Seeds of Hatred: Episode I of Star Wars: Fall and Rebirth of The Galactic Alliance

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Seeds of Hatred

Episode I of Star Wars: Fall and Rebirth of the Galactic Alliance

Rob Vermeulen

Seeds of Hatred is the first adventure in the

Rebirth of the Alliance campaign, which will take
heroes from 1st level all the way through 20th level
in a continuous storyline designed to give both
players and Gamemasters a complete Star Wars
Roleplaying Game Saga Edition experience. This
first adventure will get the heroes together and get
them on a path to make a big difference in the
galaxy, and the heroes should advance to 2nd
level by the conclusion of the adventure. Over the
course of this adventure, the heroes should
become acquainted with one another, transport a
Yuuzhang Vong Shaper to the planet of Selvaris,
investigate the occurrence of the vongplague while
having to deal with a restless population and
attacks on their Yuuzhang Vong charge.

What is Rebirth of the

Rebirth of the Alliance is the name given to a
series of 14 linked adventures that Gamemasters
can use to create an entire campaign for their
players. Starting into 127 ABY, the adventures in
the Rebirth of the Alliance campaign are
designed to provide players and GMs with the
iconic Star Wars Roleplaying Game experience,
set against the backdrop of a growing the tyranny
of the Galactic Empire. The Rebirth of the
Alliance campaign takes the heroes all the way
from 1st level up to 20th level, and features an
ongoing storyline that progresses over the course
of the campaign. Some adventures can also be
played individually, and should provide the heroes
with ample challenges to gain one to two levels per
adventure. Gamemasters should feel free to use
the Rebirth of the Alliance adventures either as
an entire campaign or as fillers for their own home
If you are a Gamemaster wishing to run the
campaign, read the GMs Primer, which

summarizes the overall plot of the campaign and

the events of each adventure.

Warning! If you will be playing in a Rebirth

of the Alliance campaign or in a campaign
utilizing its adventures, read no further.

Adventure Summary:


The Fall and Rebirth of the Alliance campaign

starts on Ossus, 127 ABY. After Ossus is restored
to its lush climate by Yuuzhang Vong shapers, the
Ossus project is initiated and several planets
volunteer to be terraformed. While on Ossus for
various reasons, the heroes are hired by the New
Jedi Order to transport a Yuuzhang Vong shaper,
Nei Lakris, with his escort to one of these worlds,
Selvaris. While flying there on a hired vessel, the
Correlian Griphon, the heroes are attacked by a
band of rag tag pirates, which they however
manage to fight off.
Arriving at Selvaris, Nei Lakris asks the heroes to
escort him to the Source of Change, which was the
initial location of Vongvorming at Selvaris. After a
perilous journey to the Source, encountering
Vongshaped animals, Nei Lakris initiates the starts
the terraforming process and the surrounding area
seems to start improving. However, when the
heroes travel back to the starport, they find out that
all over the world, the vegetation of the world
withers instead of being restored, and painful bony
growths start sprouting from the skin of many of
the planets inhabitants.
The heroes investigate the occurrence of these
events, while having to deal with a restless
population and attacks on their Yuuzhang Vong
charge. While investigating the events, the heroes
find a hidden location where Vong technology
seems to have been used to create infectious coral
seeds, and where they are attacked by the
Chazrach, which seem under control of a
mysterious corral. However before they can
properly investigate the location they find out that
demolition charges have been set throughout the
base, and they have to quickly flee the base before
they are caught in the explosion. When fleeing the
base they see a starship of unknown origin fleeing
the scene, but they are unable to pursue it.
Being unable to help the local population, the
heroes are recalled to Ossus to report on the
failure of their mission, as well as on their findings.
The Jedi are deeply concerned with the apparent
sabotage and fear an upcoming schism in the
Galactic Alliance.

5000 XP
Encounter: Hidden in Dust
Encounter: Unnatural enemies
Encounter: Citizens Distraught
Encounter: No mind of their own
Encounter: Escape & Duck

Hidden in Dust
Challenge Level 12
This encounter begins a little while after the
heroes ship drops out of hyperspace near the
Tantara system. When travelling toward Selvaris at
sublight speed, the heroes pass an asteroid field.
As you fly towards Selvaris, you reflect on your uneventful
trip from Ossus, then however you feel the ship shaking,
and hear an explosion. you are under attack!

When passing the asteroid belt, read the following
text aloud:

While passing an asteroid field, you detect 3 starships

hiding in a dust cloud. It appears that these are pirate
starfighters, preying on passing transports!

