Red Oil of Urine
Red Oil of Urine
Red Oil of Urine
United States
08/22/2010 02:00 AM
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Re: I believe Howard Hughes was an Alchemist
who saved his Urine in bottles because...
Yes there are many paths.
Some harder to complete then others.
You could start with a Prime Materia ( main
ingredient ) of Morning Dew and Sea Salts
instead of your own Dew.
It is pretty Gross.
Xare (OP )
User ID: 739683
United States
08/22/2010 02:29 AM
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Re: I believe Howard Hughes was an Alchemist
who saved his Urine in bottles because...
Here is some research source material:
Opuscula Alchimica
I. To Make An Elixir From Urine
"Our stone has a strong smell and bitter taste,
like urine , and it is found everywhere in
superfluous quantity. All animals also have it,
though not as perfectly as man. Without our
Stone nothing in this world can live. I am
telling you enough, if will only understand;
and if you do not understand, God Almighty
will not grant it to you; and even if you do ont
find it, it is nevertheless found."
"Take our Stone in its coarseness such as it
comes out of the minera of man. Understand
well what I am saying! Put it into a wide,
glass vessel and add the powdered gold
leaves. Pour on this some of our Stone, which
must be old and well settled and purified.
Pour of the Stone, two fingers; width over the
gold. Set the vessel with gold and the Stone of
summer into the heat of the sun. A whitegolden skin or oil will form on top. Remove it
carefully with a feather, in such a way that
you move the matter as little as possible. Put
it ninto a glass. Proceed in this way several
times a day, removing the oil till no more oil
forms on top. Thus you can obtain oleum
solis with our Stone in its coarseness, as it