Chapter 8 JAX-WS Web Services

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Chapter 8 JAX-WS Web Services

8.1. Introduction to Web Services

8.2. WSDL
8.3. SOAP
8.4 Your First Web Service
8.5 Accessing Web Services
8.6 Web Services, Session Beans, and State
8.7 RESTful Web Services
8.8 Practice Labs
8.9 Summary
8.10 Chapter Review
8.11 Exercises

In This Chapter:


Web Services


Web Services



Web Service Concepts

8.1 Introduction to Web Services

What is a web service? If you asked some people on the street they would
probably say things like DSL, dial-up, or even start naming their favorite websites or
browsing program. But web services aren't something that people use directly. A web
service is a service meant for consumption by another application or component, much in
the same way that session beans are meant to be used by other application components.
The Internet connects millions of computers across the world together to allow people to
communicate and access services provided by other people. Web services work in much
the same way, using the standard technologies already in place to allow applications to
communicate and provide services to other applications.
Business logic can be put into session beans for enterprise applications and
accessed remotely as we learned earlier. But there may be some situations in which it is
undesirable or even impossible to allow this level of access to an enterprise application's
session beans. What if you don't control the network that the other components are on?
What if you don't have control over any aspect of the code that needs your business logic
(including the language it is written in)?
Let's say that you have a business idea to create an authentication service.
Customers will be able to pass a username and password to your application from their
client applications and get a boolean value of true if the authentication succeeds, or false
if it does not. This would free developers from having to write authentication logic into
their applications, managing security policies, and maintaining a database of user
information. This would be easy to implement using session beans. But some customers
may be behind a firewall and unable to make a direct connection to the application server

hosting the session bean. Other customers might not be using Java in the client
If you were able to use a ubiquitous protocol, one that is likely to be available
even in restricted networks, you could use that protocol to communicate with the client
application. Web services were designed for situations just like this. Rather than limiting
potential clients to only those using Java, web services allow applications to
communicate over the widely used HTTP protocol, the same protocol that powers the
World Wide Web. Most networks are Internet-accessible and it is increasingly unlikely
that HTTP traffic will be blocked. In addition, the technologies involved are accessible
from a wide variety of programming languages. This is just what Web Services do
allow communication between two applications using standard technologies like HTTP
and XML.
Web services use existing Internet application protocols like HTTP as a carrier for
messages between the web service and the client. The HTTP protocol becomes a sort of
box for shipping web services messages back and forth between applications. The basic
transport protocol that provides Internet connectivity is TCP/IP, without which there
would be no Web for the web services to be part of. Dependent upon that protocol is the
application protocol that wraps up the web service message. Normally, this would be the
end of the line it is the protocol that web browsers and web servers use to communicate.
HTTP wasn't designed to carry information about remote method calls, however, so
another layer is needed to allow such information to be communicated. In the case of web
services this other layer is called SOAP (originally an acronym for Simple Object Access
Protocol), a protocol that defines the messages that are sent between applications so that

they can communicate useful messages to each other, like run this method, or here is
the result of your message request. The following diagram shows how the different
levels of protocols work together.

Figure 8.1: Web Service Messages

8.2 WSDL
Java's web service API is called JAX-WS, for Java API for XML Web Services. It
uses the SOAP protocol (which in turn uses XML) to exchange messages between
applications. The services are defined by a WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
document. The WSDL document is yet another XML document that defines the
capabilities of the web service and allows remote applications to see which methods the
web service provides. One of the advantages of using NetBeans to develop web services
in Java is that the creation is greatly simplified. While it is a worthwhile activity to learn
XML, you will not have to write a single line of XML by hand to get a web service up
and running. Here is a sample of a simple web service with one method:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Generated by JAX-WS RI at RI's version is JAX-WS RI

hudson-417-SNAPSHOT. -->
<definitions targetNamespace="http://ws.app1/"

<xsd:import namespace="http://ws.app1/"

<message name="add">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:add"/>
<message name="addResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:addResponse"/>

<portType name="NewWebService">
<operation name="add">
<input message="tns:add"/>
<output message="tns:addResponse"/>
<binding name="NewWebServicePortBinding"
<operation name="add">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<service name="NewWebServiceService">
<port name="NewWebServicePort"

<soap:address location="REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL"/>

