Army - fm10 16 - General Fabric Repair
Army - fm10 16 - General Fabric Repair
Army - fm10 16 - General Fabric Repair
No. 10-16 Washington, DC, 24 May 2000
Table of Contents
PREFACE........................................................................................................................... vi
FM 10-16
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FM 10-16
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FM 10-16
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FM 10-16
This field manual is a guide for fabric repair specialists, personnel qualified in MOS 43M, grades E1
through E7. It can be used by personnel in both mobile and fixed repair units. This manual consists of
general instructions for the inspection and repair of military clothing, textiles, canvas, and webbing. It
covers methods for sewing by hand and by machine. It includes directions for different kinds of stitches,
seams, darns, and patches. It explains how to replace fasteners (zippers), and hardware items.
Publications which pertain to fabric repair are listed at the back of the manual.
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Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively
to men.
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
Holes Patch
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FM 10-16
2-2. TOOLS
The tools needed for hand sewing are few and simple. They are all shown in Figure 2-1 and described
a. Shears or Craftman’s Knife. Shears (1) are used to cut the fabric and thread. Their handles
are also used to put a crease in a piece of fabric. Sharpen the points and edges regularly to make cutting
easier and more accurate. Lubricate the screw when necessary, and wipe the shears clean. Do not use
shears to cut anything heavier than fabric, because it will dull the blades. Craftman’s knives (2) are used
to rip out stitching and to open or lengthen buttonholes. Tighten the blades when they are loose. Replace
the blades when they become dull.
b. Pins, Needles, and Thimbles. Straight pins (3) are used to hold two or more layers of fabric
together during sewing. Needles (3) are used to pierce fabric and to pull thread through cloth to make
stitches. Needles come in various sizes. Some may have longer eyes. Use only clean, sharp needles and
pins. A thimble (3) is a metal cap which is placed over the middle finger of the sewing hand to protect
the finger and to make it easier to push the needle through heavy material or several layers of fabric.
Although a thimble is awkward to wear, its use is encouraged to prevent injuries.
c. Thread. Thread (4) is used to sew two or more layers of cloth together. It may consist of a
single strand called a ply or several strands which have been twisted together to make a stronger thread
(Figure 2-2, page 2-3). A two-ply thread consists of two strands, a three-ply thread consists of three
strands, and so on. Thread is made of cotton, nylon, or polyester. It comes in various colors and weights.
To mend an item, use the same color and type of thread that was used to make the item.
d. Ruler or Measuring Tape. A ruler or measuring tape (5) is used to gage accurately the length
and width of seams and hems.
e. Tailor’s Clay Chalk. During inspections, yellow or white tailor’s clay chalk (6) is used to
mark defects. During sewing operations, it is used to mark seam-stitching and hem-stitching guidelines
on cloth.
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f. Iron. An iron (7) is used to press open seams and press down folds to make sewing easier.
g. Buttonhole Cutter. A buttonhole cutter (8) is a hand-held device used to cut slits in cloth for
a. Using shears, cut a piece of thread about 36 inches long from a spool. Do not attempt to break
the thread manually or to bite through it. This frays the end and makes it more difficult to get the thread
through the eye of the needle. Do not cut a piece of thread any longer than 1 yard. Thread that is too
long tangles and knots.
b. Hold the needle in one hand, and grasp the thread about 1/2 inch from the end. To see the eye
more easily, hold the needle up to light or against a light background. Stick the end of the thread
through the eye of the needle.
c. If sewing with a single thread, feed or pull 5 or 6 inches of thread through the eye, and knot
the other end. If sewing with a double thread, pull one end of the thread through the eye until both ends
are even, and then knot the ends together.
d. To make a knot, first make a loop by wrapping the end of the thread once around the tip of the
forefinger. Slide this loop off the fingertip with the thumb, and pass the end of the thread through the
loop. Grasp the end of the thread, and pull the knot taut to set it. To make a larger knot, repeat this step
and adjust the thread so that the second knot lands on the first one.
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a. Basting Stitch. The basting stitch (Figure 2-4) is very common in tailoring. Before any
permanent stitches are put into a garment, a temporary stitch is put in to hold the material in position or
to see if the garments will fit the individual properly. To make a row of basting stitches--
(1) Thread the needle with a contrasting color of thread so the stitches will be easier to
see and remove later.
(2) Stick the needle through the cloth, and pull the thread through the cloth to the knot.
(3) Stick the needle into the cloth, and weave the needle in and out of the cloth several
times. Stitch alongside, instead of directly on, the line where the permanent stitches will be sewn. Make
the stitches two or three times longer than running stitches.
(4) Pick up as many stitches as possible before pulling the needle and thread through the
cloth. Continue to stitch to the end of the row.
(5) Make a knot in the thread close to the cloth, and cut off the remaining thread.
(6) After the permanent stitch has been placed into the material, the basting stitch is then
(7) The length of the basting stitch depends on the work that has to be performed. If the
stitch is placed on the collar of a jacket, many stitches are needed to hold the material in place, but on the
legs of trousers when they are being hemmed, only a few are needed and they can be placed a reasonable
distance apart.
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b. Felling Stitch (Vertical Hemming or Overhand Stitch). The felling stitch (Figure 2-5) is a
form of blind stitch used in most instances to hem or to hold two pieces of material together where a
machine cannot satisfactorily operate, for example, sleeves on wool jackets. It is possible to sew the
lining by machine; however, the machine sewn stitch through the sleeve would not present a neat military
appearance. In some cases, the waistband on trousers are felled in by hand. The felling stitch can be
used only on smooth edges where no thread has become unraveled. The rough edges of the fabric is
turned under before stitching. The length of the felling stitch is determined by the job it has to perform;
normally, the felling stitches should be 1/8 of an inch apart, depending on the type of work to be done.
c. Cross Stitch (Catch Stitch). The cross stitch (Figure 2-6) is used to sew raw edges of material
to keep it from raveling, as in hems. Cross stitches are blind stitches used in most instances to hem
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trouser legs and places where a blind stitch is necessary and a machine cannot satisfactorily operate.
Cross stitches should be smooth, even, and completely hidden on the right side of the material. To make
a row of cross stitches--
(1) Stick the needle through the cloth, and pull the thread through the cloth to the knot.
(3) Make a long diagonal stitch across the raw edge of the hem, and stick the needle into
the fabric of the garment. Securely catch the fabric, but do not penetrate it completely.
(4) Take a small horizontal stitch back in the fabric of the garment.
(5) Make a long diagonal stitch across the raw edge of the hem so that the thread crosses
over itself, and stick the needle into the fabric of the hem. Penetrate the fabric of the hem completely,
but do not catch the underlying fabric of the garment with this stitch.
(6) Take a small horizontal stitch back in the fabric of the hem.
(7) Work diagonally back and forth across the raw edge, taking small horizontal stitches
first on one side and then on the other. The finished row of stitches looks like interlocked Xs. No
stitches can be seen from the outside of the garment.
(9) Make a knot in the thread close to the cloth, and cut off the remaining thread.
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d. Stoating Stitch. The stoating stitch (Figure 2-7) is used to repair a clean-edge cut or tear in
thick fabric. The stitches do not penetrate the fabric completely, so the repair does not show on the right
side. To make a row of stoating stitches--
(1) Turn the fabric so that the wrong side is up, and stick the needle into the thickness of
the fabric 1/4 inch from the end of the tear.
(2) Backstitch to tack the row at the beginning. Do not penetrate the cloth completely.
(3) Make a vertical stitch, coming up 1/16 inch away from the bottom edge of the tear.
Do not penetrate the fabric.
(4) Working diagonally, stitch the needle into the fabric 1/16 inch away from the top
edge of the tear.
(6) Continue to pass the needle over the tear diagonally and down through the tear
vertically. Draw up all stitches firmly.
(9) Make a knot in the thread close to the cloth, and cut off the remaining thread.
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e. Whipstitch (Slant Hemming or Overcast Stitch). The whipstitch (Figure 2-8) is used to finish
raw edges to keep them from unraveling. To make a row of whipstitches--
(1) Stick the needle through the cloth, and pull the thread through the cloth to the knot.
(3) Stick the needle into the cloth 1/6 to 1/8 inch from the raw edge.
(4) Working diagonally, pass the thread and needle over the raw edge.
(5) Stick the needle into the cloth 1/16 to 1/8 inch from the raw edge and 1/16 to 1/8
inch from the previous stitch.
(6) Keep the stitches small and even, and stitch until the raw edge is finished.
(8) Make a knot in the thread close to the cloth, and cut off the remaining thread.
f. Buttonhole Stitch. The buttonhole stitch (Figure 2-9) is used to finish and reinforce the raw
edges of buttonholes and eyelets. To make a row of buttonhole stitches--
(1) Stick the needle up through the cloth 1/16 to 1/8 inch away from on edge of the
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(3) Stick the tip of the needle down through the circle and through the slash of the
(4) Stick the tip of the needle up through the cloth as close as possible to the last point
where the needle came up. At the same time, take care to bring the needle up through the circle of
(5) Draw up the needle and thread carefully so that a purl (a small, tight loop) forms on
the edge of the slash.
(6) Repeat the stitch around the outside of the buttonhole. Keep the stitches close and
even. Keep the purl on the edge of the slash.
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a. Needles. Sewing machine needles (Figure 3-2) come in several types and sizes. The needles
are classified by the type of shank, the type of point, and the length of the needle. Each type of sewing
machine uses a different type of needle. Always use the correct type of needle, and replace bent or dull
needles so that the machine operates properly. Needles come in numbered sizes. Needles with high
numbers have bigger eyes and thicker shanks than needles with low numbers. The size needle to use is
determined by the size thread needed to make the repair. Always match the size of the needle to the size
of the thread so that the thread will pass easily through the eye.
b. Thread. Thread comes in several plies, weights, and colors. It is made of various materials,
such as cotton, silk, or polyester. Thread also comes in two different twists. The twist is determined by
the direction in which the fibers are spun together or the direction in which the plies are twisted together
FM 10-16
(Figure 3-3). Always use left-twist thread for the top thread, which is fed through the needle. Use left-
or right-twist thread for the bottom thread, which is fed from the bobbin. Follow the directions in the
appropriate technical manual to thread the needle and to wind the bobbin in each sewing machine.
c. Stitch Length. The sewing machines used by the military make only one kind of stitch, a
lockstitch (Figure 3-4). This stitch is formed when a top thread and a bottom thread interlock. The
length of the stitch is determined by the forward movement of the cloth. The cloth is moved by feed
dogs. The more fabric the feed dogs move forward with each stitch, the longer the stitches are. Stitch
length is measured by the number of stitches per inch (Figure 3-5). Generally, short stitches are used on
light fabrics. Long stitches are used on heavy fabric. Long stitches are also used for machine basting.
Use the same stitch length to repair an item as that used to make it. Follow directions in the appropriate
technical manual to change the stitch length on each sewing machine.
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d. Pressure. Pressure is the amount of force exerted downward on cloth by the presser foot. The
presser foot holds the fabric in place while a stitch is being sewn. The pressure and feed dogs then work
together to move the fabric forward to the next stitch. If the pressure is too light, the feed dogs move the
fabric forward unevenly. The amount of pressure needed depends on the weight of the cloth. As a rule,
the lighter the fabric the less pressure needed to move it. Before sewing on fabric whose weight differs
from that of the fabric last sewn on the machine, test the pressure by sewing a seam on scrap material.
Use the same type of fabric and the same number of layers that will be used in the repair. If one layer of
fabric slips, if stitches are skipped, or it the fabric is pulled down in the bobbin area, adjust the pressure.
Follow directions in the appropriate technical manual to adjust the pressure on each sewing machine.
e. Tension. Tension is the amount of stress put on a thread. When the tension between the top
thread and the bottom thread is correct and balanced, the connecting link of each lockstitch is in the
center (Figure 3-6). The stitches look the same on both sides. When there is too much tension on the top
thread or too little on the bottom thread, the link is on the bottom. When there is too much tension on
both threads, the fabric puckers and the stitches break. When there is too little tension on both threads,
the stitches have too much play, the threads form loops, and the seam is weak.
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To test thread tension, stitch diagonally across a piece of scrap material. Look at the stitches
closely. If the stitches do not look the same on both sides of the cloth, hold the stitching at each end and
pull until a thread breaks. If the top thread breaks, there is too much tension on the top thread. If the
bottom thread breaks, there is too much tension on the bottom thread. Follow the directions in the
appropriate technical manual to adjust the thread tension on each sewing machine--
Tacking (Figure 3-7) is used to secure the beginning and end of every seam. It keeps the cut ends of the
thread from unraveling and the entire seam from pulling out. Tacking is sometimes called backstitching.
Do not confuse it with the hand-sewn backstitch. There are two ways to tack seams with a sewing
machine. The one used depends on whether or not the machine has the mechanism that allows it to sew
in reverse.
a. Machine Without a Reverse. Many older sewing machines do not have a reverse. To tack a
seam using this type of machine--
(1) Place the cloth under the needle so that the bulk of the fabric is to the right of the
needle and the seam allowance is to the left. Move the cloth until about 1 inch of the cloth lies in front of
the needle. Adjust the cloth so that the needle will stitch the tacking on the same line that it will later
stitch the seam.
(2) Lower the presser foot. To tack the beginning of the seam, sew a row of stitches
about 1 inch long toward the cut edge of the cloth. Do not run off the cut edge of the cloth, but stop with
the needle down in the fabric.
(3) Raise the presser foot. Pivot the cloth so that the seam can be sewn over the tacking
stitches. The bulk of the fabric should now be to the left of the needle. The seam allowance should be to
the right.
(4) Lower the presser foot. Stitch back over the tacking. Continue to sew to the end of
the seam or the cut edge of the cloth. Do not run off the edge, but stop sewing with the needle down in
the cloth.
(5) Raise the presser foot. Pivot the material on the needle.
(6) Lower the presser foot. Stitch back 1 inch over the seam stitches to tack the end of
the seam.
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b. Machine With a Reverse. The reverse mechanism is put into action by pushing a button or
lever while the machine is working. Pushing the lever or button reverses the motion of the feed dogs.
Material is fed back toward the operator instead of forward and away from the operator. Releasing the
button or lever stops the reverse motion. To tack a seam using this type of machine--
(1) Place the cloth under the needle about 1 inch from the beginning of the seam line.
Adjust the cloth so that the needle will stitch the tacking on the seam line. The bulk of the fabric should
be to the left of the needle. The seam allowance will be to the right.
(2) Activate the reverse mechanism, and sew back almost to the cut edge of the cloth.
This tacks the seam at the beginning.
(3) Release the lever or button to stop the reverse mechanism, and sew forward almost
to the end of the seam line.
(4) Activate the reverse mechanism again, and sew back about 1 inch. This tacks the
seam at the end.
a. Seams are as strong as the material they join. Some seams are stronger than others because of
the way they are constructed. Other factors affecting the strength of seams are the type and length of the
b. Seams have just as much elasticity as the material they join. They do not break when the
garment is put under stress. The elasticity of seams is determined by the thread and the type of stitch
used to make the seams.
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c. Seams are durable and uniform in appearance. They do not have loose, crowded, tight,
crooked, or skipped stitches. They do not have puckers or pleats.
d. Seams are not wavy. Stitches are a uniform distance from the edge of the fabric. Raised
seams do not have runoffs, and felled seams do not have exposed raw edges.
a. Plain or Simple. The plain or simple seam (Figure 3-8) is the easiest seam to sew. It uses one
row of stitches to join two pieces of cloth. This seam is used when a finished seam edge is not required,
such as open side seams that must be mended. It is also used to mend straight and L-shaped tears when
little or no material is missing. To make a simple seam--
(1) Place the material together face to face (all four edges square).
(2) Mark the edge of the material 1/2 inch from the raw edge on the 8-inch length.
(3) Place the material on the machine so that the mark is in a vertical position.
(4) Start at the top of the marking on the edge of the material and stitch down to the
bottom edge of the material. Allow a 1 inch tack stitch at both ends of the material not less than 7/8 inch
or more than 1 1/8 inches.
“A” STEP 1 “B” STEP 2
b. Seam Type 1. Seam type 1 (Figure 3-9) is a hemming seam. It is used to put a machine-sewn
hem in garments such as shirts and trousers. This seam is used when the garment does not need a deep or
hidden hem. It is also used to put a simple finished seam edge on sheets and pillowcases and many other
textile items. To make seam type 1--
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(1) Place a piece of material 8 inches by 8 inches on the table face up.