The heroes can make a Use Computer check to

spot the pirate ships that are hiding in the dust
clouds. However, as they are hiding in the clouds,
at 10 squares away, the difficulty of spotting them
is increased by 10: (Use Computer DC: 20)
Antiquated Soro Suub Cutlass-9 Patrol
Fighter (3)
Gargantuan starfighter
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
Defense Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 26; +6
hp 80; DR 10; SR 10; Threshold 35
Speed fly 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/hl,
fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged laser cannons +4 (see below) or
Ranged medium concussion missile +4 (see
Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 square (starship
scale); Cover total
Base Atk +0; Grp +31
Abilities Str 42, Dex 14, Con -, Int 14
Skills Initiative +2, Mechanics +5, Perception

+5, Pilot +2, Stealth +0

Crew 1 (normal); Passengers none
Cargo 110 kg; Consumables 2 weeks; Carried
Craft none
Payload 2 medium concussion missiles
Hyperdrive x2, navicomputer
Laser cannons (pilot) Atk +2 (-3 autofire), Dmg
Medium concussion missile (pilot) Atk +2,
Dmg 8d10x2, 4-square splash
Pirate Tactics: The pirates use attack and fade
tactics, trying to hide behind asteroids and dust
clouds as much as possible. Whenever one of the
pirate ships is moved -3 steps on the condition
track, it tries to break-off the fight. If two pirate
ships have been forced to flee or destroyed, the


The Asteroid Belt has the following features.
Dust Cloud: There is a light dust cloud, which
provides poor visibility while in the dust cloud, or
when looking through it. The dust cloud deals no
damage if a vehicle doesnt move. If a vehicle moves
though it, make an attack of +15 against the ships
fortitude defense. If the attack hits, the cloud deals
2d10 damage + 1d10 for each square of movement
through a dust cloud during the pilots turn. If the
attack misses this damage is halved.
Asteroids: It is possible to enter an area
containing asteroids. However, it requires 2 squares
of movement to enter a square containing asteroids,
and any vehicle passing through asteroids must
succeed on a Pilot check (DC 15) or take 4d6+20
collision damage. A square that contains asteroids
provides cover (+5 cover bonus to Reflex Defense)
against any attack passing through or into the

last remaining pirate ship tries to break off.

If the heroes manage to destroy or chase off the
pirates, they can continue their journey to Selvaris


Citizens Distraught
Challenge Level XX
This encounter begins if the heroes fail at the
Calming a Crowd skill challenge.

When the heroes fail at the Calming a Crowd skill
challenge read the following text,
You hear a rumor going through the crowd, and they
seem to become more and more unruly, then you hear an
outcry: Death to the Abominations, Death to their
cronies which is then taken up by many people and the
crowd starts advancing towards you!

Angry Mob: The mob starts moving towards the

heroes ship, and tries to grapple and lynch the
Yuuzhang Vong. When a squad loses half its
hitpoints or receives a wound, it flees. If more than
3 squads are routed, all other squads also flee.

If the heroes manage to destroy or chase off mob
they can continue their investigation on Selvaris
relatively safely, but feel followed and are treated
unfriendly further during any conversations.

If the heroes make a perception check against DC

18, they see one specific human hidden in the
crowds crying out these words. (This is the
Angry Mob CL2 (5)
Large human squad nonheroic 2
Dark Side 2
Init +1; Senses Perception + 5
Languages Basic
Defenses Ref 10 (flat-flooted 9), Fort 11, Will 9
hp 14; Threshold 21
Speed: 6 squares
Melee Unarmed + 5 (d3) or
Ranged +6 (3d6) with Blaster Pistol
Fighting Space 2x2: Reach 1 square
Base Atk +1; Grp +7
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Feats Skill Training (Endurance)H, Weapon Proficiency
(pistols, simple)
Skills Endurance +7, Initiative +7, Perception +5H
Survival +5
Possessions Blaster Pistol
Squad Traits-The melee altack of a squad is an area
attack that affects all squares within reach. The ranged
attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square
splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage
against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or


The Asteroid Belt has the following features.
Dust Cloud: There is a light dust cloud, which
provides poor visibility while in the dust cloud, or
when looking through it. The dust cloud deals no
damage if a vehicle doesnt move. If a vehicle moves
though it, make an attack of +15 against the ships
fortitude defense. If the attack hits, the cloud deals
2d10 damage + 1d10 for each square of movement
through a dust cloud during the pilots turn. If the
attack misses this damage is halved.
Asteroids: It is possible to enter an area
containing asteroids. However, it requires 2 squares
of movement to enter a square containing asteroids,
and any vehicle passing through asteroids must
succeed on a Pilot check (DC 15) or take 4d6+20
collision damage. A square that contains asteroids
provides cover (+5 cover bonus to Reflex Defense)
against any attack passing through or into the