The types are defined in the following file, imported in the

<xsd:import> element. It defines the messages add (the message from the
client to the server) and addResponse (the return message from the server to the
client) and the parameters each message contains. The add message takes two
parameters of type int named addend1 and addend2. The addResponse
message returns a single parameter of type int named return, which is the sum
of the two parameters received in the add message:

<xs:schema version="1.0" targetNamespace="http://svc/">

<xs:element name="add" type="tns:add"/>
<xs:element name="addResponse" type="tns:addResponse"/>
<xs:complexType name="add">
<xs:element name="addend1" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element name="addend2" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:complexType name="addResponse">

<xs:element name="return" type="xs:int"/>


The WSDL document contains several important elements:


-- The types element defines the acceptable types of data used in various

parts of the web service messages that correspond to data types in regular Java programs,
which define the type and range of values that can be stored in a variable. Types are
defined with XML schema.

-- The message element describes some communication between a web

service and a client. Messages are used in web service operations and are analogous to
parameters or return values in normal programs. A message could define some
information that is sent to the web service by the client (like a parameter passed to a
method) or information sent to the client from the web service (like the return value from
a method). Messages are composed of parts, which are associated with the types defined
in the WSDL document. For example, the message tag in the preceding example with the
name=addResponse attribute defines a message that contains a part named
parameters. The data that the parameters part can contain is defined by the XML
schema in the <types> element.

-- The bindings element describes the format of the message (like

SOAP) and protocols that the web service will use. Web services are not restricted to the

HTTP protocol. While HTTP is a very widespread protocol, it is not uncommon to bind a
web service to SMTP (the protocol underlying e-mail) for some applications.


-- The operation element describes what the web service can do. It is

like a method or function in a traditional programming language. An operation is

described in terms of the messages that it sends and receives just as a Java method could
be described in terms of the parameters it takes and the value it returns. The add
operation in our example shows a request/response message pattern (a request is received
by the web service and a response is sent). Operations are not limited to the
request/response model. It is possible to send a request to a web service without getting a
response back or even for a web service to send output without having received a request.
Such messaging models often use the SMTP protocol, which does not rely on the
request/response pattern that HTTP does.

-- The portType element describes the web service as a whole by

describing the operations that are available. While it is not the top-level element in our
example, it does the important work of tying together the operations and messages that
define the web service's functionality.

Table 8.1: Web service parts and their corresponding Java parts





Method parameter or return value


Data types (e.g., int, double, String, etc.)

Having NetBeans generate this file automatically from the code is a great benefit.
It allows the programmer to concentrate on programming the logic for the web service
instead of spending the majority of the time writing XML documents.
The most common transport for web service messages is the HTTP protocol. It is
a well-defined protocol that has been around for years and isn't likely to change much in
the near future. It is so ubiquitous that even PDAs and cell phones are using it now. In
addition to its widespread adoption, it has another property that makes it useful for web
services. HTTP is a response-request protocol. That is, when you send a request, you
expect a response. When you type an address in your web browser and nothing comes
back, you naturally assume something is wrong. This is somewhat analogous to the way
we expect methods in programs to behave. Even if we don't know what the method's
internal code looks like, we expect that if we call the method, it will return. In a sense we
are making a request to the method and expecting a response (a return value).

8.3 SOAP
When some client application wants to use a web service it must create a port, or
stub, for the methods that are implemented in the web service. When methods are called
on the port, the application wraps up the method call in a SOAP request and sends it off
to the server. SOAP is a protocol or standard for wrapping up these types of requests in
XML to help facilitate communication. The server receives the request, executes the
method with the parameters sent by the client, and then sends the return value in a SOAP
response back to the client. Here is a sample SOAP request / response generated by the
method call: port.add(3, 2):

SOAP Request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ns2:add xmlns:ns2="http://ws.app1/">

SOAP Response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ns2:addResponse xmlns:ns2="http://ws.app1/">


As you can see from the sample, the request contains the method name (add) as an
element in the <S:Body> tag. The parameters are passed as elements contained within
the <ns2:add> element. The elements within the body element are defined by the web
service's WSDL (since not every web service will use elements named addend1 or
addend2). The response contains the return value wrapped in the return tags. Once
the response has been received by the client the return value is parsed and returned to the
calling code as if it were a local method. We could write a program to generate and parse
these SOAP requests and responses, but luckily we don't have to. Using NetBeans to
create a web service in Java saves a great deal of time because neither the web service
nor the client code has to parse the XML in the messages. That will all be handled by the

8.4 Your First Web Service

To get started with web services, we will create a simple Hello World web
service that prints out a friendly message.