(2) Mark the face side of the material 1 1/2 inches from the edge (on the 8-inch edge), a
straight line across the length of material.
(3) Make the second line 1/2 inch from the edge across the length of the material.
(4) Fold the material on the first mark made 1 1/2 inches from the edge.
(5) Fold the material on the first mark made forming a hem. (The overall width of the
hem when folded should be 1 inch at this time.)
(6) Place the material on the machine keeping the material folded.
(7) Starting on the end of the hem and on the 1/2-inch turn under, sew a row of stitches
1/16 inch from the folded edge, the length of the hem. Each end of the stitch line should be tacked.
8“ STEP 1 STEP 2
STEP 3 1“ STEP 4
c. Seam Type 2. Seam type 2 (Figure 3-10) is a lapped seam. It is used to sew a patch-type
pocket on shirts, jackets, and coats. This seam is also used to sew plackets on shirt sleeves and to attach
a zipper on the left side of a fly front. To make seam type 2--
(1) Cut an 8- by 8-inch piece of material into two pieces 4 inches by 8 inches.
(2) Place the two pieces of the material on a table face up.
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(3) Mark both pieces of the material 1/2-inch from edge (on the 8 inches length) across
length of material.
(4) Fold under edge of one piece of the material on the 1/2-inch mark and place it on the
marking on the second piece of the material.
(5) Place the materials on the machine and stitch down the entire length of the material
1/4 inch from the folded edge.
(6) Tack the stitch lines at both ends with a 1-inch tack (no less than 7/8-inch or no
more than 1 1/8 inches).
Place material “A” faceup. Place material “B” faceup and fold
right edge 1/2 inch under.
1 STEP 3
B 4 A
d. Seam Type 3. Seam type 3 (Figure 3-11) is a welt seam. It is a strong seam used to sew
pockets, sleeves, and main seams in heavy garments. This seam is also used to replace pocket flaps and
to attach a zipper to the right side of a fly front. Seam type 3 is a combination of the simple seam and
seam type 2. To make seam type 3--
(1) Cut an 8- by 8-inch piece of material into two pieces 4 inches by 8 inches.
(2) Place the two pieces of the material on the table face to face.
(3) Mark the top piece of material 1/2 inch from edge (on the 8-inch edge) across the
length of material.
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(4) Make certain both edges of the material (top and bottom pieces) are even at the
marked edge.
(5) Sew the two pieces of material together with a simple seam, following the markings
made 1/2-inch from the edge.
(6) Tack the stitch lines at both ends with a 1-inch tack (no less than 7/8-inch, or no
more than 1 1/8 inches).
(7) Fold the top piece of the material to the right, and sew a row of stitches 1/4 inch to
the right of the simple seam.
Place two pieces of material face to face. Sew one row of stitches 1/2 inch
from edge.
Fold the top piece back and turn the Sew one row of stitches 1/4 inch from the
edges underneath toward the right. folded edge.
e. Seam Type 4. Seam type 4 (Figure 3-12) is a double-lapped seam. It is an extremely strong
seam, because no raw edges are left exposed to unravel and two rows of stitches are used. This seam is
used in garments that get a great deal of stress and are washed often. It is used to join the fronts and
backs of shirts and field uniforms. When the seam is sewn correctly, it looks the same on the inside and
the outside of the garment. To make seam type 4--
(1) Cut an 8- by 8-inch piece of material into two pieces 4 inches by 8 inches.
(2) Place the two pieces of the material faceup and side by side.
(3) Mark the piece of the material on the left, 1/4 inch from the right edge (8- inch
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(4) Mark the piece of the material on the right, 1/2 inch from the left edge (8-inch
(5) Fold the material on the left 1/4-inch mark and place it on the 1/2-inch mark of
material on the right.
(6) Sew a row of stitches 1/16 inch from the folded edge of the top material. Make
certain to tack both ends of the seam.
(7) Turn the joined materials over with the back side of the material up.
(8) Mark 1/4 inch from the raw edge of the joined seam.
(9) Fold under 1/4 inch at mark and stitch 1/16 inch from the folded edge across the
length of the material.
(10) Tack at both ends of the seam with a 1-inch tack (no less than 7/8 inches, or no
more than 1 1/8 inches).
(11) Make sure that the stitch lines are evenly spaced and straight. Make sure each seam
line has a tack at each end and that no raw edges are showing.
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Place material “A” faceup and fold Place material “B” faceup, and mark
right edge under 1/4 inch. 1/2 inch from left edge with chalk
Place material “A” faceup on 1/2 inch Turn material over facedown.
mark that was put on material “B”
top stitch 1/16 inch from folded edge.
Fold edge of material “B” under 1 inch Sew a row of stitches 1/16 inch from
interlock seams. the fold.
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f. Seam type 5. Seam type 5 (Figure 3-13) is an overlapped and topstitched seam. It is used to
attach collars and cuffs to shirts. To make seam type 5--
(1) Cut an 8- by 8-inch piece of material into two pieces 4 inches by 8 inches.
(2) Place both pieces of the material on the table face up, and squarely over each other.
(3) Mark a line on the top piece of the material on the right side of material 1/2 inch
from edge (8-inch length).
(4) Sew both pieces of material together with a simple seam, following the markings
made 1/2-inch from the edge. Tack the stitch lines at both ends with a 1-inch tack (no less than 7/8-inch
or no more than 1 1/8 inches).
(5) Fold the bottom piece of material to the right, 1/2-inch seams up and also folded to
the right.
(6) Mark the edge of right material 1/2 inch from the edge (face side).
(7) Fold the edge of the material on the 1/2-inch markings. Fold material over so that
the folded 1/2-inch edge overlaps the simple seam 1/8 inch.
(8) Sew a row of stitches 1/16 inch from the folded edge. Make certain to tack both
ends of the seam (1 inch tack). No less than 7/8 inch or no more than 1 1/8 inches.
2 STEP 1 1 1 STEP 2
2 2
Fold the edge of the second piece of material 1/2 inch and
lay the folded edge just beyond the first stitch. Topstitch
with one row of stitches 1/16 inch from the fold.
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g. Seam Type 6. Seam type 6 (Figure 3-14) is a simple seam topstitched to enclose the raw
edges. It is used to finish the edge on cuffs, collars, and pocket flaps. This seam is also used to sew
welts on side pockets. To make seam type 6--
(1) Cut an 8- by 8-inches piece of material into two pieces 4 inches by 8 inches.
(2) Place the two pieces squarely over each other, and face to face.
(3) Mark the top piece of material 1/2 inch from the right edge (8-inch length ).
(5) Join the two pieces of the material together by sewing with a simple seam. Tack the
stitch lines at both ends with a 1-inch tack. (no less than 7/8 inch, or no more than 1 1/8 inches).
(6) Fold the bottom piece of the material to the right and press the seams open with an
(7) Fold the right material over the left piece of material. (At this point, the simple seam
is at the operator’s right and the top material is face up).
(8) Mark the top material 1/4 inch from the right edge (this is where the two materials
are joined with a simple seam) across the length of material.
(9) Sew a row of stitches following the mark 1/4 inch from the right edge of both pieces
of the material. Make sure the stitching is straight and evenly spaced 1/4 inch from the edge).
(10) Make sure each seam line has a 1-inch tack at both ends. (no less than 7/8 inch, no
more than 1 1/8 inches).
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Place two pieces of material face to Stitch with one row of stitches 1/2
face. inch from edges.
1“ 1“
2 2
Turn facedown and roll out stitch Turn materials over back to back.
flush. Stitch with one row of stitches 1/4
inch from the edge.
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Darning is used to reinforce small areas that have worn thin from use and repeated washing. Darns are
used to repair small holes that are less than 1 inch wide. They are also used to repair slits and straight
tears where no fabric is missing. Darns are made using thread that matches or is similar to the color and
weight of that used to weave the cloth. Perfectly matched darns can be made by hand using thread which
has been unraveled from a seam allowance or the hem of a garment that is not repairable. Darns are
made by hand and by darning machines or sewing machines. See the appropriate technical manual for
instructions on how to operate each machine. There are four kinds of darns. The kind used on a certain
item depends on the extent of the repair to be made.
a. Circular Darn. A circular darn (Figure 4-1) is used to repair very small holes and worn spots.
To make a circular darn--
(2) Start sewing just outside the damaged area. Stitch first around the area. Then stitch
toward the center in a spiral fashion. Make the stitches close together, but do not overlap them.
(3) Stitch around and around, making the spiral smaller and smaller until the stitches
reach the center.
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b. One-way Darn. The one-way darn (Figure 4-2) is used to repair small worn areas of cloth
where either the vertical or horizontal threads have worn away and left the other threads loose. To make
a one-way darn--
(2) Start and end the stitching in the undamaged area about 1/4 inch from the worn spot.
(3) Stitch back and forth either horizontally or vertically across the worn spot to replace
the missing threads. Stitch all rows parallel and as close together as possible without overlapping them.
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c. Zigzag Darn. The zigzag darn (Figure 4-3) is used to repair holes that are less than 1/2 inch
across. It is also used to repair slits and straight tears where no fabric is missing. To make a zigzag darn-
(1) Turn the cloth faceup. To fix a hole, first flatten out the edges around the hole. To
fix a tear, first draw a rectangular box around the tear 1/4 inch away from the tear on all sides with
tailor’s clay chalk.
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(2) Start and end the stitching in the undamaged area around the hole or on either end of
the tear.
(3) Stitch back and forth across the damaged area in a zigzag fashion, covering the hole
or filling in the rectangle. Stitch the rows as close together as possible without overlapping them. Do not
stitch outside the lines of the rectangle.
FM 10-16
d. Reinforced Darn. The reinforced darn (Figure 4-4) is used to repair holes from 1/2 inch to 1
inch across. To make a reinforced darn--
(1) Turn the garment or textile item so that the damaged area is faceup.
(2) Measure 1/4 inch on each side of the hole, and draw a rectangle around the damage
with tailor’s clay chalk.
(3) Place a scrap piece of matching fabric faceup under the hole.
(4) Stitch back and forth across the hole and through the reinforcing fabric in a zigzag
fashion. Completely fill in the rectangle with close rows of stitches.
(5) Turn the garment or textile item over so that it is facedown. If necessary, trim any
excess matching fabric to within 1/4 inch of the darn.
FM 10-16
Patching is used to repair holes larger than 1 inch across. It is also used to repair L-shaped tears and to
mend large worn areas of cloth. Patches are cut from scrap fabric which exactly matches the cloth to be
mended. They are usually rectangular in shape. The straight grain of the patch is aligned with the
straight grain of the cloth to be repaired. The goal is to make the patch blend in with the cloth. There are
several different kinds of patches. All are sewn on except the iron-on patch.
a. Simple Clothing Patch. A simple clothing patch is sewn over or under a damaged area. The
damaged area is then cut away, and the raw edges are turned under and stitched down. There are two
kinds of simple clothing patches.
(1) Top Patch. A top patch (Figure 4-5) is sewn to the outside of a garment or to the top of a
textile item. This patch is a piece of material that matches the item being repaired and is cut at least 2 1/2
inches larger on all sides than the hole or damaged area to be covered. To apply this patch--
(a) Place the damaged area of the item on the table face up.
(b) Center the patch over the damaged area, faceup, so that the grain of the patch
matches the grain of the item.
(c) Turn the edges of the patch under 1/2 inch. Stitch 1/16 inch from, and all around, the
edge of the patch. Tack not less than 7/8 inch or not more than 1 1/8 inches.
(d) Turn the item over and cut out the hole or damaged area so that it is square or
(f) Fold the raw edges of the notched material 1/2 inch and press the edges..
(g) Stitch 1/16 inch from, and all around, the folded edges.
(h) Tack not less than 7/8 inch and not more than 1 1/8 inches.
(2) Inverted Patch. This patch is applied in the same manner as the top patch except that this
patch is sewn to the underside of the item rather than the outside.
FM 10-16
b. Set-In Patch. The set-in patch (Figure 4-6) is not like a top patch or inverted patch, which is
sewn on or under a damaged area. A set-in patch takes the place of a damaged area. The damaged area
is cut out, and then a set-in patch is tailor-made to fit the hole. A set-in patch is used when a less
noticeable patch is needed. To make a set-in patch--
(2) Mark materials A and B. Material A represents the damaged area. Material B
represents the patch.
(3) On material A, cut out a 4-inch square from the center of the damaged area. This is
done by marking 2 inches from all edges of the damage and mark off a square. Allow 1/2 inch for
seaming purpose.
(5) Place and center material A over material B. (Materials are faceup.)
FM 10-16
(6) Starting on the right side of the materials, fold under the notched seams of material
A in such a manner that the seam is to the operator’s right and the body of the material to the operator’s
left. At this point, the right side of material A, the underside, is shown up.
(7) Start at the upper portion of the notched seam and sew down to the bottom notch.
The beginning and end of the stitch line should be one stitch length in from the corner of notch. (This
will prevent any raw edge from showing when completed.)
(8) Continue to sew the remaining three edges of material A to material B in the same
manner as shown in the step above.
(9) Cut and trim excess material from material B to coincide with the edges of seams on
material A.
(10) Turn materials flat with the underside up, and open seams. For best results, use an
iron to press open.
(11) Turn materials over faceup, starting on the right side of material A and 1/16-inch
from the seam line, stitch a row of stitches around the square.
(12) When reaching the starting point of the stitch line, cross over the seam line the
length of two stitches to material B, continue the second stitch line around the square 1/16 inch from
seam. Make certain to tack with a 1-inch tack at the end of the stitch line.
NOTE: During the construction of the set-in patch, it is important that the stitch rows be applied straight,
a slight curving of the stitch lines will cause the materials to pull or pucker when completed.
c. T-Patch. The T-patch (Figure 4-7) is used to repair L-shaped tears. Unlike the other patches,
the T-patch does not require an additional piece of cloth. To make a T-patch--
FM 10-16
(2) Place the item on the table, faceup, so that the T is inverted. Fold the right edge of
the material to the left along the vertical tear.
(3) Sew a row of stitches, beginning 1 inch above the end of the vertical tear at the edge
of the fold, and continue to the horizontal tear ending stitches 1/4 inch from the edge of the vertical tear.
Tack seam at the beginning and the end.
(4) Rotate the item to the left 1/4-turn so that the horizontal tear is now vertical. Fold
the right edge of material to the left along the horizontal tear.
(5) Sew a row of stitches, beginning 1 inch above the end of the horizontal tear at the
edge of the fold, and continue to the juncture of the vertical tear, so that the seam at this point is 1/4 inch
from the edge of the horizontal tear. Continue sewing until the row of stitches ends 1 inch below the
bottom end of tear at the edge of the fold. Tack the seam at beginning and end.
(6) Turn the item over so that the face side is down. Spread the edges of the tears away
from seams, and press flat using an iron.
(7) Turn the item over so that the face side is up. Sew a row of stitches 1/16 inch from
and around seams. Tack the row of stitches at the beginning and the end.
d. Iron-On Patch. The iron-on patch (Figure 4-8) may be used to repair sleeping bags. It can be
used instead of a pinch patch to repair small holes and tears. To apply an iron-on patch--
FM 10-16
(3) Cut a patch from iron-on patching material. Make the patch large enough to extend
1/2 inch beyond the damaged area on all four sides. Round off the corners of the patch.
(4) Unzip the sleeping bag. Place the damaged area on a flat, hard surface that heat will
not affect.
(5) Shake or move the underlying insulation away from the damaged area.
(6) Smooth out and warm the damaged area by pressing with a dry iron set on cotton.
Do not scorch the fabric.
(7) Quickly cover the damaged area with the iron-on patch.
(8) Hold the iron on the patch. Apply constant pressure for 8 seconds, moving the iron
back and forth slightly. If the patch is larger than the iron, press the patch section by section, starting in
the center.
(9) Allow the patch to cool for at least 5 seconds before moving the sleeping bag.
(10) After the patch has cooled for 5 minutes, test the patch by trying to lift one of the
corners with a fingernail. If a 1/4- to 1/2-inch section of the corner comes loose, try to peel off the patch.
A well-bonded patch will be hard to remove. A poorly bonded patch will peel off easily. Re-press a
poorly bonded patch using a hotter iron, but do not scorch the patch or the fabric. Increase the pressing
and cooling times. Test and re-press the patch until it is hard to remove. Re-press the tested corner.
Note: If a patch fails to stick after several pressings, use a new patch.
