Research On Suspension System Based On Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Control

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The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, 3, 72-79

Open Access

Research on Suspension System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural

Network Control
Chuan-Yin Tang and Li-Xin Guo*
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
Abstract: In this paper, a five degree of freedom half body vehicle suspension system is developed and the road
roughness intensity is modeled as a filtered white noise stochastic process. Genetic algorithm and neural network control
are used to control the suspension system. The desired objective is proposed as the minimization of a multi-objective
function formed by the combination of not only sprung mass acceleration, pitching acceleration, suspension travel and
dynamic load, but also the passenger acceleration. With the aid of software Matlab/Simulink, the simulation model is
achieved. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed active suspension system proves to be effective in the ride
comfort and drive stability enhancement of the suspension system. A mechanical dynamic model of the five degree of
freedom half body of vehicle suspension system is also simulated and analyzed by using software Adams.

Suspension is the term given to the system of springs,
shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to its
wheels. Suspension systems can not only contribute to the
car's handling and braking for good active safety and driving
pleasure, but also keep vehicle occupants comfortable and
reasonably well isolated from road noise, bumps, and
vibrations. The suspension also protects the vehicle itself and
any cargo or luggage from damage and wear. The ride
quality of a vehicle is significantly influenced by its suspension system, the road surface roughness, and the speed of
vehicle. A vehicle designer can do little to improve road
surface roughness, so designing a good suspension system
with good vibration performance under different road conditions become s a prevailing philosophy in the automobile
industry. Passive suspension systems use conventional dampers to absorb vibration energy, the dampers and stiffness
coefficients are constant. The active suspension system use
extra power to provide a response-dependent damper, which
is capable of producing an improved ride comfort. Over the
years, both passive and active suspension systems have been
proposed to optimize a vehicles ride quality. O. GD used
genetic algorithm to obtain the optimal set and suspension
design (O. GD. IJIE 2007) [1], Sun L, Cai XM, Yang J. got
the minimum dynamic pavement load through the genetic
algorithm (Sun L, Cai XM, Yang J. JSV 2007) [2]. A
simplified algorithm for the evaluation of a small car
suspension model can be found in the papers of T.G.
Chondros (T.G. Chondros, S. Michalitsis, S. Panteliou and
A.D. Dimarogonas 1994) [3] and (T.G. Chondros, P.A.
Belokas, K. Vamvakeros and A.D. Dimarogonas 1997) [4],
Furthermore, a more detailed model for heavy vehicles
suspension systems are given in the paper (Chondros T. G.,

*Address correspondence to this author at the School of Mechanical

Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004,
China; E-mail:

Michalos G, Michaelides P, Fainekos E 2007) [5]. The stateof-the-art review on neural networks in automotive applications can be found in the papers (J.T. Papadimitropoulos,
T.G. Chondros, S.D. Panteliou, B. Carlsson, S. Kalogirou
and A.D. Dimarogonas 1999) [6] and (S. Kalogirou, T.G.
Chondros, A.D. Dimarogonas 2000) [7].
A variety of research projects and publications deal with
different types of active suspension systems have been
discussed (Yeh, E.C. and Tsao, Y.J. 1994) [8]. Different
vehicle dynamic models have been adopted according to
different study purposes during research. A two degree-of freedom quarter body of vehicle suspension system model
had been widely applied in vehicle suspension control
research, it can indicate the vehicle body vertical movement,
but not include the pitching movement of the vehicle body.
Although a seven degree-of -freedom whole-body of vehicle
suspension system model can describe not only the vertical
movement of the four wheels and the body center of gravity,
but also the pitching and lateral movement, the model is too
complicated to be widely applied. . In our research, a fivedegree-of -freedom half body of vehicle suspension system
model is established, which can describe both the vertical
movement and the pitching movement of the body, whats
more, it can demonstrate the effect of the passenger, which
makes it to be a relatively ideal model for suspension
dynamic description.
From the flow chart before using ADAMS, we can see
that the mechanical engineer and the control engineer use
different software, build repeated model for one concept
design, moreover, different design validation and tests are
made. Once there is something wrong, no matter what kind
of fault appears, both the mechanical system and the control
system will have to be designed again. Fig. (1) shows the
flow chart before using ADAMS, and Fig. (2) shows the
flow chart after using ADAMS.
From Fig. (2), the flow chart after using ADAMS, we can
see that the mechanical engineer and the control engineer
share the same virtual model, thus the mechanical design can
2009 Bentham Open

Suspension System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Control

The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3


Fig. (1). The flow chart before using ADAMS.

