2010 Wood Badge Dinner
2010 Wood Badge Dinner
2010 Wood Badge Dinner
-- The Boy Scouts of
Attention Scouters:
Scouters America will buy a
10,600-acre site in
Fayette County where
Announcing the 21st Annual the organization plans
GILWELL REUNION to build a "high-
adventure base"
& SCHOLARSHIP FUND DINNER beside the New River
Gorge National River
Who: All Scouters, Wood Badgers, spouses, and potential Wood Badgers. park.
What: Fun, fellowship, dinner, program, silent auction, trading post including
items from Gilwell Park, and a great time.
Bring Extra Money for the Trading Post
When: Sunday, January 17, 2010.
Where: Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium Banquet Center, 2345 4th St, 10/29/2009
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 The Boy Scouts of
Program: 1:30 p.m. Gathering, fellowship, trading post America now own
2:30 p.m. Welcome, annual ticket presentations 11,000 acres in
2:45 p.m. Dinner Fayette County.
3:30 p.m. Program
Cost: $17.00 per person by January 4, 2010. Officials with the BSA
$25.00 after January 4, 2010. announced
------------------------------------------------ Wednesday the
purchase was finalized
for land that will
January 17, 2010 Scouting Center
Name ______________________________________________ Patrol________________ and the fourth high
Address__________________________________________________________________ adventure camp in the
City ______________________________________ State ____ Zip___________________ nation.
Phone (________) __________________________ Council ________________________
Other Scouters, potential Wood Badgers, spouse or guests I am bringing with me:
Name ______________________________________________ Patrol _______________
Name ______________________________________________ Patrol _______________
Name ______________________________________________ Patrol _______________
Make checks payable to: Great Trail Council, BSA. All fees non-refundable.
Charge to my: ____ MasterCard ____ VISA
Card number ________________________________________ Exp. date _____________
Mail to: Gilwell Reunion, Great Trail Council BSA, PO Box 68, Akron, OH
Acct. # 900160
Want to know more about the Boy Scouts of America new location for its new High-
Adventure base?
Our Guest Speaker this year is Steven P. McGowan, Area Vice President, Central
Region Board and National Task Force Member, Boy Scouts of America. A key
member in bringing this to reality.