Guide: A Practical For Researchers

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Standards and


A practical


for researchers
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
ISBN 978-92-79-25971-5
doi: 10.2777/10323
European Union, 2013
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Directorate G - Industrial technologies


A practical


for researchers
Dr. Peter Hatto

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Directorate-General for Research & Innovation
Directorate G Industrial Technologies
Unit G1 Horizontal Aspects
Contact: Romain Bouttier
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1 Introduction


Purpose of the guide6

1.2 Roles of standards inmodern society6

1.3 Who makes standards andwhy 7


1.5 Formal and informal standards8

1.6 Types and examples of documents from formal standards bodies.9


Standards and regulations8

Standards as ameans of disseminating and implementing the results of research12

2 Preparing for standardization


2.1 Recognising needs and opportunities for standardization14

2.2 Research results appropriate for standardization14

2.3 Standards versus patents which option and why?15

2.4 What is needed before starting? Verification and validation.16

2.5 Which type of standard deliverable?16

2.6 Under which standards organisation should astandard be developed? 17

2.7 Joint working between committees and between standards organisations.18

2.8 Standardization project characterization template19

2.9 The new work item proposal and approval processes19

3 The standards development process


3.1 The ISO/IEC Directives and CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations21

3.2 The standards development substructure21

3.3 The role of experts, commitment required, and the role of consensus23


Elements of astandard28

3.4.1 Normative and informative elements24

3.4.2 Structural elements24

3.4.3 Words with specific meaning inastandard26

3.5 Document development and review checklist29

4 The approval and review process



4.2 The commenting template and types of comment29

4.3 Voting options and approval requirements29


4.5 Publication31

4.6 Systematic review what, when and how31

Who, when and how28

Resolution of comments30

5 Examples of successful standardization resulting from

Framework Projects


Annex A


Standardization project characterization template34

Annex B


ISO and CEN NWIP forms36

ISO Form 436

CEN Form N39

Annex C


Glossary of terms41

Annex D


ISO/TC 229 Welcome letter and guidance notes for PLs 43

Welcome letter43

ISO/TC 229 Guidance for Project Leaders45

Annex E

Document development and review checklist48

Annex F



ISO commenting template54

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the guide
This guide has been prepared for participants and prospective participants in EU-funded research projects
and other research projects to help them identify, and
make informed choices about, opportunities to use
standardization for disseminating and/or implementing relevant outputs from their project. In addition to
providing an overview of standards (sometimes referred to as documentary standards to differentiate
them from metrological standards) and the vital roles
they play in modern society, the guide will help users:
understand the requirements for, and processes
involved in, the preparation of formal standards;
identify outputs that might contribute to and
benefit from the development of one or more
select the most appropriate standards deliverable
for particular outputs;
appreciate what is involved in the development
and approval of their selected deliverable;
identify suitable committees under which the project can be developed; and
understand how, once published, the standard will
be kept up to date.
This guide complements the Standards and Standardization Handbook prepared by the same author and
published by the Directorate-General for Research and
Industrial Technologies in 20101.

basic support for commercialisation, markets and

market development;
a recognised means for assuring quality, safety, interoperability and reliability of products, processes
and services;
a technical basis for procurement;
technical support for appropriate regulation;
and can lead to variety and cost reduction through optimization and best practice.
There is no doubt that without standards the complex,
technological world in which we live could not possibly
operate. However, though standards are essentially ubiquitous, applying to virtually every aspect of our lives
from the highly innovative, e.g. internet protocols, to the
mundane, e.g. shoe sizes, and including aspects that
even most people actively involved in standardization do
not appreciate, e.g. Space systems Unmanned spacecraft Estimating the mass of remaining usable propellant (ISO 23339:20101 - developed by ISO/TC 20/SC14
Aircraft and space vehicles - Space systems and operations), they are virtually invisible to the general public.

Voluntary, consensus based standards play avital,

though largely invisible role in national and international infrastructures, economies and trade. By

Whilst the majority of standards address technical issues, such as the composition, treatment and testing
of steels for different applications, interconnectivity
between different telephone and computer networks,
and viscosity determination of lubricating oils, there
has been an increasing recognition over the last few
decades that voluntary, consensus based standards
can contribute far more to business, and society in
general, than simply technical specifications, testing
methods, and measurement protocols. This recognition led to the development of generic management
system standards, including the ISO 90002 series on

1 Available from

2 See

1.2 Roles of standards

inmodern society

providing agreed ways of naming, describing and

specifying, measuring and testing, managing and reporting, standards provide:

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

quality management, the ISO 140003 series on environmental management and, most recently ISO 500014 on
energy management. These, together with ISO 260005
on social responsibility and ISO 310006 on risk management, provide requirements for, or give guidance on,
good management practices through either certifiable
standards, such as ISO90001 (implemented by over
1million organisations in 176 countries) and ISO 14001
(implemented by nearly aquarter of amillion organisations in 158countries), or guidance documents, such as
ISO26000 and ISO31000. These management standards can be applied to any organisation, from amultinational manufacturing or banking group to asmall voluntary organisation. The tremendous impact of ISO 9001
and ISO14001 on organizational practices and on trade
has stimulated the development of other ISO standards
and deliverables that adapt the generic management
system approach to specific sectors or aspects, including, amongst others, education, food safety, information
security, medical devices and ship recycling7.
Of course ISO is not the only voluntary, consensus
based standards organisation. However, its publications, extending to over 17000 standards, and current
work in over 200 Technical Committees8 does provide
an excellent example of the breadth and depth of existing standards and standardization activities being
undertaken for the benefit of business and society.

3 See
4 See

1.3 W
 ho makes standards
Whilst standards are published by alarge number and
variety of both formal, i.e. National9, European10 and
International11, and informal, e.g. ASTM International12, IEEE13, SAE14, SEMI15, TAPPI16, standards organisations, they all have one thing in common, which is that
the standards published are selected and developed
by stakeholders in the area and not by the organisations themselves. Thus it is the community of stakeholders comprising the membership of the standards
organisation that decides what standards should be
developed, what they should contain, and when and
how they should be published, i.e. it is the communities
that will most benefit from the existence of astandard
that are ultimately responsible for its development.
As indicated below, the difference between formal and
informal standards is in the representation of those
involved in the development and approval processes.
For formal standards (at least in terms of the formal
approval processes), the processes operate through
national representation, rather than through organisation or individual representation, as is the case for
informal standards. Thus, even if sometimes experts
drafting material are attending in their own right, it is
the national body membership that approves or disapproves the resulting documents, whereas participation
in and approval of informal standards is on an organisation and/or individual membership basis. However, in
both cases the development and approval processes
are based on the principle of consensus, i.e. general
agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained
opposition to substantial issues by any important part
of the concerned interests and by aprocess that involves seeking to take into account the views of all
9 For alist of European National Standards Bodies together with
their contact details see
10 The three European standards organisations are CEN (http://, CENELEC ( and ETSI

5 See

11 The three international standards organisations are ISO (http://, IEC ( and ITU (http://www.itu.
int/) .

6 See


7 See


8 See


1 Introduction

parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting

arguments. This definition of the term, from ISO/IEC
Guide 2 (2004)17, makes it clear that those responsible
for astandard should take aproactive role in trying to
engage with and address the views of all relevant interests, aprocess which is usually undertaken through
formalised consultation.

1.4 Standards and regulations

Whilst regulations specify legally enforceable requirements, non-compliance with which may be subject to
sanctions, standards are voluntary codes for which
there are no legal obligations to comply. However,
where there is clear deception regarding compliance
with astandard, then civil action might be available
to those, e.g. acustomer, against whom the deception
was perpetrated. Furthermore, as standards are often
used as ameans of demonstrating compliance with
regulation, e.g. as with the new approach Directives
of the European Union18, fraudulent claims of compliance with arelevant standard might result in criminal
prosecution. In addition, whilst compliance with standards is notionally voluntary, in the case of litigation,
failure to comply with an existing standard, compliance with which might have reduced or eliminated the
impact of the occurrence which led to the prosecution,
might be deemed as demonstrating negligence.
Whilst the content and structure of regulations are
frequently subject to public consultation, at least
in democratic jurisdictions/institutions, they are not
necessarily the result of aconsensual process, and
there is still an obligation to comply, even for those
individuals and organisations that do not agree with
them. However, when an organisation agrees, voluntarily, to comply with astandard, it presumably does
so because it considers the standard has legitimacy.
That legitimacy is derived from the procedures used
in the standards development and approval processes,
in particular the active participation of those stakeholders likely to be impacted by publication of the
standard, the use of consensus to agree and approve
the content, especially the obligation, enshrined in the
definition of consensus, to take into account the views
of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting

17 ISO/IEC Guide 2 (2004) Standardization and related activities

General vocabulary

arguments. In addition, the fact that participation in

standards making is almost invariably voluntary, and
is therefore seen as altruistic rather than self-serving,
also helps to support the notion of legitimacy.

1.5 F ormal and informal

Standards are developed and published by many different groups and organisations using various degrees
of consensus in their preparation and approval. Formal standards are standards that are approved or
adopted by one of the National, Regional or international standards bodies, whilst informal standards are
published by other Standards Development Organisations (SDOs), many of which are very well known and
highly respected, e.g. ASTM International (previously
the American Society for Testing Materials), IEEE (previously the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), SEMI
(Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) and TAPPI (formerly the Technical Association of
the Pulp and Paper Industry). Private standards are
developed for internal use by companies.
The core components of the formal standards infrastructure are the National Standards Bodies (NSBs).
These are government recognised, though not necessarily government approved, bodies that have responsibility for publishing national standards. Whilst NSBs
frequently facilitate the development of national
standards through aTechnical Committee (TC) structure, it is increasingly the case that the main role of
national TCs is contributing to the development and
approval of European, e.g. CEN, and international, e.g.
ISO, standards, which may then be adopted as national
standards by their NSB. In the case of European standards, the national members of CEN have an obligation
to adopt all ENs (full European standards) as national
standards and to withdraw any conflicting national
standards that are in their catalogue. However, this is
not the case for International Standards (IS), and even
where acountry has actively participated in the development and approval of an IS it is under no obligation
to adopt it as anational standard. Additionally, national standards may also be developed by independent SDOs, although this normally requires them to be
accredited by their NSB to ensure the development

18 See

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

procedures satisfy certain minimum requirements (the

US standardization system is based on this process).
Note that as far as Europe is concerned there are
agreements between CEN and ISO (the Vienna Agreement) and CENELEC and IEC (the Dresden Agreement)
which seek to avoid duplication of effort and under
which (for example) aproportion (very high in CENELEC) of International Standards are adopted also as European Standards, usually without change.
The development of informal standards typically follows very similar procedures to those used for formal
standards, with the main difference between the two
being that development and approval is undertaken by
the members of the SDO, acting either as individuals
or representatives of their company or other organisation, rather than through anationally constituted
membership structure19.
Whilst the development of informal standards might
potentially offer advantages of flexibility, focus and
speed of delivery, the formal standards process, as
enshrined in the ISO/IEC Directives20, which almost universally define the basic structures and processes for
formal standards development, offers unrivalled rigour
and transparency, if not to the outside world then certainly to those members involved in the work. In addition, technical committees developing formal standards, whilst having to comply with formal procedures
also have significant autonomy with regards to project
development procedures, and can avail themselves of
arange of deliverables to satisfy different needs, as
outline in the following section.

19 The third European Standards Organisation, ETSI, has such

astructure but for its formal European Standards it also has
engaged national bodies to carry our public enquiry and formal
vote procedures

1.6 T ypes and examples of

documents from formal
standards bodies.
Standards fall into two general categories: Normative
and Informative.
Normative documents are those documents that
contain requirements which must be met in order
for claims of compliance with the standard to be
Informative documents, on the other hand, do not
contain any requirements and it is therefore not
possible for compliance claims to be certified.
Whilst the majority of standards are normative, they
typically also contain informative elements, in the form
of notes, examples, and informative annexes. However,
to avoid the possibility of confusion or contradiction,
informative elements, even in normative documents,
cannot contain requirements, indicated by use of the
word shall.
In the case of standards published by ISO and CEN,
informative documents are typically published as
Technical Reports, not as full international or European
Standards (IS or EN). Examples include21:
ISO/TR 14969:2004 - Medical devices Quality
management systems Guidance on the application of ISO 13485:2003;
ISO/TR 19961:2010 - Cranes Safety code on mobile cranes
ISO/TR 15599:2002 - Digital codification of dental
laboratory procedures
CEN ISO/TR 13881:2011 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Classification and conformity
assessment of products, processes and services
(ISO/TR 13881:2000)
CEN ISO/TR 20881:2007 - Footwear - Performance
requirements for components for footwear- Insoles (ISO/TR 20881:2007)

21 Afull listing of the more than 800 published ISO Technical

Reports can be found at
on and afull list of the more than 250 published CEN Technical
Reports, including some CEN/ISO TR, can be found by searching
for Technical Report under Document type at http://esearch.cen.