Fig. (2). The flow chart after using ADAMS.

correspond with the control design. Furthermore, more complex model, such as the nonlinear model can be obtained,
and design time is decreased and the design reliability is

The paper proposes an active suspension system for

vehicles, using the genetic and neural network algorithm to
control the system, which integrates the merits of two
algorithms. A mechanical dynamic model of the five degrees

74 The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3

Tang and Guo

Fig. (3). Model of five degrees of freedom of suspension system.

of freedom half body of vehicle suspension system is also

simulated and analyzed by using software Adams. Computer
simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
A schematic diagram of active suspension control system
is shown in Fig. (3). The half-body suspension system is
represented as a five degrees of freedom system.
The assumptions during the process of modeling are
considered as following: (1) the irregular road excitation of
the left tire and right tire is same, the vehicle is symmetrical
to the longitudinal line, thus the roll and yaw movement is
omitted; (2) the vehicle body, including the engine part is
considered as a rigid body, which means the effect of engine
is neglected. The vehicle consists of a single sprung mass
connected to two unsprung masses and the passenger mass;
(3) the axle and the tires connected are regarded as the
unsprung mass, the contact manner of the center tire line and
the road is point to point method; (4) the tires are modeled as
simple linear springs without damping. For simplicity, all
pitch angles are assumed to be small (Yu. ZS. 2002) [9].
The essence of the control of the semi-active suspension
is the regulation of the adjustable shock absorber, thus the
nonlinearity of the adjustable shock absorber is the main
characteristics of nonlinear suspension model. For simplicity, tires are still assumed as the linear elements. The shock
absorber indicate strong nonlinearity during certain region.
The shock absorber is partitioned as the fundamental dam-

ping and the controller damping, and the controller damping

can be separated as the control force, thus only the fundamental damping of the adjustable shock absorber is considered during modeling. The adjustable throttle orifice
hydraulic shock absorber can obtain the regulation of the
damping through the control of angles of the stepping motor.
According to the different peculiarity of extend and
compress stroke, the relationship of damping force and the
velocity of the shock absorber is considered as followings
(Zhou LK. 2005) [10]:
F = CV


If V < 0 then C = 1034Ns / m ;

If V < 0 then C = 2502Ns / m
Where F is the damping force, V is the velocity of the shock
absorber, C is the fundamental damping.
The relationship between the is adopted, which is expressed as following:
 = 1000(0.5012c 4 + 2.9153c3
+ 6.2572c 2 + 5.8246c 1.9370)


Where  is the angle of the stepping motor; c is the average

damping of adjustable shock absorber. With the aid of
matlab file M, the nonlinear differential equation can be
obtained by programming.
After applying a force- balance analysis to the model in
Fig. (1) the dynamics equation is governed by,

Suspension System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Control


ms Z1 + f ks + f cs = 0



m Z 2 + f kf + f kr + f cf + f cr  f ks  f cs = 0



J  + b( f kr + f cr ) + e( f ks + f cs )  a( f kf + f cf ) = 0



m f Z 4 + f ktf  f kf  f cf = 0



mr Z6 + f ktr  f kr  f cr = 0


The system states are expressed as follows:


f ks = K s [Z1  Z3  (a  e)(Z5  Z3 ) / L] ; f cs = Cs [Z1  Z3  (a  e)(Z5  Z3 ) / L] ,

are the seat spring force and seat damping force, respectively;
f kf = K f (Z3  Z 4 ) and f kr = K r (Z5  Z6 ) are the front suspension
spring force and rear suspension spring force, , respec.

tively; fcf = C f (Z3  Z4 ) and f cr = Cr (Z5  Z6 ) are the front suspension damping force and rear suspension damping force,
respectively; where the coefficients C f and C r come from

The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3

ability of networks and adaptation and their highly parallel

nature of computation make approach suitable for real time
and simulations applications.
The combination of neural network and genetic algorithm
is one methods of the scientific optimization arithmetic. The
proportion of the index, the spring mass and the suspension
stiffness have important influence on the stability of the
There are three characteristics commonly used to access
the performance of vehicle suspension system. (1) ride comfort, which improves as the magnitude of the seat acceleration is reduced; (2) system stability, which is acceptable
for restricted or low tire road contact forces and is quantified
by tire deflection; (3) the suspension travel, which must be
To consider the ride comfort and drive stability synthetically, the spring mass acceleration, tire dynamic load and
suspension deflection are selected as the significant indexes
for the evaluation of active suspension control effect, and the
weighted objective function is generally defined by the
following equation:

.. 2

.. 2

J = 1 z2 + 2  + 3 z1 + 4

Equation (1). f ktf = K tf (Z 4  Z01 ) and f ktr = K tr (Z6  Z02 ) are

front tire spring and force rear tire spring force.