FM 10-16
e. Iron-On Patches of Garments. Rips and tears other than stress points (e.g., crotch seams,
pockets seams, pocket flap seams, etc) may be repaired by iron-on patches. Any rip of tears closer than
3/4 (1.91 cm) to any seam will be repaired by sewing. Iron-on patches are suitable for use on the utility
shirt and trousers when garment appearance is not first priority. To apply an iron-on path--
(1) Cut the patch to the size and shape that it will extend approximately 3/4 inch (1.91
cm) in all directions beyond the tear of other damage. Patches will have rounded corners.
(2) When patching by hand iron, place patch center and to the inside of the garment.
(4) Smooth out the area to be patched to prevent wrinkles, folds, seams, or other
protrusions under the iron when it is applied.
(5) Pre-warm the area to be patched by pressing with a dry iron set at cotton or as high as
possible without scorching the fabric; apply the iron for 5 seconds or more.
(6) Immediately position the patch. Hold the iron on the patch for about 12 seconds.
(7) Use no more than a slight rotation motion on the iron and apply constant pressure.
(8) Remove the iron and allow the patched area to cool in place about 5 seconds, or long
enough so that the patch will not drift off when the garment is removed from the iron board. If the
adhesive strikes through the patch cloth, too much heat has been applied. Reduce time of pressing or
temperature of the iron. A small amount of strike-though is not objectionable provided the patch meets
the check test described in 4-3d(10).
(9) A bonded patch, which has a lifted edge, will be re-ironed. A bonded patch that has
been subjected to the check test will be replaced.
NOTE: When patching by special automatic press, the platen temperature, dwell time, dwell pressure,
and other details shall be in accordance with the press manufacturer's instructions.
FM 10-16
(3) Replace missing buttons with buttons that are the same type, color, and size as the
missing ones.
(4) Sew a replacement button in the same spot the previous button was sewn. If this
spot is not obvious, overlap the edges of the garment and stick a straight pin through the buttonhole of the
missing button and into the underlying cloth. For horizontal buttonholes, stick the pin in 1/8 inch from
the end closest to the edge of the garment. For a vertical buttonhole, stick the pin 1/8-inch down from the
(5) If the underlying cloth has been torn, repair the cloth with a reinforced darn before
attaching a button in the same spot.
(6) Use the same kind of thread that was used to attach the other buttons to the garment
or textile items. In most cases, the thread will be buttonhole twist thread. Thread the needle with a 1-
yard length of thread. Draw the thread through the eye of the needle until the two ends are even, and
knot the ends together.
(7) Insert the needle up through the underside of the cloth to hide the knot. Make
several stitches on top of each other to anchor the thread before attaching the button.
FM 10-16
b. Directions for Attaching Sew-Through Buttons. Sew-through buttons are attached by hand
using one of two methods. One method sews the button directly on the cloth. The other method uses a
thread shank between the button and the cloth.
(1) Without a Thread Shank. To sew a sew-through button flat to a garment or textile
item --
(a) Anchor the thread, and then stick the needle up through one of the holes in
the button. Slide the button down the length of the thread.
(b) For a two-hole button, stick the needle down through the other hole and
through the underlying cloth. Pull the needle and thread through to the other side.
(c) Stick the needle up through the first hole again and go down through the
second hole. Repeat this step four times.
(d) Knot the thread close to the cloth on the reverse side, and cut off the
remaining thread close to the knot.
FM 10-16
(e) For a four-hole button, stitch through one pair of holes and then through the
other pair so that the stitches are parallel.
(2) With a Thread Shank. To sew on a sew-through button with a thread shank, use one
of the following methods.
(a) Fold the cloth over the index finger. Hold the button against the cloth with
the thumb. Sew on the buttons following the steps above. On the last stitch, go down through the button,
but do not penetrate the cloth. Flatten out the cloth and grasp the button. Wind the thread around the
stitches several times to make a shank. Take one stitch through the bottom of the shank to secure the
thread. Stick the needle through the cloth to the reverse side. Knot the thread close to the cloth, and cut
off the remaining thread close to the knot.
(b) Stick the needle up through one of the holes, and slide the button down the
length of the thread. Lay one or two straight pins across the top of the button, and hold them in place
with the thumb. Sew on the button, stitching across the straight pins. On the last stitch, go down through
the button, but do not penetrate the cloth. Remove the pins and lift the button away from the cloth.
Wind the thread around the stitches to make a shank. Take one stitch through the button of the shank to
secure the thread. Stick the needle through the cloth to the reverse side. Knot the thread close to the
cloth, and cut the remaining thread close to the knot.
c. Directions for Attaching Shank Buttons. Shank buttons are attached by hand using one of two
methods. One method sews the shank flat to the cloth. The other method adds an additional shank made
from thread.
(1) Without a Thread Shank. To attach a shank button without an additional thread
(a) Position the button so that the shank aligns with the buttonhole and so the
stitches will be parallel to the edge of the opening in the garment.
(b) Anchor the thread, and then stick the needle through the hole in the shank.
(c) Stick the needle down through the cloth, and pull the thread through to the
(d) Stick the needle up through the cloth, through the hole in the shank, and
down through the cloth again. Repeat this step six times.
(e) Knot the thread close to the cloth, and cut the remaining thread close to the
(2) With a Thread Shank. To attach a shank button with a thread shank--
(a) Follow the steps above to attach button. During stitching, hold the tip of the
forefinger between the button and cloth to keep the two apart.
(b) On the last stitch, pass the thread through the hole in the shank, but do not
penetrate the cloth.
FM 10-16
(c) Grasp the button, and wrap the thread around the stitches to form a shank.
Take one stitch through the bottom of the shank.
(d) Stick the needle and thread through the cloth to the inside. Knot the thread
close to the cloth, and cut the remaining thread close to the knot.
c Use a buttonhole cutter to cut a slit 1/4-inch longer than the width of the button. Cut the slit in
the same place as the previous buttonhole.
d Cut an eye in one end of the buttonhole. If the buttonhole is vertical, cut the eye in the top of
the slit. If the buttonhole is horizontal, cut the eye in the end closer to the finished edge of the garment.
f Start stitching at the end that does not have the eye. Stitch along one edge, fan the stitches out
around the eye, and stitch back along the other edge.
g Secure the buttonhole stitches by taking three or four long stitches straight across the width of
the two rows of the buttonhole stitches.
h Stick the needle and thread through the cloth to the inside. Cut the remaining thread close to
the knot.
A zipper is called a slide fastener in supply catalogs. The military uses two kinds of zippers,
separating and nonseparating. A separating zipper (Figure 4-10) opens completely. The left side splits
away from the right side when the end of the left side is lifted out of the slide. The nonseparating zipper
(Figure 4-11) does not come apart completely. The left side is permanently attached to the right side at
the bottom of the zipper. Repeated use and washing damage zippers.
FM 10-16
The cloth tears, the metal teeth rust or come loose. The slide jams and will not move up or down. The
slide is lost. The fabric repair specialist replaces these broken zippers with new or salvaged ones.
Replacement zippers should be the same type, size, and color as the broken zippers. Directions are given
here for replacing the nonseparating zipper in a trouser and the separating zipper in a jacket. Replacing
others may differ slightly from these two examples. The key point to remember is that a replacement
zipper is sewn in place in the same way the previous zipper was sewn in place. A fabric repair specialist
examines a garment or textile item and notes how the zipper was sewn in before attempting to replace it.
(a) Start at the left side of the fly and rip stitches. (Start at top, work down as far as the
tacking stitch bottom of the fly.)
(b) Where the zipper is tucked under at the waistband, rip just enough stitches to remove
the end of the zipper.
(c) In cutting the stitches, take necessary precautions not to damage the trouser material.
(d) Cut stitches and remove the zipper from the fly on right side of trouser.
(e) Cut and remove the stitches from the fly facing.
(f) Cut the stitches from bar tack at the bottom of the fly and remove the zipper.
(a) Remove all old loose stitches from the trouser fly.
FM 10-16
(b) Select a zipper of the proper size and length. Make sure the color and shade of the
zipper match.
(a) Pin the zipper to the fly facing and sew the zipper to the facing.
(b) Follow the same procedure on the left side of the fly. Make certain the zipper is
(c) Sew the facing to trousers, make certain to follow the old stitch line.
(d) Stitch the waist band to the trouser fly, securing the zipper.
FM 10-16
(1) Place the jacket faceup on the table, and close the zipper. If the zipper will not close,
line up the edges exactly and pin the zipper in place.
(4) Place the replacement zipper facedown directly on the old zipper. Match the
position exactly.
(5) Draw several horizontal lines with tailor’s clay chalk on each side of the new zipper.
Draw the lines across the zipper tape and the cloth in the garment. Use these index marks as guides to
position the new zipper.
(7) Cut and remove the stitches holding the hem, facing, and lining in place over the
(8) Cut and remove the stitches holding the zipper in place.
FM 10-16
(11) Position the left side of the zipper facedown on the left edge of the garment. Push
the hem, facing, and lining of the garment out of the way.
(12) Align the index marks, and pin or baste the left side of the zipper in place. Turn the
end of the tape under at the top of the zipper, and pin or baste it in place.
(13) Position the right side of the zipper facedown on the right edge of the garment.
Push the hem, facing, and lining of the garment out of the way.
(14) Align the index marks, and pin or baste the right side of the zipper in place. Turn
the end of the tape under at the top of the zipper, and pin or baste it in place.
(16) Stitch the left side of the zipper in place. Tack the seam at the beginning and at the
end. Use the old seam line as a guide.
(17) Stitch the right side of the zipper in place. Tack the seam at the beginning and at the
end. Use the old seam line as a guide.
(18) Restitch the hem, facing, and lining in place. Make sure they will not catch in the
teeth of the zipper when it is opened and closed.
FM 10-16
a. Remove the stitching that secures the drawstring midway in the casing.
c. Remove the defective drawstring by pulling it out of one end of the casing.
d. Restitch both eyelets or replace the metal rings in the casing, if necessary. See page 4-21 for
directions on replacing eyelets.
e. Cut a new drawstring the length of the casing plus enough for an extension on each end. (See
the specifications on each garment for the exact length of the drawstring.)
f. Dip the ends of the drawstring in a synthetic resin or a mixture of 50 percent beeswax and 50
percent paraffin to prevent them from fraying.
g. Attach a safety pin to on end of the drawstring to guide the drawstring through the casing.
Remove the safety pin.
h. Even up the ends of the drawstring. Stitch through the casing and the drawstring midway in
the casing to anchor the drawstring in place.
i. Knot the ends of the drawstring to prevent them from being pulled back through the eyelet into
the casing.
FM 10-16
a. Notice which bar of the slide buckle the belt or strap is lapped over. On some items, it is the
center bar. On others, it is one of the end bars.
b. Cut through and remove the stitches at the end of the overlap.
d. Obtain a new or salvaged buckle the same type and size as the defective buckle. If the buckle
is missing, check the item specifications for a description of the buckle.
e. Pass the end of the belt or strap through the buckle. Insert the tongue of a tongued buckle
through the hole in the belt or strap.
f. Turn under the raw edge of the belt or strap. Fold the belt or strap under at the buckle.
g. Stitch the underlap in place with two rows of stitching 1/16 to 1/8 inch from the edge. Tack
all seams.
FM 10-16
(1) Cut and remove all the buttonhole stitches around the eyelet. Clean away all pieces
of thread.
(3) Use the appropriate punch on a hole punch to make a new hole for the eyelet.
(4) Sew buttonhole stitches around the raw edges of the hole.
FM 10-16
(1) Remove the defective eyelet by cutting it out with a pair or wire cutters. Do not cut
the surrounding cloth.
(3) Obtain an eyelet the same type and color as the one removed.
(4) Use a hole punch to make a new hole for the eyelet. Make the hole smaller than the
eyelet barrel so that the eyelet will fit tightly.
(5) Turn the cloth facedown. Insert the barrel of the eyelet down into the hole.
(7) Place the cloth facedown on the awl so that the barrel of the eyelet rests on the awl.
(8) Position the eyelet set on the eyelet, and hold it in place.
(9) Hit the top of the eyelet set with a mallet to set the eyelet in the cloth.
FM 10-16
b. Remove the two halves. Use wire cutters and a drill, if necessary.
d. Use a hole punch to make holes in the darned area. Make the holes smaller than the barrel for
the two halves so that the barrels will fit snugly into the holes.
e. The female half consists of a cap and a socket. Turn the overlapping cloth faceup, and insert
the barrel of the cap into the hole.
f. Position the cloth facedown on the female anvil. Adjust the cloth so that the cap is in the
cavity at the center of the anvil.
g. Place the socket over the barrel with the wide part facing up.
i. Hit the top of the set with a mallet to set the female half of the snap fastener in the overlapping
j. The male half consists of a post and stud. Turn the underlapping cloth facedown, and insert
the barrel of the post into the hole.
k. Position the cloth faceup on the male anvil. Adjust the cloth so that the post is in the ring at
the center of the anvil.
l. Place the stud over the barrel with the wide part facing down.
n. Hit the top of the set with a mallet to set the male half of the snap fastener in the underlapping
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
a. Remove the defective collar by cutting through all the stitches holding it in place. Do not cut
or damage the cloth in the rest of the garment. Clean away all loose threads.
c. Mark a chalk line around the neck of the garment 1/2 inch from the raw edge.
d. Obtain a matching replacement collar. Use a collar salvaged from a similar garment that has
been scrapped, or make one from cloth using the old collar as a pattern. Match the fabric fading as
closely as possible.
g. Sew the bottom layer to the neck of the garment along the chalk line. Tack the seam at each
h. Turn the garment inside out, and turn the collar up.
i. Press the seam allowances of the neck and bottom layer to the inside of the collar.
j. Fold the seam allowance of the top layer of the collar to the inside, and press the folded edge
in place.
FM 10-16
k. Position the fold so that it overlaps the previous seam line by 1/8 inch.
l. Sew a row of stitches 1/16 inch from the folded edge. Tack the seam at each end.
(1) Remove the damaged pocket by cutting through all the stitches holding it in place.
Do not cut the underlying fabric of the garment. Clean away all loose threads. Place the garment faceup
on the worktable.
FM 10-16
(2) Obtain a matching replacement pocket. Use one salvaged from a similar garment
that has been scrapped, or make one from cloth using the old pocket as a pattern. Match the fabric fading
as closely as possible.
(3) Place the new pocket faceup on top of the garment. Cover the same area that the old
pocket covered. Pin the pocket in place.
(4) Measure and mark a chalk line 1/4 inch from the folded edge on all sides of the
pocket except the top.
(5) Position the pocket and the garment under the needle of the sewing machine.
(6) Stick the needle into the pocket 1/16 inch down from the right side of the pocket.
(7) Stitch down 1 inch and then back up to the starting point to tack the seam.
(8) Pivot the cloth on the needle, and take one or two stitches to the chalk line.
(9) Pivot the cloth on the needle, and stitch around the pocket on the chalk line. Pivot
the cloth on the needle at the corners.
(10) Pivot the cloth on the needle 1/16 inch away from the top edge of the cloth. Take
one or two stitches so that the needle is now 1/16 inch away from the side of the pocket.
(11) Pivot the cloth on the needle again, and stitch down 1 inch and then back up 1 inch
to tack the seam.
FM 10-16
(1) Remove the damaged pocket flap by cutting through all the stitches holding it in
place. Do not cut the underlying fabric of the garment. Clean away all loose threads. Place the garment
faceup on the worktable.
(2) Obtain a matching replacement pocket flap. Use one salvaged from a similar
garment that has been scrapped, or make one from cloth using the old pocket flap as a pattern. Match the
fabric fading as closely as possible.
(3) Measure and mark a chalk line on both sides of the pocket 1/2 inch from the raw
edge at the top of the pocket flap.
(4) Cut 1/2 inch off the top of the bottom layer of the pocket flap. Use the chalk line as
a cutting guide.
(5) Fold under the top layer of the pocket flap 1/2 inch. Use the chalk line as a guide.
Press the folded edge flat.
(6) Place the pocket flap faceup 1/2 inch above the pocket.
(7) Make a row of stitches 1/4 inch from the folded edge. Tack the seam 1 inch at each
FM 10-16
(1) Remove the damaged belt loop by cutting through all the stitches holding it in place.
Do not cut the underlying fabric. Clean away all loose threads. Position the garment faceup under the
needle of the sewing machine.
(2) Obtain a matching belt loop. Use one salvaged from a similar garment that has been
scrapped, or make one from cloth using the old belt loop as a pattern. Match fabric fading as closely as
(3) Put the belt loop facedown on the waistband where the old belt loop was located.
