/2 U H B BH U1/2 = 1/2 V H V 1/2 = .

We now endeavor to interpret P(T ) a bit more deeply. Recall from (20.89b) that
u(t) = BH eA

H (T t)

P1 (T ) x

for t [0, T ]


is one possible choice for a control input u(t) on t [0, T ] that takes the CT system (20.132) from a zero
initial condition, x(0) = 0, to a specified terminal condition x(T ) = x; that is, which satisfies
x(T ) = x where x(t) =

Z t

eA(t ) B u( ) d .


We now establish that the control input (20.134) is actually the control with minimum input energy,
Ju =
15 We


u(t)H u(t) dt,

illustrate the process of balanced truncation by examining the CT case; the DT case is entirely analogous.
condition is easily relaxed, using P+ in place of P1 in the analysis that follows.

16 This



that satisfies (20.135). To show this, we may simply perform a Rperturbation analysis: replacing u(t) with
u(t) + u (t) and Ju with Ju + Ju in (20.136) and applying x (T ) = 0T eA(T ) B u ( ) d = 0, it follows that
Ju + Ju =


[u(t) + u (t)]H [u(t) + u (t)] dt

Ju = x H P1 (T )

In the limit that


ku (t)k


eA(T t) B u (t) dt +
[u (t)]H BH eA
} |


H (T t)

dt P1 (T ) x +


[u (t)]H u (t) dt.

0, we may define the gradient g(t) and the Hessian H(t) on t [0, T ] via
Ju =


gH (t) u (t) dt +


[u (t)]H H(t) u (t)] dt;


it is thus observed that g(t) = 0 and H(t) > 0 on t [0, T ] in other words, that the solution (20.134) locally
minimizes Ju . Since Ju is quadratic in u, this expression for u, in fact, globally minimizes Ju ; note further
that, combining (20.136) and (20.134), this minimum input energy is given by
Ju =


xH [P(T )]1 eA(T t) B BH eA

H (T t)

[P(T )]1 x dt = xH [P(T )]1 x.


We may similarly interpret QT (0) a bit more deeply. Recall from (20.99b) that
QT (0) =


eA t CH C eAt dt.

Thus, assuming u(t) = 0, the output energy of y(t) over the interval t [0, T ] for a system initialized at
x(0) = x may be written
Jy =


y(t) y(t) dt =


xH eA t CH CeAt x dt = xH QT (0) x.


To summarize, the expression xH [P(T )]1 x quantifies the minimum input energy necessary to steer a
system from x(0) = 0 to x(T ) = x, whereas the expression xH QT (0) x quantifies the output energy over the
interval t [0, T ] of a system initialized at x(0) = x. States x for which xH [P(T )]1 x is large (that is, states
for which xH P(T ) x is small) are said to have poor controllability, whereas states x for which xH QT (0) x
is small are said to have poor observability; further, both properties may be considered for finite T or, as
usually done when performing balanced truncation, in the infinite horizon limit T .
As motivated above, the states corresponding to the diminished Hankel singular values have diminished
impact on the input/output transfer function of the system, and may thus be eliminated without significantly
corrupting the input-output transfer function of the system. Thus, let 2 contain the negligible Hankel singular
values (r+1 , , n ), and partition in the balanced realization Gb such that

A11 A12 B1
1 0
Gb = A21 A22 B2 ,
0 2
C1 C2

The desired reduced-order model Gr is then obtained simply by truncating those states associated with 2 :

A11 B1
Gr =

Algorithm 20.9: Convert a strictly-proper (D = 0) state-space form to any of a variety of canonical forms.

f u n c t i o n [A, B , C , r1 , r2 , r3 , r 4 ] = S S 2 C an o n icalF o r m (A , B , C ,FORM)

% C o n v e r t a g e n e r a l s t a t e s p a c e model t o one o f a v a r i e t y o f c a n o n i c a l f o r m s .
d i s p ( ) , r 1 = 0 ; r 2 = 0 ; r 3 = 0 ; r 4 = 0 ; [ n , n i ] = s i z e ( B ) ; [ no , n ] = s i z e (C ) ;
s i s o f o r m s ={ C o n t r o l l e r , R e a c h a b i l i t y , D T C o n t r o l l a b i l i t y , . . .
Observer , O b s e r v a b i l i t y , D T C o n s t r u c t i b i l i t y };
i f ( ismember (FORM, s i s o f o r m s ) & n i no >1) , d i s p ( E r r o r : i n v a l i d c a s e . ) , ret u rn , end , FORM
s w i t c h FORM
% Compute t h e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i x
case Reachability
Q= C t r b M a t r i x (A, B ) ;
case C o nt r ol l e r
Q= C t r b M a t r i x (A, B ) ; [A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , Q ) ; a=A ( : , n ) ; Q=R1 ( a , n ) ;
case DT Controllability
Q= C t r b M a t r i x (A, B ) ; [A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , Q ) ; a=A ( : , n ) ; Q=R1 ( a , n ) I n v ( R2 ( a , n ) ) ;
case Ob s er va bi li t y
Q= I n v ( O b s v M atr ix (A, C ) ) ;
case Observer
Q= I n v ( O b s v M atr ix (A, C ) ) ; [A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , Q ) ; a=A( n , : ) ; Q= I n v ( R1 ( a , n ) ) ;
case DT Co ns t ruc t ibi l it y
Q= I n v ( O b s v M atr ix (A, C ) ) ; [A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , Q ) ; a=A( n , : ) ; Q=R1 ( a , n ) \ R2 ( a , n ) ;
case C o n t r o l l a b i l i t y B l o c k S t a i r c a s e
[ Q, R , pi , r 1 ] =QRmgs ( C t r b M a t r i x ( A, B ) ) ;
r 2 =nr 1 ;
case Ob s e rv a bi l it y Bl oc k S t ai rc a s e
[ Q, R , pi , r 1 ] =QRmgs ( O b s v M atr ix ( A, C ) ) ; r 2 =nr 1 ;
c a s e { BlockKalman , Minimal }
% F i r s t , f i n d o r t h o g o n a l b a s e s f o r t h e c o n t r o l l a b l e / n u l l c o n t r o l l a b l e s u b s p a c e s ,
% and f o r t h e o b s e r v a b l e / n u l l o b s e r v a b l e s u b s p a c e s .
[ Qcnc , R , pi , r c ] =QRmgs ( C t r b M a t r i x (A, B ) ) ;
r n c =nr c ; Qc=Qcnc ( : , 1 : r c ) ; Qnc=Qcnc ( : , r c + 1 : n ) ;
[ Qono , R , pi , r o ] =QRmgs ( O b s v M atr ix (A, C ) ) ; r n o =nr o ; Qo=Qono ( : , 1 : r o ) ; Qno=Qono ( : , r o + 1 : n ) ;
% F i n d an o r t h o g o n a l b a s i s f o r t h e modes t h a t a r e n e i t h e r n u l l c o n t r o l l a b l e n o r
% o b s e r v a b l e ( t h a t i s , f o r t h e modes t h a t a r e b o t h c o n t r o l l a b l e and n u l l o b s e r v a b l e ) .
[ Q, R , pi , r ] =QRmgs ( [ Qnc Qo ] ) ;
r c n o =nr ;
Qcno =Q ( : , r + 1 : n ) ;
% F i n d a b a s i s f o r t h e r e m a i n i n g c o n t r o l l a b l e modes , which a r e o b s e r v a b l e .
[ Q, R , pi , r ] =QRmgs ( [ Qcno Qc ] , r c n o ) ;
r c o = r c r c n o ; Qco =Q ( : , r c n o + 1 : r c ) ;
% F i n d a b a s i s f o r t h e r e m a i n i n g n u l l o b s e r v a b l e modes , which a r e n u l l c o n t r o l l a b l e .
[ Q, R , pi , r ] =QRmgs ( [ Qcno Qno ] , r c n o ) ;
r n c n o = rno r c n o ; Qncno=Q ( : , r c n o + 1 : r n o ) ;
% F i n d a b a s i s f o r t h e r e m a i n i n g modes , which a r e n u l l c o n t r o l l a b l e and o b s e r v a b l e .
[ Q, R , pi , r ] =QRmgs ( [ Qco Qcno Qncno ] ) ;
r n c o =nr ;
Qnco =Q ( : , r + 1 : n ) ;
% Assemble t h e s e f o u r b a s e s i n t o a t r a n s f o r m a t i o n m a t r i x Q .
Q=[ Qco Qcno Qnco Qncno ] ; r 1 = r c o ; r 2 = r c n o ; r 3 = r n c o ; r 4 = r n c n o ;
otherwise , disp ( E r r o r : i n v a l i d case . ) , return
[A, B , C] = S S T r an s f o r m (A, B , C , Q ) ; % P e r f o r m f i n a l t r a n s f o r m o f t h e s y s t e m
i f strcmp (FORM, Minimal ) , A=A ( 1 : r1 , 1 : r 1 ) ; B=B ( 1 : r1 , : ) ; C=C ( : , 1 : r 1 ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n S S 2 C an o n icalF o r m
f u n c t i o n [R] = R1 ( a , n ) ; f o r row = 1 : n ; R( row , : ) = [ a ( nrow + 2 : n ) 1 z e r o s ( 1 , nrow ) ] ; end ; end
f u n c t i o n [R] = R2 ( a , n ) ; f o r row = 1 : n ; R( row , : ) = [ a ( nrow +1 : 1 :1 ) z e r o s ( 1 , row 1 ) ] ; end ; end

Algorithm 20.10: Compute a balanced realization of a stable state-space system.

View f u n c t i o n [A, B , C , H a n k e l S i n g V a l u e s ] = B alan ced F o r m (A, B , C ,MODE)
Test % Compute a b a l a n c e d r e a l i z a t i o n o f a s t a b l e s t a t e s p a c e s y s tem , r e s u l t i n g i n

% a s y s t e m w i t h e q u a l and d i a g o n a l c o n t r o l l a b i l i t y and o b s e r v a b i l i t y grammians w i t h

% t h e H an k el s i n g u l a r v a l u e s l i s t e d i n d e c r e a s i n g o r d e r on t h e main d i a g o n a l o f b o t h .
i f n a rg in ==3 , MODE= CT ; end , P=CtrbGrammian ( A, B ,MODE) ; Q=ObsvGrammian ( A, C ,MODE) ;
n= l e n g t h (A ) ; GP= C h o l e s k y ( P , n ) ; GQ= C h o l e s k y (Q, n ) ; [U, H a n k e l S i n g V a l u e s , V] =SVD( GP GQ ) ;
T=GPU d i a g ( d i a g ( H a n k e l S i n g V a l u e s ) . ( 1 / 2 ) ) ; T i = p in v ( T ) ; A= T i AT ; B= T i B ; C=CT ;
end % f u n c t i o n B alan ced F o r m


Exercise 20.1 Dynamics of a three-story building, revisited Recall the three-story building modeled in
Example 17.9.
(a) Defining x4 = dx1 /dt, x5 = dx2 /dt, x6 = dx3 /dt, and taking the input u = w with v = 0, write the system
in (17.34) in state-space form.
(b) Repeat part (a), now taking the input u = v with w = 0. Discuss.
(c) Taking k = 10000 kg/sec2 and c = 10 kg/sec and using the eig command in Matlab, compute the eigenvalues of the system matrix A determined in part (a), and compare these eigenvalues to the poles of the
corresponding transfer-function representation.
(d) Repeat part (c), now taking c = 100 kg/sec. Discuss.
Exercise 20.2 In general, eA+B 6= eA eB . Under what conditions does equality hold in this expression?
Exercise 20.3 Verify the correctness of (20.89a)-(20.89b) by performing the substitutions mentioned in the
Exercise 20.4 In 20.1.5, we showed how to convert a continuous-time state-space system
= Ax + Bu
y = Cx + Du
into the corresponding transfer function form Y(s) = G(s)U(s), where
G(s) =

Dsn + (CSn1 B + an1D)sn1 + (CSn2B + an2D)sn2 + . . . + (CS1B + a1D)s + (CS0 B + a0D)

sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a1s + a0

and where the Si and ai could be computed easily using the resolvent algorithm [see (20.35) and Algorithm
20.3]. Describe how the eigenvalues of A are defined, and how the poles of G(s) are defined. Based on the
above result, describe why the eigenvalues of A and the poles of the corresponding G(s) coincide.
Exercise 20.5 Following the general procedure described in the last paragraph of 20.6.1, noting Fact 1.8,
attempt to convert, by hand, each of the following continuous-time state-space forms to all four of the
continuous-time canonical forms, and discuss anything notable that comes up in each case:



1 1
1 1
(a) A =
, C = 4 0 , D = 6.
(b) A =
, C = 4 0 , D = 7.
0 0
0 0



1 1
1 1
(c) A =
, C = 0 4 , D = 8.
(d) A =
, C = 0 4 , D = 9.
0 0
0 0
Exercise 20.6 Consider a MIMO system in state-space form in which all of the eigenvalues i of the system
matrix A are distinct.
(a) What do we know about the eigenvectors si of A in this case?
(b) Is the matrix of eigenvalues, S, necessarily invertible in this case? [If the answer to this question is no,
assume that S happens to be invertible for the A being considered in the rest of this problem.]
(c) Decompose x(t) in terms of its constituent eigenmodes, x(t) = 1 (t) s1 + . . . + n(t) sn . What is required of each eigenmode si for the corresponding component of x(t) to be be distinguishable in the measurements y(t)?

(d) Stating question in part (c) another way, writing the system in modal coordinate form


xm (t) = xm (t) + Bm u(t)
Cm D
y(t) = Cm xm (t) + Du(t)
what property is required of Cm in order for the system to be observable?
(e) Finally, explain why the property identified in part (d) is required for observability in terms of Om
(that is, the observability matrix of the modal representation).
Exercise 20.7 Consider a MIMO system in state-space form in which some of the eigenvalues of the system
matrix are repeated.
(a) What do we know about the eigenvectors si of A in this case?
(b) Is the matrix of eigenvalues, S, necessarily invertible in this case? [If the answer to this question is no,
assume that S happens to be invertible for the A being considered in the rest of this problem.]
(c) What is required of each eigenmode si for the corresponding component of x(t) to be be distinguishable in the measurements y(t)? Is this requirement any more restrictive than the requirement considered in
part c of Exercise 20.6? If so, how? (think carefully here!)
(d) Stating question part (c) another way, writing the system in modal coordinate form, what property is
required of Cm in order for the system to be observable? Again, is this requirement any more restrictive than
the requirement considered in part d of Exercise 20.6? If so, how?
(e) Finally, explain why the property identified in (4d) is required for observability in terms of Om .
Exercise 20.8 Show that the series expansion of G(z) in terms of the discrete-time Markov parameters,
(20.75), is compatible with the series expansion of G(s) in terms of the continuous-time Markov parameters,
(20.77), in the case that the discrete-time state-space form considered is a consistent numerical approximation
of the continous-time state-space form considered. Hint: follow similar substitutions as those performed in
the last section of 20.1.5 to (20.75), regroup the infinite series into those terms that multiply CB, those terms
that multiply CAB, etc., and then apply the identies given in (B.77) through (B.80) to reduce these sums into
simple coefficients.

Antsakis, PJ, & Michel, AN (2005) Linear Systems. Birkhauser.
Chen, C-T (1998) Linear System Theory & Design. Oxford.
Kailath, T (1979) Linear Systems. Prentice-Hall.
Skelton, RE (1988) Dynamic Systems Control, Linear Systems Analysis and Synthesis. Wiley.
Skogestad, S, & Postlethwaite, I (2005) Multivariable Feedback Control, Analysis and Design. Wiley.


Chapter 21

State-space &
model-predictive control design

21.1 Summary of the continuous-time (CT) case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.1.1 Control via adjoint-based iterative optimization (model predictive control)
21.1.2 Control via Riccati-based feedback (optimal control) . . . . . . . . . . . . Interpretation of the matrix X in the optimal control setting . . . .
21.1.3 Estimation via adjoint-based iterative optimization (4Dvar or MHE) . . .
21.1.4 Estimation via Riccati-based feedback (Kalman filtering) . . . . . . . . . .
21.1.5 The separation principle: combining optimal control and Kalman filtering . .
21.2 Summary of the discrete-time (DT) case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.1 Control via adjoint-based iterative optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.2 Control via Riccati-based feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.3 Estimation via adjoint-based iterative optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.4 Estimation via Riccati-based feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.5 The separation principle: putting it together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.2.6 Robust control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.3 Adjoint-based analysis of mixed CT/DT formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.3.1 Control of mixed CT/DT formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.3.2 Estimation of mixed CT/DT formulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.4 MPDopt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21.5 Feedback control of high-dimensional systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .













Leveraging the ODE simulation methods presented in 10, the numerical optimization methods discussed
in 15, the transfer function approach to representation & control of dynamic systems in 17 & 18, and the
state-space representations of dynamic systems 20, the stage is now set to:

a) optimize a distribution (in time) of nominal control inputs, u(t),

to drive a nonlinear ODE system along
some nominal trajectory, x (t), in order to satisfy a desired objective, while

Figure 21.1: Swing up and stabilization of the dual inverted pendulum. [Construction by Robert Hughes,
control solution by David Szeto (UCSD Coordinated Robotics Lab).]

b) coordinating small corrections u (t) to these nominal control inputs u(t)

based on limited real-time
measurements of the system y(t) in order to minimize the perturbations x (t) from the optimized nominal trajectory x (t) despite unknown state disturbances, measurement errors, and modeling errors.
This chapter explains the mathematical foundation for accomplishing these two tasks; ultimately, the con + u (t). To focus the
trol to be applied to the system will be the nominal plus the corrections, u(t) = u(t)
presentation, it is instructive to have a representative problem in mind. Thus, though the method presented
has broad applicability and is easily generalized in a variety of ways, the dual inverted pendulum swing-up
and stabilization problem illustrated in Figure 21.1 is useful to guide your thinking throughout the following
discussion. In this problem, there are two pendulums of different lengths hanging from a cart; each pendulum
rotates freely about the end attached to the cart (one pendulum hangs behind the track and the other hangs in
front, so there is no interference between the two). The angles {1 (t), 2 (t)} of the pendulums are measured
counterclockwise from upright, and the position z(t) of the cart is measured from the center of the track. The
goal is to bring the system to the unstable equilibrium state {z, 1 , 2 , z, 1 , 2 } = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, and to keep
it there, solely by pushing the cart to the left and right. This problem is studied in depth in Example 21.1.

21.1 Summary of the continuous-time (CT) case

An introduction to CT state-space control and estimation strategies, via both iterative adjoint-based optimization and direct Riccati-based feedback, is now given. The presentation is organized as follows:
21.1.1 & 21.1.2 consider the control problem (i.e., the determination of appropriate inputs to a system
to achieve a desired objective assuming accurate knowledge of the system state), whereas
21.1.3 & 21.1.4 consider the estimation problem (i.e., the approximation of the system state based
on recent, limited, noisy measurements of the actual system).
Denoting the current time as t = 0, the control problem considers possible evolutions of the system over a
horizon of interest reaching into the near future, [0, T ], whereas the estimation problem considers possible
fits of the system model to the history of available measurements over a horizon of interest reaching into the
recent past, [T, 0]. Together, solutions of the control and estimation problems facilitate the coordination of
a limited number of actuators with a limited number of sensors to achieve a desired effect, as discussed in
The iterative approach to these two problems (in 21.1.1 & 21.1.3) is applicable to both nonlinear systems
and nonquadratic cost functions. Significantly, this approach only requires the computation of vectors (that

is, state vectors x(t) and corresponding adjoint vectors r(t), both of order n) evolving over the time horizon
of interest, and thus extends readily to high-dimensional discretizations of unsteady PDE systems, even when
n & 106 is necessary to resolve adequately the dynamics of interest. In essence, for any smooth, differentiable
system that one can afford to simulate computationally, one can also afford to simulate the adjoint field
necessary to determine the gradient of a representative cost function in the space of the optimization variables,
thereby enabling an (iterative) gradient-based optimization approach to the control and estimation problems.
The direct approach to these problems (in 21.1.2 & 21.1.4), on the other hand, is based on more strict
assumptions: in particular, a linearized governing equation and a quadratic cost function. Subject to these
assumptions, this approach proceeds directly (i.e., not iteratively) to the minimum of the cost function by
setting the gradient equal to zero and solving the resulting two-point boundary value problem (TPBVP)
for the state and adjoint fields. This TPBVP is made tractable by formulating a matrix, of dimension n2 ,
relating the state and adjoint fields in the optimal solution; the (quadratic) equations defining the matrices
at the heart of this formulation for the control and estimation problems are called Riccati equations. An
efficient technique to solve these matrix equations in the CT, LTI, infinite-horizon case is discussed in 4.5.2.
Such matrix-based approaches do not extend readily to high-dimension discretizations of infinite-dimensional
PDE systems, as they are prohibitively expensive for n > O(103 ); however, as discussed in 21.5, there are
a variety of techniques available to approximate either the formulation or the solution of the control and
estimation problems in order to finesse oneself out of this dimensionality predicament.
Adjoint-based control optimization1 (21.1.1) is known as model predictive control (MPC). Riccatibased control feedback (21.1.2) is known as H2 state feedback, optimal control, or linear quadratic
regulation (LQR). Adjoint-based state estimation (21.1.3) is known in the weather forecasting community
as the space-time variational (4Dvar) method, and in the controls community as moving-horizon estimation (MHE). Riccati-based state estimation (21.1.4) is commonly referred to as a Luenberger observer or,
when interpreted from a stochastic point of view assuming Gaussian disturbances (see 22.1 and 22.2), as H2
state estimation or a Kalman filter. The combination of LQR and a Kalman filter, as discussed in 21.1.5,
is known as linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control.

21.1.1 Control via adjoint-based iterative optimization (model predictive control)

Assume the system of interest is governed by a CT state equation of the form
E(x, u)

= N(x, u)
x = x0

on 0 < t < T,


at t = 0,


where t = 0 is the present time and

x(t) is the state vector, with x0 the (known) initial condition (at t = 0), and
u(t) is the control input (e.g., some force on the system that we may prescribe).

The matrix E(x, u), which may be singular, and the differentiable but possibly nonlinear function N(x, u) are
defined as necessary to represent any smooth ODE of interest, including both low-dimensional ODEs and
high-dimensional discretizations of PDE systems. Noting that x = x(u) by (21.1a)-(21.1b), we also define a
cost function J(u) which measures any trajectory of this system such that
1 T h 2 2 i
J(u) =
x Q + u R dt + Ex(T ) Q .
2 0

The norms are weighted such that, e.g., |x|2Q , xH Qx, with Q 0, R > 0, and QT 0. The cost function
(specifically, the choice of Q, R, and QT ) represents mathematically what we would like the control u to
1 The adjoint at the heart of this powerful and generalizable optimization approach is also known as a costate or dual state or, when
derived via a slightly different but ultimately equivalent formulation, as a Lagrange multiplier.


accomplish in this system2 , and must be tuned with care. In short, the problem at hand is to minimize J(u)
with respect to the control distribution u(t) in (21.1c), where x(t) follows from u(t) via (21.1a)-(21.1b).
We now consider what happens when we simply perturb the inputs to our original system (21.1) a small
amount. Small perturbations u (t) to the control distribution u(t) cause small perturbations x (t) to the state
x(t). Such perturbations are governed by the first perturbation equation, a.k.a. tangent linear equation,
L x = Bu E

= Ax + Bu

x = 0

on 0 < t < T,


at t = 0,


where the operator L = (E dtd A) and matrices E(x, u), A(x, u) and B(x, u) are obtained via linearization3
of (21.1a) about the trajectory x(u), which itself is given by marching (21.1a)-(21.1b) from t = 0 to t = T .
The concomitant small perturbation to the cost function J in (21.1c) is given by
J =


(xH Qx + uH Ru ) dt + xH (T )E H QT Ex (T ).


Note that (21.2a) implicitly represents a linear relationship between x and u . Knowing this, the task before
us is simply to reexpress J in (21.2c) in such a way as to make the resulting linear relationship between J
and u explicitly evident, at which point
the gradient DJ/Du may readily be extracted. To this end, define
the weighted inner product hha, bii , 0T aH b dt and express the following useful adjoint identity
hhr, L x ii = hhL r, x ii + b.


Using integration by parts, it follows that L r = (E H dtd + AH )r and b = rH Ex

relevant adjoint equation by
L r = Qx E H

= AH r + Qx

r = QT Ex


. We now define the

on 0 < t < T,


at t = T.


The adjoint field r defined by this equation is easy to compute via a backward march, from t = T back to
t = 0. Both AH and the forcing term Qx in (21.4a) are functions of x(t), which itself must be determined
from a forward march of (21.1), from t = 0 to t = T ; thus, x(t) must be saved during this forward march over
the interval t [0, T ] in order to calculate (21.4) via a backward march from t = T back to t = 0. The need
for storing x(t) on [0, T ] during this forward march in order to construct the adjoint on the backward march
can present a significant storage problem. This problem may be averted with a checkpointing algorithm
which saves x(t) only occasionally on the forward march, then recomputes x(t) as necessary from these
checkpoints during the backward march for r(t). Noting (21.2) and (21.4), it follows from (21.3) that
BH r + Ru u dt ,
xH Qx dt + xH (T )E H QT Ex (T ) J =
rH Bu dt =
, u .
As u is arbitrary, the desired gradient g(t) on t [0, T ] may be identified as

= BH r + Ru,


Physically, we can say that the control objective is to minimize some measure of the state [as quantified by the first and third terms
of J in (21.1c)] without using too much control effort to do it [as quantified by the second term of J]. Nonquadratic forms for J are also
possible, as illustrated in Example 21.1. Note also that the terminal cost [the last term of (21.1c)] enables, in effect, the penalization of the
dynamics likely to come after the finite optimization horizon t [0,T ]; including such a term in the optimization problem significantly
improves its long-time behavior when applied in the receding-horizon model predictive control framework.
3 That is, to obtain (21.2a), substitute x + x for x and u + u for u in (21.1a), multiply out (using Taylor series where necessary), and
retain all terms that are linear in the perturbation quantities; (21.2c) is obtained similarly from (21.1c), also substituting J + J for J.


and is readily determined from the adjoint field r(t) defined by (21.4). This gradient may be used to update
u(t) at each iteration k via any of a number of optimization strategies, including the steepest descent and
nonquadratic conjugate gradient methods (see 16.2, a review of which is advised before proceeding).
In short, optimization of the nominal control input u(t) on t [0, T ] to the system defined in (21.1a)(21.1b) in order to minimize the cost function defined in (21.1c) proceeds as follows:
0. Define k = 0, and guess an initial value for the control input, denoted u0 (t), on t [0, T ]. Note that this
initial guess doesnt need to be particularly good.
1. Using the control uk (t) on t [0, T ], march the state equation (21.1a)-(21.1b) forward in time, from
t = 0 to t = T , using an appropriate technique from 10 (e.g., RK4); denote the resulting trajectory of
the state xk (t) on t [0, T ], and save this state trajectory (or checkpoints thereof) during this march.
2. Using the control uk (t) and the state trajectory xk (t) on t [0, T ], march the adjoint equation (21.4a)(21.4b) backward in time, from t = T back to t = 0, again using an appropriate technique from 10;
denote the resulting trajectory of the adjoint rk (t) on t [0, T ].
3. Using the control uk (t), the state trajectory xk (t), and the adjoint trajectory rk (t) on t [0, T ], compute
the gradient gk (t) = DJ/Du according to (21.5). (To reduce storage, steps 2 and 3 may be combined.)
4. Using the gradient gk (t) [and, if k > 0, the update direction used at the previous iteration, pk1 (t)],
update the control uk+1 (t) = uk (t) + pk (t) on t [0, T ] in an appropriate direction pk (t) using a
gradient-based optimization method from 16.2, such as the nonquadratic conjugate gradient method.
5. Update k k + 1, and repeat from step 1 until convergence. Denote the converged value of uk (t) that

results from this optimization process as u(t),

the corresponding optimized trajectory as x (t), and the

corresponding optimized cost as J(t).

In step 4 of the above iteration, for given uk (t) and pk (t) on t [0, T ], one needs to determine a parameter
of descent to perform a line minimization: that is, to minimize J(uk + pk ) with respect to . By solving
the perturbation equation (21.2) for x (t) in the direction u (t) = pk (t) linearized about the trajectory u(t) =
uk (t) and x(t) = xk (t) on t [0, T ], and denoting the resulting value of the state perturbation as xk (t), it is
straightforward to get an estimate of the most suitable value for at this iteration in the case that J(u) is
nearly quadratic in u(t). Fixing uk (t) and pk (t), performing a Taylor series expansion for J(uk + pk ) about
= 0, truncating at second order, and setting the derivative with respect to equal to zero gives

dJ(uk + pk )
2 d 2 J(uk + pk )
J(uk + pk ) = uk +

+ ...,

d 2

d J(uk + pk )
dJ(uk + pk )
dJ(uk + pk )

d 2

where the derivatives shown are simple functions of {uk , xk , pk , xk }, as readily determined from (21.1c):

dJ(uk + pk )


k Qxk + uk Rpk ) dt + xk (T )E QT Exk (T ),


1 T H
d 2 J(uk + pk )

[(xk ) Qxk + (pk )H Rpk ] dt + [xk (T )]H E H QT Exk (T ).

2 0

The value of given by (21.6) minimizes J(uk + pk ) if J is essentially quadratic in u. If it is not (e.g., if
the relationship x(u) implied by (21.1a) is significantly nonlinear in the region of interest4 ), this value of
will not minimize J(uk + pk ) with respect to , and may in fact lead to an unstable algorithm if used at
each iteration of the optimization algorithm. However, (21.6) is still useful to initialize the guess for at each
iteration; Brents method (15.1.3) may then be used to optimize based on this initial guess.
4 In this case, a second perturbation equation [cf. the first perturbation equation in (21.2)] needs to be solved and accounted for to
compute d 2 J/d 2 accurately [cf. (21.6c)]; however, as the importance of this second perturbation increases, the validity of (21.6a) itself
reduces; the calculation of the second perturbation is thus, in our experience, not usually worth the computational effort.


The expression in (21.5) allows us to interpret the adjoint field r simply as the gradient of the cost J with
respect to the control u in the case that B = I and R = 0; if B 6= I, the gradient is extracted from r by shaping
it through BH , and if R 6= 0, the gradient is augmented with a discount term R u.

21.1.2 Control via Riccati-based feedback (optimal control)

Once a desired nominal trajectory {u(t),

x (t)} on t [0, T ] is identified, as done in 21.1.1, we focus next

on minimizing the perturbations to this desired nominal trajectory by augmenting the nominal control u(t)
on t [0, T ] with appropriate control corrections u (t) on t [0, T ]. The analysis leading to the computation
of u (t) is a very slight modification of the analysis in the previous section. [Note that most problems can
be framed with E = I, which simplifies the following equations substantially.] We consider the perturbation

equation (21.2a)-(21.2b) linearized about the desired nominal trajectory {u(t),

x (t)}. We also consider a
quadratic perturbation cost J(u ), measuring the perturbations alone, such that [cf. (21.1c)]
J(u ) =


Z T h

2 i
u dt + 1 Ex (T ) 2 .


The derivation of the expression for the gradient of this perturbation cost follows as before, from a perturbation adjoint field driven by x instead of x [cf. (21.4)]
L r = Qx E H

= AH r + Qx

r = QT Ex

on 0 < t < T,


at t = T,


from which it is seen that the control corrections u (t) which minimizes the perturbation cost J(u ) in (21.7)
is given by [cf. (21.5)]
= BH r + Ru = 0 u = R1 BH r .
Combining the perturbation equation (21.2) and perturbation adjoint equation (21.8) into a single matrix
form, while applying the optimal value of the control corrections u from (21.9), gives

x = 0
at t = 0,
E 0 d x
A B R1 BH x

0 E dt r
r = QT Ex at t = T.
This ODE, with both initial and terminal conditions, is called a two-point boundary value problem (TPBVP).
Its general solution may be found via the sweep method (Bryson & Ho 1969): assuming there exists a relation
between the perturbation x (t) and the perturbation adjoint r (t) via a matrix X = X(t) such that
r = XEx ,


inserting this assumed form of the solution (a.k.a. solution ansatz) into the combined matrix form (21.10)
to eliminate r , combining rows to eliminate (E dx /dt), factoring out x to the right, and noting that this
equation holds for all x , it follows that X obeys the differential Riccati equation (DRE)

E = AH XE + E H XA E H XBR1BH XE + Q where X(T ) = QT ,


where the condition at X(T ) follows from (21.10) and (21.11). Solutions X = X(t) of this matrix equation are
Hermetian (X H = X), and may easily be determined via marching procedures similar to those used to march
ODEs (see 10). By the characterization of the optimal point, we may now write the control corrections u as
u = Kx

where K = R1 BH X.