= [ Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z01 Z02 ]

+ 5

(z1 f  z0 f )2 + (z1r  z0r )2


y f = z3  a  z4

yr = z2 + bq - z6 ; z1 is


passenger displacement; z2 is the vehicle body vertically

X = [ X1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 ]T


y 2f + yr2


This results in the system state equations below:


The state

space equations in matrix are given by X (t) = AX (t) + BW (t) ,


with the disturbance input defined as W =  w1 w2  .

Genetic algorithm is a stochastic global search method
which is based on the metaphors of natural biological evolution, according to Darwin (1809-1882) evolution theory.
Genetic algorithm has abilities that differ substantially from
more traditional search and optimization methods. Neural
network provides a fast method for autonomously learning to
produce a set of output states, given a set of input states. The
emergence of neural networks as effective learning systems
for a wide variety of applications has resulted in the use of
these networks as learning models for dynamical systems
(Wang YJ 2007) [11]. One of the important advantages of
using neural networks for control applications is that the
dynamics of the controlled system need not be completely
known as a prior condition for controller design. This is a
very desirable feature in the design of the controller, because
of the nonlinearities arising from rigid-body coupling. The

displacement  is the pitching angle.

The fitness function f is given by f =


Ride quality as the suspension system design criterion

mainly stems from taking a human ride comfort perspective.
P. E. Uys investigates the spring and damper settings that
will ensure optimal ride comfort of an off-road vehicle on
different road profiles and at different speeds (P. E. Uys. JF.
2007) [12].
On the other hand, from a cost-effectiveness of vehicle
infrastructure system perspective, another performance measure is also of significant importance, that is, the dynamic
tire load applied on the road. Thus, the objective function
includes not only the sprung mass acceleration, the sprung
pitching acceleration, but also the suspension deflection and
the dynamic tire load. And 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 are the
weighted coefficients of the sprung mass acceleration the
sprung pitching acceleration the passenger acceleration the
suspension deflection and the dynamic tire load, respectively.
The general steps of genetic algorithm and neural
network are shown by a chart in Fig. (4).
To take advantage of genetic algorithms as well as neural
network, we implement the combination of genetic algorithm
and neural network in this paper to solve the vehicle
suspension problem.

76 The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3

Tang and Guo

wij (t +1) = wij (t)   (t) 


E p (t)
wij (t)

+ wij (t)


To get variable  from function,

min f w t +1  f w t
( ) ( ( ))

Fd = 
s.t.   0


Where m p is sensitivity degree value of the m1 th neurons


state x m p with E p m1 is the m1 th neuron of next layer of


neuron i ;  is the learning coefficients and  is the

coefficient of momentum.
Fig. (4). Schematic diagram of the system.


This is the exchange of chromosomes characteristics
among randomly selected pairs from the parent root. The
crossover rate has proper value, the excessive large value
will damage the excellent mode, and the excessive small
value will decrease the velocity of new chromosome. In the
present work, 0.5 is the considered probability rate of the

The NN of this active control system has two hidden

layers, the input, hidden and output neurons are 1, 10, 3 and
1, respectively. The advanced back propagation is adopted
and we added momentum in the back propagation to prevent
the network from getting stuck in a shallow local minimum
point. An adaptive learning rate was applied to decrease the
training by keeping the learning reasonably high while
insuring stable learning. We pick random values as initial
weights and biases.
The input of NN is the time response of the acceleration of sprung mass, the objective output is the
optimized suspension control force. The transfer
function is nonlinear function.


Denoting the irregular road excitation as band limited

white noise, which is determined by different road surface
condition and velocity, the equations (ISO 2631-1:1997 (E))
[13] of font and rear road are expressed as following:

This operator executes by switching zero with one, at a

binary bit. Mutation is randomly applied with low probability, typically in the range of 0.01-0.1. Here, a value of
0.01 is the considered for mutation probability.


To verify the validity of the method, the paper includes a

great deal of calculating process based on the simulation
software Matlab/Simulink. The performance of the active
control scheme is illustrated through a series of simulations.

1 .
1+ ex


The objective function E p is determined as:

E p (t ) =

 d  y (t ) 2


2 k  kp


Where ykp (t ) is the network output after t times weighting

factors adjusting, with the p th sample applied to the
network. And k is the kth neuron of the output layer.
The mathematical expression of back propagation wit
momentum can be written as:

z01 (t ) = 2 f0 z01 (t ) + 2 GqV0 1 (t ) ;


z02 (t ) = 2 f0 z02 (t ) + 2 GqV0 2 (t )

Where f0 is the lowest frequency irregular road coefficients

Gq ( n0 ) = 256106 m / m and velocity is 20m / s .

