HighScore Plus Guide
HighScore Plus Guide
HighScore Plus Guide
Scott A Speakman, Ph.D.
MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering
This document will introduce you to some of the basic functionality of PANalytical XPert
HighScore Plus, v3.0. There is much more that can be done with the program. Some of the
instructions in this document will allude to things that you can do in HighScore Plus without
telling you how to do them. In such cases, this is because a quick reading of the relevant help
section in HighScore Plus will clearly tell you how to accomplish the task.
The last page of this document gives you some keywords you might search one in the help to
learn about more advanced tools.
pg 2
pg 2
pg 3
pg 4
pg 4
pg 5
pg 6
pg 6-9
pg 7
pg 7-8
pg 9
pg 9
pg 10
a. Fit Background
b. Find Peaks
Change the display of peaks
c. Optional Steps: Convert Slits and Strip K2
d. Search-Match
pg 10
pg 11
pg 12
pg 12
pg 13-14
pg 15
List of Other Features in HighScore Plus
Appendix A. Overview of the GUI
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pg 15
pg 16-19
Page 1
Desktops are predefined arrangements of windows and toolbars in HighScore Plus. You can
create your own or use one of the default desktops provided with the HighScore Plus program.
Default Desktops are designed to be optimal for specific tasks, such as Phase ID or Profile
Fitting. If you start using HighScore Plus and the desktop is arranged in a way that you are
unfamiliar with, you can change the desktop to one that is more useful.
Restoring Defaults
If you begin using HighScore Plus and it is behaving in an unusual way, you may want to restore
the program behavior to its factory defaults. In order to do this:
By default, the menus only show the most recently used commands. To turn off this feature, so
that you can see all commands in the menus:
Select the menu View > Toolbars > Customize
Select the tab Options
Uncheck the box next to Menus show recently used commands first
Click Close
Page 2
There are different work areas in HighScore Plus, called Panes. There are up to four different
Panes. Each Pane is a window that contains a certain element of the document. The Panes are:
Main Graphics shows the primary plot of your data for analysis and manipulation
Additional Graphics shows modified plots of your data to assist in analysis
Lists Pane contains tables of information that provide an overview of your data and
summarizes the results of your analysis
Object Inspector is a dynamic list that provides detailed information about any item that
you select in HighScore plus. In some desktops, it is a separate pane; in some desktops, it
is part of the Lists pane.
To resize the panes, drag your mouse to the border between two panes until the cursor
changes to
Main Graphics
Additional Graphics
Page 3
Opening Data
To Open a data set, go to File>Open
If you select multiple files, each one will open in its own document.
Zooming in Main Graphics
Zoom in by left-click and dragging in the Main Graphics pane.
Zoom out by double-clicking in the Main Graphics pane.
When zoomed in, you can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the Main Graphics pane to move
the zoom view left and right
When zoomed in, hold down the Alt key and left-click and drag the mouse:
o If you drag the mouse left-right, you will scroll left or right
o If you drag the mouse up-down, you will
zoom in or zoom out x (y autoscales to the
maximum intensity in the zoomed view)
Page 4
Note: Treatment and Analysis tools only work on the Anchor scan
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Page 5
Opening a PDF Reference Pattern
The Powder Diffraction File (PDF) is a database of X-ray powder diffraction patterns maintained
by the International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD). You can find more information about
the PDF, including tutorials and references, at www.icdd.com
Data in the PDF comes from:
publications, journals, scientific periodicals and theses
ICDD grants for new materials
Data collections donated by companies or individuals
Data from other database organizations that are licenses by the ICDD
To Retrieve PDF Patterns using the PDF Reference Number
1) Go to the menu Reference Patterns > Retrieve Pattern By > Reference Code
2) In the dialog box, type in the Reference Code(s) for the PDF card(s) that you want to open
3) Click Load
4) The cards will be loaded into the Pattern List in the Lists Pane
In older literature, you may see reference to JCPDS cards. The JCPDS database was the
predecessor to the PDF. You can use the original JCPDS reference number to retrieve that entry
in the PDF database.
To search the PDF Database for References
If you do not know the reference code for the PDF card for the material that you are interested in,
you can search the PDF database for the relevant entries.
1) Go to the menu Reference Patterns > Retrieve Pattern By > Restrictions
2) In the Restrictions dialogue window that opens, you define parameters to restrict which
patterns will be retrieved from the database. If you defined no parameters at all, then all
patterns in the database would be retrieved.
a) Each tab in the Restrictions window allows you to control a different subset of search
parameters. In each of the tabs, you can set the parameters for searching the PDF
database for reference patterns.
b) The options available in the tabs are described on the next page (pg 7)
c) Each tab that is being used to constrain the search will be highlighted with a red flag
d) The information bar at the bottom of the window tells you how many patterns will be
retrieved with the current set of restrictions. This number should be less than 10; anything
more is difficult to manage. If you cannot make this number less than 10, then you
should use Search & Match (pg 11) instead.