Open the NetBeans IDE.

2. Create a new project by choosing New Project from the File menu to open the
New Project Wizard dialog. In the dialog, choose Web from the category list on the left
and choose Web Application from the Project list on the right. Click the Next button to


3. Enter a name for the web project and click Next to continue.

4. Accept the defaults on the next dialog box and click Finish to create the project.
5. Right-click on the project node and choose New Web Service from the context

6. Name your web service HelloService and assign a package name. Click Finish to
create the web service.

7. A new node named Web Services appears under the web project and appears in the Editor pane. The Editor pane has a design view (the
default view) and a source view. Click the source button at the top of the Editor pane to
view the code.

8. Click the Design button at the top of the Editor pane to switch back to the Design

9. Click the Add Operation button in the upper left portion of the Design view.

10.In the Add Operation wizard, change the name to sayHello and click OK to create
the operation.

11. Click on the Source button at the top of the Editor pane to switch to the source code.
12. Edit the sayHello method and replace the default return statement to return the
String Hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of Web
13. Click the Run button to start GlassFish. Additionally, you may need to choose Clean
and Build Main Project from the Build menu or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + F11
to deploy the project to the web container.

14. Expand the Web Services node in the project and right-click the HelloService web

service. Choose Test Web Service from the context menu to test the web service you just

15. Your web browser should automatically open to the web service tester. If it does not,
open your favorite web browser and point it to
16. Click the sayHello button to view the results of your web service.

8.5 Accessing Web Services

Now that we know what a web service is, what it is used for, and how it behaves,
let's see what one actually looks like:
package com.datavikings.converter;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

public class Converter {
@WebMethod(operationName = "poundsToKilos")
public double poundsToKilos(@WebParam(name =
"pounds") double pounds) {
return pounds / 2.2;
@WebMethod(operationName = "kilosToPounds")
public double kilosToPounds(@WebParam(name =
"kilos") double kilos) {
return kilos * 2.2;
As you can see from the sample code, the @WebService annotation is used to
signal to the container that this is a web service. The publicly accessible methods are
decorated with the @WebMethod annotation. The @WebMethod annotation may take a
parameter called operationName, which maps the method to a web service operation
defined in the WSDL document. The parameters may additionally be dressed up with the
@WebParam annotation that takes a name parameter, which would create a customized
mapping of the parameter to a WSDL message part. The method signatures are
automatically generated by NetBeans when creating a web service and will take care of
putting the appropriate annotations in place as well.
NetBeans makes accessing a web service just as easy as creating one. Here is a

simple example of a web service client:

package com.datavikings.converterclient;
public class WebServiceClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {

com.datavikings.converter.ConverterService service =
port = service.getConverterPort();
double pounds = 180;
double result =
System.out.println(pounds + " pounds = "
+ result + "

catch (Exception e) {

The service is instantiated by creating a new object of the type defined by the web
service. Remember earlier when we drew an analogy between a web service and a class?

Now the analogy isn't just an analogy. The web service object reference can be used to
create a port. The port is what will be used locally to call the web service operations. You
can think of the port as a kind of remote control. When you push a button on your
television remote the operation happens remotely as if you had pushed the same button
on the television itself. The port is the remote control for the web service.

8.6 Web Services, Session Beans, and State

Web services can be created as part of a web application or an enterprise
application. In fact, if you have business logic in a session bean already, you can turn it
into a web service with very little work. When creating a new web service in NetBeans,
the New Web Service wizard will ask if you want to create a new web service from
scratch or from an existing session bean. If you point the wizard to an existing session
bean it can automatically create the web service. The reason the conversion is so simple
is that, aside from the annotations and some XML, session beans and web services are
essentially just regular vanilla Java objects. A session bean can hide its implementation
details behind a Java interface and the web service hides its implementation details
behind the WSDL file. Once those details are worked out (generating the interface for
session beans or the WSDL for web services) the same class can be used for both.
So we can see that web services and session beans can fill the same role, that of
providing business logic, but they do so in different ways. The session beans do so as part
of the overall Java Enterprise platform and web services as a language-agnostic service
that can be integrated into a stand-alone application. Although stateful session beans may
keep track of a client's state between invocations, HTTP and SMTP are at their core