1 Introduction

CEN ISO/TR 17844:2004 - Welding - Comparison

of standardised methods for the avoidance of cold
cracks (ISO/TR 17844:2004)
CEN/TR 10261:2008 - Iron and steel - Review of
available methods of chemical analysis
CEN/TR 16148:2011 - Head and neck impact, burn
and noise injury criteria - AGuide for CEN helmet
standards committees
CEN/TR 14839:2004 - Wood preservatives - Determination of the preventive efficacy against wood
destroying basidiomycetes fungi
Unlike other standards deliverables, Technical Reports
are not subject to periodic (systematic) review but
can be withdrawn at anytime if they are considered
no longer relevant.
There are also significant numbers of full international and European standards, primarily in the form of
guidelines, which do not contain requirements. Examples include:
ISO 24510:2007 - Activities relating to drinking
water and wastewater services Guidelines for
the assessment and for the improvement of the
service to users
ISO 14594:2003 - Microbeam analysis Electron
probe microanalysis Guidelines for the determination of experimental parameters for wavelength
dispersive spectroscopy
ISO 10001:2007 - Quality management Customer satisfaction Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
EN ISO 140-14:2004 - Acoustics - Measurement
of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 14: Guidelines for special situations
in the field (ISO 140-14:2004)
EN ISO 17776:2002 - Petroleum and natural gas
industries - Offshore production installations Guidelines on tools and techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment (ISO 17776:2000)
EN ISO 11303:2008 - Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for selection of protection methods
against atmospheric corrosion (ISO11303:2002)
EN 13625:2001 - Non-destructive testing - Leak
test - Guide to the selection of instrumentation for
the measurement of gas leakage
EN 14412:2004 - Indoor air quality - Diffusive
samplers for the determination of concentrations
of gases and vapours - Guide for selection, use and


EN 45510-6-6:1999 - Guide for procurement of

power station equipment - Part 6-6: Turbine auxiliaries - Wet and wet/dry cooling towers
Normative documents are published as either Technical Specifications or full standards (IS or EN). Typical
types of normative standards include measurement
and test methods, e.g.
ISO 12127-2:2007 Clothing for protection against
heat and flame Determination of contact heat
transmission through protective clothing or constituent materials Part 2: Test method using contact heat produced by dropping small cylinders
ISO 14855-2:2007 - Determination of the ultimate
aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under
controlled composting conditions Method by
analysis of evolved carbon dioxide Part 2: Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in
alaboratory-scale test
ISO 13555-2:2003 - Diesel engines Procedure
for checking the dynamic timing of diesel fuel injection equipment Part 2: Test method
EN ISO 12156-1:2006 - Diesel fuel - Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) - Part 1: Test method (ISO
EN ISO 9455-13:1999 - Soft soldering fluxes - Test
methods - Part 13: Determination of flux spattering (ISO 9455-13:1996)
EN ISO 9241-307:2008 - Ergonomics of humansystem interaction - Part 307: Analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays
(ISO 9241-307:2008)
EN 1191:2000 - Windows and doors - Resistance
to repeated opening and closing - Test method
EN 14845-1:2007 - Test methods for fibres in concrete - Part 1: Reference concretes
EN 772-19:2000 - Methods of test for masonry
units - Part 19: Determination of moisture expansion of large horizontally perforated clay masonry
specifications, e.g.
ISO/IEC 20970:2002 - Information technology
Programming languages, their environments and
system software interfaces JEFF file format
SO 14961:2002 - Space data and information
transfer systems Parameter value language

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

ISO 8434-2:2007 - Metallic tube connections for

fluid power and general use Part 2: 37 degree
flared connectors
EN ISO 13340:2001 - Transportable gas cylindersCylinder valves for non-refillable cylinders - Specification and prototype testing (ISO 13340:2001
EN ISO 15614-7:2007 - Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials- Welding procedure test - Part 7: Overlay
welding (ISO 15614-7:2007)
EN ISO 9013:2002 - Thermal cutting - Classification of thermal cuts - Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances (ISO 9013:2002)
EN 627:1995 - Specification for data logging
and monitoring of lifts, escalators and passenger
EN 12482-1:1998 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Part 1:
Specifications for hot rolled reroll stock
EN 442-1:1995 - Radiators and convectors Part1: Technical specifications and requirements
and vocabularies, e.g.
ISO 8000-102:2009 - Data quality Part 102:
Master data: Exchange of characteristic data:
ISO 17066:2007 - Hydraulic tools Vocabulary
ISO 8640-1:2004 - Textile machinery and accessories Flat warp knitting machines Part 1: Vocabulary of basic structure and knitting elements
EN ISO 8384:2001 - Ships and marine technology- Dredgers - Vocabulary (ISO 8384:2000)
EN ISO 23953-1:2005 - Refrigerated display cabinets - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 23953-1:2005)
EN ISO 13731:2001 - Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Vocabulary and symbols
EN 235:2001 - Wallcoverings - Vocabulary and
EN 14478:2005 - Railway applications - Braking Generic vocabulary
EN 1325-2:2004 - Value Management, Value
Analysis, Functional Analysis vocabulary - Part 2:
Value Management
As indicated in 1.2, management standards can be
either normative or informative. Examples include:
ISO 10014:2006 - Quality management Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits

ISO/IEC 9075-9:2008 - Information technology

Database languages SQL Part 9: Management
of External Data (SQL/MED)
ISO 20828:2006 - Road vehicles Security certificate management
EN ISO 27799:2008 - Health informatics - Information security management in health using ISO/
IEC 27002 (ISO 27799:2008)
EN ISO 20815:2010 - Petroleum, petrochemical
and natural gas industries - Production assurance
and reliability management (ISO 20815:2008,
Corrected version 2009-06-15)
EN ISO 11442:2006 - Technical product documentation - Document management (ISO 11442:2006)
EN 15975-1:2011 - Security of drinking water
supply - Guidelines for risk and crisis management- Part 1: Crisis management
EN 13290-7:2001 - Space project management General requirements - Part 7: Cost and schedule
EN 9131:2009 - Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Nonconformance
Note that in addition to general management standards, some of which are indicated above, there are also
management system standards, such as ISO9000
- Quality Management, ISO - 14000 Environmental
Management and ISO 51001 - Energy Management.
The term Management system refers to what an organization does to manage its processes, or activities,
so that its products or services meet the objectives
it has set itself, and Management System standards
provide amodel to follow in setting up and operating
amanagement system. Specific examples of management system standards are:
ISO 10012:2003 - Measurement management
systems Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment
ISO 14004:2004 - Environmental management
systems General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques
ISO 50001:2011 - Energy management systems
Requirements with guidance for use
EN ISO 22000:2005 - Food safety management
systems - Requirements for any organization in
the food chain (ISO 22000:2005)
EN ISO 9001:2008 - Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2008)

1 Introduction


EN ISO 13485:2003 - Medical devices - Quality

management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes (ISO 13485:2003)
EN 9100:2009 - Quality Management Systems
- Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense
EN 9104-003:2010 - Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Part 003: Requirements for Aerospace Quality Management System
(AQMS) Auditor Training and Qualification
EN 9133:2004 - Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Qualification procedure for
aerospace standard parts.
Another deliverable in both CEN and ISO is the Workshop Agreement (CEN Workshop Agreement - CWA - or
International Workshop Agreement IWA - respectively). Workshop Agreements are consensus documents
developed as the output of aworkshop, participation
in which is open to all stakeholders. They are produced
quickly to address specific market requirements in areas which are not the subject of more formal standardization undertaken within Technical Committees, and
in this respect might be the ideal route for delivering
astandard based on results from aresearch project22.
Workshop Agreements have alimited lifespan (three
years, with the possibility of one three year extension),
at the end of which, or earlier if appropriate, they are
either transformed into another type of standards
deliverable, such as aTechnical Specification or full
standard, or withdrawn. The Workshop Agreement has
been widely exploited by CEN (369 CWA published to
October 2011) but much less widely by ISO (9 IWA
published up to the same date). Specific examples are:
CWA 16060:2009 - Environmental technology
verification - Air emission abatement technologies
CWA 16221:2010 - Vehicle security barriers - Performance requirements, test methods and guidance on application
CWA 16335:2011 - Biosafety professional
CWA 15965:2009 - Consumer confidence and nomenclature in the diamond industry
CWA 15740:2008 - Risk-Based Inspection and
Maintenance Procedures for European Industry

22 For further information about CEN Workshops and CEN Workshop Agreements see


CWA 15375:2005 - Separators for marine residual

fuel - Performance testing using specific test oil
CWA 14641:2009 - Security Management System
for Security Printing
IWA 3:2005 - Image safety Reducing the incidence of undesirable biomedical effects caused by
visual image sequences
IWA 6:2008 - Guidelines for the management of
drinking water utilities under crisis conditions
IWA 8:2009 - Tableware, giftware, jewellery, luminaries Glass clarity Classification and test

1.7 S
 tandards as ameans
of disseminating and
implementing the results
Standards are developed using arigorous and robust
process, which includes detailed peer review at different stages, in order to ensure that users can have confidence in the information, procedures, requirements
and recommendations they contain. Standards are
prepared so that individuals and organizations can apply the information contained for their own purposes.
Therefore the information in astandard must be presented in aprecise and unambiguous manner, making
it clear to users what must be done in order to comply with the standard and what is optional. Standards
are therefore first and foremost about applying the
information contained for the benefit of the user, i.e.
they specifically facilitate the dissemination and implementation of knowledge. The language used must
be clear and unambiguous so that two or more people
or organisations applying the same standard in the
same situation would follow identical processes and,
in the case of technical standards at least, come to
the same result within aknown margin of error. Thus
the knowledge in astandard is not only made available for those who wish to apply it but, in addition, the
means of application is clearly explained in alanguage
the user can understand and will not misinterpret. In
this respect, standards differ from journal publications,
which are specifically about knowledge dissemination
and interpretation rather than knowledge dissemination and implementation.
Transferring the results of research into one or more
standards could have asignificant impact on the

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

subsequent use of those results by industry and other researchers by making it clear not only what the
results are but also how to implement them. Whilst
not all research results can necessarily be transposed
into standards, those that cannot might well provide
valuable support to new or existing standards through,
for example, the validation of test methods. Because
standards development is done in cooperation with
other experts in the field, the process of transferring
research results into standards can often highlight issues that might not previously have been apparent. It
will also ensure that, where necessary, due consideration is given to the validation of procedures and protocols and to establishing the trueness and precision of
the results obtained.

1 Introduction


2 P reparing for


2.1 Recognising needs

and opportunities for

2.2 Research results

appropriate for

If, in the course of your research, you have found it necessary to develop aspecific procedure or protocol to
overcome aparticular issue then it is possible, indeed
likely that you have developed the basis of astandard. However, if you are simply using well established
procedures to, for example, characterize anew material then it is unlikely that you have done anything
to contribute to standardization. Of course, simply
because you have developed aprocedure or protocol
does not necessarily mean that it has not already been
developed and published as astandard; thus it is always wise to undertake areview of existing standards
applicable to aparticular area before embarking on
aproject. Simply because information about standards
does not exist in the relevant academic literature does
not mean they do not exist there is asignificant gulf
between the academic and standardization communities and it is quite feasible that many academics in
aparticular field are entirely ignorant of the standards
relevant to it. However, given the availability and flexibility of internet search engines, it should be relatively
easy to identify those standards relevant to aparticular subject, though the detail contained in them
can frequently only be established by consulting the
original documents. This can often be done on-line or
by consulting library sources, but if these are not available then purchasing standards to find out what they
contain can be arelatively expensive business.

To be suitable for providing the basis of astandard,

aresearch output needs to be applicable to and have
utility for one or more established groups of stakeholders researchers, industry and/or regulators; it
should have been evaluated by anumber of independent organizations; and it should not require the
use of equipment, software or other utilities which
are available from only one, commercial organisation.
Having said this, if the use of proprietary equipment
or other resources allows particularly intractable issues of broad relevance to be addressed then there
is nothing specifically prohibiting reference to such in
astandard, although for inclusion in formal standards
there is usually arequirement for an agreement to be
concluded on general accessibility before the standard
can be published.
Whilst it is not the intention of this guide to provide
acomprehensive list of outputs that might be suitable
for standardization, if, in the course of your project,
you have developed arepeatable technique or procedure for preparation, characterization, identification,
manipulation, verification, etc. or if you have modified
an existing technique or procedure to allow its use at
adifferent length scale or under an extended range of
conditions, then it is likely that the output could provide the basis for astandard. Research outputs that
are not suitable for standardization are, for example:
data that is applicable to aparticular system (though
such data might provide the basis for acase study
or example for inclusion in astandard); or methods,
processes or protocols that are dependent on the use

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

of patented equipment, unless there are no alternatives23; methods, processes or protocols that you are
currently trying to patent; and methods, processes or
protocols that have not been validated or for which
there is no interest in the stakeholder community.

2.3 Standards versus

patents which option
The purpose of astandard is to provide auniform approach to doing something through an open access,
though not necessarily free to access, platform. Standards are developed for the general good of stakeholders and should not support the commercial or other
interests of asingle organization. The adoption of
standards should support efficiency and overall cost
reduction through competition whilst ensuring product
quality, interoperability, safety and reliability. Standards represent agreement (consensus) between experts about the best way of doing something. They do
not require an inventive step; rather they document
good practice.
Through their promotion of asingle way of doing
something, it is often suggested that standards inhibit
innovation. However, it is clear that standards actually
support innovation in many different areas by relieving innovators of the need to make decisions on what
are often quite trivial matters, allowing them to concentrate on the essential essence of their innovation.
In addition, as compliance with standards is, in most
cases, not alegal requirement, innovators are free to
make use of standards or not, as they see fit, and if
their ideas are demonstrably superior to those contained in astandard then it is likely that businesses
will adopt them, though it has to be recognised that
the superiority of aproduct, process or service is only
one factor in its adoption by the market.