To recap, this value of K minimizes the perturbation cost

1 T h 2 2 i
J(u ) =
x Q + u R dt + Ex (T ) Q
2 0


= Ax + Bu .


The resulting matrix K(t) is referred to as the optimal control feedback gain matrix, and is a function of the
solution X(t) to (21.12a). This equation may be solved for linear time-varying (LTV) or linear time-invariant
(LTI) systems based solely on knowledge of A and B in the system model and Q, R, and QT in the cost
function; that is, the gain matrix K may be computed offline. Note in particular that, for LTI systems in limit
that T (that is, for the the infinite-horizon control problem), the matrix X in (21.12a) may be marched
to steady state; this steady state solution for X satisfies the CT algebraic Riccati equation (CARE)
0 = AH XE + E H XA E H XBR1BH XE + Q.


Efficient algorithms to solve this quadratic matrix equation directly are discussed in 4.5.2. Interpretation of the matrix X in the optimal control setting
Recall from (20.138) that the solution of the appropriately-defined Lyapunov equation, P(T ), may be interpreted such that xH [P(T )]1 x quantifies the minimum input energy necessary to steer a system from
x(0) = 0 to x(T ) = x. We now seek a similarly intuitive interpretation of the matrix X(t) used in the analysis
of the optimal control setting above.
Recall first the correspondence between the solution of the DLE (20.91a), marched from t = 0 to t = T ,
and the integral form (20.92). Renaming the variables in these two equations appropriately [replacing A with
(A + BK)H and BBH with (Q + K H RK) for a given value of K], a similar correspondence may be established
between the following DLE and integral forms:
= (A + BK)H X + X(A + BK) + (Q + K H RK) with

X(T ) =


X(0) = 0,

e(A+BK) t (Q + K H RK) e(A+BK)t dt;


note that, in the limit that T , X satisfies the CALE

0 = (A + BK)H X + X(A + BK) + (Q + K H RK).


Now take E = I and consider the evolution equation, initial state, cost function, and feedback relation
= Ax + Bu,

x(0) = x0 ,



[xH Qx + uH Ru] dt,

u = Kx.


For a given value of K [see (21.12b)] and x0 , we have x(t) = e(A+BK)t x0 . Thus, by (21.14b), we have


x (Q + K RK) x dt =


(A+BK) t
(Q + K H RK) e(A+BK)t x0 dt = xH
0 X(T ) x0 ,


where, noting (21.14), X satisfies the DLE (21.14a) or, in the T limit, the CALE (21.14c). Now, since
(A+ BK)H X + X(A+ BK)+ (Q+ K H RK) = AH X + XA XBR1BH X + Q+ (XBR1 + K H )R(R1 BH X + K),
taking K = R1BH X in these expressions [see (21.12b)] sets the last term on the RHS above to zero, thus
equating the DLE in (21.14a) to the DRE in (21.12a), and the CALE in (21.14b) to the CARE in (21.13).
The relation J = xH
0 X(T )x0 derived above [see (21.16)], where X(T ) is the solution to the DRE in (21.12a)
or, in the T limit, the CARE in (21.13), allows us to interpret the expression xH
0 X(T )x0 simply as the
cost to go in the case that the optimal controller K = R1BH X is to be applied to the system.

21.1.3 Estimation via adjoint-based iterative optimization (4Dvar or MHE)

The derivation presented here is analogous to that presented in 21.1.1. We first write the state equation
modeling the system of interest in ODE form:
E(x, v, w)

= N(x, v, w) on T < t < 0,
at t = T,


where t = 0 is the present time and x(t) is the state vector, and the quantities to be optimized are:
u, representing the unknown initial condition of the model (at t = T ),
v, representing the unknown constant parameters of the model, and
w(t), representing the unknown external inputs which we would like to determine.

We next write a cost function which measures the misfit of the available measurements y(t) with the corresponding quantity in the computational model, Cx(t), and additionally penalizes the deviation of the initial
condition u from any a priori estimate5 of the initial condition u, the deviation of the parameters v from any
a priori estimate of the parameters v, and the magnitude of the disturbance terms w(t):


Z 0

Z 0

Cx y 2 dt + 1 u u 2 + 1 v v 2 + 1
w 2 dt.
2 T


The norms are weighted with positive semi-definite matrices such that, e.g., |y|2Qy , yH Qy y with Qy 0. In
short, the problem at hand is to minimize J with respect to {u, v, w(t)} subject to (21.17).
Small perturbations {u , v , w (t)} to {u, v, w(t)} cause small perturbations x to the state x. Such perturbations are governed by the tangent linear equation
L x = B v v + B w w E

= Ax + Bv v + Bw w

x = u

on T < t < 0,


at t = T,


where the operator L = (E dtd A) and the matrices E, A, Bv , and Bw are obtained via the linearization of
(21.17a) about the trajectory x(u, v, w). The concomitant small perturbation to the cost function J is given by
J =

Z 0

(Cx y)H QyCx dt + (u u)H Qu u + (v v)H Qv v +

Z 0

wH Qw w dt.


Again, the task before us is to reexpress J in such a way as to make the resulting linear relationship between
J and {u , v , w (t)} explicitly evident, at which
R point the necessary gradients may readily be defined. To this
end, we define the inner product hha, biiR , 0T aH R b dt for some R > 0 and express the adjoint identity
hhr, L x iiR = hhL r, x iiR + b.


Using integration by parts, it follows that L r = (R1 E H R dtd + R1 AH R) r and b = rH REx t=T . Based
on this adjoint operator, we now define an adjoint equation of the form
L r = R1CH Qy (Cx y) E H R

= AH Rr + CH Qy (Cx y) on T < t < 0,
at t = 0.


5 In the 4Dvar setting, such an estimate u for x(T ) is obtained from the previously-computed forecast, and the corresponding term
in the cost function is called the background term. The effect of this term on the time evolution of the forecast is significant and
sometimes detrimental, as it constrains the update to u to be small when, in some circumstances, a large update might be warranted.


Again, the difficulty involved with numerically solving the ODE given by (21.21) via a backward march from
t = 0 to t = T is essentially the same as the difficulty involved with solving the original ODE (21.17).
Finally, combining (21.18) and (21.21) into the identity (21.20) and substituting into (21.19) gives
Z 0

Z 0 

w dt

J = E H Rr(T ) + R(u u) u +



, u




, v




, w




aH Sb dt, and thus
for some Su > 0, Sv > 0, and Sw > 0 where ha, biS , aH Sb and hha, biiS , T

Z 0
, and

= Su1 E H Rr(T ) + Qu (u u) ,
= Sv1

= Sw
for t [T, 0].


We have thus identified the gradient of the cost function with respect to the optimization variables {u, v, w(t)}
as a function of the adjoint field r defined in (21.21) which, for any trajectory x(u, v, w) of our original system
(21.17), may easily be computed.
The parallels between the adjoint formulation for the estimation problem discussed above and the control
problem discussed in 21.1.1 should be clear. There is substantial flexibility in the framing of such optimization problems; the derivation given above is given in a slightly more general form than the derivation
shown in 21.1.1 in order to illustrate this flexibility. Once the equation governing the system is specified,
this flexibility comes in exactly three forms:
targeting the cost function via selection of the Qi matrices,
regularizing the adjoint operator via selection of the R matrix, and
preconditioning the gradient via selection of the Si matrices.

In the ODE setting, the simplest approach is to select the identity matrix for some if not all of these weighting
matrices. However, especially when considering a high-dimensional ODE approximation of a PDE problem,
this is not always the best choice. By incorporating finite-dimensional discretizations of Sobolev inner products (with derivatives and/or antiderivatives in space and/or time) in place of L2 inner products, different
spatial and/or temporal scales of the problem may be emphasized or de-emphasized in the statement of the
cost function, in the dynamics of the corresponding adjoint field, and in the extraction of the gradient. Such
alternative inner products (in the infinite-dimensional setting) or weighting matrices (in the finite-dimensional
setting) can have a substantially beneficial effect in the resulting optimization process when applied to multiscale problems. In fact, the flexibility of the inner products implied by the Qi , R, and Si operators parameterizes
exactly all of the available options to target/regularize/precondition the entire optimization framework (Protas, Bewley, & Hagen 2004). Note in particular that changing the R and Si matrices change the gradients
calculated during the optimization process, but does not change the minimum point(s) of the cost function
considered; that is, different gradients ultimately lead to the same minimizer(s), but emphasize different scales of the problem at different iterations of the optimization. Note also that, in high-dimensional problems,
we never actually achieve complete convergence, so these differences are significant. For clarity of presentation, other sections of this chapter take R = Si = I everywhere, just to simplify in the form of the equations
presented, recognizing that other choices can (and, in some cases, should) be preferred.
Another technique that has been introduced to accelerate the adjoint-based estimation technique described
above is multiple shooting. With this technique, the horizon of interest is split into two or more subintervals.
The initial conditions (and, in some implementations, the time-varying model error term) for each subinterval are first initialized and optimized independently, then these several independent solutions are gradually
adjusted so that the trajectories coincide at the matching points between the subintervals.

21.1.4 Estimation via Riccati-based feedback (Kalman filtering)

We now simplify and convert a Riccati-based estimation problem into an equivalent control problem of the
form already solved (in 21.1.2). Consider the following linear equations for the state x, the state estimate x ,
and the state estimation error x = x x :
dx/dt = Ax + Bu,
d x /dt = Ax + Bu L(y y ),
d x /dt = Ax + Ly,

y = Cx,
y = Cx ,
y = Cx .


The output injection term L(y y ) applied to the equation for the state estimate x is to be designed to
nudge this equation appropriately based on the available measurements y of the actual system. If this term
is doing its job correctly, x is driven towards x (that is, x is driven towards zero) even if the initial condition
on x is unknown and (21.23) is only an approximate model of reality. For convenience and without loss of
generality, we now return our focus to the time interval [0, T ] rather than the interval [T, 0].
We thus set out to minimize some measure of the state estimation error x by appropriate selection of L.
To this end, taking x H times (21.25), we obtain
i h d x
h d x
1 d x H x
= Ax + LCx =
= AH x + CH LH x x =
x H
2 dt
Motivated by the second relation in brackets above, consider a new system
dz/dt = AH z + CH u

where u = LH z

and z(0) = x (0).


Though the dynamics of x (t) and z(t) are different, the evolution of their energy is the same, by (21.26).
That is, x H x = zH z for all t even though, in general, z(t) 6= x (t). We will thus, for convenience, design L to
minimize a cost function related to this auxiliary variable z, defined here such that, taking Q1 = I,


+ B
u where u = Kz.

dz/dt = Az


dt + zH (0)P0 z(0),
[zH Q1 z + u H Q2 u]
where, renaming A = A , B = C , and K = L , (21.27) may be written as
J =

Finding the feedback gain matrix K in (21.28b) that minimizes the cost function J in (21.28a) is exactly the
same problem that is solved in (21.12), just with different variables. Thus, the optimal gain matrix L which
minimizes a linear combination of the energy of the state estimation error, x H x , and some measure of the
estimator feedback gain L is again determined from the solution P of a Riccati equation which, making the
appropriate substitutions into the solution presented in (21.12), is given by
H 1
2 CP + Q1 , P(0) = P0 , L = PC Q2 .
The compact derivation presented above gets quickly to the Riccati equation for an optimal estimator, but
as the result of a somewhat contrived optimization problem. A more intuitive formulation is to replace the
state equation (21.23) with
dx/dt = Ax + Bu + w1,
y = Cx + w2,
where w1 (the state disturbance) and w2 (the measurement noise) are assumed to be uncorrelated, zero
mean, white Gaussian processes with modeled covariance E {w1 wH
1 } = Q1 and E {w2 w2 } = Q2 respectively.
As shown in 22.1, going through the necessary steps to minimize the expected energy of the estimation error,
E {xH x } = trace(P) where P = E {xx H }, we again arrive at an estimator of the form given in (21.24) with the
feedback gain matrix L as given by (21.29), but now with a much clearer physical understanding of P0 , Q1 ,
and Q2 .

21.1.5 The separation principle: combining optimal control and Kalman filtering
In 21.1.2, a convenient feedback relationship was derived for determining optimal control inputs based on
full state information in the LQ setting (that is, for a linear state equation and a quadratic cost function). In
21.1.4, a convenient feedback relationship was derived for determining an optimal estimate of the full state
based on the available system measurements, again in the LQ setting; in 22.1, this feedback relationship is
given a logical theoretical foundation assuming Gaussian disturbances. It might seem like a good idea, then,
to combine the results of 21.1.2 and 21.1.4: that is, in the practical setting in which control inputs must
be determined based on available system measurements, to develop an estimate of the state x based on the
results of 21.1.4, then to apply control u = K x based on this state estimate and the results of 21.1.2. This is
in fact a generally good idea, and the reason why is called the separation principle. Collecting the equations
presented previously, taking E = I, and adding a reference control input r, we have
Plant :
Estimator :
Controller :

dx/dt = Ax + Bu + w1,
d x /dt = Ax + Bu L(y y ),
u = K x + r,

y = Cx + w2,
y = Cx ,

where K is determined as in (21.12) and L is determined as in (21.29). This very practical state-space feedback
control framework is commonly called linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) control. In block matrix form
(noting that x = x x ), this composite system may be written

d x
I 0 w1
A + LC x
I L w2
dt x


+ 0 I
y= C 0

Since this system matrix is block triangular, its eigenvalues are given by the union of the eigenvalues of
A+BK and those of A+LC; thus, selecting K and L to stabilize the control and estimation problems separately
effectively stabilizes the composite system. Further, assuming that w1 = w2 = 0 and the initial condition on
all variables are zero, taking the Laplace transform6 of the composite system (21.31) gives

Y(s) = C

 sI (A + BK)
R(s) = C[sI (A + BK)]1B R(s).
sI (A + LC)

That is, the transfer function from r to y is unaffected by the estimator. Note that, in the SIMO case, this
transfer function may be written in the form
Y (s)
= C[sI (A + BK)]1B.
As a matter of practice, the estimator feedback L is often designed (by adjusting the relative magnitude of Q1
and Q2 ) according to a convenient rule of thumb such that the slowest eigenvalues of A + LC are a factor of 2
to 5 faster than the slowest eigenvalues of A + BK.

6 In effect, simply replacing d/dt by the Laplace variable s and replacing the time-domain signals {y,r,x, x}
with their Laplace

transforms {Y(s),R(s),X(s), X(s)},

where F(s) = 0 f(t) est dt; see 17.3 to review.


Example 21.1 Swing up and stabilization of the dual inverted pendulum

To illustrate the power of the

The nonlinear equations of motion of a single pendulum are given in 17.5 [see (17.16)]. Denoting {m1 , I1 , 1 }
and {m2 , I2 , 2 } the mass, moment of inertia, and distance from the center of mass to the point where it is
attached to the cart of pendulums 1 and 2 respectively, these equations may easily be extended to the dual
pendulum case depicted in Figure 21.1 as follows:
 d 2
 d 2
d 2 1
d 2 2
d 2x


= u,



dt 2
dt 2
dt 2
d 2 1
d 2x
m1 g 1 sin 1 = 0,
m1 1 cos 1 2 +(I1 + m1 21 ) 2
d 2 2
d 2x
+(I2 + m2 22 ) 2 m2 g 2 sin 2 = 0.
m2 2 cos 2 2

(mc + m1 + m2 )

Linearization of this system is performed by taking x = x + x , 1 = 1 + 1 , 2 = 2 + 2 , and u = u +

u in (21.32), expanding with Taylor series, multiplying out, applying the fact that the nominal condition
{x, 1 , 2 , u} is itself also a solution of (21.32), and keeping only those terms which are linear in the perturbation (primed) quantities, as terms that are quadratic or higher in the perturbations are negligible if the
perturbations are sufficiently small. Taking {x = 0, 1 = 0, 2 = 0, u = 0}, the linearized equations of motion
of the dual inverted pendulum are
d 2 1
d 2 2
d 2 x

= u ,
dt 2
dt 2
dt 2
d 2 x
m1 g 1 1 = 0,
m1 1 2 +(I1 + m1 21 ) 21
d 2 x
m2 2 2
+(I2 + m2 22 ) 22 m2 g 2 2 = 0.

(mc + m1 + m2 )


On the other hand, considering an unsteady nominal trajectory {x(t), 1 (t), 2 (t), u(t)} gives the tangent
linear equations for the dual inverted pendulum:
d 2 x
d 2 1
d 2 2


dt 2
dt 2
dt 2
 d 2
h d 2
d 1 i
d 1



+m1 1
1 1
1 1
dt 2
 d 2
h d 2
2 i


= u ,


+m2 2
dt 2
d 2 x
d 2x
m1 1 cos( 1 ) 2 +(I1 + m1 21 ) 21
m1 1 g (cos 1 ) 1 2 sin( 1 ) 1 = 0,
d 2 x
+(I2 + m2 22 ) 22 m2 2 g (cos 2 ) 2 2 sin( 2 ) 2 = 0.
m2 2 cos( 2 ) 2

(mc + m1 + m2 )


on t [0, T ] to swing
Step 1: Optimizing u(t) on t [0, T ]. We first optimize the nominal control input u(t)
up both pendulums. The nonlinear equation of motion (21.32) may be written in the first-order form (21.1a)(21.1b) by defining




, E(1 , 2 ) =




d 1 /dt
m1 1 cos 1
I1 + m1 21
d 2 /dt
m2 2 cos 2
I2 + m2 22


d 1 /dt


N(x, f, u) =
2 m sin (d /dt)2 + u

1 1
2 2

m1 g 1 sin 1
m2 g 2 sin 2

The initial condition on the system is xT (0) = 0 0 0 0 ; the desired (unstable) terminal condition is xT (T ) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 . We target the dynamics of interest on the horizon (0, T ) by defining
the cost function (21.1c), at least initially, such that Q = I and R = 2 I and QT = 2 I. We will take = O(1)
and as relatively large in order to emphasize bringing the system close to the desired state at the end of the
swingup (that is, at t = T ). We can adjust these weighting matrices in the cost function after optimizing the
nominal trajectory of the system if there are any features of this initial optimized trajectory that are found to be
undesirable. The tangent linear equation (21.34) may be written in the form (21.2) by taking E = E( 1 , 2 ),
using the (symmetric) formula for E(1 , 2 ) given above, and defining



, B = 0 ,

x =
dx /dt , A = a42 a43


d 1 /dt

d 2 /dt


 d 2

d 1
cos 1 , a45 = 2 m1 1
sin 1 , a52 = m1 1 g cos 1 2 sin 1 ,
h d2
 d 2


a43 = m2 2


2 2
2 2
2 .
dt 2
dt 2
a42 = m1 1

h d2

dt 2

sin 1 +

With the state vector x, the nonlinear equation of motion in first-order form, the matrices {Q, Qu , QT } defining
the cost function, and the matrices {E, A, B} defining the tangent linear model so identified, the powerful
on t [0, T ] to swing up both pendulums.
machinery of (21.1.1) may be used to optimize the control input u(t)
Step 2: Computing K(t) on t [0, T ].

Step 3: Computing L(t) on t [0, T ].

Step 4: Computing K for t [T, ).

Step 5: Computing L for t [T, ).


Algorithm 21.1: Adjoint-based optimization of the dual pendulum swing-up.


f u n c t i o n [ u k , x k ] = E x am p le 2 1 1 ( T , u k )
s . h = 0 . 0 1 ; s . N=T / s . h ; s . mc=1 0 ; t = [ 0 : s . N] s . h ;
% STEP 0 : i n i t i a l i z e s i m u l a t i o n
s . m1 = 0 . 2 ; s . L1 = 1 ;
s . e l l 1 = s . L1 / 2 ; s . I 1 = s . m1 s . e l l 1 2 / 1 2 ; % s y s tem , & d e r i v e d p a r a m e t e r s
s . m2 = 0 . 1 ; s . L2 = 0 . 5 ; s . e l l 2 = s . L2 / 2 ; s . I 2 = s . m2 s . e l l 2 2 / 1 2 ; a l p h a = 0 . 1 ;
s . B = [ 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ] ; s . Q= d i a g ( [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] ) ; s . R= 0 ; s . QT= d i a g ( [ 5 40 10 . 1 60 1 0 ] ) ;
i f nargin <2, u k = z e r o s ( s . N+ 1 , 1 ) ; end , s . x0 = [ 0 ; p i ; p i ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ] ; x k ( 1 : 6 , 1 ) = s . x0 ; r e s = 0 ;
for k =0:100 , k
u= u k ( 1 ) ; x= s . x0 ; J =0 . 2 5 s . h ( x s . Q x+u s . R u ) ; c = . 5 ; % STEP 1 : march / s a v e s t a t e
f o r n = 1 : s . N, u= u k ( n ) ;
% ( from t =0 > T ) , compute c o s t
f 1 =RHS( x , u , s ) ; f 2 =RHS( x+ s . h f 1 / 2 , u , s ) ; f 3 =RHS( x+ s . h f 2 / 2 , u , s ) ; f 4 =RHS( x+ s . h f3 , u , s ) ;
x=x+ s . h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ; x k ( 1 : 6 , n +1)= x ; u= u k ( n + 1 ) ;
x k ( 7 : 9 , n ) = f 1 ( 4 : 6 ) ; i f n== s . N, c = . 2 5 ; end , J = J +c s . h ( x s . Q x+u s . R u ) ;
end , f 1 =RHS( x , u , s ) ; x k ( 7 : 9 , s . N+1)= f 1 ( 4 : 6 ) ; E=Compute E ( x , s ) ; J = J + 0 . 5 ( x E s . QTE x ) ;
r = s . QTE x ; g ( s . N+1 , 1 ) = s . B r + s . R u k ( s . N+ 1 ) ;
% STEPS 2 & 3 : march a d j o i n t
f o r n= s . N: 1 : 1 , xh =( x k ( : , n +1)+ x k ( : , n ) ) / 2 ;
% ( from t =T > 0 ) , compute g r a d i e n t
f 1 =RHSa ( r , x k ( : , n + 1 ) , s ) ; f 2 =RHSa ( rs . h f 1 / 2 , xh , s ) ; f 3 =RHSa ( rs . h f 2 / 2 , xh , s ) ;
f 4 =RHSa ( rs . h f3 , x k ( : , n ) , s ) ; r = rs . h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ; g ( n , 1 ) = s . B r + s . R u k ( n ) ;
end , r e s 1 = r e s ; r e s =g g ;
% STEPS 4 & 5 : u p d a t e u and r e p e a t
i f ( mod ( k , 4 ) = = 0 | a l p h a <1e 4) , p k=g ; e l s e , p k=g+ p k r e s / r e s 1 ; end % c o n j u g a t e g r a d i e n t
f i g u r e ( 1 ) ; c l f ; s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) ; p l o t ( t , x k ( 1 , : ) , r , t , x k ( 2 , : ) , b , t , x k ( 3 , : ) , g ) ;
s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 2 ) ; p l o t ( t , u k , r ) ;
[AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC ] = B r a c k e t ( @Compute J Ex21 1 , 0 , a l p h a , J , u k , p k , s ) ; % f i n d t r i p l e t
[ a l p h a , J ] = B r e n t ( @Compute J Ex21 1 , AA, AB, AC, JA , JB , JC , 1 e 5 , u k , p k , s ) % r e f i n e t r i p l e t
u k = u k + a l p h a p k ; pause ( 0 . 0 1 ) ; i f abs ( a l p h a )<1e 12 , break , end
% update u k
s . mc= 1 ; f o r n = 1 : s . N+1
% Compute u k c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o d i f f e r e n t s . mc t o g i v e same x k
E=Compute E ( x k ( 1 : 6 , n ) , s ) ; N=Compute N ( x k ( 1 : 6 , n ) , 0 , s ) ; u k ( n , 1 ) = s . B ( E x k ( 4 : 9 , n)N ) ;
end , end % f u n c t i o n E x am p le 2 1 1
f u n c t i o n R=RHS( x , u , s ) ; E=Compute E ( x , s ) ; N=Compute N ( x , u , s ) ; R=E\N ;
end % f u n c t i o n RHS
f u n c t i o n R=RHSa ( r , x , s ) ; E=Compute E ( x , s ) ; A=Compute A ( x , s ) ; R=E \ ( A r + s . Q x ( 1 : 6 ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n RHSa
f u n c t i o n E=Compute E ( x , s ) ; I = ey e ( 3 ) ; Z= z e r o s ( 3 ) ;
E=[ I Z ; Z [ s . mc+ s . m1+ s . m2
s . m1 s . e l l 1 c o s ( x ( 2 ) ) s . m2 s . e l l 2 c o s ( x ( 3 ) ) ;
s . m1 s . e l l 1 c o s ( x ( 2 ) ) s . I 1 + s . m1 s . e l l 1 2
s . m2 s . e l l 2 c o s ( x ( 3 ) )
s . I 2 + s . m2 s . e l l 2 2
end % f u n c t i o n Compute E
f u n c t i o n N=Compute N ( x , u , s ) ;
N=[ x ( 4 ) ; x ( 5 ) ; x ( 6 ) ; s . m1 s . e l l 1 s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) x ( 5 ) 2 s . m2 s . e l l 2 s i n ( x ( 3 ) ) x ( 6 ) 2 + u ;
s . m1 9 . 8 s . e l l 1 s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) ; s . m2 9 . 8 s . e l l 2 s i n ( x ( 3 ) ) ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n Compute N
f u n c t i o n A=Compute A ( x , s ) ; g = 9 . 8 ;
a42 = s . m1 s . e l l 1 ( x ( 8 ) s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) + x ( 5 ) 2 c o s ( x ( 2 ) ) ) ; a45 =2 s . m1 s . e l l 1 x ( 5 ) s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) ;
a43 = s . m2 s . e l l 2 ( x ( 9 ) s i n ( x ( 3 ) ) + x ( 6 ) 2 c o s ( x ( 3 ) ) ) ; a46 =2 s . m2 s . e l l 2 x ( 6 ) s i n ( x ( 3 ) ) ;
a52 = s . m1 s . e l l 1 ( g c o s ( x ( 2 ) ) x ( 7 ) s i n ( x ( 2 ) ) ) ; a63 = s . m2 s . e l l 2 ( g c o s ( x ( 3 ) ) x ( 7 ) s i n ( x ( 3 ) ) ) ;
A=[ z e r o s ( 3 ) ey e ( 3 ) ; 0 a42 a43 0 a45 a46 ; 0 a52 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 a63 0 0 0 ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n Compute A
f u n c t i o n J = C o m p u te J E x 2 1 1 ( u t r i a l , s ) ;
x= s . x0 ; u= u t r i a l ( 1 ) ; J =0 . 2 5 s . h ( x s . Q x+u s . R u ) ; c = . 5 ;
f o r n = 1 : s . N, u= u t r i a l ( n ) ; i f n== s . N, c = . 2 5 ; end
f 1 =RHS( x , u , s ) ; f 2 =RHS( x+ s . h f 1 / 2 , u , s ) ; f 3 =RHS( x+ s . h f 2 / 2 , u , s ) ; f 4 =RHS( x+ s . h f3 , u , s ) ;
x=x+ s . h ( f 1 / 6 + ( f 2 + f 3 ) / 3 + f 4 / 6 ) ; J = J +c s . h ( x s . Q x+u s . Ru ) ;
end , E=Compute E ( x , s ) ; J = J + 0 . 5 ( x E s . QTE x ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n C o m p u te J E x 2 1 1


21.2 Summary of the discrete-time (DT) case

An introduction to DT state-space control and estimation strategies, via both iterative adjoint-based optimization and direct Riccati-based feedback, is now presented, following closely the corresponding CT derivations
presented in 21.1 at each step, albeit with the discussion abbreviated to minimize repetition. Again, the
presentation is divided into four parts: 21.2.1 and 21.2.2 consider the control problem, whereas 21.2.3 and
21.2.4 consider the estimation problem. The iterative approach to these two problems is considered in 21.2.1
and 21.2.3, whereas the direct approach to these two problems is considered in 21.2.2 and 21.2.4. Together,
solutions of the control and estimation problems enable the coordination of a limited number of actuators with
a limited number of sensors in order to achieve a desired effect (21.2.5). An efficient technique to calculate
the matrix equation at the heart of these problems in the DT, infinite-horizon, linear time invariant (LTI) case
is discussed in 4.5.4.

21.2.1 Control via adjoint-based iterative optimization

We now assume the system of interest is governed by a DT state equation of the form
Exk+1 = N(xk , fk , uk ) on 0 k < K,
x0 = specified


where k = 0 is the present time step and

xk is the state vector with x0 the (known) initial conditions,
fk is the (known) applied external force (e.g., gravity), and
uk is the control (e.g., some force on the system that we may prescribe).

We also define a cost function J which measures any trajectory of this system such that
J =

1 K h 2 2 i
xk Q + uk R .
2 k=0


The norms are weighted such that, e.g., |x|2Q , xH Qx, with Q 0 and Qu > 0. The cost function (specifically,
the selection of Q and Qu ) represents mathematically what we would like the controls uk to accomplish in
this system. In short, the problem at hand is to minimize J with respect to the control distribution uk subject
to (21.35).
Small perturbations u to the control u cause small perturbations x to the state x. Such perturbations are
governed by the perturbation equation
(L x )k+1 = Guk Exk+1 = Fxk + Guk
x0 = 0,

on 0 k < K,


where the operation (L x )k+1 = Exk+1 Fxk and matrices F and G are obtained via the linearization of
(21.35a) about the trajectory x(u). The concomitant small perturbation to the cost function J is given by
J =

(xHk Qxk + uHk Qu uk ).



Note that (21.36a) implicitly represents a linear relationship between x and u . The task before us is to
reexpress J in such a way as to make the resulting linear relationship between J and u explicitly evident,
at which point the gradient DJ /Du may readily be defined. To this end, define the inner product hha, bii ,
Kk=1 aH
k bk and express the following adjoint identity
hhr, L x ii = hhL r, x ii + b.


By rearranging the sums, it follows that (L r)k = E H rk F H rk+1 and b = rH
k+1 Fxk k=0 . We now define
the relevant adjoint equation by
(L r)k = Qxk E H rk = F H rk+1 + Qxk
rK+1 = 0

on 0 < k K,


The adjoint field r so defined is easy to compute via a backward march from k = K back to k = 0. Both AH
and the forcing term Qxk in (21.38a) are functions of xk , which itself must be determined from a forward
march of (21.35) from k = 0 to k = K; thus xk must be saved on this forward march in order to calculate
(21.38) via a backward march from k = K back to k = 0. Noting (21.36) and (21.38), it follows from (21.37)



k k1 k k
As u is arbitrary, the desired gradient is thus given by
= Su1 GH rk+1 + Qu uk ,
Du k


and is readily determined from the adjoint field r defined by (21.38). This gradient may be used to update
u at each iteration k via any of a number of standard optimization strategies, including steepest descent,
preconditioned nonquadratic conjugate gradient, and limited-memory BFGS (see ??).

21.2.2 Control via Riccati-based feedback

By (21.39), the control uk which minimizes J is given by

uk = Q1
u G rk+1 .

We now consider the problem that arises when we start with a DT governing equation (21.35a)-(21.35b) for
the state variable xk that is already in the linearized form of a perturbation equation [as in (21.36a)-(21.36b)].
In other words, we perturb the (already linear) system about the control distribution u = 0 and the trajectory
x(u) = 0, and thus the perturbed system is u = u and x = x . Combining the perturbation and adjoint equations
(21.36) and (21.38) into a single matrix form, assuming for simplicity that F is invertible and E = I and thus
(21.38) may be written in the simplified form
rk+1 = F H rk F H Qxk ,
and applying the optimal value of the control u as noted above gives:

F + GR1 GH F H Q GQ1
u G F
r k+1
r k

x0 = 0
rK+1 = 0


This difference equation, with both initial and terminal conditions, is referred to as a two-point boundary
value problem. Its general solution may again be found via a sweep method: assuming there exists a relation
between the perturbation vector xk and the adjoint vector rk via a matrix Xk such that
rk = Xk xk ,


inserting this assumed form of the solution into the combined matrix form (21.40) to eliminate rk and performing the manipulations discussed in 4.5.4 leads to the form [see (4.57c)]
Xk = F H Xk+1 F F H Xk+1 G(R + GH Xk+1 G)1 GH Xk+1 F + Q where XK+1 = 0,


where the condition on XK+1 follows from (21.40) and (21.41). Solutions Xk of this matrix equation satisfy
X H = X, and may easily be determined simply by marching from k = K back to k = 0. By the characterization
of the optimal point, we may now write the control u as
uk = Kk xk

where Kk = Q1
(Xk Q).
u G F


To recap, this value of K minimizes

J =

1 K h H
where xk+1 = Fxk + Guk .
xk Qxk + uH

k Ruk
2 k=0


The matrix Kk is referred to as the optimal control feedback gain matrix, and is a function of the solution Xk
to (21.42a). This equation may be solved for linear time-varying (LTV) or linear time-invariant (LTI) systems
based solely on knowledge of F and G in the system model and Q and Qu in the cost function. Alternatively,
if we take the limit that K (that is, if we consider the infinite-horizon control problem) and the system
is LTI, the matrix Xk in (21.42a) may be marched to steady state. This steady state solution for X satisfies the
DT algebraic Riccati equation (DARE)
X = F H XF F H XG(R + GH XG)1 GXF + Q


Efficient algorithms to solve this quadratic matrix equation are discussed in 4.5.4.