stateless protocols.
When the HTTP protocol was designed it was intended to be a stateless protocol,
that is to say that each request was seen by the protocol as a new conversation. There was
no mechanism for associating one request with another. As the Internet grew and
changed, methods were developed to allow the client and server to associate related
requests. This functionality is essential to e-commerce because without it, there would be
no way for websites to remember the contents of a virtual shopping cart between
requests. This is most often done by means of cookies, small key/value pairs that are
passed along in the HTTP request. A session ID is normally sent with each request so that
a server that supports sessions can look up information that is relevant to the current
request or prior requests.
Imagine waiting for a table at a crowded restaurant. The hostess tells you that
there is an hour wait, so you give your name and wait for an hour. When you go back to
ask how much longer you must wait, you give your name again so the hostess can check
the list and see your position on the waiting list. If you didn't give your name, she might
think you weren't on the list and make you wait another hour (after all, it's busy and she
can't remember every face that comes in).
Obviously, the stateful session bean has the advantage when it comes to
maintaining state information about a client. Although there are some advanced methods
for maintaining state in web services, they are limited to the HTTP protocol. This means
that any web services that maintain state cannot be bound to other protocols such as
SMTP. The particular techniques for implementing such stateful web services are beyond
the scope of this text.

8.7 RESTful Web Services

REST stands for Representation State Transfer. It is a term coined by Roy
Fielding in his doctoral dissertation. Essentially REST is an architectural style for
distributed systems. The classic example of a REST system is the World Wide Web. The
client begins by viewing a page, which is a representation of some information. The
representation that the client receives places the client in a particular state. The client is
given a set of URLs in the document that make other resources (or representations of
other resources) available. Each URL presented to the client represents a resource, which
could in turn provide more URLs to allow the client to drill down deeper into the
resource or move to resources that are related to the current resource. By following these
links, the client's state changes and the representations that are referenced by the
hyperlinks are transferred to the client.
Web services may also be built around this concept. Instead of using SOAP as a
message format, the RESTful way of doing things uses the HTTP protocol directly to
transmit information. Messages that are intended to receive information from the web
service use the GET command from the HTTP protocol. Similarly, messages that are
intended to provide the web service with some information from the client to update a
resource would use a PUT command, and instructions to delete something would be
issues from the client as DELETE commands. The PUT and DELETE commands are not
often used, but are part of the HTTP protocol specification. Data sent to the web service
is placed in the body of a PUT request, but does not have to conform to the SOAP
standard. It is up to the web service and the client to understand the format of the

messages, whether they are XML or another technology such as JSON.

The four basic HTTP methods map neatly onto the four basic operations for a
database system:

GET Read

POST Create

PUT Update

It is often convenient to think of this mapping, but it also highlights an important

and often overlooked rule of web development. GET requests should be idempotent. We
discussed this in chapter one, but it bears repeating here. The GET request retrieves a
representation of a resource. It should never alter the resource it is requesting. To update a
resource, use the PUT method. To create a new resource, use the POST method. A GET
request should be safe for the resource, leaving it in the same state it was before the
request and able to be sent multiple times with no side effects.
A resource in a RESTful system could be anything. In the classic example of the
World Wide Web, HTML documents are resources, as are the images that may be
referenced in the documents. A resource should be identifiable by a unique URL. If you
have ever used a web application that does not identify each screen with a unique URL,
you will immediately see the advantage of addressing resources this way. Imagine you
are filing your taxes. You spend the better part of 45 minutes entering numbers into web
forms and clicking the Next button on each page only to realize that you left your last tax
form on your desk at work. But you can't simply bookmark the application, because each
page was submitted to the same generic URL via POST. If you try to go back to the page

after bookmarking it, you will have to start all over. Rather than require a sequence of
specific inputs in a particular order to retrieve a resource, each resource in a RESTful
system has its own URL.
Imagine that you are designing a web service for a travel agency to allow agents
to create, view, and update travel itineraries via a web service. Each resource involved in
the travel plan (such as airline flights) is exposed under a specific URL. Retrieving
http://server/WebService/resources/flights/ via HTTP would return a list of all available
flights. Each of the flights in the list is in turn represented by a URL that is an extension
or refinement of the /resources/flights/ path. To choose flight 815, for example, the URL
corresponding to that resource might be http://server/WebService/resources/flights/815/.
If further refinement is available the web service may allow a client to drill down to seat
resources under flight 815 to see the available seats on the flight. If other resources are
involved with the flight resource (such as destinations), the URLs that correspond to
those resources would also be present, allowing the client to jump to the related resource.
As you can see from the listing below, the RESTful web service request is much
simpler than its SOAP counterpart. There is no bulky XML to parse the entire
semantics of the resource being accessed are in the URL.