Overlap the top of the waistband by 1/2 inch.
(4) Stitch across the belt loop 1/4 inch from the top of the waistband. Tack the seam.
(5) Bring the free end of the belt loop over the waistband, and turn it under 1/4 inch.
(7) Stitch across the belt loop 1/8 inch from the folded edge. Tack the seam.
FM 10-16
Tents are raised a few feet at a time. An inspector examines each newly exposed area on the inside and
points out the defects to another inspector who marks the defects on the outside surface with chalk.
Table 5-1 lists the areas marked by the inspector.
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
Worn or weak areas (Worn areas are usually located where the canvas
rubs against other objects. Weak areas are those that fail the strength
strength test.) Replace or patch
Holes (Chalk mark is placed next to the hole.) Patch
Area with several holes Replace
Tears Darn or patch
Mildew-stained areas Clean and re-treat
Mildew-rotted areas Patch or replace
Overly patched areas Replace
Badly repaired areas Repair again
Broken threads Restitch
Open seams Restitch
Poorly sewn seams in which the stitches run off the edge of the cloth Restitch
Seams in which the thread has rotted Restitch
Soiled areas (Fading is acceptable and so are spots and stains that remain
in the canvas after it has been cleaned.) Clean and re-treat
FM 10-16
Ventilator opening or cover with more than two patches or defects Replace
Ventilator duct with a hole or tear Patch with either cemented or
sewn patch
Blackout patch which does not close properly and allows light to shine
through the gap Replace
Improperly sized window flap Replace
Extension cloth which causes the tent to wrinkle Replace
Defective window frame assembly Repair with a patch that does
not distort the window
Window sash made of cellulose acetate and cotton netting Replace with a flexible water-
proof film sash
Exposed needle holes around previously replaced sash products Replace sash pocket with a
larger sash pocket that covers
the holes
Defective outlet sash Repair or patch if the repair
sash and if no more than three
patches will be used
Excessively burned stovepipe opening Replace
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
Awl, saddler’s sewing (2) Pointed, hand-held tool which comes 1 each 5120-00-257-5541
with two straight needles and one
curved needle
Used to make a lockstitch by hand
Brush, wire, scratch (3) Tool with a hardwood handle and wire 1 each 7920-00-291-5815
Used to clean canvas and webbing
Case, tentage, repair kit (4) Canvas carryall with webbed handles 1 each 8340-00-270-1334
and straps which unfolds to reveal two
compartments and a number of pockets
Used to hold tools, cloth, and repair
Cloth, duck cotton (5) Medium-weight canvas which weighs 8 yards 8305-00-926-6171
9.85 ounces a square yard and is fire
retardant, water-repellent, mildew re-
sistant, and weatherproof
Used to patch tents
Grommet, metallic 0.320- Two-part, brass eyelet with a 1/2-inch 1 gross 5325-00-231-6622
inch, size 4 (7) inside diameter
Used to reinforce areas where holes are
made to hold ropes, lines, spindles, and
FM 10-16
Grommet, metallic, 0.380- Two-part, brass eyelet with 100 each 5325-00-202-2053
inch, size 5 (8) a 5/8-inch inside diameter
Used to reinforce areas where
holes are made to hold ropes,
lines, spindles, and straps
Needle, sailmaker’s, size 14 (11) Slender, pointed sewing in- 1 package 8315-00-163-1547
Used to hand sew on canvas
Palm, sewing (12) Leather shield worn over the 1 each 5120-00-223-6838
palm which has a metal inset
that forces needle through can-
vas and webbing
Used to protect the palm during
Punch, cutting, size 5 (13) Tool with a sharp, circular end 1 each 5110-00-180-0923
1/2 inch in diameter
Used to cut grommet holes
Punch, cutting, size 6 (14) Tool with a sharp, circular end 1 each 5110-00-180-0924
9/16 inch in diameter
Used to cut grommet holes
Ring, connecting, round (15) Small iron band or hoop with 50 each 5365-00-264-1221
an inside diameter of 1/2 inch
Used to reinforce edges of hand-
sewn grommets
Ring, connecting, round (16) Small iron band or hoop with 25 each 5365-00-264-1222
an inside diameter of 3/4 inch
Used to reinforce edges of hand-
sewn grommets
FM 10-16
Ring, connecting, round (17) Small iron band or hoop with an in- 10 each 5365-00-264-1219
side diameter of 1 inch
Used to reinforce edges of hand-sewn
Set, punch and die, grommet, Forged steel clinching device 1 each 5120-00-221-1150
size 4 (18) Used to close the two halves of a size
4 grommet
Set, punch and die, grommet, Forged steel clinching device 1 each 5120-00-221-1151
size 5 (19) Used to close the two halves of a size
5 grommet
Sling, carrying bag and case Standard, general-purpose strap made 1 each 8465-00-269-0682
(21) of medium-weight webbing which re-
mains attached to the case to prevent
Used as a shoulder strap on the tentage
repair kit
Slip, tent line (22) 4-inch long, magnesium casing 10 each 8340-00-205-2759
shaped like a barbell which has a
7/16-inch hole at one end through
which tent lines are run
Used to adjust the length of tent lines
FM 10-16
a. Estimating the Amount of Thread. The fabric repair specialist estimates how much thread will
be needed to complete a repair by first determining how many strands of thread should be used. The weight
of the cloth and the type of the repair determine the strands to use. Very heavy canvas and areas that get a
lot of stress are repaired with four strands of thread instead of two strands to add strength to the repair. To
estimate how much thread is needed to make a repair, measure the damage and determine the total length of
the repair seam. Cut the thread as follows:
(1) Two-Strand Thread. Measure and cut a piece of thread six times longer than the total
length of the repair seam.
(2) Four-Strand Thread. Measure and cut a piece of thread 12 times longer than the total
length of the repair seam.
FM 10-16
b. Waxing the Thread. The fabric repair specialist uses technical beeswax (NSN 9160-00-253-
1173) to wax the piece of thread to keep it from fraying and to protect it from mildew and the weather.
Waxing the thread helps the thread to pass more easily through the hole made by the sailmaker’s needle. To
wax a piece of thread (Figure 7-2)--
(1) Hold one end of the thread against the piece of beeswax with the thumb of one hand.
(2) Grasp the thread, and pull the entire length of the thread across the surface of the
beeswax with the other hand.
c. Threading the Needle. The fabric repair specialist threads the needle with waxed thread. To
thread a sailmaker’s needle (Figure 7-3)--
(1) Fold over the piece of thread to form a small loop. Make the loop near one end of the
thread if two strands are used. Make the loop at a point halfway between the ends if four strands are used.
(3) Pull half of the thread through the eye, and make the ends even.
Figure 7-2. Waxing the thread Figure 7-3. Threading a sailmaker’s needle
FM 10-16
d. Rewaxing the Thread. The fabric repair specialist rewaxes the thread for added protection. To
rewax the thread (Figure 7-4)--
(1) Hold the thread near the needle firmly with one hand.
(2) Grasp a section of thread with the fingertips of the other hand, and twist the strands
(4) Repeat these steps until the entire length of the thread has been rewaxed.
e. Putting on the Sewing Palm. The fabric repair specialist wears a sewing palm to protect the hand
while sewing with the sailmaker’s needle. The palm has a metal inset which is used to push the needle
through canvas or webbing. To put on a sewing palm (Figure 7-5)--
(1) Grasp the sewing palm with the left hand so that the smaller (thumb) opening is on the
right and the metal inset is facing up.
(2) Turn the right hand so that the palm is facing up.
(3) Slip the four fingers of the right hand through the larger opening, and slip the thumb
through the smaller opening.
NOTE: These instructions are for a right-handed person. A left-handed person should get a sewing palm
designed to be worn on the left hand and should change left to right and right to left in the instructions
FM 10-16
a. Remove the bobbin cap, and take out the bobbin. If necessary, refill the metal bobbin by
wrapping waxed thread around it.
b. Unwind 6 inches of thread, and stick the end of the thread inside the handle. Pull it out through
the hole in the side of the handle.
c. Put the bobbin back inside the handle, and replace the bobbin cap.
d. Pull the thread down the handle, and wrap it around the tension post one time. Pass the end of
the thread under the thread coming out of the hole so that the thread will feed freely. See the inset on Figure
FM 10-16
f. Stick the end of the thread in the groove beside the tension post, and pass the end of the thread
through the hole in the metal cap.
g. Stick the needle into the chuck so that the groove in the needle is aligned with the groove in the
i. Stick the end of the thread through the chuck cap, and then pass the chuck cap over the needle.
Screw the cap tightly on the chuck to hold the needle in place. Do not catch the end of the thread inside the
chuck cap.
FM 10-16
a. Running Stitch. The running stitch (Figure 7-7) is also called the flat stitch in canvas repair. It is
used to hold two pieces of canvas or webbing together until machine repairs can be made. To make a row of
running stitches--
(1) Push the sailmaker’s needle through the canvas or webbing, and pull the thread through
to the knot.
(2) Backstitch to tack the beginning of the row. See paragraph below.
(3) Push the needle down through the canvas or webbing and then up through the canvas or
(4) Continue to make one or two stitches at a time to the end of the row. Make the stitches
uniform in appearance and the same distance apart. Do not try to weave the needle in and out several times,
because the canvas and webbing are too thick and stiff.
(6) Make a knot in the thread close to the canvas, and cut off the remaining thread.
b. Backstitch. The backstitch (Figure 7-8) is used on canvas to close an open seam and to tack the
beginning and the end of a row of hand stitches. To make a row of backstitches--
(1) Push the sailmaker’s needle through the canvas or webbing, and pull the thread through
to the knot.
(2) Tack the beginning of the row by tacking two small stitches, one on top of the other.
FM 10-16
(3) Push the needle up through the canvas or webbing one stitch length from the first two
(4) Take one stitch back, pushing the needle down into the canvas or webbing at the end of
the first two stitches.
(5) Push the needle up through the canvas or webbing one stitch length in front of the
previous stitch.
(6) Stitch back, pushing the needle down into the canvas or webbing at the end of the
previous stitch.
(8) Tack the end of the row by taking two stitches, one on top of the other.
(9) Make a knot in the thread close to the canvas, and cut off the remaining thread.
c. Felling Stitch. The felling stitch (Figure 7-9) is also called the overhand stitch in canvas repair.
It is used to attach a patch by hand. To make a row of felling stitches--
(1) Push the sailmaker’s needle through the canvas, and pull the thread through the canvas
to the knot.
(3) Push the needle down vertically into the canvas at a point that is just beyond the folded
edge of the patch.
FM 10-16
(4) Push the needle back up through the canvas and the patch at a diagonal angle.
(5) Continue to take first a vertical stitch on top and then a diagonal stitch underneath until
the repair is complete.
(7) Make a knot in the thread close to the canvas, and cut off the remaining thread.
d. Round Stitch. The round stitch (Figure 7-10) is used to hand sew a grommet in place. To make
a row of round stitches--
(1) Thread the sailmaker’s needle, but do not tie the ends in a knot.
(2) Push the needle down through the canvas, and draw the thread through the canvas until
a 1/2-inch end is left.
(3) Bring the thread and needle around the edge of the canvas and cross over the 1/2-inch
FM 10-16
(5) Continue wrapping the thread around the edge and sticking the needle down into the
canvas to cover the 1/2-inch end.
(6) At the end of the row of stitches, stick the needle under a 1/2-inch section of stitches,
and pull the thread through to cover the end. Cut off the remaining thread.
e. Fishbone Stitch. The fishbone stitch (Figure 7-11) is also called the baseball stitch. It is used to
join the edges of a tear until the area can be patched. To make a row of fishbone stitches--
(1) Push the needle up through the canvas. Anchor the knot by taking two stitches, one on
top of the other as shown.
(2) After taking the second stitch, bring the needle and thread up through the opening
(3) Stick the needle down into the canvas on the opposite side of the opening.
(4) Continue to make diagonal stitches, coming up through the opening and alternating
from one side to the other with the stitches.
(5) End the row by taking two stitches, one on top of the other.
FM 10-16
(6) Make a knot in the thread close to the canvas, and cut off the remaining thread.
f. Lockstitch. The lockstitch (Figure 7-12) is used to hand stitch extra-heavy canvas or several
thicknesses of canvas together permanently. To make a row of lockstitches--
(1) Thread a saddler’s sewing awl, leaving 1/2 inch of thread sticking out of the needle.
(2) Grasp the thread where it comes out of the hole in the handle. Pull enough thread out of
the hole to reach from the beginning to the end of the area to be repaired. (Note: This thread is the bottom
thread for the lockstitch row.)
(3) Stick the needle down into the cloth at the beginning of the proposed stitch line.
(4) With the needle still down in the cloth, grasp the end of the thread in the needle. Pull
until all the slack thread has been drawn through the eye of the needle to the underside of the cloth.
(5) Grasping the slack thread so that it cannot be pulled back through the cloth, pull the
needle back out of the cloth.
(6) Stick the needle down into the cloth, a stitch length away from the first hole.
(7) Pull the needle out halfway, forming a loop on the underside with the thread.
FM 10-16
(8) Stick the end of the slack thread through the loop, and pull all the slack thread through
the loop.
(10) Pull the needle all the way out of the cloth.
(11) Pull on the handle and the slack thread equally hard to tighten the stitch and to center
the lock in the cloth.
NOTE: Pulling too hard on the handle causes the stitch to lock on top of the cloth. Not pulling hard enough
on the handle causes the stitch to lock on the underside of the cloth. Equal tension on both threads results in
a stitch correctly locked halfway between the top and the bottom.
(12) Before taking each new stitch, pull 2 to 3 inches of thread from the bobbin.
(14) Finish stitching by cutting the loop formed on the last stitch and tying the two loose
ends on the underside in a square knot.
FM 10-16
8-3. SEAMS
FM 10-16
There are five seams used by the military to repair canvas and webbing. Four seams are similar to those
used to repair clothing. They are the plain seam, the hemming seam, the single-felled seam, and the
double-felled seam. The other seam is the flat seam. They are used by fabric repair specialists in the
repair of canvas and webbing only. The characteristics of a good seam were given on page 3-7. These
high standards also apply to seams sewn on canvas and webbing.
a. Plain or Simple Seam. The plain seam (Figure 8-2) is used to join two pieces of canvas when a
finished seam edge is not required. It is identical to the simple seam used on clothing, but it is sewn 1/4
inch from the edge. To make a plain seam--
(3) Adjust the two layers so that the right edges are even.
(4) Tack the beginning of the seam, and then sew a row of stitches 1/4 inch from and
parallel to the right edge.
1/4 INCH
FM 10-16
b. Hemming Seam. Seam type 1 is a hemming seam. It is similar to the hemming seam used on
clothing. The three kinds of hems sewn on canvas are single-edge, grommeted, and four-sided.
(1) Single-Edge Hem. A single-edge hem (Figure 8-3) is used to finish one edge on a
canvas item that does not have grommets. To sew a single-edge hem--
(b) With a ruler and chalk, mark a line 1 inch from the raw edge.
(c) Fold the raw edge of the canvas up and over to the left until it meets the chalk
line to form a 1/2-inch turn under.
(d) Crease the folded edge in place with the handle of a pair of shears.
(e) Mark a second chalk line 2 inches to the left of the folded edge.
(f) Fold the cloth to the left again until the folded edge meets the second chalk line
to form a 1-inch hem.
(g) Crease the second folded edge in place with the handle of a pair of shears.
(h) Tack the beginning of the seam, and then sew a row of stitches 1/8 inch to the
right of the second folded edge.
1/8 INCH
FM 10-16
(2) Grommeted Hem. A grommeted hem (Figure 8-4) is used to finish an edge where
grommets will be installed. Extra fabric is required to give the hem added strength. To sew a grommeted
(b) With a ruler and chalk, mark a line 4 inches from the raw edge.
(c) Fold the raw edge of the canvas up and over to the left until it meets the chalk
line to form a 2-inch turnunder.
(d) Crease the folded edge in place with the handle of a pair of shears.
(e) Mark a second chalk line 4 inches to the left of the folded edge.
(f) Fold the cloth to the left again until the folded edge meets the second chalk line
to form a 2-inch hem.
(g) Crease the second folded edge in place with the handle of a pair of shears.
(h) Tack the beginning of the seam, and then sew a row of stitches 1/8 inch to the
right of the second folded edge.