23 It should be noted that whilst it is not common practice to

develop and publish standards which can only be implemented
through the use of third party intellectual property, including patents, there is no general prohibition on this. However,
the International and European standards organisations have
acommon policy regarding recommendations/deliverables that
require licences for Patents to be practiced or implemented,
fully or partly, guidelines for the implementation of which are
given in Annex 1 of the ISO/IEC Directive, part 1 see http://

There is no charge for applying astandard, other than

the cost of acquiring the document, though there
might be costs associated with compliance. The cost
of developing astandard is relatively low for the individual participants, being mainly the cost of attending
and taking part in meetings, though there might also
be fees for membership of the relevant SDO or national TC, which need to be factored in.
Patents, on the other hand, are designed to protect
the intellectual property of an inventor and to limit the
scope of competitors to gain access to the market for
products or services based on that invention. If someone other than the patent holder wishes to make use
of the invention they would normally need to pay alicence fee, the value of which would be the subject of
negotiation between the parties. The cost of obtaining,
maintaining and possibly defending apatent can be
considerable and aclear commercial benefit should be
identified, either from direct exploitation, licensing or
selling to another organisation, before embarking on
acquiring patent protection.
Which option? Because patents require an inventive
step, the first thing to determine is whether or not
the output under consideration is based on aclearly
identifiable inventive step (something that is not obvious to those skilled in the art, i.e. something that
another expert would not do as amatter of course as
aconsequence of their training). If such astep can be
identified and it is considered that the financial benefits of protecting the invention significantly outweigh
the costs of protecting it then it clearly makes sense
to adopt the patenting route (note that the costs of
protecting the intellectual property are not only those
of the initial patent filing together with associated
costs, but also the potential costs of protecting the
rights that are assigned in any of the territories where
protection has been granted, together with the cost
of surveillance in those territories to ensure that the
patent rights are not being violated. Additionally, it
should not be forgotten that in countries where it is not
protected, others will be free to exploit the invention,
though they would not be allowed to export products
based on the invention into countries where it is protected). However, in cases where there is no clear inventive step or where the inventive step is not deemed
to have sufficient commercial potential to make the
costs of patenting and patent protection viable, then
the standardization route could be considered.

2 Preparing for standardization


As indicated elsewhere in this guide, before afull

standard can be approved it is necessary to have completed all pre-normative and co-normative research
PNR and CNR. As its name implies, pre-normative
research is the research carried out to establish the
validity and reliability of the subject matter to be
standardized, whilst co-normative research is the research that is necessary to quantify the repeatability,
reproducibility and uncertainty of the procedures that
are incorporated in the standard. For other types of
normative documents, Technical Specifications, Publicly Available Specifications and Workshop Agreements,
which are used to promote acommon approach to
subject matter that itself is under development and to
evaluate the utility, as well as the repeatability, reliability and uncertainty, of the procedures, the published
document provides the basis for CNR by providing procedures for undertaking inter-laboratory comparisons
and other investigations to evaluate the statistical
bases of the method.

2.4 What is needed before

starting? Verification and
Before deciding to embark on astandardization project for aparticular research output, it is essential that
the results on which the standard will be based are
reproducible and repeatable, i.e. give the same results,
within statistical error, when repeated by asingle user
and by multiple users. This does not mean that afull
uncertainty budget should have been established but
that there must be ahigh degree of confidence that
the procedures to be standardized can be validated
and the results obtained can be verified. Without such
PNR there is little point in proposing the development
of astandard, which is essentially apaper exercise,
were the scope of application is carefully evaluated,
what is not covered is equally carefully defined, the
procedures to be incorporated are carefully scrutinized
by other experts to ensure that they are appropriate
and cannot be misinterpreted, the terms and symbols
used are accurately defined, any normative references, i.e. other standards that are critical to the application and operation of the new standard are identified,
all statements are appropriately justified, normative
and informative elements are differentiate, requirements for compliance with the standard are clearly
stated, etc.


2.5 W
 hich type of standard
In the case of European and international standards
there are anumber of different deliverables, depending on the maturity of the particular topic and the level
of consensus that can be achieved. The deliverables for
topics with the highest level of maturity are European
Norms (EN) and International Standards (IS), both of
which require ahigh degree of consensus, preferably
unanimity, amongst the National Standards Bodies,
and their experts, taking part in the development and
approval processes. An IS is approved if, after voting
amongst all members of ISO, at least atwo-thirds
majority of the votes cast by the P-members of the
technical committee or subcommittee that developed
the document are in favour, and not more than onequarter of the total number of votes cast are negative.
For EN, the situation is somewhat different because of
the special status of these documents amongst the
membership of CEN, i.e. when an EN is approved it
must be implemented by all members of CEN and any
conflicting National standards must be withdrawn. For
approval of EN, weighted voting is used whereby the
largest economies have the largest number of votes.
EN are approved if at least 71% of weighted votes are
in favour (abstentions are not counted). EN and IS are
subject to review every five years (IS are first reviewed
three years after publication then every five years
thereafter) to ensure that they continue to be relevant
and accurate. If they cease to be relevant they may be
withdrawn at any time. Both IS and EN take typically
3 4 years from proposal to publication.
For topics that are still under development or which
have not reached asufficient state of maturity for the
development of an IS or EN, there are three possible
deliverables in ISO and two in CEN. These are international Technical Specifications (TS), international
Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and international Workshop Agreements (IWA). In CEN there is no
equivalent to the Publicly Available Specification but
there are equivalents to the other two, designated as
CEN TS and CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement24). In both
organisations, Technical Specifications are expected
ultimately to become full standards, hence the approval criteria are similar to those for IS and EN, with
the main difference being that, for international TS,

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

voting only takes place amongst the P members of

the committee that developed the document. Like IS
and EN, TS typically contain requirements that must
be satisfied in order to demonstrate compliance. Unlike EN, there is no compulsion on members of CEN
to implement CEN TS or to delete conflicting national
standards. TS would typically be developed to make
standardized procedures available for evaluation by
awide group of stakeholders in the expectation that
the knowledge and experience gained will be incorporated into afull standard in due course. TS are subject
to systematic review every three years but there is
currently no limit on their over all life.
PAS are similar to TS but for subject matter that is at
an even earlier stage of development. They are usually developed in arelatively short time frame, less
than 12 months, and act as an early stage deliverable
to encourage amove towards more formal standardization. For approval, PAS require asimple majority of
votes cast by the P members of the committee responsible for their development. PAS remain valid for
an initial maximum period of 3 years, which may be
extended for asingle 3-year period, following which
they must be revised to become another type of normative document, or be withdrawn.
Workshop Agreements are documents developed within the context of aWorkshop in which market players
and other stakeholders directly participate. They do not
go through anational delegation as with other deliverables in both CEN and ISO, but in CENs case they may
be submitted to on-line public comments. Workshop
agreements are typically developed in atimeframe
10 - 12 months. They are ideal as fast deliverables for
emerging areas often linked to research and innovation - for which there is no relevant technical committee and they provide adocument that can ultimately
become aEuropean or international standard.
There is one other deliverable available from both CEN
and ISO and that is the Technical Report (TR), an informative document that does not contain any requirements and to which compliance cannot be demonstrated. TR are usually prepared to provide background
to atechnical area or to assist with the application
or interpretation of afull standard, e.g. ISO/TR 14969
Medical devices Quality management systems
Guidance on the application of ISO 13485:2003. For
publication, TR require the support of asimple majority

of the P-members of the technical committee responsible for its development.

2.6 U
 nder which standards
organisation should
astandard be developed?
Whilst the matter of which standards organisation
should develop aparticular standard might seem
asomewhat academic question, selecting the right organisation can have important repercussions for those
involved in the development of the document. There
is also aneed to consider the geographical spread of
stakeholders likely to be impacted. In this respect the
CEN and CENELEC Management Centre in Brussels can
be asource of information and support when choosing
the right Standards Organization. Adedicated Research
Helpdesk with links to all National Members, ETSI and
ISO can provide tailored advice to identify the right
standards activity and right standardization partner25.
Obviously if the primary interest lies within Europe then
it makes sense to develop aCEN document, whereas
if there is broader international interest, then an ISO
document clearly makes more sense. However, if the
interest mainly resides in one country then it does not
make sense to try to develop either aEuropean on
an international standard where anational standard
would be most appropriate. Assuming that the options
are ISO or CEN, then the criteria to consider are:
Is there an existing technical committee whose
scope encompasses the topic to be standardized?
Whilst there are well over 200 technical committees in ISO and nearly 400 in CEN, for those
where scopes appear to overlap, the principal work
is frequently done in the ISO committees, whilst
the CEN committee exists primarily to monitor the
work in ISO and to adopt standards that it considers have special relevance to European stakeholders. In other cases where CEN and ISO committees
appear to work in similar areas, the focus might
be quite different. For example, ISO/TC 147 Water
Quality and CEN/TC 164 Water Supply have complementary work programmes, with the former
focusing on sampling and test methods for the
determination of the levels of chemical, biological

2 Preparing for standardization


and radiological contaminants in water, and the

latter concentrating on standardization of chemicals and products that come into contact with
drinking water. As asupport to the integration of
standardization into European research or similar
projects (EU Commission or Eureka), CEN authorizes the CEN Technical Committees to conclude
Project Liaisons26 with FP7 projects, allowing
aliaison representative to participate in Technical
Committees and relevant Working Group meetings
as an observer, without decision making power,
upon condition that:
The project in question is abona fide European
research or similar project (EU Commission or
The project liaison applies for the duration of the
The project signs an undertaking accepting CENs exploitation rights policy and
agreeing that no information brought to the projects attention will be disseminated or exploited
in any form.
Whilst both organisations use essentially identical
procedures for standards development, ISO Technical Committees can meet almost anywhere in the
world whereas CEN Technical Committees invariably meet in Europe. Thus choosing to work through
an ISO committee might have significant travel
cost and time implications, and whilst it is not essential to attend meetings of the project group developing astandard, it is certainly very helpful as
so much more can be achieved in aface-to-face
meeting than in atele or web conference. Also, if
you are the project leader then you really do need
to be present at project group meetings if you are
to manage the process effectively;
In certain key areas, the European Commission has
mandated the development of standards, mainly
to provide abasis for safety testing of products
but also in other areas such as supporting an
emerging area of technology. Such mandates may
provide financial support for the development of
European standards, which can only be accessed
through aEuropean Technical Committee. The European Commission does not provide financial support for the development of international standards to satisfy the requirements of amandate.

2.7 J oint working between

committees and between
standards organisations.
Where two Technical Committees within the same
standards organisation have acommon interest in
aparticular project to which both can make ameaningful contribution, then it is possible for the project to
be developed in ajoint working group to which experts
from both committees are appointed. However, if the
two committees are in different standards organisations, e.g. CEN and ISO, then more formal cooperation
mechanisms are required. In the case of CEN and ISO,
aformal agreement on cooperative working, known as
the Vienna Agreement27, has been established whereby the relevant technical committee in one or the other
organisation takes the lead, by agreement, and the
other technical committee contributes by nominating
up to aspecified number of experts to represent the
interests of its members. The second committee also
agrees not to work separately on the subject matter
of the project (standstill). Once consensus has been
reached amongst the experts from the two committees the document is balloted in both and will only
become ajoint publication if it is approved by both the
ISO TC and the membership of CEN, for aTR or TS, or
by both organisations, for an EN/IS. Asimilar agreement, the Dresden Agreement28, exists between the
The development of ajoint project under the Vienna
Agreement is not the only way to achieve an identical document in both CEN and ISO. Another way is for
an existing International Standard to be confirmed as
aEuropean Norm using the so-called Unique Acceptance Procedure29, aprocedure that essentially allows
the fast tracking of areference document from another organisation as aCEN deliverable.

27 see
28 see

26 see


29 see

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

2.8 Standardization project

characterization template
To help with the identification of project outputs that
are suitable for standardization, astandardization
project characterization template see Annex A has
been produced. This template will also help projects
understand the various stages that are entailed in taking aparticular output to apublished standard and
enable them to monitor progress towards their particular goal.

