Improving The Location of Nodes in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Using Improvised LAL Approach

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering


Improving the Location of Nodes in Wireless

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Using
Improvised LAL Approach
P. Saravanan1, Er S. Muthukumar2 , Dr.K.Rubasoundar 3

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, M.E. Scholar, Anna University,

Sree Sowdambika College of Engineering, Aruppukpttai, TamilNadu, India.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Professor/Head of the Department, Anna University,
Sree Sowdambika College of Engineering, Aruppukottai, TamilNadu,India.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Professor/Head of the Department, Anna University,
PSR College of Engineering, Sivakasi, TamilNadu,India.
Abstract: This Paper aims to present a localization of many nodes in wireless networks. Localization is an enabling
technique for many sensor network applications. In the deployment of network includes many nodes, due to hardware
or deployment constrains, the networks almost not entirely localizable, there is possible for any of the nodes placed as
a non-localizable nodes in the wide range of network area. From that, the server doesnt know where the destination
nodes have been deployed. It is difficult to transfer the data from source to sink whether the deployed nodes is not in
the range of particular network. So, I proposed a Improvised LAL approach that triggers a single round adjustment
and that carries and beware of node localizability, that makes easy for us to make the non-localizable nodes in the
network into localizable nodes.
Index terms: Localization, localizability, Improvised LAL approach, wireless and sensor networks.


Beyond the established technologies such as mobile phones and WLAN, new approaches to wireless communication
are emerging; one of them are so called ad hoc and sensor networks. Ad hoc and sensor networks are formed by
autonomous nodes communicating via radio without any additional backbone infrastructure.
Localization is the main problem in wireless ad-hoc and sensors networks in which each and every node determines its
own location in network region.If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other
direction- Dietrich Bonhoeffer . As he says, wireless technology has the capability to reach any location on the earth.
Defining the ad-hoc network in terms of network as an autonomous system of mobile hosts(MHs),connected by wireless
links, using that, the mobile hosts that connect with the base station.
To locate non-localizable nodes, the traditional approach mainly focuses on how to tune network settings according to
these nodes. At first they attempt to deploy additional nodes or beacons in application fields. Beacons are act as a
backbone for our network. Due to this increment in the deployment of node density and creates abundant internodes
distance constraints thus, enhancing the localizability. But this attempt lacks to provide feasibility, since the additional
nodes and beacons should be placed in the region of non-localizable nodes, in the network. The controlled motion of
beacons provides thorough information for the localization of nodes, but it has a limitation on adjustment delay and
controlling overheads. One approach is to augment that is to make the greater in transmitting power of nodes stage-bystage until all nodes become localizable, which causes multiple rounds of configuration dissemination and data collection
in a network. A straight-forward single-round configuration solution is maximizing the ranging capability of the network
regions. The drawback of power maximization is that it introduces many unnecessary distance measurements, which are

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

obtained with costs. In this paper, I propose an Improvised localizability-aided localization (LAL) that arrogates
sufficient condition of node localizability to identify localizable and non-localizable nodes.
The localization methods can be categorised as a range-free and range-based methods. Range-free localization
methods, merely use neighbourhood information (such as node connectivity and hop count) to determine node locations.
Range-based approaches assume nodes are able to measure internodes distances, from that we can derive the accurate
locations of the nodes. There are number of range-based algorithms are used to find out the accurate location of the
nodes, these algorithm adopt distance ranging techniques, such as radio signal strength (RSS) and time difference of
arrival (TDoA).The RSS maps received signal strength from the distance between two nodes like a signal extinction
model, while TDoA measures the signal propagation time for distance calculation. One can see that naive approaches for
localization are not adequate for all scenarios. While it may be possible to manually configure each node with its position
in small and static networks, this approach is impracticable in envisioned large-scale networks of thousands of
geographically distributed nodes.
From the past, a few works and techniques are done on localization in non-localizable networks. In previous technique
such as range-free localization the cop count between two nodes are proportional to their distance. In range-based
localization technique that measure the accurate distance between two nodes using specific ranging hardware. A
technique is a GPS-equipped mobile node to localize fixed nodes by measuring the distance between the mobile node and
fixed ones, which use a mobile node with known location information. Wu- proposes a similar approach with the
assumption that each node can move around and measure the distances to its neighbors and the relative distances
between successive positions along its route. However, the availability of mobile nodes is much more costly and not
scalable for this approach. In contrast to this mobility based approaches, Anderson-propose a graph manipulation method
to assure the network localizability. A distributed range free localization scheme is used in recent years for localization in
non-localizable networks. In DRLS a node called anchors, get their own location information via GPS or some other
mechanism. The other nodes called normal nodes that do not have its own location information a few algorithm has been
used to estimate the nodes location information effectively.
A. Formation of Network Topology
Here a network has been formed with the help of dynamic topology due to a mobility of the nodes in the
network. Setting up and organizing such a virtual infrastructure is an important challenge. The inherent trade-off between
energy-efficiency and rapidity of event dissemination is characteristic for wireless sensor networks consisting of battery
driven devices.
Localization in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks is the main problem for every node to determines its own
location, a wireless ad hoc or sensor network cannot be ridiculously dense because the mechanism of topology control is
usually used to reduce the collision and interference, ignoring the localizability of thenetwork.Thetopology of these
networks often plays a crucial in the speed with which certain tasks can be accomplished using these networks.