21.2.3 Estimation via adjoint-based iterative optimization

The derivation presented here is analogous to that presented in 21.2.1. We first write the state equation
modeling the system of interest in ODE form:
Exk+1 = N(xk , fk , vk , wk ) on K k < 0,
xK = u,


where k = 0 is the present time and

xk is the state vector,
fk models the known external forcing,

and the quantities to be optimized are:

u, representing the unknown initial conditions of the model (at k = K),

v, representing the unknown constant parameters of the model, and
wk , representing the unknown external inputs which we would like to determine.

We next write a cost function which measures the misfit of the available measurements yk with the corresponding quantity in the computational model, Cxk , and additionally penalizes the deviation of the initial
condition u from any a priori estimate of the initial conditions u, the deviation of the parameters v from any
a priori estimate of the parameters v, and the magnitude of the disturbance terms wk :
J =

1 0
1 0 2
Cxk yk Qy + u u Qu + v v Qv + wk Qw .

2 k=K
2 k=K


The norms are weighted with positive semi-definite matrices such that, e.g., |y|2Qy , yH Qy y with Qy 0. In
short, the problem at hand is to minimize J with respect to {u, v, wk } subject to (21.44).

Small perturbations {u , v , wk } to {u, v, wk } cause small perturbations x to the state x. Such perturbations
are governed by the perturbation equation
(L x )k+1 = Gv vk + Gw wk Exk+1 = Fx + Gvv + Gw w
xK = u ,

on K k < 0,


where the operation (L x )k+1 = Exk+1 Fxk and the matrices F, Gv , and Gw are obtained via the linearization of (21.44a) about the trajectory x(u). The concomitant small perturbation to the cost function J is
given by

J =


(Cxk yk )H QyCxk + (u u)H Qu u + (v v)H Qv v +

k Qw wk dt.



Again, the task before us is to reexpress J in such a way as to make the resulting linear relationship between
J and {u , v , wk } explicitly evident, at which point the necessary gradients may readily be defined. To this
end, we define the inner product hha, bii , 0k=K+1 aH
k bk and express the adjoint identity
hhr, L x ii = hhL r, x ii + b.


By rearranging the sums, it follows that (L r)k = E H rk F H rk+1 and b = rH
k+1 Fxk k=K . Based on this
adjoint operator, we now define an adjoint equation of the form
(L r)k = CH Qy (Cxk yk ) E H rk = AH rk+1 + CH Qy (Cxk yk )

on K < k < 0,

r0 = 0.


The difficulty involved with numerically solving the ODE given by (21.48) via a backward march from t = 0
to t = T is essentially the same as the difficulty involved with solving the original ODE (21.44). Finally,
combining (21.45) and (21.48) into the identity (21.47) and substituting into (21.46), it follows that


J = E rK + R(u u) u +








v rk + Qv (v v)








w r + Qw w


w dt

for some Su > 0, Sv > 0, and Sw > 0 where ha, biS , aH Sb and hha, biiS ,


aH Sb dt, and thus


= Su E rK + Qu (u u) ,
= Sv
Bv rk + Qv(v v) ,

for k [K, 0].
= S w B w r k + Qw wk ,


We have thus defined the gradient of the cost function with respect to the optimization variables {u, v, wk }
as a function of the adjoint field rk defined in (21.21), which, for any trajectory xk of our original system
(21.44), may easily be computed.

21.2.4 Estimation via Riccati-based feedback

We now convert the Riccati-based estimation problem into an equivalent control problem of the form already
solved (in 21.2.2). Consider the linear equations for the state x, the state estimate x , and the state estimation

error x = x x :
xk+1 = Fxk + Guk ,
x k+1 = F x k + Guk L(yk y k ),
x k+1 = F x k + Lyk ,

yk = Hxk ,
y k = H x k ,
y k = H x k .


The output injection term L(yk y k ) applied to the equation for the state estimate x k is to be designed to
nudge this equation appropriately based on the available measurements yk of the actual system. If this
term is doing its job correctly, x k is driven towards xk (that is, x k is driven towards zero) even if the initial
conditions on xk are unknown and (21.50) is only an approximate model of reality.
The section still under construction!!!!! need to convert to discrete time.
For convenience and without loss of generality, we now return our focus to the time interval [0, T ] rather
than the interval [T, 0].
We thus set out to minimize some measure of the state estimation error x by appropriate selection of L.
To this end, taking x H times (21.25), we obtain
x H

h d x

i h d x
1 d x H x
= Ax + LCx =
= AH x + CH LH x x =
2 dt


Motivated by the second relation in brackets above, consider a new system

dz/dt = AH z + CH u

where u = LH z

and z(0) = x (0).


Though the dynamics of x (t) and z(t) are different, the evolution of their energy is the same, by (21.26). That
is, x H x = zH z even though, in general, z(t) 6= x (t). We will thus, for convenience, design L to minimize a cost
function related to this auxiliary variable z, defined here such that, taking Q1 = I,
J =


dt + zH (T )P0 z(T ),
[zH Q1 z + u H Q2 u]


where, renaming A = AH , B = CH , and K = LH , (21.27) may be written as

+ B
u where u = Kz.

dz/dt = Az


Finding the feedback gain matrix K in (21.28b) that minimizes the cost function J in (21.28a) is exactly the
same problem that is solved in (21.12), just with different variables. Thus, the optimal gain matrix L which
minimizes a linear combination of the energy of the state estimation error, x H x , and some measure of the
estimator feedback gain L is again determined from the solution P of a Riccati equation which, making the
appropriate substitutions into the solution presented in (21.12), is given by
2 CP + Q1 ,

P(0) = P0 ,

L = PCH Q1
2 .


The compact derivation presented above gets quickly to the Riccati equation for an optimal estimator, but
as the result of a somewhat contrived optimization problem. A more intuitive formulation is to replace the
state equation (21.23) with
dx/dt = Ax + Bu + w1,
y = Cx + w2,
where w1 (the state disturbance) and w2 (the measurement noise) are assumed to be uncorrelated, zero
mean, white Gaussian processes with modeled covariance E {w1 wH
1 } = Q1 and E {w2 w2 } = Q2 respectively.
As shown in 22.1, going through the necessary steps to minimize the expected energy of the estimation error,
E {xH x } = trace(P) where P = E {xx H }, we again arrive at an estimator of the form given in (21.24) with the
feedback gain matrix L as given by (21.29).

21.2.5 The separation principle: putting it together

In 21.2.2, a convenient feedback relationship was derived for determining optimal control inputs based on
full state information. In 21.2.4, a convenient feedback relationship was derived for determining an optimal
estimate of the full state based on the available system measurements. It might seem like a good idea, then,
to combine the results of these two sections: that is, in the practical case in which control inputs must be
determined based on available system measurements, to develop an estimate of the state x based on the
results of 21.2.4, then to apply control u = K x based on this state estimate and the results of 21.2.2. This is
in fact a good idea, and the reason why is called the separation principle. Collecting the equations presented
previously and adding a reference control input r, we have
Plant :
Estimator :
Controller :

xk+1 = Fxk + Guk + w1,k ,

x k+1 = F x k + Guk L(yk y k ),
uk = K x k + rk ,

yk = Hxk + w2,k ,
y k = H x k ,

where K is determined as in (21.42) and L is determined as in (21.56). In block matrix form (noting that
x k = xk x k ), this composite system may be written


I 0 w1
rk +
x k+1
F + LH x k
I L w2 k


yk = H 0
+ 0 I
x k
w2 k

Since this system matrix is block triangular, its eigenvalues are given by the union of the eigenvalues of F +
GK and those of F + LH; thus, selecting K and L to stabilize the control and estimation problems separately
effectively stabilizes the composite system. Further, assuming that w1 = w2 = 0 and the initial condition on
all variables are zero, taking the Z transform of the composite system (21.58) gives

Y(z) = H

 zI (F + GK)
R(z) = H[zI (F + GK)]1 G R(z).
zI (F + LH)

That is, the transfer function from rk to yk is unaffected by the estimator. Note that, in the SISO case, this
transfer function may be written in the form
Y (z)
= H[zI (G + HK)]1G.

21.2.6 Robust control

This section still under construction.


21.3 Adjoint-based analysis of mixed CT/DT formulations

21.3.1 Control of mixed CT/DT formulations
21.3.2 Estimation of mixed CT/DT formulations
For analysis, let the variational window be defined as t [T, 0 ]. Additionally, let there be K + 1 measurements in this interval, with measurement indices given by the set
M = { k | tk [T, 0 ] } M = { K , , 1 , 0 }.


Without loss of generality, it will be assumed that there are measurements at both edges of the window (i.e.
tK = T and t0 = 0). Then, the cost function J (u) that 4DVar attempts to minimize (with respect to u) is
defined as follows:
J (u) = ( u xK|K )H PK|K
( u xK|K )+

1 0
yk H x k R 1 yk H x k ,

2 k=K


where the optimization variable u is the initial condition on the refined state estimate x on the interval
[ T, 0 ]; that is,
d x (t)
= f (x(t), 0),
x K = u.


The first term in the cost function (21.60), known as the background term, summarizes the fit of u with the
current probability distribution before the optimization (i.e., the effect of all past measurement updates). Like
with the KF, xK|K is the estimate at time tK not including any of the new measurements in the window,
and the covariance PK|K
quantifies the second moment of the uncertainty in that estimate. Assuming an
a priori Gaussian probability distribution of this uncertainty, the background mean and covariance exactly
describe this distribution. The second term in the cost function (21.60) summarizes the misfit between the
estimated system trajectory and the observations within the variational window. Thus, the solution u to this
optimization problem is the estimate that best fits the observations over the variational window while also
accounting for the existing information from observations prior to the variational window.
In practice, a 4DVar iteration is usually initialized with the background mean, u = xK|K . Given this
initial guess for u, the trajectory x (t) may be found using the full nonlinear equations for the system (21.61).
To find the gradient of the cost function (21.60), consider a small perturbation of the optimization variable,
u u + u , and the resulting perturbed trajectory, x (t) x (t) + x (t), and perturbed cost function, J (u)
J (u) + J (u ). The local gradient of (21.60), J (u), is defined here as the sensitivity of the perturbed
cost function J (u ) to the perturbed optimization variable u :

J (u ) = J (u) u .


The following derivation illustrates how to write J (u ) in this simple form, leveraging the definition of an
appropriate adjoint field.
The full derivation of the gradient J (u) is included here due to the unusual setting considered (that is,
of a CT system with DT measurements). Perturbing the nonlinear model equations (??) and linearizing about

x (t) gives:
d x (t)
= A x (t) with
L x = 0

x K = u

where L =



Similarly, the perturbed cost function is:

J (u ) =( u xK|K )H PK|K


( yk H x k )H R 1 H x k .


The perturbed cost function (21.65) is not quite in the form necessary to extract the gradient, as illustrated
in (21.62). However, there is an implicitly defined linear relationship between u and x (t) on t [ T, 0 ]
given by (21.63). To re-express this relationship, a set of K adjoint functions r(k) (t) are defined over the
intervals such that, for all k [ 1 , K ], the adjoint function r (t) is defined on the closed interval

t tk , t1k . These adjoint functions will be used to identify the gradient. To this end, a suitable duality
pairing is defined here as:
h r(k) , x i =



(r(k) )H x dt.


Then, the necessary adjoint identity is given by

h r(k) , L x i = h L r(k) , x i + b(k).


Using the definition of the operator L given by (21.64) and the appropriate integration by parts, it is easily
shown that
dr(k) (t)
AH r(k) (t),
)H x k .
)H x 1k (r(k)
b(k) = (r(k)

L r(k) =


Returning to the perturbed cost function, (21.65) can be rewritten as:

u J1
J (u ) =( u xK|K )H PK|K


( yk H x k )H R 1 H x k ,

J1 = H H R 1 ( y0 H x 0 ) x 0 .


Looking at the adjoint defined over the last interval, r(1) (t), the following criteria is enforced:
L r(1) = 0

=H R

h L r(1) , x i = 0,
( y0 H x 0 ).


Substituting (21.64) and (21.69a) into (21.67a) for k = 1 gives:

b(1) = 0

)H x 1 = 0,
(r0 )H x 0 (r(1)

H H R 1 ( y0 H x 0 ) x 0 = (r(1)
)H x 1 ,


which allows us to re-express J1 in (21.68b) as

J1 = (r(1)
)H x 1 .


Note that (21.69a) and (21.69b) give the full evolution equation and starting condition for the adjoint r(1)
defined on the interval t [t1 ,t0 ]. Hence, a backward march over this interval will lead to the term r(1)
contained in (21.71).
The perturbed cost function (21.68a) can now be rewritten such that
u J2
J (u ) =( u xK|K )H PK|K


( yk H x k )H R 1 H x k ,



x 1 .
J2 = H H R 1 ( y1 H x 1 ) + r(1)


Enforcing the following conditions [cf. (21.69)] for the adjoint on this interval, r(2) (t),
L r(2) = 0,


r1 = H R


( y1 H x 1 ) + r1 ,


it can be shown via a derivation similar to (21.70) that

)H x 2 ,
J2 = (r(2)


which is of identical form as (21.71). Thus, it follows that each of the adjoints can be defined in such a way as
to collapse the sum in the perturbed cost function (21.65) as above, until the last adjoint equation r(K) reduces
the perturbed cost function to the following:
u (r(K)
)H x K
J (u ) =( u xK|K )H PK|K

( yK H x K )H R 1 H x K ,


with the adjoints over the K intervals being defined as:

dr(1) (t)
= AH r(1) (t),
dr(2) (t)
= AH r(2) (t),
dr(K) (t)
= AH r(K) (t),


r0 = 0

+ H H R 1 ( y0 H x 0 ),

= r(1)

+ H H R 1 ( y1 H x 1 ),

= r(K1)
+ H H R 1 ( y1K H x 1K ).


Upon further examination, the system of adjoints (21.76) all have the same form. Each adjoint variable r(k+1)
is endowed with a starting condition that is the final condition of the adjoint march r(k) plus a correction due
to the discrete measurement yk at the measurement time tk . Thus, the total adjoint march can be thought of
as one CT march of a single adjoint variable r(t) backward over the window [tK ,t0 ], with discrete jumps
in r at each measurement time tk . That is, (21.76) can be rewritten as:
= AH r(t),


which is marched backward over the entire interval t [tK ,t0 ] with r0 = 0. At the measurement times (tk for
k M) the adjoint is updated such that
rk rk + H H R 1 ( yk H x k ).


Note that this update is performed right at the beginning of the march, at t0 , and also right at the end of the
march, at tK , as well at all the measurement times in between. Then, this definition of the adjoint can be
substituted into (21.75) to give:
x ,
u rH
J (u ) = ( u xK|K )H PK|K

J (u ) = PK|K ( u xK|K ) rK u ,


where (21.79) is found by noting that x K = u . Then finally, from (21.62) and (21.79), the gradient sought
may be written as:
J (u) = PK|K
( u xK|K ) rK .
The resulting gradient7 can then be used iteratively to update the current estimate via a suitable minimization
algorithm (steepest descent, conjugate gradient, limited-memory BFGS, etc.).
Being vector based [see (21.77), (21.80)] makes 4DVar well suited for multiscale problems, and as a
result is currently used extensively by the weather forecasting community. However, it has several key disadvantages. Most significantly, upon convergence, the algorithm provides an updated mean estimate xK|0 , but
1 .
provides no clear formula for computing the updated estimate uncertainty covariance or its inverse, PK|0
That is, the statistical distribution of the estimate probability is not contained in the output of a traditional
4DVar algorithm. It can be shown that, upon full convergence for a linear system, the resulting analysis covariance PK|0 is simply the Hessian of the original cost function (21.60). However, this is merely an analytical
curiosity; computing the analysis covariance in this fashion requires as much matrix algebra as would be
required to propagate a sequential filter through the entire variational window, defeating the purpose of the
vector-based method.
Additionally, as posed above, the width of the variational window is fixed in the traditional 4DVar formulation. Thus, the cost function and associated n-dimensional minimization surface are also constant throughout the iterations. For nonlinear systems, especially chaotic systems, this makes traditional 4DVar extremely
sensitive to initial conditions. Because of the nature of these systems, the optimization surfaces are highly irregular and fraught with local minima. The gradient-based algorithms associated with 4DVar are only
guaranteed to converge to local minima. Thus, if the initial background estimate is located in the region
of attraction of one of these local minima, the solution of the 4DVar algorithm will tend to converge to a
suboptimal estimate.
Lastly, the computation time required for full convergence of the fixed-horizon 4DVar algorithm in complex systems is usually non-negligible when compared with the characteristic time scales of the system. As
iterations of 4DVar over a fixed horizon proceed, one is effectively solving more and more accurately a problem which, as time bears on, one cares less and less about. When the 4DVar algorithm finally converges, the
estimate so determined is for a time that has already slipped far into the past, and is of reduced relevance for
producing an accurate forecast.

7 Omitted in this gradient derivation is the substantial flexibility in the choice of the gradient definition (21.62) and the duality pairing
(21.66). There is freedom in the choice of these inner products (e.g. by incorporating derivative and/or integral operators as well as
weighting factors) that can serve to better precondition the optimization problem at hand without affecting its minimum points.


21.4 MPDopt
Model Predictive Dynamic Optimization (MPDopt)
This section still under construction.

21.5 Feedback control of high-dimensional systems

Exercise 21.1 Uprighting and stabilization of a two-wheeled balancing rover.
In this project, you will design and simulate an optimal LQG controller for balancing a rover on its two
wheels. The equations of motion of this system are:
g = 9.81 m/s/s mp = .4 kg Jp = .015 kg-m2 L = .0095 m mw = .2 kg [combined weight of both drive
wheels] Jw = 3e-4 kg-m2 [combined moment of inertia of both drive wheels] r = .0635 meters k = 1.8
N-m/amp [torque constant of each drive motor*gear-reduction*(number of motors)] R = 1.2 ohms [armature
resistance of each drive motor] l1 = .0127 m l2 = .152 m v1 = 1.5e-3 (m/s/s)2 [Accelerometer Noise Variance]
v2 = 1e-3 (rad)2 [Encoder Noise Variance]
1) Linearize the equations of motion, (1) and (2), about , in order to locally approximate them in statespace form: , using the state vector , where u represents the voltage input into both drive motors. Substitute
for values of mass, inertia..etc., and solve for .
2) Use the Matlab care.m function to design an optimal linear quadratic regulator (LQR), of the form ,
using this state space system, and weighting matrices, Q and R of your choice. Justify your choice of Q, R in
terms of their effect on the controller performance.
3) Test the performance of this controller by simulating the nonlinear equations of motion, (1) and (2),
starting from a nonzero initial angle, using RK4 (or your method of choice). Use in the motor torque equation
(assume that we have knowledge of the entire state, , for now). The attached m-file, plotrover.m, can be used
to animate the simulation results. Please provide time-plots of u, theta, and phi.
4) Let the scalar, w, represent zero-mean, white noise with a Gaussian distribution. Modify equations (1)
and (2) to include plant disturbances, w, on the system, where w may be pre-multiplied by some scalar in
each equation, in order to adjust the level of exposure of the horizontal and angular dynamics to this noise.
Now repeat/modify part (1) for your new equations, in order to express them in the form: . Please justify
your choice of the weighting on w in terms of how it models the expected plant disturbances (wind, modeling
errors.. etc.)
5) In reality, we cannot directly measure each individual component of , namely we are limited to measurements provided by two accelerometers and an encoder. The output of these three sensors is: , where v1
and v2 represent zero-mean, white noise on the accelerometer, and encoder measurements, respectively (see
constants on page 2 for values of v1 and v2). As in part 1), linearize these outputs about , in order to locally
approximate them as . Use the Matlab care.m command in order to design a Kalman filter for this system.
6) Augment the simulation from part 3) in order to march your actual system, (equations (1) and (2)
modified with weighted noise, w, from part (4)), alongside your estimated system, , where (note that Bw
and Dw indirectly enter the estimator dynamics via their influence on optimizing L). Run the closed-loop
simulation using your estimated state to drive the controller, i.e. plug into the motor torque equation (LQG
control). Plot your estimated state in order to verify that it converges to the actual state.
7) Modify the up-righting equations of motion, (original equations of motion (1) and (2)), in order to
model the rover when the boom is touching the ground (horizontal mode), and write down the conditions
under which the dynamics switch between these two modes.

8) Describe how to use the adjoint, along with the two sets of dynamics (horizontal and up-righting) in
order to optimize a control trajectory, u(t) from t = 0 to t = T, to up-right the rover starting from horizontal
mode, to a vertical orientation ( ) with minimum final forward velocity (i.e., minimum ).

Green & Limebeer, (1995) Linear Robust Control
Zhou Doyle & Glover
Skogestad, S, & Postlethwaite, I (1996) Multivariable Feedback Control, Analysis & Design. Wiley.
Skelton, RE, Iwasaki, T, & Grigoriadis, K (1997) A Unified Algebraic Approach to Linear Control Design.
Taylor & Francis.
Protas, B, Bewley, T, & Hagen, G (2004) A computational framework for the regularization of adjoint analysis
in multiscale PDE systems. J. Comp. Phys. 195, 49-89.


Chapter 22

State estimation &

adaptive observation

22.1 The continuous-time Kalman-Bucy Filter (KBF) . . . . . . .
22.1.1 Deriving the equation governing the evolution of P(t) . .
22.1.2 Minimizing J by appropriate selection of the L(t) . . . .
22.2 The discrete-time Kalman Filter (KF) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22.2.1 Deriving the equation governing the evolution of Pk . . .
22.2.2 Minimizing J by appropriate selection of the Lk . . . . .
22.2.3 Reconciling the continuous-time and discrete-time forms
22.3 Extending the Kalman Filter to nonlinear systems . . . . . .
22.3.1 The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) . . . . . . . . . . .
22.3.2 The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) . . . . . . . . . .
22.3.3 The Particle Filter (PF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22.4 Adaptive observation: a case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22.A HEnS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22.B EnVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
























22.1 The continuous-time Kalman-Bucy Filter (KBF)

We now consider a continuous-time system described by1
= Ax + Bu + w,
y = Cx + v,


1 Note that, in the LTV case, A, B, and C are functions of t, whereas in the LTI case they are not. The present analysis may be applied
to either case; for simplicity of notation, we will suppress the (t) dependence of A(t), B(t), and C(t) in the equations that follow.


where x(t) is the state, u(t) is the control, w(t) is the state disturbance, y(t) is the measurement, and v(t)
is the measurement noise. We model the state disturbance w(t) and measurement noise v(t) as random and
unknown processes (functions of time), and the initial condition x0 as a random unknown quantity as well.
Note that we can usually model with reasonably fidelity the relevant statistics of these random quantities
(specifically, their mean and covariance, defined in 6). The KBF reconciles this knowledge of the relevant
statistics of the random quantities w(t), v(t), and x0 driving this continuous-time dynamic system with the
recent measurements y(t) that are taken of the dynamic system in order to determine a best estimate x (t) of
the state of the system x(t), as presented below. As the derivation of the KBF is based on a precise definition
of the statistics of random variables and continuous-time random processes, a careful review of 6 is advised
before proceeding.
We now focus on the estimation of the system described by (22.1). We assume that the initial condition
x0 is an unknown random variable with some expected value x0 and covariance P0 which we can model. We
will also assume that the state disturbance w(t) and the measurement noise v(t) are zero-mean, nearly-white
continuous-time random processes (see 6 for definition of these terms) such that2
Rw ( ;t) = E {w(t + ) wH (t)} = Q ( )

Rv ( ;t) = E {v(t + ) v (t)} = R ( )


for some small but finite , with spectral densities Q 0 and R > 0 which we can model. We also assume
that the random variables x0 , w(t), and v(t) are uncorrelated.
We now propose an estimator of the form

d x
= Ax + Bu L(y y )
d x
= (A + LC)x + Bu Ly

y = Cx
to model the dynamics of the actual system (22.1). Note that neither w(t) nor v(t) appear in this model, as
these quantities are unknown. Also, as the initial conditions of x are unknown, we will initialize x simply as
the expected value of x(0), that is, x 0 = x0 . To correct for all of these errors in the model, we have subtracted
an output injection term L(y y ) from the estimator equation for x . The matrix L = L(t) in this term will be
designed to minimize some measure of the estimation error x (t), defined by
x (t) = x(t) x (t).
As x0 is a random vector and w(t) and v(t) are continuous-time random processes, the state x(t), the estimate
x (t), and the estimation error x (t) are continuous-time random processes as well. The evolution equation for
the estimation error is easily found by subtracting (22.3) from (22.1), which leads to
d x
= (A + LC)x + w + Lv,


with initial conditions x 0 = x0 x0 . Applying the above assumptions on x0 , w(t), and v(t), it follows immediately that both E {x0 } = 0 and, indeed, that E {x(t)} = 0 for all t. Indeed, even if the expected value of x(0)
is not accurately known, as long as the matrix L resulting from the present derivation is such that (A + LC)
is stable, then it follows from the expected value of (22.4) that E {x(t)} 0 as t . We thus say that the
estimate x (t) defined by (22.3) is an unbiased estimate. Since x is a random process, however, knowing
that E {x(t)} 0 only tells us that the components of x (t), roughly speaking, are as often positive as they
2 In the LTV formulation of the KBF, Q and R may be functions of t, whereas in the LTI formulation they may not. The following
analysis may be applied to either formulation; for simplicity of notation, we will suppress the (t) dependence of Q(t) and R(t) in the
equations that follow.


are negative; it is not sufficient to establish that E {kx(t)k2 } is by any means small. Thus, to establish this
stronger condition, consider the covariance of x which, for simplicity of notation, we will denote
P(t) = E {x(t) x H (t)} 0,


and define an appropriate metric J which measures P(t) over an interval t (0, T ) such that


trace(P) dt =


E kx(t)k2 dt 0.

Note that J is the integral over the time interval of interest of the expected value of the energy of the estimation
error. In the derivation that follows, we will first develop an evolution equation for P(t), then select L(t) to
minimize the metric J, thereby establishing that the estimator (22.3) with this optimized value of L(t) provides
a best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE).

22.1.1 Deriving the equation governing the evolution of P(t)

The solution of the equation for the estimation error (22.4) may be written in terms of the state transition
matrix ( ,t) for continuous-time LTV systems, as introduced in ??:
x (t) = (0,t)x0 +


( ,t) w( ) + L( )v( ) d .


Differentiating (22.5) with respect to time, we may write

n d x (t)
d x H (t) o
x H (t) + E x (t)


The second term on the RHS is just the conjugate transpose of the first, so we focus our attention on the first.
Applying (22.4) and then (22.6), the fact that x0 , w(t), and v(t) are uncorrelated, the autocorrelations given in
(22.2), the definition of in (6.6), the fact that ( ,t) = I + O(t ), and assuming is small as compared
to the magnitude of the eigenvalues of A leads to

n d x (t)

x H (t) = E {(A + LC)x(t) + w(t) + Lv(t)]xH (t)}
Z t

 iH o
= (A + LC)P(t) + E [w(t) + L(t)v(t)] (0,t)x0 + ( ,t) w( ) + L( )v( ) d
= (A + LC)P(t) +

= (A + LC)P(t) +

Z t

E {w(t)wH ( )} + L(t)E {v(t)vH ( )}LH ( ) H ( ,t) d

Z t

Q( ) (t ) + L(t)R( ) (t )LH ( ) H ( ,t) d

(A + LC)P(t) + Q(t) + L(t)R(t)LH (t) .

Noting that P, Q, and R are Hermitian, it thus follows from (22.7) that, for small ,
(A + LC)P + P(A + LC)H + LRLH + Q.
Note that this relation approaches an equality as is made small, so the following analysis will assume
equality in this expression. Note also that P(0) = E {x0 x H
0 } = E {(x0 x0 ) (x0 x0 ) } = P0 .

22.1.2 Minimizing J by appropriate selection of the L(t)

The remainder of the analysis now follows closely the derivation in 21.1.1-21.1.2, albeit with a matrix state
equation (for the covariance) rather than a vector state equation. It will therefore be written in an analogous
style, so that the parallels may easily be identified.
Summarizing the results derived above, the system of interest is now the equation for evolution of the
covariance matrix P(t):
= (A + LC)P + P(A + LC)H + LRLH + Q on 0 < t < T,
P = P0
at t = 0,


where {A,C, P0 , Q, R} are specified, Q 0, R > 0, and the function L(t) is yet to be determined. For a given
L(t), the evolution of P(t) is governed by the (linear) continuous-time Lyapunov equation given above. The
cost function J which measures the trajectory P(t) of this system is defined such that


trace(P) dt 0.


The problem at hand is to minimize J with respect to the function L(t) subject to (22.8).
We now consider what happens when we perturb the inputs to our original system (22.8) a small amount.
Small perturbations L (t) to L(t) cause small perturbations P (t) to P(t). Such perturbations are governed by
the perturbation equation
(A + LC)P P(A + LC)H = LCP + PCH (L )H + L RLH + LR(L )H
} |

on 0 < t < T,


at t = 0,


B(L )

L (P )

P = 0

where the linear operations L (P ) and B(L ) are obtained via the linearization3 of (22.8a) about the trajectory
P(L). The concomitant small perturbation to the (linear) cost function J is given by
J =


trace(P ) dt.


Note that (22.9a) implicitly represents a linear relationship between P and L . Knowing this, the task before
us is to reexpress J in such a way as to make the resulting
linear relationship between J and L explicitly
evident. To this end, define the inner product hhA, Bii , 0 [trace(AH B)] dt and express the adjoint identity
hhS, L (P )ii = hhL (S), P ii + b.


It follows after integration by parts and application of Fact 4.43 that L (S) = dS/dt (A + LC)H S S(A +
LC) and b = [trace(SH P )]t=T
t=0 . We now define the relevant adjoint equation by
L S = I

= (A + LC)H S + S(A + LC) + I


on 0 < t < T,


at t = T.


3 That is, substitute P + P for P and L + L for L in (22.8a), multiply out, and retain all terms that are linear in the perturbation


It follows from (22.12a) that S is positive definite (and, therefore, nonsingular) for 0 t < T . [This is, in
fact, all we need to know about S; in this case, it turns out, we will not even have to compute it.] Substituting
(22.12) and (22.9) into (22.11) and using the result to simplify (22.10), it follows that
J =



trace SH LCP + PCH (L )H + L RLH + LR(L )H


trace 2(CP + RLH )S L dt ,
, L

= 2S(CP + RLH )H

Noting that S is nonsingular, the feedback gain L which minimizes J is thus given by
= 2S(CP + RLH )H = 0

L = PCH R1 .

Substituting this expression for L into (22.8a), it is seen that the evolution of P is governed by a (quadratic)
continuous-time Riccati equation, from which the L that minimizes J may readily be determined, such that
= AP + PAH PCH R1CP + Q,

P(0) = P0 ,

L = PCH R1 .


Note that this is precisely the same form as determined in (21.29). However, in this setting, we now have a
much more intuitive justification / explanation for the tunable matrices {P0 , Q, R} defining the optimal filter:
P0 parameterizes the covariance of the initial condition, Q 0 parameterizes the covariance of the state
disturbance w(t), and R parameterizes the covariance of the measurement noise v(t).
To interpret (22.13), note that if the state disturbance w(t) is negligible (that is, if trace(Q) 0) and the
measurements worthless (that is, trace(R1 ) 0, which implies that all eigenvalues of R are large, which, in
turn, implies lots of measurement noise v(t) in all measurements), then P(t) simply propogates according to
dP/dt = AP + PAH . There are two additional effects that modify this evolution:
Significant state disturbances w (with trace(Q) > 0) add a positive semidefinite term to the RHS of
(22.13), thereby increasing d[trace(P)]/dt (that is, increasing the uncertainty of the estimate).
Accurate measurements y (with noise v characterized by trace(R1 ) > 0) subtract a positive semidefinite term from the RHS of (22.13), thereby decreasing d[trace(P)]/dt (that is, decreasing the uncertainty
of the estimate).

22.2 The discrete-time Kalman Filter (KF)

We now consider a discrete-time system described by4
xk+1 = Fxk + Guk + wk ,
yk = Hxk + vk .