Sample RESTful Web Service request:

Request: GET

Sample RESTful Web Service response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<airlinename>United Airlines</airlinename>
<arrairport>New York Newark Intl Arpt
<depairport>Oakland (OAK)</depairport>
<flightnum>United Airlines 71</flightnum>

The RESTful web service reply does contain XML in our example. The advantage
of XML here is that the data describes itself very simply. In the above example a flight
resources was requested, specifically, flight 1. The flight element in the response contains
several pieces of information such as the airline, airport, and time of departure. It also

contains a reference to a trip, which is represented by another URL. The client that
requested the flight resource now has, by virtue of the tripRef element, a URL to
follow to get information about the related trip. Not all resources can be represented by
XML, however. Recall that in the World Wide Web, images are resources as well, with
their own representation. Today many different types of resources are represented on the
Internet. Images, videos, music, documents, and even executable programs are all
represented as resources out in the wilds of the Web, each with their own specific
representation. The important thing is that the client can understand the representation.
After all, what good is access to a resource if you can't understand it? For this reason
XML is a popular choice for representing resources that do not already have a
standardized representation format.
Because a REST system is session-less, RESTful web services do not maintain
state between calls. Each URL should uniquely identify a resource and should contain all
information necessary to locate a specific resource, making the need for session tracking
unnecessary. The URLs do not actually need to exist as part of a server's file system (as
you would expect from a web server serving up static pages), but they must be unique so
that the web service can use the URL to identify the resource that is being requested. In
general, web services built around REST are not described in terms of what they can do
as much as what they can offer. That is, the emphasis is not as much on implementing
business logic as it is exposing resources to the client.
This is one of the reasons that state is not emphasized in REST systems the
resources that are being represented are not business methods that need to keep track of
the client's state. Instead, they are things that have their own state that the client can view

or update. To make an analogy with the English language, RESTful web services are
nouns (things that can be represented and shared), whereas JAX-WS web services are
verbs (actions that are performed). Put another way, JAX-WS web services expose
methods that can be executed, whereas RESTful web services expose data elements that
can be accessed. In this way RESTful web services complement JAX-WS web services
just as session beans complement entity classes in Java Enterprise applications. For a
stateful JAX-WS web service method like a hit counter for a website, it is important to
uniquely identify the client and also to save information about the previous calls that the
client made (otherwise, the hit counter would be inaccurate, either displaying the total
number of hits from all clients or displaying just 1 hit because it cannot remember the
ones that came before). For a RESTful web service that represents a database, the state of
the client is mostly irrelevant. The database itself keeps track of its own state and the web
service offers a representation to whoever asks for it, regardless of whether or not they
have previously seen the information. The state of the resource is what is important rather
than the client.
As a matter of fact, the session/entity class analogy is more than a simple
metaphor. Just as JAX-WS web services can be easily created from existing session
beans, RESTful web services can be created from entity classes in a similar fashion,
exposing the underlying database as a resource. Lab 3 will show how to create a RESTful
web service from a simple database.

8.8 Practice Labs

8.8.1 Lab 1: Current Time Web Service


Open NetBeans by double-clicking the NetBeans icon.

2. Go to File New Project to start the New Project wizard.

3. In the New Project wizard, choose Web in the category list on the left and Web
Application from the project list on the right and click Next.

4. At the next prompt, enter WSLab as the project name.

5. At the next prompt, accept the defaults for the project, making sure that GlassFish is
set as the server and click Finish.

6. When the newly created project opens, right-click on the top-level node WSLab and
choose New Web Service from the context menu to start the New Web Service wizard.

7. In the New Web Service wizard menu, enter Time as the web service name, provide a
package name for the web service, and make sure that the Create Web Service from
Scratch option is selected.

8. Expand the WSLab node and the Web Services subnode will reveal the newly created
web service named Time. Double-click the web service to open it in the Editor window in
Design mode, which displays a summary of the operations and some Quality of Service

9. Click Source at the top of the Editor pane to view the source code for the web service.

10. Right-click on the Time web service and choose Add Operation from the context
menu to start the Add Operation wizard.