1/8 INCH
Figure 8-4. Seam type 1--Grommeted hem
FM 10-16
(3) Four-Sided Hem. A four-sided hem (Figure 8-5) is used to finish a rectangular piece of
canvas completely on all sides. To make a four-sided hem--
(a) Square a 12- by 12-inch piece of material. Using the straight edge (ruler), make
a 1/2-inch mark on all four sides of the material. After this is completed, use the ruler to connect these
NOTE: The 1/2-inch marks will be your fold lines to be folded under.
(b) For the hem width using a ruler, mark 1-inch marks from the 1/2-inch fold line
completely around the piece of material. Using a straight edge, align these marks and connect them around
the material.
(c) After competing the above two steps, turn the material over and fold on the
1/2-inch mark (folding right side, bottom, left side, then top). Now take the 1-inch mark and do the same.
NOTE: Always fold material so that the stitch lines are visible to you. By doing this, you can tell if you are
going off, or if the stitch line is crooked.
(d) With the folded edge up, place the material under the presser foot and insert the
needle 1/8 inch from the inside hem edge. Sew toward the bottom until the needle catches the bottom hem
fold 1/8 inch. Turn the material until you have the corner facing you and sew diagonally toward the corner
until the needle reaches within 1/8 inch from the corner. Raise the presser foot while the needle is still
intact in the material and turn the material so that the stitch line is toward you. Again, turn the material until
the stitched hem is at the top. Sew straight down 1/8 inch away from the edge. Sew the remaining corners
in the same manner until the needle reaches the starting point. Sew over the stitches previously made 1 inch
for tacking.
FM 10-16
c. Flat Seam (Figure 8-6). A flat seam is used to join two pieces of canvas that have selvage edges.
A selvage edge is a woven edge that will not unravel. A flat seam is used when a seam has to be finished on
the outside and the inside, such as the seams of tents, tarpaulins, and truck covers. To make a flat seam--
(1) Place piece A faceup on a worktable with the selvage edge to the left.
(2) With a ruler and chalk, measure and mark a chalk line 1 inch from and parallel to the
selvage edge.
(3) Place piece B faceup on top of piece A so that the selvage edge of B is on the chalk line.
(4) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew the two pieces together with a row of stitches
1/8 inch to the left of the selvage edge of B. Tack the end of the seam.
(6) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew a second row of stitches 1/8 inch to the right
of the selvage edge of A. Tack the end of the seam.
FM 10-16
d. Single-Felled Seam. The single-felled seam (Figure 8-7) is similar to the welt seam used on
clothing, but the single-felled seam is sewn with two rows of stitches. This seam is used to join two pieces
of canvas when the outside has to be finished and the inside does not. It is also used to sew on patches. To
make a single-felled seam--
(1) Sew piece A and piece B together with a simple seam but stitch the seam 1 inch from
the right edge.
(2) Lift piece A up and over to the right so that both pieces are faceup and both seam
allowances are to the right underneath.
(3) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew a row of stitches 1/8 inch to the right of the
fold through all three layers (piece A and seam allowances). Tack the end of the seam.
(5) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew a row of stitches 1/8 inch to the right of the
raw edges through all three layers. Tack the end of the seam.
1 inch Tack
1 inch Tack
Mark Materials “A” and “B” Place Material “A” Over Material “B”
1 inch
Tack Stitch 1 inch Tack
B A Stitch 1/8 inch
from Fold
1 inch
Stitch 1 inch Tack
Fold “A” to Right and Stitch 1/8 inch From Felled Edge Turn Materials Over
FM 10-16
e. Double-Felled Seam. The double-felled seam (Figure 8-8) is similar in appearance to the double-
lapped seam used on clothing. This seam is used to join two pieces of canvas when the outside and the
inside of the seam have to be finished with no exposed raw edges. To make a double-felled seam--
(2) With a ruler and chalk, mark a chalk line 1 inch from and parallel to the left edge.
(4) With a ruler and chalk, mark a chalk line 1 inch from and parallel to the left edge.
(5) Place piece B facedown on piece A. Align the left edge of piece B with the chalk line
of piece A.
(6) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew the two pieces of canvas together by stitching
a seam on the chalk line of piece B. Tack the end of the seam.
(7) Fold the left edge of piece A up and over to the left on the stitch row of B.
(8) Fold the right side of piece B up and over to the left on the seam line so that both pieces
are faceup.
(9) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew a row of stitches 1/8 inch to the left of the
folded edge. Tack the end of the seam.
(10) Turn both pieces of canvas over so that they are facedown.
(11) Tack the beginning of the seam, and sew another row of stitches 1/8 inch to the left of
the folded edge. Tack the end of the seam.
FM 10-16
1 inch
Tack Stitch
Stitch 1
inch from
edge of
1 inch Tack
Measure and mark Measure and mark Place material “A” over
1 inch from right 1 inch from right material “B”.
edge. edge.
1 inch
1 inch Tack Stitch
Tack Stitch
Fold material “B” Stitches must be 1/8 inch Stitches must be 1/8 inch
even with edge. from edge. from both edges.
FM 10-16
Darns are used to repair small holes and worn areas in all canvas items except tents. Darns are made by
machine or by hand. Machine darning is preferred to hand darning. See the appropriate technical
manuals for instructions on how to darn on canvas using a darning machine or a heavy-duty sewing
machine. The four kinds of darns used on canvas are circular, zigzag, reinforced, and overedge.
a. Circular Darn. The circular darn is used to repair small holes and worn areas in canvas that
measure less than 1/2 inch across. A circular darn is also used on clothing. The procedures used to make a
circular darn are on page 4-1 .
b. Zigzag Darn. The zigzag darn is used to repair splits and straight tears in canvas where no fabric
is missing. It is used to mend holes in clothing, but not in canvas. The directions for zigzag darn are on
page 4-3.
c. Reinforced Darn. The reinforced darn is used to repair holes in canvas that measure 1/4 to 3/4
inch across. The instructions on page 4-5 describe how to make a reinforced darn.
d. Overedge Darn. The overedge darn (Figure 9-1) is used to repair worn corded seams and
bindings. It is not used on clothing. To make an overedge darn--
(2) Anchor the thread on the underside by sticking the needle up through the canvas near
the cording.
(3) Stick the needle back down into the canvas on the other side of the cording.
(4) Continue to stitch around the cording in a circular or overhand fashion until the
damaged area is covered.
(5) Knot the thread on the underside near the cording, and cut the thread close to the knot.
FM 10-16
Patches are used to repair holes and tears in tents. They are used to repair holes and tears that measure
more than 3/4 inch across in other canvas items. Patches are used also to repair large worn areas of
canvas. Patches are cut from scrapped canvas which is the same color and texture as the canvas to be
mended. Items made of waterproof, fire-resistant, and mildew-resistant canvas are patched with canvas
that has received the same protective treatment. Several kinds of patches are used to repair canvas. They
are described below.
a. Simple Canvas Patch. The simple canvas patch is sewn over or under the damaged area of
canvas. The two kinds of simple canvas patches are the top patch and the inverted patch.
(1). Simple Canvas Top Patch. A simple canvas top patch (Figure 9-2) is sewn to the top
side of canvas. It is the easiest patch to make and to attach to damaged canvas. To make the simple canvas
top patch--
(a) Zigzag darn the edges of a rip or tear together to prevent further damage, if no
canvas is missing. If canvas is missing, cut out the damaged area in the shape of a rectangle.
FM 10-16
(d) Cut a rectangular patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to
extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the damaged area on all four sides.
(f) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from all four raw edges.
(g) Fold under the raw edges on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in
place with the handle of a pair of shears.
(i) Sew on the patch by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on all four
sides of the patch. Pivot the canvas and patch on the needle at the corners. Sew over the first stitches for at
least 1 inch to tack the seam.
(2) Simple Canvas Inverted Patch. A simple canvas inverted patch (Figure 9-3) is sewn to
the inside or the underside of the canvas. To make this patch, follow the directions in the previous
paragraph, but center the patch on the underside of the canvas and secure it in place.
FM 10-16
b. Felled Canvas Patch. The felled canvas patch, like the simple canvas patch, is sewn over or
under a damaged area of canvas. Unlike the simple canvas patch, the raw edges of the damaged area are
trimmed and neatly finished. The two kinds of felled canvas patches are the top patch and the inverted
(1) Felled Canvas Top Patch. The felled canvas top patch (Figure 9-4) is sewn to the top
side of canvas. To make a felled canvas top patch--
(d) Cut a rectangular patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to
extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the damaged area on all four sides.
(f) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from all four raw edges.
(g) Fold under the raw edges on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in
FM 10-16
(i) Sew on the patch by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on all four
sides of the patch. Pivot the canvas and patch on the needle at each corner. Sew over the first stitches for at
least 1 inch to tack the seam.
(j) On the underside, measure 1/2 inch from each side of the cutout area, and draw a
rectangle with chalk.
(l) Fold under the raw edges 1/2 inch, and crease the folded edges in place with the
handle of a pair of shears.
(m) Stitch a seam around the hole 1/8 inch from the folded edges. Sew over the
first stitches for at least 1 inch to tack the seam.
(2) Felled Canvas Inverted Patch. A felled canvas inverted patch (Figure 9-5) is sewn to
the inside or the underside of canvas. To make this patch, follow the directions given in the pervious
paragraph, but center the patch faceup on the damaged area on the underside of the canvas, and secure it in
place. Clip the corners on the topside of the canvas, fold the tabs under, and stitch them in place.
FM 10-16
c. Watershed Patch. The watershed patch (Figure 9-6) is a five-sided patch used on the outside of
tents. The slant of the two top edges allows water to run off so that it does not collect in the top edge
seaming. For this reason, the watershed patch lasts longer than a rectangular patch. Using a watershed
patch to repair a tent is preferable to using a rectangular patch. However, a rectangular patch can be used
under an eave where the top edge is protected. It can also be used to straddle a ridge on a tent where the top
and bottom of the patch are slanted toward the ground. To make a watershed patch--
(2) Cut a patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to extend 2 3/4 inches
beyond the damaged area on all four sides.
(3) Fold the patch in half lengthwise. Crease the folded edge with the handle of a pair of
(5) Fold the top right-hand corner to the crease in the center.
(6) Fold the top left hand corner even with the right-hand corner, and crease these folds in
(7) Fold the inside corner of each triangle to the edge of the outside fold. Crease these
folds in place.
(8) Unfold the patch. Cut off the top corners, using the creases closest to the corners as
cutting lines.
(10) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges.
FM 10-16
(11) Fold under the raw edges on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in place.
(12) Center the patch on the damaged area so that the two slanted edges at the top of the
patch will point upward on an erect tent.
(13) Sew the patch to the tent by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges. Pivot the
canvas and the patch on the needle at the corners. Tack the seam by stitching over the first stitches for at
least 1 inch.
(14) Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch inside the first seam. Tack the seam for at least 1
(15) Cut out the damaged area on the inside of the tent to within 1/8 inch of the second
d. Seam Patch. A seam patch is a patch sewn over or next to a seam in a canvas item. The seam
patch can be rectangular or slanted at the top so that it sheds water better. There are several kinds of seam
patches. They are described below.
(1) Under-Seam Patch. An under-seam patch (Figure 9-7) is used to repair damage near a
seam in a canvas item. An under-seam patch can be rectangular if it is used on a canvas item other than a
tent. It can also be rectangular if it is sewn under an eave or on the ridge of a tent. All other under-seam
patches on tents should be slanted at the top to shed water. To make an under-seam patch--
FM 10-16
(a) Open the seam next to the damaged area by cutting through one row of stitches
6 inches above and below the damaged area.
(c) Cut a rectangular patch large enough to extend inside the open seam on one side
and 2 3/4 inches beyond the damage on the other three sides.
(d) Determine which top corner will not be tucked into the seam if the patch should
be slanted to shed water. Fold that corner down until it aligns with the side that will be tucked in the seam.
Crease the folded edge in place. Fold the corner back to the crease. Crease the second folded edge in place.
Unfold the patch. Cut off the top corner, using the top crease as a cutting line.
(f) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges on three sides. Do not mark on
the side that will be tucked into the seam.
(g) Turn under the three edges on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in
(h) Center the patch faceup over the damage. Position a watershed patch so that
the slanted side will be at the top on an erect tent.
(i) Tuck the flat raw edge of the patch into the open seam.
(j) Sew the patch to the tent or canvas item by stitching 1/8 inch from the folded
edges on three sides. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
(k) Sew the fourth side in place. Close the open seam by stitching a seam 1 inch
above the opening to 1 inch below the opening. Tack the seam at each end for at least 1 inch. Use the
previous seam line as a stitching guide.
(l) Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch inside the first seam. Tack the seam at each
end for at leas 1 inch.
(m) Cut out the damaged area on the underside to within 1/8 inch of the second
FM 10-16
(2) On-Seam Patch. An on-seam patch (Figure 9-8) is like an under-seam patch in that it is
used to repair damage near a seam in a canvas item. It differs from the under-seam patch in that it overlaps
the seam. To make an on-seam patch--
(a) Open the seam next to the damaged area by cutting through on row of stitches 6
inches above and below the damage.
(c) Cut a rectangular patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to
overlap the seam on one side and extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the damage on the other three sides.
(d) Determine which corner will not overlap the seam if the patch should be slanted
to shed water. Turn that corner down until it aligns with the side that will overlap the seam. Crease the
folded edge in place. Fold the corner back to the crease. Crease the second folded edge in place. Unfold
the patch. Cut off the top corner, using the top crease as a cutting line.
(f) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges on three sides. Do not mark on
the side that will overlap the seam.
(g) Turn under the edges on the chalk line, and crease the folded edges in place.
FM 10-16
(j) Hold the flat raw edge in place so that the patch does not slip out of the open
seam. Fold the patch up and over to the opposite side so that the patch is now faceup and centered over the
(k) Sew a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edge on the three sides that are not
overlapping the seam. Tack the seam at each end for at least 1 inch.
(l) Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch inside the first seam. Tack the seam at each
end for at least 1 inch.
(m) Sew the fourth side in place. Close the open seam by stitching a seam 1 inch
above the opening to 1 inch below the opening. Use the previous seam line as a stitching guide.
(n) Sew a second seam inside the seam just sewn. Use the previous seam line as a
stitching line. Match stitch rows exactly.
(o) Cut out the damaged area on the underside to within 1/8 inch of the inside
FM 10-16
(a) Open the seam by cutting through the stitches in both seam lines from 6 inches
above the damage to 6 inches below the damage.
(c) Cut a rectangular patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to
extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the damage on all sides. Consider the seam overlap, and add one seam width for
a flat seam, two seam widths for a single-felled seam, and three seam widths for a double-felled seam.
(d) Fold the patch in half lengthwise. Crease the folded edge in place.
(e) Unfold the patch, and fold the two top corners to the crease in the center.
Crease the folded edges in place.
(f) Fold the corners back to the creases. Crease the second folded edges in place.
(g) Unfold the patch. Cut off the top corners, using the creases closest to the
corners as cutting lines.
(h) Turn the patch faceup. Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges.
(i) Fold the raw edges under on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in
(j) Cut the patch in half, using the crease line in the center as a cutting line.
(k) Place one of the pieces faceup on the damaged area so that the patch will point
upward on an erect tent.
(l) Tuck the flat raw edge of the piece into the open seam. Sew this piece to the
tent by stitching 1/8 inch from the folded edges on three sides. Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch inside the
first seam. Tack all seams at each end for at least 1 inch.
(m) Place the other piece facedown on top of the first piece. Tuck the flat raw edge
into the seam opening.
(n) Hold the flat raw edge in place so that the piece does not slip out of the open
seam. Fold the piece up and over to the opposite side so that it is faceup.
(o) Sew this piece to the tent by stitching 1/8 inch from the folded edges on the
three sides. Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/8 inch inside the first seam. Tack all seams at each end for at least
1 inch.
(p) Close the open seam by sewing two seams from 1 inch above the opening to 1
inch below the opening. Use the original seam lines as stitching guides. Tack the seams at each end.
FM 10-16
NOTE: On a double-felled seam, turn the canvas to the opposite side and tuck the raw edge under before
sewing the second seam.
(q) Cut out the damaged area on the underside to within 1/8 inch of the inside
(4) Seam-to-Seam Patch. A seam-to-seam patch (Figure 9-10) is used to repair damage
between two seams. It is sewn in place so that the canvas and patch overlap like the shingles on a roof.