We will now develop the KF for this discrete-time system in an analogous fashion as the KBF in 22.1, where
the corresponding continuous-time formulae were derived. Note that, as the derivation of the KF is based on
a precise definition of the statistics of random variables and discrete-time random processes, a careful review
of 6 is advised before proceeding. Note also that the following presentation is abbreviated in places to
minimize repetition; the reader is thus advised to read the corresponding continuous-time derivation in 22.1
first. Finally, note that, to simplify the derivation, we will assume that F is nonsingular.
4 Note that, in the LTV case, F, G, and H are functions of k, whereas in the LTI case they are not. The present analysis may be applied
to either case; for simplicity of notation, we will suppress the k subscripts on Fk , Gk , and Hk in the equations that follow.


We now focus on the estimation of the system described by (22.14). We assume that the initial condition
x0 is an unknown random variable with some expected value x0 and covariance P0 which we can model. We
also assume that the state disturbance wk and the measurement noise vk are zero-mean, white, discrete-time
random processes such that5
Rw ( j; k) = E {wk+ j wH
k } = Q j0
Rv ( j; k) =

E {vk+ j vH
k }

= R j0


with covariances Q 0 and R > 0 which we can model. We will also assume that the random variables x0 ,
wk , and vk are uncorrelated.
To proceed without ambiguity in the discrete-time case, it is useful to define the notation x k/ j (pronounced
x hat k given j) as the best estimate of xk (at time tk ) accounting for the measurements up to and including
y j (at time t j ). In particular, we will make extensive use of x k/k1 (and x k+1/k , etc., referred to as prediction
estimates) and x k/k (and x k+1/k+1 , etc., referred to as current estimates) in the derivation that follows6 .
We now propose a two-step prediction/current estimator of the form

x k+1/k = F x k/k + Guk

y k+1 = H x k+1/k
x k+1/k = (F + FLk H)xk/k1 + Guk FLk yk (22.16)

x k+1/k+1 = x k+1/k Lk+1 (yk+1 y k+1 )

to model the dynamics of the actual system (22.14). Note that neither wk nor vk appear in this model, as
these quantities are unknown. Also, as the initial conditions on xk are unknown, we will initialize the prediction estimate x k/k1 simply as the expected value of x0 , that is, x 0/1 = x0 . In an analogous manner as the
continuous-time case in (22.3), in order to correct for all of these errors in the model, we subtract an output
injection term Lk+1 (yk+1 y k+1 ) from the prediction estimate x k+1/k in order to generate the current estimate
x k+1/k+1 at each step k. Note that the three equations at left above may be combined into the single equation
shown at right. The matrix Lk will be designed to minimize some measure of the prediction estimation error
x k+1/k , defined by
x k+1/k = xk+1 x k+1/k .

As x0 is a random vector and wk and vk are discrete-time random processes, the state xk , the prediction
estimate x k/k1 , the current estimate x k/k , and the prediction estimation error x k/k1 are discrete-time random
processes as well. The evolution equation for the prediction estimation error is easily found by subtracting
(22.16) from (22.14), which leads to
x k+1/k = (F + FLk H)xk/k1 + wk + FLk vk ,


with initial conditions x 0/1 = x0 x0 . Applying the above assumptions on x0 , wk and vk , it follows immediately that both E {x0/1} = 0 and, indeed, that E {xk+1/k } = 0 for all k; we thus say that the estimate x k+1/k
defined by (22.16) is an unbiased estimate. To establish that kxk+1/k k is also small, consider the covariance
of x k+1/k which, for simplicity of notation, we will denote
Pk , E {xk/k1 x H
k/k1 } 0,


5 In the LTV formulation of the KF, Q and R may be functions of k, whereas in the LTI formulation they may not. The following
analysis may be applied to either formulation; for simplicity of notation, we will suppress the k subscripts on Qk and Rk in the equations
that follow.
6 From the perspective of computing feedback, the prediction estimate x
k/k1 is typically the most useful, as it is available prior to
time tk (and is thus available to compute feedback of the form uk = K x k/k1 , to be applied at time tk ), whereas the current estimate
x k/k is not. (Note that the current estimate x k/k is a function of the measurement yk , which one must wait until time tk to take before
the computation of x k/k may be completed.) On the other hand, if the computation speed of the computer being used is very fast as
compared with the sample speed of the data acquisition hardware being used, then the current estimate x k/k may be used anyway to
compute feedback of the form uk = K x k/k , noting that there must be a small delay between taking the measurement yk and applying the
control uk .


and define an appropriate metric J which measures Pk over an interval k [0, K] such that


trace(Pk ) = E


kxk k2 0.

Note that J is the sum over the interval of interest of the expected value of the energy of the estimation error.
In the derivation that follows, we will first develop an evolution equation for Pk , then select Lk to minimize
the metric J, thereby establishing that the estimator (22.16) with this optimized value of Lk provides a best
linear unbiased estimate (BLUE).

22.2.1 Deriving the equation governing the evolution of Pk

By (22.18), (22.17), the fact that x0 , wk , and vk are uncorrelated, and the autocorrelations given in (22.15), it
follows that Rxw (0; k) = 0 and Rxv (0; k) = 0, and thus
xk/k1 + wk + FLk vk ] [(F + FLk H)xk/k1 + wk + FLk vk ]H }
Pk+1 = E {xk+1/k x H
k+1/k } = E {[(F + FLk H)
= (F + FLk H)Pk (F + FLk H)H + Q + FLk RLH
k F .

Note also that E {x0/1 x H
0/1 } = E {(x0 x0 ) (x0 x0 ) } = P0 .

22.2.2 Minimizing J by appropriate selection of the Lk

The remainder of the analysis now follows closely the derivation in 21.2.1-21.2.2, albeit with a matrix state
equation rather than a vector state equation. It will therefore be written in an analogous style, so that the
parallels may easily be identified.
Summarizing the results derived above, the system of interest is now the equation for evolution of the
covariance matrix Pk :
Pk+1 = (F + FLk H)Pk (F + FLk H)H + Q + FLk RLH
k F

on 0 < k < K,


where {A,C, P0 , Q, R} are specified, Q 0, R > 0, and the Lk are yet to be determined. For given Lk , the
evolution of Pk is governed by the discrete-time Lyapunov equation given above. The cost function J
which measures the trajectory Pk of this system is defined such that


trace(Pk ) 0.



The problem at hand is to minimize J with respect to the Lk subject to (22.19).

We now consider what happens when we perturb the inputs to our original system (22.19) a small amount.
Small perturbations Lk to the Lk cause small perturbations Pk to the Pk . Such perturbations are governed by
the perturbation equation

(F + FLk H)Pk (F + FLk H)H = FLk HPk (F + FLk H)H + (F + FLk H)Pk H H (Lk )H F H
L (P )k
k F + FLk R(Lk ) F


B(L )k

on 0 k < K with P0 = 0, where the linear operations L (P )k and B(L )k are obtained via the linearization
of (22.19a) about the trajectory P(L). The concomitant small perturbation to the cost function J is given by
J =

trace(Pk ).



Note that (22.20) implicitly represents a linear relationship between the Pk and the Lk . Knowing this, the task
before us is to reexpress J in such a way as to make the resulting linear relationship between J and the
Lk explicitly evident. To this end, define the inner product hhA, Bii , Kk=0 [trace(AH
k Bk )] and express the
adjoint identity
hhS, L (P )ii = hhL (S), P ii + b.
It follows after integration by parts and application of Fact 4.43 that L (S) = Sk1 (F + FLk H)H Sk (F +
)]k=K . We now define the relevant adjoint equation by
FLk H) and b = [trace(SkH Pk+1
L S = I Sk1 = (F + FLk H)H Sk (F + FLk H) + I

on 0 < k K,
at k = K.


It follows directly from (22.23a) that Sk is positive definite (and, therefore, nonsingular) for 0 k < K. [This
is, in fact, all we need to know about Sk ; in this case, it turns out, we will not even have to compute it.]
Substituting (22.23) and (22.20) into (22.22) and using the result to simplify (22.21), it follows that
J =


trace SkH FLk HPk (F + FLk H)H + (F + FLk H)Pk H H (Lk )H F H + FLk RLH
k F + FLk R(Lk ) F

trace 2 F H Sk (F + FLk H)Pk H H + F H Sk FLk R Lk ,

= 2F H Sk F Pk H H + Lk (R + HPk H H )


Noting that F and S are nonsingular, the Lk which minimize J are thus given by

= 2F H Sk F Pk H H + Lk (R + HPk H H ) = 0

Lk = Pk H H (R + HPk H H )1 .

Substituting this expression for Lk into (22.19a) and simplifying, it is seen that the evolution of Pk is governed
by a discrete-time Riccati equation, from which the Lk that minimizes J may readily be determined, such
Pk+1 = FPk F H FPk H H (R + HPk H H )1 HPk F H + Q,

Lk = Pk H H (HPk H H + R)1.
Note that this is precisely the same form as determined in (21.56). However, in this setting, we now have a
much more intuitive justification / explanation for the tunable matrices {P0 , Q, R} defining the optimal filter:
P0 parameterizes the covariance of the initial condition, Q 0 parameterizes the covariance of the state
disturbance wk , and R parameterizes the covariance of the measurement noise vk .
To interpret (22.24), note first that, if P is nonsingular, then by the Matrix Inversion Lemma (Fact 1.9),
(22.24) may be written
P(0) = P0 ,

Pk+1 = FPk F H FPk H H [R1 R1H(Pk1 + H H R1 H)1 H H R1 ]HPk F H + Q.

If the state disturbance w is negligible (that is, if trace(Q) 0) and the measurements worthless (that is,
trace(R1 ) 0, which implies that all eigenvalues of R are large, which, in turn, implies lots of measurement
noise v in all measurements), then Pk simply propogates according to Pk+1 = FPk F H . There are two additional
effects that modify this evolution:
Significant state disturbances wk (with trace(Q) > 0) add a positive semidefinite term to the RHS of
this equation, thereby increasing trace(Pk+1 ).
Accurate measurements yk (with noise vk characterized by trace(R1 ) > 0) subtract a positive semidefinite [by the form in (22.24)] term from the RHS of this equation, thereby decreasing trace(Pk+1 ).

22.2.3 Reconciling the continuous-time and discrete-time forms

Performing the substitutions
Fk I + t A(tk ),

Gk t B(tk ),

Hk C(tk ),

Qk t Q(tk ),

Rk R(tk )/t,

into the discrete-time system (22.14) and making t small provides an explicit Euler approximation of the
continuous-time system (22.1). Performing the same substitutions into the discrete-time Riccati equation
(22.24), we obtain
Pk+1 Pk
= APk + Pk AH PkCH R1CPk + Q + O(t);
as t is made small, the discrete-time Riccati equation (22.24) provides an explicit Euler approximation of
the corresponding continuous-time Riccati equation (22.13), thus demonstrating that the (continuous-time)
KBF and the (discrete-time) KF formulations are consistent.


22.3 Extending the Kalman Filter to nonlinear systems

22.3.1 The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
22.3.2 The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is a sequential data assimilation method useful for nonlinear multiscale
systems with substantial uncertainties. In practice, it has been shown repeatedly to provide significantly improved state estimates in systems for which the traditional EKF breaks down. Unlike in the KF and EKF, the
statistics of the estimation error in the EnKF are not propagated via a covariance matrix, but rather are implicitly approximated via the appropriate nonlinear propagation of several perturbed trajectories (ensemble
members) centered about the ensemble mean, as illustrated in Figure ??. The collection of these ensemble
members (itself called the ensemble), propagates the statistics of the estimation error exactly in the limit of
an infinite number of ensemble members. Realistic approximations arise when the number of ensemble members, N, is (necessarily) finite. Even with a finite ensemble, the propagation of the statistics is still consistent
with the nonlinear nature of the model. Conversely, the EKF propagates only the lowest-order components
of the second-moment statistics about some assumed trajectory of the system. This difference is a primary
strength of the EnKF.
In practice, the ensemble members x j in the EnKF are initialized with some known statistics about an
initial mean estimate x. The ensemble members are propagated forward in time using the fully nonlinear
model equation (??), incorporating random forcing w j (t) with statistics consistent with those of the actual
state disturbances w(t) [see (??)]:
d x j (t)
= f (x j (t), w j (t)).
At the time tk (for integer k), an observation yk is taken [see (??)]. Each ensemble member is updated using
this observation, incorporating random forcing vkj with statistics consistent with those of the actual measurement noise, vk [see (??)]:

dk = yk + vk .


Given this perturbed observation dkj , each ensemble member is updated in a manner consistent with the KF
and EKF:
x k|k
= x k|k1
+ Pk|k1
H H ( H Pk|k1
H H + R)1 (dkj H x k|k1
where H is the linearization of the output operator h() in (??). Unlike the EKF, in which the entire covariance matrix P is propagated using the appropriate Riccati equation, the EnKF estimate covariance P e is
computed on the fly using the second moment of the ensembles from the ensemble mean:
b ( X)
b H

( X)
, where Xb = x 1 x 2
x = x j x, and x = x j ,
N j

Pe =

x N ,


where N is the number of ensemble members, and the time subscripts have been dropped for notational
clarity7 .
Thus, like the KF and EKF, the EnKF is propagated with a forecast step (22.25) and an update step
(22.27). The ensemble members x j (t) are propagated forward in time using the system equations [with state
7 Note

also that the factor N 1 (instead of N) is used in (22.28) to obtain an unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix [see ???].


disturbances w j (t)] until a new measurement yk is obtained, then each ensemble member x j (tk ) = x k is upj
dated to include this new information [with measurement noise vk ]. The covariance matrix is not propagated
explicitly, as its evolution is implicitly represented by the evolution of the ensemble itself.
It is convenient to think of the various estimates during such a data assimilation procedure in terms of
the set of measurements that have been included to obtain that estimate. Just as it is possible to propagate
the ensemble members forward in time accounting for new measurements, ensemble members can also be
propagated backward in time, either retaining the effect of each measurements or subtracting this information
back off. In the case of a linear system, the former approach is equivalent to the Kalman smoother, while the
later approach simply retraces the forward march of the Kalman filter backward in time. In order to make this
distinction clear, the notation Xbj|k will represent the estimate ensemble at time t j given measurements up to
and including time tk . Similarly, x j|k will represent the corresponding ensemble mean; that is, the average of
the ensemble and the highest-likelihood estimate of the system.
While the EnKF significantly outperforms the more traditional EKF for chaotic systems, further approximations need to be made for multiscale systems such as atmospheric models. When assimilating data for
3D PDEs, the discretized state dimension n is many orders of magnitude larger than the number of ensemble
members N that is computationally feasible (i.e., N n). The consequences of this are twofold. First, the
ensemble covariance matrix P e is guaranteed to be singular, which can lead to difficulty when trying to solve
linear systems constructed with this matrix. Second, this singularity combined with an insufficient statistical
sample size produces directions in phase space in which no information is gained through the assimilation.
This leads to spurious correlations in the covariance that would cause improper updates across the domain of
the system. This problem can be significantly diminished via the ad hoc method of covariance localization
mentioned previously, which artificially suppresses these spurious correlations using a distance-dependent
damping function.

22.3.3 The Particle Filter (PF)

The Particle Filter (PF) propagates a set of particles representing a very large number of potential trajectories of the system in a very similar manner as the EnKF propogates its ensemble. In the PF method, however,
each particle has an associated weighting factor that is used to compute a biased mean and its corresponding higher moment statistics. Unlike the EnKF, at the measurement times, the particle filter uses the new
observations to update the weighting factor of each particle, without actually updating the particles position
in phase space. As a result, in the limit of an infinite number of particles, this update strategy can be shown
to be optimal, even for nonlinear systems with non-Gaussian uncertainties. Unfortunately, compared to the
EnKF, the PF method requires excessive of computational resources even in fairly systems due to the relatively large number of particles required for adequate performance. Further, particle re-population strategies
which prune particles with low weights from the set, and then initialize new particles near the current best
estimate, are computationally intensive.




( z1 , z2 )



Figure 22.1: (left) A simple robot

22.4 Adaptive observation: a case study

With the foundation for both model predictive control and Kalman filtering now set, we now turn our attention
to a combined problem, called the adaptive observation problem, in which control inputs are designed to
move one or more mobile sensors in an optimized fashion in order to improve the resulting estimate of the
state of the system over an area which the mobile sensors are deployed to inspect. To focus our attention, we
consider first a single, extremely simple autonomous robot deployed to inspect, as thoroughly as possible, a
square 100m 100m field. The continuous-time dynamics of the state of this simple robot, denoted q, are
given by


z q2
z1 = z1 + u1
1 = , u = u1 ,
z2 q3
z2 = z2 + u2

where {z1 , z2 } is the position of the robot on the field and {u1 , u2 } are the control inputs. We assume we know
the position and orientation of the robot at any given time well, using an appropriate localization system.
We assume a timestep of h = 1s, and we also assume that the control inputs {u1 , u2 } are held constant over
each timestep. We may thus convert the continuous-time dynamics of the plant into discrete-time state-space
form (with no disturbances):
qk+1 = Fqk + Guk ,
q0 specified.
[Do not bother to do this derivation again here, as you already did it for the midterm.]
We now imagine a 101 101 grid of points covering the field, and define our state variable f as the
density of some contaminant (that has unfortunately been distributed over an unknown portion of the field) at
each of these 101 101 = 10, 201 gridpoints on the field. Our goal is to plan a trajectory to move the robot
around the field in an optimal manner over a finite period of time (that is, over n = 300 seconds) in order to
measure the contamination distribution over the entire field with a specialized imaging system on the robot
which takes a 360-degree-view photo of the field, at an appropriate wavelength, every second. We assume
that the actual state of the field, f, (that is, the actual density of the contaminant at each of the gridpoints)
is not evolving appreciably in time, and thus our estimate of the state of the field, f, is modelled with null
fk+1 = fk Lk+1 (yk+1 y k+1),
fk+1 = fk ,
yk+1 = Hfk+1 + vk ,
y k+1 = H fk+1 .
At each second, we assume that our camera can essentially see each of the 101 101 grid points on the

field, so H = I. The measurement noise in this video imaging system is modelled as a discrete-time zeromean white Gaussian process with diagonal covariance matrix, where each component on the diagonal (that
is, the variance of each measurement) is taken as being proportional to the distance squared between location
of the robot and the location of the corresponding measurement point:
Rk = E {vk vH
k } = diag[(x1 q1 k ) (x1 q1 k ) + (x2 q3 k ) (x2 q3 k )],
x1 = 0 . . . 0 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . 100 . . . 100 ,
x2 = 0 . . . 100 0 . . . 100 . . . . . . 0 . . . 100 ,


where a b denotes the elementwise product of a and b. In other words, vk is modelled as a random vector
function of the timestep k such that the probability density function of vk is given by the Gaussian
h 1

H 1
pvk (v ) =



(2 )n/2 |Rk |1/2
and thus the expected value, or mean, of vk is E {vk } = v, and the covariance of vk is E {vk vTk } = Rk . We
model vk as being zero mean (that is, v = 0), as having diagonal covariance Rk (which means that the value
of any component of vk is decorrelated from that of any other component of vk ), and white (which means
that the autocorrelation of vk is given by E {vk+ j vTk } = Rk j0 ; in other words, this means that the value of the
random vector vk at any timestep tk is decorrelated with the value of the random vector at any other timestep).
In other words, we can only image very poorly those points that are far away from the robot. Every time
we make an observation, we update our estimate of the state using the standard discrete-time Kalman filter
gains which, noting that, for the evolution of fk , the system matrix and observation matrix are I and the
covariance of the state disturbances are 0, we may write as
Lk = Pk (Pk + Rk )1


Pk+1 = Pk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk ,

P0 specified.


Our problem is to design a sequence of control inputs uk , for k [0, n 1], which moves the robot around
the field in a manner that minimizes a measure of our uncertainty of the state of the field at timestep n + 1
while not using too much control energy to move the robot, that is, to minimize a (scalar) cost function J with
respect to uk for k [0, n 1] where
J = trace(Pn+1 ) +

1 n1 T
uk uk ,
2 k=0

where Pk = E {fk fTk }

and fk = fk+1 fk+1 .


Our adaptive observation problem is now well framed as a model predictive control problem. Our task is
to minimize J with respect to uk for k [0, n 1]. Note in the 4 numbered equations presented thus far that
we identify 4 cascading relationships: uk affects the evolution of qk , qk affects Rk , Rk affects the evolution of
Pk , and Pn+1 affects J (note that two of these relations are evolution equations, and two of these relations are
algebraic; the two evolution equations will require adjoint analyses, as discussed below).
To proceed, we need to develop an expression for the gradient of the cost with respect to the control,
which we can readily identify if we can write the perturbation problem in the form:


J =
uk .
k=0 Du
Q.2: To accomplish this, you first need to do a perturbation analysis, replacing uk with uk + uk , qk
with qk + qk , Rk with Rk + Rk , Pk with Pk + Pk , and J with J + J in the four numbered relationships
presented above, and subtracting out the nominal equations to obtain 4 linear relationships relating

the perturbation quantities. The first, second, and fourth of these relationships are easy to derive. To write
the third in a linear fashion, L (P )k = B(R )k , youll need the identity:
(1 ) = 1 1 .
Q.2: To recap, the four coupled equations of interest in this optimization problem are:
qk+1 = Fqk + Guk , q0 specified,
Rk = diag[(q1 k x1) (q1 k x1) + (q3k x2 ) (q3k x2 )],
Pk+1 = Pk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk , P0 specified,
J = trace(Pn+1 ) +


1 n1 T
uk uk ;
2 k=0


that is, uk affects the evolution of qk , qk affects Rk , Rk affects the evolution of Pk , and Pn+1 affects J. Note that
the Pk so defined is symmetric. Linearizing to obtain the equation for the perturbations, we obtain immediately
qk+1 = Fqk + Guk ,



q0 = 0,


diag[(q1 k x1 )q1k + (q3 k x2)q3k ],

Pk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk + Pk (Rk + Pk )1 (Rk + Pk )(Rk + Pk )1 Pk ,


= 0,


) + uTk uk .
J = trace(Pn+1



Note that the Pk so defined is symmetric.

Q.3: By doing a perturbation analysis of the problem = I (that is, expanding (+ )(+ ) =
I and simplifying), prove this identity.
Q.3: = I, ( + )( + ) = I + = 0 = 1 . As = 1 , (1 ) =
1 1 .
Q.4: Then, defining an inner product hhA, Bii , nk=0 trace(ATk Bk ), express an adjoint identity
hhS, L (P )ii = hhL (S), P ii + b.


and derive the adjoint operator L (S) for this problem. Now, define an adjoint field using this adjoint

can be rewritten as a linear depencence of J on

operator such that the linear dependence of J on Pn+1

Rk , for k [0, n 1].

Q.4: First, identify the linear operators relating Pk and Rk in (22.36c):
P Pk + Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk + Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk = Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Rk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk
} |
| k+1
B(R )k

L (P )k


with P0 = 0. We now frame an adjoint identity based on a relevant inner product:

hhS, L (P )ii = hhL (S), P ii + b where hhA, Bii ,

trace(ATk Bk ).


Doing the necessary rearrangement of sums [and applying the identity trace(ABC) = trace(BCA) as necessary] to recast the form on the LHS of (22.39) into the form on the RHS, we can readily identify the required
expressions for L (S)k and b:
L (S)k = Sk1 Sk + Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 + (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 ,

b = trace(Sn Pn+1
) trace(S1 P0 ).


Leveraging these expression, we now define a relevant adjoint equation

L (S)k = 0,

Sn = I;


noting that S so defined is symmetric, and substituting (22.41) and (22.38) into (22.39) gives

trace[Sk B(R )k ] = trace(Pn+1

which allows us to rewrite the cost function perturbation (22.36d) in the form:
J =




trace[Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 Rk (Rk + Pk )1 Pk ] + uTk uk .


Q.5: Once you have the above accomplished, rewriting the linear dependence of J on Rk , for k
[0, n 1], as a linear dependence of J on q , for k [0, n 1], is just algebraic. Perform this substitution.
Q.5: Inserting (22.36b) into (22.42) gives
J =




k + Pk ) Pk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk ) [diag(q1 k x1 ) q1k + diag(q3 k x2 ) q3k ]} + uk uk







[trace{Ak Bk }q1k + trace{AkCk }q3k ] + uTk uk



Q.6: Finally, rewrite the linear dependence of J on qk , for k [0, n 1], as a linear dependence of J
on uk , for k [0, n 1], via the appropriate definition of another adjoint field rk .
Q.6: First, identify the linear operators relating Pk and Rk in (22.36c):
q Fq = Guk
| k+1{z }k


L (q )k

with q0 = 0. We now frame an adjoint identity based on a relevant inner product:

hhr, L (q )k ii = hhL (r), q ii + b where hha, bii ,

aTk bk .



Doing the necessary rearrangement of sums to recast the form on the LHS of (22.45) into the form on the
RHS, we can readily identify the required expressions for L (r)k and b:
L (r)k = rk1 F T rk ,

rTn qn+1 rT1 q0 .



Leveraging these expression, we now define a relevant adjoint equation

trace{Ak Bk }

L (r)k =
trace{AkCk } , rn = 0;


substituting (22.47) and (22.44) into (22.45) gives




rTk Guk = [trace{Ak Bk }q1k + trace{AkCk }q3k ],

which allows us to rewrite the cost function perturbation (22.43) in the form:
J =


rk + uk ]T uk .
| {z




Q.7: Even if you didnt work out all of the adjoint equations described above precisely to every
last detail, the flow of information forward with the states and backward with the adjoints should now
as precisely as you
be clear. Describe the resulting complete process of determining the gradient Du
can. Once you have a workable set of equations to calculate this gradient, how can you optimize the
sequence of control inputs which you seek? Discuss in detail.
Q.7: Putting it all together:
(A) Guess uk for k [0, n 1].
(B) March (22.35a) to compute qk for k = 1 to n:
qk+1 = Fqk + Guk ,

q0 specified.


(C) March (22.35c), with (22.35b), to compute Pk for k = 1 to n + 1:

Pk+1 = Pk Pk diag[(q1 k x1 ) (q1 k x1 ) + (q3 k x2 ) (q3 k x2 )] + Pk
Pk ,

P0 specified. (22.49b)

The variables qk and Pk need to be saved on these forward marches for later use; however, note that steps (B)
and (C) may be performed simultaneously to streamline memory references.
(D) March (22.41) to compute Sk for k = n back to 0:
Sk1 = Sk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk + (Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 ,
(E) March (22.47) to compute rk for k = n back to 0:

trace{(Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 diag(q1 k x1)}

rk1 = F T rk +
trace{(Rk + Pk )1 Pk Sk Pk (Rk + Pk )1 diag(q3 k x2)} ,

(F) Identify the gradient via (22.48) for k [0, n 1]:

= GT rk + uk .
Du k

Sn = I.

rn = 0.




Note that steps (D), (E), and (F) may be performed simultaneously, thereby eliminating the need to store the
Sk and rk for later use.

(G) Update uk for k [0, n 1] using your favorite gradient-based algorithm: e.g., for sufficiently small
uk uk


Du k
[In fact, this gradient-based algorithm converges very slowly; a much better method which is just as simple
to apply, called the Conjugate Gradient method, is presented in 16 of Numerical Renaissance...]
(H) Repeat from step (A) until convergence.

22.A HEnS
22.B EnVO
Anderson, BDO, & Moore, JB (1979) Optimal Filtering. Dover.




A Programming: a brief introduction

B Assorted mathematical foundations


Numerical Renaissance is written in a manner which attempts to go way back to a fairly basic level and
work up several related concepts essentially from first principles, in a common language, while minimizing
repetition. The text is written assuming only a prior exposure to
the arithmetic of complex variables,
the essentials of computer programming (for loops, if statements, function calls, and floating-point
operations on scalars, vectors, and matrices), and
the basic framework of undergraduate-level linear algebra (matrix/vector multiplication and solution of
the problem Ax = b).
The first two of these prerequisite areas are reviewed and extended in these two appendices:
A introduces Matlab/Octave programming syntax, highlighting some of its more subtle features, and
B discusses a variety important mathematical concepts used throughout the text.

The third prerequisite area, undergraduate-level linear algebra, is reviewed and extended in 1 and 2.
Recall also that the numerical codes presented throughout the text, together with test scripts which clearly demonstrate how they work, are maintained online at; before
embarking upon serious study of this text, the ready is advised to download and install the Numerical Renaissance Codebase on his/her computer.
While you are at the webpage for the text, it is advised that the reader also download the electronic
version of the text; since it is freely searchable, the electronic version is handy for reference, cross-reference,
and quickly reviewing various concepts. (Note that we dispense entirely with an index for the text, as the
electronic version is easy to search.) On the other hand, the printed version of the text is generally the most
comfortable and effective to use for focused study (e.g., classwork and thesis work); your purchase of the
printed version of the text goes directly to support further refinements of the codebase and, ultimately, a
new-and-improved second edition of the text.



Appendix A

a brief introduction
Matlab (a portmanteau word1 formed from matrix laboratory) is a powerful high-level programming
language marketed by The MathWorks, and is available at Though expensive2 , Matlab has become (for small-scale problems3) a de facto industry standard for, among other things,
linear algebra, data analysis & visualization, control design, system identification, and optimization.
GNU Octave is a powerful, free, user-developed alternative to Matlab that is mostly compatible with
Matlab syntax, and is available at A distinct advantage of designing all codes you
write in Matlab syntax to run in both Matlab & Octave is that both you and others are assured free access to
a legal copy of Octave for any computer platform that you might someday use.
All of the numerical algorithms presented in Matlab syntax in the present text are designed to run in both
Matlab & Octave (with a little work, yours may be developed in a similar manner). Thus, you have the choice
when following this text to support either high-end, industry-standard commercial software or free, userdeveloped open-source software, per your individual preference. Please contact the author if you encounter
coding errors running any of the algorithms presented in this text in recent versions of either language.
Many numerical problems encountered in science, engineering, and other disciplines are indeed fairly
small, and may thus be addressed well with Matlab & Octave. Both languages are also quite useful as intuitive programming languages in which one can experiment, on small-scale systems, with maximally efficient
numerical algorithms designed for large-scale systems in an interactive, user-friendly environment in which
plotting the simulation results is especially simple. It is thus highly recommended that those who develop
and use numerical algorithms today acquire and use (when appropriate) either Matlab or Octave. However,
large-scale systems which require intensive computations are much more efficiently solved in compiler-based
low-level languages, such as Fortran and C, in which the programmer has much more precise control over
both the memory usage and the parallelization of the numerical algorithm. Conversion of numerical algorithms from Matlab/Octave syntax to Fortran or C syntax is straightforward (see 11).
Note that, if you have a fast connection to the internet and access to a unix-based server with Matlab
already installed, it is possible to run Matlab remotely on the server from your own computer (referred to
in this setting as the client), using a standard communication protocol known as The X Window System
1 A portmanteau word is formed out of parts of other words, which is common in the naming of computer hardware and software.
For example, Fortran is a portmanteau word formed from formula translation, codec from coder/decoder, voxel from volumetric pixel,
etc. Such words are often formed informally as new technology is developed, then become established through usage.
2 Note that the student edition of Matlab is available at many university bookshops at a significant discount.
3 A useful definition of a small-scale numerical problem is one that takes a significantly longer time to code than it does to run.


(a.k.a. XWindows) to transmit the graphical output of Matlab from the server to the client. If you choose this
option, it is recommended that you start Matlab on the server in a unix window with the command
matlab -nojvm -nosplash
in order to run Matlab directly in the unix window without its communication-intensive graphical user
interface (GUI). Users of the unix shells4 csh or tcsh can set this to the default action when the command
matlab is typed by putting the following command in their /.cshrc file on the server:
alias matlab matlab -nojvm -nosplash
Users of the sh, ksh, or bash can set this by putting the following in /.shrc, /.kshrc, or /.bashrc :
alias matlab=matlab -nojvm -nosplash
Note that, to get XWindows to successfully port the graphics from a server with an IP number 987.654.32.10
to a client with an IP number 123.456.78.90 (assuming the csh or tcsh is being run on both), you might need
to run the following command on the client
xhost +987.654.32.10
and the following command on the server (before starting Matlab)
setenv DISPLAY 123.456.78.90:0.0 (or :1.0, depending on the configuration of the client).