The NN controller with optimal acceleration parameters

computed by GA-based optimization is designed as follows:
The NN uniformed the input data and objective matrix, and
revert the output result to the actual range. If the fitting
tolerance of testing samples are within the desired, the NN
perform normally, and save the weighting factors, otherwise,
print the network is over-fitting and can not work properly.
In the NN simulations system, a momentum value of 0.9,
error ratio value of 1.04, and an adaptive learning rate value
of 0.01 with an increase multiplier of 1.05 and a decrease
multiplier of 0.6 were applied to speed up the training time.
The initial population size is 45; the end number is 100; set
the probability of crossover to be 0.5, and the mutation
probability to be 0.01.
Fig. (5) indicates the controlled system and the passive
system sprung mass vertical acceleration response. For compare, they are shown in one figure. The dash line represents
the system before control, and the solid line indicates the
system after control. Fig. (6) shows the controlled pitching
angular acceleration response and the passive system pitching angular acceleration response. And Fig. (7) shows the
controlled acceleration response and the passive system
acceleration response of passenger. Then Fig. (8) demonstrates the front suspension travel response. Figs. (9 and 10)
presents the dynamic front and rear tire load response,
respectively. From these figures, we can see that the vertical

Suspension System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Control

The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3

control of the sprung mass and passenger accele-ration is

decreased by the controlled systems, which indi-cates that
the GA&NN control system is effective in impro-ving the
system ride comfort. The response of suspension travels and
the dynamic tire deflections emphasizes the fact that the
controlled system can improve the system stability.

Fig. (7). Passenger vertical acceleration response.

Fig. (5). Sprung mass vertical acceleration response.

Fig. (8). Front suspension travel response.

Fig. (6). Pitching angular acceleration response.

Table 1 includes the performance analysis of the system.

The body acceleration and pitching angular acceleration is
greatly decreased, and the passenger acceleration is reduced
dramatically, which indicates that the genetic algorithm and
neural network controller is effective in improving the system riding comfortability. The tire dynamic load is reduced,
which indicates that the system stability is meliorated.
Fig. (9). Dynamic front tire load response.


78 The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3

Tang and Guo

method of modeling of matlab and Adams differs from each

other. Through matlab/simulink we constitute the suspension
model; for Adams, the virtual mechanical model is constituted by plentiful accessory storeroom of Adams, such as the
vehicle body, the wheel and the spring part, then we have to
inflict the restriction between the components, the restriction
between the components constitutes the difference between
the matlab response and the Adams response.

Fig. (10). Dynamic rear tire load response.

Table 1. Performance Analysis
Body Acceleration
(m/ s2)

Pitching Angular
Acceleration (rad/s2)

Before control

0. 4620


After control

0. 2524



45. 4%

29. 7%

Acceleration (m/ s2)

Front suspension travel


Before control

0. 2109


After control




45. 5%

34. 8%

Before control

Front tire dynamic

load (N)

Rear tire dynamic load


After control

82. 8

102. 5


61. 4

89. 9

Before control

25. 8%

12. 3%

Fig. (11). Mechanical dynamic model.

Fig. (12). Sprung mass vertical acceleration response.

First, using the software ADAMS, the mechanical model
of five DOF suspension system is established (Chen Y 2007)
[14], as shown in Fig. (11). The ADAMS model is imported
into the Matlab/Simulink model, to accomplish the associated simulation with Matlab/Simulink (Chen LP 2007)
[15]. Figs. (12 and 13) indicate the vertical acceleration and
pitching angular acceleration response of the sprung mass of
the constituted mechanical model. The solid line is the curve
of matlab simulation, the dash line is the curve of combination of matlab and Adams. From the results, we can see
that although the variation trend of the vertical response and
the pitching acceleration response of the established mathematical model and the mechanical are in consistence, there is
difference between the solid line and the dash line. The

Fig. (13). Pitching angular acceleration response.

Suspension System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network Control



In this work, the specified half body vehicle model with

passenger involving five degree of freedom is presented to
achieve the excellent ride comfort and drive stability of the
system. The model is assumed to have five masses attached
with linear springs and nonlinear dampers. It is also assumed
that the system does not vibrate in lateral direction, only
oscillates in vertical and longitudinal directions. Furthermore, the tires are assumed not losing the contact with the
road surface. Approaches are presented for suspension
design which uses genetic algorithm and neural network
control algorithm. It is obvious from the response plots that
vehicle body vertical acceleration, passenger response and
pitching angular response decreased compared with the
passive suspension system, which naturally brings ride comfort. And the suspension travel and dynamic load reduced
compared with the passive suspension system, which indicates that the proposed controller proves to be effective in
the stability improvement of the suspension system.

Thanks for the funds supported by National Science

Foundation of China (50875041) and Western Communications Construction Project, Research Institute of Highway








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Received: December 03, 2008





The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2009, Volume 3


Revised: April 21, 2009


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Accepted: September 28, 2009

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