This allows water to run off the top and bottom seams of the patch. To make a seam-to-seam patch on a
canvas item with doubled-felled seams--
FM 10-16
(a) Measure and mark chalk lines from seam to seam 2 inches above and 2 inches
below the damage. These chalk lines are cutting lines.
(b) Measure and mark two chalk lines 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inches above the top
cutting line. Measure and mark two chalk lines 1/2 and 1 1/2 inches below the bottom cutting line. These
chalk lines are guidelines.
(c) Open the seams on each side of the damage by cutting through the stitches from
the top guideline to the bottom guideline.
(e) Measure the cutout area. Cut a patch from matching canvas 3 inches longer and
3 inches wider than the cutout area. (The extra canvas is used in a 1 inch seam overlap and a 1/2-inch
turnunder on each of the four sides.)
(f) Turn the patch faceup. Measure and mark chalk lines 1/2 inch from the raw
edges on all four sides.
(g) Fold under the raw edge of the patch on the chalk line on the bottom and the
raw edge on the side that will overlap the canvas item. Crease the folded edges in place.
(h) Fold up the raw edge of the patch on the chalk line on the top and the raw edge
on the side that will be tucked under the canvas item. Crease the folded edge in place.
(i) Fold under the raw edge of the canvas item 1/2 inch at the top of the cutout area.
Crease the folded edges in place.
(j) Fold up the raw edge of the canvas item 1/2 inch at the bottom of the cutout
area. Crease the folded edge in place.
(k) Tuck the top edge of the patch under the top edge of the cutout area. Overlap
the patch by 1 inch, using the top chalk line on the canvas item as a guide.
(l) Center the patch from side to side. Tuck under or overlap the sides of the patch
by 1 inch.
(m) Stitch the top edge in place by sewing a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edge of
the cutout area.
(n) Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch above the first seam.
(o) Overlap the bottom edge of the cutout area 1 inch with the bottom edge of the
(p) Stitch the bottom edge in place by sewing a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edge
of the patch.
(q) Sew a second seam 3/8 to 1/2 inch above the first seam.
FM 10-16
(r) Stitch each side in place, using the original seam lines as stitching guides. Tack
each seam for at least 1 inch at the beginning and the end.
e. Eave-Edge Patch. An eave-edge patch (Figure 9-11) is used to repair damage on the eave of a
tent. It is sewn to both sides of the eave. To make an eave-edge patch--
(3) Cut a patch from matching canvas. Make it four times as wide as the eave. Make it
long enough to extend 2 1/2 inches beyond the damage on the left and right sides.
(4) Turn the patch faceup. Draw chalk lines 1/2 inch from the left and right sides.
(5) Fold under the left and right raw edges along the chalk lines. Crease the folded edges in
FM 10-16
(6) Turn the patch facedown. Measure and mark a horizontal chalk line in the center of the
(7) Draw chalk lines 1/8 inch above and below the center chalk line.
(8) Fold the patch in half on the center chalk line. Crease the folded edge in place.
(9) Fold the top and bottom raw edges toward the center until the edges meet the 1/8-inch
chalk lines. Crease the folded edges in place.
(10) Wrap the patch around the eave so that the fold in the center of the patch is on the
bottom edge of the eave. Center the patch over the damage.
(11) Stitch the patch in place by sewing a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on the top
half of the patch. Stitch through all layers. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch by sewing over the first
FM 10-16
f. Tarpaulin Patch. A tarpaulin patch (Figure 9-12) is used to repair protective canvas covers. The
patch is triangular so that it can shed water easily when the tarpaulin is draped over objects. To make a
tarpaulin patch--
(2) Cut a three-sided patch from matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to extend
2 3/4 to 3 3/4 inches beyond the damage on all three sides.
(3) Turn the patch faceup. Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges on all three sides.
(4) Turn under the raw edges on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in place. (If
the damage is near a seam, tuck one side of the patch into the seam.)
(5) Stitch the patch in place by sewing a seam around the three sides 1/8 inch from the
folded edges. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
FM 10-16
g. Strap-Support Patch. A strap-support patch is used to repair a damaged area where a strap was
attached. The patch is made from salvaged canvas with a strap attached. The two kinds of strap-support
patches are single-thickness and double-thickness.
(1). Single-thickness. The single-thickness patch (Figure 9-13) is made of one layer of
canvas. It is used when the strain on the strap is slight and there is little chance of the patch being pulled
loose. To make a single-thickness patch--
(c) Cut a patch from salvaged canvas with a strap attached. Make the patch large
enough to extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the cutout area on all sides.
(d) Turn the patch faceup. Measure and mark a chalk line 3/4 inch from the raw
edges on all sides.
(e) Turn up the raw edges along the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in
(g) Draw chalk lines 1/2 inch from the raw edges on all sides of the cutout area.
(i) Turn up the raw edges along the chalk line, and crease the folded edges in place.
(l) Stitch a seam around the cutout area 1/8 inch from the folded edges on all sides.
Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
(m) Turn the canvas item facedown. Stitch a seam around the patch 1/8 inch from
the folded edges on all sides. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
FM 10-16
(2) Double-Thickness. A double-thickness patch (Figure 9-14) consists of a top patch and
an inverted patch. It is used when a strap gets a lot of strain and an extra layer of canvas is needed to give
strength to the repair. To make a double-thickness patch--
(b) Cut a top patch with a strap attached and an inverted patch from salvaged
matching canvas. Make the patches large enough to extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the damage on all sides.
(c) Turn the patches faceup. Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from all raw edges on both
(d) Turn under all raw edges on the patches along the chalk lines. Crease the
folded edges in place.
(e) Turn the damaged canvas item over, and center the inverted patch over the
(f) Sew the inverted patch in place by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded
edges on all sides. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
(g) Turn the canvas item faceup, and cut out the damaged area to within 1/8 inch of
the stitch line.
FM 10-16
(h) Center the top patch on top of the cutout area. Align the top patch with the
inverted patch.
(i) Sew the top patch in place by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on
all sides. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
h. Grommet Patch. A grommet patch is used to repair the canvas where a grommet has been torn
loose. The two kinds of grommet patches are overedge and reinforced.
(1). Overedge Grommet Patch. An overedge grommet patch (Figure 9-15) is used to repair
the damage when a grommet near an edge has been torn loose. There are two ways to make the repair. If
the grommet were located on an eave or bottom edge, use an eave-edge patch to repair the damage. After
the canvas has been repaired, insert a grommet. If the grommet were located in an area other than an eave or
a bottom edge--
(b) Cut a patch from matching canvas. Make it large enough to fold over and cover
the damage on the top side and the underside. Make it large enough to extend 2 3/4 inches beyond the
damage on all sides.
(d) Draw chalk lines 3/4 inch from the raw edges on all sides.
(e) Fold under the raw edges along the chalk lines. Crease the folded edges in
(f) Fold the patch in half, and lap it over the edge of the damaged canvas.
FM 10-16
(g) Sew the patch in place by stitching a seam around the patch 1/8 inch from the
folded edges. Sew through all layers. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
(h) Insert a grommet. (If canvas with a row of grommets was damaged, replace the
entire section with one patch and a row of new grommets.)
(2) Reinforced Grommet Patch. A reinforced grommet patch (Figure 9-16) is used to repair
the damage when a grommet near a corner has been torn loose. The patch consists of two patches and a
canvas reinforcement. The three layers of canvas give strength to the repair. To make a reinforced grommet
(c) Cut one piece of canvas for reinforcement the same size as the cutout area. Set
it aside.
(d) Cut two patches from matching canvas, but make them 4 inches wider and 2
inches longer than the cutout area.
(e) Turn the patches faceup. Measure and mark chalk lines 1/2 inch from all raw
edges on both patches.
(f) Fold under all raw edges along the chalk lines on both patches. Crease the
folded edges in place.
(g) Turn the canvas item facedown. Place one patch faceup on top of the missing
corner. Align the edges exactly.
FM 10-16
(h) Sew the patch to the canvas item by stitching 1/8 inch from the folded edges on
two sides of the patch.
(i) Turn the canvas item faceup. Set the piece of canvas reinforcement in the
cutout area on top of the patched corner. Align the edges with the folded edges of the patch.
(j) Place the other patch faceup on top of the reinforcement piece of canvas. Align
all folded edges of the patches.
(k) Sew the patch in place by stitching a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on all
four sides. Tack the seam for at least 1 inch.
a. Draw chalk lines from seam to seam 2 inches above and below the stovepipe stitching.
c. Cut out the damaged stovepipe opening along the chalk lines.
d. Cut a replacement panel from a piece of matching canvas. Make it large enough to extend 1 1/2
inches beyond the edges of the cutout area on all four sides.
FM 10-16
e. Measure the width and length of the reinforcement piece on the damaged opening. Cut a
replacement piece from matching canvas. Make the piece 1 inch wider and 2 inches longer than the
reinforcement piece.
f. Turn the reinforcement piece faceup. Mark an outline of the stovepipe opening on the
reinforcement piece. Draw it the same size and in the same place as the original stovepipe opening.
g. Turn the replacement panel faceup. Center the reinforcement piece faceup on top of the
replacement panel.
h. Sew the two pieces together by stitching a seam around the outline of the stovepipe opening.
i. Make an opening for the stovepipe by cutting a hole through both pieces within 1/8 inch of the
chalk line.
j. Tuck all four corners of the reinforcement piece into the hole, and pull the canvas through to the
other side.
k. Turn both pieces so that they are facedown. Flatten out the two pieces, and stitch around the
opening 1/8 inch from the edge. Tack the seam at least 1 inch.
l. Fold under the raw edges of the reinforcement piece 1/2 inch on all four sides.
m. Stitch around the reinforcement piece by sewing a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges. Tack
the seam at least 1 inch.
o. Make replacement flaps with ties. Make them the same type and size as the flaps on the original
stovepipe opening.
s. Sew the new opening to the tent. Stitch it in place the same way a seam-to-seam patch is sewn in
FM 10-16
a. Felled Patch Method. To make a buttonhole using the felled patch method (Figure 9-18)--
(1) Cut a patch from matching canvas. If possible, use a salvaged piece of canvas that has a
buttonhole in it.
(2) Follow the directions on page 9-4 to apply a felled canvas top patch, but finish the edge
of the opening with a binding.
(3) If the patch does not have a buttonhole, make one by cutting a slit as long as the original
buttonhole. Reinforce the raw edges by stitching around the slit using the buttonhole stitch.
FM 10-16
b. Backing Method. To replace a buttonhole using the backing method (Figure 9-19)--
(1) Cut a strip of matching canvas wide enough to cover the damaged buttonhole and
extend from the edge of the opening to 1 inch beyond the buttonhole. Allow 1/2 inch on each side for a
turnunder. Make the strip long enough to cover all the damaged buttonholes and extend 1 1/2 inches above
and below the buttonholes.
(3) Draw chalk lines 1/2 inch from the raw edges on all sides.
(4) Turn the raw edges under on the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in place with
the handle of a pair of shears.
(7) Stitch the strip to the canvas item by sewing a seam 1/8 inch from the folded edges on
all sides.
FM 10-16
(8) Rework the buttonholes. Make slits for the buttonholes in the same place as the
previous buttonholes. Reinforce the edges by stitching around the slits using the buttonhole stitch. Stitch
through all layers.
c. New Facing and Backing Method. To make a buttonhole using the new facing and backing
(3) Cut a new facing and a new backing from matching canvas. Make both the facing and
the backing large enough to extend 1/2 inch beyond the cutout area on three sides and 1 1/2 inches on the
side that will be attached to the canvas item or tent.
(4) Turn the facing and the backing faceup. Draw chalk lines 1/2 inch from the raw edges
on all sides.
(5) Turn under the raw edges along the chalk lines, and crease the folded edges in place
with the handle of a pair of shears.
(6) Turn the backing facedown.
FM 10-16
(7) Place the edge of the canvas item or tent faceup on top of the backing so that the edge
overlaps the backing by 1 inch. Use the chalk lines on the canvas item or tent as guidelines.
(8) Place the facing faceup on top of the backing. Align all folded edges.
(9) Sew the facing and the backing to the canvas item or tent by stitching a seam around all
four sides 1/8 inch from the folded edges.
(10) Make new buttonholes by cutting slits in the facing and the backing in the same places
as the previous buttonholes and reinforcing the raw edges with the buttonhole stitch.
a. Obtain a new or salvaged zipper the same color and length as the damaged one. Remember that a
zipper is called a slide fastener in supply catalogs.
b. Turn the tent inside out. Position the section with the damaged zipper facedown on a worktable.
d. Draw several horizontal chalk marks on each side of the new zipper (Figure 9-20). Draw the
lines across the zipper tapes and the canvas in the tent. Use these index marks as guides to position the new
e. Cut and remove the stitches holding the damaged zipper in place. Clean away all the loose
g. Align the chalk marks on one side of the zipper with the chalk marks on the tent.
h. Fold under the zipper tape 1/2 inch the length of the zipper.
j. Sew a seam 3/16 inch from the folded edge of the zipper (Figure 9-21). Sew to the eave of the
tent, and tack the seam with a 1-inch tack.
k. Sew a second seam 1/4 inch from the first one. Tack the seam at the beginning and at the end.
l. Repeat steps 7 through 11 above to sew the other side of the zipper in place.
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
a. Repairs for Small Holes. A dab of adhesive is used on a hole in a tent that measures 1/8 inch or
less across. To seal such a small hole (Figure 10-1)--
(1) Obtain a can of tent-patching adhesive, a wire brush, and a small stick or paddle.
(2) Use the wire brush to clean the area around the hole and raise the nap of the canvas.
(3) Use the small stick or paddle to put a dab of adhesive on the hole.
(4) Use the stick or paddle to work the adhesive into the canvas immediately. Bridge the
hole with adhesive to seal it.
FM 10-16
b. Repairs for Large Holes and Tears. Cemented patches are used to cover holes and tears that are
more than 1/8 inch but less than 4 3/4 inches across. Putting a cemented patch on a tent is similar to
patching a bicycle tire. To apply a cemented patch (Figure 10-2)--
(1) Obtain a ruler, chalk, wire brush, flat board, paddle, roller, tent-patching adhesive, and a
piece of clean matching canvas.
(3) Cut a round patch from a piece of matching canvas. Make the patch large enough to
extend 3/4 inch beyond the damage in all directions.
(4) Place the board under the damage. (On an erect tent, another fabric repair specialist
inside the tent holds the board against the damage.)
(5) Center the patch over the damage, and draw a circle with chalk around the patch.
(6) Remove the patch. Use a wire brush to clean the canvas inside the circle and raise the
nap of the canvas.
(9) Open the can of adhesive and use the paddle to coat the patch evenly with adhesive.
Let the adhesive overlap the edge of the patch a little so that it forms a circle on the tent.
Seam sealer and solvent are extremely flammable and the fumes toxic. Do not smoke or
use seam sealer or solvent near an open flame. Use seam sealer and solvent with goggles
and gloves, and indoors with respirator or in an open, well ventilated area, away from
sources of combustion. Death or severe injury may result from explosion or fire.
Inhalation of fumes may cause toxic sickness. Do not leave the can open for long
periods. Adhesive dries out quickly.
(10) Remove the patch. Flatten out the canvas and the edges of the hole or tear as much as
possible. Fill in the circle with a coating of adhesive.
(12) Apply a second coat of adhesive to the tent and to the patch. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for
the adhesive to become tacky. Test the patch by touching it. The patch is ready to use when it is sticky.
(13) Center the patch faceup on top of the damage. Press the two sticky surfaces together.
FM 10-16
(14) Use a roller to press the excess adhesive and the air bubbles from under the patch.
Roll first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. If no roller is available, use the can of
adhesive as a roller. First, tightly seal the can. Then tip it over on its side so that it will roll.
(15) Dip the tip of one finger in the adhesive. Run the finger around the edge of the patch to
seal the edge with adhesive and prevent the edge from fraying.
FM 10-16
a. Repairs for Small Holes and Tears. A layer of silicone sealer is used to repair a hole or tear that
measures 2 inches or less across. To make this repair (Figure 10-3)--
(1) Obtain cleaning materials, a dry rag, a can of silicone sealer (MIL-A-46106), and a
(3) Spread a 1/16-inch-thick layer of sealer on both sides of the shield. Cover the hole or
tear and at least 1/2 inch on each side of the damage. Smooth out the layer as evenly as possible.
(4) Brace the shield so that the sealer does not touch anything while it is wet.
(5) Let the sealer dry for 4 hours on a sunny day with low humidity. Let it dry for 6 hours
on a humid day. Do not move the tent while the sealer is drying.