2.9 The new work item proposal

and approval processes
Before astandardization project, other than aWorkshop Agreement, can be implemented in either CEN
or ISO it is necessary for aNew Work Item Proposal
(NWIP) to be approved by the members of the relevant
committee. Whilst NWIPs can, in principle, be submitted by anumber of different interest groups, including
liaisons, the secretariat of the relevant committee, and
by the management board of the standards organisation, the usual originators of NWIPs are the national
member bodies (NMB) that actively participate in the
work of the committee. Thus if you decide that aparticular output is suitable for standardization, then you
will first need to identify the Technical Committee
within which the project can be developed. Having done
this, you will need to approach the relevant mirror
committee of an appropriate NMB and persuade it to
support the proposed standard and to submit aNWIP
for it. Submitting aNWIP requires the NMB to commit
to making resources available during its development,
if approved, hence it will need to be convinced of the
need for such astandard. Thus it would probably be
best if the country chosen to submit the proposal had
made amajor contribution to the particular output or
had asignificant involvement in it.
For ISO projects, the NWIP must be submitted on
aForm 4, shown in Annex B.1, whilst proposals for
new projects in CEN are submitted on Form A, shown
in Annex B.2. These forms detail the information that
is required before aproposal will be assessed by the
members of the committee to which it is directed.
Whilst the chair and secretary of the national mirror committee submitting the proposal will normally

assist with the completion of the form, it is possible

that neither they nor any member of their committee
will be experts in the specific subject matter of the
proposal, hence one of the first tasks might well be to
convince these national stakeholders of the need for
astandard on this subject. As the NWIP must contain
awell argued purpose and justification in order to be
accepted by the members of the relevant committee,
it would be sensible to have some strong arguments
prepared before introducing the subject to the relevant
NMB mirror committee. In addition to the more technical elements of the proposal, it is arequirement of the
ISO process, and clearly highly desirable for the CEN
process, that an individual will be identified to lead the
project if it is approved. This person would normally
be anational of the country submitting the NWIP, and
clearly it makes sense that they should have been
closely involved in the research work that resulted in
the proposal. As indicated elsewhere in this guide, the
amount of work involved in leading the development
of astandard is typically afew days, perhaps 15 - 20,
depending on the type of deliverable and the complexity of the proposed standard. The amount of work will
also depend on the quality of the research on which
the document is to be based; the more detailed and
thorough the research the smaller the amount of time
that is likely to be required. One thing to be kept in
mind is that, whilst the total time might be relatively
small, taking on the responsibility for leading astandardization project is areasonably long term commitment, as the leader will be involved throughout the
whole process, from NWIP to finalising the document
prior to publication, aprocess which typically takes
2to 3 years.
NWIP are approved in an ISO TC if, following athree
month ballot of members, at least 50% of the P
members voting support the proposal and 5 or more
agree to participate in the projects development (note
that it is only the P members of the committee that
have avote, though other members, e.g. liaisons, can
nominate experts to work on the project). Whilst this is
the formal ISO procedure (the NWIP submission and
approval are somewhat different in CEN30, although
the overall process is similar to that in ISO), different
TC might have agreed different procedures for dealing
with NWIPs prior to their formal ballot. For example,
ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies encourages members
30 see

2 Preparing for standardization


considering submitting aNWIP to first discuss it with

the convenor of the relevant working group to ensure
that it is consistent with both the working group and
TC road maps and then, once aproposal has been prepared, the proposer is invited to submit it to the Task
Group on Planning and Coordination for athree week
review, which will make appropriate recommendations to help ensure the success of the proposal, e.g.
by strengthening the justification/market relevance,
highlighting the need for supporting work, highlighting
links to other work in the committee or other TCs, etc.
Following further modification, if necessary, the NWIP
is submitted for the formal three month ballot.


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

3 T he standards
3.1 The ISO/IEC Directives and
The rules governing the structure and drafting of International Standards are given in the ISO/IEC Directives
Part 2 Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards31. This document, which may be
downloaded from the link, complements Part 1 of the
directives Procedures for the technical work32.
The development of European standards within CEN
and CENELEC follows very similar procedures and is
governed by the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations33.

3.2 The standards development

Whilst the development of aparticular standard is almost invariably the responsibility of asingle Technical
Committee34, the actual work of developing the final
working draft is assigned to either asubcommittee

31 See
32 See
33 See
34 Note that the development of Workshop Agreements does not
follow the procedures described here. For further details see

(SC) or aworking group (WG) of the parent committee. Subcommittees are established where the scope
of acommittee is such that there is asignificant
amount of relatively unrelated work being undertaken, the management of which can be better achieved
through separate, semi-autonomous sub-committees.
Like Technical Committees, Sub-Committees take their
own decisions, such as approving New Work Item Proposals, approving Committee Drafts, establishing and
disbanding Working Groups, etc, and, like TCs, each
SC has its own chairman and secretary, together with
anumber of Working Groups in which related work
items are developed. However, whilst asub-committee
structure can facilitate the management of awide and
diverse work programme, it is now recognised that it
is usually better to divide the work amongst different
Technical Committees rather than trying to maintain
avery broad programme of work in one Technical
Committee by establishing what are, to all intents and
purposes smaller Technical Committees within it.
The drafting of standards takes place in project groups
(PG), which are now almost invariably grouped into
Working Groups that have responsibility for aparticular aspect of the work of the TC or SC. For example,
ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies has four working
groups: terminology and nomenclature; measurement
and characterization; health, safety and the environmental; and materials specifications, together dealing with perhaps 20 30 projects at any one time.
Working Groups are led by aConvenor, sometimes but
not always supported by asecretary, whose responsibility it is to manage the work assigned to the WG.
As asubordinate group within aTC, WGs do not have
decision making powers, though they are able to make

3 The standards development process


recommendations on technical and organisational

matters to their parent TC or SC. In the past, it was not
uncommon for anew WG to be established each time
aNew Work Item Proposal was approved, which led to
large numbers of working groups, each with their own
convenor and WG members, resulting in some challenging management issues for TC Chairmen and Secretaries. However, it is now more common for working
groups to deal with all projects in aparticular subject
area within the scope of the TC.
Besides establishing PGs, WGs and perhaps SCs, aTC
can also establish other groups, such as Task Groups
(TGs) and Study Groups (SGs) to address specific issues. TGs and SGs do not develop standards but prepare recommendations on the issues they have been
asked to address. Both are disbanded once their work
has been completed.
A typical committee structure is shown in the diagram

P, O and L members
+ Chair and Secretary
Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor

P, O and L members
+ Chair and Secretary

Fig 1. Diagram showing typical structure of

astandardisation Technical Committee.

Technical Committee
P (participating),
O (observer) and
L (liaison) members
+ Chairman and Secretary

Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor

P, O and L members
+ Chair and Secretary
Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor Working Group
National experts
+ Convenor

3.3 The role of experts,

commitment required, and
the role of consensus
As indicated in 2.8, approval of aNew Work Item Proposal requires the support of amajority of members
voting in the committee considering it (abstentions
are not counted), together with acertain minimum
number of members (5 in the case of ISO) agreeing
to contribute to its development. Members demonstrate their willingness to contribute by nominating
one or more experts to participate in the project group
responsible for the particular work item. Although experts are nominated by their NMB, i.e. the members
of the committee, they serve on the project group as
experts in the particular subject under discussion and
not as national representatives or representatives of
their employers.
The role of the experts is to take the draft that is submitted by the proposer and, with the aid of the New
Work Item Proposal and any comments submitted by
NMB during the New Work Item Proposal ballot, develop aconsensus document that satisfies the objectives
of the proposal and the formatting and other requirements of the standardization body that will ultimately
publish the standard. The work of the project group,
which typically takes around 12 months to complete,
though it might be significantly longer in some cases,
is usually undertaken in both face-to-face meetings
and by correspondence. The process is led by the Project Leader (PL) nominated by the proposer, and whilst
some countries provide secretarial support to PLs, in
most cases it is the responsibility of the individual to
ensure compliance with the process laid out in the
directives of the relevant standards body. To assist
with understanding and applying the procedural requirements for project development in CEN/CENELEC
and ISO/IEC, many NMB provide training for PLs and
experts in the processes used in these standards organisations. Information is also available on the web
sites of different standards bodies35. In addition, some
Technical Committees also provide guidance for PLs
and PG members (e.g. ISO/TC 229 sends PLs and experts appointed to all new projects the welcome letter
and guidance notes shown in Annex D). However, it is

35 see, for example: and the

New to standards? tab at

the responsibility of both the PL and the PG members

themselves, under the watchful eye of the WG convenor, to ensure the effectiveness of the process, and
the quality of the final outcome the Final Working
Draft (FWD) - will critically depend upon the level of
commitment of all involved.
Whilst progress can be significantly faster and more
effective in face-to-face meetings, depending on the
particular forum it might not be possible to have all
of the nominated experts present at such meetings,
and without careful organisation, the views of some
experts might not be taken into account during such
meetings. Whilst there are guidelines for addressing
this particular issues, e.g. documents for discussion at
project group meetings should be distributed at least
two weeks in advance to allow experts unable to attend to brief someone else in their delegation to speak
on their behalf, to prepare written comments, or to
participate via telephone of web based conferencing,
such measures can only be effective if all members of
the PG abide by the guidelines and take full advantage
of the opportunities offered.
Although face-to-face meetings offer an excellent
opportunity to make fast and effective progress, it is
invariably the case that much, if not most of the project development will take place via correspondence,
as this gives experts the opportunity to reflect fully,
possibly in discussion with peers, on specific issues,
and to respond at their leisure. In addition to correspondence, i.e. e-mails, many committees now also
use alternative means of meeting, such as telephone
and web conferencing. Whilst such remote meetings
should also be considered as part of the mix for project development, when using these alternatives it is
important to give careful consideration to the geographical spread and range of language skills of the
experts involved. For example, for an ISO committee
working in English and with experts from the Americas,
Europe and Asia, aremote meeting which is convenient to the experts in one region might be very inconvenient, e.g. take place in the middle of the night, for
those in another, whilst for some experts, if not most,
operating in alanguage which is not their mother
tongue will be an additional burden. Project leaders
therefore need to ensure that where remote meetings are used for project development, such meetings
are carefully planned, with clear objectives, alimited
scope, and aclearly defined time slot. Documents, including agendas and documents for comment, for both

3 The standards development process


face-to-face and remote meetings, should always be

distributed well in advance two weeks as aminimum to allow participants to prepare properly.
It is very important to document all decisions reached
during meetings in order to avoid going over the same
ground again and again. Such records are particularly
important for face-to-face meetings at which substitute experts are in attendance or where comments
from observers are permitted. Although, in an ideal
world, only nominated experts should participate during project meetings, in practice this is not always
possible and often other experts, or individuals who
believe they are experts, will also be present (this is
particularly the case for project meetings associated with plenary meetings of the committee, where
most if not all of the active project groups meet). In
such circumstances, PLs might need to be forceful in
their insistence that elements already agreed by the
nominated experts are not re-opened for discussion by
someone who has not been nominated to the project,
and having aclear record of previous decisions can
help to avoid difficult confrontations.
As stated above, the role of the PG is to develop aconsensus document that satisfies the objectives of the
proposal, as modified by the TC as aconsequence of
the NWIP ballot, and the formatting and other requirements of the standardization body that will ultimately
publish the standard. They do this via aseries of Working Drafts (WD) using an iterative process that leads to
aFinal Working Draft (FWD) that meets the objectives
of the proposal and that everyone involved in the PG
finds acceptable. At each stage, if any of the nominated experts is strongly opposed to the document then it
is the responsibility of the PL to try to resolve the differences between experts, whilst maintaining afocus
on the technical accuracy and robustness of the draft
under development. Whilst recognising that consensus does not necessarily imply unanimity, it does require that there is no sustained opposition to any part
of the document by any of the experts involved in its
development, and in the extreme it might be necessary
to inform the committee that it has not been possible to reach consensus and that the project should be
abandoned. However, this rarely occurs and it is usually possible to reach consensus, even on quite difficult
issues, by judicious editing or omission of contentious
sections. Ultimately though, the quality of adocument
will depend upon the active participation of all of the
experts nominated to the project, and where experts


continually fail to contribute it is the responsibility of

the PL, through the convenor of the relevant WG, to
ensure that the nominating body is made aware of
this, preferably in acommunication from the committee secretary or chair, so that it can deal with the
situation, either by speaking directly to the recalcitrant
expert or replacing them with anew one.

3.4 Elements of astandard

3.4.1 Normative and informative elements
Whilst complying with astandard is usually avoluntary decision, there are typically things that must be
done once adecision to comply has been taken. All of
the things that must be done in order to comply with
astandard are referred to as normative requirements
and are signified by the use of the word shall. For
example, where aparticular measurement technique
must be used, the text would say something like the
measurement shall be made in accordance with .
Where compliance with something in the standard is
optional or where the use of alternative methods is
acceptable, then this is usually signified by use of the
word may. For example, measure xusing the method described in ISO YYYY. Note - alternative methods
providing equivalent accuracy may be used. It should
be noted however that where doing something in
astandard is optional then it cannot be anormative
requirement, but anormative requirement might allow
for the use of alternatives.
Besides normative elements, standards almost always
also contain informative elements, i.e. elements that
provide information. Informative elements are usually
included in the form of notes, examples or informative annexes. It should be noted that informative elements may not contain requirements, i.e., they may
not use the word shall.
Whilst most standards documents contain both normative and informative elements, some documents
are purely informative. Such documents are usually
published as Technical Reports - but see 1.6.
3.4.2 Structural elements
Because standards cover such adiversity of subjects
and standardization needs see 1.3 Who makes

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standards and why - there is no one structure that

covers all standards. However, all standards will have
the following elements, which will be specific to each
A unique number which includes the source of
the document and/or its status, together with
the year of approval, e.g. ISO 9001:2008, EN ISO
13485:2003, EN 1071-3:2003, ISO TS 800041:2010, CWA 14243:2002.
Title this usually consists of up to three elements
an introductory element giving the general
field to which the document belongs often
the title of the committee responsible for the
a main element indicating the principal subject of the document;
a complementary element giving the specific
aspect of the main element that the document addresses
Whilst being succinct, the title should be sufficient to
distinguish the document from others in the same
general field.
For example: Nanotechnologies Endotoxin test on
nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems Limulus
amebocyte lysate (LAL) test
Scope This defines the subject of the document
and the aspects covered, and should indicate any
limits of applicability of the document or of particular parts of it. It should reflect the title and
the title should reflect the scope. It is important to
agree the scope early in the development of the
project so that all experts are fully aware of what
it is they are trying to develop, what is and is not
covered and who the target audience is.
For example, the scope of ISO 9001:2008 Quality
management systems Requirements is afollows:
1 Scope
1.1 General
This International Standard specifies requirements for
aquality management system where an organization

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently

provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the
effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system
and the assurance of conformity to customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

NOTE 1: In this International

Standard, the term product only
applies to
a) product intended for, or required by, acustomer,
b) any intended output resulting from the product realization processes.

