Biomedical Instrumentation
Biomedical Instrumentation
Biomedical Instrumentation
Matt ODonnell
All biomedical instruments must interface with biological materials. That interface can by
direct contact or by indirect contact (e.g., induced fields).
A sensor must:
detect biochemical, bioelectrical, or biophysical parameters
reproduce the physiologic time response of these parameters
provide a safe interface with biological materials
An actuator must:
deliver external agents via direct or indirect contact
control biochemical, bioelectrical, or biophysical parameters
provide a safe interface with biologic materials
The electronics interface must:
match electrical characteristics of the sensor/actuator with computation unit
preserve signal to noise ratio of sensor
preserve efficiency of actuator
preserve bandwidth (i.e., time response) of sensor/actuator
provide a safe interface with the sensor/actuator
provide a safe interface with the computation unit
provide secondary signal processing functions for the system
The computation unit must:
provide primary user interface
provide primary control for the overall system
provide data storage for the system
provide primary signal processing functions for the system
maintain safe operation of the overall system
In this course we will study only sensing systems - this means the system front-end will
always be a sensing element. Other than this restriction, we will cover all aspects of
typical biomedical instrumentation systems. We will do them in the following order:
A. Basic Sensors and Principles - including biopotential electrodes
B. Electronic Interfacing - including system noise figure, system bandwidth, preamps, post-amps, instrumentation amps, A/D and D/A converters, aliasing, triggering and
signal averaging
C. Computation - including data capture and signal processing
D. Systems - complete system response using specific examples (electromyogram,
pressure sensors and blood pressure measurements, flow sensors and blood flow
measurements, and chemical biosensors)
Direct / Indirect
Invasive / Noninvasive
Contact / Remote
Sense / Actuate
Real-time / Static
True - Measured
It is often quoted as percentage. Often the true value is unknown over all operating
conditions, so the true value is approximated with some standard.
The precision of a measurement expresses the number of distinguishable alternatives
from which a given result is selected. On most modern instrumentation systems the
precision is
ultimately determined by the analog to digital converter (A/D)
The smallest quantity that can be measured with certainty is the resolution. Resolution
expresses the degree to which nearly equal values of a quantity can be discriminated.
The ability of an instrument to give the same output for equal inputs applied over
some period of time is called reproducibility. Drift is the primary limit on reproducibility
- see below.
Sensitivity describes changes in system output for a given change in a single input. It
is quantified by holding all inputs constant except one. This one input is varied
incrementally over the normal operating range, producing a range of outputs needed to
compute the sensitivity.
Zero (Offset) Drift
Offset drift is one parameter determining reproducibility. It is measured by
monitoring the system output with no change in input. Any changes that occur are simply
result of system offset.
Sensitivity Drift
Sensitivity drift is the second primary contributor to irreproducibility. It causes error
proportional to the magnitude of the input. These drift parameters are summarized in a
typical sensor sensitivity curve below.
A linear system satisfies the condition:
x1 y1
x2 y2
Dynamic Range
The dynamic range defines the ratio between the maximum undistorted signal (i.e.,
maximum input signal satisfying the linearity specification for the sensor) and the
minimum detectable signal for a given set of operating conditions. Often the dynamic
range is quoted on a logarithmic scale (i.e., dB scale).
Input Impedance
The instantaneous rate at which energy is transferred by a system (i.e., the power) is
simply proportional to the product of an effort variable (e.g., voltage, pressure, force) with
a flow variable (current, flow, velocity). The generalized impedance, Z, is the ratio of the
phasor equivalent of the steady-state sinusoidal effort variable to the phasor equivalent of
the steady-state flow variable:
Z = ~
where the tilde denotes phasor variables (i.e., magnitude and phase). The phase is related
to the response lag of the system to a sinusoidal input - more about this for dynamic
Most biomedical instruments must process signals that change with time. The
dynamics of the measurement system, therefore, must be chosen to properly reproduce the
dynamics of the physiologic variables the system is sensing. In this course we will only
consider linear, time invariant systems unless otherwise explicitly noted. For such
systems, the dynamics can be fully described by simple differential equations of the form:
d n y(t)
dt n
+ ... + a1
d m y(t)
+ a 0 y(t) = b m
+ ... + b1
+ b 0 x(t)
where x(t) is the input signal (usually the physiologic parameter of interest), y(t) is the
output signal (usually the electronic signal), and the as and bs are constants determined
by the physical characteristics of the sensor system. Most practical sensor front-ends are
described by differential equations of zero, first or second order (i.e., n=0,1,2), and
derivatives of the input are usually absent, so m=0.
Linear, time invariant systems are simply characterized by their response to sinusoidal
inputs of the form x(t) = A sin(t), where the output is a sinusoid at precisely the same
frequency of the form y(t) = B() sin(t + ()). This simple characteristics is captured
in the system transfer function, defined as function of angular frequency =2f :
b ( j ) m + ... + b1 ( j ) + b 0
Y( )
H ( ) = ~
= m
X( )
a n ( j ) n + ... + a1 ( j ) + a 0
where j = (-1)1/2 and H() is written in complex notation, where the magnitude of H()
equals the ratio B()/A and the phase of H() represents the physical phase lag ().
Using the transfer function notation, the dynamic response of simple zero, first, and
second order systems are presented below.
Zero Order System
A linear potentiometer can be used to measure displacement and represents a simple
example of a zero order system. The differential equation describing its operation is:
a 0 y(t) = b 0 x(t)
and the transfer function is:
Y( )
H ( ) = ~
= 0 = K
X( )
Note there is no phase lag between output and input at ALL frequencies. This means the
step response is instantaneous, as illustrated below.
+ a 0 y(t) = b 0 x(t)
d 2 y(t)
+ a1
+ a 0 y(t) = b 0 x(t)