FM 10-16
b. Repairs for Large Holes and Tears. A patch attached with silicone sealer is used to repair holes
and tears more than 2 inches across in stovepipe shields. To make this repair (Figure 10-4)--
(1) Obtain a ruler, cleaning materials, a dry rag, a craftsman’s knife, a piece of matching
patch material, a can of silicone sealer, and a paddle.
(4) Cut a patch from material salvaged from a shield that could not be repaired. Make the
patch large enough to extend 1 inch beyond the damage on all sides.
(7) Spread sealer on the edges of the patch to 1 inch beyond the edges of the patch on all
sides. Do not move the shield for 4 to 6 hours.
FM 10-16
a. Overhand Knot. The overhand knot (Figure 11-1) is the easiest knot to make and the most
frequently used knot. It is used to keep the end of a tent line from slipping through the center of a grommet.
b. Footstop for a Single-Grommet Fastening. A footstop for a single-grommet fastening (Figure 11-
1), is a loop in a line that slips over a footstop pin at the bottom of a tent. It is formed by tying the two ends
of a footstop line in a single overhand knot.
FM 10-16
d. Figure-Eight Knot. The figure-eight knot (Figure 11-2) forms a larger knot at the end of a line
than an overhand knot. It is used to keep a line from slipping through the center of a grommet or a loop in
another line.
e. Bowline Knot. The bowline knot (Figure 11-3) is used to form a loop that will not tighten or slip
under strain, yet will untie easily.
FM 10-16
f. Regular Eye Splice. A regular eye splice (Figure 11-4) is used to make a permanent loop at the
end of a line. A regular eye splice is made by untwisting the strands at the end of the line and interweaving
them with the strands in another part of the line.
g. Sailmaker’s Eye Splice. A sailmaker’s eye splice (Figure 11-5) is used to make a loop that is
going to be sewn to canvas. It is like a regular eye splice, but the strands are interwoven so that they follow
the lay of the line.
h. Tied Eye. A tied eye (Figure 11-6) is a loop that is tied rather than spliced at the end of a line.
i. Short Splice. A short splice (Figure 11-7) is the strongest way to join two lines. Unlike the long
splice, it increases the diameter of the line so that it may not be able to pass through rings, grommets, and
other tent hardware. A short splice is made by untwisting a short section at the end of two lines and
interweaving the strands so that they form one line.
j. Long Splice. A long splice (Figure 11-8) is another way to join two lines. Although it is weaker
than a short splice and uses more line, it does not add much to the diameter of the line. The long splice can
usually pass through rings, grommets, and other tent hardware.
k. Cut Splice. A cut splice (Figure 11-9) is used to form an eye when two lines are joined. It is
used on a double guy line. The pole spindle passes through the eye. The cut splice is formed by
overlapping two lines, untwining the ends, and interweaving the strands.
l. Tied Cut. The tied cut (Figure 11-10) is used to join two cotton, braided lines.
FM 10-16
m. Whipped Rope End. Whipping (Figure 11-11) is wrapping the end of a line with cord to keep
the line from unraveling. The cord is wrapped to the end of the line in the opposite direction of the lay of
the line.
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
Often it is necessary to darn, patch, or replace the supporting canvas. Newly attached hardware should be in
good condition, properly positioned, and securely fastened to the canvas or webbed item. Fabric repair
specialists should be familiar with all the hardware described in Table 12-1 and shown in Figure 12-1.
Directions for attaching tack-buttons, grommets, snap fasteners, end clips, rivets, and tent line slips are given
in tbis chapter.
1. Rings Round metal pieces used to fasten tie tapes, catch snap
hooks, and support handworked grommets
FM 10-16
7. Double hooks Metal pieces with two hooks used to attach canvas equipment to the indi-
vidual equipment belt
8. Slide loops Rectangular metal pieces with center bars used to adjust straps
9. Snap hooks Metal hooks with spring-steel snaps used to catch numerous pieces of
11. S-hooks S-shaped hooks used to catch rings and other pieces of hardware
12. Triangle with hooks Triangular-hooked metal pieces used to connect fair-leads to webbing
supports of tents
13. Fairleads Magnesium metal casings used to keep eave lines from rubbing the
canvas at tent eaves
17. Sliding keepers Metal pieces with slots used to hold straps in place
20. Fastener supports Metal, U-shaped pieces used to hold the male sections of style 1 snap
21. Ridge plates Metal plates with holes used to protect and support the canvas around
ridge pole spindles
22. Chains and plates Metal plates with chains used at peaks on pyramid-shaped tents
23. Thimbles Oval metal inserts which fit into splice eyes and are used to reinforce the
ends of lines
24. Bull’s eyes Round wooden blocks with holes in the center used to carry hoisting lines
25. Staples U-shaped metal pieces with finished ends which are riveted to cloth
26. Double washers Metal pieces with holes in each end which are used to prevent staples
from pulling through cloth
27. Shackle-type diamond eye hooks Heavy steel wire hooks which have upper and lower shackles connected with
bolts and nuts
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
(1) Remove the damaged tack-button, and repair the canvas or webbing.
(3) Place the canvas or webbed item faceup on top of a smooth, hard surface.
(4) Push the tack through the chalk mark from the underside of the canvas or webbing.
(5) Tap the button lightly with a rawhide mallet hard enough to clinch the tack and button to
the canvas or webbing without damaging the tack-button or cloth.
FM 10-16
b. Attaching by Machine. Detailed instructions for operating a tack-button attaching machine are
given in TM 10-3530-207-14. To machine fasten a tack-button--
(1) Remove the damaged tack-button, and repair the canvas or webbing.
(3) Put the appropriate upper and lower die in the machine, and adjust the pitch.
(4) Raise the hand lever, and put the button into the upper die.
(5) Drop the tack, point up, into the lower die.
(6) Position the canvas or webbing faceup over the lower die and tack.
(7) Press down the hand lever firmly to clinch the tack and button to the cloth.
(8) Raise the lever and remove the canvas or webbing item.
FM 10-16
a. Handworked. A handworked grommet is an iron ring sewn in place around a grommet hole. This
type of grommet is often used in large tents because it can take a lot of strain. To handwork a grommet--
(1) If the old grommet hole will be used, obtain a rawhide mallet, sailmaker’s needle,
thread, wax, and an iron ring with an inside diameter larger than that of the hole. Also obtain a fid (a
tapered, wooden or metal pin).
(2) If a new grommet hole will be cut, obtain the tools listed above, a heavy woodblock, and
a size 5 cutting punch for a 1/2- or 3/4-inch ring or a size 6 cutting punch for a 1-inch ring. Position the
canvas faceup on the end-grain surface of the woodblock, and cut a grommet hole with the appropriate
cutting punch (Figure 12-4).
(4) To make stitching easier, use the sailmaker’s needle to make a series of equally spaced
holes about 1/8 inch from the outside edge of the metal ring (Figure 12-5). Do not make the holes any larger
than 1/16 inch across.
FM 10-16
(5) Thread the needle with four strands of waxed thread, and knot the ends. Twist the
strands together, rewax the thread, and cut off the knot.
(6) Stick the needle into one of the needle holes, and draw the thread through the hole until
a 1/2-inch end is left.
(7) Hold the 1/2-inch length of thread down against the canvas and the edge of the ring with
the free end pointing clockwise.
(8) Bring the needle up through the grommet hole, over the ring and the 1/2-inch end, and
stick it down into the next needle hole.
(9) Continue stitching clockwise, making a series of round stitches around the grommet
hole (Figure 12-6).
(10) Finish the stitching by sticking the needle under the last two stitches and pulling the
thread up tightly.
(11) Leave free a 1/2-inch length of thread, and cut the thread.
FM 10-16
(12) Flatten the stitching by pushing the fid into the grommet hole, first from one side and
then the other.
b. Die-Inserted. A die-inserted grommet consists of two brass parts. The male half, called a barrel,
is smooth. The female half, called a washer, has spurs that grip the canvas or webbing. Punch-and-die sets
are used to clinch the two parts together. To insert a grommet--
(1) If the old grommet hole will be used, obtain a rawhide mallet, a brass grommet, and a
punch-and-die set. Use a size 4 punch-and-die with a size 4 grommet and a size 5 punch-and-die with a size
5 grommet.
(2) If a new grommet hole will be cut, obtain the tools listed above, a heavy woodblock, and
a size 5 cutting punch for a size 4 grommet and a size 6 cutting punch for a size 5 grommet. Position the
canvas faceup on the end-grain surface of the woodblock, and cut a grommet hole with the cutting punch.
(3) Insert the barrel into the hole through the underside of the canvas.
(4) Place the canvas and the flat bottom part of the barrel on the grommet die (Figure 12-7).
(6) Insert the punch into the barrel, and hold the punch in place with one hand.
FM 10-16
(7) Hit the top of the punch with a rawhide mallet hard enough to clinch the two parts to the
canvas without damaging the grommet or the canvas (Figure 12-8). When the parts are clinched properly,
the edge of the barrel has a smooth roll.
Figure 12-.7. Placing barrel on grommet die Figure 12-.8. Hitting punch with a rawhide mallet
a. Style 1 Snap Fastener. A style 1 snap fastener has two sections, a female half and a male half.
The female half has two parts, a socket and a clinch plate. The male half also has two parts, a stud and a
washer. The stud is available in two sizes, single and double. The double stud is twice as long as the single
stud and can hold an additional layer of canvas. To install a style 1 snap fastener (Figure 12-9)--
(1) Obtain a style 1 snap fastener, chalk, socket punch, socket anvil, hole punch, stud set,
stud anvil, rawhide mallet, and lead block.
(2) Remove the old snap fastener, and patch or replace the canvas if necessary.
(3) Mark with chalk the exact position of the hole for the female half of the snap fastener.
(4) Place the canvas over the lead block so that the chalk mark is centered on the block.
(6) Hit the socket punch with a rawhide mallet to make slots for the socket prongs and a
center hole.
(7) Insert the socket prongs into the slits through the underside of the canvas.
FM 10-16
(9) Place the canvas and socket, prongs up, on the socket anvil.
(10) Bend the socket prongs toward the center with the top of the socket punch until the
prongs are flat against the clinch plate and the plate and socket are securely clinched to the canvas.
(11) Mark the exact position of the hole for the male half of the snap fastener.
(12) Use a hole punch to make a hole a little smaller than the barrel of the stud so that the
barrel will fit snugly into the hole.
(14) Center the canvas and stud, with the barrel up, on the stud anvil.
(16) Place the tip of the stud set in the barrel. Hold the stud set in place with one hand.
(17) Hit the top of the stud set with the rawhide mallet, securely clinching the stud and the
washer to the canvas.
b. Style 2 Snap Fastener. The style 2 snap fastener is identical to the snap fastener used on clothing.
Paragraph 4-11 describes this style of snap fastener and how it is installed. Follow the same instructions to
install a style 2 snap fastener on canvas and webbing, but use a patch instead of a darn to repair the
supporting canvas in a tent.
FM 10-16
a. Ball-Type End Clip. The ball-type end clip looks like a hollow metal ball before it is attached to
webbing. It fits like a thimble over the end of the webbing. To attach this clip, stick the webbing into the
clip, partially flatten the clip with a hammer, straighten the webbing, and finish flattening the clip.
b. Flat-Type End Clip. The flat-type end clip is a V-shaped strip of metal. The ends of the clip
have teeth which grip the webbing. To attach this clip, stick the webbing into the jaws of the clip, and flatten
the clip with a hammer.
c. End Buckle Clip. The end buckle clip is a flat-type end clip with a slot for a buckle or hook. It
also has holes for riveting the clip in place after it has been flattened with a hammer.
FM 10-16
a. Belt Rivets. Belt rivets (Figure 12-11) are made of solid brass or copper. They come in sizes 8,
10, 12, and 14, with lengths from 3/8 to 1 1/4 inches. The head of this type of rivet is called a burr. The burr
size used should match that of the rivet.
b. Tubular Rivets. Tubular rivets (Figure 12-11) are made with hollow brass shanks. They come in
3/16- to 3/4-inch lengths. The head of this rivet is called a cap. The end of a tubular rivet is beveled so that
it will form a flange inside the rim of the cap.
(1) Use a hole punch to cut a hole in the layer or layers of canvas or webbing. Make the
hole small enough to fit tightly around the rivet.
(2) Insert the rivet into the hole. Use a size of rivet that will pass through all the canvas or
webbing with very little excess and still take a cap or burr.
FM 10-16
(3) Place the canvas or webbing and the rivet, head down, on a metal block.
(5) Clinch the burr and belt rivet together by hitting the burr with a ball peen hammer.
Clinch the cap and tubular rivet together by hitting the cap with a plain-faced hammer.
a. Wire Slip. A wire slip is 4 inches long and 3/16 inch wide. It is made of steel. One end is coiled
like a spring, and the other end is looped to form an eye. To install a wire slip--
(1) Pass one end of an eave line through the coil from the opening closest to the outside.
(3) Pass the same end of the line through an eave grommet from the roof side to the wall
(4) Pass the same end of the line through the eye of the wire slip.
FM 10-16
(5) Secure the slip to the line by tying an overhand knot in the end of the line.
b. Type I Quick-Release Flat Slat. This slip is 4 inches long and 7/8 inch wide. It is made
of magnesium alloy. It has a round hole at one end and a quick-release side opening at the other
end. To install a type I quick-release flat slip--
(1) Pass one end of an eave line through the hole in the slip.
(3) Pass the same end of the line through an eave grommet from the roof side to the wall
(4) Pass the same end through the side opening at the other end of the slip.
(5) Secure the slip to the line by tying and overhand knot in the end of the line.
c. Type II Barbell Slip. This slip is 4 inches long and has a 7/16-inch-wide hole at each end. It
looks like a barbell. To install a type II barbell slip--
(1) Pass one end of and eave line through on of the holes in the slip.
(3) Pass the same end of the line through an eave grommet from the roof side to the wall
(4) Pass the same end of the line through the other hole in the slip.
(5) Secure the slip to the line by tying an overhand knot in the end of the line.
FM 10-16
d. Type III Flat Slip. This slip is similar to the quick-release flat slip, but it has a hole at each end
instead of a hole and a side opening. It is installed using the same method that is used to install a type II
barbell slip.
FM 10-16
13-2. CHAPES
Chapes (Figure 13-1) are folded and overlapped strips of canvas or webbing. They are used to attach
hardware, such as buckles and rings, to tents and canvas items. Chapes are called D-ring chapes, buckle-
chapes, and other similar names, according to the hardware they carry. Damaged chapes are replaced
with new chapes which are fitted and sewn in place using folds and seams identical to those used in the
original construction of the item. Directions for fitting, sewing, and reinforcing chapes are given below.
FM 10-16
a. Fitting. Webbing for chapes is folded and overlapped to fit a certain use or piece of hardware.
Four types of folds are used to fit chapes.
(1) Type 1 Fold. Type 1 fold (Figure 13-2) is made with a piece of webbing that is twice as
long as the planned chape. To make a type 1 webbing fold--
(a) Fold the webbing in half, and crease the fold flat.
(2) Type 2 Fold. For type 2 fold (Figure 13-3), the webbing is cut so that it is twice as long
as the planned chape. To make a type 2 webbing fold, insert one end of the webbing through the hardware,
and then--
(a) Fold one end of the webbing under until it is 1 to 2 inches from the other end.
(c) Fold under the other end of the webbing so that the two ends butt against one
(3)..Type 3 Fold. Type 3 fold (Figure 13-4) is made with webbing 1 to 2 inches longer than
twice the length of the planned chape. To make a type 3 webbing fold, place the hardware on the webbing,
and then--
(a) Fold one end under until it is 1 to 2 inches from the other end. Slide the
hardware on the webbing until it lies in the fold.
(b) Fold the other end of the webbing under so that the two ends overlap.
(4)..Type 4 Fold. Type 4 fold (Figure 13-5) is made by folding a piece of webbing that is
four times as long as the planned chape. To make a type 4 webbing fold--
(c) Fold the webbing in half again so that the first fold is on top and even with the
two cut ends. Move the hardware so that it lies in the second fold.
FM 10-16
FM 10-16
b. Sewing. Chapes are topstitched in place with an X-shaped seam (Figure 13-6). Webbing sewn
in place with this type of stitching is less likely to pull loose. To sew a chape in place--
(2) Insert the chape and canvas under the presser foot of a heavy-duty sewing machine so
that the hardware is to the left.