3) Once you have set up your search parameters, using as many or as few Restrictions as you
like, then you click Load to perform the search and find the reference patterns.
a) The reference patterns will be added to the Pattern List pane.
b) If you have other reference patterns already loaded, the Combine Patterns dialogue will
ask you to specify how you want to combine the new patterns with the previous. Make
your choice and click OK.
c) The Restrictions window will remain open, allowing you to retrieve more references
i) If you are done finding reference patterns, then click Close.
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Page 6
The tabs that you can use to constrain you search of the PDF database are:
This is the most common restriction that you will use.
You have three fields to specify what compositions you want to find in the database:
All of: all of these elements together must be present in each reference pattern
At least one of: one or more of these elements must be present in each reference pattern
None of: none of these elements must be present in each reference pattern
If you click on the button Add Rest to None Of, then every element not listed in All
of: or At least one of: fields is added to the None of: field
The Min and Max Number of Elements controls how many unrestricted elements are
allowed in the retrieved reference patterns
In this example, 2146 patterns will be
retrieved. These patterns would include
FePO4, LiPO4, and LiFePO4; but would
also include any material that contains P
and O, Li or Fe, and any other element
for example, Fe2AsP3O12 or RbFeP2O7.
This is another very useful restriction to use.
It is highly recommended that you check the entry Skip marked as deleted by ICDD
Entries are deleted from the database if they are replaced with better references or they
are found to be wrong.
These entries are kept in the electronic database in case you need access to them (perhaps
an old paper references a now obsolete PDF card), but you normally do not want these
entries to be included in your search results.
You can use the other settings to restrict what type of reference cards you search. The quality
marking system of the ICDD is explained on the next page (pg 11)
You can also use this tab to exclude data that was not collected at standard pressure and
temperature (Skip non-ambient temperature and Skip non-ambient pressure)
Page 7
PDF cards have quality marks assigned by the ICDD to indicate how reliable the data is.
Star (S, +). Indicates the pattern represents high-quality diffractometer or Guinier data.
The chemical composition has been well characterized.
The intensities have been measured objectively-- no visual estimation is allowed.
Good range and an even spread of intensity.
Completeness of a pattern is sensible
Each reflection with d-value less than or equal to 2.500 Angstroms has at least three
significant figures after the decimal point. Reflections with d-value less than or equal to
1.2000 Angstroms have at least four significant figures after the decimal point.
No serious systematic errors exist.
The |2| of a qualifying reflection is less than or equal to 0.05 degrees. In the case of
multiply-indexed reflections, only the minimum absolute 2 is considered.
The average |2| value is less than 0.03 deg. for qualifying reflections.
No un-indexed, space group extinct or impurity reflections are present.
Indexed (I). Indicates the pattern has been indexed.
There is a reasonable range and even spread in intensities.
Completeness of the pattern is sensible.
Reflections with d-value less than or equal to 2.000 Angstroms have at least three significant
figures after the decimal point.
No serious systematic errors exist.
No qualifying reflection has an absolute 2 greater than or equal to 0.20 degrees.
The average absolute 2 value should be less than or equal to 0.06 deg.
The maximum number of un-indexed, space group extinct or impurity reflections is two, but
none of these reflections is among the strongest eight lines.
Blank (B). Indicates the pattern does not meet the Star, Indexed, or Low-Precision criteria.
Low Precision (O, ?). Indicates the diffraction data have been taken on poorly characterized
material, a sample with known (or suspected) problems such as preferred orientation, or that the
data are known (or suspected) to be of low precision.
Data from a multi-phase mixture.
Data from a phase poorly-characterized chemically.
The "O" quality mark is commonly assigned to patterns for which no unit cell is reported
Usually, the editor has inserted a comment to explain why the "O" was assigned.
The number of un-indexed, space group extinct or impurity reflections is three or more.
One of the three strongest reflections is un-indexed.
Prototyping (P). Indicates the structural data that was assigned to a particular entry from the
Linus Pauling File. Prototype structure is an editorial action to assign a space group and
coordinates for entries that have not recovered this information from the primary literature.
Rietveld (R). Indicates the d-values are directly the result of Rietveld refinement of the data.
Hypothetical (H). Indicates the structure is calculated theoretically from the atomic positions
and thermal parameters of an isostructural compound
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Page 8
This tab is used to restrict the search to certain
subfiles of the PDF. Data in the PDF comes
from several different sources. The data is
organized into subsets depending on the
source and subfiles depending on
characteristics of the material. In HSP, you
can search for entries from a single
subset/subfile, a combination of subsets and
subfiles, or from all subsets.