NOTE 2: Statutory and

regulatory requirements can be
expressed as legal requirements.
1.2 Application
All requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product provided.
Where any requirement(s) of this International Standard cannot be applied due to the nature of an organization and its product, this can be considered for
Where exclusions are made, claims of conformity to
this International Standard are not acceptable unless
these exclusions are limited to requirements within
Clause 7, and such exclusions do not affect the organizations ability, or responsibility, to provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements.
The majority of technical standards likely to result
from research projects will also have the following
Normative references this lists other standards
that form, or parts of which form, an integral part
of the document and without reference to which

3 The standards development process



it is impossible to comply with the standard. The

need for anormative reference would be indicated
by, for example, astatement such as determine
property xin accordance with ISO YYYY. Standards
that are referred to in the document but to which
compliance in whole or part is not arequirement
of the document are not Normative references and
should be listed in the bibliography.
Terms and Definitions this is alist of all nonstandard technical terms used in the document
together with their definitions. Alternatively reference may be made to other documents in which
the terms are defined, e.g. by aphrase such as
terms used in this document are defined in..
Where reference is made to other standards containing the relevant definitions, then these standards should be listed as Normative references
Symbols and abbreviations this should list the
meaning of all symbols and abbreviations used in
the document. They should also be defined the first
time they are used. Such alist is very important
for ready reference when large numbers of symbols and/or abbreviations are used. Preparing such
alist can also help to ensure that the same symbol
is not used for two different things.
Apparatus this provides ageneric description of
the apparatus to be used, including range, sensitivity, operational limits, e.g., temperature, pressure,
etc., where appropriate.
Procedure written in the imperative form (do
this, do that) not the narrative form (this is done,
that is done), making it clear what is mandatory
in order to comply with the standard (by use of
the word shall), what is strongly recommended
(by use of the word should), what is optional (by
use of the word may) and what must not be done
(by use of the words shall not)
Data analysis explaining how the results are
calculated from the measurements made and including statistical analysis, together with sources
and treatment of errors.
Reporting of results listing what shall be reported and what should also be reported.
Annexes these provide additional detail that is
not appropriate for the body of the standard, for
example, because its inclusion would divert attention from the primary purpose of the document
or because it provides supplementary information that is not essential to the application of the

standard. An annex may be normative, containing

requirements that must be met in order to comply
with the standard, or informative. Informative annexes shall not contain requirements. The status
of an annex is given both in the contents and
also immediately under the heading at the start
of the annex.
Bibliography this lists all of the documents
referred to in the text, which are typically numbered in the order in which they appear. Standards are normally listed separately from other
sources. Normative references are not listed in
the bibliography.
A standard may also contain an introduction giving
specific information or commentary about the technical content of the document, and about the reasons
for its preparation. Introductions are informative and
shall not contain requirements.
Further details regarding the form and content of the
elements comprising astandard are given in the ISO/
IEC Directives Part 231.
3.4.3 W
 ords with specific meaning
A few words that are in common usage have rather
precise meanings when used in astandard and it is
important that those involved in the development, review and application of standards understand what
these meanings are and use the terms appropriately.
These words are shown below (with their opposites in
shall (shall not) indicating arequirement;
should (should not) indicating arecommendation but not an absolute requirement;
may (need not) granting permission;
can (can not) indicating apossibility
There are also some other words and phrases, again
in common usage, that are not used in standards because they can result in ambiguity or confusion. These
words are:
must, which is replaced by shall
may not, which is replaced by shall not

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Possible alternatives to the above for use where it is

not linguistically feasible to use the words indicated
are given in Annex Hof the ISO/IEC Directives Part 231.

3.5 Document development and

review checklist
As an aid to participants in ISO/TC 229 involved in the
development and review of standards for nanotechnologies, the committee has developed adocument
development and review checklist, which is shown in
Annex E. This checklist, which is not specific to the field
of nanotechnologies, was produced because it had become clear that many projects were being presented
for ballot displaying the same basis errors. It was also
clear from the lack of comments being submitted with
ballot responses that many of those involved in the
review of these documents were not familiar with the
structure and drafting of standards. The checklist is
not meant to cover every eventuality and it is essential that users familiarise themselves with the ISO/IEC
Directives Part 2 Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards or other regulations
relevant to the particular standards body under which
they are working. Those involved in the drafting and
review of standards also need to exercise their scientific and technical knowledge, judgement and training
to ensure the accuracy, robustness and completeness
of the document being drafted or reviewed.

3 The standards development process


4 T he approval and
review process
4.1 Who, when and how
Once aproject group has reached consensus on the
detailed contents and structure of the Final Work
Draft, their job is essentially complete and the document moves from the project stage to the committee
stage. Although there are some differences in the formal processes in ISO and CEN, they essentially follow
the same general trajectory towards final approval. In
the following the ISO process is described and any significant differences in the CEN process are indicated.
Once aFWD has been submitted to the secretary of
the TC responsible for its development, the secretary
will, either personally or with the assistance of the
convenor of the relevant WG, or other suitable person,
review the general structure of the document to ensure that it has been prepared using the correct template and that there are no obvious problems with it.
Some committees have amore formal review by an
editorial panel of the relevant working group, whilst
other committees rely entirely on the Project Leader to
ensure that the document is ready for ballot. In view
of the number of recurring editorial errors that were
being picked up during ballots, ISO/TC 229 agreed to
arrange for all documents submitted for ballot to be
reviewed by aqualified standards editor so that editorial issues could be addressed prior to ballot, thus
allowing reviewers to concentrate on general and
technical issues rather than being diverted by poor or
incomplete editing.
Following acceptance of aFWD for ballot, the secretary
of the committee makes it available to all members
for review and voting, using the committees password
protected website. Unless agreed otherwise, this committee draft ballot lasts for aperiod of three months
(this may be as short as two months or as long as four


by prior agreement). The purpose of the ballot is to allow the wider community of stakeholders, represented
by the relevant mirror committees of the National
Member Bodies of the Technical Committee, to study
the document and make recommendations as to how
it might be improved. This is avital part of the consensus building process, under which all P members of
the TC have an obligation to consult relevant national
stakeholders. Other members of the TC- O members
and liaisons - are also free to submit comments, although they do not have aformal vote at this or other
stages of the process. All comments must be submitted on the appropriate template see4.2below.
It is widely agreed that the technical quality of the final standard is critically dependent on this stage of
the process, hence the wider and more detailed the
consultation the better. The principle of consensus is
based on giving all parties likely to be affected an opportunity to influence the contents of adocument, and
it is essential that the consultation really does seek to
take into account the views of all parties concerned
(from the ISO/IEC definition of consensus see 1.3)
and that all parties concerned take full advantage
of the opportunity that it offers. However, reviewing
adocument can be an onerous task, particularly where
it contains alot of technical detail and where most
members of the Project Group have possibly been
working in, what is for them, asecond or even athird
language, which can result in some challenging grammatical structures. The quality of the document presented for ballot can also be strongly affected by the
amount of experience members of the project group,
in particular the PL, have of preparing standards. For
ISO and CEN, almost all documents are now prepared
in English, and whilst the use of acommon language
makes life much easier in general, particularly for the
English speaking nations, it can present significant

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challenges for reviewers whose first language is not

English. Because of these language and structural issues, it is vital that TCs, especially those working in
new and emerging areas, put structures in place to
help ensure the grammatical, structural and technical integrity of documents before they are released
for ballot. This is why TC 229 developed its Document
development and review checklist see Annex E- and
also why it introduced the editorial check prior to accepting documents for ballot.

4.2 The commenting template

and types of comment
In order to ensure that comments are submitted in
astandard format and to maximize the value of the
comments submitted, comments must be submitted
on the approved comments template. Both CEN and
ISO use the same format for the submission of comments, acopy of which is shown in Annex F.
As can be seen, the template consists of seven columns. The first column gives the ISO 3166 two-letter
country code of the member body (MB) submitting the
comment (note that comments come from the NMB,
and individuals making them are not identified as it is
assumed that the mirror committee responsible will
have discussed each comment and come to aconsensus about it); the second column identifies the clause,
sub-clause or annex to which the comment refers; the
third column identifies the paragraph (and preferably
sentence) on which the comment is being made; the
fourth column indicates whether the comment is general (ge), editorial (ed) or technical (te); the fifth column
gives the comment and any justification for aproposed change to the text; the sixth column gives the
proposed change; and the seventh column gives the
response to the comment from the secretariat of the
committee atask which is more usually delegated to
the PL with the support of members of the PG. For all
comments, completion of columns 1 (MB designation),
2 (part of the document to which the comment refers),
4 (type of comment), and 5 (comment and justification
for any proposed change), are compulsory. In addition,
if achange of text is proposed in column 5 but no form
of words is provided in column 6, then it is highly likely
that the comment will, justifiably, be rejected.

Of the information provided in the comments template, that given in columns 5 and 6 is the most critical for the future of the document. Column 5 needs
to contain asuccinct statement explaining and, where
necessary, justifying the comment. For example poor
grammatical structure or As with Annex A, this annex should not be anormative annex as the methods
are not arequirement of the standard the methods
are only referred to in anote in the body of the document. Either make it arequirement of the standard to
undertake these measurements or change this to an
informative annex.
As those who will be responding to the comments are
rarely, if ever, competent mind readers, in all cases
where the comment in column 5 requires achange to
the text, proposed wording must be provided in column6, unless it is absolutely clear what is necessary
to address the comment. Thus for the two examples
given above, the entries in column 6 should, for the
first, provide the correct wording and, for the second
might be something like Clarification needed. If it is
arequirement of the standard to make these measurements then the results should be reported in 6.
It was mentioned in 4.1 above that reviewing adocument can be an onerous task. One criticism often
made by prospective reviewers is that completing the
comments template makes commenting avery laborious process. However, whilst alternatives, such as the
use of track changes, might seem an attractive alternative, the challenges of dealing with and keeping
track of numerous versions of adocument, all with different embedded comments, would be insurmountable
(there might be twenty or more MB submitting many
tens of comments each), hence atemplate approach
really is the only viable option that provides acommon
format, together with the appropriate traceability to
allow the process to be verified, should that prove to
be necessary.

4.3 V
 oting options and approval
Member bodies have anumber of options when responding to acommittee draft ballot: approve without comments; approve with comments; disapprove
with comments with an option to change to approve
if the comments are addressed; disapprove with

4 The approval and review process


comments no agreement to change to approve even

if comments addressed; or abstain. The decision on
how to vote is the responsibility of the Member Body,
advised by its national mirror committee, and there is
no obligation to approve adocument even if one or
more nationally nominated experts has participated in
its development.
As with all stages of the standardization process, it is
vital that members respond to ballots in an appropriate manner. Whilst it is recognised that each member
has aright to respond to ballots as it sees fit, in order to ensure that the over arching principle of consensus is not distorted or invalidated, it is vital that
members respond from aposition of knowledge, and
if they lack appropriate knowledge then the only appropriate course of action should be to abstain. For
New Work Item Proposal ballots, apositive response
should reflect an opinion that the subject is relevant,
timely and suitable for standardization by the relevant
committee, whilst anegative response should imply
that, in the opinion of national experts, the subject is
either inappropriate or not yet ready for standardization. Where there is no national interest and no expertise, then again the only appropriate response should
be to abstain. In the circumstances where there is no
national interest but experts consider that the subject
might be valuable to other members, then approval
would seem appropriate.
In the case of documents for ballot, e.g. at CD or DIS
stages, similar arguments apply. Thus avote to approve should only be submitted if amember has
relevant national experts who, having reviewed the
document, recommend such aresponse, with or without comments. In the case where relevant national experts, after having reviewed the document, believe it
has serious shortcomings, then the response should be
disapproval, and comments submitted that substantiate this position. Where amember has no relevant
expertise or where there is no national interest, then
the response should be to abstain.
The need for experts to review documents before
aballot response is submitted cannot be over stated.
Whilst such action might appear an obvious prerequisite of informed consent, it is widely recognised that
some MB approve, without comment, documents that
are clearly deficient. This suggests that, for these MB,
no one qualified to comment has reviewed the document concerned and that it has adefault response


of approve unless advised otherwise by the relevant

mirror committee. Whilst recognizing an imperative to
demonstrate to the, political, funders of aMB that it is
fully participating in international activities, apositive
response without good reason can seriously undermine efforts to ensure that only high quality, relevant,
documents are published. At the same time, such aresponse seriously undermines the important principle of
consensus on which all standards are based. It might
therefore be suggested that members introduce an
additional, albeit unwritten question to the ballot form
have you reviewed the document and do you have the
expertise to comment on it?. If the answer to either of
these questions is no then the only possible response
to the ballot should be to abstain.
Although standards are invariably presented as consensus documents to which there is an absence of
sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests, realistically
it might not be possible to achieve the support of, or
at least an absence of opposition from, all stakeholders, hence for adocument to move to the next stage,
it must be approved by at least aspecified minimum
percentage of members submitting positive or negative votes - abstentions are not counted. PAS and TR
require the approval of asimple majority of members
voting, whilst TS and IS are confirmed if at least 2/3 of
members voting give their approval.