Fundamentals of both Matlab and Octave

Installing either Matlab or Octave is straightforward, following the instructions distributed with each package.
Once you get Matlab or Octave running, take it for a test drive, and you will most likely find that no manual
or classroom instruction on either language is necessary. Most of the basic constructs available in these
languages (primarily for loops, if statements, and function calls) can be understood easily by examining
the sample codes available in this text. Also, the (lowercase5 ) built-in command names in Matlab/Octave are
all intuitive (sin for computing the sine, eig for computing eigenvalues/eigenvectors, etc.), and extensive
online help for all commands is available in both Matlab and Octave by typing help <command name>,
with even more information on both languages available on the web. These help pages also point you to
several related commands, which can be used to learn what you need to know about any given aspect of
either language very quickly. To help get you off to a fast start, we now introduce some of the fundamental
constructs used by both Matlab and Octave, then explain some of their more subtle features.
To begin, Matlab or Octave can function as an ordinary calculator. At the prompt, try typing
>> 1+1
Matlab or Octave should reassure you that the universe is still in good order. To enter a matrix, type
>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 0]
Matlab/Octave responds with
A =



By default, Matlab/Octave operates in an echo mode; that is, the elements of a matrix or vector will be printed
on the screen as it is created. This behavior quickly become tediousto suppress it, type a semicolon after
the command; this also allows several commands to be included on a single line:
4 In order to customize your unix environment, you first need to know what shell (the protocol defining the set of commands available
at the unix command line) you are running in (type echo $SHELL to find out).
5 The names of the codes developed in this text are mixed case, to distinguish them from the (lowercase) built-in commands.


>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 0];

x = 5;

To put multiple commands on a single line without suppressing echo mode, separate the commands by commas. Matrix elements are separated by spaces or commas, and a semicolon indicates the end of a row. Three
periods in a row means that the present command is continued on the following line, as in:
>> A = [1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 0];


When working with long expressions, the legibility of your code can often be improved significantly by aligning entries in a natural fashion, as illustrated above. Elements of a matrix can also be arithmetic expressions,
such as 3*pi, etc.
Matlab/Octave syntax has control flow statements, such as for loops, similar to most other programming
languages. Note that each for must be matched by an end. To illustrate, the commands
>> for j=1:10; a(j)

=j2; end;


build row vectors (type a,b to see the result), whereas the commands
>> for j=1:10; c(j,1)=j2; end;


build column vectors. In most cases, you want the latter, not the former. The most common mistake made in
Matlab/Octave syntax is to build a row vector when you intend to build a column vector, as they are often not
interchangeable; thus, pay especially close attention to this issue if your code is misbehaving.
An if statement may be used as follows:
>> n = 7;
>> if n > 0, sgn = 1, elseif n < 0, sgn = -1, else sgn = 0, end
The format of a while statement is similar to that of for, but exits at the control of a logical condition:
>> m = 0;
>> while m < 7, m = m+2; end, m
A column vector y can be premultiplied by a matrix A and the result stored in a column vector z with
>> z = A*y
Multiplication of a vector y by a scalar may be accomplished with
>> z = 3.0*y
The transpose, B = AT , and the conjugate transpose, C = AH , are obtained as follows
>> B = A., C=A
The inverse of a square matrix (if it exists) may be obtained by typing
>> D = inv(A)
This command is rewritten in 2 of the present text (see Algorithm 2.3); as mentioned in 2 (indeed, as
identified as early as 1.2.7), you should not ever compute a matrix inverse (which is expensive to calculate)
in a production code, though it is sometimes convenient to compute a matrix inverse in a test code.
A 5 5 identity matrix may be constructed with

>> E = eye(5)
Tridiagonal matrices may be constructed by the following command and variations thereof:
>> 1*diag(ones(m-1,1),-1) - 2*diag(ones(m,1),0) + 1*diag(ones(m-1,1),1)
See also Algorithm 1.1. There are two matrix division symbols in Matlab/Octave, \ and / if A is a
nonsingular square matrix, then A\B and B/A correspond formally to left and right multiplication of B (which
must be of the appropriate size) by the inverse of A, that is inv(A)*B and B*inv(A), but the result is obtained
directly (via Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting, as discussed, and rewritten from scratch, in 2, but
leaving the matrix A in tact) without the computation of the inverse (which is a very expensive computation).
Thus, to solve a system A*x=b for the unknown vector x, one may type
>> A=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 0];

b=[5 8 -7];


which results in
x =
To check this result, just type
>> A*x
which verifies that
ans =
Starting with the innermost group(s) of operations nested in parentheses and working outward, the usual
precedence rules are observed by Matlab/Octave. First, all the exponentials are calculated. Then, all the
multiplications and divisions are calculated. Finally, all the additions and subtractions are calculated. In each
of these three catagories, the calculation proceeds from left to right through the expression. Thus
>> 5/5*3
ans = 3
>> 5/(5*3)
ans = 0.3333
If in doubt, use parentheses to ensure the order of operations is as you intend. Note that the matrix sizes must
be correct for the requested operations to be defined or an error will result.
Suppose we have two vectors x and y and wish to perform the componentwise operations:
z = x y for = 1, n.
The Matlab/Octave command to execute this is
>> x=[1:5];



Note that z=x*y gives an error, since this implies matrix multiplication and is undefined in this case. (A row
vector times a column vector, however, is a well defined operation, so z = x*y is successful. Try it!) The
period distinguishes matrix operations (* and /) from component-wise operations (.* . and ./).
Typing whos lists all the variables created up to that point, and typing clear removes them. The format
command is also useful for changing how Matlab/Octave prints things on the screen (type help format for
more information). In order to save the entire variable set computed in a session, type save session prior
to quitting. At a later time the session may be resumed by typing load session.
Some additional (self-explanatory) functions include: abs, conj, real, imag, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos,
atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, exp, log, log10. Some useful predefined constants include
pi, i, eps; note that your code can change the values of these constants (it is particularly common to use i
as an indexing variable) be especially careful if you decide to do this!
Matlab and Octave are also distributed with many special additional functions to aid in linear problemsolving, control design, etc. In Octave (but, unfortunately, not in recent versions of Matlab), many of these
advanced built-in functions are themselves saved as prewritten m-files (see below), and can easily be opened
and accessed by the user for examination. The present pedagogical text specifically avoids using most of these
convenient black-box functions, instead opting to work up many of them from scratch in order to remove the
mystery that might otherwise be associated with using them.
Note that, in order to make a Octave flush (that is, print messages to the screen) before it either finishes
running or encounters a pause statement in the code, you must insert the command fflush(1); before
each pause command; such a flush command is not needed in Matlab. This is one of the few yet sometimes
annoying differences between Octave and Maltab.

Matlab programming procedures: stay organized!

As an alternative to interactive mode, you can also save a series of Matlab/Octave commands as m-files,
which are ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a.k.a. plain text) files, with
a descriptive filename ending in .m, containing a sequence of commands listed exactly as you would enter
them if running interactively. When working on Matlab/Octave problems that take more than one line to
complete (that is, essentially, all the time), it is imperative to write and run m-files rather than working in
interactive mode. By so doing, it is self evident which calculation followed from which. Further, following
this approach, the several commands typically required to perform a given calculation dont need to be retyped
when the simulation needs to be rerun, which is generally more often than one would care to admit. Staying
organized with different versions of your m-files as the project evolves is essential; create new directories and
subdirectories as appropriate for each problem you work on to stay organized, and to keep from accidentally
overwriting previously-written and debugged codes.
To execute the commands in an m-file named6 foo.m, simply type foo at the Matlab/Octave prompt. Any
text editor may be used to edit m-files. The % symbol is used in these files to indicate that the rest of that line
is a comment. Entering help foo will print the first (commented) lines of the code to the screen, entering
type foo will print the entire code to the screen7 . Comment all m-files clearly, sufficiently, and succinctly,
so that you can come back to the code later and understand how it works. Depending on the purpose of the
code, you can also print to the screen (using the disp command) to update you on the codes progress as it
runs; several codes presented in this text use a verbose flag to turn such updates on or off. It also helps to
use descriptive variable names to indicate what the code is doing.
6 Almost all texts describing computer programming make reference to simple example codes named foo and bar, though the
etymology of this tradition is not precisely known.
7 In the electronic version of this text, click View to see a plain text version of the production m-file in a web browser, and click Test
to see the corresponding test code. To save space, the copyleft comments at the beginning of each code are not printed in the text.


The distinction between functions and scripts

There are two types of m-files: scripts and functions. A script is a set of Matlab/Octave commands which
run exactly as if you had typed in each command interactively. A script has access to all previously-defined
variables (that is, it inherits the global workspace).
A function, on the other hand, is a set of Matlab/Octave commands that begins with a function declaration, for example,
function [o1,o2] = bar(i1,i2,i3)
A function so defined may then be called (as in a compiler-based programming language) with the command
[c,d] = bar(a,b,c)
Note that some variables (in the above example, c) may be used as both inputs and outputs. As a function is
running, it can only reference those variables in the input list with which it was called; in the present example,
the function is only aware of the variables a, b, and c, which the function refers to internally as i1, i2, and
i3. Conversely after the function is finished, the only variables that are modified as compared with before the
function was called are those variables in the output list with which it was called; in the present example, the
function ultimately only modifies the variables c and d, which the function refers to internally as o1 and o2.
The special variables nargin and nargout identify the number of input and output arguments, respectively, that are used when any given function is called. Input and output arguments are assigned from the
left to the right, so any missing variables are necessarily those at the end of each list. If some of the input
arguments are omitted in the function call, these variables may be set to default values by the function. If
some of the output arguments are omitted in the function call, the function may sometimes be accelerated by
avoiding the explicit computation of these variables.
Functions are more easily extended to other problems than scripts, as functions make clear via their
argument list what information from the calling function is used in, and returned by, the called function8. In
complicated codes, unintentionally assigning a minor variables (like the index i) with different meanings in
different scripts that call each other can lead to a bug that is very difficult to find. The proper use of functions,
and the associated passing of only the relevant data back and forth (known as handshaking), goes a long way
towards preventing such bugs from appearing in your production codes.
On the other hand, short test codes, such as those provided with each of the functions developed in this
text, are usually convenient to write as scripts, so that the variables defined by the test script may be checked
(for debugging purposes) after the test script runs. To illustrate, ten simple functions and one associated test
script are listed in Algorithm A.1; in the comments at the beginning of each function is a brief description of
what that function does. The coefficients of polynomials are represented frequently in this text as row vectors;
the functions listed in Algorithm A.1 are useful to perform polynomial addition, convolution, division, etc.
Algorithm A.3 is an example script illustrating the use of Matlabs built-in functions eig and inv to build
matrices of various structure, as discussed further in 1 and 4.
The primary directory Matlab uses (for both saving new files and reading old ones) may be changed with
the command cd <directory name>; in Matlab, there are also menu-driven ways of accomplishing this. If the
necessary m-files to run your code are stored in more than one directory, which is often the case, the path
command may be used to indicate to Matlab these additional directories in which to look for the appropriate
m-files. A convenient startup script is given in Algorithm A.4 to extend the Matlab/Octave path to access all
of the codes of the Numerical Renaissance Codebase (NRC); it is convenient (and, thus, recommended) to
place a copy of this file, named startup.m, in the directory where Matlab/Octave normally starts up on your
computer in order to initialize this path on startup (note that the variable base in this startup.m file must be
updated appropriately in order to point at the directory where the NRC is stored on your computer.
8 That

is, in addition to those variables defined as global, as seen in Algorithm 11.8 and discussed in footnote 26 on page 375.


Algorithm A.1: Some simple example functions, and an example test script.
f u n c t i o n p= P r o d ( a )
% Compute t h e p r o d u c t p o f t h e e l e m e n t s i n t h e v e c t o r a .
p=a ( 1 ) ; f o r i = 2 : l e n g t h ( a ) ; p=p a ( i ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n P r o d


% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : P r o d T e s t> P r o d T e s t </a>

d i s p ( Compute t h e p r o d u c t o f t h e e l e m e n t s i n a ) , a =[ 2 4 5 ] , p= P r o d ( a ) , d i s p ( )
% end s c r i p t P r o d T e s t


f u n c t i o n a=Fac ( b )
% Compute t h e f a c t o r i a l o f e a c h e l e m e n t o f t h e m a t r i x b .
[ n ,m] = s i z e ( b ) ; f o r i = 1 : n , f o r j = 1 :m, a ( i , j ) = 1 ; f o r k = 2 : b ( i , j ) ; a ( i , j ) = a ( i , j ) k ; end , end , end
end % f u n c t i o n Fac


f u n c t i o n p= P o l y ( r )
% Compute t h e c o e f f i c i e n t s o f t h e p o l y n o m i a l w i t h r o o t s r .
n= l e n g t h ( r ) ; p = 1 ; f o r i = 1 : n ; p=PolyConv ( p , [ 1 r ( i ) ] ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y


f u n c t i o n v= P o l y V a l ( p , s )
% F o r n= l e n g t h ( p ) , compute p ( 1 ) s ( i ) ( n 1) + . . . + p ( n 1) s ( i ) + p ( n ) f o r e a c h s ( i ) i n s .
n= l e n g t h ( p ) ; f o r j = 1 : l e n g t h ( s ) ; v ( j ) = 0 ; f o r i = 0 : n 1 , v ( j ) = v ( j ) + p ( ni ) s ( j ) i ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y V a l


f u n c t i o n a=PolyAdd ( a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j )
% Add two t o t e n p o l y n o m i a l s w i t h r i g h t j u s t i f i c a t i o n .
i f nargin >9, a=PolyAdd ( a , j ) ; end , i f nargin >8, a=PolyAdd ( a , i ) ;
i f nargin >7, a=PolyAdd ( a , h ) ; end , i f nargin >6, a=PolyAdd ( a , g ) ;
i f nargin >5, a=PolyAdd ( a , f ) ; end , i f nargin >4, a=PolyAdd ( a , e ) ;
i f nargin >3, a=PolyAdd ( a , d ) ; end , i f nargin >2, a=PolyAdd ( a , c ) ;
m= l e n g t h ( a ) ; n= l e n g t h ( b ) ; a =[ z e r o s ( 1 , nm) a ] + [ z e r o s ( 1 ,mn ) b ] ;
end % f u n c t i o n PolyAdd



f u n c t i o n p=PolyConv ( a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j )
% R e c u r s i v e l y compute t h e c o n v o l u t i o n o f t h e two t o t e n p o l y n o m i a l s , g i v e n a s a r g u m e n t s .
i f nargin >9, a= PolyConv ( a , j ) ; end , i f nargin >8, a=PolyConv ( a , i ) ; end
i f nargin >7, a= PolyConv ( a , h ) ; end , i f nargin >6, a=PolyConv ( a , g ) ; end
i f nargin >5, a= PolyConv ( a , f ) ; end , i f nargin >4, a=PolyConv ( a , e ) ; end
i f nargin >3, a= PolyConv ( a , d ) ; end , i f nargin >2, a=PolyConv ( a , c ) ; end
m= l e n g t h ( a ) ; n= l e n g t h ( b ) ; p= z e r o s ( 1 , n+m 1 ) ;
f o r k = 0 : n 1; p=p +[ z e r o s ( 1 , n1k ) b ( nk ) a z e r o s ( 1 , k ) ] ; end
end % f u n c t i o n PolyConv


f u n c t i o n [ d , b ] = P o ly D iv ( b , a )
% Perform polynomial d i v i s i o n of a i n t o b , r e s u l t i n g in d with remainder in th e modified b .
m= l e n g t h ( b ) ; n= l e n g t h ( a ) ; i f m<n d = 0 ; e l s e
i f strcmp ( c l a s s ( b ) , sym ) | strcmp ( c l a s s ( a ) , sym ) , syms d , end
f o r j = 1 :mn +1 , d ( j ) = b ( 1 ) / a ( 1 ) ; b ( 1 : n ) = PolyAdd ( b ( 1 : n ) , d ( j ) a ) ; b=b ( 2 : end ) ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n P o ly D iv


f u n c t i o n b= P o ly P o w er ( p , n )
% Compute t h e c o n v o l u t i o n o f t h e p o l y n o m i a l p w i t h i t s e l f n t i m e s .
i f n ==0 , b = 1 ; e l s e , b=p ; f o r i = 2 : n , b=PolyConv ( b , p ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n P o ly P o w er


f u n c t i o n p= P o l y D i f f ( p , d , n )
% R e c u r s i v e l y compute t h e d t h d e r i v a t i v e o f a p o l y n o m i a l p o f o r d e r n .
i f nargin <2, d = 1 ; end , i f nargin <3, n= l e n g t h ( p ) 1; end
i f d >0, p =[ n : 1 : 1 ] . p ( 1 : n ) ; i f d >1, p= P o l y D i f f ( p , d 1 ,n 1 ) ; end , end
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y D i f f


f u n c t i o n [ b , a ] = Swap ( a , b )
% A c u r i o u s l y s i m p l e ( empty ! ) f u n c t i o n t h a t swaps t h e c o n t e n t s o f a and b .
end % f u n c t i o n Swap



Algorithm A.2: (continued) Some more simple example functions.


fu n ction [ b , a ]= R a t i o n a l S i m p l i f y ( b , a )
% S i m p l i f y a r a t i o n a l f u n c t i o n b ( s ) / a ( s ) [ o r b ( z ) / a ( z ) ] by d i v i d i n g o u t common f a c t o r s ,
f = 1 ; w h i l e f ; x= r o o t s ( a ) ; y= r o o t s ( b ) ; f = 0 ; f o r i = 1 : l e n g t h ( x ) ; f o r j = 1 : l e n g t h ( y ) ;
i f abs ( x ( i )y ( j )) <1 e 6 , f = 1 ; a= P o ly D iv ( a , [ 1 x ( i ) ] ) ; b= P o ly D iv ( b , [ 1 x ( i ) ] ) ; break , end
end , i f f , break , end , end , end
a=a ( f i n d ( abs ( a )>1e 1 0 , 1 ) : end ) ; b=b ( f i n d ( abs ( b)>1e 1 0 , 1 ) : end ) ; b=b / a ( 1 ) ; a=a / a ( 1 ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n R a t i o n a l S i m p l i f y

The function SuDokuSolve solves the well-known SuDoku problem. Note that Algorithm A.5 defines the
auxiliary functions PlaySuDoku, PrintSuDoku, and RecursiveSuDoku that may only be executed when the
main function SuDokuSolve is running; if it is desired to make these codes accessible outside of the function
SuDokuSolve, they should each be saved in their own m-file.

The overhead associated with function calls

There is extra overhead associated with function calls, because they often allocate (that is, assign) new memory locations for variables passed in when called, then deallocate (that is, release) this memory upon exit.
This behavior is referred to as passing by value. For small variables, the overhead associated with passing
by value is minimal. For large arrays, however such overhead can be substantial. To avoid this overhead, one
may either use globally-defined arrays, as done in Algorithms 11.8-11.10, or pass by reference, which means
to pass a pointer to the original memory location of the array rather than copy the values in the array into a
new memory location. This is the default for array passing in Fortran and is common in C. Matlabs default is
essentially a pass-by-value approach, with memory allocation deferred to the first time the array is modified
within the subprogram. However, a pass-by-reference mode is initiated in Matlab whenever a function calls
another function with an identical argument in both the input and output lists (in both the calling function and
the called function); this can lead to significant improvements in execution speed for large problems.
When passing several parameters back and forth between functions, it is often convenient to group these
parameters as derived data types, as illustrated, for example, in Algorithm 10.3.

Both 2D and 3D plots are easy to generate in Matlab and Octave, as shown below:
A sample 2D plot

A sample 3D plot
[x,y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8,-8:.5:8);
R = sqrt(x.2 + y.2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;

The code segments listed above produce the figures shown in Figure A.1. Note that axis rescaling and labelling can be controlled with loglog, semilogx, semilogy, title, xlabel, ylabel, etc. (see the help pages
on these and related commands for more information).
The plotting commands illustrated above produce plots in figure windows. Once your code is working
correctly and the plot is as you like it, you will usually want to save it, so you can email it, make printouts of
it, and/or include it in a report or paper you are writing. For such reports and papers, LATEX invariably produces
the best results, though you might find that what-you-see-is-what-you-get (wysiwyg) word processors such
S 10

Algorithm A.3: An m-file, written as a script, illustrating the use of Matlabs built-in functions eig and inv.
% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : S a m p l e M a t l a b B u i l t I n F n s > S a m p l e M a t l a b B u i l t I n F n s </a>
% T h i s s am p le s c r i p t f i n d s t h e e i g e n v a l u e s and e i g e n v e c t o r s o f a few random m a t r i c e s
% c o n s t r u c t e d w i t h s p e c i a l s t r u c t u r e . T h i s s am p le s c r i p t u s e s Matlab s b u i l t i n commands
% <a h r e f = m a t l a b : doc i n v >in v </a> and <a h r e f = m a t l a b : doc e i g >e i g </a> ( l o w e r c a s e ) .
% NR d e v e l o p s , from f i r s t p r i n c i p l e s , a l t e r n a t i v e s t o m atlab s b u i l t i n commands , s u c h a s
% <a h r e f = m a t l a b : h e l p I n v>Inv </a> and <a h r e f = m a t l a b : h e l p E ig>Eig </a> ( mixed c a s e ) .
c l e a r , R = randn ( 4 ) , e i g e n v a l u e s = e i g ( R )
d i s p ( As R h a s random r e a l e n t r i e s , i t may h av e r e a l o r complex e i g e n v a l u e s . )
d i s p ( P r e s s r e t u r n t o c o n t i n u e ) , pause , R p l u s R p r i m e = R+R ,
e i g e n v a l u e s = e i g ( R+R )
d i s p ( N o t i c e t h a t R+R i s s y m m etr ic , w i t h r e a l e i g e n v a l u e s . )
d i s p ( P r e s s r e t u r n t o c o n t i n u e ) , pause , R m in u s R p r im e = RR , e i g e n v a l u e s = e i g ( RR )
d i s p ( The m a t r i x RR i s skews y m m etr ic , w i t h p u r e i m a g i n a r y e i g e n v a l u e s . )
d i s p ( P r e s s r e t u r n t o c o n t i n u e ) , pause , R p r i m e t i m e s R = R R , [ S , Lambda ] = e i g ( R R )
d i s p ( T h i s m a t r i x R R i s s y m m etr ic , w i t h r e a l POSITIVE e i g e n v a l u e s . )
d i s p ( P r e s s r e t u r n t o c o n t i n u e ) , pause , R t i m e s R p r i m e = RR , [ S , Lambda ] = e i g ( RR )
d i s p ( RR h a s t h e same e i g e n v a l u e s a s R R , b u t d i f f e r e n t e i g e n v e c t o r s . )
d i s p ( P r e s s r e t u r n t o c o n t i n u e ) , pause , S = rand ( 4 ) ; Lambda = d i a g ( [ 1 2 3 4 ] ) ;
A = S Lambda i n v ( S ) , e i g e n v a l u e s o f A = e i g (A)
d i s p ( You can a l s o c r e a t e a m a t r i x w i t h d e s i r e d e i g e n v a l u e s ( say , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) )
d i s p ( from A=S Lambda i n v ( S ) f o r any i n v e r t i b l e S . ) , d i s p ( )
% end s c r i p t S a m p l e M a t l a b B u i l t I n F n s


Algorithm A.4: A script to extend the path of Matlab/Octave to include the Numerical Renaissance Codebase.
% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : N R C p ath s etu p>NRCpathsetup </a>
% I n i t i a l i z e t h e p a t h e n v i r o n m e n t f o r u s i n g t h e N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e .
% T ip : s e t up a s y m b o l i c l i n k i n a c o n v e n i e n t p l a c e t o make i t e a s y t o c a l l t h i s s c r i p t
% when f i r i n g up m a t l a b o r o c t a v e . T h i s can be done , e . g . , i n Mac OS X a s f o l l o w s :
l n s / u s r / l o c a l / l i b /NRC / NRchapAA / N R C p ath s etu p .m / Documents /MATLAB/ s t a r t u p .m
% Be s u r e t o m o d if y b a s e a p p r o p r i a t e l y below i f t h e NRC l i b r a r y i s n o t i n / u s r / l o c a l / l i b
b a s e = / u s r / l o c a l / l i b /NRC/ ; format compact , c l c , c l o s e a l l , cd
a d d p a t h ( s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap01 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap02 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap03 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap04 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap05 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap06 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap07 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap08 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap09 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap10 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap11 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap12 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap13 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap14 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap15 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap16 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap17 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap18 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap19 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap20 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap21 ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchap22 ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchapAA ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , NRchapAB ) , . . .
s t r c a t ( b as e , N R ex tr a ) , s t r c a t ( b as e , N R ex tr a / e x p o r t f i g ) , b a s e )
d i s p ( [ P a t h s e t f o r u s i n g N u m e r i c a l R e n a i s s a n c e C o d eb as e ; . . .
t y p e <a h r e f = m a t l a b : h e l p NRC> h e l p NRC</a> t o g e t s t a r t e d . c h a r ( 1 0 ) ] )
% end s c r i p t N R C p ath s etu p

as Microsoft Word are, initially, somewhat easier to use9 . The recommended format to save your figures
for such purposes is encapsulated postscript (typically denoted with a .eps suffix). Encapsulated postscript
is a robust, platform-independent standard for graphics files that saves lines as vectors (lines) rather than as
bitmaps (pixels), and therefore looks sharp when printed. All major typesetting programs, including LATEX and
Microsoft Word, can import .eps files.
To produce a color .eps file, type the following command after executing the plotting commands:
print -depsc foo.eps
9 That is, until you begin to care about how well the equations are typeset, at which point your best option (by far, in the opinion of
the author) is to abandon Microsoft Word and switch to LATEX...

S 11



















Figure A.1: Sample 2D and 3D plots.

Once you have created an .eps file, you may view it with a free piece of software called Ghostview (gv).
Adobe Illustrator is a very useful commercial software package that may be used to further edit .eps files,
which is often necessary when preparing scientific papers.
In Matlab, the contents of a figure window may also be saved with the command saveas(1,foo.fig),
and later reopened and edited further with the command open foo.fig; this command does not exist in
Octave. This command is not entirely recommended, however, because .fig files are often not portable from
one platform to another. Instead, to send a figure via email, it is recommended that you create a .eps file
(as described above) and send that. If you want the option to edit the figure later in Matlab or Octave, your
flexibility is maximized if you save in an m-file the list of commands that created the figure (or, alternatively,
save the session, as discussed previously) and recreate the figure from scratch later.
Printouts of the text appearing in the Matlab or Octave command window after a code is run is best
achieved simply by copying this text and pasting it in to the editor of your choosing, then printing from there.

Advanced prepackaged numerical routines

Matlab and Octave have many many advanced prepackaged numerical routines built in. For example, a few
prepackaged linear algebra commands which you might find useful (see the respective help pages for details)
include: lu, inv, hess, qr, orth, schur, eig, jordan, svd, chol, trace, norm, cond, pinv, etc. These
routines will certainly be useful for you as you learn how they work and why they are useful. However, the
purpose of this text is not simply to catalog how to use these prepackaged routines (there are plenty of other
texts that accomplish that), but rather to flush out, for some of the most important of these routines, how they
actually work, and why they are useful. With this knowledge, the reader will be able to select and use these
routines with much greater understanding and forethought. We thus, as mentioned previously, explicitly and
intentionally avoid using all such advanced prepackaged routines in this text, instead learning to write these
routines from scratch ourselves.

Exercises & References

The only reference required to get up to speed in both Matlab and Octave is the online help, which is quite
extensive. Programming is mostly an exercise in logical organization and is best learnt by example; by following through the many examples and exercises laid out in this text, you will quickly become proficient at
writing clear, effective, efficient, and reusable numerical codes.
S 12

Algorithm A.5: A more complicated function that solves the SuDoku problem.
f u n c t i o n SuDokuSolve ( F )
% An i n v o l v e d r e c u r s i v e co d e f o r s o l v i n g SuDoku p r o b lem s , e m u l a t i n g how a human p l a y s .
% F i r s t , s p l i t SuDoku 9 x9 a r r a y i n t o a 3 x3x3x3 a r r a y , which i s e a s i e r f o r a n a l y s i s
f o r i = 1 : 3 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; f o r k = 1 : 3 ; f o r l = 1 : 3 ; A( i , j , k , l ) = F ( i +( k 1)3 , j +( l 1 ) 3 ) ; end ; end ; end ; end
P r i n t S u D o k u (A) , [ A, B , f l a g ] = PlaySuDoku (A ) ;
P r i n t S u D o k u (A) , i f f l a g ==0 ; [A] = R ecu r s iv eS u D o k u (A, B , f l a g ) ; P r i n t S u D o k u (A ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n SuDokuSolve
f u n c t i o n [A, B , f l a g ] = PlaySuDoku (A)
% T h i s r o u t i n e a t t e m p t s t o s o l v e t h e SuDoku p u z z l e d i r e c t l y ( w i t h o u t g u e s s i n g ) .
% On e x i t , f l a g =1 i n d i c a t e s t h a t a u n i q u e s o l u t i o n h a s b een found ,
% f l a g =0 i n d i c a t e s u n c e r t a i n t y ( i . e . , n o t enough i n f o r m a t i o n t o s o l v e w i t h o u t g u e s s i n g ) ,
% f l a g =1 i n d i c a t e s f a i l u r e ( i . e . , t h e d a t a p r o v i d e d i s i n c o n s i s t e n t ) .
B= o n e s ( 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 9 ) ; f l a g = 0 ; % B k e e p s t r a c k o f a l l p o s s i b l e v a l u e s o f t h e unknown e n t r i e s .
M= 1 ; w h i l e M==1 ; M= 0 ;
% M=1 means s o m e t h i n g h a s b een d e t e r m i n e d t h i s i t e r a t i o n , and we n eed t o i t e r a t e a g a i n .
for i =1:3; for j =1:3; for k =1:3; for l =1:3;
% F i l l B with A
i f A( i , j , k , l ) >0; B( i , j , k , l , : ) = 0 ; B ( i , j , k , l , A( i , j , k , l ) ) = 1 ; end
end ; end ; end ; end
f o r i = 1 : 3 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; f o r k = 1 : 3 ; f o r l = 1 : 3 ; f o r m= 1 : 3 ; f o r n = 1 : 3 ;
% Reduce B c h e c k i n g
i f ( (m = j ) | ( n = l ) ) & A( i , m, k , n ) >0; B( i , j , k , l , A( i , m, k , n ) ) = 0 ; end % . . . row
(i ,k)
i f ( (m = i ) | ( n = k ) ) & A(m, j , n , l ) >0; B( i , j , k , l , A(m, j , n , l ) ) = 0 ; end % . . . column ( j , l )
i f ( (m = i ) | ( n = j ) ) & A(m, n , k , l ) >0; B( i , j , k , l , A(m, n , k , l ) ) = 0 ; end % . . . s q u a r e ( k , l )
end ; end ; end ; end ; end ; end
ME= 1 ; w h i l e ME==1 ; ME= 0 ; f o r i = 1 : 3 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; f o r k = 1 : 3 ; f o r l = 1 : 3 ; % Check e a c h e l e m e n t
E=sum ( B ( i , j , k , l , : ) ) ;
i f E==0 ; f l a g =1; r e t u r n ; e l s e i f ( E==1) & (A( i , j , k , l ) = = 0 ) ;
ME= 1 ; M= 1 ; [ y , A( i , j , k , l ) ] = max ( B ( i , j , k , l , : ) ) ;
end ; end ; end ; end ; end
MR= 1 ; w h i l e MR==1 ; MR= 0 ; f o r i = 1 : 3 ; f o r k = 1 : 3 ; f o r m= 1 : 9 ;
% Check e a c h row
R=sum ( sum (B ( i , : , k , : , m ) ) ) ;
i f R==0 ; f l a g =1; r e t u r n ; e l s e i f R==1 ;
[ y1 , j v ] =max ( B ( i , : , k , : , m ) , [ ] , 2 ) ; [ y1 , l ] =max ( y1 , [ ] , 4 ) ;
i f A( i , j v ( l ) , k , l ) = = 0 ; A( i , j v ( l ) , k , l ) =m; MR= 1 ; M= 1 ; end ;
end ; end ; end ; end
MC= 1 ; w h i l e MC==1 ; MC= 0 ; f o r j = 1 : 3 ; f o r l = 1 : 3 ; f o r m= 1 : 9 ;
% Check e a c h column
C=sum ( sum (B ( : , j , : , l ,m ) ) ) ;
i f C==0 ; f l a g =1; r e t u r n ; e l s e i f C==1 ;
[ y2 , i v ] =max ( B ( : , j , : , l ,m ) , [ ] , 1 ) ; [ y2 , k ] =max ( y2 , [ ] , 3 ) ;
i f A( i v ( k ) , j , k , l ) = = 0 ; A( i v ( k ) , j , k , l ) =m; MC= 1 ; M= 1 ; end ;
end ; end ; end ; end
MS= 1 ; w h i l e MS==1 ; MS= 0 ; f o r k = 1 : 3 ; f o r l = 1 : 3 ; f o r m= 1 : 9 ;
% Check e a c h s q u a r e
S=sum ( sum (B ( : , : , k , l ,m ) ) ) ;
i f S ==0 ; f l a g =1; r e t u r n ; e l s e i f S ==1 ;
[ y3 , i v ] =max ( B ( : , : , k , l ,m ) , [ ] , 1 ) ; [ y3 , j ] =max ( y3 , [ ] , 2 ) ;
i f A( i v ( j ) , j , k , l ) = = 0 ; A( i v ( j ) , j , k , l ) =m; MS= 1 ; M= 1 ; end ;
end ; end ; end ; end
i f ( min ( min ( min ( min (A ) ) ) ) = = 1 ) f l a g = 1 ; end ;
end % f u n c t i o n PlaySuDoku
f u n c t i o n P r i n t S u D o k u (A)
A=[A ( : , : , 1 , 1 ) A ( : , : , 1 , 2 ) A ( : , : , 1 , 3 ) ; A ( : , : , 2 , 1 ) A ( : , : , 2 , 2 ) A ( : , : , 2 , 3 ) ; . . .
A( : , : , 3 , 1 ) A( : , : , 3 , 2 ) A( : , : , 3 , 3 ) ]
end % f u n c t i o n P r i n t S u D o k u

S 13

f u n c t i o n [A] = R ecu r s iv eS u D o k u (A, B , f l a g )
% I f t h e p r e v i o u s c a l l t o PlaySuDoku i s i n c o n c l u s i v e , t h e n t h i s r o u t i n e c o o r d i n a t e s
% r e c u r s i v e l y one o r more g u e s s e s u n t i l a s o l u t i o n ( which m ig h t n o t be u n i q u e ) i s f o u n d .
for i =1:3; for j =1:3; for k =1:3; for l =1:3;
Asave=A; Bsave =B ;
i f A( i , j , k , l ) = = 0 ; f o r m= 1 : 9 ; i f B ( i , j , k , l ,m) = = 1 ;
d i s p ( s p r i n t f ( G u e s s i n g A(%d ,%d)=%d , i +( k 1)3 , j +( l 1)3 ,m) )
A( i , j , k , l ) =m; [A , B , f l a g ] = PlaySuDoku (A ) ;
i f f l a g ==1;
disp ( f a i l u r e ) ;
A=Asave ; B= Bsave ;
e l s e i f f l a g ==0 ; d i s p ( u n c e r t a i n ) ; [A] = R ecu r s iv eS u D o k u ( A, B , f l a g ) ; r e t u r n ;
else ;
d i s p ( DONE! ) ;
end ; end ; end
end ; end ; end ; end
end % f u n c t i o n R ecu r s iv eS u D o k u

S 14

Appendix B

Assorted mathematical foundations

B.1 Complex arithmetic

Complex arithmetic is based on the mathematical construct i , 1. Note that about half of the scientific
literature refers to this construct as i, whereas the other half calls it j; this text calls it i. A complex number
z = a + b i is a number with both a real part, a = (z), and an imaginary part, b = (z). If b = 0, z is
said to be real; if a = 0, z is said to be imaginary
or pure imaginary. Complex numbers may also be
written in polar form z = Rei , where R = |z| = a2 + b2 0 is referred to as the magnitude or modulus
of z and1 = z = atan2(b, a) ( , ] is referred to as the phase of z. Note that, for any integer j,
ei = ei( +2 j) = cos( ) + i sin( ); thus, ei + 1 = 0 (this elegant equation is known as Eulers identity).
Complex numbers are best understood in the complex plane, as illustrated in Figure B.1a. Note that complex
numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided as if i were a normal algebraic variable, then simplified
by leveraging the fact that i2 = 1. For example, (a + b i)(c + d i) = (ac bd) + (ad + bc)i.
The nth roots of any complex number z (written as z = Rei for real R and ) are easily found analytically:
n = z j = R1/n ei( +2 j)/n for j [0, . . . , n 1].
This formula is illustrated graphically by example in Figure B.1b. The principal nth root of a real number

z, denoted n z, is defined here as the (positive) real root with j = 0 in the above formula if z > 0, and as the
(negative) real root with j = n1
2 in the above formula if both z < 0 and n is odd.
Note that, if zk+1 = zk , then zk = k z0 and thus |z| if | | > 1, whereas z 0 if | | < 1.

