Performance Analysis of Multicarrier DS-CDMA System Using BPSK Modulation
Performance Analysis of Multicarrier DS-CDMA System Using BPSK Modulation
Performance Analysis of Multicarrier DS-CDMA System Using BPSK Modulation
SJ Impact Factor-3.995
MSc (Engg), FIETE, MISTE, Department of ECE, S.R.K.R Engineering College, A.P, India
B.Tech (M.Tech), Department of ECE, S.R.K.R Engineering College, Bhimavarm, A.P, India
Abstract: In this paper we apply a multicarrier signalling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data
sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides
a correlator for each carrier, and the outputs of the correlators are combined with a maximal-ratio combiner. This type of
signalling has the desirable properties of exhibiting a narrowband interference suppression effect, along with robustness to
fading, without requiring the use of either an explicit RAKE structure or an interference suppression filter. We use band
limited spreading waveforms to prevent self-interference, and we evaluate system performance over a frequency selective
Rayleigh channel in the presence of partial band interference. There is no interference from the CDMA signals to the
existing microwave systems. Thus, there is no need for either a narrowband suppression filter at the receiver or a notch filter
at the transmitter. This paper specially analyses the BER performance under Rayleigh fading channel conditions of
multicarrier DS-CDMA in presence of AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) using BPSK modulation for different
number of subcarrier, different number of users using MATLAB program
Keywords: CDMA, multicarrier-CDMA, AWGN, BER, Rayleigh fading channel
Direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) techniques to multiple access communications [1]. This is partly due to its multiple
access capability, robustness against fading, and anti-interference capability.
In direct sequence spread spectrum, the stream of information to be transmitted is divided into small pieces, each of which is
allocated across to a frequency channel across the spectrum. A data signal at the point of transmission is combined with a higher
data-rate bit sequence (also known as a chipping code) that divides the data according to a spreading ratio. The redundant
chipping code helps the signal resist interference and also enables the original data to be recovered if data bits are damaged
during transmission.
A. Multicarrier DS-CDMA
In this paper, we propose a multicarrier DS SS system [2] [3] in which a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence
modulates M carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides a correlator for each carrier, and the outputs of the
correlators are combined with a maximal-ratio combiner. This type of system has the following advantages: First, a multicarrier
DS SS system is robust to multipath fading, second, a multicarrier system has a narrowband interference suppression effect and
finally, a lower chip rate is required, since, in a multicarrier DS system with M carriers, the entire bandwidth of the system is
divided into M (not necessarily contiguous) equi-width frequency bands, and thus each carrier frequency is modulated by a
spreading sequence with a chip duration which is M times as long as that of a single-carrier system. In other words, a
multicarrier system requires a lower speed, parallel-type of signal processing, in contrast to a fast, serial-type of signal
processing in a single carrier RAKE receiver [6]. This, in turn, might be helpful for use with a low power consumption device.
In fact, multicarrier DS systems have already been proposed, and these proposed techniques can be categorized into two types, a
combination of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and CDMA or a parallel transmission scheme[8] of
narrowband DS waveforms in the frequency domain. In the former system, a spreading sequence is serial-to-parallel converted,
and each chip modulates a different carrier frequency. This implies that the number of carriers should be equal to the processing
gain, and each carrier conveys a narrowband waveform, rather than a DS waveform. In other words, the resulting signal has a
PN coded structure in the frequency domain. In the latter system, the available frequency spectrum is divided into M equi-width
frequency bands, where M is the number of carriers, typically much less than the processing gain, and each frequency band is
used to transmit a narrowband DS waveform. In fact, both systems show a similar fading mitigation effect over a frequency
selective channel. However, the latter system requires only M adaptive gain amplifiers in the maximal ratio combiner, which
may simplify the receiver. The system described in this paper belongs to the second group.
In a multicarrier system [9], carrier frequencies are usually chosen to be orthogonal to each other, i.e., carrier frequencies satisfy
the following condition:
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correlation receiver for the i th frequency band. However, in an asynchronous CDMA system [5], signals from other users are
no longer orthogonal to the desired signal, even if (1) is satisfied. In addition, orthogonality might be lost because of multipath
propagation or Doppler frequency shift even for a synchronous system. This implies that co-channel interference [4] in one
frequency band causes interference not only at the output of the correlator for that frequency band, but also in the signals out of
all the other correlators. In this paper, we use band limited multicarrier DS waveforms to minimize such unnecessary selfinterference, and so orthogonality among carriers is not required. Also, this signaling scheme prevents narrowband waveforms
from causing interference to all frequency bands
In recent years, several wideband CDMA systems have been proposed either to realize an overlay system [5], where DS CDMA
waveforms are overlaid onto existing narrowband signals to enhance the overall capacity, or to combat multipath. A multicarrier
system can be considered as one realization of such a wideband DS system.
BW1 (1 )
In (2),
0 1, and T, is the chip duration of the single carrier system. In a multicarrier system, we divide BW1 into M equi-
width frequency bands as shown in Fig. l(b), where all bands are disjoint.
Then the bandwidth of each frequency band, BWM, is given by
=(1+ )
A. Transmitter
The transmitter has input a random binary sequence representing data, and pseudo-random spreading signature sequences are
given to multiplier. We assume that there are N chips per symbol, and that each user has a different signature sequence. The
sequence modulates an impulse train, where the energy per chip is E,. After passing through a chip wave-shaping filter, the
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Special Issue-2,
Issue October 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
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f 1 H ( f ) x(t )
H ( f ) df 1
.. (4)
is the i th carrier frequency. This implies that the DS waveforms do not overlap.
Bit error rate (BER) of a communication system is defined as the ratio of number of error bits and total number of bits
transmitted during a specific period. It is the likelihood that a single error bit will occur within received bits, independent of rate
of transmission. There are many ways of reducing BER. In our case, we have considered the most commonly used channel: the
Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel where the noise gets spread over the whole spectrum of frequencies.
BER has been measured by comparing the transmitted signal with the received signal and computing the error count over the
total number of bits. For any given BPSK modulation, the BER is normally expressed in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR).
The figure shows simulated graph between BER and SNR for 2 user system under Rayleigh fading channel conditions of
multicarrier DS-CDMA in presence of AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) using BPSK modulation
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