This restriction tab can be used to specify parameters of the crystal structure for all retrieved
entries, such as the Crystal System (cubic, hexagonal, ), Density (theoretical density based on
crystal structure), or lattice parameters. This restriction is not used that often.
This restriction is used to search for text in the PDF reference, such as a specific Mineral Name
(hematite, etc) or Compound Name (polyethylene, etc). This restriction is not used that often.
Once you have searched the database and added reference cards, you can view them in the Main
Graphics pane and manipulate them in the Lists Pane and Object Inspector
In the Lists Pane, go to the Pattern List tab. You can:
Make the pattern Visible or Hidden by checking/unchecking the Visible column
Change the pattern color by using the drop-down menu in the Display Color column
Open the reference card by double-clicking on an entry
The entry will contain information such as formula, unit cell information, the reference
that the entry came from, and a list of peak positions and intensities.
You can use the peak list in the reference card to decide where you want to scan. A card
might list several peaks at low angles (below 20deg 2theta) that are very informative.
After 55.74deg 2theta, all of the diffraction peaks are weak. Therefore, a good scan range
would be from 5deg to 56deg 2theta.
In the Object Inspector, you can manipulate the display of the Reference Pattern (color, scaling)
Click on an entry in the Pattern List
go to the Object Inspector
Settings in the Display section of the Object Inspector will let you change the visual
display of the reference pattern in the Main Graphics
Other sections display information about the reference card
If you want to compare your data to the reference card for a specific phase, it is easier to use the
search-match procedure, explained on the next page.
Page 9
a) The solid blue line shows the position of the corresponding K-beta peak
b) The dotted lube line shows the position of the corresponding W L-alpha peak
c) The dotted red line shows the position of the corresponding K-alpha2 peak
3) You only need to check the one or two strongest peaks of the pattern for the presence of Kbeta peaks. The intensity of a K-beta peak is proportional to the intensity of the
corresponding K-alpha1 peak.
There are several steps involved when you want to determine the identity of unknown phases in
your diffraction pattern.
1) Fit the background.
a) Select the menu Treatment > Determine Background
b) Use a small bending factor (0-2) and a granularity between 15 to 30
c) When the background is good, Accept the background (do not Subtract).
The granularity parameter changes the number of intervals used for background
The bending factor slider adjusts the curvature of the background
Page 10
A preview lets you examine the quality of the peak search before accepting the results
The peaks are represented in the Main Graphics as orange lines.
K-alpha1 peaks are indicated by solid lines in the peak markers
K-alpha2 peaks are indicated by dotted lines in the peak markers
You can change where the peak markers are shown using the "Set Display of Peaks"
button in the Display Mode button bar. Access the dropdown list with the small
You can have the peak markers shown in the data or above the data (or both)
Page 11
Click on the "Peak List" tab in the Lists pane to see numerical details on every peak.
Peaks derived from the K2 wavelength are indicated by a gray background color in the
peak list.
d) If too many/too few peaks were identified, then adjust the parameters and click the Search
Peaks button again
e) When you are happy with the result, click the Accept button.
f) You do not need to identify all small peaks.
g) All intensity above the background curve is considered in determining the best possible
phases to match the data.
h) Peaks that are explicitly identified are given more importance in the fitting algorithm.
4) OPTIONAL- Strip K2
You can numerically remove all K-alpha2 signal from your data. This is not necessary for phase
ID or other analyses. However, you might want to remove the K2 peaks from your observed
diffraction pattern so that the data is easier for you to evaluate good/poor matches or to clarify
the data plot when you are preparing it for a presentation or publication.
a) Select the menu Treatment >Strip K-Alpha2
b) Click the Strip K-alpha2 button.
c) Click the Replace button
d) Click the Close button
Page 12
Page 13
There are several tools available to access the "match" of a candidate/accepted phase:
Explained scan regions (graphically)
matched peaks (graphically, textually)
matched peaks by reference codes (textually)
Reference pattern lines matched (textually)
Number of matched lines, number of new matched lines (textually)
When you cannot identify all phases from the candidate list of the initial search-match, proceed
as follows:
1. Change the scores to find more candidates from the existing candidate list. There is a
toolbar of options that can be used for changing the score (shown on page 19).
When looking for minor phases, switch off the Demote unmatched strong
2. The next step is to repeat the search-match with new, different restrictions (and/or different
parameters). It is possible that the correct phase was excluded by the restrictions used in the
initial search-match being too tight, which prohibited the correct answer showing up in the
candidate list. Or the initial restrictions were too wide, allowing many isotypical phases to
pass and completely fill the candidate list, leaving no space for other candidates.
If necessary repeat step 1. with the new candidate list. Many identification problems can be
solved this way.