If dz(t)/dt = z(t), then z(t) = e t z(0) and thus |z| if ( ) > 0, whereas z 0 if ( ) < 0.

1 Noting

that atan x [0, /2) if x 0, the following definition is useful to remove ambiguity (see Figure B.1a):

atan |b/a| sgn b

/2 sgn b
atan2(b,a) , ( atan |b/a|) sgn b

if b 6= 0,
if b 6= 0,
if b 6= 0,
if b = 0,
if b = 0,

a > 0,
a = 0,
a < 0,
a 0,
a < 0,

note that atan2(b,a) ( , ].

S 15


sgn b = 0

if b < 0,
if b = 0,
if b > 0;





= /5

Figure B.1: (a) The relationship between the real part a and imaginary part b of the complex number z =
(b) The fifth roots of z = 32: 0 = 2ei /5 ,
a + b i and its polar components R and in the complex plane.



1 = 2e
, 2 = 2e = 2, 3 = 2e
, 4 = 2e
; 2 , 32 is referred to as the principal root.


= 1/


unit sphere in x y z coordinates










Figure B.2: (left) Two related complex planes which together introduce the concept of the extended complex
plane (that is, the complex plane together with a point at infinity which maps to the origin in the plane).
(right) The Riemann sphere obtained by mapping the complex plane (illustrated by the web in the plane
z = 1) onto the unit sphere; note that, with the origin of the plane mapping to the south pole, the point
at infinity maps to the north pole, and the web maps to corresponding longitude and latitude lines on the
sphere. Alternatively, the Riemann sphere may be constructed by mapping from the complex plane , with
the origin of the plane mapping to the north pole and its point at infinity mapping to the south pole.

The relationship between points far from the origin in the complex plane may be understood by considering a related complex plane , where all points except the origin in the two planes are related by the
transition maps = 1/ = 1/ . Writing = Rei and = rei , it follows that r = 1/R and = .
Taking R for any in the plane is equivalent to taking r 0 for = in the plane. This introduces the notion of the extended complex plane: that is, the complex plane together with the point at
infinity (referred to in the singular), identified by the point in the plane (i.e., the origin) to which maps
as R (a point which one might humorously identify as the location of the restaurant at the end of the
A geometric interpretation of the extended complex plane (Figure B.2) is given by mapping the and
planes to the unit sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 via the stereographic projections = (x + iy)/(1 z), =
(x iy)/(1 + z); approaching the origin in (i.e., approaching the south pole of the sphere by taking x 0,
y 0, and z 1) corresponds to moving toward infinity in the plane, whereas approaching the origin in
(i.e., approaching the north pole of the sphere) corresponds to moving toward infinity in the plane.
S 16


Counting zeros minus poles inside a contour: Cauchys argument principle

Another result relating to complex arithmetic that we use in this book is Cauchys argument principle, which
is now stated and proved.
S 17




















Figure B.3: Cauchys argument principle (Fact B.1). Each point F on the contour F in the F-plane is found
by applying the transform F(s) to the corresponding point s on the contour s in the s-plane.
Fact B.1 (Cauchys argument principle) If a clockwise, closed contour s in the s-plane encircles Z zeros
and P poles of a rational function F(s), then the corresponding contour F in the F-plane [related to the
s-plane by the mapping F(s)] makes N = Z P clockwise encirclements of the origin. Defining L = F 1,
the corresponding contour L in the L-plane makes N = Z P clockwise encirclements of the point L = 1.
Proof : Consider first the change in the phase of F(s) as s traverses the contour s (in the s-plane) one full
circuit in the clockwise direction. Writing F(s) [a conformal mapping from the s-plane to the F-plane] as
F(s) = K

(s z1 )(s z2 ) (s zm )
(s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn)

the phase of F(s) at any given point s on the contour s is given by the sum of the phases of the vectors2 from
the m zeros to the point s minus the sum of the phases from the n poles to the point s:
F(s) = [(s z1 ) + (s z2 ) + . . . + (s zm )] [(s p1) + (s p2 ) + . . . + (s pn)].
As s traverses the contour s one full circuit in the clockwise direction, the contribution to F(s) from each
zero and pole which are outside the closed contour s returns to its original value (before the circuit was
begun). However, as s traverses the contour s one full circuit in the clockwise direction, the contribution to
F(s) from each of the Z zeroes inside the closed contour s decreases by 360 , whereas the contribution to
F(s) from each of the P poles inside the closed contour s increases by 360. Thus, F(s) after the circuit
is (P Z) 360 larger than F(s) before the circuit.
Now consider the change in the phase of F = F(s) as F traverses the contour F (in the F-plane) one full
circuit as s traverses s one full circuit in the clockwise direction. The phase of the point F (in the F-plane) is
measured simply by the angle of the vector from the origin of the F-plane to the point F. This angle decreases
[resp., increases] by 360 for every clockwise [resp., counterclockwise] encirclement of the origin executed
by the contour F . Thus, F after the circuit is N 360 larger than F before the circuit, where N is the
number of clockwise encirclements of the origin executed by the contour F .
Thus, for the phase of F(s) as s traverses the clockwise, closed contour s in the s-plane to change by
the same amount as does the phase of F as F traverses the closed contour F in the F-plane, it follows that
the contour F makes N = Z P clockwise encirclements of the origin in the F-plane, which corresponds
immediately to N = Z P clockwise encirclements of the point L(s) = 1 in the plane L(s) = F(s) 1. 
2 The phase of each vector is measured counterclockwise from horizontal, and is assumed to vary smoothly as the contour is traversed
(that is, no mod 360 command is used to keep the angles in a prespecified range).

S 18

r1 = 3r2 + 0 = 15 (r3 = 0)
r2 = gcd(a, b) = 5.

r0 = b = 2r1 + r2 = 35

r1 = a = b + r1 = 50

Figure B.4: Euclids algorithm: Take r1 = a and r0 = b < a. For k 1, subtract the largest integer multiple
of rk1 from rk2 that leaves a remainder rk 0, until some k = n for which rn = 0; then, gcd(a, b) = rn1 .
Algorithm B.1: Solution of the polynomial Diophantine equation a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s) = c(s) for {x(s), y(s)}.

function [x , y , r , s ] = Diophantine ( a , b , c )
% S o l v e t h e p o l y n o m i a l D i o p h a n t i n e eqn a x+b y=c v i a t h e E x t e n d e d E u c l i d e a n a l g o r i t h m
% f o r c o p r i m e { a , b } . The s o l u t i o n {x , y } r e t u r n e d i s t h e s o l u t i o n w i t h t h e l o w e s t o r d e r
% f o r y ; t h e g e n e r a l s o l u t i o n i s g i v e n by { x+ r t , y+ s t } f o r any p o l y n o m i a l t .
n=max ( 2 , abs ( l e n g t h ( a ) l e n g t h ( b ) ) + 1 ) ; rm=a ; r =b ; f o r i = 1 : n +2
r = r ( f i n d ( r , 1 ) : end ) ; [ quo , rem ] = P o ly D iv ( rm , r ) ; % Reduce ( rm , r ) t o t h e i r GCD v i a E u c l i d s
q ( i , n+1 l e n g t h ( quo ) : n ) = quo ; rm= r ; r =rem ;
% a l g o r i t h m , s a v i n g t h e q u o t i e n t s quo .
i f norm ( r , i n f )<1e 13 , g=rm ; break , end , end
r =P o ly D iv ( b , g ) ; s = P o ly D iv ( a , g ) ; y= P o ly D iv ( c , g ) ;
x = 0 ; f o r j = i 1: 1:1
% U s in g q a s computed above , compute {x , y }
t =x ; x=y ; y=PolyAdd ( t , PolyConv ( q ( j , : ) , y ) ) ;
% v ia th e Extended Euclidean alg o r ith m
end , y=y ( f i n d ( y , 1 ) : end ) ; t =P o ly D iv ( y , s ) ;
% F i n d t h e s o l u t i o n {x , y } t h a t
x=PolyAdd ( x , PolyConv ( r , t ) ) ; x=x ( f i n d ( abs ( x)>1e 8 , 1 ) : end ) ; % m i n i m i z e s t h e o r d e r o f y ; t h i s
y=PolyAdd ( y , PolyConv ( s , t ) ) ; y=y ( f i n d ( abs ( y)>1e 8 , 1 ) : end ) ; % i s t h e most u s e f u l i n p r a c t i c e
end % f u n c t i o n D i o p h a n t i n e

B.2 Euclids algorithm and the Diophantine equation

The greatest common divisor [GCD, a.k.a. greatest common factor] of two positive integers3 a and b,
denoted gcd(a, b), is the largest positive integer g such that a/g and b/g are both integers. The GCD may be
computed using the Euclidean algorithm (a.k.a. Euclids algorithm): define r1 = a and r0 = b < a, and
perform integer division of rk2 /rk1 to determine the quotient and remainder {qk , rk } [i.e., find the largest
positive integer qk and associated positive integer rk that solve rk2 = qk rk1 + rk ] for k = 1, 2, . . . until some
k = n for which rn = 0; it follows that rn1 = g; graphical interpretation is given in Figure B.4. Note also that:
Fact B.2 (Bezouts identity) If g = gcd(a, b), then g = a x + b y for two integers {x, y}.
A constructive proof of Bezouts identity is given by considering the extended Euclidean algorithm,
which solves for {s,t} in Bezouts identity simply by running through the quotients qk computed in Euclids
algorithm in reverse order: define zn+1 = 0, zn = 1, and compute zk = zk+2 qk zk+1 for k = n 1, n 2, . . . , 1.
It follows that x = z2 and y = z1 .
The extended Euclidean algorithm may be verified by writing out the Euclidean algorithm with g = rn1 :
a = q1 b + r1, b = q2 r1 + r2 , r1 = q3 r2 + r3

rn4 = qn2 rn3 + rn2 , rn3 = qn1 rn2 + g,

(note that rn2 = qn g + 0), then working backwards through this algorithm, solving each step for its last term:
g = rn3 qn1 rn2 , rn2 = rn4 qn2 rn3

r3 = r1 q3 r2 , r2 = b q2 r1 , r1 = a q1 b.

Starting with the first expression above, substituting in the second to eliminate rn2 , substituting in the next
to eliminate rn3 , etc., ultimately leads to g = s a + t b, where s and t are the appropriate combinations of the
integers qi appearing in Euclids algorithm.
The extended Euclidean algorithm applied to polynomials, as implemented in Algorithm B.1, solves the
polynomial Diophantine equation a(s) x(s) + b(s) y(s) = c(s).
3 Note

that gcd(a,b,c) = gcd(a,gcd(b,c)) = gcd(b,gcd(c,a)) = gcd(c,gcd(a,b)).

S 19


B.3 Polynomials

Roots of a quadratic polynomial

Complex arithmetic facilitates the determination of the roots of a quadratic polynomial analytically. That is,

where D = 4R Q2,
+ Q + R = 0 =
as may be verified by substitution. The quantity D, referred to as the discriminant, characterizes the nature
of the solution. For real Q and R,
if D > 0, there are two complex-conjugate roots,
if D = 0, there are two identical, real roots, and
if D < 0, there are two distinct, real roots.


Roots of a cubic polynomial

Similarly, we may also determine the roots of a cubic polynomial analytically. Starting with the normal form

3 + P 2 + Q + R = 0,
we first define = x P/3 and substitute, giving
x3 + qx + r = 0,
where q = Q P2 /3 and r = R + 2P3 /27 PQ/3. This reduced form is solved first for its roots x j for
j [1, 2, 3], after which the roots j = x j P/3 solving the corresponding equation in normal form may be
determined immediately. The discriminant in this case, d = r2 /4 + q3/27, again characterizes the nature of
the solution. For real q and r,
if d > 0, there is one real and two complex-conjugate roots,
if d = 0, there are three real roots, at least two of which are identical, and
if d < 0, there are three distinct, real roots.
As may be verified by substitution, in the first two of these cases (with d 0), the roots are given by Cardanos formula (note that the imaginary part of the complex roots goes to zero as d 0)

u+ + u u+ u
x1 = u+ + u , x2,3 =
i 3
where u = r/2 d.
In the third case (with d < 0), the so-called casus irreducibilis, the three distinct, real roots are given by
x j = v cos( /3 + 2 j/3) where v = 2 q/3,


Roots of higher-order polynomials

= acos p
q3 /27

A closed-form solution of the roots of a quartic polynomial, due originally to Ferrari, also exists, though
it is a bit complicated. Unfortunately, as established in Fact 4.9, a general closed-form solution for quintic
and higher-order polynomials does not exist, and must instead be found iteratively [for example, by finding
the eigenvalues of a corresponding matrix in companion form, as illustrated in Algorithm 4.3.] In fact, as
discussed in 4.4.1, the lack of a closed-form expression for solving the roots of the characteristic polynomial
of a matrix is the reason that the eigenvalue problem must, in general, be solved iteratively.
S 20


Factoring polynomials: the fundamental theorem of algebra

Proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra have a long and rich history. The first complete proof is often
attributed to Gauss, though this is a matter of some debate (for a historical summary, see Fine & Rosenberger
1997). The proof provided below, summarized in Santos (2007), is particularly elementary.
Fact B.3 (The fundamental theorem of algebra) Any nth-order monic polynomial p(s) with complex coefficients ck has exactly n complex roots (including multiplicities), and thus may be written
p(s) = sn + cn1sn1 + . . . + c1s + c0 = (s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn1)(s pn ).
Proof : Let Pm (s) = sm + am,m1 sm1 + . . . + am,1 s + am,0 , where m 2, be an mth-order monic polynomial
with m complex coefficients am,k for k = 0, . . . , m 1. We first prove that Pm (s) has at least one root, which
we call pm , and thus may be written Pm (s) = (s pm )(sm1 + am1,m1 sm2 + . . . + am1,1 s + am1,0 ) =
(s sm )Pm1 (s). Starting with the nth-order monic polynomial Pn (s) = sn + an,n1sn1 + . . . + an,1s + an,0 ,
repeated application of this fact n 1 times, on the successively lower-order monic polynomials Pn1 (s),
Pn2 (s), etc., thus proves Fact B.3.
To prove that Pm (s) = sm + am,m1 sm1 + . . . + am,1 s + am,0 has a root pm , we simply assume that it
doesnt (that is, that Pm (s) 6= 0 for all s C) and show that this assumption leads to a contradiction, thereby
establishing that Pm (s) in fact has at least one complex root pm . To accomplish this, for real r and , define
= m im
fm (r, ) =

Pm (s) s=rei
r e + am,m1 rm1 ei(m1) + . . . + am,1 rei + am,0

Note that the denominator is continuously differentiable in both r and , and by assumption is never zero.
Thus, fm (r, ) is also continuously differentiable in r and . Now define
Fm (r) =

Z 2

fm (r, ) d .


By Leibnizs integration rule4 , Fm (r) is continuously differentiable in r, and

dFm (r)

Z 2
fm (r, )

d .

Noting that
mrm1 eim + (m 1)am,m1rm2 ei(m1) + . . . + am,1 ei
fm (r, )
= m im
(r e + am,m1 rm1 ei(m1) + . . . + am,1 rei + am,0 )2
imrm eim + i(m 1)am,m1 rm1 ei(m1) + . . . + iam,1 rei
fm (r, )
fm (r, )
= m im
= ir

(r e + am,m1 rm1 ei(m1) + . . . + am,1 rei + am,0 )2
it follows that
dFm (r)

Z 2
fm (r, )

d =


fm (r, )

= 0.

ir Pm (re ) Pm (re )

Thus, Fm (r) is constant, and thus Fm (r) = Fm (0) = 02 f (0, ) d = 2 /Pm(0); that is, Fm (r) is a nonzero
constant. However, (B.2)-(B.3) imply that Fm (r) 0 as r . This is a contradiction, which means that the
assumption that Pm (s) does not have a root pm is false.


integration rule states simply that, if f (r,s) and f (r,s)/ r are continuous, then F(r) = ab f (r,s) ds is differentiable
with respect to r, with dF(r)/dr = ab f(r,s)
r ds; that is, that the derivative with respect to r may be pulled outside the integral.
4 Leibnizs

S 21


Continuity of a polynomials roots as a function of its coefficients

Fact B.3 established that any polynomial can be factored via its roots. We now establish that these roots vary
continuously as the coefficients of the polynomial are varied. We begin with a significant preliminary result.
Fact B.4 (Rouches theorem) Let p(s) and d(s) be complex polynomial functions5 on the simply-connected
domain in the complex plane s. Let be a Jordan curve (that is, a closed curve that has only a single
multiple point where it closes upon itself) within . Define P as the number of zeros of p(s) on the interior
of , and Z as the number of zeros of z(s) = p(s) + d(s) on the interior of . If |d(s)| < |p(s)| for all s on ,
then P = Z.
Proof : Define F(s) = z(s)/p(s), and note that |F(s) 1| = |d(s)/p(s)| < 1, and thus the real part of F(s) is
positive, for all s on . By the same logic as in the proof of Cauchys argument principle (Fact B.1), F(s)
after a circuit over is (P Z) 360 larger than F(s) before the circuit. As the real part of F(s) is positive
everywhere on , F(s) does not change by more that 180 as s traverses ; thus, P Z = 0.

Fact B.5 (Continuity of polynomial roots) Let p(s) be an nth-order polynomial which may be factored
(Fact B.3) such that
p(s) = sn + an1sn1 + . . . + a0 = (s p1 )q1 (s p2)q2 (s pP )qP .


Let = min |pi p j |. For any with 0 < < /2, there exists a > 0 such that any nth-order polynomial
i6= j

z(s) = sn + bn1sn1 + . . . + b0 = (s z1 )r1 (s z2 )r2 (s zZ )rZ


with |b j a j | < for j = 0, 1, . . . , n 1 has exactly qi zeros in each disk |s pi | < for i = 1, 2, . . . , P. That
is, each individual root moves in the complex plane s an amount less than , for any sufficiently small , if
the coefficients of the polynomial ai each changes by an amount less than a correspondingly small .
Proof (Henrici 1974): Note first that qi is the multiplicity of the ith root, pi , of the polynomial p(s), that ri is
the multiplicity of the ith root, zi , of the polynomial z(s), and that Pi=1 qi = Zi=1 ri = n. Note also that both
p(s) and z(s) are taken above to be monic polynomials without loss of generality. Consider the contour i
given by the circle in the s plane, around the root pi , satisfying |s pi | = . Defining d(s) = p(s) z(s) and
c j = a j b j , noting the assumption that |c j | = |a j b j | < for all j, we may write
d(s) = cn1 sn1 + cn2sn2 + . . . + c0

|d(s)| |s|n1 + |s|n2 + . . . + ;

it thus follows for all s on i that


|d(s)| i ( )


i ( ) ,

(|pi | + ) j .


Further, for all s on i , it follows directly from the factored form of (B.4a) that
|p(s)| qi ( )nqi

for i = 1, . . . , P.

Thus, taking < qi ( )nqi /i ( ) for each i = 1, . . . , P, it follows that |d(s)| < |p(s)| for all s on each
i , and thus Fact B.4 applies. That is, both p(s) and z(s) have exactly qi roots inside the disk centered at pi
of radius , for each i = 1, . . . , P, for any sufficiently small so long as is also made sufficiently small. 
5 An analytic function is a function that is equal to its own Taylor series in some neighborhood of every point, as discussed further in
B.6. We mention analytic functions here only because Rouches theorem (Fact B.4) may easily be extended from complex polynomial
functions to complex analytic functions, though this extension is beyond the scope of the present discussion.

S 22

Algorithm B.2: The Routh Test (see B.3.6) for computing the inertia {N (p), N0 (p), N+ (p)} of p(s).

function i n e r t i a = P o l y I n e r t i a ( p )
% F i n d t h e number o f r o o t s o f t h e p o l y n o m i a l p ( s ) t h a t a r e i n t h e LHP , on t h e i m a g i n a r y
% a x i s , and i n t h e RHP , r e f e r r e d t o a s t h e i n e r t i a o f p ( s ) . A l g o r i t h m due t o Routh ( 1 8 9 5 ) .
i = f i n d ( abs ( p)>1e 1 2 , 1 ) ; p=p ( i : end ) ; d e g r e e = l e n g t h ( p ) 1;
% s t r i p off leading zeros
i n e r t i a =[ 0 0 0 ] ; f l a g = 0 ; show ( Routh , d e g r e e , p ( 1 : 2 : end ) )
f o r n= d e g r e e : 1:1
k= f i n d ( abs ( p ( 2 : 2 : n +1)) >1 e 1 4 , 1 ) ; show ( Routh , n 1 , p ( 2 : 2 : end ) ) % S i m i l a r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n
i f l e n g t h ( k ) ==0 , f l a g = 1 ;
% i n Meinsma ( SCL , 1 9 9 5 )
i f mod ( n , 2 ) = = 0 , t = Even ; e l s e , t = Odd ; end
d i s p ( [ Case 3 : , t , p o l y n o m i a l . Add i t s d e r i v a t i v e . ] )
p ( 2 : 2 : n +1)= p ( 1 : 2 : n ) . ( n : 2 : 1 ) ; show ( NEW , n 1 , p ( 2 : 2 : end ) )
e l s e i f k>1
i f mod ( k , 2 ) = = 0 , s =1; t = S u b t r a c t ; e l s e , s = 1 ; t = Add ; end
d i s p ( [ Case 2 : p {n 1}=0. , t , s , num2str ( 2 ( k 1 ) ) , t i m e s row , num2str ( n 1) , . ] )
i = 0 : 2 : ( n+12k ) ; p ( i +2)= p ( i +2)+ s p ( i +2 k ) ; show ( NEW , n 1 ,p ( 2 : 2 : end ) )
e t a =p ( 1 ) / p ( 2 ) ; i f f l a g , i n e r t i a = i n e r t i a + [ ( e t a <0) 0 ( e t a < 0 ) ] ;
else ,
i n e r t i a = i n e r t i a + [ ( e t a >0) 0 ( e t a < 0 ) ] ; end
p ( 3 : 2 : n ) = p ( 3 : 2 : n) e t a p ( 4 : 2 : n + 1 ) ; p=p ( 2 : n + 1 ) ;
% U p d ate p , s t r i p o f f l e a d i n g e l e m e n t
i n e r t i a = i n e r t i a +[ 0 d e g r e e sum ( i n e r t i a ) 0 ] , s = s t a b l e CT s y s t e m ;
i f i n e r t i a (3) >0 s =[ un , s ] ; e l s e i f i n e r t i a (2) >0 s =[ m a r g i n a l l y , s ] ; end , d i s p ( s )
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y I n e r t i a
f u n c t i o n show ( t , num , d a t a ) ; d i s p ( [ t , row , num2str ( num ) , : , s p r i n t f ( %7.4 g , d a t a ) ] ) , end

Algorithm B.3: The Bistritz Test (see B.3.7) for computing the stationarity {Ni (p), Nu (p), No (p)} of p(z).

function s t a t i o n a r i t y = P o l y S t a t i o n a r i t y ( p )
% F i n d t h e number o f r o o t s o f t h e p o l y n o m i a l p ( z ) t h a t a r e i n s i d e , on , and o u t s i d e t h e
% u n i t c i r c l e , r e f e r r e d t o a s t h e s t a t i o n a r i t y o f p ( z ) . A l g o r i t h m due t o B i s t r i t z ( 2 0 0 2 ) .
i = f i n d ( abs ( p)>1e 1 2 , 1 ) ; p=p ( i : end ) ; z 1 r o o t s = 0 ;
% s t r i p o f f l e a d i n g z e r o s , remove
w h i l e abs ( P o l y V a l ( p , 1 ) ) < 1 e 12 , p= P o ly D iv ( p , [ 1 1 ] ) ; z 1 r o o t s = z 1 r o o t s + 1 ; end % r o o t s a t z =1
d i s p ( [ S i m p l i f i e d p : , s p r i n t f ( %7.4 g , p ) ] )
deg = l e n g t h ( p ) 1; T2=p+p ( end : 1 : 1 ) ; T1= P o ly D iv ( pp ( end : 1 : 1 ) , [ 1 1 ] ) ;
show ( B i s t r i t z , deg , T2 ) , show ( B i s t r i t z , deg 1 ,T1 ) , n u n = 0 ; n u s = 0 ; s = 0 ;
f o r n=deg 1: 1:0
i f norm ( T1 ,1) >1 e 12 ,
k= f i n d ( abs ( T1)>1e 14 ,1) 1; d=T2 ( 1 ) / T1 ( 1 + k ) ;
p=PolyAdd ( d T1 ( 1 : endk ) , d [ T1 ( 1 + k : end ) z e r o s ( 1 , k +1)] , T2 ) ; T0=p ( 2 : n + 1 ) ;
e l s e i f T2 ( 1 ) = = 0 ,
T0=T2 ( 2 : n + 1 ) ;
% Singular case
p=T2 ( 1 : n + 1 ) . ( n + 1 : 1 : 1 ) ; p=p ( end : 1 : 1 ) ; i f ( s ==0 ) , s =n + 1 ; end
T1=p+p ( end : 1 : 1 ) ; T0= P o ly D iv ( pp ( end : 1 : 1 ) , [ 1 1 ] ) ; show (
NEW , n , T1 )
e t a =( P o l y V a l ( T2 , 1 ) + ep s ) / ( P o l y V a l ( T1 , 1 ) + ep s ) ; n u n = n u n +( e t a <0);
i f ( s >0) , n u s = n u s +( e t a <0); end ,
i f n >0, show ( B i s t r i t z , n 1 ,T0 ) ; T2=T1 ; T1=T0 ; end
p a i r s =sn u s ; d i s p ( [ n u n = , num2str ( n u n ) , s = , num2str ( s ) , n u s = , num2str ( n u s ) ] )
a=degn u n ; b =2 n u s s ; c=degab ; s t a t i o n a r i t y =[ a b+ z 1 r o o t s c ] , s = s t a b l e DT s y s t e m ;
i f s t a t i o n a r i t y (3) >0 s =[ un , s ] ; e l s e i f s t a t i o n a r i t y (2) >0 s =[ m a r g i n a l l y , s ] ; end
d i s p ( s ) , i f p a i r s >0, d i s p ( [ num2str ( p a i r s ) , p a i r ( s ) o f r e c i p r o c a l r o o t s ] ) , end
end % f u n c t i o n P o l y S t a t i o n a r i t y
f u n c t i o n show ( t , num , d a t a ) ; d i s p ( [ t , row , num2str ( num ) , : , s p r i n t f ( %7.4 g , d a t a ) ] ) , end

S 23




Location of a polynomials roots with respect to the imaginary axis

Assume p(s) = pn sn + pn1sn1 + . . . + p1 s + p0 is a real polynomial (that is, a polynomials with real coefficients) of degree n (that is, pn 6= 0); p(s) is said to be singular if pn1 = 0 and nonsingular otherwise. We
will sometimes write p(s) = [p(s)]even + [p(s)]odd where [p(s)]even & [p(s)]odd denote the terms of p(s) with
even & odd powers of s, respectively. The Routh test counts how many roots of p(s) are in the LHP, on the
imaginary axis, and in the RHP [denoted {N (p), N0 (p), N+ (p)}, respectively, and often referred to as the
inertia of p(s)], without requiring the computation of the roots themselves, which can be computationally
expensive. Following Meinsma (1995), we derive this test by first proving three preliminary lemmata.
Fact B.6 Consider an nth-degree, nonsingular, real polynomial p(s) = pn sn + pn1 sn1 + . . . + p1 s + p0 .
Defining = pn /pn1, p(s) has the same imaginary roots as the (n 1)th-degree polynomial
q(s) = pn1 sn1 + (pn2 pn3 ) sn2 + pn3 sn3 + (pn4 pn5 ) sn4 + pn5 sn5 + . . .


Further, p(s) has the same inertia as q(s), plus one additional root in the LHP if pn /pn1 > 0, and in the
RHP if pn /pn1 < 0.
Proof : Note that pn1 6= 0 because p(s) is nonsingular. Define

q (s) = p(s) s (pn1 s


+ pn3 s

+ . . .) =

([p(s)]even s [p(s)]odd ) + [p(s)]odd even n,

[p(s)]even + ([p(s)]odd s [p(s)]even ) odd n.

Then q (i ) = [q (i )]even + [q (i )]odd = 0 iff [q (i )]even = 0 and [q (i )]odd = 0, as [q (i )]even is

real, and [q (i )]odd is imaginary. It follows from the expressions for both even and odd n at right in (B.6)
that, for all , q (i ) = 0 iff both peven (i ) = 0 and podd (i ) = 0; thus, q(i ) = q (i ) = 0 iff p(i ) = 0.
Thus, p(s) = q0 (s) and q(s) = q (s) have the same imaginary roots. Further, by Fact B.5, the roots of
q (s) vary smoothly as is varied from 0 up to (or down to), but not including, ; that is, roots do not
jump between the LHP and the RHP as is varied over this range. As , q (s) in (B.6) approaches
the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(s) in (B.5); to see what happens in this limit, we may write
q (s) = (pn pn1) sn + pn1 sn1 + (pn2 pn3 ) sn2 + pn3 sn3 + (pn4 pn5 ) sn4 + . . .

p p
s + 1 r (s)
where r (s) q(s) [see (B.5)] as . It is seen in (B.7) that exactly one root of q (s) approaches infinity
as ; this root starts out [for = 0, that is, for q0 (s) = p(s)] in the LHP if pn /pn1 > 0, and in the
RHP if pn /pn1 < 0. Of the remaining roots of the nth-degree polynomial p(s), the number in the LHS, on
the imaginary axis, and in the RHS are precisely the same as for the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(s). 
Fact B.7 Let p(s) be an nth-degree, singular, real polynomial that is neither odd nor even, and let a(s) be a
real even polynomial with a(i ) > 0. Define pa (s) and pb (s) such that
p(s) = pa (s) + pb (s)


pa (s) = [p(s)]even , pb (s) = [p(s)]odd

pa (s) = [p(s)]odd , pb (s) = [p(s)]even

even n,
odd n.