(3) Start stitching a seam in the upper right-hand corner 1/4 inch from the edge. Tack the
seam at the beginning.
(4) Stitch around the four sides of the chape in a clockwise direction. Pivot the chape and
canvas on the needle at each corner.
(5) Pivot the chape and canvas on the needle, and stitch diagonally across the chape from
the upper right-hand corner to the lower left-hand corner.
(6) Pivot the chape and canvas on the needle. Stitch over the side seam to the upper left-
hand corner.
(7) Pivot the chape and canvas on the needle. Stitch across the chape diagonally from the
upper left-hand corner to the lower right-hand corner.
(8) Pivot the chape and canvas on the needle. Stitch over the side seam to the upper right-
hand corner. Tack the seam at the end.
FM 10-16
1/4 INCH
c. Reinforcing. Some chapes are subject to a lot of pulling and tugging. These chapes should be
reinforced to prevent the underlying canvas from tearing. Use one of the following methods to reinforce
(1) Webbing. Sew another piece of webbing across the chape as reinforcement (Figure 13-
7). Sew the reinforcement in place the same way the chape was sewn in place.
(2) Stitching. Sew four parallel rows of machine stitching the length of the chape (Figure
13-8). Hand sew four round stitches on both sides of the looped end of the chape. Sew five round stitches
on the end looped through the hardware.
FM 10-16
13-3. LOOPS
Loops are pieces of webbing which form openings when they are sewn to canvas items. They are used to
hold and fasten lines and straps in place. Four kinds of loops can be made with webbing.
a. Flat Loop. The flat loop (Figure 13-9) lies entirely against the canvas item. To make a flat loop-
(1) Cut a piece of webbing the length of the planned loop plus enough to form a turnunder
at each end.
(3) Sew the webbing to the canvas item with X-shaped seams.
FM 10-16
b. Short Loop. The short loop (Figure 13-10) sticks out a short distance from the canvas item. To
make a short loop--
(1) Cut a piece of webbing. Allow for a short loop and the turnunder at each end.
(3) Sew a seam across the webbing at the base of the loop.
(5) Sew the webbing to the canvas item with X-shaped seams.
c. Two-Ply Long Loop. The two-ply long loop (Figure 13-11) is used where a strong, lengthy loop
is needed. To make this loop--
(1) Cut two pieces of webbing. Allow for a long loop and the turnunder at each end.
(2) Sew the two pieces of webbing together with a row of stitches along each edge.
(4) Sew a seam across the webbing at the base of the loop.
(6) Sew the webbing to the canvas item with X-shaped seams.
d. Edge-Type Loop. The edge-type loop (Figure 13-12) is used on tarpaulins for tie-line fastenings.
It is also used as the female half of a toggle fastener. To make this loop--
(1) Cut a piece of webbing twice the length of the planned loop plus enough to form a
turnunder at each end.
FM 10-16
(3) Place the webbing on the canvas item so that the ends of the webbing are even and the
inside edges touch.
(4) Sew the webbing to the canvas item with one X-shaped seam.
FM 10-16
13-4. STRAPS
Straps are bands of webbing by which canvas items are held, fastened, pulled, or lifted. The ends of
straps are left plain or rolled, angled, or shaped to take hardware, billets, and chapes.
a. Plain End Strap. A strap with a plain end (Figure 13-13) is a piece of webbing cut to size. The
end is finished by attaching an end clip or by looping it through a piece of hardware, turning under the raw
edge, and sewing it in place to the strap. A plain strap that has a buckle on one end and an end clip on the
other is a billet (Figure 13-14).
b. Rolled-End Strap. A strap with a rolled end (Figure 13-15) is tapered by rolling and folding the
edges to the center of the webbing. Both the inner and outer edges are sewn in place. The end of the strap
is finished by attaching an end clip, or by looping it through a piece of hardware, turning under the raw
edge, and sewing it in place to the strap. If a 2-inch-wide strap is tapered to a 1-inch end, the taper should
be about 2 1/2 inches long.
FM 10-16
c. Angled-End Strap. A strap with an angled end (Figure 13-16) has corners which have been
folded to meet at the center of the strap. The strap is finished by sewing a billet on top of the angled end or
by sandwiching the angled end between the two layers of a chape and sewing the chape in place.
d. Shaped-End Strap. A strap with a shaped end (Figure 13-17) is notched, the edges are brought
together, and a billet or chape is sewn in place. A piece of reinforcement webbing is usually placed under
the shaped end and sewn in place when a billet is attached.
FM 10-16
1/2 INCH
1 1/2 INCHES
1/2 INCH
2 1/2 INCHES
Handles are pieces of webbing by which canvas items are grasped and carried. The two kinds of handles
used in the repair of canvas items are plain and stitched-grip.
a. Plain Webbing Handle. A plain webbing handle (Figure 13-18) is used when the strain is carried
along the vertical plane of the item. To make this handle--
(2) Position the webbing on the canvas item so that it forms and upside-down U. The
outside edges should be 5 1/2 inches apart.
(4) Stitch each end of the handle in place by sewing an X-shaped seam that is about 2
inches long.
FM 10-16
5 1/2 INCHES
b. Stitched-Grip Webbing Handle. A stitched-grip webbing handle (Figure 13-19) is used when the
strain is on the horizontal plane of the item. To make this handle--
(1) Cut a piece of 2-inch-wide heavy cotton webbing 15 1/4 inches long.
(3) Draw straight chalk lines across the webbing 2 7/8 inches to the left and right sides of
the center.
(4) Fold the edges of the webbing to the center between the lines. Taper the webbing
beyond the lines.
(5) Stitch along the edges of the webbing between the lines. Stitch on top of each chalk
line twice.
(6) Cut a piece of duck 5 1/2 inches wide and 40 inches long to use as reinforcement
backing. Turn under the raw edges 1/2 inch, and crease the folded edges in place.
(7) Center the backing under the area on the canvas item where the handle will be attached.
(10) Center the handle on the canvas item and backing so that the ends are 12 inches apart.
Leave some slack.
FM 10-16
(11) Stitch the handle in place by sewing a square-shaped seam at each end.
(12) Cut two reinforcement pieces 4 1/2 inches long from 2-inch-wide webbing.
(13) Center the reinforcements across the ends of the handle. Turn under the ends 1/2
inch, and stitch them in place with X-shaped seams.
FM 10-16
a. Re-treat tarpaulins while they are stretched out flat on the ground. Re-treat tents while they
are erected or raised with a hoist. Start at the top of the tent and work down.
b. Make sure the canvas is dry. Remove dirt, oil, and grease stains.
d. Apply the coating with a brush or spray gun. (If a spray gun is used, the operator should wear
protective clothing, a respirator, and a helmet liner.)
e. Apply the coating more generously to patches and recently repaired areas.
While re-treating tents and tarpaulins, always apply coatings in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhilation of solvent fumes and prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning solvent.
Wash exposed skin thoroughly. Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680 and P-S-661)
is potentially dangerous to personnel and property. Do not use near open flame or
excessive heat.
a. Dilute the coating and use a 4-inch-wide, stiff paint brush to apply one coat to the outside of
every seam.
FM 10-16
c. Allow the first coat to air dry for 4 hours. (This time can be reduced by using warm air.)
d. When the first coat is dry to the touch, apply a second coat.
e. Allow seams to dry for at least 24 hours before erecting or repacking the tent or tarpaulin.
FM 10-16
AR Army regulation
ATTN attention
DA Department of Army
FM field manual
HQ headquarters
in inch
MOS military occupational specialty
NSN national stock number
TM technical manual
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
WP water proof
FM 10-16
These are the sources quoted or paraphrased in this publication.
Army Publications
*This publication is available from Commander, USAMC Catalog Data Activity, ATTN: AMXCA-PP,
New Cumberland, PA 17070-5010
FM 10-16
Page Page
Adhesive 6-3, 10-1 Circular darn 4-1
Angled-end strap 13-10 Collars 4-25
Awl, saddler’s sewing 6-3, 7-4 Craftsman’s knife 2-1
Cross-stitch 2-6
Backstitch Cuffs 4-1
On canvas and webbing 7-6 Cut splice 11-3
Basting stitch 2-5
Beeswax 7-2 Darning machine 3-1
Belt loops 4-39 Darning 4-1, 9-1
Bent trimmer’s shears 6-5
Billet 13-9 Darns
Bindings 4-33 Circular 4-1, 9-1
Bowline knot 11-2 One-way 4-2
Buckles 4-26 Overedge 9-1
Button-sewing machine 3-1 Reinforced 4-3, 9-1
Buttonhole cutter 2-3 Zigzag 4-3, 9-1
Buttonhole stitch 2-10 Double-thickness patch 9-16
Buttonholes Drawstrings 4-24
Description 4-11 Duck 6-3
On canvas Eave-edge patch 9-14
Backing method 9-24 Edge-type loop 13-7
Felled patch method 9-23 Elastic 4-1
New facing and backing method 9-25 End clips
Buttons Ball-type 2-11
General directions for attachment 4-11 End-buckle 12-11
Position 4-11 Flat-type 12-11
Sew-through Eye splices
Attachment 4-12 Regular 11-3
Description 4-11 Sailmaker’s 11-3
Shank 4-12 Eyelet
Thread shank 4-12 Metal 4-22
Stitched 4-21
Canvas 6-3
Catch stitch - see cross-stitch 2-6 Felled canvas inverted patch 9-4
Cemented repairs 10-1 Felled canvas top patch 9-4
Chalk marks Felling stitch
Canvas and webbing 5-2 On canvas 7-7
Clothing and textile items 1-1 On clothing 2-6
Chapes Figure-eight knot 11-2
Fitting 13-2 Flat loop 13-6
General description 13-1 Folds, webbing
Reinforcing 13-5 Type 1 13-2
Sewing 13-4
FM 10-16
Page Page
Type 2 13-2 Clothing 4-26
Type 3 13-2 Webbing
Type 4 13-2 Edge-type 13-7
Footstops Flat 13-6
Single-grommet fastening 11-1 Short 13-7
Two-grommet fastening 11-1 Two-ply long 13-7
Lubricant, interlocking slide fastner 6-4
Die-inserted 12-8 Machine sewing
Handworked 12-6 On canvas and webbing 8-1
On clothing and textiles 3-1
Hand sewing Making a knot 2-3
On canvas and webbing 2-1 Metal eyelets 4-21
On clothing and webbing 7-1
Hand stitches - see stitches Needles
Handles, webbing Hand sewing 2-1
Plain 13-11 Sailmaker’s 7-1
Stitched -grip 13-12 Sewing machine 3-1
Hardware, miscellaneous 12-1
Hook and pile tape 4-18 On-seam patch 9-9
One-way darn 4-2
Index marks 4-17, 9-26 Open seams 4-25
Inspections Overcasting stitch - see whipstitch
Initial Overedge darn 9-1
Canvas 5-1 Overedge grommet patch 9-19
Clothing and textile items 1-1 Overhand knot 11-1
Hardware 5-4 Overhand stitch - see felling stitch
Lines 5-4 Overseam watershed patch 9-10
Special items 5-4
Webbing 5-4 Patch pockets
Final Patches 4-26
Canvas and webbing 5-1 Double-thickness 9-18
Clothing and textile items 1-3 Eave-edge 9-14
Iron-on patch 4-10 Felled canvas
Inverted 9-4
Keyhole buttonhole 4-14 Top 9-4
Knots Iron-on 4-10
Bowline 11-2 One-seam 9-9
Figure-eight 11-2 Overedge grommet 9-19
Overhand 11-1 Overseam watershed 9-10
Reinforced grommet 9-20
Lines 11-1 Set-in 4-7
Lockstitch Simple canvas
Hand-sewn 7-10 Inverted 9-3
Machine sewn 3-3 Top 9-2
Long splice 11-3 Simple clothing
FM 10-16
Page Page
Inverted 4-6 Sealer 10-4
Top 4-6 Sealer repairs 10-4
Single thickness 9-16 Set-in patch 4-7
Plain webbing handle 13-11 Sew-through buttons 4-11
Plain-end strap 13-9 Attachment
Pocket flaps 4-28 Flat 4-12
Presser foot 3-5 Thread shank 4-12
Pressure 3-5 Description 4-11
Punch 6-1 Sewing
Punch-and-die set 6-1 Hand 2-1, 7-1
Machine 3-1, 8-1
Rawhide mallet 6-1 Sewing machine needles 3-2
Regular eye splice 11-3 Sewing machines
Reinforced darn 4-5, 9-1 Button 3-1
Reinforced grommet patch 9-20 Darning 3-1
Reinforcement stitching 13-6 Heavy-duty 3- 1, 8-1
Reinforcement webbing 13-6 Light-duty 3-1
Re-treating tents and tarpaulins 14-6 Medium-duty 3-1
Rewaxing thread 7-2 Sewing palm 6-1, 7-4
Rivets Sewing tools 6-1
Belt 12-12 Shank buttons
Installation 12-12 Attachment
Tubular 12-12 With thread shank 4-13
Rolled-end strap 13-9 Without thread shank 4-12
Running stitch Description 4-11
On canvas 7-6 Shaped-end strap 13-10
On clothing 2-5 Shears
Bent trimmer’s 6-5
Saddler’s sewing awl Clothing 2-1
Description 6-3 Short loop 13-7
Threading 7-4 Short splice 11-3
Sailmaker’s eye splice 11-3 Simple canvas inverted patch 9-3
Sailmaker’s needle Simple canvas top patch 9-2
Description 6-4 Simple clothing inverted patch 4-6
Preparation for use 7-1 Simple clothing top patch 4-6
Seam patches Simple seam
On-seam 9-9 On canvas and webbing 8-2
Overseam watershed 9-10 On clothing and textile items 3-8
Seam-to-seam 9-12 Single-thickness patch 9-16
Under-seam 9-7 Slant hemming stitch - see whipstitch
Seam type 1 Slide fasteners - see zippers
On canvas and webbing 8-3 Slips, tent line - see tent line slips
Four-sided hem 8-5 Snap fasteners
Grommeted hem 8-4 Style 1 12-9
Single-edge hem 8-3 Style 2 4-23, 12-10
On clothing and textile items 3-8
FM 10-16
Page Page
Splices Tailor’s chalk 2-1
Cut 11-3 Tarpaulin patch 9-16
Long 11-3 Tension, thread 3-5
Regular eye 11-3 Tent line slips
Sailmaker’s eye 11-3 Type I quick-release flat 12-14
Short 11-3 Type II barbell 12-14
Stitch length 3-3 Type III flat 12-15
Stitch eyelets 4-21 Wire 12-13
Stitched-grip webbing handle 13-12 Tentage repair kit 6-1
Stitches Thimbles
Backstitch Sewing 2-1
On canvas and webbing 7-6 Tent line 12-2
On clothing and textile items 2-5 Thread 2-1, 6-5
Basting stitch 2-5 Thread shanks
Buttonhole stitch 2-10 Fold-over method 4-13
Cross-stitch 2-6 Straight pin method 4-13
Felling stitch Thread tension 3-5
On canvas and webbing 7-7 Threading a needle 2-3
On clothing and textile items 2-6 Tied cut 11-3
Fishbone stitch 7-9 Tied eye 11-3
Lockstitch Tools, care of 6-1
Hand-sewn 7-10 T-patch 4-9
Machine-sewn 3-3 Twine 6-5
Round stitch 7-8 Twist 3-3
Running stitch Two-ply long loop 13-7
On canvas and webbing 7-6
Stoating stitch 2-7 Under-seam patch 9-7
Whipstitch 2-9
Stovepipe opening 9-21 Vertical hemming stitch - see felling stitch
Angled-end 13-10 Watershed patch 9-10
Billet 13-9 Waxing thread 7-1
Plain-end 13-9 Webbing 13-1
Rolled-end 13-9 Webbing handles
Shaped-end 13-10 Plain 13-11
Stitched-grip 13-11
Tack-button attaching machine 12-5 Whipstitch 2-9
Tack-buttons Whipped rope end 11-4
Description 12-4
Hand installation 12-4 X-shaped chape seam 13-5
Machine installation 12-5
Tacking Zigzag darn 4-3, 9-1
Hand 2-5 Zippers
Machine Nonseparating 4-15
With a reverse 3-7 Replacement
Without a reverse 3-6 Jacket 4-17
FM 10-16
Tent 9-25
Trousers 4-16
Separation 4-16
FM 10-16
24 MAY 2000
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Active Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve: To be distributed in
accordance with the initial distribution number 110864, requirements for
FM 10-16.
PIN: 023680-000