4.4 Resolution of comments

The comments template is acritical component in
the standards development process as it provides
adetailed record of the comments submitted, and by
whom, and, in particular, how they were addressed
(resolved). Depending on the number and nature of
the comments received, resolving them can be done
either by correspondence, whereby the PL responds to
each of the comments by filling in column 7, seeking
approval for these responses from the experts nominated to the PG. Where the comments are more challenging, and particularly where they are of atechnical
nature, it is usual to address them during acomments
resolution meeting, where the members of the PG collectively agree on how to respond to each comment.
The response can vary from accept, partially accept
(with justification) or reject (with justification).

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Once responses to all comments have been agreed,

the document is modified accordingly and is then
ready for the next stage in the process. If there have
been alarge number of changes introduced, particularly where these affect the technical content, the
Chair and Secretary of the committee, who are responsible for ensuring the quality of the documents
produced and the robustness of the process used in
their preparation, may jointly decide that the document is sufficiently different from what was originally
balloted to justify asecond committee draft ballot, in
which case, the whole commenting and balloting process is repeated. This would also be the case if there
had been asignificant number of negative votes, and
is mandatory in cases where adocument has been rejected but the committee has decided to continue to
try to reach consensus.

4.5 Publication
Once adocument has been approved by the (P) members of the committee, and all of the comments received have been satisfactorily resolved, it is ready
either to be published as aPAS, TR or TS, or, for an International Standard, to move to the next stage of the
approval process. No matter what the ultimate status
of the document, it now ceases to be the formal responsibility of the Technical Committee and becomes
the responsibility of ISO.
After checking the document and determining whether or not aFrench translation is required prior to the
Draft International Standard (DIS) stage (also known
as Enquiry Stage), ISO makes the document available
(in both English and French Versions if deemed to be
necessary) to all members of ISO for afive month
comment and ballot, during which any MB of ISO may
submit comments (again using the comments template) and vote on the document. Documents are approved as DIS if more than 2/3 of the Pmembers of
the TC which originally approved the document vote in
favour and no more than one quarter of the total number of votes cast are negative; as with other ballots,
abstentions are not counted. The comments received
are submitted to the secretariat of the relevant committee for resolution, which is formally undertaken in
consultation with the chair and the PL, though in reality this task is usually delegated to the original PG.

The next stage depends on the outcome of the voting. If there were no negative votes, the document,
modified as appropriate to take account of the comments received, moves to publication. However, where
adocument is approved with negative votes having
been submitted, the document, again modified to take
account of the comments received, undergoes aFinal
Draft International Standard (FDIS) stage (also known
as the Approval Stage), where it is made available to
all members of ISO for atwo month ballot. However,
the voting and commenting options for this stage are
more limited than for earlier stages, and comprise
approv (no comments permitted except for those of
aminor editorial nature), disapprove (which must be
supported by technical reasons), or abstain. The criteria for publishing the document are the same as for
the Enquiry Stage, except that, in addition to abstentions, all negative votes not supported by technical
reasons are not counted. Any comments received are
submitted to the secretariat of the TC for consideration at the first systematic review of the standard
see 4.6 below.
In the event that the DIS ballot results in anegative
vote, the TC Chair and Secretary, in consultation with
the ISO Central Secretariat (formally the CEO) agree
either to circulate arevised enquiry draft for voting, or
to circulate arevised committee draft for comments,
or to discuss the enquiry draft and comments at the
next meeting.

4.6 S
 ystematic review what,
when and how
Standards are only of value if they remain technically
accurate and relevant to the business or other interests of the stakeholder communities that use them. In
order to help ensure their continued utility and legitimacy, all standards are subject to systematic review.
The criteria for the systematic review (maintenance)
of ISO documents are given in the ISO/IEC Directives
Supplement Procedures specific to ISO36 and are
summarized below:
PAS are valid for an initial maximum period of
3years. The validity may be extended for asingle
36 See

4 The approval and review process


period of up to 3 years, at the end of which they

must be published as another type of normative
document, or be withdrawn. PAS have amaximum
life span of six years.
Technical Specifications are subject to review not
later than 3 years after publication. The aim of this
review is to re-examine the situation which resulted in the publication and, if possible, to achieve
the agreement necessary for the publication of
an International Standard to replace the Technical
Specification. Failing this, aTS may be extended for
another three years, or withdrawn. There is no limit
on the number of times aTS can be reconfirmed,
provided it is reviewed at least every three year.
Technical Reports are regularly reviewed by the
committee responsible to ensure that they remain
valid. Withdrawal of aTechnical Report is decided
by the technical committee or subcommittee responsible but there is no formal limit to the life
span provided it remains valid.
International Standards are subject to their first
systematic review amaximum of three years after publication and then at least every five years
thereafter. There is no limit to the number of times
an IS can be reconfirmed.
Any document may be withdrawn at any time if it is
found to contain serious technical flaws or deemed to
be no longer valid.


4.7 P
 rocedural differences
between CEN and ISO
Whilst there are anumber of subtle but minor differences between the procedures in CEN and ISO, the
principal differences are:
Any national member of CEN can vote at any stage
in the development of adocument NWIP, approval of TR and TS, and Enquiry and Approval of an EN.
In ISO, it is only the P members of the TC that can
vote at the NWIP, and approval of PAS, TR, TS, and
CD stages, with the full membership of ISO only
having avote at the Enquiry (DIS) and Approval
(FDIS) stages for the development of an IS.
There is no equivalent stage in the development of
an EN to the Committee Draft ballot in ISO the
Enquiry ballot (equivalent to the DIS ballot in ISO)
is the first formal ballot stage in CEN after the approval of aNWIP for an EN;
All ballots in ISO are on the basis of one member
one vote. In CEN, this principle only applies to the
NWIP and approval stages for aTR. In both CEN
and ISO, approval of aTR for publication requires
asimple majority of votes cast (abstentions are
not counted in either organisation).
In CEN, weighted voting applies at all ballot stages for TS and EN NWIP, approval of aTS, Enquiry and Approval of an EN - with aminimum of
71% of the weighted votes cast being required to
In ISO, approval of TS, CD, DIS and FDIS require
a2/3 majority of votes cast by P members of
the relevant TC, together with, at the DIS and FDIS
stages, no more that 25% of the total votes cast
opposing approval.
In CEN there is no equivalent to aPAS in ISO.

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

5 E xamples of
resulting from
Whilst anumber of European Framework projects
have resulted in the development of European and international standards, including CEN Workshop Agreements, many of these projects were undertaken in the
context of the Standards, Measurement and Testing
programme in Framework 4 (1994 1998), which
aimed, through RTD in the field of measurements and
testing, to improve the competitiveness of European
industry, to support the implementation of other Community policies and to meet the needs of society, and
its predecessor, the Measurement and Testing programme of Framework 3 (1990 1994). Some examples of SMT projects that resulted in standards being
published include:
SMT4-CT96-2134, which helped to produce and
validate ISO 15061:2001 Water quality Determination of dissolved bromate Method by liquid
chromatography of ions;
SMT projects REMAST and MMST were together
the starting points for the standardisation of the
scratch adhesion evaluation test for ceramic coatings EN 1071-3:2005 and ISO 20502:2005;

SMT thematic network project HAMMER on Grain

Size measurements for hardmetal tool materials
provided the baseline for input into ISO standards
development through ISO TC199 - Powder Metallurgy. Although development of astandard was not
aspecified deliverable of the project, with strong
industrial support and input, anew standard in two
parts, ISO 4499-1 and 4499-2, was eventually produced, with three further parts under development.
Examples of more recent projects that have resulted
in, or are working to deliver, standards, particularly
CWAs, can be found under the Innovation and research pages37 of the CEN website. In addition to identifying anumber of relevant past and ongoing projects
under the Read our best practices page, the site also
contains anew guide on Linking standardization and
research, which can be downloaded from the Background documents page and which contains much
that readers of the present guide will find of value.

37 see

5 Examples of successful standardization resulting from Framework Projects


Annex A
Standardization project characterization template
Name and acronym of FP project:


Specific research result identified as relevant to standardization:

Template completed by:


Specific research

Why is the result relevant to standardization and what

purpose could it serve?
Who are the possible contributors in the consortium?
Are they prepared to participate in developing astandard
in this area?
What are their expectedbenefits?
Do they see any obstacles and, if so, what are they?
Are there IPR issues involved?
What are the estimated costs of taking the result to
afinished standard?
Have appropriate searches been undertaken to establish
whether relevant National, European or International
standards in the area already exist or are under
development? If so, provide alist of standards and
relevant technical committees
How will the new standard complement existing

Type of standard
planned please

Workshop Agreement (WA)

Publicly Available Specification
Technical Report
Technical Specification
Full standard

Development route


Development route

International (ISO/IEC/ITU)
Other - please specify
Has arelevant Technical Committee (TC) for the project
been identified? If so please specify
If aWA is planned has the TC route been fully evaluated?
For aWA has aNational Standards Body (NSB) been
identified to help plan and host the workshop? If so please
Who will lead the development of the standard or WA?


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers


Name and acronym of FP project:


Specific research result identified as relevant to standardization:

Template completed by:
New Work Item
Proposal (NWI P) /
Business Plan

Has aNew Work Item Proposal or Workshop business plan

been prepared?

NWIP stage

Has this been submitted to an appropriate NSB? If so

please specify.
Has the NSB submitted the NWIP to the relevant TC If so
please specify the TC


Has the standardization project been approved for

development? If so what is the expected publication date?


Is the document under ballot? If so please specify ballot

stage and closing date of ballot.


Has the document been approved?

What was the result?
Are there comments to be resolved?
Are there additional ballot stages before publication? If
so specify what they are and when they are likely to be


Has the document been published? If so please state

when. If not please indicate publication date.

Annex A


Annex B
ISO and CEN NWIP forms
ISO Form 4
Date of presentation

Reference number
(to be given by the Secretariat)



/ SC


A proposal for anew work item within the scope of

an existing committee shall be submitted to the secretariat of that committee with acopy to the Central
Secretariat and, in the case of asubcommittee, acopy
to the secretariat of the parent technical committee.
Proposals not within the scope of an existing committee shall be submitted to the secretariat of the ISO
Technical Management Board.
The proposer of anew work item may be amember
body of ISO, the secretariat itself, another technical
committee or subcommittee, or organization in liaison,
the Technical Management Board or one of the advisory groups, or the Secretary-General.

See overleaf for guidance on when to use this form.


without adequate justification
risk rejection or referral to
Guidelines for proposing and
justifying anew work item are
given overleaf.

The proposal will be circulated to the P-members of

the technical committee or subcommittee for voting,
and to the O-members for information.


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Proposal (to be completed by the proposer)

Title of proposal (in the case of an amendment, revision or anew part of an existing document, show the reference number
and current title)
English title

French title
(if available)

Scope of proposed project

Concerns known patented items (see ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 for important guidance)

n No n

If Yes, provide full information as annex

Envisaged publication type (indicate one of the following, if possible)

n International Standard
n Publicly Available Specification

n Technical Specification
n Technical Report

Purpose and justification (attach aseparate page as annex, if necessary)

Target date for availability (date by which publication is considered to be necessary)
Proposed development track

n 1 (24 months)

n 2 (36 months - default) n 3 (48 months)

Relevant documents to be considered

Relationship of project to activities of other international bodies

Liaison organizations

Need for coordination with:



n Other (please specify)

Preparatory work (at aminimum an outline should be included with the proposal)

n Adraft is attached

n An outline is attached. It is possible to supply adraft by 

n Yes

n No

The proposer or the proposers organization is prepared to undertake the preparatory work required

Proposed Project Leader (name and address

Name and signature of the Proposer

(include contact information)

Annex B


Comments of the TC or SC Secretariat

Supplementary information relating to the proposal

n This proposal relates to anew ISO document;

n This proposal relates to the amendment/revision of an existing ISO document;
n This proposal relates to the adoption as an active project of an item currently registered as aPreliminary Work Item;
n This proposal relates to the re-establishment of acancelled project as an active project.