Figure 1 Formation of network

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

B. Localization Method
In localization method, first attempt to deploy a network with corresponding topology that described in previous section
how to deploy a network with multiple nodes. Then we are going to measure the deployed nodes location whether it is,
within the range of network or not, there is a main problem to find out the locations of each and every node in the
network. From the fig 1, the localizable nodes are shown within the network region and non-localizable nodes are
indicated as red dots, are out of region of our network. If there is an additional nodes, which is going to be deployed in
the network that increases in node density and creates abundant internodes distances constraints, this enhancing the node
C. Measurements on Network Using Distance Graph
The network is said to be a unique and localizable, then it must have a unique set of rigidity and distance graph and also
the set of anchors such of beacon nodes. Whether a formed network cannot be localizable given its distance graph, then it
is called as a localizability problem.
Some of the method used to deploy a distance graph using mathematical formation. The distance graph is formed from a
collection of points in the Euclidean space. The set of measurements for the network can be modelled by a distance graph
G, let G = (V,E),where V denotes the set of vertices and E denotes the set of edges. For (i,j) V ;and (i,j) E if the
distance between i and j can be measured or both of them are in known locations, are exploited by a graph theory
D. Construction of Localizable Graph
It is important to construct a localizable graph through an incremental construction. A common mathematical formation
can also be used to construct the localizable graph. From the graph theory, Define G2 as (V,E U E2), where (i;j)E2 if ij
and k2 V such that (i,k) and (j,k) E. Similarly, define G3 as (V,EUE2UE3), where (i,j)E3 if ij and k V such that
(i,k)E and (j,k) E2.
A. Improvised Lal Design And Implementation
Design phase of Improvised LAL has been begun with being aware of node localizability, Improvised LAL can
effectively conduct the adjustment of network ranges, but in traditional approach that is only an indistinctive network
adjustment can be made out and could only make indistinctive augmentations. Basically, Improvised LAL consists of
three major modules and is workflows are shown in Fig. 1.
In improvised LAL approach, first the network has been deployed by using the network topology is described in previous
sections. After the network formation, the proposed techniques are explored in the network and the nodes in the network
are act depend upon the described techniques. After the explosive of all techniques has been finished the nodes are try to
send the packet and location information. There is a large number of nodes has been deployed in the network, so the
density of the network much more increased and each node doesnt know the location information of other nodes. An
Improvised LAL approach used here to know the location information of all other nodes. Processing and work flows of
Improvised LAL approach are explained below,
Module 1: Localizability testing. In Localizability testing, after the network is deployed in an application field, due to
some hardware or environmental factors that is for unpredictable issues in the design phase, it may not ready for
localization. So, node localizability testing is conducted in an Improvised LAL, which identifies localizable and nonlocalizable node in a network for further adjustment.
Module 2: Analysis of Network structure. In an analysis of the structure of the network must support fine-grained
approach, to measure the accurate location information about the entire node. So, we have to decompose a constructed
distance graph into two-connected components. These components are managed as a tree structure and the one of these
components containing beacons in the root of the distance graph. Adjustments are made out along with the tree edges

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

from the root to the leaves. Beacons are mainly used to find out the Localization and improve the accuracy of the nodes
in the network.

Figure 2 Decomposition of a Graph

Module 3: Distinctive adjustment. In Improvised LAL treats nodes differently regarding to their localization and
places in the component tree. Through vertex augmentation, Improvised LAL converts all non-localizable in a single
round. The network adjustments made out by Improvised LAL are localizable and can be localized by the existing
localization and localizability techniques.

