TS 100 US Rev0 012910
TS 100 US Rev0 012910
TS 100 US Rev0 012910
GELVA TS 100 is a vinyl acetate/acrylate copolymer emulsion supplied at 55% solids in water. Dried
films of TS 100 are clear, will not re-emulsify in water and exhibit excellent low temperature flexibility. TS
100 is used widely to formulate adhesives for non-porous, difficult to bond substrates such as glass, PVC,
metal foils and a variety of plastics including low surface energy types. It also works well on porous
substrates such as paper and wood and can be formulated to function as a heat-sealable adhesive.
Emulsion paints
Laminating adhesives
Heat-activated adhesives
Textile coating
Total Solids, %
54.5 57.5
1,000 1,600
(LVF #3@30 rpm)
4.5 5.0
Particle Size
< 0.75%
Dilution Stability
0.5 1.5
Borax Stability
Alcohol Tolerance
100ml / 100ml
Bond Time
25 30 seconds
REV: 0
29 JANUARY 2010
180 190F
T e s t C o n di t i o n s f o r O t h e r P r o p e r t i e s
Dilution Stability: Milliliters of phase separation in 100 milliliters of emulsion at 5% solids in a 100 mil
graduated cylinder after 24 hours
Borax Stability: Stability of the emulsion in a 5% borax solution
Solvent Tolerance Alcohol: Milliliters of alcohol compatible with 100 grams of emulsion. Upper limit
is noted as the point at which the emulsion is very thick
Bond Time: Time in seconds to paper failure of a 5 mil wet film sandwiched between two pieces of
bleached sulfite paper, substance 20.
Wood Shear Bond: ASTM D-905-49
Heat Seal Temperature of Film: Temperature required to heat seal a 5 mil wet film cast on paper and
air dried 24 hours under standard ASTM conditions
TS 100 is available in bulk tank trucks, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), drums and pails.
May be used in pressure sensitive adhesives applied to the outside of food packaging (paper, plastic and
glass packages and bottles, and packaging closures) covered under 21 C.F.R. 175.105 (Adhesives)
pursuant to the conditions and limitations set forth in that regulation. Other provisions may apply to this
product. For full compliance statement, please contact Cytec at PSRA-Customer-requests@cytec.com.
It is the users responsibility to conduct his/her own FDA evaluation of his/her final adhesive formulation
and processing and to ensure the presence of a functional barrier between the adhesive and food, to
confirm suitability of the intended end use in indirect food contact applications, as well as to ensure the
compliance of the finished product with all prevailing legislation regulating its application.
REV: 0
29 JANUARY 2010