11. In the Add Operation wizard, set the name to getTime and keep the return type as
java.lang.String (the default). Click OK to add the operation to the web service.

12. The source code for the newly created operation appears in the class file for the web
13. In the file, locate the getTime() method and replace the automatically
generated return statement with the following code:
return new Date().toString();
The function should now look like this:

14. A red underline will appear under the word Date() in the code listing. Click on the
lightbulb icon at the right edge of the Editor window (it will appear to the right of the line
of code in question) and choose Add Import for java.util.Date from the context menu to
import the Date class from the java.util package.

15. Click the run icon in the toolbar to run the web application. This will automatically
start GlassFish and deploy the application. It will also open a web browser to the
application's default Hello World page, which you may close.

16. Right-click the Time web service in the Project pane and choose Test from the context
menu. This will open a web browser that will display a Servlet designed to allow you to
test the web service.

17. On the web service tester page, click the getTime button to make the Servlet invoke
the getTime() method in the web service. The next page will display the return value
and the SOAP request and response.

8.8.2 Lab 2: Current Time Web Service Client


Open NetBeans by double-clicking the NetBeans icon.

2. Go to File New Project to start the New Project wizard.

3. In the New Project wizard, choose Java in the category list on the left and Java
Application from the project list on the right and click Next.

4. At the next prompt, enter WSClient as the name of the application and click Finish.

5. When the newly created project opens, right-click on the top-level node WSClient and
choose New Web Service Client from the context menu to start the New Web Service
Client wizard.

6. The New Web Service Client wizard asks where the web service is located. You can
specify a project, a local file, or a URL that points to a WSDL file.

7. Choose the Project option and click the Browse button to browse. In the browse
window, expand the WSLab project (from Lab 1) and choose the Time web service. Click

8. The box next to the project option in the New Web Service Client dialog is now
populated with the URL of the WSDL file that describes the Time service in the WSLab

project. Click Finish to add the web service client.

9. Open in the editor pane (it should have opened automatically when the
project was created). Right-click inside the main() method and choose Insert Code
Call Web Service Operation from the context menu.

10. In the Select Operation to Invoke dialog box, expand the nodes until you see the
getTime operation and click OK.

11. The code to access the getTime operation will be automatically inserted at the cursor
position in the file. The resulting Main class should look like this:
public class Main {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here

String time = getTime();

try {
// Call Web Service Operation
com.datavikings.webservice.TimeService service = new
com.datavikings.webservice.Time port =
// TODO process result here
java.lang.String result = port.getTime();
System.out.println("Result = "+result);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO handle custom exceptions here
Click the run icon in the toolbar to run the application.

12. The client's output will show up in the Output pane of the NetBeans IDE at the
bottom of the window.

8.8.3 Lab 3: RESTful Web Service


Open NetBeans by double-clicking the NetBeans icon.

2. Go to File New Project to start the New Project wizard.

3. In the New Project wizard, choose Web in the category list on the left and Web
Application from the project list on the right and click Next.

4. At the next prompt, enter RESTLab as the project name.

5. At the next prompt, accept the defaults for the project, making sure that GlassFish is
set as the server and click Finish.
6. When the newly created project opens, right-click on the top-level node RESTLab and
choose New Other from the context menu to start the New File wizard.

7. In the New File wizard, choose Persistence from the category list on the left and
choose Entity Classes from Database from the file type list on the right and click Next.

8. At the next dialog, choose New Data Source from the drop-down menu.

9. In the Create Data Source dialog box, enter jdbc/travel as the JNDI name and choose
the TRAVEL database from the Database Connection drop-down list and click OK.

10. The list of Available Tables on the left will show several tables. Highlight the Flight
table and click the Add > button to move it and all of the tables it references to the
Selected Tables list on the right. Click Next.

11. On the next screen, click the Create Persistence Unit button to create a persistence
unit for this project. Accept the default values and click OK.

12. Enter lab.restful in the package name field and click Finish to create the entity

13. Right-click on the top-level node in the project again and choose New Other from
the menu to open the New File wizard.

14. Select Web Services from the category list on the left and choose RESTful Web
Service from Entity Classes on the right. Click Next.

15. Click the Add All >> button to move all of the available entity classes from the
Available Entity Classes list to the Selected Entity Classes list and click Next.

