Zelda 5E Player's Guide
Zelda 5E Player's Guide
Zelda 5E Player's Guide
Special thanks to those who contributed material, content, and advice to the creation of this
handbook. Without your skill and dedication none of this would be possible. I would like to
thank Koboldskeep, who by another name on the Giant in the Playground gaming site created
most of the items in this book as well as the basis of the Gorons and Twili races, and did so
with ingenious attention to the Legend of Zelda mythos and a strong understanding of the
Dungeons and Dragons mechanics that I lack. Another deep thank you is in order for Yuki
Akuma, who also posted her work on Giant in the Playground. Your races were greatly
impressive in both their mythological fidelity and creative execution.
I would also like to extend a special thanks to the testers. C Dobbs, M Dobbs, K Little, T
Castro, S Metzgar, and G Metzgar. Without your endless patience and maddening player
skills this would just be a PDF on my computer, instead of a PDF on someone elses
Finally, a supremely drawn out thank you to both Wizards of the Coast and Shigeru
Miyamoto. Dungeons and Dragons and Legend of Zelda have entertained us for generations,
and in many cases taught us more about ourselves than we thought possible. Thank you for
sharing your creations with us.
-DA Clark
Chapter 1 In the Land of Hyrule .............................................................................................. 1-1
Chapter 2 Races of Hyrule ........................................................................................................... 2-4
Humans..................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Zora .......................................................................................................................................... 2-8
Deku ....................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Gorons .................................................................................................................................... 2-17
Twili ....................................................................................................................................... 2-19
Chapter 3 Classes ....................................................................................................................... 3-21
Chapter 4 Backgrounds .............................................................................................................. 4-26
Chapter 5 Gods and Domains .................................................................................................... 5-29
Chapter 6 The Gods ................................................................................................................... 6-32
The Goddesses........................................................................................................................ 6-32
The Gods of the Peoples......................................................................................................... 6-33
The Heroic Deities ................................................................................................................. 6-33
The Otherworldly Deities ....................................................................................................... 6-34
Chapter 6
Chapter 1-1
Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-3
Chapter 2 Races of
Humans are the most common people found
in Hyrule and its neighboring countries. In
the ancient past, humanity was reduced
down to only a few hundred individuals, but
time has allowed them to flourish and fill all
four corners of the world.
Chapter 2-4
Chapter 2-5
Chapter 2-6
Chapter 2-7
The aquatic Zora simply appeared one day,
in the ancient past. No one really knows
where they come from, although it's possible
they descended from the Water Dragon
Chapter 2-8
Chapter 2-9
Chapter 2-10
Chapter 2-11
The Deku are the spirits of forests and
swamps. While some come under the care of
specific deities such as the Great Deku Tree,
others organize into tribes and live the same
as mortal races. Dekus are not a common
sight outside of their homes, but are not so
uncommon that they would be mistaken for
Chapter 2-12
Chapter 2-13
Chapter 2-14
Chapter 2-15
Chapter 2-16
As mighty as the mountain, and as cool as
stone, the Gorons have lived alongside the
Hylians and the Zora for centuries of peace
and quiet prosperity. They are a welcoming
people, one built on Brothership and love.
One cannot ask to have a better friend than a
Chapter 2-17
Chapter 2-18
Long ago, when the world was young, there
was a war to claim the Triforce of the
Goddesses. The ancestors of the Twili
managed to enter the Sacred Realm and
nearly claim the Triforce, only to be cursed,
and then banished to the Twilight Realm.
While the way between worlds has opened
again, no one is quick to trust these people
of Shadow.
Chapter 2-19
Chapter 2-20
Chapter 3 Classes
In the land of Hyrule there are myriads of
people of all shapes, sizes, attitudes, and
skill levels. Classes represent broad sets of
skills some beings possess that set them on a
higher level than others. But not all classes
are appropriate in all places. This is a rough
guide to how classes interact with the
Legend of Zelda.
beings who traditionally live outside of
civilized society. They come from harsh
lands where one must be harsher in order to
survive. Some learn to harness the awesome
power of their own inner fury to increase
their power, and allow them the luxury of
throwing themselves headlong into battle,
while others see their wild nature as only a
reflection of real Nature, and seek to
understand it.
Many Gerudo who seek power pursue the
Barbarian path of Rage, while many Gorons
see the benefits of accepting ones nature. A
few River Zora and many of the lesser
monsters who followed Ganondorf are also
Chapter 3-21
seen in every
culture, for every
culture has some
sort of martial
tradition. Fighters
represent those few
who rise above mere
soldiery and become
heroes of legend.
Gerudo and
Hylians each feature
many Fighters,
although the Gerudo
typically favor
Champions, as do Gorons, whereas Hylian
Fighters will generally follow the path of the
Eldritch Knight. Zora Fighters will also
pursue Eldritch Knight.
Chapter 3-22
represent those
people in society
who hone their
own physical
form to
Beyond any
martial training,
the exercises and
routines required
to master the
Monks powers
are both
excruciating and deeply spiritual. Those who
pursue this path are seekers of perfection.
more than mere
warriors. They
are sworn to a
cause greater
than their own.
These beings are
more feared by
the remaining
followers of
Ganon than any
other, and for
good reason.
Paladins channel
the raw power of
Devotion, Justice, and the Divine.
Chapter 3-23
represent those
people in Hyrule
who are
magical. Many
are descendants
of Dragons,
Demons and
Gods, whose
bloodlines have
become weak
enough not to
openly manifest,
while still
blessing their
descendants with power. Sorcerers are often
considered holy in Hyrule, particularly the
Chapter 3-24
Chapter 3-25
Chapter 4 Backgrounds
For every legendary swordsman, theres a
farmers son with a stick. For every master
thief, theres a street-rat dreaming of
something better. For every wizard, a school
child hard at work. For every cultist
scheming there was once a nobleman cast
out from his home. Before they were
adventurers, they had lives.
Chapter 4-26
Chapter 4-27
Chapter 4-28
Chapter 5-29
Greater Deities
Din, Goddess of
Power, Goddess of
the Sand
Light, War
Farore, Goddess of
Courage, Goddess of
the Wind
Light, Nature
Nayru, Goddess of
Wisdom, Goddess of
Light, Knowledge
Nature Deities
Life, Nature
Lord Jaboon
Chapter 5-30
Trickery, Death
Heroic Deities
War, Tempest
Death, War
Life, War
Zelda, Goddess of
Knowledge, Light
Chapter 5-31
Light, Trickery
Trickery, Nature
War, Trickery
The Goddesses
The Three Golden Goddesses (Din, Farore,
and Nayru) are the most powerful deities
within the Legend of Zelda mythos, and are
Chapter 6-32
Chapter 6-33
The Otherworldly
Some deities lie outside of the understanding
of even their adherents. Some reside not in
this plane, but a different one wholly
divorced in sense and morality from
Hyrules. Whatever their form, some deities
are simply odd, perplexing, or absolutely
Chapter 6-34