3. If you still have no success, you should switch on the track graph function. Now zoom in on
the low-angle region containing unexplained peaks and/or features and check the candidate
list. Only the peaks/features in the visible (=zoomed) region are taken into account now. If
there are no new matches found on top of the candidate list, you could also start a new
search-match using only the zoomed range as input.
4. Exclude all already matched peaks and to search-match again using only the remaining peak
data as input. To exclude peaks from the peak list:
1. Select the menu Tools > Set Peak Status
2. Select the parameters Matched = True Exclude
3. All peaks matched by accepted patterns will be excluded from the peak list
4. Run the search match setting the Data Source to Peak Data
Repeat steps 1. and 2. with the new candidate list, if necessary.
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Page 14
HighScore Plus can be used for quantification of data through a number of ways. Many of these
are well-document in the help or in other tutorial materials available at
Some of the capabilities you might want to explore, and the place they are found in the help, are:
1) Unit Cell Refinement
a) See Live Lattice for quick fitting of a unit cell to observed data
b) See Unit Cell Refinement for least-squares refinement of lattice parameters to observed
2) Line Profile Fitting
a) See Line Profile Analysis for instructions on profile fitting peaks
b) See Williamson-Hall Plot for using profile fitting to determine crystallite size
3) Cluster Analysis- Used to sort multiple datasets by similarities and differences
4) Rietveld Refinement
Page 15
Page 16
a) Shows a list of the anchor scan and all additional scans that have been loaded into the
document. Columns can be set to show some information from the scan files, such as
scan parameters (start angle, stop angle), Scan ID, etc.
b) Right-clicking in this list gives you a menu that will allow you to do certain actions, such
as changing which scan is the anchor scan, summing multiple scans, substracting a
background scan from the anchor scan, etc
Peak List
a) Shows a list of all peaks that have been found through a peak search or profile fitting.
Columns can be set to show information such as position, intensity, width, etc
b) Right-clicking in this list gives you a menu that will allow you to manipulate the peak
list, such as deleting a peak from the list, stripping K-alpha2, etc
Pattern List
a) Provides two lists: one of Accepted Reference Patterns and one of Candidate Reference
b) All accepted reference patterns with a check mark are shown in the Main Graphics view
and are considered matches to the anchor scan
c) When manually searching the PDF database, all patterns retrieved are automatically
loaded into the accepted reference pattern
d) A search/match will load patterns into the candidate list, where they are considered
possible matches
e) Right clicking lets you access several options.
Refinement Control
a) Gives you information and controls for performing a Rietveld refinement
Structure Plot
a) Allows you to draw a 3D representation of a crystal structure that is loaded in the
Refinement Control list
Distances and Angles
a) Allows you to calculate bond distances and angles for a crystal structure that is loaded in
the Refinement Control list
D. Object Inspector is a dynamic list that shows you detailed information about any object that
you select in HSP.
a) For example, if you click on a data set in the Scan List, then the object inspector will
give you access to all of the information included in the data file.
b) If you float the mouse over a peak in the main graphics window, the object inspector will
give you detailed information about that peak and the ability to control settings used in
profile fitting that peak.
c) If you select an object in the Refinement Control list, the object inspector will show you
the current values and give you access to all applicable settings, values, constraints, and
other information and controls relevant to that object.
Whenever you cant find something somewhere else, look in the Object Inspector.
The object inspector can be part of the Lists Pane (default in the Phase-ID desktop) or it can
be its own unique pane (default in Line Profile Analysis and Structures desktops)
Page 17
When you are in the Phase-ID desktop, the toolbars that are automatically loaded are:
Standard Toolbar: Gives you the normal Windows functionsSave, Open, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Undo, etc.
XRD Toolbox: Shortcuts to treatment and analysis functions used when processing XRD
Tool Palette: Functions dealing with the cursor and zoom modes, graphics axes, and display
Batches: Shortcut to automated batch routines for standard analyses
Readout: Shows the cursor position in terms of 2Theta, d-spacing, and intensity when the
cursor is over the Main Graphics pane
Pattern: Functions to retrieve reference patterns, start a search-match and change searchmatch scoring criteria
Display mode: Functions to switch on/off the display of certain data. This toolbar never
changes the document or data
Desktop: Switch what desktop layout is being used
Display Mode
XRD Toolbox
Tool Palette
Display Mode:
Maximize Main
Graphics to occupy
the full screen; click
again to shrink to
normal size
Show/Hide Functions
which are useful
during search-match
Show/Hide Functions
which are useful during
Rietveld refinement
Page 18
Tool Palette:
Autoscale Y in
Main Graphics
Zoom to arbitrary intensity
in Main Graphics
Mouse Cursor controls
Zoom in Main Graphics
Mouse Cursor in Select Mode to
manipulate data analysis in Main
Insert Peaks
XRD Toolbox
Profile Fitting
Find PDF
Reference Patterns
Page 19