16. Click Finish on the next dialog to accept the default package names and create the

web service.

17. Test the newly-created RESTful web service by right-clicking on the top-level node
in the project and selecting Test RESTful Web Services from the context menu.

18. NetBeans will start GlassFish and open your default browser to a page that will allow
you to test the web service. On the right side of the page you will see the table resources
in the Travel database. Click on flights in the list and a menu will appear on the right.
Choose GET (application/xml) from the drop-down menu and click the Test button to
view the first 10 records of the flights table in the database.

8.9 Summary
In this chapter we discussed web services, a powerful, platform-independent tool
for enabling communication between applications. Web services use existing standard
technologies to make method calls over a commonly used application protocol such as
HTTP or SMTP. The web service itself is described in a WSDL file, which is an XML
document that contains definitions for the bindings, messages, and types used in the web
service communication. Web services play much the same role as session beans,
providing business logic to an application. When used with the HTTP protocol a web
service can maintain state between calls by leveraging sessions in the HTTP protocol.
When HTTP sessions are used, both the client and the web service must take steps to
enable use of the session management feature.
Web services based on the REST architectural style do not save state between
requests and do not use SOAP as a message format. RESTful web services expose
representations of resources that clients may request. A RESTful web service may expose
a resource for Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations.

8.10 Chapter Review

1. What is a web service?
a. An application that people use to access the Internet.
b. A service that applications may access through common standard protocols.
c. A method for applications to access the network.
d. A service that companies use to provide access to the Internet.
2. What is one advantage of using standard protocols to access web services?
a. Commonly used protocols like HTTP are not likely to be blocked by firewalls.
b. HTTP and SMTP protocols were designed as tunneling protocols.
c. Commonly used protocols like WSDL are easy to implement.
d. The SOAP protocol guarantees delivery of application messages.
3. Name two common application protocols used for communication with web services.
4. What is the purpose of a WSDL document?
a. To enable XML support in a web application.
b. To tunnel the data sent to a web service.
c. To encapsulate the data sent to a web service.
d. To describe a web service's capabilities.
5. Which of the following are not main tags used in a WSDL document (choose two)?
a. types

b. message
c. operations
d. return
6. How are session beans and JAX-WS web services similar?
a. Both require a Java client.
b. Both encapsulate business logic.
c. They use the same communication protocols.
d. There are no similarities between the two.
7. How are session beans and JAX-WS web services different?
a. Web services cannot be created from a POJO (Plain Old Java object).
b. Web services use standard Internet protocols such as HTTP or SMTP for
c. Web services cannot be accessed remotely.
d. Web services do not encapsulate business logic.
8. When is it advantageous to use web services instead of session beans?
a. When the client platform or development environment is unknown or may vary.
b. When the client does not have Internet access.
c. When the client and business logic reside on the same JVM instance.
d. After normal business hours.
9. What does REST stand for?
a. Representation of Electronic State Transmission
b. Resource State Transfer
c. Representation State Transfer

d. Rotten Eggs Smell Terrible

10. Name a commonly used REST system.
a. E-mail
b. The World Wide Web
c. Databases
d. Session Beans
11. True or False: RESTful web services maintain state between requests from the same
12. What is the name of the message protocol that JAX-WS web services use?
13. RESTful web services do not use SOAP. How does a RESTful web service know the
difference between a request to view a resource and a request to update a resource?
a. The HTTP status code returned from the web service.
b. A command embedded in the HTTP POST body.
c. The HTTP command used to access the resource.
d. Different URLs correspond to different actions.
14. Which type of web service lends itself well to sharing resources such as databases?
a. RESTful

d. XML
15. Which type of web service lends itself well to implementing business logic?
a. RESTful
d. XML

Answers to Chapter Review Questions

3.B & C

8.11 Exercises
1.Web services can also be added to the web module of an enterprise application.
Implement exercise 2 from Chapter 6: Session Beans as a web service.

2. Write a hit counter web service that stores the number of times the getCount()
method has been executed. Write Two Servlets, ServletA and ServletB, that both display
getCount(). Test the web service using the Servlets. Are the counts accurate? Why or
why not?

3.* Modify the web service in exercise 2 so that the hit counter will be accurate for each
client. There is more than one way to accomplish this (hint: use entities to persist the
number of hits for a client to a database).

* denotes a challenging exercise

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