Common Question Obs & Gyne
Common Question Obs & Gyne
Common Question Obs & Gyne
Ahmed MA`
Gestational diabetes
Placenta previa:
Mohammed Kamal
Ahmed MA`
Cytotec dose:
For IOL: tablet every 6 hours
For induction of abortion 1 tablet every 4 hours
1tablet = 200 ug
Definition: rupture of the membranes prior to the onset of labor.
PPROM is defined as rupture of membranes (amniorrhexis) before 37 weeks gestation.
General management
Give the patient 24 hours for spontaneous delivery, more than 80% will deliver
Mohammed Kamal
Ahmed MA`
If delivery doesnt happen, induce the labor and cover the patient with AB
Ectopic pregnancy
More than 1500 to 2000 mIU/mL of hCG without gestational sac by transvaginal US
More than 5200 to 6000 mIU/mL of hCG without gestational sac by abdominal US
Imperforated hymen
Abdominal pain
Urine retention
Vaginal discharge
Clue cells are epithelial cells of the vagina that get their distinctive stippled appearance
by being covered with bacteria.
Mohammed Kamal
Ahmed MA`
No role of progestin in threatened abortion
Before 8 weeks, the corpus luteum is the main producer of progestin, after that the
placenta takes place
Amniotic fluid
Before 16w Maternal source: Firstly water-like fluid originates from the maternal
plasma, and passes through the fetal membranes by osmotic and hydrostatic forces
After 16w fetal source: first as transudation from non-keratinized skin till 25 weeks
when skin keratinization is complete then urination and swallowing take place
Umbilical cord
30-100 cm
8 coils
Nausea and Vomiting (Morning Sickness).
Frequent Urination.
Breast Changes.
Mohammed Kamal
Ahmed MA`
Vaginal Changes.
(1) Chadwick's sign. The vaginal walls have taken on a deeper
(2) Leukorrhea. This is an increase in the white or slightly gray mucoid discharge that has
a faint musty odor.
Skin Changes.
Striae gravidarum (stretch marks).
Linea nigra.
Chloasma. This is called the "Mask of Pregnancy." It is seen after the sixteenth week of
Position. By the 12 week, the uterus rises above the symphysis pubis and it should
reach the xiphoid process by the 36th week of pregnancy
Size. The uterine increases in width and length approximately five times its normal
size. Its weight increases from 50 grams to 1,000 grams
Hegar's sign. This is softening of the lower uterine segment just above the cervix.
Ballottement. This is demonstrated during the bimanual exam at the 16th to 20th
Mohammed Kamal
Presenting Part
Vertex (occiptoanterior)
Shoulder, arm
Ahmed MA`
Occiput (O)
Occiput (O)
Mentum (chin) (M)
Frontum (forehead) (Fr)
Sacrum (S)
Sacrum (S)
Scapula (Sc)
Engaged Diameter
Suboccipitobregmatic (9.5 cm)
Occipitofrontal (11 cm)
Submentobregmatic (9.5 cm)
mento-vertical diameter l (13.5 cm)
Inter-trochantric (10cm)
Inter-trochantric (10 cm)
Bi-acromial (12 cm)