Figure 3 Workflows between traditional and Improvised LAL approach,

Module 1 can be done by applying Theorem 2(shown in below). For a given specific node, its localizability that
depends upon the property of disjoint paths and redundant rigidity, which is being tested in polynomial time by network
flow algorithms and the pebble game algorithm, respectively. That is, a node localizability testing can be conducted. In
Module 2, a created distance graph is decomposed into two-connected components using depth-first search. And these
components are managed as a tree structure and the adjustments can be made in these tree edges. In module 3, node
adjustments are made out along the paths of the component tree starting at the root. I present an Algorithm (Basic
_Localization _Algorithm) to explain the module 3.
From that, the node will know the location information of all other nodes in the network. In the network topology, the
nodes are formed as a cluster and a cluster has a cluster head, a cluster head have location information about all of the
other nodes in the cluster. If a node placed in cluster A want to send a packet to a other node that placed in cluster B, then
it will send a request to cluster A, a cluster head A have the location information about all of these node and where it is
deployed then redirect the request to cluster head B, the B send the packet to the corresponding node that formed under
that particular cluster
B. Add_Heuristic Approach

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering


Figure 4 to find out all non-localizable neighbors of localizable

In Add_heuristic approach, find out all non-localizable neighbors of localizable vertices. From the above figure 4, the
edges have been added for each non-localizable node to convert these nodes as a localizable node. The edges have been
added by heuristic algorithm to connect these non-localizable nodes for the purpose of delivering the data from
localizable nodes from non-localized nodes in the deployed network. Algorithm for Add_heuristic is described in a later
C. Geographical Routing Approach
Geographical routing is an emerging technique to find out the direction of any nodes in the certain region of any network.
A 2D graph has been deployed and it has x-axis and y-axis using that a nodes direction has been found out. Basically a
network has been deployed and measured by a distance graph. If a sender node try to deliver a packet to a receiver node
but it does not know the location information of the receiver nodes, so using this approach the location that is the
direction of the node has been found out. Here a beacon signals are act as a backbone of our network The fig 5 shows
that, a sender collects the nodes location information based on the direction of the nodes, and finally they select a shortest
path from the all selected paths, from that shortest path they sent the data packet to the corresponding receiver.

Figure 5 Geographical Routing

D. Ease of Use
Description of an Algorithm
A Basic _Localization _Algorithm, applied here for the purpose of localize all the nodes in the network without any
incompatibility. In that algorithm, edges are added by vertex augmentation of all non-localizable node vertices in GA, that
is Graph A and GA is localizable from the Theorem 3(shown in below). This Algorithm repeats all of the steps, until all
components get handled. After applying of an Algorithm, the entire network is localizable; all of node in the network gets
localized. Popular localization algorithms can then be used seamlessly to localize all nodes in the network.
The repeated edges has been reduced by analyze the graph properties of these components.

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering


Figure 6 proofs of theorem 3, red dots and black holes

Algorithm 2.Add_Heurictic _Algorithm.
If GA is used as an input of Add_Heuristic, the algorithm first finds all non-localizable neighbors of localizable vertices,
and adds edges for each non-localizable one according to the following analysis made out from the distance graph. Then
add edges to all non-localizable vertices from the localizable vertices. After that, the adjustments are made out
continuously to localize these non-localizable nodes by adding edges from non-localizable vertices to localizable
E. Analysis from the Graph
From the above graph GA some non-localizable vertices have at least one localizable neighbour vertex. Adding two
edges between the vertices, which connect two neighbour vertices on different vertex-disjoint paths to the nonlocalizable vertex, is enough to make the vertex localizable according to Theorem 2. From the analysis from the above
graph, If a non-localizable vertex has more localizable neighbours within two-hop distance, that is, the distance between
these neighbours are connected with only two edges, then, these localizable vertices makes it non-localizable as a
localizable. Some of the decomposed components in a distance graph are not localizable due to the lack of beacons. If
these nodes are adjusted to be localizable in a decomposed component, the component is instantly localizable without
extra manipulation.
Theorem 1. A graph with nvertices is globally rigid in two dimensions if and only if it is three-connected and
redundantly rigid. A graph G=(V,E) is called k-connected (for kIN) if | | > k and G-X is connected for every set X
V with | |< k.
Theorem 2. In a distance graph G=(V,E) with a set BV of k 3 vertices at known locations, a vertex is localizable if it is
included in the redundantly rigid component inside which there are three vertex-disjoint paths to three distinct vertices
in B.
Theorem 3. Suppose G=(V,E) is a two-connected graph with a set B of k3 beacons and BV . Let VN denote the set of
non-localizable vertices, and EN denote the set of edges (i,j),iVN and (i,j)E2. Then, G=(V ,E U EN ) is localizable.
The network topology is a by product of some basic services in ad hoc and wireless sensor networks,

