Doryphory (Spearbearer)
Doryphory (Spearbearer)
Doryphory (Spearbearer)
Mike Bloomberg
14th Feb 1942
Brighton MA..USA
Asc 26 Cancer.........
------------------------------------------Hello Sam,
Can you remember what the posts were called in the archives that you are
referring to? Or are you able to send some of them to the List, so that we know
what you have been viewing?
From my perspective, - as a flat answer to your question (meaning, not taking
any other planetary configurations or aspects in the chart into the equation),
then No, I wouldn't think
that just this alone could
indicate fame. The reason I am saying this, is that Bush's Sun is:
Cadent - deep in the 12th house, ...... cadency usually implies that a person
will need others to help them achieve their goals - so although his Sun is
conjunct a fortunate Fixed
Star, he would still need a lot of help from others to achieve his goals.
There are a lot of things which can indicate rank and fame in a chart, so I
don't think that we can just look at one planet and it's possible connection to
a Fixed Star, and
ascertain fame from that. He doesn't, for example have planets in a Doryphory to
assist that Sun, although Venus would both throw in a Ray by sextile, and Venus
is the ruler of his
I.C. - (his dynastic line through the Father - perhaps this is an indication
that his Father or family could help him ), - and Venus does trine his
Venus also throws in a ray by sextile behind his Moon, so is part of his Moon
Doryphory - and the Moon disposes his Sun on Sirius, so perhaps - I don't know this could all be
saying that he will get help in his profession (Radical Venus - strengthened by
accidental dignity in the First house, in trine to the Midheaven), through Both
his Father and his
Mars, the ruler of his Midheaven, is in his second house - showing that he can
make money from his chosen Profession, but that Mars is conjunct Zosma - an
often difficult Fixed Star.
What I do find interesting, is that Zosma is in the Constelation (Delta) Leo,
and quoting from information about this Constellation, (page 185......The
Astrological Influence of the
Fixed Stars), Anne Wright...
">>>>>Royal events, elections, coming to power, deaths, assasinations and
murders of kings, queens, presidents, popes, Dictaros, important figures.
Invasion, declarations of war,