If a(s) is chosen such that the degree of {a(s) pb (s)} is n 1, then the nth-degree polynomials p(s) and
q(s) = pa (s) + a(s) pb (s) have the same inertia, and q(s) is nonsingular (i.e., qn1 6= 0).
S 24

Proof : If pa (s) is even (resp., odd), then {(1 ) + a(s)} pb (s) is odd (resp., even). For 0 1, define
the nth-degree polynomial
q (s) = pa (s) + {(1 ) + a(s)} pb (s).

Noting that a(i ) > 0, it follows as in the proof of Fact B.6 that q (i ) = 0 iff pa (i ) = 0 and pb (i ) = 0
[that is, iff p(i ) = 0], independent of . Thus, p(s) and q (s) have the same imaginary roots, independent
of . Further, by Fact B.5, the n roots of q (s) vary smoothly as is varied; i.e., roots do not jump between
the LHP and the RHP as is varied. Thus, p(s) = q0 (s) and q(s) = q1 (s) have the same inertia.

Fact B.8 Let p(s) be a real nth-degree odd or even polynomial. Defining r(s) = p(s) + p (s), it follows that
N+ (p) = N (p) = N+ (r), and r(s) is nonsingular (i.e., rn1 6= 0).
Proof : It follows from the fact that p(s) is either odd or even that rn1 6= 0, and that p(s) has the same
number of RHP roots as LHP roots [that is, N+ (p) = N (p)]. Define q (s) = p(s) + p (s); it follows from
Fact B.7 [with a(s) = ] that, for any > 0, r(s) and q (s) have the same inertia. We thus focus on q (s) in
the limit that 0. If s = i is a root of multiplicity k of the polynomial p(s) = q0 (s), then s = i is a root
of multiplicity k 1 of the polynomial q (s) for > 0, and exactly one root of q (s) moves (by Fact B.5,
continuously) away from s = i as is increased from zero. To quantify what direction this root moves as
is increased from zero, denoting p(k) = d k p(s)/dsk , we write the Taylor series expansion of q (s) around
s = i :
k1 h (k1) i
k h (k) i
+ ...
q (s)
q (i + ) =
(k 1)!
i k h
k1 h (k1)

p (i ) + p(k) (i ) + . . . +
p(k) (i ) + p(k+1)(i ) + . . . + . . .

(k 1)!
k1 (k)
p(k+1) (i )
+ ...
p (i ) k + + (k)
p (i )

where the . . . terms are higher order in , and thus negligible for small . By Fact B.5, is proportional
to for small ; the third term in brackets in (B.9) is thus also negligible compared to the first two terms.
Solving for q (i + ) = 0 thus shows that, in addition to the k 1 roots fixed at = 0, the remaining root
is given by k < 0 for sufficiently small > 0 (that is, the remaining root moves into the LHP as is
increased from zero). Since p(s) = q0 (s) and r(s) = q1 (s), it follows that N+ (p) = N+ (r).

Fact B.9 (The Routh Test) The inertia {N (p), N0 (p), N+ (p)} of an nth-degree polynomial p(s) may be
found via application of the following three cases to polynomials successively smaller and smaller degree:
Case 1: If p(s) is nonsingular (that is, if pn1 6= 0), then define q(s) as in (B.6). It follows that
{N (q) + 1, N0 (q), N+ (q)} if pn /pn1 > 0,
{N (p), N0 (p), N+ (p)} =
{N (q), N0 (q), N+ (q) + 1} if pn /pn1 < 0;
{N (q), N0 (q), N+ (q)} may then be found by applying Fact B.9 to the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(s).

Case 2: If p(s) is singular (that is, if pn1 = 0) but neither even nor odd, then define pa (s) and pb (s) as
in (B.8). Since pn1 = 0, pb (s) has degree n 1 2k for some k > 0; define a(s) = 1 + (s2 )k . Defining
q(s) = pa (s) + a(s) pb (s), it follows that {N (p), N0 (p), N+ (p)} = {N (q), N0 (q), N+ (q)}, which may be
found by applying Case 1 of Fact B.9 to the nonsingular nth-degree polynomial q(s).
Case 3: If p(s) is either even or odd, then define r(s) = p(s) + p (s). It follows that N+ (p) = N (p) = N+ (r),
where N+ (r) may be found by applying Case 1 of Fact B.9 to the nonsingular nth-degree polynomial r(s).
Proof : Case 1 follows immediately from Fact B.6. Case 2 follows from Fact B.7, noting that a(i ) > 0 for
real , and that the degree of {a(s) pb (s)} is n 1. Case 3 follows immediately from Fact B.8.

S 25


Location of a polynomials roots with respect to the unit circle

Assume Pn (z) = pn zn + pn1zn1 + . . . + p1 z + p0 is a real polynomial of degree n; Pn (z) is said to be regular

if p0 6= 0 (and, thus, Pn (z) does not have any roots at the origin) and irregular otherwise. A polynomial Pn (z)
is said to be symmetric if pn j = p j for j = 1, . . . , n, and antisymmetric if pn j = p j for j = 1, . . . , n.
The Bistritz test counts how many roots of Pn (z) are inside the unit circle, on the unit circle, and outside the
unit circle [denoted {Ni (P), Nu (P), No (P)}, respectively, and which we will refer to as the stationarity of
Pn (z)], without requiring the computation of the roots themselves, which can be computationally expensive.
The Bistritz test is useful for determining the stability of discrete-time systems, much as the Routh test
(see B.3.6) is useful for determining the stability of continuous-time systems. Following loosely the related
derivation in B.3.6, we derive this test by first proving three preliminary lemmata.
Fact B.10 Consider an nth-degree real polynomial Pn (z) = pn zn + pn1 zn1 + . . .+ p1 z+ p0 with Pn (1) 6= 0.
Defining Pnr (z) , zn Pn (1/z) = p0 zn + p1 zn1 + . . . + pn1 z + pn , Pn (z) and Pn1 (z) have the same roots on
the unit circle as the symmetric nth-degree and (n 1)th-degree polynomials
Tn (z) = Pn (z) + Pnr (z)

and Tn1 (z) =

Pn (z) Pnr (z)


Proof : It follows immediately that Tn is symmetric; note also that pn 6= 0 because Pn (z) is of degree n, and
that Pn (z) has no roots at z = 1, because Pn (1) 6= 0. Writing
Pn (z) Pnr (z) = (pn p0 )zn + (pn1 p1 )zn1 + . . . + (p1 pn1)z + (p0 pn )

= (z 1) qn1 zn1 + . . . + qn2zn2 + . . . + q1z + q0 ,

it follows that the qi may be determined by solving

pn p0
qn2 pn1 p1
1 1



. =

p1 pn1
1 1
p0 pn

By the first and last rows of this matrix equation, it follows that qn1 = q0 = pn p0 ; by the second and
next-to-last rows, it follows that qn2 = q1 , etc.; thus, Tn1 is also symmetric.
Since Pn (z) is a real polynomial, z+ = ei is a root [on the unit circle] of Pn (z) iff ei = 1/z+ is also root
of Pn (z), that is, iff z+ = ei is a root of Pnr (z) , zn Pn (1/z) = p0 zn + p1 zn1 + . . . + pn1 z + pn . Thus, Pn (z)
and Pnr (z), and thus also Tn (z) and Tn1 (z), have the same roots on the unit circle.

Fact B.11 Consider an nth-degree real polynomial Pn (z) = {(z 1)Tn1(z) + Tn (z)}/2, with Pn (1) 6= 0 and
either Tn1 (z) 6= 0 or Tn (0) = 0 (or both), such that Tn (z) and Tn1 (z) are symmetric, and Pn (z), Tn (z), and
Tn1 (z) have the same roots on the unit circle. Denote Tn (z) = tn,n zn + . . . + tn,0 and Tn1 (z) = tn1,n1zn +
. . . +tn1,0 . Define as the smallest non-negative integer such that tn1, 6= 0. Consider the (n 2)th-degree
polynomial Tn2 (z) defined such that
tn,0 /tn1, if Tn1 (z) 6= 0,

zTn2 (z) = (z
+ z )Tn1 (z) Tn (z)
if tn,0 = 0.
It follows that Pn (z) has the same stationarity as Pn1(z) , {(z 1)Tn2 + Tn1 (z)}/2, plus one additional
root inside the unit circle if Tn (1)/Tn1 (1) > 0, and outside the unit circle if Tn (1)/Tn1(1) < 0.
S 26

Proof :
Pn (z) = {zTn2 (z) + [z 1 + (z +1 + z )]Tn1 (z)}/2 = relation to Pn1 (z)?
Now define
q (z) = p(z) pr (z) = (pn p0 ) zn + (pn1 p1 ) zn1 + . . . + (p1 pn1 ) z + (p0 pn ), (B.10)
q (z) = pr (z) p(z) = (p0 pn ) zn + (p1 pn1 ) zn1 + . . . + (pn1 p1 ) z + (pn p0 ). (B.11)

If |p0 /pn | < 1 [and thus the leading coefficient of q (z) is nonzero for = 0 through = = p0 /pn ],
then, by Fact B.5, the n roots of q (z) vary smoothly as is varied from 0 up to (or down to) ; that is, roots
do not jump between inside the unit circle and outside the unit circle as is varied over this range. Since
q (z) = z q(z), it is seen that exactly one root of q (z) goes to zero as . Of the remaining roots of the
nth-degree polynomial p(z), the number inside the unit circle, on the unit circle, and outside the unit circle
are precisely the same as for the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(z).
If |p0 /pn | > 1 [and thus the leading coefficient of q (z) is nonzero for = 0 through = = pn /p0 ],
then, by Fact B.5, the n roots of q (z) vary smoothly as is varied from 0 up to (or down to) ; that is,
roots do not jump between inside the unit circle and outside the unit circle as is varied over this range.
Since q (z)/ = q (z) = z q(z), it is seen that exactly one root of q (z) goes to zero as . Of the
remaining roots of the nth-degree polynomial p(z), the number inside the unit circle, on the unit circle, and
outside the unit circle are precisely the same as for the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(z).

Fact B.12 Let p(z) be an nth-degree, irregular, real polynomial that is neither odd nor even, and let a(z) be
a real even polynomial with a(i ) > 0. Define pa (z) and pb (z) such that
pa (z) = [p(z)]even , pb (z) = [p(z)]odd
even n,
p(z) = pa (z) + pb (z) where
pa (z) = [p(z)]odd , pb (z) = [p(z)]even
odd n.
If a(z) is chosen such that the degree of {a(z) pb (z)} is n 1, then the nth-degree polynomials p(z) and
q(z) = pa (z) + a(z) pb (z) have the same stationarity, and q(z) is regular (i.e., qn1 6= 0).
Proof : If pa (z) is even (resp., odd), {(1 ) + a(z)} pb (z) is odd (resp., even). For 0 1, define the
nth-degree polynomial
q (z) = pa (z) + {(1 ) + a(z)} pb (z).
Noting that a(i ) > 0, it follows as in the proof of Fact B.10 that q (i ) = 0 iff pa (i ) = 0 and pb (i ) = 0
[that is, iff p(i ) = 0], independent of . Thus, p(z) and q (z) have the same imaginary roots, independent
of . Further, by Fact B.5, the n roots of q (z) vary smoothly as is varied; i.e., roots do not jump between
the LHP and the RHP as is varied. Thus, p(z) = q0 (z) and q(z) = q1 (z) have the same stationarity.

Fact B.13 Let p(z) be a real nth-degree odd or even polynomial. Defining r(z) = p(z) + p (z), it follows that
No (p) = Ni (p) = No (r), and r(z) is regular (i.e., rn1 6= 0).
Proof : It follows from the fact that p(z) is either odd or even that rn1 6= 0, and that p(z) has the same number
of RHP roots as LHP roots [that is, N+ (p) = N (p)]. Define q (z) = p(z) + p (z); it follows from Fact B.11
[with a(z) = ] that, for any > 0, r(z) and q (z) have the same stationarity. We thus focus on q (z) in the
limit that 0. If z = i is a root of multiplicity k of the polynomial p(z) = q0 (z), then z = i is a root
of multiplicity k 1 of the polynomial q (z) for > 0, and exactly one root of q (z) moves (by Fact B.5,
continuously) away from z = i as is increased from zero. To quantify what direction this root moves as
S 27

is increased from zero, denoting p(k) = d k p(z)/dzk , we write the Taylor series expansion of q (z) around
z = i :
k1 h (k1) i
k h (k) i
q (z)
+ ...
(k 1)!
i k h
0 (k)

k1 h (k1)






+ ...
(k 1)!

q (i + ) =

k1 (k)
p(k+1) (i )
+ ...
p (i ) k + + (k)
p (i )


where the . . . terms are higher order in , and thus negligible for small . By Fact B.5, is nearly proportional to for sufficiently small ; the third term in brackets in (B.13) is thus also negligible compared to the
first two terms. Solving for q (i + ) = 0 thus shows that, in addition to the k 1 roots fixed at = 0, the
remaining root is given by k < 0 for sufficiently small > 0 (that is, the remaining root moves into
the LHP as is increased from zero). Since p(z) = q0 (z) and r(z) = q1 (z), it follows that N+ (p) = N+ (r). 

Fact B.14 (The Bistritz Test) The stationarity {Ni (p), Nu (p), No (p)} of an nth-degree polynomial p(z) may
be found via application of the following three cases to polynomials successively smaller and smaller degree:
Case 1: If p(z) is regular (that is, if p0 6= 0), then define q(z) as in (B.10). It follows that

{Ni (p), Nu (p), No (p)} =

{Ni (q) + 1, Nu (q), No (q)}

{Ni (q), Nu (q), No (q)}

if |p0 /pn | > 1,

if |p0 /pn | < 1;

{Ni (q), Nu (q), No (q)} may then be found by applying Fact B.14 to the (n 1)th-degree polynomial q(z).
Case 2: If p(z) is irregular (that is, if pn1 = 0) but neither even nor odd, then define pa (z) and pb (z) as
in (B.12). Since pn1 = 0, pb (z) has degree n 1 2k for some k > 0; define a(z) = 1 + (z2 )k . Defining
q(z) = pa (z)+ a(z) pb (z), it follows that {Ni (p), Nu (p), No (p)} = {Ni (q), Nu (q), No (q)}, which may be found
by applying Fact B.14 to the regular nth-degree polynomial q(z).
Case 3: If p(z) is either even or odd, then define r(z) = p(z) + p (z). It follows that Ni (p) = No (p) = No (r),
where No (r) may be found by applying Fact B.14 to the regular nth-degree polynomial r(z).

Proof : Case 1 follows immediately from Fact B.10. Case 2 follows from Fact B.11, noting that a(i ) > 0 for
real , and that the degree of {a(z) pb (z)} is n 1. Case 3 follows immediately from Fact B.12.

S 28

B.4 Vector calculus: grad, div, curl, and Gauss, Stokes, Helmholtz
Vector calculus is the study of scalar and vector fields that vary in one or more spatial dimensions, e.g.,
f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) and ~v(x1 , x2 , x3 ). The study of vector calculus is facilitated by the del operator (denoted by the
nabla symbol ), which is defined using summation notation such that
= ej


thus, in 3D, = e1

+ e2
+ e3


With this operator, the gradient, f , the divergence, ~v, and the curl, ~v, are given in 3D as, respectively,

+ e2
+ e3
v1 v2 v3
~v =
x1 x2 x3


v3 v2 
~v = x1 x2 x3 =

e1 +

e2 +

e3 .
x2 x3
x3 x1
x1 x2
f = e1

The Laplacian, f , is defined using summation notation such that

2 f
thus, in 3D, f =
f = f = 2 ;
x21 x22 x23




The bilaplacian (a.k.a. biharmonic) is defined as the Laplacian of the Laplacian, f ; thus, in 3D,
2  2
f =
x21 x22 x23 x21 x22 x23
+2 2 2 +2 2 2 +2 2 2 f.
x41 x42 x43
x1 x2
x1 x3
x2 x3

Identities related to the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian [all easily verified via substitution] include:
( f ) = f + f ,
( f~v) = f ~v +~v f ,

( f ) = 0,
( ~v) = 0,


(~u ~v) = (~u )~v + (~v )~u +~u ( ~v) +~v ( ~u),
(~u ~v) = ~v ( ~u) ~u ( ~v),


~v = ( ~v) ~v.


( f~v) = ( f ) ~v + f ~v,
(~u ~v) = ~u( ~v) ~v( ~u) + (~v )~u (~u )~v,



Gausss theorem (a.k.a. the divergence theorem) relates the integral over a (3D or 2D) volume V of the
divergence of a vector field ~v to the integral over the (2D or 1D) surface of the volume, V , of the normal
component of the vector field (note that d~A is oriented as an outward-facing normal vector):

( ~v) dV =

~v d~A.


Stokes theorem relates the integral over a (2D) area A [which itself may be defined in R3 ] of the curl of a
vector field ~v to the integral over the boundary of the area, A, of the tangential component of the vector field
(following the right-hand rule, d~s is a counterclockwise-facing tangential vector when d~A faces the viewer):

( ~v) d~A =
S 29

~v d~s.


An important special case of Stokes theorem, known as Greens theorem, is developed by taking ~v =
{ , , 0} and the (2D) area A as lying in the x y plane, in which case (B.30) reduces immediately to

dx dy =

( dx + dy).


The Helmholtz decomposition (a.k.a. the fundamental theorem of vector calculus), states that any vector
field ~v whose curl and divergence vanish at infinity may be decomposed into an irrotational part, , and
a solenoidal part, ~ :
~v = + ~ ,

~ is called a vector potential; by the identities summarized above,

where is called a scalar potential and
the irrotational part is curl free and the solenoidal part is divergence free.
In (3D) cylindrical coordinates, the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian may be written

+ e
+ ez ,
1 (r vr ) 1 v vz
~v =
r r
 1 (r v ) 1 v 
1 v

+ e
+ ez

~v = er

r r
1  f  1 2 f 2 f
f =
+ 2
r r r
r 2 z2
f = er


In (3D) spherical coordinates, the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian may be written

1 f
+ e
+ e
r sin
1 (v sin )
1 (r2 vr )
1 v
~v = 2
r sin

r sin
1  1 vr (rv ) 
1  (r v ) vr 
1  (v sin ) v 

+ e
+ e
~v = er

r sin

r sin

1  2f

2 f
+ 2
f = 2
+ 2 2
r r
r sin

r sin 2
f = er


In (2D) polar coordinates, the bilaplacian may be written

h 1   1 2 ih 1   1 2 i
+ 2
+ 2
r r r
r 2 r r r
r 2
2 4 f
2 3 f
4 2 f
1 4 f 2 3 f
1 2 f
1 f
4 f
= 4 + 2 2 2+ 4
2 2+ 4
r r
r r
r r
r r
r 2 r3 r

f =


B.5 Some useful expansions, sums, identities, and definitions

The binomial coefficients nCk are the numerical coefficients in both the expansion of an nth-degree binomial
and the expansion of the nth derivative of the product of two functions (known as Leibnitzs rule),

(x + y)n =

nCk xnk yk = nC0 xn + nC1 xn1 y1 + . . . + nCn yn ,

(uv)(n) =

nCk u(nk)v(k) ,


S 30


where u(n) denotes the nth derivative of u with respect to its argument, and may be calculated as follows:
for n k 0.
n k
k! (n k)!

Note that nCk is pronounced n choose k, as it represents the number of unordered collections of k objects that
can be chosen from a set of n distinct objects. The binomial coefficients nCk for k = 0 through k = n appear
on the nth row (counting from zero) of what is commonly referred to as Pascals triangle6:



















The following identities, derivatives, and sums are often useful7 :

eix = cos x + i sin x



1 = cos x + sin x
sin(x) = (eix eix )/(2i)


cos(x) = (eix + eix )/2


sinh(x) = (e e




cosh(x) = (ex + ex )/2


tan(x) = sin(x)/ cos(x)


tanh(x) = sinh(x)/ cosh(x)


sin(x + y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y

cos(x + y) = cos x cos y sin x sin y


d(sin x)/dx = cos x; d(cos x)/dx = sin x


d(sinh x)/dx = cosh x; d(cosh x)/dx = sinh x


d(tan x)/dx = 1/ cos x

d(tanh x)/dx = 1 tanh2 x = 1/ cosh2 (x) = sech2 (x) (B.58)

d(asin x)/dx = 1/ 1 x2
d(acos x)/dx = 1/ 1 x2
d(atan x)/dx = 1/(1 + x2 )
d(ln x)/dx = 1/x

cos mx =


acos (x) =

cos[(M + 1)x/2] sin(Mx/2)


n(n + 1)(2n + 1)


n2 (n + 1)2



n(n + 1)(2n + 1)(3n2 + 3n 1)


Tn =

(n + 1)3 (n + 1)
n(n + 1)(n + 2)



asin x

k2 =

k3 =






cos(x) = 2 cos (x/2) 1 = 1 2 sin (x/2) (B.48)

tan x + tan y
tan(x + y) =
1 tan x tan y
2 sin(x) cos(y) = sin(x + y) + sin(x y)
2 sin(x) sin(y) = cos(x y) cos(x + y)


n(n + 1)
, Tn


2 cos(x) cos(y) = cos(x + y) + cos(x y)


k4 =


6 The triangular table of binomial coefficients is, in the west, commonly (and incorrectly) attributed by many, via the use of this name,
to Blaise Pascal (b. 1623), though it dates back to several earlier sources, the earliest being Pingalas Sanskrit work Chandas Shastra,
written in the fifth century BC.
7 A further bit of history: Pythagoras (Greece, b. 572 BC) is credited with determining (B.63) [known as the triangular numbers T , as
it gives the number of objects (e.g., rocks or coins) in a triangular pack; the Pythagoreans placed a particular mystic significance on the
triangular pack with four objects on a side, corresponding to T4 = 10], Archimedes (Greece, b. 287 BC) with (B.64), Abu Bakr al-Karaji
(Baghdad, d. 1019) with (B.65), Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham (Egypt, b. 965) with (B.66), and Aryabhata (India, b.
476) with (B.67) [which gives the number of spheres (e.g., cannonballs) in a stack with a trangular base].

S 31

The polylogarithm is defined, for any complex s and for |z| < 1, by the infinite sum

Lis (z) =

zk /ks ;



for integer nonpositive arguments, the polylogarithm may be written


d n z
Lin (z) = z
= k! S(n + 1, k + 1)
1 z k=0


where the S(n, k), known as the Stirling numbers of the second kind, are defined such that
S(n, k) =


(1)k j j kC j jn .


Noting the definitions of di in 1.2.3, (t) in 5.3.3 (and its peculiar 0 limit), and ,m (t) in 5.3.4
for integer m 0 (and its peculiar limit), the continuous-time Heaviside step function ha (t), with
a = 0, a = 1, or a = 1/2, and discrete-time Heaviside step function hdk are defined, respectively, as

Z t

(t d) dt


ha (t d) = a t = d,

Z t


h0 (t d) = lim
(t d) dt
1 t > d,

0 k < d,
hdk =

hdk = di ;
1 k d.
h0 (t) is said to be left-continuous at t = 0, as h0 ( ) h0 (0) as 0 with > 0, whereas h1 (t) is said to
be right-continuous at t = 0, as h1 ( ) h1 (0) as 0 with > 0. Note also that h0k is often denoted as
simply hk . Finally, the following Taylor-series expansions, each valid for sufficiently small , are often useful:
2 3 4
+ +
2! 3! 4!
3 4

5 7

5! 7!
4 6

4! 6!
2 5 17 7
2 5 17 7

5 7


e = 1 + +

sin( ) =
cos( ) = 1
tan( ) = +
tanh( ) =
atan ( ) =

ln(1 + ) =


(1 )2
(1 )3
(1 )n


= 1 + + 2 + 3 + 4 . . .


= 1 + 2 + 3 2 + 4 3 + 5 4 + . . .


= 1 + 3 + 6 2 + 10 3 + 15 4 + . . .


= nCn + n+1Cn + n+2Cn 2 + . . .


2 3 5 4

16 128
13 2 135 3

= 1+ +
1 3 1 3 5 1 3 5 7
asin ( ) = +

2 3
24 5
246 7
= 1+


B.6 Complex analysis

As mentioned in B.3.5, a function is said to be analytic in some open domain if it is equal to its own Taylor
series in a neighborhood of every point in the domain. It follows immediately from this definition that all
S 32

analytic functions are infinitely differentiable (a.k.a. C or smooth), with the derivatives of the function at
a point z0 appearing in each of the coefficients of its Taylor series about this point,
f (z) = f (z0 ) + z f (z0 ) +

f (z0 ) +
f (z0 ) +
f (z0 ) + . . .


There are two important types of analytic functions, real analytic functions (that is, real functions of a real
argument) and complex analytic8 functions (that is, complex functions of a complex argument).
If the first derivative of a complex function is uniquely defined, the function is said to be holomorphic,
as discussed further in Fact B.15.
As illustrated in (B.91) below, not all once-differentiable real functions (or, for that matter, even infinitely
differentiable real functions) are real analytic. However, as established in Fact B.18 below, all holomorphic
functions are complex analytic, and all complex analytic functions are holomorphic. This remarkable fact,
combined with a variety of other useful properties satisfied by complex analytic functions, lead to a powerful body of theory known as complex analysis. By design, the present text does not leverage extensively
this elegant body of theory; the main text is founded on more basic principles. However, it is instructive to
summarize here the key results of complex analysis, which set the stage for a few useful algorithms and
derivations presented in the remainder of this appendix.


Key results of complex analysis

Fact B.15 If a complex-valued function f (x + iy) = (x, y) + i (x, y), where (x, y) and (x, y) are real
differentiable functions, satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations





over an open domain R2 , then the complex function f (z) of the complex argument z = x + iy is complex
differentiable everywhere in , meaning that the complex derivative
f (z) f (z0 )
f (z0 + z) f (z0 )
d f
= lim
= lim

dz z=z0
z z0
is uniquely defined [i.e., the limit gives the same value no matter from what direction z approaches z0 ] for
all z0 , and the complex function f (z) is said to be holomorphic. The converse statement [i.e., the real
and imaginary components of any complex differentiable function f (x + iy) = (x, y) + i (x, y) obey the
Cauchy-Riemann equations] is also true.
Proof : We first consider (B.86) evaluated on a path with real z = z z0 [i.e., with z = x and y = 0]:
f (z0 + x) f (z0 )
[ (z0 + x) + i (z0 + x)] [ (z0 ) + i (z0 )]
d f
= lim
= lim

dz z=z0 x0
x z=z0

We then consider (B.86) evaluated on a path with imaginary z = z z0 [i.e., with z = iy and x = 0]:
f (z0 + iy) f (z0 )
[ (z0 + iy) + i (z0 + iy)] [ (z0 ) + i (z0 )]
d f
= lim
= lim

dz z=z0 y0
h i
= i
y z=z0
8 Complex

analytic functions are often, sometimes confusingly, referred to simply as analytic functions.

S 33

Setting the real and imaginary components of these two evaluations of (d f /dz)z=z0 as equal then leads immediately to (B.85). Conversely, if these two evaluations of (d f /dz)z=z0 are not equal, then (B.85) is not
satisfied, and (B.86) is not uniquely defined.

Note that it follows by taking / x and / y of the two equations in (B.85) and combining that the real
functions (x, y) and (x, y) themselves obey Laplaces equation on :
= 0,
x2 y2

= 0.
x2 y2


Note also that there is a natural interpretation of the and components of any analytic function f (x + iy) =
(x, y) + i (x, y) as the velocity potential and streamfunction, respectively, of a 2D steady incompressible
irrotational fluid flow (a.k.a. potential flow): by defining



and u =





it follows immediately from the Cauchy-Riemann equations (B.85) that

u v
= 0,
x y
v u

= 0;
x y


note that (B.88b) is the incompressibility condition and (B.88c) is the irrotationality condition of the 2D
flow. In this representation, the flow moves with a velocity vector proportional to the negative gradient of the
velocity potential [see (B.88a)], and along lines of constant values of the streamfunction , thus motivating these names. It follows that lines of constant velocity potential and lines of constant streamfunction
are necessarily orthogonal to each other (and, thus, which are the lines of constant and which are the
lines of constant in a given potential flow solution, and which direction the flow actually moves, are matters
of interpretation, and may be swapped); this property is explored further in B.6.2.
Fact B.16 (Cauchys integral theorem) If f (z) is holomorphic on some simply-connected domain D as well
as on its boundary , then
f (z) dz = 0.

Proof : Taking f (z) = (z) + i (z) and z = x + iy, expanding, applying Greens theorem (B.31), then applying
the Cauchy-Riemann conditions (B.85) of Fact B.15 leads to

( + i )(dx + idy) = ( dx dy) + i ( dx + dy)


dx dy + i
dx dy = 0.

D x
D x

f (z) dz =

Fact B.17 (Cauchys integral formula) If f (z) is holomorphic on some simply-connected domain D as well
as on its boundary , taken counterclockwise around D, then for every z0 on the interior of D,
f (z0 ) =

2 i

f (z)
z z0

S 34






Figure B.5: Decomposition of the integral (B.90) over the (counterclockwise) contour into two parts, a
contour over a domain o inside of which the integrand is holomorphic, plus a contour (a counterclockwise
circle of radius ) which surrounds the point z0 at which the integrand is nonholomorphic.
Proof : By the equivalence sketched in Figure B.5 and Cauchys integral theorem (Fact B.16), noting that the
function f (z)/(z z0 ) is holomorphic inside o , the integral over in (B.90) is equivalent to (i.e., the contour
integral may be shrunk to) the same integral over , defined to be a circle of radius around the point z0 .
Parameterize the contour as z = z0 + eit for t = 0 to 2 [and, thus, dz = i eit dt] and note that, since f (z)
is holomorphic inside , it follows that f (z) f (z0 ) everywhere on in the limit that 0. Thus,

f (z)
dz = lim
z z0

f (z)
dz = f (z0 ) lim
z z0

Z 2


[ i eit dt] = f (z0 )

Z 2

i dt = f (z0 )[2 i].