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering


Figure 7 GreenOrbs system in a campus

Its collection induces none or little additional overhead. Inspired by this fact, this paper naturally adopts the centralized
scheme, which mainly comes from the localizability testing part. The fig 7 shows the wireless sensor nodes that scattered
the signals to get the location information of other nodes, which is intended to send the data packets from source to sink
and vice versa.
The rigidity and beacons are used as backbone of our network to transform the datas from source to destination. A
rigidity, they find the co-ordinates and transforms these relative co-ordinates to a global co-ordinates,
Table 1 Experimental results on Greenorbs
of 340
of 55
of 61
of 39
of 0
Assume that noisy results (the outliers with large errors)
results in Improvised LAL design.










are sifted by these approaches, and only used accurate ranging

Page 86

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

A. Experiment
To examine the correctness and effectiveness of Improvised LAL approach, I implement it on the ongoing wireless
sensor network system, that is Green Orbs system and the data trace collected from the system Green Orbs. From the data
collection the important factor is to reduce the energy consumption of the deployed nodes. Using, cycling theorem, the
transmission power is also well controlled under the highest level to provide the enough connectivity for data collection
or other services.

Figure 8a Number of nodes plotted at different power levels

From the fig.9, there are 285 edges are needed to connect the edges between the nodes. A comparison can be made out
between the edges and nodes with different transmitting power output from the resultant topology, I just denote the nodes
that have original communication range as power1 nodes, the ones with doubled and tripled ranges are denoted as
power2 and power3 nodes from doubled and tripled like wise
From those following figures, the comparison made between the improvised LAL and traditional approach, to find out
the location of the nodes.
B. Simulation
Simulation is the process or operation that has a limitation among the real time implementation of original process. In
this paper, I have to stimulate and further examined the scalability and efficiency of Improvised LAL under different
network instances and varied network parameters.The transmission power requirements of LAL_Basic and AddHeuristic algorithms in deployed nodes are shown in fig.8. Plots the number of nodes at different power levels. As shown
in fig.8a and 8b, results of Add_Heuristic and LAL_Basic, have much more power 1 nodes than the traditional approach
except R denotes original communication range less than 0.66 and much less than power

Figure 8c High power levels at Improvised LAL intend to add more edges in the graph
3 nodes than traditional approach except when R greater than 0.99 that shows in fig.8b.

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

The results in fig.8c also explain about the Improvised LAL that can have a ability to serve much extra edges than
traditional approach because higher power levels tend to induce more edges than a lower one.
Abbreviations used
Traditional approachIND (Indistinctive Adjustment Approach)
Improvised Traditional approachImprovised IND(Improved Indistinctive Adjustment Approach)
Because Traditional approach treats the entire network indistinctly and obviously needs more adjustments than LAL, an
improved approach (Improved IND) is implemented instead. From the above all description it suggests that LAL_Basic
and Add_Heuristic are more fine grained than improved IND.

Figure 8b Number of nodes at different power levels in traditional approach

Figure 9 Testing Improvised LAL and Improvised traditional approach on network instances consists of 400 nodes
The analysis of the limitation and power requirements of existing approach on localization in non-localizable
networks, and propose a Improvised Localizability-aided Localization approach named Improvised LAL. Improvised
LAL treats the network as whole and localize all the nodes in the network, while if it is in non-localizable state. That
makes the adjustment corresponding to node localizability results in the first module, other than traditional approach, that
includes the nodes in localizability testing and made a indistinctive adjustment. From that Improvised LAL approach, a
nodes need to be augment with their ranging capability to connect and added new edges are needed to be measured. It
also has some good characteristics for the purpose of implementation aspects in the real world application and I,

Page 88

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-2, October 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

implement the Improvised LAL and demonstrate its effectiveness through working system experiment and extensive
I, proposed the Adaptive Position Update strategy to address these problems. The APU scheme employs
two mutually exclusive rules. The MP rule uses mobility prediction to estimate the accuracy of the location estimate and
adapts the beacon update interval accordingly, instead of using periodic beaconing. The ODL rule allows nodes along the
data forwarding path to maintain an accurate view of the local topology by exchanging beacons in response to data
packets that are overheard from new neighbors, Then, We mathematically analyzed the beacon overhead and local
topology accuracy of APU and validated the analytical model with the simulation results.









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