Voting information
The ballot associated with this proposal comprises avote on:

n Adoption of the proposal as anew project

n Adoption of the associated draft as acommittee draft (CD)
n Adoption of the associated draft for submission for the enquiry vote (DIS or equivalent)

Annex(es) are included with this proposal (give details)

Date of circulation

Closing date for voting

Signature of the TC or SC Secretary

Use this form to propose:

a) anew ISO document (including anew part to an
existing document), or the amendment/revision of
an existing ISO document;
b) the establishment as an active project of apreliminary work item, or the re-establishment of
acancelled project;
c) the change in the type of an existing document,
e.g. conversion of aTechnical Specification into an
International Standard.
This form is not intended for use to propose an action
following asystematic review - use ISO Form 21 for
that purpose.
Proposals for correction (i.e. proposals for aTechnical
Corrigendum) should be submitted in writing directly
to the secretariat concerned.
Guidelines on the completion of aproposal for anew
work item (see also the ISO/IEC Directives Part 1)


a) Title: Indicate the subject of the proposed new

work item.
b) Scope: Give aclear indication of the coverage of
the proposed new work item. Indicate, for example,
if this is aproposal for anew document, or aproposed change (amendment/revision). It is often
helpful to indicate what is not covered (exclusions).
c) Envisaged publication type: Details of the types
of ISO deliverable available are given in the ISO/
IEC Directives, Part 1 and/or the associated ISO
d) Purpose and justification: Give details based on
acritical study of the following elements wherever
practicable. Wherever possible reference should be
made to information contained in the related TC
Business Plan.
1) The specific aims and reason for the standardization activity, with particular emphasis
on the aspects of standardization to be covered, the problems it is expected to solve or
the difficulties it is intended to overcome.

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

2) The main interests that might benefit from or

be affected by the activity, such as industry,
consumers, trade, governments, distributors.
3) Feasibility of the activity: Are there factors
that could hinder the successful establishment or global application of the standard?
4) Timeliness of the standard to be produced: Is
the technology reasonably stabilized? If not,
how much time is likely to be available before advances in technology may render the
proposed standard outdated? Is the proposed
standard required as abasis for the future development of the technology in question?
5) Urgency of the activity, considering the needs
of other fields or organizations. Indicate target date and, when aseries of standards is
proposed, suggest priorities.
6) The benefits to be gained by the implementation of the proposed standard; alternatively,
the loss or disadvantage(s) if no standard is
established within areasonable time. Data
such as product volume or value of trade
should be included and quantified.

7) If the standardization activity is, or is likely

to be, the subject of regulations or to require
the harmonization of existing regulations, this
should be indicated.
If aseries of new work items is proposed having
acommon purpose and justification, acommon proposal may be drafted including all elements to be clarified and enumerating the titles and scopes of each
individual item.
e) Relevant documents and their effects on global
relevancy: List any known relevant documents
(such as standards and regulations), regardless
of their source. When the proposer considers that
an existing well-established document may be acceptable as astandard (with or without amendment), indicate this with appropriate justification
and attach acopy to the proposal.
f) Cooperation and liaison: List relevant organizations or bodies with which cooperation and liaison
should exist.

CEN Form N
Proposal for anew work item
Information to be supplied by the proposer of the NWI
A1 Subject
A1.1 Scope: 
A1.2 Keywords (Descriptors) characterizing the scope (multiple ticks are possible and/or necessary)
- Product
- System
- Service


- Requirements
- Characteristics
- Guidance
- Test method
- Terminology etc.


- EN


- other (e.g. CEN Guide)

Annex B


A2 Market relevance
A2.1 Frame conditions

n Reference of mandate
Transposition of International Standard: n Reference of IS
Adoption of draft provided by European professional body: n Name of organization + Reference of document
Other: n Please specify: 
Subject of mandate from EC or EFTA:

A2.2 General market needs




Barriers to trade


A2.3 Special aspects (problems or difficulties to be solved by the standard, impacts and
benefits to be expected from the standard; please describe shortly):

A2.4 Urgency

n high

n medium

n low

A3 Resources and timeframe


- First working draft(s) available *)

- Suitable source document(s) available *)
- Pre-normative research necessary
- Strong interest of stakeholders in terms of financing expected
- Active participation of stakeholders expected
- Expertise available
- External (e.g. EC) financing expected
- Timely consensus expected
*) To be added to the proposal
A4 Participation
- Proposer prepared to participate actively
- Proposer prepared to run secretariat
- Proposer prepared to take over convenor- or project leadership
- Special liaison proposed:.


Signature ................................................................ Date: 


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Annex C
Glossary of terms



Approved Work Item

A work item that has been approved for development within aTC
but on which work has not yet started.


CEN CENELEC Management


The structure based in Brussels that undertakes the day to day

management of the CEN and CENELEC processes.


CEN Technical Board

The executive, decision making body of CEN


Committee Draft

A draft of an international standard that is under consideration

by or has been approved by an ISO TC or SC but has not yet been
balloted as aDraft International Standard


Draft International Standard

Draft standard that has been issued by ISO/CS for ballot by ISO


European Committee for

Electrotechnical Standardization

European standardization body for electotechnical matters.


European Committee for


European standardization body for matters not dealt with by



European Standards (European


Standards document that has been developed through the

enquiry and approval process of CEN, CENELEC or ETSI or
has been approved via afaster process, such as the Unique
Acceptance Procedure (UAP)


European Telecommunications
Standards Institute

European standardization body for telecommunications.


Final Draft International


Draft of an international standard issued by ISO/CS for final ballot

by ISO members prior to publication.


International Electrotechnical

International standardization body for electrotechnical matters


International Organisation for


International standardization body for most matters not dealt

with by IEC and ITU and by intergovernmental standards making
organisations, such as FAO, OECD, etc.


International Standard

Standards document that has been approved by the international

community of National Member Bodies making up the
membership of ISO, IEC or ITU.


Telecommunications Union

International standardization body for telecommunications.


ISO Central Secretariat

The structure based in Geneva that undertakes the day to day

management of the ISO process.


ISO Technical Management


The executive, decision making body of ISO


Member Body

In CEN, CENELEC, ISO and IEC, the national organization,

usually the National Standards Body, representing anation in
standardization activity


A n n e x C






National Standards Body

National body responsible for the cataloguing and publication of

national standards. Can be part of the structure of government or
anon-governmental organisation. National Standards Bodies are
almost always the national Member Bodies in ISO.


New Work Item Proposal

Proposal, submitted by amember of aTechnical Committee or

other eligible entity for anew standardization project


Project Group

Group of experts within aWorking Group formally designated to

develop astandard through the working draft stage


Project Leader

The person identified by the initiator of aNWIP to lead the project

and confirmed by the TC.


Publicly Available Specification

A standards deliverable of lesser status than afull international

standard, intended for fast development and approval by an ISO
Technical Committee



Subsidiary autonomous group within aTC having responsibility

for standards development within aparticular area of the work of
the TC. SCs are established where they facilitate managing the
overall work programme of the TC.


Technical Committee

Technical body, operating under the auspices of aStandards

Development Organisation, with responsibility for developing
standards in aparticular subject area


Technical Report

An informative document approved by simple majority voting of

aTechnical Committee and published by the relevant standards


Technical Specification

A normative document of lesser status than afull standard,

requiring approval by a2/3 majority vote in an ISO committee
and by a71% majority weighted vote in CEN and published by
the relevant standards body.


Work Item

Item of work under development within aTC or SC as astandard,



Working Draft

A draft standard under development by PG or WG experts


Working Group

Subsidiary group within aTC that has drafting responsibility for

one or more WIs in aspecific area


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Annex D
ISO/TC 229 Welcome letter and guidance notes for PLs
Welcome letter
Dear Colleague
On behalf of the members of ISO/TC 229, Iwould like to thank you for agreeing to be appointed as the Project
Leader for the New Project on , which will be developed within Working Group .., the convenor of which
is As you will appreciate, the work of the committee is critically dependent on the input of experts,
such as yourself, and we are most grateful to you for agreeing to contribute your knowledge and expertise to the
development of the proposed standard.
If this is your first experience of standardization work in ISO Iwould like to draw your attention to the wealth of
information about Standards Development available on the ISO website . In particular, you might
like to look at My ISO job ( ), which provides avaluable overview of the
work of standards development and the roles of the different people and structures involved. The rules for the
structure and drafting of standards, and the procedures for technical work, are covered by the ISO/IEC Directives
( ), the template on which documents should be developed is available at , whilst details of the various technical committees involved in
standards development, the standards they have published and their existing work programmes, etc., are available at . Please take afew minutes to
look around the web site Iam sure you will find lots to interest you.
In view of the large number of individuals involved in the work of ISO/TC 229 and its expanding programme work,
it is very important that we adopt an effective means of communication, and for this we rely upon the ISO Livelink
website. This password protected website contains all of the available information about the committee, including
its programme of work, draft work items, etc. Now that you have been appointed as aProject Leader, your NSB
(National Standards Body) will issue you with auser name (your e-mail address) and apassword to allow you
to gain access to the area of the website devoted to the working group in which your project will be developed.
Project Leaders and Working Group secretaries are asked to use the website to display all documents relevant
to the members of the working group and its constituent projects. These should be arranged in four folders: 01
General Documents; 02 Meetings; 03 Projects; and 04 Project Group subfolders. Of these, Ithink the first two
are self explanatory but 03 and 04 need aword of explanation. Folder 03 should contain the latest draft of each
document that is being developed; hence it should only contain one document from each project that is under
development. All other documents relevant to the different projects should be placed in the project subfolders in
folder 04. Hence if you wish to see the latest draft of your particular project you should go to folder 03, whereas
if you want to see previous versions or comments from other members of the project group, etc, you should go
to the relevant project subfolder in folder 04.

Annex D


The only other information available on the Working Group part of the website is achronological list of documents
(N numbered document list), which lists all Working Group documents (but not project group documents) posted
to the website. The benefit of this is that it uniquely identifies all documents and allows members to readily access aparticular document even if they do not know which folder it is stored in! This list is maintained by the
Working Group secretary. Project Leaders are asked to maintain asimilar list of documents in each subfolder.
When you post anew document to your sub-folder you should send adocument notification e-mail to all members of your project group. In order to do this, and so that you know who has been nominated to your project, it is
vital that you keep an up to date list of experts and their contact details. The committee secretary, Jose Alcorta,
will provide you with this information at the time your project is approved and he will update this information
when NSBs send additional or revised nominations to him.
The development of projects typically takes place using three channels of communication e-mail, tele- or webbased conferences, and face to face meetings. Whilst the first two of these are vital to the progress of the work
and to meeting the timescales imposed by ISO, and should be used to drive the project forward, face-to-face
meetings provide an excellent opportunity to get to know your fellow experts and to make rapid progress with
developing your particular document. These meetings are usually held in conjunction with the committees twice
yearly plenary meetings. At these we try to devote at least half aday to each project so that the nominated
experts, under the guidance of their project leader, can discuss their projects in detail and resolve any issues that
have come up in previous e-mail or tele/web-conference discussions. These meetings also provide the opportunity for working group convenors to lead adiscussion on future work, cooperation with the other working groups
in the committee or in other ISO technical committees. These discussions take place during the working group
strategic meetings, to which we also devote half aday. In addition, plenary week meetings provide invaluable
networking opportunities where you can meet and talk with colleagues from the other members of ISO TC 229,
and many of its liaison organisations, not only about you own specific project but about all of the other projects
that the committee is developing. As aProject Leader it is very important that you attend these meetings to meet
with your project group, receive their input and lead the discussions. However, if you are unable to attend, for
whatever reason, please advise the working group convenor and ensure that someone in you National delegation,
or acolleague on your Project Group, is well briefed and able to take your place.
Thank you once again for agreeing lead this important work. If you have any questions about your project please
direct them to your working group convenor, and if they are more general in nature then please contact the secretary of your National Committee.
I look forward to meeting you.

With kind regards

Chairman ISO/TC 229 - Nanotechnologies


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ISO/TC 229 Guidance for Project


Thank you for agreeing to act as aproject leader for

ISO TC 229. Your role is to manage the development
of your project and to come to aconsensus with the
members of your project group international experts
nominated by their national standards bodies (NSBs)
for their expertise in the subject matter of the project.
Please note that consensus, i.e. no sustained opposition, is not identical to unanimity. However you should
strive to get your various experts to agree on both the
content and structure of the document.
It is also your responsibility to ensure that the project
is delivered on time. When aNew Work Item Proposal
(NWIP) is approved, ISO central secretariat (ISO CS)
sets deadlines for the various stages in the development of the standard and it is your responsibility to
ensure that these are met. These deadlines are typically 12 months from approval of aNWIP to delivery
of the final draft for ballot, and three months to review
and resolve comments received following the committee draft (CD) and draft international standard (DIS)
If this is your first time as aproject leader you should
familiarize yourself with the ISO/IEC directives part 2
Rules for the structure and drafting of International
Standards, and with My ISO job, both of which you
can obtain from (or from the main page
of your WG Livelink site under Featured Items). You
should also contact your national standards body to
determine if they offer any training courses to support
you in your work.