Fact B.18 (Analyticity of holomorphic functions) All complex analytic functions are holomorphic, and all
holomorphic functions are complex analytic.
Proof : By definition, the Taylor Series of an analytic function converges in a finite neighborhood of every
point in the domain, which implies that the coefficients of the Taylor Series itself are uniquely defined and
finite [see (B.84)]; thus, all complex analytic functions are holomorphic. To establish that all holomorphic
functions are complex analytic, let f (z) be holomorphic within an open simply-connected domain containing the point z = a, let z0 be any point in with |z0 a| < for some small , and let be a closed contour
within which encircles z0 counterclockwise such that |z a| > for all points z on the contour (which is
always possible if is sufficiently small). Then, by Fact B.17, rearranging, and applying (B.77),
f (z)
f (z)
f (z)  z0 a n
f (z0 ) =
dz =

z0 a
2 i z z0
2 i z a 1 za
2 i z a n=0
The sum on the RHS converges uniformly for all z on the contour , because |z0 a|/|z a| < 1 everywhere
on ; thus, the integral and the series may be swapped, leading to

f (z0 ) =

(z0 a)n


2 i

f (z)
dz = cn (z0 a)n
(z a)

where cn =

2 i

f (z)
(z a)n+1

thus establishing that all points z0 within a radius from the point a may be expanded via a Taylor series. 
Notwithstanding Fact B.18, note that not all once differentiable or even infinitely differentiable real functions (of a real argument) are real analytic; two simple examples are
e1/(1z ) for |x| < 1,
f1 (x) = |x| for odd k 3
f2 (x) =
The function f1 (x) is only k 1 times differentiable at x = 0, and is thus nonanalytic. The function f2 (x),
sometimes called a bump function, is an example of an infinitely differentiable function with compact support. Note that f2 (x) > 0 for 1 < x < 1; however, all derivatives of f2 (x) at x = 1 are exactly zero; thus,
the function f2 (x) does not match its Taylor series in any finite neighborhood of x = 1 or x = 1.
S 35












Figure B.6: Riemann surfaces of (a) f (z) = z1/2 , indicating the real part of f (z) by the vertical axis and the
argument of f (z) by the color, and (b) f (z) = ln(z), indicating the absolute value of f (z) by the vertical axis
and the argument of f (z) by the color.
By the chain rule for differentiation, it follows immediately that:
Fact B.19 The composition of analytic functions is analytic everywhere that said composition is finite.
The following facts are also easily established:
Fact B.20 Polynomials are analytic over the entire complex plane. Indeed, the Taylor series of an nth-order
polynomial written around any point in the complex plane vanishes after the nth term.
Fact B.21 Rational functions (that is, polynomials divided by polynomials) are analytic everywhere in the
complex plane except at their poles, where the denominator vanishes.
Fact B.22 The exponential function is analytic over the entire complex plane. Thus, by (B.40)-(B.43), so are
sin(), cos(), sinh(), and cosh().
Many smooth complex functions f (z) are multivalued; that is, until specifically restricted otherwise, f (z)
can take multiple values for any particular value of z. Simple examples include the nth root [introduced in
Figure B.1b for n = 5] and the logarithm [writing z = r ei , it follows that ln(z) = ln r + i ]. The multiple
values of such functions for any given value of z may be understood geometrically via appropriately-defined
Riemann surfaces, as illustrated in Figure B.6. The restriction of such multivalued functions to single-valued
functions generally involves the definition of a branch cut. Two useful examples follow:
Fact B.23 When restricting the nth root function f (z) = z1/n = r ei to have an argument in the range
/n < /n, a branch cut in the z-plane is formed as a ray from the origin out the negative real axis.
Away from this branch cut, the nth root function restricted to this sheet of the corresponding Riemann surface
(see Figure B.6a for the n = 2 case) is single valued and analytic.
Fact B.24 An identical branch cut as in Fact B.23 (a ray from the origin out the negative real axis) may be
used for the logarithm ln(z) = ln r + i where z = r ei ; away from this branch cut, the logarithm function
restricted to this sheet of the corresponding Riemann surface (see Figure B.6b) is also single valued and

S 36

Returning now to Fact B.16, Cauchys integral theorem may be extended as follows:
Fact B.25 (Cauchys differentiation formula) Denoting the nth derivative of f (z), for n > 0, as f (n) (z)
and assuming that f (n) (z) is holomorphic,
f (n) (z0 ) =

2 i

f (z)
(z z0 )n+1


Proof : Applying integration by parts n times to f (z)/(z z0 )n+1 dz, noting that the contour is closed and
thus the integrand is the same at its beginning and its end, then applying Fact B.17 gives

f (z)
dz =
(z z0 )

f (1) (z)
dz = . . . =
(z z0 )

1 (n)
f (n) (z)
dz =
f (z0 ) [2 i].
z z0

An important consequence of Fact B.25 with f (z) = 1, together with Fact B.16, is that

dz = 0 if k 6= 1.

z0 )k


If a function f (z) is holomorphic in an open annulus A around z0 , defined as all points z such that r <
|z z0 | < R, but is nonholomorphic at one or more points with |z z0 | r and/or with |z z0 | R, then,
everywhere in this open annulus A, f (z) may be represented with the more general Laurent series expansion

f (z) =


an (z z0 )n .


That is, Laurent series expansions (B.94a) may be used to express functions which are holomophic in an
annulus around z0 (not including the point z0 ), much as Taylor series expansions (B.84) may be used to
express functions which are holomophic in a disk around z0 (including the point z0 ). By the same argument
as that which leads from the Taylor series expansion in (B.84) to Cauchys differentiation formula (B.92), it
follows that the coefficients of the Laurent series expansion in (B.94a) may be computed as
an =

2 i

f (z)
(z z0 )n+1


for some curve which encircles z0 counterclockwise once and is everywhere contained in A. The principal
part of a Laurent series is the sum of the terms in (B.94a) with negative degree n < 0.
Many (but by no means all9 ) nondifferentiable functions of interest in fact fail to be differentiable only
at a finite collection of distinct points {z1 , z2 , . . . , z p }, called singular points or singularities, in the domain
of interest. Such functions may be represented with a Laurent series expansion in an annulus around any of
these points zi as described above, with r = 0 and R > 0 being the distance to the closest singularity z j , j 6= i.
If the principal part of such a Laurent series is a finite sum, then f (z) is said to have a pole at zi , of order
equal to the negative of the degree of the highest term; a pole of order one is said to be a simple pole. If,
on the other hand, the principal part of such a Laurent series is an infinite sum, then f (z) is said to have an
essential singularity at zi ; if a function does not have any essential singularities in the domain of interest, it
is said to be meromorphic. In either case:
Fact B.26 (Residues) The coefficient a1 of the Laurent series expansion about zi of the function f (z) is
referred to as the residue of f (z) at zi , and is denoted Res( f , zi ). Everywhere f (z) is analytic, its residue is
9 An example of a uniformly continuous function that is nowhere differentiable is the Weierstrass function W (x) =

n=0 a cos(b x) for 0 < a < 1 and an odd integer b > (1 + 3 /2)/a.

S 37

The above arguments lead directly to the following straightforward but powerful generalization of Cauchys
integral formula (Fact B.17):
Fact B.27 (Cauchys residue theorem) For any simply-connected domain D with boundary taken counterclockwise around D, if f (z) is analytic everywhere inside D and on , except for a finite number of singular
points {z1 , z2 , . . . , z p } inside D (not on the boundary ), then

f (z) dz = 2 i Res( f , zi ).

Cauchys integral theorem (Fact B.16) and Cauchys residue theorem (Fact B.27) are immensely useful
for calculating the integral of functions around closed contours (in the complex plane) inside of which the
function is analytic almost everywhere; such contour integrals are often virtually impossible to compute
without using these convenient tools. [Note that the integral along certain portions of the closed contour of
interest in such problems is often identically zero.] A representative and physically quite important example
is given below.
Example B.1 Proof of Bodes Integral Theorem
Bodes integral theorem, in the form given in Fact 18.2, may now be proved. Consider the function
S(s) = 1/[1 + L(s)]
where L(s) is a rational function with relative degree nr > 0 and all poles in the LHP. Define

= lim s L(s);

note that is finite if nr = 1, and zero if nr > 1. Consider the contour integral
IR =

ln S(s) ds,


where CR is a closed D-shaped contour consisting of two parts, a line segment CR,1 that extends from s = iR
to s = iR on the imaginary axis, and an arc CR,2 that forms a half-circle of radius R in the RHP. Note that
IR =




ln S(s) ds

ln S(s) ds


ln S(i ) i d


Z /2

[ln |S(i )| + iS(i )] d + i


Z /2


ln [1 + L(R ei )] [R ei i d ]
R ei ln [1 + L(R ei )] d .

Since all poles of L(s) are in the LHP, it follows from Facts B.16, B.19, B.21, and B.24 that IR = 0 for any
R > 0. Thus, taking the limit of IR as R and applying (B.71) gives
0 = lim IR = 2 i

= 2i

Z /2

ln |S(i )| d + i

ln |S(i )| d + i ;

lim R ei ln [1 + L(R ei )] d

/2 R

S 38


ln|S(i )| d = /2.


Conformal mappings

A complex function w = f (z) [in this setting, considered as a mapping from all points in some domain,
z z , to the points in the corresponding image (a.k.a. range), w w ] is said to be conformal (that is,
angle-preserving) if, given any two smooth curves Cz and Dz passing through a point z0 z and mapping
these curves into w via the mapping w = f (z), both of the mapped curves, denoted Cw and Dw , are rotated
by the same amount in the vicinity of the mapped point w0 = f (z0 ), and thus Cw and Dw intersect at the
same angle in w as do Cz and Dz in z . Due to the following fact, coupled with Fact B.18, complex analytic
functions that are nonzero over a given domain z are immensely useful for generating such mappings.
Fact B.28 If f (z) is both holomorphic and nonzero for all z in an open subset z of the complex plane, then
the mapping given by f (z) is conformal.
Proof : Let the curves Cz and Dz in the domain z be parameterized by the variables and in the vicinity
of the point z0 (that is, in the vicinity of = 0 and = 0):
Cz : z = z0 + c1 + c2 2 + c3 3 + . . .,

Dz : z = z0 + d1 + d2 2 + d3 3 + . . .

Note that, in the above parameterizations, the phase of the complex numbers c1 and d1 represent the angles of
the curves Cz and Dz , respectively, in the complex plane z at the point z0 . Noting the definition of the complex
derivative in (B.86), the mappings of these curves into w are given by
Cw : w = f (z) = f (z0 + c1 + . . .) = f (z0 ) + c1 + . . .
Dw : w = f (z) = f (z0 + d1 + . . .) = f (z0 ) + d1 + . . .

d f

dz z=z0
d f
where d1 = d1
dz z=z0

where c1 = c1

The phase of c1 and d1 represent the angles of the curves Cw and Dw , respectively, in the complex plane w
at the point w0 = f (z0 ); note that the phases of c1 and d1 are simply the phases of c1 and d1 plus a rotation

given by the phase of (d f /dz)z=z0 .
B.6.2.1 Simple orthogonal grids and power laws
From high school geometry, the reader is probably already familiar with several easily-constructed locallyorthogonal grids, such as those implemented in Algorithm B.4 and depicted in Figure B.7. Note that, writing
z = + i and w = f (z) = rei , the power law
= rn cos(n )

= rn sin(n )
is itself, away from the origin, a simple nonzero conformal mapping10 that maps curves of constant and
curves of constant in the z-plane, as depicted by the Cartesian grid in Figure B.7a, to the corresponding
curves in the w-plane in Figures B.7c, e, f, and g for n = 1/2, 2, 3, and 1, respectively (see Exercise B.3).

10 Note that, in the last form shown in (B.95), it is easy to determine an expression for r( ) in the w-plane corresponding to curves of
constant and curves of constant .

S 39

Algorithm B.4: A simple code to generate a few convenient locally-orthogonal grids.


f u n c t i o n z= O r t h G r i d ( I I , J J , type , g , c0x , c1x , c0y , c1y )

% G e n e r a t e a few c o n v e n i e n t l o c a l l y o r t h o g o n a l 2D g r i d s .
x= S tr etch 1 D M es h ( [ 0 : 1 / ( I I 1 ) : 1 ] , p , 0 , 1 , c0x , c1x ) ;
y= S tr etch 1 D M es h ( [ 0 : 1 / ( J J 1 ) : 1 ] , p , 0 , 1 , c0y , c1y ) ;
s w i t c h t y p e % S e t up t h e g r i d i n t h e z p l a n e
case Cartes ian
f o r I = 1 : I I , f o r J = 1 : J J , z ( I , J ) = g . x0+x ( I ) g . x1 + i y ( J ) g . y1 ; end , end
case ConfocalParabola
f o r I = 1 : I I , f o r J = 1 : J J , z ( I , J ) = x ( I ) g . x1 + i y ( J ) g . y1 ; end , end , z=z . 2 + g . x0 ;
case EllipseHyperbola
f o r I = 1 : I I / 2 , a =2 x ( I I / 2 + I ) 1; f o r J = 1 : J J , b=y ( J ) g . y1 ;
i f a ==1 , z r = s q r t ( 1 + b 2 ) ; z i = 0 ; e l s e
z r = s q r t ( ( b 2+(1 a 2 ) ) / ( b 2 / ( 1 + b 2)+(1 a 2 ) / a 2 ) ) ; z i = s q r t ( b 2 z r 2 b 2 / ( 1 + b 2 ) ) ;
end , z ( I I / 2 + I , J ) = z r + i z i ; z ( I I /2+1 I , J )= z r + i z i ;
end , end
end % f u n c t i o n O r t h G r i d

Figure B.7: Some locally-orthogonal grids: (a) Cartesian; (b) circles & rays; (c) sets of confocal parabolae
with opposite curvature; (d) sets of confocal ellipses & hyperbolae; (e) sets of hyperbolae, with 45 asymptotes, rotated 45 from each other; (f) similar to d, but with third-order curvature and 30 asymptotes,
rotated 30 from each other; and (g) sets of circles tangent to the real or imaginary axis at the origin. Portions
of such grids may be mapped conformally (see B.6.2.2-B.6.2.3) to make other locally-orthogonal grids.
S 40

Algorithm B.5: A conformal map of a Cartesian grid in the upper-half plane to the region above a step.
% s c r i p t <a h r e f = m a t l a b : CMGridTest >CMGridTest </a>
% Compute a c o n f o r m a l mapping from a C a r t e s i a n g r i d i n t h e u p p e r h a l f p l a n e t o t h e r e g i o n
% ab o v e a u n i t s t e p .
c l e a r ; c l o s e a l l ; g . x0 =9; g . x1 =1 3 ; g . y1 = 3 ; I I =1 3 1 ; J J =3 1 ;
z= O r t h G r i d ( I I , J J , C a r t e s i a n , g , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; Plot2DMesh ( z , 1 , I I , J J )
w=( s q r t ( z 1 ) . s q r t ( z +1)+ a co s h ( z ) ) / p i ;
Plot2DMesh ( w, 2 , I I , J J )
% end s c r i p t CMGridTest

Figure B.8: A conformal mapping of a Cartesian grid in the upper-half plane (see Figure B.7a) to the region
above a step. The red lines may be interpreted as the streamlines of a 2D potential flow, and the blue lines
may be interpreted as equal-spaced velocity potential lines. In this interpretation, the flow travels in a path
parallel to the streamlines and moves at a rate inversely proportional to the distance between the potential
lines (i.e., fast near the outside corner, and slow near the inside corner); the same picture is valid for both flow
from left to right and flow from right to left. As a consequence of the incompressibility condition (B.88b), the
streamlines get farther apart wherever the flow slows down; thus, the aspect ratio of each of the cells formed
by adjacent streamlines and adjacent potential lines is unity (actually, nearly unity in any finite realization).
B.6.2.2 A conformal mapping from the upper-half plane to the region above a unit step
Conformal mappings are useful for the generation of more general locally-orthogonal structured 2D grids
than those depicted in Figure B.7which, in turn, are valuable for accurate finite-difference computations
(11) in addition to the computation of 2D potential flow solutions (B.6.1). Such locally-orthogonal grids
may be created by first generating a simple orthogonal grid (such as one of those depicted Figure B.7) in the
domain z , then mapping a portion of this grid via one or more11,12 nonzero complex analytic function(s).
As just one example, consider the simple function

w = z 1 z + 1 + acosh(z) / ,

which is nonzero and complex analytic for all z in the upper half plane, and maps to the region above a
unit step, as implemented in Algorithm B.5 and illustrated in Figure B.8. Noting (B.88) and the surrounding
discussion, the resulting families of locally-orthogonal curves may be interpreted as lines of constant velocity
potential and lines of constant streamfunction (a.k.a. streamlines) in a 2D potential flow.
11 Note
12 A

that, if w = f (z) is analytic and s = g(w) is analytic, then the composite function s = g( f (z)) is also analytic.
wide range of nonzero complex analytic functions are available and, along with their domain & image, tabulated on the web.

S 41


B.6.2.3 The Schwartz-Christoffel transformation

Perhaps the most flexible conformal mapping is given by the Schwartz-Christoffel transformation, which
may be used to map conformally from the upper half of the z-plane onto a region in the w-plane bounded by
a straight line with n corners. This mapping may be defined in derivative form as follows:
= f (z) = M (z xi )i /


sum = i ,



where the points x1 to xn lie (in order) on the real axis in the z-plane, and map to corresponding corners c1
to cn in the w-plane, with corresponding exterior angles 1 to n , respectively. If sum = 2 , the upper half
of the z-plane is mapped to the exterior of a closed polygon in the w-plane, and the points ci are enumerated
around this polygon in clockwise order (Figure B.9a). If sum = 2 , the upper half of the z-plane is mapped
to the interior of a closed polygon in the w-plane, and the points ci are enumerated around this polygon in
counterclockwise order (Figure B.9b). If sum , the upper half of the z-plane is mapped to an open
region in the w-plane that extends to infinity (Figure B.9c).
A second-order-accurate approximation of (B.96), which is valid even near the points xi in the z-plane
(and the corresponding corners ci in the w-plane), may be written as follows (see Exercise B.4):

(z xi )1+i / zm+1
wm+1 wm =
(zm+1 zm )n1
1 + i /

Given specified corners c1 to cn in the w-plane, with corresponding exterior angles 1 to n , the appropriate
locations of the points x1 to xn in the z-plane, as well as the complex constant M, are initially unknown;
however, two of these points (denoted xi1 and xi2 where 1 i1 < i2 n) may, without loss of generality, be
specified arbitrarily. The following straightforward algorithm (Davis 1979) iteratively refines both M and the
location of the remaining n 2 points xi , for i
/ {i1 , i2 }, until the transformation is adjusted to map the points
xi in the z-plane onto the specified corners ci in the w-plane:
(a) Fix two of the points xi ; for example, set xi1 = 1 and xi2 = 1. Assign initial values along the real axis
in the z-plane (in order) for the remaining n 2 points, denoted xi,guess , for i
/ {i1 , i2 }.
/ {i1 , i2 }, and the angles 1 to n , and initially
(b) Given xi1 and xi2 , the assumed values of xi,guess for i
taking M = 1, march (B.97) from z = xi1 to z = xi2 , and then compute the (complex) value of M
necessary to move correspondingly from ci1 and ci2 in the w-plane.
/ {i1 , i2 }, and the value of M determined
(c) Using 1 to n , xi1 and xi2 , the assumed values of xi,guess for i
in step b, compute the locations in the w-plane, denoted ci,guess , corresponding to the various xi,guess ,
for i
/ {i1 , i2 }, by marching (B.97) from z = xi1 appropriately (note: due to the selection of M in step
b, we get ci2 ,guess = ci2 by construction).
(d) Starting from xi1 ,new = xi1 and initially taking K = 1, compute values of the xi,new for i 6= i1 from the

xi,new xi1,new
ci ci1

= K
xi,guess xi1,guess
ci,guess ci1,guess
then compute the (real) value of K necessary to give xi2 ,new = xi2 in (B.98).
(e) Recompute the xi,new in (B.98) with the corrected value of K selected in step d, call these corrected
values xi,guess for i
/ {i1 , i2 }, and repeat from step b until the ci,guess converge to the specified ci .

Once the points xi and the constant M are determined using the above algorithm, (B.97) may then be marched
appropriately to map any locally-orthogonal grid in the upper half of the z-plane (see Figure B.7) onto the
specified region, as illustrated in Figure B.10 and implemented in Algorithm B.6. A wide variety of possible
grid stretching strategies (see Algorithm 8.2) may be applied when generating the orthogonal grid in the z
plane (see Algorithm B.4) in order to cluster gridpoints appropriately in regions of interest in the w plane.
S 42








w = f (z)
i > 0 i
sum = 2


5 c5









w = f (z)
i < 0 i
sum = 2




c3 3


w = f (z)
1 > 0, 2 > 0,
3 < 0
sum = /2




Figure B.9: The Schwartz-Christoffel transformation from the upper half of the z-plane to: (a) the outside
of a closed polygon in the w-plane for sum = 2 , (b) the inside of a closed polygon in the w-plane for
sum = 2 , and (c) an open region that extends to infinity in the w-plane for sum .

Figure B.10: A conformal map of a confocal parabola grid (Figure B.7b), a confocal ellipse/hyperbola grid
(Figure B.7c), and a Cartesian grid (Figure B.8a) in the upper half of the z-plane to the semi-infinite domain
in the w-plane above a curve defined by the real axis together with 65 points selected on the upper surface of a
NACA0012 airfoil, thereby (respectively) generating (upon subsequent reflection of the grid so generated to
the domain below the airfoil) what are commonly referred to as (a) a C-grid [with C-shaped gridlines], (b) an
O-grid [with O-shaped gridlines], and (c) an H-grid [that is, a grid which is neither a C-grid nor an O-grid].

S 43

Algorithm B.6: The Schwartz-Christoffel transformation.


f u n c t i o n w=SCGrid ( c , n , c i n , c o u t , i1 , i2 , x , s t e p s , z , I I , J J )
% O p t i m i z e t h e x i and M o f t h e S ch w ar tz C h r i s t o f f e l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n i n o r d e r t o map o n t o
% t h e s p e c i f i e d c o r n e r s c i , t h e n map ( c o n f o r m a l l y ) t h e s p e c i f i e d z g r i d t o t h e w p l a n e .
d =[ c , c o u t ] [ c i n , c ] ; d ( :) = a t a n 2 ( imag ( d ( : ) ) , r e a l ( d ( : ) ) ) ; cg ( i 1 ) = c ( i 1 ) ; xn ( i 1 ) = x ( i 1 ) ;
f o r i = 1 : n , a ( i ) = d ( i +1)d ( i ) ; a ( i ) = rem ( a ( i ) / p i +3 , 2 ) 1 ; end % (1<=a ( i ) <1 , a l p h a ( i ) = a ( i ) p i )
f o r i t e r a t i o n =1 :5 0
% s t e p ( b ) : compute M
dw = 0 ; f o r i = i 1 + 1 : i2 , dw=dw+MarchSC ( x ( i 1) , x ( i ) , n , 1 , x , a , s t e p s ) ; end , M=( c ( i 2 )c ( i 1 ) ) / dw ;
% s t e p ( c ) : compute t h e c g u e s s
for i = i1 +1:n ,
cg ( i ) = cg ( i 1)+MarchSC ( x ( i 1) , x ( i ) , n ,M, x , a , s t e p s ) ; end
f o r i = i1 1: 1:1 , cg ( i ) = cg ( i +1)+ MarchSC ( x ( i + 1 ) , x ( i ) , n ,M, x , a , s t e p s ) ; end
% s t e p ( d ) : compute t h e new K
f o r i = i 1 + 1 : i2 ,
xn ( i ) = xn ( i 1)+ A d j u s t x ( i , 1 , c , cg , x ) ; end , K=( x ( i 2 )x ( i 1 ) ) / ( xn ( i 2 )xn ( i 1 ) ) ;
% step ( e ) : adjust the x
for i = i1 +1:n ,
xn ( i ) = xn ( i 1)+ A d j u s t x ( i , K, c , cg , x ) ;
f o r i = i1 1: 1:1 , xn ( i ) = xn ( i +1) A d j u s t x ( i +1 ,K, c , cg , x ) ; end , x=xn ;
i f i ==1 , w( i , 1 ) = 0 . 0 ; e l s e , w( i , 1 ) =w( i 1 ,1)+ MarchSC ( z ( i 1 , 1 ) , z ( i , 1 ) , n ,M, x , a , s t e p s ) ; end
f o r j = 2 : J J , w( i , j ) =w( i , j 1)+MarchSC ( z ( i , j 1) , z ( i , j ) , n ,M, x , a , s t e p s ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n SCGrid
f u n c t i o n dw=MarchSC ( z1 , z2 , n ,M, x , a , N)
dw= 0 ; dz =( z2z1 ) / N ; f o r i = 1 :N, dw=dw+ M ar ch S C o n es tep ( z1 +dz ( i 1) , z1 + dz i , n ,M, x , a ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n MarchSC
f u n c t i o n dw= M ar ch S C o n es tep ( za , zb , n ,M, x , a )
dw=M/ ( zbza ) ( n 1 ) ; f o r i = 1 : n , dw=dw ( ( zbx ( i ) ) ( 1 + a ( i ) ) ( zax ( i ) ) ( 1 + a ( i ) ) ) / ( 1 + a ( i ) ) ; end
end % f u n c t i o n M ar ch S C o n es tep
f u n c t i o n dx = A d j u s t x ( i , K, c , cg , x )
dx =K abs ( ( c ( i )c ( i 1 ) ) / ( cg ( i ) cg ( i 1 ) ) ) ( x ( i )x ( i 1 ) ) ;
end % f u n c t i o n A d j u s t x


Computing the coefficients of a partial fraction expansion

In this section, we consider the partial fraction expansion of Y (s) = b(s)/a(s), where b(s) is of order m and
a(s) is of order n, with m < n. If a(s) has no repeated roots, the partial fraction expansion of Y (s) is written
Y (s) =

+ ...+
(s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn ) s p1 s p2
s pn


If a(s) has one or more repeated roots, the partial fraction expansion of Y (s) takes a slightly different form.
If, for example, Y (s) = b(s)/[(s pi )r ai (s)] where [ai (s)]s=pi 6= 0 [that is, if the pole pi of Y (s) is repeated
exactly r times, and thus pi is not a root of ai (s)], then the partial fraction expansion of Y (s) may be written
Y (s) =

+ ...+
+ Hi (s),
(s pi ) (s pi )
(s pi )r


where Hi (s) contains the factors related to the poles of ai (s), and thus Hi (pi ) is finite.
In either case, the coefficients di,k are straightforward to determine: simply multiply each of the factors
on the RHS of (B.99a) or (B.99b) by 1, written in a form such that the resulting equation has a common
denominator in all terms on both the LHS and RHS, then multiply out and set the coefficients of sn1 through
S 44

s0 in the numerator of the LHS equal to the corresponding coefficients in the numerator on the RHS. This
results in n linear equations for the n unknown coefficients, which is easily solved using the techniques of 2.
In the case that a root pi of a(s) is not repeated (even if other roots are), an easy direct formula may be
+ Hi (s), where [as in (B.99b)] it is easily
used instead to determine the coefficient di,1 . Writing Y (s) = (sp
seen that Hi (pi ) is finite, and multiplying by (s pi ) gives
(s pi )Y (s) = di,1 + (s pi)Hi (s);


subsequently evaluating this expression at s = pi , noting that [(s pi )Hi (s)]s=pi = 0, results immediately in
di,1 = (s pi )Y (s)

In this expression, the factor of (s pi ) in the brackets exactly cancels the corresponding factor in the denominator of Y (s); di,1 is then determined by evaluating the remaining factors of Y (s) at s = pi . This direct
method of computing one of the coefficients of a partial fraction expansion is the key to understanding the
simple method of constructing a Bode plot, as described in 17.5.1.
In the case that a root pi of a(s) is repeated r > 1 times, as illustrated in (B.99b), the corresponding
coefficients, di,1 to di,r , may also be determined analytically. First, following the same approach as that used
in (B.100a)-(B.100b), we multiply (B.99b) by (s pi )r and subsequently evaluate the resulting expression at
s = pi , noting that [(s pi )r Hi (s)]s=pi = 0, resulting [cf. (B.100b)] in
di,r = (s pi )rY (s)

Now assume that k coefficients di,rk+1 to di,r are already known for some k, where 0 k r 1. To
determine the next coefficient, di,rk , multiply (B.99b) by a(s)/(s a)k+1 and rearrange to give




(s pi )k+1 (s pi )r+k+1

+ Hi (s)

(s pi )r+1
(s pi )r
(s pi )k+1

Define as a counterclockwise circular contour centered at s = pi with sufficiently small radius that it doesnt
contain or touch any of the other poles p j for j 6= i. Taking the integral of the above equation over , noting
Fact B.16, that a(s) = (s pi )r ai (s) where ai (pi ) is finite, and that the underbraced terms on the RHS of the
above expression are analytic everywhere on and within thus gives

ai (s)
dz =


pi )k+1

ai (s) 


(s pi )

Applying Fact B.17 to the LHS and Fact B.25 to the RHS thus leads immediately to
di,rk ai (pi ) =


1 d h



k! dsk

Finally, applying Leibnitzs rule (B.36) to the derivative of a product, denoting b(k) (s) as the kth derivative
of b(s) with respect to its argument, and noting that kC = k!/[! (k )!] gives
() i
1 h b(k) (s)
di,r + di,r1 (s pi ) + . . . + di,rk+1 (s pi )k1
ai (pi )
=0 ! (k )!

di,rk =

S 45


Algorithm B.7: Perform a partial fraction expansion, Y (s) =


= d1 /(s p1)k1 + d2 /(s p2)k2 + . . .

f u n c t i o n [ p , d , k , n ] = P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n ( num , den , ep s )
% Compute {p , d , k , n } s o t h a t Y( s ) =num ( s ) / den ( s ) = d ( 1 ) / ( sp ( 1 ) ) k ( 1 ) + . . . + d ( n ) / ( sp ( n ) ) k ( n ) ,
% where o r d e r ( num)<= o r d e r ( den ) and e p s i s t o l e r a n c e when f i n d i n g r e p e a t e d r o o t s .
n= l e n g t h ( den ) 1; m= l e n g t h ( num ) 1; f l a g = 0 ; i f n <1, p = 1 ; k = 0 ; d=num / den ; n = 1 ; ret u rn , end
i f m==n , f l a g = 1 ; [ d iv , rem ] = P o ly D iv ( num , den ) ; m=m1; e l s e , rem=num ; end
k= o n e s ( n , 1 ) ; p= r o o t s ( den ) ; i f n >1, p= S o r tC o m p lex ( p ) ; end , i f nargin <3, ep s =1 e 3; end
f o r i = 1 : n 1 , i f abs ( p ( i +1)p ( i )) < eps , k ( i +1)= k ( i ) + 1 ; end , end , k ( n + 1 , 1 ) = 0 ;
f o r i =n : 1:1
i f k ( i )>=k ( i + 1 ) , r =k ( i ) ; a = 1 ;
f o r j = 1 : i k ( i ) , a= PolyConv ( a , [ 1 p ( j ) ] ) ; end
for j = i +1:n ,
a= PolyConv ( a , [ 1 p ( j ) ] ) ; end
f o r j = 1 : k ( i ) 1 , ad { j }= P o l y D i f f ( a , j ) ; end
q=rk ( i ) ; d ( i , 1 ) = P o l y V a l ( P o l y D i f f ( rem , q ) , p ( i ) ) / Fac ( q ) ;
f o r j =q : 1 : 1 , d ( i ) = d ( i )d ( i + j ) P o l y V a l ( ad { j } , p ( i ) ) / Fac ( j ) ; end
d ( i )= d ( i ) / PolyVal ( a , p ( i ) ) ;
end , i f f l a g , k=k ( 1 : n ) ; e l s e , n=n + 1 ; p ( n , 1 ) = 1 ; d ( n , 1 ) = d i v ; end
end % f u n c t i o n P a r t i a l F r a c t i o n E x p a n s i o n

Noting that
h d



6= h

reduces this expression to

(s) i
1 h b(k) (pi ) k1 ai

ai (pi )
=0 (k )!

di,rk =


as implemented in Algorithm B.7; in particular,


= [b(pi )/0!]/ai(pi )


[note: consistent with (B.101)]


di,r1 = [b(1) (pi )/1! di,r ai (pi )/1!]/ai(pi ),


di,r2 =


di,r3 =

[b(2) (pi )/2! di,r ai (pi )/2! di,r1 ai (pi )/1!]/ai(pi ),
[b(3) (pi )/3! di,r ai (pi )/3! di,r1 ai (pi )/2! di,r2 ai (pi )/1!]/ai(pi ),



This is but one demonstration of the extensive practical utility of the theory of complex analysis of B.6.1.

Exercise B.1 Modify Algorithm 4.3 to calculate the roots of quadratic and cubic polynomials in closed form
(rather than iterateively), using the formulae presented in this appendix. Extra credit: look up the corresponding analytic formulae for the roots of a quartic polynomial, and implement that as well.
Exercise B.2 (a) Draw the line segment [1, 1] in the complex plane . Considering the mapping = 1/ ,
draw the corresponding contour in the complex plane . (b) Now considering the stereographic projection
= (x + iy)/(1 z) where x2 + y2 + z2 = 1, compute the {x, y, z} coordinates of the beginning point, the
midpoint, and the end point on the unit sphere of the contour in the complex plane considered in part (a).
Sketch this contour on the unit sphere and discuss.
S 46

Exercise B.3 Modify Algorithm B.5 to incorporate the power law discussed in B.6.2.1, and generate the
families of curves illustrated in Figures B.7c, e, f, and g by taking n = 1/2, 2, 3, and 1, respectively.
Exercise B.4 Verify that (B.96) is a second-order accurate approximation of (B.97), even near the points xi
in the z-plane. Hint: see Davis (1979).

Adams, D (1980) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Pan Books.13
Davis, RT (1979) Numerical Methods for Coordinate Generation Based on Schwarz-Christoffel Transformations, AIAA Paper 79-1463.
Fine, B, & Rosenberger, G (1997) The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Springer-Verlag.
Henrici, P (1974) Applied and computational complex analysis, Volume 1, Wiley.
Meinsma, G (1995) Elementary proof of the Routh-Hurwitz test. Systems & Control Letters, 25, 237-242.
Santos, JC (2007) The fundamental theorem of algebra deduced from elementary calculus. The Mathematical
Gazette, 91, 302-303.
Schey, HM (2005) Div, grad, curl, and all that: an informal text on vector calculus. WW Norton & Co.

13 Circular

Reasoning: see explanation of Reasoning, Circular in footnote on Page v.

S 47

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