Agitator CL1
Medium Human scoundrel 1
Dark Side 3
Init +7; Senses Perception + 5
Languages Basic, Huttese
Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 11, Will 12;
hp 18; second wind +4/9; Threshold 11
Speed: 6 squares, Running Attack
Melee Unarmed + 0 (d3) or
Ranged bluebolt blaster pistol +2 (3d8)Fighting Space
2x2: Reach 1 square
Base Atk +0; Grp +2
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Talents Evasion
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Running Attack,
Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple)
Skills Deception +8, Gather Information +8, Initiative +7,
Perception +5, Persuasion +8, Pilot +7
Possessions bluebolt blaster pistol

No mind of their own
Challenge Level XX
This encounter begins when the heroes enter the
hidden underground base. The underground base
seems to be completely organic, and the walls
sometime seem to be moving. While travelling
through the base the heroes are attacked by
groups of Chazrach Skirmishers and Warriors.

When passing the asteroid belt, read the following
text aloud:
As you fly towards Selvaris, you reflect on your uneventful
trip from Ossus, then however you feel the ship shaking,
and hear an explosion. you are under attack!

The heroes can make a Use Computer check to

spot the pirate ships that are hiding in the dust
clouds. However, as they are hiding in the clouds,
at 10 squares away, the difficulty of spotting them
is increased by 10:
While passing an asteroid field, you detect 3 starships
hiding in a dust cloud. It appears that these are pirate
starfighter, preying on passing transports!
Chazrach Trooper CL 2/3
Small Chazrach nonheroic 2
Init +2; Senses Perception + 5
Languages Chazrach, Yuuzhang Vong
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-flooted 12), Fort 12, Will 9
hp 9; Threshold 12
Speed: 4 squares
Melee Coufee +2 (1d6+2) with both hands or
Melee Coufee -3 (1d6+2) and Coufee -3 (1d6+2)
Base Atk +1; Grp -2
Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I, Skill Training
(Endurance), Skill Training (Survival), Weapon
Proficiency (simple)
Skills Endurance +8, Perception +5 Survival +5
Possessions Coufee

Chazrach Skirmisher CL 2/3

base has
the following features.
+2 Constitution,
-2 Wisdom,
Illumination: Underground
base is very
dimly lit,-2
and there is shadowy illumination in the whole area.
(See Core
Speed: Chazrach base speed is 4 suares
Darkvision: Chazrach ignore concealment
(including total concealment) from darkness.
in total
and fade
tactics, trying to hide behind asteroids and dust
Natural Armor: Chazrach posses a thick, scaled
as possible.
a +2 natural
armor bonus
ships Aisnatural
-3 bonus
steps stacks
on the
an armor
it tries to break-off the fight. If two pirate
do not
ships have
been moved
-3 steps
on gain
the condition
all pirate (heavy
ships try
to break
off. or rifles) as
starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally
grants them.
Weapon Familiarity: Chazrach treat Coufees as
simple weapons instead of exotic weapons.
If the heroes
manage to destroy or chase off the
Mindless: Because of the changes wrough upon
to Selvaris
them by the Yuuzhang
incapable of independent thought and are immune to
mind affecting effects. When the connection to their
controller is severed they go into a rage, attacking
anyone in sight, including other Chazrach.

Languages: Chazrach, Yuuzhang


Small Chazrach nonheroic 2

Init +2; Senses Perception + 5, Dark vision
Languages Chazrach, Yuuzhang Vong
Defenses Ref 13 (flat-flooted 12), Fort 12, Will 9
hp 9; Threshold 12
Speed: 4 squares
Melee Unarmed +2 (1d2+1) or
Ranged Razor Bug +2 (2D8+1)
Base Atk +1; Grp -2
Atk Options Returning Bug
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
Feats Returning Bug, Skill Training (Endurance), Skill
Training (Survival), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Endurance +8, Perception +5 Survival +5
Possessions 2 Returning Bugs

Exotic Weapons



Stun DMG





0.5 kg


Rare, illegal

Region: Inner Rim Territories
Climate: Humid
Gravity: standard
Moons: 3
Length of Day: 24 standard hours
Length of Year: 300 local days
Sapient Species: 900% Human
Government: Hereditary Matriarchy
Capital: Ta'a Karet
Major Exports: Royal Guards
Major Imports: Luxury Goods
Knowledge (Galactic Lore)
DC Result
Terephon is a quite isolated world that is part
of the Hapes Consortium and is located in
the Transitory Mists.
Terephon is very
marshy but also has a large number of
mesas. Even though it is marshy some large
garden cities exist on the planet.
Travelling to Terephon is quite risky, as
Hapan pirates are known to attack transport
and even military ships from the Transitory
Many Hapan nobles and important
politicians have estates on Terephon. These
estates are used as hunting lodges, from
where the nobles hunt native beasts. During
these hunts they often use a local,
domesticated beast, called a Murg to assist
in the hunts.

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