The following bullet points are provided to guide you

through the various stages of project development.
You should start by preparing aschedule for development of the project, with milestones, approximate dates for meetings, teleconferences, completion of first, second and final drafts, etc. This
does not need to be done using any particular software an Excel spread sheet is adequate provided
that you can update it if and when necessary.
Assuming the proposer (you perhaps) provided
adraft document that was circulated with the
New Work Item Proposal ballot, prepare responses
to any comments received this should be done

using the official comments form. Send the completed form to the WG secretary for posting to the
Contact all experts nominated to your project
team to introduce yourself and advise them of the
schedule for the work. Contact details will be provided by the committee secretary. However, it is
your responsibility to keep the list updated when
additional members join or anyone leaves. It will
be helpful to maintain alist of current experts on
the website.
Advise members that the comments received during the balloting process, together with your responses, are available on the website and will be
reviewed either at ameeting, tele/web conference,
or by correspondence.
If the project will meet within about 1 month of the
first draft being posted to the website you will be
able to discuss the comments and your responses
face to face with your project group. Otherwise it
would be useful to arrange atele/web conference
within this timescale so that members can discuss
them and begin to come to an agreement. At the
same time you might like to invite members to
provide their own comments on the document.
You will need to agree with the WG secretary whose
responsibility it is to arrange ateleconference.
Once the work is underway you might like to use
tele/web conferences to focus on one particular
part of the document. This can be avery effective means of obtaining agreement. However, do
remember that if you have representation from
around the globe some members might be participating at unsocial hours so it is often better to mix
tele/web conferences with e-mail communication.
If members cannot attend any meeting or teleconference you should ask them to submit their comments to you in writing at least one week before
the meeting is scheduled so that you can review
them and discuss them with the remainder of the
It will be helpful to keep arecord of which members respond so that you can decide whether you
need to contact anyone on an individual basis to
determine their views.
Following either aphysical meeting or teleconference you should prepare arevised draft, preferably
using the ISO template, and circulate to members
for review and further comment. The ISO template
is available for download from the WG website.

Annex D


Please ensure that the latest draft of your document is posted to folder three of the project website and that the preceding version is transferred
to folder four. This should be done by the WG secretary who will assign WG/PG Nnumbers to the
various documents to maintain arecord of the development of the project.
When you have gained consensus amongst the
experts as to the contents and structure of the
document you should submit the final draft to the
convenor of the working group for review and forwarding to the committee secretary for (a three
month) ballot as aCommittee Draft (CD). All members of the committee, not only those involved in
the development of the project, have an opportunity to comment and vote on the CD.
After the CD ballot, the committee secretary will
send you afile of comments and you have three
months to resolve these with the assistance of
your project group. Again it is advisable to review
the comments and make your own proposals for
resolve them before distributing to your PG.
If the document is to be published as aTechnical Specification (ISO TS) or Technical Report (ISO
TR), there will be no further ballots and the document will be published once you have resolved
the comments to the satisfaction of the experts in
the working group and you have incorporated the
agreed changes into the Committee Draft.
If the document is to be published as an International Standards (IS) then once the comments
have been resolved and incorporated into the CD,
aDraft International Standard will be prepared and
balloted (a five month ballot in which all members
of ISO, and not only those involved with the committee, take part).
As with the CD ballot, the comments received during the DIS ballot will need to be reviewed and
resolved before the preparation of aFinal Draft
International Standard (FDIS). This is sent to all
members of ISO for atwo month ballot during
which members vote either to approve, reject or
abstain. If amember rejects adocument they
must provide technical reasons for their objection.
If they votes in favour they cannot make any comments on the contents of the document.


Physical meetings
Whilst physical meetings may be held at any time, it
must be recognised that they can represent asignificant drain on financial resources and some members
of the project team might not be able to participate.
It is therefore recommended that, wherever possible, physical meetings are held in conjunction with
the twice yearly plenary meetings of the committee.
At these meetings half aday is usually available for
each project team to discuss its work. If managed
properly this should be sufficient time to make good
progress. However, even at plenary meetings it is likely
that some nominated experts will not be able to participate, in which case they should be asked to nominate and brief adeputy to speak on their behalf. In
addition, other interested experts and members of the
committee might wish to attend aproject meeting to
find out what is going on. Therefore, when you hold
aphysical meeting, it is important to identify, through
arole call of delegates, who is present as aformally
nominated expert, who has been asked to speak on
behalf of anominated expert, and who is attending as
an observer. Whilst it is up to you whether or not you
allow observers to comment on technical issues, it is
very important to ensure that the discussion focuses
on the nominated experts present, and that all of them
have an equal opportunity to participate in the proceedings. The following bullet points highlight some of
the things you need to do in preparation for and whilst
conducting aphysical meeting:
A calling notice must be issued to all nominated
experts at least two months before the meeting,
giving details of the date, time and venue of the
meeting. This should be issued in conjunction with
the working group secretary.
Any documents for consideration at the meeting
must be distributed to all experts at least two
weeks prior to the meeting date to give prospective participants adequate time to prepare;
Additional papers may be tabled at the meeting
but it will be up to you to decide whether these
should be considered;
A role call of experts and other attendees should
be taken;
Following the meeting you should prepare ashort
report giving details of the principal decisions taken. This should be circulated to nominated experts
for comment together with arevised draft of the
document incorporating all agreed changes.

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

List of Acronyms

Approved Work Item


Committee Draft


Draft International Standard


Final Draft International Standard


International Electrotechnical Commission


International Standard


International Organisation for Standardization


ISO Central Secretariat


National Standards Body


New Work Item Proposal


Project Group


Technical Report


Technical Specification


Working Draft


Working Group

Annex D


Annex E
Document development and
review checklist
This check list has been prepared to help project leaders, and others involved in the preparation or review of
standards, identify issues to be addressed before the
document can move to the next stage of the development process. It is not meant to cover every eventuality and it is essential that users familiarise themselves
with the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 - Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. Those involved in the drafting and review of standards will also
need to exercise their scientific and technical knowledge, judgement and training. It will also be helpful to
keep the following questions in mind throughout the
development and review processes:




is this feasible?
would this allow me to repeat the method without
does this make sense in the light of what went
where is the justification for this statement or
The checklist is not meant to replace proper reference
to ISO/IEC Directives, or to be used in place of the formal ISO comments template, but rather to act as an
aide memoire. It is hoped that its use will help improve the quality of documents presented for ballot
by aiding the identification and resolution of common
issues at an earlier stage in the development process.
Users of the checklist might find it helpful to record
their observations under the Observations column.


General Considerations


Is the document in the

ISO template? If not then
it should be put into the
correct format.
Are all informative
references from nonstandards publications
numbered in the order in
which they appear?


Are all references

necessary for the detailed
understanding of the
document or justification of
technical statements?
Are there any technical
statements in the
document that need to
be justified by areference
where none is currently



Note that references to standards

publications are identified by
number and listed in abibliography,
where they are ordered


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Observations /
Validation Note



Extracts from
other publications
(e.g. quotations,
figures, tables, etc)

Has the permission of

the copyright holder
been obtained for the
inclusion of extracts from
other publications in the
Is the document generally
written in the third person,
with procedures written in
the imperative, i.e. do this,
do that?




Observations /
Validation Note

See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, 2.13



Use of the third person and the

imperative; Use of the words may,
shall and should.
See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Table
Some words have very specific
meaning in standards, e.g. the
word may gives permission to do
something and shall only be used in
this respect, for example to indicate
where one of two different things
may be done. It shall not be used
to infer apossibility that something
could occur, for which the word
might or can should be used.
Where something must be done
to comply with the standard, i.e. is
arequirement of the standard, the
word shall is used. Must should
not be used. Where something is
strongly recommended but not
obligatory then the word should
is used.


Are all technical details





Are there any contradictory

elements, e.g.
arequirement in one place
to measure temperatures
to 5 Cand in another to
maintain the temperature
between xand x-2 C.
Are all requirements
verifiable, or are
there any unverifiable
requirements, e.g. best
efforts shall be used
to maintain aconstant
temperature what are
best efforts and how can
it be demonstrated they
were used? Requirements
may not be included in
informative elements, e.g.
notes and informative



See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.3.3


Annex E




Cross references

Are cross-references
to other parts of the
document correct?




Specific Elements


Does the title fully reflect

the contents and intent of
the document?


See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.1.1


Does the introduction

support the context of
the document in apurely
informative way?


Does it contain any

information that should be
included in the body of the
document or that is not
relevant to supporting the
context and/or content of
the document?


Terms and


Note that an introduction is

avoluntary element and should
only be included if it supports the
context or content of the document
An introduction shall not contain
provisions of the standard and shall
therefore not include requirements
and recommendations.



See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.1.4

Does the scope reflect

the title (and the title the
scope) and explain what
the document does and
does not do in an accurate
and succinct manner?
Are all of the normative
references necessary for
the application of the

Are all terms written in

lower case, and do any
definitions start with
adefinite or indefinite
article (the, or a/an), which
is incorrect?





See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.2.1

The scope shall not contain
provisions of the standard and shall
therefore not include requirements
and recommendations.
See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.2.2
To be included as normative
references it is necessary that
such references are referred to
normatively within the document,
typically through the use of the
word shall, e.g. the method
describe in ISO xxx shall be used.
See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2,
Annex D. It contains examples
of what to do when citing or
adapting terminology from another
Note that definitions should not
contain multiple sentences, lists or
examples (the latter may be given
in aNote underneath the definition)
and that adefinition itself should
be able to replace the term in the
sentence(s) where it appears.

Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Observations /
Validation Note



Are all symbols in the
document properly defined
and used for one quantity

Are all acronyms written

out in full at their first use?




See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, 6.3.2

(Symbols and abbreviated terms)




Are all quantities assigned

their correct (SI) units?

Observations /
Validation Note

It is helpful to include all symbols in

aspecific list that users can easily
refer to.
See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2,
D.1.4, for how an acronym can be
presented in aterm and definition.
It is helpful to include all acronyms
in aspecific list that users can
easily refer to, particularly if the
user is unlikely to be familiar with
them all.




Is all equipment referred

to in ageneric way or
are there references
to commercial
equipment from specific
Is the traceable calibration
of all equipment used for
demonstrating compliance
to the standard included as


See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.6.3

and 6.6.4, for guidance on the use
of trade names and patent rights.



Annex E



Are all procedures,
experimental and
calculation, written as
alogical sequence of
steps using imperative
sentences, e.g do this,
do that, and not as
anarrative, e.g. so and so is
done, which is incorrect?



See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.3.5
and ISO 78-2 for guidance on
drafting test methods.
Where additional procedures are
required that are not formally part
of the specific procedure covered
by the standard then they should
be included in one or more annexes,
either as normative annexes,
where the procedure is required to
demonstrate compliance with the
standard, or as informative annexes,
where the procedure is optional and
does not need to be carried out in
aprecise manner.
When reviewing procedures, it is
helpful to imagine carrying out
precisely what is required in the
order given. This will usually enable
procedures that are ambiguous or in
the wrong order to be identified.


Are all procedures and

calculations necessary?


Are there any ambiguities

where it is not clear
precisely what must be
done in order to comply
with the standard?
Are all relevant sources
of error identified and
Errors (tolerance)


Is it clear what overall

accuracy can be achieved
with the method provided?


Reporting results

Is it explained in detail
what shall be reported and
what may be reported?



Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

Observations /
Validation Note


Are all annexes referred
to in the body of the




See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.3.8

and 6.4.1.




Are all of the items listed

referenced in the document,
are they numbered in the
order in which they are
referred to, and are all
references in the document
listed in the Bibliography?

Observations /
Validation Note

If not they should either be referred

to at an appropriate point(s) or
deleted. Normative annexes shall
have normative requirements and
are essential to the application of
the standard. Informative annexes
provide information that is not
essential to the application of
the standard and which would,
if included in the body of the
document, detract from the
application of the standard.
See ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 6.4.2.
The bibliography should not
contain general bibliographic
references that have been used in
the preparation of the document
but are not specifically referred to
within it.
Note that standards publications
should be ordered alphabetically
and then by identifier number.

Annex E


Annex F
ISO commenting template
Template for comments and secretariat observations


Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1)

(e.g. Table 1)


Type of



for change) by
the MB

Proposed change by
the MB

on each comment

MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)

Type of comment:

ge = general

te = technical

ed = editorial

NOTE: Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.

ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10


Standards and Standardisation | A practical guide for researchers

European Commission
EUR 25470 Standards and Standardisation A practical guide for researchers

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2013 58 pp. 17.6 x 25.0 cm
ISBN 978-92-79-25971-5
doi: 10.2777/10323


Free publications:
via EU Bookshop (;
at the European Unions representations or delegations. You can obtain their
contact details on the Internet ( or by sending
a fax to +352 2929-42758.
Priced publications:
via EU Bookshop (
Priced subscriptions (e.g. annual series of the Official Journal of the
European Union and reports of cases before the Court of Justice of the
European Union):

v ia one of the sales agents of the Publications Office of the European Union


The role of standardisation is highlighted as a key factor for innovation by recent EU documents. Indeed, it can have a crucial role in facilitating trade and hence have high visibility
among manufacturers. However, standardisation can be perceived as a complex process
by organisations that are not familiar with it.
This guide provides a detailed description of the main steps of the standardisation process
of research results.
It will help partners in research and innovation projects to :
understand the requirements and processes for the preparation of formal standards;
identify outputs that might contribute to and benefit from the development of one or
more standards;
select the most appropriate standards deliverable for particular outputs;
appreciate what is involved in the development and approval of their selected
identify suitable committees under which the project can be developed;
understand how, once published, the standard will be kept up to date.
Research and Innovation policy

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